The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Pleasant Valley Monday

Posted on January 03, 2023 by

Alert readers may have noticed that our Twitter account has returned again. Hopefully this time it’ll last longer than a week under the inevitable barrage of attacks from transactivists and SNP MSPs.

(We haven’t had any contact from Twitter about it, people just noticed the account was live again last night and told us about it, so we don’t know what the reason was.)

And someone used the occasion to point out that it was exactly five years ago today that we published our first piece on the subject of “gender reform”.

It’s still quite a shocking read even half a decade down the line.

We’ve only actually had 93 posts on trans issues in those five years, or an average of about one every three weeks. We know it feels like more. And we know that some of you thought we’d gone mad when we started warning about it.

But hopefully some of you have realised just what’s at stake, and even if you don’t care about that, how much it might cost the cause of independence. We really hope we can stop talking about it soon, if only so we don’t keep getting banned from Twitter.

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Oh happy day,

Ian McLean

Yeah, yeah. We all know you have had long phone calls with Elon to negotiate this publicity stunt.
Seriously though, it’s great to see you back.

Robert Hughes

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
3 January, 2023 at 2:16 pm

” And yes, I know it’s Tuesday today, but the ban got lifted last night. Plus it’s the first normal day after the holidays, so it feels like a Monday.”

Plus you couldn’t resist another music-related pun ie Pleasant Valley Sunday 🙂

Not on Twitter myself ( Christ ! I do enough gabbling on the blogs I follow ) but glad the platform has re-opened for you and those that are can see your contributions there again .

Was thinking … there no way Twitter can be made aware of nature and motivation of the cowards that continually seek to have you banned ?



That is all… 😀

Geoff Anderson

If it upsets the TransCult it is a good day

Gregory Beekman

Oh no!

And here was me trying to reduce my Twitter time…


I see Angus Brendan has stuck his head above the parapet (at long, long last) to demand the repeal of the nuSNP nonce’s charter.

So far as I can see – No response from Sturgeon. And as it say in the song “And the transkids just don’t understand”.

Admittedly Scotland has the shittiest media in the world – But still.

Angus, coming from the Western Isles, can always be relied upon to discern which way the wind is blowing.

Not long now until those sunlit uplands. Tick,tock Sturgeon.


From the piece written in 2018…

“Most transgender people just want to live out their lives in peace, free from persecution and fear the same way as everyone else does, but the debate has been more recently polarised by some hyper-militant trans activists, mainly biologically-male “women” who openly reject the idea of any form of physical transition (eg hormone therapy, surgery) and/or actively taunt, goad or threaten opponents – mainly biological women, who are pejoratively dismissed as “cis” – with their masculine appearance and appendages.”

Well the five years that followed certainly proved the bit about the hyper militant trans activists who taunt, bully and goad any who disagree with them, and some.

Reading the threats to ‘TERFs’ pretty much summed them up 5 years ago and still does.

Many of these ‘mostly biologically male trans women’ are clearly suffering from a mental illness. It makes them in certain cases and circumstances really quite dangerous and volatile.

Apparently the crime statistics for this demographic bear this out with significantly higher incidences crime and of sexual related crimes.

Just look at the way they conduct themselves in the posts quoted. These are grown men explicitly threatening to kill women. How long do you think it would be before Police Scotland would be at your door if any one of us threatened one of them in the same manner… It is like a two tier justice system with trannies allowed to do what they want. And the Hate bill lined up to crush any dissent.

There are like Sturgeon’s Brown Pants, who go around doing all her dirty work for her. An army of deranged half mad nutters who have been given the nod to go after whoever steps out of line using threats and intimidation and plain old violence.

They are the perfect group to exploit for this purpose. Bitter, angry resentful losers who want to take their revenge out on society. It is nothing to do with them being gay or wanting to be another sex and everything to do with them being mentally ill attack dogs.


About one every three weeks?


I thought you were an obsessive homophobic bigot preaching daily hate & causing figurative violence on big lassies?

That’ll be a naw then?

Welcome back to your account..I can hear the tantrums already.

KT Lorimer

Those crime statistics are for trans self-identifying males not males with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria – there is the problem for the latter they are being associated with the deviants of the former group, those who self ID.


I re-appealed my perms-ban when yours was first lifted. Apparently my ‘threats of violence’ (nothing of the sort) were just too upsetting and the ban stays. Maybe they just want you to pay for your blue tick!



The people of Scotland didn’t vote for this.
The SNP have turned into blatant liars & a dictatorship.

Sturgeon is finished.

Brendan has said nothing for 5 years so he can shove it.

Sorry – but it seems to me he’s only speaking out now because it’s crunch time for the SNP. Dunlop & Cherry very vocal & there’s a bandwagon to jump on?

Self preservation.

Stu – apologies for duplicate. Gateway error..eek!


None of the images in the articles on the page are showing up. They are all giving 404 errors. If you go to the direct link to the articles the images are fine.

Welcome back to Twitter.

Dave Hansell

In the five years since that first article on the Trans issue it seems reasonable to observe that the debate on the issues surrounding it has had an increased corporate media profile.

Granted, much of that profile – in terms of critique – can be found in what is traditionally regarded as the ‘right wing’ media – Daily Mail; Daily Express; Spectator; Spiked; GB News; UnHerd et al.

A great deal of which is generated by an increasing number of high profile cases from Maya Forstater to Kathrine Stock. Not forgetting the regular pieces from University Campuses to the changing rooms of Primark and beyond.

The point being that right now it would be difficult to make a convincing case that the Gender Critical arguments surrounding the issues have not enjoyed a wide airing in media which is, in terms of bums on seats numbers, widely popular compared to say the numbers who (for whatever reason) still read the woke flagship Guardian.

Not forgetting the airing in more restricted activist political circles which have split – mainly on age demographics – the political left. A split which saw the Scottish Green’s disown the English and Welsh Greens as well as initiatives such as the Labour Women’s Declaration (LWD) and their subsequent elevation among the purity spiral crowd as persona non gratia.

This being the case it would seem reasonable to assume that at this stage any opportunity presented to push back on the issue would by now receive at least a decent show of support?

Just over two months ago (late October 2022) and again in late November 2022 such an opportunity occurred in the form of online petitions to Parliament to (a) Update the Equality Act to make clear the characteristic “sex” is biological sex; and (b) Repeal the Gender Recognition Act 2004.

