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Wings Over Scotland

Coping with change

Posted on October 07, 2024 by

Just a quick bit of housekeeping here with regard to the new Wings comments section, which offers far more functionality but has also attracted a few complaints because it’s no longer a straight chronology of oldest-to-newest tweets.

(We could actually change that back, but the cost would be losing the ability to reply directly to individual comments, which is a big loss, so we’re leaving it as it is for now.)

To those beefing because that means you can’t now immediately tell which comments are new, a couple of helpful pointers. The easiest way to fix the problem is a simple one: keep the tab open.

If you keep the most recent page open in a tab on your browser, the Comment Bubble (visible at the bottom left of that pic) will keep track of all new comments – it refreshes every 30 seconds – and highlight them for you in yellow until you’ve read them.

(The little orange circle should take you to the first unread one if you click it.)

Sadly the Bubble stops working if you close the tab or navigate to a new page from it, but since most people have scores of tabs open at a time that shouldn’t be a problem. So there you go.

There are also a couple of other handy wee features. You can choose to “subscribe” to a particular page, in which case you’ll be notified by email of any new comments in the thread, or just those that are replies to YOUR comments. Choose which you want from the drop-down menu, click the little green > symbol and Bob’s your auntie’s gardener.

(You can unsubscribe the exact same way.)

We’ve also greatly expanded and enhanced the “Recent Comments” sidebar which appears at the right-hand side of both the main front page and individual articles.

It now contains the most recent 30 comments (on any page), along with a preview of each comment and a link that’ll take you directly to it.

Hopefully between them these features will resolve the complaints that some have had about the new Comments function, although as far as we can tell most people seem to prefer it anyway. Once again, the key is keeping a tab open in your browser for any pages that you want to follow comments on. Do that and you’ll always know at a glance which comments are new.

Any questions?

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Nah, that’s a mental request to make of visitors to a website in 2024. Every other comment section on the web can both order comments in various ways, including chronologically, and allow comment replies.

People aren’t going to keep tabs open to follow conversations. They’re just not going to follow the flow of conversation and the appeal of the comments section is lost.

You’re a technical person, implement a better solution.


Do The Herald & The Scotsman not have exactly the same system as is currently being used here on Wings?

I don’t get the problem.


Even to complete IT dummies like myself, your explanation is clear. I had been struggling a bit with the new format so thank you.

KT Lorimer

Does this mean no more death by hammers?


it would appear so! Hurrah

Northern Lad

Very witty. Still smiling. : )

Excellent. Thanks


I like the new layout. Is it possible to be on a subscription to the site

Michael Laing

As I commented on a previous post, I think the new layout is a great improvement. I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t result in increased interaction on the site as it’s now much easier to respond to individual comments and to follow the flow of the conversation. As for the order of the comments, am I right in saying the initial comments in each thread still appear in chronological order from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom?


Rev. Am I just being dim or have we lost the feature that gave us the ability to mark for ourselves
the names of the trolls and shitposters so we could just scroll past and ignore them without having to commit to our own memory every single ones ‘name’?
I am really missing that specific feature! 🙁

In other news Robin McAlpine has a red hot post up”The SNP must get rid of Sturgeon

Robert Matthews


Michael Laing

I stopped caring about the SNP long ago. They’re far beyond salvation. I don’t know why Robin McAlpine is still clinging to the hope that the SNP can be resurrected from the ashes. It’s clear that even he knows there are more revelations and ruinous headlines to come.

Michael Laing

Seems straightforward and logical enough to me. Unfortunately, we appear to have some real stick-in-the-muds in our midst!


This is irrelevant to me because I never leave comments.

Northern Lad

Lol. This made me laugh. : )


Now that’s funny .. bless

Alastair Ewen

Can we use the word “("Tractor" - Ed)” now?

Alastair Ewen

I guess not…

Andrew scott

What is the word btw-i have no idea
give me a clue- rhymeswill do

The Two

I think it might be the T word for “one who betrays.”

Andrew scott

Ah an agricultural vehicle with the i changed for c???


“Coping with change”

Cash for brickies?

[Like the green lettering btw.]


There’s no requirement to cope with changes to this site from me if it continues to promote the idea that #There’sNothingGoingOnInScottishPolitics” that warrants ongoing scrutiny.

Others clearly see things and think differently though, and have the motivation to try to keep folk informed.

link to

“Like” or “dislike” away to this post as is your wont, but sooner or later you’re going to have to break out of conforming to social contagion influences and understand that sometimes things need to be said that are not aligned with what you’re being conditioned to think.
And Scotland certainly requires far more people to start stepping up and calling out bullshit when we see it.


Maybe to clarify, there’s nothing going on in Scottish politics pertaining to the increased likelihood of actual independence.

Shades of Bella here, I think. And look how useful to the cause of independence that esteemed organ has been. We will not forget the rise of RISE.

Andy Ellis

There’s a hard core of fantasists in the movement – over represented in here since the number posting fell some time ago – who are utterly convinced that their wedge issue politics will somehow magically become mainstream. As you rightly observe, they’re as important and as relevant as RISE, Bella.

It is of course the height of arrogance for those like Dan to think they are even remotely qualified to school the lumpen majority.

Folk aren’t listening to voices like theirs, to the remnants of RISE and Bella, or the sundty franchise restriction fannies, vatniks, and “Palestine Free from the River to the Sea” types infesting this place.

Sounds more like desperate wish fulfilment than a realistic plan to achieve independence. The overwhelming majority will have none of their delusional student politics.


Polls in the UK consistently show high support for the Palestinians. I won’t provide links because it would take an amoeba two seconds to find that out on Google. But in a recent more interesting poll, 54% of people aged between 18 and 22 do not believe Israel should even exist.

Hardly a wedge issue, then.


Al Jazeera has a documentary on Gaza ,well worth watching – if distressing and enraging.

A pity the wider world won’t see it on any other TV channel.

Hatey McHateface

wedge issue

a very divisive political issue, regarded as a basis for drawing voters away from an opposing party whose supporters have diverging opinions on it.

54% – Hardly a wedge issue.

Whoops! 55% of Scots voters are opposed to Indy.

To spare the precious time of amoebae everywhere, we get no details of his quoted poll. But just stop to consider that in London for example, over 40% of the inhabitants were born overseas.

These will include the lovely groups we see on the TV, faces obscured by scarfs, chanting in foreign languages “Long life, wealth and influence to the USA and its allies”.

Depressing to see upvotes for a peddlar of national extermination, but no point in denying reality. The upvoters exist, the support for a new final solution was always there, but now the stone has been lifted and we can see what crawls underneath.

It’s those greetin about Scotland being denied nationhood who seldom stop calling for other nations to be exterminated that bemuse me.

Robert Hughes

Thanks for that link , D . I read Conter sporadically ( I try to limit the amount of time I give to reading/watching political stuff ) , and rate what I’ve read from them : that one you link is particularly good

It seems to have largely gone unremarked – other than by Left critics like the estimable Robin McA and a few others – just how thoroughly Neoliberal doctrinaire the SNP have become ; how totally * sold* they are on the very ideology , ie Neoliberal Capitalism , that is wreaking so much havoc in the World .

Endless wars – when did you last here a West politician mention the word ” Peace ” ? .

Brutal , heedless destruction & plunder of the Earth’s resources hand-in-hand with schizophrenic hysteria re * Green * policies , imposed from above by people whose wealth insulates ( HA ! ) them the negative effects of these policies .

And ALL the while the vast rivers of profit flow upstream into the nets of Globalist Oligarchy .

I think it’s possible the slavish adherence of the current SNP to Neolib orthodoxy is not so much because they believe in it’s efficacy or are particularly committed to it ideologically ( some of them no doubt are ) : but rather , because they don’t have fckn clue how to do anything different – let alone original . Ergo ,they just follow the pack , absorb the ” received wisdom ” on everything and basically stumble along hoping ” things will work out ok ” . Maybe also a reflection of the lack of real-life experience/expertise of the very ” Gap Year ” studenty composition of the current SNP .

Except they’re not working out ok ; ” things ” are getting worse , much worse , and every ” thing ” the Neoliberal/Globalist mindset does is exacerbating the problems . THEY are the problem , but they keep pointing * elsewhere * trying to say it’s all ” their ” fault .

Hatey McHateface

Endless wars

My suggestion is that you take same time to educate yourself. Here’s a good place to start:

link to

You’ll see that of the top ten, only three have occurred in the century and a quarter since 1900. And, given the almost exponential increase in human numbers since 1900, I think we can still make a fair claim to be (so far) living in a Golden Age of peace.

when did you last here a West politician mention the word ” Peace ” ?

All the time. Maybe you should pay more attention.

Of course, maybe I’m writing about the kind of peace we get when we dissuade aggressors by standing up to them, and you’re writing about the kind of peace we get when we allow the aggressors free reign to slaughter until there are no victims left.


Why don’t you educate yourself.

Wiki is written by about 100 American NGOs pushing American bullshit who busy themselves daily with editing corrections they don’t like. It was busted as a reliable source years ago.

What a page to even publish anyway, death tolls ffs!

The Americans would be number one. They’ve caused more death around the world & been involved in every war since they first stole land & planted their flag & haven’t stopped warring since. There’s an idea for their next page, American death toll around the world. We’d be scrolling for hours.

The only western leader calling for peace is Hungary & the EU is thinking of ways to eject him from the EU, steal EU funding from him & blocking his energy supply. Uncle Sam doesn’t like dissenters.

Everyone else is shitting themselves to speak..


I was just wondering what the latest Orban drama would be & low & behold they’re taking him to the ECJ now LOL!

For ummm, introducing laws banning foreign interference & foreign election donations.

