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Wings Over Scotland

The Last Legs

Posted on September 06, 2024 by

In the 1990s, Dr. Robert Smith, a surgeon at Falkirk Royal Infirmary, performed a pair of amputations on two men. Neither of the men involved had anything physically wrong with them, but both were suffering from apotemnophilia – a rare psychiatric condition involving the desire to have healthy limbs amputated.

Sufferers, counterintuitively, claim not to feel “whole” with four limbs and obsess over having their unwanted body parts chopped off. Smith argued the surgeries were life-saving, claiming the patients would commit suicide otherwise.

Apotemnophiles, like autogynephiles, insist that there is no erotic element, but it was later discovered that one of the men Smith operated on ran an amputee fetish website.

Upon investigation, the hospital deemed the procedures unethical. Smith was banned from mutilating healthy bodies (although he was found not to have breached any of the hospital’s rules at the time and not sanctioned), and the dubious experiment ended.

But let’s imagine for a moment an alternate reality.

Imagine a world in which a powerful apotemnophile lobby group somehow succeeds in convincing society that apotemnophile rights is the next civil rights movement. Their message is simple: anyone who identifies as an amputee is an amputee.

Activists insist that some people are born with innate amputee identities, and they are the most oppressed people in the world. They declare it apotemnophobic to say that humans are bipedal. Anyone who dares express such heresy deserves to have their life and career ruined, or even to be assaulted or raped.

Imagine there were a sudden 4,000% increase in teens identifying as amputees, but we were all forbidden from being concerned. (Most of the kids were gay or lesbian, or autistic. Almost all suffered from multiple psychiatric comorbidities.)

Instead we were supposed to celebrate it.

Parents of kids with supposedly innate amputee identities were expected to rejoice at the thought of their child undergoing the amputation of a healthy limb, and protesters took to the streets to demand that these children become a part of this barbaric medical experiment.

Imagine schools teaching children as young as kindergarten that some people have amputee identities, that they get to choose how many limbs they have. Posters promoting body mutilation adorned the walls of many classrooms.

Kids shows started featuring amputee characters, so children with innate amputee identities could see themselves represented. Then, as if in lock step, the number of kids identifying as amputees increased. Mention of the possibility of social contagion was aggressively suppressed and punished.

Imagine celebrities coming out as amputees and posing on the cover of magazines after they’ve had their perfectly healthy limbs chopped off, and everyone applauding their bravery and lavishing them with attention and adoration.

Able-bodied people with innate amputee identities began taking disabled parking spots and using disabled bathrooms for validation. Any actual disabled person who objected was labeled apotemno-exclusionary and intimidated into acquiescence.

Imagine children’s hospitals making promotional videos with soft music playing while doctors explain the amputation process to kids, promising immediate affirmation of a kid’s amputee identity.

Laws were passed making helping a child accept all their limbs a crime.

Imagine surgeons advertising their amputation services to teens on social media and posing proudly with their young patients as they show off their new stump, or making quirky videos lamenting only having four leg amputations booked that week.

Imagine if a wave of young people missing limbs started to speak out about the regret they felt about sacrificing their healthy body parts while they were going through a teen mental health crisis, but those people were silenced and called hateful bigots.

That world is obviously mad, but our reality is worse. Because along with healthy body parts, teens today are sacrificing their fertility and sexual function on the altar of gender, before they even understand what that means.

That the Scottish Government is at the head of the charge to promote this cult of child abuse as “progressive” and “caring” is a source of shame to the nation. We are living through one of Western civilisation’s darkest moments, and we must do everything we can to bring it to an end before thousands more children are irreversibly harmed.


Mia Hughes is a researcher and author of The WPATH Files, an investigative report based on leaked internal communications from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. This post is an edited version of her original X thread.

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Great article. Next it will be paedophilia.


Bonnie Prince Bob waffling, like, semi-abstract shite, like, about Wings. Like.

link to


Well that’s all clear now. Thank you, Mia.

Or are MSPs, the NHS, the police, the press, the BBC, MPs, entire education system, and local authorities – oh and John Lewis and M&S – still convinced otherwise?


What a powerfully apt illustrative article.
Absolutely blood curdling in its’ imagery.

Mark Beggan

You could always tell them to Hop it!

Mark Beggan

He’s trying to be blasé about wings there. Contemptuous little prick.


