The recently-restored Wings Twitter account has a little over 56,000 followers, the vast bulk of them accumulated at a time when this site had far less reason to criticise the SNP or the Scottish Government. So while this poll isn’t scientific, the indy-friendly nature of the respondent base makes it pretty interesting.
Those numbers closely mirror what every actual proper poll tells us about Scottish people’s opinion of the GRR itself – they oppose it by margins of between 3:1 and 4:1. So if the Scottish Government is counting on the UK’s intervention to increase support for independence, frankly it looks like they’re onto a massive loser.
A few months ago, we all had a good chuckle at Pete Wishart’s screeching 180-degree turn on the subject of using a plebiscitary election for independence, a strategy which switched overnight from “suicidal, disastrous fringe lunacy with no hope of success” to “genius plan Nicola herself came up with”.
But after that crude ad-hoc field patch, we’re delighted to be able to report that Pete has submitted himself to SNP HQ for a full operating system update and is now fully compliant with the New Truth.
(The largest number that said No, around 118,000, didn’t tick the boxes of transwoman, transman or non-binary, nor wrote in their own. An unknown number of these may have been rejecting “gender” altogether. 30,000 ticked “non-binary” and 18,000 wrote in a gender because they were REALLY special.)
But, as we’ve been told time out of number, we must accept what people say about themselves. So 48,000 transwomen it is. So few. So vulnerable. And that number got me thinking.
The last few days have been perhaps the most turbulent in the entire history of the modern Scottish Parliament. Proceedings have been suspended repeatedly, members of the public thrown out and threatened with arrest, filibusters attempted, carol services cancelled, tempers frayed and sittings going on until the wee small hours.
All of this has happened in the service of the policy that the SNP has made its flagship priority for the last two years and more – the destruction not only of women’s rights, but of the very CONCEPT of a woman.
So you’d imagine the party would have been tweeting about it constantly, keeping its supporters informed about all the dramatic events and the progress of the bill, if only to reassure them that they were determined to get it passed before the Christmas break come what may.
And yet strangely, up until it retweeted a tweet from The National about the bill finally passing a few minutes ago, the SNP Twitter account had not made a single mention of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill in the entirety of the last week.
It certainly hadn’t been quiet – it’s been churning out scores and scores of tweets on subjects from the NHS to Rwanda deportations, the COP15 summit, Brexit, early learning, FMQs, winter fuel payments, International Human Solidarity Day, train fares, independence polls, the Jewish holiday of Chanukah, free school meals, income tax, drugs, net zero, industrial disputes, the cost of living and dozens more.
The National must have been enormously proud when it successfully fought off all the other newspapers to secure this stunning exclusive today.
We must admit, when we had a good look in the “Pete Wishart Victories” section of our extensive archives we drew a blank. So we were excited to read on and find out.
So it’s now official: in Scotland the words “sex” and “gender” mean the same thing, except when they don’t, and if you give a man a piece of paper because he’s asked for one, with no sort of checks whatsoever, then it literally turns him into a woman, except when it doesn’t, unless it does.
Or put more concisely: the word “sex” in Scotland now has no meaning at all.
Although to be scrupulously fair to General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmany Melchett, he did at least actually launch an offensive from time to time, rather than just putting out occasional half-arsed discussion papers and press releases about it.
The party is now primarily a vehicle for processing cash and funnelling it to carefully selected and ideologically vetted activists, mostly from the fundamentalist youth wing, who are given well-paid jobs working for MPs and MSPs or parachuted into council seats in return for their unquestioning loyalty to Nicola Sturgeon.
And at this, it must be admitted, the SNP is still a highly effective operation. Which is fortunate, because without UK government money it would be bankrupt.
Above are the Electoral Commission’s donation figures for the third quarter of 2022. They note that 100% of the SNP’s reportable income for that period came from the UK government’s coffers – a trait shared with Plaid Cymru, the SDLP and the DUP.
Given that three of those four parties are nationalists committed to removing various constituent parts of the UK, one might almost be tempted to commend Westminster’s generosity. But perhaps it knows exactly what it’s doing.
