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Wings Over Scotland

Dear Sandy

Posted on September 24, 2024 by

The below is an open letter from a rape survivor, Paula, to Sandy Brindley, CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland. It is reproduced unedited, with Paula’s permission.

Dear Sandy,

I’m writing to implore you to stop doing press interviews.

Each time you do, it feels like yet another slap in the face from Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre and Rape Crisis Scotland.

To be honest, I didn’t even know who you were until a few weeks ago. When the report into ERCC came out and Mridul Wadhwa resigned, I thought I could put this whole experience behind me.

Last week however, I heard on BBC that you “unreservedly apologise” for the failing at ERCC. It is honestly laughable. I have had no such apology. In fact, quite the opposite.

In July this year I received an email apologising for the GDPR breach that saw my email used in the Roz Adams tribunal. No mention of the entirely inappropriate email I’d received from MW in August 2021 that shamed me in into silence for two and half years until I saw it used in the tribunal in January 2023.

The solution was not tighter GDPR to prevent whistle blowing, the solution was not backing a CEO that consistently put their own agenda and needs above that of service users. When I pushed back that I didn’t want an apology for what happened after I wrote the email but rather for ever being in the position to write it in the first place, I was told, after a month silence, that I’d hear from Mairi Rosko. Only this week did I realise Mairi was a witness against Roz Adams.

Am I genuinely meant to believe I’m going to get a sincere apology from a witness that felt it was OK to file my email as “hate mail”? Having you suggest I’ve had any sort of apology is incredibly thoughtless and hurtful. To see you say “The thing I’ve found most distressing is what’s happened to survivors that spoke out online in defence of [Rape Crisis Scotland]” is another slap.

Those young women should never have been in that position in the first place, you chose to offer them up. What about the people like me that didn’t choose any of this, that aren’t activist, that were just needing to be heard and cared for, that have been harmed? I get it, you don’t care about us. but do you have to gloat about it in national press?

Then the interview in The Times this weekend. Saying your daughter was in tears that JK Rowling called for your resignation. The utter lack of self-awareness and responsibility.

My daughter has also been in tears a few times over the last three years and I’ve had many sleepless nights going over it in my head. When I went into a spiral in 2021, after being re-traumatised, she couldn’t understand, and she was too young for me to explain, why I was crying all the time.

Again, in January this year when I withdrew after seeing my email was quoted on Twitter. I had no one to talk to, no support because I’d couldn’t tell ANYONE what happened when Mridul Wadhwa said I was a bigot and likely a racist for being offended are their suggestion I “reframe my trauma” for flinching near men in the days after the podcast. I was too ashamed.

Once again, this May half-term, when I was blind-side after my email was printed in the tribunal judgement for the entire world to read, for trans-rights activist to refer to me as ‘a terf that listened to a podcast’.

So, while I have empathy for any child in tears, it does feel like yours could have been avoided if you’d simply taken some responsibility and said: “I made a big mistake at work” rather than blaming JK Rowling. My daughter’s, I guess, could be avoided if I stop listening to podcasts. That is all I did to lead to three years of emotional roller-coaster.

Yes, I’ve written emails that have further involved my in this absolute mess created by the insistence that men can be women, but the alternative is to shrink back in silence and let people more powerful than me do whatever they want, which is exactly what I did that night 18 years ago.

I’m not doing that again. I am saying to you now: “No, stop.”

I understand you’ve done some good work. I can almost understand that we’ve both been hurt by this. The difference is, it was your job to ensure I wasn’t, and you’ve failed at that. That is why people are asking you to leave.


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Steve a

Bloody hell! What a fantastic, excoriating letter! Very well said Paula.

Mark Beggan

Paula I salute you.

Dorothy Devine


I. Despair

Good for you, Paula. May better days lie ahead.


Good Luck Paula,

I’m certain that the vast majority of people commend you for your courage and for your resilience in fighting back against this cruel cabal who enforce their own distorted agenda over the needs and rights of those who have r@ped.

You are in the right and they are wrong.
Women do not have male appendages full stop.


Brindley, needs to resign now – with immediate effect.

Alan McCrorie

A powerful indictment. It’s sad that it has had to be made and Paula yet again has to relive the events rather than have the time to heal.


No words. Take care Paula, we salute you.

panda paws

I stand with Paula. You’ve NOTHING to be ashamed for but by God ERCC and its umbrella body definitely do. I wish you a better future and indeed a safer one for any woman needing help after sexual assault. Apparently only Greater Glasgow and Clyde RCC offer a women only service and of course Beira in Edinburgh which is a stand alone service.


Brindley’s daughter was in tears over calls for her to resign? My god I have no sympathy

Carol Neill

Brave lady …… sorry woman / female


This is what bravery looks like.

Well done Paula. I hope you and your family find peace and wellness soon.


It is despicable that this lady and others have to undergo this constant barrage of self righteous narcissism by this reviled creature whose ONLY interest which is blatantly obvious is to retain her salary, benefits and position, ANY sign of integrity or honesty is completely missing which should come as no surprise to anyone who viewed her desperate public support of the alphabetties in their quest to undermine the innocence verdict against Alex Salmond

As I commented yesterday WHERE are the females in Holyrood of ALL parties ignoring this ongoing assault against women who have SUFFERED severe trauma and violence at the hands of male rapists who then have to unburden and relive their innermost fears and disgust to a FAKE WOMAN fully supported by this biology denier


Stay strong, Paula.

