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Wings Over Scotland

The Stereotypes

Posted on July 01, 2018 by

Much of central Cowdenbeath was closed down for several hours by the police yesterday to facilitate an Orange Order parade attended by DUP leader Arlene Foster. (Curiously, Ruth Davidson, who’d been vocal in her complaints about traffic disruption in Glasgow due to the recent Yes march, had no objections this time.)

Foster made an audaciously ironic plea for a nation “free from intolerance and hatred, right before the next speaker stepped up to denounce large sections of the local population as “enemies of Christ”.

The rest of the parade took its usual form.

Which is to say that a lot of fat old white men with orange sashes and orange faces watched younger men in pseudomilitary uniforms marching around waving any flag except the flag of Scotland, as they marked a battle between English and Dutch kings that took place in Ireland 17 years before the UK ever existed, and proclaiming their willingness to “defend” Cowdenbeath – not from poverty, not from inequality, not from bigotry, not from Vladimir Putin but from the evil menace of Roman Catholics.

There was of course one other recurring theme.

And just out of curiosity, since in our latest poll we’d asked about both respondents’ religious affiliation and their football affiliation, we thought we might do a quick spot of cross-referencing and see how much progress Scotland had really made in shaking off the old, well, loyalties and marching towards the 21st Century.

Hmm. Some way to go yet, then.

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That photo of the Greengairs thistle lot gave me a cold chill deep in my heart.

And then I looked again and thought Dads Army.

They are a joke but with a nasty, scary side.

Daisy Walker

Seriously concerned to see the Greengairs Thistle lot wearing what appear to be out and out UK Military Uniform.

Surely that is illegal. Are they a paramilitary organisation now, or just trying to impersonate British Soldiers and thereby bringing the British Army into disrepute.

Anyone better able to clarify the legal position on this.

Andy Anderson

Saw one of these walks once. The marchers looked like pissed Neds with no IQ at all.
They were a disgrace to themselves.

Archbishop of Dork

Couldn’t we tell them Kentucky is the Bluegrass State. Then some of them might emigrate there and make Scotland a better – and less of a Better Together – country.


Must be getting his Mel Gibson movies mixed up, probably due to all the bigotry he had for brexit er… breakfast.


I always thought that it was illegal in this country to march about in paramilitary uniforms .

Andy Smith

The Greendale thistle mob look like they’re wearing brit first world war uniforms, says it all really.

naina tal

Staunch. That was the word that was aye used tae describe them. Caught up yesterday in traffic to let the wee mairch go past, that was the word that kept going through ma heed. Not one single smile on their ugly frowning coupons. Aye! staunch….

Archbishop of Dork


Andrew Marr at the end of his show mentioned that the Met Office has issued its first ever thunderstorm warning. “But don’t worry” says Andra, “it’s only heading for South Wales and South East”.

Ah, so it’s only going to be in the Celtic fringe. Where the people are a lot less important than the folks in the south east of England. The BBC is another Met Office really. Not meteorological. A Metropolitan Office.

Archbishop of Dork

My post at 9:51. Sorry. Marr said “only heading for South Wales and the South West”.


I dropped in on Cowdenbeath to satisfy my curiosity and, perhaps, overcome some prejudices about our Orange pals.

Many other “Enemies Of Christ” turned up. We watched silently and politely.

My prejudices weren’t overcome: They’ve turned into sincerel convictions. The orange-loyalist ‘tradition’ is unredeemable: Retrograde and reactionary with a paradoxical mix of arrogant superiority and persecution mania.

And, I’ll be blunt, the people involved weren’t the sort you’d choose to mix with. “Not our sort of people” as my Kirk Elder Father would say.

Now, we know that most unionists are decent folk who probably share our contempt for Orangeism. So why don’t unionist leaders speak out against their nasty displays?

Could it be that both the Labour and Tory partys know that Loyalists are a core part of their support and are scared to alienate them?


You missed the bit about the march also comprising –

“Massively fat old white women wearing ridiculous hats and breathing with exhausted difficulty by 10 minutes in to the walk”.

Is it an OO thing that you must feed your missus pork chops, lard and vodka to get them to that size?

Arabs for Independence

I listened to their speeches on my iProd.

No place in Scotland for these dinosaurs


Andy Anderson

“They were a disgrace to themselves.”
But their mammy and all their daddies are so proud! lol


Not sure if the football poll really means anything. Football loyalties are as fundamentally tribal as it gets. Why else would you turn out on a wet Tuesday in January to shout for Queen of the South or Partick Thistle?

Conan the Librarian

@ Daisy Walker

Section 13: “A person in a public place commits an offence if he (a)wears an item of clothing, or (b)wears, carries or displays an article, in such a way or in such circumstances as to arouse reasonable suspicion that he is a member or supporter of a proscribed organisation.” – 6 months or a statutory fine

We’ll be waiting a long time to see that law enforced upon an Orange Walk though.

Cathie ll

It would’ve been interesting to see rangers/Celtic supporters by A category No religion


I’m a 4%er then. I became a Celtic supporter despite being a Presbyterian in Ayrshire through being a fitba mad wee boy in a sports absent household. Neither of my parents cared one jot for any sport. We had a long term babysitter who became a family friend. She was a Catholic single mother (in the late ’60s) from the other side of the toun.

I got my Celtic supporting habit from her. My Action Man had a Celtic strip, I had a wee Celtic top too and still have a wee enamel Celtic badge which I haven’t worn since I was about 8.

I’m pretty much fitba agnostic now though. I couldn’t tell you who is in the team or who the manager is. The accidents of life.

Bob Mack

I am not the enemy of Christ, but I am the enemy of Orange extremism. It is hateful, and led by bigots off the top shelf of intolerance. They in return recruit members from the lowest strata of society, the foot soldiers if you will, who themselves have often no belief in Christ or any other deity.

They do however get the chance to join with bigots of similar mind, and therefore achieve acceptance in this group.because nobody else in society would want them anywhere near.

My own father was cast out from his family home for loving a Catholic. My mother was badly beaten for unwittingly breaking their ranks whilst crossing the road. I loat6he them, because having had them in my family ,I know what ,and who ,they are.