Skip_NC on Live chat update: “Every political party with a youth wing has an age range of 14 or 16 up to 25 or 30.…” Mar 18, 00:46
PhilM on Live chat update: “Why don’t you get a sandwich board and try and rationalise with the general public about what you believe is…” Mar 18, 00:26
Young Lochinvar on Live chat update: “Disclosure certificates. That is indeed the crux of the matter, the protection in place to protect the vulnerable. Do these…” Mar 18, 00:06
sarah on Live chat update: “No, you are not alone in thinking that, Mia. It is only people in power who seem to think it…” Mar 17, 23:15
Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Live chat update: “« All we need now is an answer to why they keep doing it anyway. » _______________ Chief-Redactor-and-Keeper-of-State-Secrets John Swinney is bound…” Mar 17, 22:57
James Barr Gardner on Live chat update: “As they come across as bragging about having been to 40 Primary Schools, would they disclose the names of these…” Mar 17, 21:30
McDuff on The Unquestionables: “Well done Wings for again exposing the sickening state of the Scottish establishment and their unaccountability to anyone. I cannot…” Mar 17, 21:20
James Barr Gardner on The Unquestionables: “In Scotland, there is no legal requirement for schools to sing “God Save the King”. As such your child has…” Mar 17, 21:01
Hatey McHateface on Live chat update: “To be fair, it’s a rare day in Scotland when any Scot out and about in any of our towns…” Mar 17, 20:54
Jon Drummond on Live chat update: “It is unbelievable that NuSNP have enabled all their Nonce Mates to abuse our children at our expense. No wonder…” Mar 17, 20:15
Lorn on Live chat update: “Yes, job well done, Rev. The reason they avoid questions is the same reason why they defy the law. They…” Mar 17, 19:29
Lorn on Live chat update: “No, Mia, you are not alone in thinking that.” Mar 17, 19:15
mike cassidy on Live chat update: “No There is something in-your-face wrong about a group with ‘youth’ in its name that is involved with people over…” Mar 17, 19:15
Karen on Live chat update: “Well done. Next time pose as a 13 year old girl and ask them for a chest binder, please.” Mar 17, 19:10
Andrew scott on Live chat update: “Lets contact our msps and kick up hell about this Obviously not the green gnome, dross greer,maggie chaperson or loopy…” Mar 17, 18:57
Bob on The Unquestionables: “That amount may also include employer NI and pension contributions, so the actual average salary may be about 70% less…” Mar 17, 18:54
Mia on Live chat update: “Am I the only one who thinks that 13 to 25 is one hell of an age gap? Am I…” Mar 17, 18:44
Mia on The Unquestionables: “After reading this article, I am getting even more concerned that these quangos might just be acting as fronts for…” Mar 17, 18:10
twathater on Live chat update: “Rev in relation to any submissions to FOI requests or Charity commissioners reportings would it not be possible to arrange…” Mar 17, 17:58
twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Sandy I read your latest response and TBQH I feel sorry for you, you haven’t addressed ANY of the points…” Mar 17, 17:44
PhilM on The Unquestionables: “Scotland is the land of the cyber dead zone. Page after page on the websites of public bodies dead and…” Mar 17, 17:20
Grouser on The Unquestionables: “Are parents being told about what is going on in these primary schools? If the school authorities are not telling…” Mar 17, 16:42
Willie on The Unquestionables: “It is a grim reality that regulatory process does not work. This is no accident. It is deliberate. Citizens are…” Mar 17, 16:01
John C on The Unquestionables: “LGBTYS are hiding in plain sight.There’s serious allegations about them and lumping 13 year old with adults is an abusers…” Mar 17, 15:47
Effijy on The Unquestionables: “Here we are 15 years into austerity, credit crunch, recession and cut backs and governments can hand out £60K per…” Mar 17, 15:18
Chas on The Unquestionables: “‘As you say no one is accountable in Scotland anymore which is a ploy by the unionists to make us…” Mar 17, 15:02
Mark Beggan on The Unquestionables: “There is no barrier to how low a human being can go.” Mar 17, 14:28
I. Despair on The Unquestionables: “There is the process of judicial review that can scrutinise and (perhaps) overturn such decisions but there are strict legal…” Mar 17, 14:21
I. Despair on The Unquestionables: “There is the process of judicial review that can scrutinise and (perhaps) overturn such decisions but there are strict legal…” Mar 17, 14:21