Oh deary. The more the EU/US protest at Georgia & now Hungary introducing new foreign interference laws only demonstrates they’re awash with tractors & bad actors. Another day another coup coming right up.

Hatey McHateface

Wings BTL logic demonstration:

Geri posts mince.

Scots like mince.



Hatey McHateface

China, Korea, and Japan build over 90% of the world’s tonnage; the United States builds about 0.2%. The mantle of the world’s leading shipbuilder passed from the United Kingdom to Japan in the 1950s, from Japan to South Korea around 2000, and from South Korea to China in 2010

I’m using shipbuilding as an example of hard, dangerous, dirty work that needs cheap resources, such as iron ores, coal, low HSE standards and low wages. Could equally be offshore infrastructure for oil & gas, or wind.

break out of conforming to social contagion influences and understand that sometimes things need to be said

We can get the jobs, we can get the industries, but not at the wages, comfortable work patterns, and pollution-free environments we have come to believe we deserve.

I’ve said the unsayable, Dan, cue downvotes!

As it happens, China is in the process of pricing itself out of many industries now, but they have a plan – colonise and exploit the resources and the uncountable hordes of Africa. And so the process will repeat itself.

Alf Baird

sooner or later you’re going to have to break out of conforming to social contagion influences and understand that sometimes things need to be said that are not aligned with what you’re being conditioned to think.”

Aint that the truth Dan, aka cultural or colonial assimilation, and the inevitable cringe. And then, the necessary light bulb moment, when the penny finally draps, revealing the ‘colonial hoax’:

link to


Nothing happening, Liberation are about to get recognised by the UN. This will be huge. Any day now the word will come that they have achieved it.

That engages the UN Decolonisation Program which when it runs independence referenda the franchises are much more restrictive than the one Scotgov would use. Basically native born Scots & first generation exiles. Maybe some really long term residents.

Remember last time native Scots voted Aye. We got outvoted by all the immigrants.


Can you provide us with some evidence that Liberation are about to be recognised by the UN?


I am a clear my cookies every day or so guy. My laptop seems to suck in every performance inhibiting cookie on earth until it grinds to gradual halt. Probably all the dungeon porn sites… (joke).


If all this supposed stuff is ‘happening’ in Scotland Dan, then why not start a blog and report it yourself and perhaps maybe at the same time stop telling everyone on here what they are allowed to comment on.

I read this blog so I don’t have to read the Scottish media shite. Not because I want to read you.

If it goes a week on here from cartoon to cartoon (excluding massive holiday breaks obvs) then that means ‘nothing is happening’ in my book.

You don’t like that well…as I say no one is holding you back from reporting all these ‘missed stories’ on your own blog.

Are you the same Dan who used to post on heat pumps at length?


I can’t help my alertness but note the reply to post and keeping the comment trails nested is working out well then…

I’m not telling everyone what they are and aren’t allowed to comment on so piss off with that line.
I have however suggested that a little more focus on Scottish matters might not go a miss though. Totally outrageous behaviour for this site about eh, “Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary.”
Then you get the likes of Andy unsurprisingly wading in yet again trying to play the man rather than the ball with his made up shite that I am aligned with Rise.

Anybody that is actually alert (can’t be you if you’re not sure if it was me that’s called out the bullshit idea of installing air sourced heatpumps and solar PV on totally unsuitable Scottish properties at massive cost to taxpayer… It was) knows that I’ve even proffered the suggestion that if Scotland returned to self-governance, our much better resources to population stats compared with the Kingdom of England would mean we could even just emulate past Tory and current Labour policies utlised under London Rule, and the revenues raised would then flow into a Scottish Treasury to assisting funding the services required for 5.5 million Scottish folk, rather than those revenues be massively diluted to try to serve an extra 60 million in the Kingdom of England.
FFS, get the “Dan’s jist a Tory / Labourite” in quickly. But maybe not in the same nested comment which also states I’m a delusional left wing Rise fanatic though, coz that would make the accusations look like they were coming from folk that were totes mental and all over the place in their assessment and thinking.

Actual alert folk will know that for years I’ve suggested non-party affiliated local candidates genuinely representing their specific constituent’s needs would be a better way to go now seeing as quite so many people are getting increasingly fucked off with all political Parties.

Lots more Scottish stuff suggested too over the years.
Recently Scottish Water bosses getting muckle bonuses when we still deliberately pump untreated effluent into our rivers, and take months to try to sort a broken pipe pissing 2500 gallons of effluent a day into the wrong watercourse whilst trying to state nothing is wrong and SEPA turning a blind eye.
Maybe kerb the bonuses and SW would then have money to spend on installing up to date sewerage treatment plants to neutralise the nasties getting pumped into our eco-systems.
Though this is no doubt more crazy talk from an utter fantasist again! But enjoy your wild swimming in piss, shit and all manner of other chemicals we continue to flush into our watercourses whilst the fat cats sook hard on the taxpayer funded gravy train.

I’ll drop some unofficially released bastarding beaver action in too for the dislikes from folk that like furries, even though beavers are basically just fooking massive rats, and pest services exist to try to keep on top of the issues rats cause. I’m currently going for a 4 mile walk every few day and kicking fuck out of yet another beaver dam which if left to get bigger will flood many more acres of the farmer’s grade A agricultural land where your food grows. Thank me now or later on that score or throw another dislike in, I don’t much care.
Stu’s rats escaped in his house and took out his IT equipment, now scale the wanton destruction and damage up many times over but nobody wants to talk about that because their soft in the head nappers are so screwed up with the social contagion of re-wilding and saving the planet NetZero nonsense which makes about as much sense as twats getting on the #NetBeroStopFlourProductionNOW! bandwagon whilst gnawing on a doughnut.


I suspect that water company wages dahn sarf have a knock-on effect to those expected up here despite the difference in ownership and structure. That’s one for government to address, maybe. If they’ve any good suggestions, that is.

As for Net Zero, that’s just paying someone else to wipe your arse for you whilst you carry on crapping where you want.

Haven’t been to look for beavers, dams etc.; around Perth is the place, apparently.


Net zero is just another government tax with a pretendy good cause attached to make it taste a wee bit better.



Hatey McHateface

for years I’ve suggested non-party affiliated local candidates genuinely representing their specific constituent’s needs would be a better way to go

Of course, Dan. And with all the support from native Scots, these candidates would be a shoe-in. Which begs the question, why is nobody doing it? Right fecking now.

kicking fuck out of yet another beaver dam which if left to get bigger will flood many more acres of the farmer’s grade A agricultural land

Shouldn’t you leave that to the farmer? What’s the chances she’s getting far more dosh in beaver grants than she’ll ever make from growing neeps?

funding the services required for 5.5 million Scottish folk, rather than those revenues be massively diluted to try to serve an extra 60 million

I have never believed these 60 million will quietly accept their new poverty with a cheery wave and a muttered “Good Luck Jock”, which is why I have always believed this idea is mince. Sorry.


1st point:

You overlook that some folk did stand as non-party affiliated candidates in the recent GE. They were always going to be up against it though due to the too short campaigning time-frame. But that doesn’t mean the idea itself doesn’t have merit. It requires to be implemented in a different way if it is to be successful though.
These things do take time to develop, but your stating that nothing is being done right now is off the money. Of course you’d know that if you spent less time on the internet and were fun enough like me to get invited to parties / get-togethers. 😉

2nd point:

(I’m jist back from another walk in ma wellies and removed yet another new dam built in last couple of days in a different location, flooding another area of field. Not ideal as the tatties have still to be lifted from that field… Chuck in a dislike jist because it’s me stating this, but dinnae be ragin’ at me if your chip price goes up.

The farmer and other local farmers can’t stand the twatting beavers as they have encroached upon the land they farm from an unofficial release.
Or maybe the farmers are just lying and quite happy to be spending 10s of thousands of quid and their time trying to pay for and organise mitigation measures that are failing to reduce the negative impact the pesky rodents are having.
Judging by the regularity of beaver carcasses you can see getting washed down the river one suspects a lot of folk are far from happy with the situation.
Good for arms companies though what with all the bullet sales! But unofficial beaver assassinations are probably less good for the Scottish Administration of Devolved Powers and Nature Scotland properly understanding the true impact of the situation.
It’s rather ironic that with Scotland’s poor demographic situation the powers that be are too focused on promoting the wrong type of beaver action!

3rd point

Oh, so England winnae be happy if Scotland returns to self-governance? Okay, down tools folks as we cannae be upsetting the English.


Aye as Kev, the dug food salesman said, a long time ago, its mean not to share.

It was akin to winning the lottery (Oil, Gas & Scotwind & other resources) & then refusing to share it with yer hostile neighbour who’s shafted ye for centuries & can’t fucking stand you..but still, its mean. We Scots are to rise above it or something..

He’d spent hours on graphs & everything.
I dunno why other countries don’t do it too.
Just give everything to their neighbour. They may get upset.

Main obviously attended the same victim school of feckwits. Its an injustice so it is..

Last edited 2 months ago by Geri
Hatey McHateface

First point:

Fair enough. Maybe you could write about that a bit from time to time.

Second point:

I’ll take your word for it. Still not quite understanding why any farmer leaves the sorting out of stuff that’s affecting her livlihood to others, though.

Third point:

I don’t think you would be reduced to a flippant put-down if you actually had an answer to my point – Scotland can’t expect England to stand by and do nothing while we divvi up all the riches that supposedly are keeping them afloat. So either we have a plan for dealing with the inevitable stushie, or we fail.

That’s reality, Dan.


The plan is simple.

What’s in Scotland territory belongs to Scotland.
What’s in England’s territory belongs to England.


