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Wings Over Scotland

The Paedophile Charter

Posted on April 10, 2021 by

While watching reports from the Alba Party women’s conference that took place this afternoon, we saw something that we thought must be wrong.

But it wasn’t.

ILGA World – the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, although for some reason it doesn’t call itself ILGBTIA – is an organisation that we hadn’t heard of until today. Just over a year ago, as part of a 200-member caucus of other groups, they released something called “The Feminist Declaration”.

[EDIT 6 Dec 2024: They’ve now removed it – although their page linking to it is still live – but there’s a copy here and a local one here.]

It’s a mostly-innocuous document of demands about women’s rights, but buried in the middle of it is a very disturbing section.

The World Health Organisation defines “adolescents” as people aged from 10 to 19.

So the only possible interpretation of “end the criminalization of adolescents’ sexuality” is a reduction in the age of consent to 10 years old. Indeed, a slightly earlier paragraph of the Declaration is more explicit about it:

”Eliminate all laws and policies that punish or criminalize same-sex intimacy, gender affirmation, abortion, HIV transmission non-disclosure and exposure, or that limit the exercise of bodily autonomy, including laws limiting legal capacity of adolescents, people with disabilities or other groups to provide consent to sex

While it doesn’t go into more detail, one would like to imagine that the intent would be to remove laws limiting capacity for consent only within that age group, ie to make it legal for all adolescents to have sex with each other, rather than to let older people have sex with them. But it doesn’t actually say that anywhere.

Even if it did, alert readers will note that that would still make it legal for 19-year-olds to have sex with 10-year-olds, and to put it very mildly that seems a somewhat controversial position.

So who are the organisations signing up to this “feminist” demand under the ILGA umbrella? On its list of member organisations, sure enough, appear the names of LGBT Youth Scotland and Stonewall Scotland.

Just 12 years ago LGBT Youth Scotland was at the centre of Scotland’s biggest ever paedophile scandal, with its chief executive James Rennie sentenced to life imprisonment for a string of offences.

So it seems remarkable that (a) it appears to be set on embroiling itself in such a contentious demand, and (b) that the Scottish Government is funding it with taxpayers’ money to do so, even allowing for the fact that until 2017 one of LGBTYS’ directors was SNP MP Alyn “Daddy Bear” Smith.

So we must apologise to Margaret Lynch – who penned an excellent article for this very website just days ago – for even momentarily doubting what she told the Alba women’s conference. It appears that it’s entirely true – the SNP are indeed paying lobby groups with your money to try to reduce the age of consent in Scotland to 10.

We wish we could be confident that the danger of that actually happening was only theoretical.

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Paul McRae

Jesus! Things get murkier and murkier


And our spineless SNP MSPs still let her away with it.

Sturgeon must go.

The BBC will be reporting this as soon as MI5 tell them. UK adams : How about discussing this on your truly awful radio show ? Thought not.

Charles Hodgson

The SNP hierarchy should be locked up.

Remember Harriet Harman’s links to the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)? She survived the revelation with her “reputation” intact.


Was this organisation not involved in paedophilia some years ago? I seem to remember the Youth leader was found guilty and imprisoned, these people will never stop pushing the boundaries.

The legislation brought forward in support of “gay marriage” was the beginning of all the social madness we are now suffering.
Glad my kids are all adults.


Go to and type “ILGA” into their search engine. You’ll find they’re at it in Ireland too. Quite the internationalists. And as in Scotland, not a word from the MSM there.

John Langham

Such groups have form for this already. Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a militant paedophile advocacy group, existed as recently at the 1980s and tried to piggy-back on what would now be referred to as the LGBT+ community. It also received backing from gay rights organisations including Liberty.

As vile as it is, we shouldn’t be surprised by this. Just as the National Front splintered and wore suits to make fascism appear more credible, advocates of under-age sex have moved onto reform by stealth. The overwhelming majority across all facets of society will be appalled but it is absolutely right to scrutinise and expose the motives of such ‘ambiguous’ language.

Shauny Boy

Any idea why the tweet at the top of the article is now unavailable?

Mr B

LGBTYS also being the org that wrote the transgender schools guidance (ruled not legal but still cited as best practice & still not replaced) that allowed any boy to share toilet and changing facilities with girls if they announced a transgender identity.

Charles Hodgson

I fully supported gay marriage. Why should heterosexuals be the only ones to suffer?

But Akenaton is right, that is where the current madness started. Where do you go after equality has been achieved?

The seventh circle of hell, apparently.

John Martini

Is that why he is called Daddy Bear? I knew there was something a bit queer about that fellow.

Dan Hardy

Who’d have thought Scotland contains so many gay or dress wearing pedo’s and they have political and taxpayer support for their desires?


Sorry but I just cant contemplate giving the SNP any of my two votes now. I’m only going to cast a list vote – for Alba.


WTAF is wrong with these f***ing people?

Has the whole world gone mad, or is it just Scotland that has the privilege of being run by [Insert Hate Speech Compliant adjective]!


Having sex with a child is rape, end of. A child is unable to give consent and without consent, it’s rape. What we’re looking at is a number of *potential* child rapists attempting to set policy to create a legal loophole for themselves. After all, nobody, not even these devious fuckers, wants to be branded a child rapist.

How the fuck this was even tolerated in the first place beggars belief.


I am fairly open minded but sex at that age with anyone of any age is not on.

I’d imprison anyone doing it, trying to do it or wishing to do it.

I don’t need sand or lines it’s just no on ever. Never!

There was an article a few years back about a 9 year old French girl who fell
pregnant. A mother responsible for a baby at 10 years old.

It’s a serious crime. It can never be acceptable.
These disgusting beasts who would crave 10 year olds would then start to work on no age limit.

It’s a sickening thought and turns my stomach but there are people in prison who
had full sex with babies months old.

Castration in prison should be an automatic sentence.

How the hell has SNP managed to become so corrupt, immoral and repulsive in so many ways?

Jockanese Wind Talker

This is the raison d’être of the global gender lobby.

Making paedophilia a gender and protecting its adherents under law.

If you don’t believe me there are people who openly identify as MAP = Minor attracted person!

Jim Manclark

Disgusting. Was bad enough when government ministers in westminster were promoting PIE but now the Scottish government giving money to these people under the guise of equality.

Elizabeth Hagan.

This makes for horrific reading. God help our children and to think that the Scottish Government is funding this beggars belief.
I could never support SNP. May they hang their heads in shame.


Years after the war had ended confidential records were released by the Scottish Office under an Open Government initiative passed by parliament. They revealed that Hahn, the German-born founder of Gordonstoun, attended by Prince Philip and his sons: Prince Charles, Andrew and Edward was a suspected Nazi spy.

link to

colin findlay



And for the record, I and many people nowadays would have been supporters of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) because their original aim was to align the age of consent between heterosexuals and homosexuals. Heteros consent was 16, gays was 21 and there’s no justifiable argument for the disparity there other than pure discrimination.

So, most tolerant people would have supported PIE.

The it got infiltrated by sleazeballs and downright bad minded perverts exactly like the ones in the topic of this thread and that’s why PIE is now, quite rightly, discredited and abhorred.

I can support parity but I will never support child rapists, for that is what they are, make no mistake. Don’t let them fool you with their excuses and reasoning.

They are *potential* child rapists.

Wullie B

“including laws limiting legal capacity of adolescents, people with disabilities or other groups to provide consent to sex”

This essentially allows rape as well if I am reading this correctly with regards to removing laws regarding consent to sex

Edward MacD

The far left have been involved with this sort of degeneracy since the 70’s. Pushing for the legalization of sex with children. It is completely unnatural, and reminds me of a study which highlighted some serious aberrations in animal behaviour due to malnutrition… some of which we sexual in nature, such adult cats attempting to mate with kittens, incestuous preference, malformed gentiles, acting as the opposite sex, etc.

I’ll have to dig that book out, it was an eye opener into biology.


Social conservatism might become fashionable at this rate.


These things are done in plain sight because most people aren’t aware of how devious and determined people with ulterior motives can be.

Well-meaning people get swept up in this stuff and it is couched in language like ‘progressive’ or ’empowering’ but the dark side is there are always those who would exploit the vulnerable or the young. Making that easier to do will be the shame of this SNP government.

The increasing pressure on the young to normalise ‘kinks’ by their progressive mentors when it makes them feel uncomfortable for fear they seem intolerant is having a confusing and destructive effect on young people. The numbing effect of internet porn and pressure to look like a cartoon male or female is enforcing ridiculous gender stereotypes. All the while dissenting voices are silenced. The ALBAwomen Twitter account was suspended straight after the conference.

I could believe naivety or ignorance of NS when this first started to cut through but not now. She cannot admit she may be wrong on this pathway and that is ironic considering how she denigrates AS. The legal route again may be the only way.


Why was it called PIE if it was only about equalling gay & straight consent?

Also Denise experienced a pile on from the SNP yoof team and various bearded blokes after posting that tweet, so she deleted it.

Then Alba Women twitter page got suspended.
This is the crap we’re up against.
No doubt an orchestrated mass reporting to twitter caused this.
Let’s guess the baby bears were responsible.

James Carroll

This is extremely concerning.


This isn’t surprising at all. After all, these very groups – backed with vast amounts of public money – have already fought for children to be able consent to puberty blocking drugs which are likely to leave them sterile and have other long term effects. Once you start on “children know their own minds and must have autonomy over their bodies” you know sex is the next thing on those people’s wish lists. All of this is being driven by adults and none of it is for the benefit of the kids involved.

Liz g

Rev , for using the Wings platform to confirm beyond doubt and amplify this issue… which will as usual bring out the nutters against you again….
Thank You.

We need these Alba women elected to Holyrood so this stuff can’t be ushered in on the down low, it’s not just a woman’s issue….this is everyone’s kids.
Everyone’s 10 year old can be legitimately romanced and seduced by any adult ….is that really what we want?
If not, then I suggest as soon as you have stopped throwing up you do all that you can for that supper majority in Holyrood and let the people of Scotland get a fucking grip on these politicians.
We need MSPs who will not stand by and wave this nonsense through.
MSPs who are not cowed into silence over it.
We need to bring our government within slapping distance and give them that slap if they even look like they’re thinking about taking this forwards.
So let’s Break the Westminster imposed system
Dump Westminister ASAP
Then get on with making Scotland decent ( in all ways ) again.

Daisy Walker

Sorry if someone has pointed this bit out, but what does this bit mean?

”Eliminate all laws and policies that punish or criminalize same-sex intimacy, gender affirmation, abortion, HIV transmission non-disclosure and exposure,’

Specifically HIV transmission non disclosure and exposure?

I’m trying to get my head round it. Does this mean that if you know you are HIV positive and you knowingly fail to tell someone you are hoping to have sex with, and then have unprotected sex with them, exposing them to the disease – that this behaviour – currently deemed illegal under common law crime of Wilful and Reckless Conduct – this behaviour would become legal?

I’m really hoping against hope that I’ve got this wrong. Anyone clarify.

John Martini

ILGA are modern reincarnation of PIE. How can you you give your vote to the Scottish National Peadophile party and claim the moral highground.

link to


Age of consent is really the driving force behind all this queer theory nonsense.
– Age of consent to declare oneself as trans and go onto puberty blockers and then cross sex hormones.
– Age of consent to engage in sex.

And yet by law young people cannot purchase alcohol or cigarettes (fair enough I agree) but are mature enough to consent to life changing puberty blockers.

Safeguarding of children is being sacrificed at the alter of queer theory. And dare I say once queer theory becomes normalised then the next step is normalising minor attracted persons (MAPs) to you and me just plain old paedophiles.