The links are easily found on the UK Government Petitions web site. So far (a) has, in the space of 74 days attracted only around 64,000 signatures. Whilst (b), in the space of 39 days has less than 10,000 signatures.

Assuming the over 18 adult population of the UK to be around about 55 million (a) has so far only achieved around 0.1% of the voting population whilst (b) is hovering around just over 0.01%.

Whilst a perusal of the constituency map link in both these petitions shows a higher percentage of voters in Scotland signing compared to England, Wales and N. Ireland, even Scotland, where the debate is even more high profile given recent events, the figures are low.

With the largest turnout for (a) being 0.445% of constituents in Angus McNeil’s Constituency; and (b) being 0.116% of constituents in Brenden O’Hara’s Fiefdom.

As matters stand it would be reasonable to conclude that those of us who are, to use a particular label, Gender Critical are only – to paraphrase – ‘reaching those who are already on our side.’ A problem just as acute today, on this showing, as it was (and remains so) for what passed (and passes) for the political ‘left’ in 2016.

A great deal of work and persuasion needs to be carried out if those of us who are concerned about the negative impacts of this issue are not to find ourselves, like the political left identified back in 2016, stuck in our own echo chamber.



The people of Scotland didn’t vote for this.
The SNP have turned into blatant liars & a dictatorship.

Sturgeon is finished.

Brendan has said nothing for 5 years so he can shove it.

Sorry – but it seems to me he’s only speaking out now because it’s crunch time for the SNP. Dunlop & Cherry very vocal & there’s a bandwagon to jump on?

Self preservation.

Stu – apologies for duplicate. Gateway 504 error..eek!

Lorna Campbell

KT Lorimer: had the gender dysphoric group and the old-style transsexuals (many of who are autogynephiles who can keep themselves in check in public) not trans-gressed female boundaries in the first place, these vicious thugs of the new wave ‘trans’ lobby would have had no peg on to which they could hang their coat.

Yes, I absolutely agree that there is a huge difference between old-style transsexuals and the self-ID lot, but that is down to the law of the land being applied against anyone who displayed paraphilias/fetishes in public.

Now, we will have paraphiliac deviant men and straight deviant men vying for the public spaces and female spaces in which to fetishise because they both appear now to want to involve unwilling female people in their panoply of fetishes.

How long does anyone expect the law on flashing, for example, or listening to females peeing, in public, to survive with two different demographics, one of which will be allowed to strut around naked in front of women and children and the other being charged for the same act?

You can bet your bottom dollar that the ‘trans’ fetishist will scream blue murder for the law to be repealed. This is how they will get rid of all prohibitive laws that protect us. The only answer is to either strengthen, or re-introduce a new, Equality Act for females only and which will keep these ‘trans’ identified males out of all female spaces, rights, female-specific jobs female hospital wards, etc. ALL men must be barred in law. Same the other way around.

Third spaces for ‘trans’, with separate spaces for ‘trans’ women and ‘trans’ men. You can also bet your bottom dollar that, if third spaces were to be introduced, ‘trans’ would disappear overnight in a puff of smoke. The transgressing of female boundaries is what this is all about at the bottom level, and ‘trans’ men and ‘trans’ children are mere ballast and fodder for the ‘trans’ women to make it appear to unmitigated dolts that ‘trans’ is real. It is a load of baloney.

One thing: there will never be independence until this is issue is laid to rest, no matter how many bored men (usually) who see no threat to themselves (how very wrong they are) pooh-pooh it and demand that we concentrate on independence. THEY – the ‘trans’ lobby and supporters are preventing independence. When are people going to get it? They don’t want independence, the SNP gender ideologues and the Greens; they want power; and, above all, they want this stuff to fan out from Scotland into England and take over there.

Follow the money. Follow the psychopaths who push this stuff. Stop concentrating on the wee fetishists, folks, because it always – but always – is about money and an elite who want ever more and more of it, as well as being psychopaths, many of them, who couldn’t give a fig for the rest of us. How do totalitarian regimes come to power? By dolts following the nonsense and the rest keeping their heads down or being led up blind alleys.

Andy Ellis

I’m breaking my self-imposed BTL comment purdah to unreservedly welcome the news of Twitter “unsuspending” Rev Stu.

Let’s hope that it is permanent and that it is followed by similar treatment for the very many other accounts – indluding mine – who were suspended for similarly spurious reasons to the WoS account, but which don’t have the benefit of Glinner pleading their case, or Roddy Dunlop saying he’d take their case pro bono if it went to court!

As @campervanwoman observed on their excellent Twitter thread on Roddy Dunlop and Joanna Cherry being blocked by clueless Joe FitzPatrick MSP, the use of blanket blocking by elected politicians, just like the illegitimate cancellation of accounts on Twitter, is injurious to our democracy and a great example of the differential treatment of those in positions of power punching down “ordinary” folk who lack the recourse available to those in influential positions, or who have influential friends.

Normal purdah service will now be resumed: hopefully the return of WoS on Twitter is the start of something. Fuck knows we could do with some good news!


Dave Hansell says:

A great deal of work and persuasion needs to be carried out if those of us who are concerned about the negative impacts of this issue are not to find ourselves, like the political left identified back in 2016, stuck in our own echo chamber.

Any suggestions?


link to

Keep signing

10k isn’t an insignificant number.

stuart young

Welcome back Stu, Daddy bear, Stirling yooth, and AIM are having an emergency meeting as we speak

KT Lorimer

Lorna Campbell – to my mind the driver of all this was the likes of Stonewall needing new income streams, there aren’t enough old school transsexuals to realise that as the majority of the few there are get on with their lives and do not require anything special – hence the widening of trans and the ditching of transsexuals as collateral damage.


TBQH I don’t care how many people complain about the number of posts you target at this abomination as Lorna Campbell says we will NEVER get a sniff of independence until this abhorrent legislation is repealed and the leader of this lunacy and her perverted deviants (OF ALL PARTIES) suffer the wrath of the electorate



For whoever it was on another thread who thought it was a positive thing that the Good Law Project was planning a northwards expansion, and also for all those who demurred:

link to

David Holden

Gosh Wings reinstated by that nice Elton Musk and our hero in exile returns with a message for all his fans. 2023 is off to a cracking start.


the gender stuff will be a great stick for the supreme court and Westminster to go heavy on how silly the SNP are.

