The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

For Karen and James

Posted on November 21, 2022 by

A week ago, readers, I had not the slightest interest in bringing Wings Over Scotland back full-time. I had my Twitter account again and was having fun and I was happy with that. It scratched the itch of being able to engage with politics (and people) without the depressing business of wading in it for work.

Having enjoyed a summer of long sunny walks feeding the swans and refreshing lager shandies in riverside pubs, I was preparing to hunker down over the cold dark winter and finally get some much-delayed writing for the Wings memoir done.

And then I witnessed the quite extraordinary sight of an elected member of Parliament, in the shape of the SNP’s pico-witted ambulant brain vacuum Karen Adam, publicly gloating about having managed to shut down the voice of someone critical of her party.

At the same time, an extremely minor blogger (the word “rival” would be to over-dignify them) re-opened hostilities in his campaign of self-declared “open warfare” against this site, with a rapid succession of posts (just a few of dozens) forming such a demented scattershot tirade that to patiently debunk all of it would have taken until Christmas.

And I’ll be honest, folks, it all pushed my buttons a wee bit. It really shouldn’t have, but it was properly outrageous and I’m occasionally human, so I thought “Sod it, if I’m going to have to put up with all this crap anyway I might as well make it worthwhile”.

So I asked you if Wings should return and you all said yes, which in itself was perhaps predictable enough – you’re here, after all – but then hundreds of you also put your money where your mouths were and absurdly we’re now here.

Not only is that more than twice what I paid myself in Wings’ heyday, amusingly it’s also more than the £5,555.17 a month that Karen Adam gets to thoroughly embarrass the Scottish Parliament on a daily basis. So I’m just here to say a big “thank you” – obviously mostly to you, Wings’ remarkable and astonishing readers, but also to Ms Adam and Mr Kelly, without whom none of this would have happened.

(Despite Kelly’s legitimately hilarious contention that it was all part of a Machiavellian masterplan – I especially loved the bit when me and Elon Musk secretly got together and arranged to reinstate, then re-ban, my Twitter account. Top pals, me and Elon.)

I remain concerned that there’s little of worth to actually say about Scottish politics that hasn’t been said to death. The country’s voters are trapped in between two worthless options – the SNP and the opposition – in a stinking, stagnant pond desperately in need of having a massive rock thrown into it, and I’ll be very surprised if Wednesday’s judgement from the Supreme Court will provide the necessary disruption.

But whatever happens over the next couple of years will at least be doing so under Wings Over Scotland’s gimlet eye again, for as long as you wish it to be so. I am genuinely, truly, humbled and moved at the magnitude of your support, and aim to live up to it. Time to get back to work.

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Welcome back mate, clearly nothing will change politically as you say, but at least we can have a bit of fun winding up the goon squad if nothing else. Very much up for this

Stuart MacKay

Rev as I see it the wheels are coming off literally everything. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to hasten the wheels coming off bit, north of the border. However you’d be smart to make sure there’s some kind of alternative vehicle waiting.
Rab Davis mentioned creating a media outlet in “Recharge and Revolt”. I think it’s worth more than a few seconds of your time considering that or at least being in the position to seed that idea. It’s the one thing that would change the tide in getting independence factored into everybody’s daily decisions.

Don’t waste your time with Kelly. In the grand scheme of things he simply doesn’t figure in any way that’s meaningful.

Geoff Anderson


Geoff Anderson

That was a smiley face but I forgot that they don’t work. Thank you instead

Luke Morrison

Great to have you back and so well funded. Nothing puts a smile more on my face than thinking of crazy eyes Karen, Comfy Pete, Goji-berry and that strange Scot Goes Pop man fuming with rage and shaking with fear of what comes next!

Might I suggest a tool that could come in handy for deep dives and mapping connections? Maltego, it harvests big data and presents it to you fairly easy to understand way. It’s scary what it can find out 😉

Oh and Apocalypse Now could have been an even better opening sequence

“ Saigon..shit..still in Saigon”


I’ll be honest, folks, it pushed my buttons a bit. It really shouldn’t have

Why not? Sometimes a bit of button pushing can have interesting results as has been shown here.

A big thank you to Karen & James from me.


For Geoff
🙂 🙂

Neil Mackenzie

It looks like it’s too much to ask that you ignore Mr Kelly but maybe withholding the oxygen of publicity by not ever mentioning him is doable.


A big thank you to Karen & James for pushing the button.

‘Wings Over Scotland’ has been relaunched.

It’s brilliant!

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

We have lift off!

Daisy Walker

Really good to have you back.

Your fall out with James Kelly and he with you is disappointing on many levels. I respect your right to defend yourself (and James likewise), but it does seem like a waste of your energy and time.

Having said that, James’s article today is well out of order. Calling Nicola Sturgeon out on her failings, is not inciting hatered of her, for many, the first feeling is one of betrayal… the hatered comes later. No doubt it’s a process.

It is becoming more and more apparent (to me at any rate) that many in the Independence camp, when push comes to shove, when ‘its now or never’, are really in the ‘never’ camp. Though they would be loath to admit it, to themselves or anyone else.

Any and every excuse not to hit the nail on the head and get Indy done.

You mentioned not having any fresh things to say. I wonder if the proposed Constituency Boundary Changes might be of interest.

Kind regards.

Andy Ellis

The more you see of Kelly’s obsessional rantings the more obvious it becomes that there’a wee want about yon: his ill advised forays outside his electoral bean counting milieu suggest he’s bringing a knife to a gun-fight.

Having you back on the case full time is one of the few pieces of good news in an otherwise desperately depressing political landscape.

Whether your hastening the wheels coming off the wheezing SNP charabanc, puncturing the TWAW dirigible or holding a much needed mirror up to the faces of the Scottish MSM, it is good to know the next few years will at least have some content we can relate to!


I’m grateful that you have returned to add some sense and sound opininions, and to quote sources on pressing Scottish matters.

I note that your server seemed very slow when I opened this new comment. Are you busy again?


Glad you are getting a decent wage for the work you do. Wouldn’t mind updates on the foxes, swans and the occasional bear patrol!
You are worth your weight in gold when it comes to exposing the truth.


We need a new FM to clear out all the crap
Air Miles Angus reeks of stateless & free diplomatic buffets and he will do nothing else different. Humza has had his arse handed to him so often on TV or in the chamber so he should never be considered. Neil Gray is incapable of independent thought and a Gray is an aptly given surname. Kate Forbes has been talked of often but even though she is off on mat leave, her silence on the GRA is deafening and a cynic would say she is leaving her colleagues to take the brunt of this. Swinney is yesterdays and the day before yesterday’s man. Shirley Anne Summerville couldn’t lead a donkey with a bit of rope and is god awfully boring.

The only one to have shown any backbone is Ash Regan as she is the only one to have stood up to Sturgeon and her comms team and won. I am not sure if she has a high enough profile yet and not enough is known about her approach to Indy. However she has sacked ‘Enema’Roddick before so it would be great to see that repeated as part of a clear out of the rest of the chancers who have jumped on the Indy gravy train!

Anyway Rev, it is a delight to have you back and you are welcome to the donations I previously gave to SNP!


I hope your twitter is reinstated soon. Musk has given Trump his account back, he says freedom of speech is the reason. Yet many other harmless accounts remain blocked. Demonstrating that, in reality, Musk couldn’t actually give two hoots about freedom of speech.


