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Wings Over Scotland


An archive of the opinion polls we’ve commissioned from Panelbase.



POLL 1 (August 2013)

Full data tables

Topics covered (analysis links in brackets):

  • which powers SHOULD be devolved to Scotland? (1)
  • which powers WILL be devolved to Scotland? (1)
  • if Scotland was independent now, would you vote for Union? (1)
  • which politicians are most truthful on independence (2), (7)
  • opinion of “Better Together” campaign (2)
  • opinions on media coverage (3), (8)
  • does your preferred party share your view on independence? (4)
  • does your Holyrood 2016 vote depend on the referendum outcome? (4)
  • which of these things represents a threat to Scotland? (5), (6)
  • which of these things does Trident protect Scotland against? (5), (6)


POLL 1B (August 2013)

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • should the UK have four “national” sports teams? (1)


POLL 2 (October 2013)

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • should Scotland be an independent country? (1)
  • nuclear weapons (2)
  • the monarchy (2)
  • the bedroom tax (2)
  • membership of the EU (2)
  • voting rights for prisoners (2)
  • assisted suicide (2)
  • nationalisation of the railways (2)
  • decriminalising recreational drugs (2)
  • fracking (2)
  • “page 3” pictures in newspapers (2)
  • the death penalty (3)
  • membership of NATO (3)
  • the council tax freeze (3)
  • privatising the Royal Mail (3)
  • a written constitution (3)
  • building new nuclear power stations (3)
  • making the unemployed work for benefits (3)
  • minimum pricing for alcohol (3)
  • gender quotas for MSPs (3)
  • anti-sectarianism football laws/OBFA (3)
  • who would be the best leader for the No campaign? (4)
  • which people/organisations are acting in the best interests of Scotland? (4)
  • reasons for vote choice in independence referendum (5)
  • personal constitutional preference in an ideal world (5)
  • indyref vote if the Barnett Formula were to be abolished (5)
  • indyref vote if the UK were to leave the EU (5)
  • have your views on independence changed since the campaigns started? (6)
  • which media outlets do you use? (6)
  • would the Scottish people make an independent Scotland a success? (6)

Other analysis: (7), (8), (9)


POLL 3 (April 2014)

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • should Scotland be an independent country? (1)
  • which information source do you trust most on independence? (2)
  • how actively are you seeking information about independence? (3)
  • if undecided, are you leaning either way? (4)
  • opinions on Labour devolution proposals (5)
  • who do you think will be Prime Minister after the 2015 UK election? (6)
  • will austerity continue, worsen or ease during the 2015-20 UK Parliament? (6)
  • will there be an EU referendum during the 2015-20 UK Parliament? (6)
  • how will Scotland be treated by the UK if it votes No? (6)
  • what if the referendum ballot paper was two flags? (7)
  • should working people need benefits for a liveable income? (8)
  • should Scotland invest in renewable energy for long-term gains? (8)
  • should Scotland refuse a share of UK debt if there’s no currency union? (8)
  • should private schools continue to be treated as charities? (8)
  • are there enough jobs for everyone if people look hard enough? (8)
  • should the top rate of tax be higher than 45? (8)
  • should the top rate of tax be higher than 50%? (8)


POLL 4 (May 2014)

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • which areas of government are devolved to Holyrood? (1)
  • have you changed your mind about independence in the last 18 months? (1)
  • which football team do you support? (1)
  • what currency would an independent Scotland use? (2)
  • will Scotland be independent in the next 10 years? (2)
  • will there be an EU referendum in the next 10 years? (2)
  • will the UK leave the EU in the next 10 years? (2)
  • will the English/Scottish NHS be privatised in the next 10 years? (2)
  • will Boris Johnson become Prime Minister in the next 10 years? (2)
  • will free university tuition be abolished in Scotland in the next 10 years? (2)
  • will UKIP have more MPs than the Lib Dems in the next 10 years? (2)
  • will tax and welfare be devolved to Holyrood in the next 10 years? (2)
  • will your standard of living increase significantly in the next 10 years? (2)
  • will UK armed forces be involved in another war in the next 10 years? (2)
  • will there be a Labour First Minister in the next 10 years? (2)


POLL 5 (November 2014)

Full data tables

  • voting intentions (1)
  • how would you vote in a second independence referendum? (1)
  • EU referendum voting intentions (2)
  • would a Scotland/England split on the EU justify a second indyref? (2)
  • who should be the next Scottish Labour leader? (3)
  • should Scottish party leaders always be MSPs rather than MPs? (4)
  • should the Smith Commission proposals be subject to a referendum? (4)
  • should Scottish MPs have a veto on UK legislation affecting Scotland? (4)
  • should Holyrood have the power to hold referendums? (4)


POLL 6 (January 2015)