No doubt the same mad medics were celebrating inflicting frontal lobotomies on some poor unsuspecting unfortunates … after all it brings such peace and serenity into their lives rather than having to endure all that nasty cerebral thought and argumentative discourse.

Jim Bo

Hard hitting article Mia, thanks. It really brings home the absurdity of the situation we find ourselves in. There will still be those however who either continue to stick their fingers in their ears or else accuse you of the usual transphobia.

I. Despair

Thanks, Mark Beggan, for cheering us up with a wee joke after that depressing – but very well conceived and written – article.
I approve of your ‘armless fun.

Neil Mackenzie

I remember that.

The threat of suicide was more about the likelihood of death as a consequence of what would happen if the ‘patient’ tried to perform the amputation himself. One of them had said he had a genius plan to put his leg on a train track and let a speeding locomotive relieve him of the unwanted foot. (I worked on the railway, at one time, and I’m very sceptical about whether that would have worked as intended.)

It’s madness, obviously. You would think it would also be madness, obviously, for a medical professional such as a surgeon to have capitulated to the insanity and not only expect to be paid handsomely but to have the invoice endorsed by private insurance or by the NHS. You would think that, wouldn’t you. But that is, indeed, what’s happening with ‘gender affirming care’ involving hysterectomies, mastectomies and castrations as well as powerful prescription drug regimes and it’s it’s not the ‘insane’ kind of madness driving it. It’s the insatiable greed kind of madness. If the professionals weren’t being paid to be facilitating these medically unnecessary or elective treatments, they wouldn’t be interested.


Herr Doktor MENGELE will see you now my darling.


When I was a teenager, the social contagion of the day were eating disorders, particularly anorexia. I’m just imagining if our school reacted by getting in super models to share tips on how to make yourself throw up in the toilet after a meal you were forced to eat and such.

Andrew F

Excellent article.

But, I see the two things as part of a continuum.

I immediately thought of a piece on Australia’s National Broadcaster (ABC) about 20 years ago talking seriously about this condition, but in a way that normalised it rather than treating it as a mental illness. They featured a guy who packed his foot in ice and then cut off his toe with a chisel in his backyard as part of the warning that it should be handled by “the experts”.

Back then, being open minded and very mature, I remember thinking it was a bit weird but something that should be respected if that’s what the person really wanted – the assumption of genuinely professional medical care was taken for granted back in those days – so it MUST have been for the best since “the science” said so.

With 20/20 hindsight I now see that it was a thin edge of wedge “conditioning” and part of the reason we are where we are today.

findlay farquaharson

so, what do you call a man with no legs? a low down bum of course


On a related note, in today’s Guardian:

link to

“I am falling for an amazing woman who is a flat-earther. Can I reconcile my diminishing respect?”

“Comments on this piece are premoderated to ensure discussion remains on topics raised by the writer.”

(and to make sure nobody points out the obvious parallels with transgender ideology…)


Very well argued indeed.


Thank You Mia – for that excellent article – surely there must be laws against the perverting of children’s minds – minds that are not yet fully aware, of the dangers and long term effects of irreversibly damaging their young bodies.

These children, and young adults are being groomed – what else can it be – when children, are being bombarded with images and literature – that if they don’t feel themselves over a period of time – that they can take drugs, and have surgeries that will have a negative affect on the for all their lives.

Scots didn’t vote for this – and several polls including some by the Rev, shows the majority of Scots are against this; we never gave any politician at Holyrood, the right to push this sickening agenda – an agenda that is surrounded by secrecy in schools – and where parents can be excluded from knowing what his or her children are doing in school – with regards to this.

This MUST be stopped.


The so called SMARTPHONE is the social media easy access device par excellence to young impressionable brains.
Since beginning university I no longer own one, others of my age are restricting use. Crazy adolescent notions rarely survive direct peer contact.
The reasons for switching off are scientifically sound.

link to

«There is so much noise on the Internet, with would-be prophets daily haranguing their audience and megalomaniacs trying to push bizarre ideas, that eventually people will cherish a new commodity: wisdom»
Michio Kaku

James Che

The social engineering experiments of the human brain starting with children and teens, taken place right now is genetic and biological warfare crimes against humanity.