They’ve no finesse have they? Thanks Stu

Dan Watt

As long as this heralds a fresh start for Wings, one more akin to your pre-2016 self where you fought our true enemy, Westminster and the English based MSM. Otherwise we’re paying you 5k a month to do the same thing you accuse the SNP of, and that ain’t cool.

It was worth it when I could point people to this site to debunk unionist lies. Back when this site actually scared the unionists. That has been basically impossible to do of late. Fingers crossed and wishing you all the best.


Rev, as someone else pointed out btl the other day, there’s hundreds of thousands of young people who won’t have read the Wee Blue Book let alone all your informative posts, because they were in school in 2014. Even in primary school!

So repeat yourself as often as you like – it will be news to many. And a reminder to we much older people whose memories aren’t what they were.


An interesting article from Fergus Ewing in Holyrood Magazine, particularly his comments on the Greens and GRA.
link to

Dan Watt

“I’m here to fight the enemies of independence.”

That was true, it isn’t anymore, but it could be again. Prove it.

Look, it’s simple. The MSM/WM hasn’t stopped actively attacking independence all of a sudden, but there basically hasn’t been an article focused on that, here for years.

Yes, we know GRA is shite, we know HCB is shite, yes we know a cabal of shites are in control of the SNP. We don’t need you to tell us that.

Prove you can be a positive force for the Yes movement again.


Welcome Back ! Ms C???????


The questions Mark meant to show Welsh Flag



Dan Watt says:
21 November, 2022 at 12:58 pm

As long as this heralds a fresh start for Wings, one more akin to your pre-2016 self where you fought our true enemy, Westminster and the English based MSM. Otherwise we’re paying you 5k a month to do the same thing you accuse the SNP of, and that ain’t cool.

Are you paying £5k a month or are you speaking on behalf of everyone?

I most definitely don’t want to read the same old arguments as we heard pre-2016 or any WGD style Tory bashing.

It’s Sturgeon and the SNP’s job to fight Westminster which they seem to have failed to do.
We have a whole new set of enemies now. ie Sturgeon & the SNP.

I’m not paying £3 a month to read 8 year old Wings articles.

Dan Watt

Then people need to be very careful what they are wishing for, because paying 5k a month makes Stu by far the largest anti-independence blogger that isn’t part of the MSM, if all his articles continue to be how shite the SNP are and how great Alex Salmond is. (he is great, but his reputation is fucked and his involvement in the Yes movement is worthless right now)


I posted before seeing Stu’s post

link to

Honest! I didn’t just copy his post.


Rev wrote: “I remain concerned that there’s little of worth to actually say about Scottish politics that hasn’t been said to death.”

In slack times why don’t you revamp, update, some of your best articles on the main important topics such as currency, borders, defence etc.

Or produce articles on how Brexit is playing its part in destroying the economy, putting up barriers, restricting education opportunities or whatever. And all in the name of protecting the personal finances of Jacob Rees Mogg & Co.

Or, as i’ve suggested in the past, create a regular (say quarterly) A5-size WOS NEWSLETTER for us to distribute and educate folk. Get your work out there into circulation. Get the facts, and evidence, out to the masses. The vast majority of the material is already available for you in your archive facility.

I understand the logistics of such an undertaking could be the mother of all headaches but if anyone can do it it’s WOS because you’ve done it before with the very successful ‘Wee’ books.

Better still, start revamping the most important articles covering all the major issues and get them put into a “Big” Blue Book (A5-size) for distribution some point next year. The memoirs can be put back on the backburner for now. You’ve plenty of time for them, you’ve still got a good few years in you yet. LOL!

Just a few thoughts.

In other news slipping under the UKMedia radar:

‘UK ranked 174th in global children’s rights review’
link to

Lenny Hartley

So glad to see you back, your right there are some loonies about, particularly ones who think they can control what you write.
Gaun yerself i have missed you.

Dan Watt

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
21 November, 2022 at 1:25 pm
““I’m here to fight the enemies of independence.”

That was true, it isn’t anymore, but it could be again. Prove it.”

As I’m so fond of quoting the great master Ivor Cutler: “I don’t see any chains holding you down, sonny.”

So basically anyone paying you hoping that you’ll actually act like a pro-independence blogger again has wasted their money? Are you not even going to try to be the positive force for the Yes movement you once were? Just so we’re all aware what you actually intend and whether or not we can send undecideds here for facts about independence like we used to.


As long as this heralds a fresh start for Wings, one more akin to your pre-2016 self where you fought our true enemy, Westminster and the English based MSM. Otherwise we’re paying you 5k a month to do the same thing you accuse the SNP of, and that ain’t cool.

If you want a site which ignores the shameful record of the SNP Government, its dishonesty and authoritarian subverting of democracy but only attacks the Westminster Government for doing the same – then stick to the WGD site.

It’s right and honest to hold the SNP Government to account as well as that of the Westminster version. It would be foolish and hypocritical not to hold the SNP accountable for its appalling behaviour in government while decrying the Westminster government for its scandalous behaviour. The SNP Government has the mainstream media as a shield already. That should in itself be cause for your concern. I would hazard a guess that the people who wanted Wings to continue with its hard-hitting analysis do not want a partisan site which covers up wrongdoing in government. No government anyway should be protected from its voters.


I would really like to know who decided scarf lady had to leave the parliament building ?

And I think Wednesday might be big.


I’m not going to let Dan Watt (any relation to Maureen?)
push my buttons I’m having a hard enough time with Ellis, Main & Chas (the founder of the BPHB) without adding another flame-baiter to the list.

Does he have a subscription to cancel?


I am glad to be a subscriber for my small amount, to read Wings again and get the news about independence and progress or non-progress towards it. It was awful when Stu stopped writing and I am delighted that he is back. Laughing already at the monthly subs for Stu’s wage being higher than SNP wages! I agree that SNP/Nicola Sturgeon are enemies of independence and also incompetent and anti-women (except Joanna Cherry and one or two others). Sunlight continues to be needed. Wings writing is hilarious as well. So thank you and good luck!


Stu is so fast he’s answering my question before I’ve even asked them.



Great to hear that news.

Hopefully you’ll not fall into thinking that you need to post just for postings sake now that you’re being financially supported in a very reasonable manner.

A bombshell every now and again would be great!

How about an in depth enquiry into Sturgeons times as a failed, grossly negligent “lawyer”?
I’ve absolutely no doubt there’s a few skeletons in that particular cupboard.

Could be very interesting.

Dan Watt

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
21 November, 2022 at 1:38 pm
“So basically anyone paying you”

Since you don’t seem to be one of those people, Dan, I’m going to treat that as the moot point it is.


Prove me wrong Stu and I’ll sub. If you continue to only harm the yes movement, to only be a detriment to the cause you claim to represent, which IS what you have been doing since 2016 or so, then I won’t. (yes I know the SNP have also harmed it, they aren’t getting my sub money or my vote either and its not the fucking point)

Step up to the plate and prove it. 1 anti-scottish article a week was enough for me, I don’t need 4+ a week. Otherwise you will literally be the highest paid independent hindrance to the yes movement.


I hope you’ve got dental insurance and / or extreme willpower cos that salary could pay for a LOT of sweeties!


Dan Watt. If ye don’t like it then, “Up the road noo” fur you.

link to


What a week for comebacks first Neighbours and now Wings.


Haven’t you got a heated jacket to wear while out on patrol, no excuse for slacking. Apologies if i have misremembered


Welcome back Rev. Your forensic posts have been sorely misses.