Any investment/ contract will transfer to Scotland & Scotland will renegotiate any contract direct.

We own a share of all UK assets.
We owe England nothing. We were forbidden from borrowing. A few million will be easy to wipe the slate clean, after receipts of course.

Its not rocket science. Licences will be returned to their rightful owner.

Last edited 2 months ago by Geri

I’m having trouble locating the clip of that time John Main aka Hatey McHateface was on Bloomberg with lady in red presenter, Panicky McPanicface, you know the clip, the one where John was ripping successful international currency investor Jim Rogers a new one when Jim stated “That if the Scots leave the UK then they’re gonna take their oil”.
I don’t know, maybe that didn’t actually happen, so here’s the Jim Rogers clip.

link to

Hatey McHateface

Another flippant put-down?

My, my. What are we to make of that? 🙂

So we’re back on oil now? The oil (and gas) Scotland intends to ban ahead of the rest of the UK?

And refine through Grangemouth, which thanks to Scottish home-grown virtue-signalling policies, is going to close ahead of the rest of the refineries in the UK?

For pity’s sake, Dan, keep this shite away from the independent candidates you were writing about earlier. They’ll get crucified on the doorsteps.

But again, I’ll politely ask you, bearing in mind the recent Brexit experience which attempted to undo a union one tenth the duration of the Union, to outline the plan for divvying up the assets and liabilities of the UK in a way which will ensure England just doesn’t use its size disparity (ten times bigger, as you frequently greet about), and its military, and its influence in the world, to take what it wants.


Easy. You just turn the Oil & the gas off.

The UK is despised throughout the world. I keep telling you to tune into the UN. It has no influence. Anywhere. It couldn’t even get its supposed mate to let if fire weapons last week & it has even less standing in the EU.

Little Billy no mates isn’t long from being ejected from the security council too. It brings heehaw to the table. Just a big mouth.

As for the military lol Scotland owns half of it unless England can provide receipts of where our deductions went instead.

Yer really not into this international law malarkey are you?


Permanent Security Council members are named in the UN Charter. The charter contains no means to eject members, however much they are disliked.

Geoff Anderson

For me Wings is a critical tool to maintain and ready for action when sanity returns, the SNP are a distant memory, the Murrells are in Jail..

David Hannah

We’re on the lookout for a motorhome, and two fugitives with their hands on the SNP till!

Branchform, we need more details. I can not wait. I feel positive that the dam is about to burst.

Sturgeon and Murrell. Catch me if you can!



Handy buttons.
Can add pictures.


If posts are deleted it can be hard to follow.
Still no ignore button?

Andy Anderson

At last the ability to keep a conversation together. Great. Thanks Stu.

Stev a

My Google news feed is showing me this article this morning! Wings is getting noticed (at last!)


I like that now my comments appear in place as soon as I post them. Had to reload the page in the last one.

Overall I like it. I like the overt HTML tools along the bottom too, cracks knuckles.


Speaking of coping with change there was an unusual seismic event in Ir@n on Oct 5th that many suspect was a nuclear bomb test. 32.20 mark onwards…

link to

And so we continue to descend the ‘escalation ladder’ into hell.

Hatey McHateface

Congrats on steering the subject back to the usual.

I hadn’t heard of this unusual event, nor of its conspiracy-themed interpretation.

But if the interpretation is correct, the perps will be dealt with. I have a very high confidence level about that.

And we’ll be a few rungs back up your ladder, and further away from hell again.


A few months ago the deranged one said he’d just initiate a scorched earth policy. Like a demented teenager not getting their way. Apparently it’s a policy. Cause he has nukes & his neighbours don’t – so easy to threaten & intimidate.

A few neighbouring countries stepped in & said naw ye won’t cause we will help level the playing field. Just give us a shout mate ..

I guess they took them up on the offer.

Hatey McHateface

That’s an accurate summary of Pres P in para 1, Geri.

After that you kinda lost it. You need to work on your stamina and concentration if you intend your posts to read coherently from start to finish.

But you are showing promise, Geri. Keep it up. You’ll get there!


You’re obsessed.

& No it isn’t an accurate description. They were continually offered a peace deal from day one. He’s no need to use them. He’s managing just fine gubbing them by conventional methods.

If the attack dogs step in then he’ll retaliate. They’ve a right to defend themselves eh or are you going to do that Hypocritter somersault of how that only applies to the West?

I’d be careful of false flags regards Oct 5th anyway. The West has form.


Seems to me like the Ir@nians were demonstrating two key things in the space of a few days of each other… the first is we can drop a hypersonic missile on your head with precision and the second is we have nukes.

Brilliant, well done Bibi, you made your dreams come true.

I thought there was something a bit muted about those missile strikes but this now makes a lot more ‘sense’…

And on the other side we have a psychotic maniac absolutely locked into a massive war / air strike on Iran.

And the kicker is that there is (seemingly) no one in the US capable nor willing to stop it. Does anyone believe Kamala is running the show. It is actually laughable.

With all the mad assassination attempts on top the US is a fucking bin fire right now of epic proportions. As for congress etc.,88 standing ovations… we’re fucked.

It is a runaway train of insanity and we are all on board with no way off. Should be an ‘interesting’ next few weeks.

Anyway Happy Tuesday everyone, especially you Dan 🙂

Hatey McHateface

Good summary, Mac.


Please step away from anything to do with running Scotland in the real world.

I don’t think “We’re Doomed” is doing it justice any more. Maybe you should work on the development of a worthy successor 🙂


As for Trump, he is resembling Inspector Clouseau bumbling his way around avoiding a series of comical assassination attempts through sheer good luck.

What sent a chill down my spine was shorty after accepting 100 million plus from Miriam Adelson Trump started blaming Ir@n for the assassination attempts.

I don’t know what worries me more, that he knows that is shite but is saying cynically as he plans war, or that he is stupid enough to actually believe it. Either way it is not good.

He surrounds himself with terrible people, every, single, time.

And then we have Two Tier Keir… oh my it just gets better and better.

Thank God we have John Swinney in charge. phew.

Alan Austin

Really?? A FM who thinks if his mate steals £11,500 from the Scottish Electorate its ok if he pays it back. He also allows him to stay in a job. In the real world he would have been fired and charged with theft.

Swinney is the final nail in the SNP coffin so I suggest you all support him until 2026 election.


No not really. I was being sarcastic about Swinney. He’s a useless cunt. I thought would be obvious!


It was obvious, Mac. I believe from previous comments that AA is not a supporter of Scotland regaining its rightful status.

Stuart MacKay

He claims to be able to solve the U problem in 24 hours so to compensate he has to look tough on Ir so not to frighten the supporters of Is.

Don’t forget everything you see as news from the USA is for internal consumption only. The presstitutes repeat everything as if it was intended for global consumption, cos journalism is simply too hard or too expensive. Their politicians are only interested in what the population think, moreso during elections. The rest of the world is irrelevant.

Remember, when Ronald Reagan opened his mouth, Europe pretty much flinched in terror, expecting the nukes to start flying. It’s a big mistake to keep on reacting like that.

Last edited 2 months ago by Stuart MacKay

He’ll solve it in 24 hours cause he has no choice.

He’s discovered he isn’t fighting defenceless unarmed civilians & goat herders.

Americans already pissed at the billions spent overseas while their own country is a binfire.

Sanctions are out too cause that only punishes the American consumer as they import more than they export. The favour can also be returned.

He can’t bully ppl to use $ currency. Its being dumped at a rate of knots.

He can’t bully ppl with Swift either cause a new system is already underway.

They’re also fast running out of friends at the UN & ME countries have declared they won’t be permitting use of their territories for American wars.

I dunno what other options the tango one has other than to have a tantrum & reach for the tanning spray ,disinfectant ,phone.

I thought Trump was bad until Kamala started opening her job lol! I don’t think he’ll be much better but at least we’d know who was making the arsed decisions cause at the moment it seems like a bunch of illiterate unelected chumps are running amock at the White House while Grandpa Simpson has a

Hatey McHateface

12 hours, Geri.

Remember, he’s half Scottish.

Do the math!

Hatey McHateface

he plans war

Try to keep up, Mac, or try to drop your habit of denial.

The war started two and a half years ago.

I’m thinking myself that a key part of making the MAGA promise come true will be ensuring America comes out on the winning side, so if he’s planning anything, it will be that.


Have been intending to join your discussions in support of national self-determination in principle and practice, also very keen to keep up-to-date with the outrageous malpractice on the part of SNP/Westminster govt/Scottish legal establishment/Holyrood govt.

The revised structure (seemingly non-chronological and without time-labelling) of the ‘forum’ style contributions renders the website largely unuseable for me.

Now request return to the previous chronological scheme but with provision that contributors be required to head their messages with specific reference to any message(s) to which they are responding (a ‘required field’?) and provision for time label when their message was sent, also time labelling of appearance on ‘Wings’.


It’s an improvement on the old system.

Not too keen on the ‘Awaiting for approval’ malarky but that’s the price you pay for ‘calling out bullshit’

No amount of re-formating is going to magically change what people post.

Trying to satisfy everyone is an impossibility.

Personally I’m not too keen on this idea that posters are expected to ‘keep others informed’

It’s interesting to read someone’s personal opinion on a topic but I’m not too keen on the lectures and the idea I need to be informed/educated by random posters in btl comments.


I object to the +/- buttons only giving a cumulative total.


Indeed, and ridiculous that your comment currently has 6 dislikes, and that is why I find these like / dislike functions a joke.
What is so dis-likeable about someone merely asking to see the true picture. Have folk not had enough of smoke and mirrors bullshit trying to obscure the full truth.

