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Wings Over Scotland

In A Deep Dark Hole

Posted on July 23, 2024 by

So now this has happened:

And even in tweet 1/10, Andy Wightman has told a flat-out lie.

Because as anyone can see for themselves by simply reading it, this whole matter has sprung from a Wings tweet on Friday in which we talked about allegations which were leaked “to Davie Clegg of the Daily Record”.

That unambiguously, inescapably, means these ones:

Can you spot the two words in that headline that prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Andy Wightman is lying, folks?

Give yourself some Alert Reader Points if you said “TO COPS”. Because you don’t report allegations of “workplace sexual harassment” to cops, because it isn’t a crime.

As we noted in our first piece on this subject on Sunday, sexual harassment is a civil wrong under the Equality Act 2010, not a criminal offence. If you turn up at a police station to complain about it, you’ll be gently ushered out and very politely directed to the nearest employment-solicitor’s office.

So when we tweeted about the allegations leaked to the Record, we were talking – and could ONLY have been talking – about the ones of sexual ASSAULT with which Alex Salmond was eventually charged, and of which he was cleared.

And of which therefore there most definitely IS “evidence that the allegations were false”, and pretty darn compelling evidence at that. Police Scotland conducted a vast investigation, interviewing hundreds of people, had one of Scotland’s most senior and capable KCs present their case to a High Court jury at great length over a two-week trial, and the jury said “Nah, don’t believe you”.

In the interests of fairness, let’s look at the rest of Wightman’s thread.

In these four tweets Wightman proves he’s lying, because he repeatedly refers to the criminal charges of sexual assault -the thing we tweeted about – NOT to the non-criminal matter of “workplace sexual harassment” that he appears to be pretending he thought we tweeted about.

He goes on to vaguely cast aspersions on the jury’s verdicts, unmistakeably implying that they don’t amount to a “real” acquittal and that they don’t prove the allegations were false. But in legal terms that’s exactly what they DO do.

Everyone in a UK criminal trial is innocent until proven guilty, and if the jury don’t find them guilty that means they stay innocent, are innocent and have always been innocent. The jury has found that there is no stain on the accused’s innocence, and that is unquestionably “evidence” that the accusations against them were false.

By saying that there is NO such evidence, Wightman can ONLY be questioning their findings. He has discounted their findings as non-existent. He didn’t say there was “only technical implied evidence that the allegations were false”, he said there was NONE. But the jury’s findings ARE evidence, and Alex Salmond IS innocent.

So this is another lie:

Our tweet did not reference “the leaked report”. We’ve never SEEN the leaked report and don’t know what was in it, other than the small snippets that were published in Clegg’s subsequent book, which included such heinous scandals as asking someone to “give me a twirl”, and which we saw for the first time a few minutes ago (when someone sent us scans from the book).

We talked explicitly and clearly about the allegations leaked to the Daily Record. Bizarrely, Wightman then admits that. He notes the distinction between the thing we DIDN’T talk about and the thing we DID. We said nothing at all about these apparent allegations of “workplace sexual harassment”, because on Friday when we wrote the tweet we didn’t have a clue what they were.

But Wightman’s final tweet essentially asserts that the “harassment” did definitely happen, and accuses Wings of doing something we never did. We said the CRIMINAL ALLEGATIONS were false, because that’s what the jury decided they were. We made no comment whatsoever about these mysterious other allegations that, inexplicably, have never been followed up after the crooked investigation into them collapsed.

Yet we’ve been repeatedly smeared by Andy Wightman as “minimising” and “belittling” workplace sexual harassment, even as he smears Alex Salmond by implying that he’s still under suspicion of sexual misconduct, while refusing to clarify what he means and thereby denying Salmond any chance to refute the smear.

(Something he’s been doing since 2021, personally asserting Salmond’s guilt despite having no discernible legitimate basis on which to do so. After all, as he himself notes, no valid investigation has been conducted into these claims and Wightman has no right to state these things as facts.)

(The findings were struck down because the investigation was unlawful, unfair and biased, but that doesn’t seem to have affected Wightman’s confidence in them. Or at least his willingness to posture piously about it.)

And of course, he STILL hasn’t answered our questions.

Wightman keeps digging himself further because he’s unwilling to either back up his claims, or admit that he simply wildly misunderstood our original tweet and is now too arrogant and lacking in honesty to back down to someone he doesn’t like.

But as long as he keeps lying, we’ll keep asking.

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Andy has been made to clearly understand that regardless of truth, it is imperative that Salmond is suspected, or even just cognitively attached, to the idea that he did what he self evidently and at great expense to me and the people, did not.

If I were him I would quit while I was behind, but some strange impetus drives him forward…

Jeremy Wickins

I have a feeling that Mr Wightman has some skeletons in his wardrobe, and someone has the wardrobe key…


I’m so disappointed in Andy Wightman over this. And so glad I left twitter if this is how politicians feel free to behave on the site.

Brian Crawford Hill

I’m sad that Andy Wightman hasn’t, so far, responded adequately to the questions which have been raised. I have previously admired Mr. Wightman’s work regarding land ownership/reform in Scotland. I’m hopeful that that work on land ownership/reform can continue, anyway.

Mark Beggan

If Mr Wingnut reads this then my advice is quit mate the Revs got you wrapped tight as a duce.

James Barr Gardner

The Age of the Decepticons is Over…


Good on you for challenging this bullshit, Wings. It’s about time somebody did.

Obviously this is far more important than a cantankerous exchange between two people that don’t like each other… we are all sick to death of these cowardly morons and their innuendos, implying this and that without having the balls to actually say it.

He may be a bootlicker but he isn’t fit to wipe Salmond’s shoes and he knows it.

Anyway, you’ve clearly rattled him and now he doesn’t know what he has to say on the subject.

Andy Wightman: another lightweight loser that folded as soon as Wings looked at him twice.


More evidence of the clownshow that was and is Holyrood and the people within it, and BTW to Lorna Campbell and others when you are giving Andy kudos for siding with women, if I remember correctly Andy attended a womens event and spoke positively about it but as soon as the loonballs in his then party started giving him grief about attending the meeting he hurriedly apologised

Definitely a brave supporter of womens rights

David Hannah

Dear Andy Whiteman,

Regarding the Fabiani Whitewash, let us set the record straight: Alex Salmond was declared innocent, not guilty of the charges brought against him.

As for Woman H, she was not merely deceitful; she committed perjury. Her lies were so egregious that Lady Dorian was compelled to reprimand her, warning her against attempting to mislead the jury—a stark admonition underscored by the leaked court reporters’ documents.

Then there is Leaky Liz Lloyd, Sturgeon’s notorious enforcer. Her attack dog. Her henchwoman. Her corruption is blatant and egregious. She is a disgrace to our country. And a disgrace to the office of Government.

The taint of corruption does not end there. Your role, Whiteman, in the Fabiani Whitewash further exemplifies the rot within the political apparatus. Covering up is in your name isn’t it?

As an integral part of this charade, you have shown yourself to be not merely a participant but an active architect of deceit and obfuscation.

Salmond’s coming for his £3 million. And the lot of you fuckers are going to be on the dole. And not a day too soon.

Jail Sturgeon the Judas. Jail Liz Lloyd. Jail the Alphabetties. Jail Leslie Evans – and all of the lying perjurers.

You will never get away with it. WE KNOW!

David Hannah

Your day of ECKONING is coming.

Salmond. The anti-corruption man of honesty and truth. He’s coming to set the record straight.

We despise the rotting stech. We want the SNP destroyed. We want Sturgeonism imprisoned. The country has suffered for years for you cunts.

10 years of kicking the independence can down the road. And corruption to protect the alphabetties. Who conspired against Salmond. Sturgeon knifed her former mentor in the back. Tramping on old friends to climb the ladder. We know she’s poison. And we know what she’s done.

We want to restore justice in Scotland. We want you fuckers to start telling the truth and start jailing these crooked fucks in the Scottish Government.

Fuck you Whiteman.

David Hannah

Well done to Wings Over Scotland. Telling the truth while the entire political establishment conspires to keep us on our knees.

Rise up and stand up peeps!

David Hannah

Scotland would be Independent today. Had Nicola Sturgeon listened to Alex Salmond. But she didn’t want him returning to the front and centre of politics.

