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Wings Over Scotland

Secret Santa

Posted on December 23, 2023 by
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The mixture of humour & tragedy is striking as ever …..
Chris has a way of expressing the thoughts of the ‘right’ side of the Indy movement.

Dorothy Devine

Well it made me greet nae laugh.

Merry Christmas Chris and thank you for your brilliant cartoons.

Merry Christmas Stu and thank you for your sterling work.

Merry Christmas Wingers and thank you for the additional information found btl.


Spot on Chris! Happy Christmas!


Found myself humming, “Send in the clowns … don’t bother they’re here” as I admired this week’s cartoon.


Wow! An absolutely flawless depiction of the situation and a masterpiece of the political satirists art. Thank you.

Black Joan

Genius cartoonist strikes again.


Can’t help wondering if John Bull wants them to have a great fall or if it’s not more fun to leave them roasting above the open fire.

High time we stopped these gifts.


«who’s your daddy, my poppet»

Kevin Cargill

Excellent as ever Chris. Just wondering if he’s twiddling with the buttons up Robison’s back? ?

Kevin Cargill

Excellent as ever Chris. Just wondering if he’s twiddling with the buttons up Robison’s back? ?


Absolutely brilliant Chris , says it all.
Merry Xmas.



Initially wondered about the one in the red dress but the saggy braless boobs gave it away.

Do the red, green, blue & yellow balls on the Christmas tree have any significance?

Merry Christmas.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Marie Clark

Sad but very true Chris.

Merry Christmas Stu and all the wingers.


Great toon Chris.

Surely though it should be The Gits That Keep On Giving.


A much bigger shelf needed to display the full set of moronic muppets.


“A picture is worth a thousand words” was never more appropriate.

Bravo Mr Cairns.

The Isolator

Ooooooft another peach Chris.Merry Christmas to one and all!!

Vivian O’Blivion

John Bull is not the only malicious entity with a collection of SNP glove puppets, Uncle Sam has his own marionettes.
Supposed heir apparent to the SNP clusterfuck, Kate Forbes has been busy in the last quarter of 2023.
First, she delivered paid for speeches at Wheaton College “For Christ and His Kingdom” Illinois (6th – 10th Oct). Wheaton is a hardcore, Creationist, faith based, further education establishment. Wheaton demands all prospective students sign a Covenant declaring homosexuality immoral.
From 9th to 13 November, Forbes attended the Liverpool Conference of the British American Project. The BAP is widely regarded as a front for the CIA. Forbes declared this jamboree in the “Voluntary” section of her Holyrood, Register of Interests, implying that this was not “political”. This is a trick first employed by fellow BAP alumni, Anas Sarwar.
The theme of this year’s BAP Conference was “tackling prejudice and hate”. Quite how Forbes reconciles this with her attendance at Wheaton College must remain a Doctrinal mystery.
As for Forbes’ aspirant future to be the next FM, the Wheaton episode spells nothing but disaster. Should the vestigial membership of the Party vote for Forbes (an election devoid of Head Office rigging being all but inconceivable), the Woke elected representatives and their John Smith Centre approved staff will inevitably fracture.
Surely this would be an error of strategic planning for Thames House and Foggy Bottom as any denouement of the SNP would leave the field open to a genuine independence focused party.


“Surely though it should be The Gits That Keep On Giving.”

Zoom in, Beauvais and you’ll see that it is 😉


Happy Christmas

Alf Baird

A few dozen well-positioned political puppets are one thing, but ‘a people’ seeking liberation should not forget the thousands of colonial ‘functionaries’ tasked with keeping the racket going, no matter who sits in the national assembly.

link to


Genius, Chris, sheer genius.

I would like to think that all those people in Holyrood who check in on Wings to see the truth [and compare and contrast with their bubble existence] might see the light and attempt to do the right thing for a change.

But I know I am a prisoner of hope.

Meanwhile season’s greetings to the Rev, Chris, and all the worthy Wingers. May a miracle occur and Scotland be free to keep and redirect our abundant resources for the good of all of us.

There is a glimmer of light. will be able to approach the UN as a people’s liberation movement without needing a signature list of 100,000. 🙂 Though may I urge those who have family and friends visiting over the holidays to get them signed up? It all helps and it is about all we can do pending the general election.


Can hardly look at the cartoon due to it reminding me of the chain of gormless shitstains we’ve had to supposedly represent us… 🙁

With control of the Kingdom of Scotland’s extensive and diverse resources still effectively being gifted to Westminster everyday because supposedly nationalist politicians can’t get close to doing what they are meant to be doing, it’s crimbo every fucking day for the Kingdom of England.

We’re currently generating enough leccy for ourselves (2.7GW) and still managing to export almost double that amount (5.3GW) to England.

link to

Bob Mack

A collectors item Chris. I could weep.


Another belter, Chris. Thank you!


