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Wings Over Scotland

The Skeleton Dance

Posted on November 02, 2024 by
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Absolutely perfect Chris. I like the J’Accuse! skeleton.


Chris, nail on head. Love the can of worms,well and truly opened.



Should Salmond’s lawsuit be continued by his family and/or friends I expect a full exhumation.

Zander Tait

With regard to Operation Branchform and why it is taking so long.

I refer you to the case of the Directors of Irvine based Oricom Telecom as well as certain NHS Managers and the alleged embezzlement of £7m from NHS Scotland.

04/12/2015: NHS Fraud Officers raid HQ of telecom firm Oricom.

27/11/2021: Eight people charged after probe into NHS contracts.

27/09/2023: Five men to stand trial on bribery charges over NHS contracts.

Interestingly, the trial date reported in that last story headline was January 2024. To my knowledge, the trial has yet to take place.

In conclusion, after nearly 9 years from the initial raid by fraud officers, the accused have yet to be brought to justice and when they are, the trial is expected to last 16 weeks.

Of course, a completely different case, but an interesting comparator nonetheless.

One final footnote, neither the Herald or the National have covered this story. BBC News, STV News, the Daily Record and the Mirror did.

And an excellent Saturday morning piece of satirical art Chris.

Alf Baird

Relative small beer compared to the ongoing astronomical spend on duff ferries and deep piers, which a BBC Scotland investigation almost got into the nitty gritty of a few years ago before quickly backing off.

Is it just incompetence, or maybe something worse? Wha kens wae a colonial admeenistration ostensibly tryin tae serve twa maisters.

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Duff ferries you say Mr Baird. How can you say that.

These two ferries were state of the art. World leading in fact. Nothing but excellence no less.

That they are still in the builder’s yard over five years late, costing hundreds of millions of pounds more per boat is neither here nor there. World class, don’t you know.

And its not just these two ferries that are having a minor hiccup. Three diesel electric ferries the ferries the MV Hallaig, MV Catriona, and MV Lochinvar built at at Fergusson’s at huge cost per ferry were equally world class state of the art.

Ok so they were bit late, cost about five times the comparable more traditional ferry would have cost but got to pay for class. World class no less.

That the Hallaig went on fire causing islanders on Rassay to be stranded, had a history of breakdown, were more expensive to operate is neither here nor there. Neither is it a concern that after a million pounds of repair to get the boat working again the batteries could not be replaced due to the technology becoming old hat in a few years. The Hallaig now runs on diesel – but as I say class costs money.

Oh and with the battery fire on the Hallaig the other two boats had to be pulled from service for safety reasons. And the costs, the disruption, class costs money.

Or am I missing something Mr Baird?

Zander Tait

Small beer indeed Alf. However, the money involved is not the point.

It is the time it takes to bring the accused to justice in cases of fraud.

If the Oricom case has not been resolved after 9 years, then it is not outwith the bounds of reasonable possibilities that Branchform could have another 6 years to go.

What a ghastly thought, however it is merely an attempt to manage expectations.

And I really hope I am wrong.


I recall Craig Murray stating that there might be other factors interacting with Operation Branchform.

Not sure if it relates to this.

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GUPTA / GFG Alliance / SIMEC

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Gupta / GFG Alliance and SIMEC’s proposed windfarm near Ben Nevis got knocked back in 2022 by Scottish “Government” ministers.
Wonder if promises were previously made in deals with powerful people, and when elements of any deals weren’t able to come to fruition someone got pissed off. That’s what happens in high stakes / value games.




Nailed it, Chris!


Another belter!


Robert McAllan

That mah freen’s is just fir a yoker. Thairs a wheen mair skeletons rattlin’ that we’re no seein’ here!! Braw stuff fir them to whom it micht concern.


Excellent stuff.

Luckily you can’t burn e-mails and texts. And the BBC Warkumentary (I didn’t watch it) shows how very worried they all are.

Has Brindley been sacked yet ? I’m betting she’ll be the first domino to fall.


