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Wings Over Scotland

The Wage Thief

Posted on December 09, 2024 by

6 November 2024 was a normal sitting day in the Scottish Parliament, so we shouldn’t be surprised that Nicola Sturgeon spent the previous evening in London, watching a special screening of a dreadful BBC Three sitcom about – of course – drag queens.

But remarkably, though she must have been puffy-eyed and weary, the 6th was one of the few days when she did actually manage to turn up at Holyrood to do her job.

Because it marked one of just FOUR occasions in 2024 (and in fact only the second since January) when she spoke in the chamber on behalf of the people of Glasgow Southside who elected her to be their voice.

Of those four, two concerned her disastrously-failing pet project “The Promise”.

Another was a piece of pointless grandstanding about Ukraine (for which the Scottish Parliament has no responsibility or remit), and the last was to tell the Presiding Officer her app hadn’t worked.

(So presumably she wasn’t actually physically present that time either.)

We wondered how that compared to other MSPs, so we had a look.

Alison Johnstone (PO): 3,040
Liam McArthur (DPO): 1,738
Annabelle Ewing (DPO): 1,474
John Swinney (SNP): 787
Angela Constance (SNP): 455
Neil Gray (SNP): 450
Humza Yousaf (SNP): 443
Shona Robison (SNP): 377
Gillian Martin (SNP): 375
Fiona Hyslop (SNP): 369
Shirley-Anne Somerville (SNP): 344
Angus Robertson (SNP): 336
Jenny Gilruth (SNP): 331
Jim Fairlie (SNP): 325
Douglas Ross (Con): 324
Jenni Minto (SNP): 301
Stephen Kerr (Con): 299
Paul McLennan (SNP): 270
Willie Rennie (Lib): 267
Douglas Lumsden (Con): 248
Daniel Johnson (Lab): 246
Martin Whitfield (Lab): 246
Kate Forbes (SNP): 243
Liam Kerr (Con): 241
Rachael Hamilton (Con): 229
Kevin Stewart (SNP): 226
Graham Simpson (Con): 222
Ivan McKee (SNP): 215
Michael Marra (Lab): 213
Graeme Dey (SNP): 210
Edward Mountain (Con): 209
Christine Grahame (SNP): 204
Mairi McAllan (SNP): 196
Paul O’Kane (Lab): 196
Murdo Fraser (Con): 195
Tom Arthur (SNP): 194
Pam Duncan-Glancy (Lab): 194
Patrick Harvie (Grn): 190
Russell Findlay (Con): 188
Maggie Chapman (Grn): 184
Mairi Gougeon (SNP): 182
Emma Harper (SNP): 182
Finlay Carson (Con): 179
Sarah Boyack (Lab): 178
Siobhian Brown (SNP): 178
Alasdair Allan (SNP): 173
Craig Hoy (Con): 173
Anas Sarwar (Lab): 170
Maree Todd (SNP): 170
Brian Whittle (Con): 170
Paul Sweeney (Lab): 167
Jackie Baillie (Lab): 163
Miles Briggs (Con): 163
Alex Cole-Hamilton (Lib): 163
Bob Doris (SNP): 162
Carol Mochan (Lab): 161
Ross Greer (Grn): 158
Michelle Thomson (SNP): 158
Mark Ruskell (Grn): 156
Jeremy Balfour (Con): 155
Liz Smith (Con): 154
John Mason (SNP): 152
Colin Smyth (Lab): 151
Lorna Slater (Grn): 150
Jamie Greene (Con): 143
Foysol Choudhury (Con): 142
Audrey Nicoll (SNP): 142
Ben Macpherson (SNP): 138
Pauline McNeill (Lab): 138
Clare Haughey (SNP): 136
Sue Webber (Con): 135
Meghan Gallacher (Con): 133
Kenneth Gibson (SNP): 133
Rhoda Grant (Lab): 132
Jamie Hepburn (SNP): 131
Kaukab Stewart (SNP): 131
Ariane Burgess (Grn): 127
Fergus Ewing (SNP): 125
Alexander Stewart (Con): 125
Keith Brown (SNP): 124
Tess White (Con): 123
Katy Clark (SNP): 122
Roz McCall (Con): 122
Stuart McMillan (SNP): 122
Clare Adamson (SNP): 118
Neil Bibby (Lab): 117
Maurice Golden (Con): 117
Mark Griffin (Grn): 116
Natalie Don-Innes (SNP): 115
Rupert Lanyard (Lab): 114
Jackie Dunbar (SNP): 111
Emma Roddick (SNP): 111
Alex Rowley (Lab): 107
Pam Gosal (Con): 105
Rona Mackay (SNP): 104
Monica Lennon (Lab): 101
Sharon Dowey (Con): 99
Gillian Mackay (Grn): 99
Sandesh Gulhane (Con): 98
Bill Kidd (SNP): 97
Fulton MacGregor (SNP): 97
Jamie Halcro Johnston (Con): 96
Richard Lochhead (SNP): 88
Beatrice Wishart (Lib): 86
Claire Baker (Lab): 85
Marie McNair (SNP): 85
Tim Eagle (Con): 84*
Collette Stevenson (SNP): 82
Karen Adam (SNP): 77
Ruth Maguire (SNP): 74
Gordon MacDonald (SNP): 72
Evelyn Tweed (SNP): 69
Elena Whitham (SNP): 62
George Adam (SNP): 61
Michael Matheson (SNP): 59
Joe FitzPatrick (SNP): 57
Annie Wells (Con): 57
Jackson Carlaw (Con): 55
Ash Regan (Alba): 54
David Torrance (SNP): 51
Willie Coffey (SNP): 49
Colin Beattie (SNP): 46
James Dornan (SNP): 40
Alexander Burnett (Con): 37
Oliver Mundell (Con): 37
Stephanie Callaghan (SNP): 27
Christina McKelvie (SNP): 25
Donald Cameron (Con): 19**
Nicola Sturgeon (SNP): 4

* MSP since 20 February
**Resigned as an MSP on 9 February to join the House Of Lords

Now, obviously number of contributions in the chamber isn’t the sole metric of an MSP’s diligence, let alone their performance. Various factors are at play (ministers, for example, are likely to have to speak more – although some of their numbers are also startlingly low, as is Anas Sarwar’s as leader of the opposition), and some people have had periods of absence from illness.

(We understand that Labour MSP Mercedes Villalba has been absent all year for health reasons, which is why she doesn’t appear in the list.)

But for Sturgeon to be SO far adrift from the other 128 members is difficult to explain in any other way than sheer contempt for the people she’s supposed to be representing. She’s not sick, and she’s got plenty of energy for scuttling up and down to all sorts of glitzy London LGBTQ+ galas and TV appearances, and all over Scotland for book festivals and whatnot.

With plenty more lined up.

And, y’know, more charitably-minded readers could perhaps write it off as a farewell tour, a last feathering of the pension pot (or maybe building up a legal defence fund) after 25 gruelling years in politics, if she hadn’t just put herself forward for vetting to stand again in 2026.

But we don’t think it’s too churlish to suggest that someone who only shows up at her workplace every few months when she’s got nothing better to do might, at a minimum, have sufficient respect for the Scottish public as to call time on shovelling their money into her pockets for nothing, especially when she’s not short of other income sources.

Because it doesn’t look like they’re getting much in return.

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David Coe

As an English persistent viewer and admirer of this blog, I have been racking my brain to come up with an elegant form of words to express my feeling about Ms Sturgeon.


Accurate but not elegant!


Dr Johnsons dictionary
second definition.

Harry Dunlop

If you take a moment to stand back and think about NS and her time as FM – and even before then – the *only* things she has are support for LGBT (particularly the L & T) and ‘books’, which she, apparently, likes to read. So having assessed all her options, post-politics, this is what life looks like for the time being, just LGBT events and book festivals. A pretty bleak outlook for Mrs Murrell and that’s before Branchform progresses.


I really mentally spew a pouring seething, bubbling, witch’s-brew cauldron of vomitting expletives and curses on this wicked btch of the South.

John C

I suspect she’s going to announce she’s not standing in 2026 as she’d be a toxic weight around the SNPs neck, especially if the police investigations have started to move on. If the polls are right (and we’re still too far out for them to be really meaningful) then the SNP will be the largest party though I suspect it might not be as large as the polls suggest. Luckily for them Labour have been cooking up solidly since July, while the Tory vote has taken a leap to Reform.

Reform’s potential success in 2026 could well be another legacy of Sturgeon. Her failure to push for a second referendum when the UK government was weak is a tragedy and disaster. It kept us tied to an increasingly hard right leaning UK. Then there’s how she’s ruined the idea of left leaning liberalism and social democracy for her push into capitalist identity politics while letting the Greens wreck the country in their short time sharing power. Things like diverting funds from building homes to building cycle lanes was a betrayal of the hard work that’d been done to improve the lives of the poor and get homeless people a roof over their heads.

Instead it was transing kids, free ports and a set of policies that works for a minority while kids starve, drug deaths increase and Scotland creaks at the seams. But hey, there’s some cycle lanes!

Sturgeon will likely launch a media career so podcast, media commentator, the usual stuff from a former politician. I expect she’ll divorce her beard and make Val a happy woman too.

Robert Louis

Excellent post. The toxic legacy from Sturgeon and the infantile ‘greens – gender party’, continues on. In Edinburgh, we have a council leader who bleats all the time about nae money for schools or social care, whilst diverting millions into cycle lanes, cycle bridges (yip!), painting meaningless lines and symbols on Edinburgh roads (that nobody understands), willfully blocking Edinburgh roads on a whim, and generally making an absolute mess of a once beautiful city centre. Even the buses and trams run slower now.

