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Wings Over Scotland

A Brief History Of Hope

Posted on September 14, 2024 by
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In the darkness or in the light, we can’t let the hope fade. Especially poignant cartoon Chris. Marvelous work.


Snuffs enough from the lady who gets on your wick.
Burning the independence candle at no ends.
Waxing lyrical about the road to nowhere.
If the candle could be lit she might find where Murrell put the £600,000.

Flaming raging at what the SNP have become.

Robert Louis

Absolutely spot on. Ten years since indyref, and a plethora of nobodies, carpetbaggers and gender cultists in the SNP, principally Sturgeon, have trashed where we were. The SNP have become London’s little colonial enablers, playing England’s game by England’s rules. No vision, no drive, no sense of urgency about independence, happy to ride the gravy train for another ten years – until they all retire with their nice pensions and comfortable lives. Sitting watching as Scotland with oil reserves, has its only refinery shut down by England. Asset stripping writ large. The SNP, all talk, nae action, nae point.

Cut the candle, cut the rope.

We start again. All those in favour of independence say Aye.


Well said Robert Louis


Fareweel to a’ our Scottish fame,
Fareweel our ancient glory
Fareweel ev’n to the Scottish name,
Sae famed in martial story
Now Sark rins over Solway sands
An Tweed rins to the ocean
To mark where England’s province stands –
Sic a parcel o rogues in a nation!

What force or guile could not subdue
Through many warlike ages
Is wrought now by a coward few
For hireling ("Tractor" - Ed)’s wages
The English steel we could disdain
Secure in valour’s station
But English gold has been our bane –
Sic a parcel o rogues in a nation!

O would, or I had seen the day
That Treason thus could sell us,
My auld grey head had lien in clay
Wi Bruce and loyal Wallace!
But pith and power, till my last hour
I’ll mak this declaration
We’re bought and sold for English gold –
Sic a parcel o rogues in a nation!

…Robert Burns, 1791

Sturgeon’s rancid SNP – bought and sold for English/British gold since 2015. As for the Tartan Messiah herself, probably much earlier…


Great, poignant cartoon.

Soon Sturgeon and her evil cabal will have to face the music.

Crooked Lord Advocates don’t last forever.


Can’t we have this cartoon plastered all over Scotland? We need everyone to see the truth before the SNP MSPs will act.

I am so ashamed and angry at the betrayal by the elected representatives. How can they live with themselves?

Rev, please get some answers at the show tonight. And a plan for immediate action.

Cameron Lochiel

I’m all for cutting down on ludicrous ad hominems, but when your software edits Burns, it does probably need a rethink!

Stuart MacKay


When it comes to wicks, I think she’d rather cut it off than get on it.


Whit a belter! Wan o’ yer best! Ye’re oan fire the day, bonnie laddie, (unlike, forby, the caunle)!


Sturgeon and her acolytes wrecked the Indy movement. We need more than hope to repair the damage done. Never again should we allow one political party to hijack our aspirations for independence.


We’ll rise again.

& Things look favourable on the International front too. Colonialism is over.

The 45%+ isn’t going away. We find a new vehicle, & this time Yessers, don’t fck it up by giving repeated mandates to a master deceiver or endless excuses for their inaction either.
Lessons have been learned.

The SNP has extinguished their own flame. Scotland certainly doesn’t require a fourth Unionist party or more devolution either (that can be removed at any time) Parking their arse in both parliaments doing nothing.

As for Sturgeon – she can look back over ten years in power (with five disastrous UK prime ministers) & ponder why she achieved the grand total of fck all. In typical narcissistic style she would favor a scorched earth approach. If she can’t have full control then no one can.

I remember her wee Tunnock’s teacakes story at an event after indyref. I hope his face is etched on her eyelids for eternity. Barsteward.

Onwards & upwards.


We need to change the slow-burning candle for a stick of political dynamite.

Mark Beggan

A picture is worth a thousand words.


Yip Sturgeon the Judas f*cked us big time – doing a tremendous amount of damage to, not just the cause – but to Scotland as well.

She’ll, go down in Scottish history – as the female version of John de Menteith – a treacherous b*stard.


Says it all really about the NuSNP.

Meanwhile – the SNP has refused point blank – to publish the minutes of the secret meeting, between SNP string puller Angus Robertson – and I–s-r-ael’s ambassador to the UK.

We’d never have known about the secret meeting – only the ambassador, posted about it on her website – Robertson stayed quite about the meeting.

Robert Hughes

…….” Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.”

There was never much ” fury ” from that ” idiot ” ( other than that directed at the man who showed them up for the total frauds that she & they are ) , just a succession of duplicitous soundbites .

All of them , indeed , ” signifying nothing “

Antoine Roquentain

In a country where the majority of citizens don’t realise they’ve been colonised and continue to elect administrations rather than governments, there seems little hope of a political party espousing decolonisation arising, never mind coming to the fore. But stranger things have happened in the world!



Permission to photocopy, print and post all over Scotland’s public places please, Chris?..

I hope that swine reads this page.


Republic of scotland

Was she a stupid narcissist or compromised?

Most of what they did seems to have been designed to stop indy rather than promot it. Was this intentional in your opinion.



Nicola crashed indy. Was she a stupid narsissist or was she compromised.

Whats your thoughts


@ Kenny: When I asked Chris for permission he said “No-one usually bothers! And yes, of course you may.” And he sent me the pdf as well so my local paper could print it properly!


I’ve just had a thought. Email this cartoon to all SNP elected representatives. They MUST be made to face the truth.

Imagine if they were swamped with the same image – at least they would know what we think of them.


Robertson is a thoroughly bad piece of work.

As an ex BBC’s man, ex US National Public Broadcasting man in Vienna I think you can take it that he was connected to the dark state – and has been ever since. And what did he say to the Israel ambassador at his secret meeting. We’re never likely to find that out.

The guy is a plant, an establishment plant, a ("Quizmaster" - Ed), a fifth columnist. Well suited to nefarious scheming just like his odious wife the Lady Jennifer.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Cutting a long story short…

Gone are the most merciless days of yesteryear when they burnt us out (their brutal baillies loving the smell of “nae-hame in the morning”) and packed us onto creaking ships, or front-lined and cannon-foddered our ablest in their imperial wars.

Not quite so gone are the post 1872 Education Act innovations of first-day-at-school ear drops intended to make Scottish speech grate on us thereafter, and those weirdly magnetic nose sprays which somehow aligned our levels of skill with an inner compulsion to head South.

These latter more subtly intrusive practices had at least moved on from the horrendously barbaric. But in recent years it has become disturbingly evident that a sputtering Scottish candle of hope has yet again been threatening to flame up with indomitable ancient light. Utterly unacceptable of course. Some ultimate manoeuvre has become necessary to reinstate benign British darkness – that ever-alluring black velvet. Some final geostationary eclipse required. There must be an endless and starless Scottish night with no disquieting (and costly) false dawns possible ever again…

So Scotland is now undergoing a radically invasive medical intervention. A barely covert operation which entirely flaunts the already well-shredded “first do no harm” injunction. To be specific, Scotland’s feeble and failing heart is being excised and will be unceremoniously binned in that black bag in the corner with the contamination symbol on it (and statutory Union Jack, needless to say). This will be terminal, obviously. There will be no transplant.

Well, actually, the unsettling and more complex reality is that Scotland in its entirety (minus trashed inert heart) is ITSELF already being used as a life-saving enhancement for a neighbouring, seriously ailing, body politic.

Throughout the ongoing operation all vital functions are of course being minutely monitored. An array of masked MSM anaesthetists of long experience are at work, intuiting what each moment prompts. Should the patient’s eyes flicker momentarily open in delirious alarm at expiring functionality [“Grangemouth Syndrome” in current jargon], then haze quickly redescends as the ever-attentive MSM team tweak requisite analgesic levels.

Please do not deem them malign. They harbour no ill-intention. Spurn all such thoughts. Though, of course, to paraphrase another’s shrewd double-negative, if they didn’t believe what they believe, they wouldn’t be sat there scrubbed-up.

We must also bear in mind in mitigation that ultimate operational decisions are being taken in a deep location far from the current scene (via the wonders of modern nano-surveillance technology).

Scotland will not wake up. That’s the nub. The faint still poignantly pulsing white light of its deepest inner consciousness will flicker a few times and then flatline forever. Scotland will be finally, definitively, irrevocably, switched off. The ensuing silence may raise a pang for a moment or two. Or even three. (And I suspect a few muffled indecorous cheers may be just audible through that forgotten intercom over there). But Scotland’s ultimate (if inadvertent) sacrifice will not have been in vain if its good neighbour breathes strong and hearty again. (Surely I hear even now a nobly soaring British anthem in the making…and fitly written by some proud Scot among us?)

I happen to notice on the operation theatre door (my attention wandering during the procedure) a discoloured ‘BETTER TOGETHER’ sign (was that name always ironic?) being taken down and replaced by the more enigmatic and somehow coldly ominous term ‘RESET’.

What to make of it all…?


Sarah, I would go further. Post it to all MSP’S and Political editors of every press & media outlet you can think of.
It is dynamite!

Alf Baird

Shug @ 12:13 pm

“Nicola crashed indy. Was she a stupid narsissist or was she compromised. Whats your thoughts”

Probably both, according to postcolonial theory:

link to

Alf Baird

Thon SNP isna wirth the caunle, richt eneuch.


Excellent idea, Sarah. And to any lingering supporters.
Chris’s cartoon conveys it all.
The ‘NAH’ hand looks a bit like the shape of the rabbit in that hand shadows on the wall game – reminiscent of the rabbit-in-headlights…
The last frame with red, white & blue is a touch of genius too.


Beautiful Chris, but what does it mean? 😉

So Hamish is the only one who knows how to light a Molotov Cockt… Sssshhht!!

Ah! Wait a minute.

I’m getting it now. Oh yeah… “Here’s a wee momemto… from Grangemouth.

I’m right with you Hamish. Coming in loud and clear.

Rab Clark

@Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh (1.08) –

Brilliant comment.

Would you be okay with us publishing it as a post on OTS?

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Reply to Rab Clark @ 2:34 pm
Thanks. No problem with that. All the best.

Rab Clark

@Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh (2.59) –


Many thanks.

It’ll be on-site later today.

Please keep us in mind if you’d like to have any of your poetry appear on OTS – Northcode has kindly given us some of his work to publish and it’s gone down a treat.


As others have said Chris BRILLIANT , and Sarah great idea let’s SHAME ALL the political pygmies (sorry pygmies) in HR , and let WM know we are NOT defeated and are NOT going away

Hatey McHateface

@Republicofscooby 10:54

Don’t you usually accuse everybody from the ambassador’s country of lying?

Don’t you usually discount everything online unless it comes from one of your favoured conspiracy theorists?

I’m not expecting answers BTW.

But you should enlighten us. Robertson stayed quite what about the meeting? On the edge of my seat here!

