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Wings Over Scotland

A Danger To Women

Posted on September 23, 2024 by

As we write this article, Sandy Brindley (on the left of the picture below) is still in post as the CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland.

For as long as that remains the case, rape victims in Scotland will not be safe.

A few days ago, Brindley claimed to be unaware of calls for her resignation over the scandal around Mridul Wadhwa and Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre.

As we say in Scotland: well, ye ken noo.

But so far she seems determined to cling on to her taxpayer-funded salary and status as a semi-official government mouthpiece and head of extra-judicial lynch-mobs.

(She’s very keen on other people being held accountable for actions, and not being allowed to investigate themselves and fob things off until they can retire in peace. Ironically, that’s precisely the process and outcome she wants for herself.)

But it’s not just the Wadhwa case that reveals Brindley as unfit for her job. She’d previously caused great distress to a group of rape survivors in 2019, by inviting a “trans activist” to a meeting about gender reform legislation, who proceeded to berate the survivor group – who hadn’t been warned about the activist’s presence – as bigots and dismiss their concerns.

But the academic in question wasn’t just any old transactivist. She was Sharon Cowan, the Professor of “Feminist and Queer Legal Studies” at Edinburgh University, the other woman in the picture at the top of this post – and also, by a remarkable coincidence, the girlfriend of Sandy Brindley.

Well, that’s awkward.

Cowan, as those au fait with the ways of the modern world might guess from her job title, is quite the character. Readers may enjoy these extracts from an interview she gave to a student magazine in 2018, in which she complains about gay people having equal marriage rights because it makes them like everyone else (she disapprovingly says “normalises queer identities”), robs them of grievances, and interferes with attempts by people like her to “undermine […] heteronormative forms of living”.

(Because if you’re a boring old heterosexual and just want to have a monogamous lifelong relationship with someone of the opposite sex, that can’t be allowed because it’s “regressive”. Much more edgy if you deceive people into having sex with you and give them HIV, which Cowan thinks should be looked upon much less judgementally.)

Cowan also wanted practically the only safeguard in the Gender Recognition Reform Act against malicious exploitation of it – the requirement for a solemn declaration that a person changing their legal sex intended to live in their new sex for life – removed, and for people to be allowed to flip back and forth as many times as they wanted.

She is, in short, the kind of batshit-mental colon-gazing narcissist sociopath who thrives in academia because they couldn’t hold down a normal job for 30 seconds and sticking them in a university by and large isolates the problem and – in theory, at any rate – minimises the amount of damage they cause to society, in much the same way that powerful families in the past stuck their dimmer offspring away in the church.

(Cowan is an exhausting chore even to other “queer” activists.)

An illuminating example is the way in which Cowan is obsessed with “transgression”, and is actually enraged when people accommodate her – an attitude which, entirely by intentional design, guarantees perpetual (and lucrative) conflict everywhere she goes.

(Jeffrey Weeks, incidentally, who Cowan calls “really amazing”, was involved with and sympathetic to the Paedophile Information Exchange in the 1970s.)

And that’s all well and good in academia, which is supposed to be about exploring challenging new viewpoints and whatnot. You don’t want these people working on the checkouts at Tesco, because they’d be charging you £700 for a tin of baked beans as a “radical” boundary-pushing provocation, or calling the police for a hate crime if you tried to buy anything made in Israel.

And as long as they’re arguing this stuff amongst themselves and writing impassioned papers that no-one reads, they’re not bothering anyone else (with the exception of their unfortunate students) and that’s fine.

The problem, of course, is that when such types come to interact closely with people from the real world who have serious responsibilites to others, their lunatic idiocy can spread to places where it can bring about real harm.

(The picture below shows Cowan with Mridul Wadhwa and SNP horrorshow Rhiannon Spear, who Wings readers will recall and who was a favourite of Nicola Sturgeon’s.)

It’s hard to imagine anything more “transgressive”, anything that would more powerfully shock and repel any normal and decent human being, than staffing rape crisis centres with creepy and malign male people and then gaslighting service users about it. But that’s exactly what Sandy Brindley did.

And despite everything that’s happened, even after a brutal tribunal judgement and an independent inquiry excoriatingly detailed the disastrous effects, the traumatising and self-exclusion of rape survivors who were cruelly deprived of woman-only support in Edinburgh for almost a year and a half, it’s what she continues to do.