Ms Brindley has no acceptable excuse. She must resign, followed by Maggie Chapman and that person in the Glasgow university who thought such unethical individual was deserving of an honorary doctorate. None of them appear to have the level of judgment or ethics required for the position they have been purporting to perform.

I have sympathy for Ms Brindley’s daughter, but not because JK Rowling was asking for her resignation. It is because she has being unfortunate enough to have a parent who unprofessionally, and in my view unethically, now appears to be willing to use her own child as a convenient shield to deflect criticism and hide like a coward behind, because she might not have the guts to face and take responsibility for the mess she is responsible and accountable for.

Ruby Tuesday

Dear Paula

This woman thanks you from the bottom of her heart for speaking out. I hope you get all the support, care & love you deserve from now on.

If I could I would appoint you as CEO of the Rape Crisis Centre.

It seems insane to have staff in a rape crisis centre who just don’t get it.

All the very Paula I hope you have a very happy future.

Hugs n Kisses

Lorna Campbell

Heartbreaking letter, Paula. I have come to the conclusion that many men simply do not care a jot about female people. Many do, so we should not tar them all with the same brush. What I find almost incomprehensible is that so many of my own sex and yours should take the part of these men with glee. These women, like Brindley, like Cowan, like Sturgeon, are not doing this because they believe that men can be magically turned into women at their own say-so, but because they are being played, and, frankly, are too brainwashed and too desperate for approval that they would sell out their fellow women and girls for at the behest of AGPs and fetishists.

If the truth be told, these men consume vast quantities of porn. Every study ever done shows this to be the case. A male police officer who had made a study of sex crimes, such as rape and sexual assault of women, girls and boys, stated a few years ago, that every home from which these men came, was saturated in porn. He made the link between porn and deviant sexual crimes. If that is the case in the latter example, then both sets of men use porn in ways that trigger their deviancy. The only thing that they have in common is that they are men.

Until we are willing to say out loud what we know to be the truth, female people will continue to suffer, and stupid, enabling women will go along with it rather than tell the truth. Wadhwa is still at ERCC, apparently, although no longer CEO. If that is not so, then Brindley needs to come out and say it is not the case. This man in a frock was not qualified for the job, but the got it in front of women who were both qualified and the right sex. Let’s just accept for a moment what the studies to date on these men have shown. This man was getting his rocks off through the position he was in at a rape crisis centre for females. This is what so many simply do not get: these men need not rape physically because they do it in so many other ways when they invade female spaces.

You are a brave woman, Paula and I hope you heal and that your daughter’s life is not blighted as so many women’s are. Someday, perhaps, rape and sexual assault and all kinds of woman hating and conflict will be no more and we can all live our lives in freedom. The runes do not look too good, but we can never give up and give in to the Wadhwas, the Brindleys, the Cowans, the Sturgeons, the Cole-Hamiltons and the many others who have betrayed us all, but especially women like you who so badly needed their help.

Ruby Tuesday

Every aspect if this idea that men can become women makes me very, very angry.

I reckon things could turn ugly and that there is going to be a lot of children in tears.

I would imagine the child who was sexually assaulted by the trans butcher is still shedding a lot of tears.

I shed tears for the way women are being treated. Mostly I am just very angry.

Very, very angry!

I don’t envisage a day when I will be able to post on Wings unmoderated because I am too bloody angry.


I’m guessing it won’t be long now (entirely justifiably) until we see litigation groups called “Survivors of Rape Crisis Scotland” and “Survivors of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre”.

Adam Hamilton

From the heart, Paula. When you stand up like this you stand up for all women. Even those who deserve nothing like SB


So sorry you’ve had to go through this, Paula.

I second what Mia & others have written – well said.

She should be sacked immediately. Not step down. She should have no future role in dealing with vulnerable people.

This cult truly is sickening & should be completely rooted out of RCS & all women’s spaces. Vulnerable, frightened victims don’t need indoctrinating & they certainly shouldn’t be forced to feel bad/ stay away altogether by a bunch of cult activists intent on forcing their will onto others. Its coercive control – the very thing victims of abuse are trying to escape from.

Its a tale as old as time that certain ppl are attracted to certain jobs involving vulnerable people because they get a kick out of it but all evidence, red flags, common sense & safeguards are allowed to go out of the window when it comes to this parasitic cult.

Thank you for speaking out x


It is so terribly sad to read that a service set up to assist women with the trauma and violation of rape has subjected them to moral injury on top of the trauma already experienced. Who do they trust and turn to now ?
Service providers are there to facilitate recovery not add to the victims distress . It is very clear that the fear associated with violation has not been acknowledged in this organisation. The full focus of their concern is for their own self interests even when found to have failed the victim .
Any one with any decency would resign. They are not fit for public roles .

David Hannah

Terrible read.

With Isla Bryson now safely behind bars in the male prison.

