Robin McAlpine published a very important piece yesterday, detailing how the SNP is about to become even more of a leadership dictatorship than it already is.
You can read the article to see why this is a change of enormous importance, and a catastrophic one for the independence movement. It will make it just under 17 times harder for any sitting SNP leader to be challenged for the leadership – let alone defeated – and effectively turns the party into a private oligarchy every bit as total and unaccountable as that of Reform (which is not a member-directed political party in the conventional sense, but a limited company personally owned by Nigel Farage, who holds a majority of the voting shares and can do whatever he pleases with it).
We’re annoyed at ourselves, because we got sent the document revealing the change a month ago, but we missed it. And now we’re going to show you why.
We’re stuck indoors waiting for a repairman today, so we had a little read-around of some of the less popular Scottish politics blogs to pass the time, and noted this:
James Kelly of Scot Goes Pop, which we gather from its front page was seemingly one of the “Top 50 Left-Wing Blogs of 2011”, is noticeably insistent on making the argument that we’re “stalking” and “obsessed” with him.
The wild thing about this poll isn’t the headline that six months after winning a massive landslide majority, Keir Starmer now trails Nigel Farage – leader of a party with five MPs to Starmer’s 411 – as the electorate’s choice for best Prime Minister.
It’s the little grey numbers sitting quietly at the bottom.
Y’know, maybe we were a little harsh on the lads at Holyrood Sources yesterday when we implied that a more direct and aggressive interviewing style might have cut through John Swinney and Kate Forbes’ pathetically feeble waffling evasion on the SNP’s lack of an independence strategy in their recent podcast.
But the closest thing (along with Colin Mackay at STV) that the Scottish media has left to a proper Rottweiler interviewer – Peter Adam Smith of ITV – had a shot at that five years ago and didn’t do any better.
Smith noted that even back in 2019 Nicola Sturgeon had been droning on about how Westminster’s refusal to grant a second indy referendum was “unsustainable” for two years already. But no matter how hard he pressed, Sturgeon just kept on glibly and smugly insisting that they’d concede.
“The UK government strategy is to say no. Do you have a way around it?”
“My strategy is to say yes.” [smirks]
Readers might be forgiven for wondering how long it’s going to take the SNP to accept that that “strategy” is a failure, if seven years and three First Ministers isn’t enough for them to have worked it out. But as long as the pathologically gullible keep voting for them anyway, we suppose they have no reason to.
The National carried a strange article yesterday, apropos of seemingly nothing, about a Brussels-based political thinktank supposedly linked to the right-wing Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban. The piece actually originated on superwoke “fact-checking” site The Ferret a couple of days earlier, and professed to expose how the thinktank was “stoking Scotland’s culture war”.
Alert readers will already have pricked up their ears at this point, because “culture war” is a radical-left dogwhistle term used to obscure, belittle and dismiss groups (largely though not exclusively comprising left-wing feminists) fighting for the safeguarding of children and the protection of women’s and LGB rights.
As more horrific experiences from survivors of rape torture gangs surface from across the UK, we must focus not on knee-jerk political posturing but on the root cause that led to the failure of these children by our society.
Political inaction has now opened the door to inevitable political mileage, nurtured from stoking vengeance in a rightly-angered public. Those only interested in creating cultural conflicts no more support justice for survivors than those who allowed this abomination to fester by looking away or worse, covering up the problem.
For any functioning society, inflicting unimaginable pain on children on an alarming scale seems unimaginable. Yet, the evidence has been in front of us for years – so why has immediate action to ensure the safeguarding of children – and vulnerable adults – not been a pressing priority?
Any rational assessment of Scottish (or indeed UK or world) politics at the moment tends to be negative and depressing, so since it’s a new year we thought we’d make an extra-special effort at writing something positive.
Unfortunately that does require us to enter the realm of fantasy. But hey, everybody needs a little holiday from time to time, right?