They remind one of how closely they resemble experiments of WW11 on captive peoples, that were banned around the world,

Knats and mosquitoes impregnated, carrying germ warfare?
Opps Sorry there is a global gentleman who is already hoping to patent that one, but they will have to geo- engineer our weather systems change first so these insects can survive to cross continents, across multiple Countries, and carried especially by possible infected persons,
I love the open borders policies, con’t you?
Thank you Mia, it just reminds us that it is the patients running the asylum.
Oh for independent Countries where such people could be jailed for Crimes against humanity,


Grand article highlighting the continued insanity of it all.
The treatment of mental conditions such as limb dysphoria and anorexia have been used in the past to compare how some abnormal mental states aren’t treated in ways that exacerbate harm and validate an individual’s delusion.
“Aye lass, you’re 5 foot 9 inches and 6 stone so best you jist keep starving yourself and forcing yourself to throw up after eating anything” said no sensible person ever.

Strange how FGM is illegal in the UK and is classed as child abuse.

link to

Genderwoowoo social contagion has spread this far because way to many folk spend way too much of their time on internet getting exposed to this shite.
What a waste of what could be so many fulfilling and rewarding lives packed full of doing all manner of different things to fill your time and stimulate the mind. But no, sitting on your arse melting your brain with shit seems to be the norm for so many folk these days.
Some folk need to get a fucking job, or just go do something that doesn’t involve sitting on the internet and being so self-absorbed.
Anyway, on that note I’m aff t’internet noo and back to the house renovation to mark and cut more multi-angled sheets of plasterboard before taping and filling them. Strange thing is that when I use my brain and body to do actual productive work and not miss-cut expensive boards to wrong size, I don’t have a minute spare to obsess over my genitals or pronouns…

Jon Drummond

Just so you all know, I identify as a be-headee. I know I cannot rest until my head is chopped off.

Only then will I be able to continue with my life as a normal human being.

Give me that respect and I promise NOT to speak out about losing my head.

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“Bonnie Prince Bob waffling, like, semi-abstract shite, like, about Wings. Like.”

That sure is a vague collection of half-views to go to the trouble of recording and posting on YouTube. Have replied, natch 😀


Surprised this is not mainstream SNP policy yet.

The Stump N Pee party is so apt for them. That would have them squishing their nappies, and who can forget the Aberdeen nappy squishing SNP candidate.

And can you imagine the cry to the surgeons who would be legally obligated to do the surgery.

Cries of ” gies a gammie” I think would be the phrase.

Or what a about a song, a party song.”Jake the Peg” might just set the tone perfectly, I mean the NHS already do the middle leg.
And the man who crafted the song, well, what about him. W

Ah Mia, you’ve hit the peg on the nail with this. It’s an old song and as the SNP conference speaker declared last week it’s a better song when sang all together.

Nuff said for now.

And with that I shall disappear reminded of the great China man called Wan San Shoo.

Young Lochinvar

“Care In The Community”s legacy..
Has a lot to answer for.


being called a teapot by a jacobite re enactor is fighting talk

Mia’s articles are shorter than her comments.

People should check out American Mary.

Jason Smoothpiece

Tell me again apart from doing completely nothing for independence and losing £660,000 of members money what is the other reason for the demise of the SNP.

No don’t bother I remember promotion of the trans madness and posing a danger to children.



The solution to the Flat Earther girlfriend is to sail her to the edge of the earth and throw her overboard.

That or run for the hills before she tells you Boris is a an exemplary world leader.


Don’t see your reply to Bob, Stu, did he bin it? If so, what was it?


“Mia’s articles are shorter than her comments”

If you are referring to my comments, please note, I am not the same person as the one who wrote the article.


As others have said Mia an illustrative article but unfortunately the comparison to the current lunacy will be denied by the woke progressive hoards, because it does not stop maturity or the aging process

I and others posted comments relating to this mental illness a few years ago on this very site highlighting the similarity to the mental gymnastics the snp were FORCING on Scotland

Mark Beggan

It puts a new slant on being legless.


shockerooney of the moment (apart from the everyday horror) is the guy who drugged his wife and got 50 dudes to r4pe her while he presumably cracked one off in the corner …

I feel a metaphor brewing; but you can arrange it yourself – place the following labels in correct place at the gangbang

the scottish nation
the english
the scottish elite

– was it “better together for you” ?

One of the pumpers had AIDS/HIV – I think that is like “anglo cultural values”, a dangerous virus that infects and corrupts.

