The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland


How to support Wings Over Scotland and other Yes causes with cold hard cash.

—— PAYPAL ——

If you’d like to contribute to keeping Wings Over Scotland online we run fundraisers every year around March, or you can just buy us a bag of sweets to say thanks by clicking the button below to send a one-off donation of any sum you feel like.

(You shouldn’t need a PayPal account to donate, just a credit or debit card. And yes, our PayPal account is under an odd name starting with ‘E’. Long story.)

Alternatively, you can use this exciting new drop-down menu to make a monthly donation of £2, £5, £10, £25 or even – check out our delusional optimism – £50.

Wings Over Scotland subscriptions






To see our previous annual fundraisers, click the banners below:






Other current fundraisers you may want to help out:



A list of pro-independence fundraisers so far, including only those that have made over £1000 and which were done fully or mainly in transparent public view with donor lists.

Wings Over Scotland, June 2019: £171,849 (incl. “offsite” donations)
Wings Over Scotland
, March 2018: £153,215 (ditto)
Wings Over Scotland
, March 2017: £140,047 (ditto)
Wings Over Scotland, March 2015: £117,345 (ditto)
Wings Over Scotland, March 2014: £110,717 (ditto)
Wings Over Scotland, March 2016: £87,171 (ditto)
Wings Over Scotland
Wee Blue Book, August 2014: £59,661
Bella Caledonia, May/June 2015: £53,880
Broadcast News For Scotland, autumn 2014: £37,700
Indy Adverts, Aug/Sep 2014: £33,493
Backing Bella Caledonia, May 2016: £33,442
Wings Over Scotland, February 2013: £33,014
Business For Scotland, June 2014: £31,265
Common Weal, autumn 2013: £25,584
Wee Ginger Dug, July/Aug 2017: £21,065 (incl. all)
Women For Independence, March 2014: £20,823
Scotland Yet, autumn 2013: £20,320
Wee Ginger Dug, June/July 2018: £20,224
Margo Mobile 1, July 2014: £18,600
Alan Bissett – The Pure, The Dead And The Brilliant, March 2014: £18,431
National Collective, April 2013: £18,360
Phantom Power: Future Scotland: £18,271
Women For Independence To The AGM, October 2014: £15,615
Women For Independence Last Six Weeks, August 2014: £15,186
Wings Over Scotland Wee Black Book, May/June 2016: £14,965
Bella At Ten, Oct/Nov 2017: £14,795
How The BBC Stole The Referendum – The Documentary, October 2015: £14,510
Newsnet Scotland, December 2013: £13,801
Backing Bella, December 2013: £13,480
Generation Yes, May/June 2014: £13,415
AyeMail – Going Postal, October 2016: £12,655
Indy Cyclist – Rome To Home, May 2014: £12,090
Wings Over Scotland
opinion polls (x2), 2013: £11,822
10,000 Flags For Yes, April 2014: £11,397
Margo Mobile 2, August 2014: £10,858
Spirit Of Independence, summer 2014: £10,779
Spirit Of Independence #2, autumn 2014: £10,404
NewsShaft And Beyond, summer 2015: £10,400
National Yes Registry, August 2015: £9,794
Radical Independence – The Final Push, July 2014: £8,995
Left Scotland (May 2015): £8,200
Scotland Yet Post-Production, May 2014: £8,200
Independence Live – Glasgow Studio, March 2017: £7,657
Labour For Independence, March 2014: £7,031
AyeMail – ScotRef Express, May 2017: £6,750
Independence Live, March 2016: £6,680
Independence Live Going Forward, May/June 2015: £5,861
Independence Live Autumn Livestreams 2017: £5,835
Independence Live Post-Conference, November 2016: £5,575
Edinburgh North & Leith For Yes, July 2014: £5,550
How The BBC Stole The Referendum – The Final Push, May 2016: £5,535
Yes Glasgow Independence Debate, February 2014: £5,465
Indy Cyclist 2 – 500 Miles In 5 Days, July 2014: £5,350
How The BBC Stole The Referendum, November 2014: £5,281
Yes Dundee Bus Adverts, April/May 2015: £5,135
Yes Borders, March 2014: £4,875
Delivery For Indy, March 2016: £4,803
The Indyref Graphics Book, March 2015: £4,800
AyeMail – Scotland’s Choice, October 2017: £4,300
Radical Independence – Another Scotland Is Possible, February 2014: £4,001
Inform Scotland, October 2017: £3,615
Scot Goes Pop!, May 2014: £3,425
Dateline Scotland, August 2014: £3,322
English Scots For Yes 2, August 2014: £3,226
North British News, March 2016: £3,155
Yes In The Glen, February 2014: £3,121
Friends Of Wings Over Scotland 2, September 2014: £3,078
Indyref Yes Graphics (August 2014): £3,010
Friends Of Wings Over Scotland, June/July 2014: £2,568
Scottish Socialist Party, August 2014: £2,121
Yes Western Isles Campaign Office, July 2014: £2,050
Scotland’s Conversation With The World, May 2014: £2,025
Yes Stirling Office, June 2014: £2,005
Yes Edinburgh West Campaign Hub, July 2014: £2,000
AyeMail – Scottish Tax Fact Check, April 2018: £1,700 
Scottish Independence Live Events, June 2014: £1,640
English Scots For Yes, June 2014: £1,627
Aye Talks, May 2014: £1,520
Yes Bo’ness Shop, May/June 2014: £1,505
Yes Edinburgh Advert Trailer, spring 2014: £1,130

