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Wings Over Scotland

Mistaken identity

Posted on September 28, 2024 by
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Maircell Mairso

Dorothy Devine

I think I must have missed something.

Doug I do like your quip!

Scot Finlayson

Scottish Police policy would be to validate his self id from tea leaf to mine artist.


Sexual deviants/child groomers impersonating MP’s or MSP’s may have been more apt.
Nice one Chris.

Kevin Cargill

Ah but was he presenting as or identifying as? That’s one of the main differences between good old fashioned transvestites and our new modern “Transwomen”. Transvestites simply presented as poor imitations of women but would never claim to be one or use their spaces. Transwomen, however claim they are actual women, demand access to their spaces, play their sports, use their changing rooms and if others refuse to accept that then they demand that those TErf bigots be locked up and the key thrown away!!

Anyway, we’re not supposed to assume anything about anybody anymore. He might not be a burglar presenting as a mime artist but a mime artist presenting as a burglar.

Ooooh!! My brain hurts.


Trans people can call themselves whatever they want but that does not oblige the rest of us to follow suit.


And I never shall Molesworth, irrespective of the cost.

Mark Beggan

New recruiting poster for Police Scotland.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

The “arresting” image and impersonation theme brings to mind a Wings article from Aug 23, in which Stuart Campbell quotes the following intriguing info published by Roddy Dunlop KC:

“There has been some confusion about prosecutorial decisions of late. What follows is not aimed at any particular case. I know not why some cases are prosecuted and others are not. But the points below are perhaps not widely known.

“Police are not obliged to report to the Procurator Fiscal every alleged crime. They have a discretion to issue warnings. However, that does not apply where there is an aggravation. If there is then, in general, the case must be reported to the PF.

“The PF is not obliged to prosecute every reported crime. Again, there is a discretion. Once more, however, the discretion not to prosecute is removed, or at least tightly circumscribed, where there is an aggravation.

“An aggravation relates to certain (but not all) characteristics. Thus race is covered. As is religion; and sexual orientation; and gender reassignment. Misogyny, however, is not an aggravation. Likewise, being gender critical may be covered under the Equality Act. But it is not covered by aggravations under the criminal law.

“Accordingly, neither an assault on a woman for being a woman, or for being a gender critical woman, is an aggravated crime. A report of such could be dealt with by police warning, or not prosecuted by the PF, under the discretions mentioned above.

“On the other hand, an s.38 (breach of the peace) which involves no assault but which does involve alleged hate crime (ie race, religion, sexual orientation etc – but not misogyny) is aggravated and, in general, must be prosecuted and is not subject to those discretions.

“What this means is a breach of the peace involving verbal abuse of certain minorities must be prosecuted; but the assault of a woman does not have to be. Whether this is desirable or advisable I leave to others. But it’s where the law stands right now.”

(Quoted in Wings Over Scotland article: ‘How Scotland Hates Women’, 31 Aug 2023) —

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Anton Decadent

I am currently back at college and in the decade since I was last there it has got worse. Pisspoor service from people with pronouns on their bios and woke shite all over the walls.


Yip – England’s King Charles III and his spouse, trying desperately to identify as the king and queen of Scotland today – at Holyrood – when they are not.


At Fearghas 2.26pm I find it extremely confusing that a senior member of our judicial service and legal system can list the boundaries and limitations of certain charges without being outraged at the stupidity interwoven throughout

That you can be given a caution by the police after a physical assault,BUT you MUST be referred to the COPFS if you spoke bad words to someone
Who was it says the law is an ass would it not be more correct to say that the people making the laws are asses, and if some senior person within the judiciary is frightened to point out the stupidity of certain laws what is wrong with our system
BTW another great message Chris

James Gardner

Remember the case against Labour MP Marie Rimmer CBE dropped because the Crown failed to use the word “Glasgow” on the charge.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Re twathater@4:04 pm
Behind the apparent “stupidity” lurks a coldly-calculated ideology.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

…and thus we should duly note the apt “unmasked” reference in Chris Cairns’ fine illustration.

Alf Baird

Colonialism is defined as ‘hateful racism’ (Cesaire) and a crime against humanity (United Nations); which implies its promotion may be considered as aggravation. Which suggests all of Scotland’s elected representatives and institutions who work to protect colonialism have questions to answer.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

I have coincidentally read a police (and indeed cartoonist) reference just now in a biography by Gilles Kepel. It may be of some oblique interest. (Kepel should certainly not be blamed for the prose here — it’s only a rough automatic online translation to give the sense of it) —

« I was able to see this when I dined with the main person concerned, Salman Rushdie, at Princeton University on May 10, 2017, three decades after the fatwa of sinister memory. The author, despite the murder of his Japanese translator and dozens of victims during riots, had survived this appalling ordeal without physical harm. He drew from it a detailed account of his life under escort, entitled ‘Joseph Anton’ (the title is a nod to his two favorite novelists, Conrad and Chekhov), published in 2012.

« When I learned that a mutual friend, Professor Bernard Haykel, who had organized our two conferences on campus on the same day, was going to bring us together for dinner, I read this text. I myself had been living under police protection for almost a year following my death sentence by a Daesh jihadist on June 13, 2016. This is the belated Sunni echo of Khomeini’s inaugural Shiite fatwa – in the context of the wave of Islamist terrorism that descended on France following the massacre of the Charlie Hebdo editorial office on January 7, 2015.

« I was stunned to discover in the pages of ‘Joseph Anton’ the abject guilt-inducing relationship that the English police had with Rushdie, constantly reproaching him for the disturbance he caused to the United Kingdom, implying it was all his fault, that it would have been better if he had never written his contentious ‘Verses’ book – forcing him to constantly move home, for which his publisher must pay.

« Perhaps this sadism was attributable as much to Mrs Thatcher’s revenge against the man who insulted her throughout the offending novel? On the other hand, the French state fully assumed my protection (as well as that of all the other people threatened by the jihadists), considering that it was a national duty. I owe unlimited gratitude to the then Minister of the Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve, as well as to the security officers and drivers who risked being killed with me every day, or even in my place. »

(Extract from ‘Prophète en son pays’ by Gilles Kepel, Éditions de L’Observatoire, 2023)


It is interesting that everyone attacks the Scottish Government over the gender stuff when in actual fact it all stems from the UK equality act.

The SNP certainly did not cover themselves with any glory, but I do smell a rat when I think of the timing of the Isla Bryson case, the self ID nonsense and the disconnect to the fact the prison service has been dealing with such people for years.

I am not sure where the rat is but every time I hear and SNP person on the TV talking about gender they never start with “well the UK equality act requires us to….”

Why are the SNP so incapable of weaving the responsibility of Westminster into their response.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

(The meal doesn’t go too well, if you were wondering…)

« It therefore seemed natural to me to exchange impressions with my colleague [Salman Rushdie] by comparing our experiences as victims of death sentences by Islamists, a few decades apart. I had been warned he was a difficult character. In fact, reading [his book] ‘Joseph Anton’ — beyond the factual narrative that interested me in the first place — proved to be frustrating from a literary point of view, the author’s narcissism getting to me.

« His lecture, which I attended before dinner, was of a similar tenor. We were seated at table side by side by our host in this dining room of Prospect, the Princeton ‘Faculty Club’, to which thirty-five years earlier I had been invited by Bernard Lewis and his colleague Charles Issawi, when I had just finished my thesis after returning from Egypt.

« Rushdie is not very friendly at first, but does seem flattered by my interest in ‘Joseph Anton’ which was not his most famous work, and so he asks me why. I explain to him that I am the distant continuator of his original ordeal. He seems to find this comparison problematic, his own fatwa representing a world first and mine no more than a lowly event in an endless sequel thereafter: as proof of that, he has never heard of it.

« So l ask him if he himself knows why it was on February 14 1989, precisely Valentine’s Day, that he was sentenced to death.

— What does it matter?

— Well, it was the day before the 15th!

« He looks at me in consternation: how did this idiot Frenchman end up sitting on his right?

— So what?

« — On that day, the Red Army was driven out of Kabul by the Afghan jihad supported by Saudi Arabia and the CIA, a prelude to the collapse of communism on November 9. But the global media repercussions of your fatwa overshadowed this event, allowing Khomeini to pose as a herald of offended Islam in the face of his Saudi and Sunni rivals, who had subsidized this jihad…

« He turns his head towards the person sitting on his left. Irritated, he exchanges not a word with me again during dinner. »

(‘Prophète en son pays’ by Gilles Kepel, Éditions de L’Observatoire, 2023)

Geoff Anderson

Sandyford Clinic

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Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh
29 September, 2024 at 12:46 am

(The meal doesn’t go too well, if you were wondering…)

« It therefore seemed natural to me to exchange impressions with my colleague [Salman Rushdie] by comparing our experiences as victims of death sentences by Islamists, a few decades apart…

I don’t suppose it costs much to put a price on somebody’s head, but if the price for a type written heresy against Al-lah is death, you wonder whether a degree of recalibration will be required given the outrage caused by the soulless evil of Netanyahu and the type witten cheques he gets from his “patrons”.

Those patrons, I assume, being the handful who didn’t walk out at the UN in the presence of a contemptible war criminal.

Perhaps they were inspired by the SNP walking out on Niall Hanvey and Kenny MacKaskill… Oh yeah, I’m guessing probably not… That was simply pathetic and cringeworthy.

We all now the SNP would never dare to risk their type-written pay cheques by offending their “Gods” in Westminster.

Mark Beggan

From the greatest politician to the giggling schoolgirl taking selfies at the King’s speech.

The protesters outside are related to the anti abortionists. It’s becoming very clear that some Scots just can’t let go of the past. No matter how many times they get shafted.


Geoff Anderson
29 September, 2024 at 8:47 am

Sandyford Clinic

Chilling. This cold-heated extremist Ideology needs rooted out of our society before it damages any more bairns and families.


There’s nothing Green about the Scottish Greens.

“Some of the world’s biggest polluters sponsored an exclusive champagne reception for senior Scottish Greens at their own party conference.

One of Europe’s largest CO2 emitters, an oil giant and a firm accused of funding environmentally damaging projects are among those whose cash was used to pay for the event in October 2023.”

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SAS to meet with England’s Home Secretary to extend the time U’s can live in Scotland to another 18 months – the English PM has already stated that U will receive £3 billion quid a year from the mug taxpayers in the UK – with not time limit, the English PM has said that he’ll back U to the end – whatever that means.


@ shug 28th Sept 11.00pm I had to laugh at your comment that the Scum Nonce Party government should be more outspoken about placing the BLAME on WM for the massive upsurge in the gender pish due to WM implementing the UK equality act

There are a couple of problems with that assessment shug
No 1 the SG through sturgeon the betrayer were the ones who drove at 90mph to FORCE through the GRRB in HR,despite it being nowhere in their manifesto that people elected them on

No 2 They kept going DESPITE massive opposition from the electorate,which eventually had to be BLOCKED by WM which caused immense frustration and anger from genuine INDEPENDENCE supporters and gave the bastard WM govt an opportunity to GLOAT over the snp stupidity

Sturgeon and her fellow arseholes BLAME everything they can on WM it is their go to excuse for every failing

I presume you have been a long time member of the snp and have possibly given up your membership or maybe not, BUT there is a distinct difference between being a supporter of Scottish independence and being a supporter of the snp political party, I fear you are missing the cameraderie of being a party member and are looking for a reason to excuse the open wanton betrayal of Scotland and Scots from a shower of self serving arseholes who NEVER had the courage or conviction to FIGHT for our independence against a severely weakened WM
Most indy supporters were taken in by sturgeons secret plan pish or the “wheesht for indy” pushed by snp members especially ones like Robert Peffers who gave short shrift to anyone challenging the party, but the reality is shug that they are ALL a bunch of fake indy tray tors who have DESTROYED your party, so yer excuses don’t work

Hatey McHateface

@Republicofscooby 2:57

Surely that’s good news. The sooner everybody gives up on the Nett Zero pish and gets us Scots back onto our plentiful fossil fuels, oil, gas and yes, coal, the better.

They’re cheap, they’re everywhere around and under Scotland. The only factor holding us back is Green virtue signalling over “climate change”. In effect, prioritising the Third World over our own comfort and prosperity. Meanwhile, the likes of China and India can’t believe their luck that we should be so daft.

I say we don’t need to bother about “climate change” until more Scots die from the heat each summer than die from the cold each winter.

None of us will live long enough to see that year.

Hatey McHateface

@Republicofscooby 3:05

Surely that’s good news.

Indy is in the doldrums. Experience firsthand of people who know all about freedom, sovereignty and how to fight for it can only be a good thing for ordinary, Indy-minded Scots.

You yourself are a textbook case of somebody who wouldn’t recognise imperialist colonialist aggression if a gun-toting Orc dug a mass grave and gunned down your family into it.

You should get out of your silo, mix with the refugees, digest their stories. High time you learned something.



Its not about fact it is about how you frame a response.

The fact they do not frame the response says they are losers


“You should get out of your silo, mix with the refugees, digest their stories. ”

You mix with refugees & listen to their stories? Aye, that’s believable. Not.



Hatey McHateface says: at 9:30 pm

@Republicofscooby 2:57

Surely that’s good news. The sooner everybody gives up on the Nett Zero pish and gets us Scots back onto our plentiful fossil fuels, oil, gas and yes, coal, the better.

They’re cheap, they’re everywhere around and under Scotland…

Hi John, you’re always trying to find an angle to take issue with folk, the trouble is this time last year you stated there were ownership issues with all those resources, and yet now somehow there isn’t…

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How you might well end up:

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Ian Brotherhood

Fresh ScotTory leader Russell Findlay declaring that the independence ‘dream’ is dead.

You have to wonder if this is just an attention-seeking stunt, whether it’s a response to something someone else said or he just did it off his own bat.

How much longer before anyone expressing support for independence is dismissed as a ‘terrorist’? The word seems malleable enough to apply to virtually anyone depending on how much they stray from the official narrative on anything.

Hatey McHateface

@ Dan says: 29 September, 2024 at 10:33 pm

ownership issues with all those resources

Not with the coal that’s under our very feet there isn’t.

All we have to do is start digging.

Oil & gas remains more problematic, as we now lack the technology to go get it, so we are beholden to foreign governments and multi-nationals who have the ownership/control in the bag. Not insurmountable, as Robin McAlpine outlines, and I have referenced, but the issue is nuanced and so beyond the remit of a Wings BTL debate.

As for the wind, you may as well try to charge people for breathing. The wind belongs to those who invest in the infrastructure to capture it. Currently, English investment exceeds Scottish by a factor of 10.

However, the most important factors to take account of when looking at all of this offshore over-the-horizon “wealth” is that Scotland certainly lacks the capability and probably the balls to protect it from those big, bad boys who will take it all away from us.

Heck, just look at the screeds of posts cheerleading the aggressively imperialist forces crushing successfully independent nations and cultures in Eastern Europe and the ME.

Freedom, and the protection of what is rightly yours against existential threats, are absolutes, or aught to be. Right now though, the impression given by many Scots is that extermination is fitting to those with whom they don’t agree.

With that attitude though, must go an acceptance that Scotland may not “deserve” freedom, or protection from extermination, either.

Dorothy Devine

Ian B , perhaps he speaks more in hope than expectation.

So far the Westminster new crew is looking much like the old crew which should make them less than acceptable to most folk.


Ian Brotherhood

“Fresh ScotTory leader Russell Findlay declaring that the independence ‘dream’ is dead.”

You have to laugh at the Tories. Only here in the cheap seats. They haven’t won a majority in Scotland for over 70+ years & their dreams of ever being a First Minister in the union is NIL.

Watch them get Scots back up even more each time they open their gob.

The dream hasn’t died in over 300 yrs yet those roasters think it only started in 2013 lol.


Hatey McHateface says: at 9:37 am

Oil & gas remains more problematic, as we now lack the technology to go get it, so we are beholden to foreign governments and multi-nationals who have the ownership/control in the bag

And just why might that be then? It couldn’t possibly be due to the decades of bad management of energy resources and policy from London Rule?
I continually ask unionists to explain why foreign interests having more control and profit making interests over our energy resources and generation is somehow a positive, yet silence prevails…

But as for lacking the tech here in Scotland, not sure about that I’m afraid. I’m just some idiot on the internet but fyi I helped build and piloted some of the highly complex machines with some extremely skilled engineers here in Scotland that were integral to developing the technology that facilitated the deep sea intervention of oil fields West of Shetland.
That’s the trouble with know all folk on the internet spouting off on all manner of stuff as if they are an authoritative source, they inevitably try it on with someone that has way more knowledge and life experience.

And all your relentless attempts of whataboutery to bring the conflicts in U and P into the context of Scottish discussions are so tedious and disingenuous, because you try to frame the “invading force” as bad for the former yet good for the latter. You display no consistency of views as you plague this site with your disruptive antagonistic pish, and because you have been on here so long you’ve left an easily identifiable trail of evidence that clearly shows you are just a bad actor with no intention of ever reaching a consensus with anybody. Even if their is a close alignment of views on certain subjects with someone, you’ll just choose to find issue or fault on some other aspect.


Russell Findlay, in his speech to the National Rent Boy Recruitment Society, was entirely wrong in stating “Well let me tell you Salmond, Sturgeon, Swinney and Yousaf: the dream is dead.”

What his speech writer should’ve written was…

“Well let me tell you Salmond, thanks to Sturgeon, Swinney and Yousaf: the dream is dead.”


Dorothy Devine

I am struggling to get over comments made regarding the death Hassan Nasrallah by Biden and some German spokesperson as ‘justice’ while ignoring the many killed in order to assassinate the man.