Upteenth Steve

Any chance of blacker writing? Gray on white is very cool and all that but black on white is easier to read.

However, I appreciate that the font colour is probably built into the wordpress site theme and may not be easy to change


GB Energy, won’t reduce your electricity bills – it will however – use public money to help subsides the energy companies.

“THE chair of GB Energy has been grilled by MPs over plans for the new publicly-owned company and whether it will bring down energy bills.
Professor Juergen Maier was grilled by MPs during the committee stage of the Great British Energy Bill on Tuesday, alongside Mika Minio-Paluello, policy officer for industry and climate at the Trades Union Congress, and Mike Clancy, general secretary of Prospect.
Maier told MPs the price of energy was not in the “scope of the bill” after being asked by SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn when he expected GB Energy to “bring down energy bills”.”

GB Energy chief grilled on when company will bring bills down | The National (

Hatey McHateface

For many folk it’s an obvious no-brainer.

Bills will come down once the multi-billion (trillion?) investment in all the infrastructure has been paid back to whoever it is being borrowed from.

Has somebody told you all those offshore windfarms, onshore windfarms, subsea cables, onshore above ground cables, charging points, distribution hubs, etc. etc. are being built and installed as an altruistic act by people just wanting to be nice?

They were taking the piss.

Alf Baird

Aye RoS, by 2030 Scottish renewable energy alone will be producing £100 billion+ retail worth of Kw/hr a year. The annual opcost of turbines and cables is unlikely to exceed £10 billion/yr. The question then is, who is pocketing the £90 billion/yr surplus because it sure aint the colonized natives.

And why do Scots have to pay the highest energy costs in Europe (four times higher than Norway!) when we are more than self-sufficient and produce vast surpluses of energy? Mair colonial plunder.

link to


The U.K. as a whole has around 100gw of generation capacity and the total value of electric paid at retail rates is around £120bn per year. So why in 2030 would c20GW of capacity generate £100bn in value. 20% of the capacity, 83% of the value. Not to mention, the value you’re proposing would amount to around 40% of Scottish GDP, does that sound sensible? That’s before we get into your lie about the U.K. having the highest electric bills in Europe (although apparently the electric is being stolen, so which is it?), or your convenient omission about the recent 10x increase in Norwegian electricity prices. link to

Its nonsense built on lies with an extra topping of nonsense on top. I can’t tell you of the untold riches I’m being deprived of because the evil U.K. state is preventing me from selling the soil in my back garden at the same price per gram as crack cocaine.

Alf Baird

Scotland is shown to have the lowest GDP in NW Europe only because of the ‘union’ hoax. Scotland is already being fleeced to the tune of £150 bn per annum, which is the price of colonialism:

link to


There are some daft arguments out there, but the “we would be [insert here] Scandinavian country if we were independent” is possibly the most ridiculous, as if the history, demographics and economy of all countries are identical or irrelevant and countries can undertake that metamorphosis simply by changing their governance arrangements. The GDP of Kosovo (a country to recently declare independence from a larger state, so an excellent comparator example) per capita is around 10% of that of Scotland, with abundant natural resources (now that we’re calling wind and rain natural resources). Thank god for the 1000% Union divide. Sound stupid?

Alf Baird

I was not aware that a sovereign Kosovo had ever created via international treaty a joint legislature and common trading area with a neighbouring country?


It formed as a new breakaway state from the state of Serbia back in 2008, just as Scotland would be forming a new state away from the U.K. if she were to ever become independent. It’s obviously an absurd example, but no more so than Norway.


Scotland is already a sovereign country.

In a union. With England. We’re not a region & our territory & maritime boundaries remain intact.

Kosovo was a provence.

Alf Baird

An independent Scotland would not be breaking away from the UK. An independent Scotland would effectively end the UK joint parliament arrangement.


Of course an independent Scotland would be breaking away from the U.K. Scotland does not currently exist as a state in its own right. There is also no such concept as the “joint Parliament arrangement”, there is one Parliament for the U.K. Its true that an independent Scotland would no longer be part of the governance system of that Parliament, but it would achieve that by setting up a new Scottish state. These are established points of domestic and international law.


Scotland is already separate. We have our own crown institutions, laws, education, universities, health service.

We’d only be ending the Act of union. A contract. Not trying to negotiate territory. Scotland was already an Independent country before the union & can be again.

We already have a parliament too.


& you don’t need to tell us about International law. The right of a people to self determination is one of them the UK is signed up to but not applicable at home it seems.

Constantly denied by successive English governments & a wishy washy plant collecting & squandering mandates.

On separation England would also need to establish itself. It’ll no longer be the United Kingdom. It’ll be reduced to only one kingdom with Wales (not a kingdom )& NI (annexation).

It will lose its status & have to reapply to various international organisations too.

Wouldn’t that be exciting! A chance to modernise & get with the 21st century! Not constantly living in the 1700s..


It’s not as if we have to undertake any guesswork here, because we know what the constitutional position is. It has been litigated extensively, both internationally as respect to other countries, and directly in the United Kingdom’s legal system. It was litigated just less than two years ago, in the reference made to the Supreme Court by the Advocate General of Scotland (see below).

Scotland may be a culturally distinct country, but it is not a legally distinct state. The United Kingdom is a state. Prior to the Act of Union, Scotland and England were separate states, but following the Act of Union and the last 300 years of constitutional development, the U.K. is a single state. If Scotland were to leave the union, it would do so by becoming a new state, and the U.K. would continue to exist and be subject to its treaty obligations and benefits.

The right to self determination is constantly misunderstood here. It deliberately does not provide for the rights of people within democratic countries to form new breakaway states. In fact, the authors of the United Nations charter went to great lengths to ensure that it would not provide for that, hence the extensive references to and promotion of the territorial integrity of states!

Read pages 32 and 33 of the Supreme Court judgement on whether the Scottish Parliament has the right to legislate for a second referendum, it makes the position very clear;

link to


The English Supreme Court ruled the Scottish parliament could not legislate. NOT what happens outside of it. The Scottish people who they have a contract with. They’ve absolutely zero authority over what happens at the ballot box.

I suggest you read an international lawyer who stated the ruling was basically full of shit & wouldn’t stand under scrutiny. An English Supreme Court found in its own favour – there’s a surprise. Not! & It entered all manner of shit regarding other countries that was totally irrelevant.

I suggest you read & digest paragraph 81.
Do we live in a democracy or not.

In international law it’s unlawful to deny a clear democratic event at the ballot box. Even if the English chose to ignore the democratic will of the Scottish people – other countries wouldn’t & that’d be a HUGE problem for them on the international stage spouting shite to other countries at the UN.

That’s awkward.


There is no such thing as the “English Supreme Court”, it is the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.

Bluntly, this is moonhowling or banging dustbin lids in a padded cell at its very finest. We’re supposed to buy the idea that the unanimous opinion of the five members of the U.K. Supreme Court doesn’t reflect the law at all and can be dismissed out of hand, but your opinion (or the opinion of some unnamed “international lawyer”) is in fact the highest legal authority in the land.

I obviously cannot prevent you coming up with your own alternative view of the law, detached from any recognised legal principles or precedent, or from proudly declaring it on a regular basis, as you’ve done here. What everyone else can see though is the obvious fact that at some point your fairytale view will collide with the reality of the actual system of law that applies in this country and internationally. Within that collision, it is not your imagination that will win. Its no different to “Freeman on land” or “Sovereign citizen” or any other such fictional legal doctrine.

Finally, there’s been plenty of wailing and nashing of teeth on this subject for a while. Yet this HUGE predicted problem for the U.K. has yet to arise. In fact, it receives zero interest or attention from anyone internationally.


What’s your qualifications with regards to International law? Are you qualified?

Professor McCorquodale has been an advocate before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and is an expert member of United Nations working groups.

The opinion claims that “the Supreme Court was mistaken in law in its approach to the right to self-determination of the people of Scotland in the Scottish Referendum reference case” and “sets out the main parameters of the right to self-determination in international law” and how these apply to the people of Scotland.

Professor McCorquodale concludes: “In my view, the Supreme Court was mistaken in law in relying on the decision in Reference re Secession of Québec as it did. It was mistaken in its lack of appreciation of the context of the Canadian case, where a referendum had already occurred and was not found to be unlawful, the relevant constitutional principles requiring a government to negotiate with a part of its State that was seeking to exercise its right to self-determination by secession, and whether the case was applicable at all to the structure of the UK. Each of these factors were of relevance to the Scottish Devolution Reference case.”

He adds: “The Supreme Court relied on a statement by the UK government which was not supported by the ICJ in the Kosovo Opinion. The Supreme Court also failed to take into account the reasoning or conclusions of that Opinion. As a consequence, it can be argued that the Supreme Court was mistaken in law in not correctly applying the relevant international law. Further, relying solely on a submission by the UK government to the ICJ might be considered unreliable as evidence in relation to the right to self-determination in international law.”

link to


I studied international law as part of my law degree, and one of the world’s best universities, and it happened to be my highest scoring exam. Do you have any relevant qualifications?

If you have read Professor McCorquodale’s opinion then you certainly haven’t understood it. In particular, paragraphs 26 and 27 which confirm what I said above, that the right to self determination does not provide for the right of the Scottish people to break away from the United Kingdom. There is no disagreement between what I said above, and what Professor McCorquodale states in his opinion.

Professor McCorquodale also does not disagree with the conclusions of the Supreme Court, although he does disagree with their analysis particularly of the Quebec Case. However, the judgement of the Supreme Court is, by its very definition, an authoritative statement of what the law is, whereas Professor McCorquodale’s opinion is no more than an opinion, although it is given weight by his expertise of course. Therefore, to the extent that there is any clash between the judgement of the Supreme Court, and the opinion of Professor McCorquodale, it is the judgement of the Supreme Court that prevails.

link to


Aye & am a NASA scientist. FFS!