Total as of 10 August 2020: £1,616,331
(Wings Over Scotland: £899,806)


Other campaigns: totals claimed but not independently verified

Newsnet Scotland (“Duggy Dug” project and full-time staff writer): £22,000
National Collective’s “Yestival”, summer 2014: £30,820
Bella Caledonia Autumn Fund, 2014(?): £35,000 (all online trace has vanished)
iScot 2017: £25,790
Inform Scotland: £9,190

Claimed total: £122,800

Other “indy-related” pseudo-fundraisers (those primarily facilitating the selling of a product rather than raising money for campaigning materials/purposes)

The People Versus Alistair Carmichael, 2015: £216,590
iScot Phase 2, September 2015: £31,011
iScot Phase 3, 2016: £27,705
Chris Cairns – Send In The Clowns, October 2017: £15,025
Chris Cairns – Welcome To Cairnstoon, September 2015: £11,405
Greg Moodie Versus The Union, August 2014: £10,581
Greg Moodie’s Election Dissection, April 2015: £9,745
Moodievision, November 2015: £3,257
iScot, February 2016: £2,437
iScot, October (?) 2014: £2,122

Total: £329,878

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5 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. 17 06 14 20:32

    A More Positive Place | A Greater Stage

  2. 25 09 14 20:02

    Some rest for the wicked | FreeScotland

  3. 27 10 15 23:46

    Watchdog fines pro-independence blogger Wings Over Scotland -

  4. 30 10 16 21:34

    Nationalist online fundraisers: can you trust them? Part 2 – the good, the bad … and the ugly? | The Nation said No Thanks!

  5. 05 06 17 19:48

    Grassroots vs Astroturf | A Wilderness of Peace

78 to “Donate”

  1. Doug Daniel says:

    Well, as this is the blog I check out before any others these days, I think £2 per month is pretty damn reasonable.


  2. Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy) says:

    Even though I actually write on this blog I have just sent £10 over.

    Its important to keep getting the truth out there and if this site can help provide information to others posting elsewhere then thats a worthy cause.

  3. Morag says:

    I had been about to donate to NNS when they put me on the persona non grata list.  So you can have it instead.

  4. Adam Davidson says:

    What kind of cash do you need? What does it cost every month?

  5. Jeannie says:

    Happy to subscribe.  Love this blog and the other posters.

  6. Alex McI says:

    Here is a tenner donation Rev Stu, you deserve it for letting me post my moans. Cheers

  7. Boorach says:

    As a pensioner it behoves me to control the pennies very carefully so will start my subscription on 1st of month.

    Just a suggestion but it could well benefit you to allow the amount to be variable. £2.00 is not a great deal and I would cheerfully contribute £4 or£5 just so long as payment was at start of month. It would still be more economical than apaper and a deal more trustworthy.

  8. mogabee says:

    I have donated towards a new router Rev. wish it could be more.

  9. oldgreydoc says:

    it’s only £20 I’m afraid. Buy a new router. Buy a few beers. Whatever, but thanks for all the fun you’ve given me over the past few months!

  10. deewal says:

    just a wee, too poor, too small donation Rev.