I am also worried by ‘deep intelligence’ which I find myself interpreting as torture.

I wonder at the world watching and doing hee haw and at snail’s pace.

I wonder at the charities asking the public for aid to those in desperate circumstances in the area while Westminster government continues to provide weaponry.

I wonder at the closing down of public protest as mentioned in the Guardian today.

Mark Beggan

Not a bad speech from Findlay, all things considered, but alas a mistake! Not the dream Findlay old chap. The nightmare, The nightmare is over. The power junky SNP retards have done enough damage. The Scots want no more freaks in a show.



That’s an easy one..

Colonising warmongers = good.
Everyone else = terrorists.


Imagine being as thick as to believe foreign companies own Scotlands resources just cause they own a drill LOL! In an independent Scotland – any contracts would be renegotiated. An independent Scotland with its own currency & central bank can easily afford legal costs to any arse wipe who thinks otherwise.

BRICS is doing an interesting program of establishing universities around the world to help future generations to maintain their own countries natural resources, economies, tech, research & diplomacy to ensure future generations can maintain their Sovereignty. R is currently helping Africa turn on electricity, some regions for the very first time. Pooling & sharing from each member country expert advice & know how who can share a wealth of knowledge.

Of course, to ppl like Main Mary quite contrary, it’ll be a jihadi recruiting program that will arrive in dingies any moment to steal the excellent standard of living we all have here. So we better all stay awake..

Hatey McHateface

@ Dan says: 30 September, 2024 at 10:33 am

fyi I helped build and piloted some of the highly complex machines with some extremely skilled engineers here in Scotland

Are you still doing that? My limited knowledge suggests that all of the know how, IP rights, and profits long since migrated overseas. Of course, there are still some local jobs.

Sure, Scotland once lead the world in that stuff. We still have some niche world-beating competencies. But ownership and control long since went.

And that was my point. I’m not too interested in finger pointing about who’s to blame. Indy needs a feasible strategy to recover the situation.

relentless attempts of whataboutery to bring the conflicts in U and P into the context of Scottish discussions

Always happy to ignore these conflicts completely, but there are some scab pickers who can’t leave them alone – the boy fae scooby being just one of them. But by all means you square the circle for us – I’ve been trying to understand this for getting on 3 years now:

How is Scotland’s struggle to preserve her unique culture, language, customs, etc. and her fight for Independent Sovereignty and escape from imperialist colonialism, aided and encouraged by the victory of imperialist colonialism, and the destruction of culture, language, customs etc. a few hundred miles away from here?

Take your time.

plague this site

Surely not your call to make. Get your own site and then you can gatekeep.

you’ll just choose to find issue or fault

Man up, Dan. Or find a more congenial echo chamber. We’re Scots. Nit-picking disagreement is our national pastime. If you can’t accept that, and evolve strategies to cope, stick to making soup.

Hatey McHateface

@ Dorothy Devine says: 30 September, 2024 at 12:10 pm

Wheesht – you’ll upset Dan!

the world watching and doing hee haw and at snail’s pace

Me too!

Coming up a year now. Long overdue for the world to get its collective arse in gear, smash its way into the torturers and kidnasppers tunnels, and free the innocent hostages, if there are any left that the cowering yellow bellies haven’t yet executed from behind their human shields of their own women and kids.



You do know that the US, & it’s poxy attack dogs on the security council, have vetoed against those hostages being returned safety?

You’ll also be aware, cause you know everything, Yahoo vetoed it too. The Hannibal directive. He’d kill them himself if he could & has done in the past.

Dorothy Devine

Al Jazeera reporting the US claiming to have killed 37 Isil fighters in Syria – wonder what they are doing there and how many innocents have been cut down.


“How is Scotland’s struggle to preserve her unique culture, language, customs, etc. and her fight for Independent Sovereignty and escape from imperialist colonialism, aided and encouraged by the victory of imperialist colonialism, and the destruction of culture, language, customs etc. a few hundred miles away from here?”

Yet again you fail to stick to facts.

U passed laws prohibiting R culture, language, Customs, Arts, Books, Film, Music, TV, School & even their Church. They do that Nazi pastime of burning them out along with a good book burning? They persecuted, imprisoned & even bombed them too.

Did you not pay attention to Minsk agreements where they were supposed to cease & desist from these activities?

The more you post shit the more deranged you become. Stick to facts, not propaganda.

Hatey McHateface

The Quassem boy, quoted in today’s Guardian:

“everyone must know that we love martyrdom”

“we are the people of jihad”

A bit too strong for me, but to all those who believe Scotland’s struggle for Indy needs to align itself with their objectives, just make sure you’re ready and willing to see it through to the end.

Also, just a thought, maybe find out for certain beforehand if the “jihad” bit doesn’t also apply to us.

With “us” being white, practising or lapsed Christians, atheists and agnostics.

In other words, most Scots.

One of the meanings of jihad is a war for the faith against unbelievers. It would be tragic if Scots Indy supporters were to martyr themselves for a cause that went on to subsequently slaughter Scots unbelievers.

Tragic, but certainly ironic 🙂


It will all kick off now because the UN is furious Yahoo gave the order from an office at the UN. He really has zero regard for anyone.

Millions on the streets across the region including India & Pakistan over Hassan Nasrallahs assassination. A hero whatever their religious beliefs because he stood against colonialism. A modern day Gandhi.

Over 1,000 dead to kill one man. FFS..


“I am struggling to get over comments made regarding the death Hassan Nasrallah by Biden and some German spokesperson as ‘justice’ while ignoring the many killed in order to assassinate the man.”

Dorothy Devine @12.10pm.

The Z-i-on-ists don’t care about civilian casualties in Leb-an–on – just as they don’t care about them in G–az-a or the W-e-st B-an-k, remember Z-i–ion-sm is a form of Rac–ism/F–a-scism.

On Leb–an–on.

It looks like – the British could’ve informed the Zi–on-is–ts as to the whereabouts of Nasr-al-lah – He-zbo-ll–ah must recover quickly – for, I suspect the ground invasion of Southern Leb-a-non won’t be that far-off.

Not to mention that the US has a huge embassy complex, situated, just eight miles from the centre of Be–ir-ut.

With both these things in mind – I think its pretty safe to say – that in Le-b-an-on there’s more leaks – than you can find in a Welsh fruit and veg shop (Leeks).

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“As we appear to be heading into all-out war between He-z-bo–llah and Izz–ra-el, worth reflecting on how B-ei–rut’s military, security and intelligence agencies are heavily infiltrated by British assets, personnel and technology. Talk about fifth columnists…”

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@ Hatey McHateface previously John Main

No, I no longer require to work in the offshore industry but still have friends and acquaintances that remain working in offshore industries such as fossil fuel, renewables, construction, and communications disciplines so keep relatively well informed on matters.
It is worth acknowledging that offshore work is much more than just fossil fuel extraction.

Seems strange that the UK can’t weld together basic wind turbine towers yet my mate can repair all the elements damaged in transit towers that arrive here, and also weld up high end missile launch tubes down at Rosyth…
All the local manufacturing jobs that Scotland and UK could have had but so much of the work is farmed out to far flung lands benefiting their economies over our own.
And not forgetting the farcical carbon foot print of things like shipping 100 wind turbine towers from China, 5 at a time on a ship burning fossil fuels. So just the 20 journeys back and forth for that task.
You are just trigger trolling by trying to lever in that I am upset, as that is not the case. I am however frustrated that this site’s btl discourse is allowed to be continually held back from developing into something far more worthy and interesting due to the groundhog day going over old previously dealt with subject matter, and twats like you changing your previously expressed views and positions so you can continue to disrupt and hold back the quality of discourse.
If as a Scot international matters concern you quite so much then the first priority should be for Scotland to actually get into a position of self-governance that allows us to be a player contributing our own voice at international level, because for all my life we have had UK governments Scotland didn’t want supposedly representing us on the world stage.

There are occasional quality posts dropped that could be picked up and run with. Last week for example Viv O Bliv’s

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And this post by Glengirl which I suspect got held in moderation so folk may have missed it by the time it got cleared. (Picked up from Off-Topic NHTW#47)

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22 September, 2024 at 6:22 pm

Kenny has failed to mention the biggest injustice of all when it comes to renewable energy and Scotland. He omits to say that, for as long as he and others aspire for Scotland to be a leading exporter or renewable energy, ordinary people and communities in the Highlands (and indeed other parts of rural Scotland) are going to pay the real price, which is a trashed environment, ruined landscapes, degraded wildlife, destroyed cultural heritage, and a much-diminished quality of life generally.

In our particular area of the Highlands threatened by the monster Spittal-Beauly 400kV overhead line, we are looking at wholesale felling of woodlands important to people and wildlife (in order to create the 80m-wide wayleave corridors the line requires not just at installation but forever); the trashing of important archaeological, historical and cultural sites and landscapes; the removal of flourishing woodland regeneration and disruption to species such as woodcock, cuckoos, ravens, skylarks etc; threats to the future of local tourism businesses; and noise and upheaval on a massive scale. And after the line is in place, there will be tsunami of applications for more wind factories, BESS etc as speculators eye up the chance of further fast bucks. And the current proposed massive overhead line is unlikely to to be the only one, as there are larger still grid upgrade targets to reach by 2050 which will require huge new infrastructure developments.

This is not to mention, an additional loss, for the people living closest to the new infrastructure – the substantial reduction of the value of what is the main (or even only) capital asset which most people have ie their home. In the Highlands, we are already seeing the values of homes near to proposed mega pylons, substations etc fall significantly and research suggests that homes close to major infrastructure might plummet in value by up to 40%. That’s 40% of a family’s assets (probably still mortgaged), lost to current and future generations of families. Paltry ‘community benefits’, or 10-year reductions to electricity bills for people living closest to pylons, will come nowhere near to replacing what these families will lose.

Nor are the people living closest to the infrastructure the only ones to suffer. Many of the areas under threat from these developments are the holiday destinations of Scottish city-dwellers and people from the rest of the UK and further afield who value the opportunity to escape to a clean, comparatively unspoilt environment where they can relax, de-stress and nurture their physical and mental wellbeing. Spittal-Beauly’s 60m high pylons, 120-acre substations emitting what is now known up here as the ‘Beauly buzz’, and massive wind factories with 200m high turbines are not conducive to wellbeing in any way.

Kenny rightly recognises at the end of his piece that our environment is being trashed. But he fails to answer the real question: do we really want to industrialise large tracts of Scotland to make a few quid (and mainly for overseas investors, it appears)?

Or could it really be that we should be looking instead at achieving sustainable, community-owned, renewable energy generation and transmission systems developed to meet local needs for energy, and not to feed the ever-increasing consumption of all kinds which is actually what lies at the foundations of our current problems nationally and internationally. We should be finding truly sustainable ways to live, and preserving and cherishing our precious landscape, wildlife, heritage and way of life, not selling it out.

Trashing the planet to save the planet? Aye right, Kenny. But it’s not too late for you to realise that there is another way. In the Highlands we sincerely hope that this message gets through not just to Kenny but to other politicians.

Because otherwise the effects on our communities, land and way of life will compare in many ways to the effects of the Highland Clearances – wholesale exploitation of the Highlands by outsiders just under a new guise.”

I would like to read many more interesting and thought provoking posts like the couple linked to above, and hope it would create further discussion on such subjects.
But as you say this isn’t my site (it also isn’t yours), and as the site is meant to be about Scotland returning to self-governance I think it would be more conducive to the site’s objective if there was more quality discourse on Scottish matters and a bit less of the low brow bickering on matters we currently can do heehaw about.


Dorothy Devine @1.54pm.

Its not I-S-I-L fighters – it will be pro-Sy–rian forces defending their country from invaders I–SI–L, is a Western backed terror force, just one of many – North West S–yr-ia is in the grip of the likes of Turkey – US/UK I–zz-hell to mention but a few – and of course, the Kurds are there as well – of which Turkish Premier Erdogan wants to wipe them out completely – Sweden railed against Erdogan for trying to exterminate the Kurds – and Turkey blocked Sweden’s accession to Nato – recently they finally gave their approval for Sweden to have full membership of the Bullyboys club.

Then you have U fighters in S-yr–ia the goal to divert POOOOT–in’s forces away from U.

Ian Brotherhood

Just saw a wee bit on Al Jazeera about Jim Ratcliffe and Man Utd’s woes.

I don’t follow English football at all, didn’t know he was part-owner of the club.

That’s the same dude who runs INEOS, right?

Sounds like a bit of an albatross.

Hatey McHateface

@ Geri says: 30 September, 2024 at 2:45 pm

A modern day Gandhi

I was unaware that Gandhi used to lob missiles from a foreign country his followers had stolen, across to another foreign country he and his followers wanted to steal next.

The sly wee rogue. He’s been milking his rep as a man of peace for far too long!

Millions on the streets across the region including India & Pakistan

Weird, I thought India was majority Hindu. Gandhi too.

My, my. Just when I thought the sheer ignorance displayed daily on Wings BTL could get no worse …

What will Geri claim next, I wonder? Hindus and Muslims secretly love each other?

India & Pakistan to re-unite? What’s the opposite of partition?

Usually at this point somebody will write in to say it was the English that made them kill around a million of each other in 1948 …

Over 1,000 dead to kill one man

Not a mere man, Geri, the new Gandhi.

Still, you need to take it up with The Guardian. Here’s what they are saying:

“Lebanon’s official count was that 11 were killed and 108 wounded”

Unless, to you, he was worth 1,000 of us everyday men. Be honest, Geri, who’s on your bedroom wall posters?

And for how long do you intend to mourn?

Hatey McHateface

@ Dan says: 30 September, 2024 at 3:24 pm

twats like you changing your previously expressed views and positions so you can continue to disrupt and hold back the quality of discourse

Man, Dan, the stand up comedy circuit needs you! I’ll forgive your “twat” – it’s just your affectionate way of saying I have an argument or two you lack the smarts to refute.

Why don’t you take your concerns up with the scooby boy, or Geri, or any of the other roasters who are now convinced that the road to Indy is paved with anti-semitism and the extermination of those sovereign nations that are prepared to fight back against violent aggressors?

I don’t see it myself, but maybe I just need to give it more time.

It’s a long way from the promises of 2014, mind.

Ian Brotherhood

Just lobbing this in…

What if an independent Scotland joined BRICS?



As Dan says a comment from Glengirl that deserves a wider discussion but unfortunately we have politicians who are so WM and uk focused that everything is looked at through a uk prism
Can anyone tell me when any independence supporting politician (hahahaha) last supplied credible educational information to challenge the belief that Scotland and Scots would see ANY benefits from WM imposed policies and ideology

Once again our politicians refuse to utilise and capitalise on the GLARING corruption and misuse of taxpayer funds to other foreign countries by the labour party whilst OUR own citizens suffer homelessness,deprivation,poverty,removal of heating allowance, removal of school meals with much more severe austerity being promised


@ John bastard taxes MOAN I would be obliged if you could point out the anti-semitic comments, that is a serious allegation,or are you talking about people rightfully criticising the abhorrent actions of a government in is ra hell , you do know there is a difference or are you telling the world there is not


“What if an independent Scotland joined BRICS?”

Sensible move.

But the site prick would have a total meltdown. (rotflmfao)


N-a–to’s Lord Haw Haw – Jens Stoltenberg, stands down today as its propaganda mouthpiece – he will be replaced tomorrow with ex- Dutch PM Mark Rutte – its a like for like replacement.

Stoltenberg – a former Norwegian PM – became the warmongering clubs (Na–t-o) mouthpiece (Secretary General) in 2014, replacing the Dane – Anders Fogh Rasmussen – who is now (unsurprisingly) a lobbyist for U.

People like Stoltenberg, Rassmussen and Rutte – never leave the establishment – they just get moved to other gatekeeping positions – within the corrupt system.

Young Lochinvar

Slightly off topic, mind you maybe not.

The SNP, following SHE who shall not be nameds social engineering mania has upped the minimum price of alcohol penalty again, based on advice from focus groups (some Quangos likely ScotGov funded) endless sole reason for beings crusade.

So continuity continues to continue continually till this crowd of bampots get voted out into the void.
Rock on 2016.

SHE who shall not be named claimed the reduction in deaths linked to alcohol was her greatest achievement (ultimately proved completely false) and the roll out of baby boxes in her premiership of queer.

Baby boxes; an achievement that doesn’t really prompt high fives all round over years of power gained on electoral manifestos based on the drive for independence- ironically with hindsight the last thing on her mind possessed by madcap social engineering schemes notably absent in the electioneering material provided to us mere voters.

Wondering which level of Dante’s hell they should be plonked in head first, probably rotating through the levels given their manifest misdeeds.


Hatey McHateface at 5:13 pm

Man, Dan, the stand up comedy circuit needs you! I’ll forgive your “twat” – it’s just your affectionate way of saying I have an argument or two you lack the smarts to refute.

Poundshop Ellis there trying to deflect away from the point I was making that he will alter his previously expressed views and positions to wiggle his way into instigating a discord with others. I actually think Pounshop Eellis would best describe John’s slimy slippery ways.

Why don’t you take your concerns up with the scooby boy, or Geri, or any of the other roasters who are now convinced that the road to Indy is paved with anti-semitism and the extermination of those sovereign nations that are prepared to fight back against violent aggressors?

Hud on, does this mean you are bravely and stunningly coming out and are now supportive of Palestinians, or is it only you that gets to determine who’s action put them into the violent aggressors clarification?
And seeing as you are so endlessly concerned with how Ros doesn’t capitalise the s in his moniker. Why are you not using a capital S when you hyphenate antisemitism?
You post like a bot that has half its brain/chip missing and are unable to comprehend the hypocrisy of the utterances you issue.


