If you’re still not scared
Posted on
April 07, 2021 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
…you’re not paying attention. Real images from last night’s SNP broadcast:
It’s not a cult, though. The whole thing can be seen here.
I’m terribly sorry, there’s a mistake in the above post. This is the actual broadcast. I couldn’t tell the difference.
link to bbc.co.uk
She who must be obeyed
The short haired one.
You know I didn’t see this, as soon as it started I turned over, I just can’t bear to look at or hear anyone from the SNP talk but god almighty if that doesn’t tell you something your really not paying attention.
How could anyone possibly think that was a smart idea?
Double Plus Ungood
Scotsoc – The MI5 vision for Scotland’s future & past
Got to assume it’s aimed at the younger generation, not brought up reading 1984, and that there is no irony intended in the broadcast at all.
I am desperate for someone to tell me that I missed the point, and that it was about hope, but if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck….
My search for a house in Northumberland just took on a new sense of urgency.
When you see Alex Cole-Hamilton smirking you know you “done” wrong!
“The tentacles of the SNP have poisoned all of our civic bodies with poison.” – Jim Sillars
I’ve said it before, if you vote SNP1 then you are voting for Sturgeon & her Cult to do whatever they want in the next 5 years. She will see EVERY SNP vote as a vote of confidence in HER. Its not about voting for Independence or Union, its about stopping Sturgeon so we don’t live in a fascist country with a dictator trying to jail her enemies, allowing men in female single sex spaces and arresting people for ‘hate’ crimes like saying ‘a woman does not have a penis’.
So don’t vote for her and if you really can’t vote Labour, Liberal or Conservative then spoil your paper. If SNP do badly, she will be forced to resign. The Alba party will have no power to stop her. Alex tried his best in the Inquiry but he failed and will fail again.
Seems Nicola thinks she is a saint for going on TV and must be obeyed. At best she is like a line manager with no charisma. How she thought this ad would be popular shows her utter arrogance and displays her authoritarian, totalitarian brand. Sorry I can’t vote these dangerous cult idiots but I will vote Alex Salmond in the list. Time the intelligent Scots came back to the fore.
When I watched it last night , I forgot how much she resembled Bob Flag.
Alex on GMS this morning, ripped Gary a new arse hole . How I’ve missed the big man – just absolutely brilliant. They are a snide bunch of bastards at the BBC.
Jings, that was creepy and somewhat amateurish. As for the TV images of Nicola Sturgeon – 1984 or what?
Eh… Is it just because I’ve seen too many dystopian pop videos…?
I’ve no problem with a party promoting its leader, but in the current climate of (should be) wanting to build bridges to a splintering party I would have thought promoting a team of people above an individual would be a good move.
Genuinely wonder what the production team felt this imagery was conveying.
I can’t watch the real thing from your link because I don’t have a TV Licence and don’t want the stormtroopers from the Stasi National Party landing on my roof via helicopter and dragging me off to room 101 where I’m forced to listen to endless Sturrell speeches and watch drag queen videos whilst eating hummus on a bed of rocket with my pure mineral water to wash it down.
I’m sure someone will post on youtube.
Very Creepy
Scary! Not watching in case there are subliminal messages. Sturgeon has truly lost the plot.
The devotees would rather drink the Nikoolade than come to their senses though.
Guess some of the indyref money was spent buying up all the old tellys in Scotland
Damn that Rev Stu.
On minute you think you’ve got a scoop, but then you check Wings… lol
I watched it again and I am warming to the message. What is subliminal about it? About it about it about it
I only heard it on the radio and it came across very well.
Other than the #BothVotesSNP nonsense it was very much pro indy.
Don’t watch much telly
Evil Edna
Times like this I’m grateful not to have tv. I watched it through your link though, jeez that was just awful. Sorry Mr Salmond, I’m not voting for her cult any time soon.
No but we voted for you for the last 14 years and our deprived areas are still shiteholes, our education system has got worse, the attainment gap has widened, government tentacles are in our day to day life more frequently but let’s all blame Westminster.
Until there is major change the SNP is never getting my vote again.
Aye, like Nicola herself, that was a bit of a performance.
Morgatron @ 9:20,
Have you got a link?
How Orwellian (even the original version).
Big Sister is watching you!
A dystopian combination of Blair New Labour lies and spin coupled with never grown up Corbyn student activism.
Can’t really get excited about it. Whatever they had released would have been criticised. There is so much pop culture in the archive there could be a negative connotation to just about everything. If it’s your preferred party you will enjoy and agree with the broadcast if it isn’t you won’t, it will not sway a single voter. Just have to swallow the bile this time and vote SNP 1 and Alba 2. This is the absolute last chance saloon for Independence, there is no other party rightly or wrongly in a position to deliver it. If independence doesn’t happen soon we might as well just get on with the suffering in the UK.
All bow down before Big Sister NS LOL!
But seriously the message is entirely justified until the ‘bothvotesSNPgood’ at the end. We had that in 2016 and where did that get us? Five years of prevarication and effectively an admission of a Westminster veto. Notwithstanding “cannae dae anything while there’s a plandemic oan!”
Need mair than what Nicola’s offering. Hence SNP1 ALBA2.
Just got my SNP request for more cash – that won’t be happening, they’ve got my vote but the cash stops until they come up with the goods! Don’t worry Wingers I’ll keep a little something by for Stu’s next fund-raiser. Onwards and upwards, with or without our current leadership.
Wee Chid and others without a tv
Here is a link which Breeks posted on the previous
link to twitter.com
Brilliant Orwell quote..so is this one and a reflection of where we’re at
“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it”
It has to be wrestled from their grasp.
I found it very very creepy
I saw people posting those images on twitter and assumed it must be a mickey take. That’s real?
The SNP comms and advertising people must be stoned.
The SNP are so vacuous and morally bankrupt they no longer understand that popular sci-fi novels and movies are (often) cautionary tales – not fucking blueprints for the future!
…Or do they? (sci-fi plot twist in there somewhere)
I can only hope Salmond has come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And is all out of bubblegum.
`Big Sister`
That was a seriously sh*t PPB. What on earth were they thinking? “Both votes SNP” with no rationale whatsoever? Aye right! Even with next to no money in the bank and completely run by the wokies, they should have………………….well, I suppose. 🙂
Having had experience of filming commercial and political TV ads, I’ve never understood the idea of the huge backdrop with the ‘leaders face’ larger than life.
It’s a common idea, and producers and directors love it. It looks grand and epic. They are selling the product or the brand, and Nicola Sturgeon is the brand. All very American and Presidential.
I think that Rev Stu is bang on the money, it’s looks scary
Slightly off-topic — but why do I have to buy a TV licence to be able to see Election Broadcasts?
