As we’ve repeatedly pointed out, Wings has made NO comments about the “workplace harassment” allegations made against Alex Salmond several years ago. We’ve only commented on the CRIMINAL allegations, and workplace harassment isn’t a crime. (It’s a matter for an employment tribunal, not the police.)
But the real question is WHY Andy Wightman is so doggedly attached to these two complainers that he’s determined to keep digging himself further into a hole of lies. And everyone knows what you tend to find when you start digging holes.
“Hello Stuart. We’ve been contacted by a reader who says he also contacted you about a post on the website in the early hours of Saturday. Referring to Nicola Sturgeon, the poster says “Decapitating this witch would stop the SNP dead in their tracks.”
Our reader, Ian Reid, an SNP activist in the Borders, has been a regular Wings reader but was taken aback by the language. He had hoped you would have deleted the post, but that hasn’t happened.
He has reported it to the police and given a statement to them.
He has also given us these comments on why the Alba Party should condemn this sort of material and cut its ties to the Wings site.
“Alex Salmond and the leaders of the new party need to separate themselves from that, they need to call it out. They seem to be trying to set themselves up as the moral guardians for women’s rights, which I absolutely support. At the same time, we’ve got somebody posting this on a blog that they clearly associate with and clearly use.
On the one hand, they’re talking about gender-proofing their policies, which is great. On the other hand, they’ve got this where a woman is being described as the devil herself, and where there’s a reference to decapitating the witch having a justifiable end.
That needs to be called out. The party needs to come out and say something about it. The best possible outcome would be that they do condemn it. It would be such a powerful message. Separating themselves from that cesspit would be a very politically astute thing for them. As long as they don’t, it’s colluding with it, it’s condoning it.”
This is for a potential story online and in print.
If you didn’t already know that the BBC were going to run a character-assassination hatchet job on Alex Salmond tonight (and another one tomorrow), you could surmise it easily enough from the state of the Scottish media in the last few days.
But it’s today’s Daily Record that dredges the depths of the journalistic sewer with a barrel and then scrapes the very bottom of it for the grubbiest, oiliest sludge it can find.
The BBC’s Reporting Scotland is, in our view, directly responsible for at least 80% of Yes supporters’ belief that the UK’s state broadcaster is biased against independence. Almost all of the worst examples of unbalanced or downright dishonest coverage over the last five years come from the flagship teatime bulletin.
Normally the amateur blogger, unqualified would-be economist and unsuccessful dog-food salesman that BBC Scotland and the Daily Record employ on a regular basis to openly troll Yes voters restricts himself, when attacking this site, to crude abuse or smear and innuendo like the below, tweeted on Holocaust Memorial Day last year:
It’s important to note, firstly, that the version of Sadiq Khan’s speech to the Scottish Labour conference he tweeted on Saturday morning simply flat-out said that Scottish nationalists were the same as racists and sectarian bigots. Its meaning was as clear as crystal to the Daily Record, a newspaper which is hardly hostile to Khan’s party.
“No difference” is a stark and unambiguous phrase. The speech did not contain the hastily-added qualifiers about “in this respect” and “of course I’m not saying the SNP are racist” which suddenly appeared when he read it out onstage that afternoon.
There’s a truly abominable piece of hatemongering in today’s Times. A grotesequely dishonest Nat-bashing smear job based on stupendously misrepresented fragments of quotes, it’s penned by Patrick Harkness, someone who the paper identifies as “a past co-chairman of the RSE [Royal Society of Edinburgh] Young Academy of Scotland”.
For some reason it’s chosen to leave a few lines off his CV.
Readers may be aware that Wings Over Scotland is (fairly remarkably, really) the UK’s second-most-read politics blog, behind the hardcore right-wing “Guido Fawkes”.
Our “competitor” isn’t a site we look at a lot – the comments make the Daily Mail readership seem like enlightened and thoughtful moderates – but last week someone asked us about a smear piece they’d run on SNP MP Corri Wilson, and we only just remembered today to check it out. Our initial findings weren’t well received.
It seems that Mr Fawkes and his minions aren’t too keen on scrutiny themselves.
Since the astonishing election of 56 SNP MPs to the UK Parliament last May, the Unionist media – suddenly deprived of a whole contacts book full of friendly Scottish Labour bench-warmers ready to feed it cosy stories over a boozy expenses lunch in Whitehall – has raked through every bin and gutter in the land looking for anything (however pathetic) that it can try to puff up, distort, and rope into service as “dirt” on each of the Nat members, in an attempt to discredit them and the party.
So let’s just have a little look in here and – YIKES!
The Scottish Daily Mail’s front page lead today is so galactically despicable that it’s easy to overlook another story that it bundles in with the same “SNP BAD” attack.