Ian Brotherhood
30 September, 2024 at 5:39 pm

Just lobbing this in…

What if an independent Scotland joined BRICS?

Good shout. Good relations with both East and West. Dinnae kiss anyone’s erse just deal with people with respect. If it’s reciprocated brilliant if not, that’s how it goes.



“he will be replaced tomorrow with ex- Dutch PM Mark Rutte – its a like for like replacement.”

I can’t wait to see the election results.

According to the Britnat media he won some sort of race to win the spot. Did I miss a ballot paper?

As for joining BRICS – makes perfect sense. Trade with whomever we like & can even trade in whatever currency we choose. Gingies are back on the list! Woohoo!


I doubt you’ll get a cohesive answer. Main just spouts shite from one post the next. Did you see him ignore the hostages reply? *Tumbleweed* as usual.

He’s just here to be annoying & throw around Britnat propaganda.


Geri 8.01pm.

A wee bit more on Rutte – if you can stomach it, he’s a Gert Wilders protege among other things – with links to this woman.

link to

link to

As for BRICS – yes if Scotland can ditch this illegal union – not only would Scotland be welcome into it – our ain currency would also be welcome.


Young Lochinvar

Baby boxes weren’t even her policy. It was Salmonds & I think someone called McDonald (?) who was sent on a fact finding mission on how the policy worked in other countries.

& According to Robin McAlpine she dropped half the measures that were supposed to go along with it to help new parents. She just went straight to release the box early & soaked up the selfies & the glory.

Minimum pricing wasn’t her idea either.

She achieved nothing in office & she shouldn’t get to take credit for things that weren’t her policies but we have a moronic media who’ll let those facts slip.



Scotland really should be out mingling in other countries economic forums. Its where it’s at with contacts & education. Just need to look at the African Nations getting their shit together on infrastructure & long term plans for future generations.

The UK has no jurisdiction on where Scots decide to travel & visit.

Indy really needs to drop the domestic echo chamber & venture out into the world.

Hatey McHateface

@ Dan says: 30 September, 2024 at 7:38 pm

Poundshop Ellis

For somebody claiming they want to up the standard of debate on here, you’re remarkably quick to reach for the insults.

Words 1 & 2 of your post in fact. I’m guessing my jibe about you lacking the smarts to argue hit home!

Re the Palestinians.

I’m guessing you didn’t take Latin at school either, but here’s the Roman name for the area of real estate under discussion from approximately 63 BC:


See if you can work out why.

[HINT: I lied about needing to understand Latin]

Hatey McHateface

@ Republicofscooby says: 30 September, 2024 at 8:13 pm

As for BRICS – yes if Scotland can ditch this illegal union – not only would Scotland be welcome into it – our ain currency would also be welcome

As the golden promise of iScotland’s submission to the EU and the Euro straitjacket wanes, the “die-hard Indy supporter” casts around for a new supra-national entity in which to lose [checks capitalisation] Scotland’s sovereignty, freedom and fiscal agency.

Laydees, Gennulmen & Undecideds – I give you BRICS!

So iScotland will rub shoulders on equal footing with the PRC, the RF, India and some other miscellaneous third-world shitholes.


Ten years ago it was just the Yoons who said we were too wee and too poor to go it alone.

Now many on here are saying it. Without even a trace of shame either.


@ Geri at 8:25 pm

Aye an no. It would do our reputation no good if we sent the type of person currently influencing and rolling out policy in Scotland.

I really can’t see much useful reciprocal support coming back to us after we sent out a posse of morons extolling the benefits to their societies of focusing on mental genital gender infatuation, releasing plagues of beavers to indiscriminately gnaw down the planet saving trees and damaging essential infrastructure by undermining rail tracks, roads, sewers, gas mains, and farm land, installing heatpumps* on inappropriate properties, giving away the rights to their resources for little to no economic benefit like ScotWind, rolling out crazy deposit return schemes initiatives, how to buy boats seminars.

So on balance I think before Scotland even considers sending envoys out into the world we would need to vet them to ensure they reached an acceptable standard and only promoted sensible ideas and objectives.

*Dodgy heatpump installs get a pass today as I just scored an 800 quid one month old state of the art uber efficient hot water cylinder for 80 quid as it just got removed from a new build as wasn’t suitable for an ashp…

Hatey McHateface

@ Republicofscotland says: 30 September, 2024 at 7:12 pm

People like Stoltenberg, Rassmussen and Rutte – never leave the establishment

Ah ken scooby boy. They’re becoming just like Pres P. He’s been in place since 1999.

Or like that Nasrallah boy Geri is now in mourning for. He took over in 1992 so a 32 year stint at the top for him.

I’m starting to wonder, so be honest with us. Is part of the attraction of these boys that when you put up posters of them on your bedroom wall, you can anticipate not having to re-decorate for decades?



Educate yourself.

There’s no strings attached. No policies like gender woo & austerity to inflict by decree. No loan shark rates for investment loans 20 times higher that rich countries. No sanctions – that one is rather clever actually, no member allowed if they’ve imposed sanctions so that rules out the G7 dictators for starters. France already told to fck off. No collective warring on behalf of others. Everyone gets to choose their own foreign policy. No interference from nosey neighbours & countries work for the benefit of their own populations, not for an overlord.

What’s not to like? Full Sovereignty while still mutually benefiting from others in trade & infrastructure .


Aye. We need to wait until we elect someone who is serious about Indy & is statesman like.


PS – well done on grabbing a bargain.

Love it when that happens…

George Ferguson

The longer Branchform goes on the more I think of a “Not in the Public Interest” outcome. Of course who is deciding that?. The same players that treat the Scottish Public with contempt. Absolutely nobody will think of Scottish Institutions with any value after that outcome. High stakes do the right thing. My expectation is lowered by the day.



More uneducated bull.

Whether you like it or not P is ELECTED. Over 70% & even held elections during a war.

Nasrallah – also ELECTED. Hez is an elected political party who sit in parliament.

Let’s look at your mob..
Biden? Cause he certainly isn’t running the show.
Z? Whose term ended months ago. Oh deary, I forgot, he jailed opposition or expelled them & had to introduce martial law (lol like it wasn’t there already) because the population would get rid of him.
Yahoo? – he’d rather scorch the earth cause he’ll be arrested when he’s booted out. Hanging on by his fingernails by extreme, extreme fascists in a coalition.
& A whole host of Western leaders voted out but refusing to exit. Scrambling around looking for deals to stay in power.

Britnats don’t half do a lot of projecting. You really should put down the Daily Fail.


@ Geri 9:44 pm

Then we’re going to have to find out what Scottish folk think a definition of statesmanperson like is. Maybe one for the #AskAndy because he knows what the majority of Scots are thinking.

Will it be some kind of stereotypical boring repressed magnolia academic intellectual don’t rock the boat conformist to the status quo suit and tie wearing uninspiring shiny overly clean dullard.

Or maybe Scots will want to be represented by more unconventional exciting edgy type of characters who are so focused on and committed to improving the lives of their fellow countryfolk, that they don’t have time for shit like learning ancient guff Latin because Ohm’s and Boyle’s Law are more important these days, and are to busy serving their citizens to piss away time endlessly repeat washing and ironing fancy clothes that are barely dirty, and tweeting about what books they have read, so a kind of mucky pup rough diamond of unkempt worn out faded and torn workwear Derilicte Chic, with as iirc Craig Murray put it- decently dirty finger nails, which shows they are grafters and not some vain self-obsessed head up their arse boring narcissist.

Whilst here I was reading on t’internet some Mr Robot motivated idea to bring down Evil Corp through uncivil obedience.
If on an un-metered mains water supply with good pressure: Crash Scottish Water and greedy energy company profits and infrastructure by connecting a micro generation pelton wheel turbine leccy generator to your tap and just turn it wide open to create your own free small amount of power 24/7 (or at least until you can’t flush away that last stinky turd you did).


there is a situation out east that threatens to drag in many other nations; it could affect us, Scotland, since we are … part of this world, but there seems to be some ban here on using the words to describe the people we are talking about; this is either ignorance or cowardice. “zionism” is part of it, but it is only one project, successfully completed. There is a tumour, then there is metastasis, i.e. riddled with it, everywhere.

I remember all this going back to when I was a student, all the noise, the posturing, the bullshit; nothing has improved in any way since then. It won’t get any better either. But if you try to talk about what you need to talk about you get accused of antisemitism.

People should read, and it is readable “the controversy of zion” by douglas reed (many other books too, but this is a coherent overview); it destroyed his career, which had been a good one. An extrapolation of that book (1955 I think) would have predicted the future. No one wants to read it, and it is full of things “you cannot say”.

Right now, the terrorist stolen country wants to grab southern lebnon, mainly for the water; the holy land is not great real estate, a rather dry shithole, and with no hydrocarbons.

Back at uni, a mate of mine was from that country, he had emigrated from ru_sha. Turns out he had served in the IDF (they all do) and had the rank of major – he had been, on the ground with troops in lebanon in 1982. He pursued an academic career after; we all considered him incredibly rightwing, but by issy standards he was a “bleeding heart liberal”. His opinion was that the leaders of the country were “nuts” and did not want peace – as far as they were concerned, the US and by extension europe were in their pockets, they were very strong and so why should they give anything up; they wanted more, from nile to the euphrates, and every other country in the region smashed up to allow them to be dominated. This is the yinon plan. It panned out like he said, especially post 2000 when the likudnik ideologues known as “neoconservatives” took over US foreign policy under the toom tabard, dubya.

The slavish obedience of almost all western politicians seems bizarre to me; the only explanation is that there is a lot of blackmail and bribery going on. Even in holyrood.

Anyone watch Schindler’s List last night? Holocaust propaganda, but one thing struck me – the shower scene where they are all crammed in and … water comes out the nozzles.

– what was that about? Is Spielberg a “denier”?

Blunt Gaper


Hatey McHateface

@ Confused says: 30 September, 2024 at 11:11 pm

There’s a fabulously rich seam of delusion to be mined in the archive of Wings BTL posts, and I expect that one day, screeds of students will be using this source for evidencing there doctorate theses.

On their behalf, I wish to thank Confused for adding a few more priceless nodes to the mother lode.

On the facts, we can consider the most famous occupant of the Holy Land ever – our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Rational people will see that his residence there 2000 years ago comfortably establishes the rights and ownership of his people to be there today.

Rational people, yes – Confused – no.

One further comment. It is instructive to dig into the mindset and worldview of posters like Confused, to identify just what it is about a committed sovereign nation, people and culture, prepared to fight to the death if necessary, to propagate their race, that raises such seething resentment and visceral hatred among a certain strand of Scottish Indy. This is the stuff that will interest those students in the future.

My conclusion is that it is some kind of psychological transference phenomenon. The Scottish Cringe extended into the world. Those in its grip need the total elimination of anybody who shows up the Scottish Cringe. So to be a fighter for your country, a defender of your culture, somebody proud of your heritage, in the practical real-world sense, is like a red rag to the bull. Those who are possessed by the Scottish Cringe must see these people who utterly shame them destroyed.

It’s the only way for them to ever feel good about themselves – to allow them to delude themselves they deserve respect. Drag down and exterminate those who are better.

It’s a sad decline from the heady days of 2014, when the promise was that Scotland would aspire to join the great nations of the world as an equal.

Now, the likes of Confused try to woo Scots with the promise that if only every other successful, independent, sovereign country can be exterminated, and their bravest, most able citizens scattered to the winds or driven into the sea, then Scotland will be no worse than the rest.

Anyhoo, Confused, I’ve held up a mirror to you, and you won’t like it. Your remedy is, of course, to lose your Cringe, but I am not confident you any longer have what it would take to do that.



I think the slavish obedience is the adoption by all Western parliaments to that student scribblings ‘working definition of anti-Semitism’

A cult code that yer in their Z club & will slavishly follow orders or be persecuted or prosecuted on jumped up charges while the cult all nod along like lemmings in agreement.

Has there ever been any other group use survivors & command such powers in every single parliament as they do & all while being unelected?

You’re right, they’ll never accept peace because along with the Yanks they want the whole region & like all colonisers they won’t know when to stop. The Z dream is their own state & lots of colonies to dominate.


Why is this not a massive story in the media?

link to



Reading the above garbage you’d hardly think it was written by a naw voter such as yerself. Its you that has the cringe. Everyone is Sovereign & has language & culture worth defending – except you, Scotland. You’ve to show Main the money first.

“our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Rational people will see that his residence there 2000 years ago comfortably establishes the rights and ownership of his people to be there today.”

Naw it disnae. Can you point to where He said they had land ownership? He said the opposite. They’d be scattered throughout the world & their temple destroyed..

And so it came to pass, around tea time. Aboot 70 AD.

Christian fundamentalists seem to skip the part they’ll never knoweth the hour or knoweth the place – they’ve to keep an eye under their bushels or something.

Its all made up pish to give the Yanks a permanent base to be anti social neighbours eh?

Alf Baird

Geri @ 9:37 am

“they’ll never accept peace because along with the Yanks they want the whole region & like all colonisers they won’t know when to stop.”

Yes, what we see fits with what Memmi described, that “colonial fascism (like a) cancer wants only to spread”.

And hence the colonialist “can only support oppressive or reactionary governments”.

As confirmed by btl bad actors here.

Dorothy Devine

Mac , absolutely shocking – however no surprise at the print media failing to report. They really don’t do anything worthwhile , goodness knows why the Scottish Government has the audacity to subsidise them.

As for broadcast news , it surely has become a joke when Strictly becomes a headline worthy of ten minutes news and invasions of sovereign countries becomes secondary or warrant only a brief mention.


Very true Alf. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.

Vivian O’Blivion

It’s true the US State Department’s all or nothing pursuit of Zionist hegemony in West Asia is alienating many formerly friendly or neutral states in the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Africa, South Asia, the Middle East, East Asia, Central Asia and the Pacific, but it’s not all one-way traffic.

The current generation of political leaders in Finland and Sweden signing up to NATO membership with their respective parliaments (for the time being at least) is the culmination of decades of careful cultivation by the State Department.

Young middle-class politics graduates devoid of real work and life experience, promoted through invisible networks of patronage and opaquely funded third-sector influencing outfits. We know these folks all too well here (John Smith Centre, British American Project, etc..). The common currency these apparatchiks exchange is Identity Politics.

Previous generations of Scandinavian politicians would never have agreed to NATO membership. The proposition is preposterous. Finland & Sweden managed to remain neutral while sharing a land and maritime border with a notionally ideological and expansionist Soviet Union. The idea that the Russian Federation is about to occupy non-Russian speaking territory is crazy. Yes, I’m well aware of Russian expansion into Finland during Tsarist times.

The folk of Finland will pay the price for this Foggy Bottom directed lunacy. Finnish defence spending in terms of GDP has expanded by 50% in four years. In addition, Finnish / Russian trade has ceased. Prior to this, Finland exported $2b pa worth of goods to Russia and received $5b pa in return. As Russian exports comprised raw materials for Finish industry the cumulative effect will impact hard on living standards in Helsinki.

The career politicians touched by the magic hand of the State Department will of course be immune to hardship. Politics is a precarious means of putting bread on the table, but that’s Foggy Bottom’s sales pitch, a safety net for when the great unwashed rumble these carpetbagging parasites. In England, second careers in the House of Lords are dispensed, in Scotland, academic sinecures are handed out. Other means of remuneration are available.

The previous high point of State Department interference in Nordic politics was Helle Thorning-Schmidt’s, Prime Ministerial stint in Denmark. This was the period where the Danish Security Services bugged Angela Merkel’s phone at the behest of the American NSA.

On being kicked out of office in 2015, Thorning-Schmidt was promptly hired as CEO of Save the Children. The incumbent of that post at present earns in excess of £200k. This reminds me somewhat of David Milliband’s consolation prize for loosing the Labour leadership election to his brother. Milliband senior was awarded the position of CEO of the International Rescue Committee in 2013 (a position he still holds). This New York based post carried at the time a salary of £300k. This package has subsequently rocketed to well in excess of £760k.

Thorning-Schmidt is married to Blairite ghoul Stephen Kinnock, the epitome of the entitled profession politician.

Thorning-Schmitd’s résumé is a wonder to behold. Directorships in a dozen globalist, Neoliberal outfits. WEF, Atlantic Council, Council on Foreign Relations, etc., etc., etc.. A CV like that ‘I’ll get you a prime seat on the first tumbril when the pitchforks & burning torches appear.

Thorning-Schmidt and Kinnock possess the must have accessory for these lofty circles; a Trans son / daughter / whatever.


Now that I–zz-h-ell has begun its invasion of Leb–an-on – will we see wide and deep sanctions against it, from the West for invading a sovereign nation – as has happened with R – just a thought – of course I already know what to expect – but still, we live in hope as they say.

Hatey McHateface

@ Alf Baird says: 1 October, 2024 at 10:46 am

And hence the colonialist “can only support oppressive or reactionary governments”.

Sure, Alf – Humous, Hezbollard, Iran, Pres P’s regime – all enlightened, progressive, 21st century utopian administrations.

Man, you need to give your heid a shake.

And the rest of us canny, savvy Scots need to mak siccar that the nutjobs you appear to be making common cause with never get anywhere near control and/or power over our country.

One thing to be said for the SNP. They quarantined the nutjobs at the first possible opportunity – shut them out in the cold where they could do no harm.

Whatever happened to you, Alf? When and why did you and the Indy movement end up cheerleading for the dregs of the earth, such as Humous, Hezbollard, Iran and the RF?

Hatey McHateface

@ Republicofscooby says: 1 October, 2024 at 11:16 am

we live in hope

The Hezbollard boys long ago invaded Lebanon.

