A short treatise on stalking
We’re stuck indoors waiting for a repairman today, so we had a little read-around of some of the less popular Scottish politics blogs to pass the time, and noted this:
James Kelly of Scot Goes Pop, which we gather from its front page was seemingly one of the “Top 50 Left-Wing Blogs of 2011”, is noticeably insistent on making the argument that we’re “stalking” and “obsessed” with him.
So as we do, we thought we’d check the facts.
The stats and what the modern and dynamic young people of today call the “receipts” are below (if we’ve missed any, please point them out in the comments and we’ll add them). We present them for the record without comment.
9 June 2020 – “The comfort of lies” (400 words)
7 May 2021 – “Contact with the enemy” (800)
12 Nov 2022 – “Challenge Accepted” (700)
Excluded from the list were articles with critical but brief passing mentions, like this one (half a sentence about Mr Kelly), this one (two lines), this one (two sentences) and this one (two sentences at the end broadly referencing Mr Kelly after a wider discussion of Scottish/UK politics, rather than it being “about me” as he rather egotistically claimed).
TOTAL: three articles comprising a combined 1,900 words.
10 Aug 2019 – “Nothing has changed: vote-splitting in Holyrood elections is still a mug’s game” (1,000 words)
13 Aug 2019 – “Why a Wings party is probably a bad idea: Part Two” (1,500)
17 Aug 2019 – “The Wings party, and the cautionary tale of Mr Archie Stirling” (1,200)
2 Sep 2019 – “The SNP must make this an independence election” (700)
4 Sep 2019 – “A note on this blog’s relationship with Wings Over Scotland” (500)
6 Sep 2019 – “The road to independence does not run down a Trumpian rabbit-hole” (900)
8 Sep 2019 – “It’s unthinkable for any progressive party not to allow its members to elect the leader” (300)
18 Sep 2019 – “Flying without Wings” (3,500)
8 Oct 2019 – “Wings poll: Disagreement is not the same thing as “not having a clue” (1,200)
8 Oct 2019 – “It’s actually pretty remarkable that two-thirds of SNP voters expect a pre-2021 indyref” (500)
10 Oct 2019 – “Guinness Book of Records on standby as latest Wings poll question is even more loaded than the previous ones” (700)
11 Oct 2019 – “Disappointing but not remotely surprising: Stuart Campbell uses ludicrously vague “Archie Stirling”-type polling question to create the false impression of potential support for a Wings party” (1,800)
15 Oct 2019 – “False alarm: Panelbase haven’t stopped using the 2014 referendum question” (1,000)
20 Oct 2019 – “FACTCHECK: Have the SNP “gone into alliance with the DUP to kill independence”? (Spoiler: No, they haven’t.)” (800)
15 Dec 2019 – “It’s a shame when someone opts out, but the rest of us have got our country’s freedom to win” (600)
3 Mar 2020 – “The Wings party remains a dead end” (600)
25 Apr 2020 – “For the record: a reply to the hysteria about my column in this month’s iScot magazine” (400)
11 May 2020 – “As predicted, Stuart Campbell performs *another* 180 degree turn: his new case for a list-only party flatly contradicts the one he was making only a few months ago” (700)
14 May 2020 – “Landmark Wings poll finds that the SNP’s popularity is crucial to preserving the coalition of support for independence” (600)
9 Jun 2020 – “A few points to “consider”” (600)
15 Jul 2020 – “The brass neck” (1,100)
16 Jul 2020 – “Dialogue with the Reverend” (1,200)
28 Jul 2020 – “BREAKING: It’s the other guy who’s obsessed, insists angry man for the 34,289th time” (900)
3 Jan 2021 – “New article, and Somerset stalker update” (700)
4 Jan 2021 – “An embarrassment to the Yes movement” (600)
5 Jan 2021 – “A small, cowardly man pursuing a bitter personal vendetta: Stuart Campbell’s late night legal threats against me” (2,500)
18 Jan 2021 – “Sigh. No, the Scot Goes Pop / Survation poll does not mean that Nicola Sturgeon has a “man problem”.” (400)
12 Mar 2021 – “The choice in May is simple: either keep the flame of independence burning, or extinguish it completely until 2026” (700)
25 Mar 2021 – “Back The Backstabbers” (600)
15 Apr 2021 – “He demanded it, so here is my substantive response to Wings Over Scotland” (no words per se, just screenshots of tweets)
6 May 2021 – “If you’re voting Alba on the list today (and you should!), that means you support independence and should also be voting SNP on the constituency ballot WHEREVER you live” (500)
8 May 2021 – “A weary response to yet another personal attack from Wings Over Scotland” (1,000)
7 Nov 2022 – “SimilarWeb Reality-Check for Stuart Campbell” (600)
11 Nov 2022 – “Newsflash, guys: There’s no special rule that makes Wings Over Scotland immune from criticism” (1,100)
13 Nov 2022 – “Thoughts on treason” (1,000)
[Note: at this point the exciting “Wings-Watch” series began.]
20 Nov 2022 – “WINGS-WATCH: Fact-checking the bogus claims that support for independence was at “25% and falling” in 2007, and then “consistently in the lead” just before Nicola Sturgeon became SNP leader” (900)
21 Nov 2022 – “A love letter to Stuart of Somerset, who wants to be loved very badly” (1,200)
15 Dec 2022 – “To put it in the style of a Daily Mail headline: “So why WAS Stuart Campbell so eager to give Brit Nat newspapers a helpful story?”” (500)
19 Dec 2022 – “WINGS-WATCH: Fact-checking the bogus claim that the new Panelbase poll shows “SNP voters hate women”” (800)
7 Jan 2023 – “WINGS-WATCH: Campbell appears to want someone in Ohio to be executed, he also wants Kezia Dugdale to “die down a well”, and can anyone introduce me to his “fifty employees”?” (1,100)
12 Jan 2023 – “WINGS-WATCH: Campbell yet again trots out his dodgy graph falsely claiming Yes support has flatlined on 47% since the indyref – even though it has been comprehensively debunked multiple times” (900 words)
17 Jan 2023 – “WINGS-WATCH: When someone tells you who they are, believe them” (900)
24 Jan 2023 – “WINGS-WATCH: Having already publicly abandoned his support for Scottish independence, Stuart “UKOK” Campbell has announced he will vote Tory at the next general election” (900)
25 Jan 2023 – “Stuart Campbell blows his top as he confirms he is now a Tory voter: “I don’t give a s**** and you are all unf***able nutjobs” (900)
26 Jan 2023 – “Has the Philosopher-Tory successfully philosophised his way out of his most cynical lie? (Spoiler: no, he hasn’t.)” (1,200)
3 Feb 2023 – “Then What?” (1,500)
6 Feb 2023 – “Are dark forces using the GRR obsession as a “gateway drug” to take independence supporters on a journey to British nationalism?” (1,100)
15 Apr 2023 – “WINGS-WATCH: Yes, it’s The Graph again” (500)
26 Apr 2023 – “OK, so who left the stupid pills on the bottom shelf?” (600)
23 Feb 2024 – “WINGS-WATCH: No, “Victory to Palestine” does not imply the destruction of Israel” (800)
[Note: this seems to have been the last “Wings-Watch” post.]
10 Mar 2024 – “Scot Goes Pop soars to become the fifth most-read pro-independence website in Scotland, according to bombshell claimed numbers from Stuart Campbell” (700)
26 Jun 2024 – “Now Wings aspires to become death, the destroyer of independence. But he’s not Oppenheimer, he’s just a bog standard Pied Piper, and frankly it’s time to send him packing.” (800)
21 July 2024 – “Former independence supporter Stuart Campbell effectively admits trying to “kill” indy at the general election – and he wrongly thinks he’s succeeded” (500)
5 Nov 2024 – “A brief reply to Stuart Campbell’s latest bizarre attack on me *for voting against Donald Trump*” (400)
4 Dec 2024 – “Yes, of course a pro-independence majority in 2026 is still perfectly possible” (1,100 words)
8 Dec 2024 – “Is that legal?” (300)
18 Dec 2024 – “Wings is following the “OTHER STUFF” signpost” (800 words)
We’ve excluded any articles which are substantially attacks on Wings, but not solely or primarily so, like this one, in which only 300 of the 900 words are about us, and this one, where it’s 400 out of 700, and this one, where 900 of the 1,700 words are, and this one (500 out of 1,200) and even this one, in which 1,200 of the 2,100 words – almost 60% – are a rant about Wings and myself, with a little passing swipe at Craig Murray too.
TOTAL: 64 articles comprising a combined 57,400 words.
(We didn’t include any of those magnificently epic titles in the word counts, if you were wondering. For perspective a modestly-sized novel comes in at around 60,000 words.)
We’re obviously not going to debate any of the individual pieces, partly because there are so many, partly because they’re so batshit crazy there’s no sense to be made out of doing so, and partly because we’ve already wasted more than an hour of our lives on this post. But there are links to all of them so you can read them if you want to.
And as always, we’ll leave the final judgement of whose analysis turned out the more reliable – and more pertinently of who’s stalking who – to you, our readers.
10 Feb 2025 – “WINGS-WATCH: In a poll run by Wings himself, almost two-thirds of Wings readers say Wings is no longer an independence website. It’s now a ‘gender stuff’ site” (400 words)
Is his secret ambition to be your unpaid publicist?
I think his ambition is to use the popularity of wings to somehow make his highly specific and often irrational insights and “conclusions” more widely read. A funny wee man.
Who the fuck is James Kelly? Is he one of those new breed of self important attention seekers in the modern day social media?
Was he the one that recently announced that he left the ALBA Party, I didn’t even know he was a member, no big loss then if he has flounced off to another Unionist party.
James, if yer reading this “Good riddance an dinnae mind the door skelpin yer skinny bahookie oan the wiy oot”.
The SGP blogsite seems to have turned into the online equivalent of a school playground. Contributions comprise only witless sniping, snide and snark.
The obsessing over WoS is tedious in the extreme..
More importantly there is no debate about the pressing constitutional matter. There is no discussion about a process that might advance us towards the prime objective of realising Scotland’s Cause.
I really don’t see the point and purpose.
There is occasionally debate and discussion on constitutional matters but you have to be quick to find it as anything James disapproves of is purged from the comments section ASAP. (Attacks on Wings and Stu in particular are welcome no matter what the subject of the day is).
Have you software to count those or did you overdose on retro sweeties last night ?
Stuck in waiting for gasman,
turned out to be an English immigrant,says England is fucked big time, to many immigrants moving there taking jobs and housing.
Doesn’t do irony then?
Wouldn’t be the first Englishman in Scotland I’ve heard who uttered something similar. Comes under the category “White Flight”. Although the following suggests purely economic reasons, I think anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise…
link to msn.com
The problem is Scotland has no control over immigration policy as that remains a power reserved to London Rule, but Scotland has a demographics issue.
That being the case care needs to be taken when dealing with this sort of chat.
