The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Afraid to lose 252

Posted on November 27, 2022 by

The SNP are impotent, fearful, useless and liars.

As someone said long ago: “He either fears his fate too much/Or his deserts are small/That puts it not unto the touch/To win or lose it all.”

Warning Forever 217

Posted on November 10, 2022 by

Stop us if you think you’ve heard this one before, readers.

Because you won’t be wrong.

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The trouble with remembering 148

Posted on July 04, 2022 by

One might almost imagine that once every Parliament, a drawing of lots is conducted at The Times’ offices in Scotland and the loser is obliged to write this column, on pain of a ceremonial debagging and a jolly good paddling with an old cricket bat from all the other chaps in the newsroom.

Perhaps the fear is playing tricks with Alex Massie’s memory.

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The Magic Of Vision 160

Posted on June 13, 2022 by

While this site remains mothballed, it’s nice to keep a steady trickle of traffic going just in case it ever needs to spring back to life, eg if someone actually interested in independence suddenly somehow becomes leader of the SNP again.

So we thought it might be fun to just briefly link to some old articles as and when they became topical once more, and as luck would have it tomorrow is such an occasion.

Because that’s when the SNP will launch the first of a series of new papers outlining the First Minister’s “vision” of independence by waffling on about how it would be a jolly good thing, in the unlikely event that she ever got off her extremely well-paid arse and achieved it.

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All the right people 721

Posted on September 12, 2021 by

…appear to be absolutely raging tonight about this:

Folk used to accuse Wings of being divisive. But look who we’ve united!

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Trans Greens Are Greens 89

Posted on May 11, 2021 by

Misogynist racist midget Patrick Harvie is furious this week, which is always nice.

It seems he really doesn’t like it up ‘im.

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In another country 70

Posted on April 29, 2021 by

The BBC debate for the Welsh Assembly elections tonight included the leader of the Abolish The Welsh Assembly Party, which is polling at below 4%:

We make no comment.

An open letter to the Rainbow Greens 140

Posted on April 28, 2021 by

Hi lads. This website has, we’d be the first to admit, made some pretty strong criticisms of you fellas in the last week or two, but we’re pleased to note that you finally HAVE actually manned up and released your “minifesto” tonight.

We’ll let readers judge it for themselves, but we do have one question.

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The Fainthearts 248

Posted on April 14, 2021 by

Presented without comment.

The eyes of governance 148

Posted on March 24, 2021 by

Readers will be aware that Wings has been experiencing some enormous amounts of traffic this year, and it’s not only among the general public. Someone just forwarded us a reply they got today to an FOI request, and it reveals the site’s popularity – well, maybe that’s not exactly the right word – in Scotland’s corridors of power.

The last time someone asked that question (last October) the figure for Scottish Government computers accessing Wings over a six-month period was just under 1100, so the latest numbers represent an increase of almost 30%.

(It should be noted that the two periods overlap, so the true like-for-like increase is probably considerably more. Unfortunately the two requesters didn’t ask about the same sites so we don’t have direct comparisons, but we’re sure Craig Murray will be pleased with the #2 slot even though his site is currently closed because the Scottish Government, in the shape of the Lord Advocate, is trying to put him in jail for it.)

So a big special wave tonight to all our readers in the Scottish Government. We’re sure it’s nice to know of at least one place that’ll tell you the truth about what’s going on.

A better nation 100

Posted on March 23, 2021 by

Nicola Sturgeon’s progressive New SNP, for people who celebrate punitive rape.

Do give them both your votes, won’t you? #BeKind.

This is how dumb they think you are 183

Posted on March 15, 2021 by

Let’s break this down, shall we?

Won’t take long.

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    • TURABDIN on Why I’m Never Leaving Twitter: “While he and his buddies try to confect a diplomatic dish for Emperor Donald, a word in rt. hon. sir…Mar 2, 16:44
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    • umpteenth steve on Why I’m Never Leaving Twitter: “Indeed,my local team – Ross County Cricket Club – has held a world record since the 1960s. 2, 16:07
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