Transforming the question
The Huffington Post published a poll today, to the great delight of the likes of Stonewall Scotland, which seemed to fly in the face of every previous one on the idea of gender self-identification, a policy which appears to have been dumped by the UK government but is still very much in favour with the Scottish one.
That the poll had been commissioned by trans uber-fundamentalist website Pink News immediately set off alarm bells, especially as the site had previously asked a similar question, found dramatically different results and swiftly disappeared them.
As ever, Wings went looking for the truth.
Enormously suspiciously, the HuffPost article didn’t link to the poll tables or publish any screenshots of them, so there wasn’t any way of knowing what the actual question that people had been asked was. Fortunately, though, it’s available on the YouGov website, and it’s as dodgy as you’d imagine.
Interestingly, the poll found a significant decline in support for the idea in the last 12 months. Last June the company recorded a 33-point margin backing the proposition, while last month it was down by almost a third to 23 points.
But it’s quite remarkable that it’s even as close as that, because the question is so innocuous it’s startling that anyone would say no to it at all. Because someone merely identifying as something they’re demonstrably not harms nobody.
If a man wants to merely think he’s a woman, or a little girl, or a puppy, or Napoleon Bonaparte, it doesn’t make any material difference to anyone else. Most folk’s attitude is to shrug, roll their eyes and get on with their day. Crazy people think all sorts of crazy stuff, and it doesn’t matter if they’re not hurting anybody.
(Hell, some even think it’s a good idea to have your country ruled by another one.)
The problem arises when you then try to pass laws saying that the man LITERALLY IS those things just because he says he is, and giving him unrestricted access to places that for amazingly obvious safety reasons are reserved for actual women, actual children, actual dogs, or actual French emperors.
Up until now a clear line has sensibly been drawn (except in Canada, a country whose collective cheese slid off its cracker some years ago) at legislating mental illness into reality, otherwise we’d all be living in the Elysee Palace.
So when you poll voters not on the vague and meaningless notion of whether people should be allowed to think whatever they like (a basic human liberty), but on whether those delusions should be written into law, you get very different results.
A couple of months ago we got Panelbase to poll the Scottish public on a variety of issues around gender self-ID, and as usual we got very clear results: people DO NOT want the law changed to enable self-ID in real-world situations.
Last week we had the opportunity to ask the same questions (again via Panelbase) to a full-size sample of English voters, and the outcome was equally predictable.
The difference between the Scottish and English samples was just 2 points on the first question and 1 point on the second, with the biggest difference being a 10-point gap on the “changing rooms” question, with English voters being even more opposed than the already overwhelming opposition expressed by Scottish ones.
The Huffington Post article specifically cited women’s responses, but the margins there were still vast. English women were 2:1 against self-ID on the first question, more than 3:1 against identifying females as fathers on birth certificates, and more than 5:1 against letting people with penises into their changing rooms.
(On the last one, which most directly impacts women’s actual daily lives, there was essentially no difference between women and men. Women are socialised to be kinder and more inclusive than men, and that shows up in the more theoretical questions. Ask them if they want hairy male genitalia swinging around in their immediate vicinity while they’re trying on a new top and their attitude hardens very considerably, as the difference between Q46 and Q48 in the table above shows.)
It’s when you frame questions in reality rather than as abstract concepts that you find out what people really think. Because if a 56-year-old man wants to cut about in a dress sucking a dummy, it might be as icky as all heck but hey, it’s a free country.
It’s the day he starts demanding to be let into primary school classes and get changed in the girls’ toilets with the other six-year-olds because he LITERALLY IS the thing he’s dressing up as that most people think a line has been crossed. Be extremely wary of the motivations of anyone who tries to tell you otherwise.
man, they’re an embarrassment……..but a well funded one.
rev stu said,
‘(Hell, some even think it’s a good idea to have your country ruled by another one.)’
what, no link?
Don’t blame you.
So 20% of scottish voters think its ok for women with dicks to use womens changing rooms..EVEN IF THEY OBJECT. The mind boggles
Just shows you that everything they claim is based on lies and distortions. Thoroughly despicable.
Thought that was Eddie E and Grayson P
Largely reported in Prick News, the publication of 1/4 of the LGBT community.
I leave it as an exercise for the reader to get which quarter of LGBT it represents.
Archive link to Penis News.
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Should have added, bet that 20% would drop rapidly when it was their own wives and daughters objecting in the changing room.
Put your muzzles on and fuck up
If white people pretending to be black people by blacking up and adopting stereotypical black mannerisms is racist, then why is it not the case that men pretending to be women by wearing women’s clothing and adopting stereotypical female mannerisms not misogynistic?
Now that one time Wings contributor
Eric Joyce
Has turned out to be a very dangerous individual
I’ve decided to be automatically suspicious of any man who has no problem with penises being present in womens’safe spaces
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‘self-identification, a policy which appears to have been dumped by the UK government’
At least you didn’t try make out the UK government appear ‘to be an exception’ this time.
They are not even an exception within the UK on this matter.
Indeed. As a woman, this scares the crap out of me. Where and when will it end, I wonder. And at what cost?
I also can’t help thinking if AS was still at the helm of the SNP, would gender self ID still be as important to the Scottish Gov? Why is this being pushed and for what reason?
Who would have thought Billy Bragg would have fallen down this rabbit hole
And landed on the side of the bosses?
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This trans shit has got to go into the,
“Discuss at a later date” file.
The Tories are practically handing Sturgeon Independence on a plate and she is saying,
“For fuck sake, not just now Boris, can’t you see I am busy at the moment”.
Normski @ 7.43
It is indeed deeply misogynistic..
Childhood memories of watching the Black/White minstrel show and seeing mither and the wee aunties tearing up at the Al Jolson story while a Golly Wog sat next to ma teddy on ma bed,it became really uncomfortable to eventually learn the symbolism of my warm childhood experiences to Black people!
I recognised the feeling immediately because even as a kid the men in drag on TV I really didn’t like and would come to find as a young woman that feeling was offence.
People who want to live their life in the culture of a women I’m pretty much live and let live about.
There are things that were seen as masculine when I was a child that I include in my lifestyle today and that crossover is largely positive ( well I think so anyway )
But I do find Drag offensive,if it is understood that people can’t “Black Up” anymore….why is it not obvious that Drag as a costume and a parody of a Woman is just as offensive ?
And yes, I include pantomime dames in that too.
Instead of it being consigned to history or sexual role play between adults,it’s back as entertainment for the masses!
It beggars belief,it really does!
Why would anyone think this is still ok!
This was written by a lesbian,
`It is undeniable that there is a virulent strain of misogyny in mainstream gay male culture.`
once you read and understand this fact you can more understand the attitude of those gay men in Scottish politics that are behind the Gender Recognition Act with the help of the misogynists at Stonewall,
she also wrote this,
` It seems possible that the misogyny that is rife within the gay male community has informed many gay men’s stance on the debate between feminists and trans activists.`
[…] Wings Over Scotland Transforming the question The Huffington Post published a poll today, to the great delight of the likes of […]
And sadly,
I’m beginning to think
there is a misogynistic dimension to the ease with which men like Billy Bragg are happy to take the side of the men posing as women against actual women
I may have triggered a filter again Rev. I’m not trying to drown out opinion, I was simply trying to support the blog by providing a perspective informed through psychoanalytical practice.
Mr John Nicolson is covering himself in glory again, calling women “abusers” if they raise concerns about male-bodied individuals participating in women’s sport:
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The ‘Women Make Glasgow’ group drew attention to the erasing of gays and lesbians last week.
From now on to be referred to as
“Non-straight cisgender people”
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If you are determined to re-write reality, at least try to do it properly. TA.
Australasian Philosophical Review, Volume 2, 2018 – Issue 2
Rethinking Nature: Phenomenology and a Non-reductionist Cognitive Science
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Not really o/t this is a comment I posted on Peter Bell’s Talk to the hand post just as appropriate here
What depresses me more than anything is that a whole country is being DENIED its future , our children are being denied a better future in a more socially responsible country , our pensioners are being denied proper care and protection from a narcissistic imbecile with a cabal of lunatics , our health service is threatened by destruction due to the self serving GREED of these same lunatics , our economy is in tatters yet we are a resource rich country that other countries envy
YET we are being held in this despicable hostage situation by 1 WOMAN and her sycophantic supporters who are denying Scotland our better future , because she REFUSES to change her mind or REFUSES to even contemplate that what she is doing will NOT work , those self same sycophants are also REFUSING to exert their power to FORCE this 1 WOMAN to see sense and alter course
This 1 WOMAN who runs a fairly competent govt is causing MORE division within the independence support by REFUSING to ditch her reviled and dangerous GRA amendments and HATE CRIME BILL that will Impact EVERYONE yet her sycophantic supporters are INSISTING that we must vote for her if we believe in independence for our country
Here’s a little thought , how’s about those SAME supporters do something about this 1 WOMAN’S actions and policies , either remove her dictatorship or FORCE her to ABANDON these policies and her insistence on a sect 30 and let us non members but voters be happy and willing to vote SNP and move ahead with our independence
Agreed, think about the motivations of people like those at Mermaids who want prepubescent children given drugs to keep them prepubescent even when they turn 16 and can legally consent to sex after being sexualised by being mentored by Trans people even if their parents object.
Men known to have been in PIE are involved even. It is that blatant. They even have a nice aphorism: love knows no age. Which some might think is about your granny getting her rocks off with a toyboy, but it isn’t. Their ‘queer everything’ aim is to dismantle child protection and completely sexualise children so paedophiles can have their way with them.
This is what the Woke are supporting. Open slather paedophilia.
When the backlash comes, as it well may as the trend becomes uncool and loses momentum, there may not be enough closets for these fantasists to return to.
I’m sure the likes of Hadrian and Caligula would find this sexual exhibitionism rather tiresome…been there, done that, bought the T shirt….yawn!
They do ugly rather well though.
Oh and in the last thread I forgot to mention I’m tangling with a global warming denier who knows less about palaeo history than he thinks he does. They will cherry pick stuff they think are killer facts without considering the wider context. I’m a scientific omnivore and I’m pretty good on paleao stuff. As a biologist I’m interested in the creatures now extinct. I read the articles on new fossil discoveries etc. I’m the sort to wonder the Natural History museum peering interestedly at details of the skeletons on display. I chose to do that after being injected in the foot with radioactive strontium as we waited for it to percolate through me. The Hammersmith hospital is just around the back of the NHM so I wondered around.