Merry Xmas Chris.

Right on the mark as ever!

The Daily Fascist has yet another feature on the ferries as they are going to be even later into service and I presume even more over budget.

But please do remember Labour’s Edinburgh Trams and Holyrood bill that are right up political catastrophes.

The Tories wear the crown though with 45 billion track and Traceless, 5 billion on Covid loans to companies who don’t exist and Graylings Brexit ships that sailed down the Swanny at 4.5 Billion and who can put a figure on PPE not fit for the rubbish tip.


Merry Christmas
Let’s hope 2024 brings some good news

Jan Cowan

Chris, you are brilliantw. How fortunate we are! Thank you.

Jan Cowan

Brilliant Chris! Thank you.


Effijy @ 12.51

And yet, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to point to how well we can run our own devolved administration, as in the Salmond years when more and more people started to believe in the independence cause and the competence of our elected politicians.
Rather than being reduced to saying “Well, we’re rubbish and corrupt, but not as bad as others”.

Anton Decadent

Excellent artwork.

Re Secret Santa, I will copypaste this from a mailout from Glinner earlier this month.

“Pink News and Diva Magazine have announced that “LGBTQ+ organisation Think2Speak has launched a heartwarming Secret Santa campaign to “spread joy to trans youth across the UK this Christmas.” According to the Think2Speak website, “the more money raised, the better the parcels will be.” Gifts are available to “young people,” which appears to refer to those aged 25 and under.

Yes, children are not nominated. They are encouraged to contact the organisation directly, without permission, giving their name, email and phone number. Then, unrelated adults, unknown to their parents, will send “secret gift bundles” (Diva) sent in “discreet packaging.”, with no opportunity for parents to scrutinise the contents.

There is no part of the website dedicated to safeguarding or data protection. Not a single, solitary word about either. Maybe it’s just a problem with their servers, but in place of safeguarding information, there are only unanswered questions. Why is there no lower age limit? What do the packages contain? What GDPR and safeguarding protocols do they have regarding data gathered from internet contacts from children? How do they vet adults who are handling this data? Is there any propaganda in the packages? How difficult is it to get from what is sent in the packages to explicit online content?”

There is more but I exercised brevity as huge posts on here just do not look right.

Wishing everyone a fantastic Christmas and New Year when they come. Same as Dorothy Devine mentions thank you to everyone for the sharing of information both above and below the line.

Mark Beggan

Brilliant. Reminds me of Punch cartoons. The fireplace!

Lorna Campbell

Brilliant. Don’t know whether to laugh or cry, Chris/Rev.

Nancy S

Thanks for all the informative blog posts, cartoons and comments over the past year. My go-to for factual news as opposed to propaganda. All the best for a cool yule and better-informed indy support next year.


Operation Branchform is taking so long that I’ve burnt twigs for kindling that didn’t even exist when the operation started.
Do Polis Scotland know that the Quality Polis sketches in Burnistoun were a piss-take and not actually instructional examples of how to perform their duties.


Bang on Chris, Scotland is awash with House Jocks.

James Jones

Sarah at 11:47 am.
“There is a glimmer of light. will be able to approach the UN as a people’s liberation movement without needing a signature list of 100,000.”

Is it the list dating from September 2022? Couldn’t get enough signatures?


I echo every comment about the brilliance of our host and the resident (apart from holidays) gifted artist , whose artwork is second to none , Have a merry Christmas and a wondrous new year to ALL genuine independence supporters, Scottish denigrators and demeaners can just fuck off from whence they came

Gunter Denlinden

Great cartoon, particularly the depiction of Numpty Dumpty.


Humpty Harvie is outstanding. You could actually be merchandising those dolls. Along with a big bag of voodoo pins.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:23 December, 2023 at 5:29 pm

Scotland is awash with House Jocks

And so your plan is …

Insult them till they vote Indy?

The TH solution – tell them to feck off till they vote Indy?

Coming up ten years. At what point will you accept a better approach is needed?


Alf @10.57am


Robin McAlpine points this out which is a big problem as well.

“Those of you worrying about secret service infiltration of the SNP should worry more about corporate infiltration of the Scottish public sector at almost every possible level.”

link to


It is no secret that ALL Scottish politicians are a great «disappointment».
The union seems quite safe in their hands.
In the meantime,j what are citizens doing?
A rhetorical question.


The SG of the UN had this to say, yet Guterres still can’t say in public who killed them, but we all know it was the Zionists who are committing war crimes on their way to completing their genocide of the oppressed Palestinian people.

“136 of our colleagues in Gaza have been killed in 75 days – something we have never seen in @UN history.

Most of our staff have been forced from their homes.