  11. murren59 says:

    Delighted to have just discovered your site and have sent a 25.00 quid ‘donation’. Happy to do so – keep up the good work!

  12. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    Cheers! And many thanks to everyone who’s chucked a few bob in the tin this year. It makes a difference.

  13. Dave McEwan Hill says:


    Me too (sneckedagain). And they wont tell me why. I’m into pre-moderation for some misdemeanour which they haven’t identified and they wont reply to my inquiry about why.

    Rev Stu

    A monthly donation will be on its way as soon as the pension recovers from Festive blood letting

  14. murren59 says:

    Just to start 2013 off right – I am about to ‘wing’ another 25.00 your way to help the good fight.  I am just miffed that it has taken me so long to find your excellent site.  I love how compact it is with all the important info easy to find.

    Wish it could be more but you know what they say about Paisley Buddies:  “deep pockets but short arms”…   

  15. MajorBloodnok says:

    New Year’s resolution – bung Rev Stu a few quid.  I have therefore subscribed for the forseeable.

    Best regards MB

  16. Cauld tattie says:

    £2 a month for maintaining our sanity is a bargain. Keep up the good work. 
    All the best for 2013

  17. scottish_skier says:

    That was easy and a bargain.

    Don’t spend it all in one place mind.

  18. A. H. says:

    £50.00 Winging its way to you, keep up the good work Stu.


  19. Dunphail says:

    Signed up for subscription-worth it

  20. Ray says:

    Done my bit for the site and donated. I have never, ever felt the need to give somebody money for something like this before. Possibly because I never had money lying around to do so in the past. But it just felt right…

  21. Barontorc says:

    Rev Stu, an excellent site and worth every penny you can get. My first port of call every day and never disappointing, in fact there’s a drive and purpose about your work that is honest and absolutely inspiring. Keep it up and watch out for baddies – it’s gonna get very hot. All the best and donation sent with thanks.

  22. Robert Kerr says:

    25 pounds sent. I echo Barontorc’s comments.
    Last night I was at a Burn’s Supper and there was a folk group after formal proceedings, I passed them at “when shall we see your like again..” I immediately retorted “2014”

    Yes I have moved over to a new condition. Proud to tell the world I am a “Yes” man.

    Quite Kathartic.


  23. Aucheorn says:

    Monthly subscription taken out.
    It’s marvellous what you can get for a paltry £2 a month. 🙂

  24. Albamac says:

    I’ve just chipped in, Stu.  Made my day!

  25. Lex Carr says:

    I’m in for 2 quid a month. Well worth it. Keep up the good work !

  26. A. H. says:

    15.00 on the way via PayPal, good work Stu.

  27. Steve Duncan says:

    Added monthly subscription.  Brilliant blog.

  28. velofello says:

    Contribution on its way.

  29. Firestarter says:

    Subscribed. Honesty, reliability, integrity and humour – brilliant site 🙂
    The above four words are probably the names of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, as far as the MSM is concerned! 🙂

  30. Ken500 says:

    Just give an account details to pay in.

    Newsnetscotland does

  31. ronnie anderson says:

    Sos REV, am no Delusional as yet, ah wuld be if ah win the Euro millions, meantime its a £5 pm,
    bit in fur the long haul, an by Goad its gonna be long.
    You,s awe hiv a GID NEW YEAR,

  32. Chickenhawk 2 says:

    Just checked. I’ve been a bit remiss of late.
    Get yourself a fresh kebab. Take care, Happy new yin.

  33. RodneySofa says:

    Long overdue but first New Year’s Resolution achieved with a modest monthly contribution.

    Would love to have been more but as a pensioner am saving myself for some of the 2014 fundraisers. As a former vehement No a few reads of your site made the difference and am now as positive for Yes as I once was negative. But this time I can’t see me changing course.

    Keep at it Rev and we can do this! Happy New Year. 

  34. DanTDog says:

    I’m in,Rev…sorry it can’t be more at present, but will up the ante when feasible…I’m sure our subs will be instrumental in sinking Project Fear…YES! ?

  35. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “I’m in,Rev…sorry it can’t be more at present, but will up the ante when feasible”

    Every penny is much appreciated and carefully marshalled, comrade.

  36. Graham Scott says:

    Having read Wings for a couple of months, I was going to post my first comment in the Daily Mail ‘Cybernats’ thread to add my name to the list.