By attacking Salmond she attacked us all. The pain and hurt caused by 10 years of austerity is all down to the SNPs inaction on Independence mandates.

But it started with the conspiracy against Alex Salmond. I will never forgive Sturgeon. And I will never forget.

Her husband has been charged for massive scale fraud – the missing 600k.

Her right hand woman makes criminal leaks of proven to be false allegations to destroy a friend and mentor. Liz Lloyd can only have been acting on the orders of Sturgeon herself.

Sturgeon planned everything. We know it. She’s corrupt as fuck. And it’s absolutely ABSOLUTELY COMMON FOR FORMER WORLD LEADERS TO END UP IN JAIL. Look all across the World including the WEST.

Sturgeon. You’re next. You’re going to jail.

David Hannah

This whole saga angers me so much. It’s when I lost trust in the SNP.

I hope David Davis gets back into Westminster and reads out the whatsapp messages.

Sturgeon as we know – loves to delete whatsapp messages. She’s insane. She’s unhinged. She’s one of the worst people. Who the hell makes up false allegations of Rape?? What kind of SICK person does that?

The perjurers. That’s who. Me Too is over. It’s time for Male Me Too. We’re sick of this. IT’s time to rise up and stand up and take our country back.

David Hannah

Things were better. When Alex Salmond was in charge of Scotland.

Things were better. When First Minister Alex Salmond was in charge. The man of gay marriage votes. for the wokeys – take note.

I will tell my children and grandchildren. And I continue to do so every day. That things were great. When Alex Salmond was in charge.

And I will tell my children and grandchildren. And everyone I know. That Nicola Sturgeon destroyed everything. For me. She’s as hated as Margaret Thatcher. I despise Sturgeon with every fibre of my being.

I think she’s sick. I think she’s evil. That’s how I feel. But I trust that the honest officers of Police Scotland – also feel the same way! And that history will take its course.

She’s stolen 600K the missing 600k. Has been stolen from the Independence supporters. Her hubby has trousered the fucking lot of it. They stole our freedom. They stole our dignity. But they haven’t broken us. We will rise up and stand up again and we will restore trust in our politics.

David Hannah

Just remember. The Dream. Shall never die! God bless ALEX SALMOND!


Can’t we take this guy to court or support Alex Salmond to do so.

Would Wightman come out as clean as Salmond if the police coerced every woman he ever met to claim they were in someway touched by him or were subject to inappropriate innuendo.

He really should pay the price for slandering a man declared innocent after spending years under a microscope.

The imbecile does not have the sense to stop his pitiful outlook on this matter.

David M

Wightman should probably stick to talking about land reform over everything else

Robert Hughes

Sshhh ….listen ….did you hear that ? ….what’s that noise ?

Sounds like , wait…….that echoey quality…yip …def sounds like someone stuck down a hole , a well , maybe ? ……

….” Help ” ….there it is again , seems close-but-far-away – could it be the snP’s ” Independence Strategy ” ? Naw , cannae be that , last time that was spotted it was en route to Narnia via Transylvania ………” Heeeeelp ” , getting more desperate now , should we maybe try n locate the distress calls ? Aye , awright

* later that same minute * ……aw fuck …..shoulda known , it’s wan a they ” Get Salmond ” creeps , been stumbling aroon in the dark , blinded by signalled-virtue n deafened by eardrum assaulting * Progressive * White Noise * went in fell doon a hole , din’t they ? Mental thing is it wiz thame that dug the hole in the first place …lol ….’kin numpties

Hiy Andy ( whit izzit wae people named Andy ? ) how ye doin doon there ?

Whit’s that….. ” throw me a rope ”

Na , nae point , pal , you’ll only hing yrsel wae it . Tell ye whit , stiy there – HA ! looks like yv nae choice , eh ?

I know someone wae a ladder , I’ll give them a bell……..* 2 mins later * …..

Andy , ye still doon there – LOL – sorry mate , nae luck , Alex is using that ladder ; no tae tryn get oot a hole , he was never in wan, he’s no stupid – like ” some ” , eg YOU ; naw he’s using the ladder to climb clear of the pile of shite you n yr rancid , bumbling , nasty ilk laid at his door .

Looks like ” the battle ” and ” the war ” are over . You lost .

” heeeeelp ” . * Click *


I have said “give me a twirl” to a woman. I volunteer in a charity shop, we have regulars who we know by name. We don’t have a changing room but we do have a mirror at the back of the shop and customers try things on there.

Some of these regulars are wont to turn to me and ask what I think. That is when those words would have left my mouth.

On the other hand we had a bus load of middle aged women in and some asked the manager if they could “buy me”. Make of that what you will.

Robert Louis

You know, this is tiresome hubris from Wightman. All the time we see folks such as him ,subtly trying to make out Salmond somehow is secretly ‘really‘ guilty, but that the court was wrong. What concept of justice is that? Those people (and, it seem, Wightman is one) ONLY accept a court is right IF, it delivers the verdict they want.


The police threw hundreds of man hours into an investigation into Mr Salmond, going back as far as his days at University, searching into every crevice and aspect of his personal and public life, and found NOTHING. Let me repeat that, NOTHING. Would these folk who like to throw mud at Mr Salmond be quite OK having their own lives scrutinised in such depth?? Are they as squeaky clean??? Hmmmm???

Indeed, it could be said their are likely precious few (if any) men in Scotland whose lives have been so micro analysed, going back over forty years, just because of some conspiratorial and frankly WICKED accusations by liars.

Oh, and for the very naive, or hard of thinking, women CAN and DO lie.

The intelligent interpretation of the courts verdict, given by a mainly female jury, with a female judge, is that maybe, just maybe those doing the accusing were not being entirely truthful. Many have suggested that at least some should be tried for perjury given their evidence was shown quite clearly and demonstrably, in Scotland;s highest criminal court, to be nonsense. Provable nonsense.

Sadly, the opposite gets bandied about by folk who have petty-minded personal grievances against Mr Salmond. They try to imply their is ‘something about him‘, or imply the court was mistaken. They do so by innuendo only, so as to evade rightful prosecution for smearing an innocent man, with NO evidence whatsoever.

Mr Salmond had his whole life scrutinised going back decades, and NOTHING was found. He was tried in Scotland’s highest criminal court, under the full glare of publicity and an entirely hostile media. Indeed the so-called ‘national broadcaster’ to its permanent shame, actually filmed a sleekit, wicked ‘coven’ of its very own sitting in a cafe just outside the court scheming and gloating at their anticipated ‘guilt’ of Mr Salmond.

He went in, an innocent man, head held high, and walked out an innocent man. Their is no doubt. It is no small matter to be accused and smeared in the way Mr Salmond has been, and the likes of Andy Wightman should know better. This endless smearing of Mr Salmond, is indicative of only one thing, a lack of integrity on the part of those who do it.

This endless sniveling, cowardly, smearing and sleekit backstabbing of an innocent man is a disgrace. It is tiresome, and frankly ridiculous behaviour.

Everybody in Scotland now sees the Salmond accusations for what it was, a cowardly, wicked conspiracy at the very highest level of government in Scotland. It is likely one of the biggest political scandals in the UK ever.

I actually used to think better of Andy Wightman. The man needs to take a good long hard look at himself. I mean, really Andy? Is this where you have taken yourself?


I look forward to Nicola saying she could have been a better woman. I won’t hold my breath.


Who do politicians listen to on issues concerning women?

On 24 February, Lucy Hunter Blackburn spoke to the Forth Valley Feminist Gaithering in Falkirk. The event took place a few weeks after the hearing in the case of Adams vs Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre. Prompted by comments made by RCS as evidence emerged from the hearing, Lucy reflected on who politicians listen to, on issues affecting women, taking Rape Crisis Scotland as a case study. She examined how its role and remit had evolved over time, and what is known about how it reaches the positions it takes.

Adams vs ERCC

link to


I really had no experience with Wightman before seeing him in action at the inquiry.

I had heard he had done good work on Land Reform and that had gone independent (with a small ‘i’). So I thought there was a chance he might be fair.

Boy was I mistaken. He was as bad if not worse than the SNP people. They all had clearly sat down and formulated the plan to use the questions as a vehicle to re-smear Salmond.

It is was every question almost without fail.