And that is the greens, labour and SNP through and through, policies which are just making the lives of ordinary folk just trying to get to work and back on a day, miserable. Apparently, making working folks lives difficult, will save the entire planet earth from climate armageddon.


Well said that man!


So that’s what you do with thirty pieces of silver…

Zander Tait

I suspect that this is an attempt to show all the world that she has done no wrong. Committed no crimes ever whilst maxing out every single opportunity for revenue generation.

Pistol Pete, on the other hand, has been locked in a cupboard somewhere thus proving, beyond all doubt, that he was and is responsible for everything bad that has happened everywhere since 2014.

Nikita Stalin deserves that special place in Hell.


How can you be so naïve? This is clearly still part of her masterplan for independence.

Last edited 2 months ago by Ian


Lindsey McPhillips

Another brilliant plan b or are we at z now ?


Nicola Ñoqui Sturgeon
link to

William Walker

What a perfect example of Noqui is Nilcola Sturgeon!


Nicola ‘Nazgûl’ Sturgeon?

Black Joan

What a hideous rogues’ gallery. There appears to be an extraneous “than” in the text here “enough respect for the Scottish public than to call time on shovelling their money” but it’s understandable, as who could concentrate on proofreading after witnessing those pictures?


She can swagger in and out like she is the Queen of Sheba and her merry band of selfie sycophants will applaud. She destroyed the independence movement and she has dented the credibility of the Scottish Parliament. Her cronyism and lack of respect for those that vote for her is the narcissistic arrogance we expect from Sturgeon. Yes we all know she is rotten but there are slightly thick folk who are oblivious and still think she is wonderful and that is why she will most likely be re-elected and FM again. Our nation is fck!


That treacherous Judas b*stard shouldn’t be with a hundred miles of Holyrood – she’s done an unimaginable amount of damage not just to the cause but to Scotland as a whole.

England is the place for her – afterall she’s one of England’s security services puppets – I wish she’d f*ck-off period – infact I wish the entire SNP would f*ck-off to England never to return.

jock mctavish

If she? returns there is no hope left for an SNP resurrection, it needs to go.

Aunty Flo

‘SNP resurrection’, Jock? Really?

I think that ship has well and truly sailed!

jock mctavish

of course I agree Aunty Flo, the only problem is they will not simply disappear and so far no alternative is showing on the radar.

Mark Beggan

They will go back to what they are. Nobodys.

David Hume

Not wanted in England, Scotland needs to keep its sociopaths.

Michael Laing

There’s no chance of an SNP resurrection. It’s been infiltrated and taken over by quizmasters and tractors. Even if the SNP were by some miracle to gain a leader who had the strategy and the will to bring about our independence, it has lost all credibility. We’ll have to find another way.


NIVIRO: The Return:

“Oh hi, it’s me again
I missed you
You remember me, right?
I’m not only there at night

You seem a little nervous
In your head, it’s like a creepy circus
Are you ready for the show?
Now tell me, where did all your courage go?

I’m back, boo!…”:

link to


Ian McCubbin

I suspect like other contributors here she has the application to stand for Holyrood in as a fallback plan in case her media and book career don’t take off.
Of course if the law decide eventually to prosecute and her erstwhile husband for fraud or something similar then she may depart on a 3rd path not of her choice.

Young Lochinvar

Do women’s prisons still have weekly book trolleys?


I’m afraid she would be bound to get the pleasant role of taking the trolley around. “She’s so lovely and is really good at getting people to enjoy reading”. Where’s the sick bucket.

James Gardner

Memoirs of a Betrayer will be available in Charity shops one week after it’s general release…….

Alf Baird

The independence movement has hopefully learned and moved on…

link to

…. in line with postcolonial theory, toward the final phase of decolonization, i.e. independence:

link to


Have you anything new or original to post? Same old stuff with links to crap you have written. Why do I get the feeling that the sole reason you are on here is a failed attempt to show every one how clever you are! Insecurity is a terrible thing.

It may work for the members of the ‘Happy Clappy’ club but the continual regurgitated mince puts a lot of people off the idea of Independence.

I read how folks in the Highlands and Islands are becoming more and more disgruntled at being ignored by Hollyrood. Are the Highlands and Islands simply a colony of the Central Belt?


Get someone in your golf club to explain irony to you dickhead , ffs they’re letting anyone into golf clubs now, is this another care in the community gig


You probably like to read the same shit over and over and over again.
Or maybe you and the rest of the Happy Clappy club are all suffering from dementia and need a daily dose of mince, courtesy of the learned!! professor!!. Can you remember what you had for breakfast this morning? Do you recall who your relatives are?

Andy Anderson

Chas why font’s you read Alf’s book Doun Hauden. At the back of it are references to tons of paper and books written over decades about colonialism. Alf in his book explains as it refers to Scotland. A person who mouths off simply by attacking the messenger looks and sound like an imbecile. Non professional and May a member of the deep state.


Dubtazer: Deep State: The Only Way Out Is In:
link to



Why would I want to read more of the crap produced by Baird? He continually drones on about Colonialism. It might not be so bad if he changed the script now and again. The links he provides are all to articles he has written himself in a forlorn attempt to make him look smarter than everybody else.. This does not work for me but you and a few others are obviously impressed.

Personally, I have not been colonised but, according to Baird, this simply reveals my colonial mindset. In Baird’s world he cannot lose.

A bit of advice-If you are going to post, try and get your spelling, grammar and punctuation in some sort of order. It helps your comment to make sense. It would also assist in not making you look like an imbecile and very non professional. Happy to help.

Alf Baird

Personally, I have not been colonised but”

Denial forms part part of the colonial condition:

link to


Five Finger Death Punch: American Capitalist: Under and Over It:

“Yeah, go!


Did you hear the one about me being a punk?
Did you hear the one about me being a drunk?
Did you hear the one about me losing my nerve?
Or how I’m just another fuckin’ sheep in the herd?
Did you hear about the money, how it made me change?
So funny to me, all the time that they waste…

Did you hear the one about me playing the game?
Selling my soul and changing my name?
Did you hear the one about me being a pr**k?
Did you know I don’t care, and you can suck my—?…

You can be me and I will be you
You can live just like a star…”:

link to

Graf Midgehunter

“You probably like to read the same shit over and over and over again.”

Sorry but no, which is why just about everyone here skips past the sewage that you and your britnat pals churn out.

Hatey McHateface

Everybody in Germany you mean?

When the AfD come to chuck out all the colonising, grifting immigrants, do you think they will revert to traditional, cultural Gestapo behaviour?

Breaking in your door at 3 AM, man-hunting dogs barking and slavering?

You’re gonna love it back here in Scotland, Graf, and you’ll be able to “work” to make it a better place too, so a win-win for you.

Until that happy day, don’t have nightmares 🙂


If you skip past how is it that you are responding?
Any comment which does not meet the approval of the Happy Clappy club automatically deems the poster as a britnat. Is that how it works?
Desperate Dan is the sewage expert on here, in case you haven’t noticed


Thanks for the accolade Chas, but I only diversified into the sewage game after years in engineering working with all manner of hydraulics and pipework in motorsport and oil and gas industry.
It’s really just about different stuff being appropriately controlled, contained, and flowing through a system of valves and pipes.

Society and the environment should be thankful that I bother in my voluntary capacity, seeing as the organisations and folk your taxes pay to do the job clearly don’t give two hoots.
Or are you happy that the likes of this happens.

link to

Captain Caveman

To be fair, whilst I obviously disagree with you politically, I respect the community-minded engineering works you do and find it interesting.


Don’t get me wrong Dan. Someone has to do the unpleasant stuff and I admire you for doing so. However if you give abuse out you have to expect to get some back.
I do read your posts and count you as one of the saner contributors compared to…………… probably best if I don’t mention any names!


Galahad: Year Zero: Belt Up:

“Open your arms, embrace a new dawn

It’s almost here
Can you feel it creeping up behind you?

Belt up and brace yourselves, now is our time
Take a deep breath and hold on to the wire
This is the start of something so good
People get ready for the ride of your lives…”:

link to

Robert Matthews

More like postcolonoscopy theory, for all the shite you talk.


EASHA: I Don’t Like You: Fact of the Fiction:

“I don’t like you when you’re drinking
Never a word, blame it on stress
I don’t like you when you’re angry
Brushing it off, I clean the mess

I’m holding a version of us that might return
We were good and I’m scared I’ll miss it if I run
Once in a while we’re smiling, but crying is assured
Baby, I will always love you, I just don’t like you anymore

I don’t like me in the mirror…”:

link to


The Almighty: Powertrippin’: Jesus Loves You But I Don’t:

“You’re blind and offended
When reality hurts
But I’ve never seen Jesus
Inside a church…

Immaculate deceptions
Going on everyday
Still you follow the clowns
Who give the circus away
Reaching for something
That’s never been felt
And they’re tightening their grip
On your bible belt…

Dead eye disciples
Who sin too deep
Jesus loves you
But his love don’t come cheap…”:

link to

Robert Matthews

Skrewdriver : I Don’t Like You.

1-2-3-4, I don’t like you!