    I decided a one off donation and a monthly subscription would be even better. I wonder if this was the Daily Mail’s intention?

  37. Les McDougall says:

    Subscribed. This site has made me completely re-think my views on how government is run. Keep up the good work 😀

    YES in 2014

  38. John Walsh says:

    I know it is not much but I paid my tax today! more will follow when I am solvent again. lol keep up the good work.

  39. doing £5.00 a month, I read your pages more and more these days so keep fighting the good fight brother!

  40. Hello, decided to cancel my lifestyle/homemaker magazine sub and support those working for the lifestyle I actually want – in an Independent Scotland , fiver a month better spent.
    Thanks for all your work.

  41. bookie from hell says:

    subscribed today £2 a month

    TSB moving HQ final straw

  42. edulis says:

    Just put £20 over to Paypal. How can I track the total because I might dip my hand in my pocket later?

  43. gerry parker says:

    @bookie from hell.
    Move your HQ to the Airdrie Savings bank (online account) , that’ll learn them.

  44. ianbeag says:

    There is no more deserving cause in 2014 – £50 donation made plus existing standing order. No better way to show BT who is committed to Scotland that to reach the target in double quick time. Good luck!

  45. A. H. says:

    Fantastic job Stu! 100.00 on the way to you via IndieGogo.

  46. James Kay says:

    I have contributed several times by Indigogo, and my name always appears as ‘ijk10’. I don’t understand why, and I have tried to change it several times.

    If convenient, and when you have some time (!), could you show my proper name (James Kay) in the Benefactors list. Thanks.

  47. James Kay says:

    Indigogo is now showing my name correctly. If this was through your action, then thanks. If not, then please ignore the above post.

    Either way, thanks very much for WoS and for all your efforts.

  48. Elaine Black says:

    Donation winging its way to you – Hail Alba!

  49. Iain Bell says:

    I live in an oil-rich independent nation. I’ve sent a little, so maybe the Scots can too! Excellent work!

  50. Robert Roddick says:

    I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to donate over three days.
    How can I do this and is this problem the reason that a surprisingly low 0.5% of regulars have failed to contribute?

  51. dave robb says:

    Hi Rev Stu,

    I would like to contribute, but not via paypal. How can I do this?

    Dave Robb

  52. bobby McPherson says:

    been trying to set up a direct debit for 2 days – seems to be going round in circles. This isnae the first time please help

  53. Iain Brown. says:

    Sent over £30 via PayPal. Keep up the good work. Right behind you.

  54. Mark Fraser says:

    I simply had to subscribe, great website and an even greater cause. A new destiny is totally within our grasp, the fight must continue. Hail Alba

  55. Kate Pearce says:

    Sorry to hear you’re having a rubbish day full of spam attacks. My small donation is expressly intended for you spend on something nice (wine/beer/pizza or whatever) as wee ‘cheery up’. Keep up the good work! It is much appreciated! : )

  56. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    Thanks 🙂

  57. Heather (hevghirl) says:

    I wish I could donate the completely delusional £50 per month but I’m a pauper so a few quid is all I can manage for the moment. However, I wanted to say that when I was talking to my mum yesterday about the site and I said I’m going to be donating a little something, she asked ‘Where can I send a donation?’ My mum has never read or heard of your site as she’s not interested in the internet, but when I told her what it was all about, she jumped at the chance to be able to donate. Her donation will be winging it’s way shortly to you!

  58. Aileen Connor says:

    as of today have chucked my decades’-long
    readership on grounds the Independent has finally, irretrievably dropped the plot; age-old Anglo-centrism I mostly managed to ignore but consistency now of insulting, demeaning scaretastic reductionism renders them as tribal as a(ny) tabloid. Cheers Rev – donation from the heart. Keep strong & thank you 🙂

  59. Crooksy says:

    Probably the best fiver I’ll spend every month.

  60. Michael says:

    Stu, you are a hero, thanks so much for promoting our Yes Bo’ness shop appeal. We only need £114 to reach our target. We’re well over 90% funded. Thanks too to our generous supporters on Wings. Just a tiny little bit of extra help and we’ll get there.

  61. Melanie says:

    Anyone with a wee bit spare cash could do no worse than support Yes Stirling’s efforts to raise enough money for a campaign office.

  62. B.Bomb says:

    More than happy to donate a fiver a month to my new “go to” website.