We need go further and gut the public sector, government and it’s puppet entities of these horrible people who are manning the barricades as we speak.

David Hannah

Holyrood 2026 couldn’t come quick enough.

Sturgeon and her disgusting Charlatan cabal are on borrowed time.

David Hannah

Sack the Scottish Government.

Women won’t wheesht.

Holyrood 2026. The destroyer of women’s rights in Scotland.

Sturgeon. She’s got to go.

Lock her up.

Andrew scott

We should all download this letter and send it to our supine msm and our useless snp msps

Robert Louis

Excellent letter. The fact that this women in charge of rape services went bleating to the press about her daughter being in tears about JK Rowling, tells me EVERYTHING about the kind of person she is.

The Scottish Government needs to get a f***ing GRIP! This person needs sacked, PRONTO.

Healthcare and social care has NO PLACE for rabid ideologues, especially those professing that a man is an actual freaking woman just because he says so. An idea so absurd, I simply cannot believe we are even talking about it at all.

This garbage has got to stop. LOOKING AT YOU SNP GOVERNMENT.

Full sympathy with PAULA (the letter writer), and despite what has been done to her, her being brave enough to stand up to these gender cultist bullying, manipulative lying thugs and say NO.

Robert Hughes

Maybe we should ask literary titan & supreme arbiter of what can be considered ” valid ” – N Sturgeon – to review this letter , maybe at the behest of the Prog Pravda , ie The Guardian .

She’s probably too busy praising war criminals to be interested in the welfare of , well , y’know , common , unfamous people

Every single one of the maladjusted spineless nodding-dogs in Holyweird , the ones who were so enthusiastic in their support for the GRR mental sickness , should be compelled to read this letter : maybe then they’d realise the real-life pain & suffering they are facilitating in their supine approval of arrogant Gender Cultists like Brindley, Cowans et al


To be honest I’m going against the grain here.

Having read the whole Roz Adams case, Brindley is not mentioned.
This episode was down to a petulant, narcissistic “non binary” person and their managers over reaction to their neediness.

Those managers need to go. She was sacked or made to leave.

I’m not sure Brindley did anything here and waiting to hear precisely what she did. She’s not mentioned in the case in a direct or indirect way.

Her subsequent actions around divulging survivor telephone numbers may be enough though. That in itself is shameful.


Very well done, Paula, very well done. You are an inspiration to all women.

No, men, you can’t come in. You you can’t have what is ours. No.

Just ‘No’.

Ruby Wednesday

24 September, 2024 at 9:29 pm

Who do they trust and turn to now ?

Very good question Lynn.

Who does a woman turn to should she have problems with any aspect of gender ideology?

The police?
The NHS?
The media?
The gym manager?
The sporting authorities?
The headmaster at their child’s school?
HR at their place of work.

None of the above.

The answer to your particular question Lynn would be JK Rowling.


So Brindley has a Daughter.
Why did she use a man to conceive?
Did she discriminate against trans “men”?

Somehow she expects our sympathy for her daughter’s tears over that for women who have been r@ped.
This really shows how far away this women is from reality and the thoughts of the general public.

Is she still in that job. If so go now.

Ruby Wednesday

25 September, 2024 at 12:40 am

Erdogan getting tore in about this gender nonsense at an address to the UN.

Are you suggesting that ‘the gender pish’ won’t be happening because we woman are going to be saved by the leader of a Muslim country?

Great. I don’t know if you have noticed but there is quite a lot of what you describe as ‘gender pish’ happening at the moment. See above.

I don’t recall ever having a flounce. Sure I am having a bit of ‘a flounce’ at the moment but it’s not voluntary.

link to

6 August, 2024 at 10:49 am

Just shut it Ruby.

I’ve said the same to you in the past when you’ve threatened to have one of yer flounces.

You seem on a mission to piss everyone off & twist what people say so you can have an argument with yerself.

The gender pish won’t be happening as more & more conservative countries refuse to take part in that shit across Europe & the global south. It’s the usual UN/EU creating another level of bureaucratic bullshit for its minions to follow & deflect from far more sinister shit they are doing like going full authoritarian cause their empire is over.

The EU will implode too if they remove Orban from his EU presidency & if they strip him of his allocated funding too. It’ll start a chain reaction they’ll not have bargained for. Another Mafia outfit that went from an economic bloc to overreaching it’s remit into imposing political warfare. They’ll be over too & with it all this transgender directive.

Linda McFarlane

You are amazing and I am so proud of you. You have done more for women than Brindley has done, or ever will.

Stay strong girl!



She did nothing to stop it but actively encouraged it. Allowing trans activists to bully & insult victims. RCS is a vital service for abused women who have nowhere else to turn in their hour of need. Its not a Trans workshop where these narcissists can bully & intimidate victims & be indoctrinated with trans ideology. Its not the reason they are there.

Women were being denied the service. Either put up or shut up seems to have been the message, to the point victims stayed away because their fears & concerns were dismissal as bigots.

Rab Clark

Took us a while to find this again but we’ve been thinking about it since Confused posted it.

We’ve never heard of this ‘Llama’ thing but it sounds great. Is it a kind of google ‘bard (Gemini) which actually answers the question asked?