They are hardcore Unionists, and if you think they would accept a successful indyref,then think again. It sure as hell won’t put me off from voting YES. In fact ,it solidifies my intention.


I am a bit puzzled to the Benidorm reference on that chap’s tee-shirt. Do they have Orange Walk’s there? I doubt it. I would think the local population might not approve. It would be the extent of his worldwide travel.


Arlene is away with the fairies and I’m not sure her motives are honourable.

As for the rest of them, God only knows who they’re away with.

And try as I might to be Christian about this, I struggle to see where in Christian Doctrine, or any religious doctrine for that matter, the OO fit in. (that’s me orange listed)

And very much because of that, I will pray for them all because that is what I understand I have to do.

Please do not even think about mocking me for this because it is not easy.

Somewhere in that weird morass are ordinary folk who through dear knows what got caught up in this whole hate fest.

Where there’s folk there’s hope.

Mad as shit as this all looks , please don’t give up on them.

(well that’s me in a whole heap of trouble now, from all sides)


Not only do the unionists thugs hate catholics, they hate pro Indy activists.
They turned up one day to photograph my house, it’s a tactic of intimidation that the Ulster terror groups use.
It would be naive to not suppose that the uk intelligence agencies are working with these dinasors.


the folk who put the 0/0 on their pedestal could be argued follow “the false god” of organgeism which goes against scriptures”.

Most of the OO won’t know this as they have no idea what a church is.
How say you Rev?


I’m retired now but my grandparents were members of both the OO and the Knights of St Columba…..One was as bad as the other…Both trying to get my father to “Sign up” me and my brother to their respective groups……It was left to us to decide which way we went in life….Both of us abstained as we could see the stupidity of both….Sadly some children just follow blindly if their father’s footsteps…

David Stevenson

2011 census has Roman Catholic % of the population at 15.9%. Can’t see that being halved in 7 years. Where does the 8% figure come from?

Southern Rock

Members of the Orange Order really are the dumbest shower of bigots you will ever run into in your lifetime.

Try having a Political debate on any topic with one of them and within 5 seconds you will realise that you would have been better having the same discussion with a lamp post.

They really are that thick.



“Massively fat old white women wearing ridiculous hats and breathing with exhausted difficulty by 10 minutes in to the walk.

Is it an OO thing that you must feed your missus pork chops, lard and vodka to get them to that size?”

It appears misogyny is alive and well, whatever your political views. Anyone who stoops to maliciously denigrating another’s appearance, must have the IQ at primary school playground level. But why are the nastiest of these people always directing their deep seated malice at women? Sorry, women are not here just to look nice for the likes of you.

Brian Doonthetoon

As others above have quoted Andrew Marr from this morning’s programme, here’s something illuminating he uttered during the newspapers review, regarding diversity at the BBC.

He explained to Martina Navratilova,
“The BBC is very much an urban metropolitan organisation, which doesn’t necessarily represent the entire country.”

So that’s us telt…


Greengairs Thistle are eternally forbidden to turn out with the OO along with Young Calvay Volunteers because of support for Loyalist Terrorists.

On the matter of Tory/Labour involvement with British Fascists such as the Orange Order and associated marching groups; Barney Jeffrey of Apprentice Boys of Derry who threatened students and made the papers is a Labour Party member.

Richard Nelson of Larkhall is Apprentice Boys/Tory councillor for Larkhall.

Labour’s Philip Braat enjoyed LOL support in reelection to the point they canvassed for him. So too did Tory David Meikle who was supported by LOL 168. Indeed one senior LOL member of 168 openly admitted to harassing left wing activists in Govanhill some years back on PULSE, a Loyalist Fascist website. He McPhailed in his endeavour and a whole thread about his exploits can be found in Green Brigade.

Bill McLean

Saw my first Orange walk in Cowdenbeath in the late 40s as a wee boy – still remember the feeling of alienation when my Dad explained what it was about. Lived in Scarborough, Yorkshire, off and on from 1964 to 1997.
The “Golden Last” on that lad’s t-shirt is a pub as you approach the harbour down Eastborough, I actually lived on the edge of town and so it was not until the early 90s that, one day in town, I heard a bagpipe band. Tracked it down to Victoria Road and discovered it was an Orange Walk. Talking to some locals who were casually watching I found that they had one every year! These same locals also informed it was “those Catholics from Northern Ireland”. I disabused them of this and they were really surprised. What the f… has Orangeism got to do with Scarborough and I believe Liverpool. Much to the point what has it got to do with modern Scotland – I despair!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Marcia.

RE: Benidorm. Have a look at this:-

Orange Day Parade Benidorm 2017

link to


Why would anyone want a bridge to these people, metaphorical or otherwise? Ruth Davidson has given licence for these cave dwellers in the same way Trump has awakened the dark underbelly of the US.

My worry is if unification of Ireland comes before Independence they will all come over here and what the effect on the vote will be.

O/T With Neil Mackay having been ill for a while, it probably shows why the SH has seemed so rudderless of late.

Paul Hutcheon has again muscled in on the front page with one of his pet subjects, the OBFA repeal. Remember, his great insight pointing out that although it was a huge turnout for AUOB that thousands hadn’t marched?

With the repeal of the OBFA, many are still being prosecuted under existing laws but as PeatWorrier points out many others who would have been liable to prosecution under the OBFA have now had any further charges dropped. Why not all if the legislation was always there?


Was talking to a yoon the other day who told me the unionists will use the OO to attack Indy supporters. So I had to explain to him that the Brits have the monopoly on the ugly face of Nationalism and they are as appealing to the majority of Scots as a bag of vomit.
They aren’t exactly athletes, nearly all being severely over weight alcoholics


Archbishop of Dork @ 9.45

No, no, no please don’t encourage them to Kentucky. It’s my second home and the rednecks really don’t need any competition. (Only joking love my redneck friends, even if some, not all, voted Trump)

Anyway all that marching and drum banging would scare the horses. It would soon be outlawed. Horses take priority.