Get out on the job in the morning
Time is draggin’ by real slow
Sick of feeling sorry about it
Boss is keepin’ me on the go

Sick of that routine work now
Sorting’s drivin’ me insane
When I’m done doin’ one thing
Boss says do it again
And I said…

I don’t like you
I don’t like you
I don’t like you anymore


It’s time to get off work now
Kick the boss right in the head
All the people givin’ me orders
Tryin’ to make me see red

I’m prayin’ to break out free now
Playin’ in a rock’n’roll band
Playin’ that rock’n’roll music
Probably gonna get us banned

I don’t like you
I don’t like you
I don’t like you anymore

I don’t like you
I don’t like you
I don’t like you anymore


The Vandals: Internet Dating Superstuds: 43210-1:

Pretending you’re even having fun
You just stand there looking dumb
and bored with your thumb in your ass…

For once in your life, before you retire, be the leader of the choir, set your pubic hair on fire just because…
(You feel like it!)
Be that moron screaming in the crowd, “Hey!”
This shit could never ever be too loud for me…

So help us help you armpit fart, ’cause we’re only gettin’ started
(Dance and bleed, karate chop, and pray the good times never stop!)…”:

link to


The wee Tory Big mouth Ruth the Truthless abandoned her constituents and old Boris gave her title of Baroness and a job at Royal London that pays over £80,000pa for a few hours of listening to the board.
Is Nicola dragging her heels is a similar direction?
The pair would be ideal at panto as relatives of Cinderella.

Mark Beggan

The Life and Loves of a She-Turnip.


Labour have suspended one of their members whilst under police investigation. I take it Nicola is now cleared by Branchform?


We must be able to introduce a rule whereby if an MSP is not sick, they get their wages docked for non appearance.

The only problem there of course, is that they pass their own rules.

I’m sick of how these over paid buffoons treat us with total contempt


RECALL LAW overdue but those scum would block it


So the obvious answer is for the public to change the rules of the game, and take power back to the electorate by moving towards only electing folk on a manifesto that offers a far simpler recall procedure, and that also gives better control and accountability of elected officials to their respective constituents.


The Swiss example would be a good start. Though I like the Scotttish “salvo” system whereby any individual could demand the repeal of an act that damaged the common good [see Salvo website, for those who haven’t already read it].


Unfortunately Dan the ONLY people who would introduce such a methodology of anti corruption and anti apathy are being kept away from making rules and policies
Ffs everybody complains about “How do we get the snp tae dae what we tell them or FORCE them to adopt UNITY for a PLEBISCITE election” and NOT ONE of yir indy bloggers are willing to either listen or offer advice on how to make the wider independence ELECTORATE aware that they HAVE the POWER to do so at their fingertips

Meanwhile as you say let’s all just sit on our arses and wait eagerly for the next post to bemoan and complain about how swinney, pishfart , sturgeon , useless are daein NOTHIN tae get us independence


I still don’t understand why folk have any time for trying to reform the NuSNP. When someone shows you who they are, best believe them the first time…
But no, multiple mandates burnt and still folk seem obsessed with trying to cure what has become a malignant blight on Scottish politics, rather than simply focus attention and energy on promoting a much needed alternative.
There were supposedly about a dozen SNP politicians that were going to move to Alba but how many actually did. Gravy was more of a lure to them as they watched Scotland get more crap unwanted policies inflicted on us.

I don’t entirely agree with your first sentence though, because there is nothing stopping 56 decent honest folk in each of Scotland’s Westminster constituencies standing as non-party affiliated candidate to garner the current near 50% pro-independence vote and build on that for a future GE standing on an abstentionist and end the union ticket.

But it’s my belief that these big Indy voice bloggers have little to no intention of supporting any exacting strategy that they didn’t come up with themselves; Even when there is significant alignment of their views and proposals with other folk.
I’m highly skeptical of why that should be as it reeks of distracting or gatekeeping tactics to me.
Maybe something will come from last week’s summit but who knows.
Years of time have been pissed away so I’m now of the view that if you want something doing, best just get busy and do it yourself because it’s apparent you will get little support from distant others if you aren’t in the clique, and any support would be of little to no worth and more likely a hindrance if it was only going to be fair-weather or whimsical support by folk that do not display the credentials of having the focus and commitment to see a task through.
I’ve tried bumping several posts to get a response from Stu re. Tweaking his Manifesto for Independence to suit the current political situation but had zero response.


Is the Rev’s manifesto the same as Peter A Bell’s #Manifesto for Independence? Was he, PAB, at the Summit? Since there is no doubting that Barrhead Boy, Eva Comrie, Sara Salyers and the Rev, Alf Baird and John Brown etc all have brains, and fire in their belly, I look forward to hearing what their proposals will be.

Campbell Clansman

That’s what Indy needs–another “Manifesto” from some obscurity! Issued by a “summit” that rounded up less than two dozen other online cranks.
Sarah, do you ever stop to consider that if the two propositions of your belief system:
1) that some vast majority of Scots desire Independence (from the UK, if not the EU); and
2) that the Indy leadership you cite have “brains, and fire in their belly”

were true, that Indy would already have happened. Instead, with Indy being on life support, with your parties struggling to get 1% of the vote, maybe one of the two propositions must be completely false?(probably both)

Zander Tait

Very interesting Captain.

Now what was the result on Scottish Independence in the Norstat poll for the Sunday Times 2 days ago?

We’re waiting Caveman.

Robert Hughes

Think it said 51% Yes on the ” life support ” machine . It’s a similar machine to the one Campbell’s Condensed Clownsman uses to count how many knobs he has protruding from his head : but more reliable

Zander Tait

Ha ha ha, RH.

And let’s not forget the bolts protruding from his neck.

It was, of course 54% Yes and 46% No.

Campbell Clansman

All the polls since May 17, have shown Indy support at 38%, 41, 46, 37, 44, 34, 37, 45, 40, 48, 47, 43 and 51%.
In short, only 1 of the 13 polls show a majority for “Yes.” The average “yes” is 42.4%.
The results are right there (for even the arithmetic challenged to see), at the site WoS links to, “What Scotland Thinks.

Ha Ha Ha.

Campbell Clansman

SNP not an Indy Party, according to you.
The “true” Indy Party (Alba, ISP, whatever this week’s “movement” is labeled) is tied with the Monster Raving Loonys at 1%.
So if Indy has this vast support but the Indy parties are nowhere, you’re saying that the leadership (Peter Bell, Salyers, Barrhead, Alf Baird et al.) must be totally incompetent!

Young Lochinvar

Well Gloriana; I’ve asked you similar before but you keep replaying the same broken record.

If the SNP is done then who do you think the 50 percenters (give or take) are going to vote for ?

Why won’t you answer that?

Fiddle with polls (where people are so effed off they haven’t turned out to vote in disgust) to your hearts content but the bottom line is your lot have been seen for what they are and are reliant on the twin set and pearls clutching brigade to even keep their nostrils above water..


You really do need to take a step back and consider the situation as opposed to just cranking out the same old same old Unionist guff.


It’s even more fun than that. An organisation which doesn’t even have a postal address and who’s height of democratic achievement is getting 8% of the vote in a local council election with 20% turnout, is apparently about to be recognised at the UN as the de facto government of Scotland. I’m sure there are bus stops in east Glasgow with more members.

Normally, when this is gently pointed out, there’s a round chorus of “fuck off”, which is an odd tactic for a campaign organisation looking to build popular support.

Robert Hughes

You are the moron who described the ” Indy ” cause as being on ” life support ” , despite the most recent poll ( by the fckn Times , of all * people * ) showing YES at 51% . Now , I know basic arithmetic is not your forte , but most people understand that 51% is a majority , ie in simple terms ….51 is more than 50 or 49 . If you had actually read anything I’ve said on the subject you would have seen that I think the election of Independent Candidates ( I4Is ) are a potentially more fruitful route to the goal of Independence ( and better governance overall ) than the Political Party route .

Despite which , I’ve also stated that PPs will continue to dominate the Political landscape for the forseeable ; given which , yes , ISP ; ALBA and ( if it ever get’s airborne ) NSP , are all more credible pro-Independence entities than the SNP : granted , that’s not difficult .

What are doing here anyway ? If you support Scottish Independence , tell us what you think is the best way to achieve that goal .

If you don’t , have you nothing better to do than tool about on here ,moronically repeating the same thing over & over .

Would you not be better going outside and playing with the traffic ; writing a love-letter to Farage or just staying-in and playing with your train-set ?

Last edited 2 months ago by Robert Hughes
Campbell Clansman

So you can’t explain how Indy has stalled, despite this overwhelming (sarc) support?
Thought so.

Captain Caveman

Another day, another trolling and goading.
You really are a useless waste of space pal. Cretin.

Zander Tait

Now now, Grendel mind your blood pressure.

It’s a tough decision to figure out which alias I should reply to. Cammy boy or captain transman.

It doesn’t matter since you are but one individual. As such, I will refer to you as Grendel.

So, support for the SNP has plummeted because they have no idea how to achieve Independence.

Support for Independence remains fairly constant at about 50%

Support for the Union remains constant at about 50%

What l find interesting is that support for the Union has plummeted since the 80s 90s from over 90% to just 50%. And now we’re deadlocked.

But there are big changes coming which will alter the balance considerably.

All courtesy of that nice Mr Farage and his Reform Party.

So there you are Grendel. I suspect that even you might agree with some of that which I have written.

Captain Caveman

I’m not even the one you’ve been having the conversation with, you UTTER BELLEND – as I’ve already told you. That you still persist with this dribbling, idiotic facade in spite of this fact tells us all we need to know: you’re a moronic, goading troll thicko.

Man, it must be tedious being you. Imagine waking up every morning when the best you’ve got to look forward to is trying to piss off as many randoms on the internet as possible. Just another archetypal, stalkerish internet obsessive with feck all else to do with your copious time (lol), with a pathetic ego so fragile that you can’t possibly deal with anyone or anything else which contradicts your one-track world view, and the only way you can deal with it is to throw metaphorical lumps of shite because you’re certainly not equipped for nowt else.