Look pal, Scotland is in a UNION.
It never became part of One nation.
It never gave up it’s territory.
It never gave up it’s maritime boundaries.
It never gave up it’s Sovereignty.
It never gave up it’s crown institutions.

It gave up fuck all other than its parliament to enter a shared political union/parliament that it could leave at any time & there isn’t an international court in the world that can change, amend, invent otherwise.

Its simply an internationally recognised treaty between two Sovereign countries that can be terminated at any time by either side, like a divorce.

You also fail to accept that the Supreme Court pish wasn’t international law. It was internal, domestic ruling regarding Englands BRANCH OFFICE in Scotland by an English court. Fuck all international about it other than the irrelevant countries they tried to squeeze into it as reference.

Some fucking university you went to eh? Did Kellogg’s give you a certificate with yer cereal?

Another Walter Mitty. Do one ya plank.

Hatey McHateface

Somebody needs a hug!


Oh dear, I assume the Buckie’s out early today. If the law is what you say it is and no international or domestic court can tell you otherwise then I suppose there’s no point in me trying.

It’s a sad state of affairs compared to the momentum the Yes campaign had pre-2021. The SNP isn’t the only elephant lying in the road.

Hatey McHateface

C’moan Aidan.

An international lawyer stated the ruling was “basically full of shit”.

There’s no arguing with that.

Trust me on this, when the debate gets to this level of pre-kindergarten juvenilia, there’s no arguing with it. 🙂


Morning Grandpa!

I said basically, which is right enough. I’m sure he can use Google to find the original opinion if he wants it spoon fed word for word..


With wisdom like that, what can mere men do


Spain chose to ignore a clear democratic event at the ballot box when she ignored the result of the Catalonia Indy ref. Some of the Catalan leaders even ended up in prison. Spain has suffered no international problems because of her actions, why would the UK?


Because Spain has a written constitution. No part can secede.

The UK doesn’t because it couldn’t put that shit in one without breaking the terms to the treaty of Union.

Catalonia is a completely different situation to Scotland.

Scotland signed up to a voluntary union. As two equal kingdoms. With non negotiable terms, beforehand including the 1689 Claim of Right.

Everyone in the UK government understood this. Its only a recent phenomenon that Tories now think they’ll play gymnastics with The Act of Union into something it never was & try play the One Nation pish that never happened either or we’d be Northern Britain & not Scotland & not with separate laws & institutions either.

Last edited 2 months ago by Geri

So the right to self determination does not apply to people living within countries with a written constitution? That’s gold!

Andy Ellis

Spain’s written constitution is immaterial from the POV of self determination, since SD is a jus cogens or peremptory norm in international law. That means that the right of self determination over-rides the purported constitutional ban or any other spurious reasons like territorial integrity, or historical precedent.

Every case of self determination is different, but there are also commonalities. The rights of the Catalonian people and those of the Scottish people (or the Quebecois or any other people who express a desire for independence) are in the end the same: the history doesn’t matter, because we’ll all be judged by the same criteria in the eyes of those who will be recognising the establishment of a new state.

Scotland would be just as entitled to self determination if it had none of the things listed in your final paragraph, none of which have really helped in the furthering of independence. Plenty of other countries with none of those “advantages” have succeeded where our movement has failed.

Campbell Clansman

The thing you reference as “international law” that supposedly overrides national constitutions, is of course a big joke.
Nobody should take so-called “international law” seriously on anything, let alone self-determination, seeing as how most of the countries of the world aren’t even democracies. Dictators are always happy to talk about SD–for others–and write that into some UN resolution they’ll be the first to ignore.
It’s like giving bank robbers the authority to override laws against robbing banks.

Andy Ellis

International law – such as it is – is far from perfect. There again much the same could be said of any given domestic legal system. The thing is, any country that wants to be internationally recognised, wants to allow its people to travel, to join any international organisations, to borrow money…well…anything much really, will need international recognition.

Of course many of the usual suspects in here would be happy for the early days of our better nation to resemble a colder Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, or Transnistria or Somaliland.

I think we’re a long way away from a position where any supra-national authority can routinely enforce international law. There again, given what they might be enforcing that may not necessarily be a bad thing.


[Where did this clown appear from?]


I sounds awfully like that plank an arsehole abroad..

Hatey McHateface

Now now Geri.

You don’t have to jump in.

James has already comprehensively refuted his argument with his Bolllocks (whatever that means).

And so the last remaining roadblock on the route to Indy has been cleared …

Andy Ellis

The right to self determination is constantly misunderstood here. It deliberately does not provide for the rights of people within democratic countries to form new breakaway states. 

That’s a misrepresentation. International law recognises self determiation as a jus cogens or peremptory norm. It says nothing specific about it being denied to people in democratic countries.

The right to SD is neither automatic or unlimited, but neither is it limited to cases of self determination, however much it suits the purposes of some countries (usually those with an agenda against domestic secessionist movements or ethnic minorities they’re worried might demand their own states).

The international community and international law do favour the status quo: it’s not hard to see why. Appeals to territorial integrity, or constitutional prohibitions are not the slam dunk defence against SD that many lazy opponents of SD think.


You are right, the right to self-determination applies to all people. I was using the term coloquially to refer to the right to exercise self determination through secession, which is the point of contention. That right does not exist, save for the circumstances set out in para. 27 of the legal opinion Alba sought earlier this year;

link to

Last edited 2 months ago by Aidan

You are Michael Gove and I claim my £5!


Michael Gove is too busy editing the spectator to indulge the WoS comments section . .


Gove, the foreign agent in more ways than one!

Look for The Spectator taking on a whole new slant in the future.


It’s the revenues, STOOPID.
‘UK’ gov tax take last year from mainly Scottish renewables; 51billion.


Can you provide any evidence that the U.K. government received £51bn in tax from renewable energy? Are you, Geri and Alf in some sort of competition as to who can come up with the most bizarre nonsense on a public forum.


Sorry, ‘Aidan’ I got it wrong. It was actually 52.5billion. I thought you were Michael Gove but it turns out you’re site prick John Main’s laddie! All you can say to facts is “naw it isnae” or “naw it didnae”.; a tosser of the highest order. Read it and weep into your best bitter.
In 2023, UK environmental tax revenue was £52.5 billion, a 4.9% increase from 2022 and is now back in line with the pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic peak in 2019 (also £52.5 billion).”
Source; UK Office for National Statistics.
Shove that up your pipe and smoke it.
Fcucking timewaster.

Hatey McHateface

Ah James, you’re blowing perfect smoke rings yourself and you don’t even know it.

Onlookers are astonished at their diameter though. That’s got to hurt. You dirty wee dog!

An amoeba’s worth of online search reveals that UK environmental taxes include the following revenue streams:

   Climate Change Levy
   Emissions trading
   Capital allowances on energy-efficient items
   Landfill Tax
   Aggregates Levy
   Plastic Packaging Tax

Whoops! Best you extinguish your pipe and sit down.

If you can.


You can’t be that stupid, environmental taxes aren’t charged on renewable energy! The taxes falling within the definition of ‘environmental taxes’ is provided here, about half of it is fuel duty.

link to

Alf Baird

Its not unreasonable for a sovereign state to seek recompense for exporting £100bn worth of Kw/hr energy produced to its next door neighbour, plus all the other interceptions of economic rents.

Until it is independent, Scotland is therefore just another plundered colony. Independence enables an oppressed people to put an end to their exploitation and domination.


If everyone in England got free energy and the people of Scotland were in bondage slavery working to produce it, you might have a point. However, the “£100bn” is paid for, by U.K. consumers, at a market rate, to the private companies that produced it, at their expense. I used to live near the Rowntrees factory, does it mean I’m entitled to ‘recompense’ for all the fruit pastels people have been eating?

Last edited 2 months ago by Aidan

The English don’t even give poor children a free school meal or prescriptions so we’re safe from ever being envious of anything they do.

It never fails to astonish me the amount of fucking roasters that the yoons churn out to defend huge multi billion corporations who hardly even pay taxes.

Not only do they suck a country dry while paying very little back – they now apparently own the territory cause they’ve a hammer & a drill LOL

Oh no, will nobody spare a thought for the yachts!!

Only in yoon world. Mind, they do love a good shafting. I suppose it must be mortifying knowing the English shafted them to vote naw & then took the piss out of them so they have to keep up the pretence.

Hatey McHateface

Here you go. A list of the eligibility for free school meals from the UK Gov site:

link to

And for prescriptions:

link to

huge multi billion corporations who hardly even pay taxes

My, Geri, so you’ve never bought anything off Amazon? You’re a saint, so you are.

Alert readers might want to consider that I’m not that bothered about defending England here. What bothers me is the tenacious belief, shown here day after day, post after post, that Scotland can lie her way to Indy.

Ten years of lying has got Indy nowhere. I appreciate that for those posters who have nothing else to bring to the table, that presents them with problems.

But they should still try to master something new. Scotland can’t afford to waste another ten years on the same old same old.


School meals in England are means tested. Parents have to apply which is the usual English pastime of humiliating & stigmatising ppl so most won’t bother applying at all.

Scotland doesn’t means test. Regardless of income.

When you find a Google link at least read it all eh?

Yes I have bought off Amazon. Do we have a Scottish version or even a UK version? No. Because the Tories sold everything to the Americans & those Americans don’t like others competing with them so restrict big tech & especially communications & shopping to force us to use Google, Cloud, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, eBay etc..Its another form of colonising cause they can remove it all whenever they like which would really fck up everyone’s lives – from hospitals to schools.