Prizes for anyone who can work in analogues of the Barnett formula, Gruinard and nukes on the doorstep.

And the poor woman, had no clue what was going on, thought she was in a successful marriage, with a loving husband.

James Barr Gardner

Jason Smoothpiece
Ignored says:
6 September, 2024 at 4:58 pm
Tell me again apart from doing completely nothing for independence and losing £660,000 of members money what is the other reason for the demise of the SNP.

There were folk in the Wider Yes donated, not every one was an SNP Member.

Have Police Scotland contacted any of the folk who donated ? The SNP have all the names, their addresses and bank details !

There is supposed to be one Law for All and Everyone equal under the Law……….apparently NOT ! Not Surprised…!

Anton Decadent

One leg good, two legs bad.

Old John

Funnily enough, I was just thinking on this very matter the other day,and comparing it (in my own thoughts) with the gender business.
I’m 70 years old, still out at work every day, and meeting and doing business with many people. There are still so many good, able clever and decent people in the country, that you really believe none of this shit could ever happen.
And then, you witness the clapping seals at the SNP “conference” responding as they did to that poor, deranged and disturbed man who addressed the meeting in the way that he did, and you can see just exactly how it might happen.
I know that old people always say thing like, “I’m glad I’m the age I am” and, “aye, we saw the best if it” but Jeez I think we did.
How in heavens name do we find ourselves where we now are?

Mark Beggan

Here the one about the legless guy who went into the pub and got a carry out.

Anton Decadent

@Stu, can I please get my badges? If you force my hand I will have to seek the services of the head of the SNP/Scottish Labour, Anas Anwar, and drag you through an Islamic court.

Re the article, a number of our great and good have probably read it and rushed off to start a junior version of Only Fans called Amputease.

Ruby Friday

If people aren’t shocked by young women having their healthy breasts cut off and men being castrated they aren’t going to be shocked by ‘apotemnophilia’

I’m wondering if there is a shorter term for ‘apotemnophiliacs’

Those who have a castration fetish are called ‘nulos’.

If trans rights are human rights and they deserve ‘gender affirming care’ on the NHS then why wouldn’t ‘nulos’ & ‘apots’ rights be human rights’ deserving of affirming care on the NHS?

Saffron Robe

When surgery does not address a physical illness then, as Mia’s excellent article makes abundantly clear, it is nothing more than butchery.

Alf Baird

Anton Decadent @ 6:29 pm

“One leg good, two legs bad”

Calmac monohulls good, Pentland Ferries catamarans bad.

On how to end the madness:

link to

Hatey McHateface

Good news!

The operation to remove your legs was a resounding success.

And guess what! There’s even better news.

We’ve removed the arms of the bloke two beds down, and now he wants to buy your shoes. Slip ons are his thing from now on.

He’ll pay top whack in USD too, none of that BRICS shite.

And here’s a wee message for your wife when she comes to visit. We’ve chopped the todger and sack off the bloke three beds down. He’s like a Chinese groundworks project between his legs now – dead flat and level. Or should that be “it’s”? Whatever, there’s just 49 for her to worry about now.

Robert Louis

What a truly excellent article. It really makes the point very clearly about the absolute absurdity of kids having healthy body parts removed.

Those responsible for pushing this mutilation of gender surgery and toxic drugs (which get fluffily described as puberty blockers*), to kids will I hope one day get put in jail.

Kids do crazy things. They think crazy things. That is why they have parents, to make responsible choices for them. One day they think they are a dog, the next they are a rabbit. But, according to the loony gender cult, if your daughter one day thinks she is a boy, you, as the parent are evil for not agreeing. Indeed, you are breaking the law if you do not supports them in taking extremely toxic drugs that block NATURAL physiological and anatomical development.

Imagine that, with no physical disease process, giving your healthy children drugs that will stop their growth and development, blocking testosterone and oestrogen in developing bodies. And not one shred of evidence to support it. How absurd! How utterly barbaric.

*For example, the popular ‘puberty blocker’, Leuprolide acetate – also available as Lupron, is firstly, a well known treatment for prostate cancer in adult males. It has significant side effects – as do most cancer treatments. It is recognised as a puberty blocker, in specific, very rare, recognised MEDICAL conditions in children, such as precocious puberty. It is well known and has been demonstrated that it is effective in such conditions. Their are however, no properly conducted studies showing it (or any other ‘puberty blocker’) as effective in treating gender dysphoria in children. NONE. That, in a nutshell, is what the CASS report said. To give them to a healthy child is absurd, and child abuse.

