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Wings Over Scotland

Your Children Will Be Harmed

Posted on September 04, 2024 by

This sounds like good news, doesn’t it?

But in fact the headline on the STV News website – whether intentionally, through innocent misunderstanding or, as we suspect, a result of being deliberately misled by government ministers – is a flat-out lie.

In fact the Scottish Government has done the exact opposite. It has taken Dr Hilary Cass’s four-year report and set it on fire, so that it can continue to irreversibly destroy the lives of Scottish children in the name of gender ideology.

You don’t have to read very far into the article to see what’s really happened.

Far from accepting the findings of the actual Cass Review, the Scottish Government has accepted the findings of its own report into the findings of the Cass Review.

But even then, the piece misrepresents the reality.

The section highlighted above is precisely what is NOT going to happen, and we know this because the minister responsible tells us so.

The document mentioned above was published yesterday, along with a whole slew of supporting materials which make clear that the Scottish Government’s overriding goal is to rush young people down a gender-transition pathway much faster than happens now – something which was again the exact opposite of Dr Cass’s recommendation.

And to that end, the new “National Standards” establish explicitly that patients should be prescribed cross-sex hormones immediately upon request, with no clinician involved, instructing NHS Scotland staff that “the basis for proceeding is primarily based upon someone’s self report”.

The guidance even instructs healthcare professionals that any patients who have been illegally sourcing hormones on the black market by themselves should be supported and encouraged to continue doing so, with “non-judgemental advice”.

(The document quoted above expressly relates to both “Adults and young people”.)

And of course, parents will have no right to know about any of it.

There are thousands of words of boilerplate waffle and impenetrable jargon in the flurry of documentation that the Scottish Government released yesterday, but the few lines that we’ve highlighted above betray the reality of the situation and render everything else meaningless.

Far from being accepted, the findings of the Cass Review will be comprehensively ignored in Scotland. A maze of smoke and mirrors has been constructed to conceal the truth, but these new protocols and the accompanying guidance provide an easy route for anyone of any age to almost instantly access powerful and permanently life-altering medication without any meaningful scrutiny from a medical professional.

(Either by being prescribed them unquestioningly, or a nudge-nudge-wink-wink “Well, if you were to source them yourself on the black market through crooked grifting ghouls like Gender GP, or by deceiving your own doctor, we wouldn’t tell anyone”.)

If you weren’t sure how terrible the new standards were, you could reasonably deduce it by the enthusiastic response to the documents from (and the involvement in their development of), the extremely creepy government-funded lobby group Scottish Trans.

And you could probably also reach the same conclusion solely from the astonishingly blatant lie that the minister in charge, Jenni Minto, told in the chamber yesterday.

(Because Wings readers know beyond the merest scrap of doubt that Scottish children ARE in fact being relentlessly bombarded and indoctrinated with gender ideology propaganda at every level from nursery school upwards.)

But in fact the language is so clear – once you find the key passages buried in all the landfill – that it’s very easy to see for yourself. The Scottish Government plans to not only bulldoze the Cass Review itself, but any and all obstacles currently impeding vulnerable children being pumped full of wrong-sex hormones which will sterilise them, shorten their lives and cause countless other physical and mental issues.

(Ironically at the same time it’s slashing the mental-health budget.)

Make no mistake, readers. The Scottish Government has just announced its intention to create a production-line medical abattoir for children that it has itself brainwashed into believing they’ve been born in the wrong body and need to be “fixed”, and which will be kept from their parents.

We know that sounds like a hyperbolic statement, but unfortunately those facts are not in dispute. They’re written down in black and white above and you can also go onto the Scottish Government website and read them with your own eyes. That is simply what’s happening. The only thing we can’t tell you for certain is why.

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Dorothy Devine

How foul can they get ? How duplicitous?
I hope the bastards rot in hell.


It’s nonsense like this that pushes the people we need to win over towards the Tories or even Reform.


Cue anyone who can afford to move relocating from England to get their kids medicated on our dime. Because they’ll definitely known their gender since they were toddlers & haven’t been influenced in the slightest by lunatic parents wanting the latest must have accessory.

Anton Decadent

Eight year olds, Dude.

Jon Drummond

I never knew how much I could hate the SNP. And I’m not one to use the word hate routinely.
But, yes, I hate every fucking one of these nonce bastards.
I seethe as I sit here.
My fingers almost tremble on the keyboard.
Their conference was a sham.
They are a sham of a party and an utter disgrace to Scotland.

Believe me; roll on the 2026 elections I will wear out however much shoe leather it takes to to get ALL of these filthy freaks out of Office.
All I can really say at the moment is, thank Christ I do not have children that could be influenced in any way, shape or form by all of these porn-addled SNP paedophiles.


Oh dear – what kind of government actively try to destroys its own young people -and children’s lives – the answer; ours the SNP government – however its not just the SNP, BLiS and the Lib/Dem branch offices at Holyrood all voted this through in the beginning.

The minds of young Scottish children – and adults are susceptible to body image – and many will now find it much easier, to do irreversible damage to their bodies – at a time in their lives when they – are vulnerable.


Every day, in every way, they’re growing madder and madder.


pensioners – if you want to stay warm this winter, try the following :

– go to your GP say “I’m a fucking degenerate tranny weirdo, so give me drugs” – get free hormone drugs off the SNHS – now sell these on the dark web


– get on dinghy, row out to sea a bit, then row back in – say “I’m asylum seeker, they killed my entire family for being a gay, gib me stuff” – then you get free room and board, and can save on your heating bills


– you claim to be a charity collecting weapons for an eastern country – all you need to do is say DISHKY DOSHKY over and over

there is a “magic money tree” but only the special people, the elect, are allowed to shake it

previous scams like saying to Creative Scotland, I want 250K for my installation on lesbian sculture and queer dance, no longer work.

personally, I like the “pension for life” options afforded by emailing Kid Starver, claiming to be a repairman from PC World, who found an old hard drive belonging to Jimmy Savile – would the PM like me to send it to him, for a postal charge of 750K in bitcoin? If he says “why would I want that”, you reply : “I have looked at the contents, fancy lad”.

And spouse

This is horrific, have the main stream media picked up on this?


Is it a case of ‘follow the money’?


Once more, only one journalist, The Rev Stu Campbell, publishes the truth about what is happening in Scotland. The lazy, kept ‘journalists’ at the BBC, STV and ‘news’ papers simply republish, without any critical analysis, government statements.

I wonder when the MSM flock of sheep will catch up with Stu’s investigations and revelations this time? A week? Six months? A year?

Thank you, Stu. If the world was a just one, Scots would one day be raising a statue to this site in an Indy Scotland. Sigh


They, our colonial overlords, have really done a job on us and this is how they will ensure that jack, and jill boots remain on our necks for (their) good, and for as long as they need, to wring every ounce of resistance out of us. First they came for her, then they came for him, then they came for us, and finally they came for the Children. God help us all. This must be the worst version of the Trojan horse story ever conceived, thanks to Sturgeon and the SNP.