Great cartoon. There’s many a true picture drawn in jest.
I watched both versions of the Wark hatchet job, so I was able to spot one of the alphabetties before the BBC cut that bit out. Was Wark called to account? Ha! Brindley is appearing bold as brass on TV even now. Resign? Be sacked? Not a chance.


The second version of the warkumentary also omitted footage of her talking to prosecution counsel Alex Prentice. No such footage of Gordon Jackson was ever featured. Impartiality was not her remit.


Yes Chris and the Spooks are certainly out in force to give the truth the creeps.
The fake independence party are down to the bare bones with a skeleton staff awaiting burial.

Hatey McHateface

They’re gonna need a bigger cupboard.

Zander Tait


Cemetery more like!!


I hope they haven’t made it to the crematorium, though I’m sure the shredders have been working overtime.

panda paws

Excellent ‘toon from Holiday Boy. He’s no bad when he’s here is he 🙂

Tackety Beets

The open tin of worms – Brilliant

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Thanks for this Chris. Brilliantly successful scathing wit. Gratifyingly deep “bone-crunching” bite. Scandalously suppressed truth made manifest in a lightning-flash. This artistically excellent image will endure. It will outlive us all.


Artificial Intelligence gets  into the cyber spooky spirit. 

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«You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time except maybe with AI in the Brave New Worldly danse macabre of social media platforms» as an AI-verse Abe Lincoln could be programmed to say.

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Vain attempts by Swinney to keep the skeletons in the cupboard but the whole rotten episode of how the state conspired to do down Alex Salmond will emerge.

And the willing helpers, the agents provocateurs, they know this and fear it.

Maybe the cartoon of dead men and woman walking would be apt because that is what they are. They shall, and indeed are, being exposed.

A good cartoon Mr Cairns

Alf Baird

Postcolonial theory confirms that a ‘co-opted national party elite’ and colonialism’s ‘confidential agents’ (Fanon) are ultimately ‘condemned by their own hypocrisy’ (Cesaire).

For the simple fact is that nothing they say can be believed any more; an ivery time thay appen thair mou’s, mair deceit fa’s oot.

Kevin Cargill

I sincerely hope everyone involved in this conspiracy has developed serious mental health conditions over the years since Alex was acquitted and Branchform began. Sleepless nights, anxiety, stress, non-stop diarrhoea and, in the moments they manage to snatch 40 winks, terror inducing nightmares!! Bastards, every last one of them. Suffer ya middens.

Young Lochinvar

Who’s the woman?


Don’t you mean ‘Who’s the gender non-specific operative?

Hatey McHateface

Technically, only the skeletons can have their sex conclusively verified by visual inspection, due to the differences between the male and female pelvises. Alas, Mr Cairns has not provided us the visual cues needed.

Whilst the onlooker may be arbitrarily tempted to assign sex-determined roles to Mr Cairns’ living figures, that would be a mistake, and in real life Scotland, could be deemed offensive.

And if persisted with against the stated wishes of the victims, would be a crime.

Young Lochinvar

Anyway, who’s the woman?

Tinto Chiel

LGBT+#€$ Daphne Broon?


Wi’ the mou o’ a magpie.


I think she represents the dim loyalists who don’t realise even yet that there is a great deal rotten in the SNP.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Well, I’m going to guess that the creature in the dungarees is a direct reference to one Cameron Downing. You remember him, don’t you? If not, a peek into the archives for June 2024 should clear things right up 🙂

Young Lochinvar

Given that I had to google him/ it/ they then I suspect it’s so “below the radar news status” qualifies him/ it/ them to be one of the skeletons.

A (virulent unpleasant) pox on Sturgeon for what she’s done.



Confused by all this

It’s not Liz Lloyd , as she’s both dressed and vertical. Can anyone confirm which one of the 24 genders those skeletons are?.


I’m going to guess

Is it Fiona? She/her she who menstruates, chest feeder /non conforming wackadoo?

My next guess would be Kirsty what’s a vagina look like? I’ve never seen one. I don’t know what I have down there.

Young Lochinvar

A bit like Boris Johnson; apparently he hasn’t seen his namesake without the assistance of a mirror for over 4 decades..