Because even now, Brindley won’t stop lying. Trina Budge of For Women Scotland this week detailed on Twitter how Brindley’s blithe assurances (in a grotesque pity-poor-me interview in The Times in which Brindley offers not a single word of remorse, regret or reflection) that all Scottish rape crisis centres under RCS supervision were committed to offering women-only services were blatantly false.

Not only did Budge find that just ONE centre in Scotland – Glasgow And Clyde – actually provided reliably single-sex services, but that almost every other one was openly misrepresenting the law about “trans inclusion” in such a way that women could be exposed to males without their knowledge, and – in a shocking revelation – was doing so via the guidance of none other than the highly controversial child-abuse-linked charity LGBT Youth Scotland.

(Which it ought to go without saying has no legitimate locus in rape crisis services, which are neither particularly a youth issue nor an LGBT one – rape has no age barriers and is obviously overwhelmingly heterosexual. But LGBTYS has plenty of form in flagrantly exceeding its remit, seemingly while enjoying complete impunity from the Scottish charity regulator.)

Survivors looking for support would have to run a gauntlet of LGBT propaganda under the auspices of LGBTYS and its “Charter” award scheme which forces applicants to prioritise trans people, to the point where in some cases it was impossible to tell that a centre was for rape survivors at all.

And if they got that far they would then run the risk of being (a) re-traumatised by men pretending to be women, and (b) being lectured and upbraided as bigots akin to racists or homophobes if they complained about it, and made to undergo “re-education”.

(That guidance is flatly at odds with the law, which expressly DOES allow the refusal of service to transwomen in such circumstances.)

It’s very difficult not to join the dots and draw a direct line between Sharon Cowan, Sandy Brindley and the subversion and subsuming of rape crisis services in Scotland into a tool for the promotion of “the politics of queerness”, at the expense of some of the most vulnerable people in the country who have nowhere else to turn.

(It’s equally hard not to note the clattering, bleak irony of the last tweet on Cowan’s Twitter, about “unethical” companies not focusing on the needs of their customers.)

It precisely mirrors the hijacking of the Scottish prison system by transactivist lobby groups funded by the Scottish Government as a sort of covert Trojan horse test-bed for “trans inclusion” policies, with vulnerable women once again the luckless guinea-pigs.

Of course, we’re only speculating that Sandy Brindley’s appalling multiple betrayals of rape survivors, ongoing derelictions of duty and refusal to accept the slightest shred of responsibility for anything – she has lied repeatedly in the wake of criticism and blamed everyone else – are the result of her relationship with Sharon Cowan.

But we struggle to come up with any other plausible reason – other than the placing of “transgression” and “the politics of queerness” above the safety of rape survivors – for her belligerent support for Mridul Wadhwa (years after his hideous nature was well known and a decade after Brindley knew he was a man), the venom with which she campaigned against Johann Lamont’s amendment to allow rape victims to be entitled to a female examiner, her extraordinary and offensive equation of black women with men in the Times interview, and her continued insistence that transwomen are women, which completely torpedoes any possibility of RCS meaningfully complying with the recommendations of the Ling report.

(It’s perhaps rather telling that in several of the images above, Rape Crisis Scotland describes itself as a “movement” – a political crusade – rather than a counselling and recovery service focused on helping victims of sexual assault.)

When viewed through that prism – and pretty much only then – Brindley’s actions make perfect sense. If the deliberately transgressive and “radical” politicisation of “queerness” and undermining “heteronormativity” are your primary motivations, it’s an absolutely rational act to knowingly put a male in charge of a capital city’s rape crisis centre and then indignantly deny that you’ve done any such thing, no matter how badly he behaves or how often people point it out to you. But in any other circumstances it’s blindingly obviously insane and monstrous.

(The same applies to Nicola Sturgeon, come to that.)

It is manifestly plain that even now Sandy Brindley refuses to accept that she’s done anything wrong. In such circumstances it’s logically highly likely that the appalling harm and additional trauma to rape survivors described in the Ling report will be repeated as long as she is in charge of rape crisis provision in Scotland, because she refuses to acknowledge how it happened in the first place.