Jack collatin

I’d feature this lot on the front page of every newspaper every day from now until Independence Day.
May gave this wee wummin £1 billion and Arlene reportedly slipped Ruth Davidson £300,000 of Saudi Arabia dark money to get the Mad Blue Tories elected …
I loved the Chocolate Soldiers.
When we vote for Self Determination this lot will doubtless form the Scotland Defence Force SDF army, just as long as it doesn’t coincide with signing On Day.
Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a right royal fuckin’ fool of themselves.
More OO marches please; clog up City Centres all summer, let the people of Scotland see rabid Brit Nat Unionism in full overweight sweaty drunken violent technicolour.

The Union Flag at its most honest; a symbol of imperialism genocide,Manifest Destiny, and bigoted racism.
Keep it up, you loyal sons and daughters of William. You are simply the best at it.

Were Murdo The Queen’s Eleven Fraser and Professor Two Jobs WATP Adam Tomkins at the Walk?

Or was it just the Underclass Brownshirts who were ordered to attend?

Willie Rennie was surely there handing out pamphlets about underfunding Mental Health in Scotland.

Keep it coming, you loyal subjects of HRM.

Glenn and Sally and Toodle Oo The Noo will have covered the whole thing for the Beeb. Non?

[…] Wings Over Scotland The Stereotypes Much of central Cowdenbeath was closed down for several hours by the police yesterday […]

Grouse Beater

Horrendous group of monsters no civilised society should tolerate. I trust they’ll grow more obese, dimmer, and die out, after enduring hell from their rebellious children. Ruthie’s foot soldiers to a shrivelled skull, every one.

Your weekend reading:

St Paul turns Indie supporter: link to
A bloody good film at last: link to


In the past, as a Scots/Irish Catholic, I felt like Scotland hated me, as these repugnant articles seemed predominant and untouchable. The establishment protected them back then.
Thankfully it doesn’t feel like that any more and thankfully this sort of thing has been marginalised and seen for the brainless hatefest it is.


If only we knew a Reverend who could show them the error of their ways. We must wish them the best – for them – whatever that might be.

Miracles do happen.


NornIrlun consistently produces the best A level results in the UK – and yet the UlsterProds are the dumbest knuckle-dragging morons on the Earth.

So – what gives?

Negative selection – the smart prods go and get educated in the rest of the UK, start their careers and then after a while – they just stay where they are – they never go back. Most are deeply embarrassed by their “cultural tradition” – and this is a tragedy for Northern Ireland as one side of the community loses its collective “brain” and its natural leadership.

Progress, negotiation, agreeement, compromise requires a certain level of intelligence on both sides – and this means that things are forever stuck in the past. They are all spam-heads – and this is why.

Theoretically I might have some sympathy for a United Ireland but as a Scot I am totally opposed to it. Ireland unites – we get 500K of the worst NornIrnProd – the “Huns” – coming over to Ayrshire and Glasgow to setup. This would drag our own social development back to the 30s.

Curiously, the Orangemen have been trying to get in on this “identity politics” carry-on – talking about “cultural tradition” and dripping in PC-newspeak into their blood curdling eructations – its a strange sight and it never really comes off – orange is now part of the rainbow flag – bigotry is the new diversity.

Arlenes bizarre idea about building a bridge from Scotland to NI may have been just another stupid on here part – “Arlene – you know the script – we need to BUILD BRIDGES here … ”
– “Aye … OK now”

I think the sea bottom is full of dumped bombs from WW2 anyway.



It would be certainly be an interesting meeting for the Reverend you speak of to try but I don’t think he would waste his breath on them.

Anyway, I doubt even the SAS could guarantee his safety.

Dr Jim

Why is Scotland an almost secular society?

Because decent people my age 69years lived the bitterness and violence of these people both Protestant and Roman Catholic
and made damn sure we didn’t bring our children up in the same humongously stupid manner

Make no mistake about what these people are and what they want, in 2001 the OO issued a proclamation that if Scotland became Independent they would militerise, I don’t believe that will ever happen because their numbers are dwindling in Scotland but that wouldn stop these lunatics once again bringing their garbage across from NI in the hope of dragging us back to the dinosaur age, which incidently the DUP don’t believe such creatures existed and scientists are are hoaxing us all anyway

The beliefs these people hold are not in any modern way attached to religion anymore they just hate anyone who’s not them, they don’t attend services on any sabbath day to pray for guidance, they don’t engage in the assistance to humanity in any Christian manner, they do one thing, they hate, that’s it end of

It’s just as well I’m not a politician of any power for I would ban them and outlaw both of their football clubs for the promotion of their views and don’t think for one minute one’s not as bad as the other, over the course of my life I’ve worked in every Rangers club and every Celtic club in Scotland I’ve seen it heard it and many of the high profile people who promote it, some believe it many use it as a tool for financial gain but it’s the rest of society that picks up the bill for it

They’re exremists of the worst kind all they’re missing is the gun

Bob Mack

The only reason Ian Paisley kept on side with Tony Blair was because Tony Blair grandfather was a leading figure in the Orange Lodge in N Ireland. Otherwise stated Paisley, he would never have trusted him.

It is interesting that Pailey was unseated by the DUP, only after Tony Blair converted to Catholicism. They reckoned Paisley had bad judgement for having faith in Blair.

This shows the influence and reach of the Orange Order

Auld Rock

There is only one legal ‘Private Army’ in the UK and they are the Duke of Atholl’s, Atholl Highlanders based at Blair Atholl.

Jason Smoothpiece

They are all poor underclass neds folk who didn’t get on well on the education front.

These are the very sort of people most in need of an independent Scotland, they are simply not clever enough to understand.

These poor daft folk are being used and abused by the British Nationalist regime here and in Northern Ireland.

If they were not so violent and unsavoury you would feel really sorry for them.


Two interviews this morning with Corbin. In each interview he has mentioned Scotland. Clearly has a policy to mention Scotland in every interviews.

Ian Foulds

Marcia at 10.14

link to

Ian Foulds

Brian Doon the Toon at 10.33

Apologies. You were quick on this!