Anyone know the progress on the “justice for fabrication” in Alex Salmond’s show trial? I have a feelibd certain “journalists” are
saving it for a “revelation” just before the next election.

I wouldn’t worry too much about Twiotter. The way Elon is handling things, it will be gone by Chrismas. I hear they have only 12% of the original staff remaining. If something major goes tits up, what are the chances of it being fixed timeously?

Elon Musk - friend of Wings

Welcome back Stu! You’ve been sorely missed.


Just want to say, I think Dan Watt has a point.

I hope it’s at least considered but hopefully heeded.


also to add, having an opinion and giving some advice is not dictating article content.

the thin skinned James Kelly censors his comment section of polite OPINION, rather than abuse. Which is obviously pathetic. wouldnt want to see that on here.

i genuinely hope this comeback goes well.

Miss Babington

Looking forward to fox/badger/all nature shares as scanning the political horizon at present is like watching a pile of festering horseshit burn whilst folks desperately try to stamp out the flames whilst declaring it all smells like a fucking rose garden. Just wish Eminem`s “Guess Whos Back” would stop playing in my head every time I visit the site.


I won’t name names but isn’t it a bit rich to tell a blogger what he should write about and what his attitude should be? Especially when said blogger single-handedly created the Wee Blue Book which, if the whole SNP had got behind, would have almost certainly got a Yes win.

Not to mention the work the Rev has done in unearthing the many unpalatable facts about the failures of the newSNP leadership, thus enlightening a host of independence supporters and spurring them on to campaign independently rather than wait to be told what to do by the SNP.

The Rev writes the truth. That is all I know and all I need to know.

David Hardie

Kelly is a no mark and always has been.
Waste no further time on him Stu.
He will not be alone though in attacking you in the near future and beyond.
The establishment fear you so expect more and some of them will be from directions you can’t see coming.

Let it sustain you. Because when they happen you will know you are doing something right.


While the bears hibernate, the chickens are coming home to roost.

‘Thousands sign petition demanding public inquiry into the impact of Brexit’ link to

Vivian O’Blivion

James is making a twat of himself. I remember the fabricated spat between Mogwai and Blur. Regardless of the artistic supremacy of Mogwai, they were overstretching to suggest some form of parity in the popularity stakes. Stuart Braithwaite tries to downplay this rather embarrassing episode in his recent autobiography.


It looks as though Mr Watt has ambitions to be a media baron. Oligarchs buy up our media in order to direct the narrative and promote their interests. However, many people do not want propaganda dressed up as news and the MSM has lost their trust.

I can’t speak for anyone else but I would rather read uncomfortable truth than comforting sophistry. Asking for propagandist journalism to promote a cause dear to your heart is actually counter-productive anyway as it treats voters as unthinking followers. It’s not safe to constantly underestimate the ordinary public and is a counsel of despair. You risk the watershed moment when people realise they have been had, then your cause is lost. Better to doggedly face up to unpleasant truths, otherwise in concealing, you become like your enemy.

This is a dismal time for democracy everywhere and at the root of it is taking the ordinary citizens for granted as uninformed voting fodder and feeding them lies. Just heard about the judgement from the European Court on Craig Murray’s case versus the Crown, regarding his imprisonment for reporting which received shockingly short shrift with a curt dismissal from only one judge sitting on the case. Many international institutions previously looked up, seem to me to be not living up to their reputations as impartial judges.

At home, I would rather have proper scrutiny of government to keep them honest than teach them that they can rely on supporters being wilfully blind.

Lorna Campbell

Glad you’re back, Rev. You’re a natural. Shouldn’t waste talent like that.

Margaret L

Delighted you’re back, and remember, nature is a great leveller, a boon when this gets you down ( as it most likely will). So get the heated jacket on when the maddies get to you, and go out and feed your friends, the swans. PS The emergency kitten should be all grown up now, hope she is well.

PPS. Thanks Karen and James, I’d say it on twitter, but you both have blocked me.


Yay, and hah!

I tried to point out the same on Mr.Kelly’s blog, but my comments haven’t appeared for some reason…. 🙂

Geoff Anderson

I don’t think Kelly ever actually left the SNP at heart given his constant rants to vote for them. Strange behaviour for someone on the Alba NEC and therefore no surprise he lost that seat recently.

I, like many others, no longer visit his site.


Great news. Fair cheered me up. Kind of glad that it was a final straw that inspired you to jump back into the fray.

What’s your thoughts on the sudden move by Riddoch to engage the SNP yes groups into action?
I’m hearing reports of the Inverness and Aberdeen ones being particularly picky about who gets to join in at rallies and actively refusing offers to combine groups for the day. Politics the Riddoch way, is it?

That South of Scotland one. Headed by someone who was a Lib Demmer only a few weeks ago.
I smell faeces.

Lorna Campbell

Dan Watt: the Rev has made his comeback, and so will Alec Salmond. As we need the Rev, so we need Salmond – a new Salmond who understands that time has moved on from 2014, and the tactics and strategy of those days are no longer feasible. Just give it a little time. Everyone deserves a second chance.


My primary test for whether Wings is working for independence or for the enemy, is what he does when the SNP deliver the referendum or plebiscite. I mean they’re definitely taking place, one or other, within the next year and a half. If it’s the latter, it definitely won’t be on the basis of “if you vote for SNP, it’s a clear mandate that you want us to ask the UK Gov for a referendum”.

So, time will tell. Maybe he’ll be redundant by the end of October 😀


Yeah, as some have said best just to ignore James Kelly from now on, and concentrate on pointing out to those who awhile back thought that Sturgeon was the bee’s knees, but now, just need that wee bit of nudging in the right direction (evidence wise) that Sturgeon has failed miserably on delivering independence.


Glad you’re back as well.
You might be repetitive but we need all the evidence to bring down the troughers.

Apparently according to Eve Combrie, John Nicolson and the ex military guy Brown are appearing in person this week to discuss, the court result.
I hope they get the real feel from the public re their betrayal but I have a feeling it will be controlled to within an inch of its life.

Also SNP pushing rallies for said court case.
The polling figures must be abysmal

frank gillougley

I actually scan-read some of JKs blogs last night and concluded fairly rapido that he is seriously in contention for the Cameron Brodie pedant of the year award. Anyway, as they say – one always has one’s detractors, does one not? More power to your mouse I say.

Incidentally, i wonder if you were ever aware you had a serious doppelganger, Rev? no kiddin. Check out 1950s english abstract artist, Victor Pasmore!


crisiscult says:
21 November, 2022 at 3:06 pm
My primary test for whether Wings is working for independence or for the enemy, is what he does when the SNP deliver the referendum or plebiscite.


John Green

Thanks,never has someone been missed more from Scottish politics


What’s the plan for the £5.5k income?


Hahahahahaaaaa @ “at a certain point poking fun at loonies switches from amusing to cruel.”

As well as doing pretty good with the fundraiser, you’ve also won quote of the day…

George Ferguson

@Liz 3:08pm
It’s the doorstep feedback. I had an SNP canvasser turn up at my house with the 4 questions last Saturday morning. You know the 4 Qs that gets put into their database. I have did this many times myself on behalf of the SNP. So I had lots of sympathy with the middle aged lady canvasser that knocked on my door. In response to the usual Q, Who would you vote tomorrow? Anybody but the SNP my response. Apologies to that lady canvasser but that’s how I feel. The SNP are losing ground to Labour and they know it. Hence the attempt to replace Blackford.
SNP backbenchers are getting twitchy about their leadership. Voters are ahead of them.