My experience is young folk are OK with it but older ages tend to role their eyes.

I just don’t understand why the SNP focus on it. It is simply not worth the effort when there is oil and electricity to open up on and everyone is impacted by that.

So it is self inflicted and for me intentional.

So what are your recommendations for getting rid of Nicola. What processes are there.


Lorna Campbell I love you! (And Mia!)


Why Oh Why are the media reporting the NHS as being on a knife edge?
The NHS is broken just as the Tories planned it.

The NHS can’t send an ambulance at all or it takes hours rather than the necessary minutes
A & E cannot treat patients within 4 hours and if enough give up retreating in pain some are seen after 12 hours.

When established that a patient must have a bed there isn’t one,
If they need an operation they join the list, if some patients have recovered enough to go home but need social care it just isn’t there in the numbers required.

Before the Tories can sell the NHS it has to stop working.
They have reached their goal and they will blame foodbank nurses and doctors who gave up the profession due to unbearable workloads.

Blood gushes from the hands of the Westminster government.

If you don’t want to sell your home to pay for a seriously I’ll family member you must fight for Scottish Independence Now!


Keep cracking on with these issues Stu. I was a lurker back in those days ( didn’t have an email address and overawed by the btl standard) but was on board with your concerns. The thing that strikes me is how many otherwise sensible people posted btl comments that can now only be described as appeasement.
I always thought it was part of that desire to show Scots as “nice”, “progressive” and hence a positive benefit to the world… as if that mattered! I never bought into it. The time to “be kind” has passed ( I’d argue there never was a time). The truth must be told so carry right on Stu


Stick with it rev this trans obsession the SNPee has needs be continually exposed for what it is. This is one sick government.


“Transgender Missouri inmate executed for fatal stabbing”, says The Guardian. Actually he was executed for RAPE and MURDER. It would be nice if The Guardian would report these things honestly.

Also, isn’t it weird that if you correctly ‘gender’ a man as a man and refer to him as ‘he’, you get accused of MISgendering him.
I’m opposed to the death penalty, but it’s nauseating how he is being portrayed in The Guardian as some sort of fluffy bunny rabbit rather than what he was – a murderous psycho.


Roger says on 4 January, 2023 at 3:23 am:
“Transgender Missouri inmate executed for fatal stabbing”, says The Guardian. Actually he was executed for RAPE and MURDER. It would be nice if The Guardian would report these things honestly.”

“Also, isn’t it weird that if you correctly ‘gender’ a man as a man and refer to him as ‘he’, you get accused of MISgendering him. I’m opposed to the death penalty, but it’s nauseating how he is being portrayed in The Guardian as some sort of fluffy bunny rabbit rather than what he was – a murderous psycho.”

Yet folk like you keep posting direct links to those very BritNat rags. Direct links which will help to bring in advertising revenue every time they are clicked on. Direct links which do not preserve the original article therefore allowing the article to be edited & changed at will. Direct links which do not prevent the original article from disappearing altogether etc.

And you’ve been posting here long enough to know all these things so you moaning about BritNat rags producing crap articles is somewhat hypocritical. Not to mention your actions being partially responsible for encouraging the decline in journalistic standards, you’re promoting sub-standard BritNat pish. You and all the others who post direct links. There’s no excuse for it, for every excuse there is a way around it.

Stop using the WOS readership to help prop up BritNat rags and their sub-standard shite. We already have a glorified county-council sitting in Holyrood using and abusing the indy vote to install their ‘Perverts Permit’ whilst governing for Westminster.

John Main

@ Mac says:3 January, 2023 at 3:26 pm

Sturgeon’s Brown Pants

Classic! I’m using that every chance I get.

John Main

@ Andy Ellis says:3 January, 2023 at 4:52 pm

I’m breaking my self-imposed BTL comment purdah

Almost spat out my breakfast coffee at seeing your ugly icon, Andy 🙂

Here’s a new year resolution for you. Break that self-imposed purdah more in 2023!

Facts and informed conclusions shall set us free.


Please sign these petitions:

Update the Equality Act to make clear the characteristic “sex” is biological sex
The Government must exercise its power under s.23 of the Gender Recognition Act to modify the operation of the Equality Act 2010 by specifying the terms sex, male, female, man & woman, in the operation of that law, mean biological sex and not “sex as modified by a Gender Recognition Certificate”

(nearing 66,000 ; needs 100,000 to trigger WM debate)

link to

Repeal the Gender Recognition Act 2004
We call upon the Government to repeal the Gender Recognition Act 2004. The Act makes it impossible in practice to keep biological men – who are statistically responsible for most violent crime – out of single sex spaces for women.

link to

at 10,000 signatures

Signings for both jumped up after the GRR vote. Both have map links showing that Scotland is painting the map red.

John Main

@ Stoker says:4 January, 2023 at 7:20 am

I get a lot of my info from the Guardian Online – for example, their coverage of the war has been superb.

Unherd discusses a lot of stuff the MSM won’t touch – check them out today for an outstanding summary of the current Chinese Covid shitstorm. If I had not kept myself informed on Unherd during our own Covid Golden Years, I might have found myself allied with the numerous numpties on here who wanted traffic stopped and turned back at the border and the unvaxxed killed off.

The Daily Mail has its place for science stuff too. If you can stand BBC output (and increasingly I can’t), tune in for a few hours to see how the colonial takeover of BritNat institutions is progressing. Finally, watch FreeView for an evening, paying particular attention during the ads, if you want to understand how we all should be aspiring to look and behave.

My point is that there is a lot going on in the world, and many different takes on each story. There is no such thing as too much information. Even if you believe an outlet to be innately hostile to your cause, the old saying “know your enemy” always applies.

Where do you get your own world and more local news from? I am keen to learn more as always.


John Main says:
4 January, 2023 at 9:07 am

I get a lot of my info from the Guardian Online – for example, their coverage of the war has been superb.

How do you know it’s been superb and not a load of propaganda?


@John Main

Almost spat out my breakfast coffee at seeing your ugly icon, Andy

Cheers for that: I trust your keyboard is in damaged. I may use “ugly icon” as my next handle 🙂

I always thought Max Headroom was kinda handsome.

I wish you and the remaining adults in the room well: I sense you’re going to need it. On reflection however and after a good Festive break, what I’ve seen in here confirms that for me at least the BTL game here is no longer worth the candle.