Based on 2011 census, 32% of Scots are Protestant. So the rangers support is less Protestant than society.

link to

This will not be a surprise the rangers supports, the stereotype that rangers fans are all No, prod, royalists is nonsense, they are there, but just a small vocal minority.

Thanks for clearing this up.

Ian Foulds

Dr. Jim at 11.14



It the OO ever militarised, they would become a proscribed group overnight. The consequences would be: no more meetings and no more OO lodges; no more sashes and no more singing their crude hate-rants; no marches and no congregating anywhere ever; every OO member would lose public employment and could never be allowed a public position; all discourse would end up being purged of Orangeist slogans, so no more “no surrender” etc.; all previous members of the OO would immediately be under suspicion by the whole community and any trips to NI would be noted with travel bans to follow if consorting with other terrorist groups; all of this would lead to ghettoisation and the eventual formation of a crime-riddled community: I doubt these fatties are going to take up arms…I mean…will they even be able to get their jumbo sausage fingers around the trigger of a gun?
Dream on troglodytes…


Laughingly they take the moral high ground but I worked with one of these cretins when the OO went on on eof their supposedly religious crusades to Canada they spent most of the time visiting pole dancing bars. They are the scum of the earth and it baffles me why we still tolerate their kind in a civilised society.

mike cassidy

Shame on you, Rev.

All this in the hope of a few freebies!

link to

auld highlander

There was a recent orange zombie parade in Inverness, one of the zombies who was absolutely guttered was clinging to a BT cabinet at the side of the road unable to keep up with the rest of the rabble who eventually made their way to a small pub near the town centre after their walk.

It was not a pretty site.

Proud Cybernat

I have three questions:

1) Why do these people want to be up to their knees in the blood of other people?

2) Does Ms Foster understand the meaning of the words “intolerance”, “hatred” and “hypocrisy”?

3) Is this the 21st century?


Agree with the rest of the sentiments voiced this morning.
They are morons, plain and simple and if they weren’t backed by the establishment, locally and nationally, their wee road shows would have been banned years ago.
They are not just sectarian bigots they are all round bigots. As someone else said they hate anyone who isn’t them, with a particular hatred for anyone not white, straight, “proddy” or British!
They are completely against any form of change to this position. If the were living in dire poverty with nothing to live on the would still adopt this position and any time spent by anyone trying to change them is a complete waste of time.
As a cop working in various parts of S. Lanarkshire in the 80’s and 90’s I spent many shifts dealing with them, they are total arseholes, from the elderly couple departing a bus in Blantyre after “the big” walk angrily( you know the twisted face look ) accusing myself and colleagues of being Fenian ("Tractor" - Ed)s for arresting them as Scotland was a Protestant country and we should be defending them, to the Church of Scotland minister in Hamilton loudly admonishing me and others for daring not to stand to attention and salute as he gathered the faithful at the end of a walk for the Lord’s Prayer and a rousing, if off tune rendition of the English nation anthem.
As we have all commented they are an alien species and should be banned from gathering in public.
If only someone had the bottle!!!


Gordon brewer- cuts off Gethin’s on the TV. Brewers main comment is “I’m Confused” Christine Jardine bbc ex is giving an easy ride.
Lib dems have a peoples vote but not on independence. Such is their duplicity.

george wood

@ScottishPsyche 10:34am
“With the repeal of the OBFA, many are still being prosecuted under existing laws but as PeatWorrier points out many others who would have been liable to prosecution under the OBFA have now had any further charges dropped. Why not all if the legislation was always there?”

Precisely, and the question to be asked is that, if there had been no OBFA at all, how many of those being charged now under “existing legislation” would have been charged at all? Would the police and/or the legal system have continued turning a blind eye to it?


What are these Benidorm boneheads defending?

The Spanish constitution abolished Catholicism as the official state religion in 1978.

Perhaps through their sophisticated philosophical arguments they’re trying to convert the @70% of the Spanish population who identify themselves as Roman Catholic? Or by banging a big, big, bass drum?

A squalid wee gathering in a squalid wee part of Benidorm. All they do is get steaming drunk & cause a massive traffic jam in and around the Avenue Europa for an hour or so. Way to go.

Roddy MacLeod

McHaggis69 says:
1 July, 2018 at 9:55 am
You missed the bit about the march also comprising –

“Massively fat old white women wearing ridiculous hats and breathing with exhausted difficulty by 10 minutes in to the walk”.

Is it an OO thing that you must feed your missus pork chops, lard and vodka to get them to that size?

Mr McHaggis you nearly choked me with that.
Stu should have a comment of the day competition this would win by a country mile.


Brewer also failed to challenge Sweeney on Labour’s Brexit confusion. No mention of Tory dark money.

Also why does Michael Glackin get paid by Sunday Times for his weekly anti Snp rant. A complete joke of a financial guru.

Arthur thomson

David at 11.30

Interesting observation.

Corbyn is a very real threat to independence. He sees one of his primary functions as being to save the British State – so that he can turn it into his vision of a powerful socialist state. For this reason he takes his role as the loyal leader of her majesty’s opposition very seriously. He happily accepts the support of those in the OO who back his Labour Party. Just grist to the mill. Who cares about the impact on ordinary people when set against his tunnel vision of the greater good?

There are plenty gullible Scotbuts who will argue that he ‘deserves a chance’.

Given that chance he intends to USE Scotland to further his ideological goals. He mustn’t get that chance.

ben madigan

@Andy mc kangry who said the OO “should be banned from gathering in public”.

banning is a tricky matter – but their marches/Walks/Parades should not be held in the middle of towns and cities but rather in remote areas, like deserted car-parks, mountain roads, stony beaches, in other words places that nobody ever or rarely goes to.

Another option: indoors in some hall or stadium where onlookers have to pay a ticket to see them. This would ensure that ordinary people going about their daily business are not held up and forced to be involuntary onlookers that are then called “supporters turning out to watch”

some more info and questions

link to


I may be wrong here but it seems to me that the “beloved” Reverend who gave the final prayer at the end of the Hatefest yesterday must be working on his application to become the OO’s replacement for a certain Ian Paisley. (no NOT the Westminster one!)