I pay tribute to them & the thousands of aid workers risking their lives as they support civilians in Gaza.”

link to

David Holden

Well Mr Cairns this IMO is one of your finest so a big thank you and to our host. A Merry Christmas to all in here even the trolls as even twats have got to eat though looking at the standards in here a change of career could be a worthwhile option. Merry Santa Day.

John Main

@RoS 7:11

How do you square your accusations of war crimes with claims (from others) that it’s not a war?

Any message for the Hamas fighters tonight? Pack it in and spare the Palestinian people you claim to champion? Or keep going for another 3 months while the casualties mount up?

Admit it RoS, it’s the latter you secretly want.

Have you read the recent UN resolution? Item #7 calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.

Hows about you add your voice to that call.

Have to say, you’re another regular on here coming across as extremely partisan on issues quite unrelated to Indy.

Alert readers find themselves asking why.


I see the scotsman is asking for means testing for prescription s amongst others.

The thing about this is that higher tax payers paid more for the service than everyone else, why should they be excluded.

That’s not very fair from a conservative unionist perspective. You get to pay more for a poorer service.

Universal benefits us much fairer.


The Great Satan (USA) and the Little Satan (Israel) are becoming increasingly isolated with the ongoing genocide in Gaza in mind.

“India has voted in favour of another resolution at the UN General Assembly this week that backs the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.

While 172 members supported the resolution, the US and Israel were the only countries that voted against it.”

link to

link to

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Alf Baird

Republicofscotland @ 7:03 pm

“corporate infiltration of the Scottish public sector at almost every possible level”

Yes, but it is perhaps rather more than just corporate infiltration; we should understand that the main role of institutions within a colonial society is ‘to protect the interest of the colonizer’ (Memmi) and that colonial institutions hold only to the cultural values of the colonizer.

Only after national liberation will the opportunity arise to remove the colonial elite’s tight grip on the nation’s institutions; and if they are not replaced the colonial racket will be kept going even after independence.

This helps explain the normally rapid exodus of such groups from a country after independence. It also explains why devolution has changed nothing, direct rule merely being replaced by indirect rule, with institutional leadership and values remaining constant.


Genocide John Main is sounding desperately uncomfortable defending his apartheid friends.

What happened to his cheery bombing posts?

I suppose it’s a reflection of the shame the MSM is showing, and from where he copies and pastes his drivel.

John Main


Here it is, the Xmas bone I promised you.

“shame the MSM is showing”

Woohoo, there must be two MSMs now.

The MSM I check out is carrying less and less about the war every day. Interest has long since peaked, and people have more important things on their minds – it’s Xmas. Some coverage of the pro-Hamas contingent protesting today in London though. Seems they are unaware that both belligerents don’t observe Xmas at all, which is about par for their Student Grant grasp of reality.

Feel free to ignore the call in the recent UN resolution for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. Denial is your strongest talent, closely pressed in second place by lying.

That’s your lot for now. I’ll maybes re-affirm your existence again near the hogger – can’t have you seeing in the New Year without some human interaction.

John Main

Alf Baird

Obviously then, by your logic, all politics centred on HR are pointless. Alert readers must therefore ask:

1 What’s your route to Indy?

2 What’s your plan for creating an entirely new leadership, government and civil service – tens of thousands of people will be needed for these posts?

3 How will your movement ever get a democratic mandate, given that both HR and WM institutions are instruments of the colonial elite?

I like the idea of a revolution followed by ethnic cleansing, but your regular hints about it are becoming tiresome. How about for 2024 you resolve to call a spade a spade?

Heck, for all I know, this might be a widely popular idea with everybody else too!


“The MSM I check out is carrying less and less about the war every day.”

John Main.

Actually, they are suppressing the Zionists genocide of the long term oppressed Palestinian people. You can rely on the corruption of the UK MSM.

link to


@Genocide John Main

Freeing hostages sounds like a good move to me.
Including those held in the West Bank for years.

link to


TURABDIN 7.04pm ‘in the meantime what are ‘citizens’ doing’.
I think you mean what are the SUBJECTS doing, probably watching 1%, towie, britains got (f/all talent), or some other brain rotting shite. Wha’s like them eh.

Dundee Scot

John Main, ever consider that Alf, Geri, Johnlm, RoS et al. are deliberately trying to discredit the independence movement by their unhinged comments and wild conspiracy theories?


Not wishing to raise a red flag but the cartoon character looks very much like he is going to abuse the puppet.

And, as we know, abuse is something that John Brown and his type do. It is in their very being.


Main says:
1 What’s your route to Indy?

2 What’s your plan for creating an entirely new leadership, government and civil service – tens of thousands of people will be needed for these posts?

So you’re saying that creating good career civil service posts in Scotland – and tens of thousands of well paid white collar jobs with in addition, a Scotland EU Trade Arrangement, is somehow a project fear bad thing? 🙂

3 How will your movement ever get a democratic mandate, given that both HR and WM institutions are instruments of the colonial elite?