BTW you might have heard that tortoises and turtles keep their shoulder blades inside their rib cages, not outside. They don’t, they keep them in front of their rib cages (on top of the shoulder if it was us. The shoulder blade has moved forwards to keep it mobile and accommodate the upper shell. I peered at the tortoise skeleton in the case to double check for myself in 3D rather than a photograph in a paper.
Someone on Twitter pointed out recently that the Witchfinder General, Mathew Hopkins, was 24 when he began his campaign of misogynistic terror.
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By “people” Wikipedia means women but perhaps the editor has been persuaded to use the gender neutral term.
It’s not the first time unscientific hokum has provided some young men and their female accomplices with an excuse to persecute women.
Is Pansy a flower or an insult worthy of arrest?
Mincing- is that something you do with meat or should be
Arrested for insulting a person’s walk.
Is a Dyke a stone wall or grounds for a person to get
You imprisoned for insulting them?
Oxford Dictionary May need to be completely redefined
And end up with a few hundred words that you can use.
Is it insanity or another step to 1984?
The misuse of science to support misogyny, is interwoven into the fabric of western culture. The cult of genderwoowoo is simply a modern reenactment of structural hositilty towards gender equality.
Surely our current predicament must emphasis the urgent need to kick these anti-democratic totalitarians out of the party?
Full text.
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The english and their fuckin cricket.
I mean, who fuckin cares?
The bastards at the BBC have even given the cricket it’s own weather forecasts.
@ CBB – I agree. But underlying the official justification there is usually something more venal. In earlier centuries it was women who had some coveted land or midwives and herbalists who got in the way of doctors establishing their profession and not tolerant of competition. It is still illegal in the US to practise midwifery.
Today it may be getting rid of academics or writers occupying coveted chairs or holding promoted posts in universities. Who gets to frame the discourse?
The witch hunting came to an end when they moved on to the wealthier strata of society. The elite were not prepared to be victims. It may be that JK Rowling is the modern day equivalent of someone rich enough and secure enough to challenge this nonsense.
Tartan Tories still hanging around.
There are, of course, male victims of these moral panics. Stu and Glinner have been “cancelled” by Twitter. Ray Blanchard who researched autogynophilia (AGP), which is a mental health condition which probably lies behind much of the anti TERF rhetoric, has been a target of much abuse.
There are many others. If the Hate Crime Bill gets on the statute book we can expect an exponential rise in the crime figures.
It’s the Tartan Tories hero who is pushing all this shit through Holyrood.
So don’t start looking for somebody to blame.
It’s your Nicola who is to fuckin blame.
I check in to this website now and again because of the analysis of the author rather than the associated comments. The author has nailed this issue several times now. Seemingly the SNP will persevere with the GRA. A vote loser but never mind we can all clap Nicolas 50th birthday. Getting further away from the population by the day.
As with British nationalism, genderwoowoo seeks to undermine a legal respect for empirical and phenomenological reality, and is intensely regressive in nature. Subsequently, both ideologies support a legal environment that is harmful to the interests of distributive justice.
Human Rights Education Project
Human Rights Concepts, Ideas and Fora
Substantive Human Rights
The Right to Equality and Non-discrimination
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Executed witches were definitely not all men.
Current estimate is about 20% were male.
This is worth a read.
And you won’t be surprised that the scholarly field is contentious in the pre-trans male v female way.
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Their question is so innocently framed (deliberately of course) but as you state it’s surprising there are so many willing to say no. Reminds me of ‘I like France where everyone thinks he’s Napoleon, in Italy everyone thinks he’s the pope’. As you say, anyone should be able to self identify as whatever they want but without the right to make others act out their fantasy.
The fact so many do say no would suggest to me more folk are becoming aware of what the meaning is behind it and that what they’re asking for isn’t innocuous at all. If that is the case, great, but on your poll and detailed questions for me there are still too many willing to say yes.
Liz g @ 8.36
I agree about the drag, but it’s especially repugnant when it starts to involve young children. All the shows on tv make it seem fun and cool and it seems many adults treat it as just dress up so no wonder children could be drawn to it.
@ mike cassidy – thx for the link. An interesting read and shocking to see how a complete shibboleth can result in so much suffering. Perhaps we need a day of rememembrance for the witch holocaust.
Ah hiv ah confession tae make ah wuce wore ma mammies furlined boots tae go tae the icecream van an ah wore her pinny when ah made cakes ah also cleaned oot wummins toilets but ah refused refused ah tells yous tae empty that wee bin in the corner .
Ah wish’t this GRA shite wisnae ah distraction oan oor pursuit of INDEPENDENCE .
@ Liz g – I’ve never thought of drag acts as offensive. My parents used to find Danny la Rue hilarious on the Royal Command performance. Les Dawson did a well observed midlands wifie gossiping over the garden wall. The film “Dumplin” depicts drag acts coaching a set of musfit girls in performing on stage. Very affirming I thought.
Pantomime dames are also fine with me with the principal boy played by a woman. It’s the topsy turvy world of the Saturnalia.
But none of these are claiming to be REALLY women. It’s the sheer irrationality of “Transwoen ARE Women. End of. No debate” that is so destructive.
Great comments on previous thread from yourself, Muscleguy and Cath. Glad I went back to catch up.
The Tartan Tory Nikla luvvies huv put in some shift the day.
@ ronnie anderson – thank you for sharing that ronnie. 🙂
The Guardian has a weekly column where a couple go on a blind date.
Recently the participants were two “gay women” except in fact that only one was an actual woman with a vagina, the other was a male who identified as a gay woman.
The poor actually-a-woman had to go on a date with this pretend-woman, and as I read this I felt physically sick, as though this gay woman was being.. tortured is the word I’d use. Tortured by this “liberal” newspaper for its ever-so-forward-thinking readers.
Misogynists, in my experience, pathologically hate gay women- unattainable and uncontrollable- and I am in no doubt that a group of very nasty men are using this whole thing as a means of controlling women. I do know a couple of gay women and they are terrified by these proposals.
Mark my words, one day soon, another “date” between a gay woman and a “gay woman” will take place, the male will proposition the female, she will refuse on the grounds that she is not attracted to males, he will then commit a serious crime which we are not allowed to name on this site, and when the female complains, rest assured, the intelligentsia and liberal end of the media I n this country will take his side. She will have been “transphobic” for refusing him and the crime will have been a way of “educating” her and making her more “progressive”. Mhairi Hunter, Cameron Archibald, Owen Jones, etc., they will actively celebrate- they will be overjoyed at, they will laugh about and exalt in- the commission of this crime. The vibe will be “haha, we showed her”. If you’ve been following what Rev Stu’s been writing about this subject, tell me I’m wrong.
And I think we all know which prominent female politician wouldn’t have much to say about that if it happened. (I’ll give you a clue: it’s the one with sweet f all to show for six years’ domination of Scottish politics).
It’s lucky for us that the current Scottish Tory leader is a giant, live pair of golf clubs, because one with a fraction of a brain could see that, if the only thing keeping us from a society in which the above scenario was tolerated was something bedecked in Union Jacks and playing God Save the Queen, then even those of us who strongly believe in our country’s independence might have to start prioritising.
I have come to detest the arts and academic worlds in this country for their acquiescence to this depravity, and if I was in office I would simply cut every subsidy for them and teach them a lesson. I have also come to detest many politicians I previously liked.
Rev, not to be fawning, but if you’re reading this, good on you for fighting the good fight and speaking up for the voiceless. In my view, you’re worth more than all the other Scottish hacks put together.
I might have mentioned epistemology one or twice? Well, genderwoowoo rejects our liberal understanding of nature, so is incompatible with our epistemic understanding of the world and the human condition. It seeks to undermine the cultural respect for “womanhood”, and obliterate the legal settlement of “equal but different”. That’s “epistemic violence”, that is, and pretty much what British/English nationalism inflicts on the Scottish identity and Scottish culture.
Full text, as I hope there are folk who are concerned with defending open society and liberal democracy, which requires an ethical respect towards the epistemic integrity of institutional knowledge.
Forum: Qualitative Social Research, Volume 19, No. 3, Art. 27 – September 2018
Toward Epistemological Ethics: Centering Communities and Social Justice in Qualitative Research
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Capella @ 12.07
I realise that most…especially from my generation didn’t find it offensive..and I didn’t at the time.
It was all so normal.
And it was all as funny as “The Jazz Singer” was moving.
But Black Face is Wrong!
This we know.
Drag is also wrong…and for the same reasons.
Tell me all the reasons Black Face is wrong?
You’ll find every single one of them in Drag.
If you are entertained by Drag
You’ll also find every single one of the reasons you were right there in Black Face!
If Women are not a costume or an expression of a stereo type then what exactly is drag portraying women as ?
Thanks Capella….I had a million and one questions for Cath but I didn’t want to come across as an inquisitor..I hope she stays engaged 🙂
But just in case you need another reason for severing ties with the UK
Chris (King Midas In Reverse) Grayling is likely to be the next Chair of the Intelligence Committee
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Pleasant dreams!
And we mustn’t forget about the ontological nature of reality.
Forum: Qualitative Social Research, Volume 10, No. 2, Art. 30 – May 2009
Ontological and Epistemological Foundations of Qualitative Research
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Ronnie Anderson @ 12.01
If we removed this shite and persue Indy.
Wull ye man the fuck up and empty that bloody bin fae the corner ?
It disnay bite….HA… 🙂
mike cassidy says:
9 July, 2020 at 11:33 pm
Executed witches were definitely not all men.
Current estimate is about 20% were male.
Thank god for that.I was married to a witch but bloody pos she wasn’t a man or identified as one.
Sos lizg no can can do ah dont work in that pub anymair an ah dont go intae it period
Liz g
Would that be the bin with all the takings from the Wings Stall he took hame after every rally in the lead up to indyRef1?
Those were the days.
As I understand it, The Gender Recognition Act will not come before parliament before the SG elections.
Which means that the people who will endorse or reject it must first secure selection as Parliamentary Candidates and then present themselves to the electorate for their approval.
