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Wings Over Scotland

The Fainthearts 248

Posted on April 14, 2021 by

Presented without comment.

The quiet part out loud 550

Posted on April 12, 2021 by

The latest group to come out in public defence of the ostensibly openly paedophiliac “Feminist Declaration” which was signed up to last year by a number of Scottish organisations is the “Rainbow Greens”.

The co-conveners of the Rainbow Greens are two men called Blair Anderson and Eilidh Martin. Let’s meet one of them, shall we?

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Talking nonce sense 72

Posted on April 12, 2021 by

The furore over a declaration signed by a number of Scottish organisations which appears to clearly call for the age of sexual consent to be reduced to 10 continues today, with a couple of appallingly biased articles in the Scotsman and the Times which attempt to use the controversy to attack both the Alba Party (as a distraction from its powerful key manifesto release on women’s rights) and this website.

Even just the tweet above by the author of the Times piece fails all kinds of basic journalistic standards of impartiality, but the article itself is vastly worse.

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The last line of defence 141

Posted on April 12, 2021 by

The Alba Party tonight released its official policy manifesto on equalities. We attach it below for the benefit of voters, particularly those concerned by the other parties’ positions on women’s rights. The highlighting is ours.

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What you find under rocks 218

Posted on April 11, 2021 by

Not for the first time, a certain section of society in Scotland and elsewhere is today engaged in the furious insistence that words don’t mean what they actually mean.

The words above are not ambiguous. They call for the “elimination” of “all laws limiting [the] legal capacity of adolescents […] to consent to sex”. The only laws which limit the legal capacity of adolescents – people aged from 10 to 19, according to both the World Health Organisation and the United Nations – to consent to sex are age of consent laws. The clue is somewhat in the name.

If organisations don’t want those laws abolished so that 10-year-olds can have sex, then they shouldn’t sign their names to statements saying that they do.

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If it hit you in the eye 156

Posted on April 10, 2021 by

There’s something missing from this.

Can you spot it, readers?

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The Paedophile Charter 219

Posted on April 10, 2021 by

While watching reports from the Alba Party women’s conference that took place this afternoon, we saw something that we thought must be wrong.

But it wasn’t.

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The Giants 227

Posted on April 10, 2021 by

The Big Sleep 503

Posted on April 09, 2021 by

If you still can’t see it, you’re probably never going to wake up.

But have a little think about those highlighted words this morning anyway.

Agent Shirlie 319

Posted on April 08, 2021 by

So, this absolute bumhole has just achieved what the combined massed forces of the Unionist establishment and the SNP Twitler Youth alike couldn’t – she’s basically shut down Wings Over Scotland.

Stealthily making her way last night past all the fortifications designed to prevent her and her five associates (Pepsi, Daphne, Celeste, Coco and Rosie, if you’re interested) from travelling from the Palatial Rat Environment to the danger-strewn floor of the Wings office, the tiny furry idiot above holed herself up behind my printer, idly chewing on its USB cable to pass the time even though there was food everywhere, including the packet of biscuits the little sod had dragged down off my desk .

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If you’re still not scared 470

Posted on April 07, 2021 by

…you’re not paying attention. Real images from last night’s SNP broadcast:

It’s not a cult, though. The whole thing can be seen here.

The Great Indyref Swindle 517

Posted on April 06, 2021 by

It’s probably past time that we put this all in one post for easy reference.

Herald journalists with no idea what a story is, start here.

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