I watched this in horror at just how low the SNP have sunk. I think if prove were ever needed that they are NOT an INDEPENDENCE party, this should be all the proof any real YESSER, any real activist fighting for INDEPENDENCE would need to know that what Scotlands has needed for the past 6yrs, is not just a new leader of the SNP but a new party that can replace the SNP. Thank god we have that with ALBA..
Obviously it won’t be at this election, this is an election where ALBA must impress, where they must win seats (many seats) hopefully enough to make them the opposition party to the STURGEON Party. For this election we must work together, Alex will always be head & shoulders above Sturgeon when it comes to thinking on his feet, keeping RECORDS of everything said or done.. While she feigns a bad memory for every dirty deed she has been involved in. HE will remind her..
Once the public realise the only person actually arguing against INDEPENDENCE or another referendum. Is the leader of the so called INDY Government..
Surely she will not sell Scotland out if we have a supermajority.. If she even tries, she will be finished.
Alex is right to say that if we succeed with a supermajority the fight for INDY starts on the 7th of May.
Sturgeon has allowed the WM nasties, to build U.K. buildings, cover all Scots produce in the butchers Apron, She knows the internal market Bill, is ready to go. Removing, if not absolutely closing down HR & yet she wants to give the Clowns in WM more time to do as much damage to our powers, our institutions, & our assets, before she will swallow a little bit of pride & work with ALBA to Stop the carnage that awaits us all.
Proving if she doesn’t she is NOT a leader, just another full of herself careerist who is all about Me Me Me..
Fortunately for my sanity, apart from Line of Duty, I have given up on “Cooncil telly,” so, unless Wee Eck gets onto any election debates, I will not be watching any political stuff between now and 6 May.
It is getting more difficult to stick to my SNP 1, ALBA 2, voting intentions. My ALBA vote is secured, it’s the holding my nose bit on the Constituency where I am struggling.
Meg merrilees says:
7 April, 2021 at 9:34 am
Thanks. Am I ok to watch it alone?
Ooooh, You’ll go to hell for that one…Btw, was that a very young Gregor Fisher at 2.22?
I didn’t really like it but I am sure this will land with some voters as ‘this is that woman that’s been on the telly…..watching over your health’. Not how it came over to me personally but it will depend on awareness of the average voter about other policies, such as ‘nae pizza’ and some of the other Greatest Hits.
I was at least as exercised by the ad’s attempts to make it ‘Nicola v Boris’ in an election where the latter isn’t standing and going on about austerity, which we can only escape any time soon by pursuing independence quickly instead of at a glacial pace (because it’s a reserved policy area, spending. Never mind that many of her advisers seem to favour it in any case).
Then folk moan that folk don’t understand the difference between reserved and devolved policy areas.
7-years ago the Scottish Government was building a new school. The old school was old and knackered and everyone wanted it replaced.
When work started, a chap stepped forward and said: ‘you’ve made a mistake here, this design won’t work now, the school will sink, get it checked’.
The chap was sacked and they just carried-on.
For the past 7-years, the chap has been asking for this school to be checked. He even had it expertly checked himself. At last, two weeks ago, the Scottish Government relented and got it checked.
So, elsewhere in the world it takes a day to get checked, in Scotland it takes 7-years.
No-one knows the results yet. Can the results be redacted?….no they can’t. Can the results be covered-up?….no they can’t. It’s a problem then, isn’t it.
Interestingly enough and just like the Alex Salmond case, all those government officials involved have kept their jobs and those most involved have been promoted.
My MSP is the excellent MSP for Dumbarton and even she cannot make headway at Holyrood. That tells me there is something fundamentally wrong with government in Scotland. That said, the teaching unions haven’t been much help either.
Another similarity with the Salmond case is the fact that Government lawyers are covering everything up. It’s election time and so everyone is extra-sensative. That’s the way they look at it in Scotland and it seems to work for them.
It doesn’t work that way anywhere else in the world.
So, we’re all just waiting….and waiting….and waiting. In the meantime, John Swinney’s out on the campaign trail and so he’s not bothering his shirt.
Can’t wait for the Alba reply with AS in shorts and a vest running into the hall, out of breath and wheezing, before lobbing a sledge hammer at the screen.
Appropriate. She is, after all, being slowly and steadily boxed into a corner.
Well you metropolitan lot can sneer all you like but I’m actually looking forward to Hate Week.
It tells us everything we need to know about the Caledonian version of Ingsoc – Scotsoc? tho’ it sounds like a brand of cheap hosiery! – that nobody in the SNP media team looked at that and thought: “Is it no a wee bit 1984 tho’ lads?”
“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past”.
The current SNP leadership are the “inner party” de nos jours.
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought”
The SNP only want us to listen to the Dear Leader.
“Ignore the last 14 years of SNP misrule. Look into my eyes, not around my eyes, into my eyes……..”
Just when you thought they couldn’t get any creepier.
It is said that the masks come off when people are under extreme pressure. That’s when you see the real character lurking within. Well, our ex-FM and current FM have both been under extreme pressure during the past year. The masks have come off, revealing one to be polite, composed, tacking the difficult personal questions but also keen to move on and win independence for Scotland. The other, however, now reveals a nasty, small-minded, vindictive character, unwilling to let it go and willing to do anything for self-protection. I will leave y’all to decide which one is which. 🙂
Thank you Meg and Breeks for the link above. In general terms I thought the broadcast contents and delivery acceptable. I thought the leader projection section of it crass and ill thought through. Much better, in answer to the question “who will look after you”, would have been some images of our parliament or parliamentarians as a collective team. We don’t need Orwell or V for Vendetta style “great leader” backgrounds, I find it creepy.
Fancy using a programme based on 1984 in a political broadcast. Says a lot to me.
There was a time when SNP broadcasts liked to show beautiful Scottish scenery, not stuck in a dark and dank dystopia.
Rev, just read an article on The Guardian where Alex Salmond’s position was (paraphrased) that a “supermajority” of pro-Indy MSPs would see opposition to a referendum melt away. Isn’t that basically what the SNP have been saying, for which you have roundly criticised them? Doesn’t seem to be a huge difference in approach…
It actually resembled a pisspoor hommage to some of the scenes in ‘Bladerunner’, but without the light hearted jocularity.
Seriously, if that’s all they have to offer, namely the relentless synecdoche and the constant stirring up of hatred (of the kind that’s acceptable), and ‘othering’, we deserve what we get if they get back in to office.
Ah, so the £600k disappeared on the production costs for this Orwellian remake! That’s sorted then!
Its the ‘big, bad Tory’ line again. Waving the spectre of the boogieman in front of us. Eye roll.
Like Labour did for the last 40 years and didn’t make a jot of difference.
