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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for the ‘history’

The Hollow Crown 197

Posted on March 27, 2023 by

Today is the last day of Nicola Sturgeon’s record-breaking reign as First Minister of Scotland. In a few hours we’ll know who is to succeed her in the role. She was only the second SNP occupant of Bute House, and the legacy she bequeaths compared to the one she inherited from Alex Salmond is a matter of measureable record.

So let’s see the final scores on the doors.

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Astronomical numbers of boots 131

Posted on March 19, 2023 by

The SNP having a fondness for lying about their membership wouldn’t have come as quite such a shock to the Scottish press if they paid a little more attention to this website. Because we were pointing it out two and a half years ago.

It was in October 2020 that we told you how the SNP’s 2019 accounts revealed the party’s true membership figures weren’t the claimed 126,000 but more like 87,000.

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The short version 87

Posted on January 16, 2023 by

Saw this on Twitter this morning. It’s pleasingly concise.

One day, even the diehards will see the pattern.

From The Twitter Archives #2 152

Posted on January 07, 2023 by

For what these are about, see here. This one’s from 23 August 2019.


I’m going to talk about this story for a bit, and I’m sorry because I’m as sick of this subject as everyone else is but it’s really really important. Tune out for 10 minutes if you must.

I’ve never been a person who suffered from blackouts. In my younger days I would frequently drink Olympian amounts of booze and pass out in a heap (and/or pool of my own vomit) under a table, but when I woke up I always remembered how I got there. I also went under general anaesthetic a couple of times at the dentist when I was wee, and always remembered counting down from 10 with the mask on before I woke up. (“10…9…8…zzzzzzzz”)

In my entire half-century on this planet, there’s only one gap in my memory. (Like, I don’t remember what I had for dinner on 8 July 1987, but you know what I mean. I remembered it the next day, just not any more.)

It happened when I was about 14, playing rugby at school.

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From The Twitter Archives #1 84

Posted on January 06, 2023 by

We don’t know how long our Twitter account will survive for this time. But even if it does, there are some threads which Twitter hides from its Search function, for reasons unknown. Try it yourself – search Twitter for any phrases from the text below. You won’t find them. (Also, some of you don’t use Twitter, so hey, new content for you!)

A handful of those threads mean something to me, so I’m going to preserve them here, unedited, for posterity, just in case. This one is from 24 November 2019. The tweet it references at the start is from a now-banned account so I don’t remember it exactly, but it was something about lesbians being thrown off a Pride march.

[NB as it’s from Twitter, it’s a little bit swearier than you’ll be used to here.]


I’m going to talk for a bit about why I care so much about this issue, because I know some of you are sick of it.

I’m opposed to the idea of self-ID on every possible level. It’s against science, it’s against reason, against tolerance, against women. But those are all intellectual, dispassionate judgements. They’re not the reason I feel so deeply about it.

The reason is lesbians.

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Pleasant Valley Monday 117

Posted on January 03, 2023 by

Alert readers may have noticed that our Twitter account has returned again. Hopefully this time it’ll last longer than a week under the inevitable barrage of attacks from transactivists and SNP MSPs.

(We haven’t had any contact from Twitter about it, people just noticed the account was live again last night and told us about it, so we don’t know what the reason was.)

And someone used the occasion to point out that it was exactly five years ago today that we published our first piece on the subject of “gender reform”.

It’s still quite a shocking read even half a decade down the line.

We’ve only actually had 93 posts on trans issues in those five years, or an average of about one every three weeks. We know it feels like more. And we know that some of you thought we’d gone mad when we started warning about it.

But hopefully some of you have realised just what’s at stake, and even if you don’t care about that, how much it might cost the cause of independence. We really hope we can stop talking about it soon, if only so we don’t keep getting banned from Twitter.

Victims of circumstance 177

Posted on January 01, 2023 by

In May 2016, this site published one of the most unfortunately prescient articles in its history. It didn’t actually use the words “woke” or “cancelled”, which weren’t yet in common parlance, but its purpose was very much to warn of the puritan, censorious, hyper-intolerant and catastrophically destructive culture they came to embody.

At the time Nicola Sturgeon had only been First Minister for a year and a half and there were few signs that she was that movement’s commander – or, those inclined to a more charitable outlook than us might posit, its prisoner. It would be two more years before she detonated the bomb that really shattered the unity of the Yes movement when she attempted to fit up Alex Salmond over fake allegations of sexual assaults.

But last night and this morning I was struck by an unexpected pang of pity for the fanatical, fundamentalist Twitler Youth rainbow stormtroopers who make up Sturgeon’s ideological frontline. Sympathy for the little devils, you might say.

And since it’s a somewhat rare feeling, it seemed worth a little exploration.

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True faith 151

Posted on December 18, 2022 by

This is a quite extraordinary thing for a grown adult to say.

When a reader quoted it in a comment earlier today we were reluctant to believe it. Googling the words produced only a broken Facebook link and a Scottish Daily Express story (and the Wings reader’s comment), which obviously did little to disperse the scepticism.

Facebook is essentially unsearchable (which in itself is a pretty good reason not to trust anyone who does the majority of their work on it), and even when we went to the Believe In Scotland page and scrolled down and down and down and down for an eternity, it was impossible to find.

But eventually we had a brainwave and searched the site’s pictures for the one used in the Express and found the post. He really said it. And it needs some examination.