Rab Clark

@Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh –



link to


@ Anthem at 1.14: “post it to all MSPs..”.

You’re right – it is harder to avoid if a letter with the cartoon printed in the text lands on your desk. And it needn’t cost a fortune – just a large letter stamp and a personalised copy for each SNP MSP in the envelope addressed to Holyrood.

They need something to kick them up their backsides.


Nah, just sack them. That’d be a more powerful message lol

The SNP is now a unionist party & so is their membership. They were given ample opportunity to redeem themselves & didn’t take it.
Even when Ash had Indy on the table the membership chose the dud instead.

They’re a lost cause & lest we forget they’re absolutely toxic now to the wider general public nevermind any Indy campaign.

Unless yer a deviant fixated on genitals, into a spot of self flagellation, getting yer jollies fae the pain of endless failure & seek authoritarian dominatrix then the SNP & Greens are right up yer street. Knock yerself out sunshine, yer special lol


Hearing that Rev. Stu is getting rave audience at The Ayes Still Have It show.


Rev Stu was very well received as was Fergus Ewing.

Cut to the wire the Ayes Still Have It has been a great evening.

Still ongoing in the Imax as I type.


Rev, I’m looking forward to hearing your full report on the events today. I hope there will be something encouraging to share with us.

Amy McSpurtle

A little bird told me at the iMax that there is a trainload of troubles incoming for the Greens.
Hopefully someone will post an link to the Sunday Mail website which will have the details.

Ruby Sunday

Morning Stuart

I predicted everyone would have a good time at the Imax!
Yeah me!

Looking very stylish Mr Campbell.

Snazzy waistcoat & jacket!

Any chance of a close-up of the killer boots?

Ruby Sunday

Eventually you stop noticing all the litter, burst bin bags, stink, rats, graffiti,tartan tat, homeless, pavement pizzas etc etc.

However if you go away to a brighter, sunnier cleaner place for too long when you come back it really hits you what a bloody dump you have been living in.

Shauny Boy said if depression were a country it would be called Scotland.

Better just to stay put otherwise you could end up being even more depressed.

Ruby Sunday

From Twitter

Neil Findlay Where is the national outcry about the closure of Grangemouth? The decision to close it is an unspeakable disaster for the area and for Scotland

Irvine Welsh answers:

Why bother? It’s not as if anybody is going to do anything about it. All we can do is threaten to vote for someone else who we know won’t do anything about it.

Exactly! Well said Irvine Welsh.

auld highlander

Meanwhile, the £1.4 billion that Sneer Starmer saves by cutting the pensioners winter heating allowance can go towards the £60 billion contract that has just been awarded to BAE Systems for upgrading torpedos.

link to


Auld Highlander

The USA made amendments to the contract regarding nukes & the UK government allowed it without any parliament scrutiny. They’re making sure Trump can’t change it in case he is voted in.

Their *review every ten yrs* has been upgraded to *permanent* but they prefer *on an enduring basis* double speak & a UK commitment to modernise it’s nukes at a cost to the rest of us. The joys of NATO membership .

Also to cover corrupt U payments, any defaults & to be guarantor. Permanently. For money they’ve hee-haw chance of repaying.

Also to help Yahoo continue geno-cide. Permanently.

Until …as long as it takes.

Smashing eh? All warring that’s fck all to do with the UK & it’s own litany problems & even less to do with Scotland who aren’t even consulted.


@auld highlander. Aye, it’ll save 20 jobs at Hillend. F#ck Grangemouth eh.I hate the our country is being driven into the ground. Something has to give!


The Labour administration is a god sent opportunity for Scottish nationalists.
I does not seem capable of putting a foot right.
NB. best make plans for a nuke shelter.
Hope springs etc.

Hatey McHateface

@Geri says: 15 September, 2024 at 10:31 am

Also to help Yahoo continue geno-cide

I noted that even the carpet baggers such as yourself had to STFU about that one while they were busy vaccinating the kids. Maybe you think enough time has passed for us to have forgotten, eh? Naw, we haven’t.

In sanity land, a place I recommend you visit, nobody believes in a “geno-cide” where the so-called victims are being fed and vaccinated by the so-called oppressors.

Scotland who aren’t even consulted

Another thing we haven’t forgotten is the UK General Election of 4th July 2024, when every voter in Scotland was consulted. As it happens, we Scots voters turned to Labour in significant numbers. We thought opinions like yours are ludicrous.

Maybe your forgetfulness is just early onset dementia? Write yourself a note to get that checked out. Quick now, before you forget.


ffs…Site prick John Main’s back.

I was hoping he/she/it has gone south.


Calls for ERCC boss Sandy Brindley to go – Maggie Chapman needs to be held to account as well.

link to

Hatey McHateface

@auld highlander says: 15 September, 2024 at 9:30 am

There’s a big difference between 60 billion and 60 million.

I’m kinda torn here. I would like to explain it, but then again, I might find myself giving you change from a 20 quid note one day!

On the subject of the pensioners winter heating allowance. Just as the Guardian BTL is often full of posts from people exulting over the early demise of the elderly, because they’re all supposedly Tories, so there are a few of the regulars on here who celebrate the early demise of our Scottish elderly, because they’re all supposedly Yoons.

The fragrant Geri is one such.

Seemingly the young are going to vote Labour in England always, whilst our Scottish young are going to vote for Indy always. So, death to the old.

At least, that’s how it used to be before Starmer decided payment of extra dosh to old people who don’t really need it should stop.

An idea I’m generally in favour of. In fact, I’d like to see all payments from hard-pressed taxpayers to people who don’t really need it stopped too. But that’s a different argument.

Maybe those who used to post their glee about elderly Yoons dying soon need to learn to think things through. Over to you, Geri.

Hatey McHateface

@James says: 15 September, 2024 at 11:44 am


Glad to see you’ve been spared to spend another day obsessing over the male sexual organ.

See if anybody ever gets you to do some Rorschach Inkblot tests, James, be sure to lie about what you’re imagining in every image.

No need to let the medical profession know about your “happy place”!

Mark Beggan

I see Harvie is going back to his old job as a rent boy.


@ Hatey at 11.49

…Starmer decided payment of extra dosh to old people who don’t really need it should stop..
(emphasis added)

The problem, as I suspect you know quite well, is that the threshold for deciding who “really needs it” has been set far too low.

Of course it’s administratively convenient to link it to an existing means-tested benefit, but any person in receipt of the full state pension is ineligible for pension credit, even though the UK pension is, as a percentage of median earnings, one of the meanest in Europe (the continent; not the EU). Even taking into account “perks” such as bus passes, free prescriptions in England, free eye tests, and so on, it is still well below estimates of what is needed to survive. Many pensioners’ only income is the state pension.

That is the issue, not whether millionaires should receive a top-up they’ll barely notice.



I fear you may have inadvertently revealed the working title of the forthcoming Sturgeon autobiography (get your orders in now)

Other titles being considered include:






“Another thing we haven’t forgotten is the UK General Election of 4th July 2024, when every voter in Scotland was consulted.”

Not quite – many Scots were on holiday with their kids (schools stopped) I know some folk who didn’t receive their postal vote either – and of course, the voter ID BS, was a copy and paste from the Yanks – to disenfranchise poor folk who have to applicable ID.

Meanwhile Ye–men-i forces strike deep inside Z-io-land – and, an assassination attempt – against the democratically elected president of Ve-nezuela (unlike Z who is now a unelected dictator) is thwarted.


“Nicola crashed indy. Was she a stupid narsissist or was she compromised.”

Shug @12.13pm.

Definitely compromised – as Craig Murray has said the English security services -which are an enemy of Scots – has ALL the WhatsApp messages of Sturgeon’s and her vile treacherous cliques to boot – ask yourself why haven’t these surely incriminating messages, been released to the public – or any inquiry.

Also I’d image the foreign security services on the Thames – and at Hubble road – have a fair bit of compromising dirt on many of Sturgeon’s clique – of which a D-Notice has surely been issued to the ever salivating unionist media – to not reveal the amount sleaze her, and her clique have committed since 2015.

Sturgeon – has done tremendous damage, to not just the cause – but to Scotland – do you actually believe this amount of damage is accidental or due to incompetence?

Robert Hughes

Ignored says:
15 September, 2024 at 1:47 pm
@ Hatey at 11.49

” …Starmer decided payment of extra dosh to old people who don’t really need it should stop.. ”

Only a imbecilic Tory like yon would try to propagate the idea that only millionaire pensioners are having the little help they were receiving to mitigate the unconstrained greed of Energy Corps & their lickspittle political Yes-Men stopped .

My 3 brothers who worked all their lives n never claimed a penny in State Benefits , whose wages all those years were spent trying to provide a decent standard of living for their children are amongst the millions who will suffer because of this horrific * Labour * Gov’s depredations .

” don’t really need it ” . And how-the-fuck would that bam know what people in the last 3rd of their lives need ? Clown


“Don’t you usually accuse everybody from the ambassador’s country of lying?”


The supposedly impenetrable is no more.

The headquarters of Unit 8200 in the Glilot base – was struck last month.

Never mind the likes of Meta, Google -wiki and YouTube and plethora of VPN companies will as usual – rush to employ these ex-IOF mon–ster-s.


C’mon Crazycat and Robert Hughes cut John bastard tax Moan some slack he is only trying to alleviate some of 9the wastefulness super tax payers like him suffer, bastard tax John will be deeply affected by the loss of pensioners lives during our severe winters but he will console himself with the knowledge that these surpluses will result in more contributions to his 2 favourite warring states

Hatey McHateface

@crazycat 1:47

That’s a well reasoned response. As if to emphasise how rare that is on here, a few of the usual suspects have followed up with notifications of what they REALLY care about.

A special mention must surely go to the boy fae scooby, who still hasn’t sussed that real Scots like to see their country given the dignity of a capital ‘S’.

Anyhoo, as nobody has bothered to deal with the point I made earlier, I’ll repeat it.

Some of the usual regulars like to gloat over the older Yoons dying out, to be replaced by younger supposedly pro-Indy voters. Some Labour tribalists like to gloat over the older Tories dying out, to be replaced by younger supposedly progressive DEI enthusiasts and immigrants.

It’s the same attitude really: “if you don’t agree with me, I look forwards to the day you’re dead”. It’s sad that some pro-Indy supporters are now being caught in the trap, but maybe what goes around really does come around.

Starmer won’t be prioritising Tory voters over his preferred support base. As a unionist, he won’t be prioritising pro-Indy voters either. He might actually class them as Tartan Tories anyway. It’s a fact of life in the U.K., for some decades now, ever since Blair set out to rub the noses of the Right in diversity, that Labour has been about New Brits first and foremost.

Even I can see that our New Brits won’t consent to be taxed ever more heavily to maintain an aging population that they have nothing in common with. An aging population, that by and large, loathes and hates much of what the New Brits are about.