*double poll, with full-size samples from Scotland and the rest of the UK

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • should the voting age be lowered to 16? (1)
  • should non-threatening offensive comments on social media be prosecuted? (2)
  • should people illegally downloading movies etc be imprisoned? (3)
  • should the death penalty be brought back? (3)
  • should the security services be able to monitor everyone’s communications? (3)
  • should convicted rapist Ched Evans be able to resume his football career? (3)
  • should the minimum wage be raised to the living wage? (4)
  • should the NHS only be for those who can’t afford to pay? (4)
  • should we build more nuclear power stations? (4)
  • should we build more windfarms? (4)
  • would you mind there being a windfarm in sight of your home? (4)
  • would you mind there being a nuclear power station within 20 miles? (4)
  • should energy companies be nationalised? (4)
  • should the railways be renationalised? (4)
  • should the UK electoral system be changed to proportional representation? (4)
  • should private schools continue to be treated as charities for tax purposes? (4)
  • should the UK continue to have nuclear weapons? (5)
  • should defence spending be cut in favour of welfare spending? (5)
  • is there too much immigration? (5)
  • are immigrants treated as scapegoats for the country’s problems? (5)
  • does cutting benefits help the economy? (5)
  • should the unemployed have to work for benefits? (5)
  • should Britain keep the monarchy? (5)
  • is the BBC balanced and unbiased? (6)
  • does England subsidise the rest of the UK? (6)
  • should the UK leave the EU? (6)
  • do pensioners get preferential treatment from governments?
  • should there be “English votes for English laws”?
  • should council tenants have the right to buy their house?
  • should voting be compulsory?

Other analysis: (7)


POLL 7 (May 2015)

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • voting intention (1)
  • how would you have voted had the Smith powers been on the indyref ballot? (1)
  • is there a difference in UK attitudes towards Scotland since the referendum? (2)
  • which football club do you support? (3)
  • do you back the Offensive Behaviour (Football) Act (OBFA)? (3)
  • do you back the ban on alcohol at football matches? (3)
  • would you prefer a majority Labour UK government or coalition with the SNP? (3)
  • do you support Full Fiscal Autonomy (FFA) for Scotland? (3)
  • would you pay for the BBC if it was a subscription service? (4)
  • is the current “Rangers” a new club? (4)
  • do you back consensual stop-and-search for under-12s? (5)
  • do you back the “Named Person” legislation for child welfare? (5)
  • are female politicians better than male ones? (5)
  • should social-housing tenants have the right to buy at a discount? (5)
  • who controls Scottish Labour policy – the Scottish leader or the UK one?


POLL 8 (July 2015)

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • which websites do you visit regularly for political content? (1)
  • how did you react to Labour ruling out an electoral deal with the SNP? (2)
  • should Alistair Carmichael resign? (3)
  • should the Scottish Government raise or lower taxes? (4), (7)
  • can any of the Labour leadership candidates win in 2020? (5)
  • which unions (UK and/or EU) should Scotland be in? (6), (8)
  • does the Scotland Bill live up to the pre-referendum promises? (9)
  • should Scottish Labour become an autonomous party? (10)
  • have you been subjected to abuse over your political views? (11)


POLL 9 (November 2015)

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • how would you vote in a second independence referendum? (1)
  • do you understand Labour’s position on Trident? (2)
  • which politics TV and radio shows do you watch/listen to? (3)
  • should the House Of Lords be abolished? (4)
  • how should the SNP and Labour treat the House Of Lords? (4)
  • should Michelle Mone have been made a peer? (4)
  • would you EVER vote for independence? (5)
  • should the Scottish Government raise taxes to mitigate benefit cuts? (6)
  • if it should make cuts elsewhere instead, which departments should be cut? (6)
  • which level of government impacts most directly on your life? (6)
  • how likely is it that Labour will win the 2020 election? (7)
  • is the current regulation of the press adequate?


POLL 10 (January 2016)

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • views on various types of energy sources (1)


POLL 11 (February 2017)

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • council election voting intentions (1)
  • should Scotland be an independent country? (2)
  • constitutional preference on independence and the EU (2)
  • which elections could Labour win? (2)
  • independence support by football allegiance (3)
  • who was the best-ever First Minister? (4)
  • when should there be a second independence referendum? (5)
  • what should be Scotland’s national anthem? (6)
  • are the other countries of the UK subsidised by England? (7)
  • how many of the No campaign’s indyref promises were kept? (8)
  • should the UK keep Trident, and if so where? (9), (10)
  • is Scottish media’s political coverage balanced? (11)
  • are gender (and other) quotas a good idea? (12)
  • how important is the economy to your view of independence? (13)
  • which media outlets are pro-/anti-independence? (14)
  • is Theresa May or Nicola Sturgeon doing the better job? (14)
  • which electoral system/s should Scotland use? (15)
  • social attitudes: immigration, nationalisation, monarchy, hanging etc (16)
  • should the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act (OBFA) be scrapped? (17)