If I were a Unionist Political Stratigist, I would be banging on the door of every church congregation and womans group in Scotland and doing my damnedest to convince every anti-SNP media outlet in the land that not one single Unionist Candidate will be backing this SNP MAAD Bill.
And demand that they all shout it from the rooftops.
That can be the only explanation why the MSM and the opposition are so silent on this issue – The sneaky bastards are just holding their fire until they can see the whites of our eyes.
Perhaps JK Rowling has deliberately cast herself in a leading role as the savior of Womankind and the Union in the drama that they hope is about to unfold.
Oscar says:
10 July, 2020 at 12:52 am
Liz g
You’re one creep of a yoon aren’t yi
@mike cassidy says:
10 July, 2020 at 12:42 am
“Chris (King Midas In Reverse) Grayling is likely to be the next Chair of the Intelligence Committee”
That’s a fucking oxymoron if ever I saw one.
Robbo @ 12.55
Ye mean Heinz 57?
Me wee stalker wi a variety o names.
Pay nae heed tae the mutt, naebuddy else does 🙂
He’ll annoy the Rev eventually!
robbo awakens from drunken stupor
Yoon creep
Liz g 🙂
Night yol,,,
Need to get out of this contaminated air
Tartan Tories meeting time.
Aye they cum oot o the widwork when ah crack ah light LoL
Liz g
Say good night to yer wife on my behalf.
@ Beaker at 12.57: spot on description of Grayling vis a vis intelligence. Not only that but morally soul-less too. How do they live with themselves?
If I weren’t frightened before, I am now. It’s as if Dominic Cummings is sitting there thinking up the most inappropriate postings for his puppets and laughing maniacally at the helplessness of anyone to do anything about it.
Liam Fox for WTO!! Grayling for Intelligence. Priti Patel for Immigration. Johnson as Prime Minister. The list is endless.
Aye Ronnie..don’t be cruel and distract him..he’s scouring the streets of Kelvin Side looking fur me and ma fur coat..then hoof it tae Morningside tae find Capella and “fine” Knickers apparently…. ( anybody from Edinburgh explain 🙂 )
Don’t tease him…his quest will be…challenging… 🙂
Ok lizg ah’ll leave him alain um ah Bafta fan ooyhows
Sarah @ 1.17
Every time I see Grayling….I think Mary Shelley wasn’t writing fiction but rather, prophesy….. 🙂
Cameron @ 1.10
A 🙂 right back at he my friend…LOL
-Col. Blimp-
I don’t know about that. The Liberals are riddled with GRA fanatics and have you SEEN who is leading Labour and the Tories? I was slightly apprehensive that Carlaw would be smarter than he appeared, as he’s been around for so long, but no, he really is a Newton Mearns buffoon. The rumour is that he’s so desperate for his peerage he refused to criticise Cummings. Over on unionist social media they’re raging with him and looking for a replacement.
As for Renton Lomond, I recently saw him on tv and honestly couldn’t remember his actual name, just that people on this site have a running joke where they pretend not to know it. I actually had to look it up. How bad is that?
Ronnie Anderson @ 1.25
Good stuff sir…we’ve ither fish tae fry.. 🙂
And fine well ye know it 🙂 🙂 🙂
If ah don’t see ye through the week..I’ll see ye through the winday….a Kelvinside windy of course…. 🙂
Nighty nite lizg
Night Night Ronnie
@ Liz g: Re Mary Shelley, I haven’t read the book nor seen the film but I was impressed with the extract printed in the Sunday National recently. What an extraordinary imagination she had.
It’s a great idea of the Sunday to print excerpts from these great mostly Scottish novels especially during lockdown when some of us have more time for a good read. I have been struck by how powerful and interesting they have all been.
A Person
Oh you mean Rickshaw Lickhard, had almost forgotten about him myself.
Hahaha … I really have forgotten his first name!!
I always preferred Herman Munster myself.
Sarah @ 1.44
Welll….Castle Dracula ( the description of it ) is apparently in there’s enough of a Scottish connection there to warrant a recommendation 🙂
Not the book itself..but rather the old Hammer Movies.
See if you can see
Any allegories to the Religions/Trans message.
Too many to list here.
The main message ( these films were aimed at adults ) was the Cross and the men would save the Women and it was just Women. Take a look…through *** Gendered** eyes… 🙂
Sorry..not JUST a Woman…AlWAYS a Woman
Mary Shelly could see into the future and was warning women to be on the lookout for shape-shifting Trans[ylvanian] men?
Spooky Woo Woo, that’s on the Outer Limits of the Twilight Zone!
At first they were MtF transsexuals, then they became transwomen, quickly altered to trans women and now simply ‘women’. Appropriation and intrusion has been the end product of all this “be kind’ nonsense. I will not go along with it and from now on will call them trans-identifying males because THAT is the only accurate label. Kindness be damned!
Haud oan – Mary Shelly didnae write Dracula.
Col Blimp IV: well Frankenstein was pretty fond of blood, wasn’t he?
I mean, the monster, not Frankenstein.
Getting back to ontology, as you do. I imagine there are lots of readers who imagine I’m simply gibbering mince that has no relation to the indy cause, so is none of their concern. Unfortunately, I’m not, and this stiff is of deadly importance to supporting open democracy and liberal society, without which our cause is dead.
Full text.
European Journal of Political Theory, August 12, 2016
Ontology and political theory: A critical encounter between Rawls and Foucault
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“Weirdo’s” would probably suffice.
Victor Frankenstein must have bee practically swimming in the stuff, to get all the bits he needed to put the monster together.
Col Blimp IV – I really must read the whole book one day… 🙂
The support for the legal establishment of genderwoowoo as a principle in law, poses a serious threat to public health, which I imagine is pretty relevant to most folk, I’d have thunk.
Full text.
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Ultimately there.will be a kick back against the freaks who would invade intimate spaces.
A man with a penis identifying himself as a women and occupying let us say a girls changing room must run the risk of being physically cleared out from the safe spaces they seek to invade.
This gender self ID is a charter for perverted freaks. Ordinary folks don’t like it. And the next step – well that’s easy, legislation to allow child sex, sex with animals. It’s a one way road.
And if you have concerns about the direction of travel ask yourself why a politician would take a transvestite called Flow Job to a school with young children. What was that about, yes what was that about, and no censure from the SNP high command.
ronnie anderson says:
10 July, 2020 at 12:01 am
Ah wish’t this GRA shite wisnae ah distraction oan oor pursuit of INDEPENDENCE …
Amen to that Ronnie.
I don’t “think” I’m anti trans. Live and let live and all.. I grew up watching the likes of David Bowie exploring boundaries which maybe wasn’t my cup of tea, but nevertheless, he made being different and sexually ambivalent much more acceptable than it had been. Sometimes weird, sometimes too much, but never once did it seem threatening. He was different but earned acceptance. I reckon no David Bowie, there’d be no lots of other things too. These modern day Trans Zealots seem to crave domination rather then acceptance, and a very ugly misogynistic dominance over women at that.
I find those pictures of people who are clearly male, but photographed as a gang of thugs with furry pink baseball bats about to commence battle with our womenfolk for the crime of being women is just disgraceful. The people are not in a healthy state of mind for one thing, but can you imagine that being ok if if they were targeting people by race or ethnicity? So why the fk is it ok to target women with their hateful, neurotic adolescent abuse? Absolutely intolerable. I know that’s just a publicity shot, but it’s more than that when when they’re turning up mob handed to shut down women’s meetings.
The abiding reaction I have is kinda sad, because I don’t think these Trans-cultists or whatever the fk you’re meant to call them, will be satisfied until they have fully alienated themselves from mainstream society, driven back the level of acceptance and tolerance for trans-people, and slammed shut every door which people like David Bowie had managed to open. In years to come, if some person finds themselves genuinely conflicted with their sexuality, their every instinct will be to shut himself in the closet, suppress it and conform in misery because Trans activism in the 2020’s got far too big for its britches and society in general just got heartily sick of it’s deranged whining and insidious scheming.
It’s impossible to tell where genuine sexual proclivities end and self centred narcissistic jealousy begins, but when the narcissism is intoxicated by power, well, it feels like the moment the toddler has just picked up the box of matches.
Liz g was spot on yesterday. These people are acting like fevered evangelical fanatics from a darker century, determined to establish their Puritan religion as the truth, and they’ll bully and burn any ‘heretics’ who dare to disagree or stand in their way.
What they’re doing strangling Scottish Independence seems sickening, because none of them give a flying fk about Scotland’s independence, but they’d schmoozed in on independence the way the early Christian church schmoozed in on pagan traditions and sought to make them their own. Scottish Independence has been parasitised as their carrier wave. There’s a fair chance it’s had some help along the way too. There are layers to this conspiracy.
Nicola Sturgeon has a helluva lot to answer for. Oh, she can do the politics thing with her eyes closed, and charm the birds out the trees, but I fear when it comes to Scotland’s freedom, she’s just out of her depth and out of ideas, but too stubborn to admit it. She’s surrounded herself with people who want things for themselves, and none of them care two hoots about Scotland.
Yet even now, at this late, late, late stage, she could still drop the hammer on a Constitutional Backstop to disrupt Brexit and plunge the UK Union into a crisis it couldn’t survive, and Europe would have Scotland’s back because Scotland would be their front line fighting back the US inspired deregulation of standards. But time is running out…
David Pratt in The National on the danger of divide and rule. Well he just says ‘internal division’ but I think it is more likely driven by outside influence not unadjacent to Westminster.
THE polls may be encouraging, but I have an uneasy feeling about Scotland’s independence hopes right now. It’s a feeling that’s been growing for some time and is born out of experience over… link to
Holyrood Comittee publishes letters:
A HOLYROOD inquiry into the Scottish Government’s handling of complaints against Alex Salmond has issued letters to Nicola Sturgeon, her husband and several other key figures requesting answers to… link to
CBB 2.26
You wrote “i imagine there are lots of readers who imagine I’m simply gibbering mince that has no relation to the indy cause“
… I have accused you of a complete lack of self awareness in the past …. but there may be some hope!
Sorry, forgot to archive links
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Oscar 10.36
… I do have some sympathy for you on this subject. It seems to me that the BBC are just rubbing your nose in the fact that Scottish sports teams are now rarely competitive on the world stage. I am sure there is some sort of “ism” that they are being guilty of.