The operation to stop the Hezbollard boys invading their neighbour next is the logical step. I live in hope it goes well for them. I bet lots of Lebanese think the same. Rational Scots too.

The world does not need people trying to enforce their belief it’s 1446 at gunpoint on everybody else.

Still, eh, you could always put it to a vote here in Scotland.

Maybe rampant antisemitism is indeed the key that will unlock Indy, and I’m the only one that hasn’t noticed.


Hayley Valentine is the new Director of the English state propaganda machine in Scotland – otherwise know as BBC Scotland – she’s a former Question Time producer.


the only thing worse than being talked about … is not being talked about

main – I think you have had too much sugar, you don’t make much sense anymore even in your limited terms; you embarrass yourself daily, winning no converts.

Your reference to Jesus is a weird one, being the most prominent victim of the j_ws; half the people accepted him and were known as christians, half the people (who became the j_ws) rejected him, and the christian message is the opposite of a racial supremacist doctrine; christianity is not zionism, and you must be one of the stranger types of protestant to believe this.

Hezbollah are an indigenous resistance organisation and social movement; they were formed in response to the original 1982 attempted land grab. You are just making up nonsense now, it is getting so bad and so frequent I am thinking you are paid per post, no matter how crap it is – you parade such pointless ignorance and confrontation.

– do you have to wear a spit hood when you type?


I’m wondering where Jesus said Christians could take up arms & have a mansion overlooking the med, for free! & That’ll He’ll be back there, & ONLY there, any minute.

I don’t seem to remember that at mass..

Nor very much about Zs pre 1897.

Robert Hughes

Suspicions confirmed . Idiot Main is one these weird * Christian * Z***ists who long for the Rupture ( sic ) ; just cannae wait for the total extinction of life on Earth ’cause , y’know , J.C is gonna come back n kill all those unbelievers who threaten to increase his tax n are no too keen on dying a pointless death to save cunts like Yahoo from facing the corruption charges that should have seen him jailed years ago , n his counterpart in Tellybubbyland-on-the-Dnieper from decorating a lamppost for the destruction he’s brought down on * his * people – at the behest of his controllers in the United Deep State of Yankville , of course .

The clown who sneers at references to the 300+ years of * Union * says a ( probably ) fictitious person who myth,legend & literary constructions allege lived 2000+ years ago justifies the horrific death of incalculable numbers of humans .

Now God’s 11 have extended their murder-campaign into a neighbouring country – n them only having $billions in weaponry , tech-support n unanimous applause from their Yank n European obsequious footservants to back them up , brave as fuck , eh ? – that region will become one vast charnel house , with the distinct possibility of global conflagration as a result .

Ach well , as long as wee Bible Yawn Main get’s his seat among the Elect it’ll all be worth it , right ?


There’s at least two-UN Re-solut-ions that state quite clearly that the Pa-l–est-in-ia-n people/among other oppressed people, have a right to take up arms and take back what is theirs.

The Z–i–oni-sts are an occupying force – they have no legal right – to defend what isn’t theirs – without Western complicity – I–z-z-h-ell wouldn’t be here.

Hatey McHateface

@ Confused says: 1 October, 2024 at 12:09 pm

So you-re unaware of Jesus’ race and religion now?


It’s certainly interesting that support within Lebanon for the Bollard boys is at 45%, with 55% opposed. Where have I seen these numbers before?

And then there’s UN resolution 1701.

But no, I can’t be arsed to provide links – anybody who cares to investigate online can find all this stuff in seconds.

What does interest me is the drive by some of the grassroots Indy movement to get Scotland onside with the nihilists.

For myself, I’m not expecting to ever be cool with an army of craven tunnel dwellers venturing forth from under their human shields from time to time to kidnap, rape, torture and murder young lassies, then lobbing missiles at the lassie’s relatives when they come to deliver retribution.

But you, Confused, you must continue to cheerlead.

As I wrote earlier, you obviously believe you have found the key to growing Indy support, so fill your boots.

Provide us your working. Join the dots and paint the picture of how us allying with the people still stuck in 1446 will deliver us a free, sovereign, progressive, prosperous, peaceful, independent Scotland.

Heck, you might even convince me.



a 3000 year old property deal between imaginary beings and a schizophrenic old man who tries to murder his own son, thinks better of it, then invents an amazing tale to cover it up … is the gold standard of “ancient guff” IMO

– it makes the treaty of union look like yesterday’s till receipt from Tesco

Hatey McHateface

@ Republicofscooby says: 1 October, 2024 at 1:05 pm

they have no legal right – to defend what isn’t theirs

Then there’s the Roman province of Judaea, 6 to 132 AD.


You don’t know that Scotland is spelled with a capital ‘s’, so just pretend you don’t know what Judaea means.

Go on Ros, lie about it. It’s what we expect.


main –

christianity is not a racial doctrine. Judaism comes into existence as a rejection of Christ. Christian zionism comes from the Scofield Bible.

UN resolutions is it now? There are numerous UN resolutions against the terror state. Try using that google. Try 242 for a start.

I am quite happy to talk about economics, energy, the currency but it is you who spends all day squirting ink about foreign wars and nations you seem to have a crazed loyalty to.



No one needs to be a cheerleader to know you are on the wrong side of history on both conflicts. Its not acceptable to ‘the international majority’ to assassinate civilians, carry out terrorist attacks via personal devices, assassinate peacekeepers, aid workers, embassy visitors, parliamentarians & world leaders on someone elses soil.

Nor are they down with geno-cide & their latest message from God telling them they own the whole region now including that of their neighbours. Then there will be peace. Nice try but didn’t fly.

Somehow they’re not buying it. Nothing to do with ‘Indy’ try watching the UN live last week. Everyone is on tae them…lol



“– do you have to wear a spit hood when you type?”


Hatey McHateface

@ Geri says: 1 October, 2024 at 2:25 pm

you are on the wrong side of history


Say it isn’t so.

Tell you what. I’ll get myself on the “right side of history” with you the next time somebody blows up a rock concert.

Will you be happy then?

The 22 killed at the Manchester Arena may well have had it coming, but I can’t accept that right now.

I’ll wait until the next time.

Talking of history, the Guardian’s reporting we’re going to get some tonight. I hope it works out as you wish. Maybe you should say a few prayers, eh? 🙂

You’ve been lying about geno-cide for nearly a year. Perhaps you’ll get the chance to write truthfully about it tomorrow.


“Then there’s the Roman province of Judaea, 6 to 132 AD.”

F*ck You Main – P-al-est-in-e (1948) not thousands of f*ckin years ago – if we go on your twisted example of thousands of years ago – many countries didn’t exist back then.

Next you’ll be quoting N-e-tan–yahu scriptures you f*ckin tosser.


More whataboutery.

When will you eejits learn you don’t get to skelp someone over there & expect them not to follow you home.

45,000 ppl, mostly women & children, not including the starving, sick & infirm unable to get aid, food, water & medical supplies…& counting.

& Spare us yer bullshit geno-cide is up for debate. Everyone in the entire world can see with their own eyes that it is. They even defiantly brag in a full auditorium at the UN that it is & they’re proud of it.

Only the paid puppets of the USA, the ICJ, seem to be struggling to make a ruling which only confirms their suspicions that the UN is completely captured by two countries who have zero regard for international law, human rights, human life or even its own charter in its quest to colonise & dominate others.

Dinnie fash tho, it’ll bring in the new world order all the faster. There’s only the US & UK agree with you. 180+ other countries don’t. That’s how fckn arrogant your world view is. You think yer exceptional when yer really, really not. Yer a deranged nutter & the only threat to world peace.

Hatey McHateface

@ Republicofscooby says: 1 October, 2024 at 4:39 pm

Then there’s the Roman province of Judaea, 6 to 132 AD.

Ah ken, scooby boy, it’s damn awkward for you.

Tell you what though, I can help you through the pain.

Learn to write “Scotland” correctly and we can take it from there.


When can we expect you to be calling for the USA & Australia to give their lands back to their rightful owners?

Will it be sometime soon cause I’ve got my tea on.

Young Lochinvar

SHE who must not be nameds list of 10 Commandments:

1. You shall have no other politician before me.
2. You shall not make real independence movements and parties to support.
3. You shall not take being called British in vain.
4. Remember Independence at election times and ignore thereafter.
5. Honour your “out there” pressure groups funding.
6. You shall kill the political careers of others.
7. Any perversion is “exciting” and right- on.
8. You shall not steal, get hubby to do it instead.
9. Bearing false witness is no big deal.
10. If social engineering projects makes your neighbours poor; Tango Sierra.

Anton Decadent

A couple of weeks ago whilst perusing US mainstream media I saw any pushback to the open border there referred to as a, and I quote, “pogrom”. Last night whilst perusing another blog apparently in favour of Scottish independence I saw the riots in England after the murder of children referred to as a potential, and I quote, “pogrom.”

The scattershot use of Far Right as a weapon now against anyone who wants a greater choice than Marxism, Marxist Zionism (I had a LTR with someone who followed this ideology but got out before I was Borged) or Zionist Globalism is obvious to anyone with the eyes to see it. Anyone who wishes to see Scotland remain a white Christian majority country have an independence movement set up to keep them away from any positions of power because anything other than civil nationalism would be a threat to controlling influences.


Geri says: at 5:57 pm

When can we expect you to be calling for the USA & Australia to give their lands back to their rightful owners?

Will it be sometime soon cause I’ve got my tea on.

Today’s been a bit #WingsOverBiblicalShizzle

So here’s a couple of tunes (I’ve posted before) to inspire Johnny Main to create a banger of a tune describing how he holds the line to all he holds dear as it crashes and burns around him.

Peter Gabriel – San Jacinto

link to

Midnight Oil – The Dead Heart

link to

Diesel and Dust was a decent album so will tack on this yoo which seems rather appropriate.

– Put Down That Weapon

(Not quite Ian Curtis level dancing @ 2.35 but still a worthy attempt to convey emotion)

link to


Another just for Johnny.

David Bowie – I’m Afraid of Americans

link to


Strange to remember that the Jewish Rabbi who declared He was the Son of God also stated that His Kingdom was not of this world.
That annoyed the religious Jews of those days also.
Although I’m not really sure what that has to do with Scottish independence.

Robert Hughes

Confused @ 1.37

A it’s some yarn for sure , ” oi Dafty away n kill yr son ”

……………” only kiddin’ ya tube. haha ”

n what about those “awesome ” FX , eg Red Sea obligingly doing the impossible n providing a handy escape route for God’s Own , wummin getn turned into pillars of salt ( that’ll teach ’em ), burnin’ bushes ( encountered a few a them masel ) walking on water ( legend has it JC learned that stunt from Ellis The Blind , a contemporary soothsayer n headcase ) n , my favourite – turning water into bevvy . Incredible !

” The Greatest Story Ever Told ” ? Gotta be a contender

Hatey McHateface

@ Dan says: 1 October, 2024 at 7:08 pm

crashes and burns around him

Surely a bit premature, Dan?

I like the music though, stick with that. To western, progressive sensibilities, much preferable to unashamed antisemitism. Or thrashing daft lassies because they flashed a glimpse of ankle.

Tone it down on the seventh though. The Humous boys don’t much care for music, and you are going to absolutely hate it down in the tunnels.

At least, I hope you are 🙂

Young Lochinvar

I see on the news the Persians are giving the Hebes a taster of what they’ve been gleefully dishing out to the camel jockeys.

Pray to your God we don’t get involved (albeit pensioners here already are forced to fund UK military funding)..

Cue platitudes from Honest John on tv news coming to you soon.

Hatey McHateface

@Sven says: 1 October, 2024 at 7:26 pm

I’m not really sure what that has to do with Scottish independence


On the day the river flows into the sea, Scotland will be free. It’s them pesky Dews keeping us enslaved.

And on the day U is expunged from the map, Scotland will take its rightful place on the world stage as a sovereign nation. Think of sovereignty as the token used to keep a single track railway line safe. If those pesky ‘U’s have it, it’s denied to us.

If I have any of that wrong, one of the usual suspects will no doubt explain it better. Or maybe not.

I’ve been trying to get a plausible explanation out of them for years now. No luck so far – maybe you’ll fare better.

Hatey McHateface

@ Robert Hughes says: 1 October, 2024 at 7:26 pm

Haha, good one!

You’ll be following up with a similar lampooning of the Quran.

Of course you will. Get stuck right in – no holds barred. I mean, why no, eh?

Any …

minute …

now …

Dinna shite yersel! We’re waiting!


“I see on the news the Persians are giving the Hebes a taster of what they’ve been gleefully dishing out to the camel jockeys.”


link to

Hatey McHateface

@ Republicofscooby says: 1 October, 2024 at 8:24 pm

“I see on the news the Persians are giving the Hebes a taster of what they’ve been gleefully dishing out to the camel jockeys.”

I guess we can all recognise that Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has some balls.

I guess we can all expect to see them, along with the rest of him, splashed across the rubble of his bunker quite soon.

Seemingly he went underground 3 days ago.


In other news…

Did anyone see the footage of the TU-45 waving (LMFAO) to the F-16?

R – ‘See ma fancy new underside, ya bam’

America – *Screams* ‘that was a dangerous maneuver. I’m telling!’ *cries*

R – tell it tae yer Maw, ya big Lassie! Did ye shite yerself, aye? Mon then…

link to


Oops! Su-35


1 October, 2024 at 8:24 pm

“I see on the news the Persians are giving the Hebes a taster of what they’ve been gleefully dishing out to the camel jockeys.”


Reports suggesting “Ir” took out some Arrow 2 & 3 Anti-missile defences using Fattah-2 Hypersonic missiles, which allowed 80-90% of the “cheaper” missiles to get through unmolested.

Iron Dome looks like an iron colander tonight. – And “Ir” seems commendably restrained in choosing military targets… so far.

As for Scotland not getting involved, I suspect Scotland “not” getting involved would be interpreted as Scotland getting involved. But yeah, I think things are gonna get ugly over there…


1 October, 2024 at 9:19 pm

Oops! Su-35

Wow, that’s wild.

Not just mega close, but it would seem the US pilot was wholly unaware of the R fighter on his tail. Silly me, I kinda thought that wasn’t meant to happen… you know, radar & shit… guess not.




Stick to politics – not aviation. Purleez!



I don’t think ‘Holy fuuuuck!’ was meant to happen either.. LMAO!

Thats what you call agile tho.. wow!


Are all these bombs, missiles, jet fighters, and battleships ULEZ compliant?
Jist seems a bit aff me getting screwed over on my annual road tax again due to some bullshit emissions limit category my car is deemed to have*, and I’ve to be disproportionately punished for the couple of thousand miles I do a year, when all these other psycho cunts are going supersize with their emissions and carbon footprints as they busily go about blowing shit up and trashing the fucking planet.

* My car got MOT’d again recently and the emissions test result was nowhere near its category limit, and was in fact lower than the limit for the tax category of supposedly cleaner cars which pay substantially less for a year’s tax.
Put the levy on fuel then it is far more fair and proportionate. Drive a big thirsty car – you pay more, drive loads of miles – you pay more.


Are all these bombs, missiles, jet fighters, and battleships ULEZ compliant?’

Only the Western ones. Theirs are stunning & brave & full of harmless sparkly dust. They come with a certificate of authenticity. Tested by NASA scientists & are military grade.

Everyone elses are made in China, harm the environment & release terrorists into the atmosphere. Starving ppl make them for a penny an hour & they manufacture them by tearing down a rain forest. Commie bastards!


One-in-ten civil servants ‘should be in prison’, says Conservative leadership hopeful Kemi Badenoch. She has been to Scotland then…

Robert Jenrick doubles down on UK’s ‘killing rather than capturing terrorists’. I feel “extrajudicial assassination” or execution without trial, were the expressions he was reaching for…. Or genocidal psychopathy on some occassions. Apparently, Britain has brought back the death penalty. Who knew eh?

Err, am I actually safe saying that? Or is there a drone with my name on it now? Parapets seem so terribly low these days.

Tory’s eh? What are they like? I blame the parents. And the schools. And the privilege. And the corrupt media. And Lobbyists. And the cheap and nasty moral compasses they bought in bluddy Ch1na.

Hatey McHateface

This morning, it behoves us all to spare a thought for the resident Wings BTL antisemites.

They gathered last night for a celebration of death and destruction. But unlike the last time Iran launched a missile attack, this time they don’t even have the injury of some Bedouin kids to exult over.

Alas, this morning they have nothing but their inchoate screeching, futile gnashing of teeth, and biting down on the soggy hanks of carpet they keep handy for such eventualities, to comfort them.

And posting puerile pish here. They’ll still have that.

For normal Scots, today won’t be a good day to try to get an emergency dental appointment!

Hatey McHateface

@ Breeks says: 2 October, 2024 at 7:05 am

Apparently, Britain has brought back the death penalty. Who knew eh?

I guess the surviving rellies of the Manchester Arena bombing know. Also the parents of the kids sliced up in the summer – the incident that kicked off the riots – they know too. Plus lots of others – too many to detail here.

Not forgetting the millions of Brits who pay attention.

Those unfortunates blown to bits, or hacked to pieces – they don’t know – they’re dead. They were innocent, but they suffered the death penalty regardless.

The first task of any government is the protection of the people and the realm. If your Scottish Indy movement doesn’t intend to seriously take on its first task, and make it work for us Scots, then it deserves to rot in the un-emptied dustbin of history.

But haha, you can blame my parents and the corrupt media if you like.

Imagine wanting to take out those who target me and mine before they succeed? What am I like, eh?