Absolute state of you pal.

Last edited 2 months ago by Captain Caveman
Michael Laing

You’re the one who needs to piss off, you obnoxious troll. What makes you believe anyone gives a toss about the utter yoon garbage you post on this site?

Captain Caveman

lol, right on cue, another one of the dribbling grievance chimps turns up. Another fragile little twat with nowt to say apart from hurling insults from behind his little keyboard. Bless.

I don’t take orders from sad sacks like you matey.

Zander Tait


Unfortunately for you, Grendel, the only individual I have pissed off is you.

Which is mission accomplished.

Have a wonderful day Grendel.

Captain Caveman

Yes, you’ve pissed me off. Well done you, troll. Mission accomplished as you say.

I console myself, however, that I’m not you, and next morning I still won’t be you, nor the next, nor the next. I almost feel sympathy for you.

Zander Tait

Ooh you poor delicate little snowflake, Grendel.

Never fear Grendel. I will be here tomorrow and the day after and the next and the next.

I foresee many many more successful missions ahead.

Ha ha ha ha.

Captain Caveman

“I will be here tomorrow and the day after and the next and the next.”

Oh, I don’t doubt it, Chief. It’s not as though you’ve got feck all else to do with your life is it mate?

Lol. Have a nice day.

Zander Tait

Ha ha ha.

You really have no idea, do you?

Yes, you have a nice day too, Grendel.

Captain Caveman

You really have no idea, do you?”

Ooh, touch a nerve there did I? Is this the bit where you tell us you’re a nuclear scientist or something (with an unfeasibly huge amount of spare time to troll randoms on the internet, notwithstanding).

Lol. You & your ilk are all the same mate, seen it all before pal. Buzz off.

Michael Laing

You seem to be missing a few braincells, troll. It’s you that’s not wanted here. How many downvotes does it take to get that through your skull? We’re all sick to the back teeth of your offensive trolling. Just clear off.

Hatey McHateface

“We’re all sick to the back teeth”

Naw. For a start, I’m not 🙂

This knockabout Punch-and-Judy show doesn’t have quite the immediate frisson of personal danger I might get from a drunken rammy in the chipper after closing time, but it’s fine fun until a better cabaret comes along.

BTW, Michael, a wee word in your shell like. You get your own blog, then you get to say who can and can’t post on it.


Captain Caveman

“Rammy in the chipper” …?

I think not. These lot barely leave the safety of their mum’s spare bedroom lol, in fear of “downvotes”…

Last edited 2 months ago by Captain Caveman
Captain Caveman

Being told I’m “missing a few brain cells” by some fragile, witless moron who does know what paragraph breaks are – and spends his days trolling randoms on the internet – is quite hilarious, Mike.

As for “downvotes”, you honestly think I care less, you microns-thick skinned snowflake? ROFL. You really are hilarious mate. Grow up. You’re beyond embarrassing at this point.

Zander Tait

Ha ha ha ha.

Robert Hughes

No , Sarah , PAB wasn’t at the Summit . Not sure why ; maybe he wasn’t asked ? I doubt his Manifesto is the same as Stu’s , I can’t remember Stu ever advocating any kind of UDI ; which Peter does .

I’ve not heard much about that event , other than what was said about it on Prism , eg that all the attendees found it a positive experience

I too was hoping to hear what – if any – proposals came out of it ; and if there will any follow-up events .

Good to see , as you say , such intelligent , thoughtful * Independent * people getting together .

Wouldn’t mind eavesdropping on any conversation between Stu & Sara S . That could very interesting 🙂


Stu’s manifesto proposal.

link to

Mike D

I posted a few days ago about far tage and reform selling out the nhs to el on who is apparently going to bankroll him.( fartage). But stu never printed my post.


Why is she smiling all the way to the bank? Who is protecting her? What did Peter learn from Cambridge Analytica? Where is he? What is happening with Operation Branchform??? The whole thing stinks to high heaven!


Perhaps she could start a perfume brand, aimed at the They/Them fraternity….

Eau de Korruptéon

A top note of shite and an undertone of cadaver. Comes with a free squadron of blowflies!


Eau de merde more likely

Young Lochinvar

Maybe she’ll team up with Jean Paul Gautier and release Eau de Colon..


Gravy! Gravy! More GRAY-VEE!!!

Socrates MacSporran

The British Establishment must still have use for her, since they have not yet “elevated” her to the Upper House.


The SNP still don’t have the balls to go completely unionist and remove standing orders of the party that no member shall accept a peerage or be barred from membership.


It’s ‘La traîtresse’ in French and ‘La traidora’ in Spanish.
Have to say her love life has really gone downhill. ‘Madame l’Ambassadeur’ was so much better than her current squeeze.


Truth and Reconciliation my ARSE REVENGE, REVENGE, REVENGE,


We all don’t want a vendetta – We want JUSTICE, JUSTICE, JUSTICE.

And everyone denying justice to the people of Scotland must remember we are not going away, and the longer justice is denied – The worse it will get. For them.


I refuse to call her a tractor. Tractors are reliable and very hardworking. We need our tractors. Nae tractors nae chips!

Even SCUMBAGs have their uses so that’s out too.

Campbell Clansman

Sturgeon doesn’t show up to work…
Not a lot of MSPs do. Take a look at a video of any normal Holyrood session, and you’ll see half the seats are empty.
They always show up for their paychecks, however. 100% attendance there!

David Hannah

She’s obsessed with drag queens isn’t she?

She’s so out of touch with reality. Why doesn’t she just come out of the closet and put herself out her misery?

Gay and lesbian people now hate this rainbow SHIT!

Scotland hasn’t forgotten about the double rapist she sent to the female jail.

Destroyer of women’s rights. Nicola Sturgeon!

Last edited 2 months ago by David Hannah
Hatey McHateface

Ach, gie her a brek!

It’s quality that counts, not quantity 🙂


If that’s the case have you considered following a similar modus…

Hatey McHateface

In my own posts, I combine quality AND quantity.

Aren’t you one of the “scroll on by” aficionados? You’re not going to be able to form an accurate assessment of my posts, due to your flawed modus…


Not very alert or bright are you. If I was one of those scroll on by persons then I wouldn’t have read your post and be able to respond to it.
Also fyi, “quality” is on a spectrum and can range from being be low or high.
Have you considered getting tested for colour blindness as you may be seeing green when everyone else sees red numbers below you and your bawbag mates’ posts.

Zander Tait

Ha ha ha, Dan. Brilliant.

I am one of those who do not read Cokey McCokeHeids verbal diarrhoea.

But I really enjoy those replies, like yours, which obliterate the fool with wit and intellect.

Here’s a thumbs up for you Dan and a thumbs down for Cokey.

Hatey McHateface

Calm yourself, Zander, your OTT flattery won’t get you what you want.

You’ve fundamentally misunderstood Dan’s beaver posts – sorry 🙂



“A characteristic or feature of someone or

Leadership qualities.”

“Of a high standard:

This is a quality product.”:

link to



on the subject of jobs –

wingers should get in on this

link to

anyone out there who is a homosexualist with cambridge tendencies should be a shoe-in 

just remember to drop in a few choice phrases at the interview

“so mote it be” 

“have pity on a widow’s son”  

“all hail jahbulon”

also note, while at interview, the spook black bag brigade will be burgling your house, so you might want to rid yourself of your sex slaves in cages, internal commercial farming operations, 3d printed guns, operations room with wall board detailing a “kill list” of prominent persons, daniel odonnell records. All that embarrassing detritus we pick up.

H Scott

Surely people wouldn’t have Daniel O’Donnell records?


(criminal records)
in case I die unexpectedly and people have to kick the door down, I have arranged by my record player – a classic sinatra LP, the velvet underground banana album, and the smiths 12 inch single of “this charming man” with cover star from cocteaus the legend of orpheus. While I might die with bad timing, never in bad taste.


Thank fuck I managed to offload all those yellow “I’m with Nicola” pens or they could put me in the frame for something or other.
A wee bit of modifications and was able to punt them on for a profit to Tennessee Whiskey drinkers.


your talent for practical problem solving does you proud 

in general we should get the rev to apply – he can cite wings as a disinfo site and controlled opposition, collating many IPs of contributors and identifying dangerously radicalised terrorists like main, caveman, ellis, chas, ASA, etc.

once the rev has infiltrated the org he can “hold the door open” for the rest of us. An efter that, the gemme was mine …


If I’m being honest, my practical business endeavors have not always been successful.
A few years back I went large on drinking Guinness draft in cans.
The plan was to fund my drinking by removing the widgets from the empty cans and selling them on to TransMen as prosthetic testicles.
But now that the whole trans hype fad is tailing off I’ve been left with a huge stock of small plastic spheres.
However, never one to be disheartened, I’ve found a tin of orange paint and already tried making some new prototype bubble floats for fishing.
It will hopefully soon be back to the boom times again, jist like when I would drink Paul Masson wine and etch a Rennie McIntosh flower onto the empty bottle and sell it as a vase for a fiver to fund my next bottle.

Last edited 2 months ago by Dan
Hatey McHateface

“sex slaves in cages”?

How can they be expected to do the housework and prepare the meals if they’re caged?


GPS shock collars, main – do I have to spell everything out?

also, after a few months the stockholm syndrome kicks in and they can be left to roam freely. It’s like being a cult leader.

Hatey McHateface

Shurely shome shpelling error in your penultimate word?