A random underachiever in the crowd says “So basically anyone paying you hoping that you’ll actually act like a pro-independence blogger again has wasted their money?”

There is no independence movement until Sturgeon has gone. The reason there’s no independence movement, interestingly enough, is down to Sturgeon.

One obstacle at a time, my man…

Ali Whiteford

Have chipped in for all previous fundraisers. Couldn’tdo it this time as I’ve lost my job during Covid. But, cheering on your return and delighted to see the appetite for intelligent journalism, honesty and no bullshit remains as strong as ever amongst indy supporters.


Rev Stu

If you are doing your job!! correctly you will upset people-par for the course. I know that you know this. If you are NOT upsetting some people there is little point in continuing.

The secret is to upset the right people. Again, I know that you know this. The phrase ‘Be true to thyself’ springs to mind.

The inner machinations of the SNP need exposed for all to see. No one else seems prepared to even try.

Write what you think is necessary however, if someone comes up with a belter of a subject it would be churlish not too pursue.

Good luck-there are lots of people who have your back.

Sharin Hamilton

I’m damn glad to see you back.


‘What’s the plan for the £5.5k income ‘



Dave S

Kelly can dish it out but he can’t take it. He is a lot like a young boy in a mans body I have found, never having developed the mature skills of engaging honestly with people.
He is also a hypocrite so ridiculous, you have to wonder if its really a troll.


Really & truly glad you’re back. WoS a right rivetting read – for sure. Scotland’s premier go to site. Thanks Stu.

Another Girl, Another Planet

This hilarious story is emblematic of a lot of things about the modern SNP:

link to

Robert Hughes

@ Liz

” Also SNP pushing rallies for said court case.
The polling figures must be abysmal ”

Yes , this could well be the case ; but it’s also another way to distract from the idiocy and forelock-tugging of asking the UKSC to sit in judgement of Scotland’s absolute right to hold a referendum ANY TIME IT FUCKN LIKES .

Get the spear-carriers to mobilise in various locations , wheel out a few SNP arseholes to feign * outrage * n witter about ” Democracy ” , then …….eh ……. onwards to the imaginary Plebiscite eg the thinly disguised attempt to blackmail people into voting them in for another five years of lucrative indolence . Job done


TBH I dunno what you’re going to be able to say these days which the more “clued up” of us haven’t already worked out over the years.

You’re worth a punt of a few quid a month simply to annoy the SNP (& associated wankers) although the odd revelation here and there won’t go amiss even if it changes nothing in Scots politics. It will at least raise a grin/laugh which are fucking rare these days….

Have some fun anyway 🙂


Welcome back stu

Can’t wait to see your take down of the BBC today given their shrill attack on the NHS and Scottish government and their list of English voices listing UK English NHS failings.
All so predictable really but your will provide the truth


Breeks @ 3.28.

crisiscult exists in a world inhabited only by people called John McEnroe who respond to anything he says in the same way, to which he is often heard to say ‘Watt’. He will probably take your comment as a complement.


I’d like to see some focus on the Unionists. I’m so tired of everyone picking on each other while the yoons just sit back and enjoy the show.


Rev Stu @3.54
Pickled Onion.
Fixed that for you.


Andrew @ 5:27pm, this site has focused on unionists since it started. Let’s be honest, the S,NP is under current management, a devolutionist party. That makes them unionist.


This is for anyone who thinks all backers are being taken for a ride by paying monthly for this site to come back full-time: I’m well aware of what I’m doing, thanks. If I recall correctly the man himself has said that if anyone doesn’t feel like it’s worth it anymore they can just cancel and that’s that. I will do so, because I’m a free thinking adult. I’m sure I’m not alone.


Rev Stu, I see you have been the subject of quite the demolition job on another website, the author of which is confident that he is one of a minority of people that can see through you. Is there any chance you could get yourself promoted to Bishop? Then nobody would be able to bash you or, if they did, at least we’d get a juvenile laugh out of it.


Pretty sure all he needs to do is buy a phallic hat to accomplish that, Skip. 😀

Dave S

its the way kelly presents himself as the victim which i find most ridiculous of all. He definitely has to be mental. There’s just no other way.


Apologies if already asked but will you be bringing back thon Chris Cairns fellow? I know he’s a bit of a slacker 😉 but it’s Winter and he’s not likely to be on the golf course as much. I confess I do miss wee Hamish.

Dave S

and by the way, as campbell points out – there isny anybody else doing what he can do. hes skilled in a way that kelly and that are not. so the money that hes getting for this isn’t ridiculous at all for that. he deserves it. hes easily the best journalist we have who has an interest in independence. people who are moaning about it like ned kelly are just blatantly jealous they cant command anything like that for their wallet.

Dave S

tl;dr fuck kelly. hes an irrelevence and offers fuck all that this site does not already do better.


Welcome back.
SNP hierarchy might prefer comforting falsehoods to harsh facts. I believe you will deliver the harsh facts hence why I am happy to subscribe.
Speak Truth to Power. You’re willing to do that.
Good Luck, may the force be with you.


I did subscribe, and I’d also love to see a return to the pro independence case and a shift away from personal attacks – not that those on the receiving end don’t deserve them, simply that it can gain them a sympathy vote, which negates the information being imparted. I think this is especially true with younger folk. And what’s most needed now is something to unify the movement and sideline/ignore, if possible, those trying to divide it.

However, I’m also well aware that we’re all putting a huge pressure on Stu to deliver that. Because it is not in the gift of one blogger to regain unity for a movement that has been deliberately split and trashed. All Wings can do is call out lies and smears, and call out those working against independence. If that now means having to target people in the SNP and “yes movement” who are creating the problems, that’s the way it is. The tragic thing is that he has been proved right time and again, but people chose to shoot the messenger. So getting back up is brave and both he and Alex are having to do it because no one else has yet stepped up who is capable or willing to do it.

So if you really don’t like what he writes, don’t donate. But also, go and start your own blog writing something you think is better.


I make fantastic crisp cookies…

John Higham

Rev…… its simple.
It has been the English way for centuries, divide and conquer.
It has been the English way for centuries, bribe the ones that matter.
They have, as always got their way by creating chaos within our ranks.

But we are still here, what we need is the glue to hold it all together and wings is that glue.
Wings’s power comes from truth – they cannot fight that.

With Wings in place we have a foundation from which to move forward. Soon a leader will emerge and then ……..

Thank you for all the work
oh and be careful …. seriously, I’m thinking Willy Macrae here

Wings supporter

I think James has mental health problems, the best thing to do is ignore him


Remember, folks, Chris Cairns wasn’t the only highly skilled cartoonist on the site. link to


Dan Watt; if it wasn’t for Stuart exposing the corruption, and indy-indifference within SNP – and by-Christ there was a load he uncovered – we might all still be munching on carrots.
When the bus driver’s drunk, you remove him from behind the wheel, you don’t *promote* the bus trip whilst ignoring the driver’s bad driving.

Nice to see you fighting the good fight again, Stuart.


Welcome back Stu! James K’s behaviour sometimes screams of someone on the spectrum and who is never wrong! Guy does a lot of great work, just wish he would ignore you. Enjoy plumbing the sh@tey sickbowl that is Scottish politics

Robert Hughes

Another Girl, Another Planet says:
21 November, 2022 at 4:52 pm

” This hilarious story is emblematic of a lot of things about the modern SNP: ”

link to

Hahaha , isn’t it just !

