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Wings Over Scotland

Data mining #3

Posted on August 10, 2013 by

A series of super-short snippets from our splendid survey.



Lib Dems: 9%
Conservatives: 6%
Labour: 4%
SNP: <1%

Age 45-54: <1%
Age 55-64: 1%
Age 65+: 8%


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Bugger (the Panda)



Senile dementia is a terrible thing.


As I’ve said before, the fault in this question is the word ‘always’.  I don’t always tell the truth, but I consider myself a fairly truthful person on the whole.


Its all the fudder dudders & blue rinses
Dont find the subject of Captain Darling very funny > he screwed our finances and their pensions……… grey vote clowns

what planet are Lib dems from ???


Its all the fudder dudders & blue rinses
link to


In the ‘good old days’. politicians were decent folk who helped old ladies to cross the road.
Nowadays, anyone with access to the internet knows the truth.

Murray McCallum

LidDems so gullible. Haven’t learned from England tuition fee signed public pledges.  Despair!


 Look at the eyebrows. Look at the eyebrows. You are feeling sleepy. I am telling you the truth. I always tell the truth. When I snap my fingers you will wake up.


Yes, those Lib dems really are a gullible bunch.
They even believe their own manifesto pledges.

Doug Daniel

I love the fact only 4% of Labour voters think he tells the truth.


Doug Daniel : Labour 4%
Thats best of all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


First time post. I’m not a pensioner but I expect I’m not the only reader of this page who’ll find the having a go at what used to be referred to as senior citizens thoughtless and unnecessary. Instead of looking for someone to slag off you could take from this that even of those groups who find Darling most convincing, less than one in ten actually do.

Graham Anderson

<Achievement Unlocked>

Jamie Arriere

Good point Jahoca, 11 of 12 pensioners don’t believe Darling all the time either – they’ll be very aware of who was in the Treasury when the credit crunch shoved their pensions into reverse!!


Top of the thread – ‘grey vote clowns’ / ‘fudder dudders’. Sorry, Rev. I didn’t mean ‘you’ personally.


“Ah yes.
I agree, that sort of language doesn’t do anyone any favours, though I don’t think it was meant as rudely as you maybe think. I do quite often ask people to remember that other folks are reading and that you rarely win anyone over with abuse.” 

I imagine you’ll pick up a lot more readers over the next year or so – it has to be said the Wings site is extraordinarily interesting (and entertaining with it). Thanks for the reply.


I was reading Stu’s Twitter feed (it’s that or clean the bathroom….), and was vastly amused to find a journalist taking him to task for anonymity and not posting under his own name.  I mean, the man didn’t back off even when Stu told him he always posted under his own name and everybody and his budgie knows who he is.

I just entered “Stuart Campbell, Bath” into  There are two of them but it’s quite obvious from the age profiles which is our Rev.  If I was prepared to give some money (which I emphatically am not) I could have his home address, probably phone number and an entire report on him including company directorships and probably what colour of socks he’s wearing.

Honestly, what are they teaching them at journalism school these days?


My Unionist friend’s a Lib Dem. They like Darling.
This explains a lot.

Bugger (the Panda)

Wet, very wet behind the ears, the LibDems are.


Have you read Stu’s “about us” page?  Just asking….

<nonchalant whistling smilie>


Aye, but clearly our Rev isn’t your typical Lib Dem voter!

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