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Wings Over Scotland

Ashes, Two Ashes

Posted on October 31, 2023 by

Maybe he thinks Ash Denham and Ash Regan are two different people.

Still, consistency, honesty, decency and integrity: no great loss.

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Iain More

He is not just useless but thick with it.

Mark Beggan

All said and done.

Yousaf is just another worker of the government.


My mother said to get things done, You better not mess with Humza Dumb .


Humza Yousaf is like an elephant with diarrhoea … he’s badly in need of a cork.

Michael Laing

Proof, if any were needed, that Yousaf is fully committed to the ongoing mission to destroy the SNP. People are leaving the SNP because they want independence, not because they don’t want it.

Captain Yossarian

Diplomacy = statesmanship. You can see it in Craig Murray. I don’t agree with a great deal of what Craig Murray says but he doesn’t make enemies needlessly by threatening people. Craig Murray cannot threaten anyone of course, but neither can Humza. The experienced statesmanlike response is to thank Ms Regan for her work and say that you regret that she has decided to leave and that puts the matter to rest.


Looks like Yousaf and Co, are more into deleting messages than sending them out. In my book Ash Regan has made the right choice to leave the SNP, she’s pro-independence and the SNP gave up on that when Sturgeon and now Yousaf became FM.

‘Yousaf startlingly revealed that the Scottish government ‘had a social media messaging policy’ which ‘actually required us to routinely delete WhatsApp messages’. An interesting way of demonstrating openness and transparency…’

link to


Meanwhile Fergus Ewing is highly critical of Yousaf’s rant against Ash Regan, watch out Fergus you could find yourself frozen out.

“Fergus Ewing has criticised Humza Yousaf’s remarks about Ash Regan and her decision to quit the SNP to join Alba, calling them “sour and ill-founded”.

link to

Angry Weegie

Who told the idiot that this would convince voters that the SNP stands for independence. “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.”

Ian Smith

When Humza says he kept his WhatsApps and fully intends to hand them over, was he not already have supposed to have handed them over, with the current stooshie only starting when the recipients complained that they had not received anything?

Is he by any chance, useless?


5D chess.
It’s a privilege to see today’s World’s leaders in action.

James Che

This captain of a sinking ship would not even know what a lifeboat is if he fell over it in the day light.

Cameron Lochiel

Funk to funky
We know Humza Y’s a flunky,
Strung out on Sturgeon’s lies,
Hitting an all-time low

Jon Drummond

What a nasty, duplicitous ("Quizmaster" - Ed) and bully Yousaf is.

Scotland and its people deserve so much better than this racist idiot.

Young Lochinvar

Well, that would be himself and all the SNP members that voted him in as leader.


Well apart from his usual weathervane “another day another announcement” approach let’s be fair to the man.
At the leadership election hustings he really couldn’t have been clearer that he was a continuity candidate (ie same old same old), was passionate about all the fringe causes promoted by NuSNP entryists and never gave independence much consideration at all, stating ONCE I believe in a throw away comment that was “quite keen on independence”.

Ers real fire in yer belly stuff for you!

So pack yer bags Yousaf and take the SNP members who voted you in on the basis of your hustings statements with you!


I read the (usually) excellent Robin Macalpine the other day praising Yousuf as a decent guy if not really very gifted or even able as a politician. I just don’t see it. The petulant, immature and embarrassing response to Ash Regan’s reasoned, mature and constructive resignation. His ‘wheres all the men” gaffe at the Ukraine photo opp. Getting caught driving without insurance whilst Minister for Transport. Painting himself as the continuity candidate in a clearly compromised leadership election where his predecessor had a police tent set up in her front garden. The man is a buffoon. A complete and utter charlatan. His current position on indy is to lose seats from a comparative current position of strength and then somehow be in a position to move indy forward. He is a joke. He is at it. If you believe Scotland would be better in control of her own affairs and the Union with Westminster is detrimental, Humza is actively harming our country. He is an embarrassment for Scotland and a fitting leader for a party that no longer represents the cause of independence.

Ian McCubbin

Yousaf needs to realise the more he says on defectors the faster the pace of leavers of SNP with many now joining Alba.
The SNP is finished as a political force for the people and was totally destroyed from within.

Mark Beggan

Glasgow University needs to rethink their Mickey Mouse Degree strategy. It’s bad for business.


Diplomacy = statesmanship. You can see it in Craig Murray. I don’t agree with a great deal of what Craig Murray says but he doesn’t make enemies needlessly by threatening people.

Alex Salmond is the same. A true politician and statesman actively enjoys debate, not least because only by debating positions you hold sincerely can you test their weaknesses and the arguments against. In many cases, you have to accept that argument x, y and z are downsides and these need mitigated by actions a, b and c.

You cannot create good policy without robustly testing all the pros and cons, speaking to those against, mitigating or dispelling people’s worst fears. Only once all that is done can you adopt the leadership position where you’re able to push/sell it anyway.

The Sturgeon/TRA clique took the absolute opposite approach, and Humza is doubling down on it. You win no one over to anything by adopting a fixed position where you are 100% right and anyone questioning is a ("Quizmaster" - Ed), bigot, Nazi, should leave the party, must be smeared and taken out etc. Nor do you ever, ever make even halfway decent policy that way.

The civil service used to be the key tool for running all those tests, debates, consultations, mitigations, pros and cons and advising ministers for policy making. It appears to have gone, at both UK and Scottish levels and decent, non-partisan ones replaced with only those who agree. But when it comes to the party itself, this kind of cack-handed and authoritarian attempt at leadership is just idiotic.


Just the spiteful and tedious rantings of a politically enfeebled nonentity.

stuart mctavish

Lol Appreciate how easy it might be to take Ash for his main rival at next election (lol), and how difficult it must be to consider any attempts at making political capital from family being held hostage in an Israeli kill zone..

However, after hearing Starmers now is not the time speech, it would be nice to think that not even a new Scot would give Youssaf grief for sending out a message to his old school friend (?) asking for some solidarity/ an explanation as to why the devil he hasnt resigned or definitively cut ties with the disgraceful UK labour party (yet).


Well that’s a new low. This wacky jape was initially tried by Putin’s people when they knew they had little chance of an honest result. If there needed to be any further clarification that if you’re still in or support the fetid corpse of what was once a political party, you’re either a self aware part of the problem, or you need to really give your head a shake.

Big Jock

The end is coming for the SNP. First at Westminster, then Holyrood. It’s like watching a building falling down in slow motion. Humza just tells the residents to stay where they are until the rubble buries them.

He is as useful as a one legged man in an arse kicking competition.


Humbug Yousless and the SNP – as much use to Scotland as an ashtray fixed to the handlebars of a motorbike.


Big Jock @ 2.39pm

Not even that useful in view of his witterings about whatsapp messages. He doesn’t have a leg to stand on.


What do you think this word means in French?

link to


What do you think of Humza Yousaf?


Excuse my French.

A Scot Abroad

For unrelated reason, I exported a WhatsApp group chat about 5 months.(it was to do with contract negotiations with a large customer on a big project – the lawyers wanted a record)

It was about 3,000 messages. It took under 3 minutes from export into import to a PDF.

So, what takes so long under iScotWhatsApp?


I am surprised Humza hasn’t put the Scottish woman on her place by accusing her of “raceesm” yet.

Can we get a consult from Cllr Fatima JoJo?

Btw Cllr JoJo says she is “Scottish born and bred” on her Twitter. So you can be a councillor without understanding the meaning of the word “bred”.

That’s good, isn’t it? We have a terrible shortage of morons.


Mark Beggan says:
31 October, 2023 at 1:43 pm
Glasgow University needs to rethink their Mickey Mouse Degree strategy. It’s bad for business

No it isnae. Glasgow Yooni and the other Mickey Mouse factories in Glasgow are making money hand over fist, filling the city with foreign “students” and their dependents.

They’re coining it while turning Glasgow into a sprawling, dirty, student bedsit city full of the world’s most educated baristas and cleaners.

James Che

Thank goodness the snp were never the Yes grassroots movement.

The media always confused the two, and the snp tried to “fuse” the two,

stuart mctavish

ASA @3:28


You still in a position to know whether facebook was party to the contract (as in documents to be ms office, drawings autocad and contract correspondence on whatsapp or similar) – or did you get your p45 shortly thereafter?


He’s a child in a mans body, sturgeon is pulling all his strings. For fuck sake can’t we give our politicians a IQ test before we give them power.

John Main

@Young Lochinvar says:31 October, 2023 at 1:31 pm

that would be himself and all the SNP members that voted him in as leader

Would that be the vote that was accompanied by high-level SNP resignations?

Are we talking about the same vote that saw clear evidence in the public domain of SNP electioneering rules being flouted?

Is this the same vote that was so flawed that Leadership Candidate Ash Regan threatened to raise a legal challenge, before backing down?

Betcha it’s that vote. So to some of us old-fashioned old timers, a leader in place due to a flawed and fraudulent process is no leader at all. Whether leader of the SNP or leader of Scotland, or in the current travesty, both.

It remains incomprehensible to me why we Scots have remained so supinely apathetic about this affront to our democracy.

stuart mctavish

Second thoughts ASA, best not answer lest the NDA can jail you for sharing – prolly not worth it either way

Mike Fenwick

A Scot Abroad – 3.28

“It was about 3,000 messages. It took under 3 minutes from export into import to a PDF.

So, what takes so long under iScotWhatsApp?”


An inability to create minutes?

A Scot Abroad

Stuart McTavish,

I wasn’t born yesterday. Despite all public statements, I wouldn’t trust any app to not be harvesting data. That’s why I use two mobiles: outbox, and inbox. They never meet apart from via an intermediary tablet that has a VPN on it. Have done that for years before Whatsapp, it’s just basic security.

I haven’t been employee for 7 years. Instead, I contract. I go into failing companies and either get them ready to turnaround, or break them up and sell off the profitable bits and make the back office and hangers on redundant. Normally about 4 months at a time, for which I take a fixed, and expensive, fee.

John Main

Anybody on here use FitsApp?

You can only write in Scots, or your messages won’t send.

It’s quicker to use, the encryption doesn’t need to be so rigorous, as few can even understand the original plain text.


King Charles’ Coronation chairs sold for charity – link to

The seat sniffers and forelock tuggers (Yes, I mean the English) will be falling over themselves to get these. They’ll be taking deep draughts from the areas the King’s botty has sat upon. God save the ring!