That’s the difference between grown ups who play by rules of engagement & psychotic murdering nutters who don’t.

One hits strategic military targets with as few civilian casualties as possible. The other indiscriminately hits civilians & whole neighborhoods not giving a fck.

One doesn’t want all out war & has repeatedly faced provocation. The other can’t wait to get stuck in thinking he has a dome to save him.

Yahoo is American. When did Jesus hail from New York?



They’d rather kill them because we’d find out at trial they were on the payroll.

Its an Anglo American thing – those bastions of truth & morality. Just dispense with innocent until proven guilty & go straight to torture & death.

Saddam, Bin Laden etc etc never seen the inside of a court room. Just degraded & murdered & ppl like Main lap it up cause it’ll save the government a few tax ££s cause the BBC told him they had their man.

You are right to worry about censorship. England is moving to full, unhinged fascism. Now PACE is thinking the government should crack down on churches who can harm ‘Free thought’ & be used to spread propaganda… LMAO! So even yer thoughts won’t be free for much longer. They’re going full Orwellian. We can see how TRAs were just a tool..

Not surprising really. That’s the britnats. Its in their DNA. Hob nobbing with Isr has brought out their inner fascism.

Scotland will not need to persuade anyone to get away from this shite.

Dorothy Devine

I am getting extremely sick of the media coverage , of politicians saying ‘we have repeatedly said there has to be a ceasefire’ when British airforce have been muscling in to aid and abet the killing of innocents.Of the USA and UK posing as the good guys and deeming everyone and their Auntie terrorists and the media constantly reiterating that those voted into power by the people over there are the bad guys. I am still waiting for the Lebanese army to step up to the plate and defend their land and people along with those already on the front line.
And if we are so keen on that ceasefire why are the USA and UK still providing weapons – is it all about the war machine making money or is it about protecting the ‘interests’ of the USA/UK and OIL ? Green energy is a farce and the world can burn and flood as long as it ain’t the USA.
I’ll bet someone on here will know how much it costs to fly a wee fighter jet for an hour and how much crap it pumps into the atmosphere at the same time.

Hatey McHateface

@ Geri says: 2 October, 2024 at 10:02 am

Scotland will not need to persuade anyone to get away from this shite

That’s some nasty gum bleeding you have there, Geri.

Better call your dentist – see if she can squeeze you in for an emergency appointment. 🙂

But to be serious for a mo, you would think, eh? You’d wonder just why the Indy movement can’t put together something that looks better than the current offering. After all, it’s not exactly a high bar.

Perish the thought that the usual suspect’s perennial puerile pish posts on here might be shooting Indy in the foot.

Naw, it can’t be that. It’ll be big runaway English basturds and tractors.



They are liars. They’ve repeatedly vetoed a ceasefire at the UN.
They’re banking on the public not knowing that & most won’t.

Hezb is the Lebonese Army.

That little escapade last night (the dome fail) will have cost the Brits a few £Billion & it still didn’t work just like it didn’t last time.

There will be criminal charges because Britain has already been instructed by the ICJ to stop supplying weapons & they’ve just ignored it.

Hatey McHateface

@ Dorothy Devine says: 2 October, 2024 at 10:06 am

how much it costs to fly a wee fighter jet for an hour

Good question.

Some of us have also been wondering how much the 500km of Humous tunnels and bunkers cost. Paid for by substantial tranches of Western aid meant to be supplying the Palestinians with the means to build and sustain their country.

Hijacked at gunpoint to enrich the Humous boys and their faraway leaders, with what was left over splurged on weapons.

Just like what the Bollard boys have done in Lebanon. I guess it beats grafting at an honest job.

It’s maybe not too surprising that the Lebanese army won’t fight. Their country was stolen from them some time ago.

As is so often the case on the Arab street, although you’d never guess it from reading on here, there are many silent millions wishing for God to send them somebody who will purge their country of the terrorist, jihadist pestilence that has blighted their lives for generations.

Ditto on the Persian street too.

Who knows, on your street also, soon.


I’ve made several posts relating to the war in the Middle-East and all based on facts and general and fair assessments. None have been seeking anything other than piece but one side is invading other countries, bombing and killing in a number of other countries and even though on a pro rata head count one side is the most militarised nation on earth but receives weapons, funding and further military support from the US and U.K.

I don’t want my taxes to contribute to the innocent children’s death toll currently estimated at
17,000 and counting.

If this post disappears like the others of a similar tone there is no point in me visiting this site

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“I’ve made several posts relating to the war in the Middle-East and all based on facts and general and fair assessments. None have been seeking anything other than piece but one side is invading other countries, bombing and killing in a number of other countries and even though on a pro rata head count one side is the most militarised nation on earth but receives weapons, funding and further military support from the US and U.K.

I don’t want my taxes to contribute to the innocent children’s death toll currently estimated at
17,000 and counting.

If this post disappears like the others of a similar tone there is no point in me visiting this site”


Why do you think words like “Israel”, “Palestine”, “Gaza”, “Ukraine”, “Zionist”, “Russia”, “Putin” are filtered on this site so that comments containing them don’t appear instantly like other comments do?

Give me your best guess.

Dorothy Devine

Effigy , mine hasn’t vanished so I expect yours to stay too.


Confused to Main;

“– do you have to wear a spit hood when you type?”


A great line should be repeated.



I expect he wears it under his hooded sheet.


Test post.
Looking at post numbers by hovering cursor over time stamp it is clear a lot of posts are disappearing and not making it onto the page. Looks like 20 or so since midday.


A BLiS Labour councillor Danny Gibson, – suspended for bullying – is to head up an anti-bullying task force in Stirling – just another day in f*cked-up Scotland – where most Scots walk about staring down at their shoes – whilst wondering what to have for their tea tonight – and looking forward to watching Coronation Street.


@ Stu

There is some other issue with posts not appearing other than banned words though.
I’ve tried several times to post a response to Dorothy Devine re. fighter jet fuel consumption which contained other Scottish (shock of a post actually relevant to Scotland) fuel related subject matter.
The posts are not going into moderation, they are just disappearing as the numbers of the posts that actually appear show numerous are missing.


come on rev, Scotland exists in the wider world, everything affects everything else, and we are in it like it or not; raytheon, the bomb maker, is in livingston and glenrothes.

– there’s only so much talk about trannies I can take, which seems to have taken over wings. I bought and read graham linehan’s book, but I’m done.

they all end up committing suicide anyway once they realise mutilating their genitals didn’t solve their mental problems, and ugly blokes becoming fucking ugly women, is a dead end. The monkeypox virus will sort out loads of them too. Black boils on the arse, biblical punishment.

toilets and womens sport are going to seem like quaint issues if serious weight starts flying around

– and young Scots could end up fighting in it.

your blog, your rules, fair enough. But these could be momentous times.

I am not complaining about you deleting my posts, if too spicy, but this is a general point.



Its current affairs.

I dunno why you filter that but not the persistent baiter of misinformation.

Just saying…

Ruby Wednesday

2 October, 2024 at 6:22 pm

– there’s only so much talk about trannies I can take, which seems to have taken over wings.

toilets and womens sport are going to seem like quaint issues if serious weight starts flying around

Nobody is forcing you to talk about women’s rights!

Why single out toilets and women’s sport would everything not seem like quaint issues ‘if serious weight starts flying around’?

Hatey McHateface

@ Geri says: 2 October, 2024 at 6:39 pm

I dunno why you filter that but not the persistent baiter of misinformation

I am absolutely convinced the start of that statement is 100% true.

You don’t know why.

Robert Hughes

@ Confused .

Spot-on , as always .

The shit that’s happening now is just fckn off-the-scale crazy ; the most volatile , potentially terminal geopolitical situation in probably all of our lifetimes . How can we not be * concerned * ?

Is it not also worth discussing the truly nauseating/enfuriating , on-message outright propaganda being spewed 24/7 on MSM ?

It didn’t start with ” Covid ” , but State & Corporate Media’s abandonment of anything resembling accurate , objective ( forget Investigative , that’s long gone ) reporting took a massive leap at that point , followed with ” uncanny ” timing by the war in the East n when that single failed to chart they dropped the new banger from A Tribe Called Arrested Development , BOOM ! straight to #1 – with a bullet ; lots a bullets n rockets n tanks n a totally supine Political/Media Class that cannae grovel low enough to sanction the horror .

” they all end up committing suicide anyway once they realise mutilating their genitals didn’t solve their mental problems, and ugly blokes becoming fucking ugly women, is a dead end. ”

ahahahaha , ‘kin belter , compadre 🙂

Hatey McHateface

@ Confused says: 2 October, 2024 at 6:22 pm

young Scots could end up fighting in it

How old are you anyway? More importantly, if you’re over 12 YO, how could you possibly be unaware that some young Scots would absolutely love to end up fighting in it?

Come on, Confused, look around you the next time you hirple down your High Street. Are you going to seriously claim that of all the unemployed, under-educated, no-future youngsters you see hanging hopelessly around, there’s not one who will jump at the chance to get some folding money, get tooled up, and get away somewhere to kick some serious ass?

We’re a martial race, Confused, always were. That hasn’t just evaporated away over the past two generations because of Central Heating and mobiles.


Shitface there, trying to punt rounding up youngsters, no doubt preferably at gunpoint, to go fight some unhinged psychos battles.

Aye cause that worked elsewhere eh?

Why don’t you fuck off and volunteer? I’m sure we could all chip in & pay yer fare.

Young ppl aren’t as daft. That’s why they’re struggling to recruit anyone, legitimately.

Why on earth would Scots go fight for Colonisers?

Hatey McHateface

@ Robert Hughes says: 2 October, 2024 at 7:22 pm

truly nauseating/enfuriating , on-message outright propaganda being spewed 24/7 on MSM

Never a good idea to do anything 24/7 – you’ll soon succumb to psychotic hallucinations.

I see the MSM (especially the BBC) to be hopelessly one-sided. So do you, but I’m betting your “side” is not my “side”.

That’s good then. It shows the coverage is probably about straight down the middle.

That’s actually the key to understanding the world. You need to get out of your silo-ed comfort zone and study alternative sources. They all, without exception, have an axe to grind, but by taking the extremes from either side, you can interpolate to the truth, which will be somewhere in the middle.

I suggest you start, right after you’ve followed up your post of 1 October, 2024 at 7:26 pm with an equivalent lampooning of the Religion Of Peace. There’s neither honour nor balls in just ripping the shit out of Christianity – that limp-wristed lot just turn the other cheek. Where’s the danger in that?

Chop chop.


Posting gremlins…
Error 503 back end fail, Oooh, err, missus!

@ John Main

Mind and include the small print John that those young folk signing up for someone else’s war may get maimed or killed, or just come home with PTSD and be broken individuals with little to no support from the State after the traumatic activities they get up to.
My circle of pals lost a good lad who came home in a wooden box, and I know a couple of others who are damaged both mentally and physically from their time in combat. Loading Challenger tank Charm DU shells into the breach bare-handed can give you Buster Gonad and unfeasibly large testicles.
Have you actually been in combat yourself or is it just sitting on yer arse and the keyboard warrior stuff you do.

Another tune for you.

Steve Earle – Johnny Come Lately

link to



“Millions on the streets across the region including India & Pakistan over Hassan Nasrallahs assassination. A hero whatever their religious beliefs because he stood against colonialism.”

Well, in Idlib, Syria, crowds of people were celebrating “the killing of that dog – the Dahia dog, the dog of Lebanon – Hassan Nas rallah”, according to a video published by a Syrian newspaper. Details of Hizb allah’s “help” to Asad’s regime are not nice – massacres of unarmed civilians, enslaving of women for sex, drug trafficking … true hero and perhaps a role model for anti-colonialists even in Scotland, eh?

Don´t get me started on the thousands killed by R soldiers in Syria.



I very much doubt it or he wouldn’t be advocating others to do it..

Anyone remember Robbie Williams poem to his teacher?

‘Hello Sir’

“Now I know life’s true path
Tanks and guns that’ll be a laugh
No, not me I’m a mega civilian
I won’t lead my life riding pillion”

That’s why they dumb down Britain. Cannon fodder is a career choice being bullied by some posh knt who always lands the job of just looking on from the sidelines.



You forgot they eat puppies too & wear fluffy kittens as slippers. *Yawn*

Have they seen their psychotic neighbour? They’re currently top of the charts, globally, & have been for decades.



I am confused – did you mean that the Hizballah’s atrocities in Syria did not happen ? They did, it was widely reported, it is not difficult to find. And yes, Asad, supported by your hero, is undeniably a psycho (his old man was arguably even worse, but junior is quickly catching up).


New playa has entered the distraction game…

I was over checking out #WingsOverSyria and all those fuckers were talking about was shit that’s going on in Scotland!
There’s endless discussion on that site about anything but actual Syrian matters.
You should have seen it, there was quality stuff on Operation Branchform, detailed analysis of why the Deposit Return Scheme was shit, a cracking comedy yarn about the Jocks trying to procure a couple of ferries, questions were also raised about ScotWind and Hydrogen giveaways.
Some had even picked up and run with Glengirl’s post on the myriad implications of the way Scotland’s renewable resources are being exploited and negatively impacting the environs that are in close proximity to the developments.

link to

BTL comments on that site even seemed to get submitted and appear! It was truly miraculous stuff.

Hatey McHateface

is it just sitting on yer arse and the keyboard warrior stuff you do

Very original, Dan, not. Why not try to come up with something new of your own?

I notice you’ve gone straight from my “some young Scots would absolutely love to end up fighting in it” to suggesting, insinuating, or just stating that I’ll somehow or other be involved in sending them.

That’s pathetic, Dan.

I won’t though. I could go on about how they have to go until the cows come home, but many wouldn’t. You could spend the rest of your days showing them why they shouldn’t go, but some of them still would.

It’s called free will, Dan. Agency. They will make up their own minds.

The guys you know who got killed and injured. Are you seriously claiming somebody made them sign up? Are you seriously claiming nobody told them beforehand they were signing up for something dangerous and potentially deadly?

Of course you’re not.

So what exactly is your piss-poor point?

Hatey McHateface

@ znovak says: 2 October, 2024 at 10:08 pm

This is Wings BTL.

Most of the regulars don’t acknowledge facts to be real. So stating facts won’t work – sorry.

And once you remove the concept of facts, all the other crowning achievements of our intellectual age are rendered useless. Thus, logic, reasoning, proof, disproof, agreement – all have to go.

The more astute readers suspect that if the forces arraigned against Indy were ever to set out to create a website tailored to the destruction of Indy support, by turning everything associated with Indy, and the grassroots supporters of Indy, into objects of hysterical mirth, then they would set up a site like this one and allow the likes of Geri, Ros, Confused and Breeks to post mince, day after day after day.

Stick around, absorb the comments, and please report back on your own findings.


Christ on a bike it’s foaming at the mouth again.

“It’s called free will, Dan.”

Naw, it’s called being unemployed ya fcucking clown


“And once you remove the concept of facts, all the other crowning achievements of our intellectual age are rendered useless. Thus, logic, reasoning, proof, disproof, agreement – all have to go.”

Says the fellow who ignores logic and believes a country needs a really convincing argument to make its own decisions while meantime a close neighbour needs no credentials and is the best bet to make every important decision for us.

If Carlsberg did brainfarts…

With countrymen like this, it is little wonder we find ourselves in this utter shambles.



Aye & I’m sure the yank funded terrorist factions they have there were just minding their own business. Not doing anything, not causing malcontent, no Siree. They’re practically saints helping out the locals.

Just as they are in U, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Lebanon, Isr, Georgia, Venezuela, Philippines, Taiwan, Africa & everywhere else they’ve managed to destabilise.

Its fucking uncanny how trouble just follows colonisers who are only there to help out spreading love & joy. My advice would be to stay in yer own we patch of land & don’t be a meddler. No one asked for their help.


“With countrymen like this, it is little wonder we find ourselves in this utter shambles.”

I think that one’s an interloper. A stray from somewhere that’s obviously on the wrong side of the border.

Sooner we build a hard border the better. FFS..

This is how trouble starts. Bussed in fckwits. We’ll all be right wing propaganda tory nut jobs if we’re not careful.


2 October, 2024 at 9:08 pm

Well, in Idlib, Syria, crowds of people were celebrating “the killing of that dog – the Dahia dog, the dog of Lebanon – Hassan Nas rallah”…

Did you lift that quote straight from MEMRI TV? Maybe not, (who cares?), just curious the same typo is there.

MEMRI TV – Helping U.S. And West In Fight Against Terrorism. From their own mouth – “Learn how MEMRI’s highly trained staff assists governments, the military, intelligence agencies, and law enforcement translations and analysis of open-source materials…”

Yeah. Enough said…


link to

Archived source for those who want to draw their own conclusions…

Hatey McHateface

@ Breeks says: 3 October, 2024 at 7:16 am

Here’s another one “for those who want to draw their own conclusions…” on today’s Guardian Online:

Gulf leaders support Pal. – but many would not mind seeing Is. challenge Ir.

I can’t be arsed with a link – it’s hardly rocket science to find it.

Then again, for the usual suspects … 🙂

Hatey McHateface

@ Breastplate says: 3 October, 2024 at 12:36 am

the fellow who ignores logic and believes a country needs a really convincing argument to make its own decisions


Believing in the necessity of convincing arguments before taking decisions with far-reaching consequences is the very definition of logic.

What you doing up so late? You’re over-tired and over-excited and obviously can’t think straight.

Here’s the logic regarding Indy right now:

1) There is no majority support among the Scottish voters.

2) There are no credible, popular Indy leaders or Indy team members among the Scottish ruling elite.