All we need now is to see Shirley Ann Summerschool ( for nice but dim girls ) getting slung out a primary school n scooter-ace Humza Why ? * escorted * from a hospital .

Wonder what the bam in the tam will blame this one on . His options are a bit restricted ,seeing as his ejector was female , which rules out * Male Fragility * n ( probably ) Transhomophobia ; so it may come down to a simple case of Institutionalised Knowing A Grifter When You See One .


Anti-independence Blogger!
Again, Misguided people associating the SNP with independence. It’s a common mistake to make.

Is it really an attack when pointing out facts that the charlatans who control the SNP would rather you didn’t know?

Dear me.

Welcome back Stu.


Yes Rowntree,Yes Grosvener,Yes Wings!! Welcome back!


Well SNP are the gift that keep on giving! Here’s your next story!
Cllr Graham Campbell!

John Main

@Ruby says:21 November, 2022 at 1:38 pm

I’m having a hard enough time with Ellis, Main & Chas

Monday today, Ruby.

21st November 2022.

Around 7:45 PM.

How’s that post then, Ruby? Bland enough to keep you happy?

Let us know if I need to tone it down in future.


I have no idea what John Main’s post means.

I think I’ll just ignore them.


How about some stuff on the LibDem’s brave work representing Bath at WM?

Seriously though, an occasional English perspective from your adopted town would be interesting. I mean the ordinary local folk rather than the usual suspects. And I mean occasional!


Ali Whiteford says on 21 November 2022 at 4:14 pm:
“Have chipped in for all previous fundraisers. Couldn’t do it this time as I’ve lost my job during Covid. But, cheering on your return and delighted to see the appetite for intelligent journalism, honesty and no bullshit remains as strong as ever amongst indy supporters.”

First of all, Ali, sorry to hear about your job loss. Shitty times and unemployment expected to at least double by 2025 say the experts. As for you not being able to contribute this time around, don’t worry about it. Times are really hard for a lot of folk right now, Rev knows this and he’s said as much.

There are other ways you can just as strongly continue to support WOS, and it’s as every bit as important as paying the piper. Each time ‘His Nibs’ puts up an article point those friends and acquaintances, who are not familiar with WOS, in this direction to see the quality of the fact & evidence-based journalism. And let them make up their own minds. Job done! 😉


Dan Watts.
Don`t subscribe and don`t visit this site then we will all be happy.


link to

“From accusations of corruption in the bidding process to the treatment of migrant workers who built the stadiums, where many lost their lives…women’s rights and freedom of expression are in the spotlight,”

Since when did Scotland get to host the World Cup?


So the fundraiser is solely a monthly wage then? No plans for polls or such like then?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Rev Stu.

Over the past two or three days, a number of contributors have suggested that you shouldn’t bear all the weight but have a ‘team’ behind you.

Here’s a suggestion…

By invitation, have one or two guest posts per week, from the likes of Neale Hanvey, Kenny MacAskill, Angus B MacNeil, Joanna Cherry KC, Craig Murray, Alex Salmond, Iain Lawson, Barrhead Boy, grumpyscottishman, Tommy Sheridan and so on.

The subsequent mentions of these posts on Twitter, Facebook, etc would go a long way to spreading the WOS word. Would the MSM be able to ignore the big names?


In an article about why the Dutch football team (and fans) wear orange when the Dutch flag is horizontal bands of red, white & blue it states this:

“There is symbolism in the colours that are used, with red meaning bravery and white denoting peace and honesty, while blue is said to mean truth and justice.”

Therefore, Scotland’s saltire stands for peace, honesty, truth & justice. I take it Sturgeon & Murrell didn’t get the memo?

A little under 36-hours to the big decision. LOL!

Goodnight, folks!

Alec Lomax

Lol !


For any newcomers to WOS, a bit of bedtime reading, this is the standard of fact & evidence-based journalism you can expect here on WOS. This site, and all who sail in her, pride themselves in holding anyone to account who act against the best interests of Scotland and Scottish independence, especially if it’s a so-called indy-supporting party. No person or party is above scrutiny here on WOS. link to

Right! Defo off to my pit this time. Goodnight, all!


Stoker, I remember something yrs ago regards Princess Diana given an award & made some honourable member of the Orange Lodge by the Dutch royal family & that’s where the orange comes from, upholding protestant tradition or some such outdated drivel.


“What’s the plan for the £5.5k income?”


Nah, you want twiglets…

Brian Doonthetoon

Twiglets are so ‘old hat’!

Tudor 49’ers were ace. The nearest I’ve found to them is “Space Raiders’ or ‘Monster Munch’ – both pickled onion flavour.


Talking of animals..

Stu do you still have your pet rats? Eeek!

That’s going back a bit..

BTW, welcome back to your keyboard!


That sounds like a great idea! It may go a long way to bring the indy movement together. I ventured into Twitter for a few days & it’s a mess, stoked up by gob almighty & his obsession with Alba drawing about the by-election they lost.


Monster Munch Pickled Onion is the bomb!:D

Wee Chid

Wondering if someone at MSN is trying to have a go at you. When i looke dup Wings over Scotland on Bing the right hand side f the screen came up with information about Stuart Campbell. There were a couple of bits about you but stuck in between was a photograph of another Stuart Campbell and inf about how he was jailed for life for the murder of a 15 year old. I’ve taken a screenshot.

Rab Davis

Let’s hope the “Night Shift” returns to Wings.

It used to have a vibrant night shift for those who just love the company in the wee small hours,,,or those returning from a late night out,,,or shift workers like myself.

The world doesn’t stop turning at midnight,,, it’s very much alive.

So hopefully when the Rev Stu is up and running, a good healthy night shift debate developes.


Anyone remember Football Crazy crisps?

link to

Big Jock

When the people in the so called majority despise you or defame you. Then you are definitely on the right side of history. Eventually the SNP will collapse. Even the most gullible , from a town called gullible. Will work out they have been duped.

All that will be left of the SNP. Will be the yoof wing of gender fluid weirdos and Johnny come latelys.

I am glad I joined Alba and paid my subs to Wings.

Big Jock

XL Cheese

There are no other crisps.


I’m an after midnight person too. Maybe we’re Gremlins? ?
Thank Gawd the internet doesn’t shut down.

The Oui Coupar

Thir’s singin and dancing on the streets of Kirkcaldy the night. The little magic man.

Graf Midgehunter

“Apologies if already asked but will you be bringing back thon Chris Cairns fellow? I know he’s a bit of a slacker ? but it’s Winter and he’s not likely to be on the golf course as much. I confess I do miss wee Hamish.”

Yep, he’ll be back once he’s had a bit of a warm-up.”
Lend him your electric jacket, that’ll warm him up.. 🙂

Reckon his handicap has plunged over the last 3 years from 50 down to 49. The man needs a fkg job. 😉


For all those who hadn’t lost hope, Wings over Scotland has been “reconvened”.

Looking forward to it playing a key role in disinfecting and clearing the cesspit that the Scottish state has become under the dictatorship of the biggest tractor in Scottish history.



You, sir are a man of many talents.

Thankyou for this delightful and uplifting photograph…

comment image

Also, I am glad you are back. Nice to have some decent quality prose that is well researched.

The salty, nautical language of the website author can always be put down to your penchant for swans and nautical criturs.

On the topic of wildlife and in the words of the awesome Kirsten Dunst…

“Go get ‘em Tiger.”