This will be, of course, just as much of a problem for a future Independent Scotland as it is for the UK now. As the late, unlamented, unelected continuity boy said quite recently, Scotland needs a million or so New Scots, preferably from the background he feels most comfortable with.

I can’t see them grafting to support our pensioners for too long, once they’re here and are calling all the shots.

Ask Alf Baird. He kens all about colonialism.

Mark Beggan

“..the independence movement fell into a pit of resentment and toxicity that they could never get out of..”

No shit Sherlock.


What is it the snp has against the indy movement an independence

They seem to be trying to stop indy

Swinney’s article in the national was quite uninspiring.


They changed their identity. They’ve transitioned into a unionist party now.

Young Lochinvar

Geri @ 11.37pm

Thing is, going by Swinneys dull as dishwater performance today and the outpouring from the party before country clique that were WELL warned (and abused for our efforts) in advance in the National today then it’s time to demolish the rotten house and start from scratch again.

No more whining about “the only party that will realistically achieve independence” crap, they disappeared in panto dame guise long ago..

There’s only one way to get a phoenix from the ashes – and that involves serious vetting the independence party/ movement born out of this chaos for the latch on ticks of political travellers and perverts who have disgusted and let down the ones that matter most whom they manifestly regularly disdain- the electorate.

Them and their happy clappers; a special place in hell and all that..

Young Lochinvar

Errata to my post above:

When I said “perverts” I should have said “perverts and deviant enablers”..

Just saying..

Aye, we’re looking at you Chap-person..


I watched a utube video of a daily rectum interview with Tommy Sheridan and Alex Salmond espousing the virtue and necessity of a Scotland United approach for the 2026 HR election,without being negative or a party pooper can anyone explain to me how this is going to be achieved bearing in mind that the Scum Nonce Party are still intent and determined on destroying Salmond and any semblance of unity

I also note that Salmond has dropped any mention of Scots SOVEREIGNTY and has reverted to the NECESSITY to PROVE to our OVERLORDS WM that we deserve independence, when/if we have enough votes we will NEGOTIATE with WM FOR our independence
Is this the NEW version 2 of can we have a referendum

What happened to all the grandiose pronouncements of Scotland’s SOVEREIGNTY and the COR

Call me a cynic but I have an inkling WM might say NAW

Looking at George Square and the HOF rally it appears to be woefully attended and TBQH I didn’t know if it was a Scottish independence rally or a Pale stin ian rally, and again TBQH I never attended due to illness BUT I probably wouldn’t have gone anyway because it is still the same speakers saying the same things with apathy ruling

FFS if people cannot get angry and outraged at their jobs being thrown away at Grangemouth by the LYING LIEBOUR BASTARDS while 5 english refineries get upgrades WM has won

Olden Oxen

More a technical point than a political comment, but it’s a brave cartoonist who draws that many hands in a single strip. Not an easy thing to do and execute with style, as seen here.

Ruby Monday

A big thank you to all you good citizens who have lived in this country all their working lives who paid all their stamps, never claimed any benefits and voted NO.

We the UK Government are very appreciative and know you won’t mind that in order to save our country we need to stop giving you a free TV licence, heating allowance and all the other perks.

Better Together loves you!

Wait a minute! If you did claim benefits you would still have your insurance stamps paid for would you not. You could be on benefits for your entire working life and still get full state pension.

Money saving Martin did write about the advantages of buying any stamps you were short of a state pension recently. I just scanned over it but I’m wondering if you are not better off being short of stamps and then getting pension credit with all it’s perks.

What happens with immigrants newly arrived in this country who have zero stamps?

The UK Gov. have the legal right (thanks to the Tories) to check everyone’s bank account. No reason why they couldn’t find out who can and cannot afford to do without the TV licence & heating allowance.

Although that could get tricky if you banked your money in the Cayman Islands?

Dorothy Devine

Where have all the night owls gone? I look forward to at least ten comments from through the night with my morning coffee.

Ian Brotherhood

@Dorothy Devine (8.59) –

Aye, traffic is thin these days.

Hard to tell if folk are generally scunnered or have just run out of things to say about the cul-de-sac we’re in.

Again and again we come back to the disgraceful stalling re Branchform and the sheltering of the main players. Until that’s resolved it’s hard to see any forward movement.


Ruby Monday

Dorothy Devine
16 September, 2024 at 8:59 am

Where have all the night owls gone? I look forward to at least ten comments from through the night with my morning coffee.

You should perhaps come back later.

Ruby Monday

Ian Brotherhood
16 September, 2024 at 9:05 am

@Dorothy Devine (8.59) –

Aye, traffic is thin these days.

Hard to tell if folk are generally scunnered or have just run out of things to say about the cul-de-sac we’re in.

On the naughty step?

Dorothy Devine

Morning Ian! Hope all is well with you or at least reasonable!

Creaking on at this end.


BTL content has been diminishing for months now because pretty much all attempts at discourse tends to (and has been allowed to) be continually steered into low brow adversarial bickering before it even gets a chance to develop into something decent and worthwhile.
If folk just want to read the output others contribute and not add anything to the discussions themselves, then why should anybody continue to waste their precious time trying to post content in an attempt to stimulate discussions.
Stop being mere observers and start being worthy contributors would be my suggestion if folk actually want this place to be busier.
Pissing around on fucking facebook and twitter / x in bubbles that hardly anyone can view because those sites are shite and control content and speech and are the very corporate powers that we want to be free from, or post on what is supposedly the biggest site relating to returning Scotland to self-governance and has a far more open policy on what can be stated and has the potential to reach a wider audience.

Sitting waiting on the current embedded powers that be to resolve matters that are clearly in their interests to sit on and drag out is crazy behaviour.
Take the power back by the simple process of developing a range of sensible policies which will be a no-brainer for the electorate to be supportive of, and once sensible folk empowered by the electorate regain control, then common sense and decency will hopefully prevail again and we’ll have a far better chance of flushing away the malignant corruption we currently have across many facets of our society.

Work towards the Scottish people having :

Better control of our executive, our legislature, and our judiciary – Because they are a shit state at the moment

Better control of our fiscal matters – Because they are a shit state at the moment

Better control or our energy resources – Because they are a shit state at the moment

Better control of our immigration policy – Because they are a shit state at the moment

Better control of our education curriculum – Because they are a shit state at the moment

Better control of our health and social services – Because they are a shit state at the moment

Better control of our trade arrangements – Because they are a shit state at the moment

Better control of our environment – Because they are a shit state at the moment

Ian Brotherhood

@Dan (10.15) –

Agreed, wholeheartedly.

But it’s difficult to discuss anything when you can’t concentrate because the stench of decay is all around.



The «Scottish» government saves the BritComGames*.
Sport loving Australia seemingly hasn’t the dosh.
However, rising costs mean a scaled down Glasgow event.
Can’t deliver the Great Matter but here’s a rather wee matter to show ScotGov still registers, just a little, on the international scale.
Opportunity for AI and remote woke?
Recycled Paris Olympics opener in VR?
The well greased fundament of political mediocrity plies its tedious trade.

*British Commonwealth=anglo cultural imperialism in a nice new frock.

Tartan Tory

My father’s wish of seeing Scottish independence before he dies was suddenly lost, when he departed his mortal coil last week in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

Dad was a 24/7 carer for my mother, who is currently bed-ridden and alone in their home, unable to even use a telephone.

I’ve spent the past three weeks witnessing first-hand the utter shambles of the Social Care system and the NHS, both of which have been telling me that there are simply no resources available for this kind of thing.

Meanwhile, I am reading about INEOS, the ineptitude and costs of HS2, government ministers in Westminster with fingers in the till etc.

One of the social care team actually said to me that my mother would receive more care if I took her down to Aberdeen beach, wrapped her head in a scarf, placed her in a dingy and pushed her out into the North Sea.

Ten years on from the IndyRef, things could have been so different. I told people at the time that we might well have a tough five years ahead when we win. I genuinely believed that after a decade of independence, we’d be seeing the shoots and fruits of the struggle. It would have been so worth it.

I will not rest until I see Sturgeon and her deviant cabal behind bars, but I fear they are the shape of things to come, regardless.

Garavelli Princip

Re Geri @ 11.17pm.

In fact they (the SNP) are a Unionist party that self-identifies as a nationalist party.

This is in keeping with their overall ethos of the Sturgeon years.



Just to lift your spirits a wee, I enjoyed this more than I expected to.

link to

I expected the usual pish; “Alice Roberts – British Picts” style watery gruel, but it was surprisingly free of it, and peppered with Scots too! What a surprise. – But the real tour-de-force was the enchanting Scottish scenery and landscape.

Just hope they wee boys in the Roman helmets werena’ geen ony funny ideas, and kent which side of the waw they were on.

Lol. Scottish wee laddies. ‘Course they did.


Garavelli Princip
16 September, 2024 at 12:16 pm

Re Geri @ 11.17pm.

In fact they (the SNP) are a Unionist party that self-identifies as a nationalist party.

What makes you think Unionism would have them? Their standards are low, but not that low.

Ian Brotherhood

@Tartan Tory (12.01) –

Condolences to you and yours.

Blue White Dynamite

Re: Sturgeon – narcissist or compromised?

An ex SNP MP told me about 5 years ago that Sturgeon had opened an Offshore account in the Cayman Islands. Apparently this is common knowledge at Holyrood.

Why would she need that – was it forward planning for tax reasons for her takings for sales of her ‘best selling book’, or her columns bumming up Tony Bliar in the Guardian?

Or perhaps it was to hide away the bribes and backhanders she has taken, as she sold us out.

That’s what these types of arrangements are for, isn’t it? Criminal Enterprise. Backroom deals. Untraceable payments from shadowy sources.

Where’s Wikileaks when you need them, oh…


So – there was another failed attempt to assassinate the Orange One – Donald Trump, at his golf course in Florida – this time the suspect was captured and it turns out, he has links to U’s vile A-z-o-v Battalion – which has changed its name to the 3rd Assault Brigade to try and hide its vileness.

U assassins armed with western weapons – are tasked with closing down dissenting voices – voices that are calling for a peace deal between U and R in Europe and further afield.


Confused @11.18am.

Welsh is correct – it all downhill for Scotland now – I fully expect Scotland to slowly fall apart at the seams.


“An ex SNP MP told me about 5 years ago that Sturgeon had opened an Offshore account in the Cayman Islands. Apparently this is common knowledge at Holyrood.”

Blue White Dynamite.

Click on the links – in the link and maybe you’ll find Sturgeon the Judas stash.

link to

Robert Hughes


Aye Trump saying he would end the P War probably put a big fuck-off target on his head : barely a mention of this latest assassination attempt from MSM and all the pro-Dem US * news * outlets casting doubt/disdain on this attempt . Imagine the hysteria had Biden or The Cackling Clown been the object of two assassination attempts .

I doubt there is any way Trump will be allowed to win ; he’ll either be jailed / murdered or they’ll simply rig the election to prevent him winning .