Anton Decadent

I’m putting my lights out incase he and the rest of the goons show up at my door in full costume looking for money.


I sourced this from Rev’s previous article, ‘Fat Maj’s Blush’. Someone might want to stick it under the fake First Minister’s nose. But i suppose it’s difficult to take a slice of humble pie when you’ve got a mouth full of soor plooms.comment image?ssl=1

Graeme George

”The experienced statesmanlike response is to thank Ms Regan for her work and say that you regret that she has decided to leave and that puts the matter to rest.”

That’s what a grown up would do


HUMZA or DUMZA as he is known is NOT MY FIRST MINISTER he is a racist moron and an embarrassment to Scotland, he is a professional failure as is evidenced in every position he has squatted in , the bbc and other media outlets only refer to him as first minister to further embarrass Scotland and rub salt in our open wound

Regarding the WhatsApp message deletions can anyone confirm if it was legal and if not could we form a class action to take the Scottish Vichy government to court
The BLATANT LIES sturgeon told to reporters on TV at her daily messianic appearances when she was asked about retaining these messages should render her liable to prosecution
ANYONE who lost a loved one during covid should be enraged and inconsolable that these corrupt incompetent LIARS are deliberately destroying and removing EVIDENCE of their actions that may have contributed to their loved ones loss of life
It is so obvious that our supposed media is in collaboration with these scum otherwise they would be DEMANDING ACTION against the perpetrators
The COPFS, Scottish police force , and the justiciary should be FORCING these miscreants to reveal ALL


News reporting that Boris Johnson’s advisor Dominic Cummings who gave evidence at the UK’s Covid Inquiry, said, that Boris Johnson liaising with devolved administrations including Nicola Sturgeon, during the Covid pandemic furthered no ones cause.

How right he was on that.

Cummings stuck to his limp excuse of testing his eyes when he drove to Barnard Castle during the height of the pandemic.

Meanwhile Celtic FC has BANNED the Green Brigade fans revoking their season tickets, a handful of weak excuse were given by the club, but we all know that the sea of pro-Palestinian flags that the Green Brigade sported during a international game is the real cause.

Shame on the high heidins at the club for taking this action. The club may now see a slump in profits as fans take a stand against this.


@James Che; I left you a reply on the last thread.

Andrew scott

Just seen mrs murrell on beeb sco
“I was not on a whatsapp group”oh.?.?
Why tho did she have to have her joined at the hip swinney the ninney with her at interview
Very odd


@ John Main 5:25pm

I laugh at most of your posts, not because they are funny but because they are full of shite. This one’s the exception.


Watching Sturgeon answering journalists’ questions on BBC Shortbread News tonight, I couldn’t help noticing – she was back in Blinky McBlink mode.

The SNP letting the likes of DRoss and Baillie inhabit the moral high ground again – we have to get rid of these parasites.


When the music stops….

Sturgeon seems to be saying she followed Swinneys directions on handling messages. Ha ha! Can you see Sturgeon following anyone’s directions? Poor John. The latest to be thrown under the wheels of the bus. It’s all his fault that the messages were deleted.

Mind you, he has a reputation for a Dalek-like attitude to blitzing information the SNP don’t want people to see: REDACT, REDACT, EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE.

So it’s not a bad ploy on Sturgeon’s part to point the finger in his direction. Anything to prevent her accepting responsibility.

stuart mctavish

Sounds good for you ASA (sincerely)

Forgive me for not relishing the idea of you putting England on the dole though – the cheeky response (circa 2014) is that its Scotlands oil that’ll be getting spread thinner in consequence.

Sadly, in context of contemporary (financial) armageddon and relative silence on how to fix it (other than milking the employed and, it would appear, quite literally murdering the poor) I’ve got nothing.


Republicofscotland says:

Celtic FC have paid enough fines over the years thanks to the antics of the Green Brigade.

Brother Walfrid wasn’t a Hamas supporter or a sympathiser of any Islamic causes, so they can set up their own wee club for middle aged men with childish political opinions if they want.

The prawn sandwich guys aren’t always wrong. Celtic FC is a football club, not a drop in centre for excitable halfwits who want to show off their homemade signs with sweary words yer Maw would belt ye for saying out loud. If they want to embarrass themselves they can join the SNP.

John Main

@Stravaiger says:31 October, 2023 at 6:40 pm

This one’s the exception

Naw, it’s nae.

Anyhoo, ta fae the uptick.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:31 October, 2023 at 6:18 pm

The club may now see a slump in profits

That “may” is doing a lot of heavy lifting.

But nae worries. If your statement is true, RoS, then so is mine, by the simple rules of logic:

The club may now see no slump in profits

Best to avoid all weasel words such as “may”, “could” and “might”, RoS, as they lack all conviction and rigour. Stick to the facts if you want to convince anybody of anything.

Captain Yossarian

Republic of Scotland – Re Celtic FC. I remember their supporters showing their support for Palestine since Yasser Arafat and the PLO and that would have been in the late 80’s and it’s been constant since then. The Directors of Celtic accepted it then and it is disappointing to see them fail to do that now. I personally see it as part of the heritage of the club. They have always made a big deal out of supporting the underdog in life and that’s the way it is and they see Palestinians as the underdog. It’s a century old conflict of course, caused when two conflicting cultures, which flares up every few years and hundreds or thousands are killed. What Celtic supporters do is not going to change that and we are supposed to live in a democracy here in Glasgow? It will be interesting to see if they can eradicate the support for Palestine from Celtic Park. I don’t think they will and I hope they don’t.


Just watching Al Jazeera news at the moment.

Maybe all of us here on this blog should reflect on the inhumanity that is currently underway in Gaza. Scottish independence pails in comparison to what is happening in Gaza.

No one needs to take sides but when you see over two millions people cut off from all necessities of life, and with ten percent of the housing stock blasted into oblivion folks should really question what is a life priority.

Or is the sight of children bodies being pulled from the rubble the sight of savages getting their due deserts.


Yes you do need to take sides when truth and justice are being suppressed.
One of the best army’s in the world back up by US Aircraft Carriers, bombs and bullets along with U.K. military intelligence have decided that Israel can kill as many children as it likes in hope they are near a member of Hamas.

Why are the Tories calling 100,000 in a London peace March being told they are 10,000
Hamas supporters?

Why is Starmer terrified to use the life saving word cease fire?

Who are Celtic or UEFA to say fans cannot wave the flag of any nation that you chose?

The majority demand peace but politicians refuse to let it be an option.


“John Main says:
31 October, 2023 at 5:25 pm

Anybody on here use FitsApp?”

Nah, Scotland The What? are all gone, I think.



Another important pro-indy tool bites the dust, folks. For those interested and/or looking for some pro-indy merchandise. After 8-years ‘AyeMail’ is now closing down and having a clearance sale before the site is shut down: link to

Thanks for all your efforts and commitment over the years, Lindsay. All the very best for the future.

David Hannah

I find it hard to believe Sturgeon wasn’t in any covid WhatsApp groups.

She’s 100 per cent a liar. Pants on fire. She was the face of the pandemic. She loved it. She would have been the group administrator.

She’s covering something up.

David Hannah

The Celtic board are finished.

100 per cent. The fans will want Peter Lawell and the rest of the Tory board to do one now. It wasn’t long ago that fans were kicking down barriers at Celtic Park.

I expect full stadium Boycotts.

David Hannah

Celtic fans are political. It’s the Palestine issue that’s got the green brigade – mostly 20 somethings – kicked out of the club they love.

Meanwhile that fat billionaire, Willie Hughey. He loves it. He sits on the board and in the House of Lords. Dermot Desmond. The fans are cancelled. And the players were not replaced with quality this season despite them trousering record profits. Now the Don leader, Peter Lawell is back. Truely horrible board members. Isreaeli zionist supporters. They blew up a refugee camp today in another war crime.

Still. The UK government say nothing. They are sick. They are unhinged killers. Like the nazis.

David Hannah

link to

Oh no. We’ll need to go to the Supreme Court to get rid of the LEZ in Glasgow. The contempt the ruling class have for poor people is clear as the air quality we have in Scotland.


The curse of finding oil.

link to


Ash Regan formerly known as Ash Denham formerly known as Sarah Jane Regan until she changed her birth forename in a deed poll to Ashten. FFS.

John Main

@Effijy says:31 October, 2023 at 10:55 pm

Yes you do need to take sides

The majority demand peace but politicians refuse

Nah, you don’t take sides, especially when you have spent years calling for an end to English exceptionalism and a stop to UK meddling all around the world.

Two sides who hate each other, involved in a war of mutual extermination. Best for us if we keep out. They ain’t listening and they ain’t gonna listen. Ever.

When the belligerents get tired of slaughtering each other, if we are ready and willing to fund humanitarian aid, rebuilding, etc. then let’s do that.

John Main

@David Hannah says:1 November, 2023 at 2:06 am

The UK government say nothing. They are sick. They are unhinged killers. Like the nazis.

The UK government is saying (and doing) plenty. Use your internet. It’s all there.

Deep breaths before your next post, eh?


David Hannah says:
1 November, 2023 at 2:01 am
I find it hard to believe Sturgeon wasn’t in any covid WhatsApp groups.

She’s 100 per cent a liar. Pants on fire. She was the face of the pandemic. She loved it. She would have been the group administrator.

She’s covering something up.

Aye – It’s very difficult to believe that the wee micro-manager and attention seeker could keep her fingers out of anything under her control.

No doubt a frantic whitewash has been underway, but panicked control freaks never quite manage to delete everything. Wee traces of interference and direct involvement will be evident, if the UK authorities decide to follow through. Big IF. I mean, why bother? They now have her exactly where they want her. She is completely owned. She may be sweating for a good few years to come. My heart bleeds LOL.


What I can’t understand is why Mrs Murrell had to make a triumphant re-entry at the SNP conference, completely upstaging Hapless Humza? After all, this was the dope who, being the continuity candidate, helped her out a great deal. Why turn up and make him look like an even bigger idiot?

Of course, it is possible that Humza is so stupid that, in his own confused thinking, he thought it would be a great idea to try and boost his own popularity. Imagine a panicked phone call from Humza pre-conference: “Nicola, you know how you owe me one – could you please attend the conference at least for a wee while?” and Nicola would probably answer “Yes Please (Ho Ho)!”. What a dope.