  63. Maybolebuddie says:

    £20 in Stu, bring it on!!

  64. ronald alexander mcdonald says:


    Go to Peter Curran’s twitter page. (moridura). Listen to UK ex-Ambassador Craig Murray 26/8 English for Indy. We MUST get this viral!!!

  65. Grizzle McPuss says:

    Monthly DD set up…better late than never.

    Definitely the best £5 spent per month by far.

  66. Nan says:

    Hi Rev., Keep up the good work ..I don’t say much but I really appreciate all you do and have steered many towards you..we’ve done a wee subscription for the foreseeable for you..hope it helps…

  67. kangaroo says:

    Love this site. Roll on independence. Just sent you a donation buy yourself a SLAB (thats ozzie slang for a crate of beer)

  68. Alex T says:

    After you have donated to Wings Over Scotland if you have any spare cash left why not consider donating to one of the remaining SNP candidates Crowdfunding campaigns?

    If we don’t get a strong team of SNP MPs down to Westminster then we will be back to being a region again, ridiculed by the media and branded an irrelevance. Think about it.

    I live in Callander and this link is to my local SNP candidate, please give what you can:

  69. Justin Kenrick says:

    Hi there Stu, Your list doesn’t include Commonweal’s securing £13,220 a month from us which – on an annual basis – is £158,640, and so should be top of your list.

    Anyway, huge appreciation for all your work dissecting the ‘news’/ misinformation. I don’t like the aggressive tone some others in the movement can throw your way, or the aggressive tone you sometimes throw at others in the movement. But I think that, for all of us, our strengths are also our weaknesses, and there’s rarely a way round that – so if having to listen to that occasional tone is the price I have to pay for such fearless and dedicated work then I’m paying.

  70. George S Gordon says:

    Hi Stu, I’ve just donated.

    Would have been more, but I’d already given the other half to the fundraiser for the deported granny.

    Hope you approve?

    Best regards.

  71. Derek B says:

    I need the help of generous WOS readers to get my local MP re-elected. If we do not return a large amount of SNP MPs to Westminster on June 8th then this will be portrayed as a weakening of support for another IndyRef2. We simply cannot allow this to happen, so please donate what you can:

    We’re nearly half way there so please help us reach the full amount and also help with any overstretch amount. Also if you see any other crowdfunders out there for the Westminster elections then I’d ask you to donate what you can afford.

    #GE17 #VoteSNP >>> #IndyRef2

  72. Alan Laird says:

    Was just about to write you a checque when I realised your address might justifiably be kept hidden!

    Which way to send you a few sovs is best (i.e. with the least profit for the handler)?

    Will ” Stuart Campbell, Wings over Scotland, Bath’ get to you by post?

  73. George Drever says:

    Have just made my first long overdue donation, and will chip in again as funds allow. Invaluable work, among the most important in the Indy campaign. Your work MUST be more widely distributed, though. How about running donation campaigns for billboard and newspaper ads (ho ho) using the most punchy revelations? Maybe something similar to the Misreporting Scotland mobile billboard campaign? I’d certainly contribute.

  74. Andrew Scott says:

    Just donated but wasn’t expecting it to be to ebayjimmy. Just checking but that’s right isn’t it?

  75. Cactus says:

    Hi Andrew, yeah ‘ebayjimmy’ is indeed the Wings handle.

    Nice one.

  76. admiral says:

    Hi, Stu

    I would love to donate but cannot access online payments. can you e-mail me somewhere I can send a cheque?

    Kind regards and keep up the good work!


  77. admiral says:

    Ooops – just seen direct bank transfer details, Stu – ignore my previous.

    £25 “winging” its way to you today!

  78. Ben says:

    Love the site, especially the thickos link. I actually thought it was going to call ME a thicko for clicking it – rather pleased it didn’t!

  79. Thks4Wings says:

    Coffee and a bun transferred to bank account in appreciation of great work 🙂

  80. Liam Harper says:

    How do I amend my regular donation? It can’t be done on my bank website and I can’t see a way to do it from this site.

  81. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “How do I amend my regular donation? It can’t be done on my bank website and I can’t see a way to do it from this site.”

    It depends on how it’s paid. If you phone them up they should be able to either alter it or cancel it and set up a new one for a smaller or larger amount.

  82. Ooops – just seen direct bank transfer details, Stu – ignore my previous.

    £25 “winging” its way to you today!

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