(And even leaving aside the ethics of offering up rape survivors as sacrificial lambs to the media, Brindley’s dragooning of their testimonials revealingly misses the point. Harold Shipman didn’t kill ALL his elderly patients. Some of the time he actually did his job like he was supposed to and helped them. You don’t have to be 100% evil all the time to be evil, and Brindley seems to want credit for the women she didn’t stab in the back at their moment of need.)

Brindley and Cowan are both a deadly menace to every woman in Scotland – arrogant ideologues willing to see innocent females thrown under the bus in the service of their own selfish political philosophy and egos. Ultimately, which one was most at fault and which was influencing the other is an irrelevance.

But while Cowan’s position is grossly unmerited, it’s not the one that puts women in danger. If Sandy Brindley has a single dusty atom of decency still lurking anywhere in the deep dark shadows of her soul, she needs to walk away before any more women suffer from her catastrophic lack of integrity, empathy, honesty and humanity.

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What concerns me is the confidentiality of the clients within the service. Having non staff attending meetings without the users’ knowledge/permission is unfair to the users and extremely unprofessional.
How many women and girls were traumatised even more because of the malpractice at ERCC?
How many women and girls self excluded because they knew what was going on?
Brindley is culpable and the ONLY way the service can keep any shred of credibility, is for Brindley (and possibly others) to GO.


It’s as if a bunch of religious cult extremists have captured the institutions of the West – academia, law, politics, etc. – and they are hell-bent on forcing their insane, reality-denying ideology onto society. What makes them dangerous is that they are 100% certain they are right and that society is wrong. They need to undergo cult deprogramming. Queer theory is the equivalent of Scientology.


Another sturgeon pawn with the same narcissistic malevolent traits, WTAF are ALL the wastes of oxygen sitting in HR doing to bring this creature down, FFS many of them are females betraying and misrepresenting their sisterhood, every one of them from every party supports this reviled person when they FAIL to SACK her she should NEVER have anymore taxpayers money

Anton Decadent

@Lollypop, add social housing, social services, the entertainment industry, the media, finance, the Arts and the charity sector to that list of ideological capture.


All those peddling the ‘gender woo’ in politics need to take a long, hard look at themselves and see what THEY have enabled. Sturgeon, Swinney, Yousaf etc .. and the Greens !!!!

They have enabled this situation and it needs to be stopped, before more females are irreparably harmed. The gender stuff has seeped into every aspect of society, and it does more harm than good.

Comrade Mark

>… Cowan’s position is grossly unmerited, it’s not the one that puts women in danger.

Unless your female child attends whatever academic institution at which she punts this batshit crazy stuff…


This episode is coming to an end. Trans and queerness will fall by the wayside, simply because it’s mad and required a no debate culture to thrive (it helps that advocates are so nasty, unappealing and downright ugly). That ship has sailed.

Race is where it’s at. The same collection of the otherwise unemployable, intellectual lightweights, scolds and grifters are ready to ruin everything they cam. Be warned.


Again – top, top insightful journalism – brilliantly written too.


@ Lollypop and Anton D: and the police and NHS. And John Lewis and M&S. I cannot understand why anyone, let alone whole organisations, accept this dangerous drivel.

Jenny Smith

I am sure I won’t be the first person to point this out, but, did you know that while Wadhwa may have ‘resigned’ his CEO position at Edinburgh Rape Crisis he retains his position on its board?

link to


In over a months time, it will be the first budget under the new Labour government. To plug a ’22 billion pound black hole’, there is the prospect of austerity 3.0 and eye watering tax rises for all including abolition of the single persons Council tax discount.

If this does come to fruition every everybody will feel the pain, regardless of their status, will this woke epidemic that has captured every strand of our society be tolerated?

It’s gone and as Davie @ 7:07 said, race will be the next big thing will be relation both with the illegal immigrant amnesty in the near future and the importation of cheap labour from every part of the world caused by Brexit.


My question is where is the spotlight for Maggie Chapman in this cluster fuck.


The Tin foil hatted in me wonders if making this go away is so important to ummm “the establishment” that they have actually chosen just now for Labour to have a wardrobe misfunction (swiftly).

Someone had to be sacrificed.

Ruby Monday

I love the check-out idea! 🙂

Can you imagine if the check out cashiers had to follow the recommendations of the SG with regards to food consumption.