Today it’s drag queens doing story time in primary schools, acceptance and school education on gender identity and kink, tomorrow it’s adults having legal relationships with ‘so called’ consenting adolescents.

If anyone is in any doubt about the the direction of travel read into how trans person Aimee Channellor managed to infiltrate the Green party, then Lib Dems, Stonewall, Reddit etc etc. Meanwhile his dad is a convicted rapist of a 10 year old child and Aimee’s partner has expressed interest online of minors.

Hugh Jarse

By now, weren’t you expecting this somewhere down the line?

There are some seriously nasty people who are on the gravy train.

I thought you might have shown some respect Sir and had a day off.
I’m sure she’s devastated.

The Queen must be too.


That charter also wants an end to laws criminalising “HIV transmission non-disclosure”? HIV non-disclosure is bad enough (maliciously infecting someone with HIV can land you in jail for a long time), but HIV transmission non-disclosure? I couldn’t find an actual definition, but I can take an educated guess. And it’s pretty horrific.


One ponders if this has anything to do with the recent suggestion that rape trials in Scotland could be held without a jury.

Charles Hodgson

Should be an immediate resignation issue for the repugnant “Daddy Bear”, at the very least. Prison, preferably. Worra [tractor].

John Martini

Trump was right. These people are sick. Anyone for pizza?


That’s shocking. And….when Nicola Sturgeon is asked about it she will be unable to recall. Nothing to do with her…..what a shower of a.holes.


“We’re determined to make Scotland the best place in the world to grow up” said Shirley-Anne Somerville in a tweet the other day. The SNP has become a clown show, and a singularly nasty one.


ALL Very believable. On twitter a few months ago lesbian Lawyer Allison Bailey (@BlueskyeAllison) told how years ago while living and working in San Francisco she discovered that Queer Theory was about reducing age consent. There was also a recent revelation that French academic Foucalt was investigated for paedophilia. Add in Dr John Money, Dr Alfred Kinsey etc and you can see why so many academics and universities are proponents of LGBTQ theory as a guise for paedophilia.

Today California state allows sex with anyone over 12 if they consent and the age difference is less than 10 years. Therefore a 21 year old can legally have sex with a 12 year old boy. It was a gay male Democrat politician that implemented this policy. Joe Biden recently appointed a transwoman as health advisor including advising trans kids.

The fantastic journalist Sonia Poulton made a video on You-tube called Paedophiles in Parliament involving MPs from all parties. Sonia is currently being taken to court by an ex MP who is trying to bully her off social media and from film making. Maybe it is what attracts so many into politics or law so they can use their positions of power to escape prosecution.

If you think it is only a Westminster issue then ask yourself if it was only Derek Mackay in the SNP who was chasing teenage boys then think again. There will be others in all parties probably, but as we know the SNP have the judicial system & Police force tightly controlled and there are also rumours of super injunctions.

Consider why John Swinney ignored questions from the Scottish Family Party on You-tube, about his new sex education programme, partly designed by LGBT Youth. It features five year olds learning to touch themselves for pleasure, anal sex, feltching, kinks, etc. When the SNP visit you during the election, ask them about this.

The recommended reading Beyond Magenta where a transwoman reminisces about having sex with men when he was a six year old boy and how he enjoyed giving oral.

I would like to know why Kenny Macaskill didn’t try and investigate LGBT Youth Scotland when he was Justice Secretary. Maybe he was leaned on too? I hope he has a good reason. I understand Joanna Cherry was also not interested in looking further into that organisation and said what Rennie did was ‘unfortunate’. In addition Alex Salmond has also been accused of ignoring concerns in the Hollie Greig case.

I dont trust any politicians or any party. If they aren’t covering up for themselves, then they cover up for friends in their own party or another. We definitely need more women in parliament, as long as they aren’t all lawyers or academics.

Daisy Walker

Incidentally the laws as they currently stand – do take into account situations where one teen is just below 16 and the other just above.

The Fiscal has the power to use discretion in dealing with that, under the ‘would a prosecution be in the interests of public justice’ remit.

What would most likely happen though is that a proper enquiry would be carried out, the sad fact is that sexual predators do show up early in life. A blanket, ‘just make it legal’ would give them and the daddy bears free reign.

I’m finding the problem with even attempting to wade through organisations like the above proposal, is they talk such guff. The important, nasty bits are well hidden.


I’d heard about this on Kelly Jay’s podcast a few days ago. Seems like there are trade unions who have signed up for it too.
link to

Robert Graham

This version of the SNP are making it difficult or even almost impossible for me or my family to vote for any of their spineless gutless cowards of MPs MSPs or councillors.

Unless and until they speak out I will have to assume they agree with everything that Sturgeon and her inner circle are doing , I don’t consent to my Taxes being used to promote fkn loonies pedos and deviants and their disgusting behaviour

Any and all readers from WGD the doging website this is what you personally are backing this is your princess Nicolas work do you people still believe she is a honest person ? all this is being done in secret are you people comfortable with this does it make you proud to support such disgusting behaviour condoned by this SNP management headed by princess Nicola .


They can fuck right off if they think we are going to stand for this. This is PIE through the back door…where are those voices in the Indy movement over on wgd slagging off those who intend to vote for Alba over issues such as these?

The sneering and the puritanical condescension of those who condemn AS say absolutely fuck all about any of this.

I’ve stayed out of the fray over this past 8 months, not out of any unwillingness to confront these issues, simply because it was getting more and more difficult to have any kind of debate, as people peeled off into more and more vicious little slagging camps.

Watching, listening and attempting to maintain the emotional middle ground, to see how everything was panning out in real time, I wanted no part in either side until investigations and evidence taking wrt enquiry were all played out.

They are now played out.

AS is not guilty. End of. NS has been captured by groups and ideology that is far beyond what any reasonable persons will ever find palatable in our polity.

More, she has been found wanting in dealing with those who support an agenda that is revealing itself to be driven by what can only be described as a warped and profoundly disturbing view of what constitutes the underlying framework of our society’s hard won rights with regard to protecting our children.

They seek to destroy the consensus that children are not and never will be subject to sexual abuse by adults, not legally, not morally, not ever, will this become ‘acceptable’. It does not take a great imagination to see the direction of travel.

That the Scottish government is funding these organisations without thorough checks and balances and thereby allowing this insidious ideology to take root at any level within our community’s, is absolutely fucking disgraceful.

‘While it doesn’t go into more detail, one would like to imagine that the intent would be to remove laws limiting capacity for consent only within that age group, ie to make it legal for all adolescents to have sex with each other, rather than to let older people have sex with them. But it doesn’t actually say that anywhere.’

Yes, it doesn’t say that anywhere, which means it’s open to interpretation. And that’s the object of the game isn’t it? To disguise your intent through imprecision, the reality is if this is what is meant then that is what it should state categorically. Then there is no need for any kind of imaginings.

SNP constituency. Alba list.

Daisy Walker

Going back to this bit, ‘”Eliminate all laws and policies that punish or criminalize same-sex intimacy, gender affirmation, abortion, HIV transmission non-disclosure and exposure,’

Eliminate ALL LAWS and policiies that punish or criminalize … abortion….’

We already have tried and tested laws on Abortion. I’m no expert, but they seem well written and thought out.

One law that exists, is you’re not allowed to ‘do it yourself’ abortions, or obtain the procedure from someone who is not a qualified Doctor. ‘Eliminate ALL LAWS’.

First they shag the baby, then they throw it out with the bathwater.

And my tax money is funding these pervie idiots.

Col.Blimp IV

Well as some right wing nutter of a journalist said at the time, about the equalization of the age of heterosexual and homosexual consent.

Which on the face of it, is difficult to argue against –

“This is the law that will enable a 50 year old pervert to bugger your 16 year old son”.

Alan Thoms

Another example of how Scotland is failing it’s people.


Mist001 says:
10 April, 2021 at 4:28 pm
And for the record, I and many people nowadays would have been supporters of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) because their original aim was to align the age of consent between heterosexuals and homosexuals.

Is that right, aye?

I’m no philologist or Detective Morse or nothing, but I think the clue that this was a bad group to support was in the name.

Y’know, like that Mitchell and Webb sketch about the SS officers, if an organisation’s name includes the word “paedophile”, the first question they should ask is: “Are we the baddies?”


Daisy Walker says:
10 April, 2021 at 4:50 pm
“Incidentally the laws as they currently stand – do take into account situations where one teen is just below 16 and the other just above.”

Exactly. They are trying to create a problem where there is none in order through this legislation.


Queer theory. Four strands – trans issues including promoting puberty blockers and virtual sterilisation for under 16s plus self ID (which impacts on women’s safe spaces), legalising prostitution and rebranding it as sex work, and the legalisation of paid surrogacy – rent a womb – plus the fourth – reducing the age of consent. When under 16s are asked about this surveys have shown they are against it. Why? For their own protection.

There’s big money behind this. Also the women and children most affected by the above will be working class ones – ones that are poorer are more likely to end up in prison or succumb to renting their womb out for rich folk.

This debate is framed as bigots who are transphobic. This is garbage. People have genuine concerns and actually support the equality act which safeguards trans rights.

In addition some of this is pretty homophobic. It denies same sex attraction. Lesbians are vilified for Rejecting male bodied “trans women”. Imagine being labelled a bigot for that? It’s happening to gay men too now.

The whole thing is driven by money. And these trans activists don’t give a stuff for genuine trans folk who just want to live their lives without all this crap going on. In fact they turn on them and call them bigots. It’s nuts!

It’s happening world wide too. The age of consent that stonewall etc support would mean that If Jeffrey Epstein was alive now he’d be moving to Scotland.

Lorna Campbell

Queer theory’s end game is absolute freedom to do as you please, with whomsoever you please, in any way you please, at any point in your life. The actual philosophy itself (read Foucault and Butler) is grounded in the individual’s freedom from societal restrictions and constraints, and, on the face of it, appears benign. Who doesn’t want to be freed from restrictions? Like all political philosophies and social theories, however, it fails utterly to take human nature into account, and how malign individuals and groups are perfectly able to capture an idea for their own base reasons.

The trans people (I must emphasise, this is the tiny minority of genuinely body dysphoric people who have either fully transitioned or who wish to transition) that the European Human Rights Commission had in mind when it ruled on it, is emphatically not the hundreds of thousands of paraphiliacs that are sitting on its coat-tails now. The EHRC was hoodwinked into believing that the GRA Reform was benign and involved only a handful of people that women could accommodate with no adverse effects to themselves. The best laid schemes, and all that.

We have seen how this thing has grown arms and legs. It is probably going to pan out to become one of the biggest political and medical scams and scandals of this century, and all the mainstream political parties, and particularly the SNP and the Greens, have enabled it. They are all complicit. Remember Harriet Harmon? Deluded into supporting the PIE because she refused to see that she was bing used. The silly woman rapidly disappeared from view, so embarrassed were Labour.

Stonewall has infiltrated every aspect of public life in Scotland and much of private life, from our local authorities to our government departments. Our schools are teaching sex education and well-being classes based on their material – Stonewall Diversity Champions. The Scottish government finances Stonewall and its arms in the same way that it finances women’s sex-based services – Rape Crisis Scotland, etc. – which provide services to battered women, abused women and girls, counselling, etc. – but no one seems to have any knowledge of what Stonewall does for trans people with this money. Women’s refuses, shelters, etc. are forced to open their doors to trans women, so they are funding services for women and for trans women. Does Stonewall contribute? Who knows? Not that I have been able to discover.

