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Wings Over Scotland

The Giant 403

Posted on October 13, 2024 by

It’s hard to write an obituary for someone you can’t quite believe is dead.

But we must look the truth in the eyes, and it is so.

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The King And Queen Of Cringe 259

Posted on October 11, 2024 by

Honestly not sure which of these is the most nauseating.

Click the pic to enlarge, if you can stomach it.

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Two Spaces 125

Posted on October 10, 2024 by

Everyone even remotely connected to Scottish politics has known for months that the below is the case. It’s an open secret.

But what’s playing out right now is something much bigger than the fate of one or two or three individuals. It’s the entire future of the credibility of Scotland’s justice system.

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Coping with change 212

Posted on October 07, 2024 by

Just a quick bit of housekeeping here with regard to the new Wings comments section, which offers far more functionality but has also attracted a few complaints because it’s no longer a straight chronology of oldest-to-newest tweets.

(We could actually change that back, but the cost would be losing the ability to reply directly to individual comments, which is a big loss, so we’re leaving it as it is for now.)

To those beefing because that means you can’t now immediately tell which comments are new, a couple of helpful pointers. The easiest way to fix the problem is a simple one: keep the tab open.

If you keep the most recent page open in a tab on your browser, the Comment Bubble (visible at the bottom left of that pic) will keep track of all new comments – it refreshes every 30 seconds – and highlight them for you in yellow until you’ve read them.

(The little orange circle should take you to the first unread one if you click it.)

Sadly the Bubble stops working if you close the tab or navigate to a new page from it, but since most people have scores of tabs open at a time that shouldn’t be a problem. So there you go.

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Things happen slowly 102

Posted on October 06, 2024 by

When times are quiet in Scottish politics, as they currently are, our favourite genre of story is “mainstream press belatedly catches up with Wings Over Scotland”. And so to this morning’s front page splash in the Sunday Mail.

The rumour mill has been grinding about Operation Branchform developments again in the last few days, although we’ve seen too many false dawns now to get overly excited about that. But the Mail’s story sounded awfully familiar.

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The whole caboodle 114

Posted on October 05, 2024 by

While we get on with some tinkering behind the scenes in the absence of any Scottish political news – we have an exciting new comment system and the Contact form finally works again! – readers may wish to enjoy the full marathon three-and-a-quarter hours of last month’s fun indyref anniversary event at the Glasgow Science Centre.

If not, probably don’t click on those links.

Holiday Boy is… well, you can guess.

Mistaken identity 305

Posted on September 28, 2024 by

To Save Your Time 180

Posted on September 26, 2024 by

Let us not be ungracious about the use of the term “leading figures” here.

But equally, let’s not waste too much attention.

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Dear Sandy 70

Posted on September 24, 2024 by

The below is an open letter from a rape survivor, Paula, to Sandy Brindley, CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland. It is reproduced unedited, with Paula’s permission.

Dear Sandy,

I’m writing to implore you to stop doing press interviews.

Each time you do, it feels like yet another slap in the face from Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre and Rape Crisis Scotland.

To be honest, I didn’t even know who you were until a few weeks ago. When the report into ERCC came out and Mridul Wadhwa resigned, I thought I could put this whole experience behind me.

Last week however, I heard on BBC that you “unreservedly apologise” for the failing at ERCC. It is honestly laughable. I have had no such apology. In fact, quite the opposite.

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A Danger To Women 52

Posted on September 23, 2024 by

As we write this article, Sandy Brindley (on the left of the picture below) is still in post as the CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland.

For as long as that remains the case, rape victims in Scotland will not be safe.

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The Hand Of Friendship 34

Posted on September 23, 2024 by

We’ll be honest, folks, we’re not 100% sure this is how you build unity.

But what uplifting and powerful alliances might we be missing out on?

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The Triple Whammy 94

Posted on September 22, 2024 by

Scotland’s energy rip-off continues unabated, and its impact on Scotland is merciless. GB Energy is to put up a plaque on an office in Aberdeen whilst Scottish pensioners can’t afford to put on the heating. Oil continues to boost the UK coffers as a senior British business figure calls Scottish renewables “a golden ticket for UK growth”.

But as Scottish pensioners freeze, Scottish industry’s being devastated, and workers are being made redundant.