I was disgusted by Wightman. I absolutely mean that sincerely.
What a wanker.

In other news Larry Johnson (ex-CIA and rifle instructor) speaking with Judge Nap saying a) the shooter was well trained by someone and b) elements of the US government just tried to kill Trump.

Interesting chat… crazy, cray times we are in.

link to


To minimize such claims made by employees as false is to undermine and belittle the serious issue of workplace sexual harassment

I don’t do the twitter / X but for balance, does Mr Wightman also have a thread on the go dealing with the issue of undermining and belittling the serious issue of workplace sexual harassment; When for example an individual makes shit up by lying about enduring an attempted rape when they and the person they accuse of the act were not even in the same building at the time.

It’s just that in the scheme of things I think an individual escalating a lie to the point they perjure themself in a court of law is also doing considerable harm to the issue of workplace sexual harassment, so that sort of behaviour also needs called out.
After all, it’s a pretty serious miscarriage of justice if someone was to be found guilty and jailed for a crime they didn’t commit…
And best we also not overlook the multiple flaws in procedural processes and conflicts of interest present during the entire protracted episodes.

Maybe Mr Wightman would have more credibility if he had anything critical to say on those things.
Stuart Campbell of Wings has certainly put in a considerable and much appreciated shift highlighting the many details and facets relating to this subject over the years.


I assume that he is hoping to get support from the cultists by #believingallwomen


Okay. I think we need to put this in context.

It is July 2024. There are less than 2 years left to the next Holyrood election and this election is going to be the mother of all political fights. The fight will be dirty because dirt is all the SNP and the British establishment have left in the tank.

On one side we have the SNP carcass fighting for its political survival. They know that they are at risk of losing votes, and a lot of them, to Alba. They have no money, they have no credibility left, they are going through legal cases that are putting some of their worse dirty laundry on display, they lost most of their activists, they have a leader with zero charisma and with a background of actively cooperating in the suppression of information of high public interest, they cannot offer anything of substance to entice pro-indy voters and they have seriously pissed off the bulk of their voting base.
The only thing they have going for them is a collection of high profile available charlatans and troughers who have just been given the p45 by SNP voters at the latest GE and will work hard for a chance of a seat in Holyrood. In 2021, the meme “vote SNP 1 and 2” was deployed as a display of Sturgeon’s arrogance and contempt for Scotland’s independence and pro-indy voters. In 2026 it will be deployed again for survival. They need regional seats and I am sure they are relying on them to keep a presence in Holyrood.

On the other side, we have Wightman, politically homeless and quite possibly looking for a paying job. He already cowardly retreated his goalposts by announcing in 2022 that he no longer supported indyref. So now is equally employable by the SNP, unionist parties and the deep state. With this last intervention, he has demonstrated that he is willing to join the crew of vultures deployed to finish Mr Salmond’s reputation off in preparation for the election, because those sending the vultures know that politically, they cannot beat him.
I guess they are seeking to “level the field”. He already showed some bias against Mr Salmond during the inquiry. When he resigned from the Greens, I wondered at the time why the hell he was kept in the inquiry as substitute for the Green Alison Johnstone. That he was a plant and was simply parachuted to the inquiry did cross my mind more than once. It was quite revealing that his vote on several occasions was decisive to push the narrative in favour of the SNP to protect Sturgeon.

On other side we have the British state desperate to formally take control of Holyrood under a colonial party and unionist majority, so they can save their face as pretend “democrats” by safely removing the unelected crown representative figure from the middle of the executive.

The British state will be heavily relying on the disenfranchised pro-independence voters not casting a vote and staying at home so the proportion of vote towards Labour and libdems can be inflated even further under this voting system and the perception of another “resurrection” of Labour can be engineered thanks to the conservative vote.

On the other side we have hundreds of thousands of pissed off pro-independence voters who have became utterly disgusted with the SNP betrayal, will never vote for a unionist party and who are hungry for an opportunity to effect political revenge against the SNP and the establishment for taking them for fools.

On other side we have the parasites who have just lost the Westminster seats and are desperate to rejoin the gravy train. These are the ones I expect will soon join Wightman in the smearing of Mr Salmond. It is a competition for them. Those who shout the loudest against Mr Salmond will be the ones most likely to be put in the list for a seat.

And then, of course, we have the criminals behind the political conspiracy frantically fighting for the lid to remain firmly down.

I think Mr Wightman might well represent a recruit for the first round of attacks against Mr Salmond’s reputation, as part of the establishment’s strategy to stop Alba getting a significant number of seats.

Wightman will not be the only minion recruited for the dirty job. The troughers who lost the seats in the recent GE will soon come to join on the attacks. The conspirators will join too. And Lloyd and Sturgeon, now the darlings of the establishment propaganda mouthpieces, will join too in earnest.

To fabricate credibility for the smears, they will recruit other sources who are seemingly independent from each other and not linked to the SNP/British state at all. Spokepersons for Government subsidised quangos, political hasbeens, some religious figure or another, some academic, and of course the paid trolls will do the rest. We have seen this strategy paying off plenty of times since 2013.

To identify the smearing troops, we should be looking for standardized clichés, semantic similarities and shared sources.

I suspect the smearing will progressively ramp up as we get closer to the election. We need to be prepared for that.

David Hannah

link to

Andy Whiteman on Sturgeon’s amnesia at the Sturgeon inquiry – let’s call it the Sturgeon inquiry. I can’t recall x 50.

Andy Whiteman: “Politician’s admitting what they don’t know is a good thing. Just a thought.”

The man is a piece of human filth. He’s a charlatan.

David Hannah

Proverbs 6:16-19:

“There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”

David Hannah

Reverse Me too. More like Me Me. Nicola Sturgeon’s hallmark.

Sturgeon failed at everything she touched. She also failed at Me Too.

The destroyer of woman’s rights in Scotland. SNP. Stronger for the Mridul Wadawas. Sturgeon’s reverse ME TOO.


I sometimes wonder, with characters like this, if they’re actually as corrupt and duplicitous as they’re perceived to be, or are just pigshit thick and don’t really know what the hell they’re talking about.

Jury is still out on that one.

David Hannah

Nicola Sturgeon. Stonger for perjurers.

The day of Eckoning is coming!


@ Mia

Where I wrote in my previous comment “That he was a plant and was simply parachuted to the inquiry did cross my mind more than once”, what I really meant to write is

“That he might have been a plant who was simply parachuted to the inquiry did cross my mind more than once”

I have no evidence whatsoever that Mr Wightman was or is a plant. It is only a gut feeling sprung from the way he conducted himself during the inquiry, how quickly he resigned from the Greens only 18 days after joining the inquiry, the fact that he was kept in the committee despite no longer being a member of the Green Party, leaving the Green party without representation in the committee, and the fact that Johnstone was then parachuted to become Presiding Officer soon afterwards. It all seemed rather convenient.


“Me too”

Looking retrospectively, it seems rather clear that the “Me too” bandwagon was never the reason behind the complaints procedure. It was the opportunity to deploy it.

Alf Baird

There is at least some truth in his book ‘The Poor etc’ in which his conclusion is that:

“Most land reform programmes around the world have taken place in response to political upheaval – be that revolution, decolonisation or the overthrow of a dictator. The establishment of the Scottish Parliament was none of these things.”

Which helps explain to us the urgent need for independence, i.e. decolonization, and removal of the dubious values of the colonizer. Not that those passing through the Holyrood colonial set-up appear able to figure this out.

David Hannah

Excellent post Mia.

The World has changed since 2017. In the United States we’ve seen the assassination attempt of Donald Trump and reading yesterday’s news. Joe Biden resigned without actually making a public statement. And now the deep state have raised this woke tyrant to be – Kalmara Harris – 82 million dollars in 24 hours. The price they’ll pay to bury the bodies.

But the Americans won’t have it. Trump assassination has changed everything. The World is talking about the war mongering deep state in the West.

The very same people that wanted Alex Salmond gone. That’s what’s on display.

Iain More

Wightman has become nothing more than an English Rent Boy Scotland for the Brit Political Establishment. I wonder what they have on him?

David Hannah

Ireland have booted out their woke Tyant – the gay Turkish man who loves open borders. He’s gone.