I sincerely hope I’m wrong . For all his faults – which are at least pretty upfront and common – he’s an infinitely better option as POTUS than Harris . If she wins we’re all fucked : a more blatant empty vessel who will do exactly what the Dark State want would be difficult to imagine

Hatey McHateface

@ Republicofscooby says: 16 September, 2024 at 3:09 pm

Orange One – Donald Trump


U’s A-z-o-v Battalion

U and R in Europe

The capital letters come thick and fast, but for the boy fae scooby, puir wee Scotland must forever languish with a puir wee letter ‘s’. So we’re no a real country at all.

Even the “vile” A-z-o-v boys get a capital ‘A’. Maks ye think right enough.

The republic of scooby (population one) must be a grand place. You can cheer on the colonialist, imperialist, tsarist regime in R, then come here and make out you’re against colonialism, imperialism, royalty, etc. and you’re all for the rights of the little people to determine how Scotland’s destiny should be determined.

I wonder what colour the scooby sky is?

@ Dan says: 16 September, 2024 at 10:15 am

BTL content has been diminishing for months now

It’s been diminishing for 2.5 years, Dan, since it became crystal clear that a solid strand of Scottish Indy want Scotland to be an open air prison shithole like P’s R, or a post-shithole wasteland like the one the Humous boys have precipitated on the heads of their own people, just so they can preserve their own yellow hides.

If you’ve only just noticed, then you haven’t been paying attention.

Hatey McHateface

@ Robert Hughes says: 16 September, 2024 at 4:49 pm

he’s an infinitely better option as POTUS than Harris

That’s not mathematically possible.

I’ve concluded that Harris will be marginally the better choice. Despite the fact she’s achieved SFA in her 4 years as VP, despite the fact she only got the VP gig because she’s “coloured” (that’s a laugh, I’m more “coloured” in my holiday pics than she is all the time), despite the fact she’s the continuity candidate who’s flipped on many/most of her “principles”.

She still bested The Donald in the debate, and frankly, if he couldn’t wipe the floor with such a lightweight, box-ticking, flip-flopping nonentity, then he’s not up to the job.

If she wins we’re all fucked

Not following your logic. If you’re relying on this for some “action”, I suggest you cultivate a fallback.


@ Confused 11am FFS Irvine Welsh is falling into the same pish the better together arseholes love to spout,
SCOTS didn’t vote AGAINST independence SCOTS voted FOR independence , ENEMIES of Scotland voted AGAINST independence because we’re too fucking soft and stupidly NEED people to love us and think we’re so fair and kind, whilst everyone steals everything of value down to our gold fillings

Once again politicians and their political parties are more concerned about non natives being insulted or feeling left out whilst the non natives set out all their demands and the indigenous natives get told to suck it up
The Scum Nonce Party were quick to follow the labour bastards in removing the Winter Fuel Allowance for OUR pensioners BUT like the labour bastards they are extremely quick in throwing OUR hard earned taxes around to warring countries or paying bribes for hostages

ALL these politicians have one thing in common when it comes to sending money to foreign countries for bribes,ammunition,armaments,charity,welfare or ANY other virtue signalling , IT IS NEVER THEIR MONEY, IT IS ALWAYS OUR MONEY,but AFTER giving our money away, they tell us that we have to suffer more austerity because for some strange reason we don’t have a pot to piss in

I watched a bit of HOF in George Square the attendance looked abysmal, should we be surprised, there is NO PASSION because we are allowing politicians to DESTROY Scotland, there were people flying a foreign flag with no accompaning Scottish Saltire at a SCOTTISH independence rally, that tells me THEIR allegiance
BUT still Alex said anyone living in Scotland deserves a vote on our constitution because they are haha new Scots , irrespective of what flag they fly
BAD blood and soil Scots


Well it was an easy prediction – that the Empire Games aka the Colonial Games, aka the Commonwealth Games – would end up being foisted upon Glasgow, Scotland, no other nation on the planet wants these now defunct games, they epitomise colonialism – so they had to come to Colonial Scotland – where they would be rubber stamped by the House Jocks – and English gatekeepers, parachuted into prominent positions in Scotland and Glasgow – both control colonial Scotland – in the best interests of our Southern neighbour namely England.


Robert Hughes @4.49pm.


Trump is no better than Harris, the only difference between them is that Trump wants to do things his own way, he’s not part of the clique – but the outcome will be the same – he paved the way for the war in U – he destroyed the (JCPOA) deal with Iran – he paved the way for the Z–io- mons-ters to have their embassy in Jerusalem and coaxed other nations to follow suit.

Both Harris and Trump are in the pockets of the AIPAC and the wealthy pro-I–s-ra-el community in the US. Harris; was caught cutting and pasting Biden’s policies – into her own policy charter – and there were claims Harris wore an earpiece -shaped as an earing in her debate with Trump.

It doesn’t matter who becomes the next POTUS- whether it be Harris or Trump – nothing will change behind the scenes – and the losers will be the American public.


Republicofscotland @ 18.15.

And, without appearing unduly sceptical, dare I suggest that the higher graded organisers and managers are going to be on large salaries and expenses during the period of their contracts.


Planning application for Flamingo Land rejected.

Robert Hughes


I – broadly – agree with yr points above ; totally agree that neither of them will be there to serve the people .

My judgement is Trump would be marginally less awful than Harris ( unless yr , eg P..est..ian , in which case , no difference ) and if he did end the P War that alone would be worth him winning .

What an indictment on the ” greatest country in the Universe ” that it is , again , reduced to a choice between two such shallow , hollow B Movie characters .

Then again , check blighted n benighted Blighty – ‘kin Sunak * v * Starmer , two fckn reptiles driven by money n power ; n soon Swinney * v * Sarwar , two pieces of beat-up garden furniture good for fuck-all .

Has the calibre of the Political Class ever been worse ?

George Ferguson

I went to the Independence event in the Glasgow Science Centre on Saturday. I took the train and walked past the Hope over Fear event in George Square. I counted about 100 people but it was heavy rain and the main speakers had left. I confirm foreign flags were being waved. Because of other family celebratory commitments I went on my own. I needed have been so concerned. I met lot’s of Independence supporters from all over the country and they were very pleasant. I thought the Independence movement was alive but with a new sense of realism. Its been a hard ten years. Stu was on good form, not many people can make Alex Salmond feel uncomfortable. Well worth the money.


I predict that Trump won’t win the race to the Whitehouse -and my simple answer to that is, that – the US needs the war against the RF – and Harris is 100% behind it.

You see American hegemony and the dollars dominance is on the wane – add in that – European politics is becoming unpredictable with the ascendancy of the far-right in Germany, the crisis of leadership in French politics – the relative decline of EU’s economy vis-a-vis global rivals due to limited innovation, high energy prices and skills gaps – etc. and, of course, the overarching economic crisis in Europe with no end in sight.

For me in the eyes of Starmer and Biden/Harris – and those that back and fund them – there needs to be a war – and not just with the RF but with Chi-n-a as well which is on the rise.

British Storm-shadow missiles are already in U – and they will be used to test the strength of Pooo-tins threat to strike countries – that supply these long range weapons to U- to strike deep inside the RF.

The war with the RF and Ch-in-a is coming – once Na-t-o is fully prepared – the alternative for them is unthinkable.

Hatey McHateface

@ Republicofscooby says: 16 September, 2024 at 7:56 pm

I predict that Trump won’t win the race

Hardly a week goes by on here without you predicting something or other. You rely on everybody forgetting or not caring which is why you never have to go back and say “sorree”.

It’s a 50-50. Maybe you’ll strike lucky.

The war with the RF and Ch-in-a is coming

OFFS. You’re predicting a war with the RF that actually started in February 2022. Maybe you’re another one of our New Scots who actually believes it’s 1446. That would explain that other obsession of yours.


Couldn’t agree more that the US wants a war with the RF.

There’s money, big money in war and the dark interests behind the puppet president Joe Biden know that.

Trump knows that war is a no win situation. The New York mafia certainly know that. But what of course would sort the Yankee war machine out is some big hits on US cities. That would concentrate minds.

Lash out, bomb the bejasus out of countries but when one of those countries can hit back what is the calculation and how many deaths can you stomach. It’s a good question. Not that the donkey populations get the choice to ask it or change monetary interests.

Be interesting too to wonder how the strategists would recommend responding to the UK’s long range storm shadow missiles being used deep into the RF.

Could a response be to make an example of the UK lap dog and leather it.

Dangerous times indeed. However like the proxy puppet YookRayne, where does the proxy puppet the Yookaye sit.

Mark Beggan

If you’re going to war with the Russians then best read Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman. Just so you know what the fuck will happen.


16 September, 2024 at 7:56 pm

… limited innovation, high energy prices and skills gaps – etc. and, of course, the overarching economic crisis in Europe with no end in sight.

Thing is, it isn’t actually an industrial decline, it is literally the consequence of 5 decades of Neoliberal insanity which wilfully and deliberately sought to de-industrialise Western skills and productivity, and draw it’s sustinence trading commodities from poor countries who’s governments could be bought, and democratising eye watering levels of debt spread out over the whole population that was suckered into believing they needed a huge mortgage on houses thrown up using sellotape and cardboard.

The only industry now capable of bringing in foreign capital, that is, something which is more than paper money, is the manufacture of weapons for export.

Problem is, these overpriced western weapons look increasingly like overpriced western housing, – over engineered garbage. They’re getting themselves “deconstructed” with ease and much faster than they’re being replaced, and that’s paradoxically not good for sales, because even dodgy 3rd World dictators and murderers won’t pay top dollar for obsolete second rate munitions.

We’re sending missiles to the “U”, and I dunno, almost as if it’s like a quid pro quo basis, “somebody” is now giving the Houthis hypersonic missiles. Go figure…

Things must be uncredibly toxic that even the darkened soul of the UK has been obliged to limit “some” weapon sales to genocidal maniacs.

And how utterly deperate does it look trying to sell Storm Shadow as a V2 style Wunderwaffe that can turn the whole course of the war? But hey, why change the WW2 Tribute Act script now? We’ve already had Stalingrad 2, Kursk 2 and the forlorn equivalent of the Battle of the Bulge 2 rolled into one. All “Allied” victories you may recall and might want to think about…

Will there be a war? Jeezus I hope not, because right now, we’re on the wrong side, with “our” Top Brass looking dumber and more casual about our hollow and meaningless deaths than they did in WW1, only this time on the Armageddon Merry-go-Round, we’re allied to the Naz1s, fascists, rap1$ts and genocidal lunatics, and we’re arming them all…

Well nobody asked me about it, and frankly, I’m mightily fkd off about it.

What the fk is wrong with you Scotland? Maybe we’re already dead and all this soul destroying torture and Kafkaesque absurdity is merely life in Purgatory…

Hatey McHateface

@ Breeks says: 16 September, 2024 at 9:18 pm

nobody asked me

Awww, well I’m asking you. Just when did so many of the self-identifying lions for Independence become craven apologists for the imperialist, colonialist, murderous, neo-Tsarist regime based in Moscow?