Young Lochinvar on The Silent Revolution: “It’s well past that I think. The so called party of independence hiring the “pen for hire” Murray Foote as…” Jan 24, 02:57
Young Lochinvar on The Silent Revolution: “I detest the term “progressive”, just as I hate the other hijacked phrases and words like “gay”, “pride”, “gender “…” Jan 24, 01:23
gregor on A short treatise on stalking: “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Track 17): #Q” Jan 24, 00:29
Mark Beggan on The Silent Revolution: “Deviants the lot of them. Each and every one.” Jan 24, 00:19
gregor on A short treatise on stalking: “Humza Yousaf: The Pursuit Of Purpose: What Motivates Musk? Spoiler Alert: The Nazi Salute Was a Hint: “The Party told…” Jan 24, 00:13
gregor on The Silent Revolution: “‘It’ ? “Used as the subject of a verb, or the object of a verb or preposition, to refer to…” Jan 23, 23:16
George Ferguson on The Silent Revolution: “O/T This post will probably not get through. First let’s deal with the substantive core of Stus article. Is anybody…” Jan 23, 23:12
gregor on The Silent Revolution: “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: Éowyn’s Dream (Instrumental:) #Storm #NoEscape” Jan 23, 22:57
Zimba on The Great Hollowing: “That’s not my point and you know it. But hey.” Jan 23, 22:36
gregor on The Great Hollowing: “Trump Orders Release of JFK, RFK, MLK Assassination Files: #TransparencyMatters” Jan 23, 22:06
Willie on The Silent Revolution: “Aye and other parts too Mark! A lot of boaby wallopers the SNP. Many of course are of course Jakess…” Jan 23, 21:32
Willie on The Silent Revolution: “Anum Qaisar. Was she not the shooie in one time MP who was one of the dlevout Humxa Yousaf’s harem.of…” Jan 23, 21:26
sarah on The Silent Revolution: “There were never any challenges. And it’s not easy to get 100 supporters from 20 branches when there is no…” Jan 23, 21:25
gregor on The Silent Revolution: “BBC (2025): Abuse claims were ‘brushed under the carpet’: “The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry has heard that allegations of physical,…” Jan 23, 21:19
shug on The Silent Revolution: “The SNP needs its own security service to weed out the plants.” Jan 23, 21:12
shug on The Silent Revolution: “I hear what they are saying about 100 members – seems a low number right enough. However 25% of a…” Jan 23, 21:10
gregor on The Silent Revolution: “@TheSNPForum Plebs release: “NEW: Justice Secretary Angela Constance gave an emotional apology to the families of Katie Allan and William…” Jan 23, 21:01
gregor on The Silent Revolution: “The Fraud (2023): GCHQ drafted in to keep SNP leadership vote secure: “THE SNP is working with UK spy bosses…” Jan 23, 19:44
PacMan on The Silent Revolution: “There is a distinct possibility that Trump’s term in office could have a detrimental effect on the woke politics in…” Jan 23, 19:41
Willi on The Silent Revolution: “Less ordinary members on the NEC more special interest. That ells you that nothing has changed in this rank rotten…” Jan 23, 19:17
gregor on The Silent Revolution: “@1984: “BREAKING: Millions of Scots will soon hear a ‘loud siren’ from their mobile phones to alert of danger from…” Jan 23, 19:06
Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: “I think you will be OK, TT. Back in the old days when we still had paper persons delivering the…” Jan 23, 18:54
agent X on The Silent Revolution: “Millions of phones across Scotland to sound ‘Armageddon’ alert siren ahead of deadly Storm Eowyn Stay safe.” Jan 23, 18:54
sarah on The Silent Revolution: “Rev tweeted today that the membership in June 2024 was 64,525, so you’re not far off, robertkknight.” Jan 23, 18:40
gregor on The Silent Revolution: “OBN Dev: Fraud Files: King of Fraud: “And often the self-described, “Greatest Swiper of All Time” Stolen Bank ID numbers were…” Jan 23, 18:37
robertkknight on The Silent Revolution: “If 100 constitute 0.15% of SNP members, by my reconning the total membership would be approx. 67,000. Therefore the 2.5%…” Jan 23, 18:26
twathater on The Silent Revolution: “As I commented on the previous post Is this not another Angus Robertson’s version of democracy for the membership of…” Jan 23, 18:14