Whatever the reason(s) for the return of the Queen, it doesn’t look good for Hapless Humza. Not good at all.


Best thing you’ll see today.

Politics is trivial all the time compared to this..

link to

Captain Yossarian

John Main – Try saying “take deep breaths” to those living there. When you declare war on an enemy that live just across a land border, you cross the border and you engage with the combatants, in the streets or in tunnels, and then you go back to your side of the border again. That’s the way the rules of engagement have worked for hundreds of years. We are all somehow allowing these rules to be changed and criticizing those who complain. If enemy tunnels occur under a hospital, you cannot collapse the hospital crushing all those inside so that you can collapse the tunnel from above. You must be prepared to sent your forces into the tunnel to engage with the enemy in the tunnel. Combatant to combatant with no civilians in the way. “Collateral damage” can thus be minimized and not maximized.


Lord Davidson said that available data showed that air quality in the city centre had been improving in recent years and that this trend was set to continue, leaving no need for an LEZ to be introduced inn Glasgow.

Air quality is like they “peace” protests.

Air quality is an excuse they made up on the fly, but it makes a good excuse because it’s a dog whistle to all the nutters and halfwits out there who don’t understand how economies or cars work. (Glasgow Yooni graduates).

Net Zero is a cruel scam that’s transferring historically unprecedented amounts of money from the poor to the rich. At the end of this process 99% of us will be in that poor bracket, wondering why the “just transition” meant no more indoor hot water.


OT. On improving local democratic representation in steering our country’s future.
I had noticed Stewart Hosie’s squeeze Serena Cowdry (currently an SNP Angus Councillor) was up for selection to be an MP candidate.
I notice she is also on the board of Tayside Valuation Joint Board in Angus which amongst other things are responsible for overseeing and compilation of the electoral lists.
That made me recall that Tayside Procurement Consortium which covers Angus, Dundee, and Perth & Kinross council areas awarded electoral contracts to IDOX.
The electorate appear to get no say in decision making processes on these matters. We see how undemocratic the SNP have become within their own Party as they manipulate and steamroller through whatever they require, and that surely makes it questionable that they would be supportive of actually handing any semblance of democratic control back to the electorate.
Eg. link to

There has over the years been mention of the company IDOX that have the contract for providing electoral services such as ballot papers, postal votes, and counting at elections.
Scrolling though the comments made by certain btl posters on and around IDOX subject on this linked to thread are interesting, and I wonder why it is that they are quite “move along, and nothing to see here”

link to

And I also wonder if these same commenters think all is still okay what with recent changes to voting being implemented such as e counting and voter ID.

link to

fruitella the hun


Leaving aside the disastrous effects on our life systems of using fossil fuels in current quantities, you seem to be implying that the prospect of oil/gas wealth drives conflicts. Who can argue with that? – it’s been the dominant story of the last century. Well Alba, for one. And typically half a dozen offshore veterans on here, some of whom are grieving for Gaza (as am I) don’t seem to make the connection.


@Captain Yossarian

Wrong I am afraid

Israel is at war

Therefore Law of Armed Conflict and Geneva Protocols apply

If your opponent deliberately places and operates resources from beneath a hospital, that hospital loses its protection under the laws of war

Israel has a duty of proportionality and not indiscriminately targeting non-combatants, but that does not mean it cannot cause civilian casualties – they have to be weighed against the military advantage of the attack, and I would suggest that Hamas leadership is extremely important

Like the cowards they are they shelter beneath women and children and hospital patients

If Hamas wants protections under the laws of war it should not mix its fighters with non-combatants, it should not use human shields, it should not take hostages, and it should do what is necessary to minimise casualties by permitting them to be moved from the conflict – Israel has given weeks of warnings

It has failed to do any of these things, indeed it has done everything in its power to increase them


I have a couple of questions needing answers.

Hamas has lots of tunnels! Where do they go from where to where and why.

Hamas has missiles – where did they get them, given Israel controls the borders and Egypt a land border. Egypt is a dictatorship installed by the Americans.

Hamas attacks a rock concert!! What on earth is the point in that. If there is anything that makes them bat shit crazy this is it.

Is Israel clearing people out of the West Bank??


Red @7.14pm.

The fans don’t own the club, but they are the club, without them the club is nothing, we’ve seen this type of thing before.

Every football club in Scotland should be sporting Palestinian flags and calling for a ceasefire.

When the high heidins at the UN start resigning over the slaughter of the Palestinians, it puts Celtic FC directors vindictive actions into perspective, it will cost them in the long run.

“Dear High Commissioner,

This will be my last official communication to you as Director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. ”

link to



Watched Nicola’s comments about messages, looked more like some more petrol being tossed on the SNP shit show.

She is absolutely toxic

The blinking eyes – well I lost could!!


@ fruitella

Any chance you can name these half dozen offshore veterans please. Getting fed up of you (and others) pitching up btl trying to tar a load of folk with the same brush because you are too lazy or just don’t have the balls to actually name folk and interact directly with them so they can respond to you.
John Main does this too, and he has been pulled up about it before, only for Ellis to turn up to give him support. But tbf firm anti-genderwoowoo activist Ellis was probably still raging with me for pointing out his daughter uses pronouns. lol

I guess I could be loosely termed as an offshore veteran but was in and out of the industry very quickly as it was pretty much the only job I could get back then that would provide me with the 15K salary I needed to get a mortgage to buy a house. I’m still using just 1KWh of leccy a day and growing a lot of my own food so think my green credentials kick the ass out of a great deal of virtue signalling greenwashing pish pushers that in reality don’t have any practical implementable solutions for society, and not unexpectedly don’t practicing what they preach in a Lorna Slateresque stylée.

I’m now using some of my time to try to get to the bottom of dodgy air sourced heatpump installations seeing as this latest greenwashing pish is costing the taxpayer serious amounts of cash due to cowboy installations and other dodgy practices. Can you really actually get a property EPC rating high enough to qualify and be eligible to get the grants when the property is still single glazed.
It’s difficult to make progress because the reputable companies I contact about this know there is a issue but understandably are very coy and don’t want to be named because that could bring heat from some of the dodgy cowboys that may not be happy about their gravy train of shoddy installations being threatened.
But why is this even down to me to try to sort out. It’s just yet another example of pie in the sky policies and initiatives being implemented with what seems like zero oversight, auditing, or accountability for the can of worms civil service and politicians have created.


Posting this again to give it a chance of being seen by more folk:

Another important pro-indy tool bites the dust, folks. For those interested and/or looking for some pro-indy merchandise. After 8-years ‘AyeMail’ is now closing down and having a clearance sale before the site is shut down: link to

Thanks for all your efforts and commitment over the years, Lindsay. All the very best for the future.

fruitella the hun

Red 8.52

“ At the end of this process 99% of us will be in that poor bracket, wondering why the “just transition” meant no more indoor hot water.”

I’m wondering that to. What’s the reason? How does that work?

(I’m not arguing for ULEZ in draughty cities by the way. My question is about hot water)


Shug @10.02am.

Sturgeon refused to answer four times when asked if she had deleted her WhatsApp messages, ever the consummate speakers, she said she has nothing to hide and will fully co-operate with the inquiry.

“It came after Deputy First Minister Shona Robison said 14,000 WhatsApp messages would be handed over within a week after the Government received a legal order.”

link to

Radio Scotland interviewees saying that it was a really bad idea to put elderly folk with Covid from hospitals into carehomes, which saw Covid run amok and kill many in the homes.


Republicofscotland says:
1 November, 2023 at 9:55 am
Red @7.14pm.

The fans don’t own the club, but they are the club, without them the club is nothing, we’ve seen this type of thing before.

We have seen this type of thing before, many times. That’s why the Celtic execs are in nae mood fur the Green Brigade’s nonsense. They’ve seen people get lifted for pro-Hamas sentiments and want none of that at Kerrydale Street. CELTIC FC IN TERROR SHAME is not the sort of publicity the Scottish champions want.

Every football club in Scotland should be sporting Palestinian flags and calling for a ceasefire.

And gay flags, and trans flags, and BLM flags, because as you said football is “political”, which means a small minority get to impose their political branding on a game most people are only watching to see Kyogo score.

Aye, naw. The silent majority don’t support you on this.

When the high heidins at the UN start resigning over the slaughter of the Palestinians, it puts Celtic FC directors vindictive actions into perspective, it will cost them in the long run

Naw it wullnae.

Captain Yossarian

starfish – The main purpose of the laws of armed conflict and the Geneva protocols is to protect those not taking part in hostilities and they mention civilians, health workers and aid workers. In such a small land area, all tend to be congregated together, along with the fighters sadly. I have read through both and I can see no hint of any justification for collapsing a hospital in order to collapse the tunnels (if indeed there are tunnels) underneath the hospital. I therefore think that it would be a very, very bad idea to touch these hospitals. It’s a vexed subject of course and I can see that you and I are not going to agree, but if you are going to cite the rules as justification for your actions, it would be best to know what these rules are before you do that? It’s combatant to to combatant engagement that is required. On the ground. Otherwise, do not declare war.


fruitella the hun says:
1 November, 2023 at 10:21 am
Red 8.52

“ At the end of this process 99% of us will be in that poor bracket, wondering why the “just transition” meant no more indoor hot water.”

I’m wondering that to. What’s the reason? How does that work?

It works by destroying our ability to generate and buy energy at affordable prices, and mandating expensive punishment measures such as heat pumps and car bans.

Scotland is a horrible place to live when you don’t have access to instant heating, as the poorest will soon discover.

If you think Humza, Rishi and Sir Keir are doing this because they love your children so much, well… LOL. That’s like thinking Big Suzy Aitken cares about health.


Fruitella the hun,

You’ve been on here a number of times complaining about the use of fossil fuels, what exactly do you want Scotland to do about it?
It’s a genuine question I would like answered to understand your viewpoint.



Interesting words there, one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter, such as with Che Guevara, he was classed as a terrorist by the USA, and of course Hamas are classed as terrorists by the so called civilised world, ie US UK Canada the EU Australia and New Zealand, which isn’t most of the world.

As for Palestinian flags vs trans flags in sport, the Palestinians have been murdered and persecuted for neigh on eighty-years, the latest episode on this has seen over 3,000 children murdered, backed by western leaders this will continue, the trans issue pales into comparison next to this.

Sport is political it always has been and always will be, sanctions and banning has been going on at the Olympics etc for decades, but not for Israel.