The Forge

Normal channels such as approaching a politician with concerns will not work with this subject. Virtually all politicians have been captured.
Individual clinicians or associated institutions need to be approached. This is like vivisection and should be handled in similar fashion.
The answer as to why?
Select an option – Politicians are sociopaths/sadists/pedophiles/unintelligent/religious fanatics?

Big Shug

I am writing this in the probably vain hope that it will prove cathartic. I hate these evil people with every fibre of my being. All this time and money spent on a vanishingly small number of people. Cui bono? I suspect that the high heid yins are up tae their oxters in shady practices. Google Magic Circle Edinburgh.

Edward McPhee

Response to Jon Drummond. Not sure if this is the correct way of doing this but this is in response to the very powerful comment Jon Drummond made. While I agree fundamentally with most of what he wrote about hating the SNP and getting rid of them I just wish to inject a note of caution. Is he aware the Scottish Labour is just as “woke” as the SNP. Their leader, like Youseless considers Scotland to be “too white” and the Prime Minister has still never supported his MP Rose Duffield and has famously said that 0.01% of women can have a penis. Beware of what you wish for. At least with the SNP we all know how bad they will be, but would Labour be any better?


Why am I not surprised in the sligtest


Being cynical I’d say that Scotland (like other countries around) is being taken for fools by (unknown) groups peddling rubbish. If one reads scholarly papers on gender/sex for EU etc , there is a clear distinction made between sex and gender.
The SNP is housing enough fools to destroy itself and Scotland if we’re not careful.
I may be paranoid (but it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m wrong) I reckon Big Business and Pharma has latched on to countries which have greedy idiots controlling education, NHS, universities and Government personnel and has fed in cash and ‘conflict’ between sex and gender.

So many young people are gullible and insecure and seem unable to grasp basic logic at the moment and yet they are being awarded First Class honours in quite complex areas.


Confused, one more option for pensioners to keep warm : misgender someone and be swiftly sent to a nice, cosy jail.

Jason Smoothpiece

The question is clearly why?

Why the wish to harm vulnerable children?

Why get involved in any way with this madness?

The results will be emptier conference halls and the end of the SNP, hopefully.


What Dorothy Devine said. With bells on.


This is why I pay you, Stu. (Sorry, locked out of Twitter, no idea when if ever I will get my account back. Keep up the good work here.)


Oh, and by the way, it’s “abattoir” – since I can’t needle you on Twitter about it.

Young Lochinvar

Is society going to pot or has Pandora’s box just had its lid jammed open?
What next?
I shudder to think.

John C

And to that end, the new “National Standards” establish explicitly that patients should be prescribed cross-sex hormones on request, with no clinician involved, instructing NHS Scotland staff that “the basis for proceeding is primarily based upon someone’s self report”.

It’s still astonishing to me that in every other case where medication is prescribed, you need at least one doctor to prescribe it for you. The idea that all a person needs to do is say ‘I need this’ is insane & has created all the problems we’re seeing today from mentally ill people get drugs to enact their fantasies to a shortage of hormones for women going through the menapause. After all Trangenderism cares nothing for women, older women and children especially.

It’ll be interesting to see if any of the opposition parties in Holyrood pick up on this and even if they do, it’ll be whether they bother to push the SNP on this. The Greens obviously won’t, neither will the Lib Dems. The Tories might but Labour are in an odd place in Scotland. Torn between keeping activists happy & following Starmer’s lead in accepting Cass.

However til 2026 the SNP have the power to push this through and in that time who knows how many children will have their lives ruined.


Remember – no one voted for this, it was the majority of the politicians at Holyrood that pushed this through – even though several polls, (some carried out by the Rev) showed that the people of Scotland are against this – and aspects of the GRB – yet these politicians that we put in office, decided to stick two-fingers up to us, and go ahead with it anyway.

It time we removed these b*stards from office – how many more children of Scotland will be brainwashed, into believing that they are in the wrong bodies – before we say enough is enough, these children could be YOUR – grandchildren, or great grandchildren.

Zander Tait

I believe that Labour, the Greens, the Libdems are all in favour of this instutionalised insanity. The Tories, Alba and ISP are not.

Come 2026, perhaps you can vote for sanity.

I know I will.


In case you missed it –

The ostracized ostrich that is the Nation’s ex-Mammy reviews Tony Blair’s ‘On Leadership’ in the Guardian.

link to

John Thomson

Anyone who still believes that SNP are an indy party are now also part of the problem, 100% unionists is what they are.

John C

It’s nonsense like this that pushes the people we need to win over towards the Tories or even Reform

This is already happening, and worse, it’s pushing people into the arms of the far right who don’t care one bit about women and children, but they know this is a great recruiting tool.

I think as well it’s just making people angry and tired. It seems neverending and any sign of sense and sanity returning is countered by this sort of lunacy. I thought a few years back that once people realised that kids were being transed to propagate the cult as well as provide sexual partners for depraved men, then that’d be it. Nope, far from it. Instead many politicians and the overwhelming majority of the media carried on pushing it.

panda paws

Lying swines. Someone needs to send Ash Regan a copy of this article and she can look up the related documents if her office haven’t done so already! We can’t let the only opposition in Holyrood to this be the Tories.


Once upon a time politicians who have blatantly lied would do the honourable thing and resign. In this country now lying to the public is a daily occurrence and part of the job.

Absolutely shocking!


The only thing the Scottish Nonce Party enjoys more than noncing children is giving your money and your country away to foreigners.

If you’re a normal Scottish person they hate you and want you to have no rights (Humza’s Hate Act).

John C

The question is clearly why?

Why the wish to harm vulnerable children?

I’ve been aware and trying to fight against this since 2016/7 when a few things dawned on me.


Several reasons.

1/ Transgenderism, like any cult, needs fresh converts. If you get them young then the idea is you have them for life & in turn those people will recruit other young people.

2/ Money. There’s a lot of money in Transgenderism, especially in the private sector, but also in governments funded quangos, etc. More Trans people, means you’ve got more people to mine for money.

3/ This is the one that took me a while to deal with but ask yourself what sort of people would be wanting to keep young children aged 8-16 in a permanent state of being pre-pubescent?

One of the things about Trans people is their dating pool drastically decreases long before transition, but afterwards it drops even further. If however, you’re online grooming children that Trans is the way to solve all those issues with how their body feels coming up to puberty, or that actually, as a boy playing with ‘girls toys’ that makes you a girl and you need drugs and surgery, then these people are grooming in all senses of the word.

Also, Google ‘transmaxxing’. It’s horrific & also explains why so many Trans identified men are horrendous towards women.

25 years ago, Transgenderism was a tiny movement in the States. A few years later we had Jazz Jennings and then Transgenderism exploded online. Sites like Tumblr were places where the first wave of kids were groomed & then around 2011/2 it kicked up a gear as the media started promoting it in numbers, and then in 2016 former LGB groups like Stonewall switched from doing genuinely good work to fight for equal rights to Trans issues as that’s where the money was.

