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Wings Over Scotland

Objection Sustained

Posted on September 18, 2024 by

This must be some kind of mistake.

Because we’re sure you’ve spent the last decade telling us that just couldn’t happen.

Nicola Sturgeon was certainly saying it at least as early as March 2017, which is seven and a half years ago.

And in May of that year, when Theresa May had called a snap general election.

She was also saying it in April 2019, when Theresa May was still Prime Minister.

And in October of the same year, when he’d been replaced by Boris Johnson.

She was still saying it as recently as November 2022, by which time Boris Johnson had been replaced by first Liz Truss (remember that zany month?), then Rishi Sunak.

And she was still saying it the next month, looking ahead to fifth UK Prime Minister who would apparently be unable to sustain the refusal.

Of course, not long after that Sturgeon was history. But as her loyal deputy, you’d been echoing her words the whole time.

Like here in April 2019.

And here in February 2020.

And here in September 2020.

And here in March 2021.

(The same month Pete Wishart was saying it in Parliament, after saying it on Twitter and on his blog for some time. After all, by then it had already been “inevitable” for several years.)

And here in May 2021.

And every time the SNP won another election and another mandate, you told us that this was the point when the UK government would crumble.

Through most of that time, of course, Wings Over Scotland has been telling its readers – for example in these pieces from more than four years ago – that Westminster’s refusal very much WAS sustainable, and that it WOULD be sustained, and that the SNP didn’t really believe otherwise any more than we did.

And of course we were right, and now Keith Brown is finally, belatedly admitting what Wings told you all along and what the SNP and its tame pet bloggers and commentators vilified us for. But don’t panic, folks, because he’s got a new plan! And here it is.

But will that case be “unanswerable” in the same way the refusal to grant a Section 30 was “unsustainable”? We only ask because it’d be handy to know before Keith and his worthless incompetent chancers of colleagues waste another decade of our lives.

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Even 10 years on, the feeling of utter despair at seeing the Yoons voting against Scotland being an independent nation in its own right still lingers.

What hurts even more is witnessing the utter betrayal by Nicola and her cronies pretending to champion the independence movement and their actions hurt way more than the Yoons voting NO, at least they were honest.

10 years on, we are in an even worse state by remaining in the Union, if only…the lasting comment.

If Only…


Absolutely right Stu, they know the drill. Same tactics, different words. I might move to El Salvador, coz it feels like it’s over here.


It’s not that I ever tire of WOS invariably being proven correct … But I surely do get frustrated with the SNP devolved administration being continually proven wrong.


I reckon this is part of a softening up approach on the road to finally admitting that they are settling for Devolution … and, by definition, Unionism.


Fine Keith, bring it on. You are right of course. S30 is dead, so is another indyref. So is the franchise for that. Let’s ALL move on. Constitutional convention, fine again, but not another SNP Talking Shop, and many more year wasted kicking the can down the road.. I think SALVO and our Sovereignty has to have some merit. Our freedom will come from left field or somewhere else presently out of sight. It will not come from the current crop of failed politicians, and here I include them all, every last one of them. You all played the WM game and by their rules, so you are of no use to us.The people have to have a way to rise up and take this by the neck and get us free of the colonial yoke, before they drain us completely with their closure of our only refinery (and the opening of 5 new ones down south), the freeports robbing us further, the ongoing tory austerity run by tory lite aka labour, and on and on.We can’t afford to wait, we must act now. We the people, us sovereign Scots. So, yes Keith, you are right. Now get the f**k out of the way.

Margaret Lindsay

Am I wrong, but at the time the missing £600,000 was being donated by using shmucks, was the unimpressive Keith Brown not in fact “minister for ndependence”? The same time as the three amigos debacle, and first independence march of that year? Liars and conmen/conwomen, the whole bloody lot of them.