POLL 12 (December 2017)

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • would you vote for independence if it meant staying in the EU? (1)
  • what’s the best Scottish movie of all time? (2)
  • will Jeremy Corbyn ever be Prime Minister (3)
  • when should the next UK general election be? (3)
  • should there be a second EU referendum once the deal is known? (3)
  • who will you support at the World Cup? (4)
  • should the Scottish Government spend money supporting Gaelic? (5)
  • young people’s voting intentions (6)
  • who should decide about a second independence referendum? (7)
  • is transgender self-ID a good idea? (8)
  • is the sugar tax a good idea? (9)
  • what’s the best outcome of a UK election for Scotland? (10)
  • should Kezia Dugdale have gone on I’m A Celebrity? (11)
  • should the Scottish Government raise taxes to fund public services? (12)
  • how are Scottish public services performing against the rest of the UK? (13)
  • why did you vote for the Conservatives/the SNP this year? (14)
  • do you understand the difference between a hard and soft Brexit? (15)
  • should Orange and/or political marches be banned? (16)


POLL 13 (May 2018)

(English-born residents of England)

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • should corrections in newspapers be as big as the original lie? (1)
  • would you sacrifice Scotland/NI/Gibraltar to ensure Brexit happens? (2), (11)
  • which countries would you like England to join a union with? (3)
  • would you like more federalism in the UK, or less? (4)
  • who would you prefer to see as Prime Minister? (5)
  • if Scotland was an independent EU country, would you move there? (6)
  • is transgender self-ID a good idea? (7)
  • what would you do about Trident if Scotland was independent? (8)
  • should people be jailed for offensive but non-threatening tweets? (9)
  • should countries bomb each other if they feel like it? (10)
  • do you know who the current UKIP leader is? (11)


POLL 14 (June 2018)

Full data tables

Topics covered:

  • Holyrood/Westminster voting intentions (1)
  • timing of a second independence referendum (2)
  • should any other countries be run by their larger neighbour? (3)
  • correlation between football club support and religion (4)
  • views on devolved public services (5)
  • positive and negative views of political media outlets (6)
  • would you be prepared to rent Faslane to the rUK for Trident? (7)
  • would you rather be more aligned with the US or the EU? (8)
  • opinions about the Westminster “power grab” (9)
  • which powers are, and which should be, devolved? (9)
  • Yes and No voters’ attitudes to the EU (10)


POLL 15 (March 2019)

Full data tables

Topics covered (analysis links in brackets):

  • Holyrood voting intentions (1)
  • recognition of Richard Leonard (2), (7)
  • various transgender/women’s issues (3)
  • do only Unionists like rugby? (4)
  • independence and Brexit (5)
  • “strict liability” and OBFA (6)
  • Scotland’s relationship with the UK and the EU (8)
  • what currency should an independent Scotland use? (9)


POLL 16 (April 2019)

(Two full-sized samples, Scottish and English voters)

Full data tables

Topics covered (analysis links in brackets):

  • what do you understand the words “gender” and “sex” to mean?
  • should biological males be allowed to compete in women’s sports?
  • can human beings ever actually change sex?
  • should the Scottish football authorities introduce “strict liability”?
  • was it a good idea to abolish the Offensive Behaviour (Football) Act?

We’re not too sure why we asked the strict-liability and OBFA questions again so soon, as they were only asked to the Scottish sample. Oddly, we don’t seem to have written about this poll at all, except for a passing mention of the OBFA numbers here, perhaps as all the results are basically identical to the March ones.


POLL 17 (September 2019)

(SNP voters only)

Full data tables

Topics covered (analysis links in brackets):

  • independence voting intention (1)
  • what is the SNP’s goal regarding Brexit? (2)
  • what SHOULD BE the SNP’s goal regarding Brexit? (2)
  • will there be a second indyref before the 2021 Holyrood election? (3)
  • should the SNP pass Brexit in return for permanent indyref powers? (3)
  • would you prefer independence or the UK avoiding Brexit? (4)
  • which parties have you voted for prior to voting SNP? (4)
  • would you consider voting for a new pro-independence list party? (5)
  • demographics of SNP voters (6)
  • what should be the SNP’s strategy to secure a second referendum? (7)
  • views on transgender/women’s issues (8)


POLL 18 (October 2019)

(Double-sized sample, Scotland/England/Wales)