And from there it ramped up even further during lockdown when untold amounts of kids were transed online. It’s an ongoing nightmare as when you see the effects of the medications/surgery on people who are fooling themselves their lives have got better. Once you see young women in their late teens and 20s with walking aids because of osteoporosis you can’t ever unsee it.

It is sadly, a rabbit hole that is full of horrors. There’s no great conspiracy. It’s basically, sex, money and power mixed with a desire to reshape society in their image.


The only way this will end is in a slew of lawsuits from those damaged by this cavalier disregard for fact based science. That means there will be those who will suffer under this policy. Damaged kids, ruined lives and the facilitators will wash their hands and walk off into the rainbow coloured sunset.

John C

no one voted for this, it was the majority of the politicians at Holyrood that pushed this through

But people did. We might not have known it was going to happen or had studied policy beyond ‘SNP 1&2’ or ‘SNP4INDY’, but certainly from 2017 the SNP (and Greens) were firmly pro Trans. By 2019 it was clear what the SNP were suppporting but it was obfuscated by the entire Brexit fiasco.

Sturgeon and the SNP shifted hard to support Trans issues but it took over half a decade for many to realise that actually, my vote helped them into power so helped this come to pass.


The why is easy. Population control. Big pharma & removing fckwits that believe in this pish from the gene pool. A Government backed sterilisation program targeting weans to do it voluntary.

Cue every weirdo flooding Scotland for free drugs which, just by sheer coincidence, will help rig all elections into the bargain.

Scotland always was Englands testing ground. OAPs & weirdos is our future.

Scotland needs to get organised & show this bullshit the door by voting independents at the upcoming Holyrood elections.

Every party voted for this shit. Time to make sure they’re all removed & replaced with common sense candidates not in the pockets of whatever bullshit lobby groups that are behind this.


Zander Tait
Ignored says:
4 September, 2024 at 3:20 pm
I believe that Labour, the Greens, the Libdems are all in favour of this instutionalised insanity. The Tories, Alba and ISP are not.

Don’t let the Tories fool you. They had 14 years to keep perverts out of schools and did nothing except talk.

The Tories are the other cheek. All they’re useful for is producing excrement.

Young Lochinvar

Makes you wonder if this was the deal brokered behind closed doors to keep the Khmer Vert sweet?
Wouldn’t surprise me.

Ruby Wednesday

The only thing we can’t tell you for certain is why.

They’ve got to start early with the brainwashing. They also need proof that some babies are born in the wrong body.

Otherwise how would you get folk to believe that men are women, black is white, women have penises and some babies are born in the wrong body.

Poor kids!

Then there’s those who like the idea of not allowing children to go through puberty.
Keep them childlike as long as possible. This is a sneaky way of lowering the age of consent.

If I had school age children I would home school them. Although if too many parents did that there would probably be a new law against home schooling.


What can be done about this? Is there any point in sending this article to our elected representatives? To the press?

I am terrified and depressed by the actions of the Scottish Executive and all those local authorities, health professionals, etc etc etc which allow the brainwashing of schoolchildren. It should be a public scandal but instead…?


John C

That isn’t true. People vote on manifestos & nowhere was messing with folks kids mentioned or self ID either.

What happened was Sturgeon handed her mandate, & two cabinet posts for no apparent reason, to the Greens.

It was the Greens who punted this pish through Holyrood with SNPs & yoons full backing. They have NO mandate for TRA bullshit. SNPs manifesto was for indyref. The Greens, who had a manifesto of horrors, were rejected at the ballot box so Sturgeon gave an indyref mandate to those degenerates by inviting them into government.

A treacherous barsteward who should be run out of Scotland.

Ruby Wednesday

John C

3/ This is the one that took me a while to deal with but ask yourself what sort of people would be wanting to keep young children aged 8-16 in a permanent state of being pre-pubescent?

They are part of the + in the LGBTQ+ know as MAPS. Am I correct?

To be able to understand what’s going on I believe you need to do some research into all the various different fetishes. Not exactly a pleasant chore but definitely helps to understand of what’s going on.

For example ‘The Castration Fetish’

link to

There are 100s of these fetishes.

Check out ‘Urolagnia’ and that might explain why they are so keen ‘to just wanna pee’ in the ladies toilet.


Surely anyone interfering in the sexuality of a minor is a criminal?

Is that not what the age of consent is for?

The age below which they are not mature enough to make sexual decisions?

Where are the police in this?

Old Git

So now we know that apparently SNP stands for Scottish Nonces and Perverts then. And they’ve sold independence down the river for this.


BLMac @ 16.40.

I’d guess Poileas Alba are too fully occupied in projecting Operation Branchform and any other associated inquiries waay into long grass to be too interested in minor matters such as the devolved administration’s concern with other folks’ children’s sexuality.

Dorothy Devine

BLMac, I wonder with you – child protection should be shouting this down , police should be investigating and newspapers should be bringing it to everyone’s attention and not in nice way either.
Where’s the church , what’s it got to say or have they given up on Adam and Eve too?

George Ferguson

So what’s the solution? A Judicial Review. Cost in the region of £500k. And that’s why the SNP Government get away with it. Only Alex Salmond has challenged them so far. £500k is a lot of money for a crowd funder but what price do we put on the welfare of our children. Pointless asking your SNP MSP for clarification. Great work Stu.


my old grandad was hilarious, he used to come out with all this “mad shit”

– all english are poufs
– all tories are paedos

oh how we laughed … !

– that subsequently turned out to be right. Jimmy Saville, Cambridge, le vice anglais, the public schools, the royal navy, the grand tour, the marsh arabs (closet case Maxwell with an otter Thesiger gave him), tangiers, sir richard burton, gordon of khartoum, leggy mountbottom – all as bent as a dog’s hind leg with a 3 bob note tied to it. His consequent argument for independence : why do you want to be ruled for eternity by english tory paedo poufs? – strikes without challenge; maybe it becomes our slogan next time.

link to

“getting shafted by the state” is no mere metaphor.

great blackmail material, and who is to say – a lot of UK politicians have not been compromised in this manner. A wider goal might simply be normalisation, since noncing is such a popular elite hobby.

– with this “pride” shit everywhere, no one has to sneak around anymore. This strand of evil goes back a long way, as long as you want, but it always had to sneak around, but progressing “sexual liberation” as a civil rights movement, with added moral superiority, threatens to make it all mainstream, mandated, the new orthodoxy.

another glossed over story, the man who was a serious gangster/crim but who never did any jailtime, in Scotland, a land of secrets, where evidence goes missing and documents are sealed longer than the cabinet

link to

the bay city rollers, the teenage dream team, all getting bummed senseless by tam, and their money stolen into the bargain; a brilliant metaphor for Scotland itself, its ruling class a gang of catamites.

Mark Beggan

“Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap “

mike cassidy

Politically, it will be interesting to see whether Labour, Greens and Libdems publicly support this

They all currently embrace gender ideology

Will Sarwar take the chance that abattoiring children is only a vote-loser for the SNP?

Tinto Chiel

Anton Decadent: “Eight year olds, Dude.”