The Englishman living and working as a gasman in Scotland is clearly a working person carrying out a necessary job in our Scottish society.
Today I spent a lovely afternoon in the woods clearing storm damage with two auld retired Scots and a young Englishman and his wee newborn bairn that sat contently in a backpack watching whilst we spent a couple of hours cutting fallen trees across a burn and pulling them out with a tractor, and this time the load of firewood created was going to the Englishman to keep his home and family cosy.
This young fit, intelligent, and socially minded Englishman is a much needed skilled and qualified fireman in this area, and has very much made the effort to fit into the community.
Contrast that with other types of rUK migrants into Scotland though who are far from productive or contribute to our society. And this is why care and a distinction needs to be taken when discussing this and not using blanket terms.
An independent Scotland will have our own specific immigration policy that best serves our needs in terms of the type and volume of migrants we take in.
“This young fit, intelligent, and socially minded Englishman is a much needed skilled and qualified fireman in this area, and has very much made the effort to fit into the community”
Well said, Dan.
“An independent Scotland will have our own specific immigration policy that best serves our needs in terms of the type and volume of migrants we take in”
Will that be enforced by the AI controlled border machine gun posts another contributor was salivating over, just the other week?
I’m with you on this, Dan, but I see little evidence anybody else is.
With the current lot in Holyrood
An independent scotland would welcome anyone with open arms no matter how much they hate the western world
as it would open borders to all
Apart from the English of course
It’s a complex subject and there are lots of nuances that could be discussed, on a forum that had the self-discipline to support reasoned discussion.
Take the support for iScotland joining (not re-joining) the EU. With EU membership comes freedom of movement. It’s baked in.
Imagine rUK joining too. We’d be right back where we are now, with people freely crossing the border. Yet nobody ever discusses this.
And then there’s the entire essence of what posters really mean when they complain about English people. They actually care only about that segment of the population of England that is white, white, white.
Yet when somebody comes out with that criticism of white Scots, the same posters are besides themselves with their cries of wacism.
There is a lot of talk on here about the English in a negative sense especially those moving to Scotland. Well in this specific case it sounds like the people making those comments are dead right.
And robertknight makes a good point – how can you claim to be anti-migration and then migrate somewhere? The reason he does not see the irony is that he will regard moving to Scotland as not migrating anywhere, just moving to a different part of ‘the country’.
I lived in England on and off for many years and was never once described by anyone as an immigrant.
Personally I am glad about that (and certainly feel that way myself) but my impression from quite a few on here is that in the reverse situation the English are not just migrants but colonial occupiers. Much as I baulk at the latter as skewed thinking at best, the power dynamic is not the same as a Scot moving to England, and this cannot simply be discounted.
That’s because Scots have hee-haw chance of changing anything down there. I doubt you’d see them rock up to the local school demanding everyone speak ‘properly’
Tell the locals to get off the lawn or do they mind moving cause they’re spoiling the view, fck up their parliament voting against everything Scottish & taking over universities, even whole cities & proudly boasting about it. Scots made to feel inferior in their own cities & universities.
You may baulk & dismiss it as skewed thinking but that may well be because you don’t live here & have to put up with it.
link to thenational.scot
I’ve lived in England. Everyone has a name but them. Taffy, Jock, Paddy, what’s yer name, where are you from, are ye running fae the law? LOL.
It was awful btw, the way they treated ppl & especially immigrants. Foreign exchange students especially. Lower than vermin they were & god forbid they spoke in their own lingo…but the rents were super handy they said or they wouldn’t have them in the house.
Sorry Geri I am not interested in your blind hatred. It is also why I don’t buy the colonial occupier tag as it mostly comes from those who express such hate one way or another. And how would you expect me react? I am one the ‘theys’, an English person, that you demonise.
Of course you don’t. Yer yet another ignoramus with cloth ears. It always everyone else that is wrong. There’s a surprise!
Buy yerself a dictionary too & look up the word Colony. You’ll find the definition exact.
“Full or partial political control by another country”
& Blow-ins taking up residence to out vote the locals in elections.
Fcks sakes, we’re not even allowed democracy without your permission. But we’re to believe we’re not colonised. Give yer head a wobble…
Or is that all wrong too & the dictionary is wrong as well.
English students have completely taken over our Scottish universities & Capital city & come with an attitude to match to make Scottish students feel inferior in their own country – or the gentrification that forces the riff faff out of their own homes – or are they now all lying too?
Course they are. In your wee world you always have to play the victim. We should feel sorry for poor little you. We’re all anglophobes.
Funny innit, we can’t even have a wee independence site on the fucking internet either but we’re inundated with the English telling us where we’re all going wrong..
Jog on…
Thinking Southern really needs to drop the “bystander” from their moniker if they’re gonnae get intae the fray…
Yet when the above happens in English towns, particularly Northern ones, and the incomers are brown and professional the Religion of Peace, we are supposed to roll with it, because, erm, we in England should celebrate diversity.
He does not even have the curiosity to answer the question why he’s moving to Scotland?
Is it because he knows Scotland is a better place to live and provides more for his taxes?
Let’s hope he appreciates it enough to vote in its favour when the time comes.
It’s why they also invented the term expat.
Them, immigrants?! Are ye kidding? They’re not one of those.
As we are phasing out burning of gas 5 years sooner than they are in England, he’ll have to move back eventually.
Or sign on the dole. Once we’re Independent, that will be a big draw, as our dole will be so much more than that paid elsewhere.
Don’t forget not one single YOON has ever had a job
a “fact” I have been told by a good few unicorn shaggers
Who also tell me that benefits will be massively increased after indy
‘Unicorn shaggers’. Shut yer fucking piehole, chimpy, and fuck off elsewhere.
The 2022 census found that of the 514,543 people residing in Edinburgh, 47.9% identified with a Scottish identity.
Hooked, cleaned and fried… “Kelly Fritters” appearing on a chippy menu near you.
Alba’s well shot of that lad. He’s been attacking them for months too.
In 2023, 15,343 people received Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in Canada, which was a 15.8% increase from 2022.
So it looks to me like, he would have nothing to talk about, were it not for Mr Campbell. You appear to keep him busy Stu. Think of it as ‘mental health treatment’….you’re helping him? It’s a free service.
“A person who pursues game, prey, or a person stealthily.”
“A person who harasses another person, as a former lover, a famous person, etc., in an aggressive, often threatening and illegal manner:
Hollywood stars often have security guards to keep dangerous stalkers at bay.”:
link to dictionary.com
??? Brilliant.
this is worth my tenner a month all by itself.
Classic example of DARVO – Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender.
I fucking despair at this lunacy, the poverty suffering citizens of our country are being abandoned and betrayed by a shower of self serving corrupt arseholes and the most prominent independence investigative journalist , the most prominent independence blog , the most respected independence blog , the most prominent destroyer of lies and corruption within the despicable FAKE independence party, the most credible and honest Scottish investigative journalist, and you are dedicated to wasting your time on a post responding to a clown who is jealous of your popularity , your finances (because he can’t match your donations) , your honesty and integrity, your ability to expose the truth , and your telephone numbers book
Bring on the hammers BECAUSE you are better than this, ignore the fucker he cannot match your credibility
It passed the time. Not much else going on in politics news at the moment.
It would have passed anyway…
I don’t see any chains holding you down, Derek.
Chains? There’s a rope in the play, I think.
Have to agree with you on this. And have been dropping enough hints for months now that none of this energy wasted on various egos and vanities bickering with their my way or the highway divisive crap is useful to progressing Scotland’s cause of returning to self-governance. It plays like it’s straight out of the divide and rule 101 handbook.
If some folk put a tenth of the time and effort they expend on pointless distracting and disruptive shite, and instead channeled that time and brain space into more productive matters, such as actually helping develop sensible policies that Scots actually want, and importantly working to identify and nurture people to elect and actually implement them then we would be in a whole different world.
ADDlike political anoraks that can’t seem to hold focus on one thing for very long might thrive in the maelstrom of rapidly changing stimulus on t’internet feeds, but the much larger wider electorate do not operate in the same way.
They generally have jobs to do to keep a roof over their heads and families to raise takes up much of their time. Sticking with the basics policy matters would be a much more beneficial way to begin to capture the attention of the wider electorate rather than punting out an endless stream of often contradictory hashtags and niche content.
But hey, what would I know, just keep doing the same shit over and over which clearly hasn’t been working and maybe Reform’s polling stats will increase further.
That comment I posted yesterday Dan had only one comment yours , even the original on Barrhead boy never even recd a response , similarly when I proposed signing individual letters of protest to swinney and his deviants and asking if anyone could let me know or help me on how to go about it, total silence , same before the 2021 election I proposed sending letters to Sturgeon threatening no snp votes unless she binned GRA Silence
FFS it seems that we spend more time reading and arguing with yoonionist plants and agitators on what is supposed to be a independence supporting website and even they seem to be increasing whilst indy commenters are decreasing
AFAIK Stu was a party to the assembly BB and others were talking about but he’s not even commented on it and they were not effusive about it
“That comment I posted yesterday Dan had only one comment yours , even the original on Barrhead boy never even recd a response.”
Aye, I clocked that and think the continued lack of engagement from supposed movers and shakers on a wide array of subject matters is disappointing, but unfortunately seems par for the course.
A few things come to mind when certain topics are brought up but garners no response.
First: Articles may simply be a bit of kite flying to stimulate discussion because publishers don’t yet have that much comprehension on the topic, so they press go and keep out of btl because they don’t want to highlight their lack of knowledge on the specific subject, or commit to a view that could be used to tarnish them.
Eg. Take immigration. (Ooh you must be racist to bring that up!)
I’ve already made a post on this thread Re. Englishman living and working in Scotland, and previously posted about it too.
link to wingsoverscotland.com
It’s clearly a matter that needs discussed and Reform’s increasing support makes hay from it, so just where the hell are Scotland’s supposed leaders on this subject? Silent and too fucking meek and vain to go near it I guess.
I’m just some arsehole articulating my view on it and would welcome further discussion to finesse the policy further because I’m pretty sure what I wrote in that linked to post makes at least a bit of sense.
Second: So they will not respond and just observe what others post in any discussion and hoover up any good or useful bits of what’s said and lessons silently learned to increase their comprehension and for possible future usage.
Thirdly: Is that it’s all just a simple ruse to waste folks’ time as they have no real interest in much if any of it as are really only concerned with their own and their cliques objectives.
And the way things continue to play out with bloggers spending their time bickering and the ludicrous lack of unity, I am ever more minded to think, is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream…
Because it’s a bit of a black comedy nightmare watching this pathetic shit play out. Got way better things to do with what remains of my life, and if what’s on show at the moment is the best we’ve got, I’m not seeing the discipline nor credentials that would be able to make a proper go at returning Scotland to self-governing status if the opportunity to take our independence was ever seriously on the cards.