I am not sure that too many folk understand just how corrupted the ‘system’ has become over the last few years and the savage manner in which dissent is dealt with.
The SNP are running the country through control rather than governance and suppressing anything that does not appear to conform to their own dogma.
It is as close to totalitarianism as you can get.
We need Alba to fragment this a.s.a.p. and to restore the rule of law and some semblance of democracy.
Because of personal experience, I cannot bring myself to vote SNP1 so will probably wasted that vote or vote tactically to bring down Swinney.
The PPB was apt. It tells you everything about the current state of play.
Or their so broke that they had to go to the dump to get props for their broadcast…
While I don’t think it will be as easy as ‘melt away’ the chief difference between the SNP and Alba positions as I make it is that Salmond might actually ‘do politics’ and try to use other routes to get what he wants, e.g. threaten to go ahead with plebiscitary elections if a referendum is not agreed via section 30.
He mentioned other tactics which could be brought to bear. In short, he seemed to have many routes to ‘exhaust’ while SNP and Sturgeon exhausted the one route they want to push ages ago but are pretending they haven’t.
Eva Peron
link to archive.ph
Are the Scottish public that dumb?
Does this new penchant for dismal underground settings mean that Sturgeon’s habitual post-election photocall with her returned SNP parliamentarians is going to eschew the usual uplifting and iconic backgrounds, the Forth Rail Bridge, the Kelpies etc, in favour of a Room 101 scene?
Perhaps Peter Murrell can sub them.
He must be minted by now.
It’s a bit too V For Vendetta style for my liking. I half expected all the screens and images to explode. It does at least mention independence, but it’s done in such a creepy way I’m not sure it’s going to convince anyone wavering.
“a forced exit that’s dragging Scotland out of Europe against our will”.
No, past participle needed there I’m afraid – dragged. Too late on that front.
Praise the Lord!
Sturgeon United FC has assumed control!
You’re either with them, or against them.
By the way, anyone got £600 grand to spare?
Asking for a friend…
Yeah the SNPs PPP definitely has Orwellian 1984-ish connotations about it, especially with the SNPs personality cult figure Sturgeon popping up on all the screens.
On the Alex Salmond Radio Shortbread interview this morning.
As we can predict all Unionist Interview questions from England’s BBC,
Can I suggest the following answers.
Do want to apologise for sexual harassment?
And 2 Judges, 2 Committees and a mainly female Jury announced
that I had no case to answer.
How about the BBC explains why it became a breading ground for paedos
Like Jimmy Saville, Ralph Harris, Jonathan King, Stuart Hall, etc etc.
Are you saying no one at the BBC ever seen anything happening with so many
involved over so many decades?
You better look at yourselves as the jury is still out on you lot.
You work for nasty Russian TV?
And- No RT give me a free unhindered opportunity to express my point of views without interruption,
without hindrance and allow me to invite distinguished guests with a broad range of views.
None of the Unionist broadcasters would allow any of this as you well know.
Are you gaming the system?
And No the Unionist system came ready gamed to try and prevent an independent majority.
Are you saying that only one Independence Party should be permitted when a boatload of
Unionist parties participate? We had small Unionist Parties the last time around joining the big 3,
UKIP for example.
Can you point me to a BBC interview where you informed Farage he was gaming the system.
The gloves need to come off for these suppressive bully boys.
Attack is the best form of defence.
Ask them who is responsible for signing off on their questions.
Ask you they are voting for?
Ask if they can name anyone on the BBC payroll who dares say they are independence supporters.
Ask if they agree with Westminster’s plans to remove more devolved powers.
Can they confirm why they never made a documentary look at the Vow and how every promise was broken.
Do go to these people to be interviewed, be there to attack them for all they do!
” The SNP comms and advertising people must be stoned. ”
I love a double entendre.
A party that has lost its way needs a new leader.
Vote SNP 1 and ALBA 2 to get indy back on track.
I noticed that a lot of the script rhymed, a sort of rubbish semi-rap. Did Loki write it for them gratis?
And when the pushes come to shoves,
Mummy Bear will eat her cubs.
Speaking of Orwell’s ‘1984’, wonder w hat would be waiting for Sturgeon in room 101?
Her eyelids pulled back Alex ‘A Clockwork Orange’ style, as a film loop plays of Salmond resuming the role of First Minister, and leading Scotland to Independence?
Viddy well, young Nicola, viddy well.
WOW there is no mistaking those optics is there…when they tell you who they are, BELIEVE THEM!
Is this an attempt at mass hypnosis.
Have the Scottish people, or more correctly those few unfortunates who watched the broadcast by mistake, been put to sleep.
@Spike 10.09 am
The point is that a supermajority allows Holyrood to dissolve its current session and call plebiscitary elections to subvent a yoon veto of #indyref2. As John Martin stated at 10.14 am, Alex is proposing a number of different approaches and tactics some of which can be used concurrently to improve the chances of independence being achieved.
What those of us critical of the SNP have to hammer home is that an absolute SNP majority post May elections, or an SNP/Green coalition, simply delivers 5 more years of the same gradualist stasis we’ve endured since 2014. The only hope then would be that SNP members stage a coup to rid themselves of the Sturgeon’s Peronism. It would not be wise to bet the farm on the SNP membership growing a pair given their supine reaction to the Sturgeonites thus far.
Not allowed to watch via that link without a TV tax licence. Seen enough, anyway.
Meanwhile the NewSNP President is asking people on Twitter to give money to Bella Caledonia. He doesn’t answer questions about all the missing “woven-through” money already given to NewSNP.
I can see what they thought they were trying to do. But. It came across like a dark graphic novel visually, the music was sinister, and the message wasn’t targeted at the Scottish people. The target was Alba. For almost the first time the SNP has been forced to go on the constitutional question, of independence. And only one man, one party, is responsible for that. As Ian MacWhirter said at the weekend “Only Alex Salmond could dominate an election campaign by saying nothing”. He’s not the elephant in the room; he’s the lion, and the other parties are watching, and responding desperately to his very existence. But Nic still can’t bring herself to see the folly of “both votes SNP”. Only when she swallows her pride and hate, and backs Alba on the second vote, will she regain any credibility as an independence seeking nationalist.
Humza’s been busy drafting the new Thoughtcrime Bill for the new parliament.
Ohh the irony
Douglass Ross looks like losing 6 seats to George Galloway and his All For Unity Party set up by Michael Gove and George Galloway.
A London tory scheme is cutting the legs away from the Tories in Scotland and Douglass Ross will take the blame for not being as loud as the Baroness and she has a cushy future ahead!.
If he had a pair of balls he would tell them where to shove it.
Well the National newspapers star comment in its comments pages, is one that has a go at Alex Salmond, and here’s me thinking that the National newspaper didn’t support any political party, and that it supported Scottish independence, silly me.