Rab Clark

Earlier today was my mum’s funeral, a cremation. Not a huge affair, only close family were there.

Church – crematorium – hotel for a wee spread and some drinks.

Our nieces were there. Aged 18, 16 and 13.

They lost their mum (my sister) less than two years ago. She had suffered a glioma, endured two operations to remove as much of the growth as possible, then forswore chemo and managed to survive another three years. Most glioma victims (we were told) are lucky to live another year – our sis got almost four.

Her girls were all still at school when she fell ill. The two youngest still are. Her man did his best, his workplace was great, her old workplace was great, everyone was great. But it was only ever going to end one way and duly did, Christmas before last.

Those girls have lived a hefty percentage of their young lives knowing that their mum was dying but unsure precisely when it might happen. And then their gran, who was closer to their mum than any of the rest of us, died a little more than 18 months later.

Their Dad got remarried only 17 months after our sister’s funeral. We don’t know how long he’d been seeing her. Everyone who knows him, including his own parents, told him not to do it. It was too soon. He lost all of his friends. We can only assume that many of her family felt likewise.

There’s no doubt he had suffered over the previous years, watching his wife deteriorate. But his behaviour has been called out by everyone who knows him. And still the girls are with him, now joined by two of his new wife’s four children.

He has flagrantly broken every promise he made to my sister.

So, what’s the point of spilling all this?

Today we discovered that the ‘middle’ niece has decided that she may be a boy. Her waist -length curly dark hair has been chopped into a crude bob. She intends to have some tattoos as soon as she’s ‘legal’.

Her Dad announced this to my brother, almost as an aside, at the post-cremation gathering. And his presentation of this news (entirely unsolicited) was little more than what he perceives to be a kind of virtue-signalling. His words to my brother, as quoted to me, were ‘She’s a trans now but that’s okay because she’s my lass and I love her and nothing will ever change that.’

That sounds fair enough, doesn’t it? Well, he obviously thinks so. Because he’s a narcissistic prick and everything, even someone else’s distress – even his own daughter’s distress – has to somehow reflect well on him.

And that’s why I’m writing this to you, partly in response to Mia’s article but also because I can’t say it to anyone else. There is such confusion around the whole subject that many of us daren’t even raise it for fear of hurting people we love who have already suffered more grief than we ever will.

Young people who are hurt and confused, betrayed by their own nearest and dearest, don’t deserve this shit. Not only the manipulation by ‘Big Pharma’ and arsehole politicians who will sign-up for whatever’s put in front of them, but those in their lives who are supposed to love and protect them but happily ignore clear signs of mental/emotional distress if it can be ‘sold’ to concerned relatives as some form of progressive therapy.

This is all very difficult to try and explain but I’ve had as good a stab as I can manage and am now quite pissed and getting angry again so I’ll leave it for now and hope it resonates with others.

We have to stop this insanity or it will devour us.

Tinto Chiel

Thanks very much for that, Mia.

Just when I thought my view of some doctors/surgeons couldn’t get any lower post-Covid, your article reminded me that many simply can’t be trusted (and some psychiatrists also).

There was a very good reason that the 1947 Nuremberg Code was created, given the likes of Mengele.

For anyone my age with grand-children (let alone parents with children) all this is deeply worrying.

Little wonder that many people globally think that the Collective West is simply sick.

Evil seems to be stalking the world, frankly.

John McGregor

The top of the snpee have an unhealthyintrest in our wain’s Hey Swine Eh leave our kids alone

John McGregor

The top of the snpee have an unhealthy intrest in our wain’s Hey Swine Eh leave our kids alone

Lorna Campbell

That article packs a very powerful punch, Mia, and illustrates, by juxta positioning the two illnesses that they are really the same, but manifested differently. Because it is, fundamentally, a mental illness at its most extreme, those who suffer from it cannot and will not be dissuaded from carrying out the most grotesque self-mutilations.

What is the most disturbing aspect of all this is the fact that cross-dressing, adult, heterosexual men set this trend. They very quickly latched on to the fact that young women and children are very susceptible to social contagion, and, when they realized (via Stonewall), about 2013, that they were not going to be accepted as they were, they rapidly invented the TWAW mantra to cover all bases.

