We’re stuck indoors waiting for a repairman today, so we had a little read-around of some of the less popular Scottish politics blogs to pass the time, and noted this:
James Kelly of Scot Goes Pop, which we gather from its front page was seemingly one of the “Top 50 Left-Wing Blogs of 2011”, is noticeably insistent on making the argument that we’re “stalking” and “obsessed” with him.
Since it was founded back in November 2011, Wings Over Scotland has been solely financed by its readers. The site has never carried any advertising, we have no secret corporate backers, everything we do is funded by transparent voluntary donations and subscriptions, mostly of a few pounds a month.
We have the freedom to write what we believe, thanks to you, our readers. And since those earliest days, opponents have tried to end that freedom by blocking our funding.
Just a quick bit of housekeeping here with regard to the new Wings comments section, which offers far more functionality but has also attracted a few complaints because it’s no longer a straight chronology of oldest-to-newest tweets.
(We could actually change that back, but the cost would be losing the ability to reply directly to individual comments, which is a big loss, so we’re leaving it as it is for now.)
To those beefing because that means you can’t now immediately tell which comments are new, a couple of helpful pointers. The easiest way to fix the problem is a simple one: keep the tab open.
If you keep the most recent page open in a tab on your browser, the Comment Bubble (visible at the bottom left of that pic) will keep track of all new comments – it refreshes every 30 seconds – and highlight them for you in yellow until you’ve read them.
(The little orange circle should take you to the first unread one if you click it.)
Sadly the Bubble stops working if you close the tab or navigate to a new page from it, but since most people have scores of tabs open at a time that shouldn’t be a problem. So there you go.
Welcome, readers, to what may be the final week of Wings Over Scotland.
We’ve been covering the Scottish Government’s horrific, draconian Hate Crime Act for almost four years now. But until this month, we hadn’t felt directly under threat by it. Wings is – sorry if this comes as a shock to anyone – based in Bath, in England, and we couldn’t see how the Scottish police could come after us.
We were curious to find out what we’d said, but it seems to have been expunged from The National’s website. We eventually managed to track the email down in our vaults, though, so just as a bit of a change, here it is, as a reminder of a different time.
The SNP having a fondness for lying about their membership wouldn’t have come as quite such a shock to the Scottish press if they paid a little more attention to this website. Because we were pointing it out two and a half years ago.
It was in October 2020 that we told you how the SNP’s 2019 accounts revealed the party’s true membership figures weren’t the claimed 126,000 but more like 87,000.
A week ago, readers, I had not the slightest interest in bringing Wings Over Scotland back full-time. I had my Twitter account again and was having fun and I was happy with that. It scratched the itch of being able to engage with politics (and people) without the depressing business of wading in it for work.
And then I witnessed the quite extraordinary sight of an elected member of Parliament, in the shape of the SNP’s pico-witted ambulant brain vacuum Karen Adam, publicly gloating about having managed to shut down the voice of someone critical of her party.
At the same time, an extremely minor blogger (the word “rival” would be to over-dignify them) re-opened hostilities in his campaign of self-declared “open warfare” against this site, with a rapid succession of posts (just a few of dozens) forming such a demented scattershot tirade that to patiently debunk all of it would have taken until Christmas.
And I’ll be honest, folks, it all pushed my buttons a wee bit. It really shouldn’t have, but it was properly outrageous and I’m occasionally human, so I thought “Sod it, if I’m going to have to put up with all this crap anyway I might as well make it worthwhile”.
As a rule I try not to respond to the literally dozens of deranged attacks on this site that are posted by James Kelly of Scot Goes Pop, but I really dislike being called a liar so I’m going to take a moment for this one.
James appears to have taken extraordinary offence to a two-paragraph stats post I put up to mark Wings’ 11th birthday this week, and has written two purple-faced rants about it. So for the record’s sake I’m going to comply with his demand as best I can.
Someone had to remind us that today is Wings Over Scotland’s 11th birthday.
In a grim indictment of Scotland’s once-vaunted political new media, a site that’s been officially closed since May 2021 is still far and away the most-read in the country, despite that readership now being mostly angry overgrown children squabbling with each other in the comments. People would apparently still, by a vast margin, rather read that than endure the tedium of Bella Caledonia or Believe In Scotland.