I’m hoping that there will be some update about the Barrhead Boy-chaired Summit before too long. But perhaps it was a bit of a damp squib so nothing to be expected yet as the main players need to identify who is really up for the fight? I can understand the Rev keeping quiet if there was no great progress made – he wouldn’t want to depress us utterly. Nor, if there was great progress made, would he wish to leak a story prematurely.
Meanwhile there’s small steps can be made by carrying a Liberation.scot QR code around with you so when you meet someone sympathetic they can sign up. There should be a bit of news in due course from Salvo about their approach to the UN.
About the what now?
Now, I’m pretty sure you are pulling my leg! Alf Baird will step in to correct me in due course, I hope, if I explain the process incorrectly.
However, for the benefit of other enthralled readers, Salvo, as the campaigning group for Liberation.scot, have formed a Scottish People’s Liberation Movement. Such a liberation movement can be recognised by the United Nations as representing a people’s desire to exist as a nation state – a political party cannot do so, apparently.
The Liberation movement will state [through a friendly state speaking on our behalf] that Scotland is a colony. If the UN accepts this argument, the provisions for de-colonisation will come into play. This is a well-trodden route.
Given that no political parties in Scotland or Britain are doing anything at all to help Scotland’s people regain power, it seems to me that Salvo’s work is, at the least, useful.
“Salvo, as the campaigning group for Liberation.scot, have formed a Scottish People’s Liberation Movement”.
Is this a Monty Python sketch ?
Jesus wept !
There’s more than one way to skin a cat. As someone who dislikes living the lie of a Union which benefits only one country whilst denying the existence of another, I am very happy that the issue is not left solely to politicians over whom we have no control whatsoever. The politicians have kept Scotland in an economic and social nightmare – clearly they are not up to the task or are happy to keep Scotland in servitude.
We get the politicians we deserve. If we don’t think they’re up to standard, then we replace them. We do have control. Failing to exercise that control is an abrogation of responsibility.
People should be suspicious of those punting novel routes toward a political goal which explicitly calls for the sidelining of elected politicians, parties and processes in favour of some airy fairy, half-baked populist uprising.
Does sound like it tbf , knowing the nick of some of our best activists, it could be a sight to behold?
Alba is doing something. It’s just that the media don’t talk about it.
You could be right, Skip! I get communications from Alba as I donate from time to time but I don’t read everything. What do you have in mind that Alba is doing?
What? Just breathing maybe. Having cups of tea. Uniting the movement. Choosing a new leader. Something human and useful perhaps.
This has been pointed out before, but what qualifies a self appointed organisation like Salvo / Liberation.scot to speak on behalf of the Scottish independence movement, still less the population as a whole? What is their membership? Who funds them?
The operative words in you response above are surely “can be recognised”. So…while it may be true that in other cases, chiefly those involving unambiguous cases of decolonisation or the use of violence against a people seeking self determination, the UN has done as you describe, it’s by no means clear the UN will do so in the case of Scotland, or that it would accept Salvo’s bona fides to act in the role they have appointed themselves to.
Then we move on to the matter of which “friendly” state is going to sponsor this. Who is approaching these potential countries? Which ones are they? Don’t the Scottish people deserve to know?
As to the “if statement” about whether the UN accepts Scotland as a colony and will add it to the list of non-self governing territories, that “if” is doing a hell of a lot of heavy lifting.
None of the items on this wish list is impossible of course, but they can only be seen as improbable. The well trodden route isn’t necessarily the one the UN will accept Scotland should or is qualified to travel.
More to the point, those advocating for it have to ask themselves – and more importantly convince those of us who are sceptical – that their path will produce results faster than the conventional route via political parties gaining a majority of votes in a referendum or plebiscitary election.
The usefulness of Salvo’s work remains to be seen. The Scottish people will be the judge of that. Odd that Salvo are so reticent to tell us how many support them. It would suggest we’re hardly talking about “La Diada” scale support. Wouldn’t openness be a better policy?
Just a couple of points in response.
We shall see what happens, won’t we – if we live long enough.
OK, so let’s break it down:
Time will indeed tell. I’ve little confidence that Salvo’s route will bear fruit faster than trying to gain a majority in plebiscitary elections.
Shut it Ellis
You’re only here to interupt
Jesus wept. This from the fud who is never done telling everyone, who’ll read his ramblings, what the Independence movement thinks, wants & will tolerate – along with what the UN, the international community & even next doors fckin cat will accept too.
However did we all survive & hold a referendum without him eh while he was busy living elsewhere.
No one needs your permission to do anything. There were hunners of Yes groups & events before you rode into town. The YES movement was a collective. Not some self appointed arsewipe vetting every knt!
Yer like that annoying Harry Enfield character always interjecting to tell others they ‘don’t wanna do it like that…’ Who are you? The Gestapo?
Go take up dominoes or something & gies all peace.
Scotland is a country. I’ll say that again. A C.O.U.N.T.R.Y. A co signatory to an internationally accepted treaty. Nothing more.
Not a new country.
Not a region wishing to exit the mother ship.
Not a possession belonging to England.
An independent country who entered into a political union & now wishes to leave it.
Simple enough eh? Even David Davis said so – there wasn’t a treaty in the whole wide world that requires the other sides permission to leave it…
The democratic process has been tried. It’s been tried to the point of exhaustion. It’s not going to be settled in a friendly democratic process. That has been tested. The English are well known for being undemocratic backstabbing barstewards who NEVER act in good faith. EVER.
It wouldn’t matter if polling showed 100% or we had majorities filling every seat. They won’t see their cash cow just walk out the door & take the North Sea with them.
So we can forget political parties who did fuck all anyway but swell their own bank accounts & watched triple & double mandates go direct to the bin while joking around Westminster like they’d all the time in the world.
Who will be Scotlands friends at the UN? Let’s see, how about all those previous countries they colonised in the past eh? There’s plenty of them & there is plenty arguing in the UN that little Engurland shouldn’t even be sitting on the security council – even faster demise is imminent now that they’ve continually breeched a direct ruling from the ICJ to stop aiding a gen-ocide. A direct ruling brought from the UN assembly.
Colonialism is over & the UN is well aware of the tactics used to thwart democracy, including moving in interlopers to fck up the votes, you’ll be pleased to hear.
Scotlands referendum should never have been conducted in a domestic setting. It should’ve been held by international observers & should’ve been for the ppl of Scotland. The whole reason they could break election rules & purdah the last time & Scots being voted against by ppl who probably no longer even live here.
So I think a fresh approach is needed. Spoilers & time wasters looking for a seat on the *never reaching yer final destination gravy bus* need not apply. That method is over.
Woo hoo, #WangingOan.
“Who will be Scotlands friends at the UN? Let’s see, how about all those previous countries they colonised in the past eh?”
In Written English Comprehension term 1, a sentence like that one would be interpreted as meaning that all the countries Scotland colonised will be our friends at the UN.
I wonder if that’s what you meant to write.
But no matter. Here’s a wee tip for you, to aid you with your understanding of international politics going forwards.
Countries don’t have friends, they have interests. Countries ally themselves with other countries sharing the same or similar interests. Countries also ally themselves with other countries they may be hostile to if it means they can present a united front to a common danger or enemy.
It’s extremely unlikely you will ever amount to anything in public life, but just on the off chance, you need to move on from how you viewed the world in primary school.
Countries would have plenty of shared interests in Scotland. A resource rich, energy rich country with a vast maritime border.
Little Engurland has hee-haw but a bit of a channel & some fun playing the roulette tables on occasion & cleaning some laundry.
Other countries also recognise international treaties & international laws. I know that’s hard for you to believe but no one at the UN is buying theirs, or yours, new made up rules based order pish. It was flatly rejected.
Countries also don’t need permission to terminate a treaty from anyone. They just do it. No one made England the boss of Scotland or the keeper of the treaty to change rules when the notions take them.
They’re also the ones to recognise. No permission notes required from a hostile neighbour. No one made England the sole voice of the Union.
It never killed Kosovo if they choose not to either. They’re still independent. No one fainted.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Scottish voice at the UN. Have you? Or at any institutions we’re a supposed member of? Seems to me Scots were just the fodder. Not the colonisers plotting famines & still doing it. (Kid Starver) – we should turn off his leccie & water & stop giving our aid.
Engurland has no friends, anywhere. That’s not just me saying it either. They’re not a major player but a major disrupter & no one would love more to see the back of them & out of the security council than the majority of the UN. They’re a nobody hanging around as Americas permanent veto & lap dog & that’s about to change. Especially it’s wee terrorist stunts & it’s aiding gen-ocide against direct legal instruction not to. They’ve a case to answer to, lest you forget. No Scots involved there either you’ll have noted.
BoJo wasn’t wrong. Without America & it’s printing money machine, they’re fucked. Things aren’t going too well on the imperial front. Or in the roulette bond markets either. You must be crying buckets. All those tax £s spent & not a bit of territory or others resources gained.
There’s someone else that recognises international law & broken treaties masterminded by bad actors, now that you mention it. As does China & it’s hundred yrs of Humiliation, Or India, Or the African nations, or the middle east…
Woo hoo, #WangingOanAgain.
But you must have rushed that post out. You forgot to mention BRICS.
Maybe next time, eh?
Wipe the spittle from your eyes and your keyboard Geri, you’ll be able to type faster.
Doubtless I’m as entitled as anyone else to have an opinion on what the independence movement thinks, wants and will tolerate. You can disagree of course, but if you want people to accept your alternative or persuade them it’s more realistic than mine you can’t be surprised if they ask for evidence.
As per usual you’re coming up empty. Shockeroonie……NOT.
The referendum was delivered by conventional means, using a political party. All the dreamers insisting we’ll be wafted to the sunny uplands of independence on the wings of Salvo without the need for boring things like parties or votes are probably on a hiding to nothing.
You come across more like Rab C Nesbitt with all the charm and political insight to be expected of him after a guid few swallies.
That’s where you are wrong – again. Shockeroonie.
Devolution was brought about by various groups & a convention who even reached those dizzy heights of the UN & the EU council you are so fond of referring to as moonhowlers.
The referendum was brought about by those same groups & SNP was the natural vehicle used to deliver it.
Ppl have been at this long before 2014 & you showing up like the Gestapo. No one is answerable to you, Herr Flick. No one appointed you foreman. How many members does Alba have? Or Common Weal, or even Wings? Who funds them & what’s the money spent on? It seems it’s just Salvo that grates on you, funny that. Shitting yerself much?
No one is skipping the democratic process, ya Fud. They’ll be getting the international pressure to officially hold one without the pish ‘now is not the time’ & just like before, then & ONLY THEN will a political party be required.
Not the method you insist on which is to repeat failures by constantly electing eejits with absolutely no intentions of delivering once they get a seat & a salary.
Makes perfect sense. Funny, it seems to be what a lot of others think too cause they’re not exactly rushing to the polling booths of late. There’s fck all worth voting for. Even a plebiscite wouldn’t be accepted & would be laughed at for even trying in a domestic setting.
Rab was of course hilarious. There’s a channel on Freeview running repeats and they still stack up.
Geri is not in the same league and her humour belongs in a different genre, being much more of an acquired taste.