The general public appear to have little to no understanding of what is going on with this issue, and it has become a real bone of contention between children and their parents – which Stonewall and its arms encourage, but the way. Young people seem to be particularly captured by this science-denying nonsense – and it is nonsense, of the very dangerous variety, as we can see from the numbers of young people, predominantly girls, who are transitioning and mutilating themselves – and their parents are being scammed into supporting their transitions, with accusations of being bad parents if they don’t. We must stop this pernicious, cruel, sadistic and malign movement in its tracks, and we can make a start by giving the mainstream parties a bloody nose in May.


Queer theory is totally deviant and anyone wanting to lower the age of consent is equally deviant. Hiding in plain sight.


Those behind the Wokerati do not want ANY limits on their demands. Every point yielded will just trigger the next call for barriers to be removed.

Two Parties back these people – The SNP and the Greens.

Get behind ALBA not just with your vote but with your money. I appreciate many of you can’t afford it at the moment. If you can though even a fiver to the fundraiser will help. We cannot let Scotland be dragged down this road.


“This is the law that will enable a 50 year old pervert to bugger your 16 year old son”.

I would think it would also be wrong for a 16 year old girl but apparently still legal. Why is it more repugnant for a 50 year old man to have sex with a teenage boy than a teenage girl?

Personally I think both would be repelling but still wonder why some men seem to think that huge age difference is acceptable if it is a girl. Why would that be? Could it be anything to do with the unequal power dynamic in such a relationship and in that situation, some men can better empathise with a 16 year old boy than a 16 year old girl since they accept unthinkingly the inequality as natural when it is male/female.

Perhaps the fathers of daughters might think differently.


SNP1 / ALBA 2?

Not a hope in hell.

Voting for an SNP giving £1 million pounds of Taxpayers money to LGBTI-trans and Stonewall, to help them campaign for a reduction of the age of consent to 10 years of age.

Nicola has lost it.

Bobby McPherson

@ Shauny Boy says:
10 April, 2021 at 4:13 pm
Any idea why the tweet at the top of the article is now unavailable?

Twitter has suspended #AlbaWomen twitter page


And yet you all for reasons that escape me (not) fail to mention the massive elephants in the room in Scotland I.E
Celtic FC and the RC Church!!!

But hey ho let’s divert to unproven allegations about the British state, Saville (who was pictured with Big Jock and the paedos from the Chamber of Secrets). Funny thing you don’t put any credence on the allegations against Alex Salmond (which I don’t either btw) but are prepared to believe any old nonsense when it comes to the “BritNats ”

To be honest if any of you on here can sink as low as to vote for a party that actively supports this debased low life scum, whatever your excuses you deserve everything you get when real, honest Scots stand up to you!!!


I really wish that people I speak to personally would believe me when I tell them this,. they are convinced it is “just something on social media and not real life”.
I can see their eyes rolling to the top of their heads when I talk about stuff I’ve seen on womens’ activists’ youtube channels. They look at me like I’m a conspiracy theorist who will believe anything – then tell me that Sturgeon will deliver independence because she “has a plan”. FFS.


It’s unavailable because Denise deleted it due to a pike on from the wokerati.
If she hadn’t, no doubt herctwitter account would also have been suspended.

Like I said, this is what we’re up against.

Also Spears and brain dead Christina McKelvie, she BTW, tweeted support for a guy who died who had been heavily inv ed in PIE, retwerted and like David Paisley’s accusation that the tweet was homophobic and transphobic.

One of the reason I cannot vote SNP 1


Apologies for the typos, sent b4 checking


Homosexuals are at pains to maintain they have no interest in boys. This does not help their case.
This guy has much to do with it.
link to
As does the grand daddy of sex experimentation Kinsey.
link to


Jesus wept…….I can’t believe this and yet, it’s there in black and white.

Geoff Anderson

I agreed when someone said we need ALBA to give the SNP a spine with regards to Independence. However it looks even more important that we elect ALBA to give the SNP a moral compass.

It would be a huge bonus to also remove Green MSPs who also happen to champion the queer theories of the wokerati.

Independence AND a decent society.

Daisy Walker

A woman has just won the Grand National, first time – I kind of thought Liz Taylor did it years ago, but hey.

Anyway, good news, I was not able to put a bet on, and it wasn’t my choice of horse – so I haven’t lost anything.

Ian McCubbin

Omg what kind of party is the SNP now. So glad have resigned. Age of consent at 16 is low enough.
Let’s hope this can be stopped, and hope Alba call it out in Holyrood soon after May.

Meg merrilees

O/T Nick Robinson interviewing Jean Freeman on R4 started by going into her history and political path, then asked her if she had heard any stories about AS when she first joined the SNP – Freeman ‘No’
Robinson it has been suggested that he is unsuitable for public office – Freeman ‘oh, yes I agree with that … then launches off into the SNP party line.

The BBC is relentess in their trashing of AS – and supposedly there is no campaigning just now. Doesn’t seem to stop them putting the boot in, they just can’t help themselves, kick a man when he is down and getting back up – yip, that’s the BBC


JGedd asks Personally I think both would be repelling but still wonder why some men seem to think that huge age difference is acceptable if it is a girl. Why would that be? Could it be anything to do with the unequal power dynamic in such a relationship and in that situation, some men can better empathise with a 16 year old boy than a 16 year old girl since they accept unthinkingly the inequality as natural when it is male/female.

I don’t know, but I reckon when people start trying to explain things in terms of bingo buzzwords like “inequality” and “power dynamics”, they’re probably overintellectualising the situation into academic hamshankery.

Because there’s a simpler explanation, and it involves where babies come from and the differential development of sexual maturity, and probably also attitudes formed as a legacy of hundreds of years of economics (Jane Austen wrote several novels on the horror of unmarried daughters ageing into spinsterhood – which was about 28 in those days).

Of course, it used to also be the case that girls were chaperoned and there was a social stigma against sex outside of wedlock, so there was relatively little danger of horny middle aged men troubling a young woman’s virtue unless he was prepared to make a lifelong commitment through marriage and her family approved.

Lorna Campbell

TheSNPLeftMe: that is the truth. The 2004 GRA was the middle ground that women ceded. It has become obsolete because the same-sex mating legislation. Now, they want reform of the GRA (which is redundant) and want to encroach on women’s sex-based safe spaces. At the same time, they are encouraging children and young people to transition when they may grow out of their feelings of being the opposite sex, or may, indeed, be gay. If anyone believes for one moment that they intend to call a halt there, they are sadly mistaken. The demands will just get louder and more frequent, more outrageous.

Anyone who has questioned them gets the bigot charge, the transphobic charge, levelled against them – and often by the silliest women imaginable, so daft that I cringe in horror to be associated by sex with these dim lightbulbs. It is no coincidence that the loudest voices for trans are often women. I recall, a few years back, listening to a Suffragette who said that many of their worst opponents were other women. Posie Parker, anti trans incursion campaigner, has also said that her most vicious and bitter rivals have been other women. She has called it the ‘be nice and kind’ to men and trans women syndrome that women are always susceptible to, and which often makes them denigrate and hurt their own sex. Black people had their Uncle Toms. Women have their Aunt Thomasinas.

Women need to get mean, really mean, because not only does the trans lobby want open access to all our sex-based spaces and rights, but opening that door leads to our children, too, and, at the end of the day, however they disagree with us, we are their protectors, both female and male parents and those, of both sexes, who care about them.

Louise Hogg

Thank you for addressing this subject, which almost all public figures choose to ignore for 3 reasons:
they are a participating pervert;
they are a financial recipient;
they are frightened for their lives at the thought of taking on the powerful people involved.

We all die sometime, might as well choose the cause of our nation’s children.

Liz g

The end ALL abortion laws part is (if it’s at all possible) particularly horrific.
Your 12 year old can be made pregnant by a male of any age then what ..??? He can perform an abortion on her too at any stage of the pregnancy ?
Is that really what’s being said here….because it’s most certainly NOT being EXCEPTED from the ALL laws part as far as I can see?

There was a time when that would be a ridiculous thing to say, but we are dealing with people who already advocate cutting bits of children.

Unfortunatly , we are where we are and not where we thought we were, or would like to be.
We need to break this imposed system with a super Majority and that means for this to work it has to be
SNP 1…but by all the Gods we need ….Alba 2 if we are to stop this abomination any time soon,
and be done with being politically powerless in our own Country.


Let me use rude language it nobody should misunderstand the barbarity of making it legal for a fifty year old man to shag someone’s ten year old daughter.

But this is exactly what our government is supporting with its funding of groups aligned to this objective.

Sturgeon and her exotic lavender coterie are on a limb with this stuff. And make no mistake no Hate Crime Legislation will constrain the anger against this absolute tide of filth

Paedophilia WILL NOT be accepted in Sturgeon’s new Scotland.


The wokerati are now trying to brand Alba as a “hate group”.

Well, hate can be salutary as well as unhealthy.


If any of you guys go near a 10 year old you WILL be jailed, END OF.


Liz g says:
10 April, 2021 at 5:48 pm
“There was a time when that would be a ridiculous thing to say, but we are dealing with people who already advocate cutting bits of children.”

Yet you have Kirsty Blackman saying that she is against female genital mutilation. What’s the difference in having it done for religious reasons and in persuading a girl to go through a double mastectomy as well as metoidioplasty or phalloplasty or in the case of a boy, orchiectomy and vaginoplasty?
Not to mention the dangers of surgery, the possible complications and corrective surgery, the pain and the lifelong hormones.


Daisy Walker at 4:57pm

Re Abortion laws – As i understand it, the far left Democrats controlling Joe Biden want no abortion limit- you can still abort the child right up to 9 months old. The organisation Planned Parenthood is involved i think. It is alleged that these aborted children’s body parts are then sold on. The neighbourhoods with most Planned Parenthood offices are in poor areas especially black neighbourhoods.

The same people, same left wing Politicians, the same organisations, same Big Pharma that support LGBTQ support Democrats doing this. It is literally evil.

John Moss

Has anyone thought to get the SNP’s official position on this?


Btw, the guy who invented modern “gender” theory was a doctor and pioneer of sex change surgery called Dr. John Money.

In the 60s, Money talked a Canadian couple into having their infant son, David Reimer, castrated and raised as a girl. He kept in contact with the family, and when David was still a child Dr. Money arranged alone time with him and his twin brother to simulate “sex acts”, which Money filmed. For research, you understand.

As David grew up he became increasingly distressed and rejected the “female” identity that was forced on him. The nice Dr. Money responded by pretending everything was fine, and continuing to write about the great success of his theories.

David Reimer committed suicide in 2004, at the age of 38. His brother had killed himself two years earlier.

Dr. John Money, who – spoiler alert – also argued in favour of sexual relationships between 10 year old boys and adult men, died in 2006 aged 84. He was a celebrated and distinguished academic and member of polite society right up to his dying day. His books are still popular in academia.


Effectively by supporting this the SNP are encouraging paedophilia, we shouldn’t really be surprised by this, just look at the direction the SNP is taking under Sturgeons tenure, with the HCB, that protects men in dresses but not real women.

Then there’s the GRA and Self-Id, the folk controlling the SNP and allowing these decisions to be made, which are very unpopular, must surely know that many folk especially women, no longer support or are a member of the party, but it appears that Sturgeon isn’t really concerned about supporting groups like this and she must know as she sits in on NEC meetings.

Come May I think many many women and a lots of guys as well won’t give the SNP any vote let alone a constituency vote, and who could blame them after what they’ve done in the past five or so years.

The ALBA party has in my opinion an unknown army just itching to vote for it come May, though it will inevitably take until 2026 to realise its full potential.


Stuart says: 5:30 pm

“And yet you all for reasons that escape me (not) fail to mention the massive elephants in the room in Scotland I.E
Celtic FC and the RC Church!!!”

In a word Stuart, you are hopelessly outdated. And dangerously close to libel.

If you have any evidence, I implore you to contact the Police, as it is your duty to do so.