The ‘trans’ child is the perfect ‘proof’ that ‘trans’ exists; the young women, actually regarded and treated with contempt by these men, are the perfect answer to the ‘it’s all men’ accusation. It is, however, at its very basic level, all men, all heterosexual men (apart from the homosexual ‘trans’) and almost all retain their bits while the females and children lose theirs or their childhood and young adulthood are destroyed through puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

Of course the loss of a limb is a fetish – and a sexual one – because there appears to be no limit to the sexual fetishes and paraphilias that men can have. Some are utterly sickening and disgusting and vomit-inducing; others are minor to begin with and can be reinforced and expanded by the use of extreme and violent p**n. We are, indeed, living in a very dark time and the sun has been blotted out by the dark clouds.

The very worst aspect of all of this are the sycophantic TRAs, and I include in their number, most of those who make up the parliamentary SNP, Greens, Lib Dems, Labour and even Tories, many of their staff and even some civil servants. All parties voted this stuff through Holyrood and have agreed, like nodding donkeys, to award many millions to ‘trans’ groups, seeded throughout civil society while children go hungry and most working-class families are just getting by and no more.

No scientific evidence exists that ‘trans’ is real, that ‘gender dysphoria’ is anything other than body dysmorphia that can be treated, yet millions are being pumped into these organizations that are contaminating our entire civil society. We can see when someone is ill, we can see when someone has been beaten up, we can try to find forensic evidence when someone claims to have been raped, we know when someone has been murdered. We do not know, and cannot know, what someone is harbouring in his or her mind who claims to be something he or she can never be. All we can know is that biology and science – and, if we are sane people, our own instinct – all deny the existence of ‘trans’. Our innate instinct, honed over millennia also prompt us to fear this unreality as dangerous to us and our society – and we should be listening.

Billy Carlin

Tinto Chiel 6 September 2024 9.57 pm

NO Psychiatrists can be trusted as their “profession” is total QUACKERY of made up mental illnesses As I have said on here before go and watch documentaries such as Psychiatry An Industry Of Death on Youtube totally exposing this FACT and it is these QUACKS that are coming out with such DRIVEL as this Trans crap and all of this crap coming from our governments and health service etc around it as well that Stu is reporting on.

The entire medical system is QUACKERY created by the Rockefellers etc to serve and create massive profits for their Drug Companies and Doctors are just simply well-paid Drug Dealers who are brainwashed into thinking that diseases and viruses are real and then they dish out toxic drugs depending on the symptoms that they think relate to a disease and these toxic drugs just simply mask those symptoms and create more symptoms of another “disease” and the cycle continues until the people get old and are rattling with all of the different toxic drugs they are taking every day – those that manage to get old that is. The doctors also go along with the jabbing of babies, children and old and also everyone else now with this covid scam with millions dead via strokes, heart attacks and turbo cancers etc and millions more disabled and seriously injured – over 1300 serious injuries and death that Pfizer reported in their files that they were forced to release by a US court after they tried to get that report covered up for 75 years.

All of the other so called pandemics were FAKE as well – HIV/AIDS was a trial for the covid scam where the millions that died during that were actually killed by the toxic failed chemo drugs AZT – FACT is there are NO such things as viruses and NOT one single bit of EVIDENCE anywhere on this planet that they exist – go to the website Flouride Free Peel for hundreds of FOIs from governments/health boards all over the world showing they have NO evidence they exist. The VIROLOGIST Dr Stefan Lanka actually proved this using the Measles as an example in the German Supreme Court in 2017 and he along with the Perth Group of experts in Australia were totally exposing the HIV/AIDS scam while that was going on and Dr Stefan Lanka along with many other doctors such as Dr Sam Bailey and her husband Dr Mark Bailey, Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman etc have been exposing the covid/virus scam as well. Excellent books that totally expose the virus scam and quack medical system :

Virus Mania How The Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics Making Billion Dollar Profits At Our Expense.

The Final Pandemic An Antidote To Medical Tyranny – Dr Mark Bailey & Dr Samantha Bailey.

Can You Catch A Cold Untold History & Human Experiments – Daniel Roytas.

Deadly Medicines And Organised Crime – How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare – Peter C Gotzsche.