Oh lookie, it’s Tam & Isa. Or mibbies it’s Methadone Mick & Pete the Jakey.
Rab was the tired old drunk stereotype. Whit a shocker. Not.
I much prefer Still Game, ya priccccccck!
Chew on that ya arseholes.
Andy is perfect at Isa. The nosey curtain twitcher meddling in everyone’s business & you’d be Tam, the tightwad who no one likes but hings about anyway in the off chance someone will change their mind.
Noo that’s plenty fae you.
Off ye trot ya jakey bams & gies peace.
Has the friendly state, willing to go against the US and UK, which is definitely an issue, been found?
Don’t fgs mention who they are, they will face enormous pressure to back down
Can’t wait for this update coming out of New York. The last report was “fuck off it’s none of your business” which wasn’t all that helpful. Should we expect the white peacekeeping trucks trundling down Princes Street at any point soon?
I assume that is partly because sensible posts don’t rile people up. People nod their heads and read on.
We are also being played. Someone drain resources from Scotland, and from other western nations, worth billions. Distracting us comes cheep. Efforts to dispirit sane people comes cheep.
Sadly public debate steadily becomes increasingly more bland (and person focused). This is not a reason to avoid defending people when necessary though. Nor avoiding exposing lies.
I appreciate your comments, both of you. And of many others, and obviously of Stu’s.
I very much appreciate this place!
Shock horror I generally agree with you, but you’ve also got to remember that the entertainment value of this site is partially what keeps the readership up, and therefore interest in independence. Given independence is going nowhere soon, solely discussing political strategy and tactics in the theoretical is probably not going to attract the same level of interest.
Scotland’s return to self-governing status is only going nowhere because a bunch of egotistic headless chickens have apparently been deemed as the “leaders” of the movement and nothing happens without them deciding.
Crap like pushing polling figures showing independence is well down the list of Scottish folks’ priorities as a reason for doing nothing; When the ability to properly address and fix the top concerns folk have like the economy / cost of existing, health service, and numerous other matters will only really be possible with all the levers of power in Scotland’s hands.
It’s like watching #TheMcMuppetShow
I’m pretty much self-sufficient and have no great need for what the State now provides, especially so when our health service seems to be part of the problem and can’t be relied on, so none of this shite really bothers me.
I just put the effort in to try to at least help make our society work a bit better for more people, but it seems far too many folk have their heads up their arse, so fuck it, live and let live and they can fix their own problems.
I also note that the UNELECTED Mayor of Scotchland is now BEGGING the kid STARVER to agree to discuss a INDEPENDENT immigration policy for Scotchland
Which is ironic because the yoonionist parties in WM can’t even get a working policy for engerland
BUT I’m sure Nige and Tommy Robinson will ride in on their St George chargers and sort the immigration problem
Maybe someone could point out to Swinney and his cabal of deviants and perverts that if we were independent WE could do ALL these things for ourselves without asking the slave maister
“if we were independent WE could do ALL these things for ourselves without asking”
Naw, because we’ll be in the EU.
Surely you must have noticed, twathater. EU member countries don’t get to do ALL the things they want to do.
Surely you don’t believe that all the people who voted for Brexit (including many Scots) were imagining things?
Haha, I bet you do!
EU membership would be debated after independence, there are many good arguments to not go back to full membership
Be nice to make that choice for ourselves though!
I’m no fan of the EU, although it may just be salvageable, if somebody like Trump comes along to save it.
But Rev Stu tells us that support for joining the EU is 70% in Scotland. For those skilled in arithmetic, that’s a bigly bit bigger than support for Indy.
Meantime, the last time I checked, our Scottish government policy was still that a referendum in support for Indy will be interpreted as an instruction to join the EU. No further democratic mandate will be needed or sought.
If that has changed, perhaps somebody will drop a link to the relevant policy specification or announcement.
“EU membership would be debated after independence”
If you can’t back that up, you’re just trying to pass off wishful thinking as fact.
There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that our Scottish elites couldn’t run an Independent Scotland, That makes the policy of handing the entire mess over to Brussels to sort out irresistible to them. People do need to see what that’s really all about though – it’s an abject surrender in the face of a challenge beyond their competencies.
‘But Rev Stu tells us that support for joining the EU is 70% in Scotland. For those skilled in arithmetic, that’s a bigly bit bigger than support for Indy.’
It’s a bigly bit bigger than the Yoon vote.
That should sound the bullshit klaxon straight away. Someone is fibbing back at the polling count.
The only way back to the EU is Scottish independence & an EU referendum or move to NI.
The English have no plans on ever returning to it & I very much doubt any future application would be successful anyway. They were permanent disrupters & thinking everyone would follow them out the door. It never happened..
They cried to get in, cried when they got there & then cried to get back out & they’re still crying now. I see that as nil points on the smooth road back in & they absolutely know it’ll be on shit terms next time around. No more opt-outs or special dispensations.
Shitface fake news says…
“Meantime, the last time I checked, our Scottish government policy was still that a referendum in support for Indy will be interpreted as an instruction to join the EU. No further democratic mandate will be needed or sought.
If that has changed, perhaps somebody will drop a link to the relevant policy specification or announcement.”
Bullshit. Everyone & their dug knows that a request to join the EU must follow a democratic EU referendum. The SNP may wish to rejoin the EU after Scottish independence but they have hee-haw say on the outcome of a public vote.
but anyway , for the umpteenth time of correcting yer bullshit, a democratic mandate from the population must be obtained first. The EU would hardly waste their time setting up shop before a public vote even took place. Look it up. It even states it on the requirement for joining.
You’re absolutely shitting yerself someone sneaks you back in through a side door under the cloak of darkness. Just like Orcs are hiding under yer bed & brown ppl are all terrorists. No wonder yer a nervous wreck. Sleep easy & give yer head a rest.
I very much doubt Scottish Independence or EU membership/referendum will affect you anyway.
“for the umpteenth time of correcting yer bullshit”
Haha, Geri, good one.
Try this for a master class in BS correction:
link to gov.scot
And here’s a wee quote:
“The Scottish Government’s proposal is that an independent Scotland would apply to re-join the EU as soon as possible”
Now try this:
link to holyrood.com
And here’s a wee quote:
“Angus Robertson, said there would be no need for a separate referendum, post-independence, on whether the apply to join the EU because the choice put to the electorate would be between independence within the EU or staying in the UK”
Noo aff ye trot and comfort yersel wi a bottlie or twa o buckie. Sweet dreams.
“apply to rejoin”
Very important don’t you think?
So not automatic.
& Angus Robertson knows feck all about what question Scotland will be asked.
The question has already been settled & passed through Holyrood & Electoral Commission…
“Should Scotland be an independent country? Yes/No.
Not “Should Scotland be an Independent Country? Will we join the EU? Will my buckets still be emptied on Monday? Will it rain? Will the international community agree? Will Harry the cat miss us?” Yes/No
Or any other irrelevant pish they think they’ll add.
One question. One answer. He has no idea the outcome of any referendum unless he’s mystic meg now too. He’ll be nowhere near it…
“Will my buckets still be emptied on Monday?”
Ooh, on that subject did Argos Wheeliebin manage to sort Auld Reekie’s rubbish collection issues?
Exciting stuff, article contains a pie chart and bar graphs!
link to angusrobertson.scot
“Angus Robertson knows feck all”
Angus Robertson MSP was reappointed as the Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture in May 2024.
You really can’t thole facts, can you Geri.
A fancy title in a soon to be defunked political party he helped kill means what exactly?
It means hee-haw is what it means.
The SNP won’t be in charge & the question has already been settled. Angus MI5 should be aware too that it’s actually illegal under international law to tag on bullshit & conditions to a constitutional question.
We can thank South Africas court case at the ICJ for that wee gem…
Sleep easy shit face. No one can force you back to the EU without a public EU referendum. Calm yerself…deep breaths… remember what yer shrink said & mind what else they said about whenever one of yer favourite peeps post on Wings… you’ll go blind with that malarky.
The Scottish Administration of Devolved Powers also told you a woman could have a cock and bawbag, did you believe that pish tae?
“they absolutely know it’ll be on shit terms next time around”
Aha! The grain of truth in the usual barn-load of chaff.
Scotland’s EU membership will be on shit terms too. After all, we’re [checks Geri’s posts] fantastically rich in resources. Also, we’ve ample lebensraum for war games, nuclear dumping and the resettling of massive numbers of refugees.
And fantastically rich EU member states pay handsomely to sub the poorer EU member states. Thems the rules, and you only get an exemption if you have somebody like Thatcher in charge of the negotiations.
Being cuddly, kilt-wearing and tartan cuts no ice with the cash-strapped blob in Brussels. After all, there’s a war on.
“Someone is fibbing”
So take it up with Rev Stu. It’s his number on his blog.
I bet you believed the shit with Brexit. That immigration would stop, that the NHS would receive £350 million a week extra & that you’d by the king makers raking in £billions in new trade deals for punting tea & fkn jam around the world to countries that could already make that shit themselves LOL
I bet you did, didn’t you? Haha…
That’ll be instantly approved. Plenty of nawbag new Scots. Pre- approved of course by our imperial masters. What’s not to like?
Moving around populations is a well worn colonising trick. It achieved three main aims.
1. It causes civil unrest & warring factions. Who cares if they come to blows? It’s less they have to deal with if they kill each other.
2. It bastardises the voting pool with folks not giving much of a fck about nationality other than their own – that’s miles away that they can return to at any time.
3. They can blame them for everything when it goes tits up. All eyes on them & not the failed state. It’s their fault the country is skint, not the millionaires or those who helped themselves to the treasury.
That’s why the EU, WEF & other colonisers including the US are such fans of immigrants. It stops nationalist ideas & the voting hinders self determination. A few States in the US are now wondering if they should go independent. Wouldn’t that be ironic LOL Someone as hell bent on wasting billions on blowing shit up & breaking up other countries may very well end up breaking up their own as they’re on the verge of civil war with inequality & poverty.
No harm in putting him in his place though when there is hee haw else to write about and wings has, yet again, been targeted for clicks.
“hee haw else to write about”
On the sites I read, they’re publicising that President Trump has announced to the world that, “as of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female.”
So that puts the numpties of long-suffering Scotland’s HR government on a direct collision course with the most powerful man in the world.
Not only the most powerful, but a man who does not suffer numpties gladly.
This is bigly big news. I’d get the popcorn in now, because as this cabaret is likely to run for the full 4 years, demand is going to inevitably exceed supply.
Well that was fun. To be fair to James he can be quite informative as I never knew Bath was in Somerset. You live and learn.
Tuesday, February 7, 2023Meet the Rev’s number one fan: racist, homophobic, misogynistic, inciter of extreme violence, Covid denier, and spreader of defamatory allegations against named politicians
although, I think there is a tiny truth in this one somewhere. Defo a few odd comments BTL.
That’s not about me, that’s about some commenter who isn’t here any more. Can’t remember if I banned him or he just went away.