The New Zealanders have booted out the woman – that Nicola Sturgeon idolised. She was woke as fuck too.

And Justin Traudo. He’s despised in Canada.

Sturgeon is of the Woke Tyrant Ilk. The World has had enough. We will not tolerate this war mongering woke bullshit a day longer.



“They then passed verdicts on the criminal charges. They are not ‘proving’ or otherwise the evidence.”

This makes no sense. The verdicts arrived at by juries are entirely based on whether allegations made against an accused are supported by the evidence that led to those accused being charged with a crime in the first place.

Juries are effectively ‘proving’ the veracity or otherwise of the evidence they have been instructed to consider in determining the guilt or innocence of an accused.

David Hannah

Yesterday afternoon. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was questioned in Congress about the assassination attempt on Trump.

The secret service chief didn’t answer a single question. Both sides of their chamber asking for her resignation.

She refused to resign. Typical of what we seen with Lesley Evans and Alex Salmond.

Lesley Evans and everyone in the Salmond conspiracy got promotions. It’s disgusting to see the deep state in full sight.

The deep state across the pond. The deep state in Scotland.

Youtube the secret service Director from yesterday. Absolutely astonishing where wokery has taken the World.

David Hannah


“we will win the war.”

Lesley Evans. Corrupt as fuck. Corrupt to the core. The Scottish DEEP STATE!

David Hannah

The Scottish assassination attempt of Alex Salmond.

From the Scottish deep state.

Nicola. You’ve failed. Scotland’s woke Tyrant Nicola Sturgeon. As crooked as the American’s that tried to assassinate Trump.

Scotland’s destroyer. Nicola Sturgeon. Keep up the pressure on these bastards. Don’t let them get away with it.

Stuart MacKay

Sturgeon needed a “me too” head on a pike to burnish her credentials in the USA, for when she moved on to bigger and better things.

Wightman still seems to think that “me too” is all about social justice. He also clings onto “You must always believe her” as a badge of his enlightened thinking. How quaint. Those women were thrown under the bus once it was weaponised for political purposes and personal gain.


my reading of this.

The botched and awful investigation meant the harassment allegations were thrown out.

It doesn’t mean the harrasment allegations, themselves, were untrue.

That seems to be what he’s saying.

the fact it’s getting mixed in with the criminal is a seconadary item.

It is unfair, though, to insinuate Salmond has a case to answer when there is no means to answer the initial allegations because, and only because, the investigation was done in such a poor manner by the Scottish civil service.

The civil service has failed all parties. The accusers and Salmond in that case. It’s for an observer to wonder whether they are untrue or not only because of the botched investigation.

Garavelli Princip

When you analyse all this shit it comes down to this:

Alex Salmond DID commit a serious crime in the eyes of these weirdos and creeps:

He is a heterosexual alpha male. AND TO CREEPS, SEXUAL PERVERTS AND CROSS-DRESSERS, that in itself IS a CRIME.

He is a normal, powerful, talented man who likes and admires women.

In today’s crazy upside-down environment, that in itself is verboten.

How perverted is that?

Al Harron

“We made no comment whatsoever about these mysterious other allegations that, inexplicably, have never been followed up after the crooked investigation into them collapsed.”

This is the nub of the matter to me. After the criminal trial, which ended 4 years ago, why were these allegations never investigated again? If they were truly such serious matters of workplace harassment then is it not the Scottish Parliament’s duty to follow up on them, to right the wrongs of the original investigation? This isn’t a criminal matter, so double jeopardy isn’t a factor – indeed, are the Scottish Parliament not letting those complainants down by failing to pursue the investigation?

Or is the reason in fact perfectly explicable – that the allegations were vexatious, distorted as an attack on an individual for political reasons, where workers were coaxed or otherwise convinced to reimagine innocuous nothings as heinous abuses of power?


Check this out…

link to

Woke mind virus… I am up for that fight.


David Hannah says: “Sturgeon planned everything. We know it. She’s corrupt as fuck.”

And how much was she supported and encouraged by her husband? What part did he play? I wouldn’t trust any of them, they wanted Salmond out of the picture permanently. It’s backfired on them all big time. They failed in their ultimate goal but by doing what they did some of that shit sticks.


Stuart MacKay…

“Those women were thrown under the bus once it was weaponised for political purposes and personal gain.”

Did certain women not jump on the bus once it was weaponised for political purposes and personal gain?

Could she who witnesses state did not attend the Bute House dinner and yet who claimed to have been assaulted at the same not be regarded as one such individual?

Are we also to assume that unlike other jurisdictions Scots Law doesn’t recognise “perjury” as an offence?

Asking for a friend.

Garavelli Princip

As I said above

23 July, 2024 at 11:06 am

“When you analyse all this shit it comes down to this:

Alex Salmond DID commit a serious crime in the eyes of these weirdos and creeps:

He is a heterosexual alpha male.”

This is true.

However we must not forget his real crime:

He is a lifelong, unapologetic, fearless proponent of an Independent Scotland, and is committed to this goal with every fibre of his being.

The link between these two “crimes” of Alex Salmond is that a certain segment of the SNP, and we know who they are, along with Brit state actors, not all of them lurking in the shadows, were able and willing to use the Creeps and their aversion to normal human relationships, to try to bring a great man down. Bring him down to destroy his potency as the greatest Scottish leader since William Wallace.

And but for a jury of his peers they might well have succeeded.

This is the reckoning that now has to be fulfilled. The truth will come out – partly through certain upcoming court cases, but also because the facts behind this horrific plotting will inevitable be aired in these fora, and in subsequent books and articles that follow it.

Sturgeon has fallen – but not far enough.

The host of this blog has already played a huge part in bringing these matters to the surface, and I have no doubt at all that he will play an even greater role in the months and years ahead.

I raise my glass to Rev Stuart Campbell!


Stuart: “Sturgeon needed a “me too” head on a pike to burnish her credentials in the USA…”

That might have been an added bonus but the main motivation was clearly to neutralise Salmond as a political force and threat (to Sturgeon and her husband who is currently facing criminal charges of embezzlement).

I think most reasonable observers would agree that the attack on Salmond was almost certainly 1) a conspiracy involving a number of people from different branches of Government and the SNP, and 2) it was largely based on a pack of lies.

My understanding is as follows;

1) The Court of Session discovered and condemned the conspiracy part.

2) The Criminal Court discovered and condemned the pack of lies.

(the somewhat false dichotomy here isn’t exactly my invention, as those familiar with both case will know… for some odd reason the courts wanted the conspiracy and the detail of lies kept apart, and I hope Salmond in his forthcoming case will unify everything accordingly so that the disgraceful nature of the attack can be seen as a whole, all at once, as envisaged by its despicable designer…)


Al Harron: “This isn’t a criminal matter, so double jeopardy isn’t a factor”

There is a civil litigation equivalent with regards to ‘a matter judged’ but I expect that would only prevent them returning a case that had already been brought to court.

Stuart MacKay

robertkknight @11:59am

IIRC “me too” came to prominence over the on-going “casting couch” scandal that is Holywood. It could have been the start of a rethinking of attitudes, but then the alpha b*tches took over and wanted themselves some score-settling. Now we’re moving into a hardening of attitudes once more, where the clock is going to be turned back a few decades. Another case of sisters doing it to themselves.

Stuart MacKay


Ah, I see it now. I wrote “Those women” when I meant “women in general”. Sorry for the confusion.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Extract from highly pertinent (2022) article on Craig Murray’s blog:

SCHROEDINGER’S EVIDENCE by Craig Murray (4 March 2022)

« […] 12. Alex Salmond, with whom I had only very slight prior acquaintance, invited me to meet him in the George Hotel in Edinburgh. Here, for the first time, he told me that Nicola Sturgeon had been behind the process designed to generate false accusations against him. He said as well as Mackinnon and Evans, Liz Lloyd was responsible for the actual orchestration.[…]

« 17. It had been impossible to follow the judicial review case without concluding that a very unfair process had been undertaken against Alex Salmond, and that it was impossible this could have happened without the knowledge and approval of Nicola Sturgeon. That was a shocking realisation to an Independence supporter like myself. But what Alex Salmond was now telling me went further, which was that Nicola Sturgeon was involved in the orchestration of fake complaints against him. This was fairly astonishing on first hearing.