For something that was unsustainable ten years ago, Westminster saying no to another Section 30 order has lasted well. This stance has seen off Sturgeon, Yousaf and over 50 troughers such as Blackford, Black, Cherry, Shepherd, Smith and others too-inconsequential to mention

But fear not, Smith is already eyeing a possible return to the European Parliament, and Weak Pishfart is still on the green benches looking after Number One’s interests.

When is our political class going to waken-up, smell the coffee and accept, we have to somehow circumvent Westminster and take back our Independence, before the English bleed us completely dry.

We need a national Plan B, and we need it sooner rather than later.



I don’t have Twitter so cannot applaud your most excellent music taste – we have been at some of the same gigs back in the day.

Back to the above – I doubt Keith Brown has ever been at any good gigs! If he has, he probably said they were good, but now says they were bad (unless Nicola approves!)



Keith Brown, “Westminster will never agree to another IndyRef, but that does not mean the SNP can’t keep asking for one even though we know they will always say ‘NO’. Anyway it is all the YES movement’s fault”.

Conclusion: Gobsmacking fuckwittery.


They’d never allow another referendum cause they didn’t really win the last one. They’d to rig it. They’d never have honoured it either. According to the UK government it was just a glorified opinion poll. The cash cow was/is never going to just mosey on out of its barn. Its not in the colonisers best interests.

A convention is an excellent idea, but not one that barks endlessly at Westminster, but one that actually gets off it’s lard arse & goes international. Mingling with the international community.

Its states that recognise other states. Not permission slips from our colonising masters.

& Have the hapless SNP nowhere near it or it really will be another ten years of all talk & no action.


I’m a tech sort of guy. Been messing around with LLMs, but locally, downloaded onto the PC; get a copy of Ollama, install it and run it from the command line. A terminal comes up, run a model – I have LLama3.1 8B, the smallest. Quite impressive. Howsabout this : >>> is my question, the rest is the answer


Conducting a national liberation struggle against a colonizing occupier requires careful planning, coordination, and execution. Indigenous peoples have successfully employed various tactics throughout history, adapting to their unique contexts and circumstances.

**Understanding the Context:**

Before embarking on a national liberation struggle, it’s essential to:

* **Gather intelligence**: Understand the occupier’s strengths, weaknesses, interests, and potential responses.

* **Build alliances**: Form connections with other affected communities, organizations, and international bodies that can provide support.

* **Develop a clear understanding of local history and culture**: This will help in crafting a compelling narrative for the struggle and ensure that the movement is rooted in the community’s experiences.

**Strategic Approaches:**

1. **Non-violent resistance**: Employ non-cooperation, civil disobedience, boycotts, and other forms of peaceful protest to challenge the occupier.

2. **Armed struggle**: If deemed necessary, engage in armed self-defense or guerrilla warfare to protect communities and disrupt the occupier’s control.

3. **International solidarity**: Build connections with international organizations, governments, and civil society groups that can provide diplomatic, economic, or military support.

4. **Cultural preservation and revitalization**: Foster a strong sense of identity and cultural heritage among community members to inspire and motivate the struggle.

**Key Principles:**

1. **Decentralized decision-making**: Involve diverse stakeholders in decision-making processes to ensure representation and accountability.

2. **Community-led initiatives**: Prioritize community-driven projects, allowing local leaders to take ownership and make decisions that align with their needs.

3. **Respect for human rights**: Uphold international human rights standards, even when facing intense resistance from the occupier.

**Challenges and Opportunities:**

1. **Countering propaganda**: Develop effective counter-narratives to challenge the occupier’s misinformation campaigns.

2. **Managing internal conflicts**: Establish clear communication channels and conflict resolution mechanisms to maintain unity within the movement.

3. **Balancing short-term gains with long-term goals**: Prioritize strategic, incremental progress over immediate victories.

**International Support:**

1. **United Nations involvement**: Engage with UN agencies, special rapporteurs, and other relevant bodies to raise awareness about human rights abuses and seek international support.

