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Wings Over Scotland

The thickness of blood 100

Posted on February 15, 2025 by

Much of Scotland, and indeed the rest of the UK and beyond (the story below ran in the London Standard), has been grimly gripped this week by the ongoing and scarcely believable trainwreck that is Sandie Peggie Vs NHS Fife.

The tribunal has now overrun the time allotted to it, and will reconvene for another 10 days in the second half of July, ramping up the already considerable costs incurred by NHS Fife, which is in the middle of a huge financial crisis.

According to legal experts, there is little doubt about the law surrounding the dispute. NHS Fife is clearly and unambiguously in the wrong – Dr Beth Upton, the transwoman at the centre of the problem, is legally as well as biologically male, and had no lawful entitlement to be in a female changing room. The authority also appears to be in very considerable potential trouble over failing to disclose key documents and evidence when ordered by the original judge.

So it seems remarkable that the board of NHS Fife is allowing the case to continue rather than immediately conceding to save money and any more public humiliation of both itself and its staff, like the hapless nurse manager Esther Davidson who endured a very uncomfortable two days in the witness box this week, and the clearly manifestly incompetent Equality And Human Rights Lead Officer, Isla Bumba, who yesterday deleted her LinkedIn page after being identified as the person who gave Davidson incorrect and unlawful guidance.

(Bumba is a 29-year-old immunology graduate and former bartender who ditched the challenging and gruelling field of vaccine development for a rather cushier number in pronoun-policing for £40-47,000 a year, somewhat more than the £31,000 average wage on offer to staff nurses like Sandie Peggie, who’s been a nurse for longer than Bumba has been alive.)

Readers may reasonably wonder if the makeup of the board might offer some clues.

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For Mridul And Sandy 286

Posted on February 12, 2025 by

This site hasn’t had much nice to say about the former CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, Mridul Wadhwa, or the (incredibly) still-CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland, Sandy Brindley. But we’re going to thank them today, because it’s hard to see how anyone else could have been chiefly responsible for this.

Just four and a half years ago, every demographic group in the UK supported – either by a plurality or an outright majority – the presence of transwomen in women’s rape crisis centres. But today, eight out of 10 of those groups now oppose it, five by an absolute majority, with only 18-24-year-olds and (barely) Labour voters clinging on.

(Which is probably why ERCC has stuffed its board with children.)

Sometimes even awful people can trigger good outcomes. Cheers, sir and madam.

Bricked-up windows 98

Posted on February 11, 2025 by

Readers may have noticed recent speculation in the media (based on the wording of a press release) that Police Scotland had ended their investigations regarding Operation Branchform. As it happened we’d already submitted a Freedom Of Information request aimed at finding that out, and the response arrived this evening.

You can read it below.

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The Front On The Volga 91

Posted on February 11, 2025 by

As alert Wings readers will know, we’re fond of a WW2 analogy from time to time. The conflict is so extensively documented, and so deeply embedded in British culture (for both good and ill), that it’s a reliable tool for getting points across concisely and clearly.

(It’s also one of the last major wars in which, overall, the good guys and the bad guys were pretty indisputably easy to identify.)

So let’s keep that in mind for a moment while we look at this.

And then let’s talk about Stalingrad.

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The End Of The Reich 219

Posted on February 10, 2025 by

For 10 years in Germany between 1935 and 1945, Jewish people were not legally human. The Nuremberg Laws, drafted in large part by Wilhelm Stuckart, established the principle in law that Jews were to be denied any rights on the basis that they were untermensch, a German word literally meaning “subhuman”.

It would be, to say the least, highly controversial for anyone to put forward in 2025 the idea that Jewish people had actually ceased to be human beings during that period, even though the various laws had been passed by a legitimately-elected government in peacetime and attracted little in the way of international condemnation.

The truth is that regardless of what the law said, Jewish people remained humans for the whole time, which is why Nazi war criminals were tried after the war for “crimes against humanity”. The passing of a law had had absolutely no effect on their biological reality. (Other than that it led to millions of them being murdered, of course.)