If you bought more fruit & veg you wouldn’t need all those laxatives & antacids. Sorry I can’t scan those. Flashing light & siren on check out calling for supervisor.

I spotted an article this morning saying coffee may be good for your health. Hoorah! It’s very hard to keep up!

I don’t buy my coffee in the supermarket so in the event of the check outs being government approved I won’t have a problem.

Talking of coffee where is ‘Northcode’?

Did that Rab make him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

I. Despair

I’ve got to disagree with one little bit…
“[Cowan] is, in short, the kind of batshit-mental colon-gazing narcissist sociopath who thrives in academia because they couldn’t hold down a normal job for 30 seconds and sticking them in a university by and large isolates the problem and minimises the amount of damage they cause to society…”
No, no, no – far from it. Letting these kind of cretinous weirdoes set the academic agenda poisons the mind of every student who comes near their malign influence. And not just those signed up directly to their wee pretendy courses – their toxic worldview ripples out via committees, institutional policies and the whole academic culture to produce in short order exactly the kind of crushing hand of intolerant orthodoxy that lies behind the behind all the institutional capture other commenters have already mentioned. Far better that the likes of Cowan should try and charge people £700 for a tin of beans: they would be exposed all the quicker that way.

I. Despair

This picture in the linked tweet about Orkney caused a wry smile:
link to

“It’s not pie” It sure was nice of them to provide that reassurance… link to


Since they hold the purse strings Scotgov could make her go with one phone call to the trustees. That this is not happening means Scotgov too are trying to weather the storm and keep this woman in her job.

So both Scotgov and Maggie Chapman need to be solidly in the frame here too.


link to

yeah, so … lesbians out, monkeys in


Wait.. ppl actually go to university to learn this irrelevant shit?

We really should introduce tuition fees.

As for Brindley – she’s obviously on the payroll of London. Yet another plant sent to irritate the fck out of Scotland. The fact she hasn’t been removed yet only confirms it.

Its a disgrace & grossly unfair. She is stopping women & girls receiving the help & support they desperately need at their most vulnerable. How fcking dare she invite trans activist into private meetings. WTF is wrong with these insensitive sick bastards? And government is funding this?

I agree with what others have said about the professor – it’s not harmless. These space cadets only create more space cadets & before we know it they’re in the highest echelons of Holyrood to float queer laws or some other fcking wackadoo law onto the public who don’t even support this shit in the first place.

I. Despair

Just to prove that not every contemporary Scottish university academic is tuned to the moon: some of us will have heard of Michael Foran, a law lecturer at Glasgow University. He analyses and explains law relating to sex and gender, factually and showing his working. In his latest newsletter, he shines a light on Police Scotland’s policy of recording suspects’ stated sex or gender identity or whatever feelz they wish to express without giving a toss about their actual sex. Guess what, management coppers are bullshitting again:
link to
Well worth following these posts. Some are subscriber-only but this one is unrestricted.


“She is, in short, the kind of batshit-mental colon-gazing narcissist sociopath who thrives in academia because they couldn’t hold down a normal job for 30 seconds and sticking them in a university by and large isolates the problem and minimises the amount of damage they cause to society,”

I think you are wrong about the likes of her minimising the amount of damage they cause to society.

There are maximising the amount of damage they cause to society by brainwashing the ignorant gullible students who “learn” from them.

Just look at the state of society – it is broken.

As the witch had said – “there is no such thing as society”.


I. Despair

Thanks for the link. I’ve bookmarked the site.

Yes I know of Michael Foran. I follow him on Twitter but haven’t been a regular over there for months.

Young Lochinvar

What the heck, just look at whatever the US has done over the last 20 years and counting and that’s what we can expect here too..

Simple as that, a 2nd hand moral cargo culture here without the brains to see how it’s already turned out over there..

Britain is at best 3rd rate incompetents the lot of them..

Stuart MacKay

From “The Hand of Friendship” more campaigning is simply more fiddling while Rome burns. It will do little to change anyone’s mood, except the clapping seals, like those that hang out at that other blog. Anyone wanting to push independence is going to have to prove themselves by ousting the likes of Brindley and Cowan, and generally shoveling as much shit out of the stables as possible. Then you’ll instill some hope that being a separate country is actually worth it. Either that, or you can wait until “times change” and everyone realises that giving power to anyone that wants it is generally a bad idea.