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Oh! Michtie me, maybe I’ve been too critical of US food standards. They’re not totally heartless bastards. Here’s an Iowa mass producer who has just been forced to stop roasting thousands of pigs alive.
It’d warn you not to watch it, but go ahead. Learn of another depravity Uncle Sam has mastered. It’s a kinda Auschwitz for pigs type of thing. (And I really wish I was kidding). No Zyklon B of course, that would have spoiled the meat.
Ask again….Trade deal with the US? or trade deal with the EU… hmmm…
Capella @ 7.10
Talk about looking for problems..
Every point he makes could be re written drawing the completely opposite conclusions.
We’re no an actual army here,who could be stood down till needed. We’re no all party members who need to toe a line. We’re voters, of course we’ll all have different views on how we’d like Indy Scotland to go forwards.
We’re stuck without an actual campaign and a leader,so yes we’ll explore different issues and draw different conclusions.. that’s a good thing. Because it’s showing that we’re thinking about and working through stuff.
It’s probably a good thing too that we’ve had time and space to work out personally where we stand on things in theory,before we have to actually take a stand.
A big part of the reason we aren’t able to be put back in our box is because we’re not all on the same page and the MSM can’t direct the narrative,the British can’t pin down the group’s to identify pressure points.Basically we communicate!
We’re still here ( and there and Scotland wide ) and we’re still organising and learning and there’s shelter in the collective.
It’s a scary arse kind of country that can’t hold wide opinions
Using the time between now and campaigning to find our individual niches is useful.
One person’s argument is another person’s debate, all that really matters is that we tick that Yes box and I don’t see any division on that 🙂
The TRA modus operandi is to sneak things through under the radar. Strange times indeed if it’s actually jk Rowling speaking out that manages to shine a light on this issue leading to pressure from snp supporters forcing Nicola to dump it BEFORE 2021 – thus saving the snp a pasting and potential loss of indy majority.
Who knows what will happen? But this vote loser is a disgrace. Well done to kenny macaskill for saying both votes snp is wasted. I notice John swinney has just slagged him for saying so on bbc shortbread but no mention of Julie Hepburn saying vote green on the list. This is worse Cos she’s actually endorsed another party – and her a paid official.
Is there not something decidedly odd that when the polls show a reasonable consistency towards Indy with a possible referendum on the horizon that we have this woke thing coupled with a looming and possibly damaging investigation into the Salmond affair.
Something is at play here.
Great fact based analysis as ever Stu. As someone on twitter said, if a child has anorexia we don’t affirm their view they are over weight and enshrine it in law. There is a collective psychosis in the trans rights lobby that needs to be called out for exactly that.
Capella says:
10 July, 2020 at 6:55 am
Holyrood Comittee publishes letters:
Yes, but a couple of curious omissions from those called to give written evidence….
link to
@ Breeks – hmmmm don’t know what’s going on there. Last time I read anything about it, Linda Fabiani was demanding Leslie Evans release the documents from the civil servants and Leslie Evans was claiming that emails are automatically deleted after 14 months? and this was month 15. Can’t remember where I read that but I did post it on WoS.
Capella @6:49am
I would have thought that any leadership involved in a bid for independence would be mindful of the range of opinions within the movement they were representing and move to resolve any differences in opinion before things got out of hand.
We don’t really see that happening. Instead the dialog is rather one sided with a constant stream of stories saying if you don’t do it our way then you’ll go blind or something or other. Yet the “our way” remains shrouded in clouds and mystery.
Compulsory mask wearing and the right to say NO, US style.
link to
O what a existential mess they make, the functionaries hell bent on keeping us ‘safe’.
Life’s like a bungee jump, sometimes the elastic thingy snaps… and safety really ought to ban it.
Oops, they have already, for the last 4 months.
Refund not available.
@ Stuart MacKay – I heard John Swinney answer questions on RScotland this morning. He says SNP MSPs should advocate to vote SNP. Would it not be illegal for the SNP to “collude” with another party in an election? He can’t really say to people to vote for somebody else! Apologies if I’ve misunderstood your point.
@ Breeks – it is probably this article form the DR:
link to
And most people still believe that this has nothing to do with legalising paedophilia.
That’s the end game, folks, GRA just another step along the way – and Hate Crime Laws to see off any objection. ‘Hater’ they will call you and try to lock you up – just to shut everyone else up – and it’ll work because our society is too weak.
Another one where the tin foil hat wearers get proved correct.
There’s a ‘routemap’ out there – and it is being played out in front of our eyes by an awful lot of compromised people.
@ Breeks – that was a Paul Hutcheon article on the DR dated 8th June – for some reason the name and date don’t appear in the archived version.
There is a response from Leslie Evans to Linda Fabiani from 12th June 2019 assuring her that all relevant Civil Service documents are archived and not destroyed. So I’ve no idea where the scare story of documents being deleted comes from.
link to
However, the problem seems to be that the committee won’t get the docs from Ms Evans till end of August and that’s too late says Ms Fabiani. That stand off will have to be resolved.
It’s just about time real people got control of running things, the people in charge all have a hidden agenda that’s totally alien to probably at least 95 percent of the public, most of the Scottish politicians have no conviction, they all tow the party line their not allowed to speak for themselves, what Scotland needs is individual thinkers who don’t care so much for themselves but care for a fair future for the people in Scotland and for people all over the world, we’ll never achieve it keeping this medieval copycat Holyrood parliament, we have to be totally different from Westminster, it’s happening now people are looking to change things themselves.
the old established hiding and hunting places for child molesters like the church,public schools,UK parliament,BBC,cubs/ scouts,sports clubs,social services have been making it harder and harder for child molesters to get away with their abominations,
to get access to their prey they have infiltrated the transgender movement and used that as a vehicle to influence political and media thinking on changing laws and social attitudes to allow them the legal and social right to their abominations,
all assisted by the bovine do gooder liberal white middle class bearded woke misogynists.
Breeks says:
10 July, 2020 at 7:29 am
link to
Click bate.
The animals were being euthanised,still distressing.
Do you really think steam can be delivered in a tanker like oxygen?
Theres a debate to be had around our food and people should be aware of the reality of mass production, but this appears straight out of the Greta Thunberg narrative.
Remember as well as being able to self id we have to become vegetarians in the bright new future.
When will Sturgeon start talking of issues other than the Corona Virus?
She gives interviews in front of the camera for up to two hours Monday to Friday.
Surely she could slip in the odd mention of Scottish Independence.
Or even a mention about how Brexit is going to drag the Scottish economy even further into the gutter.
But to say nothing is verging on criminal.
I hope all the SNP candidates that are pro-GRA reform / TWAW are made known prior to HR election campaigning. That will enable voters to know who they’re voting for.
I’d also like that pro-women’s rights candidates fight the election in those same constituencies. I’ll probably have howls of don’t do anything to affect the SNP constituency vote, and in principle I agree. However, these wokesters need booted out and if the SNP leadership won’t, then perhaps the voters need to do it.
Before peeps say that would mean a pro-women’s rights candidate would go up against Nicola Sturgeon’s constituency. I say so be it! Maybe it will give the leadership pause for thought.
This issue is costing us independence. And we know these wokesters are soft on independence anyway. Perhaps a potential voters revolt will be enough to get them to officially dump this bad legislation in the hope of self preservation and retaining their seats.
Because if we don’t play fire with fire I can’t see any other way to get them to drop this disastrous societal experiment.
And remember and take a mask if you are going out shopping.
It will be compulsory from today to wear a mask inside all shops.
Don’t get caught out.
The British Imperial parties all have the same policy: Keep Scotland a colony of the Empire.
So, what’s to stop all pro-indy parties having the same policy: a vote for us is a vote for independence? So any election is a plebiscite on independence / dissolving the Union / restoring Scotland’s national sovereignty.
On the basis it’s Scotland’s people that are sovereign, NOT any parliament, the mandate sought is 50% +1 of all votes cast, not how many pro-indy parliamentarians are elected. (Though a majority of pro-indy votes would probably also result in a majority of pro-indy politicians).
I’m told the Imperials will boycott it. Fine by me. In absolute worst case scenario we have a mandate for indy that is not recognised but, it will achieve a parliament 100% clear of imperials. It would be a win-win scenario.
It would be worth it just for that.
So, every election, where an indy plebiscite is sought, would not be boycotted. There is too much self-interest involved. Easy money.
The big problem is not imperials, it’s the colonials, the SNP leadership and other “pro-indy” politicians who are more pro-devolution other policies such as GRA etc, than they are pro-independence.
If I were Trans and a decent person I would be able to see the
Obvious and proven danger of others claiming to be Trans for
Illegal and immoral practices.
Many people make sacrifices for the greater good rather than self interest.
I give NHS Staff without PPE treating Covid patients as an example.
I ask them to realise these dangers and help to suggest safety measures and
Process where the majority feel secure.
Capella @ 6.55 am
Breaks @ 8.50 am
Re the National article here’s the link to the Scottish Parliament showing the request for information from various witness
link to
And the link to previous correspondence
link to
And this article from the National shows the list of witnesses to the inquiry is a provisional list and more witnesses could be added to the inquiry as it progresses .
link to
I see on-line this morning that Boris intends bringing in Chris Grayling
In work closely with UK Intelligence?
If ever an oxymoron was given as an example!
The man who placed a multi million pound order for
Cargo ships with a Tory supporter who had no ships
and never had ships.
It also resulted in compensation pay outs to others from tax payers money.
I think Boris has had to dig deep to find another Tory more stupid than himself
That might take the heat off his almost daily F*** ups.
This trend dates back to the days of the Spanish Court where less pretty young females carried
Very ugly pet monkeys that made them look good.
Boris, in your case I’d rather marry the monkey and you know what you can do with your nuts!
Once more Chris Grey’s Brexit blog, link to, is probably worth a few minutes of your time for two reasons. First the issue of independence gets a whole paragraph as usually Scotland rarely gets a mention. The second and more important point is that Grey describes the Johnson government as one based on “symbolism rather than the substance”. With Brexit the ability of Westminster to say no to a second referendum exists more in our heads than in reality. The key paragraph is:
Fiddling while home burns
The bitter irony is that just at the moment that Britain is least well-equipped but most in need of a serious re-appraisal of its place in the world, this sham patriotism neglects the ways in which, domestically, it is falling apart. A favourite Brexiter line is that Britain is “the fifth largest economy in the world”, yet it is bedevilled by a longstanding productivity growth problem, dramatic levels of inequality and crumbling public services. A report from the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI) last year showed how, on a range of measures, Britain is actually ‘undeveloping’.