2. **Diplomatic pressure**: Encourage foreign governments to exert diplomatic pressure on the occupier to respect indigenous peoples’ rights and interests.


A national liberation struggle against a colonizing occupier requires careful planning, strategic execution, and a deep understanding of local context and history. By prioritizing community-led initiatives, decentralized decision-making, and respect for human rights, indigenous peoples can build strong foundations for their struggle.

Tom Halliday

After the 2014 defeat, the SNPs only purpose in the English parliament, was to secure an agreed democratic path by which ‘any’ of the four constituent parties could initiate to begin the process. The fact that in ten years that they haven’t even asked the question, is in my opinion criminal.

David Beveridge

So how do we, as an equal partner in this voluntary union, ever get to leave? Wait until there’s an uprising down south to kick the sponging Jocks out? Looks like it.

Hatey McHateface

Maybe all along it’s just been a problem with everybody’s hearing.

The politicians have been saying the situation is “um … sustainable”, and we’ve been hearing “unsustainable”.

Time to resuscitate the plebiscitary election idea. HR 2026 will arrive sooner than we think.

Vivian O’Blivion

Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens.

Antoine Roquentin

Before we can do anything, we need a Party that espouses National Liberation in order to compete with the Unionist parties and lead the aspirational independence bloc. A Convention comes later, surely?


I have my doubts over a Constitutional Convention imagining it will be filled with woke wankers and other useless windbags. Scrap civic nationalism, it serves little purpose before independence except welcoming the enemy into our ranks.look after our own first

Young Lochinvar

Confused @ 2.49pm

An interesting read. While pondering it quite a few historical liberation movements came to mind.

As for us and history, appealing to the international community; way back in the day that used be the Pope and the English were notorious for trying to nobble that particular “supreme” court avenue for us.

What to expect again I reckon, probably why they are so keen on organisations where they have the ridiculously undemocratic veto.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Inspired by Vivian O’Blivian’s comment @ 3:42 pm, which my research suggests translates as “Against stupidity, the gods themselves battle in vain”, I have just come across the following not unrelated material on a site called ‘Plato’s Cave’ —

« “Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” – Plato


« (The following is taken from a circular letter, addressing many topics, written to three friends and co-workers in the conspiracy against Hitler, on the tenth anniversary of Hitler’s accession to the chancellorship of German. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hanged by Adolf Hitler in 1945.)

« ‘Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed- in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.

« ‘If we want to know how to get the better of stupidity, we must seek to understand its nature. This much is certain, that it is in essence not an intellectual defect but a human one. There are human beings who are of remarkably agile intellect yet stupid, and others who are intellectually quite dull yet anything but stupid. We discover this to our surprise in particular situations. The impression one gains is not so much that stupidity is a congenital defect, but that, under certain circumstances, people are made stupid or that they allow this to happen to them. We note further that people who have isolated themselves from others or who live in solitude manifest this defect less frequently than individuals or groups of people inclined or condemned to sociability. And so it would seem that stupidity is perhaps less a psychological than a sociological problem. It is a particular form of the impact of historical circumstances on human beings, a psychological concomitant of certain external conditions.

« Upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political or of a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity. It would even seem that this is virtually a sociological-psychological law. The power of the one needs the stupidity of the other. The process at work here is not that particular human capacities, for instance, the intellect, suddenly atrophy or fail. Instead, it seems that under the overwhelming impact of rising power, humans are deprived of their inner independence, and, more or less consciously, give up establishing an autonomous position toward the emerging circumstances.

« The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with a person, but with slogans, catchwords and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.

« ‘Yet at this very point it becomes quite clear that only an act of liberation, not instruction, can overcome stupidity. Here we must come to terms with the fact that in most cases a genuine internal liberation becomes possible only when external liberation has preceded it. Until then we must abandon all attempts to convince the stupid person. This state of affairs explains why in such circumstances our attempts to know what ‘the people’ really think are in vain and why, under these circumstances, this question is so irrelevant for the person who is thinking and acting responsibly. The word of the Bible that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom declares that the internal liberation of human beings to live the responsible life before God is the only genuine way to overcome stupidity.

