Keeping the fire burning
Since it was founded back in November 2011, Wings Over Scotland has been solely financed by its readers. The site has never carried any advertising, we have no secret corporate backers, everything we do is funded by transparent voluntary donations and subscriptions, mostly of a few pounds a month.
We have the freedom to write what we believe, thanks to you, our readers. And since those earliest days, opponents have tried to end that freedom by blocking our funding.
Our crowdfunders were accused by Scottish MSM hacks of being a fraudulent lie.
Unionists and others have repeatedly (unsuccessfully) reported us to HMRC with false allegations of tax evasion. And since we started campaigning against gender ideology almost seven years ago, in January 2018, transactivists in particular have relentlessly tried to shut our fundraising platforms down, sometimes successfully.
The last time we did a crowdfunder to support Wings’ work, a little over two years ago, Ko-Fi shut the page down after a concerted barrage of complaints from transactivists, openly stating that “anti-trans material” was the reason.
That is of course unequivocally unlawful discrimination, as per Forstater vs CGD Europe, but Ko-Fi blackmailed us against taking legal action by saying they’d keep paying subs if we didn’t sue them, they just wouldn’t let any more be taken out.
Fighting in court would have cost hundreds of thousands of pounds we didn’t have, and taken years (Maya’s case took four years to fully play out), during which Wings wouldn’t have been able to continue, so we had little choice.
But it means that our income falls steadily as subscribers drop away for one reason or another over time, with no way to replace them. (It’s currently still at a sustainable level, don’t panic. We live a very modest lifestyle, other than vast cartooning fees, and there are no bailiffs kicking the doors in.)
Anyway, long story short, Twitter has finally – after six months of waiting – enabled subscriptions on our account. We’ve set them at the lowest level allowed by the system – $2 a month, which is about £1.55 in UK money.
If you can spare it, and you want to support our work on Scottish independence, women’s rights, LGB rights and child protection – or you just enjoy Bear Patrol pics and our incisive commentary on pizza toppings, football and Bullseye – please consider helping out with the price of a share bag of nice salt’n’vinegar crisps a month by clicking the cute little pink “Subscribe” button on our bio page.
(NB Your money will almost certainly actually be spent on a share bag of salt’n’vinegar crisps. Especially the Co-op’s hand-cooked Sea-salt-and-Chardonnay ones, because we’re pretty lah-de-dah now.)
If you can’t spare it or you don’t want to support any of that stuff (or if you already do), then don’t bother, obviously. Thanks for reading.
Well I don’t think you can eat that many crisps but I’ll make the attempt to send you a contribution. Can’t promise I will manage it – Peter A Bell’s system defeated me the other day and I had to WRITE a cheque and POST IT!!!
Subscribed. Been reading the blog for years, it’s only fair.
You probably don’t want to hear this, Stu (lol) but we are quite aligned politically as well these days, too! Good stuff, more power to your elbow.
Sea salt and Chardonnay? I cannot possibly agree to help fund such gastronomic murder. Well, not unless the Chardonnay identifies as the finest claret.
My meagre monthly contribution leaves my bank account every month. Is there any need to finally cave in and set up a Twitter account if that continues?
No, all current subs will continue, no need to change anything. And thanks 🙂
I’ve asked a couple of times via the contact form* and had no reply – is the only way to cancel the “ko-fi” subs by getting the card company to do it?
*which I know wasn’t working but then you said it was. Meh – WordPress…
Thanks for that , would hate to have to join twatter to continue my paltry sum
Sarah said:
“Well I don’t think you can eat that many crisps….”
You don’t know the Rev, Sarah…!
That guy has heavy duty reinforced teeth, cupboards/fridges full of tasty goodies and is the picture boy of all dentists in Bath.
Crisps are just an Appetizer for him…. 🙂 🙂
I know and I worry about him!
Have you seen his walk in larder? I’m well jel. It’s like his very own tuck shop so it is! I reckon it’s more than posh Chardonnay crisps he’s been squirreling for later! There was shelves of pop too! I fleetingly thought of converting my spare room. It was inspiring..LOL..
Looks over at the sad crinkled & damp digestive I have …meh. Maybe next year..
@Rev, Do you have a preference?
Currently donate via kofi, but presumably they take a cut..
Quite happy to migrate to this method if you’d prefer?
No, if you’re already donating there’s no merit in going to the hassle of switching. And thanks 🙂
I am nearly antedeluvian.What other methods exist for donations, either single payment or recurring?
link to
If you press the “Donate” in the list of headings at the top of the page you can give one offs through PayPal without an account with a Visa card or similar.
Being an analogue guy in a digital world myself that’s what I do.
Thank you, Sven, and to Rev Stu. Have used paypal, sorry only v small contribution per month.
I learn a lot from Wings, various topics. Always hoping for good news concerning downfall of Murrells and conspirators against Mr. Salmond.
So you can’t put your money where your big mouth is. Cheapskate.
Oh dear, what a disappointment, me and my big mouth, wonder what irritated you. Please do tell.