Jason Smoothpiece

Ben Madigan

Ben simple solution is to charge the Orange bigots full policing and any other costs based on the previous years numbers.

Sorted,no bans no argument just pay the full cost.

As most of the souls are in low pay or unemployed they would not last long unless the Regime picks up the Bill as it shamefully does in NI.


@ Meindevon – surely they would revere a reverend?

I read lately that the main architect of Northern Ireland, Edward Carson, later regretted being used by the Westminster Government and died a sad and disillusioned man. Can’t remember where I came across that but his Wiki entry does refer:

In old age, while at London’s Carlton Club, he confided to the Anglo-Irish (and Catholic) historian Sir Charles Petrie his disillusionment with Belfast politics: “I fought to keep Ulster part of the United Kingdom, but Stormont is turning her into a second-class Dominion.


link to

Welsh Sion

Apologies if you already know this – but there’s another OO march/parade due.

7 July 2018 @ 12.30 pm

link to

Dr Jim

The evolution of a country:

When early man began splitting into different groups where some went forth to seek out different and better ways to live
and others were content to remain as they were set the tone for changes the world sees today

In Scotland now we have that option, a choice to make, do we do nothing and just leave it to others more brave or more enterprising to find and create something better or do we do it ourselves
The SNP and their supporters are in the moving forward category and that’s around 50% of the peoples choice but we’re faced with the other category, those who fight tooth and nail against any change while at the same time complain vehemently that there is no change so they’re very faux angry about that

We have the pretence of democracy, the tool that we use to gauge the will of the people as to what they want so the people we elect can enact that will, but here’s the problem with the system, the people who oppose change or improvement are 50% part of the cabal who feel they will be disenfranchised by changing anything so they convince their supporters that all change. any change is bad, unless it’s the change which they offer, and this is where the impasse comes in because the opposition never offer the change they consistently promise as it’s not in their interests to do that

Which bring me back to the OO and or all opposition to the advancement of mankind when it comes to someone else doing the advancing
What are they all afraid of, if we change something and it’s bad we can always do something else to make it better so why don’t 50% of the people want to do that

Change might be good, so good in fact that all the people might like it and the people who came up with the plan and had the courage to carry it out would be popular and if they happened to be politicians then we’d vote for them

The SNP in Scotland are those people and that’s why the early man parties of Labour Tory Liberal Democrat and others are terrified because it’s not only the evolution of Scotland, it’s the revolution of Scotland to a new entity in the world where they’re afraid to go, a place where religion colour or creed as a politic doesn’t exist

I wish I was younger to get the chance to see that future


Happened to be chatting to a scots fella a couple of weeks ago together with an English fella with a curious interest in Scottish independence. The English fella asked if he supported independence his answer no “we’re loyalists” . Of course English fella didn’t know what that meant and assumed it was just the same as unionist. Scots fella then went on rant about FM and declared the thing he hates is that Scotland was the first country to legalise same sex marriage.

He apparently was raised as a good Protestant and Adam and Eve, sex only allowed between man and women etc etc.. I kinda stopped listening at this point changed the subject before it got heated. Left English fella somewhat baffled. Had to explain to him the term loyalist later .

Couldn’t believe such an attitude still prevails..sad

Robert Peffers

@naina tal says: 1 July, 2018 at 9:51 am:

“Staunch. That was the word that was aye used tae describe them. Caught up yesterday in traffic to let the wee mairch go past, that was the word that kept going through ma heed. Not one single smile on their ugly frowning coupons. Aye! staunch….”

Dae ye ken ye spelled, “stench”, wrang, Naina tal?


Craig Murray wrote a piece some time ago claiming that even under the -current law- orange marches are (technically) ILLEGAL – something about parading in military uniforms.

While the bowler hat brigade can maybe argue about it – ambiguously – the “Apprentice Boys” style of marchers are clearly in breach.

This “selective application of the law” tells you all you need to know about the country you live in.

Good luck performing a “citizen’s arrest”!

I think it would be a good prank to arrange an Orange Walk and a Gay Pride march to clash … might not be so bad at all, if those rumours about the Shankill Butchers are true. Trannies versus Fannies – popcorn and hotdogs all round – livestreamed on youtube.

Extreme presbyterianism is scary stuff – pure old testament, chosen people/master race, a new covenant with god, either for us or against us, purify with fire and sword, literal interpretation of the bible and justification by faith alone, “doing good works”-and all that shite, is just so-Catholic. The literary connection is James Hogg’s “confessions of a justified sinner”, but it’s not a great read. Religious freedom (Brand Orange) – “we can believe what we believe in and you are free to believe in it too or you can freely be killed.”

In America, Ulster-Prods were known as “Scots-Irish” (being neither) and they were well-known for their ability to “start a fight in an empty room”. My gut instinct tells me these guys were the driving force behind the KKK and other “southern traditions”. As Americans moved westward it was usually the “Scots-Irish” who would be pissing on treaties and taking over Indian land.

The other day, went out to post a letter hearing drums in the distance – I live in a posh wee village and had never seen a march in my area – I didn’t know what it was – then I saw them coming out of sidestreet by the golf course – somehow on pure instinct got in the car and pulled off a J-TURN in the main street in front of the police. Felt immensely proud.

Robert Peffers

@Cuilean says: 1 July, 2018 at 10:24 am:

” … Sorry, women are not here just to look nice for the likes of you.”

Excuse me if I’ve got this wrong but wasn’t the point being made that they looked as they did for their orange order males ?


Aye Rev, they’ve got a long long way to go… they’re Jurassic jerks. Check the pure nick of em!

Maybe AUOB could arrange a march for indy for us sometime in Cowdenbeath… good follows bad.

Will be lookin’ oot for ye MacMcConnachie, everywhere wee man.

Liz g

Confused @ 1.18
What Craig Murray was pointing out was, parading in a uniform as part of a Political campaign is illegal.
So the big parade in Edinburgh to support Better Together in 2014 was illegal…. Not that it’s generically illegal..
Otherwise the Brownies are in trouble!!