3) There are no credible, consistent, coherent plans for a functional, prosperous, stable, first-world Scotland post-Indy.

Logically, 1) follows from 2) and 3), as sure as night follows day.

Of course, 2) and 3) are fixable, hence 1) is also. That’s logic again.

And the simple route to Indy seems clear enough to me too – plebiscitary elections, by a new Indy party, with new faces, some of whom at least have to be capable of stimulating wide popular support – others of whom have to be capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.

Plebiscitary elections – legal, democratic, simple to understand for voters, internationally acceptable, unarguable binary result – Yes or No.

Anyhoo, I’ve provided you a far better answer than your petty, puerile post deserved. Why not post an insulting reply to make yourself feel better?

Or play for par – post some mince about “geno-cide”.


Genocidey McGenocideface sullies this blog every day, all day. What a disgusting specimen. The other one has been shamed into yet another tedious reincarnation it would seem. They can post their shameless hasbara lies all day long but the whole world can see what they are. Their putrid arrogance is their own downfall. Witness as they claw wildly at everything around them as they seek to bring the whole world down with them. Fuck em.

Vivian O’Blivion

Cast your minds back to 2021 when the Suez Canal was blocked for 6 days when the mega container ship, Ever Given slewed across a narrow section and became wedged between the banks. That ship was 100% undamaged and under its own steam. The naval architects tasked with designing the Ever Given were told to build the biggest ship that could fit in the canal. That created a unique vulnerability.

What if rather than Pilot error (failing to anticipate bank effect), a similar mega carrier was hit by ballistic missiles? I don’t know whether the players involved have the technology to hit a moving target, but these ships have a big, slow moving footprint. Equally, I don’t know how much damage a missile would do to the infrastructure of the ship (protected as it is by many layers of shipping containers), but stopping it would be enough to present a stationary target for a subsequent barrage of missiles to finish the job.

This is just one hypothetical. In the pell-mell rush for NeoLiberal, global trade and interconnectivity, the Western, Permanent State created multiple, critical vulnerabilities.

I’m off to purchase a bicycle, I foresee fuel prices going through the roof.
Perhaps PetroIneos at Grangemouth will receive a reprieve after all?


I’ll post this again seeing as John Main continues to say no explanation of his number 3 has been made as to how Scotland could be better off if we returned to self-governance.

The Kingdom of Scotland has a much better resources to population figure than the Kingdom of England.

(Old stats so may not be 100% accurate but it gives the gist.)


32% of the land area.
61% of the sea area.
90% of the fresh water.
65% of the natural gas production
96.5% of the crude oil production.
47% of the open cast coal production
81% of the untapped coal reserves
62% of the timber production
46% of the total forest area
92% of the hydro electric production
40% of the wind wave and solar energy production
60% of the fish landings
30% of the beef herd
20% of the sheep herd
9% of the dairy herd
10% of the pig herd
15% if the cereal holdings
20% of the potato holdings
90% of the whisky industry
70% of gin production


68% of the land area.
39% of the sea area.
10% of the fresh water.
35% of the natural gas production
3.5% of the crude oil production.
53% of the open cast coal production
19% of the untapped coal reserves
38% of the timber production
54% of the total forest area
8% of the hydro electric production
60% of the wind wave and solar energy production
40% of the fish landings
70% of the beef herd
80% of the sheep herd
91% of the dairy herd
90% of the pig herd
85% if the cereal holdings
80% of the potato holdings
10% of the whisky industry
30% of gin production

The revenue streams generated by the current UK government policies means the two Kingdoms’ combined resources help to serve the UK population of 67 million.
So if Scotland returned to self-governance we could even just emulate current UK policies and therefore with The Kingdom of Scotland’s much improved resources to population figures it would mean the larger proportional revenue stream generated by those Scottish resources would only have to serve 5.4 million.

Obviously we would also have the ability to tweak and alter policy to better suit our needs.
You know, stuff like having power over immigration so we’d actually get to set the criteria and determine just who is and isn’t allowed to come here.
It’s not racist or xenophobic to point out that it is not sensible or sustainable for a country struggling with a poor economic situation due to policies enacted by London Rule, to have an open door policy in which facilitates the arrival of folk that are a net drain on society.
Plus if all these immigrants are such a positive boom for us, does that not mean that by them coming here it is a negative loss to their own homelands. That’s surely not very progressive to effectively steal the good folk from other countries.


Hooray! We win the pigs.


A new day so will try posting jet fighter fuel consumption stats again without the link seeing as that may be causing posts to disappear.
T’internet states jet fighters can use 660 to 1250 UK gallons an hour.

For some perspective and comparison, Edinburgh airport can use 222,000 gallons of Jet A1 fuel a day in summer to refuel planes. This fuel currently comes from Grangemouth which also supplies both Glasgow and Newcastle airports too.
An older 757 can use 7500 gallons to fly from Edinburgh to New York.
Incidentally, 7500 gallons is about the amount of fuel my car will have used to do well over 300k miles. And before the greenies take a stroke, I didn’t do most of those miles, I bought it ten years ago for a hundred quid with 285k on it. It’s been a fine old barge and I’ll most likely get more than I paid for it when I scrap it.


Dan 10.42pm
Couldn`t agree more. This site is about SCOTLAND and INDEPENDENCE not a platform for world affairs. This country is being dismantled and raped, woke imposed and corrupt.
The Middle East troubles are sad but it is a political jar of worms and for those who are more interested in that debate they best look for a more appropriate site to have a rant.

Hatey McHateface

@ Mac says: 3 October, 2024 at 8:59 am

No need to re-post any of it. Read the original and weep.

There’s nothing more certain to flush one of the rabid carpet biters out of the woodwork than to state bald, simple facts on here.

Fact #1: Plebiscitary elections for Indy. Put up or shut up.

Fact #2: Naw it’s still not a “geno-cide”, and no amount of eejits echoing each other’s propaganda will make it one.

Calling it “geno-cide” is a kick in the teeth, a stamp on the balls, and a hawking on the unmarked graves of those tens of millions who have been geno-cided over the centuries.

And in my humble view, a handful of nails in the coffin of Indy, from the POV of those sane, reasoning Scots, who can only look on in mystified wonder at those grassroots Indy supporters who are absolutely hell-bent on shackling Indy to the lassie-torturing, human-shields-death-celebrating, craven, yellow tunnel skulkers of Humous.

Oh to go back to 2014, eh, when Indy actually had something good and positive to offer the people of Scotland.

Hatey McHateface

@ Dan says: 3 October, 2024 at 9:25 am

A list of assets is not a plan for their transfer of ownership.

But no matter. I assume your “plan” is simply to confiscate them and divvie them up.

Grand. That’s #3 sorted.

On to #2, and then #1 will be a shoe-in.


Dan @ 09.25.

Thanks for the timely reminder re the resources our fair land has and the potential standard of living independence could provide the populus.


Aye McDuff, it is utterly ridiculous that this site has been allowed to be hijacked away from its primary cause.
That of course is the intention of some bad actors, but they have been allowed to gain so much traction to the detriment of the site because of Stu’s hands off free speech approach to commenting.

I’ve been a moderator on a forum before and had to deal with a fair amount of shite to try to keep the forum a decent place.
Stu rarely comments btl but he dropped in last night with a single post basically stating once again to cease and desist with the jar of worms stuff which is going on outwith our locale.
That some “new” poster rocking up immediately tries to drag another distracting worm re. Syria into the btl fray shows huge disrespect for both Stu and the site.
Stu’s site so Stu’s rules, but it is noticeable that posters do try to get around these constraints to continue the focus being on the jar of worms rather than Scottish matters, and Stu continues to allow them to do that rather than booting them to touch like what would happen on most other sites after multiple warnings and infractions have been given.

Ach, and there’s tedious John Main back with his usual groundhog day response which has been dealt with previously. It’s this sort of tedious repetitive shite that drags the place down.
From a previous post bookmarked for John Main’s groundhog day antics.

But back to resources, and you again try to focus and divert onto the question of asset and resource ownership, ignoring that my proffered example makes no suggestion of altering the ownership status of these assets and resources, instead the change of Scotland returning to self-governance would mean that the revenue streams generated by licensing and taxation of these assets and resources in Scottish jurisdictional areas would be diverted to a Scottish Treasury.

link to

John Main or international currency investor Jim Rogers, who to believe…

link to


“Or play for par – post some mince about “geno-cide“

You’ve been very evasive about the meaning of that word according to John Main, and the reason for this is so there is no comparison between your interpretation and the written definition of the international community’s.

Regarding the use of logic, I’ve pointed out to you on numerous occasions that it is not logical to have another country make our decisions for us.

Scotland has different wants and different needs that another country won’t and can’t possibly prioritise above their own.
It is illogical to think otherwise.

You are of course, entitled to believe what suits you.


Site prick;

“I assume your “plan” is simply to confiscate them and divvie them up.”

It’s the REVENUES, stoopid! But you know that already.

[‘UK’ ‘government’ renewables revenue take 2023; £53billion].


FFS you could talk about independence until the cows come home. Preaching to the converted. It won’t change a single thing. World affairs are all relative. Scotland won’t gain her independence just as Palestine never will until American Hegemony/interference is over. Unless you’ve been living in a cave lately, or only follow the SNP tra fanzine, there is currently an energy war going on.
Censorship clampdown & a return to fascism where democracy no longer applies..

But do carry on. I’m sure the Anglo Americans will just let Scotland go & the UK lose their seat as a permanent member of the security council & all it’s wee associated clubs thats hellbent on squeezing $26 Trillion in critical minerals out of U. That was only a fake Obama who interfered last time. Honest!

Who do you think trashed Indy? The SNP? Lol. They were only following orders. TRA was a directive to cause civil unrest & to make way for a whole barrage of new laws & rrestriction & censorship is up next. So y’all better chat about Indy before it’s outlawed I guess. If nukes strapped tae Scotland doesn’t get us all first.

As you were. I can’t wait to read how Scotland will gain Indy in the middle of WW3 but knock yerels out..

Ian Brotherhood

Many of us would much rather not feel compelled to raise ‘global’ matters but being represented by the ‘United Kingdom’ in the United Nations is intolerable and is reason enough, in itself, to regain full independence.

It doesn’t matter what the topic happens to be – Scots have our own take on all manner of subjects and are entitled to have them heard. When the PM or the Foreign Secretary or senior Whitehall mandarins give forth on this or that on an international stage and use ‘we’, they’re speaking on behalf of their own special interests, not us. They don’t represent us, have no right to claim that they do, and it’s incumbent on all Scottish independence supporters to make that fact plain at every opportunity.


Well done to Mauritius today and the Chagos Islanders but it will still be a bit of a task to get the Americans off their land too.

Ian Brotherhood

This has probably been posted before (it’s about 6 years old) but well worth a watch.

How the big banks and lawyers of the City of London successfully penetrated British government.

If you haven’t time to watch, please at least check out 1hr 8 mins where very polite ‘protestors’ are rumbled at a private dinner and hoofed: ‘Go, before we set the dogs on you…trespassing scum!’


link to


Well off Topic.
(But, who’ll notice).

Delighted to learn that the first conviction for conspiracy to commit FGM in England and Wales has been recorded.
The case involved a PHD student from Swansea who conspired to remove a child to Iraq for the purposes of GM and arranged marriage.
One hopes the Scottish legal system would be as active in similar circumstances.

Campbell Clansman

The Comment-bot known as “Geri” has made 34 comments on this thread alone.
Hyper-activity plus hyper-ignorance is a potent combination, one that has infected this website.
Perhaps “Wings Over Scotland” should be renamed “Stupidity via Geri.”

Hatey McHateface

How to run a pro-Indy site. The wisdom of Dan condensed into two easy-to-follow rules:

1) Dinna reference or talk about anything not related to Scotland and Indy. That’s not what the site is for.

2) Dinna reference or talk about anything related to Scotland and Indy. It’s all been done to death – awa wi the tedious, repetitive, groundhog day shite antics.


Man, Dan, I’m petitioning for a third rule, allowing endless, bad-tempered, ill-educated, juvenile, uninformed, bigoted, malicious mud-slinging and name calling.

As justification, I assert:

1) For many regulars, they won’t need to shift from their comfort zone. It’s a service to them.

2) Wider Scottish society needs the regulars glued to their keyboards. Nobody wants them out and about on our streets, and in our faces. It’s a service to the rest of us.

Who’s going to second?


@ Geri

Surely there is a better chance of instigating change and people being receptive to doing things a better way during times of fear and uncertainty, compared to when folk are living in a perceived more relaxed status quo.
Carpe diem and al that.
Now would be a rather good time to have those credible envoys representing a Scottish voice on the international stage we mentioned the other day, stating that Scotland wants no part in what is playing out due to UK governance choices dragging us into realms we’d rather not be part of. It would be handy not getting turned to glass if it does kick off ya ken.
I’m just finishing restoring a lovely cast iron bath made on 25/7/1941, and would really like a relaxing soak in it rather than getting turned to dusty ash space compost.
The discussions here needn’t just be solely about self-governance, they can be about a wide spectrum of policies better suited to Scotland and our needs and aspirations now and for the future.
We have to continue to make the positive case like others before us have because all the time we waste waiting for the right time just means we are further constrained with shit like freeports, and the demographics ain’t helpful either.
I thought it was a given that discussions and information posted on here (the supposedly most read Scottish politics site) that stimulated the mind and inspired folk to consider other ways of doing things would permeate out into wider society if folk took the opportunities to interact with others outwith this bubble.

But as I mentioned this morning, it’s Stu’s site and rules and he’s seemingly content to allow it to take the trajectory it’s on with shite like Main’s latest play the man and not the ball pish.

Hatey McHateface

Ach Dan, you’re a tonic.

You and Geri – a marriage made … somewhere I guess.

You at 11:14:

“tries to drag another distracting worm re. Syria into the btl fray shows huge disrespect for both Stu and the site.
Stu’s site so Stu’s rules, but it is noticeable that posters do try to get around these constraints to continue the focus being on the jar of worms rather than Scottish matters, and Stu continues to allow them to do that rather than booting them to touch like what would happen on most other sites after multiple warnings and infractions”

“usual groundhog day response which has been dealt with previously. It’s this sort of tedious repetitive shite that drags the place down”

Me at 2:05:

“Dan condensed into two easy-to-follow rules:

1) Dinna reference or talk about anything not related to Scotland and Indy. That’s not what the site is for.

2) Dinna reference or talk about anything related to Scotland and Indy. It’s all been done to death – awa wi the tedious, repetitive, groundhog day shite antics.”

play the man and not the ball

You must have been like a legend on the pitch.

I’m thinking myself that the best way to avoid having the pish ripped out of your posts is not to post stuff hoaching with pish.

Goes for Geri too.

But feel free to deal with my points #2 and #1 from 8:25:

“1) There is no majority support among the Scottish voters.

2) There are no credible, popular Indy leaders or Indy team members among the Scottish ruling elite.”

Or assert the answers are obvious, everybody knows them, and you can’t be arsed to cover tedious shite already done to death.

While you’re at it, please also explain WTAF there is no Plebiscitary Election programme under way for the HR elections, to occur no later than May 2026.


@Dan 10.42pm and
Fair enough. I did not start about it, I just found canonization of Nasra lla on Wings BTL too absurd not to respond.

Yes, I saw the MEMRI report. The original report came from Syrian Enab Baladi. I found pockets of celebrations of N`s killing in Syria mentioned on multiple sites: on NPR, some australian sites, NYT, etc. – even FT, so I believe it did happen. There were some positive comments about the killing from Saudi Arabia and elsewhere from Sunni world, so the response from the region was apparently more checkered than claimed by Geri.
Hib’s pernicious role on life in Lebanon and it’s participation in atrocities committed during the Syrian are well documented. I believe that a large part of Lebanon’s population would welcome Hz’s demise, no matter how big “anti-colonialist” champions they are.

Vivian O’Blivion

It’s true the US State Department’s all or nothing pursuit of hegemony for its rogue, proxy state in West Asia is alienating many formerly friendly or neutral states in the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Africa, South Asia, the Middle East, East Asia, Central Asia and the Pacific, but it’s not all one-way traffic.

The current generation of political leaders in Finland and Sweden signing up to NAT0 membership with their respective parliaments (for the time being at least) is the culmination of decades of careful cultivation by the State Department.

Young middle-class politics graduates devoid of real work and life experience, promoted through invisible networks of patronage and opaquely funded third-sector influencing outfits. We know these folks all too well here (John Smith Centre at the University of Glasgow, British American Project, etc..). The common currency these apparatchiks exchange is Identity Politics.

Previous generations of Scandinavian politicians would never have agreed to NATO membership. The proposition is preposterous. Finland & Sweden managed to remain neutral while sharing a land and maritime border with a notionally ideological and expansionist Soviet Union. The idea that the Ru33ian Federation is about to occupy non-Ru33ian speaking territory is crazy. Yes, I’m well aware of Ru33ian expansion into Finland during Tsarist times.

The folk of Finland will pay the price for this Foggy Bottom directed lunacy. Finnish defence spending in terms of GDP has expanded by 50% in four years. In addition, Finnish / Ru33ian trade has ceased. Prior to this, Finland exported $2b pa worth of goods to Ru33ia and received $5b pa of goods in return. As Ru33ian exports comprised raw materials for Finnish industry the cumulative effect will impact hard on living standards of ordinary citizens in Helsinki.

The career politicians touched by the magic hand of the State Department will of course be immune to hardship. Politics is a precarious means of putting bread on the table, but that’s Foggy Bottom’s sales pitch, a safety net for when the great unwashed rumble these carpetbagging parasites. In England, second careers in the House of Lords are dispensed, in Scotland, academic sinecures are handed out. Other means of remuneration are available.