« 18. I asked what the motive could be. Alex replied that he did not know ; perhaps it lay in King Lear. He said that he had genuinely intended to quit politics and had lined up a position as Chairman of Johnstone Press, which had fallen because of these allegations. But he had retired from the party leadership before, and then come back, and perhaps Nicola had concluded he needed a stake through the heart. He had made plain to her that he was not happy with her lack of progress towards an Independence referendum following the Brexit vote. 

« 19. Alex Salmond was plainly very unhappy. He said that he believed that Nicola was banking on his loyalty to the SNP and to the Independence movement, thinking that he would not split the party by revealing what or who was behind the allegations against him. At this crucial time, a Salmond/Sturgeon split could derail the chance for Independence and have a truly historic effect. I asked him directly whether this meant he did not want me to publish this information at the moment. He confirmed I should not publish. This conversation was in confidence but, as my blog was highly influential within the Independence movement, he thought it vital that I know the truth as matters develop.

« 20. I told him that Sturgeon’s hostility towards him seemed to be longstanding. I recounted a story I had been told by Robin McAlpine, of an occasion shortly after his resignation when Alex Salmond had arrived at the Scottish Parliament for a function and the First Minister’s Office had refused to sign him in. Alex replied that this was true ; it was particularly embarrassing as the occasion had been to hand over a large cheque for funds raised for charity following a campaign he had initiated as First Minister. They had been forced to do the photoshoot in the rain outside instead.

« 21. I advised Alex Salmond that he should continue to fight any allegations vigorously and should not worry in the least about any consequential damage to the SNP or the Yes movement, which were both very robust. If the SNP leadership were behind the attacks on him, it was much better that people know. 

« 22. I also told him I knew exactly how he felt, having been myself subject to false accusation when as British Ambassador I blew the whistle on UK Government collusion with torture in the War on Terror. To be subject to a fit-up, particularly by those you knew and considered friends, was extremely disorienting. I was probably one of the few people in the UK who knew precisely how he felt.

« 23. The meeting concluded with Alex making the observation that he blamed himself for having established far too centralised a system of power in Scottish Government and the SNP, and not taking account of how far that was open to abuse by a person of ill-will.

« 24. In June 2019 (I do know the precise date, time and venue but to give it might aid identification of my source with deleterious consequences for them) I met with a person well known in the Independence movement who informed me that they had been present at a meeting with Nicola Sturgeon and key members of her inner circle, including ministers, which had gamed the possible outcome of the Salmond affair. My source was trusted as a Sturgeon loyalist.

« 25. The view of the meeting was that if Alex Salmond could be convicted on just a single count, he would be destroyed politically forever, which was explicitly the objective. He would be on the register of sex offenders and branded a rapist in the public mind, even if the actual offence convicted was knee touching. I was also told that the Law Officers were confident of a conviction for something, which is why the multiplicity of charges. They apparently advised that, faced with a whole raft of charges, juries tended to compromise in the jury room to reach agreement and convict on a lower charge.

« 26. What struck me, both at the time and still, was that it was impossible to understand the account as given without it involving of necessity corrupt collusion between Nicola Sturgeon’s ministers and aides and the Crown Office over the handling of the Salmond case and the charges being brought. 

« 27. I directly asked my source why they had been regarded as so trustworthy as to be included in such a meeting. They replied that they were generally highly supportive of “Nicola” and her leadership and had been on the fringes of her inner circle for a while. But they were not happy with the “fitting-up” of Alex Salmond, which they described as “unnecessary”.[…]

« 82. The general media situation is perfectly exampled in the subsequent BBC documentary, “The Trial of Alex Salmond”, broadcast by the BBC on 17 and 18 October and fronted by Kirsty Wark. While purporting to be a day to day account of the trial and adopting a “Day 1”, “Day 2” etc format, incredibly the documentary simply skipped from Day 7 to Day 10 and missed out the defence witnesses. That is just what the overwhelming majority of the media did – quite deliberately, of course. There can be no serious argument against the proposition that the Scottish mainstream media is overwhelmingly hostile to Alex Salmond. […] »

link to

Alf Baird

Garavelli Princip @ 12:07 pm

“a certain segment of the SNP, and we know who they are, along with Brit state actors”

The possibility exists, also considering the blind alley the SNP leadership and ‘Scottish Government’ has repeatedly taken the independence movement along, as well as the lack of any official urgency in prosecuting anyone, that all or most of those involved in this affair are ‘Brit state actors’.

We might recall that criminal conduct may be authorised – “A “criminal conduct authorisation” is an authorisation for criminal conduct in the course of, or otherwise in connection with, the conduct of a covert human intelligence source”, according to the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021:

link to


Thinking back to the Fabiani Fiasco and committee, anybody know what Stuart Nicolson is up to these days?

link to


The cat is out of the bag.
JACKIE BAILLIE to EVANS: ‘That is helpful.
Was one of the staff members who reported the contact by the former First Minister with regard to the Sky News interest one of the complainers?’
Leslie Evans did write a follow up letter to the Committee regarding this. It is reproduced in text form below and can be found in PHASE 5 of the submitted evidence and is contained in the Written submission from the Permanent Secretary following evidence session of 08 September 2020 on page 3 of the letter:

‘Ms Baillie asked about the staff contacted about the Sky News story. I am not able to answer that because of the risk of jigsaw identification’

link to

Graf Midgehunter

Meanwhile back in the land of SNP reality loss…!

link to

George Ferguson

@Hatuey 12:47pm
A qualified agreement. Metoo was the source of inspiration. Mark MacDonald being the test case. They got away with that one thanks to partisan MSM indignation. And went after Salmond on that basis. This will never go away for the players that were involved. The Alphabetties, Structural and Procedural deficiencies in Holyrood and MSPs that enabled it to happen. A Truth and Reconciliation process is needed to save Civic Scotland. It’s that stark.

Mark Beggan

If the political, legal and media people are the cream of Scottish society then sorry to say Scotland is an out of date pint of milk that’s been lying on a dead man’s doorstep for over a year. The sad thing is the whole world knows we are the retards of Europe.


Whiteman got the wrong end of the stick and is doubling down but that doesn’t change the fact the allegations initally expressed haven’t been tested and may well be true. There’s no way of knowing now. And Whiteman, having spoken to the original complainers, thinks there was a credible case. Salmond had other charges levelled at him and was found not guilty. It says nothing about the original non-criminal complaints.

The fact the civil service made a pigs ear of the investigation, rending their complaints unable to be investigated properly, doesn’t mean the allegations are themselves false.

I think that was the overarching point he was making.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ross.

As far as I know, the two original complainers, A & B, became two of the ‘alphabetty’ complainers in the criminal trial, with different letters attached.
Which means that the original complainers had their day in court and their accusations were found wanting by the jury, who found Salmond Not Guilty.
When you see who one of the original complainers was, you can see how the whole conspiracy stinks.


“There’s no way of knowing now”

Which is rather convenient when, from the very beginning, the possible objective of its architects was to leave it untested and permanently lingering to forever seed doubt in the minds of voters.

Wightman is acting as one of the architects’ useful idiots to ensure the lingering continues before the election. Shame on him.

And then these people have the nerve to call themselves democrats and defenders of women’s rights. Nothing is more detrimental to women’s rights and credibility than blindly shielding women who, hiding behind permanent anonymity, deliberately abuse their sex and positions of influence to ruin an innocent man.


For all those hoping that the truth will come out in any civil case Mr Salmond may be undertaking, I believe the Scottish government will fold at the first sight of an actual day in open court, all to keep the shenanigans hidden behind anonymity.

Mr Salmond may well get his few million quid without a fight, it’s not their money, it’s ours after all.

I feel the last hope of the truth being brought out into the disinfecting light, is the, now 2 year plus long, perjury investigation into at least one of the accusers.

Again I fear the British state may well indeed still have their man (or woman, oink oink) in place to shut it down. Nothing to see here, move along,oh look a squirrel with a rainbow lanyard and a carrot.
That’s all folks


George: “A Truth and Reconciliation process is needed to save Civic Scotland. It’s that stark.”

100%. They/she/it poisoned and corrupted the justice system itself, the civil service, and probably the police. Bad actors went along with it, but anyone with a nose for politics would have smelled this plot and the rats behind it a mile off.