Dorothy Devine

You can start with Brindley and Chapman then clear out those on the board completely – time to start afresh . Then remove all their wee backers in Holyrood and teach Biology as it once was.

I still wonder where the church stands in all this , can’t imagine John Knox pushing queer theories .Perhaps they could have a look at child protection , not that the church has been famous for protecting children but I would have thought it might come under their remit.


Whats the chances that these people on realising that Nicola wont protect them will turn on their protector and blame her. That might wash out a few creapies


Cowan is just your typical hammer which spends all day, every day, looking for a nail.

This country’s institutions are badly in need of a universal enema, or to put it another way, it’s time to rip Scotland up and start again.

Only route to doing that is via Indy.


Its all part of the plan – to keep Scotland f*cked-up and so badly ran – so that folk will say, how could Scotland possibly dissolve the union and run its own affairs – when it doesn’t even know what a woman is.

Keep Scottish society fractured via inane policies and draconian laws – and folk will be too busy just trying to make ends meet – and arguing for or against this or that – they’ll forget that the real prize is uniting, and dissolving this illegal union.


On fire. Monstrous Brindley must go.

Hatey McHateface

@ Stuart MacKay says: 24 September, 2024 at 8:46 am

Anyone wanting to push independence is going to have to prove themselves by ousting the likes of Brindley and Cowan, and generally shoveling as much shit out of the stables as possible. Then you’ll instill some hope that being a separate country is actually worth it.

Amen, brother.

I’ll go so far as to coin a wee acronym: MSGA

We were great once, right?

Robert Hughes

” Transgression ” , one of Queer Theory’s disturbed/disturbing foundational * thinkers * – Lacan’s , core ideas ; which , in his case led him to the ” transgression ” of sexually abusing/exploiting underage Arab boys . Vive la Révolution !

Aye right . Narcissistic self-infatuation masquerading as revolutionary political agitprop – merde totale .

That fckn idiot talking about having to ” keep pushing the boundaries ” blah blah , can only lead to the taboo against Paedophilia being ” undermined ” and that abhorrent behaviour being accepted as ” just another sexual orientation ” deserving of ” Rights ” & ” Affirmation ” .

This is where the unhinged , menacing idiocy of Queer Theory * must * lead .

It’s proponent’s stated desire/intention to overturn – what they denigrate as – ” Normative ” ideas/morals ( what the majority of people consider decent , protective-of-the-vulnerable human principles/standards ) is a true ” Enemy Within ” , potentially more damaging than any perceived external/foreign threat .

That these dangerous clowns are being employed/funded , encouraged & promoted by an SNP ( or any other ) Government invokes disbelief , horror & rage in equal measure .

Nothing good , ie productive of National well-being/progress , will be possible until that gruesome twosome and ALL of their ilk are forensically cleansed from our Institutions , Authorities , Political Parties etc .

Dave G

@ Geri 23/9/24 10:04 p.m.

Brindley is “obviously on the payroll of London”

How the feck do you work that out? Brindley is paid by the Scottish Government and is (or was) a close Sturgeon associate. Also don’t forget it was only intervention by “London” that stopped the insane Scottish GRR Bill becoming actual law. If “London” is playing any part in this (which I seriously doubt) it is to the benefit of Scots who hold gender critical views, i.e. the sane majority.

Robert Hughes

meant to say ….another outstanding example of – real – journalism , Stu .

You’re so far ahead of all the other joke-“journalists” in Scotland you may as well be on another planet – not the one they inhabit


Dave G @ 12.37pm

“Also don’t forget it was only intervention by “London” that stopped the insane Scottish GRR Bill becoming actual law.”

Wasn’t that more to do with the way it would’ve cut across UK legislation? And I’m sure some MSPs (I think including SNP MSPs) said they hoped once a UK Labour govt got in, they’d be much more amenable to finding a way to introduce it across the UK, which might yet happen.

I also don’t think the Tories wanted to be seen as the ones who facilitated it, even though there’s an element within the Tories who actively support it (although it’s not clear how big an element it is). It’ll be interesting to see what the Tories do if Labour do try to bring in something similar to the GRR.


Dave G

“How the feck do you work that out?”