The previous high point of State Department interference in Nordic politics was Helle Thorning-Schmidt’s, Prime Ministerial stint in Denmark. This was the period where the Danish Security Services bugged Angela Merkel’s phone at the behest of the American NSA.

On being kicked out of office in 2015, Thorning-Schmidt was promptly hired as CEO of Save the Children. The incumbent of that post at present earns in excess of £200k. This reminds me somewhat of David Milliband’s consolation prize for loosing the Labour leadership election to his brother. Milliband senior was awarded the position of CEO of the International Rescue Committee in 2013 (a position he still holds). This New York based post carried at the time a salary of £300k. This package has subsequently rocketed to well in excess of £760k.

Thorning-Schmidt is married to Blairite ghoul Stephen Kinnock, the epitome of the entitled profession politician.

Thorning-Schmitd’s résumé is a wonder to behold. Directorships in a dozen globalist, Neoliberal outfits. WEF, Atlantic Council, Council on Foreign Relations, etc., etc., etc.. A CV like that ‘I’ll get you a prime seat on the first tumbril when the pitchforks & burning torches appear.

Thorning-Schmidt and Kinnock possess the must have accessory for these lofty circles; a Trans son / daughter / whatever.


On reading Vivian Oblivion’s post you have to ask yourself, is there really any way to circumvent and destroy this ongoing cabal of favoured time serving carpet baggers

In the uk we have the merry go round circle of favoured CEO’s effortlessly moving from one extremely high paid position to another even although their chairmanship within their current employment has been less than startling or even damaging, the exact same situation is enacted by football managers, failure to win trophies can lead to dismissal but somehow there is usually a clamour from clubs offering pie in the sky salaries for these useless failures

ITV has employed Ed Balls as a newsreader cum presenter FFS Balls must have been one of the most incompetent politicians of his time yet he always seems to land prime positions despite being personality vacant and boring, his wife mirrors his vacuous personality

I stopped donating to certain charities when their CEO’S salaries started to become obnoxious and ridiculous how many donations of £10 does it take to pay their exorbitant salaries and the rest of the middle management,those donations never benefit the people they are meant for

Scotland will never become independent with the shower of dross we have as politicians, I honestly cannot think of anyone within the political classes who I believe has the FIGHT or drive to win independence, I believe the ONLY ones who have the drive and fight have to come as individuals and TBH a start would be Dan,Mia,Vivian,Breeks,Geri,Xaracen,Robert Hughes and others who are passionate and driven and will FIGHT tooth and claw for their country


I think you should change your name to twatlover.

Hatey McHateface

@ Vivian O’Blivion says: 3 October, 2024 at 4:49 pm

Not one of your better efforts.

The idea that the Ru33ian Federation is about to occupy non-Ru33ian speaking territory is crazy

They occupied some today. They expect to occupy more tomorrow. They’ve been occupying non-Ru33ian speaking territory for a couple of years now.

If you’re prepared to overlook these incontrovertible facts, then your assessments can’t be trusted.


Hatey McHateface

@ twathater says: 3 October, 2024 at 6:25 pm

is there really any way to circumvent and destroy this ongoing cabal of favoured time serving carpet baggers

Of course there is. Stand for election yourself.

Dan,Mia,Vivian,Breeks,Geri,Xaracen,Robert Hughes and others who are passionate and driven and will FIGHT tooth and claw for their country

Hopefully we can disagree on our respective judgements of their capabilities! But as I’m for ever being told, I’m in a minority of one here.

Nevertheless, I’m in agreement on the idea they should stand for office in their constituencies. They talk the talk, they need to walk the walk, if that’s not too US hegemonic a way of phrasing it.

None of the established politicians are pushing the Plebiscitary Election route. The field’s wide open for them and you.


REV – there’s a great job for you going on The National. They want a new Multimedia Journalist to join their team.

I think that means they pick stories off twitter etc and print them without fact-checking or any research. But you could do quality journalism for them.

How about it?


Now reading this dangerous warmongering scum is intending to target 1ran1an oil fields, and Uncle Sam intends to help them all the way.

These unhinged psychotic cu*!ts will kill us all.

All decent, right thinking people in America, UK, – this is your time; the time you must act to depose these unrestrained lunatics. You are living in 1930’s Germany with delusional leadership detached from reality which grows daily into unchecked facist lunacy.

Shake yourselves. You are impaired. You are propagandised, desensitised, misled, lied to, and manipulated. Your induced complacency is being used by leaders who wish to commit atrocity after atrocity to defend their parasitic wealth and grasp on power.

You are offered the “democratic” choice of red or blue, but the game is rigged. The Devil himself commands both colours.

You are not the good guys. You are not the heroes who can save this at the death, you are complicit in the making of this. You are complicit in the end of us.

Just days ago, when the UK imbeciles were jumping up and down to send Storm Shadow missiles to M0sc0w, we were 7 hours from nuclear Armageddon; closer to oblivion than during the Cuban crisis, and yet you’ve not been told a word about it.

If anyone survives, can I ask you a favour? Find a stick, and write in the sand that none of this was done in my name.

Hatey McHateface

@ Breeks says: 4 October, 2024 at 7:03 am

We’re all doomed! Doomed, I tell you!!

“You are not the good guys.”


Could the bad guys be, let’s see now …

How about the untouchable Tsar for life who published his treatise on why a certain nation and people have no right to exist? Now being played out for real with guns and bombs on Europe’s crumbling frontier.

And then, there’s the other nations whose constitutions explicitly state the need to exterminate a different nation and people from the surface of the earth. About to celebrate the first anniversary of an orgy of rape, torture, burnings and murder reminiscent of medieval times.

So we’re not as bad as that, and thus relatively speaking, we are the good guys after all.

It’s truly quite extraordinary that Breeks believes that one sovereign nation should be able to launch barrages of missiles at another sovereign nation with no pushback.

But it’s quite exceptionally important that this mental kink in the world view of some Scottish Indy supporters should be exposed to the merciless glare of the utmost publicity.

Because, if one day we’re an independent sovereign nation ourselves, it will be critically important that people who think like Breeks get nowhere near positions of power or influence.

We’ll be helpless lambs to the slaughter if they do.

Hatey McHateface

@ Breeks says: 4 October, 2024 at 7:03 am

jumping up and down to send Storm Shadow missiles to M0sc0w, we were 7 hours from nuclear Armageddon


I know, I know, Wings BTL is no place for facts.

But WTF, I won’t see my country, Scotland, die of ignorance.

Storm Shadow missiles have a range of up to 250km (155 miles).

The Ru33ian route M3 (also known as the U. Highway) is a major trunk road that runs across a distance of about 490 kilometres from M0sc0w to Ru33ia’s border with U.

I know, the road won’t be straight. But then again, the missile batteries won’t be sitting at the border either. Every thing moving there gets destroyed.

So, Wingers, do the math.

And somebody, please get Breeks some tranks.


Gen0cide and ethnic cleansing… of the Holy Lands…of the living descendants of biblical time… by inbred, hate filled (he picked his name well) psychotic, perverted weirdos from Bro0klyn. Does it get anymore fucked up, more evil, than that. WTF.

An imminent regional war caused by a criminal lunatic who sees it as the only way to keep his satanic carcass out of jail. And everyone is like, that’s fine. Why?

You know they are going to use a nuclear weapon somehow, they are burning a hole in their pocket.

Meanwhile it is Friday and we are commenting on last Saturdays’ cartoon.

I think that answers the question about going off topic. What fucking topic. There is nothing happening Scotland.

Meanwhile we are on the brink of a global catastrophe. It is increasing surreal at times.

Not one of us knows who is really running the US right now. Been like that for four years.

This month before the US election is potentially the craziest yet. Buckle up.

The baby killing ghouls on here are moving into overdrive.

Oh and the sudden appearance of the ‘comet of the century’ is probably not a bad omen. It’s fine.


“Now reading this dangerous warmongering scum is intending to target 1ran1an oil fields, and Uncle Sam intends to help them all the way”

Of course they are. You can see that they have been engineering this move for a very long time. It is more likely than not that the rogue state is targeting their oil fields on behalf of “Uncle Sam”

Because being fair, the tentacles of influence from the rogue state are so deeply stuck in Uncle Sam’s government structures that it is very difficult to establish now where one ends and the other starts.

1rN is officially a member of the BRICS. It is one of the major oil producers in the world and is no longer trading in dollars.

If an oil rich country (or mineral rich country like U) is not trading its oil (or minerals) in dollars, then it is not creating a surplus of dollars that

a) it will need to recycle
b) Uncle Sam can put its greedy paws on and steal under the guise of faux “economic sanctions”, just as it did recently with R’s dollar reserves

If an oil rich country does not create a surplus in dollars, it cannot recycle them by buying Uncle Sam’s debt, and that is the big problem for Uncle Sam.

Uncle Sam has been living beyond its possibilities since WWII thanks to the oil and mineral rich countries in the world continuously buying its debt.

This is the privilege the hegemon has been enjoying since WWII in this convenient unipolar world at the expense of everybody else.

It is the threat to this unipolar world, with the dollar as the major currency, what is driving all these wars in my opinion.

The BRICS is its the main axis against that unipolar world.

The hegemon is desperate to get their greedy paws on those 1RN oil fields in a frantic attempt to stall and turn back the accelerating tide of de-dollarisation. Because, if de-dollarisation succeeds, it loses its global power.

YOu can clearly see that the colonial warmongers are independently targeting the three main axis of the BRICS: I, China, R. You know, divide and conquer.

They are trying to separate them by engaging them in independent wars.

They have tied R in this stupid U war, which is nothing but a proxy war for uncle sam.

Now the genocidal rogue state has targeted 1Rn I wonder what they have in store for China.

Another emerging power contributing to de-dollarisation is the global south. We saw what the idiot Cameron did in Libya to stop them. That was because Libya’s leader was the main promoter of a union of African countries and for them to have their own single currency, the gold Dinar, just like the EU has the euro.

But the gold dinar was not to be a fiat currency. It was going to be backed by gold. I wonder what else the hegemon and its rogue state master have in store for them as well.

In my opinion, all these wars have been orchestrated by the hegemon. Now it is simply using its poodles to deploy them and fight them on its behalf.

There is an interesting paper “Global Strategic Trends: Out to 2055”, published by the Ministry of Defence. You can download it from the website. They also have a bite-size summary to download.

You will see from that paper that they are already preparing for potential scenarios where the hegemon loses all or part of its power and influence.

Interestingly, this quote is from the paper:
“R[redacted]’s future status in the international order is likely to depend on the outcome of its war in Ukraine and its ability to manage the consequences across social, political and economic sectors, but it is likely to remain ambitious
and the desire to retain or regain great power status will continue to drive its behaviour”

From this, you might guess that one of the main reasons behind this stupid U war has been an attempt to weaken R.

This is also quoted from the paper:

“emerging middle powers such as Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi
Arabia, 1RN, Turkey, South Africa, Nigeria and Brazil may see their influence grow.
Middle powers may also wield influence through regional economic, political and military organisations such as the European Union, NATO, the African Union,
the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the BRICS group, and some of these organisations may see their power and influence grow”

From this you start to understand why uncle sam is so desperate to get more (poodle) EU countries into NATO. It is to counteract the influence of those emerging middle powers.

Because the hegemon cannot retain power and influence by itself anymore, it has to, via its poodles, attack the other emergent countries so they do not take over.

What I will never understand is what kind of toxic kool aid the EU has drunk to become uncle sam’s self-immolating poodle. The EU with its euro was the first real threat to the hegemon and to the supremacy of the dollar. If I remember correctly, Iraq was wanting to trade oil in euros, and so was Lybia – hence being engulfed soon after that announcement into vicious US driven neoliberal wars whose only purpose was to take control over the oilfields and restore the trading in dollars.

This did not benefit the EU at all. The U and middle east wars are not benefiting the EU either. They are damaging its economic prospects. So, why can they possibly be so invested in it?
Is it a matter that the main EU countries’ governments are all US and the rogue state poodles?


“Now reading this dangerous warmongering scum is intending to target 1ran1an oil fields, and Uncle Sam intends to help them all the way”

Of course they are. You can see that they have been engineering this move for a very long time. It is more likely than not that the rogue state is targeting their oil fields on behalf of “Uncle Sam”

Because being fair, the tentacles of influence from the rogue state are so deeply stuck in Uncle Sam’s government structures that it is very difficult to establish now where one ends and the other starts.

1rN is officially a member of the BRICS. It is one of the major oil producers in the world and is no longer trading in dollars.

If an oil rich country (or mineral rich country like U) is not trading its oil (or minerals) in dollars, then it is not creating a surplus of dollars that

a) it will need to recycle
b) Uncle Sam can put its greedy paws on and steal under the guise of faux “economic sanctions”, just as it did recently with R’s dollar reserves

If an oil rich country does not create a surplus in dollars, it cannot recycle them by buying Uncle Sam’s debt, and that is the big problem for Uncle Sam.

Uncle Sam has been living beyond its possibilities since WWII thanks to the oil and mineral rich countries in the world continuously buying its debt.

This is the privilege the hegemon has been enjoying since WWII in this convenient unipolar world at the expense of everybody else.

It is the threat to this unipolar world, with the dollar as the major currency, what is driving all these wars in my opinion.

The BRICS is its the main axis against that unipolar world.

The hegemon is desperate to get their greedy paws on those 1RN oil fields in a frantic attempt to stall and turn back the accelerating tide of de-dollarisation. Because, if de-dollarisation succeeds, it loses its global power.

YOu can clearly see that the colonial warmongers are independently targeting the three main axis of the BRICS: I, China, R. You know, divide and conquer.

They are trying to separate them by engaging them in independent wars.

They have tied R in this stupid U war, which is nothing but a proxy war for uncle sam.

Now the genocidal rogue state has targeted 1Rn I wonder what they have in store for China.

Another emerging power contributing to de-dollarisation is the global south. We saw what the idiot Cameron did in Libya to stop them. That was because Libya’s leader was the main promoter of a union of African countries and for them to have their own single currency, the gold Dinar, just like the EU has the euro.

But the gold dinar was not to be a fiat currency. It was going to be backed by gold. I wonder what else the hegemon and its rogue state master have in store for them as well.

In my opinion, all these wars have been orchestrated by the hegemon. Now it is simply using its poodles to deploy them and fight them on its behalf.

There is an interesting paper “Global Strategic Trends: Out to 2055”, published by the Ministry of Defence. You can download it from the website. They also have a bite-size summary to download.

You will see from that paper that they are already preparing for potential scenarios where the hegemon loses all or part of its power and influence.

Interestingly, this quote is from the paper:
“R[redacted]’s future status in the international order is likely to depend on the outcome of its war in U and its ability to manage the consequences across social, political and economic sectors, but it is likely to remain ambitious
and the desire to retain or regain great power status will continue to drive its behaviour”

From this, you might guess that one of the main reasons behind this stupid U war has been an attempt to weaken R.

This is also quoted from the paper:

“emerging middle powers such as Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi
Arabia, 1RN, Turkey, South Africa, Nigeria and Brazil may see their influence grow.
Middle powers may also wield influence through regional economic, political and military organisations such as the European Union, NATO, the African Union,
the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the BRICS group, and some of these organisations may see their power and influence grow”

From this you start to understand why uncle sam is so desperate to get more (poodle) EU countries into NATO. It is to counteract the influence of those emerging middle powers.

Because the hegemon cannot retain power and influence by itself anymore, it has to, via its poodles, attack the other emergent countries so they do not take over.

What I will never understand is what kind of toxic kool aid the EU has drunk to become uncle sam’s self-immolating poodle. The EU with its euro was the first real threat to the hegemon and to the supremacy of the dollar. If I remember correctly, Irq was wanting to trade oil in euros, and so was Lyb1a – hence being engulfed soon after that announcement into vicious uncle sam driven neoliberal wars whose only purpose was to take control over the oilfields and restore the trading in dollars.

I do not see how this could have possibly benefit the EU. The EU would have benefited from trading oil in euros, not dollars. The U and middle east wars are not benefiting the EU either. They are damaging its economic prospects. So, why can they possibly be so invested on this?

Is it a matter that the main EU countries’ governments have all become uncle sam and its rogue state’s poodles?


Uncle Sam’s plans for the EU is to make them all dependencies.

Remember US policy is to have no one country, & no strong collective either (EU) because it’s an existential threat to US primacy & world domination.

They’ve already drained the EU of industries, any meaningful individual military capability, just saddled them all with decades of debt paying for their proxy war in U, insisted they break trade, steal reserves, issue sanctions & finally blowing up Nordstream has also made them energy reliant on Uncle Sam now

They want the EU to be an industrial military complex – buying & supplying weapons to NATO which is also Uncle Sam & to cut off R ports & Chinas Belt & Road initiative through Europe.

The euro will tank because it was built on a strong Germany & it’s not strong any longer since they sabotaged Nordstream & their cooperation for cheap energy from R. Car manufacturing being the biggest fail when they thought they’d tell P they weren’t selling them cars anymore. Oh dear, big mistake. They just bought them from China instead. No harm done to P but every harm to Germany.

Now Germany wants to talk to P but P isn’t playing. They already humiliated & double crossed him with Minsk & again with Minsk2 so he’ll make them wait. He’s not the one in trouble lol Germany is.


“It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds?”
– Norm MacDonald

That Mitchell & Webb sketch… “Are we the baddies” is now beyond ironic.

I laughed at it myself… at the time.

I was laughing from the belly of the beast. We all are.

Everything Alf Baird says is clearly true and applicable but this is really much worse, much bigger than just that, than just us.


