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Bad wolf baying 268

Posted on December 26, 2015 by

The Christmas truce on social media ended unusually early this year as Magnus Gardham, the political editor of the Herald, filed a column which had all the hallmarks of a man who’d overdone the sprouts and redirected the usual outcome of such an error out of his mouth rather than the other end of his digestive tract.


Backed up with a series of borderline-trolling tweets from his Herald colleague David Leask (who ambitiously referred to Gardham as a “genius”), the piece triggered a mild stushie on Twitter which we fully expect to see written up in tomorrow’s papers as “VILE CYBERNATS IN ABUSE STORM”, because it’s Christmas and you’ve got to fill pages with something.

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To the bitter end 309

Posted on December 23, 2015 by

This was a brief exchange between the Scotland correspondent of the Guardian and the Political Editor of the Daily Record on Twitter last night. (The hug referred to is the one between Nicola Sturgeon, Leanne Wood of Plaid Cymru and Natalie Bennett of the Greens at one of the leaders’ debates for the May general election.)


A little vision of the future, there.

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He can’t get no satisfaction 342

Posted on December 16, 2015 by

This tweet mysteriously vanished from Blair McDougall’s Twitter timeline last night:


We’re not sure why, as we know that Scottish Labour love nothing more than to attack the Scottish Government (no matter how ham-fistedly) over education.

And we’re pretty sure it’s not because McDougall felt guilty about picking out only the negative aspects of what Scotland’s biggest teaching union called a “largely positive picture” of the state of Scottish education – and which the OECD itself said contained “much to be positive about” – because if there’s one thing we know for sure about Blair it’s that his conscience isn’t troubled by misleading people.

Our best guess was that even he was just too embarrassed at having made an attack line out of the fact that 20% of the country’s schools were “only” rated “satisfactory”, thereby implying that “satisfactory” status was actually in some way unsatisfactory.

In doing so, of course, he was echoing the words of his hapless leader Kezia Dugdale, who in September told the Holyrood chamber that “no parent wants a satisfactory education for their child”. Maybe McDougall just realised belatedly that he was reading from the wrong month’s script.

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The Pish Gallop 133

Posted on December 15, 2015 by

We’ve spoken a number of times before on this site about the “gish gallop” or “swarm of wasps” debating technique, in which a person attempts to bury their opponent under such an overwhelming tsunami of false, misleading or nonsensical claims in a short space of time that they can’t possibly debunk it all.

The Urban Dictionary gives an example of the form:


Faced with such a rushing torrent of drivel, it’s almost impossible for an opponent to know where to start in order to begin to even scratch the surface (if you can scratch a torrent). And that brings us directly to Severin Carrell’s article in today’s Guardian.

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Another Amazing Collapsing Story 87

Posted on December 15, 2015 by

So this sounds pretty bad, right?


We imagine chaos and mayhem reigned on the streets.

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The Forth Road Bridge FAQ 268

Posted on December 14, 2015 by

Over the last few days, as most of Scotland’s media has focused on hysterical smear stories and outright lies, we’ve been digging around trying to uncover the truth about events around and leading to the closure of the Forth Road Bridge.


Here’s what we’ve got so far.

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Lie by lie 195

Posted on December 13, 2015 by

The Scottish Mail on Sunday’s shock-horror Forth Road Bridge story today is also accompanied by an editorial leader. And if the main article was a piece of bare-faced deception, it’s got nothing on the opinion piece.

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Look on down from the Bridge 184

Posted on December 11, 2015 by

It’s Friday night, readers. Let’s kick back with a little history.


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Water under the Bridge 164

Posted on December 11, 2015 by

We’ve been struggling to get a good grip on what’s happening with the Forth Road Bridge this week. It’s a confusing tale full of contradictory financial and engineering detail, being flayed for all it’s worth by the Unionist media and opposition.


As usual, we’ll make this as simple as possible.

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A bad case of the DTs 119

Posted on December 09, 2015 by

A little light relief after a trying day might be in order.


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Running on empty 154

Posted on December 08, 2015 by

The National today has a story we’ve been sitting on for several days while we tried to get some verifiable evidence in the form of links or screenshots to back it up.


But Labour aren’t the only people having trouble scaring up a candidate roster.

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The trouble with Lords 155

Posted on December 08, 2015 by

This morning’s Daily Record, and also some newspapers, report that booze-ruined internet troll and convicted violent criminal George Foulkes – who’s spent several decades of his political career campaigning to abolish the House Of Lords, and all of the last one sitting in it as Baron Foulkes of Cumnock – has dreamt up a wizard new wheeze to enhance the Scottish Parliament by giving it its own chamber of peers.