As for the very many other institutions, eg. cf. link to

We note that you have unjustly selected two Catholic/Irish organisations from among so many.

Perhaps there are other influences guiding your choices.
Perhaps too, the Hate Crime Bill may have a role to play in your comments.

But hey, all in a day’s work in happy go lucky anti-Catholic Scotland. Sectarian since 1560 and the Protestant Reformation. And still going strong.

Mark Boyle

It takes a lot for me to blow my top, but the below in bold has succeeded.

@Mist001 says: 10 April, 2021 at 4:28 pm

“And for the record, I and many people nowadays would have been supporters of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) because their original aim was to align the age of consent between heterosexuals and homosexuals. Heteros consent was 16, gays was 21 and there’s no justifiable argument for the disparity there other than pure discrimination. So, most tolerant people would have supported PIE.”

Those between the ages of 16 to 21 inclusive were most certainly NOT considered children under tha law, so your whole excuse for supporting PIE is risible – especially since PiE wanted the age of consent lowered to 12 and were very open in stating that!

The clue about what they were all about was in the name, and NO-ONE, other than Stonewall (as ever) and Patricia Hewitt and Harriet Harman when joint dictators of the National Council for Civil Liberties were fooled by it – indeed, the NCCL’s support for PiE almost lead to its collapse.

“Then it got infiltrated by sleazeballs and downright bad minded perverts exactly like the ones in the topic of this thread and that’s why PIE is now, quite rightly, discredited and abhorred.”

‘Infiltrated by sleazeballs and downright bad minded perverts’? Even David Irving would be embarrassed by this attempt at historical revisionism! Their founders and leaders have novel length histories of being in and out of jail like yoyos for just about every nonce crime on the statuate books. Their activities in the then Liberal Party were part instrumental in Peter Hain jumping ship to Labour.

There never was ANY “grey area” around PiE. One of the reasons Peter Tatchell and Tuppy Owens remain disowned even to this day by gay rights campaigns was the discovery they’d written chapters for a book which “just happened” to have been produced by a PiE front, for which they’ve still refused to apologise for.

Those in PiE were – and still are – very evil people.


If anyone doubted the power and influence of the Wokerati it has just been demonstrated by the Twitter account of the ALBAWomen being shutdown.

We must not challenge their plans, we must not question their plans. They have a Governments and the major social media companies under their control.

We cannot do anything about big business but we can quickly put a voice in Holyrood.

Remember that these Women were telling the SNP Government and HQ about this as SNP members for years. Do not fall for the ALBAWomen spin that is coming. These were all long term SNP members until recently. No one in the SNP LISTENED to them so they moved to ALBA.


You would think the Express or the Spectator would be all over this NO?


Someone up thread asked if the SNP had made a statement on this or been asked to.

Two Scottish organisations voted in support of this proposal.
The Scottish Government has given them in excess of 1 Million Pounds

A comment on that would be a good place to start!

Billy Carlin

This is why our government is allowing 14 year old’s to register to vote now and people cannot see it – they will then allow them to vote and then drop the age for registering again and so on followed by lowering the age they are allowed to do everything else because they are “mature” enough to vote – all sneakily done and not for the benefit of these kids.

No surprise that Twitter took down the Alba Womans page as they are protecting the paedohiles on their platform just as Facebook, Instagram etc are doing as well – of course the more enlightened on here will know that Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon etc were all funded and set up by the CIA, DARPA etc who are all involved in the massive child trafficking, abuse and murder (ANDRENOCHROME) that is going on in this world that also involves the Royals, Vatican, Hollywood, Music Industry, Secret Services/Societies etc.

Who is it that funds the LGBT, Stonewall, ILGA, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, The Green Party/Movement, Global Warming/Climate Change Movement etc etc etc – George Soros, Rockefeller Institute, JP Morgan etc etc as part of their New World Order – One World Communist Government agenda that George Orwell was warning about in his book 1984 and part of that is destroying the family unit and anti social distancing of humanity.


It should be a no-brainer, but to any parent in Scotland reading this article, you’ve probably noticed that the SNP, isn’t the party that you once thought it was.

However if you want to protect women’s rights, and you still want to see an independent Scotland but cannot now vote for the SNP or their terrible woke enablers the Greens, then give your vote to the ALBA party, which I’m pretty sure won’t help pass any laws that allows anyone to interfere with your children, or laws that impinge on real women’s rights, rights that women have fought long and hard for that the SNP and the Greens treat with contempt.

Sturgeon would be quite happy to govern Scotland with a minority government but backed by the Greens, lets stop that by removing as many of the Greens from the list vote as possible this May.


The whole mess up of society has been created by the paedophiles who rule the world.

We haven’t seen anything yet.

And in the first instance the selfish society they have created is itself to blame for doing nothing about anything wrong unless one’s own comforts are at risk.

Society that debates whether Scotland can afford to be independent or not.

Did the poorest countries in the world debate whether they could afford to be independent or not?

We would rather die than vote for a unionist even if voting for a unionist would save our lives.

Victoria Morton

A smidgeon under £2.5 million over 3 years from Scot Govt to the Scottish members of ILGA – Equality Network and their project Scottish Trans Alliance, LGBT Youth and Stonewall Scotland:

link to

Scot Govt says: “These bodies play an important role in the policymaking process”.


There is a lot of hysteria floating around looking for somewhere to settle. If people are reading the Rev’s article and seeing an attack on gay people then they need to work on their comprehension skills.

If you have been here a while you know there are those who come to this site seeking to foment discord and promote that hysteria, stirring up stuff and making assumptions about the views here.

There is a safeguarding issue with the SNP and some of the third sector organisations they finance. It needs to be addressed with due diligence and proper scrutiny.


Apparently 413 ALBA women attended the ALBA women’s conference today, the biggest women’s conference in ten years in Scotland. I guess it shows that real women in Scotland are desperate to get their voices heard, and the ALBA party not the SNP is aiding that.


AKA-Kieran says,

“If any of you guys go near a 10 year old you WILL be jailed, END OF.”

In SNP-Green ruled Scotland, the guys like Mridul Wadhwa of Rape Crisis Scotland who pretend to be women can freely share toilets and changing facilities with 10 year old girls.

Have you seen any massive protests in Scotland against this policy?

John Martini

Looks like we are a nation of 90 minute patriots. Armchair activism will never give us independence.

“Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”


The only way a party/government could have got away with this nonsense largely unnoticed is if they had managed somehow to cook up a very unlikely and massive on-going distraction that lasted for years.

Oh, wait…


I will gladly give Alba my list vote, but I’m damned if I’ll vote for SNP under the current hierarchy.


Everyday really is a school day. Just when you think they have reached the outer limits of bonkers, they outdo themselves. Dont expect them to be pulled up about this anytime soon in the MSM.


So it will still be SNP1 folks?


Mark Boyle

@Col.Blimp IV says: 10 April, 2021 at 5:01 pm

“Well as some right wing nutter of a journalist said at the time, about the equalization of the age of heterosexual and homosexual consent.

Which on the face of it, is difficult to argue against –

“This is the law that will enable a 50 year old pervert to bugger your 16 year old son”.”

As fine an example as one may ever see of twisting other people’s words to suit oneself.

You are referring to the 25th January 1999 Amendment to the Sexual Offences Bill, in which Edward Leigh said the bill was nothing more than an age of consent for buggery – for all those who had been prosecuted or cautioned for “gross indecency” under the provisions of the amendment which sought to exonerate them were exclusively male.

Due to the alarming figures the Terence Higgins Trust AT THAT TIME (1 in 5 gay men in London being HIV positive and 871 having died from AIDS in the previous year) Leigh felt this to be reckless.

[Remember this was before the more modern HIV and AIDS treatments of today existed]

What Leigh ACTUALLY said was “Had Parliament debated 50 or so years ago a Bill that allowed men to bugger 16-year-old girls and boys, people would have thought that the devil was abroad.” This is where you got your “50” from.


Tried to watch the National U.K. News and the Scottish news as Westminster calls it.
Seems Philip is still dead and there are a couple of people left on the planet who haven’t
been interviewed about it.
Oh and a Woman win the National but hers was a short interview as she didn’t know Philip.
Now that’s over we can watch the many one hours specials about Philip tonight.

I’ve tried to avoid it all but I feel I know more about him than the Queen ever did.
He will no doubt be the specialist subject of the next Mastermind winner.

I recall a few weeks ago the Met Police attacking a group of women in a London Park
who were paying respects to a young woman who had died.

No sign of this happening to the thousands who travelled far to gather outside Buckingham Palace?

Lenny Hartley

Sky news yesterday reported that their would be a minutes silence today at Aintree but the Horses were going about their business unaware.
I reckon somebody nobbled the favourite, just before the race somebody when up to the Nag and Whispered in its lug that the duke o edinburgh’s deid, poor horse all those emotions when its trying to concentrate on beachers brook.


So, the same people who wish to legally ‘enable’ disabled ( I assume that includes those with psychological problems) and disaffected children to give consent to sexual intimacy and medical interference into their sexuality are those who condemn a man acquitted of sexual impropriety of ‘disgraceful’ behaviour making him unfit to be a politician

The Sturgeonites are complete madness


I get the feeling that Sturgeon is trying to alienate as many folk as possible in order to stop a supermajority. Why else would the party support groups that effectively promote paedophilia.

Sturgeon as I’ve said previously would be quite content to govern Scotland with the aid of the Greens, there was talk of a coalition between them, both must have very similar ideas and policies on genderwoowoo issues, which as the above show are detrimental to our children.

I don’t think the SNP will do as well on the 6th of May, as they and the media think they will, the supporting of these groups simply cannot be tolerated at any cost, it would be unthinkable to do so.

The question is how far will you allow the Sturgeon to go before you snap, and say enough is enough.


The whole woke (i.e. progressive politics) agenda is societal poison. It is just the latest re-brand.

It is the opposite of progressive, it is actively regressive with it is idiotic slogans such as ‘positive discrimination’. A slogan repeated by a certifiable moron.

It is the opposite of enlightened. It is completely unenlightened, totally thick, like planks of stupidity stacked up, no enlightenment can ever hope to penetrate such a dense mass of thickness, ever.

Woke is the new rallying call to every thick-arse thug who ever lived. It appeals to the bitter, the hate filled, the resentful and spiteful. It gives them a cloak of virtue signaling bullshit from under which they can re-invent themselves as something not utterly despicable.

As soon as you vanquish these frauds they will find another vehicle by which to sell their moron-heroin to get themselves empowered, polluting the common societal wells as they go, it is what they do.


I have been saying this for a few years now – ANYONE saying we should respect the human rights of ALL minorities, is effectively arguing FOR paedophilia, which is why I say all MPs and MSPs should sate:

‘Paedophilia is sick and rightly a criminal offence’

Anyone NOT signing up to that, is the enemy.

Aunty Flo

Effigy says:

‘I recall a few weeks ago the Met Police attacking a group of women in a London Park
who were paying respects to a young woman who had died.

No sign of this happening to the thousands who travelled far to gather outside Buckingham Palace?’

Well said!

The blatant and shameless hypocrisy of our ‘overlords’ and their vassals knows no bounds.

Let’s hope more and more people are waking up and smelling the Irn-bru.

Liz g

Silver Darling @ 6.22
**If people are reading the Rev’s article and seeing an attack on gay people then they need to work on their comprehension skills.***

Well said Silver Darling and the few rockets who are feeding that notion here are best ignored..

There’s an easy solution to all of this….all sorted by tea time Monday.