What the fk is wrong with you Scotland?

Maybe there’s nothing too much wrong with Scotland, but plenty wrong with those Scots who think like you. Cheering on the destruction of sovereignty, language, culture, history and independence? You’re seriously going to try to go round the doors selling that message to the people of Scotland?

genocidal maniacs

Jesus wept, get a fucking grip of yourself, man.



Regards R retaliation to the UK.

Geopolitical commentators predict it’d be

Expelling their embassies & all diplomats.
Seizing all their assets & bank accounts, which they’d be legally entitled to do, & that includes previously gifted properties.
Jamming their systems & satellites.
Attacking UK military bases & foreign interests.

I agree with you about attacking yankie soil. I believe it’d be the only wake up call these morons would understand. They want to pick a fight with everyone & yet they can’t even win against a bunch of ill equiped goat herders in the ME.

What an utter embarrassment Starmer, Lammy & the toxic Tories were yesterday. Being told to fck off & get back in their box by uncle Sam. I expect that is only publicly tho cause so far they’ve been such cowards ‘it wisnae me or NATO’ when clearly it is.

Their weapons are circa 1950, they’ve no manpower, they’ve no technology, they’ve no authority, they’ve no industry yet they’re like the yappy wee barstewards standing behind the school bully cheering for a conflict. The Brits are as dumb as fck & have a serious problem living in the past. All you ever hear out of them is Churchill FFS.

The USA hegemony is over no matter what war they start. They wasted their empire warring & interfering all over the globe while everyone else moved on with advances in science & technology & now they’re pissed.

Trump will be a bull in a China shop if he ever gets to be POTUS. He’s already threatening his own population by increasing tariffs 100% & throwing his weight around at those who’ll drop the $ LOL! D’oh! Like they’d care. They’d do the world a favour by fcking off & being isolationists – tho I expect they’ll find themselves in isolation whether they plan on it or not. The UN has had about enough of them & Isr interference in their courts.

As for the latest attempt on Trump. That’ll be the deep state. They love a spot of terrorism. Its how they operate. They’ve probably all manner of factions working on their behalf. They studied the British Empire for tips & tricks.

Mark Beggan

It’s great being Scottish no matter what. We are the originals. Just look at our neighbours. I feel better already.

George Ferguson

Lots of people commenting on every other issue in the World except Scottish Independence. Of course they are so interested in Scottish Independence none of them turned up to the 10 year event. I used a red line rule to get to go. Did anything change my mind? Yes. I thought any MP that lost their seat shouldn’t stand on the SNP list for 2026. Exception Jo Cherry not because she nailed it in the main debate. But before, I happened to sit beside one of her friends pre debate. Cherry a very pleasant lady with constitution knowledge and ability. She should stand in 2026.



Well said.

Regards their weapons LOL Couldn’t agree more.

Outdated overpriced rubbish & it’s maintenance is outdated overpriced rubbish too & then there’s the technology to work them. Only a trained few & most of them are now with the daisies. NATO has been shown to be a complete disaster because they all use different weapons, different maintenance, have no industry, use different technology to work them & then some countries don’t want to take part at all while others are forced to hand over what they’ve got.

What a friggin joke & they’ve paid into that protection racket for decades. The EU already complaining they all need to start again from scratch & have their own military.

The USA sent aircraft carriers to Isr but removed them so fast cause drones would render them useless in five minutes.

It can be funny watching congressmen lose their shit at $90,000 dollar bill for a packet of nuts for their aircrafts.

Someone at the Pentagon got carried away making boy toys that only look good parked up as they’re are totally useless & don’t fly if it’s cold, don’t drive if it’s dusty & don’t fire if it’s wet. Now a fleet of aircraft carriers are having to hide somewhere cause of drones LMAO!


“Cherry a very pleasant lady with constitution knowledge and ability. She should stand in 2026.”

& When exactly did she use it? She was an MP for 9 years.

Oh, that’s right, it was for the wrong side & on the wrong issues.

& Independence is over until the UK is removed from the UN security council. If you followed world news you’d know the USA owns everything & it needs its attack dogs in the UN for vetos & it’s strategic nukes. When they (UK & France) are no longer there, which will be soon cause they’ve hee-haw global presence other than yapping) then independence & all of Scotlands assets remain the interest of the USA under the UK name tag.

George Ferguson

@Geri 12:19pm
She gave an explanation of her decisions over the last ten years and the pain it cost her but as you weren’t there you wouldn’t have heard that.

Young Lochinvar

Geri @ 11.21pm

History is circular and Empires always fall or fade away.

Considering America only exited isolationism then profited through two world wars in about a century then it’s not a particularly great legacy or exceptional timespan in the greater scheme of things / hence the fixation with the first nuclear bomb and boots on the moon.

I wonder what their national debt is?

Must be eye watering..

And their pot-boy the fallen UK empire begging bowl/ consistent trouble maker working on empty fuel tank vapours and imaginary shuffled wooden dollars still trying to play the age old European power “great game”..

What a joke.

Time to live peacefully comfortably within our skins, heck the Russians will go the same way and the yellow peril is unlikely to do more than they already are.

The Middle East? Once the bankrupt big players stop financing and arming them then that particular troubled little pond will settle back to stone throwing levels again between religious loons- as it’s always been.


Aye, it wasn’t mandatory.

No one is talking about independence cause it’s been done to death already, isn’t on the horizon anytime soon & some of us really, really don’t wish to pay to listen to yet more talking about what everyone should’ve done but didn’t.

Joanna did nothing for Scotland. She wasn’t voted into a seat THREE times to take up gender issues, stop the prorogation of parliament or to try reverse/stop/2nd vote a democratic vote with Brexshit. Three issues that would be none of our business. She was instructed to exit. Not to pick out office space.

Good luck with her chances of a seat in Holyrood. There’d have been a time I’d have rejoiced but not now. At least five yrs too late & if it’s still clutching at the SNP then I think her chances are slim to nil.

George Ferguson

@Geri 1:14pm
It was mandatory for me. Of course had you been there Cherry pointed out the lack of desire on the doorstep for another Independence Referendum. I will double down on that. 7% of the Scottish Public see Scottish Independence as a priority. But had you been there you would have got the message and the nuance associated with that but you weren’t there.


George Ferguson, Cherry has had more than ample opportunity over the last 10 years to explain why she NEVER exposed the deviance and perversion running rampant within the Scum Nonce Party, it never stopped her from challenging bojo on the prorogation of WM, though it only benefited the english but did nothing about Scots sovereignty

And to be quite honest as Geri says some of us are more interested in what the future holds for independence than raking over the failed history of 10 years ago, as far as I’m concerned Alex Salmond has spent the last 10 years telling us that IF we had the opportunity of another referendum he would still give the people who DENIED us our independence another chance to do it all again
It is the english who love living in the past with the we won the war churchill mentality, but soon we will be back to ration books and lard if Keir STARVER and company have their way, so what was decided that would stop that happening

I already commented previously that many on the list of Alex Salmonds guests consisted of people who were MP’s and MSP’s within the snp and sat COWARDLY by while sturgeon the betrayer did everything in her power to DESTROY independence are you now inferring that these people have suddenly found a SPINE from somewhere


George Ferguson
Ignored says:
16 September, 2024 at 11:18 pm
Lots of people commenting on every other issue in the World except Scottish Independence. Of course they are so interested in Scottish Independence none of them turned up to the 10 year event.

Get off your high horse George. I’ve been at every AUOB march I could make, whether it was 100k strong or 5k.

I’d have liked to be there, but I couldn’t because I have dependencies, housing and poverty issues to contend with, plus I might have spoiled the atmosphere by lambasting the panel for their feeble and lacklustre backing for SALVO.

Don’t get me wrong, I remain “encourage” first, lambast second in attitude, and for all I know from not being there, maybe SALVO was adequately discussed. Somehow I doubt it.

I continue to believe the likes of Salmond and Cherry are not a spent force, and their best is yet to come, but frankly, they’re allowing themselves to resemble a spent force. , which leaves SALVO as the only show in town with potency and direction.

As for global politics, we’re galloping towards a stupid, futile and wholly unnecessary war, shackled to one of the principal warmongering architects responsible for making it happen. I can think of no more honourable thing to do than for Scotland to bring the United Kingdom to
an end, now, and the ramifications of that might just be enough to destabilise the lunatic cabal running NATO.

The EU needs to expel its Neoliberal Warmongers too, and rediscover the EU’s primary raison d’etre; NOT an economic powerhouse, but a vehicle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence. It isn’t NATO which needed to expand East, but the EU should have embraced normalised relations with “R” back in the 1990’s and none of this toxic bourach would ever have materialised. The yanks understood that all along, but surrendered their hearts to jealousy.

The US and UK’s collective backstabbing, duplicity, and fundamental malignancy have brought the planet to the brink of a nuclear Apocalypse.

Neoliberalism is a bigger threat to the world than communism and naz1sm combined. It is a disease which bleaches our societies of fulfilment and happiness, and leaves the great majority dispossessed of their wealth and stability so that our kids dare not start a family.

Centuries of Trades, Crafts, and intricate knowledge of human creativity has been junked in a couple of generations and treated as something worthless and obsolete. No fault of its own; our heavy industry was attacked by the vampires of neoliberalism and drained of its life force.

Yes, Scotland needs Independence, but more, the whole world needs Scotland’s timely Independence, and with luck, a restorative elixir to cure our diseased societies of Neoliberalism.

Was that discussed by the panel?


Very well put, Breeks – all of it.

Ruby Tuesday

Picking up from what George said I would say

Lots of people commenting on every other issue in the World except Scottish politics.

The question is why?

Robert Hughes

Breeks @ 9.18 & 6.29

Even by yr own stellar standards , those are two outstanding posts , compadre .

Our ( decent ) politicians & known n trusted commentators should be organising n leading public demonstrations , talks ,marches ( before they ban them completely ) around an Anti-War * flag * .

Let the message be unequivocal : Independence = Liberation from the Colonial yoke AND Liberation from the rabid Dogs of War that are dragging us to hell ; all the while gibbering utter pish about * Democracy * as they erase every trace of that concept from the people they are meant to serve .

If they’re such great advocates of Democracy , put it to the test – have a vote on it . Ask the people if they support bringing the World to it’s possible end ; show them the full horror of War ( never difficult to find examples ) , show them the exploded heads , mangled torsos , show them the lumps of flesh that were once smiling children , tell them THAT will be their children/grandchildren , sons n daughters , oh and remind them the Government says ” sorry but we can’t afford to help old folk with their Winter fuel costs , you see these lovely new missiles are so terribly expensive ”

Tell them the fuckn Truth – for once . THEN ask them if they consent . THEN talk about Democracy

What Alex said to Fergus n Joanna told Phillipa in between sips of tea n the other Alex intimated to Dennis what he thought Tasmina said to Kirk regarding the quality of Michelle’s footwear …….Zzzzzz .