I think his many mistresses found it. In the foreign office with a candle & MI5 watching..

The gift that kept on giving his sleezy exploits free run of the foreign office.

Its amazing that fat, lazy, scruffy bastard fathered offspring.

Young Lochinvar

Latching on to the man of the moment I suspect.

As for fecundity I suspect the mistresses were expected to “do the needful” as he lay there like a burst sofa feeling too “fagged out” to contribute to the deed..


There’s a nice book given a promo today in the Guardian – everything one might want to know about a vagina.

Young Lochinvar

Is it about natural genuine lady gardens or does it include man-made Frankenholes?

The Flying Iron of Doom

Is there a pop-up version available? 🙂


One of your best Chris, says it all.

Frank Gillougley

Danse macabre. If only it was in double time though.


Can’t come quick enough
I can smell the stench from here


Another belter Chris! As Shauny Boy would say, “They’re not zombies, they’re just necrotically challenged!”.


Hopefully the Chief (Alex Salmond) can bring them all down – from beyond the grave.

Graf Midgehunter

Those are just the bare bones of what is happening resp. hidden from sight.

The noose is getting tighter by the day but we’re not quite there yet, when it does break the neck then all hell will be let loose.

Vindication for Alex. 🙂




Should you need an example of how marginal Scotland, Wales and N Ireland are to the British state scan this,

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A dance at which they might only stand and stare, thankfully.
The «British constitution», la danse des fous?

Anton Decadent

1974, fifty years ago, David Bowie released the album Diamond Dogs with the song Chant Of The Ever Circling Skeletal Family. Ten years ago in 2014 Bowie gave a speech at the Brit Awards asking Scotland not to choose independence but Bowie himself did not give the speech, it was Kate Moss…

Another really good cartoon.


Chris another cracker BUT that can’t be Swinney he’s NEVER broken sweat in his life , are those two breaking through the door lavender Pete and the poisoned deviant dwarf



George Ferguson

A high performance Cartoonist with relevance and topicality. Another Halloween nightmare on the go at Hampden. My neighbour an Aberdeen supporter is there. I will have a few words of condolence tomorrow and will say Aberdeen are improving as I said last year. Incremental improvement and you will get there. 40 years of 2 teams winning the league is not good for Scottish Football or the Scottish National side. Whatever happened to the Jack McConnell report?.


Article extracted from the Scottish Legal News.

Looks very much like the SNP government have backed right off introducing legislation to introduce jury less trials.

This is a turn around and one wonders what has given rise to this political decision.

Methinks they know the levee is about to burst.

SNP abandons juryless trials after years of oppositioncomment image&t=1730577324&ymreqid=aef3b779-66f6-9118-1c85-c0000d01f400&sig=lKRpwW0ZPu03IWMLegK.Jw–~D