Anyway, Confused, if you see this, we’d like to publish that as a stand-alone post on OTS because we don’t feel it’s had anywhere near the attention it deserves – thought-provoking and a great catalyst for discussion on how we can do something practical to try and get out of the deep shit we are in.

18 September, 2024 at 2:49 pm

I’m a tech sort of guy. Been messing around with LLMs, but locally, downloaded onto the PC; get a copy of Ollama, install it and run it from the command line. A terminal comes up, run a model – I have LLama3.1 8B, the smallest. Quite impressive. Howsabout this : >>> is my question, the rest is the answer


Conducting a national liberation struggle against a colonizing occupier requires careful planning, coordination, and execution. Indigenous peoples have successfully employed various tactics throughout history, adapting to their unique contexts and circumstances.

**Understanding the Context:**

Before embarking on a national liberation struggle, it’s essential to:

* **Gather intelligence**: Understand the occupier’s strengths, weaknesses, interests, and potential responses.

* **Build alliances**: Form connections with other affected communities, organizations, and international bodies that can provide support.

* **Develop a clear understanding of local history and culture**: This will help in crafting a compelling narrative for the struggle and ensure that the movement is rooted in the community’s experiences.

**Strategic Approaches:**

1. **Non-violent resistance**: Employ non-cooperation, civil disobedience, boycotts, and other forms of peaceful protest to challenge the occupier.

2. **Armed struggle**: If deemed necessary, engage in armed self-defense or guerrilla warfare to protect communities and disrupt the occupier’s control.

3. **International solidarity**: Build connections with international organizations, governments, and civil society groups that can provide diplomatic, economic, or military support.

4. **Cultural preservation and revitalization**: Foster a strong sense of identity and cultural heritage among community members to inspire and motivate the struggle.

**Key Principles:**

1. **Decentralized decision-making**: Involve diverse stakeholders in decision-making processes to ensure representation and accountability.

2. **Community-led initiatives**: Prioritize community-driven projects, allowing local leaders to take ownership and make decisions that align with their needs.

3. **Respect for human rights**: Uphold international human rights standards, even when facing intense resistance from the occupier.

**Challenges and Opportunities:**

1. **Countering propaganda**: Develop effective counter-narratives to challenge the occupier’s misinformation campaigns.

2. **Managing internal conflicts**: Establish clear communication channels and conflict resolution mechanisms to maintain unity within the movement.

3. **Balancing short-term gains with long-term goals**: Prioritize strategic, incremental progress over immediate victories.

**International Support:**

1. **United Nations involvement**: Engage with UN agencies, special rapporteurs, and other relevant bodies to raise awareness about human rights abuses and seek international support.

2. **Diplomatic pressure**: Encourage foreign governments to exert diplomatic pressure on the occupier to respect indigenous peoples’ rights and interests.


A national liberation struggle against a colonizing occupier requires careful planning, strategic execution, and a deep understanding of local context and history. By prioritizing community-led initiatives, decentralized decision-making, and respect for human rights, indigenous peoples can build strong foundations for their struggle.

Anton Decadent

These people have absolutely no conscience, all of those women were told to stfu and get with the program of gtfo. Cowan being brought in is an example of the nepotism, cronyism and political favouritism which is rife in Scotland/the West and which I have previously mentioned in my own experience of organisations practicing institutional wokeism. As I also previously mentioned Mr Idul had the twin protection of claiming transphobia and racism against anyone who dared state the obvious.

I have been reading about the GDR recently and advise people to do the same for a glimpse of the road we are travelling.

Lorna Campbell

Ross: she and others were enablers. I don’t want her to have to go as that sort of makes it cancellation, too, but I want her to offer an unconditional statement that she and they were in the wrong, that this will not happen again, and that women’s services will not be allowed to be infiltrated by the penis-havers even if they disguise themselves in frocks.

We have three strands of this stuff: the adult men; the young women (the vast majority); and the children. They cannot possibly be the same thing, so we have to push and push for the truth. It will not be pretty and many have such a stake in this ordure that they will fight tooth and nail to prevent any debate or any modern study of this stuff. That so many are females, says much about our sex in that it seems incapable of sustained reason when feelings come into play – not their feelings, but men’s – and that really does need to be explored and explained.

The very first thing we should be asking is: why would any decent man wish to breach the boundaries of decency, of female spaces? That is the starting point and Brindley, Cowan, Sturgeon, et al, failed in their duty of care and did not do due diligence. That is a very serious failing.


Hello Rab. Like the blog BTW – someone has to keep banging away.

LLama is facebooks equivalent to chatGPT. One of the things which irritates me are these “whitaboot the .. currency/EU/NATO/trident/theferries” bullshit artists who play their games; it is too annoying to play whackamole with them, but some nationalists seem to live in a state of learned helplessness.

The meta solution is always “do what other people did”, using as a crib other nations successful policies. e.g. the ferries could have been solved by copying what Norway or Australia did.

It has never been easier to “find solutions” with modern tech, you just have to learn how to use the tools, but some people don’t know what questions to ask.