I had been thinking to ask more about the fascist movement. Are you old enough to remember Jeffrey Hamm? Most amiable and helpful chap. Maybe you should follow his example. He must have died by now.
Do you read and comment here as an English suppoerter of Scots independence or as an English (or some other nationality) fascist saboteur?
Who the fuck do you think you are trying to demean someone because of their financial situation, the Rev has stated that people can donate if they can afford it, but if they cannot no problem , so Mr Rich guy tell us the exorbitant amount you are donating, you’ve been on here for the past couple of months flapping yir gums so out with it BIG MOUTH
My income fluctuates wildly , Stu – I work outdoors and the weather , eg currently , often affects my ability to work ; so , I’ll just continue to donate when my finances permit
Much appreciated. Never leave yourself short on my account, we’re doing okay.
Cheers , Stu
I’ve just done a PayPal. Hope that’s OK. Lx
FYI Vinegar is French vin + aigre (sour). Sour wine.
Just Chardonnay Vinegar would be fine.
I also have a problem with Hand cooked sea salt. WTF?
You can make wine vinegar at home by leaving an open bottle of wine in a warm place.
These crisps need a better name.
I don’t like salt & vinegar crisps whether it’s balsamic, white, malt or left over Buckfast.
Subscribed. I’ve been reading Wings for free (apart from a single, one-off contribution) regularly for years and feeling very guilty about it. Enjoy your crisps!
I will do a deal with you.
I already support you through the old system but you have me blocked from your Twitter account. Unblock me and I will set up a second donation.
I don’t know why you blocked me?
Just donated some money. Many thanks for all the brilliant, much needed articles and for all the work you do in the struggle to regain our country’s independence. Appreciated.
already donating Rev, keep up the good work
This post was brought to you by the guys who really care and share.
Become a lesbian and the Scottish government will through cash at you.
This bloody spell-check!
On the basis that some of your subscribers have dropped off I am increasing my donation via PayPal. Whatever I am paying you is a bare token of what you are worth, Stuart.
Thanks for the reminder about the Donate button, everyone. Have just used it, and must remember to do so more often!
The small amount I give you every month is money well spent.
Contribution made Rev money well spent. You put up with a lot of hassle.
Empty Crisp packets and psychological profiling.
Removed, meant to post on previous BTL.
I’d buy you a pint any day. Keep up the greatest work.
Subscription renewed Stu.
Hi, happy to sub on Twitter. See my PayPal is going through Ko-Fi which I’ll happily cancel due to their stance BUT looks like there is no option other than £1.55. Is there somewhat to let us send more? Also while not important I like badges so am still hoping for the ones with the monster logo …
Hi, Oscar, look at the Donate button at the top of this site – lots of options there for sending more!
I too am quite la-de-dah now amd appreciate the shoutout for co-op sea salt and chardonnay crisps, they’re the business
I like the Co-op tortilla chips. If slumming it I go for the cheese puffs or onion rings.
Hello Shauny Boy! Nice to see you here.
Thank you for being an artist and enriching my life.
I love your work.
PS Salt & vinegar crisps stink worse than
halitosis. Might want to give them a miss at the Christmas Party where there’s a risk of being caught under the mistletoe.
I can’t subscribe on twitter since you have blocked me.
There’s always the Donate button – you can donate by debit card. I did it that way being antediluvian. : )
For the fact this site has provided me with many interesting insights, a few quid donated.
If I am still banned and this post is rejected then you can sod off. I didn’t do anything wrong you just didn’t like what I’d written. Time to move on especially if you need money. I’d have got less time for murder. If it goes through I’ll consider it and look into doing it. I read the articles on the site but I’m unable to comment.
“If I am still banned and this post is rejected then you can sod off. I didn’t do anything wrong you just didn’t like what I’d written.”
Whoever you are, this shows as your first post so I have no idea what you might have done.
OK no matter now I’m glad it’s sorted. I’ve got a sub set up through your donate page. Thanks.
« The Spectator has defended the freedom of speech of one of its journalists, following a reprimand from the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO).
« In an article, Gareth Roberts used the phrase “a man who claims to be a woman” when referring to transgender author and columnist Juno Dawson, who lodged a formal complaint to the media watchdog. It ruled the phrase to be “pejorative and prejudicial”.
« The Spectator published the judgment, as required of the magazine by IPSO, but criticised the decision as an attack on free speech.
Free speech
« Michael Gove, Editor of The Spectator, responded: “We publish what Ipso requires of us here. But I am in no doubt this is an outrageous decision, offensive to the principle of free speech and chilling in its effect on free expression.”
« He continued: “When Gareth Roberts wrote that Juno Dawson is a man who claims to be a woman, he was exercising his right to free speech and indeed expressing a view that many would consider a straightforward truth.”
« “For The Spectator, free speech is not a cause among many others which we may champion – it is the essence of our existence.”
« Gove added: “Dawson may have a Gender Recognition Certificate but no piece of paper, whatever it may say, can alter biological reality.