The current coronavirus has exposed many of these problems to a greater degree, and exacerbated some of them, but it has also, as Fintan O’Toole argued recently, shown the delusions of Johnson’s Brexity world-beating rhetoric. The issue, again, is symbolism over substance. There is no patriotism in endlessly declaring national superiority whilst daily delivering outcomes that are, as in this case, so much worse than most other countries.
Clearly Westminster’s hand in any negotiations is not a strong as they think or would like it to be. An England that is falling apart may simply be unable to hang on to Scotland despite desperately wanting to.
One of the links in the article from Foreign Policy, link to, is also worth a read if only to see how the world has changed since the pandemic. It forces home the point that the Tory government only has symbolism left. The substance clearly left a long time ago.
One thing of interest in the Foreign Policy article is that in a sense independence is inevitable. Could it be that the shift to the right in the SNP is really post-independence positioning so that it can remain intact and theoretically the dominant party in Scottish politics. That sort of implies that they think independence is going to be delivered into their laps in which case they don’t need to take the entire population with them.
‘Most Women Support Self-Identification’
The problem I have with that headline is that I don’t know what the term ‘women’ actually means.
Capella @9:18am
My point was (sorry it was not clear) there is lots of talk of damaging divisions and how not following the SNP to the letter will derail independence and it will all be the dissenters fault. However if the SNP leadership was really interested in running a unified movement then why do they continue to pursue the immensely damaging trans policy and drag their feet on many, many other issues when chopping off 1% of the vote to save 50% would seem so obvious a child of 2 could figure it out.
I see the Lanarkshire champagne (Buckfast) was flowing late into the night on Wings.
They are a weird lot out there in the sticks.
They are also known as the Scottish Hillbillies out that way.
Going by the contribution from some of their locals on here it’s easy to see why.
@Oscar 10:02am
You answered your own question – because it is only Health Briefings.
Anything else and the plug would be pulled rapidly.
Normally, our FM is afforded a short segment on national TV – usually preceded by a point of opposition – which response is quickly interrupted as soon as anything ‘contentious’ is about to be mentioned – then seamlessly cut to a talking head’s ‘official interpretation’ of events.
For the same reasons, the FM’s daily briefings do contain political questioning; but in order to continue discussing important health issues (without sudden technical problems, or editing) those political questions are never directly addressed.
You remember that surely?
I think it should be compulsory for any foreigners from england who are coming to Scotland for a holiday to wear armbands stating,,,
“I am english, stay away”
Watch out for the spike in infections once we have been invaded by the desease ridden
Populace from the south of our border.
@ Stuart MacKay – sorry – the GRA reform policy was supposedly agreed at Conference but I think the members probably agreed to an anodyne “Let’s all be kind to everybody” type resolution which was subsequently turned into the GRA reforms. Devious I know.
I expect the senior members feel they have to abide by policy. After all, if it’s a bunch of aggressive bullies and bigots terrorising poor little Transwomen then naturally they are going to stand firm and refuse to budge. This ideology seems to be very persuasive to a certain left-of-centre but not too bright in the science department person. For example, Jacinda Ardern is fully on board.
I also think they have more than enough on their plate ATM.
BTW I’m not a member of any inner circle, just a lowly member in the sticks reading whatever runes I can get hold of.
Back to the original article in The National: It seems that a good number of the divisions are a direct result of wilful deafness on the part of the leadership. In addition the dissent is being given the “now is not the time” treatment. I can see the value in running a tight ship but deliberately running it aground in defiance of all the warning cries seems a little pig-headed.
We are all aware that the Tories have said they are not going ahead with the GRA reform in England.
Yet the ‘men can become women’ meme has already embedded itself so well there that you get this.
Men’s feelings prioritised over women’s realities even in the most extreme circumstances.
link to
-Stuart Mackay, Capella-
The issue is that when the leadership and their media outliers say “let’s put our differences aside and work for the common goal” they don’t mean “let’s all compromise, avoid divisive issues and focus on our raison d’etre”, because if they meant that they would have dropped a niche issue opposed by 80% of the public.They mean “shut up and take what you’re given, if you find our policies and priorities abhorrent, tough”.
Good read about one of the staunchest opponents of genderwoowoo.
The Staunchly Imperfect Chaotic and True Allyship of Graham Linehan
link to
We are all aware that the Tories have said they are not going ahead with the GRA reform in England.
Yet the ‘men can become women’ meme has already embedded itself so well there that you get this.
Men’s feelings prioritised over women’s realities even in the most extreme circumstances.
link to
‘Remember as well as being able to self id we have to become vegetarians in the bright new future.’
Even vegetarians and vegans are in danger from some practices. Listeria and other food bourne cases in vegetables regularly show up in USA killing people and causing illness. Canada brought in stricter regulation on vegetables imported into the country after outbreaks from stuff produced (if I remember correctly) in Arizona. Although I think afterwards the reports were made more ‘grown outside Canada’ language to be diplomatic, but at the time most concern was the lower standards down south. Though some tales can be exaggerated or videos doctored there are enough real horror stories from there to frighten us all. Look what they were allowed to do before changes were tightened, and that’s assuming everyone adheres to all the rules since.
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Oscar, One has to be more original in one’s attempt at humour.
I think one means Scotch Hillbillies.
You are definitely”only here for the banter”.
Everyone got their masks? (Not the gimp variety, whatever that is).
I’m tempted to add my protective goggles and a pair of Marigold’s to complete the picture…
@Calpella, please stop making excuses for the FM’s dereliction of duty over Brexit, indy etc.
Conference voted on a manifesto which included reducing APT, this would have led to increased jobs in aviation.
They dropped it when they jumped on yet another bandwagon re climate change.
And before people say climate change is the most serious thing to happen to the planet, let me explain.
If we had Prestwick as a trans Atlantic hub, it would mean people could travel from there rather than increasing their carbon footprint by travelling via Heathrow.
There are other ways of dealing with this, including developing cleaner fuels, people are not going to stop flying, so you make it as pollution free as possible.
Also in the manifesto was #indyref2, if there was a material change.
So The SNP do not stick to their manifesto, they used to when Alex was in charge but the party was more democratic then.
The GRA reform in the 2016 manifesto had a vague mention of international best practice with no explanation of what that would be.
The 2019 GE manifesto had no mention of GRA reform at all.
Yes I know it’s devolved but Stewart McD said at a hustings that he would campaign to change the reserved 2010 EQA.
We need to face up to reality, the SNP are not the party they were.
On why the SNP still stick with GRA knowing what a divisive issue it is, I too could not work it out. Twenty years from now a majority might support their agenda since things change, but to buy into this so fully when half at least of your own voters are against, and the small c conservatives we need to win over will never support it, and doing that when brexit is going ahead and the SNP should be trying to push for independence, why? I keep thinking, why? I never get an decent answer.
The only thing I’ve come up with is youth empowerment. We all thought younger folk would be the future of yes, SNP canvassed them and tried to give them what they want. They were the future of yes and it was safe in their hands. But in doing so, only the louder voices were listened to, and often the more extreme. And in making them into activists, SNP leadership enthused them, promoted them but failed to give them discipline or direction needed to win hearts and minds. Results often seem like lord of the flies stuff at times. Result is they feel privileged to have the ear and backing of the queen and disparage anyone who disagrees. Not only are they often abusive and bigoted, but ageist, misogynistic and childish, even though many are into their thirties. And as Kenny MacAskill said many activists become councillors become MSPs/MPs. I see some of the younger ones putting their names forward for 2021 already, or saying they’ve been asked to do so and are fully on board with the ones already in position in the party.
Yes, they’re in most leftish parties and yes thank god at least in SNP we have Joan McAlpine types too, but they’re still being promoted to put themselves forward for 2021 and SNP is the party of government and I’m not convinced they won’t get nominations and be elected and the party will be worse for the loss of diversity of views on the road it’s going. I saw some start to have a go about Mireille Pouget and the fact she was on the NEC while being transphobic. I later saw a tweet from her saying she wondered about staying in the party. Yet the leadership say nothing, do nothing, to stop this. It’s like they’ve created a monster they can’t control. Frankenstein indeed. My stomach turned on the lack of support for, and mostly the lack of condemnation against, the abuse of Joan McAlpine for doing her job and doing it well. That was unforgivable.
I wish the Scottish government would drop this self-ID nonsense, folk living in the real world realise that people who want to be seen as a teapot or a duck, can’t have it enshrined in law. A good clear out of the ultra wokers within the party, and the Greens for that matter is what’s needed.
Who or what group is pushing this at Holyrood and is their agenda to divide the independence movement for the benefit of say Westminster, after all Holyrood must have surely been infiltrated by operatives working covertly for the union.
Meanwhile former Scotland Office minister, and part time referee, Tory Douglas Ross, who saw more of the football fans than he did his constituents, has put his foot in his mouth again a common Tory trait.
Ross said on the ultra unionist Radio Scotland that it was reckless to put people off from coming to Scotland from the rest of the UK, by suggesting quarantine rules could be imposed on them.
Ross however, completely backs the quarantine idea in Australia.
Liz 12.51
Brilliant post
And another reminder that the Sturgeon luvvies (Capella and Co) on here are backing the wrong horse.
The more you support Sturgeon on forums such as Wings Over Scotland, the more you encourage her to carry on with her unpopular policies.
So if the Sturgeonistas on here would only shut their mouths regards openly supporting Sturgeon, then maybe we would have a chance of moving Sturgeon onto pastures new.
Are you listening Capella and Co?
Is Fergus Ewing woke, does anyone know? Can’t find anything on his twitter line but he IS in the cabinet that ? Nicolson ? Smith said was all pro GRA.
@ Republicofscotland @ 1.17pm
” Ross said on the ultra unionist Radio Scotland that it was reckless to put people off from coming to Scotland from the rest of the UK”.
Yes RPScotland, so then does he, Douglas Ross, not also see how reckless it is for Gavin Williamson , his colleague, to “put people off from coming to Scotland” to study by putting a cap on the amount of English students able to come to Scottish Universities?