Same as Brexit.. decide to. Then. Leave.
That is all.
The people simply decide. That is the democratic mandate.
HR and WM institutions serve the people.
The idea that Scotland are still ruled by some sort of colonial elite.. is utter pish. Like the £3 billion warship HMS Prince of Wales…. more emperor’s new clothes colonial waffle.

Yes. Brexit changed everything. Land border arrangements, process of steps to leave. Even the one time voter threshold….


David Brackenbury

Spot on Chris, one of your best ever – alas! Best Wishes to all for a Very Merry Christmas and and a better 2024

Big Swifty

Well done Rev Stu. Thanks for all your hard work. From the mean streets of er……Bath, You’ve dared to go where none of the Scottish journalism cadre have ventured when the going was tough. Although they seen to have worked up some courage now that the Natz are on the back foot–the cowardly cretins.

I don’t completely agree with your politics but you are an old school journalist from the same stable as Woodward & Bernstein of Watergate. For that you are owed a debt of gratitude and a place in history.

The Flying Iron of Doom

I do like the gleikit expression on Shona’s face and the spiteful scowl on Sturgeon’s. Perhaps there is a wee button on the back of her heid which, when pressed, will cause her to utter a Sturgeonism such as “I don’t know”, “I can’t remember” or “Judge me on my record”? Also, I like to imagine that the Patrick doll arrived in a box marked “Heatpumpty Numpty” just because it just seems so aposite 😀


It’s all John Bull’s fault? Where have I heard that before?

Take a look at the polls. Despite everything, the SNP largely represents who and what Scotland is. The current style and content of Scottish government and political focus is not some temporary quirk, it’s how it is and will probably more or less remain. Any capable people not on board with whatever zealotry is this week’s bandwagon have been hounded out.

This may not be a comfortable truth for many on these pages, but independence will not sweep these people away. Scotland is SNP country. If the current mess of corruption, sheer incompetence and wokery gone mad has not changed voting intention much, they’re locked in for decades.


Debatablelands says:

It’s all John Bull’s fault? Where have I heard that before?

HS2- breaching £100 billion to build less than half of the original £34 billion for the entire scheme.
Track and Trace – £32 billion for zero. Literally zero of use.
£3 billion warship HMS Prince of Wales just built for spare parts
London Light Touch Regulation…. an £800 billion ponzi scheme of bankers bonuses

This may not be a comfortable truth for many on these pages, but Voting Tory will never sweep these people away.

John Main

@Dundee Scot 10:33

Aye, I have. Maybes that’s taking it too far, but I never encounter phrases like “Great Satan” anywhere else.

They certainly fit the profile of posters with non-Indy obsessions, who have hijacked Indy as the vehicle to transport their own personal agenda. Indy as a means to an end.

Like a microcosm of the Greens hijacking Indy to get power. Then within the Greens, we find individuals who have hijacked the environmental movement to push their personal perversions.

Within the SNP, we find useless but pushy individuals who have seized the chance to build themselves a lifestyle they never could have dreamed off in any other walk of life.

And then we have the exemplar of them all, HY. Most of us can see what he’s really all about.

Looking at Scottish politics, this carpet bagging seems to be everywhere, from the BTL comments here, to the very top at HR. If the same is true of WM politics, I have not found it to be so conspicuously obvious. Maybes they are much better at hiding it.

John Main

aye machrihanish 11:07

Not saying anything about project fear.

Asking Alf what’s his plan. In your example, what’s his plan for clearing tens of thousands of mid level administrators, civil servants, managers, etc of their colonialist mindset, as he would put it.

Alf seemed to be suggesting ethnic cleansing, maybes that’s just for the English born or sympathisers. What’s the plan for finding their replacements, ensuring their allegiance to the new order, rooting out vestiges of colonialist thinking, getting the new indigenous faces trained up to be able to do their jobs, translating stuff to Scots, and still holding society together, etc.

It’s exactly the problem the allies faced in Berlin in 1945, and the Yanks in Baghdad, whenever that was. Clear out the old functionaries, and everything fails. Leave them in place, and nothing actually changes.

It’s Alf who’s forever banging on about colonialist mindsets, value systems and the enforced speech of the oppressor. So what’s the practical, realpolitik plan for sorting that out.


John Main accusing others of carpetbagging.


A pound shop Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.


Locked in for decades?
Don’t think so.
National today pushing lordships for the SNP tractors “Ambassadors for independence”

Agent x

“So to all those in Scotland who are celebrating Christmas and to our Christian community, in particular, a very Merry Christmas to you all.”

What a weird Christmas comment from Yousaf.

James Che

Whats your plans man, he always ask the Scottish people?
The secret spy who is not so secret and who is bloody obvious to everyone, no Daniel de foe is he.