Full data tables

  • which facts on a person’s birth certificate should be alterable? (1)
  • should the four UK nations each have a veto on major issues like Brexit? (2)
  • which is most important, Brexit or saving the Union? (3)
  • should there be a new Brexit referendum? (3)
  • which options should be offered in any new Brexit referendum? (3)
  • would the result of a new Brexit referendum be respected by Parliament? (3)
  • should children be separated at school on the basis of religion? (3)


POLL 19 (April 2020)

Full data tables

  • independence voting intention (1)
  • was there a conspiracy to convict Alex Salmond? (2)
  • various transgender/women’s issues (3)
  • various political issues around coronavirus (4)
  • what should be done about football and coronavirus? (5)
  • would you sacrifice the SNP to secure independence? (6)
  • support for Universal Basic Income (7)
  • what circumstances should trigger a second independence referendum? (8)


POLL 20 (June 2020)

Full data tables

  • will the 2021 election trigger a second independence referendum? (1)
  • which Parliament should decide about a second referendum, and why? (2)
  • who should get to remain anonymous in sexual assault trials? (3)
  • should public money be used to support newspapers? (4)


POLL 21 (July 2020)

(Two full-sized samples, Scottish and English voters)

Full data tables

  • should there be Scotland/England border controls to fight coronavirus? (1)
  • will polling force the UK government to grant a second indyref? (2)
  • have circumstances changed enough since 2014 to justify a new indyref? (2)
  • would you vote for an Alex Salmond-led Holyrood list party? (3)
  • views on transgender/women’s issues (English sample) (4)


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    • Arthur Martin on Bricked-up windows: “Let’s assume all charges are dropped and Branchform is swept under the carpet. I imagine a private prosecution would be…Feb 11, 21:26
    • Diane on The End Of The Reich: “They’re all still men.Feb 11, 21:23
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “World Economic Forum: Partners: Palantir Technologies: World Economic Forum: People: Alex Karp: World Economic Forum: Young Global Leaders:…Feb 11, 21:13
    • Marie on The Front On The Volga: “Absolutely. Politicians are bought by elites. They buy politicians the way we buy toothpaste and washing up liquid in the…Feb 11, 21:05
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “CNBC (2024): Palantir CEO says his outspoken pro-I***el views have caused employees to leave company: “Palantir, known for its government…Feb 11, 21:02
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    • McDuff on The End Of The Reich: “When is the our spineless MSM going to join the rev in fighting this insanity.Feb 11, 20:49
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Forbes (2013): How A ‘Deviant’ Philosopher Built Palantir, A CIA-Funded Data-Mining Juggernaut: “Since rumors began to spread that a startup…Feb 11, 20:47
    • sarah on Bricked-up windows: “Confess, Rev. You couldn’t stand the almost optimism of “The Front on the Volga” and were pleased to get this…Feb 11, 20:41
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    • G m on The Front On The Volga: “This article highlights compares the Trans ‘rights’ movement with other rights movements. Trans rights didn’t come from the ground up.…Feb 11, 20:26
    • Ian McCubbin on Bricked-up windows: “Omg the level of use of elaborate language and repetition is astounding. I admire your journalism in thus case thznk…Feb 11, 20:21
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “I love it – makes identifying Scotland’s arch enemies far easier. I’m gonna pummel ‘The Negatron’ with my giant reality-hammer…Feb 11, 20:20
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Cheers Jock Noted #ChampFeb 11, 20:06
    • Alf Baird on The Front On The Volga: “The Holyrood colonial administration long since dumped the national saltire for the imperial rainbow flag and its woke fascist laws,…Feb 11, 19:58
    • Graeme on The Front On The Volga: “Don’t you mean the front on the Vulva?Feb 11, 19:55
    • Young Lochinvar on The Front On The Volga: “Well said.Feb 11, 19:51
    • Dan on The Joker: “Be More Alert and lolz if you think I believe the current crop of political dross in Holyrood are pro-indy.…Feb 11, 19:50
    • PacMan on The Front On The Volga: “I’m sure there was funding from other US Federal agencies that was being used for this as well which DOGE…Feb 11, 19:14
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    • Hatey McHateface on The End Of The Reich: “I can’t argue with a single word of your post, Dan. As I’ve stated before, if you lived in my…Feb 11, 18:47
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    • Geri on The Front On The Volga: “‘So the Doctor could have requested an individual changing room but he rathered making women uncomfortable.’ That’s what they’ve always…Feb 11, 18:27
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    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on The Joker: ““Stu has consistently pushed the notion that there’s nothing going on in Scottish politics” Because there isn’t. Tell me you’re…Feb 11, 18:26
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on The Front On The Volga: “Only on the last day, in a desperate attempt to stop Paulus surrendering.Feb 11, 18:19
    • John C on The Front On The Volga: “It needs to end before all the different and emergent trans ideologies take off. Thans-abled is a thing so that’s…Feb 11, 18:18
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  • A tall tale

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