1984 – Big Brother is watching ((((((shiver))))))
What idiot thought the Scots would embrace images like that. It had a very negative impact on me given the leaders in history who adopted that style of self promotion.
Are the SNP deliberately trying to make themselves unelectable?
Are the SNP comms people really Alba supporters and simply taking the piss?
Oh dear, so if we take the Apple 1984 ad, can we cast Alba in Apple’s role?
link to youtube.com watch?v=R706isyDrqI
The subtext of the broadcast is that Sturgeon’s voice is the only one to listen to and that the SNP IS Sturgeon.
Cue the next generation of SNP leaders.
Project Fear – The Rise of Alba.
What a strange interview this morning with BBCGaryR. Lots of bizarre questions with a menacing undercurrent of they are still going to get you, Mr Salmond.
I don’t know how he kept his cool with those Russia questions. You can imagine Smith and McDonald sitting there like Waldorf and Statler heckling Gary R. ‘Ask him about Salisbury, Gary, ask him!’
All in all a very undignified and unhinged collective losing of sh*t from the establishment.
Weird, that reference to the Apple 1984 ad was an intentionally broken link, sans H T T P : / / and with a space added, and yet it somehow got partially repaired.
So use your favourite search engine to find it.
At the end of the first link (1984), I could believe that was Alyn Smith on the screen.
Well at least we know who he models himself on!
From some of the reactions on Twitter to Alba, the posters would have been shoe-ins for parts in that clip too!
‘The governments that care most about Scotland will be Scottish governments, of whatever party.’
Odd line for SNP election broadcast.
It’s the SNP state of mind
Looks vaguely familiar.
link to imdb.com
A really awful political broadcast – sinister, whinging and full of shit. And beyond emptily calling for independence, it was relentlessly negative. The message is the same old same old: nothing is our fault, everything is Westminster’s fault; it will all be wonderful when we are independent because we are better than the English (code: ‘Westminster’) because we ‘care’ whilst they are bastards.
But as Jerry Sadowitz pointed out, actually getting independence would be bad because then the moaning and blaming the English would have to stop (eventually anyway), and this is now bolstered by the cosy, feet-under-the-table SNP MP gravy train that can sit back in London, moan, huff, scoff, vote against everything as a single Stepford Wives’ unit, all the while drawing a nice big salary, significant perks, and backslapping newly-made ‘helpful’ contacts behind closed doors, whilst basking in the sickly, ghoulishly nourishing glow of perpetual self-righteous indignation.
(I’ll get me coat)
Throw the SNP out, and let Salmond build up the Alba Party to become the main force at Holyrood. Yes it might take some time, but instead of a morally bankrupt regime who pretend to want independence, Scotland will have a government to be proud of. They will have captured the moral high ground and will make the goal of independence much more attainable. I wish AS had let Alba contest the constituency seats this time round. Perhaps that was a bridge too far.
Sorry folks, link didn’t work.
Was a still from 1984 with John Hurt, gloomy room and dear leaders face projected on wall behind.
Check it out on Imbd.
I’m rather disappointed they didn’t show Salmond as Emmanuel Goldstein. Would be interesting to get hold of the original storyboard. I bet I wouldn’t be disappointed then.
Now if only Kim Yo-jong would depose her brother we could twin Scotland with North Korea.
Astonished says:
7 April, 2021 at 10:25 am
” The SNP comms and advertising people must be stoned. ”
I love a double entendre.
Yeah, that made me smile too… lol
There is an additional method apparent the the Alba approach of not contesting the constituencies.
Which is if they don’t achieve their aim this cycle, then in 2026 they should have the recognition to contest constituencies and the lists (i.e. propose to take over from the SNP), together with another list only party (e.g. ISP) taking on Alba’s current role.
Essentially a clever approach to reducing what might otherwise be a 25-30 year period to bring a replacement for the SNP to the fore.
re AS and that ridiculous interview on BBC North Britain this morning – Alex was expert, as usual.
As happened with Kate Garraway, he was asked a question requiring a detailed answer and whilst he was still answering it, they were asking him another question.
Rule number one – listen to the answer and then ask another question that develops that line. At least give the guest the respect and time to answer your question.
The inteviewers’ inexperience really shows up since in their excitement to get to the ‘real’ questions they want to ask , they interrupt more and speak quicker and more breathlessly
to try and chivvy things along.
We had the old chestnut of – I’ll ask you a third time, as you haven’t answered my question….. re the Skripal’s and did Alex think Russia was to blame at which point Alex, (like a frustrated tutor shaking his head in disbelief at the ineptness of the student in the spotlight) said that he was finding it increasingly puzzling to try and understand what all this had to do with his launch of the ALBA party and the Scottish election.
When Gary then said it was basically because Alex was a puppet of RT (my words)Alex pointed out that he makes his programme for an independent company which RT chooses to show on their channel. They have no editorial input and since Gary works at the BBC he must appreciate how lucky he is that a political programme can report freely and without any outside editorial input, as he surely experiences working in the BBC.
Game, Set and Match to Mr. Salmond.
We need so much more of this.
No wonder Nicola/Glen Campbell/BBC are describing him as ‘the Bogeyman’ today.
Like many, I see Brave New World having a bit of an edge on 1984 in the dystopian novel genre.
As critic Neil Postman put it;
“Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevence”.
“Watch me, as my Godlike words and countenance turn back the tide..”
2021 SNP Campaign Fund Appeal
Dear ( redacted)
The Scottish Election on May 6 is the most important in OUR lifetime.
If re-elected as your First Minister, I’ll do my best to steer Scotland safely through Covid.
Better days are ahead ********************************the SNP is ready to put OUR plans for recovery into action.
(Donate now. This is the most important election in Scotland’s history) Nicola Sturgeon
I think the SNP are trolling the people of Scotland, or they really are a bunch of cults.
Although after watching the launch by the Alba party I see they’re fully signed up to the identity politics guff. They’ve eased up on the support for trans women, be interested on their stance on trans men.
Lost interest when they went all in on women being the focus of policies, take it the other half of the population aren’t important.
After the nasty Halloween photos at the top of this page (thanks) Scary Stu., just posted here is some VERY good news and it’s all the front pages of the MSM in meltdown…
FFS these London based trumpets REALLY do not understand Scots. Hint to the creepy sweaty Express cunt who mumbled an unintelligible Unionist amateur trap question at the Alba Party press conference yesterday, a remarkably civil Alex Salmond gave a polite reply.
I struggle to comprehend how twisted those Unionist hacks are when, in such bare-faced hypocritical chattieness, they then throw their monkey-dung questions at Alex. Within 24 hours of so doing, the aforesaid hacks then spin what they think are clever PROJECT FEAR headlines.