Stuart MacKay

Time to push another essay from Aurelien, link to

This is all about how the West deals with the problem in the place with the blue and yellow flag. However, you can take one of the examples, tanks, and replace it with ferries then the entire essay can be about Holyrood.

The background subject is all about how useless the Professional Middle Class (PMC) is, and how self-sustaining it is. The thought struck me that if you stop believing in Holyrood, then, like Santa, it simply disappears.

If you eliminate that microcosm then a whole slew of problems go away. That the independence movement is greater than the politicians has been the discussion here for ever. Disowning the PMC might kill two birds with one stone. Sure it creates a whole slow of other problems, but nobody is getting anywhere fast with the current situation. That’s not likely to change.

Again, on the Santa theme. Maybe Scots in general don’t believe in Holyrood at all, or at least in the current incumbents. Perhaps that’s why the political situation is so completely fossilised and why Alba despite having all the right ingredients is not making much headway.


John Main says: aye machrihanish

Not saying anything about project fear.

🙂 No you´re worse you do the ´obfuscation-project-fear´

the making of project fear obscure, unclear, and unintelligible.

Then ask… ´So what’s the practical, realpolitik plan for sorting that out.´

Answer. Leave. End.

Problem solved…


They could have been running the best wee country in the world, instead they are on the shelf.

John Main

Agent X 10:20

There’s a typo. Seems to have crept in between Yousaf’s first draft and the final version cleared for release by the ScotGov Nothing To See Here department.

For “community”, read “minority”.

John Main

James Che

That’s a laugh out loud post, so my thanks for that.

Let me just point out that if you want to convert the 50+ % of Scottish voters currently underwhelmed by the Indy proposals on the table, you will have to level with them at some point about what’s in your improved offer.

As a campaign slogan, “Don’t tell them, Pike!” is a non starter.

Antoine Roquentin

If “change” isn’t neatly wrapped-up for them in a box with a fancy ribbon, It seems likely that those who advocate change, but without disruption and difficulty, will ultimately reject all change. The poor dears, having made the future of society purely a matter of personal choice, will continue to “stand for nothing and fall for everything”, as I believe the Wobblies once put it. But that’s learned helplessness for you, and is only to be expected. Awkwardly, history shows that no slow, organic, version of change has ever existed.

A peaceful holiday to all, and a wonderfully productive 2024!

James Che

John main.

If the glove fits you, as they say,

And you want to own it, thats up to you, after all I never mentioned your name.

James Che

John Main,

Somewhere inside your head your identified yourself with that persona.


It’s like herpes.

I crack me up!

James Che

John main.

I have gone past point of converting the 50 % of voters long ago, after all it did not require 50% of voters in Scotland to seek the union,

And those that provided their, signiures to be in the treaty are now dead, as a legal entity,

The Scottish parliament has been dissolved as a legal entity from the union for over 300 years.

Who is Westminster going to hold accountable for Scottish people walking away financially or other wise.


Showing my age, (or maybe it’s just the last time I watched the BBC), but I’m seeing a definite Humpty, Hamble and Jamima reference in that ‘toon.

Obviously, with the SNP connection, today boys and girls, (can I still say that?), we’ll be looking through the opaque window….


Great artistic irony, as usual.
Have a good time at Christmas Mr Wings


@ John Main

Seeing as you appear to have so much time on your hands what with multi-posting btl…
It’s near the end of the year and wonder if you could get round to thoroughly debunking why this suggestion won’t work.
And also seeing as you try to come across as know-all cunt on nearly every global subject ever mentioned btl, you could maybe produce an additional appendix giving the reasons why a self-governing Scotland with the full control of powers such as energy, trade, and immigration, couldn’t tailor policies so they produced even more improved positive aspects for Scots.

The Kingdom of Scotland has a much better resources to population figure than the Kingdom of England.

(Old stats so may not be 100% accurate but it gives the gist.)


32% of the land area.
61% of the sea area.
90% of the fresh water.
65% of the natural gas production
96.5% of the crude oil production.
47% of the open cast coal production
81% of the untapped coal reserves
62% of the timber production
46% of the total forest area
92% of the hydro electric production
40% of the wind wave and solar energy production
60% of the fish landings
30% of the beef herd
20% of the sheep herd
9% of the dairy herd
10% of the pig herd
15% if the cereal holdings
20% of the potato holdings
90% of the whisky industry
70% of gin production


68% of the land area.
39% of the sea area.
10% of the fresh water.
35% of the natural gas production
3.5% of the crude oil production.
53% of the open cast coal production
19% of the untapped coal reserves
38% of the timber production
54% of the total forest area
8% of the hydro electric production
60% of the wind wave and solar energy production
40% of the fish landings
70% of the beef herd
80% of the sheep herd
91% of the dairy herd
90% of the pig herd
85% if the cereal holdings
80% of the potato holdings
10% of the whisky industry
30% of gin production

The revenue streams generated by the current UK government policies means the two Kingdoms’ combined resources help to serve the UK population of 67 million.
So if Scotland returned to self-governance we could emulate current UK policies and therefore with The Kingdom of Scotland’s much improved resources to population figures it would mean the larger proportional revenue streams generated by those Scottish resources would only have to serve 5.4 million.