What Really Makes You Ill – Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong – Dawn Lester & David Parker.

By the way everything about WW2 is LIES and PROPAGANDA to steer people away from the TRUTH about that war and the Nuremberg TRIBUNAL was NOT a Trial and all of the “evidence” presented was made up and the Germans were TORTURED into “confessing” and then this “evidence” and “confessions” were used to convict them and then they were MURDERED by hanging etc to steer the people away from the TRUTH about this war and the REAL atrocities carried out by the Allies. Just like the LIES about Mengele as well. The British historian David Irving is one of many who have exposed this with millions of us worldwide having the EVIDENCE proving everything that we are saying as being the TRUTH that they block and hide online so that you have to hunt for it. The victors always write the history especially when it is all part of an agenda.


I must have picked this video up off a wings retweet but I was watching this yesterday – Mia discussing this on youtube.

link to

Really very interesting indeed.

I brought this up years ago (although maybe not on here). There was an old TV documentary about it, Apotemnophilia (people wanting to have a limb amputated for no tangible reason), many years ago which blew my mind at the time. In that it was typically a leg below the knee. (One guy flew to South America to have it done.)

When all the trans stuff started I remember saying how it really reminded me of them… well I didn’t realize how much there was to that.

This is really disturbing. My own view is that any self mutilation should be a clear signal of mental illness.

Problem is there are so many ‘grey areas’, unnecessary plastic surgeries, circumcision, piercings, people making themselves into devils, cats, you fucking name it. It is an epidemic… And all these lesser things kind of help ‘normalize’ it. (You could throw abortions in there as well given the scale of it now.)

As I say I find it all very disturbing. Like being surrounded by insane people. And it is going to get worse.

Stuart MacKay

Lorna @1050pm

> Our innate instinct, honed over millennia also prompt us to fear this unreality as dangerous to us and our society – and we should be listening.

Bravo. Alas, erasing the past is a fundamental tenet of the neo-liberals. Whether that opens the doors to trans, and transhumanism in general or is now an intrinsic part of the ideology remains to be seen. A neo-liberial society certainly enables individuals to do what they please, as long as they can pay for it.

You’ve mentioned this before, but don’t forget that political parties are also strapped for cash and that leaves them receptive to oligarchs and well funded NGOs to push for legislation that furthers the trans and transhumanist agenda.

David Hannah

“Young people who are hurt and confused, betrayed by their own nearest and dearest, don’t deserve this shit. Not only the manipulation by ‘Big Pharma’ and arsehole politicians who will sign-up for whatever’s put in front of them, but those in their lives who are supposed to love and protect them.”

Rab. I’m sorry to read about the loss of your sister and mother. Rest in peace.

Your niece deserves to know the truth. Her father is a narcissist who’s walked away with another woman, and has invited two new children to invade their home. There is no love from him. You need to tell her she’s not trans or get your wife to. Even if it means losing your relationship with this asshole.

David Hannah

Tell that lassie – her father is a low life piece of shit one way or another – and to come and stay with you and your wife. Before she ends up on the conveyor belt in Sturgeon’s narcissistic kingdom of hell on earth. Under his eye.

David Hannah

Talk to the dad – and try and educate him that his niece is being sold a lie. And that he’s a tosser for what he’s done. And then your conscience is clear. At least you tried. And she’ll not forget, it’ll niggle.

But someone out there. Tried to save her.

Robert Hughes

@ Lorna C & Stuart Mackay

This is an excellent piece on how Hollywood is an integral part of the * Woke * attack on reality and insidious attempt to undermine and devalue the Archetypes that underlie all human behaviour and values .

As you’ll see if you read the piece , it ends on a positive note ; namely these attempts are failing and will ultimately be unsuccessful

link to

Rab Clark

@David Hannah –


I can’t thole the guy enough to speak to him about anything but other family members have tried to get through to him. Any all all criticism just reinforces his own victim mentality: the world is against him, no-one wants him to be ‘happy’. He’s utterly blinded to obvious cries for help from his own lasses.

Can’t help wondering how many families are going through similar shite right now, it’s horrifying.

Lorna Campbell

Stuart Mackay/Robert Hughes: the one thing that few appear to acknowledge is that damaging yourself is a form of masochism. For every masochist, there is a sadist. Sadism is not acknowledged enough, in my opinion, as being a central tenet of ‘trans’.