Almost as if we are only one UKnotOK when it suits them but when it does not then distinctive measures can be imposed…also when it suits them….#DoAsISayNotAsIDo
My son went to Hull University had to pay fees and my brother went to Cambridge University he also had to pay fees….mention this in case get some incoming …ah but English students have to pay fees in Scotland and Scots get free tuition….yes they do….but they, English students, also have to pay fees at English Universities as do Scots at English Universities……so what to do…eh ?
I don’t know who to credit for this (found it on the net think it originates from Mumsnet in America) but it sums up this shit perfectly….
We just want to pee.
And use your changing rooms.
And shower beside you in the gym.
And sleep beside you in the hostel.
Also sleep beside you in hospital.
And if you’re a lesbian, we want to fuck you with our lesbian penis.
We just want to take your allotted women’s shortlist spaces. And win your women in STEM or business or arts awards.
And count as you for pay gap data.
Also for the crime we commit, when counted statistically.
We really just want to pee.
And also play on your rugby and football teams.
And win your gold medals and set your world records.
And your women’s scholarships.
What difference does it make to you how someone identifies?
We just want to pee.
That some of us film ourselves wanking in your cubicles and post the videos online — you can’t judge a group by a few bad apples.
We just want to pee.
And you can’t blame us that some of us also rape you and get imprisoned with you in the female estate.
We also want into your rape and DV refuges.
And your support groups.
We just want to pee beside you, change beside you, shower beside you, sleep beside you, be in the scrum beside you, stand on the podium beside you, take from you, do time with you, and fuck your lesbian vagina.
And gaze at you everywhere and anywhere but inside a private home because there is nowhere you can exclude us.
Oh — and by “you” we also mean your daughters, of whatever age.
And I forgot — we also want you to stop calling yourselves women, stop referring to your pregnancies, menstruation, vaginas, uteri, cancers, or breastfeeding in any way that associates those with women — because that hurts our feelings.
If you cannot accede to every one of our wishes, we’ll threaten you with rape and death online, if possible get the police to act on our complaints about you, and notify your employer of your bigotry.
And if you try to organise protest against any of this, we’ll harass your venue, make a bomb threat, beat you to the floor, have the police eject you though you’re only sitting on chairs eating pizza, threaten you with baseball bats, and — now — organise a city council to limit your right to speak about yourselves and your issues.
Because your words are hate.
If you don’t like any of this — stay home.
We just want to pee.
nicola continues to play a blinder, the unionist msm have got nowhere to go, no idea how to stop her and they cant lay a finger on her
I suppose we have moved on in the eyes of the english ever so slowly.
Not so long ago it was common place to hear of “England and the Regions”, where the Regions they were talking of were Scotland Wales and N Ireland.
So the english can hear you when they want to.
And many years ago it was not unusual to hear of thick Irish Paddies, or black gollywogs, or Paki’s and so on.
The english have been dragged into the 21st century screaming and kicking.
They are finally getting that their racist slurs were insulting.
It just seems to be the Jocks who are still an easy target for the patronising racist english.
Please God,,,get us out of this stinkin fuckin Union we are trapped in with the detested racist english.
Just been shopping with my regulation mask on. Almost everyone complying.
@ liz – I have no interest in defending Nicola Sturgeon. People can draw their own conclusions from the information available to them.
@ Polly – I agree about the youth empowerment aspect. That is a very strong element in the Party. But I would be amazed if Fergus Ewing is woke.
As to why they are not pushing for independence right now. There is a deadly pandemic. NS has repeatedly said that her focus is entirely on containing the virus to save lives. Seems to be having some effect.
liz says:
Also in the manifesto was #indyref2, if there was a material change.
So The SNP do not stick to their manifesto, they used to when Alex was in charge but the party was more democratic then.
yes, they did, but it isnt the snp who is blocking this, its bojo
the only way to hold indyref2 is without a s30. that would end up in a shambles
schrodingers cat
So you are all for Sturgeon to continue as leader of the SNP?
So you will be fully behind her GRA and updated Crime Bills?
So YOU personally must be all for men dressed as women entering women only spaces?
And you must be all for sending members of the public to jail for critisising her policies.
@ SC – also, they did schedule Indyref2 for autumn this year. The Referendum Framework Bill went through Holyrood and has Royal Assent. The Electoral Commission were asked to comment on the question. So the necessary steps were put in place. Then along came Covid-19. NS withdrew the proposal.
Clapper57 says:
10 July, 2020 at 1:58 pm
“but they, English students, also have to pay fees at English Universities as do Scots at English Universities……so what to do…eh”
Scottish students can apply to SAAS to cover their tuition fees if studying in England, provided the course meets SAAS requirements. There are some exceptions for particular courses, but the overwhelming majority will get their fees paid.
You also want Sturgeon to stay in place.
Meaning Sturgeon will push through her hated GRA and Crime Bills.
So when offences against women and girls start to Increase in these female only places, we can turn to Capella and Co and say,,,it was you who fully supported Sturgeon and it was you who created the situation for these offences to be committed.
I hope you sleep well Capella and Co.
After this virus pandemic starts closing down a bit, I’m hoping Nicola Sturgeon starts putting the effort into Scotland’s Independence just as she’s put the effort into controlling this virus, if she does it won’t be long till the union has ended, if she doesn’t then we’ll all know we’ve been led along the wrong path. Don’t know why they couldn’t do them both at the same time and keep Scotland in Europe as well, there’s plenty MPs and msps nae doing a lot, working towards Independence that’s what they were voted in for, and all this thing about transvestites probably most people have never met one there’s probably no more than 30 or 40 if that in the whole of Scotland, people are starting to wonder how this politicians are living their lives, definitely nae like most folk, we need to get real people in charge.
Dovering in the early parts of radio shortbread news this morning but my ears pricked up as I heard about a court ruling in Oklahoma and Tulsa.
Finally got round to it and found this:
Landmark Supreme Court Ruling Affirms Native American Rights in Oklahoma
link to
schrodingers cat
Do your politics still lack a respect for morality and the rule-of-law?
‘there is a deadly pandemic’
The UK recorded an additional 44,000 excess deaths over a twelve week period last 2 weeks of 2014, first ten weeks of 2015.
Mortuaries were overwhelmed, wards turned into temp body storage, services at breaking point – life went on.
2020 – similar number of excess deaths over a slightly longer period of around 16 weeks – all dealt with withing business as usual. End of life as we know it and the ‘new normal’ that covid nazis like saying.
This week, Scotlands deaths are UNDER the 5 year weekly average.
Deadly my arse – a healthy person has more chance of dying from a lightning strike.
But on your point about NS not wanting to take advantage of the ‘situation’ then fair enough………but there’s enough hysteria without you adding to it.
Deadly……..oh, how I laughed. You’ve been watching too much MSM.
BBC News reader,,,
“And today is the anniversary of the start of the Battle of Bri…”
Switched,,,before the bastard told me of yet ANOTHER anniversary regarding england, Hitler and and Second World War.
Fuck Off BBC with your anniversaries of engerland and WW2 and your Cricket.
Playing a blinder? At the end of the day what this must win-game needs is a goal. Despite a hatful of chances and a catalogue of errors there are far too many back passes while the bus is being parked. Time the boss faced the axe.
Scotland lacks a constitutional backstop as security against Brexit, and is threatened with the introduction of genderwoowoo, because those in positions of power do not understand the law, though they appear keen to reshape Scotland in an image that pleases them. Even though this re-imagination does not support open democracy.
Nomology, Ontology, and Phenomenology of Law and Technology
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Oscar DelaRentaYoon, as popular a fragrance as Midnight in Fishcross
Keep trying to divide, your failing badly so far.
Clapper@ 1.58pm.
On university fees, the Scottish government has announced that it will end free university tuition for EU students post 2021/22. It’s to do with Brexit and the risk of a legal challenge possibly from Westminster.
@ Beaker @ 2.39pm
Hi Beaker my son’s course must have been one of those that was an exception because we had to pay his tuition fees when he went to Hull University. ( not recently I hasten to add ).
Thanks for correction.
Have a nice day
Just read a letter received by my elderly Mum
From our NHS.
She has been receiving treatment for a number of
Years and has to have regular check ups at hospital.
These have been suspended but the letter advises that
The Doctor will call her rather than meet face to face?
So pubs, cinemas, dentists etc will all be opened when
The appointment should take place?
They normally check blood pressure, a blood sample, listen
To her chest and her pulse but that seems to have been replaced
With how are you feeling?
She isn’t well so what are they going to propose next, a Video conference call?
BBC definitely going all guns with the brit nat propaganda. Notice how many times also, no matter what programme, there is always a picture of the butchers apron prominently in view, on All networks.
This started to happen much more just after the SNP won the first Scottish election in 2007.
Then came the number of times the word Britain could be added to the programme titles. BGT, Britain’s best homes, Britain’s best hairdresser, britains best sink etc….
All part of the psychological warfare. I noticed that the Saltire at a local school has been taken down, but the butchers apron beside it is still flying. I will be writing to the school and my local SNP councillor regarding this.
Prior to 2014 the team GB crap was pushed to the maximum, but what’s almost pleasing about their desperation now is, they are harping back to the past more and more. Lets face it, there is nothing positive they can spin for the future.
By default, they are highlighting the past and passing of the UK. A small silver lining whilst were stick in no mans land.
‘we’ll meet again’…. naw, Aufwiedersein Pet!!
Kenny MacAskill has caused a stooshie within the SNP after subtly suggesting that Scottish independence supporters should give their list votes to another independence party other than the SNP, well done MacAskill, lets get the Frasers and Wells out of Holyrood.
Meanwhile Alex Neil has said that a independence referendum will take place ( not might or could or should) within a year of the SNP winning a majority of seats at next years elections, with or without Johnsons approval.
Two points here how does Neil know this? And two is Neil just pushing SNP propaganda so that the voters will give them their list votes as well?
British nationalism and genderwoowoo are both incompatible with a quantum approach to the law, which means they are incapable of being sensitive to the bio-neurological property of individuals living in Scotland, a.k.a. Scotland’s public consciousness. Simples. 🙂
Full text.
Manuscrito vol.34 no.2 Campinas jul./dez. 2011
The transcendence of time in the epistemology of observation from a phenomenological standpoint
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@ Republicofscotland @ 3.14pm
Hi RPScotland, yes I heard that.