Yes, the PIEmen haven’t gone away since the 70s, only grown in power through careful “product placement” throughout our political structure.

Our political “culture” is sick and beyond redemption.


A judicial review would be pointless ,every one of our services have been captured by this madness including the justice system and police Scotland, as to what the police are doing about this, they are currently busy investigating and charging people for using hurty words and when they have time they are busy polishing their pride badges for the next parade of deviance and perversion

The ONLY people who can do anything about this and the waspi ,heating allowance,immigration,arms sales and loans and donations to warring countries, overseas aid while our kids are starving and homeless, donations to countries where the leadership is buying luxury homes, energy prices ripoff, TAX avoidance and evasion ALL of these things and more are THE PEOPLE, WE either REBEL or STFU and take ALL the shite these parasitical shitehawks throw at us

Unity is strength, disagreement and confrontation wins, acceptance is cowardice

Alf Baird

Dorothy Devine @ 5:00 pm

“Where’s the church , what’s it got to say”

If such institutions have nothing to say on the most critical national and societal matter, that of liberating the people from colonial oppression, it should come as little surprise to find they have little to say on other arguably lesser matters.

What we find in a colony is that all the institutions are colonial. This is inevitable because, in a colony, the native people are “represented among the colonized by colonialists” (Memmi). Colonial institutions are about protecting the racket, not destroying it.

We may recall the Church of Scotland also had its privileges protected in the Articles of the mankit Treaty of Union, as did the legal fraternity and certain other elite groups. And, like other colonial institutions, seems content to celebrate an gie allegiance tae a furrin croun, and a monarch niver crouned King o Scots.

link to


Mummy, can I drink daddy’s whisky?

No dear.

But why not?

Because you’re too young.

Mummy, can I smoke one of Papa’s cigarettes?

No dear.

But why not?

Because you’re too young.

Mummy, can I drive your car?

No dear.

But why not?

Because you’re too young.

Mummy, can I take drugs to become a little girl?

Yes of course dear, you know what’s best.


Excellent work again, Rev. This may well be one of the reasons Reform UK is doing so well in Scotland.


So, if enough sovereign Scots signed a petition to dissolve this Holyrood government because they knowingly lied to people of this country. Surely, through the claim of right, the Scottish government would have to legally remove itself?
If this would be legally sound, I’m up for a crowd funder Stu.


Ach, I’m jist looking at this in the longer term now which is basically just self-selecting eugenics and removing folk dumb enough to give credence to all this born in the wrong body gender pish from the future gene pool.

In any other walk of life fucking with nature tends to bite you on the arse big time.

I’ve far more interest in scrutiny of our energy resources which appear to be getting evermore captured by foreign interests.
But nobody seem to give a fuck about that because the circus of seeing a rainbow coloured bare arsed dildo sporting monkey around kids catches more people’s attention and distracts them from being fiscally shafted.

Sensible folk see the gender pish as nonsense, far better use of time to court the majority of sensible folk who are more likely to be rational thinkers and consider the positives of returning Scotland to self-governance, rather than try to deal with the minority of insane people who have bought into genderwoowoo.


Will the spending cuts to mental health services reduce the funding to Scottish Trans?


Maybe we should forget about independence for a time in order to form a party willing to impose severe penal sentences for politicians and journalists found to be knowingly lying.

We need a party who demands the truth and swift justice.

This so call Great Britain has overseen the the corruption and cover up at Hillsbourgh,
The Blood Transfusion deaths and contamination, for all the nationwide shock and disgust at how the Post Office Masters have been treated nothing has been done to the culprits.
We have the £5 million Chilcot inquiry for Tony Blair’s illegal war where no action was taken.

Grenfell enquiry proves the obvious that big business, all
Levels of government bodies and the fire brigade were complicit but nothing will be done in rotten Britain.


Another betrayal from the SNP – a common occurrence now.

“John Swinney has dumped the Government’s commitment to universal free school meals for every primary school pupil.”

link to

Ruby Wednesday

4 September, 2024 at 4:19 pm

John C

That isn’t true. People vote on manifestos & nowhere was messing with folks kids mentioned or self ID either.

I think the big problem in Scotland was there was a reluctance to talk about ‘gender ideology’ or ‘gender pish’ as you call it.
What was it you said ‘Much more important things going on in the world than this ‘gender pish’

link to
The manifesto commitment

The SNP manifesto, published in April 2021, promised a deliberative process for the final stage of GRA reform, ahead of introducing legislation.

‘In the next parliament we will work with trans people, women, equality groups, legal and human rights experts to identify the best and most effective way to improve and simplify the process by which a trans person can obtain legal recognition – so that the trauma associated with that process is reduced. We remain committed to making necessary changes to the Gender Recognition Act that arise from this work at the earliest opportunity.’ (emphasis added)
SNP Manifesto 2021: 31

If people didn’t know about the SNP and all the other political parties commitment to ‘gender ideology’ they must have been asleep at the wheel.

Even if they weren’t asleep at the wheel there wasn’t a single party in Scotland who opposed ‘gender ideology’

What can we do about it? Wait for a miracle.

Nothing left to do
When you know that you’ve been taken
Nothing left to do
When you’re begging for a crumb
Nothing left to do
When you’ve got to go on waiting
Waiting for the miracle to come

Ruby Wednesday

“Will the spending cuts to mental health services reduce the funding to Scottish Trans?”

Mental Health Services are not required by Scottish Trans hence the reason they can be cut. Scottish Trans are not mental. The money cut from mental health will be transferred to ‘Gender Health Care’ a service which miraculously turns a man into a woman. The wonders of science.

Tinto Chiel

@RoS 7.02: Globalists got to do wot they’re told to, to crush the people aka ” worthless eaters” (but not the Royal Family, etc, obvs.).

Any primary school teacher will tell you that free school meals are a necessity in Scotland. We’re a colonially-impoverised, energy-rich country because of the inevitable consequences of the 1707 Union.

Maybe some of these teachers could let Swiney (sp.) know.

Not that he’d listen…


What happened to your Twitter? That’s very sudden, isn’t it?

I suddenly had a screen pop up saying that I had to complete some fiendish test to prove I was human. I did that, and got a screen that said fine, you’re human, carry on. But then I kept getting “something went wrong, please try again” and I’ve been stuck at that for a couple of weeks now.

If I carry on then eventually I get “too many tries”. If I leave it for a bit I get the request to do the Turing Test again, then I complete it, then it says fine you’re human, carry on, then I get “something went wrong, please try again.” Rinse and repeat.

I have emailed customer support, but God alone knows what good that will do.

Ruby Wednesday

I’m working on the theory that most trans behaviour can be explained by fetishes.

Sport cheats & male prisoners wanting to serve time in a woman’s prison don’t count as trans. I think everyone understands what they are about.

Autogynephilia (AGP) is a biggy. That explains why men want to dress up as women.
They are basically just masterbating in public.

Autogynephilia is defined as a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female.

Autogynephilia is defined as a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. It is the paraphilia that is theorized to underlie transvestism and some forms of male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism.