2 recent pow wows of note – conter had some navel gazing, which seemed practically useless, it had the flavour of a seminar. Then there was a currency convention which seemed to fail to convince anyone.

– point is, the average punter armed with these new tools could do better hiimself.

All this controversy over “social issues” generates a lot of noise, but distracts (deliberately?) away from the real issues – the money. It is always about the money, which for us comes down to energy, and we are in the process of being hobbled and hooked-up irrevocably to provide for englands exorbitant appetite.

I have a better one than the one you reference – it is about “the currency” – but it is quite long, comes in 6 parts; it only took me 30 minutes of fannying around to get a good solution. I will post later on, maybe.

Rab Clark

@Confused (12.37) –


I saw the Conter thing you mentioned (well, a ‘report’ on it) and was underwhelmed.

If you want to give OTS first dibs on your currency piece we’ll get it on-site tomorrow. (‘Don’t ask, don’t get’ an aw that…)


Hatey McHateface

@ Confused says: 25 September, 2024 at 12:37 pm

“whitaboot the .. currency/EU/NATO/trident/theferries”

“the ferries could have been solved by copying what Norway or Australia did”

Good answer. What was it they did anyway? Place orders with a competent, professional, solvent shipbuilder?

The currency could be solved by keeping the pound, and letting WM control our finances as best suited to an economy ten times the size of ours. Or, we could join the EU, be forced into the Euro as a result, and let Brussels control our finances as best suited to an economy a hundred times the size of ours. Copying what Greece did, in other words.

As for NATO, join it, like every other wee European country, and up our defence spending to 2.5-3% of GDP, to counter the existentialist threat from Pres P. After all, there won’t be an EU after he’s destroyed half a dozen countries on its perimeter.

So that just leaves Trident. Lease out the bases and the permissions to use it in anger as part of a wide-ranging financial and mutual defence deal with England. In return, England will use her Navy and Air Force to protect our deeply vulnerable offshore infrastructure – the key to any wealth we will have as an Independent nation – at least until we have used our defence spending to build our own armed forces.

How am I doing, Confused? Nailed it?

Good. Now start spreading the word that Indy is finally going to begin to get real about the issues facing us when Scotland cuts the knot and we have to stand on our own.


Main, in what universe does “indy” Scotland becoming a wholly controlled – economically, militarily – protectorate of England, constitute “nailing it”?

Only the diseased brain of a little englander who cannot think outside the notion of england having some central role would see it this way.

– your suggestions should be preceded by a global negation, “here’s exactly what you shouldn’t do”.

England is irrelevant to independence – forget the monkey, deal with the organ grinder, the US. Anglos are less than zero.


“and letting WM control our finances as best suited to an economy ten times the size of ours.”


How does little England make their money? They’ve got nothing.

The Forge

Truly heartbreaking situation, Paula.
As for Sandy, perhaps her bizarre and frankly extreme behaviour is simply down to her having an underlying personality defect or mental health issue.


Women Won’t Wheesht adds support to Paula’s letter.


link to


We know, of course, that blame should not stop at Brindley. The Scottish government and parliament bears blame also.

Well done, Paula, for provoking and re-igniting more interest in the harm people in power can do.

link to

Hatey McHateface

@ Confused says: 25 September, 2024 at 2:33 pm

I really don’t want to hijack what is a serious thread on a serious subject, but you started it at 12:37 with your meta solution is always “do what other people did”.

So, without the insults, tell us what other nations do or would do about your 12:37 wish list of currency/EU/NATO/trident/theferries.

Or foam inchoately about diseased brains, little Englanders, monkeys, organ grinders – the usual and natural comfort zone of the hopelessly clueless.

Rational Scots have been waiting 10 years for answers. We can wait another 10.

Hatey McHateface

@ Geri says: 25 September, 2024 at 2:35 pm


How does little England make their money? They’ve got nothing

Yeah, yeah, without Scotland the English economy tanks, and the Pound loses half, or 90%, or 99%, or all its value overnight. Choose whichever option best serves as click bait.

Might not be such a good idea for iScotland to keep the Pound then, even if only temporarily. What you should do, Geri, is hit the people who advocate retaining the pound after Indy with the reasoned conclusions of your stellar intellect.

We do all need a good laugh from time to time.



The currency can be whatever we want it to be. We’ll have our own central bank & we’re an energy rich nation. Therefore we have goods that ppl want that’ll include our neighbours.

BRICS countries are dumping the dollar & trading in *their own currency* the very reason they’re doing that is because the dollar was weaponised & also manipulated the markets. England would do the exact same. Scotland would not keep the English pound. This was voted on repeatedly back when the SNP had a conference worth attending.

A central bank takes very little time to set up. Estonia even managed it during a war. Its not difficult & we have resources to back it up.

You should venture out of chat forums & circa 2013 with yer old better together pish.

The EU won’t exist.
NATO won’t exist.
Trident is not ours & under no circumstances would we be daft enough to let England annex a bit of Scotland ( See NI ffs!)
Ferries are easy once the meddlers are jettisoned out of Holyrood. As confused has said, follow what others have done that’s proved successful. Scotland had advice from a world renowned shipbuilder. They chose to ignore him preferring drawings from ppl who’d never set foot at sea & a completely new ferry noone had built before. Remove incompetence & that means removing the colonisers first.