Have a nice day
That was me trying to provide an insight into a phenomenological approach to law Rev., which provides insight into subjective consciousness, the transcendence of time, and the co-constitutive of physical reality. As you do. 😉
It looks like things might be coming to a head between Holyrood and Westminster as the Scottish government looks set to defy Westminsters proposed post Brexit legislation.
Powers coming back from the EU look likely to be seized by Westminster, powers with many aspects already devolved on the likes of food safety agricultural etc. The Tory branch manager in Scotland Jackson Carlaw has said that Westminster is absolutely right to seize those powers.
If Westminster prevails here, we’ll have not only set the standard for defending our food standards or environmental protections or animal welfare. But we’ll have led the Tory government to believe that nullifying Holyrood will not be as difficult as they first thought.
Holyrood is where our powers lie, not Westminster, our government must show that it is strong when it comes to defending the rights of our people whatever they may be.
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Republic of Scotland,
Re MacAskill,
That’s a positive step forward if Kenny is saying that. As Stu posted earlier, we could possibly get dozens of Independence supporting MSPs elected.
Also Interesting what Alex Neil is saying. Another mandate with ‘both votes SNP’?
I’m all for a Pro Independence list party Led By Alex Salmond!
sorry….co-constitutive nature of physical reality….
Phenomenological structuralism: a structurationist theory of human action
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Lothianlad@ 3.37pm.
Yeah, I read somewhere that roughly a million list votes for the SNP only produced four seats at Holyrood for them, why waste so many list votes on the SNP when you could give them to another independence minded party at Holyrood, such as the ISP or the Greens ( though they’re ultra woke) or even a Alex Salmond led party if Alex is still up for it.
Polls on 54% sustained support for ScottishIndependence.
Next years Scottish elections should be fought with Independence as the issue no ifs or buts.
@Capella at 2:37 pm
So it’s not so much “Scotland’s Future in Scotland’s Hands”, more “Scotland’s Future Yet Again Being Determined By Outside Influences”.
Westminster seems to have no problem with progressing their “Brexit” during “a deadly pandemic” and one might have hoped Scotland could at least have put a spanner in the works to frustrate or stall the process of having our powers, rights, and resources removed or negotiated away by assholes on the Thames we did not elect.
“Have a nice day”
You too???????
Schrodingers Cat @ 2.18pm
What’s the blinder that Nicola’s playing?
She’s blind to the frustration of some of us independence supporters. She’s blind to those opposed to GRA. She’s blind to those opposed to the hate crime bill.
But what’s the blinder she’s playing – how has she out manoeuvred the UK government?
Please don’t quote the 54% polls, we’re 10 months out an election and 6 months out of being dragged out the EU.
How will people feel when the SNP have rolled over with a whimper on 1st January 2021 (much like 31st Jan 2020)?
Or does she have a secret plan, keeping her powder dry, not interrupting the enemy while making a mistake yada, yada, cliche, cliche….
Scotland’s lack of a constitutional backstop, is all the evidence you need that the Scottish government has no interest in looking outside British constitutional convention, and so is inadequate to the task of defending Scottish culture from expansionist English nationalism.
The Ontology, Epistemology, and Axiology of
Social and Racial Justice Educators: An Untapped
Resource to Address the Unequal Educational
Outcomes for Students of Color and Other Nondominant
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The usual lunacy from the transvestites. Why do they all look like Dick Emery?
For anyone interested in why we are really being manipulated and controlled by our Governments check out Amazing Polly on YouTube.Her video on Amnesty Internationals definition of torture is enlightening.
Official UK total daily deaths are in on big Auntie news.
Is a pattern forming:
Scotland …………..00……..Total….2490…BBC
N. Ireland…….today……..00……..Total…..554…BBC
The BBC don’t give out or post England only figures but the SUN and the Daily MAIL do.. Why not BBC?
RepublicofScotland @ 3.26pm
Within 1 year of an SNP win? They are taking the fucking piss out of us.
What happened to the referendum that was promised at the end of this parliamentary term if we were taken out the EU against our will? Or why not make the HR election a plebiscite on independence? These guys are taking us for chumps.
What happened to the multiple mandates we’ve already accrued?
I am so furious with the SNP. They have no clue just want to win elections and treat the people as voting fodder – ‘yes plebs, we’ll give you a vote on independence (mibbies) but only after we win another 5 year election term’
These feckers need held to account on their current election manifesto.
The cutting back of Emergency rooms in NHS is a scandal and a prelude to privatisation.Oh !Did ‘Nicola ‘ not tell you? Scotland’s health service will be privatised .Parts of it already are. Waiting lists are magically shortened by slinging people onto private waiting lists.Government in Scotland is flanneling us .
Sturgeon said nothing when SNHS procurement system was hijacked by Theresa May. So obviously FM is OK with privatised procurement for SNHS.
Why are so many health workers ignorant about politics?
the plot has been lost,
if anyone finds it please report back asap.
its not only the snp that is forcing folks to look elsewhere.
Hello to everybody in sunny Niddrie today .Stay human comrades.Don’t fall for Government propaganda.
When’s this new Independence Party starting up ? Or is this all talk?
I think being woke is a win-win situation for the FM.
Just like shouting “no more tories” on the eve of indyref1 when there were BBC cameras near her (despite her approval of Hillary, Kissinger, etc, hardly non-tories), the ridiculousness of GRA is her “get out of indyred win” card.
I think she also believes this will get her into the company of the A-list politicians (think Trudeau). But I do not think the world works this way. May, Cameron – they are all the types to be invited into this club. It is not being woke as being able to get money moved for people through influence that counts.
It is funny. She bangs on about Brexit (which was a referendum decision) and tried to overturn the vote in two other nations (when she should have been focused on indy). Yet she does zero to actually change things in her own country over leaving the EU.
She is superficially woke. The very day she went on some international online Pride event, a lesbian was murdered in another country. This was not mentioned at all on her twitter feed, just about how much she wants to defend gay rights.
I honestly think she is a gift to unionism, but I do not think she herself realises to what an extent.
Personally, I never understood why Salmond resigned in 2014. He took Scotland to 45% voting for indy in the face of the whole world and the BBC telling us to vote No (with a majority of native Scots, young fowk and our largest city saying they want to be independent).
This was like Scotland losing in the final of the World Cup. Why would your manager then resign? Surely he would stay on and say: “In four years’ time, we will be back… and we will go that extra length and win the trophy!”
I notice the English newspapers pretending to serve the UK
Are show R maps with the rates of Covid infections.
The Labour Mirror and Tory Express and Metro all show maps
With a blank area just North of their border that doesn’t exist?
Obviously Scotland is doing very significantly better than England
So that cannot be put in print.
Is that Niddrie Mains, Niddrie Mill or Niddrie Marischal or the posh bit that had itself renamed Duddingston Park South (Niddrie Road was just too common).
@ Dan – “Scotland’s Future Yet Again Being Determined By Outside Influences” – You’re right. Westminster is carrying on negotiating, or not, BREXIT. They are not organising a referendum nor an election. Meanwhile a lot of English people are dying – the highest death rate in the world.
That’s the status quo. That’s what the sovereign Scottish people have to determine to overturn.
Are we there yet?
Craig Murray thinks it will come to a showdown. Are you ready for the barricades?
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Scozzie says:
why not make the HR election a plebiscite on independence?
fukcin’ great idea… wish i’d thought of it
@ Lothian Lad 3.17pm yes I noticed that article by Alex Neil in the national , so it’s back to more promised dream clouds from the SNP , give us ANOTHER mandate and we promise (fingers crossed) we will definately (maybe) hold a indy ref in a couple of years , it doesn’t matter if he was given permission to say this or not or by whom , it is just more CONTEMPT and lies to keep their cushy numbers and wages
Then we have SC coming back on posting another of his SNP PARTY POLITICAL BROADCASTS as he has done for weeks , Nicola is playing a blinder the SNP are at 53 or is it 54 or maybe 55% in the polls , what is it going to take for people to waken up and realise they are getting the PISH ripped out of them , allegiance and loyalty are one thing self harming is a mental illness
Schrodinger’s Cat @ 5.11pm
Well doesn’t seem like the beloved SNP are thinking of that!
So back to the NS blinder – what it is?
SC @ 5.11PM
PS: Some of us have been advocating for the HR election to be a plebiscite since the Brexit fiasco (and at the time getting ridiculed for it)mhaving read the runes that a referendum was as likely as Boris showing some intelligence.
So don’t make out it’s some light-bulb moment you’ve brought to the table.
@ Scozzie 4.00pm very well said scozzie thank feck we’re not all drones worshipping at the great messiahs feet , some on here can see the ongoing con being perpetrated on the PEOPLE OF SCOTLAND , our hopes and dreams of a better country for our children , grandchildren and future generations being sacrificed and destroyed by a cabal of sexual deviants whose ONLY interests are their sexual domination of REAL women
This blog is for trolls. If only someone could construct a computer that would emit smells…..
To add to your assessment of this deadly pandemic, I could add that in 1968/69 we had Spanish flu which caused 80000 deaths (in a much lower UK population) and there was none of this nonsense.
I was admonished in a shop today for not being muzzled. The police state is well and truly in good order.
How can Scotland ever aspire to being an independent country when its citizens are so supine and lacking in independent thought?
Very discouraging!!
Constitutionalism ain’t liberal if it is detached from Natural Law and denies the potential for epistemic justice to occur (see Brexitania). Democracy and womanhood are both cultural institutions worthy of defending, IMHO, so here’s some social epistemology. Full text.
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Oscar at 0253 – interesting to find out who the most successful pilots in the Battle of Britain were! And it’s kept quiet! For their reward they were not allowed by Churchill to march in the victory parade!
@Clapper57 says:
10 July, 2020 at 3:17 pm
I wasn’t trying to be pedantic, but I do like to make sure we have the right facts.
I was having a nice day, then came on just now to see the COVID-denial idiot has returned 🙂
To be fair the lad’s giving 110%.
Sandy @ 5.31pm
Trolls, concern trolls, 77th, green ink yada yada….
Maybe this site is just full of normal people hacked of with the SNP sycophants, believers, party faithful, easily led, hard of thinking, TRA cultists, easily offended, can’t see the wood for the trees lap dogs.
But as long as NS is playing a blinder…not one that the faithful can explain in logical terms; then keep on keeping on!