He wants to benefit by ingratiating himself with ‘the people who don’t like to be held to account’ (and their remaining supporters). Hence the move back to the SNP. Blogging has done to his heid. A shame because he had a nice wee niche for himself, was providing good service but that obviously wasn’t enough.
“…Wings is being deliberately used as a breeding ground for crazy QAnon-style conspiracy theories…”:
It’s ‘Q’ (not QAnon:)
link to archive.ph
‘Law View’ is my home/ground:
@PeteWishart has blocked you:
“What a nasty horrible man the ‘QAnon Shaman’ is. Stormed the Whitehouse to deny a fair election, freed by Trump, now going out to buy a gun because he’s ‘had to take a knife to a gun fight’. There is 4 years of this…. #Newsnight”:
link to x.com
You’re an idiot, Pete (et al)…
Absurd Smoque: Origins: A Scottish Nightmare: Version 2:
link to tinyurl.com
Absurd Smoque: Q: Q:
link to tinyurl.com
“I have worked closely with Elon for over 20 years. His heart is pure, and his sole mission is to help humanity. During the darkest moments, he has shown me the path to choose courage and compassion over fear and hate. To believe anything else is absurd.”:
link to x.com
“Unity of human/Scotland purpose is my life mission.”
link to wingsoverscotland.com
link to wingsoverscotland.com
Humza Yousaf: The Pursuit Of Purpose: What Motivates Musk?
Spoiler Alert: The Nazi Salute Was a Hint:
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” 1984, George Orwell…
…a plan to remove Keir Starmer from position, and has even made a direct appeal to king Charles to dissolve parliament, which, of course, the king has duly ignored…
So what motivates Elon Musk?
Well, as Maya Angelou said:
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.””:
link to thepursuitofpurpose.substack.com
link to wingsoverscotland.com
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Track 17):
link to tinyurl.com
That’s a great link, gregor.
I had absolutely no idea that me and Musk are on the same page about so much of what ails the west.
Haha, just my little joke. Virtually every word of that link was a hysterical lie spread by somebody I can only categorise as having their knickers so thoroughly twisted it has cut off the supply of oxygen to their brain.
Spoiler Alert: The Nazi Salute Was No Such Thing.
Now, I suggest you drop your kegs and check the state of your own knickers. I’m predicting you’re going to find them tightly knotted just below your adam’s apple.
A fair election lol.
I’m not a fan of Trump but hasn’t it been confirmed beyond all reasonable doubt that Biden found 20 million voters from somewhere that has suddenly vanished into thin air? I remember Larry Johnson confirming it in an interview that it’s basically beyond doubt that it was rigged.
Pete Wishart, being a fud as usual. I’m surprised he has anyone left on his twitter account.
Bulk drops and Dominion Voting Systems can (could) work electoral wonders.
I love fuds (snigger)…
Don’t give him free publicity – just ignore him, perhaps he’ll go away!
Four articles (including this one) in five years is pretty damn close to “ignoring”.
I think the man is more ill than he imagines.
Take a break and put your health and family first.
If Wings upsets you neither read or write about it.
If you claim slander then you could investigate possible proceeding with a lawyer but I think you will be advised against it. Good Luck and Good Health Mr Kelly
January 6th 2025: “Drama as controversial blogger Stuart Campbell denounces his own regular pollster as a “fringe polling company” – has there been some behind-the-scenes falling-out, or is this just shameless hypocrisy to cover up his own embarrassment about a dodgy prediction? My guess is the latter…”
link to scotgoespop.blogspot.com
Ooh, how did I miss that one? Added, cheers.
this obsession could be a –
Repressed, homosexual, attraction.
“why won’t you look at me!”
– he goes on like Blanche DuBois
Rev, I am not sure this is really stalking. To me this looks more like a desperate call (scream even) for your (and your followers’) attention.
Clickbait to get more traffic through his, otherwise, boring site?
Definitely, plenty visits today, just had a wee look myself! Been bashing away at these tactics for ages by the look of it.
Am liking the brevity Mia. First ever post of yours I have read from start to finish. Try and keep it up.
I have long felt – if your name is James Kelly, you shouldn’t really go near Scottish Politics.
There may be two James Kellys, but they don’t have a working brain cell between them.
Sit doon Mr Kelly is a personal Holyrood favourite.
Make me think be should be on my list of plants
“Top 50 Left-Wing Blogs of 2011”
Ouch. That must have stung, especially as it’s true.
It’s quite the claim to fame, isn’t it?
I stopped laughing scrolling down the embarrassingly long
list when I came to this
“Stuart Campbell has not only turned against independence, he’s turned against the rights of women and girls. If anyone is crazy enough to follow his advice today, make sure you hold him accountable for the long-term consequences.”
He has a some gall. Back then you were the only journalist exposing gender politics in Scotland, the UK and in the wider world. Wings also posted important essay’s on the effects of transgenderism in different settings from many female writers.
Both women and independistas know who supports them. It sure ain’t wee jealous “both votes SNP” Kelly.
The guy seems to me like a tortured sole, you don’t make friends by constantly standing on someone toes. The SNP used to be the hope towards the goal of Independence now that party is the nose around Scotland neck. For James to have rejoined the SNP beggars believe, So I have to ask, why did he fight to stay in the Alba party when he had every intention of rejoining the New SNP.
For me Indy comes 1st, 2nd and 3rd no one should distract us from that goal we should unite to fight our true enemy the SNP leadership, how can anyone talk and talk about Indyref2 and join the party thats working along side the Unionist parties to destroy Scotland he can’t be one of us no way.
Honestly to join the New SNP again I have to ask whats Scotland done?
When someone is nasty or treats you poorly, don’t take it personally. It says nothing about you but a lot about them.
Soul (Yes 100%:)
“Your soul is the part of you that consists of your mind, character, thoughts, and feelings. Many people believe that your soul continues existing after your body is dead.”
“The soul of a nation or a political movement is its basic nature and beliefs.”
“You can refer to someone as a particular kind of soul when you are describing their character or condition.”:
link to collinsdictionary.com
Enough about that, gregor.
Give us your insights on soles.
Tortured ones, preferably 🙂
If you insist, McFetish…
“The sole of your foot or of a shoe or sock is the underneath surface of it.
…shoes with rubber soles.
He had burned the sole of his foot.”:
link to collinsdictionary.com
Here’s another one:
On Wings BTL, it is widely assumed that gregor is the sole reader of his own posts.
Ok, thanks…
“To accept something to be true without question or proof:
We mustn’t assume the suspects’ guilt.”:
link to dictionary.cambridge.org
In this context, “tortured sole” is correct. James Kelly is like a fish out of water.
I like your description, Skip
Oor ain braw Scots langage comes fae oor verra saul (Kay); thon’s whit gies us oor ain cultur an identity.
Meanwhiles Englis or ither fowk’s langages gaes in ane lug an oot the ither.
Gies mair cultur – Big-Saul-Yin…
“Meanwhiles Englis or ither fowk’s langages gaes in ane lug an oot the ither.”
Yon doolally roasters:
“why did he fight to stay in the Alba party”
Gathering intel for the NuSnp?
Why did you waste an article on him?
Shits and giggles.
You don’t need to make a fool of him , he does a grand job by himself – though I accept he must piss you off with the constant whingeing and accusation.
Kelly could be a long bet for SNP Chief Executive. Obviously, he would not have been considered if he had remained in Alba.
He has the kind of mid-intellect persecution complex that could drive the party sideways. Can he count magpies?
Can he count genders?
A magpies obsession might be too suggestive of dark forces, given the SNP’s virtue-signalling historical revisionism over witchcraft.
I support the pardon and apology for the State sanctioned executions of Scottish women (and men) in the past. The fact that adults and children are still murdered for the crime of being a witch TO THIS DAY is as good a reason as any for the State to recognise that it was wrong and for that fact to be publicised.
I think an apology uttered on behalf of somebody else is always worthless.
When that somebody else also happens to be dead, then it’s worthless squared.
You can raise it to worthless cubed when the person you are apologising to is also dead.
But fannying around with pointless nonsense always trumps actually doing something about real crimes, happening now.
As you write, “adults and children are still murdered for the crime of being a witch TO THIS DAY”. But perish the thought anything should be done about that, as that would be judgemental, or culturally oppressive, or some other such bollocks.
It’s exactly the kind of virtue signalling that sees some people agonisingly hand wringing over historical slavery. When it’s pointed out to them there’s plenty of slavery happening right now they could get themselves energised about, the response is usually “meh”.
main cavorts with satan and a black cat under moonlight in greyfriars
a heretic by any measure
Olde Throne: Greyfriars Kirkyard:
“Oh, Greyfriars
Where the Covenanters lay
Ceased by the black judge
Cut down by his hand
A dream of freedom
To practice what they please
Doomed by the wicked
Condemned to brutal fate
And there he lies
In the black mausoleum
Awoken by a man
In need of shelter
An unhinged evil
Released upon this earth
Cold black spirit
That vengeful entity of hate…”:
link to tinyurl.com
I totally agree.
You have failed to understand the point I was making. Of course you can’t apologise to people who are no longer alive but the State CAN acknowledge when actions in the past were wrong. At the very least it demonstrates an understanding and belief to OTHERS on the face of this Earth the total absurdity of outdated beliefs such as evil supernatural spirits.
Kelly’s deletion finger will be strained tonight as there are a number of posters laughing at him over Stu’s article. Expect a furious response in his next whinge…sorry, blog.
Heres a few song titles to describe him
Can’t get you out of my head
why can’t I be you
Pop goes the Weasel
when will i be famous
I’m not sure, without saying some nasty things, how anyone can run a series of articles called Wings Watch, and then be able to state that the subject of those articles is stalking THEM.
I’m very disappointed in James, his articles on polling, which seemed to be his area of expertise, could be quite interesting if a little lacking in some ways to keep me gripped for the long term.
He’s ruined his blog IMHO with the posting of this kind of stuff and then slagging off all the readers of Wings who may otherwise have been readers of his blog too.
Yep, he was once my go to for statistics and polling – not now.
Have thought for a long time that there’s a wee want about yon, as my Granny used to say. Anyone who thinks that litany above isn’t evidence of a frankly rather worrying obsession needs to give their head a shake.
If Kelly has any friends, it’s high time they staged an intervention of some sort. The man needs help.
Alba’s gain is decidedly the SNP’s loss: he and the SNP deserve each other.
O/T The Times article says that John Swinney is purging the staff payroll of Murrell supporters i.e. implying that Swinney disapproves of them. Well, I think Wings readers know better than that.
After all, Swinney has been in cahoots with them for decades. Also he doesn’t make decisions, does he? Let alone good ones. He connives and redacts and stabs people in the back.
However there’s a chief executive post being advertised. Rev, how about it? For a laugh anyway!
Kelly confirmed he aint no nationalist when he advocated SNP 1+2 for the Holyrood 2021 election.
In other news a Scotsman liberates America from the neo-imperialist woke.