Hopefully the Rev will take forensic aim at the SNP’s reaction to the so-called supreme court’s verdict on Wednesday. Chances are the verdict will give the britnat msm yet another excuse to do down Scotland. Another predictable own goal from the incompetent SNP. Though they probably couldn’t care less.

Scots Wha Hae

Welcome back Rev !

The truth you bring to the Independence table is crucial !

Who knows , maybe the truth will become fashionable again ?


Wee Child

I reported the absurdity of search engines pulling up the Rev’s photo from his awkward
teenage years when the could also advise he was a much respected man in his 40’s with a very large following and the worlds most read political web site.

I accused them of doing this for political bias as the boy in the picture didn’t give you the
impression that he was mature enough to be more than a Milk Monitor.

They did actually replace it with a current picture but it sounds like they are at it again.

Who could trust anything the U.K. media regurgitates to keep its citizens ignorant and controlled?

A couple of my favourites were from the Daily Hail-
SNP beloved to cheating at Indy ref 1 by organising bagpipe players near polling stations.

Another about the disgrace of 1,000 trains cancelled in Scotland in 1 year.
The number when investigated turned out to be 1.5% of all trains and almost the same number as Liverpool’s train network.

Dorothy Devine

A bit chilly here – I’d like Stu to revue his electric jacket and post pics!

Dorothy Devine



Checked out those old pictures of the Rev and the Daily Record, home of the Vow Con,
still use Stuart’s teenage picture.

It is fair enough for them as they don’t have the journalistic skills or the facts to take on the Rev so it’s discredit by pictures for passing Unionist Neds.

Their readership numbers are spiralling down the drain as those who enjoy the Rangers news
can see nothing to inspire them and there is only so much colouring in you can endure in the kids pages.

There were other doctored pictures of the Rev were they try to make him out to look like a
hated figure from Lord of the Rings.

It’s from a truly pathetic site called Ah Dinnae Ken.
Don’t waste your time giving it oxygen.

Andy Ellis

Wings Ko-fi fundraiser now standing at £5609 per month (£67,308 p.a.) from 794 contributors.

I wonder how many subscriptions the SNP’s house comic The National has?

Rab Davis

According to GB News, even the racist isolationists of England are starting to miss the EU.

And as far as an independent Scotland is concerned,,, EFTA seems to be the best option to start with, with a referendum on full EU membership to follow.

link to


Effijy says:
22 November, 2022 at 7:04 am

It’s from a truly pathetic site called Ah Dinnae Ken.
Don’t waste your time giving it oxygen

Ah yeah ‘Ah Dinnae Ken’!
That was the site I was reminded of when I read ‘James goes Pop’ but I couldn’t remember the name.

Cheers Effijy!


Dumfries independence supporters set to gather for town centre rally

Archive link so full of ads it’s difficult to read
link to

12′ ladder link much better
link to

Do they already know the result?

Why didn’t the SNP MPs & MSPs protest when Theresa May said now is not the time or when Boris Johnson said ‘once in a generation’ Why now?

These pensioners are expected to go out in the cold to do the work these ‘cosy politicians’ failed to do over the past 8 years!

I’m a bit suspicious about these protests.


Great to have the Rev back and re-energised but lets remember the important things amongst all this high-fiving and slaps on the back…

Just exactly when are the Wings bottle opener key rings coming back..mines is now a little worse for wear after years of use!

Rab Davis

Tomorrow we stand at a crossroads on our journey towards Scottish independence.

Tomorrow we will have a much clearer idea of which road we choose to go down in our frustrated quest to be free from London Rule.

Tomorrow is also one of the most important days in the life of our dear leader, Nicola Sturgeon.

Because, one way or another, she will have to make a stance, tomorrow she will have to stand up and be counted.

No more hiding in the chambers of Holyrood,,,she will need to decide who’s side she is actually on,,, it’s either them (her UK masters), or us (the Sovereign people of Scotland).

Neil Mackenzie

Ruby says:
22 November, 2022 at 9:13 am
Why didn’t the SNP MPs & MSPs protest when Theresa May said now is not the time…

It would be a bit difficult for anyone of the SNP to so much as grumble about Theresa May saying “now is not the time” because she was only quoting Nicola Sturgeon who wrote those exact words down in a letter for her to read out aloud on television. It was Nicola Sturgeon’s script that Theresa May was following. That is one of the big clues about who has really been blocking a second referendum, all along.


Where will you be tomorrow?

link to


Are all these Yes groups part of the cult being manipulated by the SNP?

How can grassroots groups be organising protests when they don’t even know the result.

What will they do next? Demand a plebiscite election with only votes for the SNP counting as a YES vote?

Any chance of them calling for Sturgeon’s resignation?


Welcome back. Have you ever put a question in any poll asking “which party would you vote for in an indy Scotland”?

Robert Hughes

” Tomorrow is also one of the most important days in the life of our dear leader, Nicola Sturgeon.

Because, one way or another, she will have to make a stance, tomorrow she will have to stand up and be counted. ”

Actually , Rab , she doesn’t have to , and won’t – stand-up and be counted .

If the verdict of the UKSC is as anticipated eg a straight * fuck off Jocks * or a vanilla fudge of an equivalent to ” mibby aye mibby naw , but def not now * , as state earlier – we’ll spend the next 2 years being led up the primrose path of a Plebiscite UKGE – which the Brit State can and will reject out of hand .

The perfect and anticipated result for the NSNP Fine Dining & Dadaist Sexual Preference Club

Robert Hughes

” as stated earlier “


Scotsrenewables says:
22 November, 2022 at 9:47 am

Where will you be tomorrow?

Outside the parliament in sight of all the cameras wearing my ‘destroyer of women’s rights’ T-shirt and my suffragette scarf.

I hope I am not arrested!


Scotsrenewables says:
22 November, 2022 at 9:47 am

Where will you be tomorrow?

My friend asked me to tell you that she’ll be outside the parliament wearing her ‘Nicola Sturgeon destroyer of women’s rights & producers of carrots’ tee shirt & waving her suffragette scarf. Maybe a pair of cosy slippers.

Rab Davis

Robert Hughes 9.58am

It’s going to be an “interesting” day tomorrow.

The outcome will either be something we all think might happen,,,or a wake-up call for even the slowest of Sturgeon’s core vote.


One thing which genuinely needs to happen is a non party political Yes group not subject to the pernicious influences of AIM nor have a strong wiff of astroturfing about it.

It seems to me that Wings could serve as an umbrella for such a group. I’m not proposing you as leader or funder just facilatator or if necessary referee.

Local groups should be self funding.

David Hardie

Guys check your emails.
I thought I had signed up but there was a confirmation email I had missed.
Done now though.


Dear Santa,

thank you for the two best early Christmas pressies ever, the return of ‘Wings’ and Chris Cairns.

There’s a saying, ‘It’s the hope that kills you’. I think, after many months feeling little or no hope, ‘It’s the lack of hope that kills you.’

With Wings & Chris returning, I feel hope returning too.

Thank you.


Geri says on 21 November 2022 at 10:57 pm: “Stoker, I remember something years ago regards Princess Diana given an award & made some honourable member of the Orange Lodge by the Dutch royal family & that’s where the orange comes from, upholding protestant tradition or some such outdated drivel.”

Correct! It stems from the Dutch House of Orange-Nassau, a branch of the German House of Nassau. From the times of William 1 of Orange (aka: William the Silent or Father of the Fatherland).