Has anyone ever seen any btl comments here from trans rights activists?
Even one?
I don’t remember seeing any.
And this is the leading Scottish politics blog. So why won’t they come here to promote/defend their position?
Further to 5.31pm
And not bereft of bloody idiots.
Scozzie says:
10 July, 2020 at 5:27 pm
SC @ 5.11PM
PS: Some of us have been advocating for the HR election to be a plebiscite since the Brexit fiasco (and at the time getting ridiculed for it)
really? show me
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schrodingers cat says:
18 April, 2019 at 9:52 pm
Robert J. Sutherland says:
I hae ma doots about a strategy that is dependent on getting 50%+1 of votes in any conventional multipolar election, if that’s what you are saying, because the BritNat opposition will inevitably turn their majoritanianism on its head and argue that it needs to be 50% of the registered electorate. So just as in 1979, the disengaged and the dead will vote.
we got 49.5% in 2015
we need 50%+1 of all votes cast whether that is in an election or a ref, whatever comes first.
we have no mandate for indy until we do
you may be right that wm may try to move the goalposts but that is a bridge that we will cross if it ever happens
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schrodingers cat says:
27 April, 2019 at 4:22 pm
WGD:- ‘Things which are predictable.’
..”In any event, there is absolutely no legal prohibition on pro-independence parties turning any future Scottish election into a de-facto referendum on independence
been saying this for weeks. it seems so obvious, the only way to win indy is by a majority in a plebicite, whether that is by a referendum or an election is irrelevent
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schrodingers cat says:
17 April, 2019 at 3:07 am
i understand very well the concept of a sovereign nation deciding its on fate
but while only 45% of the people wish to become independent, it is the sovereign will of the people of scotland to remain in the uk.
talk of user level etc sounds poetic but is short on actual detail.
i merely pointed out that the actions of the london parties is damaging and will continue to damage the support base for the unionists in scotland. this is self evident the only question is by how much?
i believe it will push support above 50%
so we wait for the unionists to finally take a position on brexit and publish it in their manifestos.
and then we change tact. the snp can put independence at the heart of their manifesto
the main thrust of the unionist argument against indy is that most people dont want indy or indyref2
if the snp gain more than 50% in the ge, then we wont need a s30 or indyref2. what would be the point after such a result?
it is fairly certain the snp will win a majority of seats in scotland but might not win 50% of the vote. no matter, we can still pursue a s30 in westminster and the courts.
at any time the polls show support for indy climbing above 50% we can dissolve holyrood and re run the same manifesto.
in fact, from now on, this will be the snp position until we do win over 50% of the vote.
at which point, we can point to the result and say
“independence is the sovereign will of the people of scotland”
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schrodingers cat says:
29 October, 2019 at 12:24 pm
being saying this for months
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they can try and stop referendums but they cant stop elections?
every vote from now on, whether a referendum or election will be fought on this ticket until we get 50%+1
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it is fairly certain the snp will win a majority of seats in scotland but might not win 50% of the vote. no matter, we can still pursue a s30 in westminster and the courts.
at any time the polls show support for indy climbing above 50% we can dissolve holyrood and re run the same manifesto.
in fact, from now on, this will be the snp position until we do win over 50% of the vote.
Scozzie says:
10 July, 2020 at 5:19 pm
Schrodinger’s Cat @ 5.11pm
Well doesn’t seem like the beloved SNP are thinking of that!
So back to the NS blinder – what it is?
nicola is winning over the nos to yes, this 50%+ of votes is the mandate we need, not indyref2 s30, even with a s30, we still need 50%+ of the vote
this has always been her strategy and it is working
And this is the leading Scottish politics blog.
is it? stu hasnt posted site hit stats for a while.
with all of the “nicola ate my hamster” shit on here, a lot of wingers have disappeared. the 77th trolls out number the indy supporters by a fair margin
actual trans are a vanishing small number of people ianbh
the rest of the yes movement isnt that bothered about it, not something that is brought up on the snp and yes constituency facebook pages
@ Beaker @ 5.43pm
No problem…I know you were not being pedantic…and agree facts are best….me ruddy son still had to pay his fees though..Lol
Scozzie says:
Maybe this site is just full of normal people
Maybe normal people are not fixated by CWD’s?
Scozzie says:
So don’t make out it’s some light-bulb moment you’ve brought to the table.
perhaps others have, i havent seen them but its not beyond possible
but for the last few weeks it has been me who has been pushing for a holyrood election to be made an independence plebiscite. and it has begun to gain traction on social media
oh and by the way, i have been getting ridiculed for it but feel free to posting a link to where you made this suggestion in 2016?
SC i’m sick of listening to your “maybe normal people are not fixated by the CWD brigade ” so you’re denigrating genuine independence supporters who are highlighting your Messiah’s inability or deliberate avoidence to deal with these lunatic policies and the OBVIOUS DANGER it poses to the quest for independence , so women and their supporters should just accept their subjugation to these lunatics and suck it up for indy Good luck with that attitude
The cat appears to be an individual who lacks respect for gender equality, and empty of concerned for the ongoing transformation of Scots law. He has admitted to holding the rule-of-law in contempt and thinks morals are a fantasy. The cat has also painted me as some sort of religious loony for trying to defend Scotland through science, ethics, and law. Despicable me, eh?
link to
the only folk i see ranting about it are folk here
the rest of the population doesnt care
The cat has also painted me as some sort of religious loony
by your actions ye shall be known
schrodingers cat
Jog on.
Epistemic Injustice and Phenomenology
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twathater says:
10 July, 2020 at 6:36 pm
SC i’m sick of listening to you
then scroll past, no one is forcing you to read my posts
this is stu’s advise
Ah SC back to your infantile boabyhater name calling you are obviously spending too much time in your NS is the Messiah bubble , take a wee trip to other blogs and twitter and you will see how ANGRY people are with NS and her shite policies
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So angry that her rating is + 60 and the SNP on 54%.
Just scroll past the loonball, him/her and the resident loonball academic
NS is the Messiah
what are you? a 6 year old? gie yer head a wobble
A result for journalists working in public interest.
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@SC –
I admire your optimism.
Did you read Kerevan’s piece on If so, and you commented, I missed your reaction. If you haven’t, here it is:
link to
Kerevan may be typical of the Yessers you know insofar as he makes no mention of the TRA. However, the Yessers I know are very aware of the issue, can see the damage it’s doing to the SNP/SG, and are not prepared to let it go unchallenged.
The ‘no debate’ line punted by Patrick Harvie and others is not sustainable – how can any of the TRAs who are getting elected to positions of authority within the SNP answer legitimate questions when the clear tactic employed by their fellow travellers is to trash any and all criticism of their ‘argument’?
I ask again – where are the TRA proponents, and why won’t they come here to state their case? (And btw, if this is no longer the biggest blog in Scottish politics, what is?)
I have it on good authority that this gra legislation is about to be scrapped. it wont win approval in the commitee or on the floor.
its unworkable
if this is no longer the biggest blog in Scottish politics, what is?)
i think craig murray was level pegging with wos the last time i saw any stats. a while back, granted
Capella says:
So angry that her rating is + 60 and the SNP on 54%.
YES on 54%. SNP on 55%. 🙂
schrodingers cat says: at 7:04 pm
“I have it on good authority that this gra legislation is about to be scrapped. it wont win approval in the commitee or on the floor.
its unworkable”
Ahh, so maybe all the discussion on here and elsewhere was actually worthwhile, as it enlightened folk to the reality of denying reality.
Kenny says:
‘Personally, I never understood why Salmond resigned in 2014. He took Scotland to 45% voting for indy in the face of the whole world and the BBC telling us to vote No (with a majority of native Scots, young fowk and our largest city saying they want to be independent).
This was like Scotland losing in the final of the World Cup. Why would your manager then resign? Surely he would stay on and say: “In four years’ time, we will be back… and we will go that extra length and win the trophy!”
Yeah…just think about that….. at the crest of a mountain top of support…faced with the simple job of dismantling a numbnut like Darling he stumbles and crashes on Currency ffs…then capitulation in the face of purdah breaches etc. Then when it seems all ok to pose as a pain in Westminster’s arse again…boom..they come for him the ‘alphabet sisters’ and the whole Britnat deep state..while his ‘protege’ leads us head first into the ‘Stop Brexit for Britain’ brickwall.
Make what you want of that people and felines.
maybe thats true, but i think that although brought forward with the best intentions to clarify the rights of hermaphrodites and trans etc, it failed to protect the rights of those potentially targeted by people who wish to take advantage of the new laws.
@SC –
Well, fair enough – I hope your ‘good authority’ is right.
The fact that genderwoowoo has gained the support it has, and the ideological dominance it now projects, poses a serious threat to diversity and the substantive legal rights of all individuals.
Epistemic Injustice
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It wasn’t just the discussions on Wings that have lead to the scrapping of the GRA nonsense. I believe many people (like me) wrote directly to their MSP and MP to question the whole sorry business.
On a recent Zoom discussion hosted by Alyn Smith he said there was no chance of any such legislation being brought forward in this Parliament session.
Keep complaining to the SNP if you disagree with policy. It is best to go direct to the party. It may just work.
@Ian Brotherhood says:
10 July, 2020 at 5:57 pm
“Has anyone ever seen any btl comments here from trans rights activists?
And this is the leading Scottish politics blog. So why won’t they come here to promote/defend their position?”
Given what they post on Twitter, I think that words containing more than one syllable confuses them.
HI Alec Lomax at 4:37 pm.
You asked,
“When’s this new Independence Party starting up ? Or is this all talk?”
You’re not really reading everything on this blog every day, iye? The party is already registered with the Electoral Commission.
link to
It’s not scrapped yet.
@ SC – 55% eh. There’s an awful lot of very angry people out there. Mostly unionists though.
Aye, that’s why I said “here and elsewhere”. 😉
Maybe all the chat on here and other sites, poll question responses, in addition to the many emails, letters, and conversations folk have sent and had regarding the subject accrued to the point it was impossible to ignore.
Always good to point out to supposedly Pro-Indy politicians that presumably want Scotland to return to being an independent nation state so we won’t have to endure policies forced on us we don’t want… that forcing policies on us we don’t want is a bit of a shit way to market yersels.
Here’s mare readin’ for youse aw.
link to
link to