Robert Peffers @ 1.31
I think the point actually was that while the appearance of the men on the OO march had been mentioned,the Woman’s appearance was not,and the original poster was addressing the balance and not picking on only the women!!

Welsh Sion

Capella @ 12:54

Google is your friend:

link to

There are other utterances of the Prime Minister which, I think, will repay a perusal. Here is one where he tackles poor Mr. Asquith. This is what he said in a speech at Carnarvon— I put to Mr. Asquith a question in the House of Commons— I remember the scene perfectly well. I think I was rather exuberant over the way the Prime Minister dealt with Mr. Asquith, but at that time I did not know, as I know now, that I was a mere puppet in a political game. I was in earnest. I was not playing politics. I believed all this. I thought of the last thirty years, during which I was fighting with others whose friendship and comradeship I hope I will lose from tonight, because I do not value any friendship that is not founded upon confidence and trust. I was in earnest. What a fool I was. I was only a puppet, and so was Ulster, and so was Ireland, in the political game that was to get the Conservative Party into power. And of all the men in
my experience that I think are the most loathsome it is those who will sell their friends for the purpose of conciliating their enemies, and, perhaps, still worse, the men who climb up a ladder into power of which even I may have been part of a humble rung, and then, when they have got into power, kick the ladder away without any concern for the pain, or injury, or mischief, or damage that they do to those who have helped them to gain power.


The orange order… not a saltire in sight.

Do not you find it strange when they sometimes have a saltire (with their nasty flag) on their buildings as some kind of fake gesture.

‘Young Cowdenbeath Defenders’ ahhhhh ha ha ha ha ha…

Whit ye defending yerselves from…? yerselves like aye.

Aye… the Benidorm Bigots.

SO much fun to be had.

Pete Ikswogel

‘It would be naive to not suppose that the uk intelligence agencies are working with these dinasors.’

I agree, Haggishunter. Have a read of The Committee, from the Channel 4 documentary, about the extent of British state forces with unionist/loyalist terror groups. Frightening.


The uniformed lot remind me much more of Franco’s army, 1936-9.


Like the one in Ibrox (Cessnock.)

Next to the school where they filmed the film… “Neds”.

How apt.

The last time aye passed there, somebuddy had put a ‘St Pauli’ sticker on the railings, whatever that means…

Football like 🙂

Merkin Scot

I had a disagreement with a Minister friend of mine who, four years ago, was trying to conflate support for Project Fear with support for ‘those who never returned’.
He tells me his other ‘official’ job is simply to deliver the 100 year telegrams to the old biddies (rather than resist the dissidents or raise a local militia). Load of tosh. Still, I did remove my offending post which showed him celebrating the start of the slaughter with a local LP using a Union Flag.
(He must be a mess of dissonance at having to side with the Neanderthals we saw yesterday.)
By the way, can anyone tell me why that guy from Greengairs was dressed as a Museum Attendant? Was it a Poundland special offer?

Scottish Steve

These people aren’t right in the head. But we’ve to put up with this nonsense because it’s their “culture” apparently. I feel like they are all ashamed that they weren’t born English so being British is the next best thing.

Funny how they idolise William of Orange. A Dutchman (don’t they hate foreigners?) and rumoured homosexual (they aren’t very keen on us degenerates) who was assisted in taking the thrones of England, Scotland and Ireland by the Pope (they don’t like Catholics, right?)

William of Orange embodies everything they hate yet they seem to love him. The OO is a very strange organisation indeed. Best not tell them that King Billy loved the willy. It tends to upset them.

Let them wallow in their wee sectarian world. It wont be long now before everything they hold most dear comes crashing down around them, and they soon come to the horrifying conclusion that there will no longer be a United Kingdom to defend.

They’ll still have the monarchy at least. Well, that is until an indy Scotland becomes a republic. My guess is most of these mutants will have moved down south in the event of indy. They cant bear the thought of living in a country not ruled by England. As a certain other Orange moron would say: SAD!


Very well put Rev, they’re an embarrassment to Scotland.

ben madigan

@Confused who mentioned the orange order’s uniform and whether it was illegal or not. When American Envoy Mr Richard Haas was in NI a couple of years ago to try and patch up irreconcilable differences, he proposed legal changes that would have declared the uniform was paramilitary, Unsurprisingly this top US diplomat’s mission was a failure

Here’s a break-down of each of the components from the OO dress-up box – from bowler hats, to sashes, ceremonial swords and white gloves! With some historical background!

link to


Hey Scottish Steve ~

I liked your post, very funny, it must give em the willies 🙂

Enjoy the sunshine bud.

Imagine the vote for independent Scotland was today… we’d get a 95% turnout!

And it would and will be Yes.

Dan Huil

Ironic that most leave voters in England would happy kiss these britnat nutters goodbye. Ironic on the moronic. Not that they understand.

Robert J. Sutherland

I was curious about the banner being carried by that bunch of militarised neo-fascists and specifically about the person identified on it, one Brian Robinson, apparently.

Here’s part of the relevant Wikipedia entry, I think:

Brian Robinson (c. 1962 – 2 September 1989) was a loyalist from Belfast, Northern Ireland and member of the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) who was witnessed murdering a Catholic civilian. His death as a result of an undercover British Army unit is unique as it is one of the few deaths from the alleged shoot-to-kill policy in Northern Ireland which involved a loyalist victim.

So we have a group of people marching in uniforms and glorifying a NornIrn sectarian murderer who belonged to a proscribed terrorist organisation.

And they are not breaking the law…?

Scottish Steve


Glad I could bring a wee smile to your face. You enjoy the sunshine too. We’ve had an unusually lovely summer this year in bonnie auld Scotland.

I hope to one day wake up in an independent Scottish republic. That’ll be a sunny day indeed!


Thinkin’ out loud as always…

See how when a ‘word’ is regularly used in context, it gets put into the dictionary as a validated word… a bit like The Spice Girls word of ‘wannabe’.

In time, so-called ‘Brexit’ will be listed there as a word too..

SO tell me this… what will the definition of Brexit be?