To the creepy guy from the Express, oy “mate”, if look up the word “thrawn” in a dictionary, you will see a photo of a Scotsman.
At first glance this looks terrible. Then let the penny drop…
link to bbc.co.uk
Alex, and a political party now bigger than the LibDems may be banned by the BBC, but if anyone in Scottish civic society were unaware of the Alba Party, they sure as Hell know about it now.
Whatever your viewpoint, the average Joe and Johanna McGlumpher that doesn’t really do politics, but ALWAYS votes as well they should; those NON-anorak folk will see the headline.
I thought twice about posting this comment for fear these Amadans might moderate the ferocity of their Alba hating headlines. But FFS the cat is well out of the bag and on social media now 🙂
Many, many people will see just one thing….
We ain’t going for IndyRef2. If Alex Salmond and the Alba Party get into Holyrood, that means WE START NEGOTIATING FOR SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE THE VERY NEXT DAY.
Alex Salmond is a pure genius. As well as a world class statesman, he has really thought this through.
Thank you Alex.
SNP 1 (it will give you diahorrea but you need to VOTE shit for this to work).
Who knows perhaps the people who did the graphics on that election broadcast are actually secret independence supporters. ‘Nicola will love having her boat race plastered all over the screen. She’ll think, “that’s exactly what I want more me”. Normal peeps on the other hand will be creeped out by the evil threatening dystopian imagery.’
Brought to you by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. Official sponsors of the New World Order.
No way am I voting for nazis.
For the few loan voices intending not to vote SNP 1.
I’d like nothing more than to not vote for my current SNP MSP, however apart from the Super-majority smart-strategy – the one Sturgeon loathes and fears – it’s also very possible that the SNP MSP you’re reluctant to vote for will, straight after the election, immediately jump ship to Alba – let’s see Sturgeon deal with that monumental slap in the dish/vote of zero-confidence.
No, we won’t know until it happens, but I’m sure we’ll see more than a few doing exactly that, and one of them could well be the guy/girl you’re advocating against.
SNP 1.
Alba 2.
Wee Willie says:
7 April, 2021 at 10:58 am
Throw the SNP out, and let Salmond build up the Alba Party to become the main force at Holyrood. Yes it might take some time…
I think that is the Plan Willie, but it’s Plan B, and it’s a contingency behind the Plan “A” Supermajority in May.
Right now, SNP1 and ALBA2 is the direct route to a fast and emphatic victory. Hopefully the SNP grassroots get’s the message and ignore’s Sturgeon’s both votes SNP mantra.
Maybe what we need now is for AUOB, YES, Now Scotland etc to come together and endorse the SNP 1 ALBA 2 strategy with confidence building enthusiasm. Share some of the heavy lifting for ALBA, circumvent the SNP “management” and hope there are enough exasperated YES foot soldiers within the SNP ranks to make the SNP1 ALBA2 strategy deliver the result we want.
Don’t forget, it isn’t actually the SNP we need to persuade. It’s the Scottish voter.
Good morning Scotland is clearly following a Westminster attack line on Alba. Scripal, RT, inappropriate conduct. Vary shallow on policies and tactics.
What really annoys me about BBC Scotland is the laughable and amateurish way they spout their propaganda. Garry Robertson should blush.
A passing thought on Boris rejecting any majority, he will be acting like Xi Jinping treating the people of Honk Kong!!!
Think about that Garry.
On top of all the Russian money flowing into the Conservative party think about Boris as a typical communist enforcer. Certainly, puts his famous speech about the scots in perspective.
“I would go further. The nation
Deserves not merely isolation
But comprehensive extermination.
We must not flinch from a solution.
There never seems to be a hate crime bill around when you need one.
Inspired by Al-Stuart, I thought I’d take a look at the BBC web site. Some headlines for you:
Labour unveil plans to create jobs for under 25s
Conservatives unveil plans to protect natural environment
Salmond wants independence talks in ‘week one’ of new Holyrood term
Labour have been planning to create jobs for the under 25s for as long as I can remember. As for the Tories that’s that’s about as likely as Boris is of telling the truth. The dismal BBC North Britain the dismal Unionists at their most dismal.
No planning for Alex, just doing.
@TNS2019 – “I am not sure that too many folk understand just how corrupted the ‘system’ has become over the last few years and the savage manner in which dissent is dealt with.
The SNP are running the country through control rather than governance and suppressing anything that does not appear to conform to their own dogma.
It is as close to totalitarianism as you can get”.
What you are talking about is the concept of ‘public protection’ and that requires honest and accountable law officers.
We don’t have that in Scotland just now where our law officers are regarded as figures of fun. Scottish law is now synonymous with ‘redactor pens’ and ‘John Swinney’.
We all have experiences to go-on and my experience this is as bad as it gets. This is worse than Saudi Arabia and worse than Africa.
You are more likely to be ‘supressed’ by the Scottish Government than you are by the Governments of either of those countries. Unfortunately, I am experienced enough to know what I am talking about.
The SNP missed a trick there as I thought it started of ok but they should have shown Westminster as Big Brother and SNP / Indy as the antidote. In the end its confusing as it just makes SNP look like Big brother #2.
I think NS and the core of the SNP know exactly what they’re doing with that piece. They think their ‘big guns’ are safe and are trying to lose constituency seats while not afraid to dump votes on the List.
It is now their only way to stop the super-majority. That is now their priority.
Don’t let them.
Stand Together SNP 1 ALBA 2
somerled says:
“I’ve said it before, if you vote SNP1 then you are voting for Sturgeon & her Cult to do whatever they want in the next 5 years. She will see EVERY SNP vote as a vote of confidence In her.”
Somerled, your entire post is the most sensible thing I’ve read in days. I genuinely can’t believe that people’s rush for independence (right now) outweighs the cost of living in an almost dystopian dictatorship where the country might be independent – but the individual is not.
The Joseph de Maistre quotation regards every nation getting the government it deserves springs to mind.
@Kenny 11.26 am
It depends where you live. I’m in Edinburgh central. I will not vote for Robertson under any circumstances. If that means Graham Campbell gets in on the list, it’s regrettable but still worth it to see Robertson defeated. Robertson and his ilk aren’t going to jump ship or defy the Sturgeonista Loyal.
It is of course more likely that unionists tactical voting and the Scottish Greens doing their usual thing and standing constituency candidates where they have no hope of winning (yet strangely being immune to criticism for splitting the pro-indy vote) will hand the seat to the Tories. Sooner that frankly than another seat which might contribute to an outright SNP majority!
Voters need to weight the odds. SNP 1 / Alba 2 makes sense in most locations, but there are good arguments to be made for tactical voting to surgically remove particular targets like Sturgeon, Swinney & stop ultra loyalists like Robertson.