The EU won’t exist.
NATO won’t exist.

The EU won’t exist because it’s economy is deliberately being trashed. EU has also just stolen a huge chunk of change that didn’t belong to them & the US has just lumped them with decades of debt. Europeans are pig sick of having the US foreign policy foisted upon them to the detriment of their own countries while they’re told they can’t progress with various tech, who they can & can’t trade with & blowing up their only source of cheap energy.

NATO won’t exist either because it’s proven to be completely useless & not everyone will ever agree on Americas latest brain fart to colonise yet more land. It has no industry, no manpower, no weapons, no money & the weapons they do have are outdated junk. Turkey also looks like leaving so what does that leave? A bunch of tiny wee countries expected to fight anyone America decides to pick a fight with next. Well some of them are already not prepared to do that. They’ll be sanctioned later.

You should tune into the UN. You’d maybe learn something.

I disagree with Confused regarding getting inside with the US. They’re bigger colonisers than the English. I doubt it will have much influence soon because the entire world is sick of it except for its lapdogs France & the UK. Not just their actions around the world but their blatant disregard for international law. Its busy now trying to expand & turn Lebanon into another G-za.


Utterly disturbing to hear all about this -I hope she resigns. Tbh she should be arrested for compounding the distress of the victims – it’s abuse!

Hatey McHateface

ppl who’d never set foot at sea

Dunno where to go with that one! There’s been nobody since Jesus.

trying to expand & turn Lebanon into another G-za

What you mean there, Geri, is that the terrorists who stole Lebanon from its rightful occupants are now using Lebanon as a launching pad for their attempts to steal the neighbouring country from its rightful occupants.

It’s a jihad, an attempt to set up a caliphate. Unless it’s stopped, it’ll take Europe and eventually our own wee Scotland too. Extermination or submission are the only options on offer.

It’s relevant to the subject of this post, because the terrorists behind it absolutely detest women. They’re as much a threat to Scottish women as the trans sickos are, probably more.

But just as some of the loudest cheerleaders for the trans sickos are women, so too are some of the loudest cheerleaders for the terrorists.

And that’s relevant to you.


Lorna Campbell
24 September, 2024 at 6:07 pm

I don’t think they are brainwashed Lorna. I think they know what they are doing. They are all very ambitious, dishonest and they all want something so badly that selling out their own sex, their country they will do without a second thought. With Sturgeon I believe like the entire elite, 2nd class they crave acceptance and position within that elite. Nation, society, women, kids, principle of any kind does not trouble their consciences.

Low grade human beings run the show these days it seems.


“It’s a jihad, an attempt to set up a caliphate. Unless it’s stopped, it’ll take Europe and eventually our own wee Scotland too. Extermination or submission are the only options on offer.”

FFS, ya fantasist.

For being a colonising warmonger you don’t half shit yerself someone is under yer bed just ready to pounce & take yer wee blankie.

I is on television saying it now belongs to them. Apparently the league of nations made a mistake with their maps & God gave them that bit too. Do keep up.

I has been bombing it for decades. It just doesn’t get on with ALL of its neighbours does it? Its always picking a fight & blaming everyone else.

Its absolutely nothing to do with oil, gas or water, no Siree.. absolutely not. They’ll wish the Lebanese government great wealth & prosperity. They’ve no wish to expand at all for that reason. Nope none at all. The ppl at the UN made a mistake & need to get out their tipped & re-draw I borders.
God said so.

Do you ever hear yerself out loud? Lol

Alf Baird

Hatey McHateface @ 8:44 pm

“Unless it’s stopped, it’ll take Europe and eventually our own wee Scotland too. Extermination or submission are the only options on offer.”

Yes, colonialism ‘is force’ (Fanon), and also defined as ‘geographic violence’ (Said). Where colonialism continues the oppressed people and nation are in the process of perishing (Memmi).


LOL. Site prick John Main, a clown looking for a circus.

It’s good entertainment though, on a dreich night.

Comedy Gold.


25 September, 2024 at 6:42 pm

The EU won’t exist.
NATO won’t exist.

Let me bore you with the founding Constituion of the EEC… The emphasis is mine.

Treaty establishing the European Economic Community#


DETERMINED to establish the foundations of an ever closer union among the European peoples,

DECIDED to ensure the economic and social progress of their countries by common action in eliminating the barriers which divide Europe,

DIRECTING their efforts to the essential purpose of constantly improving the living and working conditions of their peoples,

RECOGNISING that the removal of existing obstacles calls for concerted action in order to guarantee a steady expansion, a balanced trade and fair competition,

ANXIOUS to strengthen the unity of their economies and to ensure their harmonious development by reducing the differences existing between the various regions and by mitigating the backwardness of the less favoured,

DESIROUS of contributing by means of a common commercial policy to the progressive abolition of restrictions on international trade,

INTENDING to confirm the solidarity which binds Europe and overseas countries, and desiring to ensure the development of their prosperity, in accordance with the principles
of the Charter of the United Nations,

RESOLVED to strengthen the safeguards of peace and liberty by establishing this combination of resources, and calling upon the other peoples of Europe who share their ideal to join in their efforts,

HAVE DECIDED to create a European Economic Community and to this end have designated as their plenipotentiaries:

Granted, the EU is the successor to the EEC, however after WW2, Europe was resolved to turning it’s back on centuries of petty wars and jealousies, and Imperial ambitions which had plagued Europe since the Middle Ages, and seek prolonged peace through closer integration of economic performance so future wars were unthinkable.