Dorothy Devine

Alf , you have depressed me with your accurate assessment.

John C

That isn’t true. People vote on manifestos & nowhere was messing with folks kids mentioned or self ID either.

It was there with Sturgeon’s support for LGBTQ+ rights. It took a while for the average voter to realise what that meant, but in 2017 parties in the UK were shifting hard to Trans issues thanks to an influx of activists in all parties, even the Tories.

There were also by this point MPs and MSPs who had trans relatives, friends, etc. That period from 2017-2019 is when the SNP shifted & it was there hidden away. People were distracted or just weren’t aware of things.

Lorna Campbell

The children will be fodder for dangerously sexualized men. Lots of money to be made, too by the corporates. The children, when they grow up, will be marginalized from all but their own kind – mutants without penis and testicles but only a ‘hole’ and hormone-induced moobs , or, if females, without breasts, but with muscles, hairy chests and a vagina or a rotting piece of arm flesh dangling between their legs. All animals and birds are also in grave danger from this kind of exploitation, too. Eventually, none of this will be illegal or even considered deviant or a perversion – unless, of course, something happens to concentrate minds. Unbelievable.liev able what has happen ed to the SNP.

John C

They are part of the + in the LGBTQ+ know as MAPS. Am I correct?

Yes. And I really don’t recommend going down that rabbit hole unless you’ve got a strong stomach. However Transgenderism and Queer Theory is founded by paedophiles with paedophilia as one of its core principles.

The + hides a catalogue of horrors, including the castration fetishists mentioned and again, that’s a rabbit hole not to go down.

All of this is why many LGB people want a divorce from the forced teaming with the TQ+. There’s a world of difference between a gay man or a young lesbian and a perverted man who gets his thrills from castration videos.

And there is just as bad lurking in the + now the zoophiles are pouring in.


It’s the scotgov answer to world overpopulation. Sterilise as many indigenous Scots as possible then import third worlders in their place. Perfect way to punish those terrible White! people so hated by non whites and white self flagellators. Suffice to say I will never bow down to gender ideology, queer theory or critical race theory – they’re all a load of shite.


How can Swinney say that his first priority is to take Scotland’s children out of poverty and then take away free school meals for primary school kids.

Do they even listen to themselves?
Is there not one person in the party who can point out their contradiction?

John C

Surely anyone interfering in the sexuality of a minor is a criminal?

Is that not what the age of consent is for?

The age below which they are not mature enough to make sexual decisions?

Where are the police in this?

Police forces across the world are restricted because of politicians, not to mention many are now captured at high levels.

As for age, it’s a central part of the Trans debate in that they say kids as young as a few months know they’re ‘trans’ and that ‘full body autonomy’ should be a right of children from 3 or 4. Some want younger than that.

It is a skip from giving kids ‘full bodily autonomy’ for medication or surgery, to ‘actually, they can make their own relationships’ which eventually leads to where you think it does. This again is all part of Queer Theory which is about breaking down boundaries, so any form of safeguarding goes out the window.

At the minute in the UK, much of the legal system hasn’t been captured so that’s why there’s so much anger from TRAs as they know that is out their reach for now. Other countries aren’t so lucky.

Hatey McHateface

@Confused 5:38

So what you’re saying is that any Scottish shirt lifter must, secretly, be English.

And any SNP politician aiding and abetting preying on the under-aged must, secretly, be a Tory.

So you SNP dupes have been returning English Tories to power for the past decade or so? If that’s how you want to represent it, then fill your boots.

John C has the rights of the situation in his posts. This is on the Scots politicians, and the Scots voters who put them in power.

Over and over again.

This is on you.

Mark Beggan

Mess with nature at your peril.
Monkey Pox is what they are getting and still they carry on.


I got chatting to some musicians (about 25-30 years of age) in the pub tonight. They were planning to attend a protest at Holyrood.
When I reminded them Holyrood has a limited and reducing budget and are restrained by Westminster.
Their comment was they have been in power for 15 years and we are atill in the union. Its simply not good enough and it is their fault.
Well I could only agree with them.
Their closing comment was the SNP is finished.

Young Lochinvar

Ejjijy @ 8.23

I think that’s exactly what Swinneys leadership is all about now; basically agreeing with everybody in the naive hope of offending no one- and failing dreadfully- while working away in the background “Sturgeon continuity style” on what really matters to them and their focus group and Khmer Vert backers.

All we get to hear from them is veiled obfuscation PR soundbites which thankfully the Rev tears through.

Hatey McHateface

Alf Baird

Maybe the Church Of Scotland long since accepted that if a majority of the people of Scotland wanted an end to the colonialist oppression you claim to see everywhere, then they would organise politically to make it happen.

“The Lord helps those who help themselves” – even I can remember that one.

It’s only a couple of days since another political earthquake on the continent – in Germany this time. Just another European country re-writing its political settlement via a movement that barely existed a couple of years ago. I’ve lost count how many European countries are voting into power new parties and personalities.

Yet here in Scotland, stasis and paralysis in reality. And Scotland supposedly groaning under colonialist oppression on Wings BTL.

Sorry, but when it comes to choosing between reality and Wings BTL …


Has anyone got a chart that maps scottish funding delivered, what it should have been with inflation over the last 20 years

Hatey McHateface

Mark Beggan

It’s been renamed MPox.

Somebody, God know who, objects to the “Monkey” word.

But $5 says you already knew that. USD mind, none of your BRICS shite.


There was a post on a previous thread that detailed a poll about the forthcoming Holyrood election where if true, it will lead to a minority Labour party and smaller parities like Alba and Remain gaining seats.

All the major parties are captured so the democratic solution is to deny them a majority by voting for minor parties who are opposed to these dreadful policies.

Roll on 2026 and let’s send the SNP to hell.

Mark Beggan

Hatey McHateface

“Somebody objects”

That’s the key. Denial. Call it something palatable.
Mother nature doesn’t give a shit what they call it. If you know what I mean. These diseases are multiplying. The time is a coming when the no cure stage will be reached.

No I never knew that. MPox sounds like a rave DJ.


Oh by the way. Friend is a high school English teacher. They’re doing away with teaching novels, and will not be ‘examining’…TikToks. No joke. Make of that what you will. And we once had the best education system in the world…


Addendum from post above: “Will now be ‘examining’…”

An English teacher will now basically be a babysitter watching dogshit videos with drooling, bored teens. Defo a career to go to university to study. From the country which had the world’s first literate society, at that.


Dorothy Devine 5.00pm

“Where’s the church , what’s it got to say”

Unfurling their Pride Flags & desecrating alters up & down the country.

Abandoned to the madness. Idle hands are Satan’s workshop as they say…

I mentioned before Michael S Rose, the investigative jurno who broke the Catholic Church sex scandals (Goodbye, Good men) & it’s the exact same methods & tactics used. It details the complete capture of the American seminaries by liberals. Originally joining the priesthood for celibacy all that lead to was a raving gay club who manoeuvred themselves into positions of power & to “eject” the good ones or make their life a living hell & persecute & belittle them until they’d just leave altogether. Over 150 first hand accounts of what went on there & with the gay scene, that community attracts all sorts & anything goes.