In other news, the thing the Scotsman was going to do in 24 hours hasn’t been done.
Both manufactured conflicts are effectively ended as far as President Trump and the US is concerned. Nationalism has won over neo-imperialism.
Somebody should tell Swinney, and Starmer – focus on servin yer ain fowk an naition raither than keepin thaim doun-hauden!
England won’t get the first state visit this time either. Just as Biden said “I’m Irish”, Trump will surely say “I’m Scottish”.
Lessons will have been learned. Isn’t that what they say? LOL!
Don’t hitch yer wagon to other countries as little England is cut adrift, up shit creek without a paddle. Without America they’re a nobody. Not even a mate in the EU either..boo hoo…
I sincerely hope you are correct, Alf. Time will tell. I do now have a renewed interest in closely watching developments in the USA.
It was the finest national liberation speech I’ve heard in a while. And a master class in how a nation gets rid of its woke neo-imperial charlatans and oppressors within in a few days.
Scotlan’s colonial slump an woke establishment still needs sooked oot. Somebody call the Donald!
Swinney’s daeless dopes should be begging for Trump’s guidance on how to deliver Scottish national liberation. But as we aw ken thon SNP elite are pairt of the mankit colonial slump whit aye hauds us doun.
Never thought I’d say this, but I agree with you here Alf. Memmi-tastic!
Imagine our surprise!
“Quand on parle du loup on en voit la queue” as our French friends have it.
Regressive nativism is as regressive nativist does. I always said the resident moonhowlers and Trumpist populism had much in common.
So-called ‘civic nationalism’ never won any nation its liberation.The SNP has sung that sang for the last 20 years and all it got us was more colonialism.
“Both manufactured conflicts are effectively ended”
Zat so, Alf?
Only, no other sources, either MSM or the online alternatives, are reporting anything other than business as usual.
Odd that, naw?
Chickens, counting, hatching. There’s a well-known phrase or saying in there somewhere.
Hasn’t it?
He’s told colonisers in Europe, inc little England, to GTF. They wanna pick a fight? – Then pay for it themselves. Dig deep, sunshine. Sir Kid Starver has signed up yer tax paying pounds to 100 yrs of defending Nazis..lol
He’s also told U to suck it up. They’ve lost & they’ve lost territory – communicated loud & clear through Vance & Rubio. Peace deal may not be 24 hours but the tap will be turned off instantly. Only a fool keeps piling in weapons & cash to a lost cause.
I don’t see them continuing the grift now that they’ve bigger colonising ideas of their own closer to home.
Word on the street is that Trump may approach BRICS to join. LOL I doubt it – but never say never. The first rule of BRICS was no country that has imposed illegal sanctions against other countries can ever become a full member.
The UN & the ME will take care of Palestine or it will simply implode & start again under new management. They’re outnumbered & outdated.
Ah ken, Geri, the F16s never even got aff the groond either.
Where are they? Tucked up in bed with a blankie?
Another one bit the dust just the other day…
The man is an utter melt
The two Davies will think his return to the SNP is big big news and will welcome him into team Sturgeon sycophant crew backed up by folk with less brain capacity than a gorilla!
Another pair who have a slavish loyalty to the SNP, despite the evidence. I watched a video of theirs from around the time of the General Election 2024 and one of them was laughing that Alec Salmond’s constituency didn’t have an Alba candidate standing so he’d be forced to vote someone else, clearly didn’t realise that Alex magnanimously, through the Alba mailshot, told Alba supporters to vote for whichever independence supporting party was standing if Alba weren’t, and obviously their preferred one if it was more than one. I haven’t watched The Two Daveys since.
One thing that has always un-settled me about a very large part of the YES movement is the rage that the display should anyone dare to question the glorious SNP or the claim that support for indy is less then 60%
Doubly so if you are part of the YES movement
With Glen sh*tbox starting service is a recent example with many bursting with pride on a ferry that is 7 years late, massively over budget and badly built. * (see note)
My claims that we should be able todo better brings howls of rage
You are seeing the same with your wee stalker
Why this bothers me is if the same thing happens after indy
Will those who question the state end up locked up?
“Will those who question the state end up locked up?”
Have you been asleep for the past ten years?
The censorship & jailing ppl for fck all isn’t a new thing & it didn’t come from a wee diddy administration in Scotland either. Look to yer own shit first..
It accelerated under Tories who’d quite like to ban everything under the pretence of others having fragile sensibilities & social media platforms given instructions to ban everyone who didn’t agree to a good gen-ocide or pay homage to the authoritarian TRA book burning contingent.
& Yer also about 6 yrs behind the SNP falling from grace around these parts too.. update yer bot..
What a tosser James Kelly is. Alba are better off without him. He’s no benefit to the SNP either. Classic attention seeking behaviour. Best ignored. Stick to polling James!
Stay calm MaryB be a better woman than he is a man.
Should have gone with “Look who’s stalking”. Tch.
This shit deviates from what needs to be done, securing Independence and bringing the SNP to account on the constitutional question. James has made the issues he has With Wings and Alba and now its an every day occurrence, its time to move on but I’m sure he won’t so let him.
We need to start talking now about 1 individual acting on behalf of all the YES movement. We can’t leave it to the SNP and it can’t be a political party. The movement has all these parties and organization and it isn’t working, WHO THE VOICE because we need one voice and it needs to be someone solid.
For god sake people, when we have a individual written stuff wither its right or wrong it has an influence on what people believe and that can be really damaging.
For ten years I’ve heard moans and groans about Sturgeon, Salmond, Alba and the SNP so were are we now exactly in the same place after we lost the 1st referendum.
I’ll grant you the SNP is the noose around our necks and now James has joined the SNP things are only going to get worse. We need unity with the movement and point out where its failing and if that means calling the leadership of the SNP or Alba out then so be it.
I don’t want to here about certain individuals having secret meeting about the route to take on Independence FUCK RIGHT OFF. I wasn’t a fan of the direction Salmond took for me the referendum should have been Scots only and if it had been we’d be Independent today. Salmond should have given the parliament more powers and if he had we’d be in a much better place today, SECTION 30 was never democracy and don’t allow our politicians to tell you it was. I’m a Scot and I’m also a prisoner as is my country but my voice isn’t being heard I want that to change now not in another ten years time.
Mr Wings I don’t know if you were genuine about starting a podcast but if you were can we please have a update. As we need every single organization flying all under the one banner and with a single voice.
The YES movement needs to convene a permanent convention. The last ones should never have allowed Sturgeon to shut them down.
Stu said yrs ago, & I agree, (paraphrasing here) that the old players needed to fuck off & clear the way for fresh thinking, fresh faces & a fresh approach. The old crew are too stuck on playing the same old tired game of seeking WM permission which every dug in the street knows is never going to happen. All it does is demonstrate they’re not serious about Indy so they should get the fck out of the way & stop going round in circles cause it’s only a seat they want – not liberation.
This is no doubt by design too. All the old hangers on diverting energy on petty squabbles is just how Perfidious Albion likes it. Divide & conquer – a tactic as old as time & yet one that is still shockingly repeated. All the shit NGOs, advisors & fake independence supporters killed the SNP. Holyrood is riddled with them.
Other countries are learning. BRICS for example, Ignore the noise & incessant age old differences & get on with the task in hand. Getting shit done for everyone’s benefit in the long run & to expel the mafia colonisers from their countries. Petty differences can resume later.
Not everyone has to be in love lol It should’ve been nipped in the bud decades ago with the constant spoilers throwing tantrums on who they would & wouldn’t share a stage with. Who was collecting subs & who wasn’t & the SNP somehow adopting the YES movement as Sturgeons personal fan club. They should’ve been punted tae fck yrs ago cause indy wasn’t about individuals.
I like Salvo/Liberation . No ego. No head honcho & not politically aligned. That’s what indy was before Sturgeon & Harvie took over & trashed everything for their own warped agendas.
THAT is the point that Dan and I have been making , BB announced on the PRISM which is energising and informative that they were arranging a get together of independence groups and Stu Campbell would be there along with other notables
Reporting back on Prism it appeared that a lot were very lukewarm to the urgency of our situation , but since then silence,nada,zilch
TBQH I believe there are too many people that want to be the heid bummer and if their not named as the BOSS their noses are put out of joint , and the liebour BAIN principle is invoked, “IF it’s no my idea then a wullnae vote fur it” ye can see it played out aw the time with the likes of GMK and believe in Scotland
TBQH I would like to see the likes of Lloyd Quinan or Eva Comrie heading the formation of a convention of indy supporting groups and TBQH again I am sick of the ongoing clusterfuck when everyone wants to do there own thing and NOTHING gets done , also the indy bloggers are NOT helping things with their SYCOPHANTIC adulation of all things snp or their ENVY of the popularity of other bloggers ,FFS grow up , our country and people are being held hostage by a grossly incompetent greedy bastard neighbour and you are bleating about the popularity of someone
Someone has to step up and organise a unity of the disparate groups which will graduate to the indy support , some people are disliked by others and would only create more disharmony THAT is why I have suggested Lloyd Quinan or Eva Comrie both are ex members of snp and have fought to get the party back on track and both are DIEHARD indy supporters FIRST and FOREMOST. , COUNTRY before PARTY
The National Yes Registry is trying to get going again. See their site/facebook. Not only registering groups but also individuals who want independence. The idea is to demonstrate the support for independence in a tangible number as well as ease communications between groups.
Its database would be useful in knowing which organisations exist so they could be invited to a mass meeting. If they agreed on a leadership group [I really think it is too big a job for one person, and one person makes an easy target for naysayers] and a specific action e.g. an umbrella grouping for Holyrood 2026, that would be helpful.
I share your frustration, 100% Yes. As do so many others e.g. Barrhead Boy’s TASP team, ISP, Independence Forum, Peter A Bell… I am certain that they would all welcome a united front.
Once again “Sarah” uses WoS (which actually has followers) to promote her pet micro-movement causes (ISP, “National Yes Registry,” Peter Bell’s vanity project NSP, “Salvo,” etc.) that basically nobody follows.
“Salvo,” for example, hasn’t had a blog post on their website since April 2023.
The water-sprinkler effect?
Just now there is, imo, a substantial amount of positive potential, and there are good, solid people working on projects of value, but like the garden hose nozzle set to sprinkler, the flow is being fragmented and is dispersing. And it disperses further when it hits the ground. It doesn’t form a pool.
What we need is unity of purpose. I’d like to see the hose nozzle set to ‘single jet’.
Exactly [and that’s a perfect simile!]. Peter A Bell is trying to get unity of purpose through his #Manifesto for Independence campaign. See New Scotland Party website/facebook.
He wants people signing the petition which demands that independence politicians accept the route laid down in the Manifesto before the 2026 election campaign. Failure to accept the Manifesto means they will not get the signatory’s vote.