The thirsty noble aims to avoid the undemocratic nature of the UK Lords by making the new “senate” an elected chamber. But in an uncharacteristic development that will shock innocent readers to their cores, he doesn’t seem to have thought it through.

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    • McHaggis69 on Things happen slowly: “Financial crime is notoriously difficult to investigate and prosecute. Each thread of finances can burst exponentially into different paths, each…Oct 6, 17:35
    • Anton Decadent on Things happen slowly: “Scottish born journalist John Swinton speaking at a media celebration of the independent press in New York in 1883. “There…Oct 6, 17:32
    • Alf Baird on The whole caboodle: “You must be quite young. A majority of nationalist MPs = independence was always the party’s raison detre – until…Oct 6, 17:21
    • James Gardner on Things happen slowly: “On the subject of the missing £600K plus, how many Yessers asked for and got their donations refunded from “THE…Oct 6, 15:41
    • Andy Ellis on Things happen slowly: ““Fixings and Fitups” is as good a title as any for a book about the SNP’s descent from the days…Oct 6, 15:30
    • 100%Yes on Things happen slowly: “Fingers crossed we get the result we and Scotland deserve.Oct 6, 15:21
    • Andy Ellis on The whole caboodle: “Some people want it both ways: they don’t like people posting stuff they disagree with and deride them for it,…Oct 6, 15:11
    • Geri on The whole caboodle: “They did, ya eejit. Do you not remember Ruth the mooth tank commanders ‘vote for us to save the Union’…Oct 6, 15:10
    • Hatey McHateface on The whole caboodle: “Fck all worth commenting on? What colour is the sky on your world?Oct 6, 15:07
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    • Hatey McHateface on Things happen slowly: “It’s another one that will never get off the ground! 🙂Oct 6, 14:55
    • Hatey McHateface on Things happen slowly: “It’s a binary and you’ve covered both: stay and it’s bad, leave and that’s bad too. Given the enthusiastic, home-grown…Oct 6, 14:53
    • Geri on The whole caboodle: ““Back in the day every WoS article used to see several hundred responses from a fairly wide spectrum of folk.…Oct 6, 14:46
    • Hatey McHateface on The whole caboodle: “I never noticed that any party ever made an explicit plebiscitary election promise before any of the elections you allude…Oct 6, 14:36
    • Dave Llewellyn on Things happen slowly: “As it was 2020 a year where there were many fixings and fitups more that the usual and as there…Oct 6, 14:22
    • Geri on Things happen slowly: “It’ll never amount to anything. The reason they’ve turned an hours work into one that’s lasting years is because PC…Oct 6, 14:19
    • Republicofscotland on Things happen slowly: “It points to her being a spy for the British. Sue Gray – WikispooksOct 6, 14:10
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    • Patsy Millar on Things happen slowly: “I suppose it must give you a wee bit of satisfaction to know that this latest ‘scoop’ is a rehash…Oct 6, 13:58
    • Fiona on Things happen slowly: “Eventually…when forced , is spot on….. Also correct about the imperial masters protection, now that our country is almost milked…Oct 6, 13:57
    • Robert Hughes on The whole caboodle: “I don’t have the slightest interest in ” educating ” you , pal . I put those links up for…Oct 6, 13:55
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    • Alf Baird on The whole caboodle: ““Make it crystal clear beforehand that winning a majority of Scottish seats at WM, or a majority of seats at…Oct 6, 13:48
    • Hatey McHateface on The whole caboodle: “I didn’t expect any “mobile gas van” references before the anniversary tomorrow. Congrats on getting in early.Oct 6, 13:38
    • Shug on Things happen slowly: “If that was the fiddle theere is no way it should take 3 years to investigate. It can only be…Oct 6, 13:21
    • Confused on The whole caboodle: “Ellis fears the mobile gas van. “reading the room”  – whistle a happy tune, statistical fluctuations and all that, the…Oct 6, 13:21
    • Vivian O’Blivion on Things happen slowly: “Breaking news. Keir Starmer’s Handler “Chief of Staff” has quit. Seemingly, Sue Gray couldn’t stand the scrutiny. Why would a…Oct 6, 13:12
    • Vivian O’Blivion on Things happen slowly: “This stuff is enormously frustrating for me (and I suspect the rank-and-file Polis at Gartcosh). The corrupt COPFS have clearly…Oct 6, 13:03
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    • Astonished on Things happen slowly: “I am sooooo looking forward to seeing who gets thrown under a bus first, and who turns king’s evidence to…Oct 6, 12:52
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