We’ve said pretty much all that there is to be said about that miserable state of affairs already, so we won’t repeat ourselves. God help the independence movement.
sarah on Live chat update: “Thanks, Mary B. There’s some new detail that I hadn’t heard before – I must listen again to get it…” Mar 19, 23:05
MaryB on Live chat update: “Sarah, Sarah Salyers talks about the UN, decolonisation, the situation in Scotland and how we go forward, on Barrhead Boy…” Mar 19, 22:35
sarah on Live chat update: “Is this a first for The National commenters? None of 10 have pooh-poohed the Liberation/Salvo news. The tide must be…” Mar 19, 21:41
sarah on Live chat update: “I can’t read the article due to the paywall but the comments so far [both of them] are pro-Salvo/ Liberation.…” Mar 19, 18:48
Alf Baird on Live chat update: “Sound advice, sarah. “Milestone reached in Scottish ‘decolonisation’ campaign at the UN” https://www.thenational.scot/news/25022216.milestone-reached-scottish-decolonisation-campaign-un/” Mar 19, 18:40
JockMcT on Live chat update: “If only it were that easy Sarah! Oh wait, it is! Get signing and get all yer pals onboard, let’s…” Mar 19, 18:28
Nae Need! on Live chat update: ““I for one am truly glad i’m not starting to raise a family.” Same. Parents are one thing. An important…” Mar 19, 17:55
sarah on Live chat update: “The answer to this, and many other social problems, is restoring Scotland as a self-governing nation. And then restoring Scotland’s…” Mar 19, 16:17
Ian Brotherhood on Live chat update: “@Lorn (11.50) – You’re right, I shouldn’t make light of the whole thing but it’s one way of dealing with…” Mar 19, 15:33
Andrew F on Live chat update: “Rev, I don’t have much time to dig into this right now, but I think the answer is: “Charter”. Your…” Mar 19, 14:49
Mark Beggan on Live chat update: “It’s a shame some people can’t control what’s in their pants. Some to such an extent they become utterly consumed…” Mar 19, 14:48
Neil Singleton on Live chat update: “It is strongly rumoured/alleged that Swinney has some (very young) skeletons in his cupboard.” Mar 19, 14:11
Hatey McHateface on Live chat update: “A report discussing the EU’s funding of gender identity activism reviewed in Unherd: https://unherd.com/newsroom/why-is-the-eu-funding-the-gender-lobby/ A link to the report itself:…” Mar 19, 12:41
Hatey McHateface on Live chat update: “They’re more dangerous for the passengers too – they drive far too close to the bus in front.” Mar 19, 12:26
Hatey McHateface on Live chat update: ““with most of the more aggressive and disruptive elements removed” The question that has being exercising me for some weeks…” Mar 19, 12:22
Lorn on Live chat update: “Yes, by all means laugh at the front-line troops – the ‘boots on the ground’ of this movement, but you’ll…” Mar 19, 11:50
Ian Brotherhood on Live chat update: “Agreed Stoker. So glad my weans dodged this particularly nasty bullet, they had both not-long emerged from Secondary when it…” Mar 19, 11:22
Stoker on Live chat update: “Just another example of all this madness taking place around the world, not just in Scotland. The article speaks for…” Mar 19, 09:23
Renfrewdave on The plainest sight: “We need to stop voting in the same mealy mouthed self serving drips into power. That also applies by not…” Mar 19, 09:02
diabloandco on Live chat update: “Caught a bus in Glasgow yesterday – ‘happy to support Gay pride’ covered in rainbow and LOVE . What is…” Mar 19, 08:58
Aidan on Live chat update: “Well said, it’s possible that discussion on Scotland’s most read political blog might now be in some way related to…” Mar 19, 08:33
Captain Caveman on Live chat update: ““Guid Gowd, this place is deid.” I think that now, with most of the more aggressive and disruptive elements removed…” Mar 19, 08:10
Hatey McHateface on Live chat update: “Guid Gowd, this place is deid. All those pointless years of rancour, abuse and outright craziness – disintegrated into dust…” Mar 19, 07:48
sarah on Live chat update: “@ Lorn: you are right. It is the destruction of children’s peace of mind and the pleasure that perverted adults…” Mar 18, 22:57
Lorn on Live chat update: “Sorry, Andy, but you are more wrong than I can say. This stuff infiltrated every public and private institution and…” Mar 18, 21:27
sarah on Live chat update: “@ Young Lochinvar: well, I did have my tongue in cheek. But it would be excellent if the Rev did…” Mar 18, 18:56
Nae Need! on Live chat update: “Nope, you’re not, on both counts.” Mar 18, 18:36
Nae Need! on The Unquestionables: “Spot on. The pyramid of ‘NONE of your business, go away’ is complete. The bottom rung learn from those above,…” Mar 18, 18:16