Zing! Ooft!


“Like the cowards they are they shelter beneath women and children and hospital patients”

I understand you disagree but vast majority of the world would understand this is not a green light to kill those people being used as a shield.

If this were the case, Israel may believe that they are entitled to wipe out the entire population of Palestine in an effort to destroy Hamas. There’s a word for that.

You mention proportionately but this seems to be entirely subjective, the outside world thinks the Israeli government have gone too far and the Israeli government seem to think they haven’t gone far enough.

Captain Yossarian

starfish – One final point for today: do you, or does anyone, know the depth of these tunnels below the hospital? If, for example, the tunnels definitely exist but at a depth 10m (say) below the hospital, then collapsing the hospital will probably have no effect on the tunnels at-all. Are you aware of that? All it would do is terrorize the civilian population and, worldwide, it would be considered as a revolting act of brutal war-criminality. That would be my guess. Let’s therefore hope it doesn’t happen.


“Wrong I am afraid

Israel is at war”

Its not a war, Palestine has no navy, no army or airforce, in reality its a modern sophisticated fighting force against two and half million civilians (half of them children) trapped in a open air prison the size of Greater Glasgow (as one reporter called it) in which the civilians population are akin to fish in a barrel.

The Zionists have bombed residential areas including hospitals, schools, refugee camps, and even bakers, the food, water and power supplies have been cut (war crimes in themselves)

Oh and the IDF has targeted Palestinian journalists and their families for reporting their atrocities, at last count it was thirty-six journalists killed.

The plan, no mercy, and no reporters to witness the no mercy.

I can’t believe that so many western governments have allowed this slaughter to continue unabated, with some politicians even condoning it.

What has become of humanity?


As has been pointed out before UEFA will use flags for political purposes themselves, what’s sauce for the goose..
There’s not much credibility in hypocrisy.

Equating pro Palestinian with pro hamas is quite simply wrong.
Using this as part of your argument suggests your argument is based on weak foundations.

Ian Brotherhood

@Republicofscotland –

There’s no logical reason why Celtic Board members can’t be blackmail victims, same as anyone else who dares criticise Zio*ists.

Ian Brotherhood

Watching a documentary on Youtube last night, an ad flashed up saying something like ‘HamasIsIsis’. It was one word. Then ‘Bring Them Home’, presumably a reference to the Jewish hostages.

It would be a push to say it was ‘subliminal’ but it was so quick I barely had time to read whatever other text was there.

The genuinely subliminal stuff is being pumped out 24/7 via BBC, SKY etc.


Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in times of war:
Article 3 –
persons taking no active part in the hostilities shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction, founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.
Article 33. –
No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.
Article 54 –
it is prohibited to attack, destroy, remove, or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population.

Are there tunnels, as claimed?
Gaza is an occupied territory in revolt, not a free-fire zone.


Breastplate says:
Equating pro Palestinian with pro hamas is quite simply wrong.

Gie’s peace.

Dorothy Devine

RoS, thanks for that letter – quite superb.


@ Breastplate

Frutella might take a while to respond as I presume he and extended family are out climate change protesting in this inclement weather by laying down in the muddy fields in front of £500K diesel powered tattie harvesters.
Of course the solution is they actually pick the spuds themselves to reduce fossil fuel use but I fear such a task is beneath them.

John Main

Captain Yossarian

I was going to reply to your post(s) but I see others have already done so, and better than I could have.

Your idea that war is fought to some kind of rules is outdated, probably since those fighting WW1 first worked out how to get above their enemy’s kids and womenfolk and shower them with explosives from the air.

We can all call for peace until we turn blue or green, but the belligerents have vowed the destruction of each other. Neither party is going to listen.


Dorothy you are most welcome.

John Main

@Johnlm says:1 November, 2023 at 11:34 am

Woohoo, we’re all safe!

President P’s threats to sink us with one of his Poseidon nukes obviously flouts the Geneva Convention. He is so busted!

Honestly, the MSM and their click-bait scaremongering. Fit they like, eh?

Ah’m aff tae run aff 100 copies o they articles on soft paper. Gonna store them in ma wee-est room!


I’ve no time for this man or his party, a party that kicked Scottish independence into the long grass, but here at least, he manages to say the right thing.

“I am sorry to those innocent men, women and children in Jabalia Refugee Camp that the world could not protect you.

This blatant disregard for human life must be condemned unequivocally.

Do not let any more children die. We need an immediate ceasefire, nothing less.”

link to

James Che

Fruitella the hun,

When ideology refuses to meet reality.

As a pensioner on all the minimal benefits I can get from government I am sitting right now f@cking freezing, shivering with fingers that can hardly work the key board,
Covering my spouse with blankets and coats to keep warm in our living room,
We cannot afford your green hype high priced energy that is tacked on to our electric bills,
Get a grip and make your reality match your pushy ideology,

I bet you have not stopped using your modern phone yet from by products of the oil industry,
Or recycled all you shoes and boots, made from by products of the oil industry. To ones made of bark or raffia yet.
Or stopped using electric cables in your home, that are encased with by products of the oil industry,
How it is made and what do you think cladding is produced,
That your vehicle or mode of transport may have a dangerous battery to the enviroment at the same time is constructed with, yes by products of oil industry, including what lubricates any vehicles engine.
As is your hair dyer, tyres, pedals and grips on your bike,
Are you living the ideology you preach for everyone else, are you living in a cave/ bamboo house in Scotland which is often colder than England, cos every dam thing in your home is made by the by products of oil, even some medications, shampoos,
Nothing is set up for this conversion you preach of, except to tax the poor, disabled and the pensioners,

Your are cordially and genuinely invited to come and stay in my home for the whole winter as long as you pay for your own food,
just do not expect heating, lights or warm water for a shower,
We are clean and tidy, I brush the carpets every day with a sweeping brush and dust every day, just like my grandma used to do,

You better bring your by products water proof clothing and footwear cos there is nowhere to dry your washing, as there is no tumble dryer or electric to run it,
We wash clothes once a week, and cook one meal for every second day to to save energy.

Please say you will come and stay until spring time.
Experience of a life time awaits you on new lessons on how to go and live and think backwards in a modern society.

Captain Yossarian

John Main – No-one has responded to me and I’m not asking for a response (unless you are able to respond, that is).

In such a one-sided conflict, the rules must be obeyed to protect the civilian population.

If you want to clear tunnels, then send your troops into them and engage the enemy, in the tunnels.

Let’s assume the tunnels are packed-full of terrorists: bombing them from the air will probably kill no-one in the tunnels, but it will kill many civilians, almost all of whom will be entirely innocent, above the tunnels and that’s my only point.

Anton Decadent

@Dan, I read this in Private Eye

“according to research carried out by Imperial College, London. It sounds bizarre but is apparently endorsed by science that solar panels perform better if exposed to, er, music. And although Imperial College tests suggest that rock and pop is more effective than classical, that is because rock and pop tends to inhabit higher pitches and pitch is the key factor.”

Do you think the low hum created by heat pumps could be inhibiting the peak performance potential of the north facing panels?

At this end switched my heating back on on the 2nd October after it being off for four months and feeling is beginning to return below my elbows.

Re above, where do Hamas get their rockets from, I saw footage of them digging up pipes and using those to build them. Israel will be planning on moving the population of Gaza which survives into Egypt and from there the West as part of their ongoing plan for Greater Israel/Lesser West. Personally I would be sending everyone they have already moved to the West to Israel as without diversity it will not survive.

Here’s something from a few days ago, whilst I have to peek around every corner to avoid being hit by an electric bicycle barrelling down the pavement steps were taken in a certain area of Glasgow to crack down on this.

link to


The Mainbot is malfunctioning again.

Back to building strawmen without quite telling us what he really thinks.

No flowers for Algernon

James Che

I was trying to count how many Wars Britain and America have NOT been involved with directly or indirectly.

Supplying armaments or finances by proxy does not count as being uninvolved, its just feeds and instigates the furthurment of the people fighting those wars on their behalf.

So of all the wars recorded old and new, which wars have Britain and America NOT been participants in one way or another?


“I am sorry to those innocent men, women and children in Jabalia Refugee Camp that the world could not protect you.

Humza cares about children now, does he? Mibbe he and his wife should try their luck suing Israel, lol.

Shame nobody in the Scottish Parliament cares about Scottish children or Operation Cerrar.

James Che

Now there is a excellent project for the “just stop oil brigade” and save the planet warriors, , the use of excessive oil and by products of oil in these middle eastern wars, and the destruction of the planet.

Great place to sit and protest. Perhaps not so safe as preaching to the poor and pensioners in Scotland,

The Flying Iron of Doom

You have to wonder just what would become of these youthful Just Stop Oil tubes if their dream of an oil-free eutopia were to be realised – I mean, just how would they cope once the lack of petrochemicals forced a shutdown of the pharmaceutical industry and it no longer became possible to obtain the antidepressants, the mood stabilisers, the stimulants, the neuroleptics and of course the puberty blockers which their deranged generation appears to rely so heavily upon? Something tells me that they haven’t quite thought their case through properly 🙂


Perhaps you’re correct.

#NaeChips made me laugh.


“Gie’s peace”

I think what you mean by that is “no debate”, understandable when my statement is factually correct.

Anton Decadent

@Red, or Operation Cotswalds or the other two that came up when I was searching for the vanishing information regarding Cerrar.

Anton Decadent

@The Flying Iron of Doom

It is the brain damaged children of the ecstasy generation.

fruitella the hun

Dan, Red, Breastplate

Do you make the connection between economies dependent on oil (and gas) and war? If so, what is your peace plan? Obviously we have to step away from getting our energy from a contested, expensive and destructive substance.

It’s destructive in two direct ways.

It causes heat trapping which provides the energy to drive climate change, which is mostly bad news for most countries, particularly the poor (that’s for you Red, though you seem determined to ignore it and regularly exhibit real animosity towards anything environmentally-minded which I put down to your faith)

Then there is the more important bit which anyone involved in nature conservation will tell you: we use cheap energy to change the structure of the biosphere. That is severely damaging its ability to provide a sustainable source of food and wood.

And Indirectly It allows those with the machinery and politicians in their pockets to strip three generations worth (or three planets’ worth if you like) of resources and keep the profits, to spend on luxuries and on fundamentals like politicians and lawyers and journos

Those trashing any alternatives to oil and gas don’t say what they are going to do about it. I surmise that is because they do not see a problem, at least for them. Or maybe they do but are well aware of the profits (short term) to be made.