Scotland already has a majority for independence. We don’t need to convince anyone other than the Muppet with the mandate to trigger it. Its not our fault Sturgeon was a knt.


Judging by some of your previous posts, in a nutshell, your views appear to be “I hate the warmongering English and Americans, but I love the peaceful Russians and Iranians who are working tirelessly for a better world”. Have you won many people over to the cause of Scottish independence with these lines of argument?

Young Lochinvar

It’s called the (ever increasing) daily standing charges on our Utilities bills.

At least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask..

Hatey McHateface

Indeed it is.

As it happens, the ever increasing daily standing charges are paid by those south of the border too.

And some back-of-the-envelope math suggests there’s ten times as many of them as there are of us.

Hence my assertion that if 10/11 ths of the infrastructure is being paid for by England & Wales, then they own 10/11 ths of it.

This simple fact is usually sufficient to unleash a storm of downticks, but hey ho.

Facts, chiels, etc.


Where do they go, brains?
Jesus wept.


An Independent Scotland could abandon standing charges. We’d make a mint just selling it for triple a fair price.

Hatey McHateface

On buses and trains you mean?

Only fair I guess, the ticket price should include a guaranteed seat.


And there was you moaning about flippant responses yesterday…
Yer jist a totes hypocritical bawbag.

Hatey McHateface

Sure, Dan, but check out the size of the bawbag.

Alf Baird

The EU has a far bigger population than Norway but the latter’s piped gas still has to be paid for. Hence Norway’s enormous surpluses and GDP-per-capita.

Unlike the great Scottish colonial swindle now shifting into the renewable energy era, the UK ‘union’ charade making Scots the poorest people in NW Europe:

link to

Hatey McHateface

I’m of the opinion the oil & gas is yesterday’s scab. Sure, we can pick at it, but if our own Scottish government is actually keener to leave it in the ground than that lot in WM, we should probably move on.

the UK ‘union’ charade making Scots the poorest people in NW Europe

The Union is rock-solid reality. Another reality is that we Scots can unpick it when a majority of us decide it’s really important to us that we do so.

There are plenty of English every bit as poor or even poorer in the depressed parts of England. Wales also.

The key to persuading a solid, motivated, majority of Scots to really demand Indy lies in demonstrating we’ll be better off afterwards. Not just stating it, showing it.

As you know, I don’t buy the “and with one bound, Scotland was free” narrative.

Maybe because I was conned by the Brexit Bus, and subsequently have had to listen to all the woes claimed to be the fault of sundering that particular union!


The only ones to fck up the exit to Brexit were the English. They wanted their cake & eat it. They simply couldn’t accept that they simply weren’t all that special.

Naw they couldn’t just cherry pick the good bits & naw they couldn’t dictate either or bend the rules just for them.

Its very simple – yer either in or out. Not half way.

We’ll have no such problems. There’s fuck all yoons can come up with that’s a benefit & we didn’t give our Sovereignty away to anyone.

The UK isn’t solid either. Its heading for a monumental crash & predictions are the UK will be first. Its also a laughing stock on the international stage & complicit in a geno-cide that the whole United Nations is repulsed by.

You really need to get outside yer yoon bubble once in a while.

Scotland already has a majority. It has also had a majority of Independence MPs.
Stop lying. Yer we yoonion is fascist & grotesque when the chips are down (No surprise, Sun never set & the blood never dried) & it’ll be ejected from ever holding a seat at any future international new world organisation.

The US will soon drop them too as they try desperately to cling on via a deal.

The UK is so solid it couldn’t even get any trade deals. That’s what the world thinks of little Englanders.


Scotland would be as well to leave it in the ground until we’re independent.

Oh deary, Nigeria has officially ditched the $ ahead of the BRICS summit. Just soze you know those ‘shanty towns’ are getting their shit together & taking back control & they didn’t need to come up with a business plan & future forecasts for eejits like Main.

Scotland is a very wealthy country. Ten yrs of GERs shit prove we pay in more than we get back & that’s only on the stuff they can’t hide..

If you think you’d be better being dependent on someone why don’t you move? Yer clearly not happy here & you don’t have anything positive to say about Scotland. Yer more patriotic to places you couldn’t find on a map.

Hatey McHateface

Moving my bowels as I type, Geri.

And thinking of you 🙂

George Ferguson

From a strictly competence viewpoint I rate Jurgen Maier as a commentator on British Utilities. The mistake was made in the 1990s. The market forces failed to contain the excess of the CEOs share price option. Ditto the current problems in the England and Wales Water Companies. To restore Scottish Utilities to public ownership its now £93 billion. Beyond us now.


An independent country has its own central bank.


To be independent you need a separate central bank, a separate payments system and a separate regulator.
The lack of this in the SNP proposals mean they don’t want to be independent.
They must have been compromised for their current proposal to be the accepted position


Currency was voted on repeatedly by the membership at conference & then again at the various assemblies during that wee Growth Report tour of wasting everyone’s time, money & travel.

Sturgeon ignored that direct instruction too.

I think it was 2018 where Sturgeon was caught on camera raging at conference who’d just voted again to bin her Wilson rubbish & have our own currency. She wasn’t a happy bunny.

Common Weal has various small vids on how currency & central banks are set up.


Last edited 2 months ago by Geri

The only only thing that makes sense is she was trying to stop indy
If london controls your payment system do you think your card will work post indy.???


Is BRICS not partially about setting up an alternative payments system. I’ve said on here (half serious half joking) that instead of re-joining the rotten EU we should join BRICS. That is the future.

That would certainly get ‘their’ attention. lol. Can you imagine the incandescent fury…

(Warning: Probably get you killed as well. Avoid hill walking if you do.)


 “To restore Scottish Utilities to public ownership its now £93 billion. Beyond us now.”

Nonsense – its one years stolen money.

“This further implies that we may reasonably accurately calculate the financial cost of the UK Union to Scots and to Scotland as being equivalent to between £150-200 billion annually.”


George Ferguson

£93 billion is the combined current stock market valuation of the previous components of Scottish Power. Scottish Hydro Electric and Scottish Gas.Utilities. A couple of years back I outlined the options available to return them to public ownership. Which would be my philosophical destination. It’s how to do that? That is the real question.. Seeing as the Scot Gov can’t raise £160million for Winter Fuel Allowance mitigation I doubt £93 billion is attainable. Talking about them being stolen doesn’t get them back..


Hi George,
Trust you are keeping well.
Have you spent anytime looking into the BESS grid backup leccy storage facilities that are being rolled out?
I’ve been trying to work out how all this will tie in to Scotland’s energy generation and supply infrastructure.
I posted on the last thread about this but it got hoofed into spam and hasn’t yet appeared. Suitably it was posted on the Things Happen Slowly thread…
It will be a pain to re-type it and post it then Stu take a benny for multiple similar postings and a hammerfest of death metal may ensue…

Talking of spam, I was looking back at some old Gupta / GFG Alliance / SIMEC stuff and how it may have a tentacle entwined with Operation Branchform.
At the very arse end of this thread there appears to be a spam posting which Stu may want to remove.

link to

Alf Baird

Aye George, a colonial administration is permitted only limited powers and is unable to influence the economic plunder it is tasked to help maintain. An independent state on the other hand is able to regulate the way in which foreign-owned companies operate in its territory.

George Ferguson

An improvement although I am having trouble logging on WordPress as my previous email address is no longer my actual email address. Moved from Dundee lost the original ISP supplier e mail address. So verification of e mail address doesn’t work for me. Like any changes it will take a month or two to settle down.


I always use a word search to find my favorite commentators

David Hannah

I come to Wings Over Scotland. Branchform. No update today.

I wonder when this James Hamilton unredacted report is coming out?

Get David Davis on the phone. Read out the good bits that implicate LEAKY LIZ and Sturgeon the JUDAS.

Let’s hope the truth is coming soon!


Ages ago I criticised the old system, even suggesting many of the new improvements. But there is a big problem I don’t like – in the old system, flawed though it is, to “see where the action is” you read the last comment and scrolled up a bit, to get the context, what is being discussed, then made your own or not. It is simple.

– now you have the situation where the last comment can be someone replying way up thread to something someone said yesterday or the day before and it’s not all that interesting. You end up jumping around. For the programmers, it is like branching the code without a merge

Unz has a very sophisticated system, which does allow replies, but does so in a single threaded manner; I think it is a custom system though. I have not seen any system which uses a tree and can also flatten it.

Recent comments don’t need a sneak preview.

While it is funny to see “those who would speak for the majority of right thinking people” get rednumbered to fuck (we shall call them ProV1xs) the joy is fleeting. Posting for “likes” is counter productive, you can post a rubbish, inoffensive, everyone will agree with me, comment and everyone will upvote it, even when it adds nothing to the discussion.

Suppose you had a sophisticated comments system – out of 5 stars, from strongly disagree to strongly agree; some comment gets an average score of 3 – neither agree nor disagree on average. But the average doesn’t tell you everything – that comment looks neutral but it could have its ratings bunched at the far ends; that is an interesting comment, it provokes. There is nothing worth saying which does not upset someone.

Finally, bad things are bad m’kay and everyone should just be nice and get along. Like and subscribe.


Rev, I daresay it is my laptop, or me, but I have followed your instruction to keep the tab open on one of your articles [this one] and have had no orange circle nor yellowing of new comments. Any ideas?


Same here, Sarah – I wondered if there was a setting or something that I needed to change to get this working.



Go as if you are about to type a new message just under the article.

Look the bottom right corner just below where you’d type & you’ll see two icons? A wee lightening symbol & an orange hot symbol.