But anyway. Nicola Sturgeon.

Is the above how she imagined her feminist legacy, do you think, readers?

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The Joker 352

Posted on February 08, 2025 by

The smirking scorpion 163

Posted on February 07, 2025 by

Let’s take a passing moment just to reflect on how grotesque this is.

When she was leader, Sturgeon forced MPs and MSPs like Michelle Thomson and Mark McDonald – neither of whom were even spoken to by police, let alone arrested or questioned or charged – out of the SNP lest even the mere suggestion of wrongdoing bring shame on the party.

She is still under police investigation on suspicion of EMBEZZLING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF POUNDS FROM THE SNP, and her husband and former party CEO has actually been charged with it. She is personally on record, on video, ordering the NEC not to question the state of party finances at the time of the alleged offences.

Yet not only has she had the lack of class not to resign the whip voluntarily, not only has she shown no interest in turning up and doing the job for the last two years, but she’s actually put herself forward to stand again, and doddering, spineless caretaker John Swinney hasn’t had the stones to put a stop to it.

Nobody thinks she’s even going to actually run next year – she spends most of her time gallivanting around celebrity events talking about her life after politics – so she’s just wasting everyone’s time and trolling.

Nobody in history has ever taken the SNP for a ride as cynically as this. But the party is so rotten and broken and weak that it just meekly goes along with it, and yet still dares to pretend it’s up to the rather tougher task of making Scotland independent.

We have no words for anyone still stupid enough to believe in it.

Seeding the briar patch 327

Posted on February 05, 2025 by

This is the SNP’s latest messaging. Ministers, MSPs, payroll drones and the central party account were all tweeting the graphic and variations on the line yesterday.

And it’s quite difficult even just to count the number of different ways in which it’s not just mind-bogglingly offensive, but also clatteringly, jaw-droppingly stupid.

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Closer To Home 205

Posted on February 03, 2025 by

It’s a well-known truism that if a newspaper headline is phrased as a question, the answer to that question is always “No”.

And nothing’s changed here.

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Freedom of choice 474

Posted on January 29, 2025 by

It’s worth remembering that they didn’t have to do this.

Labour had already announced their intention to abstain. There was no danger of the budget being defeated. So the SNP could have allocated however much money they wanted from their increased funding to the pursuit of independence.

And maybe they did.

Saying sooths 252

Posted on January 28, 2025 by

People sometimes ask us if we get bored of being right all the time.

But in truth, we just wish we had to work a bit harder at it.

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The Silent Revolution 550

Posted on January 23, 2025 by

Robin McAlpine published a very important piece yesterday, detailing how the SNP is about to become even more of a leadership dictatorship than it already is.

You can read the article to see why this is a change of enormous importance, and a catastrophic one for the independence movement. It will make it just under 17 times harder for any sitting SNP leader to be challenged for the leadership – let alone defeated – and effectively turns the party into a private oligarchy every bit as total and unaccountable as that of Reform (which is not a member-directed political party in the conventional sense, but a limited company personally owned by Nigel Farage, who holds a majority of the voting shares and can do whatever he pleases with it).

We’re annoyed at ourselves, because we got sent the document revealing the change a month ago, but we missed it. And now we’re going to show you why.

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    Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)