Broadcast also reminds me of Fish video ‘credo’
Yep, it’s the tried and trusted old “enemy without” line, re-bottled.
Fred and Somerled
I have two balls.
You can each suck on one of them.
Coupla loony unys in full panic mode right there
Sturgeon won’t be happy until she has full control over the entire population and even their thoughts. Let’s be honest, she has loved this pandemic and the control it has given her despite the fact that she has managed it poorly – BoJo’s incompetence has made her appear slightly better.
I cannot understand the mindset of someone like her but she must be psychopathic and so long as she is in charge of the SNP, it will be NO VOTES SNP from me – I couldn’t bring myself to give one iota of credence to her disgusting leadership and ideology of control and ‘we know what’s best for you’ attitude.
I hope the SNP perform terribly at the upcoming elections and it forces them to look very closely at their disgraceful policies and contempt of the Scottish people. Maybe they might just realize that Sturgeon is so toxic that she needs flushed out like the revolting turd she is.
Here is the interview alluded to earlier with Alex Salmond on GMS:
link to bbc.co.uk
Starts approx 2h36m in and you’ll need a BBC login.
On a related note it’s an irritating trait when commenters say they’ve heard, watched, read this amazing thing and don’t provide a sodding link.
“You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.”
We were looking for the creator who is also the destroyer. Five more years of this and it will be too late. If we don’t kill it now independence is dead.
All governments are now in thrall to GlobSoc. All dance to the pseudo religious sentimental tune of the «mega influencers».and the latter day Covidian cultists who propelled by international organisms with zero democratic accountability dictate agendas, restructure and re-engineer in their own so perfected image.
Like this rewrite history from the «Scottish» Green party.
link to thenational.scot
What you seek to destroy you infect with the intellectual slavery of self-loathing.
Fortunately, before they burn the books, we still have real historical fact and evidence.
For those who haven’t seen it, there’s a superb interview with Alex on Scot Goes Pop.
There was a time, back in the days of Labour’s dominance when SNP PPBs – unlike last night’s scary crap – were often simple and homely. A wee playlet set around a kitchen table with two or three actors, maybe one of them a weel-kent face.
There would be a discussion about who they’d vote for. One character would be the unthinking Labour voter who’d never contemplated doing otherwise. “Ahm voting Labour, it’s always for the best”. The SNP supporter would reply by putting the benefits of indy. The Labour supporter, and maybe the third floating voter character, would scoff. The SNP voter would stand their ground. “Why keep oan voting Labour when things never change?”. Camera cuts to close up of the Labour guy starting to look thoughtful and slightly, almost imperceptibly, nodding.
Irony of ironies. It’s now, why vote SNP2 when it’ll never change things?
If you want to maximise ALBA, you have to vote SNP for your constituency vote.
It really is that simple, and it’s genius.
(Unless you are in Sturgeon’s or Swinney’s or Robertson’s constituency, obviously).
What a gloomy depressing 2 minutes watch that was.
What genius decided having some miserable girl walking around what looks like a derelict warehouse talking in a flat boring voice would inspire anything.
And then almost bizarrely she is talking in rhymes, what the actual fuck.
And really… having Sturgeon’s face appear like that is so ill judged it blows the mind. Who approved that dreary pish. Looks expensive as well.
No vision, no positivity, no plan. Usual pish.
I agree on Glasgow Southside.
But Swinney is a wee snivelling prick and Robertson is just plain desperate.
As soon as they get back in the Chamber with Alex Salmond – they’ll baith be daen as theyr telt!
Was BBCGaryR asking AS as a member of the public what his opinion was over the Skripal poisoning or as someone privy to information we do not have?
Is AS still a privy council member? I very much doubt he gets sensitive briefings sent to him since he stepped down from politics last time. In fact, he is persona non grata since his programme was taken up by RT. So why the question? Is this a question in the McCarthyite tradition?
Paul Hutcheon adding to the Putin hysteria here:
link to twitter.com
So the tactics now are that AS is to be smeared as a Putin sympathiser because to deviate from the simplistic comical demonisation of Putin is to support him. No wonder we cannot have any proper debate in our media or politics with garbage like this spouted by snivelling scrotes like Hutcheon. It is pathetic, truly pathetic.
@shug says: 7 April, 2021 at 10:37 am
“Douglass Ross looks like losing 6 seats to George Galloway and his All For Unity Party set up by Michael Gove and George Galloway.”
It has fk all to do with Michael Gove – it’s being bankrolled by Jamie Blackett, a “liberatarian” mega landowning Laird of Arbigland and Part Of The Fking Problem whose notion of “Freedom” tends to that part of the Tory Party lampooned in Tom Robinson’s “Power In The Darkness”, ie. “Freedom from the likes of you!” and knowing one’s place, you peasant scum you!
I can well guess what he and Galloway REALLY have in common, let’s just say a certain old hatred that often makes for strange bedfellows …
I could barely believe this. What are they thinking
“Rev, just read an article on The Guardian where Alex Salmond’s position was (paraphrased) that a “supermajority” of pro-Indy MSPs would see opposition to a referendum melt away. Isn’t that basically what the SNP have been saying, for which you have roundly criticised them?”
Personally I don’t agree with him on that. I think there are only two possible positive outcomes of this election:
(1) the SNP don’t get a majority, but Alba get enough seats that the two are enough combined. Alba can then put down pro-indy motions and defy the SNP to vote against them.
(2) the SNP do get a majority, do nothing about independence and push all their woke bullshit. There would be nothing Alba could do about that (other than the above, but they’d have no leverage), but if they get a decent block of seats they could become a much-needed credible alternative indy party by the time of the next election.
Outcome (1) is quite a narrow window to hit, and it’s not one you can aim at tactically, you just have to hope you get lucky. We’re all cheered up by the arrival of Alba, but make no mistake – we’re in a bad situation, and if (1) doesn’t happen I think we’re absolutely definitely boned for at least five years. Even if it does happen we still might be, but it’s our only hope.
I absolutely see the logic of Alba advocating SNP1, but even with logic as my main driving force I don’t think I could bring myself to do it if I had a vote, because the danger if the SNP get a majority by themselves is just too enormous.
The only thing with any MORAL significance, meanwhile, is if indy parties get a majority of the VOTE. In that context I don’t think it makes any difference whether it’s 51% or 75% (and it’s not going to be 75% anyway). I don’t think getting 70% of the seats on 49% of the vote would carry any moral weight at all.
The argument against that is that Boris Johnson doesn’t give a shit about morals, and has a majority of seats on barely over 40% of the vote, so what’s sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander.
And that’s a perfectly fair argument – we live in Parliamentary democracies, in both Scotland and the UK, not representative ones. Number of seats, not number of votes, is what counts and the rules should be the same for both Parliaments.