Being facetious here , but , really it all seems so irrelevant in the face of the – truly – existential threat of suicidal , annihilating stupidity

Ruby Tuesday

link to

Surreally ridiculous pint glass ban is on-brand for ignorant SNP

Now, I must point out right here and right now that I’m no expert in the field of alcohol addiction studies.
However, I’ll stick my neck out on this one: banning the vivid red logo of J&R Tennent or Mr Arthur Guinness from appearing on assorted marketing items will reduce alcohol deaths not a single jot.

Kevin McKenna

That is a brilliant article. Definitely worth a few comments.

NB. It’s very much about Scottish politics.


If after the past 10 years the Scottish electorate hold a lack of desire and urgency for returning Scotland to self-governing status, then it shows what a complete and utter abject failure our “leaders” of the Indy Movement have been in conveying the message and necessity that Scotland has to have full autonomy and control over our country to have any chance of improving matters.

If these supposed brightest and best individual political minds couldn’t come up with any coherent strategies, and then work to develop these initiatives with others to generate enthusiasm for the cause across Scottish society, then they really need to give themselves a reality shake and regain some self-awareness.

It’s a not too dissimilar situation to the idiots involved in trying to procure the build of a couple of ferries, and many years and hundreds of million quid spaffed later, they still continue screwing things up and think they are doing a good job.


Well said Breeks.

I said for years that Sturgeon & Co were sleepwalking us into being bedfellows to a fascist state & here we are, we’ve arrived. Dragged into all sorts of shit & warmongering actions with zero scrutiny in parliament & absolutely hee-haw input from its supposed partner to to the union.

The SNP had ten long years at the top with only ONE priority – to exit. Instead they fucked about with Brexshit, sexualizing children & making chums in Westminster.

If they’d had the balls to call a referendum or run a Westminster election as it was always intended to be (A majority WAS our immediate exit) we wouldn’t be in this mess because the whole house of cards would have collapsed – it even fucking told them so in the supreme Court ruling that it’d have had UK ramifications on the international stage because they’d no longer be the UK & their cost clubs.

Am I sorry I missed a good laugh at our expense? No. I don’t need to be there. I’ve heard it all already. They took the electorate for absolute mugs & deliberately let advantage slip & momentum die & all while being front row observers to the shit show that was careering towards us & an English government never tired of making them look absolute amateurs & timorous wee beasties even in the face of breaking International laws, exiting the EU & being democracy deniers the SNP still didn’t get off their arse.

If they were all elected again they’d do it all over again.

Suddenly Joanna is an expert ‘with constitutional knowledge & ability’ That’s news to all of us. She kept that well hidden for ten years eh? Has she teamed up with Salvo/Liberation or is the salary not to her liking? There’s plenty to do if she’s interested in Scottish independence that doesn’t require a seat in parliament. Let’s see what she chooses..


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Ruby Tuesday

Robert Hughes

If they’re such great advocates of Democracy , put it to the test – have a vote on it . Ask the people if they support bringing the World to it’s possible end ; show them the full horror of War

Did we not have that vote in 2014?

Did we not see the full horror of war when the UK illegally invaded Iraq?

We had the chance of voting not to be tied to a warmonger nation with one of the highest military budgets in the world but we voted NO.

We still cheer ‘our boys’ when they return from war and proudly wear our poppies every year. We love books and films about war.

Being facetious here but are you still wearing your CND badge and tee shirt that says ‘Make Love Not War’. Pretty sure ‘Hippy Days’ are long gone.


<Dan: "If these supposed brightest and best individual political minds couldn’t come up with any coherent strategies, and then work to develop these initiatives with others to generate enthusiasm for the cause across Scottish society, then they really need to give themselves a reality shake…"

Spot on. The number of times in the last couple of years we’ve concluded that “oh well, there are some really clued up people still in there and surely they’ll be working on ways to get back on track with gaining independence…”

You hope and you keep hoping. Eventually you realise this is exactly what went wrong after 2014, that so many of us naïvely assumed there was a plan and it’s all in good hands and would become clear when the time’s right.

Waiting now for anyone who was there on Saturday night to report that there really is a plan. But as Alf Baird has (thankfully) repeated: unless the stalwarts acknowledge the colonial reality, they won’t get us out of this. The fact that hearts are in the right place isn’t really enough.

Ruby Tuesday

I don’t know anything about Salvo?

How is that possible?

Maybe Salvo should organise an event and advertise it on social media.
Sell tickets and offer free parking!

Well at least they should do something to bring their organisation to people’s attention.

Maybe not bother ‘cos any day now we are going to be nuked!


‘Looking directly at nuclear explosions melts the eyes’

Rab Clark

Our latest is highlighting the long-term efforts of a lone tweeter (an art lecturer in London) to raise awareness of the dangers posed by Freeports/SEZs.

SALVO/ISP have been warning of this for a long time. Does anyone know if it was discussed at the IMax gathering on Saturday?

If Grangemouth lies within such a proposed zone, who’s to say there won’t be some ‘deal’ whereby the refinery is ‘allowed’ to remain functioning so long as it’s signed-up to the very dodgy T&Cs involved?

link to



“If these supposed brightest and best individual political minds couldn’t come up with any coherent strategies, and then work to develop these initiatives with others to generate enthusiasm for the cause across Scottish society, then they really need to give themselves a reality shake…”

I’d go further & say that is yet more deception.
Scotland voted repeatedly for Scottish independence.
Scotland also overwhelming voted to remain in the EU.
The UK even held an opinion poll on the state of the union & didn’t like the results they received so locked it away as a matter of ‘national security’ & point blank refused a referendum. That tells us everything we need to know – they’d have lost it. Especially after all the Devo max bullshit of 2014 that never materialised & a Tory party not only intent on perpetual austerity ideology but fixing parliament & all it’s official offices to have perpetual English rule.

Now we have Biden ‘amend’ the nuclear agreement to have nukes on the Clyde indefinitely. Not a single consultation with Scotland.

I think the nonsense Scotland doesn’t have a majority already is absolute horseshit. If they were that confident they’d have allowed a section 30 to finally put the constitutional question to bed.

Thousands marched on the streets & not everyone was an SNP supporter. So their personal polling was fck all to do with them acting or not. They had a majority of seats & did absolutely hee-haw. Not even a bit of Devo did they manage to squeeze out of WM & the Smith commission was a fcking insult to Scotland who’d just rattled the establishment to its knees.

I’m not buying the no majority pish the same way I’m not buying they’re beavering away in the background for Indy. They had their chances, multiple chances, & kicked the can. Insulting every single person who voted for them, who marched for them & who knocked on doors to get them elected for them to turn up & start swanning around Westminster taking up pet projects no one voted for.

Alf Baird

SteepBrae @ 9:33 am

“unless the stalwarts acknowledge the colonial reality, they won’t get us out of this”

Yes, that is the harsh but now increasingly obvious reality. The people have to understand their colonial condition:

link to



I’ve also read the repeated warnings regarding Grangemouth & Freeports & it definitely will be miraculously saved but under new management & within the Freeport zone therefore out of Scotlands hands.

I’d be interested in hearing if that was discussed too.


@ Rab and Geri

Freeports were not discussed at the IMax gathering, at least not during the main event. I have no idea what was talked about afterwards when people carried on meeting informally. Grangemouth was mentioned, though.

The event over-ran, so hardly any of the questions submitted by the audience were dealt with.

Alf Baird

crazycat @ 11:18 am

“I have no idea what was talked about”

It probably was not about the ‘colonial condition’:

Dealing effectively with the colonial ‘condition’ requires difficult treatment; liberation is the only remedy and takes effect through decolonization (i.e. independence). In order to ensure the colonized’s complete cure “his alienation must completely cease” (Memmi), for which the total disappearance of colonization, including the ending of cultural assimilation procedures (i.e. colonial education, media, institutional etc.) is necessary. If, on the other hand, colonialism is permitted to continue, the associated psychological effects can only worsen, as will the economic and political impacts; in addition, “the risk of conflict will increase” (Memmi).

Ruby Tuesday

17 September, 2024 at 10:32 am


I’ve also read the repeated warnings regarding Grangemouth & Freeports & it definitely will be miraculously saved but under new management & within the Freeport zone therefore out of Scotlands hands.

I’d be interested in hearing if that was discussed too.


If you were so interested in what was discussed you should have gone to the event.

Looks as if you are just desperately trying to find fault with the event.

Surely ‘Grangemouth’ & ‘Freeports’ are of little importance what with all the other major events going on in the world.

Robert Hughes

” 20 March 2003
In March 2003, U.S. forces invaded Iraq vowing to destroy Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and end the dictatorial rule of Saddam Hussein. ”

Do the math , hen ; I make that event 11 years before the 2014 Referendum . Maybe we could have framed the Ref as an attempt to change the past

Be as facetious as you like , but at least try to be accurate .

Good article by K McK ; he’s an excellent journalist but as he recently said he places the * fortunes * of the football team he supports higher than the Independence of his country I wouldn’t take him too seriously on the * fortunes * of Scotland

Nope , never worn a CND badge n if preferring peace to war makes me a hippy….. cool , ” let yr freak-flag fly ” n pass me that joint , maaan , but um awrite fur patchouli oil

Ruby Tuesday

More on postal services in a Better Together Scotland

With ‘Royal Mail 48’ you get a tracking number but you are only able to track when the parcel is delivered.

That might be good for the sender but absolutely of no good to the recipient.

It’s just pure mental. Why would you want to track a parcel once it’s been delivered?

I want to track a parcel to find out when it will be delivered so that I can be at home for the delivery or better yet to divert to a ‘click & collect’ shop.

James Che

A big Hi to all still on here, and just to let everyone know That I have had to pause posting as Spouse in hospital since last Friday,
Hopefully he will be home within the span of a week, but he is undergoing new assessments for ability wether he can wash or dress, feed himself and changing his medication to liquid pain killers, bloods being taken etc and waiting for a Hospital style bed to arrive for the living room, so he can return home.
And Dealing with shed loads of red tape.

Even those wanting to preserve a union with a failing empire have an alternative speech posting attraction compared to the rec tape for me at the moment, at that says it all,

Keep up the good fight and hopefully I will be back soon so Stu numbers go back up,


Conflict will always follow them. They’ll always covet someone else’s land & assets. Them being good Christians too.

They’re busy picking a fight & arming separatists in Taiwan (who are more than happy the way they are) despite international law already confirming it belongs to China & they’ve no business there.

& In U. Totally trashed an already sovereign independent country in the hopes of taking over R to get their mitts on their assets too. Half the population dead or displaced & now they can’t take a shit without asking America if it’s okay.

Yet here at home they’re democracy deniers to the country who actually democratically voted to separate at a legal & legitimate election despite being a fully signed up member to the UN charter including the right of a ppl to Self determination.

*Tumbleweed* from all of them LOL! Better together rubbish & whistling.