Angela Constance

The Scottish government’s proposed pilot of juryless trials has been abandoned following years of opposition from the legal profession.Justice Secretary Angela Constance told MSPs that, having listened to the cross-party Criminal Justice Committee and a wide range of other views, a plan to enable a time-limited pilot of “single-judge trials” for rape and attempted rape cases will no longer be pursued and has been removed from the Victims, Witnesses, and Justice Reform Bill.
Ms Constance said: “I want to build as much consensus as possible for this important legislation. Clearly there is not enough parliamentary support at this time for the proposal to enable a time-limited pilot of single-judge trials for cases of rape and attempted rape, so we will no longer pursue this.”
Criminal silk Tony Lenehan KC, Vice-Dean of Faculty, said: “The original suggestion of moving towards a juryless system generated a very great deal of negative feeling both within our experienced membership and throughout Scotland’s legal community. Citizen juries are a cornerstone of democracy, and confer robust confidence in the verdicts they deliver.
“We appreciate that the Cabinet Secretary for Justice had many competing arguments to consider, some from quarters which naturally engender great sympathy, and we applaud her considered and pragmatic approach to this important question.
“The government maintain their focus on the removal of the ‘not proven’ verdict. When that happens, it is vital that the safeguard which the third verdict represented is replaced by a balancing measure of equal value. The original bill acknowledged that, and we welcome the Cabinet Secretary’s continued commitment to it, given in the form of the proposed 10:5 majority required for conviction.
“We look forward to assisting where we can in the further assessment and progress of this Bill, where it represents ways to refine and improve our Criminal Justice System.”
John Mulholland, convener of the Law Society’s Public Policy Committee, commented: “We’ve been calling for these parts of the bill to be scrapped for many months, and are pleased to see the Scottish government acting on the widespread concerns that have been raised.
“Juries for serious crimes are a cornerstone of our criminal justice system. Solicitors working in criminal law have been deeply concerned about this proposal that lacks detail and supporting evidence being imposed on cases involving real people.
“Our criminal justice system is finely balanced and even small changes can have unintended negative consequences. Retaining the size of juries is also a positive step supporting the integrity of our system, though we remain concerned at the likely scrapping of the third verdict.
“It’s unfortunate that we’ve had to wait so long for this decision to be reached, as so much time has been spent on this plan at the expense of other complex parts of the bill. We will now be turning our full attention to the remaining concerning provisions.
“There remain a number of positive elements of this legislation which we support, including around the anonymity of complainers in sexual offence cases, and an increased focus on the value of trauma informed practice.”
comment image&t=1730577324&ymreqid=aef3b779-66f6-9118-1c85-c0000d01f400&sig=FpdlRsF2mu72TckbNKrRRQ–~D comment image&t=1730577324&ymreqid=aef3b779-66f6-9118-1c85-c0000d01f400&sig=vCkgCf7IwrET0aKVhqyPcQ–~D comment image&t=1730577324&ymreqid=aef3b779-66f6-9118-1c85-c0000d01f400&sig=JqNZPExmSRWaxHsvohzcVg–~DBack to top


Any news on a public remembrance for our greatest son?
And I don’t mean a few folk at the shitey Dewar Statue on Buchanan Street.
I mean something befitting of our greatest, and I do mean GREATEST son.
Seems like us Scots are letting the colonial masters dictate what happens, hope I’m wrong
We could crowdfund a fitting tribute ?!?!?!
I’ve got 3k Yes flags plus around 1000 Yes Car Flags in need of an occasion
We have musicians, we have the people
Let’s give Alex a send off FFS

Alf Baird

A widna haud ma braith. Judging by our colonial media the colonial power is not yet finished with its smearing of an authentic nationalist leader, even after his death. A statue commemorating a national liberator is the last thing on the dominant colonizer’s mind.

A colonized people rightly question if they should have to walk past symbols of oppression and inequality every day, such as monuments left by an Imperial power. But like many other colonized peoples they will need to wait for independence before they are able to decolonize from what is an imposed cultural heritage:

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And Spouse

The trouble with Scotland is it’s full of Scots!
Telegraph article
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I attended the game at Murrayfield yesterday with a couple of pals. We had a great day and a few too many drinks. I logged on to the EBC this morning expecting to be able to read the comments from fellow supporters on the game. Unfortunately, our supposedly National Broadcaster were unable to open an HYS. They have however managed, so far, to open 2 for the English match where, thankfully, they were beaten.
The same happens every weekend with HYS’s opened for EVERY English Premier Football match and half of the Championship games.Most of the wimmin’s games also get an HYS yet there is NEVER any opened for Scottish matches.
The bias shown is unbelievable yet I have never heard of any Scottish Politician raising this with the EBC.
Over the years I have submitted formal complaints to the EBC. After a few weeks I get a reply politely saying Fuck Off we will do what we want.
It would possibly help if some of the regulars on here wrote to the EBC drawing attention to their shortcomings and stating that people in Scotland pay the licence tax as well and deserve the same opportunities to discuss as those in England.



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and Scotland? 

Zander Tait

I see Carlos Alba, the well known Salmondrist, is reporting another alleged sexual assault by AS is being investigated by the police, courtesy of the Herald.

The alleged crime is non recent.

The C word is too kind for these vermin.