But it doesn’t get us anywhere, because we’ve had a pro-indy majority of seats for the last five years, voted twice for a new referendum, and it achieved nothing because the SNP leadership refused to act on it. The only way that MIGHT change is if they need Alba’s support. But TBH I think we’re more likely looking at outcome (2) if we’re lucky.
I see there is an Ipsos Mori poll out with Alba on 3% of the list, with the Greens and Labour up 4% each on last outing.
Are the pollsters telling lies about Green support to try and divert 2nd votes there (‘if you’re annoyed with the SNP, then vote Green because they are 2nd pro-indy party, waste of time voting anyone else’)?
I am sorry but I refuse to believe that 12% of voters will vote Green on the list on the day. There is literally no reason for their vote to almost double from 6.6% last time. What have they done to deserve that?
Graeme @ 11.57
apologies if your comment about not providing ‘ a sodding link’ was aimed at me – but I don’t have a TV licence and cannot access any RADIO replay services provided by the BBC and so I am unable to provide a link.
However, you might notice that near the top of the thread @ 9.34 I did in fact provide a link for today’s readers so that they could watch the SNP PPB and contribute to this thread if they don’t have a TV.
We’re not being lazy, it’s just that people have various different set-up’s and have different levels of computer literacy e.g. I don’t know how to archive newspaper articles so I rely on others on this thread to archive something if I’ve flagged it up.
Bear with us, we can’t all be computer geeks.
Now you’ve heard it, what did you think about the interview?
Well folks I’ll give you some bad news, aimed at those who don’t ‘get’ or understand what that TV Commercial was all about.
Advertising is best understood as a code, only those who an Ad is aimed at will understand it, for those who don’t the Agency or Client isn’t bothered, it’s just not aimed at them.
This TV Commercial (for that is what it was in the guise of a PBB) was aimed at anyone in the age-bracket 16-30, it will have been researched and focus-grouped to the satisfaction of the Suits and signed off by the client.
That’s the way it works, sorry folks but your opinion doesn’t matter any more.
Let me give you a 2nd lesson. It’s the best definition of a Brand I ever heard – ‘A successful Brand is a complex (as in inter-related) set of satisfactions guaranteed.’
If you think of the SNP purely as a Brand, it’s in the process
of being destroyed by short-term tactical moves such as that TV Commercial.
Here endeth the lesson.
Your list idea is being used against you. Now that people understand it they will vote SNP1 and Green2.
Your idea only works if you have monopoly.
Stu, outcome 3.
An actual supermajority of indy msps call a snap plebiscite election.
Unlikely, but the chance is there, so, SNP 1, ALBA 2.
Alex’s strong recommendations to vote SNP on the Constituency and Alba on the List are brilliant.
Like most on here I am not happy with the SNP and expect that if Alba have a good number of MSPs, then, after the election there will be a rapid realignment, with many SNP MSPs giving open support to an early move to Independence.
The summer of 2022 would be a good time for a referendum.
To make this plan work we HAVE to follow Alex’s plan. SNP plus Alba. It won’t work any other way.
Good moment to mention that the Named Person Scheme has been partially resurrected as the Health and Wellbeing Census, and would alredy have been rolled out were it not for covid.
“When the questionnaire is fully implemented it will see pupils asked about, amongst many other things, their relationship with their parents or guardians, and their mental health. Putting aside whether these matters are in any way the business of the state, it raises the disturbing prospect of a situation where an overzealous or unwise official picks up on minor family difficulties or a lack of zest in a child and reports them as potential abuse or mental illness.
As Richard Lucas of the Scottish Family party, who calls the scheme ‘Named Person 2.0’ points out, there are a few disturbing details in the small print of the scheme’s documentation. You can opt out, but this is not made obvious. And nor is the fact that though ostensibly for ‘research’ purposes, information gleaned from the questionnaire can be passed on to ‘other approved organisations and researchers’. This seems to suggest that a gripe from a disgruntled teen could potentially lead to a knock on the door.”
From the Spectator.
Piss off Martini.
The ‘monopoly’ lies in ‘proposing routes to independence beyond a section 30’.
This cypher has been ruling by fiat for a year on behalf of Globalist banking cartels.
@Fireproofjim – If we all vote SNP on the constituency, then SNP have a strong working majority and things quickly go from bad to worse.
@Meg merrilees
It wasn’t aimed at you.
I thought the interview was a robust one. Salmond clearly set out why voters considering the Greens should move to Alba. He also set the scene for weighing the SNP’s balls for an indyref.
I’ve always been uncomfortable with Salmond lending his credibility to RT and it was fair for Gary Robertson to bring it up. GR/GMS now need to ask the same questions about Russian poisoning to every Tory they inyerview given how much funding their party gets from Putin-backed donors.
I am so persuaded by the SNP broadcast that I have decided to follow one of their main policies – self identification. From now on I no longer wish to be known as Merganser, instead please call me The Great Northern Diver.
Males and females are virtually indistinguishable; they like ducking and diving; and they may be referred to by their alternative name:
The Common Loon.
Just like whoever dreamt up this rubbish
The Alba party will have no power to stop her. Alex tried his best in the Inquiry but he failed and will fail again.
This is my fear, tbh. That ALBA succeeds in brining in loads more votes for the SNP (and maybe the Greens as well) but doesn’t secure enough itself to have any real effect on the increasingly dystopian policies they’re putting in place, or help push them towards independence. We’re at the point in Scotland where real change is desperately needed and if that doesn’t happen, the next five years could be truly awful and put an end to any hopes of independence. But if there is a huge SNP vote and an SNP-Green majority, Sturgeon will take that as a personal vote and become even worse. I’ll still give the SNP my first vote but *only* because my local SNP is a decent one. I have no desire whatsoever to give Sturgeon and the party a vote of confidence.
Nicola Sturgeon doesn’t scare me and neither does the SNP. I saw through them long ago and I know how criminally corrupt and sinister they are, no better than common thieves and gangsters who use blackmail and threats to get the power and wealth they want. I can sleep at night knowing that I will never lend that shower of bastards my support again and I will raise a dram or 10 when the Sturgeon leadership cabal face justice and are sent down for long prison sentences.
What does scare me are the people this political advert is designed to troll. Nicola Sturgeon knows she’s corrupt, she is well read enough to know the core message of 1984 and she also knows that her core support and even ol Alec Salmond, who in my view appears to have completely lost his marbles, will vote for her no matter what. There I was thinking that Alex Salmond would change back into the fold and take on Nicola Sturgeon, instead he wants to ride on her coat tails and be her patsy. His attempts to try and become her friend again after what she did to him are embarrassing.