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Lies without end 136

Posted on December 18, 2022 by

The SNP is now almost entirely incapable of telling the truth.

Let’s just check the above by way of example.

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Pete’s Big Win 87

Posted on December 15, 2022 by

The National must have been enormously proud when it successfully fought off all the other newspapers to secure this stunning exclusive today.

We must admit, when we had a good look in the “Pete Wishart Victories” section of our extensive archives we drew a blank. So we were excited to read on and find out.

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Brace yourselves, everyone 117

Posted on December 05, 2022 by

It’s THAT day again.

Try to feign some interest, it’s only polite.

The way time flies 182

Posted on December 04, 2022 by

Can this really be six and a half years ago?

We suddenly feel very old.

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    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on The Long Future: ““The whole point of going to C24 and asking for Scotland to be declared a non self governing territory is…Mar 28, 09:20
    • Mia on The Long Future: “@Lurker (Part II) The third point of the manifesto is “Assert the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament in matters…Mar 28, 09:19
    • Iain McGlade on The Long Future: “Who exactly said that Unionists wouldn’t be allowed to participate? That’s just ludicrous and it’s most certainly not something you’ll…Mar 28, 09:16
    • MaryB on The Long Future: “There’s a big education job to be done about the Salvo stuff. I’m not Scottish, though I’ve lived here for…Mar 28, 09:04
    • diabloandco on The Long Future: “// Watch and weep.Mar 28, 08:54
    • Mia on The Long Future: “@aLurker Thank you very much for your comment, for the clarifications and the links to the manifesto for independence. I…Mar 28, 08:50
    • Geri on The Long Future: “Billy I’ve heard various commentators say it’s the banking wankers. They seem to have a gambling addiction & every time…Mar 28, 08:39
    • Aidan on The Long Future: “@Xaracen – no it absolutely is a strict , foundational requirement. It is probably the single most important defining feature…Mar 28, 08:31
    • Hatey McHateface on The Long Future: ““the U constitution actually states it’ll remain a neutral country & actually forbids foreign aggressors & hostile nations from any…Mar 28, 08:27
    • Hatey McHateface on The Long Future: ““Scotland will be a republic” Awww, Geri, and there was me wanting you to be my queen. Sure you won’t…Mar 28, 08:17
    • Hatey McHateface on The Long Future: “Good points Cynicus. The key takeaways remain that the hereditary principle was paramount. Where the heritage was more diluted (through…Mar 28, 08:06
    • Xaracen on The Long Future: “@Aidan; You said; “a key defining feature of a NSGT is that there must be ‘salt water’ between the territory…Mar 28, 08:04
    • Hatey McHateface on The Long Future: “Awww. Marie’s family members volunteered, signed up and swore oaths to do a job of work. And now she’s puling…Mar 28, 07:50
    • Hatey McHateface on The Long Future: “Fit “current genocide” is that then? Surely not the one that could be stopped this weekend, just as it could…Mar 28, 07:44
    • Aidan on The Long Future: “Indeed and whilst I don’t doubt many of the usual suspects are sincere about their desire for Scottish independence, they…Mar 28, 06:55
    • Marie on The Long Future: “As someone who had family members sent to Iraq – I absolutely agree. If you can’t prevent your young men…Mar 28, 06:47
    • Aidan on The Long Future: “@Xaracen – a key defining feature of a NSGT is that there must be ‘salt water’ between the territory and…Mar 28, 06:37
    • Aidan on The Long Future: “@Geri – as per usual you are completely wrong, the UN does not uphold the rights that peoples are granted…Mar 28, 06:16
    • Donald on The Long Future: “I got sick at the realisation you don’t oppose the current genocide and didn’t read further (a first for me)…Mar 28, 05:28
    • twathater on The Long Future: “Thanks for that ZiggyMar 28, 04:03
    • Cynicus on The Long Future: ““The Gaels constitutional tradition was for each clan to have a hereditary chief. Probably always male, too” ========== Within living…Mar 28, 01:08
    • Geri on The Long Future: “The monarch was on notice. He could be removed. The Scots were sovereign, not him. He was elected to do…Mar 28, 00:29
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on The Long Future: “I think SALVO’s research into the historical Scottish constitution is of fundamental consequence and offers us indispensable political and intellectual…Mar 28, 00:14
    • Billy Carlin on The Long Future: “Geri 27 March 2025 at 10:09 pm The UN just like The UK, US, EU and every country on this…Mar 28, 00:12
    • Kcor on The Long Future: “To be very honest, nothing is ever going to work, because Scots lost their backbones a long time ago. When…Mar 28, 00:05
    • Geri on The Long Future: “& finally, Shitface – as for this gem regards international law & constitutions…. “They’ll not find a single thing that…Mar 27, 23:56
    • aLurker on The Long Future: “One of the clear points that Sara Salyers makes is that by empowering a constitutional convention with the votes of…Mar 27, 23:48
    • Kcor on The Long Future: “From the WoS archives: Rock posted on 22.09.2014 in “A lie won’t fly” “Our job now is to form a…Mar 27, 23:33
    • aLurker on The Long Future: “@mia To keep this comment manageably short I will deal with the points in your last two paragraphs. “points 2…Mar 27, 23:29
    • Geri on The Long Future: “Shitface You are always three yrs behind the news. Let’s update you. America has already admitted it started the war.…Mar 27, 23:21
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