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    • Debatable Lands on The thickness of blood: “Let’s look at this from another angle with less cock waving/hiding. A minority of men behave in aggressive and sexually…Feb 16, 06:01
    • yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “no answer to either question very telling but probably wise under the hate speech laws bought in by the SNP…Feb 16, 05:13
    • yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “I thought one of the big hopes for indy was to massively ramp up immigration to a free ScotlandFeb 16, 05:09
    • WhatRot on The thickness of blood: “Nobody is ‘legitimately going through reassignment surgery’. Nobody.Feb 16, 04:30
    • WhatRot on The thickness of blood: “No you don’t. There’s no such thing. It’s literal nonsense.Feb 16, 04:25
    • twathater on The thickness of blood: “The ONLY good thing to come out of Edinburgh is the road to GlasgowFeb 16, 04:05
    • twathater on The thickness of blood: “There’s nothing wrong with Paisley , and once we get rid of the pish snp crawlers and elect a I4I…Feb 16, 04:03
    • twathater on The thickness of blood: “TBQH I don’t know why anyone is giving that PRICK yoon scum any explanation, he/she/it is only here to annoy…Feb 16, 03:52
    • twathater on The thickness of blood: “Julie Hull has clearly illuminated and broken down the hurried and unconscionable desperation of these female Aunt Lydias in their…Feb 16, 03:43
    • Ian Brotherhood on The thickness of blood: “As a general rule I suppose you could be right but it’s not between Glasgow and Edinburgh.Feb 15, 22:34
    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “I don’t think Paisley is a good idea.Feb 15, 22:29
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “New York Post (14/02/25): DOGE says it recovered $1.9 billion in taxpayer funds ‘misplaced’ by Biden admin: “The massive trove…Feb 15, 22:22
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “Rapid Response 47 @RapidResponse47: “Presidents Obama and Biden clearly love the work @DOGE is doing” Elon Musk @elonmusk: “Literally exactly…Feb 15, 22:16
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.”: UK Foreign Office: British nationals…Feb 15, 22:07
    • Ian Brotherhood on The thickness of blood: “‘Friends of Wings’ is planning a wee social night for early April. It’ll be on or around the 11th (!)…Feb 15, 21:53
    • gregor on The thickness of blood: “re. “‘she wouldn’t meet my eyes’.” Women did not choose their natural female species status (it’s biological human reality) and…Feb 15, 21:42
    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “The holy Roman church had more sinister, barbaric methods for non believers. Methods that if given a choice I would…Feb 15, 21:37
    • Alf Baird on The thickness of blood: ““colonialism takes many forms” Indeed it does, and what we know from postcolonial theory as ‘colonial procedures’. However the main…Feb 15, 21:24
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “BBC: Why has a former Tory MP decided to serve in U****ne’s military? 15, 20:58
    • crazycat on The thickness of blood: “truly someone born in the wrong body There’s no such thing. The expression presupposes a difference between our “selves” and…Feb 15, 20:47
    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “It be good to know if NHS Fife had someone in a skirt lined up for the “Champion Whistle blower”…Feb 15, 20:14
    • Lorna Campbell on The thickness of blood: “Cracking piece, Rev. Anyone who has a ‘trans’ identified relatives and who is in public office of any kind -…Feb 15, 20:12
    • John H. on The thickness of blood: “The threat of death by the sword was how he forced people to accept his new religion I understand.Feb 15, 20:08
    • Royston Rickard on The thickness of blood: “To your third sentence – in short, yes. Even 20 years ago, this wasn’t an issue anywhere. Why? Because until…Feb 15, 20:07
    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “Yes. We are now seeing the results of open doors. How many terrorists, rapists, murderers, paediphiles etc etc are in…Feb 15, 20:00
    • Royston Rickard on The thickness of blood: “A ‘biological’ male: what other kind IS there?Feb 15, 19:57
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “Shadow of Ezra @ShadowofEzra: “Senator Lindsey Graham declares that Zelensky is the ally he has waited for his entire life.…Feb 15, 19:55
    • Lorna Campbell on The thickness of blood: “Indeed, Mark. I have met some who are exactly like that. As in all races and ethnicities, there are good…Feb 15, 19:53
    • Lorna Campbell on The thickness of blood: “Yes, I think that they would have been very personal. Wouldn’t be at all surprised and come back in July…Feb 15, 19:47
    • Lorna Campbell on The thickness of blood: “Absolutely agree. Most people don’t seem to grasp the sheer viciousness and spiteful reactions of the ‘trans’ identified men and…Feb 15, 19:43
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