The Anglican church, Church of England didn’t stop the same takeover tho & went even further. Lesbians put into positions & pushing now for their ‘Trans Siblings’ to be included & adorning every church they come into contact with Pride paraphernalia under the guise they’re ppl of God. They’re now onboard with the whole Trans cult. They’re completely captured & as Stu has written about before in an article on this site not that long ago, these are the very ‘church elders’ the Scottish government pulls in for feedback/consultation/ TV interview for their batshit policies & ideas. The very “religious group” that is already on their side in pushing this shit so it’s a lost cause for moral input.

The Catholic Church opposes this shit but the chances of them being asked an opinion by government are nil.

& What Alf says too.

If funding is involved then that’s another way to capture various organisations as we seen by the farce of the consultation they held at Holyrood. Only biased opinions were heard & everyone else was ignored & may as well not bothered turning up.


“ a production-line medical abattoir for children “ says it all. Thank you Stuart for telling us the god-awful truth. It seems like something out of the Third Reich, when Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor of Auschwitz, aka the Angel of Death, conducted medical experiments on inmates. Same thing really, i.e. the corruption of medical ethics, the denial of basic humanity and the practice of ruthless experimentation.

The end objectives of gender reassignment are double mastectomies for girls and castration for boys which are irreversible. The explicit intention of developing an overt split between parent and child has been shaped by years of planning to enable institutionalising the grooming of children into the “ transgender” movement. Our schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, police etc have become completely subservient to the “ transgender” ideology and compliant with the appalling indoctrination. The BMA is to disavow the Cass Report.

The biggest pushback is coming from gay people, gays against groomers, who know that they could have been victims themselves. It may be that one way forward is to take legal action against, for example, individual headteachers whose “transgender “ policies are causing forseeable and extremely detrimental harms.

Parents have to be on the ball here and cannot assume their child will be safe from dangerous indoctrination and “ transgender” madness. They need to encourage open debate within their families and understand the law as well as showing love and compassion. Our children have been made fearful about their future, the hysteria around climate change, the COVID lockdowns, terrifying the entire population and germophobia. No wonder there is an explosion of psychological distress amongst children and young people.

Our politicians are morally corrupt, complicit in promoting the pernicious “transgender” ideology and knowingly abusing and harming our children. Our society has become anti-intellectual, pro fantasy and anti facts, forcing diversity and creating divisions.
“ Establish a malignant growth and watch the gangrene bloom”



BRICS doesn’t have a currency, ya eejit. That’s the point. Everyone trades in their own currency. No top dawg. What it will have is a payment system to replace Swift.

See, you can’t just boot countries out of $ dominated Swift like Biden did to R while the whole world watched in horror wondering if they’ll be next. All it did was ring alarm bells to get the fck out.

That goes for stealing other countries assets & reserves too & a world bank that only plays nice to it’s rich mates & screwing the little countries.

Suck it up sunshine. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. I bet yer glad you poked the bear eh? Those Orcs weren’t as dumb as you thought. You lot picked the wrong fight..

Alf Baird

Onlooker @ 10:10 pm

“by the way. Friend is a high school English teacher.”

Aboot time Scots haed Scottis dominie’s. Nae mair Englis lit an cultural imperialism, an confuised identities.

d wade

It is heartening to see Scotland no longer needs the services of a Dr Mengele.


It wouldn’t surprise me if it was part of the plan to be rid of schools altogether. Pushing parents into home schooling & only those & such as those able to afford a private tutor receiving an education.

Same way they’d love to drain the NHS & push ppl into private healthcare. Thatchers dream.

The Tories are practically orgasmic at the thought of a return to the 1940s. A price tag on everything & where poor ppl just fckd off & died – preferably after they’ve finished their shift & before payday lol.

They’ve already ushered back slavery & poor ppl dissuaded from voting. All we need now is ration book.

Mark Beggan

Why is Angus Robertson flying around the world. We know it’s got nothing to do with Scottish indy. So what is fat boy up to.

Saffron Robe

Your headline is spot on, Stuart. This is not health care, it is health abuse. Abuse of the individual (who has no physical illness), abuse of the health service whose purpose is to remedy sickness, not amplify it, and abuse of power by politicians who implement policies which harm society immeasurably and drive families apart. And with Scotland’s birth rate plummeting, why are the SNP so beholden to an infertility cult?


Reporting to his handler & collecting his bonus.

Mark Beggan

Are children part of the payment.

Young Lochinvar

As I have suggested before, just wait till Labour try pulling this stunt in England.

They can evangelise “Brianna Ghey” s memory all they want, the bulk of English parents won’t put up with it and then there’ll be trouble, big time, just look what’s happened recently down there..

Here’s a thought, line up the tranny army, those “males” in wigs and high heels over say 25 go under the chopping block no ifs or buts.
See how that suits them eh?
Back then to safe spaces for the real ladies though and a dam site less paedo predation.

Why wouldn’t they?? They reckon they are chicks after all..

Answers from them on no less than 2 sheets of A4 paper!

Pain killers prescribed after the chop as usual for all after operations then end of story and welcome to a sad sterile life and lonely meaningless old age.

Perhaps a Singer sewing machine job on their pretendy male counterparts. It’s what they want isn’t it after all then send them on their sad sterile way.

Chop and sew, lack of attention for the attention seekers and see how fast this fashion evaporates.

Just saying.

Young Lochinvar

Oh, and meant to say, designate them as persons of indeterminate gender.

Mark Beggan

You want to be a girl!
Then get the balls on the chopping board and we’ll call you honey.

Robert Louis

Their is no way, in any good evidence informed medical practice, that so-called ‘puberty blockers’, which are in fact extremely toxic drugs, should ever be given to children except in very, very exceptional circumstances.

Just because a child says or thinks they are a different sex, it does not mean they are. A wee girl can be quite ‘manly, boy-like, and like ‘boy things, but this does NOT mean she is a boy. She in most cases grows up to be a healthy girl. But Kids like that now are told NOW that they are ‘born in the wrong body’. Their is zero evidence for such a statement. It is baloney, and frankly evil to lie to kids like that.

If a child grows up and turns eighteen and is still sure they are a different sex, then they DO need psychiatric evaluation, and only then, only then should they be considered for what is laughingly called ‘sex change surgery – if that is what they want. The difficulty is, that right now our young people are being sold a total lie, that they can ‘change sex’. They simply can’t. Oh, yes, extreme, repeated, lengthy AND painful surgery can do things to make it look a wee bit like you have changed sex, and you can take expensive and very toxic drugs for the rest of your life, but you will NEVER, and CANNOT turn a boy into a girl.

Further, the idea that a grown man can just simply state he is a lady, and must be treated as such in all ways, including access to ewomen’s changing rooms and toilets is wrong. Wearing lipstick, growing your hair long and wearing a dress doers not make you a woman. Not ever. Indeed, just say, ten years ago, and ALL my life, such folk were called transvestites. People like Eddie Izzard referred to themselves as such. Now, suddenly such folk tell us that they actually ARE women. It is patent nonsense.