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    • Michael Laing on The Giant: “So who were all these ‘No’ voters that somehow materialised out of thin air on the day of the referendum?…Oct 15, 23:26
    • Michael Laing on The Giant: “The ‘No’ campaign had overwhelming public support and drew huge crowds everywhere it went!Oct 15, 23:24
    • Michael Laing on The Giant: “Are we to believe that ‘No’ voters were uniquely incapable of voting in on-line polls?Oct 15, 23:21
    • Michael Laing on The Giant: “Not a single on-line poll had ‘No’ in the lead, even on pro-UK web-sites.Oct 15, 23:18
    • Michael Laing on The Giant: “Every single on-line poll put ‘Yes’ far ahead of ‘No’.Oct 15, 23:16
    • Shug on The Giant: “Watch five lessons from sir humphry of Yes Prime Minister around 11.17. It outlines what they thought they were doing…Oct 15, 22:53
    • Dumbarton Rock on The Giant: “Alex’s sudden and untimely death shocked us all to the core and I can’t imagine how awful it’s been for…Oct 15, 22:52
    • Robert Matthews on The Giant: “Ask Geri…Oct 15, 22:45
    • Hatey McHateface on The Giant: “The collapse of the American, unipolar empire approaches. The SNP as it now exists is incapable, indeed unwilling, to grab…Oct 15, 22:31
    • Zander Tait on The Giant: “On the contrary my dear Hatey. Why would I resort to “playground names”, when you have assigned a playground name…Oct 15, 22:26
    • sarah on The Giant: “First Division Association i.e. top ranking civil servants’ union.Oct 15, 22:22
    • Hatey McHateface on The Giant: “Careful, Zander, you’ll be calling me playground names next. Once you give up on the facts, that’s always the final…Oct 15, 22:16
    • Zander Tait on The Giant: “Thanks Oneliner. We got that.Oct 15, 22:16
    • Oneliner on The Giant: “You got that, everyone? Dave PenmanOct 15, 21:50
    • gregor on The Giant: “The Wanderer: The Perfect Storm: I Am One: “All of life comes to me With ease, joy and glory I…Oct 15, 21:47
    • Oneliner on The Giant: “The trade union official was Dave Penman of the Amalgamated Union of Shitheads – or somethingOct 15, 21:46
    • gregor on The Giant: “re. “…to deliver real change, a perfect storm scenario must materialise…” Yeah. Smirk: Material: Total Reality: “‘Cause life don’t come…Oct 15, 21:13
    • Hatey McHateface on The Giant: “Not quite following your logic, but never mind. 🙂 I’m going to be much more accepting of the drive to…Oct 15, 21:04
    • Zander Tait on The Giant: “I now see you are an IDF Fanboy, Hatey. Disappointing. BTW, the IDF cleared out the tunnels months ago. They…Oct 15, 20:59
    • McDuff on The Giant: “Yes Mia it all seems to fit a pattern of an agenda when you look at the prosecutions of prominent…Oct 15, 20:55
    • Socrates MacSporran on The Giant: “Whether we like it or not – and I certainly don’t, Scotland is an essential component part of this United…Oct 15, 20:50
    • Dan on The Giant: “Anger is an energy… There are way more of us than there are of these lowlife smearing cretins. So simply…Oct 15, 20:45
    • Kit Bee on The Giant: “‘Take our favourite wee country, Norway, for example. I’ve been there a few times and have found it to be…Oct 15, 20:44
    • Robert Louis on The Giant: “Adam Ramsay, sadly is one in a long line of insignificant wee jobbies who know sweet f*cl all about Scotland.…Oct 15, 20:31
    • Zander Tait on The Giant: “STV news tonight declaring that now that Salmond is dead, there should be a more balanced view of his life…Oct 15, 20:05
    • Kit Bee on The Giant: “Rotten eggs at the ready.Oct 15, 19:58
    • Greg on The Giant: “Pensioners overwhelmingly vote conservative and are the largest group voting by post. It’s not surprise that the postal votes skewed…Oct 15, 19:57
    • Kit Bee on The Giant: “Well lets hope that Alex’s family tell all these backstabbers that they are not welcome and must not come to…Oct 15, 19:56
    • Hatey McHateface on The Giant: ““slaughter of men, women, children, babies, journalists and aid workers” You left off the terr-or-ists from your list. They’re being…Oct 15, 19:55
    • John C on The Giant: “No. There’s not a thing legally anyone can do about it as you can say what you like about the…Oct 15, 19:40
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