(raised eyebrow)

– are we back to talking about sturgeon?


Being a white, heterosexual, Scottish male I guess I’m probably not in their target demographic.


The job is based in London, and tbqh the inclusion of the cycle to work scheme bonus just isn’t enough of an incentive for me to pedal nearly a thousand miles a day and give myself a prostate the size of a neep and a chaffed arse that would look like one of those baboons’ butts that only consumes Phaal and Vindaloo curries.

Last edited 2 months ago by Dan

“you’ve taken that too far …”

Hatey McHateface

“chaffed arse that would look like one of those baboons’ butts”

Ah c’mon now, Dan. Is that or is that not you in the pic?


at the board (interview panels for the civil service are called “boards”, you damn lower class window lickers)

“are there any questions you would like to ask us?”


do you have to be a masonic paedophile to work here …

or is full training given?

agent X

I’ve often wondered if the time she spent on the all night ITV election coverage was more than the total time she spent in Holyrood for the whole year.

John Moss

Time to sack her. Why should we be paying her salary and contributing to her pension when she fails to work for us?

Our employer’s would dump us ina heartbeat if we slacked off.

agent X

“Nicola Sturgeon has cancelled her appearance in front of the Scottish Affairs Committee next week as she is no longer “available.” The former first minister was meant to head down to London next Monday to be grilled by MPs about the relationship between the devolved governments since the Scotland Act.
But she has informed Westminster that she is unable to do this as she is unavailable.”
 link to
The date of the hearing was 29/04/2024
“Nicola Sturgeon parties at red carpet event as SNP faces political chaos
The 53-year-old was pictured alongside Bardell, the SNP MP for Livingston, crime writer McDermid, and her girlfriend, Jo Sharp, on the red carpet. She was also pictured alongside Publisher Linda Riley, who started the DIVA magazine in 1994, and launched the annual awards to celebrate the achievements of LGBTQIA women and non-binary people in 2017.The event was held at the De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms, on London’s Great Queen Street, where Sturgeon sported a fuchsia pink suit. She was clutching a black handbag in her left hand, with photographs showing that she appeared to be missing her wedding ring.”
 link to
She was in London the weekend of the Scottish Affairs Committee meeting on the Monday – but was unavailable!


Says it all, doesn’t it? What an irresponsible, shifty bubble-head she is. And the MSM all know it but do they broadcast it to the long-suffering public? Fat chance.


The blackness of Sturgeon’s eyes…




She’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When she comes after ya, she doesn’t seem to be livin’ until she smiles at ya, and those black eyes roll over white, and then – aww, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin’…


We’re gonna need a bigger boat.

Hatey McHateface

MSM reporting another colonialist apparatchik Orc blown to bits in occupied Ukr.

I recall the usual suspects cheering on the results of the fraudulent “referenda” in the occupied territories, when Orc troops went from house to house and invited the occupants to vote at gunpoint.

Seems like some of the true No voters, who may have been coerced into voting Yes, bear grudges.

Wullie B

There is only one person in the world with less views in public for the last year, and that’s Lavender Pete

Peter McAvoy

In my own view and agreeing with views of some other people who have posted comments on this article

She must be told to improve her attendance and work rate or be suspended or dismissed and unless ill or incapable should not be paid her salary or expenses

Outside politics this attitude would not be tolerated in any other job

Hatey McHateface

Being a mammie is a vocation, not a job.

What family would sack its mammie? That would be monstrous!

So how can our nation sack our mammie?


I had expected her to be made a Dame and appointed as High Commissioner to either Malawi or the Congo.


I see the UK’s new allies in Syria have already started to murder wounded Syrian soldiers in their hospital beds. Didn’t take them long to make a start, but I bet you won’t see that on the BBC. Didn’t happen obviously.

No doubt more obscenities are on the way; more decapitations, orange jumpsuit barbarity, and white helmet fairy stories…. (You’ll obviously see the latter on the BBC of course).

They must renounce violence says the imbecile in chief, Starmer. What a monumental cretin, although he’s just a pawn anyway.

I’m so utterly proud of our Western governments I’ve filled a whole sick bucket all by myself.

It is now more essential than ever that BRICS must succeed for the common good of humanity. The murderous and duplicitous evil of Z1onism must be defeated.

Hatey McHateface

It’s even worse than that, Breeks!

They’ve invented stories about 600,000 Syrians being killed by Assad and his Orc buddies.

They’ve bussed thousands of Syrians into Assad’s prisons and made them up to look all haggard and abused, just so that they could film them fraudulently being “set free”.

They’ve flown near 6 million Syrians abroad, just so that they could film them fraudulently “celebrating” and fraudulently “returning to Syria to meet survivors and try to rebuild their country”.

You’re right to be sick. That “rebuilding the country” bit will defo stick in the craw of all true Wings BTL Scots and all passionate Wings BTL Indy supporters.

How I envy you your sick bucket! I bet it’s a sturdy, over-engineered Soviet era model, stamped CCCP on the bottom, and polished to perfection by some zek doing a 25-year stretch in a labour camp for listening to the BBC on a clandestine radio. Bastard got off lightly eh?

Moan the BRICS! Death to the Dews!

(Whoops, sorry everybody, got carried a bit away there. Obviously that last one is a wee bit out of order. Death is far too good for them. Sorry again)

Robert Hughes

Indeed , B ; but it’s a NEW ! IMPROVED ! BEST-SELLING ! form of sectarian atrocity . The kind stamped with the Stars n Stripes of David & Union Jack , in other words …’s the right kind of atrocity .

The kind the * West * can accommodate , applaud even ; as long as , the head-chopping-women-oppressing-child-abusing Medievalists are serving the interests of their employers ; if they start to get ideas above their station , eg imagine they can operate without the latter’s sanction….well….. what’s made can just as easily be unmade and yesterday’s ” Freedom Fighters ” are rapidly morphed into today’s ” Vile Terrorists ” .

” It is now more essential than ever that BRICS must succeed for the common good of humanity. The murderous and duplicitous evil of Z1onism must be defeated. ” .

Yes , absolutely , and , as you know , the chaos being fanned by the Globalist * West * is in large part an attempt to kill BRICS before it has barely taken it’s first breath ; because only the Great Apes of Demockracy ; the Godzillas of Greed ; the Corporate King Kongs & the Shit-Slinging Monkeys of MONEY MONEY MONEY are allowed to dominate the Geopolitical Jungle .

But there’s a disturbing ” Rumble in the Jungle ” – ” disturbing ” for the Hegemon that is . A fresher , more nimble , sharper & far more intelligent fighter has entered the ring . The depleted , overweight , punch-drunk current ” Champion ” is trying to fix the fight to it’s advantage , but that won’t fly this time .

Jeu sans frontieres …..


It’s a Knockout !


Another good insight…

link to

Robert Hughes

Watched that last night , B . J.Sachs brilliantly lucid/perceptive , as ever .

As you may have already watched this ….

link to


Is that the same brilliant as ever J.Sachs, whose lucid economic advice helped to totally brick R economy in 1990s? Just asking, the guy is apparently never wrong.


Yes and no.

Sachs was also an economic advisor to Poland’s Solidarity Movement, for which he was given Poland’s Order of Merit.

He also advised Slovenia and Estonia on their respective economies post Sov Union collapse; largely successfully, particulary in Estonia’s case.

When it comes to “R”, it’s true, the same strategy didn’t work out, but at the same time, its worth remembering the US and EU were determined that the economy of post-Communist Ruzzia should be destroyed, not harmonised and integrated with Western Europe. I suspect that had a much greater impact on economic reform than the advice from Sachs.

Instead of normalising relations with “R” in the 1990’s, the Cold War, at NAT0’s behest, rolled on for decades, and “created” the conditions which begat Mr V. P. and “R”‘s re-emergence as a powerhouse economy in spite of the West, rather than by its assistance.

Play the ball, not the man znovak. Much of what we’re seeing today has it’s origins in the 1990’s, and Sachs is very much a wise and learned opinion worth listening to. But then you already knew that, didn’t you?

It was Germany’s re-unification in 1990 which prompted NAT0’s disingenuous affirmation there’d be no further expansion to the East. It was a lie, and a Western lie, which has brought war back to Eastern Europe when a brighter, peaceful, economic prosperity and political harmony was there for the taking… But that’s the last thing the USA and Deep State wanted to see.


A pal has been working all over Europe the past few years and is currently in Estonia.
It’s the first country that has impressed him so much he’s suggested I really should renew my expired passport so I can go and visit it.
The thing is, it would probably just depress the heck out of me seeing somewhere so decent and having to return to this shithole.

I recall the late and much missed Iain Lawson had experience of how Estonia flourished once it became self-governing.
Here’s a link from a few years back (comments worth a read too). IIRC there may be other articles re. Estonia on his site.
link to


Unfortunately Estonia has jettisoned in a rabid psycho & Ursula Von derHitler has ushered her pal into the EU fold intent on destroying R. She’d like it broken up into tiny wee countries, just like Estonia, cause that way “they’re easier to rob manage” & R shouldn’t have all that land. They’re just greedy. It’s much better in the hands of the US neocons.

I’d look for Estonia hitting the skids along with the rest of the EU as they amputate their own countries interests & economies to serve Americas instead .


Even if Estonia does go down the path you state, it still showed a fleeting glimpse of the potential to improve a country with the control that self-governance offers.
If it does go to shit it’s a lesson for countries that they need to be ever vigilant in preserving their chosen trajectory and aspirations, because hawks will undoubtedly try to upset that apple cart.
Just look at Scotland’s predicament. We never did have the power of self-governance in the last few hundred years to develop into a modern country.
We are already enduring the fate of being a failed state by being tied to London Rule, and that’s compounded further by utter shits like Freeport Kate Forbes and the rest of the cuckoos in the supposedly Pro-Indy nest selling what’s left out with no mandate from the Scots.