The route is: s30 must be repudiated; each Holyrood election to be a vote on Holyrood’s status as Scotland’s only democratic voice; if won, then assert that status; recall MPs to sit with MSPs and others in a National Convention to draft a provisional Constitution; propose dissolution of the Union, and hold a referendum [run by our parliament, Convention etc].
The Manifesto steps look reasonable. I can’t see what any independence-seeking politician could object to. So far the ISP is the only party to have adopted the Manifesto, and only 321 people have signed the petition.
This is, initially at least, a reply to you, Sarah, but after the first few sentences I’m replying to some comments up-thread and just making general comments. I don’t want you to think I’m haranguing you.
I have signed Peter’s petition. I am also a member of Salvo/Liberation.
For those who are interested, Peter’s latest article on the progress being made with New Scotland Party is here.
For those who wish to sign the petition, click here.
The petition is a request that all nominally pro-independence parties adopt the Manifesto For Independence. This request will sort the wheat from the chaff, and the ones that adopt this Manifesto will no longer be viewed as nominal. Potentially a very useful tool, me thinks 🙂
_ _ _ _ _
I don’t think genuinely pro-independence folk are in the position to be too precious and go down too many purity spirals. We don’t have time for that. Folk need to pick up pace and step outside their comforting political routines/habits. Even despair/misery can be habitual and as a result, comforting.
We are up against the anglo-state, and most unfortunately, the NuSNP too: the main obstacle.
Concerning the latter, IMO, this is where Stu/WoS comes in. He’s cornered and made good in a niche market. Here we have someone (with a wide reach) who is doing the essential work of continually, relentlessly holding the NuSNPs feet to the fire.
Who else does that day in and day out? Many people do on a fairly regular basis, but not in a highly consistent, and persistent manner.
Nothing escapes Wings when it comes to NuSNP chicanery. Without his very focused forensic bulldozing, substantiated articles and his considerable skills/talents in exposing NuSNP gaslighting, trolling, outright lies, subterfuge, omissions, deflection, corruption etc. the general public aspect of the grassroots movement (and, I’m guessing, even many connected/involved ‘players’) would be ignorant of SO, SO much.
This is not to downplay the significant, and very important, efforts of others. Far from it.
But for all those significant others to progress as they should, and potentially will, we need rid of the current MOB that call themselves the SNP. And if we can’t fully be rid of them, they need to be diminished in power to such miniscule levels that wouldn’t even register one Joule.
Thanks for providing the link to the Manifesto for Independence, Nae Need! Since when the signatures have gone up by 4! The power of Wings, eh? 🙂
Imo, Stu and Wings, will NEVER promote fledgling projects. Even if a fledgling project has been going for years, If it doesn’t have enough public support/awareness, then it’s a NAW.
We can’t expect WoS website to provide the entire grassroots independence movement with the coverage that it needs. The fact that WoS pointedly refuses to do so is, in some ways, a good thing. There’s too many players in the grassroots. Wings would risk diluting his focus. We need the NuSNP destroyed.
Get off your own arse!! Get organised, get stoic, stand on your own two feet. The hard lessons of life, now learned, come into special play.
I’m a GENXer. I am, to this day, astonished that I survived my childhood and teens. We are fucking tough and resilient. And it’s this that we need to bring to the table for future generations. The generations that have, in comparison, been mollycoddled. We are tough as fuck. Never forget that!! WE actually survived our own childhoods.
We can do this. We HAVE to. The alternative is too awful to contemplate.
Up by 9 now [ at 21.09]!
re. “What we need is unity of purpose.”
Aye Need!!!
I can’t think why there are downticks on this comment, gregor.
Because I posted it, Sarah
Unity of human/Scotland purpose is my life mission.
I think those who value Scotland are special…
Of course they are, gregor.
They’re not at all like the people of every other race, nationality, ethnicity and religion, who also value their own countries and believe themselves special for doing so.
Really, Hatey
I’ve been explicitly asking this forum what a Scotland value is (since around 5/6 years ago)
All I’ve received is scorn, abuse and silence,
re. “They’re not at all like the people of every other race, nationality, ethnicity and religion, who also value their own countries”
DEPLORABLE Wings FRAUDS (can’t even agree to safeguard/value children)…
link to wingsoverscotland.com
link to wingsoverscotland.com
I’ve posted a few times that I see Scotland as an amalgamation of at least 4 distinct and distinctive cultures, each with an approximate geographical location.
That’s the primary reason why I suspect Scotland may not be the only national unit in this neck of the woods once the UK breaks up. The assumption that the only border to be re-drawn is the one between England and Scotland is just that. An assumption, and a lazy one too.
If my perception is true, why would these four proto-political entities share common values?
And, as others like to agonise over, why would people from these different polities agree on what is best for Scotland’s Independence movement?
What are these distinctly different values…
What are common values…
‘Sole reader’ values look like this…
link to wingsoverscotland.com
I think the work that has been done to summarise the utter guff that James Kelly spouts is most commendable.
Kelly is a fragile vexatious individual individual. He’s in the SNP. Then he is Alba. Then he doesn’t like individuals in ALBA and stamps his feet and puffs like a petulant child – trivial is what he does.
And if anyone makes even the most constructive criticism on his blog he bins it. It’s his blog, he pays for it, and if you say something I don’t like then go and create your own blog.
It’s bahoo, bahoo, bahoo, tantrum, tantrum tantrum, tears and snotters. This boy certainly knows how to do petty. Totally and utterly unsuited for even the most kindergarten of political debate.
And now in a fanfare of self blogged blurb he declares he’s going back to join the SNP.
Oh well, I wish him well with that one, In fact I wish the SNP well with it too.
I just hope the poor soul isn’t reading Wings today. Today’s article and BTL comments will have Mr Kelly lying purple and apoplectic in a super tantrum.
Perish the thought of that though. Somebody might have to clean up after him. A terrible sight for anyone to behold.
Hopefully however, he’ll either grow up, or simply just go away. The latter I’d suspect being the most likely.
re. “TOTAL: 64 articles”
“I very rarely link to Wings posts, but I’m compelled to make an exception tonight because I’m profoundly moved by this one. In order to prove that he’s not stalking me, Stew Campbell has run no fewer than *sixty-four* individual Scot Goes Pop blogposts through the archive.is site, thus helpfully ensuring those posts are now permanently there for posterity. He has then linked to all sixty-four archived pages from a single bumper tribute article, and has even calculated the word count of each individual post, plus the combined word count for all sixty-four…”:
link to scotgoespop.blogspot.com
The guy is a fkn joke. A bad one.
“I very rarely link to Wings posts . . .”
But he started ‘Wings Watch’ that, erm, links to Wings posts.
Hilarious, innit.
Or have some people simply gone mad since April 2020? I do wonder.
There’s always Care in the Community.
Which as we all know means sleeping in shop doorways and being shat on by pigeons at first light.
Whoever compiles the daily ‘Voices for Independence’ always gives James Kelly the biggest airing in the list.
Is this his own listing? If not, it would be a good idea to abbreviate his contribution considerably so we don’t have to read all his constant whining.
O/T Regrettably I am not getting involved with this pile on. It’s like Ayr United fans asking for extra time when beating Broxburn Athletic 8 nil. Other matters are going under the radar. The UK Government rejection of a petition to debate the Iraqi legislation to make the age of consent 9. I have always worried about Labour’s approach to safeguarding young girls. And that goes a long way back. Speaking as a Grandad of course. Women take note.
If Swinney has full confidence in Gray then Gray will be gone in a week!
Aye, I’m innocent, it was a mistake.
No bother then, fully understand, off you trot. And would such a defence have exonerated Sir Jimmy Saville, or Rolf Harris or any of the rest of them. Just made a mistake. Well Sir Jimmy certainly had no case to answer and it is more than probable that the others were protected.
And that ladies and gentlemen is the way of our elected representatives. They fill their boots whatever way they can. Exorbitant tablet bill of over £10,000 for international roaming to watch the Celtic? Wisnae me, big boy did it, oh alright it wis me, just a mistake ,simple mistake, its only what a pensioner gets in pension for a year. No bother then, off you trot.
And Sturgeon. Lying to Parliament. No never, I forgot, wee mistake. Aye, no bother.
They shit on the electorate big time because they are the entitled ones, and they’d stab you in the back as quick as look at you.
And the £600k of missing donations. Has that turned up yet. And what’s the ex First Minister got to say about her house having a proceeds of crime freezing order on it. Maybe she’ll have to, or has been sleeping in the luxury motor home.
And maybe James Kelly will find it now that he’s moving back to the SNP.
Or am I missing something?
If only , Swinney is a SPINELESS creature and content with the ongoing corruption of his assorted clowns
The latest NHS Tayside campaign. Women should present for cervical screening OR anybody else that has a cervix??? I think that’s only women. But us auld guys are behind the times, male born people can develop a cervix? And I want to hand back my 3 degrees because I was robbed. Totally and cynically manipulated by academics of true science and fact based truth.
There’s no requirement for the cervix to be attached 🙂
I guess there must be something like “institutional drag” that means we will probably have years of this sort of guff before it’s consigned to history’s dustbin.
And many millions of tax payer’s cash will be squandered on reprinting booklets and signs, retraining staff, and battling nuisance court cases brought by scheming grifters. Many millions that will be desperately needed for front line services.
A good start would be to emulate President Trump and tell great swathes of the SNHS blob to stay at home with immediate effect.
Stay at home and watch for the postie delivering their P45. Of course here in Scotland, that would bring the entire public sector out on strike.
Or we hand back our degrees. I have no confidence in the academic Institutions that awarded them to me. Academic Institutions have lost all semblance of reality overrun by nonsense. Of course I don’t need their compliance and they don’t need mine. But the taxpayers fund them they don’t fund me. Make funding decisions based on reality or at least accepted reality. I don’t mind several of Scottish University’s going to the wall. Principals are making a fortune on the ignorance of the Scottish Public.
“I have no confidence in the academic Institutions that awarded them to me”
That’s taking it too far, George. The institutions were fine and were probably widely respected internationally.
It’s just that they’ve become captured by what some people refer to as “the long march through the institutions”. Now they’re businesses, enmeshed in a Ponzi Scheme of ever increasing fee-paying student numbers, all (staff and students) virtue-signalling their fealty to identity politics.
That can be reversed, but first we have to go through four and a half years of Starmer’s futile posturing while everything gets slowly worse.
By 2029 I’m confident we will see the same phenomenon over Woke that we now see with Blair. Nobody will ever admit to having been in favour of it. Unlike with those who rabidly supported Blair though, nothing put online ever really disappears, and Woke has always been an online sickness!
Yes H Mac HF I listened to Trump at his inauguration and it certainly sounded like he was a President that was going to make big, much needed changes.
The woke agenda was clearly on notice. It couldn’t be clearer
He also spoke about cleaning up the rotten justice system long weaponised in the USA.
Two issues that we desperately need sorting in our own pigstye here. Not that I’ve been a fan of American politics I would however venture that Trump, brash as he is, might actually turn out to be a good president.