While excoriating Dr Philippa Whitford for having the sheer shameless gall to help save women’s lives in her holidays, the alleged newspaper also devotes a page-high article to an attack on another Nat MP, George Kerevan, for employing his wife.
gregor on A crisis of democracy: “Daily Express: The earthquakes that have rocked Scotland so far in 2023 – including one foreshadowing Nicola Sturgeon quitting: “One…” Jan 15, 19:06
gregor on A crisis of democracy: “James Melville @JamesMelville: “We penetrate the cabinets.” ~ Klaus Schwab (Video):” Jan 15, 18:50
gregor on A crisis of democracy: ““There’s a difference between us. You think the people of this country exist to provide you with position. I think…” Jan 15, 18:28
twathater on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “I enjoyed reading that Robert and all he said was and is true , the unfortunate thing is that Robin…” Jan 15, 18:15
Doug McGregor on A crisis of democracy: “Looking forward to part 2 of this, the solution for Scotland.” Jan 15, 18:15
gregor on A crisis of democracy: “Wikipedia: World Economic Forum: “The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation… The Forum suggests that…” Jan 15, 18:14
twathater on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “I notice in your constant determination to deride and demean the good professor that you NEVER offer information or proof…” Jan 15, 17:57
Chas on A crisis of democracy: “Why don’t you simply cut to the chase and tell Baird he is writing a lot of shite………as usual.” Jan 15, 17:57
Nae Need! on A crisis of democracy: “I was wondering when you might pipe up. But I suppose the scope of your pre-written script is quite limited…” Jan 15, 17:55
Willie on A crisis of democracy: “Gave up reading what Nancy Boy Janes Kelly has to say. Dummy spitting and toy throwing is is modus operandi…” Jan 15, 17:36
Nae Need! on A crisis of democracy: “When considering a politicians’ worth to me, and other non-wealthy people, I always ask myself ‘Are they a globalist, are…” Jan 15, 17:28
Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on A crisis of democracy: “Alf, with respect, too many of your tidy points remain debatable. You achieve your neat list by taking arbitrary scissors…” Jan 15, 17:18
sam on A crisis of democracy: “Wtf are you raving about with your “sunshine” and implying that I favour Reform “you fans”. What shite.” Jan 15, 16:00
Mark Beggan on A crisis of democracy: “If I were a potential Reform candidate I would be scouring these pages to prepare my defence. I believe you…” Jan 15, 15:59
Mark Beggan on A crisis of democracy: ““in it for all they can grab” Duh!!” Jan 15, 15:47
Mark Beggan on A crisis of democracy: “The only thing that’s different there from the SNP/ Branch office is the hanging!” Jan 15, 15:45
Mark Beggan on A crisis of democracy: ““Are there any queers in the audience tonight…”” Jan 15, 15:36
Campbell Clansman on A crisis of democracy: “This “More in Common” is for Westminster voting intentions. Which shows Indy parties at less than 30% of the vote.…” Jan 15, 15:16
gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Declassified UK: I***el lobby funded a third of Conservative MPs: “Some 126 of the Tory party’s 344 MPs have accepted…” Jan 15, 15:05
gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Declassified UK: I***el lobby funded a third of Conservative MPs: “Some 126 of the Tory party’s 344 MPs have accepted…” Jan 15, 15:00
Michael Laing on A crisis of democracy: “The late 1950s into the 60s and early 70s were far better times than working-class people had ever seen before…” Jan 15, 14:49
Nae Need! on A crisis of democracy: “The best thing for us, and the worst for Starmer and NuSNP, that Trump could do is to support, and…” Jan 15, 14:49
David on A crisis of democracy: “You think the moderation is heavy handed? I can’t believe the dross that manages to stay up on every article!” Jan 15, 14:01
Campbell Clansman on A crisis of democracy: “Peter Bell’s vanity project, the “New Scotland Party,” the “umbrella” you’ve touted, is getting about 8 signatures a day on…” Jan 15, 14:00
Oscar Taime on A crisis of democracy: “Have always detested the assumption implicit in Churchill’s statement i.e. that we have tried everything there is to try &…” Jan 15, 13:56
Alf Baird on A crisis of democracy: “Thanks Fearghas. I am not sure we can say the Scots are one indigenous ethnic group whilst seemingly encompassing twa…” Jan 15, 13:54
Campbell Clansman on A crisis of democracy: “On these Scottish numbers, the Indy Parties are at 30%, Unionist 69%. The Holyrood numbers in the latest poll show…” Jan 15, 13:52
Jon Drummond on A crisis of democracy: “Parody Account. But you dream on, Bud.” Jan 15, 13:49