Oil (inc. gas and coal) has not solved poverty but is clearly a cause of much of it through the power it bestows on those who control it and through the destruction from the wars it causes. Nobody should need this explained to them if they have looked outside their cultural bubble.

Dan, found any more North-facing PV panels yet or was that a one-off? Is the house owned by an Australian? Your self-portrayal as a proper eco guy compared to all the green straw-men you conjure for our “amusement”, well to echo you, I’m getting a bit fed up with that, have to say. You come across to me as part of the operation to drag the oil economy out as long as possible and delay the transitional attempts by any means.

Anyway, I was posting about the point Johnlm brought to our attention (and I’ve seen it elsewhere this week) – there’s oil in the conflict, as usual.


I asked you specifically about what course should Scotland take regarding this issue, I’m not arguing that there is an issue.

What would you have Scotland do in regards to climate change?

If you don’t know, say so, if you do know, please tell us?


Sorry, I didn’t reply, as I didn’t understand what point you were trying to make.

My view is that we are coming out of a mini ice age and fossil fuels have no effect .
CO2 levels increase after temperature curves on the graphs.

Got totally confused with the references to ALBA and offshore veterans geiving for Gaza.


So in the space of just a few days Sturgeon has gone from having nothing to say on the deletion of WhatsApp messages to saying she has nothing to hide. I’m surprised the Skank can remember. Mind you, it’s early days yet.

David Hannah

link to

Looks like Lady Dorian’s back once again meddling in Scottish affairs. She’s destroying the legal system with her juryless trials brain rot and now she says men are women. F*ck lady Dorian, she’s no lady to me. She’s no feminist. She’s an unperson. Journalist jailer and corrupt to the core.

fruitella the hun

James Che (I feel a bit bad about ignoring your last effort to explain to me that carbon is the basis of life so can’t be a bad thing – so here’s a reply to your latest offering)

You’ve got me confused with somebody else. I’ve said nothing about abandoning oil as feedstock – although plastic packaging waste is a disgrace. John main tries this one as well from time to time.

Climate change due to additional co2 due to burning fossil fuels is not ideology – it’s physics. Maybe Newton didn’t cover it.

Perplexed to here someone with so much info on the early 18th century is having trouble keeping warm in a dwelling with electricty. It’s price is currently high because we’re dependent, not because of “green hype”

David Hannah

Lady Dorian. The Salmond conspiracy judge.

She’s nothing more. She’s nothing less. The current destroyer of the legal system in Scotland.

She was at King Charles fake coronation of the Scottish regallia. That’s when I knew was in bed with the British State. As I say, nothing more. And nothing less.

The fixer upper of all things Scottish illegal.

David Hannah

Lady ‘the wolf’ Dorian: ” When time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please… with sugar on top. Clean the fucking car.”

David Hannah

First the LEZ low emission zones being deemed legal. And now, back to this gender nonsense. The money well have to raise to send this to the Supreme court to overturn the false wigs in Scotland. Unbelievable. Why should anyone respect their insane verdicts? They are out of touch, they are drunk on power. I imagine a lot of late nights at Bute House with Nicola Sturgeon and a suitcase that contained a missing 600K. One can only speculate based on their insane verdicts but.

Scottish Legal must fight back. The rotting stench of corruption is bouwfin.


fruitella the hun says:
1 November, 2023 at 1:55 pm
Dan, Red, Breastplate

Do you make the connection between economies dependent on oil (and gas) and war? If so, what is your peace plan? Obviously we have to step away from getting our energy from a contested, expensive and destructive substance.

It’s destructive in two direct ways.

It causes heat trapping which provides the energy to drive climate change, which is mostly bad news for most countries, particularly the poor (that’s for you Red, though you seem determined to ignore it and regularly exhibit real animosity towards anything environmentally-minded which I put down to your faith)

Then there is the more important bit which anyone involved in nature conservation will tell you: we use cheap energy to change the structure of the biosphere. That is severely damaging its ability to provide a sustainable source of food and wood.

And Indirectly It allows those with the machinery and politicians in their pockets to strip three generations worth (or three planets’ worth if you like) of resources and keep the profits, to spend on luxuries and on fundamentals like politicians and lawyers and journos

Those trashing any alternatives to oil and gas don’t say what they are going to do about it. I surmise that is because they do not see a problem, at least for them. Or maybe they do but are well aware of the profits (short term) to be made.

Oil (inc. gas and coal) has not solved poverty but is clearly a cause of much of it through the power it bestows on those who control it and through the destruction from the wars it causes. Nobody should need this explained to them if they have looked outside their cultural bubble.

Dan, found any more North-facing PV panels yet or was that a one-off? Is the house owned by an Australian? Your self-portrayal as a proper eco guy compared to all the green straw-men you conjure for our “amusement”, well to echo you, I’m getting a bit fed up with that, have to say. You come across to me as part of the operation to drag the oil economy out as long as possible and delay the transitional attempts by any means.

Anyway, I was posting about the point Johnlm brought to our attention (and I’ve seen it elsewhere this week) – there’s oil in the conflict, as usual.

Everything you just wrote is gibberish that’s so disconnected to reality it’s no even an argument, but at least it’s not about Fanon.

Breastplate says:
1 November, 2023 at 1:42 pm
“Gie’s peace”

I think what you mean by that is “no debate”, understandable when my statement is factually correct.

By definition, dhimmitude is incorrect.

Be less dhim. Don’t be anybody’s flesh puppet.

The Flying Iron of Doom says:
1 November, 2023 at 1:36 pm
You have to wonder just what would become of these youthful Just Stop Oil tubes if their dream of an oil-free eutopia were to be realised

Rapid death due to starvation.

fruitella the hun


Wasn’t expecting a reply from you. I referred to your post implying an oil motive amongst the reasons for the Gaza war.

Some of the folk disparaging all things environmental (in my view, formed here, because I think they see the greens blocking the route, through oil wealth, to Independence) are dismayed at the carnage. The war carnage and the presence of oil are connected. Oil’s not the only driver, of course.

Fossil fuels contribute to environmental destruction directly regardless of what’s going on with the atmosphere, wouldnt you agree?

The Flying Iron of Doom

@Anton Decadent

To be honest that wouldn’t surprise me – that stuff was all over the place when I was young. Glad I never got into it myself, what with seeing the effects of long-term heavy use in an auld friend 🙁

David Hannah

link to

She seems to be involved in all the high profile cases. Like the Sean Hogg conviction. Blowing apart her very own political opponents prosecution bill.

Scotland deserves better than Lady Dorian. Scottish Legal back the juryless trials boycott.

Perhaps it’s about time Lady Dorian was moved into retirement, sideways. Like her former chief of police Ian Livingstone – who as we know also burned his entire house down his way out too. Or Nicola Sturgeon and leslie Evans.

We know leslie Evans like to shred all the evidence of meetings with Sturgeon in her destroyed notebooks. Where all the conspiring took place, one might speculate.

Big Eck said a few years ago that the institutions of Scotland have tainted, we need to restore faith. I’m still waiting. Justice hasn’t been served on the cabal.

Not with Dorothy Stain in the clown office of clowns.

Supreme court rules. Get them on the phone Glasgow.

Robert Hughes

Anyone seen the * West’s * ( soon to be ex ) favourite – willing – stool pigeon wee skinny Zelenski short-legs ?

Looks like the endgame for him & his utterly corrupt regime is fast approaching .

Precipitated not only by that unfaithful lover USA rekindling it’s passion for it’s main squeeze ie ..- Israel ( what a ” love rat ” eh ? sheesh ) , though that will be used as the get-out alibi ; also because – no one with a functioning intelligence’s surprise , the total fantasy of winning this Proxy War is now being exposed for exactly that – fantasy ; albeit a fantasy vigorously/duplicitously promoted by psychopaths like Nuland & the Biden Idiotocracy , and cravenly repeated by every MSM outlet and dribbling politician . Where’s ” no-fly zone ” advocate Stoogeon now ?

It was always a lie . A lie that has cost the lives of untold 1000’s of humans , destroyed vast swathes of THAT country and which will leave it in an incomparably worse condition than when this latest example of atrocious US geopolitical insanity .

Wait , though …before the curtain falls and the * actors * leave the stage , the ravenous marauders within and around the Z regime are stepping-up their plunder of US & European taxpayers money . Meanwhile , millions of those same US & European taxpayers continue to struggle to afford sufficient heat in their homes and with increasing costs of living generally .

The cost of living is in direct relation to the cost of ( other people , elsewhere ) dying . Needlessly .

Don’t believe any of this ? Read the CIA house journal – Time Magazine article referred to in link below – to the ( excellent ) Moon of Alabama blog .

If sources like Time magazine are saying such things we can be sure it reflects US State Dept thinking : if that is not an oxymoron .

link to


Some new ruling about men being legally women.

Looks problematic!

Only solution is to repeal the GRA 2004 and have zero sex changes.

I reckon a political party could win a lot of votes in Scotland if they supported the repeal of the GRA 2004.


Do you think if Independence was sold as a way to get rid of the Gender Recogintion Act it would attract votes.


@ fruitella

I’ve suggested plenty btl on ways society could begin to improve on ecological matters. That you state I’ve come up with nothing is utter bullshit on your part so feel free to get in the sea on that score. (Bonus eco points for you should should you choose to take a refreshing wash in tidal saline solution and go green, well probably blue for a while due to the cold but hey, loonydooking season is nearly here. Just don’t be a mug and pay that corporate shower 15 quid to jump in the sea.

Electrify the trains north of Dunblane so diesel propulsion isn’t required and they can then be powered by the ever growing abundance of renewable non fossil fuel derived power we generate in Scotland. And let’s not just roll with the sticking patch half arsed idea that plans to only electrify sections of the rail track so we have to stuff the trains full of batteries to power them between charging sections. Well unless you are happy with the not so green practice of mining minerals in far flung lands and the heavy energy intensive industrial processes used to manufacture the batteries.

Eat seasonal and locally produced food to stop the importation of out of season and exotic foodstuffs from around the planet, generally shipped here on mahoosif cargo ships burning tonnes of dirty bunker fuel.

Implement a deposit return scheme for vapes to help stop tonnes of lithium batteries getting discarded where they will break down and pollute land and watercourses.