Decolonisation & refusal to take their elected seats (in an all but name) English parliament is the only game in town.

Continually looking to be elected to a foreign parliament only demonstrates they’re not serious about independence & are more interested in serving another sovereign nation instead of their own. They’ve sworn allegiance to another even before they’re allowed to sit down.


Sending best wishes James. I hope you get it all sorted.


@James Che, sorry to hear of your and your spouse’s travails. Best wishes.


@ James Che: Wishing you and your husband all the best and hoping that the spell in hospital will result in you getting more assistance when he is back home.


So Lammy snuck of to U with big fat cheque worth £600 million quid – on the orders of Starmer, who has cut pensioners Winter Fuel Payments – to date consecutive UK governments have given U (Since 2022) – almost £13 billion quid.

Meanwhile, Starmer will slash and burn funding to public services – whilst he’s pledged to support U to the bitter end – whatever that may be – and give U £3 billion quid a year (Announced on the 10th of July 2024).

“This would be monstrous in itself. He saves £1.1 billion, but the very next day the British Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, went to Ki-e-v and handed over another £600 million of our money, half the saving of the winter fuel allowance.

And if that’s not an indication of two tier governance, I really don’t know what it is.”

Said MP – George Galloway.

To get the full list – of what UK taxpayers will be, and are currently being fleeced for, with U in mind; click the link below and look for my 4pm comment – which has the link in it.

link to

George Ferguson

@Ruby 8:15am
Well I would say the response of Scottish Independence supporters is firmly set with the survey result of only 7% of Scottish of the people prioritise Independence. I don’t think hibernation of the movement is the answer but if we can’t speak about Scottish politics on the 10th anniversary of the Referendum when can we?. I expected you to be at Portobello beach today 22C. I painted my garden fence today. 17th September and painting a garden fence? It’s global warming ye know.

Hatey McHateface

@Republicofscotland says: 17 September, 2024 at 4:16 pm

I’m afraid CM rather lost his credibility since he decided to throw in his lot with the Humous boys. Anybody supporting the kidnap, rape, torture, mutilation and murder of innocent lassies can take a flying fuck at the moon as far as I am concerned. As for spending a year cowering in a tunnel whilst your own women and kids die in the tens of thousands to keep your yellow hide intact, well, that’s not what I would expect of any decent Scottish man.

But by all means you continue to plug what matters most dearly to you, Ros, the extermination of a sovereign people at the hands of a neo-Tsarist dictator.

Makes no sense for you to be using a pro-Scottish Indy site for that, but then again, makes no sense for you to write “scotland” over and over again either.

Hatey McHateface

@ Geri Ignored says: 17 September, 2024 at 1:37 pm

Half the population dead or displaced

That would be around 22.5 million then.

Quite a jump from the million you were claiming a few short months ago, but assuming the rate remains constant, they’ll all be dead or displaced by next Easter.

How’s the WHO getting on vaccinating the kids with the saline solutions?

F16’s still on the ground?

Useless weapons still hopeless, but simultaneously scaring the bejasus out of the Tsar?

How do you monitor where, when and under what circumstances 22.5 million people take a shit?

So many questions in response to your copious mince-based posts! Keep them coming.


The Z-io-mon-sters blow up intercepted pagers.

The English propaganda machine – the BBC – is carrying the story.

ITV’s news programme, also carrying the story.

“At least eight people have died and thousands are injured after handheld pagers, used by He–zb-ol–lah, exploded in Leb–an-on on Tuesday afternoon

The health ministry says 200 of those injured are in a critical condition, with a munition expert telling the BBC the devices were likely packed with up to 20 grams of military-grade high explosive.”

link to

Hatey McHateface

@ Ruby Tuesday says: 17 September, 2024 at 9:24 am

tied to a warmonger nation with one of the highest military budgets in the world

As it happens, those countries paying to help fight the war in the east are easy enough to identify online and rate on the real measure that counts – percentage of GDP.

The Baltic countries come in top, with Norway a very creditable third. Norway’s contribution is far and away the largest of the non-EU countries.

It’s very satisfying to recognise that an Independent Scotland, channeling the same resources and realpolitik world-view as our nearest resource-rich neighbour, Norway, would be in a great place to stand up and be counted.

Of course, all you Scottish Exceptionalist neo-Tsarist colonialism apologists would have to be shunted out of the way.

Then again, you already have been.

Hatey McHateface

@ Republicofscooby says: 17 September, 2024 at 6:38 pm

I heard that story on the news. Thought it was great. Fair made my day.

Why don’t you start a crowdfunder? Maybe rush the injured here for treatment?


Ten years on , I genuinely think Scotland dodged a bullet.
A mortar, a missile, loads of bombs and much more. It was threatened.
What happened in Uk rain after 2014 and their elected government.
Scotland has many McHaties infesting the country. How they would enjoy hurting people they don’t agree with


Consider how the UKers reacted after they WON ! Malicious prosecutions and much worse.
A result too close even with all manipulation available used.
The McHaties are out the box and on the loose.


Site prick John Main has been at the night nurse, he/she/it is foaming shite at the mouth again.

Hatey McHateface

@ John says: 17 September, 2024 at 8:07 pm

Scotland has many McHaties infesting the country. How they would enjoy hurting people they don’t agree with

I’m against big, imperialist, colonialist empires annexing wee independent, sovereign nations. Given Scotland’s position as a wee, aspirationally independent sovereign nation adjacent to a big, imperialist, colonialist empire, I remain eternally flummoxed at the BTL support for Tsar P of R as he attempts to extirpate the people he believes have no right to exist.

I’m against jihadists playing pass-the-parcel with the breasts they’ve hacked off screaming, innocent, young lassies. I’m flummoxed that anybody can pick fault with my position and even go so far as to support the knife-wielding jihadists.

Alone of all the posters on here, I’ve called several times for a negotiated ME cease fire on both sides, with an exchange of hostages and prisoners.

The usual suspects are angling for a real gen-o-cide of 7+ million people, not the pretendy one of 40+ thousand, many of whom are fanatical fighters. Many of whom would slay your average Scot, man, woman or child, on sight, without a second’s hesitation, as has been proven over and over again on the streets of this country and just about every country in Europe, as well as further afield.

But I’m the bad one, eh?

You’re right, we dodged a bullet. We’re so far from being able to recognise reality it’s best we leave running the place to somebody else.

Dinna fash. Only joking. We can run our own affairs, but just as when the SNP were in the ascendant, the likes of the usual suspects will have to be identified, corralled, kettled, and shunted far out of sight where they can do no harm.

Hatey McHateface

@ James says: 17 September, 2024 at 8:42 pm


Hey James!

I’ve hidden the letters ‘k’, ‘c’, ‘i’, ‘r’, and ‘p’ in this post, just for you. Also ‘o’. And ‘d’. And ‘y’, ‘l’ and ‘w’. And ‘t’ and ‘g’ and ‘e’.

See how many words for the male reproductive organ you can assemble. You can re-use each letter as many times as you like. Draw a wee dick pic beside each one if you find your enthusiasm starting to flag. Or a big, anatomically accurate pic if you prefer – you can take your time and get every detail just as you like it.

It’s 2024 and nobody’s going to judge you.


They’re only accelerating their own demise. They’ll never get along with their neighbours, ever. Even when their neighbours are just minding their own business they’ve to act like terrorists & assassinate diplomats, journalists, charity workers, medics, women, children, prisoners & UN aid agencies.

They’re thugs & it’ll no longer exist because even UN instructions, resolutions & legal judgments are flagrantly ignored & the whole world has had enough. It will be ostracised out of existence which is already happening as the Yanks already deserting. Its maybe dawned on them geno-cide isn’t a fcking good look & neither is a full blown war with Lebanon, Iraq, Iran & Syria cause their domestic doesn’t work.

& So will the UK. When the dust settles in U there will be a new world order & a major shift at the UN that definitely won’t include little England or France on the security council. That’ll be their reward for being persistent agitators to a nuclear superpower that absolutely did NOT benefit anyone or promote peace & security & benefitted absolutely no one in UK or France either. Even the Yanks are telling them to STFU. They’re wee diddy has beens who think they still have an empire to meddle in.

When the Yankees come to the negotiating table with P they’ll dump little Englanders on their arse. A useless agitator who has fck all to offer the world but aggravation.

NATO is finished too. It can’t organise a piss up in a brewery & it’s slowly dawning on the EU that they’re sitting ducks with absolutely no military force, no industry, no technology, no codes to the good stuff, no money & no policies LOL! Unless Mr America says so. The colonisers have become the colonised LMAO & now they’re watching Mr America dismantle their economy & there’s hee-haw they can do but watch. Can’t have wee diddy Europeans becoming a super state.

So there goes the neighborhood up in smoke. The “international community” is all about to change. Out with colonisers & in will be the ex colonised, India, South Africa, the global south & Scotland will be amongst them at some stage as an independent nation again. Little Billy no mates will be relegated to the bottom of the pile. Muted on the global stage.


John Main@ 8:47pm
“But I’m the bad one, eh?“

Yes John, quite obviously, in fact.

Young Lochinvar

Isn’t it quite telling really, that when Australia sees sense and starts unbinding the shackles that Scotland, Glasgow in fact, an SNP minority run council comes to the rescue for the Empire- sorry – Commonwealth games replete with hee haw funding from Gloriana Engerlund masquerading as the so called United Kingdom?

The SNP are done, British the lot of them.
Pity is so few have worked it out yet..

Yes 2014 Empire – sorry Commonweath – Games replete with UK money and Barrowman gaying up in the opening bizarre (sorry bazar) was meant to fool the hard of thinking that we still mattered in Engerlunds Empire (sorry Commonwealth)..

And all along auld Lizzie the lizard was too busy purring to crack a smile..

Ah days gone by eh?
It’ll be punting on the Thames and Beagling on the Downs next don’t you think Honest John??

Oh please do come..


Young Lochinvar
18 September, 2024 at 2:30 am

…. punting on the Thames and Beagling on the Downs next don’t you think Honest John??

Oh please do come..

Aye, losing on the swings and losing on the roundabouts seems an apt metaphor for Scotland.

Scotland’s oil supporting 5 refineries south of the Border and Scotland waves cheerio to Grangemouth… Taking the piss besides our Nation’s wealth. Stop Thief!

Can we petition for Ineos to be a four letter word officially?

SNP collaborators in this – you fking disgust me. Shame on you all.

Hatey McHateface

@ Geri says: 17 September, 2024 at 10:27 pm

Out with colonisers & in will be the ex colonised, India, South Africa, the global south & Scotland will be amongst them at some stage as an independent nation again

Classic stuff, Geri.

Rational readers are invited to check out this link:

link to

Scroll down and ponder over the names in India and South Africa. Wonder how they got there, eh? (Fun fact, having spent time in Jamaica, making some effort to visit some of the “Scottish” places there, I’ve often pondered on the behaviour of our colonising, enslaving, Scottish ancestors, and the pathetic efforts of their in-denial descendants to pretend it was the English wot done it).