“That” kind of EU properly should survive.

However a militaristic and hawklike EU which becomes an active participant in war, supplies weapons, and seeks to control other Nations through economic sanctions and financial muscle is nothing better than the same old European style Colonial Oneupmanship which twice led to global conflagration, and threatened the very existence of life on Earth. The EU has become the very thing the EU was meant to prevent.

And NATO? Jesus where to begin… A defence pact against a Communist Soviet Empire which hasn’t existed since 1991, where “R” tentative efforts to secure its borders peacefully was met with flagrant duplicity and outright betrayal, and one broken promise after another at the behest of unhindged paranoia and suspicion from the morally bankrupt and desperate USA.

All that was ever asked of “U” was neutrality; the same neutrality which the belicose USA demands of Cuba… Yet we, in the West, are not allowed to recognise parity in this. One rule for us, and separate rules for everybody else. It’s disgusting; particularly given the West’s disposition and complicity towards the depraved obscenities and double standards in the Middle East.

NATO should have been put out to grass in 1991. It is an anachronism left over from the Cold War of the last century which is has now directly destabilised the whole of Europe and brought war upon us all. And for what? So the US could put missiles and weapons labs in range of M0sc0w.

I look forward to the day NATO is wound up, and the same day, when the UN no longer has to listen to the bullying rhetoric of spolied brat “superpowers” with ideas above their station.

We should fix the EU, cure its Nealiberal disease, and make peace in the East if it isn’t already too late. If they’re looking for the bogey-man, they’re looking in the wrong direction.

NATO can get fkd so far as I care.

Robert Hughes

@ Breeks

” All that was ever asked of “U” was neutrality; the same neutrality which the belicose USA demands of Cuba… Yet we, in the West, are not allowed to recognise parity in this. One rule for us, and separate rules for everybody else. It’s disgusting; particularly given the West’s disposition and complicity towards the depraved obscenities and double standards in the Middle East.”

Exactly .

” U ” could have been the Switzerland of E.Europe , but , no , the black hand of U.S Deep State psychopathy had other plans for that stricken country .

After Maidan & the installation of puppet-wank-* actor * Agent Z – let’s not forget elected on a platform of constructive relations with ” R ” , that policy immediately abandoned upon election – the long-planned use of U as a proxy in the demented attempt – ANOTHER ONE – to regime change R was initiated .

Look at the horrific death-toll there at the extremely perilous state we’ve arrived at as a result .

As for the E.U . until such times as WEF/Globalist psychos like Von der Leyen are removed , forget it . It’s nothing more than an accomplice in the insane warmongering which is pushing us closer to Nuclear devastation .


Lorna Campbell, you are a sex-and-manhating nutcase. Poor Sturgeon, Brindley, Cowan, et al, played by Machiavellian men. God forbid these horrible scum should be held accountable for THEIR OWN PERSONAL FEMALE ACTIONS, it’s always the fault of a man.

I dunno what man broke your heart or hurt you, and I feel sorry for you in that respect, but your fucking disgusting and creepy missndry directly mirrors that of Scotland-trashing nutcases like Sturgeon and Brindley. It’s sad, because you do occasionally come with some interesting political stuff.

Your deranged misandristic ideology is cut from the same (touching) cloth as the poor women like Sturgeon plaued as innocent pawns by Big Bad Evil Men. And it’s equally as pathetic and disgusting and stupid. Shove it.


Paula: well done to you for your bravery, and sorry that this tragic and disgusting filth has happened to you. In the very different Scotland I grew up in, it never would have. Never mind resigning, people should be jailed for this.

Dorothy Devine

Since we appear to have wandered off the subject , can anyone tell me what the Lebanese army ( if there is one) is doing to repel the attacks on its peoples and borders?
Or is Hezbollah it’s army, which we as the superior nation along with the USA have designated a terrorist organisation – a fact which both the BBBC and ITV never tire of repeating.

There’s never a mirror when you need one is there??

Ruby Thursday

25 September, 2024 at 4:00 pm

We know, of course, that blame should not stop at Brindley. The Scottish government and parliament bears blame also.

Thanks for you many interesting posts Sam.

Does the blame not stop with the UK Government & their law that states a man can change sex & become a woman?

Are Brindley, the SG etc not just obeying the law of the land?

UK law states that a man is required to ‘live as a woman’ for a period of two years or however long he likes to legally become a woman.

Surely Brindley, the SG & all the rest would be in breach of the law/human rights or whatever if they did not allow a man seeking to legally become a woman to ‘live as a woman’

You can’t ask a man to live as a woman and then deny him the right to ‘women only spaces’ or even have ‘women only spaces’

I don’t know if it was Eddie Izzard or one of his fans who pointed out the ‘Eddie Izzard was just doing what is required by the GRA 2004 Living as a woman

Can you actually ask someone to live as a woman and then send him to a men’s jail?