Tack this on whilst here. And at this time Scotland is using approximately 2.7GW and still managing to export a baw hair off 6GW to England.

link to


Poor Baroness Mone. Done nothing wrong. Just picked up £60 million like you pick up a bit of small change. Her only crime she says was to lie to the press that she was not involved.

£60 million pounds not involved do I hear you laugh. Of course I do. It’s small change, nothing you would admit to, run along now.

But here is the rub. The Great British public don’t know a fraction of money that was handed out during the Covid Bonanza.

Yes we may think £60 million is a lot, and it is a lot to most people, but it is pennies to others who cleaned up. Mone today is reported in the press as being indignant about being, as she describes it, treated like a criminal. No shit batman, there’s more than a few who wouldn’t disagree with that.

But what her rub is that she with her £60 million is but a relative bit player compared to others. A £60 million bit player compared to others. No wonder she is sour – eh?

Track and Trace for example had a budget of £37 billion. Like MDP Medpro it was a failure and one wonders who filled their pockets on that particular gravy train.

Mone and her husband are only the thin end of the wedge and they know it.

James Che

John main.

The legal connection between Scotland and England as the union are both dead and obsolete unless your count decendents of those whose fore-fathers signiture was on the treaty of union from 1707, that promised to stay in a union with England.

As for rest of the 99.9 % of Scots, they are still Sovereign,

David Hannah

I’m glad Michelle Mone’s assets have been siezed. I seem to remember her releasing fake bake, fake tan that is. And the company going bust. Just like her massive fake knockers.

The £60 million. The yacht. And the ski holiday. I hope she’s going bust.

The British establishment will make 1 person. And 1 person only accountable for this. I suspset she’s got her nickers in a twist. Because they seem to be coming after her.

She’s only got herself to blame. Jail time next to Nicola Sturgeon would be up there with the greatest gift this country has ever seen.

David Hannah

Michelle Mone should have realised she’s a Glasgow ned. And will never be one of them…

Shes going down baby. Assets siezed. The £230 million PPE. Send her away to Corton Vale. With all of the other criminals.


Innova Medical landed Covid contracts valued at £4 billion via the ‘VIP’ lane after its UK partner, a company trading under the name ‘Tried & Tested’ contacted Boris Johnson’s former advisor, Dominic Cummings.
Surescreen Diagnostics landed a £500m contract after Liam Fox MP referred the firm to Matt Hancock – Surescreen subsequently donated £20,000 to Liam Fox.
Matt Hancock assisted Ecolog International onto the ‘VIP’ lane after being contacted by Genix Healthcare – a company that has donated £156,000 to the Conservative Party. Hancock’s Department paid Ecolog £38m in 2021, after the Government decided not to proceed with previously contracted Covid work.
Conservative Peer Lord Prior introduced a company called LumiraDx to Lord Bethell. The firm was awarded Covid contracts worth over £45 million.
Lord Bethell referred a company called OptiGene Ltd after being contacted by a Cabinet Office official – OptiGene were subsequently awarded a £322m contract, leading to a 1221% increase in profits to £41m.
Another Conservative Peer, Lord Lansley, introduced a company called Accora onto the ‘VIP’ lane.
Only Conservative Party Peers, MPs and donors appear to be named as referrers – no politician from any other political party succeeded in referring suppliers onto the Covid testing VIP lane.

James Jones

James Che at 12:33 pm
“I have gone past point of converting the 50 % of voters long ago,”

Who needs democracy, eh?


“It’s decision time,” former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert wrote in an opinion piece last week in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. “A cease-fire with living hostages, or a forced cessation of hostilities with dead ones.”

James Jones

James Che at 1:16 pm
“As for rest of the 99.9 % of Scots, they are still Sovereign,”

Not if you get your way though, eh? The 51% can like it…


Nice one, Dan.That’s been a good keeper.

Don’t think you’ll get anything coherent back -or at all

Charles (not the R one)

Dan says:
23 December, 2023 at 12:18 pm

Can hardly look at the cartoon due to it reminding me of the chain of gormless shitstains we’ve had to supposedly represent us…

We must never forget that in one of of two ways, those people were ELECTED, by the Scottish ELECORATE.
A sufficient number of people VOTED for them, either
(1) for an individual or (2)for a political party.

It is worth noting that no GREEN candidate was named as a candidate on any ballot-paper. They were all “List” candidates, meaning that it was the so-called “Green” party which actually selected them, by adding their names to the Green’s list. The electorate had no say in who was on that list. The moral is this – if you vote “Green”, you will suffer the consequences.