Thanks for a long and thoughtful response, even if I have to disagree with parts of it. I reply late, unfortunately I had to do some extra work and also get some sleep.
I indeed got the impression that JS was often treated here as a sort of universal oracle, not only in economics but also in diplomacy and international politics. I thought that especially in the latter area he happened to be out of his depth quite often, with a strong anti-I*rael bias (genocide, apartheid, extremism, etc. – lather, rinse, repeat) – hence my remark about JS and post-soviet economy to point out that he was not infallible even in his own field. I find his recent political writings – for instance about I*rael – rather shallow, he frequently ignores facts that do not fit into his thesis and amplifies marginal issues for the same purpose – for instance, he likes to cite fringe extremists without much influence together with mainstream politics to “prove” I*rael’s extremism (and perfidy). Etc. etc. For a thinker who supposedly provides a deep and unbiased analysis of a complex issue it is unpardonable.
I do not blame him too much for his small role in the crash of post-soviet economy. In the world of western advisers to post-communist governments shock therapy was the only game in town. A world class economist could have recognized that there was a huge difference in the depth of economic dysfunction in Soviet Union and Poland (or Slovenia) and a different approach could be more beneficial in the first case. And huge difference in thinking and expectations of an average Pole and an average R*ussian in these matters, but that is for another day. If there was a Nobel prize for transformation of soviet-like economy to market economy without losing social cohesion, it should definitely go to the Chinese, who refused shock therapy and were spectacularly successful with their gradual approach.
I strongly disagree with your take on the origins of war in U. Yes, the West once lied about about NATO, but in 1990s R did not seem to care. Prez Putain said that dissolution of Soviet Union and the system of vassal states in Europe was a huge mistake. He is now trying to rebuild it, as he always wanted. East European states lived through forty years of misery under the soviets. Of course they wanted to isolate themselves from R and NATO membership is the best for that. It will not be popular here, but if you have behind the border an aggressive expansionists state that thinks that Yalta system of influence should be forever, NATO membership is very desirable. The idea of a brighter, peaceful, economic prosperity and political harmony under the benevolent supervision of R (if that is what you meant), is unfortunately just a bizarre pipe dream. I mean no offense, but it would never work.


That last para is absolute bollox & has been debunked a gazillion times.

& The West lied just the once? Lol!!

Nope! They ripped the piss out of Gorby & Yeltsin promising them the world &: Yeltsin appointed VP to take back control of their own country from the oligarchs.

R also lived under sanctions from being tricked into war with Afghanistan. Another fucking colonisers mindset of mocking the pish poor state of affairs imposed on it while they think a country should flourish despite being robbed blind of opportunity. Are you franchise Fanny under a new moniker? Lol

As for NATO, behave. It’s the USA *rent an army but only it all member states agree* by that they mean America.

Pish poor & completely defenceless – they’d be better off with cardboard cut outs. Not only defenceless in weapons & manpower but in technology too. A pretendy army with only America allowed to hold all the codes & coordinates while it collects it’s protection money – % GDP for fuck all. Have you not discovered that since the U conflict & Starmers recent visit to genocidal-joe for *permission* to launch storm shadows? The man from America said NO…LOL Starmer sent packing – back to his vassal state.

As for the pish about peace & bright economic prosperity & political harmony LOL Aye, cause EU/NATO it’s just oozing peace while they’re busy starting wars & cancelling democratic elections all over the shop & tanking their own economies.

It’s a Mafia outfit & it’s days are numbered especially when they (the EU) sunk everything they had into a cesspit of a country that isn’t even a member of either club & wouldn’t even qualify either!!

As for indy & borders. Aye, post indy, England would have to worry what Border uncle Sam decided to back. I doubt it’d be theirs. They already told them to fuck off once… twice wouldn’t be a problem..


My guess, btw, if they’d to choose it’d be the one with the most to offer. The one with extensive seas, oil & it’s free parking for Trident.

It’s already shagged England dry of anything they had worth selling a long time ago..

NATO is finished. It now wishes to extend itself into China & the ME like the modern day crusaders FFS with two fckd pot lids, a rolling pin & mad Yahoos greater map leading the charge. Twenty seven countries won’t sign up to that unless they go full fascist & start disregarding public opinion & elections..oh, wait…

Robert Hughes

Good to see you back , G 🙂


Thanks Robert. I had some timeout for a bit. Hope you are keeping well?

Hatey McHateface

Women’s prison, was it? Not that that means much these days in Sturgeon’s Scotland 🙂

Ye dinna hae tae answer, Geri, but if ye dee, dinna fash: Ye’re secret’s safe wi us!

Hatey McHateface

“NATO is finished”

Aye, Geri, nane o the weapons work, and the F16’s can’t even get aff the groond.

But never mind that. Let me second Bob’s good wishes at your return.

For a wee whilie there, the collective Wings BTL IQ was rising dangerously near to double figures. Your return will send it plunging downwards once more.


Where are those F16s?

That pomp & ceremony was a bit of a damp Squibb eh? There was me thinking they were the wonder weapons that was finally going to end this tragic waste of connon fodder – but no – alas, they need more now lol

What’s happened to the ones they had? Did Z sell them? Can no one fly them ? Did those makeshift crash courses of trying to cram in three yrs training into two weeks not end well for pilots?

None of the weapons work without tech & coordinates, matey & most of them are mowed down already & Grandpa Genocidal-joe is busy napping at the moment to see schoolboy Starmer for the keys to his tuck shop of tricks.

Isn’t it funny. All that time you thought it was the pesky EU who stole yer sovereignty when all the while it was yer Tory mates giving it to the yanks for free & to kiss their arse.

Robert Hughes

How long did you spend looking for what you imagine is some kind of slam-dunk ?

I described J.Sachs as ” brilliantly lucid/perceptive ” – and he is . What I didn’t describe him as is omniscient . I couldn’t give a fuck what he did or didn’t do 30+ years ago ; I judge him on what he’s saying now .

Breeks has responded to your dribblings ; all I will add is , eg Alex Salmond made some serious mistakes in his time – most damagingly elevating the treacherous narcissist Sturgeon ; does this invalidate everything else he achieved ? Not that you and your ilk are remotely interested in anything to do with Scotland/Independence .

You appeared here a few months ago and have never proffered a single thought on the aforementioned subject . You’re here to be a distracting , pro-war troll , ie a waste of space



Thanks for the response, I wrote what I think about Sachs (and why) in a reply to Breeks a little bit higher on the page. A friendly warning – you should not sign your posts with a name, the Rev does not like it.

Robert Hughes

A friendly warning – you should not sign your posts with a name, the Rev does not like it. ”

I have no idea what that even means . My name – like everyone else’s – appears above any comment I make . I don’t ” sign ” anything


I thought that Zzzzzzzzzz was your true name. My bad.

Robert Hughes

Yes , I worked-out that was what you meant . Not bad japery there . Pity everything else you write is total shite 🙂


Thanks 🙂


He has spoken of regrets about that in the past. The more he was in the job the more shit he seen that was completely amoral.


Thanks. Forgive me, if I am mistaken, but your premise seems to be that R and its president can do no wrong. Always. No matter what. They are always the victim. If they do bad things, it is somebody else’s fault.
I do not buy that. They they can hardly claim high moral ground. They kidnap U children and place them for adoption in R. They target and kill civilians and purposefully damage infrastructure needed by civilians. They punish their own people when they call the the war “war” instead of “special military operation”(!). They imprison citizens who say truth about what R army does in U. They put a 20 years old girl in a psychiatric hospital for some careless social media posts about U. Just like in Soviet times (look up Valeria Petrova), lock up the dissidents in psychiatric wards! That is pretty amoral.
I still stand behind my last paragraph in the post above, but will not go into that again. You disagree that some European countries join NATO because of R aggression. Well, Sweden and Finland recently did just that as a direct response to R invasion of U. Bummer. R*ssians can thus blame their own actions for expansion of NATO. But they never will, of course.
Now, what was that about indy?

Last edited 1 month ago by znovak
Hatey McHateface

Poot and his cronies have already shared all the vast resources of Orcland equitably between the people that live there.

So Mia tells us on here.

I have no doubt that once Ukr is liberated, Poot and his cronies will likewise share its considerable resources equitably amongst the people living there.

Or perhaps more accurately, their survivors.

But even that reality has a concealed benevolence behind it. Regardless of whose casualty figures you believe, there’s no doubt that Poot’s aggressive imperialism is winnowing hundreds of thousands from the populations of both countries.

And so, by the inexorable mathematics of benevolent divvying up, every survivor in both countries is getting richer, for every day it continues.

I can’t really help you with your question about Indy. It may be that the cheerleaders for Poot’s colonialist, imperialist war of aggression want Scotland flattened and our population decimated too.

Hard to believe, I know, but what other explanation for their pro-Poot sentiments could there be?


It is mind-boggling, isn’t it? Why do attempts of an imperialist superpower to subjugate and re-colonize a neighbouring country receive so much support on a Scottish nationalist site, of all places? Maybe it is a case of misguided my-enemy’s-enemy-is-my-friend thinking. A lot of BTL regulars here do not like NATO or US meddling (no problem with that, Amricans sometimes do bad things), so anyone who fights them must be good, right ? But even that does not explain (at least to me) the ludicrous excuses for bad R behaviour they are willing to put forward.