Growing up in the 80’s I thought Orwell’s 1984 was a little ‘far fetched’ if I am honest. Making people say things they know to be untrue as form of exercising your power over them and ‘pressure testing’ their submissiveness. That our future was a picture of human face with a boot stamping on it…

Oh come on, too far. I thought.

Now instead of seeming like far fetched fiction to me it has become a reference manual for what we are seeing around us.

I now have to limit the number of 1984 comparisons I make daily or I’d doing it all the time.

Did Orwell foresee all this or did those in power simply adopt his bleak vision. (Either way he is still a genius.)

Just another tiny example but in 1984 they have the ‘TV’ that watches you more than you watch it. That can watch and listen into everything you say and do.

Well Edward Snowden revealed that this is exactly what we have now (and far more) in the form of smartphones and tablets and computers. Just by pushing a few buttons they can turn on your cameras and microphones and you will never know. (Watch that movie about Snowden to understand the capabilities they have now, it is staggering.)

Even worse they are maybe spying on everyone, all the time, using computers and algorithms to identify ‘hate speech’ and sift out the dissenters.

This is not fiction anymore, it is real. Fucking Orwell… lol.


John Main says:
4 January, 2023 at 8:06 am

@ Andy Ellis says:3 January, 2023 at 4:52 pm

I’m breaking my self-imposed BTL comment purdah

Almost spat out my breakfast coffee at seeing your ugly icon, Andy

Here’s a new year resolution for you. Break that self-imposed purdah more in 2023!

Facts and informed conclusions shall set us free.

Would it not be better if you suggested to Andy that he try to mend his ways?
He could break his self-imposed purdah and come back with the same old MO and be moderated again for personal abuse which would cause yet other hissy fit and him storming off for more self-imposed purdah.

I don’t think Andy wants to come back if he did he would have said sorry by now and tried to do better.

Is Andy perhaps not being a bit childish?

Where does Andy get his facts and informed conclusions from?


My English teacher said Orwell wanted to call his book 1948, the year it was written, as he believed it was all already happening somewhere in the world, but his publishers wouldn’t wear it.

Robert Hughes

Ruby says:
4 January, 2023 at 9:36 am
John Main says:
4 January, 2023 at 9:07 am

” I get a lot of my info from the Guardian Online – for example, their coverage of the war has been superb. ”

” How do you know it’s been superb and not a load of propaganda? ”

The same Guardian that had for years – up until Feb last year – been reporting on what IT described as one of the most corrupt Governments in the world , it’s merciless brutality in the Russia-speaking areas of that country , the US backed coup against a democratically elected Government and the psychopathic FASCIST elements given free rein to rampage and murder whoever didn’t fit their lunatic ideology . That Guardian ?


Ruby says:
4 January, 2023 at 9:36 am

How do you know it’s been superb and not a load of propaganda?

A very simple formula Ruby:
“Anything that reinforces my ignorance-based prejudice is suberb and outstanding coverage. Anything that challenges my ignorance-based prejudice is vile propaganda…

The Grauniad and Unherd tell John exactly what he wants to hear. Ergo, the Grauniad and Unherd provide superb and outstanding coverage.

David W Ferguson

Ruby says:
4 January, 2023 at 9:36 am

How do you know it’s been superb and not a load of propaganda?

A very simple formula Ruby:
“Anything that reinforces my ignorance-based prejudice is suberb and outstanding coverage. Anything that challenges my ignorance-based prejudice is vial propaganda…

The Grauniad and Unherd tell John exactly what he wants to hear. Ergo, the Grauniad and Unherd provide superb and outstanding coverage.

David W Ferguson

Just for the record, I do actually know how to spell “vial” properly. But WordPress thinks that every time you write it a fairy dies…


link to

link to

I don’t know if signing these petitions will get the government to listen it seems at the moment both governments are dictating rather than listening.

‘Transwomen are women’ and you’d better believe it ‘cos politicians say so and also it’s written in The Guardian.

Signing and promoting these petitions make me feel better a bit less helpless.

At the moment governments are not listening but maybe when they get back to focusing on votes they might.

Obviously people who risk being sacked because of their beliefs can’t sign these petitions. Big brother might be watching.


Hi Stu, your contact form doesn’t seem to be working right, so I’ll post this here.

Anyone still paying money to Progress Scotland? You know, the site with Angus Robertson as managing director, produced a couple of polls then f*ck all after that?

I had signed up to it when it first appeared, and after a while forgot about it, but my payments to it stopped when I got a new bank card, so I thought fair enough that’s fine, the site was doing nothing anyway.

Well, just recently the payments started up again so I tried phoning them- no answer. I tried emailing them- no answer. The payments are via Stripe, not a direct debit or standing order so I can’t just stop them. I’m now having to wait until the most recent payment goes through, then dispute it. Maybe eventually I’ll manage to get it stopped.

Anyway, anyone else getting ripped off monthly in return for diddly squat except lining Robertson’s pocket?


Animal Farm as well…

“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

That was supposed to be about communism but is this not EXACTLY how it feels looking for us, looking in at Sturgeon and her motley crew.

It is a pattern that repeats.

This is why we have to clean house. The pigs have become indistinguishable from men.

ALBA is the obvious broom.

Wilson McBride


I actually think “Nae mates Main” is an English Ukipper, on here to Wind up, Disrupt and Distract.

Nothing more, nothing less.

He comes on with his big English wooden spoon and stirs things up.

With his “names” as back up. (Chas and Co).


What would happen in the event of Scotland being at war?

Would ‘women’ be called up for military service?

John Main

@ David W Ferguson says:4 January, 2023 at 10:13 am

The Grauniad and Unherd tell John exactly what he wants to hear. Ergo, the Grauniad and Unherd provide superb and outstanding coverage.


There’s a war with a side dish of Wu Flu going on. It’s wrecking my life and that of many (most?) Scots. It will likely get worse in 2023. It’s effects on the chances of Indy are most unlikely to be positive ones. The Guardian and Unherd, among others, report what is going on.

Believe that this shitstorm is exactly what I want to hear about if you wish. I believe the song you are singing goes “la la la” repeatedly.

Tell you what I do like to hear though, Dave. Tales of freedom-loving patriots kicking back against murderous, rapist, invading, imperialists.

I have to take these tales where I can find them. Wings BTL can be curiously light on this kind of thing, even actively opposed to it sometimes.