Does anybody trust the Scottish Government, the judiciary, or Police Scotland today? If you do, I call a mug.

Using state/judicial power to go after someone for personal reasons is a disturbing abuse of power that falls into a category so serious that some sort of truth and reconciliation process might be warranted. And I would support that, but not if it excluded the possibility of jailing those responsible.

And we are still waiting for them to develop the investigations. We are told that a 22 person team investigated Salmond but we can guess not as many are working on the Murrell cases. How many, one or two, probably part time?

A completely rancid state of affairs. If I could withhold taxes from these low-grade scumbags, I absolutely would. Scottish politics is a fucking piss-take.



That is bunkum. You clearly know little or nothing about this. Go read the two posts by Stu.



Sure, I really may be wrong but having read the two posts and the tweets that’s my understanding. It looks complicated but feel there are two parts: the original non criminal.. and the criminal.

Originals can’t be properly scrutinised while the others were thrown out at court.



That may well be true. I doubt it, but it may be.

That could be true and thr allegations could be true. We don’t know.

Mark Beggan

“I’m a lumberjack and I’m ok….”



They had their criminal allegations thrown out. They didn’t have their harassment ones tested?

If someone is an arsehole in work to you and also there are additional allegations which are deemed criminal enough for trial. These are two separate things no?

It doesn’t mean the original arsehole behaviour didn’t happen just because the criminal allegations were thrown out. Sadly it doesn’t mean they did either. Salmond and the complainers seem to have been poorly treated here.

I could be completely wrong here but this is my reading of the situation.

David Hannah

Jo Farrell. Police Scotland.

Jo Farrell has spend £2 million renovating the already modern Dalmarnock police HQ – build by Alex Salmond.

Including £34,500 pounds on a tap that delivers sparkling water. Hot cold or chilled.

You couldn’t make this up. They think they are celebrities the Scottish political class. This is the woman that got driven all the way down to Durham because her train was cancelled.

She’s as crooked as – Sir Ian Livingstone. the 28 team police task force and malicious prosecutor!

Police Scotland. You’re a disgrace. Hate Crime This one you fucking DICKS!

Garavelli Princip

Alf Baird
Ignored says (2:06pm):

“The possibility exists, also considering the blind alley the SNP leadership and ‘Scottish Government’ has repeatedly taken the independence movement along, as well as the lack of any official urgency in prosecuting anyone, that all or most of those involved in this affair are ‘Brit state actors’.”

Alf, I think that is highly likely; through penetration, Kompromat and long-term ‘sleepers’. As well as ‘turning’ folks who may have been originally ‘true-believers’.

I could readily believe that NS was a ‘sleeper’. She was, however one looks at it, Salmond’s biggest mistake – his second being resigning in Sept 2014 – however understandable the latter was. He thought he was leaving things in ‘safe’ hands. Weep!

As we well know, nothing is better designed to do the latter than the blandishments of office and incumbency, both in Westminster and in it’s wholly-owned subsidiary of Holyrood (not forgetting St Andrew’s House).

Your excellent ‘Doun Hauden’ spells out in detail how a bourgeois party of ‘independence’ is either a priori ill-suited to its stated aims, or is easily distracted and bought.

Especially one that has never been able to see the nature of our colonial status and the structured of occupation, which they tehmselves administer on behalf of the colonial power.

I am yet to come across a senior member of the SNP who either accepts or understands our national predicament – and I was a member for nearly four decades.

David Hannah

I won’t link the Daily Mail article. Called Fizzing Mad… Cash strapped police scotland blow £34K on delux drinking water taps in upgrade of station. in a £2 million refurbishment.

This is the same Jo Farrell that gave out affirmation cards to police officers.

This is the same Jo Farrell that hat her fat fucking ARSE chauffeured down to Durham. She’s fucking thick as fuck. We know she let Dominic Cummings off with Barnard Castle and the testing of his eyesight.

She’s fucking unbelievable. Paid police officers on Pride marches.

Definitely a Sturgeon appointment. She’s a Sturgeon appointment. As corrupt as fuck. As crooked as fuck. She’s got to go.

Get David Davis on the phone. They are taking the piss!

David Hannah

Get David Davis on the phone.

Our anti-corruption MP in Westminster. Stonger for Scotland.

He must send a shiver down the spine of the alphabetties.

He’s got them in his scope of sight. He’s coming after you. He has all the emails.

He has everything.

We need him to bring this Government down.

George Ferguson

@Hatuey 4:52pm

We are in agreement. Nothing will work in Scotland until this boil has been lanced. It’s no longer about Scottish Independence but whether the citizens trust the Holyrood Government. And they don’t, no amount of clever spin or deflection will save them. Until these questions are answered we will hound them to the four corners of the Earth.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Besides the link above to Craig Murray’s site, here, for those who are new to all this (or who need memories refreshed) is a link to painstakingly responsible and informative articles by Scottish Solicitor Advocate Gordon Dangerfield:


“My posts on the actions taken against Alex Salmond by the Scottish Government and its public officials are listed below in their chronological order of appearance in the blog”:

link to


Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh
Nicola was being pressured into the conspiracy. It she was told she would be protected, it stops Salmond and everyone is happy. If you dont cooperate with this project some seedy other life stuff will be leaked about you.

Mark Beggan

According to Ipsos most Scots think Mr Salmond is as guilty as sin. Only six percent think he’s an ok guy.


You know if I was an Alphabet tie I wouldn’t sleep too soundly in my bed at night.

Of course if they were all honest and above board then they have nothing to fear.

And if I may say so one I suspect that Liz Lloyd might not sleep too well either.

An old adage is that those who live by the sword die by the sword. Folks may think they are protected, can do what they want, but I’d not be too sure of that.

Staying honest, decent and truthful is a good policy not to be abandoned. NI utterly proved that point.

Alf Baird

George Ferguson @ 5:44 pm

“Nothing will work in Scotland until this boil has been lanced. It’s no longer about Scottish Independence but whether the citizens trust the Holyrood Government.”

Why should an oppressed people’ depend on, never mind ‘trust’, a colonial administration?

The ‘boil’, or rather ‘scourge’ as the UN describe it, is colonialism. Which implies that such events and much else besides is precisely about (preventing) self-determination independence, which is decolonization.

Upon liberation we should rightfully no longer onymair suffer from a political elite and justice system serving anither soverane croun an aye wirkin agin oor ain fowk an laund. Such is the Manichean nature of colonialism (Fanon).

George Ferguson

@Alf Baird 6:15pm
Alf you can quote any amount of academic research you want to. This situation was made in Scotland by Scots. I knew in 2015 when I left the SNP this was the final destination. Almost 10 years later and I am wondering why nobody else saw it? If Reform stand on a platform of closing Holyrood down they will do well. Almost every Institution in Scotland is culpable with the exception of the ICO.


@ George Ferguson

Re. “This situation was made in Scotland by Scots”

Definitive proof would need to be provided to back that up. What may however be more accurate is stating that “This situation was made in Scotland by Brits”, because any Scot operating here that does not support Scotland regaining full governmental control to steer our own path is effectively a supporter of ongoing London Rule.


More power to you David Hannah.

George Ferguson

@Dan 6:54pm
Hi Dan
Definitive proof is in front of you but nobody is willing to accept the evidence. I don’t buy it Dan. It’s Lundon, Westminster and everybody’s else is fault. We had a sociopath in charge of Scotland and we kept voting for her. Allowing strange decisions like Named Person, Football Act, GRRB and so on against the wishes of the Scottish people. All made in Scotland. With an LGBTQ ++ flying over Holyrood. How about politicians serving the needs of the majority of the Scottish people. Last time I checked 8% of Scotland people (SNHS figures) are LGBTQ ++. That means 92% of the Scottish population are unserved. I would provide more evidence but the Census was the biggest failure in Scottish public service history. It’s output is totally meaningless.

Alf Baird

Garavelli Princip @ 5:30 pm

“I am yet to come across a senior member of the SNP who either accepts or understands our national predicament”

Yes, this may appear odd but postcolonial theory provides the explanation. It is because the dominant national party elite ‘has never undertaken a reasoned study of colonialism’ that their understanding of independence, and that of the people too, ‘remains rudimentary’ (Fanon).