Easy. NGOs & Lobby groups are stuffed full of plant. So are Westminster appointed civil servants.

Just because they are employed by the Scottish government means absolutely nothing. Holyrood isn’t a Scottish parliament. Its Westminsters *administration*

“Also don’t forget it was only intervention by “London” that stopped the insane Scottish GRR Bill becoming actual law. If “London” is playing any part in this (which I seriously doubt) it is to the benefit of Scots who hold gender critical views, i.e. the sane majority.”

No. They actually introduced it here in the first place (Leslie Evans) & allowed it to fester for years for their benefit so they could act like the knight in shining armor to save us stupid Scots from ourselves at the very last minute. They (Unionist parties) also voted for this shit in Holyrood despite having NO mandate from the public to do so. UK government could’ve stepped in at any time over the 5+ yrs but they didn’t. They let it run rampant instead, at a cost of £hundreds of £thousands before pulling the plug on it.

Charities are also government funded & Brindley had far too much influence in government where she shouldn’t have been. Meddling in everything. From Salmond case to this self-ID nonsense & I’m sure this Charity also played a role in the original consolations.

Then we come to the Teflon. Numerous ppl, past & present, should be sacked immediately – they’re not. They’re shuffled around or go onto another better paid roles within government. Someone , somewhere must be pulling the strings that protect these eejits despite public backlash for them to go.

Sturgeon is another tosser hanging around like a bad smell despite the shit she’s allegedly in.

Alf Baird

It reflects poorly on any Scottish university that they allocate resources and status to create a meaningless chair in ‘Queer Legal Studies’ yet have no chair in many of the most important matters affecting Scotland and its people, matters such as Scottish independence, Scottish constitutional matters, Scottish trade, land reform, housing etc.

Lorna Campbell

Brilliant piece, Rev – again. If not for people like you, we would be ingesting undiluted toxic propaganda from the MSM all day, every day. I have reached a point where I cannot believe anything that appears in the MSM is real or even studied. If it is not spewed and lower pipehole-ejected through the filter of intersectional nonsense, it is simply not mentioned at all. If it is not one-sided it has no merit in our force-fed orthodoxy: one side good, two sides bad.

When are the universities going to scrap those useless courses about inter sectionalism and all the rest of the pee that passes for enlightenment? They’d save themselves from bankruptcy. Same goes for anything that cannot show that it is doing good rather than bad, that people, in general, are better for it. Exit all the millions spent on this ordure that passes for progressive policy. I want to cut off my breasts cos I’m non binary! No, you silly wee besom, you have real problems enough without adding to them. Wah, wah, wah, wah…my right to do what I like all the time cos I’m the centre of the universe. Enter large booted foot that connects with nethers.

What has happened is that narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths, sadists, AGPs and fetishists of all kinds, and other mentally-disturbed people have been placed in charge of most of our public institutions. Ms C/B are just two of the breed who are in the ascendancy at the moment – until the next social contagion comes along. Queer Theory has only one end point, and it involves women, children, gays and lesbians, and animals. So sick of hearing that they are ‘captured’ and ‘indoctrinated’. Nah. The wee lassies, young lads and children might well be, but not the enablers. Lord, forgive them not because they know exactly what they do.

Post structuralism/postmodernism, Queer theory’s twin, has only one end point, too, and that involves the wholesale destruction of all that has gone before – laws, social mores, prohibitions, social structure, political structure, etc. In other words, you destroy in order to rebuild, but the problem is that the adult children who follow this political movement, like nursery toddlers, have the greatest difficulty in putting it all back together again when they have demolished the lego city. Because they cannot actually rebuild in any meaningful way, a massive black hole of chaos is the result, where anything goes, and only strongest survive. A kind of Nietschean-cum-Marxist-cum-Dantesque-cum-Kafkaesque-cum-Foucaultesque hell awaits the rest. But, hey, you can’t have perfection.


Geri; well said.

Robert Hughes

@ Lorna .

Typically insightful comment , but reading it made me realise I have mistakenly wrote ” Lacan ” when I meant Foucault .

Lacan was just as opaquely obscurantist as Foucault – and all the rest of the ” Les Continentaux ” – but , as far as I know – wasn’t a paedophile .