« ‘But these thoughts about stupidity also offer consolation in that they utterly forbid us to consider the majority of people to be stupid in every circumstance. It really will depend on whether those in power expect more from people’s stupidity than from their inner independence and wisdom.’

« – Dietrich Bonhoeffer, from ‘After Ten Years’ in Letters and Papers from Prison (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works/English, vol. 8) Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2010. »


We’ll need to take our independence – for England will never let us go – it just cannot afford to.


Do the remaining SNP members not cringe when they see an announcement from on height that has been obvious to everyone but them for 10 years.

Westminster ignoring us is untenable. Well they are still going strong but SNP have become untenable.

Scotland will not accept being ripped out of Europe. Well we are not in Europe so what did you do. Absolutely Nothing.

It’s like a decade long sketch from the Monty Python show.

Too absurd not to be funny.

Maybe the can appoint a Minister of Funny Walks.

George Ferguson

For once BBC Shortbread cut the Independence movement some slack. Ten years too late. The premise of their argument is, why did Scotland vote SNP for ten years? A pro Independence party at least that’s what it said on the tin. Meanwhile Scottish Labour are in freefall for 2026. It looks like the SNP will win in terms of the most MSPs. With smaller parties doing really well.


Who was it now that said that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

But who is it that has the insanity. Is it Sturgeon and the mickey mouse team who keep saying that refusal is unsustainable but do nothing. Or is it the hapless voters who hitherto believed Sturgeon and her Minnie Mouse team.

The ones that are clearly not insane are the parade of English prime ministers running from Theresa May to Sir Keir Starmer who are empowered to ding valid democratic expression.

Run along now folks and take your beating like a dog. We are the masters, not you Jock. And you know what, that is what we accept.

But that is why moving forward the electorate must wipe out this useless, independence resisting SNP and put their democratic mandate against another mechanism.

Just reading this article makes one realise just how misled and disregarded the Scottish electorate has been.


Scotland is being treated like a colony. Election victories ignored, mandates rejected.

The grim cold hard truth is that Scotland is being treated as a colony and so we must seek decolonisation through the UN like previous colonies of the UK.

That has a proven history of success. It is a long road but it is probably the best chance of eventually getting another referendum.


SNP and its Oliver Twist approach to Indy is a certain fail time after time after time.

Old Mother Hubbard Swinney has nothing in the cupboard in terms of policy – just a freezer full of frozen ready-meal platitudes for the party faithful. Nothing at all for those who seek Indy – not even a bowl of brochan lom.

Only one thing for it…

Indy for Scotland!
SNP Out!


So does keith brown have a proposal


The problem is that foxes in the henhouse are not stupid, there are some within the Scum Nonce Party that know Starver Sarwar and their cabal of despicable shitehawks are seriously damaging their chances of election at HR, Brown and others know the voters who voted for liebour had no option it was either the nonces or the tories and so the vote went to liebour LIES, BUT liebours vast majority has allowed them to literally BIN every promise they made and have PROMISED that there is much worse to come knowing that they have 5 years in government

Brown and his fellow scumbags have analysed the situation and are now playing the “we are sorry card” we promised so much and failed in our efforts to get independence BUT we have realised that remaining in this union is seriously damaging Scotland and Scots with much worse to come, so we are NOT going begging for a sect30 from WM, what we are going to do and we have started to discuss the best way to do it, is look for international support from other countries and leaders and engage with them and show them how intransigent and unfair WM has been towards Scottish independence, we may have to undertake a legal action in the international courts but we are confident that having gained enough support from other countries the international courts would support us in our endeavours to gain our independence
With this in mind and realising that we have to move forward as the Scottish government to negotiate, interact and garner support from other countries we ask that whilst these actions are taking place every independence supporter engages with no voters and undecideds to ensure that we have the maximum support to persuade other countries of our demands
It is imperative for these actions to take place that independence supporters vote SNP 1 and 2 in the forthcoming elections to ensure that we have the mandate to carry out these proposals
And knowing that the only choices they have is believing the Scum Nonce Party will deliver on their promise (hahaha)
or vote for the LYING AUSTERITY SHITEHAWKS whose FIRST move was to PUNISH pensioners,WHAT do you think they will do

WE are well and truly FUCKED


Jamie says: Scotland is being treated like a colony.