Hatey McHateface

Careful, znovak, you’ll awaken the …

Too late, somebody else did it and she’s now in full flow 🙂

“But even that does not explain (at least to me) the ludicrous excuses for bad R behaviour they are willing to put forward”

Of course not, but I’ve long since given up trying to explain the inexplicable. I think you have to imagine the sort of individual who has a chip on her shoulder, with a chip on that chip, with another chip on the chip on the chip.

Far better to get all the hysterical ranting out in the open, where decent, rational, grounded Scots can see for themselves the barnacles clinging to the good ship Indy.

And decide for themselves if the ship is worth saving, or if she should just be left to founder, hopefully taking all aboard with her.

Leaving us decent, rational, grounded Scots to lay the keel of a new ship for Indy, but this time coating it’s bottom with anti-fouling.


You aren’t indy so piss off with yer pish.

Colonisers aren’t in the business of granting independence. We see that every day at the UN where majority votes are vetoed by ONE country & it’s handful of serfs in fear they’ll be next for a spot of regime change.

The UN is another institution on the verge of collapse as the BRICS nations see absolutely no point continuing in the charade any longer. An outdated system with a handful of past glory has-beens at it’s helm willfully & belligerently having tantrums & vetoing majority rule. They no longer have an empire, military prowess, their economies are absolutely shit & their last shred of pretendy moral high ground vacated the building with Yahoo-dolallys help.

Guess who does support self determination tho & has consistently voted for it? The ex colonised. China, India, Global South, R, Africa +++

Colonialism is over pal. Tick tock…

Last edited 1 month ago by Geri

Besides not being indy yer not even Scottish. An interloper from over the border no doubt.

It’s very simple to understand. The majority of Scots aren’t racist twats who zip up the back to the colonisers latest propaganda shit & Anglo stiffy for P & all his resources.

He’s currently the only world leader with sense, restraint, calm & confining his own shit to the battlefield where real leaders lead – not behind terrorism knocking seven bells of shit out a civilian population while illegally sanctioning & starving the other half on the pretence of helping them.

Restraint cause if it was me repeatedly being antagonised with persistent provocation -;I’d have already fired up the engines by now & blew them to fuck tae outer space. There – there’s yer wee trip to sight see Mars….

Just look at the fake shit they’re trying to punt in the MSM over death prisons in Syria – my, the grub must’ve been great & nice clean hands too…oh lookie, their eyes are nice & bright too. They don’t look like they’ve been in a coffin cell for months to me…you don’t half fall for some shit. Don’t blame the rest of us for not sharing in yer psychosis..


More propaganda shit.

I’ll tell you what boggles my mind. Fuckwits cheering on the most corrupt neo nhazi regime in Europe. Forced persecution of minorities, lawlessness & corrupt as fuck. Even it’s unelected dwarf selling it’s land to the highest bidder while throwing *foreigners* into the meat grinders & all for a magical golden ticket to the paper tiger club. When did the Brits suddenly start loving & cheering for neo Nazis?

“Americans sometimes do bad things ‘

Go away FFS. They’re personally responsible for untold millions of deaths & starvation throughout the world with their quest for world dominance & control. Thank fuck it’s coming to a crash landing & take the Churchill wankers with them…


Complete bollox. You propagandists really need new material. Yer Russophobia is indoctrinated bullshit.

Those children are all accounted for. Removed for safety from a war zone & out of harms way – no different from Children being removed to the country side during WW2 FFS!

As for the bullshit of Finland joining NATO I suggest you look again, they did NOT HOLD A DEMOCRATIC REFERENDUM a constitutional requirement in both Finland & Sweden. Those two can’t take a shit without a referendum & public opinion but America made them an offer they simply couldn’t refuse, like they do so often, & just dismissed the democratic bit. Those bastions of all that is democratic & fair eh? In exchange they gave up their sovereignty, a huge chunk of real estate, their judiciary, their parliaments, exorbitant costs, all their weapons & told to fuck off out of their business – even their own countries laws don’t apply to their military base & personnel. That’s colonialism. That’s not being defended, ya eejit.

R was shafted repeatedly by the West. All documented by historical facts. Even after WINNING WW2 the poisonous Brits wanted to bomb them to fuck as their reward. Another failed empire refusing to accept it was dead.

R is no saint but do get yerself tae fuck with yer moral high ground pish. They’re not conducting & funding a genocide, not overthrowing democratically elected governments everywhere, don’t have 800 military bases around the world, don’t fund blanket bombing refugee camps, don’t fund terrorist jihadists, don’t deliberately sink countries economies to being dirt poor, don’t steal other countries reserves, don’t interfere in other countries parliaments & don’t start wars all over the world to destabilise & rob countries blind…

I wonder who does eh? Take thon spec out yet Russophobia eyes..

What was what about Indy? Oh, did I mention R told Cameron to get tae fuck at his request to speak out during Scottish Independence ref in 2014? It was a matter for the Scots. Oh lookie at who couldn’t wait to stick their nebb in tho.. the good old US of A. Them that never meddle in folks referendums & elections..

NATO is over. It’s in its death throes. It’s a proven paper tiger. It offers no manpower, no democracy, no weapons that work without American personnel, no routes to join, language barriers & the biggest con of it all – fuck all defense unless ONE COUNTRY says so. All for the handsome price of handing over sovereignty & real estate to a colonial master & the EU has now found that out all far too late. As I said, they’d be as well to just have cardboard cut outs.

R is defending it’s territory. The West fucked about repeatedly along it’s borders. It had no business there while it moved in weapons. Then the bombshell the USA had 47 bio labs in U. Go Google. Not disclosing to world authorities exactly what they were concocting there.

NATO is a target. NATO isn’t mates defending each other against baddies. Its a colonial enterprise that comes with war, interference, nukes & no way of ever actually getting them tae fuck out yer country cause you’ve just handed over yer defense to a foreign interest who isn’t concerned in the slightest wtf you think about things.


Oh & as Orban has found out & explains -;If you don’t do as yer told by NATO they withhold funds until you do or they make up some sex pest story or colour revolution to overthrow your government & install a puppet who will.

What a nice bunch of ppl…

Look at Georgia, Romania, Hungary etc who all refuse to march to uncle Sam’s war drum – now their elections are suddenly void LOL funding removed & threats of being kicked out of the EU & lest we forget, judges speaking out against war criminals are now suddenly sex pests..Zzzz

Quelle surprise. Get new material..


Geri, I rest my case. You have just proven me right beyond all reasonable doubt. In the alternate reality you apparently live in, R indeed cannot do anything wrong. In the real world it is a bit different.
If those children are really all accounted for and everything is fine and dandy, you should write about it to the International criminal court, pronto. They still have outstanding arrest warrants for Putain and his chief child-catcher, Maria Lvova-Belova, AFAIK. Btw, that court is taken very seriously here on Wings BTL, especially after it issued warrants for some unpopular figures from a Middle-East country.
I am pleased that the number of nefarious fantasy american biolabs in U has increased even more. Last time I heard about them it was not even half of the current number. The most credible of them was a plague station in Mariupol, where R liberators found – prepare for a shock – containers with rodent tissues. Very damning, for sure.
It is not russophobia if one criticizes R for bad things they do. Before you denounce U for lack of democracy and mafioso politicians, you should consider that R is much worse in this respect.
“They’re not conducting & funding a genocide, not overthrowing democratically elected governments”
Actually they are and they did before (e.g. in Chechnya).
“Even after WINNING WW2 the poisonous Brits wanted to bomb them to fuck as their reward.”
I honestly do not know what you are talking about.


Thank you


Think Libya and Iraq – post illegal invasions and you’ll have a good idea what’s coming down the line – already the terrorist Golani has given orders to hunt down anyone who worked for the previous regime.

Meanwhile one of chief aiders and abettors in the Jenn-occi-de Keir Starmer is in Cyprus today – he has spoken with the President of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides – to try and reassure him that Cyprus a staging post in the Jennocc-id-e – will not come under attack – Starmer was also trying to boost the moreal of those at the RAF bases that have also partook in aiding the Jeenn–0oci-dde.

Also the Lord Haw Haw of N-att-o Mark Rutte has spoken today the jist of his lickspittle speech – is that (HTS) formerly known as Al-Qaeda will be removed from the proscribed list of evil terrorist organisations.

The US and the evil regime in the Levant that it backs, are currently destroying any armaments that remain in Syria – incase they are later used against them – zzz-ii-o-m00nst–errr tanks are currently only 20 miles from Damascus.


(Oops triggered the modbot with the R word.)

So they have now destroyed 6 out of the 7 countries that General Wesley Clark was told about in 2001. Only Ir@n is left.

Prof Jeff Sachs has been making the point for a while now that all of these wars are Net@nyahu’s. And he is right.

link to

I don’t know what the collective populations of these 6 countries above are but to inflict this level of human suffering on so many people essentially because Isr@el wants to do gen0cide and ethnic cleansing unchallenged is quite something to witness.

Syri@ is being r@ped right now, make no mistake about that. They have essentially completely destroyed the middle east at the behest of one small racist ap@rtheid state.

The one country that was not on the list but should now be added is Ukr@ine.

Given all that if Ir@n is not building nuclear weapons at this point I’d be amazed.

Absolute insanity.

Last edited 2 months ago by Mac
Zander Tait

In my most humble opinion, all wars are about one thing and one thing only.

And that one thing is land.

Mark Beggan


Hatey McHateface

That’s an opinion you are entitled to be most humble about.

I read a lot about the Opium Wars. I’m off to look up Opium in the atlas. Maybe it’s near to “scotland”.