Press the lighting yellow one to highlight most recent. Then scroll. You should see them highlighted.
Or red flame one to show what’s hot..

Last edited 2 months ago by Geri

Thanks, Geri. I followed your advice but the lightning symbol is for “most reacted”, not “most recent”!

Last edited 2 months ago by sarah

I just noticed that lol My mistake.

Do you have the floating green bubble down the left of your screen?
Maybe someone else can help if that doesn’t work, sorry.


Thanks for trying!


I’ll just tack on here… don’t try to edit a comment several times trying to sort dodgy link and spelling as it gets kicked to spam…
Looks out and puts on motorbike helmet and body armour for pending hammer attack…




Alert readers and eager hunter gatherers of hidden special feature buttons which make the “upgrade” so uber slick to use, will notice that when hovering over the yellow lightening symbol it states it is for most reacted to, not most recent…

I’m still of the view that this new setup is pish as now spend way too much time farting about up and down page trying to track down and keep up with different conversations trails.
Before you could go away for an 30 mins or days and simply click refresh page once, and then work your way through all the new comments.
Now it’s a load of distracting hyper schizoid disrupted bollox to use like that pish Apple maps “upgrade” that had folk driving into the sea.
Fuck sake, if readers of this site lack the smarts to be able to scroll through and deal with several unfolding conversations as they go then no wonder Scotland is fucked.

Alin Scot

I am now finding the text in the comments section too faint for my ageing eyes and difficult to read. This alone will stop me reading Wings comments, which I am sorry about. Recent Comments on the right hand side of the screen are fine. As I type this comment it is a bit of a strain.


There are some strange people on here who think that the current oil and gas companies, energy companies , Internet companies,train companies,airports, steelworks, water companies and other service industry companies ALL reached their levels of profitability due to the ingenuity and drive of their investors

NOTHING could be further from the truth , every one of the industries listed above has been STOLEN from the people who contributed to their future success and profitability

EVERY one of those industries were STOLEN by parasites and carpet baggers aided and abetted by politicians like thatcher the milk snatcher and tony war criminal bliar
What is laughable are the clowns celebrating these thefts whilst paying exorbitant prices for their services, services that would have been a fraction of their charges had those services remained in public ownership, investment in the future technology not reliant on the whims of speculators or investor profits

Robert Hughes

Robin on the ongoing malign influence of Sturgeon on the SNP and – by association – the Independence aspiration …..

link to

I don’t doubt his interpretation of the motives of She Who Should Get To Fuck ( and stay there ) in still seeking to influence decisions/events within the Party-with-a hellhound-on-it’s-trail being – in keeping with her entire tenure – ALL about her : her fatuous ” legacy ” ( that’s a easy one – abject failure to progress by a mm the cause for which the Party she ran – into the ground – for almost 10 years was formed ) and damage-limitation around her reputation & possible legal repercussions re her involvement in ” certain affairs ” .

I wonder if there’s more to it than that , though ?

Was it not speculated-on a while back that the Murrells – singly and/or together – would take the whole Party down with them should their racket be exposed and their straw house succumb to the torch ?

Pathological self-interest for sure ; one last round of sabotage as quid-pro-quo for ” leniency ” , ie complete exculpation in any future legal actions too ?

Whatever . Robin is correct that her continuing presence within the SNP is doing that Party untold damage and we/they haven’t seen the worse of what’s to come . Still they refuse to sling her ; why ?

It could be – misplaced – loyalty . Yes , they are THAT stupid ; enough to cause incalculable damage to the Party by refusing to distance it from her .

I’m more inclined to think it’s a case of there being so many restless skeletons in so many precariously-secured closets the whole cabal is inextricably bound together by threats of blackmail and legal consequence for past actions/involvements .

All it will take is one weak link n the whole charade-facade will come tumbling down

Stuart MacKay

We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.

The spirit of Benjamin Franklin runs strong in the SNP.

Robert Hughes

Indeed , Stuart , though such are the twisted interconnections between the patsies in the * Sturgeon * SNP & the Brit Security State – as Vivian correctly suggests – below – it’s entire plausible only the low-hanging fruit will fall , and the instigators escape prosecution – or even censure ,

Tinto Chiel

Don’t you mean Benedict Arnold, Stuart 🙂 ?

Vivian O’Blivion

Robin uses the analogy of toppling dominoes. I don’t think this is quite accurate. When the first domino in a sequence falls the identity of subsequent dominoes are known and their downfall is inevitable. Should the inertia of the multiple legal cases be broken the resultant reaction may be more akin to an avalanche, ie the breadth of the kinetic chain reaction is unknown and all but impossible to contain.

I doubt the Permanent State gives much of a fuck about the demise of Sturgeon, Swinney, et al. Figures who must be protected are likely to include Lloyd, Leeona Dorrian and David Harvie.

Robert Hughes

I reckon you’re spot-on there , Viv . ” Their own ” will be protected . The question being , if Sturgeon ultimately walks away unscathed from this carnage can we take it as evidence she is included in ” their own ” ?

Vivian O’Blivion

In short, I believe the answer to your question is, No. Were Sturgeon to escape unscathed, it would not be reasonable to conclude that she was formally recruited by the British SIS as an asset. I suspect the Permanent State is entirely indifferent regards the fate of the Dreghorn dyke. Thames House will be solely preoccupied by protecting their own, Sturgeon escaping prosecution is a price entirely worth paying. They have after all a responsibility to keep their officers out of jail if the actions that put them in jeopardy were conducted in the line of duty.

Peter A Bell

At last! A comments section that is usable! Very usable indeed, it seems! Well done!


On a lighter note , the Guardian report on Scotland is about a champion Tree Hugger , I was thrilled to note that they have their finger on the pulse to such an extent.


Coping with change…
The upgrade appears to have reduced the functionality of the site a bit.
I made a comment in a response to James Gardner who had mentioned Kinlochleven Smelter Fiasco.
I tried to copy & paste a link to a previous post into my comment but I mucked that up because of the way the new setup works.
I edited the post a few times to quickly correct the link error and spelling, but that got the post kicked into spam.
I wasn’t actually sure which article the btl comment trail I responded to was on as I got there by clicking on the recent comments feed. I want to know so I can keep an eye out and check if and when the comment may actually get cleared and appear.
So I tried an advanced google search of Wings Over Scotland site using the pretty rare term for here of Kinlochleven Smelter Fiasco.
Now I get multiple results with James Gardener’s post but for loads of articles the post doesn’t appear in. (His comment was actually posted btl yesterday in the previous Things Happen Slowly article)

It also seems you can’t right click and bookmark comments now which is a pain as that was a handy method of saving worthy posts.

Last edited 2 months ago by Dan

Changing colour of text in browser & Robin MacAlpines blog.

For the before shot you need to go here:

link to

I don’t have a problem reading the text on Wings but I did on the Robin MacAlpine blog.

Overriding Robin’s choice of text colour makes a big difference.

There’s a whole thing about ‘Web Accessibility’  and how you should make your web site accessible to people with disabilities.
Not sure if it’s a legal requirement or not.

Just when you thought you had things all sorted with your new flashy layout. 🙂

However regarding the colour of the text on Wings that is easy enough to change.

A few tweaks in your browser and Bob’s your auntie and Fanny’s your gardener.

No idea what happens with mobile phones. I’m not a big fan of mobile phones.


“Sturgeon is going to bring the SNP to its knees if the party does not take the threat she poses more seriously. I am desperate to move on from the Sturgeon era but she’s still seeking to exert undue influence over the party and the government even as she is drawn closer and closer to her very last stand. The party must wake up.”

Thanks for the Link Ruby.

F*ck – that’s the penny just dropped for McAlpine – how many more years before he realises that she’s not the only one that has to go – or indeed – that the entire SNP is now a party for troughing careerists who don’t give a toss about Scots never mind independence.

I get the feeling – that McAlpine is still trying to save the unsavable – namely the SNP.

Vivian O’Blivion

To expand on my thoughts outlined above, I continue to firmly believe that the most important article published on this site is “All the jolly boys and girls” (Nov. 2020). While this article deals comprehensively with a specific subject, there are many additional threads that can be pulled using the basic evidence at the heart of the article, ie the trip sponsored by the US State Department under its International Visitors Leadership Program in July 2016. I have tried to explore some of these disparate threads here and elsewhere.

The IVLP by its own definition sets out to identify “future opinion leaders”. Delegates invited on this trip should therefore by relatively junior or middling in rank. Leaving aside Kezia Dugdale who was Leader of Scottish Labour at this point (during this period, who wasn’t?), this description could be said to fit. 

The anomaly would be Liz Lloyd, Chief of Staff to the First Minister. Lloyd sat atop her own specific Castell (the analogy of the Catalan Castell being my choice to conjure the concept of a pyramid of mutually self-supporting individuals reaching a height otherwise unattainable). The question to ask is therefore, was Lloyd being recruited, or was she doing the recruiting?


Following various geopolitical channels an interesting discussion came up over free radio & various media outlets across Europe pumping out U propaganda 24/7.

From wiki..

The term “Radio Free” is prefixed to several radio stations which were set up by United States Central Intelligence Agency to deliver news to countries strategically important to the foreign relations of the United States.

The official stations are: *insert long list of ME countries & Europe..and..

Radio Free Scotland


No radio Free England tho.
Or Radio free UK.
Or Radio Free NI
Or Radio Free Wales.

Funny that. Just little ole Scotland.

Hatey McHateface

That’s weird, Geri.