Pollution wise I previously suggested that those in power made a big error when the gas for dash for home heating and diesel powered cars came out in the late 80s early 90s. Because if they had chosen to flip the fuels then cars could have run on much cleaner burning autogas with significantly lower emissions, and the fuel oil could have been burnt much more efficiently in power stations which could have incorporated better emission control systems. Yes, it was still burning fossil fuels back then, but ULEZ pish would hardly be needed now because of all the diesel cars we still use because of the much lesser emissions when comparing burning gas and diesel in internal combustion engines.

I’ve stated areas enduring wars should simply implement Ultra Low Emission Zones over their entire territory and that would stop the military industrial complex and the fucking psychopaths warring exploits soon enough if the tax was too dear for them to pay.

Not much solar being generated in winter in Scotland, particularly with fixed and compromised arrays. All the mining of minerals and heavy energy intensive industrial processes to manufacture solar panels in far flung lands ain’t that green when you consider those far flung lands often burn coal to generate the leccy for the manufacturing industry.
But looky here, Scotland currently generating enough leccy to power ourselves and still managing to export more than we are using down south.

link to

So did your grand bairns actually pick any tatties this season? If not then #StillNaeChips for them.

James Che

David Hannah,

Is that Lady Dorian or will she demote herself to Laddie Dorian?


David Hannah @2.41pm.

This previously as well.

“The appeal was brought after the Gender Critical group lost an initial case on the definition of a woman in legislation that aims to ensure gender balance on public boards.

Lady Haldane has previously ruled, after FWS requested a second judicial review of the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland), that the meaning of sex is “not limited to biological or birth sex” but includes those in possession of a GRC.”

In my opinion and more than likely the that of the medical community a GRC doesn’t make you a woman, the appearance of being a woman doesn’t make a man a woman internally he’s still a man.

The likes of Dorian and Haldane should be struck from their positions, their inability to recognise and remark on what a woman is, compromises their ability to hold court.

Most Scottish women know what a REAL woman is.

Captain Yossarian

David Hannah – everything you write is written with intensity. I don’t agree with some of it, but I agree with most of it. You are a great contributor.


Re – the brain damaged kids of the ecstasy generation.

Most of us start off with bodies and metabolisms like finely tuned engines.
Then we start getting vaccinated.
Then we go to school and are given drugs to assist our imaginary attention deficit disorders etc.
Leaving school, with our messed up endocrine system, the medical industry is standing by to prescribe meds to treat the symptoms of previous medication.
And, of course, there are the ‘self-medicators ’.

And on it goes.

No wonder IQs are falling, autism rates rising, society depressed and in a dysfunctional mess.

Good for the medical industry tho’.

Once the US medical and insurance industry gets invited to run the NHS Scotland drug rehab business, it will be off to the races with the Florida Shuffle.
link to


The British Government should not be supporting the flouting of international law. Of course, successive British Governments have done so for many decades. That is no justification for the present Prime Minister, or indeed the present Leader of the Opposition, to continue to do so now, or at any other time in the future.

Scotland must separate itself from all such positions. The only way she can do so is by becoming an independent nation. That is what ‘separatism’, as some like to call it, was all about. There is no reason to go along with the narrative that continually treats that concept as if it was a dirty word. We should be proud of it.

Yes, we are ‘separists’ – there is a great deal which we very much wish to be separated from.

The UK is a busted flush – so, let’s bust it altogether, before it brings all of us down with it.

And let’s not forget that busting it is very good not just for us Scots, but for our English neighbours as well. Those who keep ‘punching above their weight’ eventually get smashed to smithereens, bundled out the ring and knocked completely out by those who are so much bigger and stronger than they are.

All ye not-so-merry Little Englanders – please wake up, and start living in reality.


@ RoS

In light of today’s proceedings I’ll bump this article by Gordon Dangerfield. He has been quiet for some time. Hope all is okay with him as enjoyed reading his various articles.

link to

James Che

It is also a scientific fact that the more trees and greenary you have the better the conversion for breathable air for all life, a long standing scientific fact.

We have lived a really long time on this planet with the assistence of greenary as a major factor,
Why in one decade is it suddenly very bad,and people for millenia burned wood,
Micheal Gove, jacob Rys mogg and all the royals all have open fires and log burners,, we saw this during Covid Skpes
They all also jett around from one country to another to go to Cobra meetings, to travel to WEF meetings, to WHO meetings
How the heck do you think greta thumberg travels without oil and plastic,
Its nonsensical new science,
That leaves only the poor hit hardest.

So you never answered my questions yet to show your support for doing away with unecessary plastic,
Have you got rid of your computer?
After all paper letters are more recycable than computers in a landfill?
Have you stopped buying modern shoes?
Have you got rid of your plastic coated electric cables yet?
Have you prevented yourself and others from buying plastic coated solar panels?
Are you refusing Mobile phone usage because of the plastic involved, never mind the components that do not dissolve or rot down naturally in landfill?
Or are you selective in what plastic you favour depending on what you own personally?
Are you out in these eastern countries protesting the abuse of the planet and the excessive use of oiland all their by products to maintain war,

When you personally, along with the other rich politicians practice all what you preach then I will listen because I will feel you are genuinely plastic and oil concerned and not selectively concerned,
Once you live like you preach and have reverted back to living in the 16th century get back to me,

I already live closer to a natural enviroment without plastic hoovers and plastic tumble dryers plastic coated solar panels and without electric grid recharge batteries batteries using more energy,, that is not sufficient at the moment,

I find that I am probably more entitled than you to preach the gospel of plastic is baad,
Now if you could persuade councils to up keep their roads and bridges open with our council tax money,

Or persuade governments to provide councils to give “everyone” a green space garden to grow their own vegetable produce and have a few ducks and hens you might be onto a winner.
For that saves transporting goods by oil in plastic wrappers across vast milages by sea or road and surelyn putting goods on trains instead of a multitude of vehicles would be the way to go,

And is excellent for exercise and the holistic health well being of all humans and animals,
I am with Dan on this one,
Just a thought on the correct way to to make changes to saving the planet.
If reversal of progression is to be taken seriously where are all the parks and village greens instead of the concrete jungles of our inner cities,
Quarrying for the minerals for Concrete usage on such a large Scale damages the planet and restricts natural wildlife.

Perhaps you could persuade the councils not to use plastic pipes for drainage ditches and instead create ponds in cities for bird wild life,

This climate change ideology is not sensable common sense.

John Main

@Johnlm says:1 November, 2023 at 1:18 pm


Sae ye’re back responding? Michty, ye’re time oot didnae tak lang.

See thon bogroll ye posted earlier? It’s nae as guid as andrex, naw.


Humza Yousaf should not be the First Minister of anything. That racist rant of his during his incoherent speech in the Scottish Parliament, spitting out his hatred of white people was so unrestrained. No-one objected at the time. He openly despises white people. He pulled the race card when he enlisted the help of accomplices to entrap the nursery in Dundee, which ended in failure for him.

He will abuse the citizens he is entrusted to serve because he will abuse that power. Those who grab power in the way he did always over-reach: they can’t help themselves. And they never want to give back the power.

Meanwhile, Sturgeon is in the spotlight again, lying to cover her arse, as per usual. Her grandstanding at the SNP conference was all about her need to keep stoking the fear of those in the cult/herd/suicide pact. The pressure is building as the SNP continue to lose their collective marbles. Chief mammy can protect them if they do what she says. If her disciples and groupies had been wearing hats with a plume, they would have removed them, and bowed, sweeping them in a graceful arc. “ that someone could smile and smile, and be a villain “ Hamlet’s observation on his mother. They throw their principles out the window because they just want to be safe in their comfortable lives and don’t care about the consequences.

The victim of “ trans “ butcher Andrew Miller will never feel safe again and will suffer profound psychological and emotional trauma. Miller was sanctioned by the state to pretend to be a woman which enabled him to commit his heinous and depraved acts on this wee girl. Yet Sturgeon and all those who consented to the obvious lies and dangers of self-Id and GRR still can’t accept they’ve been wrong, can they?

May you be haunted and shamed by your contemptible lack of courage. Believe me, you will be punished by the court of public opinion when you are removed from power because we can’t wait to get rid of you.

John Main

@fruitella the hun says:1 November, 2023 at 1:55 pm

there’s oil in the conflict


Tell you what there was though, Fruit. There was very nearly a working/workable competitor for the Covid spreader’s “belt & road”.

Supported by India, the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) is/was the creation of a logistical corridor linking the North-Western Indian Ocean to the Eastern Mediterranean via ports, railways and roads passing through the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel.

That had to be stopped by the usual baddies. And they’ve almost certainly done it.

In the immortal words of Stewie, “Educate yourself, dude!”


link to

Drax 2 generating nearly 5% of England’s leccy power requirements. Aye, importing relatively low calorific value biomass fuel from far flung lands on megamuckle bunker fuel burning cargo ships to get “green” subsidies will save the planet.

link to

John Main

@Robert Hughes says:1 November, 2023 at 3:50 pm

“The War is lost”

Hokay. Question. Is the war over then?

Aye, Naw, Maybes? Moan Bob, there’s a lot riding on this. Cat’s due its yearly jab. Minibus MOT is up end of the month. Bedroom 2 is due a repaint.

Spell it out for us. There’s tons of stuff we don’t need to bother doing if you’re right.


It is becoming more apparent that to defeat the lunacy of gender PISH the only way to rebalance sanity is to undertake Rubies proposal to revoke the 2004 equality act
As a husband, father and grandfather I am incandescent with anger that thousands of years of science and biology are being ignored and destroyed to accommodate people with mental illnesses and the deviants perverts and paedophiles who attach themselves to this lunacy

I cannot understand how females who support this depravity cannot see the impact it will have and is currently having on the safety and security of our girls and womenfolk, at 72 I desperately need independence but if Posy Parker were to form a political party in Scotland PROMISING to undo ALL this weird pervert shit I would vote for them in a heartbeat
ALBA have said that they will protect women’s spaces but they have NEVER committed to undoing all the pish that sturgeon and her perverts have introduced, they undoubtedly will follow the usual VIRTUE SIGNALING aquiescence when the do Gooders turn up


“Dan says:
1 November, 2023 at 5:52 pm

Aye, importing relatively low calorific value biomass fuel from far flung lands…”

Old-stand forest wood from Canada – amongst others – wasn’t it?