Correct. Anything & anyone against the US is a terrorist.

Despite being elected. Which is more than can be said for them at the moment.

Breeks & Robert

Well said but I fear, according to various commentators, the EU is overrun with neocons & could be a lost cause. There populations are trying to get them out but they appear unwilling to go while others have had a wake up call that it isn’t wise to antagonise yer neighbours – especially when they own what you want far cheaper. The nukes intended for Germany, without consultation, is causing outrage.

& WTF is Sir Kid Starver playing at? I watched Vasily Nebenzya yesterday at the UN give him his answer, he (UK) is currently party & funding to two conflicts – maybe he needs reminded of the UN charter & Int law. Can somebody tell him? Lol

& PMSL at his response to Z. Not just a bad actor who fooled a population into voting for him for peace but once he gained power started Nazi worshipping & employing thugs to persecute R speaking regions. There again (at the UN), with his entourage, for another pointless exercise when his term is void.

“Z is a dead weight. A suitcase without a handle” LMAO!

He then proceeded to remind everyone how exactly this started with the U guy played on his phone.

He got some belters in yesterday. Especially over G-za. They’ve no shame lecturing anyone while they remain silent on geno-cide happening right under their noses with their help & they have vetoed FIVE times to put a stop to it.

Hatey McHateface

@ Alf Baird says: 25 September, 2024 at 10:13 pm

I guess there’s colonialism, and then there’s colonialism.

Heck, there’s probably Colonialism and COLONIALISM too.

I get it. You turn on BBC Jockland every night and hear English accents, and that grates with you. I seldom watch the BBC – when I surf Freeview I see interminable adverts featuring that scene I never see in real life – the multicultural, multi-ethnic family unit. The social engineering lie of that grates with me.

And when I do watch the News, I see film of towel-heads parading through British streets chanting in Arabic. Maybe they’re wishing me peace and prosperity, but somehow I doubt it. Downstream of that, I see major political parties adopting policies to appease the people I regard as colonisers.

Maybe you want to claim that if we were Independent, none of this would matter. I have my doubts, unless Independence means a “Fortress Scotland” policy.

By all means start detailing how that would work, given that we will be sharing a border with the soon-to-be-here third-world shithole that England seems destined to become.

My bet is that you’ll find a policy to deal with that more popular than anything else you’ve proposed to date.


I agree with onloookers analysis of lorna hates men campbell posts @ 7.28am. She is indeed a total man hater. She recently stated that violence is endemic to men, but produced zero evidence to support her
ridiculous hate based assertion. I am sure she would like this to be true but it isnt. Most men are not violent as anyone and everyone knows.

The only way it could be true is if you change the definition of violence to something most people would not recognise as violence. The claim derives directly from the misandry sighted by onlooker.

Hatey McHateface

@ Dorothy Devine says: 26 September, 2024 at 9:17 am

Lebanon has largely been taken over as a state by the parasite or cancer that is Hezbollah. Both metaphors work, maybe even together – a parasitic cancer.

Hezbollah use Lebanon as the base to launch their rockets across the border into the other land they covet. It’s tough for the real Lebanese certainly, but the idea that a nation should just sit and wait for annihilation because another nation’s occupiers are hiding behind innocent human shields doesn’t actually work out in practice.

For those interested in the Ancient Guff (you?), here’s some info on the Arch Of Titus:

link to

It’s relevant because it establishes with the full authority of the Roman Empire original ownership and legitimacy of claim over the contested land the terrorists of Hezbollah are trying to seize for themselves.

Don’t worry about wandering off the subject. The usual suspects don’t come here to comment on whatever the subject is – they have other, personal obsessions.

Hatey McHateface

@ Robert Hughes says: 26 September, 2024 at 7:09 am

” U ” could have been the Switzerland of E.Europe

Is that a fact?

link to

You don’t keep yourself up-to-date with current events, do you? It’s a major flaw right enough.

Maybe that’s what leads you to go on and on blaming the victims for the misfortunes visited on them by the aggressors.


Oh dear, wee Johnny Main,half-witted racist site prick, is farting from the mouth again. Someone, please ring the bell for his straitjacket.

Or stuff a towel in his mouth?


Mac@ 7.40am
‘The death of John Smith is a very dubious event’. Why are you so suspicious about this? He died of a heart attack.


Thank you Paula for publishing this brave letter.

Sandy Brindley & Maggie Chapman must be fired for facilitating this misogyny, protecting the “needs” of men and adherents to this harmful ideology over those of traumatised women and girls.

They do not acknowledge their own culpability and apologies run very hollow – instead of sincerely apologising for their role in facilitating the toxic situation, it’s finger pointing and self pity.

Sack these women now

John McGregor

Its a ? story from Paula This is one of the many things that are wrong in this country You have a transgender “thing” in charge of a Rape Crisis Centre ??? you could’nae make it up The Deviant Loving party should be ASHAMED BY THIS nTHE WAY PAULA WAS TREATED SHAMEFULL

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