Most peculiar, and very hard for many readers to understand.

John Main

@ Wilson McBride says:4 January, 2023 at 10:40 am

big English wooden spoon

As long as you got wood, the lassies dinna care fa it came frae.


John Main says:
4 January, 2023 at 11:08 am

As long as you got wood, the lassies dinna care fa it came frae.

How do you know this?

What do you mean by ‘lassies’?

Are you into Sissyporn?

I always get weird vibes from this poster.

I always trust my instincts more than what I read in The Guardian.

ie What do your instincts tell you about transwomen?

Colin Alexander

This is what happens when liberation movements lose focus on their primary purpose.

Socialists were about reforming society for economic equality. But the “Left” became about every other social reform than dismantling the capitalist state and creating economic socialism.

Similarly, initially under Alex Salmond in the late 1990s, the SNP prioritised obtaining political popularity as colonial administrators for the UK State at Holyrood and made its mark by introducing social reforms, such as the legalising of same sex marriage.

Both votes SNP was the mantra long before Sturgeon to concentrate power under the SNP leadership.

The SNP also misled people by asserting that Holyrood was the restoration of sovereign Scotland’s parliament, rather than highlighting that the SNP was now giving priority to .administering a colonial parliament.

By doing so, MSPs upheld the British imperial constitution of England’s Crown in (UK) parliament sovereignty. This led to Alex Salmond seeking agreement / permission for an indyref, rather than asserting the sovereign right to do so.


Warning this post includes strong language

John Main says:
4 January, 2023 at 11:08 am

As long as you got wood, the lassies dinna care fa it came frae.

link to

At the center of sissy porn lies the asshole, a kind of universal vagina through which femaleness can always be accessed. Getting f*cked makes you female because f*cked is what a female is.”

I read John Main’s post as saying women’s role is to be f*cked and their only care is if you can f*ck them.

Of course he might be referring to men with small penises as referred to in Graham Linehan’s article ‘Sissy porn, the gender movement’s dirty secret’


Mac says:
ALBA is the obvious broom.

A big NAW. The obvious broom is or I think you will find that alba want the sovereignty of the people to remain with the Scottish parliament in an independent Scotland.
In other words they want the power to rule over the Scottish people, where as in actual fact according to our constitution that power rests with the Scottish people.
Oh and by the way that sovereignty belongs to the SCOTTISH PEOPLE, NOT The people of Scotland.
Politicians are the problem.


I hold a different perspective on so called events as i get my data from a variety of sources, many non English language. Such source diversity is essential for sanity.
The news agencies supplying «news» to the anglophone press are depressingly «official». News is now more than ever propaganda. It has a «third world» feel, where few trust media reportage and have a developed nose for being set up.
We are in the month of Janus, the god of two faces, an image to keep in mind during 2023, a good year for healthy skepticism.


well said Wullie, 12.37pm. There is an important distinction between the Scottish people and the people of Scotland. And I for one am fed up of having to pretend otherwise out of that hyper-political-correctness that we Scots of Scotland are pressured into acting out, and speaking in terms of under empty accusations of ‘bigotry, prejudice, nazism. Having pride in your own national identity and wearing it is a very far cry from being prejudiced against other nationalities, whether they live in the same country as you or not. A situation which exists in no other country in the world and which is so clearly part of the suppression and gaslighting of Scottish identity with simultaneous brainwashing into ‘britishness’ as identity.


Strong words Ruby but yes sissyfication is an unpleasant undercurrent to much AGP thinking. This is what has been unleashed on Scottish women.


Rishi is getting ready for the next Tory howeller.

English kids will need to study Maths until 18?

So if you just don’t get maths but are great at several other subjects you
can’t focus on them as you must let maths go over your head for an extra 2 years.

There is a shortage of maths teachers, the pay and conditions are making many leave and now they are to be instructed to do more and with unwilling pupils.

Will this help anyone but it’s a free shot for Rishi that doesn’t cost him pounds today.

Wishy washy Rishi rat pack!


Why does it say “the wedding present” ?

John Main

@ wullie says:4 January, 2023 at 12:37 pm

Alba want the sovereignty of the people to remain with the Scottish parliament in an independent Scotland

Soz to rain on your parade Wullie, but I struggle to see any other practical solution.

Even if you lop a million or so off the total of 5.5 million sovereign Scots by focusing on those who are “of Scotland”, not those who are “in Scotland”, I still don’t see how 4.5 million people can get by without political representatives.

You won’t get a building big enough to hold 4.5 mill people for the debates.

I suppose you could make every political decision ratified by plebiscite. But how would a multi-page bill be handled? A plebiscite on every paragraph? Every week a new plebiscite?

Afraid I think there are very good reasons why democracies form governments consisting of cadres of professional politicians, backed up by armies of civil servants. It’s because it’s a system that is workable.

Trying to harness the sovereignty of millions of individuals to make a working government would be like trying to break the land speed record by harnessing millions of horses to one cart.

And before you reply by saying “so what’s your solution?” my solution for those unhappy with existing political parties is to grow a new one. As I have pointed out before, if all over Europe, new parties can form and expand to enjoy major support in next to no time, then it can happen here in Scotland too.


So true.

Alf Baird

FionaN @ 12:47 pm

Here’s a wee pome on the maitter o: “the suppression and gaslighting of Scottish identity with simultaneous brainwashing into ‘britishness’ as identity”

link to


So true.


Sorry about the double post rev.
My excuse is that i`m trans and if you scold me i`ll tell Nicola.


I am conflicted by all this. On the one hand, I see long reaching shadow of US big Pharma, the Stonewall power trip, the “cult” of the acolytes…

But on the other hand, there is one reason, and one reason only that we are talking about this nonsense where once upon a time we discussed Scottish Independence.

Posted without comment, beyond asking if this short video resonates.


I am conflicted by all this. On the one hand, I see long reaching shadow of US big Pharma, the Stonewall power trip, and the “cult” of the acolytes…

But on the other hand, there is one reason, and one reason only that we are talking about this nonsense where once upon a time we discussed Scottish Independence.

Posted without comment, beyond asking if this short video resonates with anybody else…


Main = Tory Brexiteer, Scroll on past.


John Main
You only see problems and not solutions

David W Ferguson

ohn Main says:
4 January, 2023 at 11:03 am

Believe that this shitstorm is exactly what I want to hear about if you wish.