A Scot Abroad


unusually for WoS, I have a genuine question with no preconceptions at my end. You seem to be a sensible fellow on matters of self-sustainability and also keeping things reasonably green.

What’s your opinion of open fires and woodburners? We’ve got about 1,500 trees, mostly ash and beech, some willow, some hazel. Every year, 3 or 4 come down naturally due to age or wind, and I cut them up (or get in fellows to deal with the main trunks with a log splitter), and I finish the job with a domestic chain saw and axes. Generates a reasonable amount of wood, which I put in a barn to air dry for perhaps 5 years.

Gets burned either in a couple of open log fires, or in a log burner in a granny annex cottage.

What’s the environmental impact? On the one hand, there’s no energy miles involved, and it reduces (doesn’t stop) our kerosene use in the oil boiler. On the other hand, there’s particulates. We have two fields between us and any neighbour.

Am I being an eco-thug, or is this actually reasonably green?

fruitella the hun

Breastplate – you ask what I advocate regarding climate damage.

Disconnect from international contributions to our (Scotland’s) basic energy and food needs and develop home-grown solutions. We are quite close to that. The impediments are legal and cultural, not technical. We have the land. We have the skills and knowledge to get started.

This will have little effect on the global accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere but will make us much less vulnerable to its effects.

The food objective will require a lot more people involved in working land for part of their week. I think a lot of people will go for that, especially if it comes with a self-build plot and a tax holiday for the transition. While we stick with oil-based cheap energy we will never address this.

Independence will help, but not if its futile pursuit blights all other political reworking. That’s why I am angry with those nationalists who decry any environmental activity – there are around 200,000 green votes attached to independence and likely many more within the other parties or non-alligned. I fear that the Scotland’s Oil pumpers would prefer not to become independent if it is pursued on a green-ish platform.

There needs to be an alternative and that is independence one-piece-at-a-time. Building up already existing systems for housing, health, education and food production would get many of the benefits without having to crack the numbers and constitutional obstacles facing the referendum route


Back on topic.
Hooray !

With JM’s pish we can make soap.

John Main


Loving your post of 6:48. Alert readers will know the historical context you hint at, but lack the guts to spell out.

It bookends nicely with your post of 11:34, where you list all the Geneva Convention articles I should be able to hide behind, when the likes of you come for those who disagree with you.

But thanks for proving my point in your own inimitable way. Once hostilities start, the Geneva Convention is arse wipe paper.

It’s still rare to see it flushed away over blog posts though. I’m guessing your post of 4:56, listing all the modern day causes of mental dysfunction, is based on personal experience.

My advice – take up a hobby that let’s you work out your aggression in a safe and healthy manner. Boxing, for example.


link to
twathater says:
1 November, 2023 at 6:21 pm

It is becoming more apparent that to defeat the lunacy of gender PISH the only way to rebalance sanity is to undertake Rubies proposal to revoke the 2004 equality act

It was the Gender Recognition Act 2004 that I proposed should be repealed maybe the equality act too.

I’m thinking now selling independence as a way to get rid of the UK’s GRA2004 could be a way to attract a lot of voters.

In an independent Scotland we wouldn’t need to have GRA/sex changes & all the horrors that go along with it.

Does that sound good?

It’s impossible to have sex changes & protect women’s spaces, women’s sports and all the rest.


I think it might be a mistake to focus too much on Sturgeon’s self id.

When the trans butcher dressed up as a woman kidnapped and sexually assault a child Sturgeon’s self-id wasn’t law but the GRA 2004 was.

The GRA 2004 allows for sex changes. To gain a GRC which allows a man to legally become a woman he requires to spend 2 years living as a woman.
(2 years or however long he wants)

It hasn’t been specified what ‘living as a woman’ means but I’m guessing it would mean dressing as a woman which is what the trans butcher did.

I can’t see how you can require men to ‘live as a woman’ and then keep them out of women’s spaces, prisons, sports etc.
How can you live as a woman and use the mens toilets, spend time in a mens prison & cycle in the mens’ race etc.

The GRA 2004 is the problem. The one good thing about Sturgeon’s reforms ie self-id is that it has brought the GRA 2004 into focus.

fruitella the hun

John Main

“In the immortal words of Stewie, “Educate yourself, dude!””

There’s no chance of keeping on top of all the info out there, as I expect you’ll have realised. Do you mean the Bear?

Who’s Stewie?

Yoba rays on!


All these deviants, perverts, fetishists, pedophiles, weirdos have done a good job of showing just how insane the GRA 2004 actually is.

If there were no sex changes for adults then there would be none for children.


No sign of you know who?

I think she’s had a cardiac arrest.

So much time spent sitting on your arse at a computer for months on end is definitely not good for your health.

Colin Alexander


Re: The Gender Recognition Act 2004 ( GRA) – it’s Westminster legislation for the UK.

“An Act to make provision for and in connection with change of gender.”

The Equality Act 2010 is anti-discrimination WM legislation which also applies to Scotland. (Unless you are employed at Balmoral by Alex Salmond’s Sovereign and overlord: King Charles III, as KCIII is exempt from the Equality Act 2010).

So, while we remain a colony of England, Scotland cannae revoke Westminster legislation. But, Westminster can block Holyrood legislation as Westminster’s MPs and Lords are our imperial masters.


Tom @ 20.28

If you mean Ruby, I fear from a previous comment by out host that she may, once more, be on pre moderation.
She will return.


There will be no stopping the SNP/Green Scottish Government now. If they say a man is a woman, then a woman he is. If they say a banana is an orange, and people disagree, they can expect to be prosecuted for a hate crime. Such is the state of the once highly respected Scottish legal system, now reduced to peddling the utmost garbage you can possibly imagine.

How on earth was Sturgeon allowed to get away with so much harmful nonsense which was never authorised by the Scottish people.

The seeds have been sown. Independant or a colony, the future for Scotland as it was once known looks bleaker than ever today.

Captain Yossarian

Sven and Tom – She’s a trouble-maker.


It’s interesting, Independent or colony depending on one’s point of view, can actually demand the same thing.

We have Unionists demanding that Scotland should be perfect, in order to prove their worthiness for independence (an obvious ruse as that can never happen) and we have independence supporters demanding that Scotland should be perfect before independence otherwise it will be forever tainted.

It seems Scotland has to be on a level that when independent, there is absolutely fuck all to fix.
Entirely unsurprising from a Unionist point of view but quite depressing from an independence point of view.

Alf Baird

Colin Alexander @ 8:44 pm

“while we remain a colony of England”

Our oppressors focus on private profit will prevail, and we can expect more of this kind of thing:

link to

Billy Carlin

fruitella the hun 6.45pm

Global Warming is a total SCAM – changed to Climate Change because the planet has actually been COOLING for decades at least now and the Climate/Green movement was created and controlled and funded by the OILMEN and BANKERS etc.

Again I have got laugh at the dumb stupid IDIOTS that believe the CO2 DRIVEL! – CO2 is the gas of LIFE on this planet and is only actually 0.43% of ALL gases in the atmosphere – yes less than half of one percent of ALL gases – and the more we put out the GREENER the planet becomes because the plants, trees, grass etc and plankton in the sea love CO2 because it is FOOD to them and more of them grow and put out more oxygen for every other living thing on this planet.

People who believe all of this green DRIVEL are really DUMB because there is all the EVIDENCE out there totally exposing this massive SCAM put out by these MAFIAS that want rid of 95% of the worlds population by 2050 under their UN Agenda 21/US Agenda 2030 – Go look at the Georgia Guidestones as they are showing the UN Agendas. The carbon they want rid of is YOU and most other humans beings on this planet and how do you think they are going to do this without the dumb masses knowing what they are doing and what do you think they have been doing this last few years scaring people with the COMMON COLD into getting taking lots of jabs and going to do it all again soon with our governments handing over the power to call and run “pandemic” lockdowns and FORCED MULTIPLE jabs to the WHO and UN right now that all the FAKE crap going on in Israel/Palestine etc is distracting you all from.

Go watch the video “The UN Just Committed Fraud And Other Countries Have Noticed. Important To Understand And Share With Your Country” on the Some Guy Bitchute channel exposing how our countries are handing over their power and the UN is totally ignoring the countries that are exposing and trying to stop this.

These MAFIAS have been brainwashed the population especially the kids for decades now that humans are the problem on this planet and that there are too many of us – again a load of DRIVEL as you can take every single man, woman and child on this planet and take them to the State of Texas in the US and give them a house each with garden and there would still be space left in that State but most people are unaware of this and everything that I have been saying because they are too lazy to actually research things for themselves and only want to see “facts” that agree with their beLIEfs. Everything that is going on such as the DELIBERATE destroying of our economies by all of our corrupt governments and political parties is part of this agenda.

One of the founders of Greenpeace Dr Patrick Moore is on Youtube etc totally exposing the CO2/Global Warming SCAM as is Professor William Happer and many others and the many experts/videos on the Tom Nelson Youtube channel for those who actually like to use their brains to find out the TRUTH.

Iain More

So our Lards and Masters have granted 27 new offshore drilling licenses. I wonder why since they have been telling us there is none left and if there is any left it is there wrong type of oil.

No worries for England though as the Wokist Greens north of the Tweed will keep us uppity Jocks in line by telling us we are destroying the World and if that fails to bring us into line then the Wokists will roger us all in the arse until we bleed and vote for them. We might freeze to death before then though.

Did I hear somebody say aye the Jocks can take it as we are used to it?


SNP members treating Alba members the same as they treat Labour/Tory voters.

They despise us, and in the Holyrood election in 2026 they would rather vote,,

The Greens have just announced that Independence is a bit of an afterthought,,,YET SNP members would still give them their second vote, rather than to a committed pro indy party like Alba.

So it looks like the fight for Scottish independence is going to take us into the 2030s.

Unless I am reading this all wrong.

Please tell me i am reading this all wrong.


SNP members treating Alba members the same as they treat Labour/Tory voters.

They despise us, and in the Holyrood election in 2026 they would rather vote,,

The Greens have just announced that Independence is a bit of an afterthought,,,YET SNP members would still give them their second vote, rather than to a committed pro indy party like Alba.

So it looks like the fight for Scottish independence is going to take us into the 2030s.

Unless I am reading this all wrong.

Please tell me i am reading this all wrong..