F I MacIllFhinnein

Cowan’s comment about the metaphysical metal hand are entirely supportive of Jennifer Bilek’s thesis that the transgender movement is ultimatwly about dissociating us all from not just sex but our physical, human bodies and their place in the real world. These characters are the vanguard for a tech-Utopia that promises to commercialise and make capital out of our species. (For older readers – think Cybermen.)


Oh the irony. These people have no self awareness at all. Both Cowan’s tweet and this…

“Wadhwa said [he] aims to […] stand up for “[…] black minority ethnic women”.”

He isn’t doing that if he doesn’t allow them a female counsellor.

Excellent and well researched piece, as always.

Ruby Tuesday

“Also don’t forget it was only intervention by “London” that stopped the insane Scottish GRR Bill becoming actual law. If “London” is playing any part in this (which I seriously doubt) it is to the benefit of Scots who hold gender critical views, i.e. the sane majority.”

This sort of stuff makes me really mad.

Without London there could have been no GRR bill.

Ruby Tuesday

What bloody difference does it make if a man has as GRC or doesn’t?

Does a GRC make him a woman?

<b<I'm really, really angry.


OMG, the gender Savonarola Brindley let loose on the rape survivors was her lunatic girlfriend! Now it finally makes sense. That episode alone should be reason enough to fire her.
Not so long ago I had a similar attitude to some of the crazier “studies” (i.e. let them play, there is little harm in that, universities as a whole are sane), but, oh boy, how wrong I was. It is not only humanities that need a hard look at what they are teaching. What has crept into medicine in the form of “gender affirming care” is monstrous.
Excellent reporting, thank you.


Erdogan getting tore in about this gender nonsense at an address to the UN.

Did he just call them Nazis? Lol It sounded like it. I’m sure that’s what the translator said.

Let’s rip about the opening of the Olympic games watched by children & their families. Calling it disturbing scenes of evil, insulting to Christians & sexist propaganda.

Calls it an attack on the family, on humanity & human nature.

“The issue of desexualisation is no longer an orientation but a global imposition” also mentions the attack & fear ppl face on speaking out. Well Turkey won’t be tolerating it & calls on other countries to join the UN Friends of the family group.

Also let’s rip at the UN for the thugs allowed there who rip up charters, are allowed to break international law & commit geno-cide with impunity.

WTG Erdogan. His full address can be seen on the ‘We love Africa’ channel on YouTube. (Translation included)


It beggars belief that a Scottish government would tolerate never mind encourage these people never mind encourage them. We really need to destroy this present SNP but what is the best tactic come Holyrood election time.

Hatey McHateface

@ Geri says: 25 September, 2024 at 12:40 am

insulting to Christians

Well now, WTF would you know about Christians, and/or anybody else with a moral compass?

let’s rip at the UN for the thugs allowed there who rip up charters, are allowed to break international law & commit geno-cide with impunity

Good point, actually. Thon Pres P is the original bastard’s bastard. Dead set on the extermination of any wee independent sovereign nation that has already escaped his imperialist, colonialist clutches.

We love Africa

I’ll bet. Get the Wagner Group to rip every last ounce of value from African countries at gunpoint, and push millions of Africans onto our streets.

Tell you what, Geri. As you love Africa so much, get yourself onto any Scottish city street corner and fill your boots!

Broomloan Upper

Just heard that Ian Blackford applied for the vacant position of Sevco CEO.

His application was apparently immediately rejected.

Either the bold crofter is reverting to type or he has at last done something for the people of Scotland by trolling the bluenose rabble and giving the rest of us a good laugh


Oh dear – are you having a bad day?

I know plenty about Christians as it happens. I know they don’t mock their Savior with sexual perversions.

Is there something yer not telling us?


I used to think that all the horrible things happening in and to Scotland were the result of pathetic and just generally bad british political parties.

This is happening on the SNPs watch. Worse….. they are involved!!

How utterly shameful.


Not really relevant to this post, but you did mention it. I really do think that buying anything from Israel should be criminalised.