The thing is, John, there isn’t any shitstorm in China. I know. I live there.

Tell you what I do like to hear though, Dave. Tales of freedom-loving patriots kicking back against murderous, rapist, invading, imperialists.

Tell you what though, John. No you don’t. Nine times out of ten you and your ilk are the ones doing all the hooting and hollering and cheering on the murderous, rapist, invading, imperialists.

I have to take these tales where I can find them. Wings BTL can be curiously light on this kind of thing, even actively opposed to it sometimes.

Most peculiar, and very hard for many readers to understand.

David W Ferguson

John Main says:
4 January, 2023 at 11:03 am

believe that this shitstorm is exactly what I want to hear about if you wish…

The thing is, John, there isn’t any shitstorm in China. I know. I live there.

Tell you what I do like to hear though, Dave. Tales of freedom-loving patriots kicking back against murderous, rapist, invading, imperialists…

Tell you what though, John. No you don’t. Nine times out of ten you and your ilk are the ones doing all the hooting and hollering while you cheer on the murderous, rapist, invading, imperialists.

(Sorry about the kind of double post Stu. I’m one of these anal types who always has to go back and correct his mistakes…)


This the kind of thing the unamended GRRB will give rise to, those rapist paedeo enabling SNP/Green MSPs have really done a number on women and children this time.

link to


John Main @ 11.08am

‘As long as you got wood, the lassies dinna care fa it came frae.’

Not if the wood is in his head as the more discriminating lassies might say.

Not a well-chosen metaphor JM but perhaps a bit revealing as Ruby suggests.


Breeks @ 2:27pm

Aha, gotcha. Oh yes indeedly.


Not religious myself, but this is how bad its gotten with the transgender thingy, when a Cambridge Dean thinks Jesus could’ve been trans.

link to


wullie says:
4 January, 2023 at 12:37 pm
Mac says:
ALBA is the obvious broom.

A big NAW. The obvious broom is or I think you will find that alba want the sovereignty of the people to remain with the Scottish parliament in an independent Scotland.
In other words they want the power to rule over the Scottish people, where as in actual fact according to our constitution that power rests with the Scottish people.

Not quite true… speaking as a devout constitutionalist who backs SALVO 100%, I also appreciate ALBA and Scottish democracy needs to avoid, if it can, a Constitutional route to Independence which is compromised by a democratic majority set against it.

I absolutely “get” the binary nature of Sovereignty, but sovereign Independence without a popular majority “might” see us underway but still tied to the jetty. If we can accommodate a democratic majority, whether by progressive referendum choice or retrospective plebiscite, the process will be smoother and less difficult.

The issue isn’t democracy. The issue is whether Scottish democracy is exercised under Scotland’s own “red” sovereignty, where the people are sovereign and in control, or exercised under the “white” Westminster Parliamentary sovereignty, which is an invasive doctrine inconsistent and incompatible with the Scottish people being sovereign.

Holyrood, and the SNP have so far chosen to stand on the wrong riverbank where Westminster’s Scotland Act is seeking to legitimise the intrusive doctrine of Westminster Parliamentary Sovereignty, by establishing a colonial beachhead in Edinburgh, that is designed to be obey Westminster.

Scotland’s democracy does not answer to Westminster, nor should it answer to Westminster’s puppet assembly in Holyrood. We are NOT bought and sold for English gold.

Scotland will need it’s democracy, but “red” Constitutional democracy with our feet on this riverbank, where the people of Scotland form the sovereign Community of the Realm, and Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty is recognised.

So yes, back SALVO 100%, sign up to Liberation.Scot, but don’t abandon ALBA or Alex Salmond, because if or when Sturgeon’s SNP is finally dead to us, Scotland will need political representation backing the Independence case while the SNP is busy grovelling at the feet of it’s Westminster paymaster.

Scottish Independence is increasingly dependent upon the following;

1) The SNP rank and file boot Sturgeon and her crooks into orbit, and rediscover their Indy Mojo under completely new management. Gender Woo-Woo need not apply.

2) The SNP rank and file swap their allegiance over to ALBA and the YES movement again comes under new management.

3) The new management, (whether a rehabilitated SNP, a rising ALBA, or a cooperative combination of both working together), steers the issue of Scottish Independence away from processes where the rules are set by Westminster’s white Parliamentary Sovereignty, and instead we adopt and embrace processes where the rules are set by Scotland’s red sovereign Constitution.

4) SALVO, Liberation.Scot, the Claim of Right etc, are all mechanisms of red sovereignty, consistent with the government of Scotland before the Union ever existed. These methods have to be embraced by the people, and the invasive doctrines of Westminster false Parliamentary sovereignty, (that means Westminster government AND a docile Scottish Assembly which submits itself to the Scotland Act), must be rejected by the Scottish people.

5) To facilitate this change in Constitutional strategy and direction, and “recognised” sovereignty will require a Constitutional Convention; something akin to a Scottish Convention of the Estates. The first step to International Recognition is the nation of Scotland recognising itself.

It was something broadly equivalent to a Convention of the Estates which resolved to write the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320, and it was another Convention of the Estates which set the ball rolling for the Claim of Right in 1689. We must hope for a Convention of the Estates in 2023 to set the ball rolling to expel Westminster’s colonial rule from the Sovereign Realm of Scotland.

So, back SALVO, back Liberation.Scot, but also back ALBA, back Salmond, and for the most part, back YES initiatives wherever you see them. Furthermore, back “rebels” in the SNP; Joanna Cherry, Angus MacNeil, Ash Regan, Michelle Thompson.

The SNP under Sturgeon, and her Pervert’s Charter supporters, is a dead loss liability for Scottish Independence, but a rebellion in the SNP (long overdue), could present us with “something” salvageable from SNP of old. “That” reformed type of SNP could conceivably play an important role in a Convention of the Estates. But if Sturgeon is still in command, the Convention should bar the doors and have nothing whatsoever to do with a Constitutional Idiot like Sturgeon and the Vichy Devolutionists in Holyrood.

That, in a nutshell, is more or less where I think we are…


Something weird with posting Rev Stu.

I double posted before without realising I had, and I’ve just posted another which hasn’t appeared for 4-5 mins after sending.