Cameron B…


That’s a really powerful image over on @WingsScotland twitter retweet, which shows a lady with bloody nose and mouth in the shape of England’s St George’s Cross… the repercussions to losing for England are bad.

Back on topic…

Maybe the orange order should change their flag of choice to the above.

What say Arlene?



New definitions? Brexit? I guess it will be used globally to mean economic suicide. Like doing-a-Ratner but much, much worse.


The guys in the 4th picture are well out of step.


Aweright bobp, speaking of the 4th picture…

Is that the Foster on their flag?

Enjoy the sun. 🙂

Gie us more goals international world cup football…


Wonder what “battle “honours” the cretin in the 7th picture won at scarborough and


Hey cearc, economic suicide indeed.

Is it painless…?

I think not.

Mwah xx.



And it will bring on many changes…

Anybuddy up furra song play and nomination, for our nation.

Main thread laters like.


Greengairs banner has Brian Robinson, UVF,on it. He was shot dead by security forces seconds after murdering a RC for being an RC. His name is on a number of band banners. Gives you an idea which band supports which terror group.


Aye Bobp, and speaking of number seven… check the jig out on the ‘lady’ to the left of the nasty man.

Whit a face!

New game… what’s she saying?

Ah’ll start… “Where is ones chips?”.

Spain same at the IWCF.

Hey Chris Cairns, where are U sunning it up? 🙂


Going back to number four… the driver of the orange and white bus has fallen asleep on his arm hehe, he knows.

Nice cordon at number 2.

Always zoom.

Robert J. Sutherland

Cactus @ 16:24,

Heh, heh. A different ugly mug.

(See my posting @ 14:51.)


Here’s a reality check.

Notice from pictures 1 to seven, naebdy’s smiling.

Recompare and contrast to AUOB marches.

We got the good. 🙂

10 minutes to go football…

Naina Tal

Robert Peffers re your correction. I think “stench” would do admirably! Thank you.


Evening RJS, aye, aye was thinking it was Anne Robinson at foist, as opposed to Briany Robinson!

Westminster are the weakest link, ta-ra.

Enjoy the sunny rays amigo. 🙂

C’mon Russia!!


One is listening on the wireless, nice save Russia!


Surely penalty shoot outs are like…

90% body language
110% talent

Visca Catalonia!


Aye hope Russia, being the HOME country, win the IWCF.

Cheers to yous Russia, mwah xx.

Now is the time…

And of the hour.


DUP = Demented Ulster Puritans


May aye be SO bold as to kindly ask you Rev, to play and post one of your mostest favourite songs as a new post later on tonight please…?

Your choice. 🙂


ronnie anderson

Andy Smith Got it in one Greengairs Thistle 1st WW Ulster Rifles , the same uniform that got them banned in the 80/90s by the Grand Lodge for years whereby no Orange lodge could engage them for parades .


Jack collatin hit the nail on the head with that true.


Has Fife’s favourite son of the manse not made any pronouncements as is his wont to pop and do from time-to-time on matters of union-jack-importance?


s.1 Public Order Act 1936 :-
[Prohibition of uniforms in connection with political objects.]
“Subject as hereinafter provided, any person who in any public place or at any public meeting wears uniform signifying his association with any political organisation or with the promotion of any political object shall be guilty of an offence:
Provided that, if the chief officer of police is satisfied that the wearing of any such uniform as aforesaid on any ceremonial, anniversary, or other special occasion will not be likely to involve risk of public disorder, he may, with the consent of a Secretary of State, by order permit the wearing of such uniform on that occasion either absolutely or subject to such conditions as may be specified in the order.”
s1(1) applies to Scotland

Has such an order been issued ?

If not then anyone who witnessed the event should be complaining to the police and to their MP/MSP.

Welsh Sion

New vocab. item check. (Please refer to your nearest Ulster Unionist for confirmation.)

If £25 is a pony, and £500 is a monkey, and £1 000 is a grand …

Is £1 billion a foster?


Was the Greengairs lot not involved in the rioting in Freedom Square on the 19/09/14
If my memory serves me right some of them ended up in court over it .
I am sure one of them worked for NLC looking after vulnerable children and he lost his job over it


Ha ha ha, did you hear it on the radio / wireless adverts…

“Football’s better together” wae the coop.

Ahhhhh, ha ha ha ha ha.

Comedy Gold. 😉


Cactus 4.54pm. She’s pretty in a miss piggy sort of Anyroads im ofski now before i get slaughtered for that ‘sexist’ remark.


National anthems time People of Football…

Croatia have got a couple of Wingers in there.

Do not you know?


Yes Croatia!!!


“[insert name] is the perfect combination of blueberry, boysenberry, and plum flavours. Raised right, it’s well rounded & ready to bring HOME!”

Ain’t it true… name that tinto wine Wingers?

Hint: She’s American.



CO2 not required hehe.

Welsh Sion

Anagram Corner:

Arlene Foster = Reason left ‘er


Am I correct in thinking that the Greengairs mob were involved in the rioting in Freedom Square on the 19/09/14
I am pretty sure a few of them were charged over it
If memory serves me right one of them worked for NLC looking after vulnerable children and he lost his job over it


Ah’ve never been into football till now…

It is excellent… SO excitingly SO.

In a bar in the south side watching game on a guest tv.

ET aye can see this going down to penalties.

Phone HOME.

Giving Goose

Sometimes it is easier not to waste time to wonder why, but simply to assign these OO types to a convenient pigeonhole.

The one labeled “Arseholes”!

Welsh Sion

Silvertay @ 8:22 pm.


Google is your friend. (Apologies that it’s the Daily Rancid, though.)

link to


Thanks Welsh Sion
I can forgive you for highlighting the Daily Rancid .
It used to be my newspaper of choice but I stopped reading all newspapers years .
Don’t believe in paying to be lied to
I am coming down to visit your wonderful country next week .
Got a couple of days booked in the Brecon Beacons


Seems that the overlying qualification to join such groups has nothing to do with religious affiliation, but merely to qualify as über ugly and have a double digit IQ.