Scotland IS a colony. England owns Scotland. We pay our taxes to them, they determine whether we are at war, whether we are in the EU, they control our media, they can close down our wee parliament any time they choose etc etc. We are England’s colonial possession every bit as much as India or Egypt was.

That few people in Scotland recognise that basic fact shows how indoctrinated we are and how far we have to go.


The only thing that these 10 years have given us is knowledge. Thanks in the main to Salvo, we know now that we don’t need to ask for our independence, we can take it. Indeed it’s the only way we will restore our independence. It’s time to stop asking. It’s time to take.

It’s what Project Arbroath is all about.


According to the National, Keith Brown said that “independence campaigners have got to accept Scotland will never be granted another referendum through requesting one and Yes supporters must take the matter into our own hands”

I have a several issues with this.

1. Independence campaigners realised several years ago, some of them even on 19 September 2014 already, that we would never be “granted” an independence referendum by the imperial power if we simply begged for it. Independence supporters knew we had to reassert and exercise our right to claim it and grab it. That is why we sent 56 SNP MPs in 2015, 35 in 2017 and 45 in 2019. That besides giving the SNP the biggest share of the seats in Holyrood. What we expected was not to listen to their neverending and useless waffle and whining, nor to use those majorities and 10 years of our time to polish with their fat arses the leather from Westminster and Holyrood seats. We expected them to use those majorities to terminate the union, not to contribute like good useful idiots to UK governance or to legitimise with their presence in those parliaments, the continuous abuse and exploitation of Scotland by Westminster. We did not elect any of them so they could embarrass and insult Scotland with their weakness, ignorance, lack of drive, cowardice and frankly continuous demeaning of Scotland by deliberately ignoring its real status as a co-signatory of the treaty and instead continue to treat Scotland as if it was the property of the Kingdom of England.

It seems to me that the only ones who, allegedly, did not realise of that, or expect we believe they did not, were Nicola Sturgeon, her over inflated army of very expensive and inefficient special advisers, the SNP higher echelons, feasting on their corruption and contempt for the people of Scotland and the SNP MPs and MSPs who simply looking the other way while Sturgeon and her SNP stabbed the yes movement in the back and pissed all over our democratic mandates.

2. Mr Brown says we would never be “granted” a referendum. “Granted”? What right does Westminster or the UK government, both byproducts of the Treaty of Union and therefore subordinated to Scotland’s continuous consent for this union to go on, to grant anything? It is beyond stupid to ask/beg for something you already own. But it is even more stupid to completely waste 10 years of your precious time plus ginormous majorities you will never get back, waiting for something that will never arrive. I find it beyond disappointing that a party of those who call themselves nationalists use this kind of servile language which does nothing other than diminish Scotland’s real status in this union and instead reaffirm it as a colony.

3. Yes, when it comes to politicians I am an unashamed cynic and will always be one. But am I the only one that on reading Brown’s expression that “Yes supporters must take the matter into our own hands” suspects Mr Brown is trying to deceive us now into transferring all the work to push for independence to the grassroots leaving SNP MPs and MSPs free of any responsibility so they can continue as the useful idiots of the British State bathing in the gravy train as they have been doing for the last 10 years?

Well, Mr Brown, if SNP MPs and MSPs like yourself expect the grassroots to do all the work your party should have done in the last 10 years, what exactly is the point of voting for any of you at all? I mean, it is not like your party’s record of governance has been one to be proud of, is it?