A colonized elite are in the main drawn from the more assimilated and privileged bourgeoisie, a class who ‘crave dependence’ (Cesaire) and who use psychological ‘defence mechanisms’ to deny oppression of the people exists. This group has yet to discover that independence means decolonization; although we only have to look at the membership of the UN today to understand that reality.

link to

Mark Beggan

The key part of Sturgeon’s plan was the hatred for Boris and when he got the boot. Wee Cranky was flatlined. The beginning of the end.


Mr Wightman seems to have a problem analysing his behaviour when it comes to dealing with people he doesn’t like. He seems either unaware or unconcerned about his bias and continues arguing with even less logic and an even bigger spade.
If he were more honest about how his feelings affect his judgement then he would have recused himself from the Salmond enquiry. It’s what he should have done and maybe one day he will know that truth.
If he were more honest and a better man he would have apologised to you for misunderstanding your remarks.
As it is, like Mr Salmond, and the rest of us, Mr Wightman is not perfect. BUT it is my opinion that good people are aware of their shortcomings and the rest belong to the Holy Willie category of folk who deserve nothing but scorn poured on their behaviour.


Mark Beggan
Ignored says:
23 July, 2024 at 6:11 pm
According to Ipsos most Scots think Mr Salmond is as guilty as sin. Only six percent think he’s an ok guy.

Can you give me the link for this statement please?


holymacmoses 7:39pm

Great post. We ALL get it wrong sometimes.

We ALL need to stop expecting our Leaders to ALWAYS get it right all the time.

Oh and start thinking and acting for ourselves, without relying on the words of those ‘leaders’.

Come on Scotland.

‘Just Do It’ 😉


Fwiw (not much) I’m in George Ferguson’s side.

The Civil Service in England disapproved of the retrospective disciplining of Ministers.

Craig Murray’s source identifies the motives.

P.S. Hope your bets made you money, george


“Definitive proof is in front of you”

Absolutely. Who is delaying the investigation into the theft of the 600,000 pounds from the indyref fundraiser? The money was raised in 2017. That is SEVEN years ago. So why there isn’t hardly any progress? Who is delaying the investigation? That will be the police. Who is delaying the prosecutions? That will be the crown office.

Who does the crown office represent? The clue is in the name. That will be the crown. Sadly not Scotland’s crown.

Does England have a crown office attached to the jugular of its crown prosecution service and abusing it as a political weapon to persecute political figures? No, it does not. So why does Scotland have one?

Let’s now go to the civil service. Is Evans a Scot? Where was Evans Line Manager based? That will be in whitehall, England. Who controls the UK civil service? That will be the crown, but not the Scottish crown.

What about LLoyd? Is she a Scot? Between STurgeon and Lloyd, who was the handler and who was the handled?

Let’s now go to the police. Who is controlling the police? Is the highest ranking officer a Scot or every now in then has to be taxied up from and down to England to where she is from?

Now lets go to the Fabiani’s Farce aka the parliamentary inquiry. What entities were suppressing information? Who was gagging the enquiry? That would be the Lord Advocate and the Crown Agent. Who/what do these two figures represent? That will be the crown. Sadly not the Scottish crown.

Now lets go to the judges that handed forever anonymity to potential perjurers and false accusers. Who/what do those judges work for? That will be the crown. Again, not Scotland’s crown.

Now let’s go back to the current Lord Advocate. Who/what was she working for when she usurped from the people of Scotland control over the legislative power and proceeded to hand it to the English crown in the form of an English court and English judges so this crown could impose absolute rule over Scotland and frustrate the people of Scotland’s will for a referendum? That will be the crown. Sadly not the Scottish crown.

Let’s go back to the previous Lord Advocate. Who/What was he working for when he intervened in the Keatings case and frustrated any attempts for the people of Scotland to clarify the ability of HOlyrood to invoke a referendum? That will be the English crown again.

Now let’s look at the judge who decided to suppress from the public the whatsapp messages. Who/what was that judge representing when she suppressed those messages of high public importance from the Scottish people? That will be the crown. Again, not the Scottish crown.

Now lets go back in time to the first time Mr Davis invoked parliamentary privilege to expose the disgusting doings of the conspirators. He was very clear at the time that the Lord Advocate was abusing their poistion of both head of the crown office and an unelected minister parachuted to the executive cabinet. What did Westminster do about it? SFA. Three years and we are still waiting. Does England have the equivalent of a Lord Advocate giving the crown control over the judicial, the executive, and indirectly legislative power like we are seen done in Scotland? No. Holyrood is a creature of statue from another parliament that currently functions around the Scotland Act. Who created the Scotland Act? That will be England as the UK parliament.

So yeah, the evidence is right in front of our eyes. A bunch of greedy idiots in Scotland’s government and cabinet and in the higher positions in the SNP may be frantically trying to stand on the lid to cover all the dirt they stupidly allowed themselves to be dragged into. So hell mend them for that and for having betrayed their country and the members of their party in the absolutely disgusting way they have done. These idiots may have been the minions who did it, but this strategy has the Brits colonial fingerprints all over it.


“According to Ipsos most Scots think Mr Salmond is as guilty as sin”

Guilty of what? Giving the British establishment the fright of their lives in 2014? Absolutely.

“The Civil Service in England disapproved of the retrospective disciplining of Ministers”

That is not how I interpreted the unredacted part of the emails which were published during the parliamentary inquiry. The Civil Service in England were simply worried about the rushed approach the civil servants were taking with the complaints procedure. The Civil Service in England asked a pertinent question: “do you have a similar procedure for former civil servants”? That was, in my view, a cue for them to create one, not to stop the complaints procedure against former ministers.


@ George Ferguson

Hope you are keeping well.
Re. “It’s Lundon, Westminster and everybody’s else is fault.”

I think there’s a bit of crossed lines going on as that is not what I was trying to say.
My point isn’t denying that a lot of what has happened has occurred in Scotland, it’s more that there are clearly people with a lot of influence and power operating in Scotland that are unionists / devolutionists so effectively Brits and are quite happy to screw things up for Scotland whilst being well remunerated and all the while masquerading as Scottish nationalists.
There is just no way any credible nationalist politicians that were serious about returning their country to self-governing status would choose to take quite so many destructive actions and paths that are unsupported by their electorate and so damaging to the cause of self-governance.

Have you ever seen one of our supposedly nationalist politicians post straightforward stats on Scotland’s resources to population figures in comparison to England’s, and explain how we could be better served if we were fully empowered to manage those resources and companies that operate here ourselves so we could generate and spend revenue streams on stuff we actually need and want.
Seriously, look at our political class like Strugeon, Wightman and all their advisors. All speaking with weasel tongue or using generic soundbite pish like NetZero. They seem to understand fuck all about physics or the real world that people and families actually have to live in. But when the whole political class are so well paid with taxpayers’s monies it insulates them from the harsh realities of existing in the country they are meant to govern for.
You should also have included ScotWind giveaway in your list of failures.

George Ferguson

@Sam 8:04pm
I made a small profit on the General Election results. Made quite a bit of money on Bob MacIntyre winning the Scottish Open and the Euros. Money wise perhaps I shouldn’t back on politics. At least not Scottish Politics. It is an unthinking herd mentality here. My wife with relatives in America was astonished by the news that if Trump got assassinated then a civil war would have ensued. I know nothing about American politics but a worry none the less. We are usually a couple of years behind America.


Sam 8.04pm “…I’m in George Ferguson’s side” – George who writes:
“We had a sociopath in charge of Scotland and we kept voting for her.”

No, George, we voted for independence and our mistake was that we took far too long to realise we were being played. Yes, the previous leader, Alex Salmond, absolutely was for independence (and merited our trust) but we failed to realise that the new ‘leader’ never was.

A lot has changed these last few years. Once Pandora’s box is opened, you can’t put back what flies out. Easier to turn a blind eye. It might make for uncomfortable reading but a good look at hard facts has to be the way forward. It’s like a new normal.

The more folk that question things and follow the links Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh 5.49pm, read Alf Baird’s Doun Hauden, Craig Murray’s first-hand accounts – not to mention the excellent Wings – and get to grips with what has really gone on, the more likely we are to avoid being duped again.