You’re excused from the rational readers group, Geri. Get yourself along to your local butcher’s and have a stare in the window. Bound to be an entrancing tray of mince in there.


This past week Rugby Union fans in the British Isles have been discussing a proposal, to merge England’s Gallagher Premiership and the United Rugby Championship, which includes clubs from Ireland, Italy, Scotland, South Africa and Wales, dropping the Italian and Spouth AFrican clubs and forming a British and Irish League.

The driving force for this is the fact the English clubs are running out of money, with three of their major clubs all going bust.

This week, in the first edition of their rugby blog “The Breakdown”, The Guardian tackled the issue. The BTL comments were interesting.

The majority of the contributors spotted immediately, the call for a B&I League was driven by the self-interest and desperation of the big English clubs, who are all skint and trying to find a way to survive.

But, even English contributors were urging the three Celtic nations: “Don’t trust the English – they will screw you for their own ends.”

If even the English can see this happening in sport – why cannot so-many Scots see the same thing in the more-important realm of politics? We really are our own worst enemies.

Ruby Wednesday

Meanwhile back in Scotland this is happening

link to

Labour losing support in Scotland after winter fuel payment row

Scotland conned again.

If I remember correctly during the IndyRef2014 ‘Better Together’ said if we voted YES we would loose the heating allowance.

I think we all know about Scottish Labour and the SNP. No need for any more info.

Along with Salvo what we don’t know much about is Reform UK.

This would leave a clear but unstable unionist majority in the parliament with a high degree of uncertainty about Reform’s demands or behaviour.

“Meanwhile, all calculations about what might happen at that election could be upset if Reform can maintain the popularity they are beginning to develop north of the border.

Initially I thought Reform UK were making sense re ‘Gender Ideology’ but in the end they were just the same as all the other parties.

Lets talk about Scotish politics.

Who will you vote for in the Holyrood election?

I’m back to thinking ‘why bother’

Why bother? It’s not as if anybody is going to do anything about it. All we can do is threaten to vote for someone else who we know won’t do anything about it.
Irvine Welsh

Last election I tactically voted Labour to get rid of Tommy Shepherd in the Holyrood election (whenever that might be) I could be persuaded to vote if it meant getting rid of Angus Robertson.


Muppet man

Just like it is today, the military has fck all say of where they’re sent & in parliament Scotland has even less. Yoons try desperately to drag in Scots while at the same time tell us we don’t exist anymore cause we’re the mighty UK. Scotland is but a wee diddy region.

So, big news according to you, Scots left Scotland. Wow! Someone should tell the Highlanders!

South Africa is doing an excellent job of bringing a war criminal closer to justice, but not only that – it has brought the whole ICJ to a crossroads. Do they stick to type & only serve justice to their mates & ignore the atrocities, illegal land grab & obvious geno-cide according to their very own definition – or do they start doing their actual job without fear or favour & start issuing arrest warrants & expel I? They’ve done it to others for far less

Its a dilemma for sure. Jump the wrong way & it’ll be fatal for them as 146 member states are on the edge of their seat.. It’s caused such a commotion it’s taken almost a year to think of something while the body count mounts up…

It’ll be all change soon in more ways than one. There’ll be little point in an organisation only pretending at playing international law & there’ll be little point in the UN only ever serving one master.


A parasite always looks for its next host.

Speaking of parasites, I see BoJo is making an arse of himself again on the international stage. Apparently U can be the new Mafia at the EU. They’re excellent warriors & could be the EUs next enforcers to wee countries to do as they’re telt & pay up & as an additional bonus, it’d save the Yanks a few $billion too.

Doncha just love how word salad just spews from his mouth as he desperately scans the room for someone to agree with the contents of his head? *Silence* LOL!

Someone give him a free holiday ffs. Preferably somewhere far,far away.

Ruby Wednesday

I’m going from Wings BTL to Twitter where I am picking up loads about Scottish politics and bringing it back here.

link to

John Swinney: Indy movement must ‘reawaken optimism’ seen in 2014

Fuckin’ caretaker skeleton!

There’s also a lot of talk about the interview with Mr Idul confessing that he put on ‘Indian women face’ and pretended to be a woman to get a woman only job.
What I would like to know is who is the person interviewing him. Is that person a FTM man?

Is it a woman pretending to be a man interviewing a man pretending to be a woman.


Well – ten years have past since Salmond tried to rid us of our English governments yolk – with indy in mind – we are now in a worse position than we were back then – Sturgeon the Judas having done a tremendous amount of damage – not just to the cause, but to Scotland as well.

I used wonder just how much shit Scots could take – before they stood-up and said enough is enough – with regards to political corruption in Scotland, and England’s government treating us like a colony – I’ve come to the conclusion that Scots can, and will take whatever amount of shite, that oor ain corrupt parliament/judiciary/COPFS can give us – as well as the shite that English governments foist upon us – such as the WASPI Women and the Pension Age Rise – not to mention a plethora of other acts such as stealing our assets.

If Scots are not prepared to rise up – and take back what is rightly theirs, and their children’s, and grandchildren’s then thing swill only get worse – its a simple as that.

Dorothy Devine

Piece in the Guardian today quoting N.Sturgeon and D.Alexander – off to puke.


Misses Che, our thoughts are with you. The regulars are still here, I think, just scunnered wi’ it a’ a bit for the noo.

No long noo though, some good news is due soon from Salvo I think.

Listening to this archived show “Sara Salyers Sept 13th ’24”
link to

Among other things she talks about these organisations that Scotland _SHOULD_ be represented on but is not.

link to

link to

link to

To Young Lochinvar and Breeks – heh funny how one can immediately spot the lyrics from ones youth.

Garden Party was 1983. 41 years later. “What jolly fun.”


Another parasite. She’ll be given a gong next just to irritate Scotland even more than it is already.

She’s zero self awareness that she’d even accept it too.

That’ll be the SNPs next move. To change policy over the lords. Its all that’s missing.

Holyrood was only ever going to be a staging post as Sillars warned at the time it would be. Stuffed full of useless suits & grifters.

James Barr Gardner

Commonwealth Games read Empire Games better still Colonial Games !


So the Teflon Don (VONC’s never stick to him) – John Swinney says he was heartbroken when yes lost the 2014 indyref – no matter – since then especially under the tenure’s of Sturgeon the Betrayer – and the Sturgeonite Clique – he did just about everything in his power to prevent any chance of another indyref.

The SNP post – Salmond, withheld vital information from inquiries – and along with the then LA, did everything possible to thwart Martin Keatings from finding out if we actually needed an S30 – they ran a witch hunt within the party to force – out anyone who still wanted indy, or questioned their agenda – they sent the new LA, to the foreign Supreme court in England – where she capitulated, to this foreign court on who has the power to hold an indyref.

Ten years on – and the SNP are still doing their best to suppress the cause of indy – to the detriment of Scots – and anyone who pops their heads above the parapet – faces the SNP’s attack dogs at the COPFS.

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    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “Anent the strange house that the Murrells supposedly lived in, it does seem that perhaps it was all a set-up,…Jan 19, 20:22
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Mia – it’s no skin off my back if you don’t provide any evidence to support your claim. You just…Jan 19, 19:42
    • Dan on Poisoning The Unwell: “Comedy site this has become. Couple of rocket quick dislikes to my last posts. Do Angus and Jennifer really sit…Jan 19, 19:34
    • Dan on Poisoning The Unwell: “Indeed MaryB 19, 19:20
    • Dan on Poisoning The Unwell: “One can only ponder why Angus would be so compliant to ongoing UK requirements. Is he just a plain and…Jan 19, 19:17
    • MaryB on Poisoning The Unwell: “Remember that Angus Robertson was the initiator and enactor of all the SNP reforms which removed the internal democracy and…Jan 19, 19:16
    • gregor on Poisoning The Unwell: “Never:Jan 19, 19:14
    • gregor on Poisoning The Unwell: “Looks authentic to me:Jan 19, 19:12
    • Willie on Poisoning The Unwell: “The Murrell’s have property. That’s interesting because it seems there is a court order on Peter Murrell preventing him from…Jan 19, 18:22
    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “Some of us are watching, aided by this site and some others. However many SNP rank and file still think…Jan 19, 18:20
    • agent X on Poisoning The Unwell: “That is really in bad taste.Jan 19, 18:20
    • Mia on Poisoning The Unwell: “Browsing around I have just come across a letter submitted by Angus Robertson to the inquiry “The Governance of the…Jan 19, 17:59
    • Dan on The same old tricks: ““Can a single bawbag unionist actually tells aw us Scottish plebs how we can exercise oor right to self-determination.” Hmm,…Jan 19, 17:34
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “I cannot provide evidence until you tell me the full, official name of the entity you have in mind. Which…Jan 19, 17:33
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “The revealing thing is that even though you cannot produce a single piece of evidence in support of your view,…Jan 19, 17:17
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Aye, I have the self awareness to recognise that I am different from more conventional “normal folk” that all too…Jan 19, 17:03
    • James Gardner on Poisoning The Unwell: “Talking about toxic apart from the Betrayer, a friend of mine who lives in Perth W.A sent a photo of…Jan 19, 17:03
    • Young Lochinvar on Poisoning The Unwell: “Hmmm.. White wig, heavy rimmed glasses, purple earrings- lookalikies indeed. You could be onto something there 🙂Jan 19, 16:28
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “Which part of the formal name of that entity you are so furiously peddling back from and why?Jan 19, 16:18
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Right, so you claim to have an in-depth and mature understanding of the constitutional structure of the U.K., but apparently…Jan 19, 16:07
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “I am still waiting for the name in full of the entity I am supposed to provide evidence for. I…Jan 19, 16:04
    • Captain Caveman on The same old tricks: “Your efforts make you look like someone very odd, with a chip on their shoulder, shouting gibberish at clouds.Jan 19, 16:03
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Aye, that’s the issue right there when you think everything is jist fine with taxpayers paying someone good money to…Jan 19, 15:37
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “The formal name of the entity in full, please. The complete name of the entity is part of the evidence.…Jan 19, 15:31
    • Captain Caveman on The same old tricks: “The (unasked for and unwarranted)“contents” of your post in this instance and the last consists of a bunch of bitter…Jan 19, 15:28
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “I totally take your point, Confused. I know that responding to trolls may seem futile, but there might be other…Jan 19, 15:25
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Wrong again fud! There’s nae chip oan my shoulder but you seem overly exercised about responding to me and not…Jan 19, 15:20
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: ““Beyond all reasonable doubt” – you aren’t on trial here (luckily for you). I’ve also referred to the U.K. several…Jan 19, 15:13
    • James on Poisoning The Unwell: “I heard from a local about 7 years ago that she was buying in Bridge of Allan. That sounds more…Jan 19, 15:07
    • James on Poisoning The Unwell: “I’ve heard Uddingston is lovely at this time of year?Jan 19, 15:05
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