Let the SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon make a statement over the weekend that her party do not and will not support the lowering the age of consent either idealogicly or financially .
And to remove all doubt…..
While they are in the Parliament anyway on Monday, the Scottish Government will will immediately remove the tax payers funding in question from these groups till is is clear to Scottish Goverment that LGBT Youth Scotland and Stonewall Scotland unequivocally denounce the proposals of ilga.

Simple really when ye think about it.
Balls in Nicolas court if she really wants to play it.
Don’t screech at people cause they are sayin ye support a thing and proved it…just demonstrate that ye don’t or won’t and they have to shut up!
But I’d caution anyone here not to make a bet on it though…. and not just because gambling is apparently a sin now either….


In a few short weeks, Scotland finds itself in a situation where the electorate are wondering ‘where would we be without ALBA?’


Somerled @ 5:58

Good to know we can be on the same page on some things.

Not a love fest – You’re still a nasty little unionist nut.



interesting to see your handle and picture is trying to change the subject.

you mate…….you’re seriously suspect.


WGDuggers just love this SNP 1 agenda.

It means their beloved SNP have another five years in control of all before them.

I see a few of them starting to drift back to Wings.

Here’s a better idea for the voters of Glasgow Southside.

Vote that Bastard Sturgeon out of office.

Kick her out of the Scottish Parliament permanently.

Vote Sarwar 1 and ALBA 2.


Sturgeon fanatics just love this SNP 1 agenda.

It means their beloved SNP have another five years in control of all before them.

I see a few of them starting to drift back to Wings.

Here’s a better idea for the voters of Glasgow Southside.

Vote that Bastard Sturgeon out of office.

Kick her out of the Scottish Parliament permanently.

Vote Sarwar 1 and ALBA 2.


ahundredthidiot says:
10 April, 2021 at 7:02 pm

“interesting to see your handle and picture is trying to change the subject.

you mate…….you’re seriously suspect.”

Please convert to plain English.



Typical response from an enabler and I won’t do your research for you although don’t suppose I need to. The facts are there for all to see but then again “none so blind as do not want to see” eh? There are various court cases still going on which preclude me from saying too much, however if you want to sue me and the victims of these institutionalised scum bags fill yer boots. And BTW you can stick your Hate Crime Bill where the sun doesn’t shine, you fucking hypocrite. If you want to overlook the subject of this thread and carry on voting SNP1 says more about you than anything I can!



How’s about you start with removing the face of a child on your pic? for a start.

And then please state the following (and agree with it):

‘Paedophilia is sick and rightly criminal’

Allan Petrie

This is sounding very familiar to what happened in the 1970s where public money was being given to PIE (Pedophile Information Exchange) which was started by a student and LGBT Youth Scotland.

This organisation had Harrot Hammond and others giving legal assistance to them. link to


Republicofscotland says:
10 April, 2021 at 6:32 pm
Apparently 413 ALBA women attended the ALBA women’s conference today, the biggest women’s conference in ten years in Scotland.

That’s a fantastic turnout.


Stuart says:
10 April, 2021 at 7:08 pm

Typical response from an enabler and I won’t do your research for you although don’t suppose I need to. The facts are there for all to see but then again “none so blind as do not want to see” eh? There are various court cases still going on which preclude me from saying too much, however if you want to sue me and the victims of these institutionalised scum bags fill yer boots. And BTW you can stick your Hate Crime Bill where the sun doesn’t shine, you fucking hypocrite. If you want to overlook the subject of this thread and carry on voting SNP1 says more about you than anything I can!

manandboy says:
10 April, 2021 at 5:22 pm
SNP1 / ALBA 2?

Not a hope in hell.

Voting for an SNP giving £1 million pounds of Taxpayers money to LGBTI-trans and Stonewall, to help them campaign for a reduction of the age of consent to 10 years of age.

Nicola has lost it”

Try again, Stuart.


Reading the enraged tweets on this subject I thought Alba had goofed but now I understand the subject I had the wrong end of the stick.

All the bile against Alba with no one spelling out what they are enraged about.

This is just wicked smearing. Tell the truth you bastards.


Sturgeon is either a deviant herself or she in thrall to the deviants.


ahundredthidiot says:
10 April, 2021 at 7:10 pm

“How’s about you start with removing the face of a child on your pic? for a start.

And then please state the following (and agree with it):

‘Paedophilia is sick and rightly criminal’”


The boy in the pic represents both myself as a boy and also my son – hence Manandboy.

‘Paedophilia is sick and rightly criminal’” – agreed 100%.

I don’t know how you thought otherwise.


Shit. It’s confirmed the SNP are going down the Queer Theory route – and that so-called theory advocates doing away with ANY age of consent, they think INFANTS can consent – I think the Scottish Greens may advocate it. It is PIE recreated. The SNP in government are sexualising children in the schools, confusing them about gender stereotypes and are now funding an international pop-up group that’s going to lobby for reducing the age of consent – and that’s just the first step for the paedophiles.

I assume they mean by “people with disabilities” those folk whose bodies nature but their minds never do? And maybe those with other mental disabilities – I don’t believe any restrictions are in place for those with physical disabilities. But the paedophiles aren’t interested in groups that can answer back and decide things for themselves.

It’s absolutely f*cking SICK. It is r-ape, pure and simple – a young person cannot consent to something they don’t understand, and something they shouldn’t have to understand, and with absolute certainty a baby that can’t even speak yet cannot consent to anything, they are helpless and need adult CARE, not abuse. Even suggesting it’s okay – for 10 year olds – is advocating r-ape – it’s SICK. It is ruining a child’s life, their entire f*cking life, just for some sick b*stards sexual pleasure – and anyone that gets pleasure from abusing a vulnerable person needs locked away forever. Anyone even suggesting it’s okay should be locked away for a long time.

And these people are getting FUNDING from the Scottish Government – they should be reported and locked up immediately – not funded and, shit, listened to.

I have friends in the S Green Party, they’ve made lots of ‘nice middle class friends’ there, and a couple of years ago they tried to tell me that paedopihilia was a sexuality (the same way homosexuality is) – I replied very clearly and in no uncertain terms (and fairly loudly in a cafe) that a child does NOT have the ability to consent, and any sexual abuse of a child is r-ape. If it isn’t between consenting adults – it is NOT a sexuality (they’d even suggested beastiality – sex with animals – was a sexuality too, it was just too weird that normally sensible people hadn’t even fuckn questioned it – NO, an animal can’t consent. I’m not that bothered about animals – it won’t destroy society and lives if it were allowed, but it’s still SICK).

Paedophiles get sexual pleasure, the same as any rapist, through the power and control they have over more vulnerable people – and children ARE always vulnerable. That’s why they are called children – they are still learning and developing – they are not yet adults and cannot decide things for themselves. They need support and care, NOT adults abusing and controlling them for the sick pleasure those adults get from the fact that they ARE vulnerable.

This ideology is not sane. They are criminals. They are disgusting. If they want to reduce the age of consent – then those children immediately need to have the full rights of adults: they go out to work, pay taxes and decide everything for themselves, they can smoke, drink, and vote, get a mortgage and get married, and the law protects them as adults. And how well do you think any 10 year old will manage those things? They can’t – so no, they can’t consent.

I find the whole thing extremely distressing.

I watched this fairly short presentation earlier – made before the Sturgeon Paedophile Ring got into government, so he had nice things to say about Scotland – his focus is wellbeing, and has researched why people from deprived areas have low rates of healing and other problems – it’s a good, shortish, Tedx talk – and looks at how child development if affected, not just by poverty but a poor upbringing. It doesn’t bode well for this generation of youngsters being groomed in the schools, but at least about 30% should come out okay.

link to



Thanks for that

Now get the kids picture to fuck or get your fucking mug on it.

3 years on the childrens panel can make a man a cynical bastard.


It’s either a level of political incompetence that indicates walking and chewing at the same time are difficult for the current SNP leadership, or, it’s a carefully placed hand grenade from which the pin will be removed at an appropriate point, with the full knowledge of current SNP leadership as to it’s impact on the party and the future of Scotland.

I would imagine there are several of these. The ways of the dark lords are subtle.


I was so alarmed by this that I emailed my MSP Graeme Day in the genuine hope that he could reassure me. His reply to my email:-
This is an appalling and alarming twisting of the truth from an increasingly desperate pop up party and a blogger who has utterly lost the plot.
Take care and stay safe
I have replied ‘so not true then?’ Hmmm I shan’t be voting SNP. I was a member once. The only political party I have ever felt moved to join. What a mistake that was!


Alba needs to disassociate from this arrant nonsense, pronto.

I didn’t sign up for the David Ike party and I’m sure Salmond didn’t either.


I’m so disgusted with sturgeon SNP it makes me puke!!

I cannot put into words just how vile these people are.

I will never vote SNP again. Only a truly moral independence party will get my time and vote.

Never ever thought that the snp would descend to this level.


Returns to redacted voter status.




Ross,there it oes. Explain what is wrong. What isit that you see as a problem. It is not enough just to sound off. What is it that you view as nonsense. Words please. I may or may not agree but if I do not know what youre talking about…well.

Sue Varley

@Daisy Walker
The HIV thing really stood out for me too in that quote above. I read it the same way you did and found it horrifying – the whole thing is horrifying but this seems to be making it legal to deliberately give a 10 year old child AIDS through unprotected sex. How disgusting is that!

I think I need to contact my MSP – the Finance Secretary – about why the Scottish Government are funding this. I wonder if I will get a reply.

I keep swinging between voting SNP 1 in hopes of the Supermajority and because Alex Salmond has asked us to, and being so disgusted by Sturgeon and the Scot Gov in general that I wonder if I can bring myself to do it. My only hope with this is that the people responsible for giving this funding have not realised how depraved these groups are – they do hide it well.

As always Stuart, thanks for being so on the ball and willing to do the research for us.


People trying to link this pish with the snp?

What a load of shite.

I’m now a former alba voter and soon to be member. Take whatever fucking insinuation you want from that.

Fishy Wullie

Ross says:
10 April, 2021 at 7:35 pm

“Alba needs to disassociate from this arrant nonsense, pronto.”


I don’t think there’s a chance of that, but if they don’t Scotland is royally screwed, Alba/Salmond is the only hope we have left, Sturgeon is not only a danger to our nation & our sovereignty, she a danger to our children


To give the benefit of the doubt to all the organisations signing The Feminist Declaration, it’s probably something their senior/steering members didn’t feel they could/should be seen *not* to sign. But that doesn’t really matter because a declaration/open letter-type thing, with lots of clauses & demands, really should be forensically looked through by senior/steering members *of* those organisations so that if they don’t sign it they can point to exactly why.

Declarations/open letter-type things seem to be routinely signed by people who haven’t really read the small print. Fundamentally though, it *is* the job of political parties to do the adult thing and vet things properly. If they aren’t doing that, they’re just gurning vote chasers.

Alex Bloodfire

It’s deeply worrying and concerning over 200 organisations have signed a so-called ‘Feminist’ declaration attempting to remove child protection safety by reducing the age of consent to 10 years old.

People should be outraged! The Scottish Government should in no way be funding these organisations with taxpayers money! Nor any Government!

The entire LGBT community should immediately distance themselves from ILGA and any other organisations engaging in this madness.


Ross explain your point of view.

Very frustrating people shouting without explaining their point of view!


“Sturgeon is not only a danger to our nation & our sovereignty, she a danger to our children”

Deary christ, I’m out. So disappointed this incel, paranoid rabbit hole pish has infiltrated one of the main media conduits of the last chance Scotland had for independence. I assume Salmond would be appalled.


Is nobody willing to state clearly their point of view and what they disagree about.

Explain for an old git,please.


Do not say pish without explaining.

Annie 621

Where the fck are we?
…Now we know why they’re trying to bring sex education into our primary schools.

SNP (Secret Nonce Party)


Ross @7.42pm.