George Ferguson

@Dan 8:27pm
Thanks Dan I am keeping well within the limitations of my condition. Found out last week my waiting time has extended beyond 3 years. I accept what you say that nobody that is interested in improving public services in Scotland could be anything but truly Scottish at heart. But nothing is working in Scotland. From potholes, waiting lists, the failure of an Industrial Strategy and everything else. Who is to blame? Holyrood has spent God zillions on everything else except serving the people of Scotland and solving these problems.

Alf Baird

Mia @ 8:16 pm

“this strategy has the Brits colonial fingerprints all over it”

Precisely put. The colonial payroll serves only the one sovereign Crown in colonial rule, an it isnae a Scots ane.

George Ferguson

@SteepBrae 9:07pm
Not only did I vote for Scottish Independence I campaigned for it. Apparently my mugshot is in The Yes library. Jonny come lately are we? My dead mum did more for the Scottish Independence movement than me or you will ever do. But on this blog I am allowed to cast doubt on the SNP and Holyrood as a Parliament. It isn’t what my mum campaigned for.

Mark Beggan


The link your looking for is
Sarcasm with artistic licence, downright cynicism.
Taking two big lies and joining them together to make an even bigger lie.


<George Ferguson 9.25pm
Sorry, George – not knocking your commitment which I know is sound as is that of many of us who put in more than our pennyworth. Just drawing a distinction between the ‘I’m with Nikla’ and the very real goal which was what we and many, many others before us knew was worth striving for.

George Ferguson

@SteepBrae 9:43pm
Fair enough accept my apologies for doubting your commitment to the cause.


No need to apologise.

David Hannah

600k. The missing 600K stolen for the core voter base.

Theft. By clandestine possion! Independence STOLEN. ROBBED. Woven through the accounts.

Catch me if you can. Tickle Tickle. I love you Nicola!

David Hannah

Peter Murrell performed a heist. Independence supporters conned. Stolen. The ringfenced indy ref 2 fund the missing 600K. Gone! Vanished into thin air! In the trousers of Peter Murrell with crocodiles in his pockets.

He’s been charged for embezzlement. But Dorothy Bain of the Clown Office is protecting him. She’s not bringing it to court.

She’s covering up for Peter. She sleeps in Bute House. She’s in bed with the SNP. Sturgeon’s web of sin. The Kiss of Death. From Mr Goldfinger. He’s the man. the man with the spiders touch. His heart is cold. He loves only gold!

David Hannah

He loves only gold. *And Sean Batty. So the rumour goes. And the former Lord Advocate James Wolfe. some people say Murrell and Wolfe were in bed together.

It would explain the incestuous cover up the Salmond conspiracy. all the crooked parties together. Sleeping with each other in Bute house.

They sicken me.

David Hannah

I really want to know why Murrell’s not being brought to court. He’s been charged with embezzlement. He’s a charged suspect.

Dorothy Bain, is the Lord Advocate. She took Over from Wolfe – who obviously retired sideways because of course he maliciously prosecuted Alex Salmond – it’s the Crown Office way in Scotland they are known for illegal prosecutions. Pariah state Scotland and journalist jailing Scotland.

Mr Lavender’s Wife Sturgeon the Judas has chosen Bain as her cabinet minister.

So only Dorothy Bain head of the legal system, and pals with the Murrell’s is protecting the two of them. It’s absolutely clear to me. But we know this.




David Hannah





“But as long as he keeps lying, we’ll keep asking.”

Well done, keep it up Rev. Stuart Campbell.

Keep on exposing the lies and hypocrisy of all of them.

Alex Salmond must be totally cleared once and for all, the conspirators against him jailed, and the lying mouths of the likes of Andy Wightman forced to close.


Brian Doonthetoon
23 July, 2024 at 4:46 pm

“When you see who one of the original complainers was, you can see how the whole conspiracy stinks.”

That is why they are doing their damnest not to let us see.

Is Scotland a whistleblower free zone?

James Barr Gardner

Recently there was a case in Scotland an employee embezzled rebates that should have been returned to tenants who gave up/moved house.

As such the fraud was technically against the tenant’s monies not the councils. It sum was amassed over several years, coming from many small rebates to larger ones of £1k plus.

The person responsible was exposed last year, investigated and jailed this year.

Branchform is obviously compromised politically by HM Crown, as this investigation which is now in it’s 5th year and dragging dragging on……..?

1 year for one case and 5 no let’s call it 6 years for another case ? There is only one Police Force in Scotland !


Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh
23 July, 2024 at 2:05 pm

“Extract from highly pertinent (2022) article on Craig Murray’s blog:

SCHROEDINGER’S EVIDENCE by Craig Murray (4 March 2022)”

Craig Murray had the opportunity to foil the conspiracy by exposing the names of the conspirators when there was no gag order.

IMHO, if the Rev. Stuart Campbell had had that opportunity, he would most certainly have not missed it.


Maybe it’s just me, given all the clandestine skullduggery we “suspect” has gone on, Peter Murrells suspected embezzlement feels for all the world like a misdemeanor beside the really nasty stuff, such as framing someone to see them branded a sex offender and sent to prison.

If his is the only conviction we’re ever likely to see, then the implications for Scotland’s Legal Establishment and “Justice” are dire.

Alf Baird

SteepBrae @ 9:07 pm

“It might make for uncomfortable reading but a good look at hard facts has to be the way forward. It’s like a new normal.”

Yes indeed, understanding our colonial ‘condition’ is a critical element for a people looking for the only remedy – liberation.

Peter Bell’s ‘The New Thinking’ also seems to fit rather well:

link to


Maybe there’s not much progress on Branchform because of other ongoing bigger investigations.
Can’t find much news on Serious Fraud Office investigation in Gupta / GFG Alliance / Liberty Group

link to

A search and found this tweet from May this year.

link to

It’s a pity most of the population don’t use and therefore can’t view content on platforms like X / Shitter and Arsebook so it severely restricts exposure and public awareness of these sort of things…


Alf Baird 9.20am
Thanks for this link.
And, Dan, it is a pity most folk aren’t aware of these things.
Distraction certainly rules ok.

Mark Beggan

One wonders if the likes of Lloyd and Sturgeon ever left the school playground. You know Sturgeon wants your sweets and Lloyd is the enforcer.

James Che

The thing is, Is Andy Wightman following The Scots Law or English law in his commentary?

There should be a considerable difference, perhaps it would be indicative of where and whom he received his law education from.

In 1712 Westminster parliament made the House of Lords to Act as an Appeal Court in Scottish Civil Cases.
The Court of Sessions was no longer Scots law.
But it also breached the treaty of union.

Has Andy Wightman become confused and unaware of how guilty or not guilty is based on different principles is entirely opposing in Scotland from England.

James Che

James Barr Gardiner.

There is only one police force in Scotland,

And they are a corporation,

Which throws up the debate in Scotland, as to wether they are policing with consent of the Scottish people in the same context as Maggie Thatcher referred too.


get some of your anti-imperialism, 10 for a pound, bestofordur … white socks, lighters, anticolnialist struggle the-ory …

link to

grangemouth getting shut down – yay … that means we must be down to net zero … we can now import all our petroleum from abroad, but our own carbon footprint is minimised

here’s a better idea – get ratcliffe to shutdown all englands refineries – collapse the net zero !! – then they can import all the petrol from holland. Smart thinking – I mean, why not do that?

– the lying bullshit about oil and gas really stinks :

net zero, green transition, buy a heat pump you diesel driving fascist … and all that shite …

(finds oil)

“man the PUMPS for blighty!”

link to

no, this didn’t take long. I wonder what royalty the falkland islanders will get, technically “independent” in a sort of half arsed ambiguous way.

Big Jock

Well there is your socialist Labour government for you.

They applied the 2 child limit on benefit. Because they apparently can’t afford it. Yet the UK has spent £5.2 billion on weapons to Ukraine , to fight the proxy war.

I heard an old guy (pensioner) in a cafe saying ” I dinnae want to pay for people to have three kids”. So will he be handing back his free bus pass, free personal care of the elderly and his state pension being paid for by me having to work till 67. A lot of these people really don’t understand that it is the current working population paying for their benefits and pension.

I don’t have a problem with helping others. But these twits need a feckin education.

Young Lochinvar

He should have stuck to forestry; trees don’t answer back..

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