Right now I’m resisting the temptation to reverse and post it again, but there’s a strong inclination to take a chance on death by hammers and double post…. 😉


SusanAHF says:
4 January, 2023 at 12:48 pm

Strong words Ruby but yes sissyfication is an unpleasant undercurrent to much AGP thinking. This is what has been unleashed on Scottish women.

We need strong words Susan none of this calling men who rape babies minor attracted persons or flashers, voyeurs, rapist & all manner of perverts women.

I did hesitate before posting my earlier strong worded post but decided to go for it.


Republicofscotland @4.17pm

Yes, that idiocy was touched on in an earlier thread. It reveals the lack of intellectual calibre that seems to prevail among those who ought to know better. Perhaps this reflects exactly that, intellectual rigour being abandoned in favour of blind faith.

This whole sermon was apparently predicated on how artists had chosen to present the figure of Jesus in religious art of the period. Quite why artists of the middle ages, painting the naked body of Jesus according to the religious conventions of his own age (that is avoiding anything suggesting Christ should be depicted as actually a sexual being) should be taken as authentic presentation of someone who had died centuries before, is absurdity beyond understanding in a modern age. In fact it’s positively medieval in its unscientific irrationality.

What has happened to academia? Sometimes I think I’ve wakened up in a parallel universe where educated people endorse nonsense.


Republicofscotland says:
4 January, 2023 at 4:17 pm

Not religious myself, but this is how bad its gotten with the transgender thingy, when a Cambridge Dean thinks Jesus could’ve been trans.

link to

link to

Exposed – The Church’s Darkest Secret – Episode 1

Having watched this I’m wondering what perverted reason The Revd Dr Michael Banner might have for claiming Jesus could have been transgender.


So how do we get rid of her

Is it protests at holyrood


So how do we get rid of her

Would protests outside holyrood before fmq embarrass her.


Alba might be a stick but it will split the vote

KT Lorimer

So have I got this right – God messed up and put his only daughter in a male body?


I agree totally Ruby, too much time and energy has been wasted appeasing these monsters.


I think there is a history of early depictions of Christ being androgynous. This is because these early depictions were based on even earlier non-Christian artforms celebrating certain pagan gods. Nothing to do with today’s transgender propaganda.

KT Lorimer

Have I got this right – God messed up and put his only daughter in a male body?


So God put his only daughter in the wrong body?

Andy Ellis

@Rev Stu

On your tweet raising a question about the members of the SG group compiling the report:


The membership of the Expert Advisory Group includes individuals who are experts in their field from LGBTI organisations, faith and belief organisations and communities, mental health, the law, human rights, academia, and people with personal lived experience of conversion practices.

Blair Anderson, lived experience
Dr Paul Behrens, University of Edinburgh
Pritpal Bhullar, Sarbat LGBT+ Sikhs
Very Reverend Dr Susan Brown, Church of Scotland
Dr Mhairi Crawford, LGBT Youth Scotland
Dr Rebecca Crowther, Equality Network
Richy Edwards, lived experience
Dr Amber Keenan, NHS Grampian
Reverend Jide Macaulay, House of Rainbow
Colin Macfarlane, Stonewall Scotland
Reverend Elder Maxwell Reay, Metropolitan Community Church
Dr Igi Moon, MoU Coalition Against Conversion Therapy
Florence Oulds, Scottish Trans
Hannah Winter, lived experience
Luis Felipe Yanes, Scottish Human Rights Commission

The Group is chaired by Nick Bland, Deputy Director of the Equality and Inclusion Division at the Scottish Government. Secretariat is provided by the Equality and Inclusion Division, Scottish Government.

link to


Hi Shug at 5:31 pm.

You typed,
“Alba might be a stick but it will split the vote”

Split which vote? If it’s a plebiscitary election, it doesn’t matter how many pro-independence parties are standing, as long as they all have the same single-issue manifesto, eg, “A majority of votes for pro-independence parties will be a mandate to declare independence.”


Correction to my comment of 5.04pm.

‘of his own age’ should read ‘of their own age’. You see, sometimes pronouns do matter. Pedants will recognise the difference.

Wilson McBride

Main letting us all know what a perverted sexual deviant he is .

Your instincts are bang on Ruby.

He’s a 100% Class A weirdo.

Right down to the manky Y-fronts he sits in.

Wilson McBride


Problems posting today.

Post Doesn’t appear until later.

Also have to sign in all the time.

It’s not saving name and email.

Is there a problem with Wings today?


Just for fun I thought I would do a search on Google for

Was the Virgin Mary a transwoman?


comment image

Also spotted one saying

‘God is non-binary’
and this

link to

I can’t decide if it’s really scary or very entertaining watching the world go insane!

John Main

@Wilson 6:13

The Y Fronts are in the wash as I type this jist fer you.

Along wi a thing else.

It’s pissing doon wi rain – could be days afore I get them dry enough tae put them a back oan.

Sweet dreams noo!

Wilson McBride

Posts are taking about 10 minutes to appear.

John Main

@ JGedd says:4 January, 2023 at 3:12 pm

Not a well-chosen metaphor JM but perhaps a bit revealing as Ruby suggests

Maybes. Maybes naw.

Trace the exchanges and see who first raised the “wooden” reference.

I’m dealing with a situation on here where some lucky, multiple-identity, posters are permitted carte blanche to indulge their penchant for unlimited “playground shit”, whereas others know well that if they respond in kind, they will likely be banned.

My preferred approach is to see the funny side. If you are at all interested, my “wooden” response was inspired by a snippet I heard on “I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue”; pretty sure it was the late, great Humphrey Lyttleton.

Usually broadcast 6:30 PM on a weekday, so hardly post-watershed, X-rated, hardcore.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Shug at 5:31 pm.

You typed,
“Alba might be a stick but it will split the vote”

Split which vote? If it’s a plebiscitary election, it doesn’t matter how many pro-independence parties are standing, as long as they all have the same single-issue manifesto, eg, “A majority of votes for pro-independence parties will be a mandate to declare independence.”


Colin Alexander says:
4 January, 2023 at 11:48 am

“This is what happens when liberation movements lose focus on their primary purpose.”

ALBA should have a single policy and a single manifesto promise, at every election:

Scottish independence.

To declare independence if they win more than 50% of the vote.


There is no greater fool than a learned fool, thus the gods first fill with mad ideas those they seek to destroy.
Enjoy the fun!