As far as I can recall, no Green Party person has ever been elected as an MSP in the normal way, by standing as a named candidate.

The ‘first past the post’ system may not be perfect, but at least it does ensure that every candidates is named (i.e. identified) on a ballot paper.

I think it was Winston Churchill who commented that ‘Democracy is the worst form of government – apart from all the others’.


David Hannah

Re “Lady” Mone.

“A Ned” is always male. If you wish to disparage the Noble Lady, you should more-properly describe her as: A Wee Hairy

She will, of course, be thrown to the wolves by her Conservative Party colleagues, for breaking their principal rule: Don’t get caught.


This shite from the SNP’s Stephen Noone.

“The Yes movement is at its best when we are open, and when we seek to engage constructively with those who have genuine concerns and questions about what independence would mean. For me, therefore, the most important task of 2024 is relationship building, both with the still-to-be-persuaded here in Scotland, but also with people elsewhere in the UK. Our success as an independent country will depend in large part on having a close and constructive ongoing relationship with England, our nearest neighbour, most important ally and biggest trading partner.

What might that mean in practice? I’ve long believed that there should be pro-independence voices in the House of Lords – a conclusion I reached in 1998”

Noone has form on talking shite with regards to independence, this from him about the same time last year.

“FIRST Minister Nicola Sturgeon should “pause” plans for indyref2 even if the Supreme Court rules Holyrood can legislate for a second vote, the former chief strategist of Yes Scotland has said.”


Republicofscotland @ 15.05

Ah, now the secret plan starts to come into view; I’ve been misjudging our gallant Freedom Fighters of the SNP all along, idiot child that I am.
With Mr Pishfart as Speaker of the HoC & Mr No-One as Lord of Piffle in the HoL, we can subvert the processes of the Westminster government.
I should have had more faith.


Well I am satisfied and Mr Noone is now on my list of plants.


Johnim @ 12.23.

Carefull, after ‘cracking yourself up’ you’ll be finding things “innarestin’” and that route leads to strange and irrational posts …


In its online quiz of the year 2023 the Guardian has one question: Who succeeded Nicola Sturgeon as First Minister?

They offered four options – the three actual candidates plus a potato. Shows how little they know of Scotland, surely the fourth answer, which some of us might say was the correct one, should have been: A Tumpshie


As the Bank of England illegally holds £1 billion dollars worth of Venezuelan gold, England is now sending a warship HMS Trent to Guyana to defend Guyana interests which are to steal Venezuelan lands.

Guyana, ExxonMobil and the U.S. in the shadows work as a team to strip Venezuela of a territory that historically and legally belongs to Venezuela, the area is high in natural resources.

The USA with the help of the UK has already attempted a two coups in Venezuela against Chavez and now Maduro both failed miserably.


Alba’s Ash Regan comes out swinging.

Former SNP minister Ash Regan calls on Humza Yousaf to apologise over gender reform plans. Women across Scotland warned that their rights were threatened by this reform Nicola Sturgeon told them their concerns were not valid. Now that the highest court in the land has agreed with us, it’s time for the Scottish Government to apologise.

Regan added, “I am both a feminist and a passionate believer in independence and I reject the Scottish Government’s claim that this was a ruling about devolution. “Last week’s budget revealed a shortfall of over one billion pounds and it would have been foolish if the Scottish Government ploughed even more of our cash into an appeal in defence of their self-ID fantasy.”

Although gender reform has been struck down in court, many public bodies in Scotland have already enacted self-ID policies which campaigners fear could be compromising women’s rights. The issue was highlighted earlier this year when it emerged that transgender double rapist Isla Bryson, 31, was held on remand in a women’s prison.

“The Scottish Prison Service has now been forced to introduce a new policy. But even the updated guidance unveiled earlier this month allows for transgender prisoners who have hurt or threatened women or girls to be held in female prisons in “exceptional” circumstances.”


Aye Sam, you are certainly on the right track listing our the Tory VIP lane referrals.

Folks truly don’t know what an absolute feeding frenzy this was. And absolute systematic transfer of wealth from the public purse to the great and good.

Impoverishment to line the pockets of the wealthy is the name of the game and the hapless public slur up the shite like the poor farm animals they are.

As for Mone she, her £60 million and whatever she and her husband have scammed elsewhere are relatively small beer. The earlier comment that she is not a ned but a wee hairy might be somewhat pejorative but it is true.

She may have thought that she was in with the in crowd but the reality I more than suspect is that she is going to be set up as the Diddy scapegoat to cover the monstrous filching of the public purse by the real privileged beasts.

Yes diddies come in handy and not just for filling bra’s.

James Che

James Jones,
Quite right who needs democracy,

If 99.9% of the people of Scotland were not asked to join the 1707 treaty of union, that is the same standard for democracy as Englands parliament,
I can live with that,


And so on this Christmas Eve the Glaswegian child asks of his parents …..” where is Santa Fe “.