Welsh sion. Coming down to tenby tomorrow for a week. Been too long since we were last there. I’ll be the one with the right leg yes tattoo(weather permitting) lol. Telling my welsh friends, if we can do it it.So can you.


Wdlsh sion. And believe me, as my wife tells me(and agrees) there is no mouthier person than me on the subject of small nations independemce.So i’ll be gie’n it bick licks for cymru.

Welsh Sion

Big welcome in the hillsides for our Scottish friends, Cymru! And hope you enjoy yerselves, friends.

For new readers: I’m from a village of 59 people in the hear of what English speakers call Snowdonia (and my ancestors for generations came from post Culloden, perhaps) but I actually now live 30 miles north of London (where I’m an SNP and PC Member).


Lizg – those Brownies are a dangerous outfit. Sinister – (brownshirts?) – coming round our houses, “selling tablet” – up to something, definitely. BTW I often WANT to read your comments – but you need to fix your PARAGRAPHS!

BenMadigan – thanks for the link – I laughed at the boy in the comments (punctuation free!) trying to SELL YOU HIS SASH. Straight over his head. Did you notice the mention of a menorah stitched into it – probably “lost tribe of israel” nonsense. Strange people and yet allowed to just – do what they want.

When folks are incapable of responding to Socratic methods and when they are immune to satire – then at least you can have some FUN with the trolling and the wind-ups – as was pointed out earlier the “King Billy was gay” gambit is a beauty to start with – they love that


Here’s another cracker – say

Why are you against the POPE – didn’t you know he is a FREEMASON ?

– then you give them the story of italian freemason infiltrators in the 19th century and reference the book The Broken Cross – which puts the theory seriously and that JP 1 was murdered to cover it all up. Then put to them that Vatican 2 was the great triumph of the Craft over Rome. You can also mention the “Sedevecantists” – hardcore rebel catholics who believe the Pope is not the real Pope and the chair is vacant.

It’s funny to stare into another human’s eyes and see them in SCREENSAVER MODE.


John Bell

There was a large walk in Johnstone on Saturday. A friend of ours was in the centre of the town at lunchtime. Even at that early hour a young lady? was being held up by her friends to avoid her collapsing in an alcoholic heap. I’m doing this for Queen and Country was her shout as her friends led her away to find a place to vomit. Hope Murdo is impressed

Liz g

Confused @ 1.11
Aw, Confused…. You jist go right ahead and read my comments.Ye see the day they taught Paragraphs at school,I was oot at the Brownies!
Let’s face it,in the great scheme of things,Paragraphs,Spelling and Punctuation are pretty low on an Indy supporters to do list….
Especially on a BTL blogg, if you don’t understand,and find yerself, Confused, jist ask for clarifications.
One Paragraph at a time if it keeps ye Happy!
Someone who did get it will help….because,as I’m sure you will agree,that’s the kind of people Wingers are!

To paraphrase the great Dr Martin Luther king…
It’s not the spelling,grammar or punctuation that matters.
But the content of the post.

Stoap acting like you have Hammers,especially since you are speaking tae a Veteran Brownie Guide.
Brownies have a very special set of skills…..
Ye know the rest don’t ye, because it’s a very famous “Paragraph” ?
Or are ye still “Confused”?


Hey me lovely Liz g…

Aye 2nd your above, we know, mwah xx.

Hi Confused, enjoy the sunshine and football.

Ah’ve got a story to tell… off topic soon..

Brazil vs Mexico.

Alba Jock

Exactly what Cowdenbeath needs? Some young defenders!

The sash would have been sung a thousand times and Donald Findlay QC as cheerleader!

I am a Protestant brought up as one, but, these people are sick mothers.

King Billy was gay and he hid in more convents than they had staues of VM!


Big respect to Insp Richard Berns @WingsScotland twitter.

Somebuddies gotta do it.

Animals are cool.



Hey Alba Jock, excellent post, aye can’t stop smiling, thx 🙂 🙂 🙂

Cheers to ye fellow Jock!

Brazil 0 vs Mexico 0


Penalty shoot out like…?

Aye take it penalties happens after 0-0 Mexico.

Learning about football.

It is SO much fun!



Go Mexico, ahm taking sides.

Hear the football fans!


Hauf time.



Here’s a football song from 8 years ago, waka waka:
link to

Well played Brazil.


Good luck in the next round Brazil.



Next game… new game…

Belgium vs Japan.

Current score:
Belgium 0 – 0 Japan.

Seven bells.


Wow, it’s the second half of Scotland’s Summer ’18!

It’s been a quick 6 months, do not you think.

The quickening is ever present.

Go Belgium!!!

Good luck Japan.

2 July.


Can we do a do at ‘Wings Over Whiteinch’ one day, so aye can say WOW!

For the interest of our international reading Wingers…

Whiteinch is in Glasgow.

Near Partick.



Didnae make it to the casino…

Met a lot of cool People tonight.

One is HOME.

link to

Turn it up and follow the cube.

Lovin’ this tune!


Interesting poll results HOWEVER…

As a protestant who supports Celtic (yes, we exist) I note that the percentage of Catholics supporting Rangers is exactly the same as for Protestant Celtic supporters. This is certainly not my ‘real life experience’

Looking again though, I see that the number of Protestant respondents far exceeded the number of Catholic respondents. The actual figures were FIVE Catholic Rangers supporters compared to FOURTEEN Protestant Celtic Supporters.

I think the figures, as opposed to the percentages, are more accurate. Rangers supporters feel free to speak in front of me about Rangers if they know I’m Protestant and likewise Celtic Supporters if they know I support the team.

Sadly I note a WIDE divergence in ‘tolerance’ between the two. You can make your own mind up about who is more tolerant but I’ll give you a clue – it ain’t the Orangemen…


I find the notion of the queens 11 hilarious. Do they really think se is glued to the tv every time rangers play.
Totally delusional. She could not give a flying f**k. Her thing is race horses. Not 22 men kicking a bladder about. However your blind loyalty serves her well. Keeps her and hers in a lifestyle that they want to remain accustomed to.

Joe blogs

Mon the thistle,We do what we want #hatedbutrated

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