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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for the ‘comment’

Crimes and punishment 284

Posted on December 24, 2023 by

Well, this’d bring a tear to a glass eye.

Yeah, whatever DID happen to that?

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Secret Santa 117

Posted on December 23, 2023 by

All the talents 362

Posted on December 16, 2023 by

News Of The World 85

Posted on December 15, 2023 by

It’s funny how things suddenly become journalism, isn’t it?

We wonder what the secret is.

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Everything Changes But You 508

Posted on December 10, 2023 by

Less than six months passed between these two comments.

And the weird thing is that the strategy in both cases was/is the exact same. Huh.

Bleak House 191

Posted on December 09, 2023 by

The Devil And The Pastel Pink Sea 155

Posted on December 08, 2023 by

Well, imagine our surprise.

There was very little realistic prospect of any other outcome, particularly in light of the same judge – Lady Haldane – ruling last month that the definition of “woman” was not limited to biological reality.

In doing so she placed it beyond any credible dispute that the Scottish Government’s proposed Gender Recognition Reform Act did indeed impinge on equality law reserved to the UK government, because the rules on who constituted a legal man or woman would have been different in Scotland and England.

But what now for poor beleaguered Humza Yousaf?

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Ain’t No Sunshine 324

Posted on December 02, 2023 by

The Lowest Low 342

Posted on November 16, 2023 by

This is officially the most embarrassed to be Scottish we’ve ever been.

And we’re including both the 2014 Commonwealth Games opening ceremony AND the time Craig Levein played 4-6-0 against the Czech Republic in that.

We have a government of clowns. Please, somebody, make it stop.

And be thought a fool 169

Posted on November 13, 2023 by

It’s not just the obvious tempting-fate part.

Yousaf himself has been demonstrating his unfitness for office ever since he’s had offices. But that’s not even the dumbest thing about that tweet.

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A World Insane 140

Posted on November 02, 2023 by

We held back from writing about yesterday’s judgment from Lady Dorrian in the Court Of Session in the hope that if we stared at it for long enough we could get it to make some kind of sense. But it does not. On the face of it, the country’s second-most-senior judge is simply a drooling imbecile.

Because that submission is not the least bit difficult to follow.

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Ashes, Two Ashes 183

Posted on October 31, 2023 by

Maybe he thinks Ash Denham and Ash Regan are two different people.

Still, consistency, honesty, decency and integrity: no great loss.

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