Could certainly do with a dose of DJT here. And you never know, Scotland was the home of his mother, his mother was a gaidhlig speaker so underneath it all he is half Scot.
Be interesting how things might play out especially since Sir Keir Starmer tried to sink him big time. Trump might just take a shine to his late mother’s homeland that she had to leave to try and do better in the New World.
Sir Keir Starmer has made a bad enemy. And the Yanks, they kicked the Brits out in their war if independence.
They mean the trans ‘men’ who are already female but don’t present as such & everyone is to know about it whether they want to or not.
Typical exhibitionism.
Better message would be :
‘Women should present for cervical screening OR women who are exhibitionist & narcissistic should too.’
The whole system has been weaponised everywhere by the Mafia at the World Bank & International monetary fund & America is in charge of both. No one else.
They block loans & investments, impose penalties or give loan shark rates to poor countries to keep them poor unless they hand over their Sovereignty, judiciary & implement their policies – all under the watchful guise of their countless minions polluting NGOs & human rights organisations.
Proof, if required, is African conservative nations being required to accept the TRA nonsense before being approved of loans despite not even knowing WTF that is LOLz..
Or Orban who is currently being taken to court for defying the EUs instruction to hand over his justice system .
Colonisers aren’t daft. Education & it’s dumbing down of it is a well known trick to Stupify the masses. Only rich kids deserve a good education at a fee paying school. They’re the world leaders. Not the freeloaders – they can saddle themselves in a lifetime of debt to discover, 50 yrs from now, that males don’t have a cervix & that lesbians is a thing. It’s not an entirely new sex they’ve evolved into & none of us noticed.
Actually, can add Qatar to that list too. Being threatened with 5% of its global earnings unless it complies with that new due diligence malarky which also includes the LGBTQWERTY +++
America is in charge of World Bank & the head of the IMF is always an EU member. It’s them that dreams up this shit. Think tanks that no longer think.
It’s going to be wonderful entertainment over the next four years.
President Trump will, of course, be road-blocked in the courts at every turn. That started yesterday with a number of states attempting a legal challenge to Trump’s attempts to stop any pregnant woman who can make it across the US border declaring her baby to be a US citizen.
I read a fascinating article about it yesterday. Of course, it’s pitched as being all about oppressed and terrorised, penniless refugees being denied their constitutional rights, but when you dig into the subject, there’s an entire industry of what’s called “Birth Tourism”. High status, high value families from all over the world fly their pregnant relative into the US just before birth, where companies provide all medical, accommodation and legal services.
The baby is born, US citizenship is registered, then everybody flies home, but now with a valuable US dual-nationality citizen, who in later life, can cash in all the advantages that go with that.
“Trump might just take a shine to his late mother’s homeland”
He might. Pity we’re not further north. Then he might want to do a Greenland on us!
Yes, efter liberating Americans, we can be pretty sure President Donald John Trump-Macleod’s thoughts will soon be turning to liberating his ancestral homeland from both our colonizer and imposed woke neo-imperial ideology. He will always be a true son of Scotland, as well as an American.
I doubt it. Narcissists don’t forget or forgive a slight.
Just when I thought he had found some sense in his four yr hiatus he went all Del Boy yesterday..’make a deal, make a deal, I’ll impose Sanctions, well I won’t call them Sanctions I’ll call them Tarrifs… I’ll Tarrif everyone in BRICS, Spain is in BRICS, right? Do you know what BRICS is?”
Jeez! I guess he just picked a country beginning with S LOL
“I’ll Tarrifs R” “he’s got 90 days for a deal”
*Smacks forehead*
R doesn’t trade with the USA in any great quantity so that’s hardly yet another blow. He’ll just add it to the thousands of illegal sanctions he has already. & I hardly see a winning army lay down it’s weapons fighting neocons so Trump can get a deal LOL! What exactly does he have to offer for this supposed deal unless it’s the peace terms already agreed ++?
China is already migrating trade to the global south anyway, India doesn’t much care, Brazil even less along with Africa & the Global South.. So he’s left sanctioning the United Arab Emirates, Saudi & the rest? That’ll win friends..
He’s not very good at deals either. Having already torn up the legal one they had with Iran but in true Perfidious Albion style – he only meant his end. Irans side was still legal & binding..
So all in all he’s going to MAGA by hitting American consumers in their pockets.. he’s not off to a good start..
You tell him, Geri.
Word on the street is he has already appointed a low-level functionary to monitor this site and rush transcripts of your posts directly to his side.
We must all hope you will use your great power responsibly and for the greater good 🙂
Well they won’t be forwarding yours that’s for sure!
America is a coloniser. It has over 800 bases worldwide along with monitoring everyone’s parliament, judiciary, intelligence agencies, policies , foreign policies, trade policies, loan policies & military. Trump would be removed before he’d be allowed to remove any of that. They stole the land their sitting in & currently stealing more..NATO is defeated too & they’ve lost every war their big mouth has landed them in.
It’s just the same shit, different name. He has absolutely zero to offer P in 90 days. Zero. Cause P is actually a real Sovereign country. Self sufficient & minted, both financially & technically advanced & it’s managed it all despite despots inflicting thousands of illegal sanctions on it. Same with China, the manufacturer of the world. Ban TikTok? LOL they’ll be bricking it, not. Indonesia is that platforms biggest user. I doubt they care much for losing TRAs having a bad TRA day uploading their latest tantrums to the world…
As the Americans themselves would put it, President Trump is currently talking the talk.
Whether that will eventually translate into him walking the walk, still remains to be seen.
If he finds himself in the same situation WM politicians do, discovering that the levers of power they frantically pull are not attached to anything at the remote end, his second term will perhaps end in failure.
As the Americans themselves would put it, his enemies are lawyered up to the hilt. And nobody does lawyering up quite like the Yanks.
President Trump has already succeeded in shifting the Overton Window everywhere in the west – that’s for sure. It’s fascinating to think how differently things might have turned out if Sunak hadn’t bottled it in mid-2024.
Sunak could have stuck it out until 17 December 2024 for the WM GE, and the political background mood music would have been very different.
As for HR in maybe May 2026, the dustbin of Scottish history will by then be full with the rubbish from gender woowoo, DEI, hurty feelz crimes and Nutt Zero. If President Trump collapses the UK/EU economies with trade tariffs, there will be extra bins needed for all the other luxury virtue-signalling policies that will also be going direct to landfill.
You seem incapable of accepting all that gender woo pish is of Americas own making. It’s a directive, given to every country they meddle in. Implement it immediately or face… Sanctions. Unfavourable Tarrifs. Regime change. Blocking investment. False accusations or invasion. Choose yer fate…
Their new toy of removing Swift payments & just stealing other countries reserves has backfired spectacularly as everyone sane rushes to dump the $ & take up India & Chinas international payments service trading in their own currency free of all the bullshit.
I dunno what insider knowledge you have over Yes Man Sunak. He was planted. A billionaire placed to look after, umm, billionaires. Besides being a virus spreader with, eat out to help out spread the joy, what did he do exactly?
@PeteWishart has blocked you:
“You really think we should spend our time trying to convince Scots that they are in fact ‘colonised’ when every bit of their experience of living here tells them that they’re not? We really have to get serious if we are ever going to win our independence.”:
link to x.com
Robin McAlpine has a leaked copy of the SNP “governance review” report. It transpires the proposal is to make a leadership challenge harder (all but impossible). From a threshold of nominations from 100 party members spread across 20 branches to 1,500 membership signatures. This is to be achieved while being denied membership contact details (and indeed membership numbers (to the extent that these can be believed)). Swinney is gerrymandering any future Leadership contest. When he finally decides to go, his (handpicked) replacement will be given a Coronation (as indeed he was). Electoral politics is fucked, the Spookocracy owns that particular Kabuki theatre.
Here’s the article.
link to robinmcalpine.org
Electoral politics isn’t fucked. It may currently be in a shitstate, but that means folk need to stop spending quite so much of their time distracted with watching the car crash and instead get busy finding less than a hundred decent folk out of a population of 5.5 million to stand and return some decency to our democratic process.
It makes a mockery of Scotland being politically switched on around and since IndyRef when over ten years later you can garner more cerebral sentience in the realm of political thinking by sticking an old discarded run over disposable vape battery into a tin of spam.
Of course it does no good whatsoever when supposed “leaders” continue to double down saying there is nothing going on, whilst others doggedly pursue unity by creating a lack of unity with splinter activities because their egos will not allow them to work with others who have in the scheme of things very similar objectives.
That Reform can make hay against oor brightest and best says it all. Ron Manager would sub out some of oor star players for lackluster piss poor performances.
But out with the main article content which describes further and more robust capturing of the NuSNP by the controlling cabal.
In the past Robin has highlighted the negative issues with Freeports and SEZs which Kate Forbes had a part in (and likely Scotwind too). Yet he talks of being supportive of her in the recent SNP leadership election…
Holyrood & the SNP is completely captured. We’re in an endless torment of NuSNP for the foreseeable future unless they go full Britnat & start removing mitigation & have everyone suffer toxic Tory policies along with everyone else. This was forwarned during indy. That they’d cripple Holyrood if it was a No & that’s exactly what they’ve done. Only shocker has been that it has been done by the SNP playing along.
Robin continually held a candle to the SNP hoping they’d change when they were already long past their sell by date & the rot was insurmountable.
Council elections is maybe the elections to focus on. Or just start a public convention like before & start again. Get behind Salvo/liberation & leave that cesspit to eat itself & hopefully choke in the process…
There is plenty happening in geopolitics outside of Scotland that should be reported on but it seems everyone is fckn fixated on writing about the SNPEEE & how shit they are..we all know already & it can’t be fixed. Neither can Holyrood. That was by design.
Robin is obviously a nice guy which allows himself to be involved on the perimeter of the snp machinations , BUT as you already highlight Dan his cringing acceptance that Forbes is anything other than a self serving grandstanding tr@itor to Scotland and Scots defies his reputational credibility
If Robin is so blinded by the wee nice lassie act he is in the wrong profession and should be focusing on the evidence of her misdeeds
Swinney and SNP high heid yins must be insane. Short-termism writ large – but they don’t care as they have their gold pensions all stashed away – probably in Switzerland.
Is this not another Angus Robertson’s version of democracy for the membership of snp, but don’t worry VOB they will suck it up like the wee brain dead clones that they are , just like the deliberate sabotaging of the executive which they let happen
Off topic.
There was a multitude of football played last night.
Our supposedly national broadcaster, the EBC, have opened ‘Have your say’s’ on lots of the games.
Teams from England, men and women’s, Germany, Italy. Spain. Turkey, Ukraine, Portugal, Czech Republic, France, Austria, Netherlands, Croatia all opened. One glaring omission-Scotland. Poor show but not unusual.
In the past I have submitted several formal complaints. Eventually responses have been received, basically saying, ‘Fuck off’ we will do what we like. You should contact the EBC Scotland. They are equally uninterested.
I have thought about contacting one of our MP’s/MSP’s to raise the issue direct but what is the point!