Oh please save us the faux outrage, the SNP have form with the HCB, and the GRA and Self-Id. If you don’t want to vote for the ALBA party then don’t, no ones going to beg you to.

Incidentally I see a new hashtag was created today #albawomen a new party arm for real women, I’ve a feeling that its numbers will swell to a great number.


Stonewall deny they are lowering the age of consent.

Stu are you correct?


ELewis says:
10 April, 2021 at 7:45 pm
To give the benefit of the doubt to all the organisations signing The Feminist Declaration,

Why give them the benefit of the doubt?

Why do some people feel the need to attach themselves to this kind of open letter word salad nonsense? Nothing good ever comes from it. It’s pure posturing and virtue signaling.

How about, instead of immediately pledging their fealty to whatever crowdsourced horrors crawl out of the woke hivemind, people just speak for themselves, say exactly what they mean, and mean it?


@ Famous15

Their tweet statement.

link to


Famous.. I don’t have time for five paragraphs but there is an obvious link attempted here at the weak minded to link the snp/progressive yes to pedophilic ideas. It has connotations to established internet conspiracies around reduction of legal consent. It’s nonsense. Try saying the snp sopport this out loud to anyone you know out loud. It doesn’t pass the test. This is a stinnking smear. I’m Alba through and through and, let’s be honest, wings is a HUGE part of our media; so so disappointed it’s taking this wrong-minded and reductive approach. I just hope Salmond hasn’t sanctioned the David Ike /bildenburg vote courting. Manky.

Unwokey Bloke

The lunatics are clearly running the asylum. This should be both shocking and surprising but with the current SNP it isn’t, Sturgeons fan club need to wake the fuck up, it’s not independence they want by the looks of it those pulling the strings at the SNP want to create some sort of perverts utopia.

The sex education curriculum brought in to normalise their gender theory bullshit, the hate crime bill brought in to make sure self ID can be brought in with the ability to go after those that dare publicly disagree with it, lowering the age of consent would be the icing on the cake for them and regardless if it’s as an independent country or devolved nation what they would have created is a full on perverts paradise.


Faux outrage? I am fucking furious the main Alba media outlet is mincing about with this nonsense. You better believe it.

Willie Jay

When you see “Stonewall” signing up to a list/or demand, never, ever think that this is the “Stonewall” dating back to 1989, some 31 years ago, when the group supported “Gay Rights”. I supported Stonewall then. I would not touch Stonewall with the proverbial barge-pole today!

No! This is a warped, devious and perverted “Stonewall” which not only encourages, but actually *PROMOTES* under-age sex between *any* age group, any sexuality, especially for some reasons known only to themselves, and very likely their “members” : Male on Male sex between *older* males and young boys.

And *now* they want to include 10 year old boys into their “harem”.

As the headline says – A “Paedophile Charter”

Whoever, or whichever, Persons or Parties give support or succour to such a group ought really to be cast aside from all of mankind. Let’s not mince words here!

Repellent, obnoxious, objectionable, nauseating, odious, hateful, repugnant, loathsome and also abominable, will helpfully fit the description of such loathsome creatures who have proposed these “new guidelines”.
It is high time the Police, either in England – for I doubt if our Scottish Police Service might be very interested – took a long and serious look at the proposals of these creatures and once and for all made a decision:


And what will simply pass by on the other side of the road because the High Heid Yins and their Very Woke Followers *AND* *authorities* are simply not interested in anything like this at all.

President Xiden

Are the SNP wanting a slice of the PIE?


For Ross

I took part in the Alba conference today .. the discussion was positive and the debate healthy .
There was no alt right comments , no transphobic or homophobic comments either. A discussion regarding sex based rights of women and girls ; we have every right to engage in this manner without threats of fear or abuse . Stonewall are not the organisation they were in the 70s and 80s , they are heavily infiltrated including financially by trans cult extremists influencing shaping and capturing Scottish Govt . Policies . This must not be allowed to continue and Alba party is not wrong minded .. it is shining a light on the real issues ..


Its time she is thrown out. I object to my taxes being used for this. Its a damned Disgrace.
What in heavens name is she thinking about?


ahundredthidiot says:
10 April, 2021 at 7:39 pm

Hey ahundredthidiot, you need to take a good look at yourself son. As soon as someone’s opinion doesn’t meet with yours you’re all over them with your unwarranted, fescennine abuse.

Daisy Walker

Sue Varley says:
10 April, 2021 at 7:41 pm

@Daisy Walker
The HIV thing really stood out for me too in that quote above. I read it the same way you did and found it horrifying – the whole thing is horrifying but this seems to be making it legal to deliberately give a 10 year old child AIDS through unprotected sex. How disgusting is that!’

I’m not sure the intention is aimed exclusively at infecting children – the way that part is written – it includes adullts also.

There is a stated case Scottish case where an adult gay man, caught HIV and deliberately set about having unprotected sex with others in an effort to infect them. He was convicted and sentenced to jail.

Aids is still a fatal disease, as much as the medication is improved, it is life long, there is no cure, and over time, the meds become less effective and/or the side affects have detrimental affect on the body.

I honestly don’t see any other way of interpreting that proposed legislation – other than to make it legal for someone to go about doing the same.

There seem to be some incredibly naive people employed in Scot Gov, with no experience of criminals, or legislation (good and bad), or indeed the beginnings of a clue about how devious, determined and manipulative Peadophiles can be.


I know Peter Wishart MP reads, some of his friends on his Twitterer of the year platform say he obsesses about Wings Over Scotland.

Peter a direct question to you:

“Now you know your party is at risk of being culpable as supporters of a Paedophile Charter and indeed your government in Scotland appears to be financing paedophila and those supporters of reducing the age of consent so that 10 year olds can be sexually exploited by19 year olds, indeed by men of your age, will you publicly denounce this shameful organisation and work to recover ALL funding that is ultra vires? It now appears evident they and their enablers (the SNP and your group of politicians), are up to their murky oxters in paedophiles and efforts to suborn the proper governance of Scotland by infiltrating the SNP at the highest levels?”

Peter, an answer will be required. Not politician waffle, a legal and definitive answer that is robust enough to be tested in Court. Thank you.


Wee pishart…….. silence to Al’s question is not a defence


Ross says:
10 April, 2021 at 7:42 pm
People trying to link this pish with the snp?

What a load of shite.

I’m now a former alba voter and soon to be member. Take whatever fucking insinuation you want from that.

So you’re saying the SNP-run Scottish Government doesn’t give these groups (our) money?

there is an obvious link attempted here at the weak minded to link the snp/progressive yes to pedophilic ideas

Well, Eliminate all laws […] limiting legal capacity of adolescents […] to provide consent to sex sounds like pedo mischief to me, and the SNP is financially supporting people calling for this with our money.

So it’s not really an “attempted” link, it’s an actual link, no?

Perhaps the SNP can clear up this matter by immediately taking every organisation that signed up to this off the payroll.

But I’m not holding my breath.


Well said Claire @8.23pm.

I’m glad real women have found a home in the ALBA party.

Neil Wilkinson

It almost seems like the SNP is trying to reduce its Constituency seats sufficiently to give their loonier List candidates a better chance. Last time , they had a shedload of votes in the List that didnt count, with fewer SNP Constituency seats, those wasted SNP List votes could start to be effective.


Hey Stu, get this ben ye.

link to



I don’t doubt what youve written there or your sincerity, I support that. That’s not my issue. It’s the rancid insinuations of this piece I have a problem with. And you have to think wings is an extension of alba at this point in a lot of ways.


James Barr Gardner

LGBT Youth Scotland and Stonewall Scotland are mirror image of German Greens policies.

Scottish Greens have ambitions of being as powerful as their European counterparts.


LGBT Youth Scotland are funded by ScotGov AND paid by individual schools to go into schools to teach kids their ‘progressive’ views.

They also have a funded ‘Youth’ helpline.

Their guidelines were claimed to be endorsed by ScotGov then they had to backtrack on that false claim. The guidelines are still used in the schools though despite NOT being endorsed.

Again, funded by ScotGov….

Who marks their homework?



You are a naive idiot or worse.

The reason I am on this website at all hours in the night, circa 3am is due to PTSD as a serving police officer. Because I have SEEN with my own eyes, babies who have been rapedd (sic) and children who ended up committing suicide as young adults because of what pedophiles have done to them. Indeed I have arrested and been part of the prosecution process involving the trial and imprisonment of paedophiles.

In all my years of service, the most dangerous criminals were those driven by sexual malignancy. Paedophiles are amongst the most cunning, evil and dangerous people to walk this planet.

Ross you appear to be a fool or worse, a paedophile-denier or a paedophile apologist.

I think it perhaps best you recuse yourself before you get into truly murky territory.

In your own dubious words, “make of that what you will”.

The ALBA party are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT to shine the disinfectant of light on this dark and pervasive blight on society. The SNP have “form” with their gender deviant legislation backed up by the hate crime act to allow the most devious miscreants in society legal cover to get away with murder and blighting the lives of young people.

Or Ross, are you also a church/priest pedophilia-denier, a Jimmy Saville enabler and a PIE advocate?

Dear Lord, please save us from these ignorant, wilfully blind roasters.

Please keep pervertss (sic) and idiots such as Ross, plus all who are the subjects at the top of this thread away from my grandchildren. I swear, if it is the last thing I do in this earth and in this life, if one of those malignant, deviant, cunning, perverts goes near my grandchildren…. I have written enough. They need to be stopped. Now.

Thank goodness the Alba Party is addressing this evil that has infected the higher echelons of the SNP.


Oh just fuck off Al stuart. I know the seriousness of the issue and you don’t know a thing about me. Weirdo.


If the press don’t pick this up and denounce this filth then there is something else going on here.

Alan McHarg

So NS wants alleged sexual crime trials without a jury and this article suggests that because of Craig Murrays trial result it would be difficult for journalists to report on a sex crime trial. There is something very sinister when trials are being held behind closed doors free from the balanced interpretation of a jury and the public being denied any commentary of the process. With no witnesses this system can be abused i.e. the innocent jailed and the guilty released depending on their politics or friendships. If you add this to what has been discussed it all fits into a larger plan. link to

John Martin


“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. One person may even perceive deformity, where another is sensible beauty; and every individual ought to acquiesce in his own sentiment, without pretending to regulate those of others. To seek the real beauty, or real deformity, is as fruitless an enquiry, as to pretend to ascertain the real sweet or real bitter.”

John Martini


Notbsure what you are seeing

Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. One person may even perceive deformity, where another is sensible beauty; and every individual ought to acquiesce in his own sentiment, without pretending to regulate those of others. To seek the real beauty, or real deformity, is as fruitless an enquiry, as to pretend to ascertain the real sweet or real bitter.”


McDuff @9.02pm.

Unlikely the press will go near this now that Sturgeon is their darling, the SNP newsletter aka the National newspaper might even denounce it.


Stu why don’t you invite Mr Smyth to write a response since he is close to them


What a perverse outlook on sex the SNP policymakers have.
They throw the book at Salmond for brushing past someone at the bottom of a close whilst opening up our children to sexual abuse.


Thankyou Stu for continuing to bring these horrors into the cleansing light.


I hope Alba don’t queer their pitch…..

John Martini

From dark to light Ross..


John Martini says:
10 April, 2021 at 9:07 pm

Notbsure what you are seeing

Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them

Wrong. And it’s no wonder David Hume was a virgin who lived with his parents.

Beauty and truth (different manifestations of the same thing) are universal absolutes with an independent reality of their very own. We do not create them, we can only discover them.