« “Parliament may pass laws, but they cannot abolish Dawson’s Y chromosome.”
Pursuing truth
« Toby Young, Director of the Free Speech Union, said IPSO “has censured The Spectator for publishing an article that is in no way inaccurate or intrusive but which it disapproves of for political reasons. If a press regulator penalises a newspaper or magazine just because it doesn’t like its politics, it is no longer fit for purpose.”
« Helen Joyce, the Director of Advocacy at women’s rights group Sex Matters, commented: “Ipso’s guidance is biased and illogical. Journalists and editors feel under pressure to accept the fringe belief that people can change sex as settled fact.”
« The Christian Institute’s James Kennedy stated: “Journalists are right to say what everyone knows – that a man cannot become a woman, no matter what a piece of paper from the government says.”
« He added: “Courtesy should of course be shown to our trans friends and family, but no one should be punished for stating the truth.” »
(From The Christian Institute website, 13 Dec 2024)
Gove, of all people, doing the right thing.
Isn’t it hate speech to say a GRC holder is still what their chromosomes are?
The GRC is a con to make people believe that the Y chromosome has been abolished.
Parliament has passed a very bad law that has led to a never ending number of problems.
It would be great to hear Michael Gove or any politician recognising that fact.
If Juno Dawson has a GRC then he is
“a man that the UK Government claims is a woman’
Michael Gove is part of that government.
Difficult to know who made the claim first. Maybe Juno went to the doctor and said I have a fetish I like wearing women’s knickers and the doctor said that is because you were born in the wrong body and you are in fact a woman here’s your certificate to prove it. BTW Miss Dawson women can have penises.
Here’s another worthy fundraiser…
Why don’t we Scots raise enough to buy a big house in one of England’s ‘loveliest villages’ (I dunno, maybe £3,000,000 or thereabouts would be a reasonable target?), then timeshare it, make sure it’s packed with real Scots every day all year-round, pack-out their local pub every night (kick up fuck until they get Tennent’s on draught) erect a huge flagpole in the front garden with a Saltire, then call the local constabulary every time we get bad vibes from the locals?
‘If we build it, they will..’ well, they will ‘what’, exactly?
I’d donate tae that Ian and we could advertise it on air b&b with only mad Jock parties acceptable
I wouldn’t donate but I might buy the book especially if the local chippy in Bibury was forced to sell deep fried mars bars.
(Bilbury is in the Cotswolds described by Victorian designer William Morris as “the most beautiful village in England”.)
I mean the real issue here would be forcing people to buy them
You have totally missed the point Southernbystander.
You underestimate me Ruby
That would make a good story!
Brilliant idea , Ian ; why don’t we buy the local pub too n have a jukebox that only has songs by The Proclaimers , Dick Gaughan , Dougie MacLean , The Blue Nile ( my faves ) and other Scottish musical luminaries 🙂
Joking aside ……not so long ago in my ” village ” ( it can hardly be called a ” village ” now such has it’s population been swelled by people from ” elsewhere ” ) one of our can’t-wait-to-be-integrated New Scots put a post up on the local Facebook page complaining about lorries passing by their house in the evening which they claimed – quote ” might disturb our paying guests ” – that’s right …..timber-lorries transporting logs in the area , avoiding using the busy ( in the summer very busy ) A82 by doing some of the work in the evening were just a damn nuisance and might annoy this person’s Air BnB customers therefore should not be allowed to pass their house after 5pm .
Such is the sense of entitlement by these people ; yet , according to some – too many – we’re supposed to defer to these arrogant arrivistes in the ( vain ) hope they might – if we ask nicely – support Scottish Independence
NEWS JUST IN ……..not a fckn chance people like those referred to above ever will .They consider Scotland the Northern fringe of England and think/behave accordingly
If the SNP & it’s Anglo-centric fan club spent half the time informing and cultivating the support of Scots as they do * others * we may see some progress towards becoming a ” nation again “
The franchise will sort that problem out.
Decolonisation has strict rules where the colonisers isn’t considered at all.
Little England is starting to circle the U bend. R just signed a huge deal with India over oil & they dumped London insurance services in the process LOL
Fck about, find out.
Yip , G , Angloville is ( has ) sowing ( sewn ) the seeds of it’s own – if not destruction , certainly severe impoverishment . Trouble is this will likely have the effect of increasing the South to North flight as they seek to exploit the current advantage , eg in terms of property-price differentials , of * suddenly * discovering how much further their finances will go North of the Border
Odd….I would be keen to support your fundraising however I am somehow blocked from doing so on your Twitter / X account ?
Does Tesco have the same diminishing returns problem, as people die? I guess they’re rich enough to realise that young people become old people, and the whole cycle repeats ad infinitum?
Obviously I don’t support the Indy goal as can be seen from my rare posts but I still want to see it discussed earthily on your site; and I definitely support the exposure of trans extremism.
I don’t do Twitter – is there an alternative method of donating? I’ll have a look at your page banners to see if it’s explained there.
Ah just noticed the PayPal link below, I’ll use that.