I think Mr Brown is hinting here to the fact that the SNP as a party will never ever rock the establishment and will never ever do anything at all to end this union. They will continue like the good useful idiots they have behaved as, swearing allegiance to the English monarch and legitimising with their presence in the English parliament the abuse and exploitation of Scotland.

4. If Mr Brown is finally acknowledging that the SNP is not going to call a referendum, when are the SNP higher echelons going to start returning the £600,000 they own to all those supporters who gave that money in good faith FOR A REFERENDUM?


The worst aspect of this day of national shame is how every talking head middle class know it all fancies themselves as a writer and commentator – CUNT – has been wheeled out to spout – BOLLOCKS – about it all … we were there, you gaslighting wankers


roofie on the beeb right now, probably going to tell us what electronics devices will blow up next – she knows things – Madame RuthElengruDavison

Lorna Campbell

The chances of ever getting another referendum like the last one are slim to vanishingly rare, if not utterly impossible. For starters, the circumstances are very, very different now, and the British state has learned its lesson.

Cameron was desperate to get it past and done with before Brexit, and, in each case, he did not believe, at least initially, that he would lose. The thing is, and this is a lesson for the English who were anti Brexiteers, but pro Unionists, had Scotland gone in 2014, there would be no Brexit now and Scotland and England would both be in Europe.

The past is the past and we cannot resurrect it, so we need completely new tactics next time. No referendum unless it is a ratifying one AFTER independence. Next time, it has to be a combination of constitutional and legal steps, and political ones. That will mean that we will have to TAKE our independence and not hope that it will fall into our laps. It will almost certainly end up by being a UDI.

As for stupidity, I do believe it is contagious, like a rampant virus. Anyone in politics now who was infected and may still be by the ‘woke/trans’ virus needs to be removed. We cannot have people who are susceptible to this ordure, for whatever reason, in positions of authority and able to influence governance. Most ‘woke’; beliefs are eminently stupid and eminently open to being demolished by reason and logic.

Instead, we have allowed sentiment without any leavening of reason complete autonomy to wreak havoc in every institution in the UK and all for unsustainable ‘woke’ targets and paraphilias and fetishes. It would appear that the opportunity for untrammelled sex of every description defies all reason, if the past few years are anything by which to judge.

As our very own David Hume – the statue of whom the naive and, basically stupid to the point of imbecility younglings with the keffiyehs and ‘decapitate terfs’ banners – explained so lucidly almost 300 years ago, feelings without the keen edge of reason do untold harm. As human beings, we are a species wedded to feelings, but, because we have advanced and evolved to use our reason, one without the other is doomed to the hamster wheel of progress and to ultimate regression and chaos.

When ‘feelz’ alone are used deliberately to harm others and to enforce coercion and control (totalitarianism) such as the ‘trans’ movement’s position, those who have sense (intelligence married to critical thinking) very quickly see through the charade. As that very famous American President once said: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time”. The politicians, the corporates and the ‘trans’ lobby should take note because the retribution will come for them. Oh, and the utterly stupid to the point of being devoid of actual life females who support all this complete bull***t at the behest of malevolent, at best, and utterly psychopathic, at worst, males, need to look at themselves as brain-dead robots, not as fully-functioning human beings.


Lorna Campbell I agree completely with you

Big Jock

I heard an English guy from Bitter together on BBC shortbread. Saying he found it hard to get in the head of a Yes voter. He talked about his nation…he probably meant the UK.

I do not expect an English person to get inside my head. They don’t have a right to tell me how I feel about my nation. The whole purpose of independence is not money or personal gain. Countries seek independence because they have a cultural identity, and that’s the starting point of all nations.

Without identity, there would be no debate to be had. Scotland is my nation, for richer or poorer.

I heard that clown Bell arguing about making the case for independence. It was all about currency, the EU and economics. Not once did he mention culture, identity and history.