Zander Tait

Well we’ll. This story broke 11 hours ago and was published in the Herald and the Daily Record at the same time. Both articles are identical and they were both written by Carlos Alba.

It descends into yet another character assassination of Alex Salmond.

Methinks Nikita Stalin has been busy after the demise of AS.

And Spouse

Do you think this is a shot across the bows for the Salmond family, as a warning?


Yes, amongst other things. I, a half Scottish, half English unionist said to my husband when Mr. Salmond died “Just you wait, a load more trumped up accusations will emerge shortly because he’s dead and cannot defend himself”. I wish I had been wrong. This is utterly sick-making and reprehensible. Let the poor man rest in peace and stop making things even worse for his family and friends. If I could see it, I hope others like me can see it too. Are there no depths to which NS and her merry band of sycophants and liars will not stoop?

Young Lochinvar

I see MSM is reporting another (future discredited) alphabetty has submitted to Quality Polis a sexual assault claim against Big Eck now he can no longer defend himself.

An MP of MSP as well apparently.

My mind went straight to the recent picture in the Revs article about the wine fuelled house party of a very cheerful looking SHE who will not be named and her coven of hangers on.


Mark M

Ironic since more skeletons are coming out of Salmond’s closet.

Stuart MacKay

Off-topic: I’ve finished archiving Iain Lawson’s, Yours for Scotland blog. All 1087 posts, though 6 were later deleted (but two still exist on

I started out using and archiving one page at a time, but pretty much gave up on that because it was going to take forever. Luckily I came across, link to, which allows you to give it a list of links to archive and off it goes, (I archived the entire site in a couple of days). You need to know how to run python programs to use it. It has it’s quirks but does a decent job.

All the posts now have a single page HTML file and a pdf. I wasn’t able to upload the results to as it got hacked recently and is currently not accepting uploads, last time I looked. I’ll get these saved when it comes online again.

The archive does not include any video, so no episodes of A Scottish Prism. It was simply taking too much disk space – hundreds of GB. The main problem though is filtering out links to videos posted in comments, which while interesting are probably not significant, except to “everything is in context” people. This might come up as a problem when archiving Wings for example.

Right now, I don’t have any plans to make the files available, other than to upload the files to That will likely change if Iain’s site gets taken down.

Once I get this project wrapped up I’ll probably look at other sites. Any suggestions will be gratefully received.

I’m off to re-read all the “Letter from Denmark” posts. Probably the finest body of uplifting, pro-independence material there is.

Robert Hughes

Excellent work , Stuart . I agree those ” Letters From Denmark ” are outstanding , not only in their content , also in their literary quality . Great that you’ve now saved them – and Iain’s entire blog history – for posterity

Robert Hughes

Not content with hastening his death , the Scottish Wing of the Cuntocracy are now proceeding to piss on his grave with ” new ” ” non-recent ” allegations of sexual misconduct by Alex Salmond . What , has it came to light that Alex once walked past one of these would-be accusers in a provocative manner ; did he perhaps smile in a lascivious way ; surely he didn’t , again , pick a hair from a defenseless female’s jacket ?

Where has this no doubt deeply traumatised individual been hitherto ; how did Police Scotland misses her in their years-long , extravagantly-resourced , involving 100s of interviewees ( unsuccessful ) search for dirt on Alex ?

I detect the putrid stink of the Sturgeon Cabal behind this , latest , outrage .

There are apparently no limits to the depth of nauseating character assassination they will plumb to escape the consequences of their equally nauseating plot to destroy the man who placed them in their positions of power/influence and whose continuing presence on the political stage exposed them for the lying , twisted utterly corrupt failures that they are .

James Gardner

Belter, I doff my hat to you Mr Cairns….


The most recent allegation against AS allegedly occured at a photo shoot. NB almost all sexual assaults occur when the only people present are the perpetrator and victim.They almost never occur when others are present or and when cameras are present as they would be at a photo shoot. Almost certain that the allegation is some real or imagined trivial event which does not constitute sexual assault. Does not sound credible. Sounds like more baseless allegations against an innocent deceased man of honour by the usual suspects.

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