I think this is what happens when you have a party whose high heid yins do not have children, and who are are often of a different sexual persuasion to the vast majority of the population. The safety of children is an abstraction to these people; they have never held their child in their arms and gazed into loving eyes, and never will. Thus everything becomes some sort of tiresome legal abstraction to them, about ages of consent or lopping off body parts, chemical castration, with no real empirical experience of having and holding and loving and caring for a child. Make no mistake, there are some seriously sick and evil and stupid fuckers in the SNP, and UK politics in general.


‘somerled says:
10 April, 2021 at 5:58 pm
Daisy Walker at 4:57pm

Re Abortion laws – As i understand it, the far left Democrats controlling Joe Biden want no abortion limit- you can still abort the child right up to 9 months old. The organisation Planned Parenthood is involved i think. It is alleged that these aborted children’s body parts are then sold on. The neighbourhoods with most Planned Parenthood offices are in poor areas especially black neighbourhoods.’

Dross. Utter dross. You are poorly repeating years-old, utterly discredited rubbish. It’s not helpful. Stick to Scottish politics, American politics can look after themselves. We are nothing like the Americans.

Thistle's Bristles

Speak for yourself, Mist001. No. Just no.

Mist001 says:
10 April, 2021 at 4:28 pm
And for the record, I and many people nowadays would have been supporters of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) because their original aim was to align the age of consent between heterosexuals and homosexuals. Heteros consent was 16, gays was 21 and there’s no justifiable argument for the disparity there other than pure discrimination.

So, most tolerant people would have supported PIE.

The it got infiltrated by sleazeballs and downright bad minded perverts exactly like the ones in the topic of this thread and that’s why PIE is now, quite rightly, discredited and abhorred.

I can support parity but I will never support child rapists, for that is what they are, make no mistake. Don’t let them fool you with their excuses and reasoning.

They are *potential* child rapists.

Why the hell would any body (or anybody) identify themselves with the name ‘Paedophile Information Exchange’ unless paedophilia – i.e. adults having sex with children – was their aim? If equalising the age of consent was the true original aim, why not say so in the name: ‘Equal-Age Consent’ or some such?

Why appear here as a semi-apologist for those you yourself appear to loathe?

I think you have some tough explaining to do. For now, IMO your credibility is zero.


Unionists and Indy people need to work together to rid Scotland of the whole SNP (not just Sturgeon) and the Scottish Greens. Dont vote SNP1.

The ONLY way to do that is to postpone Indy ideas for a few years. If you keep on wanting Indy now you will help Sturgeon stay in power and help her with these sick policies.


“Wow, how did she manage to outrun all the horses?”

Was it a horse that self-identified as a woman?


John martini. Youve spent time creepily scribing some ambiguous quote.

Nah thats all I’ve got to say.


Not sure why you are discussing this.
But it is the old dispute between Plato and Aristotle.
For Plato there is a separation between the ideal form and it’s individual representation in the world.
For Aristotle the form is the essential parts and function of the thing which can then be apprehended by the mind and found in the mind.



You have been coming on Wings btl fairly often since sometime last year and always trying to defend or excuse Sturgeon’s leadership. You might recall that I, more than once, half-joked that you were an SNP staffer sent on Wings to attempt damage limitation. Then, out of the blue you claimed you had decided to support Alba, which I found hard to believe but wished to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Now you’re claiming to have become disillusioned with Alba after just a few days. I think this was a political stunt and you have never ceased being a Sturgeon supporter at any time.

I’m just calling it as I see it. You have every right to come on here and pose as a disgruntled Alba supporter. I don’t mind. It’s even moderately amusing. But it is a trick you can only try once.


This is interesting. If you try to look up two things to buy from the SNP online store, you get a 404 Not Found message:

link to

link to

You can easily see what you could buy, by the addresses: a teeshirt and/or sticker saying ‘EAT SLEEP (TICK) NICOLA REPEAT.’ It’s a vote slogan; it has a tick in a box where I wrote ‘tick.’ Here is what the teeshirt looks like:

link to

I don’t think there is even much you can say about this. Pathological insecurity and grandiose narcissism wrapped up in one celeb cult package. They clearly realised that this was a cultish bridge too far and tried to delete evidence, whilst forgetting that the net never forgets. Or forgives. Chuckling and shaking my head sadly here. You know…

link to

Daisy Walker

Paedophiles – sometimes they are same sex attracted and commit their crimes against children of the same sex.

Sometimes they are heterosexual and sexually attracted to children of the opposite sex.

Sometimes they don’t care what sex the child is, and they will sexually penetrate – in every imaginable way possible – every single orofice of BABIES.

In order to commit such horrific acts, low cunning and extreme deviousness are essential. The ability to be extremely manipulative, charming, useful, ever so obliging, is essential.

Power is also useful. Their status in the community – Priest, Teacher, Police officer, Minister, MP, Lord, businessman, footballer – power, and of course there is Blackmail power.

Since homosexuality between consenting adults has for so long, and in so many countries been treated (wrongly in my view) as illegal behaviour, paedophiles have historically used the gay community to hide in. Because it gave them specialist, potential blackmail information on other people.

Those people would be less likely, or able, to report them for suspected crimes.

Times and laws have changed (for the better), but perhaps the gay community is still being misused by the paedophile movement.

Perhaps also the Transgender movement is also being misused – although elements of their movement seem to have their own agenda.

Paedophiles – sometimes they are same sex attracted and commit their crimes against children of the same sex.

Sometimes they are heterosexual and sexually attracted to children of the opposite sex.

Sometimes they don’t care what sex the child is, and they will sexually penetrate – in every imaginable way possible – every single orifice of BABIES.

And there is nothing Homophobic to state this. It is deeply worrying that there are adults, in positions of power today, who will try to stop the conversations highlighting dangerous changes to laws protecting children from abuse, are shouting ‘Homophobic’, at anyone who attempts to do so.

I thought the advert that said, ‘some people are gay, get over it’ was brilliant. And brilliantly positive and normal.

There is nothing positive or normal about Paedophilia.

Homosexuality and heterosexuality – there are Paedophiles in both those camps and it’s not any kind of ‘phobic’ to state this.

We do children and the homosexual community a great deal of harm by allowing the false flag cry of ‘homophobic’ to be used to shut down these important discussions, and for paedohphiles to hide behind it.

Daisy Walker

Bros. says:
10 April, 2021 at 9:39 pm

“Wow, how did she manage to outrun all the horses?”

Was it a horse that self-identified as a woman?

She self identified as an Arab. (This is a horse joke by the way, in case anyone doesn’t get it.)


Somerled – 10 April, 2021 at 4:47pm
“Today California state allows sex with anyone over 12 if they consent and the age difference is less than 10 years. Therefore a 21 year old can legally have sex with a 12 year old boy. It was a gay male Democrat politician that implemented this policy.”

This is totally untrue.
The age of consent in California is 18. Any sexual act with someone under 18 is a crime.

What you appear to be, wrongly, referring to is the recent change to exemption from being placed on the Sex Offenders Registry.

The new bill states that the Judge can decide case-by-case not to have someone registered as a sex offender if they are found guilty of sexual conduct with someone under 18, unless the victim is under 14, there is more than a 10 year age difference, or either party claims there was no consent.

The new bill was created because previously this only applied to a man having vaginal sex with a girl and now it has been extended to all situations.

How you could possibly get this so wrong and in so many different ways is rather bewildering and leads me to suspect malice over honest mistake.


Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
10 April, 2021 at 5:55 pm
Please note that I will delete or edit any comment which in any way implies any intrinsic connection between homosexuality and paedophilia.

Thanks for that Stu there were a few that were dangerously close, thanks for removing the one specific prick’s clearly intended aim to do just that.


Suicidal SNP – if they wish to lose the Presbyterian middle class this should do it.

I confess to an involuntary sense of loathing when I see a picture of her.


I have called it as I see it.

I think the stuff against sturgeon was largely insubstantiated in terms of conspiracy. I also think she probably misled parliament.

I also think she has been timid on independence.

I also am a fan of Salmond.

I am not a fan of this smear.

Hope that helps.



Not really.


“The age of consent in California is 18. Any sexual act with someone under 18 is a crime.”

Wow, this must make every teenager in California into a criminal. Strange that in uber-PC California they still have this Puritan hang-up – trying to prevent 16+ year olds from having sex is as futile as trying to prevent 18-21yos from drinking alcohol. As a result of their stupid law banning under 21s from drinking alcohol most young people in the US carry a fake driving licence, not just GWB’s daughter.

In many States a teenager can buy a gun but not a beer. But then any inanity is possible in a country that introduced Prohibition against the wishes of the vast majority of its citizens and led to the entrenchment of organised crime and the corruption of its politics and law enforcement bodies.


Regarding the conspiracy…..
The truth has been hidden.
I recommend watching Craig Murray on YouTube.
He makes a good point when he mentions a November date when the first Salmond complaint was made and then Sturgeon instituted the new complaints policy the next day.
The policy was also constructed unlike any other complaints policy with the First Minister not the final arbiter.
In this way Sturgeon was able to say she knew nothing.
A bit too convenient.
Also the vitriol she is showing towards Salmond shows motive,

Daisy Walker



This from the Come to Ghana twitter site.

I suspect the Rev will do a full article on it.

Well worth a read.



“Why give them the benefit of the doubt?”
How about […] people just speak for themselves, say exactly what they mean, and mean it?”

Can’t argue with that. tbf, the rest of my comment does highlight that, even if one *does* give them the benefit of the doubt, it’s still distinctly problematic. The best one can really say in their defence ends up being “…well…they just can’t have read the declaration properly”, which is a bad place for anyone advocating societal change by utilising the declaration in the first place.


Cat Sith at 10:29pm

Okay, i accept i got some details wrong. It was a genuine mistake. It is 14 yr olds not 12 years olds but the principle is the same. A 24 year old man could have sex with a 14 year old boy or girl and not be put on the sex crime register if the judge decides its okay. Are you okay with that, I’m not?

I still maintain this is part of the process that is slowly trying to remove all age of consent. They don’t make a huge change in the law immediately, they do it slowly bit by bit. This is still going to help paedophiles. What if a 12 year old child tells the 24 year old that they are 14?

Full details of the law are here

link to

including this

‘Is there any exception where a minor can have sexual relations with an adult?

There is one exception where a minor can have sexual intercourse with an adult. This is when the two parties are married.’

BTW you seem more interested in attacking me rather than attacking paedophiles.


Don’t attempt to shame the commenter after they quite rightly pointed out your completely mistaken assertion re Californian law somerled, you want it both ways: you start with admitting you got it wrong, which you did and then end it with the ‘what’s your problem defence’, she didn’t ‘attack you’, she corrected you.

Nice try, dodgy as fuck right enough.


You have to look at the entire law and the fact it is in place to cover as many situations as possible and as with most laws lines have to be drawn somewhere.

Yes technically a Judge could theoretically decide that a 24 year old having sex with a 14 year old was consensual and the 24 year old doesn’t have to go on the register. However more likely it is designed for cases where someone in their twenties has sex with someone in their late teens who they are in a relationship with. Something which would be totally legal in Scotland.

Interestingly enough I chose to “attack you” rather than paedos for the same reason Rev made this article. “[I] saw something that [I] thought must be wrong.” So I checked the facts.

Richard Hunter

This all seems a bit of a stretch to me. If you mix things up and look at them from a certain angle, then you might be able to find some edge cases; but does anyone really think the government is going to legalise pedophilia?

The Age of Consent has always been difficult to define exactly:
You don’t want adults having sex with children, clearly.
But what about a 16 year old (adult) and a 15 year old (child)? And should two people under 16 be prosecuted for engaging in sexual acts? Maybe not, but what if one is 12 and the other is 7?
Child sexual abuse is one of those things that we know what it is but actually codifying it in law isn’t so easy, so I’d maybe hold off casting aspersion on lawmakers who are trying to write them.