“Because, if one day we’re an independent sovereign nation ourselves, it will be critically important that people who think like Breeks get nowhere near positions of power or influence”

“Critically important” for whom, exactly?

For you?
For Uncle Sam and its rogue secret service?
For Uncle Sam’s genocidal rogue appendix in the middle east and its rogue secret service?
or for our neighbour and its rogue secret service?

Why is so important for you that honest people do not ever reach positions of power? Is it because they will point blank refuse to act as the pathetic poodles of uncle sam and its rogue appendice in the middle east?

Or is it because they may consider the actual benefit to Scotland’s economy and social prospects of joining the BRICs, engage in a multipolar economic world and trade in their own currency instead of showing blind loyalty to the dollar, the whims and wants of a decaying hegemon and its rogue genocidal appendix, and will refuse to let their country be dragged into another stupid neoliberal war?

Zander Tait

You’re wrong about Storm Shadow missiles, Hatey.

They have an operational range of up to 550km or 340miles.

Add in the range of the delivery vehicle, ie a Typhoon, Tornado or adapted F16 and you end up with a distance considerably more than that which you quoted.

Always happy to help Hatey.


“Is it a matter that the main EU countries’ governments have all become uncle sam and its rogue state’s poodles?”

That has been revealed and proven now beyond any doubt.

They are openly acting in ways that are inimical to and directly against the interests of 99% of Europeans. Nordstream being just one glaring example… but it is everything they are doing (or not doing).

But it is far worse than just that… they are attacking ‘us’ (the indigenous populations) as well as using us to attack these other countries. They are attacking them using us and attacking us from within at the same time. That is what you are also seeing in the US itself, it is not just in the EU. Exact same pattern.

That is because something has gradually taken control that fears/hates them AND it fears/hates us (the ‘donor class’ as Col Doug MacGregor calls it))

It is now increasingly obvious that the leaders of Ru$$ia and Chin@ act (broadly) in the interests of their citizens while ours are doing the EXACT opposite. That is one reason why our leaders fear/hate their leaders. They shame them, daily.

What is happening now in the middle east, as horrific as it is, is causing an awakening to that reality.

Their solution is predictable, kill us all.


Tory clansman;

“The Comment-bot known as “Geri” has made 34 comments on this thread alone.”

Rather 134 from Geri than 1 from you, ya Tory prick.

Speaking of pricks there’s the Main yin posting right after you. A well matched pair. Or are youse siting together?


“But it is far worse than just that… they are attacking ‘us’ (the indigenous populations) as well as using us to attack these other countries”

I think this is well reflected on the poisonous Sturgeon’s regime.

“Attacking us”
She attacked us with the poisonous and divisive gender woowoo and self-id crap. She also attacked us with a barrage of malicious prosecutions and by deliberately denying us self-determination despite giving countless democratic mandates for it. The Keatings case and how she handed control to a crown minion parachuted to the cabinet so this individual could piss all over democracy by seizing control over our legislative power to stop the referendum bill were magnificent examples of this disgusting attack on democracy under Sturgeon’s poisonous regime. Another example, of course, was her continuously undermining of Scotland’s popular sovereignty by insisting in systematically handing a veto to the UK gov.

“Using us to attack others”
This was reflected by the way Sturgeon immediately took sides with U and in the way the SNP apparatchicks started to force-feeding U flags down our throats to brainwash us into blindly supporting U against R, while no information at all as to what the real background and reason behind this war actually was.

In my opinion, their objective is clearly to restore the world-“order” where uncle sam remains the supreme hegemon that puts its paws on the assets of any other country whenever it wants and can continue to freely use the dollar to control world trade. A world “order” that ensures uncle sam’s debt is dished out to other countries in the form of treasuries so it can continue to overspend beyond its means. A world “order” where it can continue to use the dollar as its main tool of foreign policy to keep powerful, rich countries on a leash via “sanctions”, which effectively means state sponsored theft of other country’s liquid assets.

This world “order” has been threatened for a while with the growth of China. But it really was the overreach of a greedy and over-confident uncle sam when they dared seizing Russian’s dollar reserves what tilted the balance.

They only have themsleves to blame, really. But now they are forcing us all to pay for their stupid greedy mistake. Because the only role of the world countries have, in uncle sam’s view, is to act as the mops that clear up and pay for the shit uncle sam’s constantly stirrers and spreads.


“But it is far worse than just that… they are attacking ‘us’ (the indigenous populations) as well as using us to attack these other countries”

I think this is well reflected on the poisonous Sturgeon’s regime.

“Attacking us”
She attacked us with the poisonous and divisive gender woowoo and self-id crap. She also attacked us with a barrage of malicious prosecutions and by deliberately denying us self-determination despite giving countless democratic mandates for it. The Keatings case and how she handed control to a crown minion parachuted to the cabinet so this individual could walk all over democracy by seizing control over our legislative power to stop the referendum bill were magnificent examples of this disgusting attack on democracy under Sturgeon’s poisonous regime. Another example, of course, was her continuously undermining of Scotland’s popular sovereignty by insisting in systematically handing a veto to the UK gov.

“Using us to attack others”
This was reflected by the way Sturgeon immediately took sides with U and in the way the SNP apparatchicks started to force-feeding U flags down our throats to brainwash us into blindly supporting U against R, while no information at all as to what the real background and reason behind this war actually was.

In my opinion, their objective is clearly to restore the world-“order” where uncle sam remains the supreme hegemon that puts its paws on the assets of any other country whenever it wants and can continue to freely use the dollar to control world trade.

This is a world “order” that ensures uncle sam’s debt is dished out to other countries in the form of treasuries so it can continue to overspend beyond its means.

This is a world “order” where it can continue to use the dollar as its main tool of foreign policy to keep powerful, rich countries on a leash via “sanctions”, which effectively means state sponsored theft of other country’s liquid assets.

This world “order” has been threatened for a while with the growth of China. But it really was the overreach of a greedy and over-confident uncle sam when they dared seizing R’s dollar reserves what tilted the balance.

They only have themsleves to blame, really. But now they are forcing us all to pay for their stupid greedy mistake. Because the only role of the world countries have, in uncle sam’s view, is to act as the convenient mops that clear up and pay for the shit uncle sam’s constantly stirs and spreads.


Mac says:

There is nothing happening Scotland.

Is it really helpful to drop that far too regularly used self-fulfilling prophecy like line?
Do you know just how much of a kick in the face it is for folk that are trying to make things happen in Scotland when they read such defeatist pish.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing“.
There is lots going on in Scotland that requires diligent scrutiny but not enough folk seem to be interested in doing the actual graft necessary to cast a light on these matters.
I guess it’s easier to just use the lame ass cop out excuse that warring shit might end us so why bother doing anything…

What’s happening now isn’t exactly a surprise is it. Forget what the shit state BBC and MSM show us as “news”, folk would likely be better informed if they listen to a decade or two old Killing Joke albums.


What would be really great is if this site managed to regain the post preview function so errors in formatting code would show before posts were submitted…
Little baby steps of improvement like that might help to highlight the abilities and competence of the pro-indy crew and show they have the necessary smarts to improve wider society should they get the chance.
It’s one of life’s mysteries that it’s possible to code a whole video game and not be able to sort a wordpress page.

Anton Decadent

From yesterdays Gruaniad re the Hate Speech Law.

link to


Dan @ 11.32.

A further desireable feature may well be an “ignore” feature which was fully operational.
How much more accessible would BTL posts be if endless reiterations of the same posts from the same posters were able to be screened out by those who so desired.
And no, I don’t mind in the slightest if some were to choose to hide my own witterings.

Hatey McHateface

@ Zander Tait says: 4 October, 2024 at 10:27 am

Wow, a grown up response. 🙂

Yeah, I’m seeing multiple values for the range online, but Wiki has it at 560 km so you’re most likely right.

As to whether aircraft would be used as the delivery vehicle in the theater under discussion, it’s bending the rules of this site to start discussing that, but I have my doubts. It would be far too risky for the aircraft involved to cross into enemy airspace.

Thanks for the clarification.

Hatey McHateface

@ Mac says: 4 October, 2024 at 10:37 am

It is now increasingly obvious that the leaders of Ru$$ia and Chin@ act (broadly) in the interests of their citizens

That’ll be aggressive, militarist expansion you’re cheerleading for then.

Orc military spending as a proportion of GDP up to somewhere between 30% and 40% now (accounts differ on the precise value). Good luck getting a WFA from the state in that scenario!

Covid Central currently has around 4 million service people to call on, give or take a few hundred thousand. Think of that one the next time you just have to order a bit of plastic tat from Amazon.

But yeah, war is always good. Pushes wages and employment up. Diverts the psychos to take it out on the enemy, not their families and neighbours. Empties the prisons. Gives ordinary people something bigger than themselves to get stuck into.

Lucky it’s not happening here yet, but as likely or not it will come. Look for a relaxation in our crippling smoking laws. Nobody can get through a war without the nicotine habit. The day the government announces they’re rowing back on the war against tobacco will be the day we know it’s imminent.


“I guess it’s easier to just use the lame ass cop out excuse that warring shit might end us so why bother doing anything”

I may be very naive and overthinking things, but I see every thing that is happening in the war fronts today as being directly linked to suppressing Scotland’s independence in 2014 and since then to this day.

Remember the words of Obama in 2014 according to the BBC:
“Barack Obama has said the interest of the US in the Scottish independence referendum issue was to ensure it retained a “strong, robust, united and effective partner”.

Remember the words of Hillary Clinton:
“I would hate to have you lose Scotland. I hope that it doesn’t happen but I don’t have a vote in Scotland. But I would hope it doesn’t happen.”

In 2014, it was very clear that it was in uncle sam’s geopolitical interests and foreign plans that Scotland remained firmly in the UK.


Mr Salmond very clearly responded to Obama’s comment saying that if Scotland were to become independent, uncle sam would not have just one ally in the UK, it would have two allies in Scotland and England.

But, should the kingdoms of England and Scotland separate, the reality is that it would not be so easy for uncle sam to continue using both as its poodles on demand and throwing them to do the dirty work on its behalf as efficiently as it is now.

It is very likely that an independent Scotland would, sooner or later, ensure the trident and nuclear heads currently in Scotland’s territory, and which effectively have drawn a massive bullseye target on our backs, would be sent somewhere else. Let’s remember that it is not the UK gov who has the keys to deploy those weapons. It is uncle sam.

More importantly, immediately after independence, Scotland and the kingdom of England would have to go through a more or less lengthy period to stabilise themselves economically, military, socially, etc, and also to establish a series of treaties and trade deals with other countries. In other words, there would be one hundred more pressing things for each of those countries to prioritise and think before choosing to continue acting as uncle sam’s poodle on demand in another of its nasty, self-serving neoliberal wars to ensure dollar supremacy and that its role as master of the world remains unchallenged.

Let’s rewind back to 2014.

March and May 2014 was when the referendums in Crimea and the Donbass area took place. Obama and Clinton stuck their uninvited nose in Scotland’s referendum campaign on June 2014. Good timing.

These referendums in C and Dnbs did not emerged out of thin air. They were the result of what had happened within the year before. The extent of uncle sam’s interference in the Euromaidan and the so called “revolution of dignity” in U is debatable, depending of what you read, but I found this article quite interesting:

This article is interesting:
“America’s U[redacted] Hypocrisy – The extent of the Obama administration’s meddling in U[redacted]’s politics was breathtaking” Written by Ted Galen Carpenter and published in CATO Institute website, 6 August 2017

In other words, it seems uncle sam was up to its armpits in the political desestabilisation in U. This is not surprising, as it has been sticking its nose and meddling in other countries’ business for a very long time.

What this means, is that it is very likely that already at that time in 2014 if not sooner, uncle sam knew exactly that it would result in a war of U with R. In fact, I am one of those who thinks one of the reasons it meddled in U politics was to provoke it.

If in June 2014, or potentially even sooner, uncle sam already knew there was going to be a war between U and R, one can understand why Obama and Clinton stuck their nose in our referendum campaign to stop Scotland’s independence. The were doing what they could to ensure their poodle UK remained in a fit position to be usable as one of their proxies for this war.

I am not sure what role did brexit play in all this, but I would not be surprised it it was another uncle sam’s maneouver which was part of the strategic plan to set all the cogs in place for this war against R.

After the brexit campaign we were told there was a lot of R interference. Yet, the evidence pointed towards uncle sam’s relentless intereference in the brexit referendum, not R’s.

The one million Scottish pounds question is: Would that war between U and R had taken place if brexit had not happened and if Scotland had become independent in 2014?

We might not know the real extent of uncle sam’s interference in Scotland’s government structures, but we definitely know that it is exercising some form of control over the idiots which claim to be representing Scotland and who claim to be “Scotland’s” government.

Thanks to Vivian O’Blivion, we also know that it is controlling dodgy “think tank” outfits like the Smith institute in Glasgow. The number of mediocre and airhead SPADS, MPs and MSPs who were sent to uncle sam to “learn” on “leadership” programmes are a testament to the level of influence this country is exercising over our structures of government by placing airheads in control.

Thanks to the REv’s top notch journalism, we all remember some of the airheads’ names who went to leadership programmes to uncle sam and some of the things they have been involved since.

We have also seen the unhealthy devotion and blind faith displayed by Sturgeon or even Dugdale towards H Clinton. The latter was even at her election campaign.

We have also seen recent changes in foreign policy and relations with the rogue state in the middle east among the idiots who claim to represent Scotland and which are going against the opinion of the majority of the people in Scotland.

So, until what point, Scotland’s referendum in 2014 was rigged by a collusion between the British state and uncle sam’s interests?

And until what point, the disgusting attacks on Mr Salmond reputation, the fabricated criminal case and the stupid complaints procedure were part of a strategy emerging from the colluding interests of the British state an uncle sam to stop Scotland’s independence?

Who instructed Sturgeon to say that a vote for the SNP was no longer a vote for independence or a referendum?

So, where am I going with all this?

We have to find a way to utilise all what is happening as a tool to bring more people towards Scotland’s independence and to expose the hand of the deep state in stopping Scotland’s independence. For example

1. By Exposing how Scotland is unwillingly and unaware contributing to this war

This war is more likely to continue for as long as Scotland continues preserving the UK. If Scotland terminates the UK by ending the union, uncle sam’s main poodle becomes disabled for at least a few years until England recovers its economic position and its appetite for warmongering.

If Scotland ends the UK and stops England becoming the sucessor state of the UK, one of uncle sam’s NATO and UN proxy seats that are being abused to continue its neoliberal wars, thieving other countries’ liquid assets under the faux guise of “sanctions” or vetoing peace, will be lost.

If Scotland is no longer part of the UK, its strategical position cannot be abused by uncle sam for that war and we cannot be used as cannon fodder for its neoliberal wars.

2. HOw remaining in the UK that war is threatening our lives

a. those trident and nuclear heads in Scotland’s territory have made us a direct target in a war with R scenario

b. Not having control over our own currency and over our own assets means we will have to endure the increase in energy and food prices due to this war despite being self-sufficient and producing far more electricity and energy than we need.

3. Exposing the real reason behind this war.
If the real reason for this war is to stop de-dollarisation, and the loss of uncle sam’s monopoly in power, why should Scotland take part in this proxy war when it might actually benefit far more of being part of the BRICS and being able to trade in its own currency with other countries rather than having to be stuck with the dollar?

4. Relation with the EU
If the EU countries have now become useless puppets of uncle sam that are acting against their own population and transforming their countries in cannon fodder for NATO, what is the point in considering re-joining? We might need to look at other alternatives.

I see ways to use this war and the circumstances around it to promote support for Scotland’s independence.

Hatey McHateface

@ Mia says: 4 October, 2024 at 10:11 am

rogue genocidal appendix


Given that the human appendix is usually viewed as something superfluous, to be excised and discarded or incinerated along with the rest of the waste, it’s probably not a good idea to refer to a sovereign nation of 7+ million as an appendix.

OMG! That’s the very epitome of a genocidal statement.

Bad Mia! Go sit in the corner! No biscuit!

I’ll assume you just didn’t think it through.


“it’s probably not a good idea to refer to a sovereign nation of 7+ million as an appendix”

I have already told you countless times that your relentless whataboutery and poor attempts at psychological blackmailing do not impress me at all.


just finished watching the latest rings of power – the plot is stupid and makes no sense

why doesn’t galadriel just say

– okay Sauron, suppose you are in charge now … but what currency would you use?


… um … magic rings … mithril … a mithril backed currency … pure fiat

galadriel then says – all fiat currency eventually reverts to its intrinsic value, i.e. zero

(sauron wilts visibly)

then the hammer blow

How will the orcs get their pensions paid?

– the orcs on hearing this turn on the dark lord with their morgul blades

sauron’s last words :

modern … monetary … theory

Elrond, Gil Galad and all the pretty boys in their cool armour turn up to say :

SHUT UP GALADRIEL – JUST SHUT UP (you are the only woman in this story, but you still have to milk it)

“one postal vote to rule them all and in the darkness count them”

beyond the doors of night, newly exiled Sauron is chatting to his old mentor, Morgoth :

big mistake lad, what you do is – I conjure money out of thin air, for the cost of printing it, as much as I need, then I go around buying up what I want with it …

but surely …

let me finish –

anyone who refuses to accept my money as payment for their wealth, I then KILL IN HORRIBLE WAYS (like a knife up the arse, heh heh, kinky)

Sauron : fucksake Morgoth, you are way eviller than me … what’s this system called


Morgoth (top) and Sauron (power bottom) then have gay sex while waiting for the Dagor Dagorath (there’s not a lot to do beyond the doors of night as it lacks even basic wifi)