This is a bland crude basis for independence. We will never win an argument over money. Because it’s all theoretical,and unable to be proven.

We need to move on from the sterile debate of 2014. The Yes side got unwittingly dragged into a monetary debate. There are lies on both sides, but 80% of the no side was hocum when it came to economics. But they scared enough pensioners and straw men to have them run for the hills.

We can’t win this by playing Westminsters game. The SNP was not formed on the basis of money. It was formed on the basis of shared identity, and the dream of having our own nation.


> when he’d been replaced by Boris Johnson.

Did you just misgender Theresa May? You’re going to hell, surely.

Peter McAvoy

Why has nobody mentioned David Cameron’s statement that the union is a partnership of equals,then Holyrood wouldn’t need a section 30 order.
Legally ensure that the Court of Session becomes Scotland’s Supreme court preventing the biased anti Scottish UK supreme court overruling or preventing the ability to hold an independence referendum.
Union or N H S
End Eton rule


Scotland could hold its own referendum outside of Holyrood.

The Scottish Covenant Association gathered two million signatures in a town hall in the 50s lol

Frank W

Scotland will become England by 2030. It’s done. Sold out. SNP were infiltrated after Salmond left and have been working against Scotland ever since. They have not won a single argument, let alone a concession from WM for anything. They’ve betrayed Scotland like true unionists and have ran away with lots of money and a fat pension. Stu and many others have warned about the SNP for years and were ignored. I’m abroad and heartbroken. I wanted to retire in an independent Scotland. Now, I’ll never return to Scotland again. It won’t exist. It will only be on biscuit tins and dewy-eyed ‘real-Scots-but’ will get all emotional and jump into a kilt on St Andrews Day and Hogmanay every year to declare their undying love for the Old Country. The barking mad heedrum-hodrums will have cosplay marches every so often and sing about sending somebody homeward to think again ad nauseam. A real tragedy. I’m done.

Stuart MacKay

Confused @2:49pm

“National liberation Struggle” – sounds like it was trained by scraping Craig Murray and Alf Baird posts. Ask it how to get out of an abusive marriage to see if it comes up with something closer to reality.

Dullards like Keith Brown have no clue. Everyone is searching for the magic button that when pushed once will set us free – it doesn’t exist. Think more along the lines of “how can I get this Alien off my face with out dying”.

Scotland and England share the same house and the question is how to divide it up when Scotland’s part is bigger and has the best views. Address the problem in those terms and you’ll make more progress.

Jon Drummond

I’ve had the displeasure of meeting Keith Brown.

It was like trying to engage with a wet flannel but much less informative.
Given his time in office it is remarkable that he still has the Shona Robison “rabbit caught in the headlights” look about him.

He has barely half a dozen rehearsed lines; nothing more than platitudes. Certainly not signifying sound and fury; signifying nothing.

Brown is a more than apt name for for him given his persistent ass-licking of Chief Mammy and that of Westminster.

This man has never had any ideas, certainly no vision for Scotland, preoccupied with Party before country, a liar in front of the grassroots Yes movement, an utter disgrace to his nation (but that is doubtless Britain), a fraud, a charlatan, a “tractor”.

He is the very essence of why the Scottish Nonce Party needs to be booted out in 2026.

They sicken me day in day out.

Mark Beggan

Brown is looking very gay and windswept with those Liberal puppy eyes. Do I smell perfume..