An amoeba’s worth of searching online discovers the following:

link to

“The station was the initiative of David Rollo, an electrical engineer who served as the Scottish National Party (SNP)’s treasurer and head of broadcasting. He built a transmitter in the Townhead Cafe in Kirkintilloch with Alvaro Rossi.”

And then there’s:

link to

“It describes how an ignored nationalist minority in Scotland, deprived of access to the broadcasting media in the united Kingdom by ministerial diktat and political prejudice, fought for their rights by setting up their own illegal broadcasting station.”

Hatey McHateface

Here’s some links for readers who find Geri’s mince gives them the boak:

link to

link to

It would be nice to think that after reading the links, those eejits who upvoted Geris’ post would go back and downvote it.

Dream on, eh?


What have I told you about Wikipedia?

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty


RFE/RL, Inc. is a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation funded by the U.S. Congress through a grant from the United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM), an independent federal government agency that oversees all U.S. civilian international media, including Voice of AmericaRadio and TV Marti, and the non-profit corporations that are grantees: RFE/RL, Radio Free Asia, and the Middle East Broadcasting Networks. USAGM also oversees the Open Technology Fund, which finances the development and distribution of cutting-edge technologies and techniques to counter efforts by repressive regimes and closed societies to block access to objective news and information. 

link to

LOL at repressive regimes as the West sets phasers tae censorship, blocks websites, detains social media hosts who won’t give them data passcodes & pumps propaganda 24/7.

Would it surprise anyone the SNP had a station on Free Radio Scotland? No. During Indy? Of course not. They’ve to have their nose into everything, everywhere, all around the Globe. Oh well, at least the radio was free eh? Fake NGOs everywhere pumping out misinformation all across countries & their parliaments that’s fck all to do with them. They wouldn’t tolerate that shit on their own patch & were quick to ban RT.

Anton Decadent

I noticed this in yesterdays Guardian. After spending the last few years telling us that the largest domestic terror threat in the UK was its own white population now it is ISIS, Iran and Russia. What could have possibly changed or is the Guardian just more overtly showing who controls it? The same theme appears to be repeated in the US media.

MI5 chief: UK facing growing threat from Islamic State, Russia and Iran | MI5 | The Guardian (

Robert Hughes

crude , infantile , fearmongering propaganda .

Hatey McHateface

So the Grauniad used to have it wrong, now it has it right.

It’s like the story of the Prodigal Son – a cause for celebration, not complaint.

Then again, the threat from one can remain constant, while the threat from the other can grow and eventually become greater.

That’s just the stuff that happens in the real world.

Events, dear boy, events.



Aye, he should have a word with the Americans to leave it out. Its the US who fund those terrorist organizations.

Isn’t it funny how all these rats, who usually remain down their sewers doing secret shit like bad Intel, are suddenly being paraded about doing propaganda Q&As with Bojo & media pieces?

I’d have thought, given his fear mongering, he’d not want to have pinned that rubbish to a face.

First rule I’d have thought..

Hatey McHateface

rats, who usually remain down their sewers doing secret shit

Reminds me of some group or other. Quite popular on here too. On the tip of me tongue.

Damn! But it’ll come back to me, I’m sure.


Is there an amnesty for highly evolved cats?

Robert Hughes

Yo , H . Good to see ya . ( I’ll assume that’s not you in the image ) 🙂


Hiya Mr. Hughes. I was wondering if it would allow us to post images. Pretty useful if it does…

Didn’t you watch Red Dwarf?

Hatey McHateface

Why? What do you know that we don’t?


In other music news…
I hear Twa Ferries Procurement Disaster, Kinlochleven Smelter Fiasco, and The Arsecrack Smeg Muppeteer Instigators of Deposit Return Scheme are headlining next year’s TRNSMT Festival in Weegieland.

Jocko Hawkwind and Fairport Convention tribute acts, Scotwind and Freeport Unconvention will be on stage together covering the Rozalla classic – Everybody’s Free To Feel Good Exploit Scotland.
The Proclaimers may show up to perform Letter From America remix including new line Grangemouth no more…

Last edited 2 months ago by Dan
Robert Hughes

Whit ! no Sensational Hatrick Pervy Band , Average WHITE WHITE WHITE Band or Buns n Poses ; nah , count me oot , D . Think I’ll keep my cash for the Pete Wishart Experience gig @ Perth Deaf Academy


Proclaimers are dedicating Cap in hand tae the six time loser Sturgeon.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Am I the only person who has the green counter thingy at the lower left stuck at 90? Also, yon orange bubble thingy never appears. I did try disabling all the browser plugins and restarting the browser but no go, still the same behaviour. Scunnertastic, eh? 😐


The green counter stuck at 90 appears only once you enter a particular article but not on the home page. It used to be stuck at 0 at the top of the comments but now it ‘follows you’ like the all seeing green eye of Sauron, so that’s progress. As for the significance of 90. Who knows, it is a mystery, like the pyramids.


Seeing as “there’s nothing going on in Scottish politics” that green baw to the lower left of the screen is a slick new special multi-use feature that’s been incorporated into the site to keep folk attentive and stimulated.
How users interacts with the great green orb it is up to them.
They can use the seemingly random generated numbers to play oldskool bingo, get it on with some not too spicy Korma Sutra moves, shout That’s Numberwang!, or I like to use it as a prompt towards the realm of music, and I’m working my way through a series of songs the numbers tell me to listen to.
Looks like it’s going to be a dose of acid house from Guru Josh – Infinity (1990 time for the Guru)

But today the green baw is outranked by the big fire baw in the sky, so seeing as it’s a decent day I’m awa oot for a hurl on my motorbike dodging potholes and bad drivers on greasy roads. It’s like playing Asteroids but with much more at stake.

Graf Midgehunter

Same with me and when I hover the mouse over it:
“Would love your thoughts, please comment” which brings me to the new comment box when I click on it.


I’m just wondering if you’ve to sign in (actually register rather than auto fill yer username & email) to get the dapper new functions? I noticed Stu is signed in on his screenshots.

Just a suggestion.

Hatey McHateface

The Guardian is reporting that genetically engineered wild cattle variants are about to be set loose near Loch Ness.

Known as tauros, they are claimed to be similar in behaviour to the now extinct aurochs. The plan is for them to modify the wild landscape just as the aurochs used to

Regular posters with an aversion to undomesticated beavers will soon have something else to worry about when out and about!

I’m minded too about a TV program I once saw about how Natsi Germany planned to re-introduce aurochs into the conquered eastern lebensraum, once the indigenous Slavs had been cleared to make way.

Surely there will be one or two posters who will want to take that connection and run with it. They can usually weave a Natsi, racist thread into far less promising material.


Genetic engineering tends to cause me concerns without any need to drag in political parties from the past, Hatey.
Although it is worth noting that should anyone choose to ‘run with’ the political connection it’s a connection introduced by yourself.
It doesn’t seem unduly alarmist to have reservations about carrying out genetic modifications which, once introduced into the gene pool, will pass on to each subsequent generation. Not to mention encouraging further such experimentation.
My felicitations, however, on managing to refer to other posters who contribute without, for once, mentioning “Moonhowlers”.

Hatey McHateface

Two stories, Sven, both about the release of revived extinct animals by “elites” over the wishes (probably) and the needs (certainly) of the indigenous inhabitants.

There’s plenty of online information available to amoebae. In terms of human deaths PA, cows are the most dangerous UK animals. Forget your Pit Bulls and your XL Bullies. And civilians die too, not just farm workers. In a country which still believes it has the “right to roam”, the concerns aught to be obvious to all.

But I take your point, even if I don’t intend to be limited by it – your list of those “authorised” to raise topics of interest doesn’t include me.

managing to refer to other posters who contribute without, for once, mentioning “Moonhowlers”

I rarely refer to the howlers at the moon, and indeed, I suspect it’s many months since I last did so. In the normal world it’s not congratulations you would owe me, it’s an apology.

But on Wings BTL, I’m thinking you just blend seamlessly with the near default inability to grasp what is going on.

Graf Midgehunter

No wonder folk here think you’re thick.

A simple story about trying to introduce a form of cattle as a part of the general re-wilding exercise ongoing in Scotland, gets a sneaky nudge from you to try and link it with Nazi German thinking.

You’re sick in the head.

Hatey McHateface

Woo hoo, a Professional Scot long since fucked off abroad throws in his tuppence worth.

What’s up? Things getting a bit hot for you in Germany? Wondering if you might be on the long list of carpet-bagging migrants to get turfed out if the neo-Natsis get their way?

I’d just love for that to happen. If you care about Scotland so much, come and live here. Pay some taxes, then you get a say. Until then, why don’t you button it.

As it is though, I expect we will finally see you back when you’re sick in the head or somewhere else. You’ll be relying on us stay-at-home, tax paying mugs to keep the SNHS primed and ready for when you need to return and carpet-bag off that.


It pretty much amounts to…

“The guy sitting next to me is eating a cheese sandwich. You know who else liked a cheese sandwich? Hitler. I dare some of the commenters BTL are now goosestepping their way to their kitchen for a cheese sandwich right now… disgusting.”

However much they are paying him it is way too much. lol.

Hatey McHateface

Somebody once was just sitting there eating a cheese sandwich, and you know what?

The next minute they keeled over stone dead.

We’re all doomed! Doomed, I tell ye!

Any updates on your “seismic event”? Or are you just going to keep quiet and hope nobody was paying attention.


FFS that is an Alan Partridge level contrived segue to get onto N@zis. Off topic not a problem all of a sudden I see. Aurochs to N@zis…and all to get a dig in at other commenters. So much to unpack…lol.

George Ferguson

link to
A contributor was asking when the ICO Hamilton redaction Report is due to be ruled on. 26th October


This is better, the previous system was a tree stump.

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