More on what the SNP/Green rapist/paedo enabling parties are up to in Scotland, we need to get Sturgeon out of office. Seen on the Rev’s Twitter feed.

“Double silk Aidan O’Neill KC has warned that the proposals would be outside the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament.

The SNP-Green alliance is considering plans to outlaw any activity – including parental chats, prayer and preaching – deemed to be an attempt to change a person’s sexuality or gender identity.

They appointed an expert group which made a series of recommendations for a new criminal offence, which it claims will be within Holyrood’s devolved powers.

Mr O’Neill, however, has said the proposals are “fundamentally illiberal” and “beyond the powers of the Scottish Parliament to legislate”.

In a written opinion for the Christian Institute, Mr O’Neill said the far-reaching ‘conversion therapy’ proposals would criminalise innocent parents and preachers.

Simon Calvert, a deputy director at the CI, said his organisation is preparing the ground for legal action similar to the named person challenge.

He said: “If the Scottish government follows the advice of its Expert Advisory Group it will be exceeding its powers and inflicting the most totalitarian conversion therapy ban in the world.

“Mr O’Neill says the proposals would have the ‘undoubted effect of criminalising much mainstream pastoral work of churches, mosques and synagogues and temples’ and that ‘Prayers and sermons would be criminalised if their content did not conform to the new State requirements’.

“Church workers, feminist activists, mums and dads – all sorts of innocent people could find themselves on the wrong end of a prosecution if this becomes law. And I think Scottish taxpayers will eventually find themselves picking up the legal bill for another court defeat.”

link to

Vote Alba, Join Alba.


Ruby ru really oot tae confuddle me ah still hivnae got the concept of the non diddly diddly virgin birth lol


Glad to see that good sense finally over-ruled whoever deigned to cancel your twitter presense!


Good to see that common sense finally prevailed!



Ur U really oot tae confuddle me ah still hivnae goat me heid roon the concept of the non diddly diddly virgin birth lol


You too Ottomanboi. Enjoy the fun!

link to

The Reverend Bingo Alison as featured in
link to





link to

Father Calvin Robinson talking sense.

Worth watching and reading the comments.


“Most transgender people just want to live out their lives in peace, free from persecution and fear the same way as everyone else does, but the debate has been more recently polarised by some hyper-militant trans activists, mainly biologically-male “women” who openly reject the idea of any form of physical transition (eg hormone therapy, surgery) and/or actively taunt, goad or threaten opponents – mainly biological women, who are pejoratively dismissed as “cis” – with their masculine appearance and appendages.”

God, that reminds me so much of just how barking mad I thought all this was in 2017, and how I assumed it had to pass quickly because it was clearly barking.

The entire point of GRA was to help those who had gender dysphoria so badly they had to transition. Who were then allowed a legal fiction, an additional privilege, not a right, to do things like falsify their birth certificate. Because they had gone through a hellish procedure, such was their distress at their sex. It was a tiny number, and there were safeguards built in.

For those who instead “reject the idea of any form of physical transition” great, brilliant. That makes you a gender non conforming person, which is cool and in the UK we have a long history of exceptionally cool people doing it. Quite why so many people leapt on the idea of “Hey! Let’s let these guys say they’re the opposite sex and give any man who wants them all the rights women have” as a hill to die on and a campaign more critical than independence, Brexit, poverty, inequalities more generally etc, I have no idea. But what a fucking wasted 6 years and counting.


“Haud says:
4 January, 2023 at 2:00 pm

Why does it say “the wedding present” ?”

Why not? Weddoes! Gedge!


Transgender activists have outdone all theologians and philosophers by solving all metaphysical mysteries

– they have proved the existence of the soul and God, but also that


so now the science and gender activists have to reverse this cosmic error

He’s up there, just chucking the souls out of one bag and into their shells without checking the labels.

Stupid God.


– if that is not asking to be turned into a pillar of salt, I don’t know what is


‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue.’ Is that still running? I used to enjoy that years ago. Didn’t know it was being re-run.

Yes, some of those laddish comments and double-entendres did get by. Women used to have to accept that ‘boys will be boys’ who will have their little jokes at women’s expense. In that context, they were excused because I don’t remember it happening very often and was relatively mild by the standards of today. Humphrey Littleton was too clever and genuinely witty to be crude anyway. He also had the added virtue of not taking himself seriously.

Unfortunately, and probably inadvertently, your ‘laddish’ comment is from a different era and in the context of today’s mad gender wars struck a very wrong note because it has connotations of incel culture and their distorted beliefs about women. You should read the link provided by Ruby to get some background on what happens when ‘laddishness’ is unleashed and becomes part of the present day gender wars. You need to tread carefully if you’re going to tread on that minefield. I thought I knew about it until I read that link. It’s quite sickening; you need a strong stomach.

‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue’ wouldn’t have a clue. ( And yes, I wish people wouldn’t argue so aggressively; it always seems self-defeating but that’s just a personal opinion. I’m just not very good at insults. I always feel bad after it, so avoid it. If I get a bit angry at something I just go away and do something else. It always works. Try it.)


“JGedd says:
4 January, 2023 at 9:15 pm

‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue.’ Is that still running?”

It is, although I’m not sure if it’s on at the moment. It has been on recently.

Jack Dee is the current chair, following Humph’s death.

John Main

@Confused 9:03

He’s up there, just chucking the souls out of one bag and into their shells without checking the labels.

I am struck by the synergy of what you have written above with a comment I noticed today on Unherd (check out the “Transmaxxing” article by Mary Harrington if you are interested):

It’s pretty obvious at this point that gender identity is an ersatz replacement for what was more commonly termed the soul. Cut off from a concept of the latter, the modern ego has no choice but to deify its feelings.

Lightbulb moment. Of course. Given that humanity is fundamentally and irredeemably faith-based (AKA religious), what we are seeing is a “new” religion being born.

Richard Dawkins has written about new religions and how they come about. He makes it clear that one of the more surprising facts is just how quickly they can grow from nothing to widespread acceptance. He ties this into the concept of the ‘meme’, the idea of self-replicating ideas analogous to the self-replicating gene in biology.


ronald+anderson says:
4 January, 2023 at 7:21 pm

Ruby ru really oot tae confuddle me ah still hivnae got the concept of the non diddly diddly virgin birth lol

Mornin’ Ronnie

I did reply to you last night but my post disappeared.

It might appear later and then all will be clear LOL

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