Quite ironic really, when you think about it. I’m reliably informed from a Dutch friend that they (the Dutch) have quite a dislike of Germany, sometimes on a par with England’s obsessive hatred. And easily on a par with the Scotland/England rivalry.

Personally, i’d rather salute the wee fella in the velvet jacket. 😉 LOL!


Hatuey @ 11.08 says ‘ I don’t see how they can stop it’

Sounds like Ian Blackford speaking.

The SNP have already said what they would do if they won a plebiscitary election – nothing, except ask for another s.30.

It’s another con. See Stu’s earlier article on this.

And don’t underestimate the Westmonster ability to think of something which you haven’t.

John Main

@Stoker says:22 November, 2022 at 12:21 pm

upholding protestant tradition or some such outdated drivel

I declined from commenting first time around, but now it’s being reposted.

Looks like some of the Wings BTL contingent are just as contemptuous of some aspects of Scotland’s history and culture as ever.

Shame. The idea that Indy will be for all Scots, not just for the ideologically pure, is still falling on stony ground.

So will still be failing to make inroads into the No voting bloc.

In a few more days, Rev Stu will re-publish his flat-lined Indy support graph, and the same posters will be wondering why it is flat-lined.

And so it goes, round and round and round.


Muscleguy says:
22 November, 2022 at 10:23 am

‘One thing which genuinely needs to happen is a non party political Yes group not subject to the pernicious influences of AIM nor have a strong wiff of astroturfing about it’

Welcome aboard.
I’m trying to find clues as to whether I’m being inveigled into this demo tomorrow. Is it a ‘cunning plan’ and if so, to what purpose?

mjack says:
22 November, 2022 at 9:54 am

‘Have you ever put a question in any poll asking “which party would you vote for in an indy Scotland”?

Wouldn’t that be difficult, mjack, until we know the structure of new and existing parties, or whether, for instance, will NSPN still be around – having completed their raisons d’être? Perhaps they will be reformed using a rainbow logo and promoting an anti-woman manifesto?

It’s all pretty academic though until we DO become Independent.

Andy Ellis


Agreed that it’s all pretty academic until we reach the sunny uplands of independence, but all the same it’s fun to speculate?

I can’t see the SNP just disappearing like the IPP, even if they somehow manage to cleanse themselves of the Sturgeonite stain before independence. I’ve thought for a long time that one of the huge pluses of independence is the opportunity for the Scottish party political environment to be cast in new moulds.

A proper Irish style STV system should ensure we don’t end up with one or two dominant parties and lots of minnows.

I can’t imagine the current raft of SNP policies resulting the levels of support they have now, but it’s pretty obvious that a lot of those supporting and voting for the SNP do it in spite of those policies because *indy*, or because they’re simply unaware of / don’t care about the specific issues.


Hi Stuart. Very glad that you decided to (probably) sigh, don the hauberk and breastplate and get back into beating the crap out of the deeply disappointing shitshow that is current Scottish politics (who knew the biggest obstacle to Scottish independence was going to be the Scottish political and legal class?).

Anyhoo, I was thinking that it might be time to take a broom to the current shit disturbing and whataboutery which happens EVERY DAMN TIME BTL.

Some of it is down to unselfconscious bloviating self importance with no personal filter, but there is also an element which, I think, is designed to leave the distinct and indelible impression, to the average reader, that the comments section is full of raging cybernat loonies, thus tarnishing both the website and the movement.

Perhaps a wee renewed clarification on rules of engagement; how about – be civil, get to the point, stay on topic, don’t be an arsehole, etc., – with a savage and abrupt removal policy if, indeed, you turn out to be an arsehole, intentionally or not?

So glad your back. Never underestimate an articulate Scot with an incisive mind and unresolved rage issues.


You’re. Sorry. Can we afford an edit function now?


@ John Main on 22 November 2022 at 12:51 pm

Your hypocrisy is rancidly palpable. Here you are, yet again, trying to cause arguments where there are none. Here you are trying to deny a guy his opinion/belief and trying to dictate what gets discussed on here and what doesn’t.

Meanwhile you repeatedly spout your anti-EU agenda to anyone who will listen. Quite a few of us aren’t that enamoured with the EU but at least we recognise it’s more of a vote-winner (and the numbers are growing, by all accounts) than a vote-loser as far as obtaining Scottish independence goes.

So quit your crap and stop trying to dictate to others with an arrogance that yours is the only opinions that matter. And just because it’s relating to a bit of Scottish history doesn’t make it necessarily acceptable.

If you had the cerebral ability to stand back and take a look at what you actually wrote, before hitting the submit button, you just might have had second thoughts, especially with this: “The idea that Indy will be for all Scots, not just for the ideologically pure, is still falling on stony ground. So will still be failing to make inroads into the No voting bloc.”

I wonder how much of that is due to the anti-EU rhetoric spouted by you and GBNews etc? Yes, indy will be for all Scots, and every single one of them will have different views, opinions & beliefs etc. That’s the general make-up of most normal countries around the globe. Just because folk don’t agree with your way of thinking doesn’t make them “ideologically pure”.

To say there’s a strong reek of ‘wheesht for indy’ about your latest attack on another btl commentor here is not only hypocritical of you but it’s a strong contender for understatement of the year. Take note of Stuart’s warning to Andy & Hatuey and stop trying to create arguments with your rancid hypocrisy.


I would suggest not rising to the bait…


Merganser, I didn’t make any reference to what a plebiscitary election might lead to. I just don’t see how it would be possible to stop it. They can undermine it, deny its legitimacy as a route to independence, etc., but they couldn’t stop it — candidates in an election can stand on whatever platform they choose.

If it goes ahead, Sturgeon will be the first and loudest to proclaim that it doesn’t mean anything and poses no threat to the union, just as she did at the Supreme Court in arguing for the right to hold a referendum.

But, again, just talking about a plebiscitary election as an option is progress. There’s more widespread interest in the idea as a possibility, and that’s a good thing.

Tell me I sound like Blackford again and I’ll dump radioactive waste in the local duck pond…


Can anyone explain to me why:

The Tories seem to want to split the NHS and have wealthy people paying when this means their voters will pay more

Why the BBC wants to make the case for the wealthy paying more when they have already paid more in tax

Why Tory voters seem to think the wealthy should pay a second time when it will impact them directly


Hatuey @ 2.35pm.

Sorry if I misunderstood you.

You don’t sound like Ian Blackford now.

Are the ducks spared?


Here Angus Robertson bitches that the UK government isn’t inclusive when it comes to Scotland, that WE have no say in trade deals, yet here we are years after the 2014 indyref and nothing has been done to get us out of this union so we can draw up our own trade deals.

“A MEETING between Scotland’s External Affairs Secretary and the UK Foreign Secretary last week was the first of its kind to be held since devolution”

link to


Only a Tory House Jock in Scotland could suggest this, or has April Fool’s day came early this year.

“Conservative councillor Crawford Reid suggested Scottish Tories be recognised as an “ethnic and minority group”.

He made the comment at a Perth and Kinross Council meeting earlier this month as councillors unanimously approved two separate motions to tackle anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

At the November 9 meeting the Strathallan councillor suggested the motions be widened to include “other ethnic and minority groups” – including Scottish Tories.”

link to

Another Girl, Another Planet

How times change.

link to


Was only joking about the duck pond, merganser.. I like ducks.



Twiglets may be old hat, but they’re pure barry!