Richard Hunter says:
11 April, 2021 at 1:04 am
This all seems a bit of a stretch to me. If you mix things up and look at them from a certain angle, then you might be able to find some edge cases; but does anyone really think the government is going to legalise pedophilia?

I don’t know. If you’d told people 20 years ago the government would one day give sex change hormones to children, abolish the legal definition of “women”, and jail you for up to 7 years if you were too vocal in criticising any of this… would they have believed you?

ELewis – yes indeed

Stephen – I think both Plato and Aristotle agree with me (which is clever of them) about the nature of beauty as something that exists independently of the observer’s observation. I don’t know

Hume and Kant were obviously wrong, which makes me think this “Enlightenment” lark isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

But my favourite philosopher is Miss Jean Brodie:

“Safety does not come first. Goodness, truth, and beauty come first. Follow me.”


Very good



Is that your reply?

I know nothing about you?

I certainly know what you have written. You come across as an apologist for SNP Wokeism which WILL have been infiltrated by paedophiles. We see how naive the Sturgeonite McWokeists are. By gerrymandering the NEC and infiltrating the SNP with their student politics agenda, some amongst their number have demonstrated the exact guile and cunning so often seen as the m.o.,of the criminal sexual predator.

Ross, did you read the article by Stuart Campbell at the head of this page?

Stuart researches and references every word. You on the other hand have no credentials and your words and factual inability to control your temper tantrums, let alone hold a reasonable debate show you up. A normal person would be mortified to have written what you have committed to public domain record.

A bit if advice Ross: when in a hole, stop digging.

When spouting forth advocating a political party such as Alba should WHEESHT FOR PEDOS, is beyond the pale. You might want to think about what you write.

Ross, you are either a fool, or wilfully blind.

There are a significant minority of paedophiles in society and from a professional basis investigating, arresting, attesting at court and escorting these disgusting excuses for humans up to HMP Barlinnie, what scared me the most is the MAJORITY were “happily married” men.

But they are cunning and get everywhere. They will have infiltrated and already be using the Woke vehicles for their own despicable purposes. A shame as the transgender community genuinely have significant issues that need to be treated fairly respectfully and with understanding. The fact a few Wokes have chosen to suborn the Scottish Independence movement for their own purposes has set that movement back by 40 years. They and they alone will need to answer when the evil within their midst is exposed.

Ross for you to have a hissy fit and stomp your feet because women in the Alba Party have the audacity to debate this serious matter shows you to be an Amadan at best. Maybe something far worse.

As for you appointing yourself as spokesperson for Alex Salmond and telling him to stop debating this important matter. There is the aroma of rodent about you on that.

Your response sets off my old polis radar. You are one for the watching.

By all means offer up a cogent reply, but when all you have are huffs and stomping of feet, seriously, away and play solitaire Norman No Mates and stop bothering people with your pish…


Ross says:
10 April, 2021 at 9:00 pm
Oh just fuck off Al stuart. I know the seriousness of the issue and you don’t know a thing about me. Weirdo.


This story shows just one example of government paying lobby groups to work towards policies which do not have public support. Well done to the Alba women’s conference giving this a public airing and well done Wings for covering it.

Let the supporters of this “Feminist Declaration” carefully read and then explain its full content and why they support it.

David Caledonia

If this crap is ever made legal, then the best thing to do is to demolish the building that its passed in, cause the games a bogie and the people of scotland are being ruled by a bunch of useless fecking nutters


Why is the SNP so obsessed with shattering the family unit and the innocence of children?
I must admit that I am completely baffled that they get their people elected with such policies.

Apart from anything else the policy of independence is discredited by association.

Daisy Walker

@ Richard Hunter says:
11 April, 2021 at 1:04 am

This all seems a bit of a stretch to me. If you mix things up and look at them from a certain angle, then you might be able to find some edge cases; but does anyone really think the government is going to legalise pedophilia?

The Age of Consent has always been difficult to define exactly:
You don’t want adults having sex with children, clearly.
But what about a 16 year old (adult) and a 15 year old (child)? And should two people under 16 be prosecuted for engaging in sexual acts? Maybe not, but what if one is 12 and the other is 7?’

Richard in the instances where a child commits a sexual act towards another child – there are no prosecutions.

What there will be is a full investigation – the reason being children will simulate sexual acts that they have been exposed to.

An example I can think of straight away is a wee boy aged 6, from a family – borugh up by a single mother with alcohol issues and a variety of ‘dads’ coming to stay over the years, including ones who were physically violent towards mum.

This wee boy, at school, playing with a wee girl, drops his trousers and tries to get her to take his penis into her mouth. He thought there was nothing inappropriate in this behaviour, due to what he had seen at home. Was he a criminal, No. Is there a need for Social Work involvement in his home, absolutely.

With regards a 16/17 year old, having consensual sex with a 14/15 year old – this also, is investigated and very, very seldom in the interests of justice to prosecute.

But lets imagine the first boy, now aged 17, sexually active, with a blue print of coercive abusive behaviour imprinted on him throughout his life, and he can spot the insecure girls, (and most are insecure at 14) the run aways, and lets say he likes to get them drunk, or stoned – consensual? Maybe, a predatory sexual offender in the making – also maybe, cause for concern – definitely.

A lot of the people raising concerns about this lobby groups proposed changes – are doing so, because it falsly creates ‘issues’ that the current legislation is fully aware of and has already dealt with, and because if you say – ‘lets just lower the age of consent’, they know that it opens the door to the worst offenders fully.

I grudge, well meaning, but hopelessly naive and ignorant people being granted my tax money, in order to through out good laws and replace them with a license to abuse.

You say its ‘all a bit of a stretch for me’. Well you are lucky. Maybe listen to the groups who do not have to ‘stretch’ on this, because they have expert knowledge.


Some things trouble me regarding this very serious issue and how it is viewed here. It surprises me that a large number of members of this forum see it as a opportunity to gain political advantage in the coming elections, rather than see this dreadful administration exposed before the gaze of the people of Scotland.
Most of the Scottish electorate have never heard of “Wings”, never mind digested the views expressed here. This whole issue, including backing for the “Trans campaign” and “Queer Theory” was the reason I quit the Party in 2016 and is truly above politics.
We must bring our children before our politics, the Sturgeon administration are now obviously beyond the pale and any Party attempting to work with them will be politically infected.
Moreover, the people who support the retention of the United Kingdom will crucify us and they will be perfectly correct.
The Big Beasts must force the press and MSM to bring these abuses into the public arena and the present administration must be taken down. If we do not have the will for that then Scotland is devoid of principles and deserves to fail under Sturgeon and her lunatic crew.


Paedophilia, in my understanding this refers to the act of having sexual contact with a pre-pubescent child. Sexual offences against minors, children between puberty and adulthood are termed simple sexual assault or rape.
Studies have shown that paedophilia proper is extremely rare and usually perpetrated by deranged heteros.
On the other hand, the various “Priest abuse cases” in the US and England involved almost exclusively adult males, sexually assaulting youths or young men between 11 and 17.
One must draw ones own conclusions.

Carl R

Purge the Sturge

Ros Curwood

The suave tones of the language used by ILGA do no justice to the reality of sexual activity for young persons before their physical and psychological maturity has been reached, particularly if engaged with an adult. Physical damage endured by a young person is often left untreated with bleeding and pain from wounds acquired in acts of sex, and though boys, whose bodies are not designed for penetrative sex, suffer, scarring can be responsible for infertility in women. Often people in severe pain as adults, with their sexual development warped and their adult participation in intimacy curtailed by pain suffer difficulties in their relationships, with both partners confused and vulnerable to self-blame. Young people do not seek help from fear of being disbelieved, or from shame and acute embarrassment, or fear of punishment, and are vulnerable to carefully planted notions that they have themselves encouraged the attention of a predator and are thus to blame. Bullying between young people, both in and out of school, between those who want to engage in sexual exploration and those who don’t creates awful problems of self-esteem frequently leading to mental illness. We all know these situations exist, maybe somewhere else, but it can come as something of a shock to find that such is its prevalence that we have a National Association for People Abused in Childhood helpline whose phones are in continual use. Brave footballers have recently spoken out about the effects of adult sexual interest in a child, how unexpected the attention is, and how hard to believe or understand. But corruption on a massive scale has been going on for years, (remember Marietta Higgs?)with eye-popping and heart-stopping descriptions sometimes given of scenarios such as sex-fairs where little children are on sale for anyone to purchase, all and any sort of sex, sometimes with violence, sometimes multiple, and often groomed and brought by their parents. To these children their experience of normality is warped beyond recognition. So be in no doubt, Scotland already recognises that sexual attraction occurs between young people sometimes exploring beyond legality, witness teenage pregnancies, though possibly more group therapy in education might open discussion further. The described changes to laws that already cover most of the effects of youthful sexual activity are not designed to benefit children or adolescents. They are undoubtedly intended to benefit those whose self-indulgence or basic urges are currently difficult to meet without retribution. Seems to me.


I honestly don’t know what horrifies me more – the ominous use of adolescents or the HIV transmission / disclosure mentalness, that also is what jumped out at me.

These folks are deviants and fucked in the head, if that is what they want. ‘I want to be able to spread HIV / aids willfully, not tell anyone, and for it to be legal. Oh, and shag kids.’

Yeah… not insane at all then.

Marty C

It would be worth mentioning that the two people responsible for the ILGA conference that kicked it all off were Campbell Dunn and Derek Ogg. One went on to be the founder and leader of the Scottish National Serious Crime Team after the fallout from the James Rennie case. Ogg is a confirmed paedophile rights activist. He was also involved in the rent boys for judiciary scandals prior to that. Rennie’s LGBT Youth Scotland originated as Stonewall Scotland Youth or similar.

There was a high profile divorce case involving senior Government and financial backers of the SNP around the same time – gang rape of the person filing for divorce and paedophilia / incest was reported as being accepted by the judge in the case. That would suggest Government was highly compromised at the time of the Rennie case and the appointment of a paedophile rights activist to the centralised paedophile ring investigation team. Food for thought!

John Mcgregor

Again yous are getting tarred with the same brush I wonder if its the ” Mr” in the sham marriage who’s got a hand in this # 55

wee monkey

Effigy says:
10 April, 2021 at 4:20 pm


“I am fairly open minded but sex at that age with anyone of any age is not on.

I’d imprison anyone doing it, trying to do it or wishing to do it.

I don’t need sand or lines it’s just no on ever. Never!

It’s a serious crime. It can never be acceptable.
These disgusting beasts who would crave 10 year olds would then start to work on no age limit.

It’s a sickening thought and turns my stomach but there are people in prison who
had full sex with babies months old.

How the hell has SNP managed to become so corrupt, immoral and repulsive in so many ways?”

Because you ALL sat back and “held your noses”, “wheesht for indy” etc, etc.

In the meantime some charmer draws “funny” cartoons to give you all that wee warm glow inside, you all get the “joke” but the best bit is..


It would, however, be quite unwise to use this forum/blog to discuss just who are the peodophile enablers in Scottish political parties.

Duncan Spence

Handy algorithm easily inserted into legislation.

Sex is permissible between two consenting persons only if the the younger is at least half the age of the older plus six. Dutch law and society operate according to a version of this principle.

Elizabeth Hagan

Dear Rev, I am so angry about this. I want to send emails asking all our politicians what they think about it. I would be very grateful for any assistance or help with a template of exactly what to ask & answers required bearing in mind the HCB and the necessity of not offending anyone. Many thanks.

Dave Llewellyn

Today’s the day that Daddy Bear gets his dick pixs

Emilio De Simone

Jeeez! This is very disturbing.

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