It’s barking mad. All coz one eejit country is an anti social fuckwit that can’t decide if God gave them commandments or not, if He gave them moveable boundaries or not or if they’re European or not! Now it wants to exterminate ALL of its neighbours cause it’s them that’s the problem lol

I can think of a lovely place they should be sent to colonise. Sentinel island is lovely this time of year. The natives wouldn’t mind – they’d even invite them to dinner.

stuart mctavish

Ograde statistics is verboten since the seasonal flu bollocks (&, cognitive dissonantly, a curious absence & conflation of same from the disproportionately represented tranny & fannie community) but suspect there is very close correlation between m’lady’s contributions & SNP’s popularity/ first past the post prospects & results.

Correlation is not causation ofc but, since she’s clearly not the most stupid wee woman in Scotland (after Annie Wells crossed the rubicon on asylum seekers ( 😉 ), and goodness k’ows how many other eejits (me included [sorry mum], albeit I don’t identify as such) got their knickers in a twist over annual winter fuel allowance for pensioners despite the Mathieson persecution demonstrating that no shits are given when it comes to similar sized monthly telephone bills for same), obvious instant solution is to put her back in charge, invite Pete Wishart to chair public relations meetings with alba (or at least do the intro), and. revert to snp1, indy2 at next Spring’s (Scottish) GE


Another wage thief. According to The National, John Swinney says that the next election is about “Hope”.

For heaven’s sake, what is the point of saying that? Who is that going to inspire to bother getting on the voting register? He is taking the p*** yet again.

Graf Midgehunter

The “hope” that we have is that the knee-crawler in chief and the rest of the cabal of knee crawlers are gone soon.


True. I’m just afraid that the mass of the SNP voters don’t realise how actively the current controllers are working against independence.

Alf Baird

The dominant national party elite that is ‘co-opted by colonialism’ (Fanon) is condemned by its own hyprocrisy; it relies on meaningless slogans and leaves the matter of independence to future events. But nothing it utters can now be believed by the people.

Meantime the wages of colonialism continue to pay for numerous ‘confidential agents at high reward’ (Cesaire), whose aim is to block independence and keep the colonial racket going.

Failure of the political process means the independence movement better understands the colonial reality and becomes a national liberation movement (Memmi):

link to

Mark Beggan

He hopes his god doesn’t do time for theft.


More like an air thief

Hal Martin

The self-styled Dreghorn Intellectual has already put her political (wilderness) years behind her. She now wants to be a ‘writer’. After forcing the rest of us to live in her sexual-minority-obsessed dystopian fictional Hell, she’s certainly got a head start in that bullshit arena anyway.


Jesse & Joy: Live Life (The Book Of Life Soundtrack):

“If you listen
To the rhythm
Calling out in the dark
Can you hear it?
That’s your spirit
Just follow your heart

So if you’re feeling like dancing frequently
Just tune in the magic frequency
Don’t worry about it cause were gonna, gonna

Live life
Like it’s a song
So turn it on and sing along…”:

link to



Keep voting down if you hate life and love losing


Bryn X Malone: Loser Love (feat. Mo-cee & IAM Q):


Lost love
Lost love
Fantasy (fantasy)
I guess it doesn’t seem like we were meant to be (meant to be)
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Those who love you feel like it’s true…”:

link to


Does Nicola have any heterosexual interests or nah?

Mark Beggan

Yes it loves to hate men.

John McGregor

Is Big Barbell her burd these days ???

Mark Beggan

Swinney is in more of a sticky situation than when ‘sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun.’ and there’s a family resemblance too


That’s given us a good laugh in our house, Mark – thank you. We find our pleasures where we can!

Mark Beggan

Thank you Sarah.


What a pathetic wee mind set pervades Scotland – as a BLiS MP has to meet with a foreign country’s Treasury (England) – to discuss Scotland a country – possibly having a ferry service go between Scotland and Europe.

Also why on Earth is another English political party (Reform) allowed to stand in another country’s elections namely Scotland’s – what the f*ck is wrong with Scots – they allow England to rob their country blind and treat oor ain country as a colony – whilst gaslighting us a every turn – we already have three English branch office parties at Holyrood that are NOT registered with the Electoral Commission as Scottish parties.

Mark Beggan

Why is it small ugly bastards always want to rule the world?


They start out with resentment and allied nastiness.

Michael Laing

It was always the runty wee thugs that would go around picking fights and punching folk in the face for no reason at school. They had a chip on their shoulder and something to prove.

Hatey McHateface

Ach, Michael, ye shouldna hae been hinging oot wi the lassies. They hae nae fear.

Mike D

Yes people in Scotland can vote for reform, but i living in england cannot vote for Alba, ISP, (or ,nae f**king chance snp). Get your f/ng, heads oot your arses Scotland and wake up.


Is there any truth in the rumour that Sturgeon is going to be starring in future Jaguar adverts?
They look like a company that wants to have the same sort of success she has brought to the SNP….

Mike D

Sorry for off topic, Is it just me, i comment moderately on utube about different topics, Scottish independence, palestine, trump, etc, etc, nothing offensive, and now find i’m shadow banned.
What is is with utube? There is certainly no free speech there.

Michael Laing

YaTubeYe is an appalling site: full of lies, conspiracy theories, science-denying and warmongering propaganda, and assorted grossly offensive stuff such as videos about hangings and beheadings which there’s no way to block. Yet you can’t say this and can’t say that or your account will be deleted. And that’s to say nothing of their extremely annoying, ‘You are not permitted to use YouTube if you have an ad-blocker’ pop-ups. If I didn’t have an ad-blocker I wouldn’t use my computer at all: there’s no way on earth I’ll be deleting it. And we put up with this crap because there’s the occasional music video or whatever that we might want to see. I would be more than happy to see the back of that site.


Try Rhumble (without the h)


Well its that time of year again – when the foreign news channels that pass as Scottish – try and shame Scots into not going to A&E – of course our NHS is on its knees because Sturgeon put it there – no longer do you hear the Vichy SNP’s war cry that oor NHS is the best performing in this illegal union.

So what’s the alternative – well, you could phone an ambulance – if you can get by the NHS 24 gatekeepers – who have been briefed to let only the near death patients have an ambulance sent to them – whenever it arrives which is a lottery – of course you’ll then have a whatever amount of hours wait, in the back of the ambulance outside the hospital – before you are triaged.

Thanks to the Vichy SNP and that Judas b*stard Sturgeon oor ain NHS is on the verge of collapse.


As I was reading this I was just thinking of my 89 yr old friend who sat for 19 hours in Ggow’s Royal Infirmary, RoS, after a neighbour gave him a lift in because 999 advised his wife that they had no idea how many hours it would be before an Ambulance could attend after he passed out and suffered a severe fall. His injuries being such that he spent the following 3 weeks in Hospital.
Pray to whatever God we believe in that we or our loved ones never require to fall back on their tender mercies.


Sorry to read that harrowing experience of your friend – sadly Sven I don’t see things improving any time soon.

Hatey McHateface

“our NHS is on its knees because Sturgeon put it there”

It strains credibility far beyond breaking point to believe that one individual, however charismatic, competent, talented, hard-working and devious, could outwit, outmanoeuver and stymie everybody else in government, the Scottish civil service, and the hundreds of thousands of Scots employed in frontline positions within the SNHS.

“its that time of year again”

Indeed it is, when those of a permanently arrested development state of mind, start thinking about pantos.

And pantomime villains, natch.


She failed to deliver indy – no actively worked against it – indy would’ve allowed more money to be pumped into our NHS – no sane folk would allow a foreign country to drain their assets – but Scots do – and oor NHS will continue to decline and become more privatised because Scots won’t act.

Basically we’ll get what we deserve.

Hatey McHateface

“She failed to deliver indy”

“Scots won’t act”

Well, now, that’s a more balanced summary of the situation. Neither Sturgeon nor anybody else could stop Indy if we Scots were really determined to make it happen.

Michael Laing

Much as I despise the SNP for the absolute shambles they’ve made of everything, I do believe the blame for the underfunding and destruction of the Scottish NHS lies mostly with Westminster. They control the purse strings.


I see the parasitic foreign royals dishing out a new obedience gong today – called the Elizabeth Emblem – this worthless gong’s main use, is to try and curry favour with the public especially those that have lost loved ones.

Its all a pathetic attempt to win hearts and minds – to try and keep the royals and the illegal union viable, and in the minds of the public.

Mark Beggan

Totally agree. The SNP do the same.

Hatey McHateface

Whassa matter then Wossie?

Ye nae get ane? 🙂

Mike D

You mean in the minds of ‘ WATP’


Empire Of The Sun: We Are The People:

“We are the people that rule the world
A force running in every boy and girl
All rejoicing in the world
Take me now, we can try…”:

link to


Dear anti-people/power,

Who/what are you ?

Don’t you wanna be part of our undisputed winning team ??

We’ll be thinking of you (eyes roll)…


“Used to refer to everyone, or informally to the group that you are speaking to:

People will think you’ve gone mad.

People like to be made to feel important.

Now that we’ve discussed our problems, are people happy with the decisions we’ve made?”:

link to


Robert Matthews

Of “days that will never come”.

Mark Beggan

Dirty Filthy Labour are getting of to a bumper start. Top boy is a Fuk Wit and there’s two Sex Pests in the bag before they even go to the Scottish people and grovel along the floor and beg us for power.

Alf Baird

Wonder if Swinney had the sense to ask President Trump to get the US to support Scotland’s listing for decolonization with the UN?

link to