If such folk come my way, I will happily treat them as they want to be treated, and use whatever name they choose. It’s a free world, and they can dress and behave as they want. BUT, this does not mean that society will be happy for a big burly, balls and dick intact, to be allowed into girls changing rooms or toilets. It is insulting to women, to suggest otherwise. Why does the Scottish government not understand, women simply do not want blokes in such places. They DO NOT FEEL SAFE, FFS!!

This gender ideology, where whatever a child ‘thinks’, a parent must accept goes against ALL notions of good parenting. Children have parents for good reason – because they can NOT make good sound decisions until they are much, much older.

What kids now are being told about ‘gender’ is a LIE. They will NEVER be really able to change sex. A boy growing his hair long and wearing a skirt does not make him a girl. A girl wearing trousers, and willfully physically destroying her growing breast tissue, and stuffing a lump of silicon in her pants, does not make her a boy. It NEVER will.

Most sane folk on this planet know this. Those who accept gender ideology are in denial of actual biological reality.

It is well known that at least some, if not most of these kids are merely homosexual. girls who like girls, or boys who like boys. If such a wee boy who like boys is ‘effeminate’ in their behaviour, these gender clowns would tell him he is a girl in a boys body, but he isn’t, he is just a homosexual boy. Left alone, and not lied to, such kids grow up perfectly happy in the bodies they have.

What the Scottish government are up to is child abuse. The Cass report went into considerable detail about the complete lack of ANY evidence backing up gender ideology. That has not changed.

The most important question is this, just WHY is the Scottish government so very determined to go against evidence based medical advise on this matter???


This article reinforces how nothing has changed in our utterly rotten SNP.

But we should have known this from last week’s phone box conference when the ranting trans freak got cheered after his speech.

The SNP are cancer in our society and with cancer, all cancers, the treatment is to destroy it.

A billion pounds in cuts coming down the line and this government have money for this?


Just think, one day all of Holyrood will be theirs, ruling over all yon hills & land with bad karaoke & interpretive dance.. spreading trans joy.

I remember reading that was the plan from one of the Trans be the first TRA FM of Scotland ffs.

Hmmm, I wonder sometimes if we haven’t had one already.

It’d be a laugh at FMQs tho when Betty Sue Maria is told to sit the fck doon & is muted lol

As for England – they already have it. It was the Labour party who first introduced this shite back in 2017 & their first TRA *women’s officer* that ended well.

This bullshit is an American instruction to governments to implement. Big pharma corporations want lifelong customers reliant on drugs & where better to start than indoctrinating the young that they need fixing. Only Hungary has had the balls to tell them to GTF & look how that’s going – in typical Yankee sanction style they’ve cut off his oil.


Here’s an extract of a quote just made by Pete Wishart. Made in relation to the period after the referendum he said,

“There was a point we probably should have done that work at that point, but it was the good times.

“Now we are left in the situation where things aren’t so good and we are starting a bit more seriously to look at where we are and try to learn lessons.”

What planet is this clown on to think that the SNP are in a situation where times are so good. How did he work that out.

Or what about the sharp observation that the SNP need to start looking a bit more seriously at where they are and “try” to learn lessons.

Obviously deveststed membership, the clear out of the majority of their MPs, near party bankruptcy, and empty conferences has told this boy little.

Tells you all you need to know about where he and the remnants of a once great party are going, and going soon.


TRENDING, though not in a good way.
link to
but, ssshhhh….

Ruby Thursday

Hatey McHateface

John C has the rights of the situation in his posts. This is on the Scots politicians, and the Scots voters who put them in power.

It’s not as simple as that is it John?

Which party in Scotland opposed gender ideology?

What % of Scots didn’t vote because there was no choice?

Mark Beggan

Is Scotland just a perverted nation? Does Scotland have more sexual deviants per head of population than anywhere else?

Ruby Thursday

John C
4 September, 2024 at 8:21 pm

Yes. And I really don’t recommend going down that rabbit hole unless you’ve got a strong stomach.

If you are not prepared to go ‘down that rabbit hole’ you are not going to fully understand the horrors of ‘transgenderism’

If you don’t know all about ‘the sissy’ you won’t understand what it was Alex Cole Hamilton actually did for Beth.

Beth is a ‘sissy prostitute’ that Alex Cole Hamilton helped get him free ‘feminization surgery’ on the NHS to make him a more authentic ‘sissy prostitute’

link to

Be warned going ‘down this rabbit hole’ could bring out the hate monster.

Maybe not bother because in the end there’s not a lot we can do about it other than just hope for a miracle.


Pishy slippers is always a dead cert to say the silent part out loud.

This was the clown who repeatedly told us all there was no rush. Maneuvers were happening in the background. We don’t let our enemies know our plans yadda, yadda.

What these losers don’t seem to grasp is that a mandate was a CLEAR INSTRUCTION from the electorate to exit. It wasn’t to hang about enjoying the good times. Good times for whom exactly? That plastic gentrified loser & his all you can eat subsidized buffets.

It’s not rocket science. They took an entire electorate for mugs & to add insult to injury they gave two fucking unelected space cadets full control of Holyrood to slip in their depraved gender queer policies cause they knew fine well the public would never vote for this shite at the ballot box. He knows this so to pretend they dunno where they went wrong is just more insulting to voters.

Whoever is paying him to write shite really needs to stop. Whoever rigged Perth to give this plonker a seat in WM wants sacking.



Not when you take them all back.

Dorothy Devine

I used to work in a Catholic school and the headmistress was an Irish nun. She used to say ‘ the devil stalks us at Christmas’ I’m beginning to think she’s almost right but his stalking isn’t confined to Christmas – and I’m a swithering heathen.

Mark Beggan

My name is Mark Beggan.

Ruby Thursday

Robert Louis

Robert Louis

If such folk come my way, I will happily treat them as they want to be treated, and use whatever name they choose. It’s a free world, and they can dress and behave as they want

I don’t agree with that idea. I know this idea has been promoted by JK Rowling but I think she is wrong.

Since so many men have decided to mock women by wearing ‘woman face’ I fully understand why black face is so offensive.

Do you think it’s OK for folk to wear ‘black face’ or ‘dress up as a nazi’?

The trans community don’t like the idea of women dressing up as trans.

link to

My gender isn’t your costume

I’m wondering if this ‘transface’ will be a new trend.

It’ll be Halloween soon maybe the supermarkets need to order extra cucumbers/aubergines.


Mark Beggan @ 09.57.

I suspect that we probably just have more of them in positions of authority, Mark. And such is their contempt for the voters who put them there and their feelings of entitlement they have no hesitation in proceeding with their aims openly.
(I suspect that they also have, obviously, no sense of decency or shame).



link to

the deil’s awa, the deil’s awa wi the politeicians.

Significantly Altered Political Priorities Ahead.



AS SOCIETIES grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too.
Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests.

[Gore Vidal]

James Che

I don’t know how many times this needs to be said for People in Scotland to be rid of an illegal entity.