And the answer – ” the North Pole ”

Happy Christmas, smile at the poor attempt at a joke and then maybe spare a thought for those in Palestine and other theatres of inhumanity at this so called holies time of the year.


Sell… SELL… SELL!!! SKF and Timken shares as the arse falls out the mouse scroll wheel bearing market due to Wings implementing ignore poster button function on the site.



We know the UK gov had insufficient or no PPE prior to covid 19 with NHS staff wearing bin bags.

Much of the original 2009 requisition of respirator masks is not accounted for – went missing.

The gov was told of PPE shortages but did nothing. That set up the scenario for the great, illegal enrichment.

Companies that went through the VIP lane referred by MPs , peers, officials were 10 times more likely to be awarded a contract than those not.



Christmas cracker.

Happy Christmas. Will you be havin apple crumble or a meringue?


Woohoo hoooo @ the ignore function.

*Happy dance*

Merry Christmas everyone! 😀

PS Excellent cartoon. I bet they’re off Del Boys stall & chunter in some foreign GRR language that no one sane understands.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 9:29 am

“ethnic cleansing”

I assume you refer to the displacement of perhaps as many as 4 million Scots combined with the import of 2 million+ people from rest UK since the Scots were procured?

“about colonialist mindsets, value systems and the enforced speech of the oppressor.”

Post independence, a liberated nation’s institutional leadership cannot be expected to continue to hold never mind prioritise the values of the colonizer.

John Main

James Che 4:13

Dig up the 99.9% of Scots who weren’t asked in 1707 and ask them now.

That’s the only sense I can make of your post.

And don’t worry, the secret of your plan is safe with me.

Merry Xmas!


Republic @ 3.05

Noone has been got at by Cozy Pete. Pete is desperate to hang on to his Westminster style of living. He knows his seat is vulnerable, and that he has no chance of being speaker, so he has to go for the old dead stoat trick.

He knows he’s on a winner – the Conservatives (i.e. Labour and Tories) would love to see a SNP figure in the Lords, embracing the U.K. set up. So if he’s put porward he’s bound to get it.

And if one, why not two? Baroness Sturgeon of Queenslie could join Lord Wishart of Bullsbrook in a joint installation ceremony.

What a nice New Year’s Honours present that would be for such independence loving stalwarts.

James Che

Merry Christmas to Stu and Chris,
And to everyone else a wishing you all a very merry Christmas,

I have chopped and sawn my sticks ready for a cosy Christmas by the fireside, small home cooked Christmas dinner ready to go, then time to share a seat with two dogs to watch some old movies,

The better half is still recovering from op in hospital yesterday, hope they provide a lovely Christmas dinner for their patients,
Happy hols everyone.

John Main


You just see me as a know-all because of the piss poor context my posts appear in. In the circumstances, it’s not difficult to stand head and shoulders above the majority.

Regarding your list. It’s all owned – bought and paid for long ago. An iScotland needs policies for taking ownership back. And policies for taking control back – that’s the biggie where most of our revenue earners lie hundreds of miles out to sea.

You continue to insist, perhaps you truly have faith, that the current owners are going to shrug their shoulders and walk away cos we have a vote. Maybes we won’t even need that vote!

I believe everything will have to be bought by iScotland at market value, plus iScotland will be shouldering 10% of UK national debt. But if you have professional or political spokespeople who take your side, drop some links on here.

Unless it’s all a big secret.

Merry Xmas!

James Che

Narcissistic personality disorder also known as a Superiorty Complex is actually a medically inferiority disorder,



Re-posting this from months back because Mr Main is still trying to deflect onto ownership and buying our assets back into partial public ownership / nationalising them.

But back to resources, and you again try to focus and divert onto the question of asset and resource ownership, ignoring that my proffered example makes no suggestion of altering the ownership status of these assets and resources, instead the change of Scotland returning to self-governance would mean that the revenue streams generated by licensing and taxation of these assets and resources in Scottish jurisdictional areas would be diverted to a Scottish Treasury, to be used and distributed across Scottish society made up of 5.4 million folk, rather than them flowing into the UK Treasury which serves 67 million folk.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 5:39 pm

“everything will have to be bought by iScotland at market value”

You appear to be advocating the purchase of stolen goods?

“iScotland will be shouldering 10% of UK national debt”

That is a rather crude and invalid assumption which ignores analysis of the ‘colonial balance sheet’.

Neil Singleton

Judging by the large number of anti Israel/pro Hamas “fighters” commenting, I can only presume that the official constitution of Hamas that calls for “every Jew on the planet to be killed” is acceptable (and not inciting genocide)?

Emmanuel Katto

Thank you so much Chris for your brilliant cartoons!

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