Captain Yossarian 9.39pm

“She’s a troublemaker”.

All self inflicted.

Bit of a Drama Queen.

stuart mctavish

Tom @20:28

I enjoyed and agreed with all Ruby’s playful posts but find much to commend your last paragraph – its not only contemporary politics that risks taking too heavy a toll on our health

Accordingly it prolly time we said goodbye and thanks for the education (the kids have spotted we’re losing badly yet we had plenty of fish to begin with) and since we’re locked out the AI conference perhaps our next to last word on their humanity might be to hope its only a 5 eyes (or 5D, as in 3D double D, chess) induced test we’re getting (/needing).

Of which:

Dom Cumming prolly thinks its fucked since Bibi apologised for ratting out friends, family & security services

Dave Lammy prolly thinks its fucked since he first noticed refugees escaping to Gaza

Dopey prolly thinks its fucked since a downstairs light came on and turned Isla Brysons special defence of consent into douple rape by a very naughty woman

Celtic prolly thinks its fucked since the board attempted suicide by collapsing up its own bum to rip the clubs legendary great heart back out the same way

Professional institutions prolly think its fucked since bombs started being dropped without an american society approved environmental impact assessement

Palestinians prolly think its fucked since the Irish built their tunnels somewhat deeper than shown on the plans – and now guard them with robot dogs and cpu enhanced, laser armed musk rats to knock out whatever gets sent in to smoke em out in consequence.. wait, what

No, not the smoke/ sea water bit, but with with clock speeds of up to 5.21 GHz, how long until even genuine rodents beat us into running our own race(s) properly..

All that moned, a genuine final word must be thanks especially to Carrie – fuck knows what we’d have become running such a race without someone to stop the coughid nonsense and (her) more grown up tories to face down our cheeky grr-ning!

Anyway, good luck – there’s a jungle out there (albeit endowed with many of the most generous hearts)

Cheers & bottoms up! FFS 🙂


Soap recipe.
Wood ash, urine, and animal fat or oil.
A joke.

As usual JM erects another strawman, this time to build an antl-semitlc smear.
Damaged goods.


Wouldn’t it be nice if some SNP MP reminded Englands Westminster that for 50 years they have been informing Scotland that our oil suppliers are about to run out.

They used that lie more heavily than ever at Indy Ref 1 attacking Salmond for using oil projections from the government as they were wrong and had been adjusted dramatically down.

Let’s make it perfectly clear Scotland is being robbed of its oil revenue by a 50 year old propaganda barrage of lies.

The West Cost of Scotland has enormous potential for major oil fields too but Westminster will not allow drilling as when Scots see we have oil reserves like the billionaire Arab states we will cut of the money drain down in Westminster.


I’ll link to this new article from Gordon Dangerfield seeing as I linked to the previous one last night.

link to


Mornin’ Stu

What’s happened?

None of my posts meeting with your approval?

Are you hoping I get fed-up and go away?

I suppose I can understand that.

Have a nice day!


Dan says:
2 November, 2023 at 8:30 am

I’ll link to this new article from Gordon Dangerfield seeing as I linked to the previous one last night.

link to

Cheers for that Dan. Very interesting article. Comments also very good.

I don’t honestly think that the current batch of posters here on Wings are interested in that sort of stuff.


We all need to start again from scratch, and we need to start with the patent absurdity of the Gender Recognition Act 2004. . Gordon Dangerfield

Yes Gordon I agree. I have been saying that for ages!

fruitella the hun

This is a rebuttal site challenging the arguments AGW climate deniers use. A quick look suggests it’s very good.

link to

An oil-dependent Scotland will never be an Independent Scotland:

Reason 1: Too much at stake for forces much more powerful than us – if you take the (unscientific) view that we can keep burning fossil fuels till they run out.

Reason 2: We won’t spend the political and economic capital needed to create the social arrangements and energy infrastructure for independent living if we keep focused on energy from oil and gas because the economic computer model will say no need.

If you take the the view that we can’t use it anyway because it’s destroying the biosphere conditions humans (and many co-evolved creatures – should that matter to you) need, then
you are likely to foresee that we will be forced off it anyway by global forces reacting to the dislocation and wars it causes.

And what happens when it does run out? Or more to the point, when scarcity starts to seriously affect price? This will tear our clunky system apart, assuming it has withstood the external forces already lapping our shores. Is that the time to bow to the science and start – serious – work on alternatives many call for now? We have wasted much time already.


Reading about how ever more oil, gas and wind energy is being extracted in Scotland and realising too how with temperatures now dropping to freezing that fuel poverty is now going to truly bite millions in their homes I have the following suggestion.

Why don’t we hold a celebratory fuel poverty day. You know the type of thing. A celebration of how millions are now over the winter going to live in cold homes. And all in a country of enenergy plenty it can be a source of great pride. The pride of a compliant salt of the earth people wearing a hair shirt for the corporate good of others.

It’s a tried and tested Scottish tradition. Without intending to be offensive, one only need look at the hugely disproportionate number of Scots who laid down their lives in the world wars.

So, having looked at the thermometer this morning and realising the approach of winter, why do we no have a celebratory fuel poverty day. You know it would make sense – well wouldn’t it?

A mark of who we are really!


Anton Decadent says:
1 November, 2023 at 1:44 pm
@Red, or Operation Cotswalds or the other two that came up when I was searching for the vanishing information regarding Cerrar

It does seem odd that Scotland has very serious, large scale organised grooming gang activity, and nobody in the Scottish Parliament will acknowledge it.

Why does the First Minister of Scotland not care about the sexual abuse of Scottish children?

Why does the Leader of the Opposition say nothing about it?

Why do the Tories and Liberals keep schtum?

Why does Alba not want to touch this? (Fear?)

We have politicians who are never off Twitter, sharing their opinions about things that have nothing to do with them. Experts in everything.

The protection of children is meant to be one of their responsibilities, but they’re not interested. Children in Gaza elicit their sympathy, children in Glasgow get tae shhhhhh.

The Scottish Parliament set up its own child abuse inquiry. That inquiry has done nothing of note except rack up legal bills totalling £65m now. From what I can gather, the Glasgow grooming gangs aren’t even in scope of the inquiry, because Cerrar was post-2014.

But the First Minister of Scotland took time out of her busy schedule to apologise to people who broke the Witchcraft Act between 1563 and 1736.

Excuse me for asking this question, but if we can’t get our elected representatives to care about the large scale abuse of children in Scotland right now, what the Hell is going on?

Ian Brotherhood

This is worth a watch, provides a very convincing reason as to *why* the western powers are happy to let Israel destroy Palestine.

link to

A Scot Abroad

Lord, the moaning on here about energy prices and future availability.

I remember back in the 1970s as an 8 year old being swaddled in blankets along with my 6 year old sister, because energy had become very expensive and my father turned off the boiler. My mother cooking a whole meal on one ring to save on cost. Taking a candle upstairs and going to bed under about 5 blankets, and washing in tepid water from the boil of a single kettle split four ways between 2 adults and 2 children. And that was in middle class Morningside.

My point isn’t to moan about that, but to point out that now is no different to what we’ve gone through before, and it’s perfectly survivable and not even much of an issue.

fruitella the hun

John main:
“Tell you what there was though, Fruit. There was very nearly a working/workable competitor for the Covid spreader’s “belt & road”.

“Supported by India, the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) is/was the creation of a logistical corridor linking the North-Western Indian Ocean to the Eastern Mediterranean via ports, railways and roads passing through the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel.”

You’re probably the tallest expert around so: what’s the relationship between the construction project you mention above and the Ben Gurion Canal some speak of?

Then maybes say something innarestin about competing pipelines and Syria…


Just a few short years ago a new pipeline was laid in the North Sea that will bring oil ashore for the next 50 years they said.

The investment justification proved to be exceptional value.

Ask yourself why any experienced oil company would buy lots of new drilling licences if they thought for one moment that we wouldn’t need to have the oil and gas that’s out there.

Yes the volume used will reduce over the next decades but have no doubt it will still be sold and used in 2050.

Imagine if Scotland could pocket the revenue generated over the next 25 years.


Rent controls have always ended up causing housing shortages. We have known about this for 100 years.

The City of Edinburgh Council is set to formally declare a housing emergency.

The council’s housing convener Jane Meagher will table a motion on Thursday highlighting a “crisis” in both the public and private sectors.

It will cite the city’s record homelessness figures along with a severe shortage of social rented homes and spiralling private rental costs.

The Scottish government is expected to be urged to provide extra resources to help meet the “severe challenges”.

The SNP destroyed Scotland’s rental sector through rent controls (Edinburgh City Council happily joined in), and now we have a homelessness crisis.

Some questions for Humza:

* Why does Scotland – a country with a shrinking indigenous population – have a shortage of houses now?

* Why does Humza want to bring a lot more homeless foreign people here to live off the Scots?

* Why is the Scottish Government still hammering renters and homeowners with destructive policies that make everything unaffordable?

* When all our councils go bankrupt, what’s to stop the Scottish Government going bust too?


Dan @ 8.30am.

Thanks for that link. Glad to see Gordon posting again. His article exposes the absurd situation we have arrived at.

I am not quite as sympathetic as he is to the courts’ position. In a case long ago a senior judge once said something along these lines: ” If all else fails we should resort to common sense”.

Rather than try to find a route through the impossible maze created by the British and Scottish parliaments, they should just say “No parliament has the power to make dogs into cats, or a sows ear into a silk purse, or men into women”

It’s simple, basic common sense which needs to be applied to stop this nonsense once and for all.

fruitella the hun


“ Ask yourself why any experienced oil company would buy lots of new drilling licences if they thought for one moment that we wouldn’t need to have the oil and gas that’s out there.”

That’s the problem. Big oil has the power to “persuade” politicians to obstruct and delay transition so their golden goose remains so, until it’s gone (in economic terms).

I didn’t have you down as a supporter of US/multinational capitalist corporations, guess there’s no knowing…


Listening to Humza Yousaf laud Nicola Sturgeon’s handling of the Covid pandemic today at FMQ’s gave me the boak.

Sturgeon DIDN’T handle the Covid pandemic well we all know that, and many elderly people died due to poor decision making at the top.

We’ll probably never know the full extent of Sturgeon’s/SNP incompetence during the Covid pandemic, as many, many WhatsApp messages to do with it, messages legally required to be kept and produced for the Covid Inquiry, were deliberately deleted.

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