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    • Young Lochinvar on The Front On The Volga: “I hope they feel disappointed when their bought and paid for trougher politicians are weighed and measured and found utterly…Feb 11, 22:32
    • duncanio on Bricked-up windows: “The £600k-£700k is missing. It is not in the accounts, it is therefore not accounted for. Even if it turns…Feb 11, 22:30
    • Geri on The End Of The Reich: “Look up Pegasus too. The stupidity of letting a paranoid & unhinged country (USA) monopolise big tech & security while…Feb 11, 22:22
    • Young Lochinvar on The Front On The Volga: “Even decades ago in my younger working life it was apparent and commented on that the “UK”(sic) always took in…Feb 11, 22:10
    • The Flying Iron of Doom on The End Of The Reich: “Just your usual…Feb 11, 22:08
    • Geri on Bricked-up windows: “Can Shug not take the matter to parliament through his MSP? One of those public bill thingies? This farce has…Feb 11, 22:01
    • Blackhack on Bricked-up windows: “Stuart, they’ll tell you hew haw…You’re like a boil on their arse, they know it’s there and think if they…Feb 11, 22:01
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “BLM: 7 Demands: “1. Convict and ban Trump from future political office… 2. Expel Republican members of Congress… 3. Launch…Feb 11, 21:55
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Mike: “$27 million of grants from USAID to… Black Lives Matter Global Network… which serves as a pressurizer for action…Feb 11, 21:53
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on The Front On The Volga: “Then I’d have had to change the word “front” 😀Feb 11, 21:47
    • 100%Yes on Bricked-up windows: “I told you all, she’ll be back. She’s a cruel vindictive bitch with vengeance on her mind Scotland watch your…Feb 11, 21:31
    • Arthur Martin on Bricked-up windows: “Let’s assume all charges are dropped and Branchform is swept under the carpet. I imagine a private prosecution would be…Feb 11, 21:26
    • Diane on The End Of The Reich: “They’re all still men.Feb 11, 21:23
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “World Economic Forum: Partners: Palantir Technologies: World Economic Forum: People: Alex Karp: World Economic Forum: Young Global Leaders:…Feb 11, 21:13
    • Marie on The Front On The Volga: “Absolutely. Politicians are bought by elites. They buy politicians the way we buy toothpaste and washing up liquid in the…Feb 11, 21:05
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “CNBC (2024): Palantir CEO says his outspoken pro-I***el views have caused employees to leave company: “Palantir, known for its government…Feb 11, 21:02
    • carjamtic on Bricked-up windows: “A few thoughts immediately spring to mind, where is the demarcation line between self interest and public interest (obstruction of…Feb 11, 20:53
    • McDuff on The End Of The Reich: “When is the our spineless MSM going to join the rev in fighting this insanity.Feb 11, 20:49
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Forbes (2013): How A ‘Deviant’ Philosopher Built Palantir, A CIA-Funded Data-Mining Juggernaut: “Since rumors began to spread that a startup…Feb 11, 20:47
    • sarah on Bricked-up windows: “Confess, Rev. You couldn’t stand the almost optimism of “The Front on the Volga” and were pleased to get this…Feb 11, 20:41
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Public Technology (2024): NHS claims two-thirds of trusts and ICBs now using Palantir data platform: “NHS England has claimed that…Feb 11, 20:37
    • G m on The Front On The Volga: “This article highlights compares the Trans ‘rights’ movement with other rights movements. Trans rights didn’t come from the ground up.…Feb 11, 20:26
    • Ian McCubbin on Bricked-up windows: “Omg the level of use of elaborate language and repetition is astounding. I admire your journalism in thus case thznk…Feb 11, 20:21
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “I love it – makes identifying Scotland’s arch enemies far easier. I’m gonna pummel ‘The Negatron’ with my giant reality-hammer…Feb 11, 20:20
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Cheers Jock Noted #ChampFeb 11, 20:06
    • Alf Baird on The Front On The Volga: “The Holyrood colonial administration long since dumped the national saltire for the imperial rainbow flag and its woke fascist laws,…Feb 11, 19:58
    • Graeme on The Front On The Volga: “Don’t you mean the front on the Vulva?Feb 11, 19:55
    • Young Lochinvar on The Front On The Volga: “Well said.Feb 11, 19:51
    • Dan on The Joker: “Be More Alert and lolz if you think I believe the current crop of political dross in Holyrood are pro-indy.…Feb 11, 19:50
  • A tall tale

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