Deliberately removing healthy body parts could be put down to being ‘kind’ and wanting to save a life, except that supposed suicide among ‘trans’ does not bear that out at all, with actual suicide being low. The research speaks for itself. The research on sexual fetishes and paraphilias is also well-founded, and any delve into that area will shock and sicken.

There exists a ‘castration’ fetish where adult men encourage young boys to have themselves castrated, destroying their lives. Zoophilia – sex with animals and birds, and which usually ends in agonizing death for the animals and birds is classed as a joke, but it is extremely harmful and cruel.

Sexual sadism must be central to many of these fetishes and paraphilias. That politicians can push this stuff, means that either they do not care, they are into it themselves or they are so removed from reality that they can think this normal, or all three. We need people to stand up in Holyrood and Westminster and actually state these truths. The Lords is at least trying to do something, but everyone is running scared of actually saying what this is: a sexual movement that has taken hold of our civil and political process to the vast detriment of our children and youth, gay population and female population. We need men to stand up and tell the truth about what most of them know is real – that these fetishists and paraphiliacs and sexually-motivated cross-dressers have always been there, but are now lauded as ‘stunning and brave’ and call themselves ‘trans’ these days.


Occasionally wonder how Lorna knows so much about all of this insane stuff. She seems to enjoy giving lengthy paraphilia lessons, with a side salad of teeth-bared misandry. She (if it’s even a woman) must spend all day and night reading about this modern madness, in order to give lengthy, half-ignored lessons to a few people here. Which is really, really weird. Carry on, Lorna! Doing the Lord’s work! 🙂


“Zoophilia – sex with animals and birds, and which usually ends in agonizing death for the animals and birds is classed as a joke, but it is extremely harmful and cruel.”

Birds? WTF? I’m not going ask!

Rab Clark

So sorry for your loss.

Sounds like that lass is crying out for some much needed attention & no one can blame her after so much upheaval – watching her mother pass is agony enough but now a brand new ready made family moved in like nothing’s happened. It’s a lot to take in at such a fragile age & would lead to resentment & acting up. I dunno what to suggest other than does she have cousins she can confide in or even attend a young ppls bereavement group?

I’d steer her clear of the internet. Facebook etc, so many of these Trans groomers on the prowl looking for vulnerable people to convince trans fixes them.

Rab Clark

@Geri (1.48) –

Thanks Geri.

Aye, some of her older cousins have been keeping an eye on her and her wee sister.

Robert Hughes

@ Onlooker

” wonder ” no more : it’s called ” reading ” & ” studying ” which – in the case of someone as intelligent , perceptive and ( rightly ) aghast at what’s happening in and to our societies as Lorna is a powerful tool for increasing knowledge .

You should try it sometime ; it may stop you making asinine remarks like the one you just made , above .



I hope everything works out for her X


It’s not difficult. Plenty of information on YouTube about that community & ppl involved in it breaking their silence of how they were groomed & all the pervy shit they were exposed to.

There is a real problem with porn addicts that they no longer wish to skulk around in private on the dark web like the wackadoos they are but want to venture out into mainstream & are on a mission to normalise it & come out with shite they were born that way.

When it comes to other ppls kids & mandatory indoctrinating young ppl in schools it becomes everyone’s problem.

Heath care professionals have warned for decades these ppl aren’t right in the head & they only ever escalate onto darker things. They don’t get better. Now we’re all expected to ignore the warnings & safeguards or it’s hateful & bigoted.


I would rather read Lorna Campbell’s wise words exposing this manipulated lunacy than entertain the constant drivel posted by unionist bellends

David Hannah

It’s a cry for help. He’s ignoring them. And she thinks she’s trans because she might get noticed.

Well she has and people like yourself care about her being happy.

Send him Mia’s Wings article just written and see what he thinks. Good luck.

Rab Clark

@David Hannah (9.49) –

Thanks D, sorry for not responding earlier, just saw your message now.


Ian Stewart

A very clever, and horrific parallel that reminds us how awful this ideology is for kids.

Young Lochinvar

They’ll be after amputating their bodies at the neck next..


Sturgeon is a most vile individual. seduced and captured by thge cult, she has given herself over to the darkest of forces in politics!

History will not be kind. She drank from the poisoned challice.

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