Yet more of closeted Sturgeon’s mentally unbalanced gay mafia madness. They really did take over Scottish politics during the unbalanced former FM’s reign of idiot ideologue terror, didn’t they? They all needed rooted out. Brindley and Cowan seem like vicious, deranged, perverted ideologues, completely detached from reality. They seemingly hate heterosexual sex, and hetero women, and want to punish them. They come across as deeply troubled individuals, and are a disgrace to Scotland. Hardly a surprise that Edinburgh University spews this faux-yank shite (the minute I hear words like ‘cisgender’ or ‘heteronormative’ I know I am dealing with a fucking idiot with nothing useful or sane or sensible to say) in the form of Cowan, mind you. This whole sick, twisted, disturbing, victim-assaulting thing is a wound that needs amputated and cauterised, metaphorically speaking. It can’t go on a minute longer, and any sane, reasonable person can see that.

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    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “I couldn’t find that article by the search button. Could you remember which year it was so that I can…Jan 18, 23:22
    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “I missed that bit about the registering of judges’ interests being stopped by Sturgeon. Now why would she do that?…Jan 18, 23:07
    • Mia on Poisoning The Unwell: “Thank you Sarah. The grousebeater article is most interesting. Mmm. 1996/97 is quite close to the devolution referendum for comfort,…Jan 18, 22:59
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “The two parliaments who enacted the treaty no longer exist, and haven’t existed for hundreds of years, so the problem…Jan 18, 22:47
    • Mia on The same old tricks: ““but in your fantasy, there is no way of amending the UK’s constitutional structure to give effect to that termination”…Jan 18, 22:32
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    • Dan on The same old tricks: “May be a helpful explanation of the asymmetry within the union. I used to have an article bookmarked but…Jan 18, 22:16
    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “Hard to believe, isn’t it? LOLJan 18, 22:10
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “That should read “administrative structures of the EU”Jan 18, 21:55
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Treaties can be terminated for the purposes of international law (I note that is one legal principal that you do…Jan 18, 21:36
    • G m on Poisoning The Unwell: “‘It is interesting why they thought they could get away with acting like this..’. Aye, It is something that has…Jan 18, 21:10
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “Cynical as I am, I have always thought that this is how England retains control over the entire UK and…Jan 18, 21:10
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    • McDuff on Poisoning The Unwell: “Another great one Chris.Jan 18, 21:04
    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “Chris, have you ever thought of setting up as a portrait painter? You have her build, her dress sense and…Jan 18, 20:53
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Another of Xaracen’s posts I bookmarked to save them retyping so often. 18, 20:44
    • Marie on Poisoning The Unwell: “Sturgeon playing fast and loose with a case of a woman’s safety????? Surely not????? Feminist to her fingertips etc etc…Jan 18, 20:30
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “ 18, 20:27
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “And a wee bump for the utter totes in yer face aspect that the “equal” union has been anything but…Jan 18, 20:21
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “Thank you for these two posts, Fearghas. They are most interesting and useful. With your permission, I am going to…Jan 18, 19:56
    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “1996/97 per the Grouse Beater article that Dan has given a link to. The article has some interesting things to…Jan 18, 19:55
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Aye, The Kingdom of England doesn’t even have its own Parliament. It simply hijacks the UK Parliament for its own…Jan 18, 19:53
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “Absolutely. I always thought that this “asymmetric” devolution of powers between Scotland and England was unlawful under the conditions of…Jan 18, 19:45
    • Mia on Poisoning The Unwell: “I am not familiar at all with the circumstances of the case, so just out of curiosity, can I ask…Jan 18, 19:40
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “And as the terms of the treaty of union in certain matters pertaining to law are either reserved or devolved…Jan 18, 19:38
    • Mia on The same old tricks: ““Indeed, and that proves that the terms of the Treaty of Union cannot have primacy over all other forms of…Jan 18, 19:16
    • Dan on Poisoning The Unwell: ““Any decent journalist”… That’s the overriding issue though isn’t it Ian. Scotland doesn’t have a media. It has a bunch…Jan 18, 19:12
    • PhilM on Poisoning The Unwell: “Just to be clear about what exactly happened (as I understand it). Roddy Dunlop QC (as he was then) and…Jan 18, 19:11
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Hud oan a fuckin’ momento. Aren’t you talkin’ aboot “ancient guff” here. Franchise Fanny says that sort of shizzle ain’t…Jan 18, 18:56
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Indeed, and that proves that the terms of the Treaty of Union cannot have primacy over all other forms of…Jan 18, 18:42
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