Shug @ 3pm, I suspect you know the answer to that one. Here in the USA we have the finest healthcare system that money can buy. Of course, if you don’t have the money, you can’t buy. People drive on public roads with glasses that are no longer good enough, because they can’t afford $800 to go to the “eye doctor” and then fill the prescription for new glasses. People die because they can’t afford to go to the doctor. So they wait until it is serious enough to go to the emergency room. By law, no Emergency Room can turn away any patient. So they stabilise the patient quickly and cheaply, sending them back out without any sort of treatment plan.

My wife is a Registered Nurse, working mainly with cancer, heart disease and bariatric patients getting ready to leave the hospital. Instead of giving them the tools to recover fully at home, she spends far too much time trying to work out affordable solutions for patients who have lost their health insurance because the got sick and lost their job or who are on a (second-rate) government plan.

US-style health care – coming to a hospital and doctor’s office near you soon!


Republicofscotland says:
22 November, 2022 at 3:37 pm

Only a Tory House Jock in Scotland could suggest this, or has April Fool’s day came early this year.

“Conservative councillor Crawford Reid suggested Scottish Tories be recognised as an “ethnic and minority group”.

He made the comment at a Perth and Kinross Council meeting earlier this month as councillors unanimously approved two separate motions to tackle anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

At the November 9 meeting the Strathallan councillor suggested the motions be widened to include “other ethnic and minority groups” – including Scottish Tories.

That would be interesting. Sturgeon arrested for hate crimes.

Although perhaps saying ‘I detest the tories’ is already a hate crime.
Tories are human so have human rights. Toryphobic? Why not?

I need some info regarding ‘hate crimes’ I am as confused about that as I am about the definition of trans & transphobia.

Do you laugh at Mrs Doubtfire or Tootsie? If you do you are transphobic. Laughing at a man in a dress is transphobic.
Oh yes it is!


“Sturgeon arrested for hate crimes.”

I’d like to see Sturgeon the betrayer of Scots arrested for her treachery to Scots, but I’ doubt that will happen, meanwhile as she swanned around the world trying to boost her stock and her massive ego, 250 Scots died last year due to homelessness, not mention other Scots who died due to drug sabuse because the help isn’t available.

On the latest news the EIS in Scotland has rejected (SAS’s) Shirley Anne Somervilles pay offer.


Serious Question..
I voted for independence, but have watched in dismay as the Sturgeon SNP went off on a wierdo manifesto where hard work, personal responsibility and family values are held in contempt.
Is Scotland somehow unique in that a small well organised cult can utterly control the agenda without real scrutiny? Does this make future independence a dangerous prospect?

John Main

@Stoker says:22 November, 2022 at 2:15 pm

Much for me to think over in your post.

I guess your stand-out comment is your claim that by responding to somebody dissing what is still the most followed (by default, if not by conviction) religion in Scotland, I am causing a rammy.

Myself, I would never dream of dissing anybody’s religious beliefs, whether minority or majority. To do it online, whilst also trying to persuade people of the merits of Indy, seems self-defeating. And that’s a contender for understatement of the year that tops your one by a country mile.

Anyways, thanks for ranking me equal with GB News in influence. I’ll see if they will post me a cheque.


Hatuey says:
22 November, 2022 at 5:44 pm

Was only joking about the duck pond, merganser.. I like ducks.

à l’Orange or Peking?

What about pigeon?

Ernest Hemingway was known to enjoy the odd pigeon when times were hard.

The other day in the supermarket I saw a car with masses of pigeons at the back. The owner of the car was feeding the pigeons and on the ground he had a lasso type trap. I presume he was waiting for a pigeon to stand in the trap and then whoosh he would string it up and make it into a pie.

Is it illegal to kill pigeons?

Hey Garrion
I think it’s OK to go off topic after a certain number of on topic posts.

John Main

@Skip_NC says:22 November, 2022 at 6:13 pm

US-style health care – coming to a hospital and doctor’s office near you soon!

Surely not. The SNHS has been running in Scotland as a fully devolved system, for more than 23 years.


Given that you’re a bit well off now can we have a like button ?
Won’t be used that often …..

Geoff Anderson

The SNP totally ignoring Women’s concerns
link to

Bob Mack

Just saw this. Welcome home Stu.
Ill set up my contribution A.S.A.P


But why would a conservative, who has paid more tax than many others want a system that would require them to pay more

I do not understand the idea of paying again
Same with student fees. You paid for your kids education through taxes, why would you want to pay again


Ruby, baby pigeons, squabs, were considered a delicacy until quite recently. That’s why toffs built dovecotes in the old days. It’s hard to imagine anything more disgusting but I guess it was wood pigeons they ate rather than the ordinary city ones.

carmens mum

Yoo Hoo Rev Stu! Delighted to contribute, delighted you’re back! Delighted multi talented Chris Cairns will be back. Never thought you had gone away permanently for a minute. You are a Panther, surveying the landscape and pouncing at the most appropriate moment. Your task, exposing the enemies of Scotland. And that task, you have carried out superbly. Wings has the potential to reunite the Yes movement, arm us with information, counter the msm lies and help build the confidence of our movement for what we face in the future. Think you should be promoted to 4 star General Rev Stu. .


Shug, The point (for those who can afford it) is to secure the best services to the detriment of those who cannot afford to pay. No waiting lists to speak of and the best medical professionals available.

My wife and I have to budget, but we can (touch wood) still afford the most important health care for both of us. Dental care is expensive and limited (a whole other topic) but we get eye care and important medical care without too many problems. Why can we do that? Well, my wife works for the largest hospital system in the state and it is one of the perks that a hospital stay is hundreds of dollars rather than thousands.

The point is that the care is first class, provided you can pay for it. If you can’t, you suffer. So the wealthy will pay for the access – they always will because the alternative is so unpalatable. Would it be quite the same in Scotland? No, not immediately, but what happens ten or twenty years down the line when the Haves are tired of paying for the Have Nots – the “layabouts” who can’t afford medical care because they are just “too lazy.” When you start hearing the cry that health care is not a human right, it will be too late. Please don’t let that happen.


Good to have you back Rev. Sorry I couldn’t subscribe, finances dire at the moment. Carry on telling it like it is and damn the ‘ don’t rock the boat’ types.


Back in harness Rev it’ll be grand, just grand to read incisive commentary about the fight for independence.

And with your return there will be those, the short shifters masquerading as independence merchants who will be unhappy. And they are in fact already.

But in the bigger picture their concern, or the concern of their handlers is tht you are back.

Wings, All Under One Banner,the wider Yes and the then SNP were a success story. In 2014 they ran the establishment close, closer than we might know, and that is why every effort since has been made to rot the independence movement since.

And it has been know accident how the establishment hs sought to destroy, jail and harass those who were seen as a threat to rerunning the campaign.

Your voice, wings voice, together with other voices such as Alba, Salvo, the SSRG, Liberation and other websites, does why the establishment and its helpers are trying to stop.

We have our own media and you Mr Campbell and Wings are playing an important part.

James Kelly, like many in the SNP undermine independence. They masquerade. Wings doesn’t. Welcome back.

Britain lost its colonies. It will lose Scotland too.

Josef Ó Luain

You’re far too accomplished, inestimably so, at what you do and have single-handedly achieved, to even imagine retirement from the liberation-struggle as a serious option. It is unthinkable that history will overlook the unique part played by one Stuart Campbell, in the new dispensation.

It’s just a pity that I’m no longer receiving posts from Wings and had to go-digging for this one.

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