Scotland parliament was placed dissolution in 1707.
We do not have a legal parliament to pass laws in Scotland that does not breach the 1707 treaty of union, of One parliament of Great- Britain to be styled the parliament of Great- Britain,

And the Second issue, it Scots are not in the treaty of union then the Sovereign Scots need to choose a new government if that is what they want to do while their territorial Country is a republic.
Because Scots not invited into a treaty are not obliged to be under the king or parlament of England.
This is Westminster parliament statement that has run on their site for a number of years now,
The Scots were not invited to join the treaty of union, because they would probably have voted No to joining.

Scots Laws cannot or issued, created or made by the snp or be made by another Countries devolved parliament sent to Scotland.

And if anyone wishing to protect the union and tries justifying the 1707 treaty of union articles.
Then the Devolved government and parliament breaches one of those very fundamental foundational corner stones.

And so does climate change, the hate crime bill, the gender issue. Traveling freely and free speech laws in Scotland.
Due to them all being introduced and passed by the very parliament that breaches the 1707 treaty of union,

Either the treaty and all its terms of agreement has to be taken in its full context, valid including ( one parliament ) of Great- Britain.
The main constitution of the created of Great- Britain parliament involved only the joining of the 1707 parliament of Scotland with the 1707 parliament of England,
That Scottish parliament was eliminated from the political parliamentary treaty of union by placing it under dissolution in 1707….. so is no longer joined.
One Parliament of Great- Britain? Voided in 1707 and invalid a second time after it ended 1800,
Now it is plus N Ireland, plus the devolved parliament in Wales, plus the devolved parliament in devolved parliament in Scotland and England under leveling up the devolved governments to England .
Not to mention mr Starmer getting rid of members of the house of lords that was not part of the treaty agreement.
The constitution of the Great- Britain, and the Scots aren’t even in it,
My my it appears to be little more than new paint on a crumbling wall.

Mark Beggan

@James Che
” I don’t know how many times this needs to be said…”

Once is enough.



When an entity is sure of getting what it wants that is the time to talk of treaties.

in a parallel universe far far away


With Sturgeon – the Judas already sending £67 million quid of oor cash to U and the English government sending crazy amounts of cash to U as well – it would appear a huge blackhole has appeared in the public finances, which will only get worse as Starmer commits to funding U – until the bitter end.

“The document looked at areas of public spending which are set to go over budget this year, including:

Public sector pay rises
Overspending on certain projects, such as supporting the asylum system
Unforeseen costs, such as inflation being higher than expected
Military assistance to Ukraine

To cover some of the shortfall, Chancellor Rachel Reeves made several announcements:

Ending winter fuel payments for those not receiving pension credit

Cancelling infrastructure projects, such as the road tunnel near Stonehenge

Scrapping previous government measures, such as the planned cap on social care charges from October 2025.”

link to

Guy Austin

I’m 100% in agreement with your criticism of the evils of transgender ‘medicine’ but I am not sure you are correct in this particular post. In Domain 10, para 10.3 when taking the whole section together I believe this can interpreted differently. That is to say in an assessment it is proper for the clinician to point out that if a patient has self referred that this is a bad thing as there is no evidence that endocrine treatments are effective.

Hatey McHateface

@ Geri says: 4 September, 2024 at 10:54 pm

I bet yer glad you poked the bear eh?

What am I like? I completely forgot I poked the bear.

Now I’m worried you’re going to claim I poked you.

Bill Craig

Thanks, Rev Stu, for all the work you do on this, and on other issues. We shouldn’t be having to fight this battle, but here we are.

I’m so, so angry at the gullible fools in Holyrood and elsewhere who have allowed and enabled this madness. “Be kind” we were told, and that was always stupid, so now they have descended to brazen dishonesty.

Will any of those fools admit they were wrong? I doubt it.

James Che

Mark Beggan,

Aye, for those who do not want Scotland to be independent.
what about the many others that are not yet aware of that in Scotland and are about to learn,

If you know it you can simply scroll by,


Wingslords are needed on
Especially the reverend.


My eight year old granddaughter came home from her Highlands primary school the other day, and announced that she thinks being pansexual would be cool. My daughter is busy countering the indoctrination, but I wager most parents aren’t aware of what’s happening, or aren’t fussed.

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    • Marie on The Front On The Volga: “Absolutely. Politicians are bought by elites. They buy politicians the way we buy toothpaste and washing up liquid in the…Feb 11, 21:05
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “CNBC (2024): Palantir CEO says his outspoken pro-I***el views have caused employees to leave company: “Palantir, known for its government…Feb 11, 21:02
    • carjamtic on Bricked-up windows: “A few thoughts immediately spring to mind, where is the demarcation line between self interest and public interest (obstruction of…Feb 11, 20:53
    • McDuff on The End Of The Reich: “When is the our spineless MSM going to join the rev in fighting this insanity.Feb 11, 20:49
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Forbes (2013): How A ‘Deviant’ Philosopher Built Palantir, A CIA-Funded Data-Mining Juggernaut: “Since rumors began to spread that a startup…Feb 11, 20:47
    • sarah on Bricked-up windows: “Confess, Rev. You couldn’t stand the almost optimism of “The Front on the Volga” and were pleased to get this…Feb 11, 20:41
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Public Technology (2024): NHS claims two-thirds of trusts and ICBs now using Palantir data platform: “NHS England has claimed that…Feb 11, 20:37
    • G m on The Front On The Volga: “This article highlights compares the Trans ‘rights’ movement with other rights movements. Trans rights didn’t come from the ground up.…Feb 11, 20:26
    • Ian McCubbin on Bricked-up windows: “Omg the level of use of elaborate language and repetition is astounding. I admire your journalism in thus case thznk…Feb 11, 20:21
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “I love it – makes identifying Scotland’s arch enemies far easier. I’m gonna pummel ‘The Negatron’ with my giant reality-hammer…Feb 11, 20:20
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Cheers Jock Noted #ChampFeb 11, 20:06
    • Alf Baird on The Front On The Volga: “The Holyrood colonial administration long since dumped the national saltire for the imperial rainbow flag and its woke fascist laws,…Feb 11, 19:58
    • Graeme on The Front On The Volga: “Don’t you mean the front on the Vulva?Feb 11, 19:55
    • Young Lochinvar on The Front On The Volga: “Well said.Feb 11, 19:51
    • Dan on The Joker: “Be More Alert and lolz if you think I believe the current crop of political dross in Holyrood are pro-indy.…Feb 11, 19:50
    • PacMan on The Front On The Volga: “I’m sure there was funding from other US Federal agencies that was being used for this as well which DOGE…Feb 11, 19:14
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “The Sun (10/02/25): SITTING TARGETS Allies of SNP chief ‘draw-up hit list of MSPs they want to replace with axed…Feb 11, 19:02
    • Hatey McHateface on The End Of The Reich: “I can’t argue with a single word of your post, Dan. As I’ve stated before, if you lived in my…Feb 11, 18:47
  • A tall tale

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