This advert is just another spit in the face of every single person who has been let down by and stolen from by the SNP and lack the self respect to do anything else but vote SNP. She’s saying to all of them that “I Nicola Sturgeon am a corrupt totalitarian who has stolen from you, corrupted your government and legal system, removed your right to freedom of speech and this is only the beginning. I am even using this advert to show you where we are heading and you and the rest of my cult will always vote for me. You are stupid and I know it and I’m now even telling you that I know it. Vote for me you mindless fools.”
Well folks, I presume the general wings consensus is SNP1? Good luck with that. I’m lucky enough that I have done well enough that if it gets really bad I can leave the country; I hope the SNP 1 crowd have made similar contingency plans because it the SNP get back in Alex Salmond is not going to be able to do anything about it, he will end up as the new Patrick Harvie and Scotland will be finished.
SilverDarling says: at 10:45 am
“Project Fear – The Rise of Alba.”
Aye, you’re not far wrong. After a year of covid and lockdown one might have thought a bright, uplifting, inspiring and positive message and imagery for a future Scotland would resonate with folk better than that dark dystopian attempt.
Iain Lawson’s latest.
link to yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com
Strangely reminiscent of the Mc Ewan’s lager advert of the mid 1980s
When the workers trapped in the dystopian world are looking through a window into a bar then they roll the big round rock they have been pushing round and round right through the window .
As someone pointed out some of these moves that show a not so pretty future are in the most part a warning of things to come , and not a fkn blue print for the use of this SNP Mafia .
The fact is it’s our fault ,our fault for being so trusting they were on our side so they must be the good guys how fkn stupid we were , this whole sorry fkn mess is down to Sturgeon and her close circle I will never trust another bloody word she says I hope ALBA make use of them while they are of value ,after that toss the fkrs in the bin where they belong .
She has as a few have said Poisoned the Well I don’t know how deeply the rot goes and sometimes it’s better just to cut the infestation out completely there is probably not much worth saving a bottom up rebuild but it might be hard to identify the ones who caused the problem in the first place ,it’s probably been the mass influx of supporters after 2014 we don’t know who has come on board, strangely the same problem affected the Labour Party maybe it’s just moved party’s
Keep burying your head in the sand @martin
You old people have no spunk or fight.
“It is to Madame Justice that I dedicate this concerto, in honor of the holiday that she seems to have taken from these parts, and in recognition of the impostor that stands in her stead.”
People keep making the mistakeof thinking that Bozo is in competently stumbling and bumbling making up shit as he goes along while the truth is that his Government has been stringing the public along continually changing the goalposts on Lockdowns and using an emergency situation to institute the most draconian system of surveillance and control we have ever experienced as a people. The Government seeks to micro managed our lives. Does anyone believe Government will just hand back Liberty? If you do believe that maybe you believe in the section 30 Unicorn? Governments are far too keen to make us take untested vaccines for my liking. I will not be manipulated by Government or NHS into taking part in a gene therapy experiment. Any Doctors reading this should remember the Nuremberg Code.
This will be played on the hour every hour in the workcamps for those guilty of wrongthink.
I’d say anything over 65 MSPs is a majority so more would be a supermajority, well in my book anyway.
We can only hope that the ALBA party returns enough seats to influence Sturgeon’s unmoving position on Scottish independence. If as I expect Sturgeon puts down the idea of any Plan B after the 6th of May elections, using umpteen economic excuse etc, then we know where she stands on independence and more to the point so will the public.
Again if Alex Salmond gets elected, I’m sue he’ll put to Sturgeon that being in this union is the crux of the down turn on the Scottish union, and it has been for over 300 years.
Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
7 April, 2021 at 9:03 am
I’m terribly sorry, there’s a mistake in the above post. This is the actual broadcast. I couldn’t tell the difference.
Baaahahahahahahaha!!!! 😀
I watched the start of that clip with Zack de la Rocha reading the words.
Needless to say, Cosyfeet thought the PPB was “fantastic”.
“Governments are far too keen to make us take untested vaccines for my liking.”
We have 30-40 deaths per day in the UK at the moment. We once had more than a thousand per day. Brazil currently has 4000 per day. Europe is experienceing a third wave more virulent than the first two waves.
For me anyway, these are the results I look at.
Labour focus on jobs for the unemployed?
In Wales where Labour have been in power for
21 years the latest unemployment rate I can find is 4.5 %.
In Scotland it’s 4.1%.
So why would we put Labour in power with lame ideas
that will deliver greater unemployment?
The make the same stupid statements on the NHS here.
We operate a vastly superior service to Labour NHS Wales.
Vote Labour in Scotland and make everything worse!
Vote Tory and have nothing left to make worse.
Sickening SNP 1 Alba 2 to steer us out of SNP troubled waters.
For those who rightly refuse to go through the iPlayer registration wall, someone’s stuck it on YouTube already.
There’s only a handful of seconds of full on Shortbread Stalin mode. It’s mostly the ABC1-accented Millennial Bonnie Lass character reciting the catechisms of F1-key anti Toryism to swelling music. It is in effect a Green Party production. There’s almost nothing here that looks like it’s meant to play well to anyone in Drumchapel or Easterhouse.
They may as well fore-title it as “A party political broadcast intended for all the voters they don’t take for granted, on behalf of the Scottish National Party“
@Republicofscotland 12.59pm
Holyrood’s own rules on voting define a supermajority as two thirds. That’s 86 out of 129. To call new elections we’d need an additional 16 pro-indy MSPs on the current total.
As Stu and others including myself have been pointing out for some time, this only works if Alba hold the balance of power. An SNP majority or SNP/Green gradualist coalition condemns us to 5 more years of pounding the same rocks we’ve been pounding for the past 6 years.
Take the first step and get ALBA into the Scot Parliament with a super majority.
Declare the Sovereign Will of the people to terminate the T.o.U. as a result of severe breaches of the Treaty (Brexit +)and the refusal of WM to relinquish their perceived entitlement to rule alone.
HE21 SNP-1 ALBA-2 😉
HE22-26 ALBA-1 Anyone else-2 🙂
Haha, that set looks pinched from The Ipcress File where Harry Palmer is tortured in the chair on the podium. Why else is it there? In the film he is brainwashed in the chair.
I think the producers are sending us a subliminal message. Also notice the stacked up TV’s are old cathode ray sets – which definitely situates it in Big Brother territory, the bakelite and valve era. Is that what they are trying to convey about Chairman Nicola, Big Sister and thoughtcrime?
I can’t believe they actually thought this was a good idea, since it looks like a parody of cold war films. There is no policy, as usual, except blood curdling descriptions of Westminster, with the promise that we can ‘send them a message’ – with no expectations that this will change anything. Yes, that’ll show them.
What a curious pop video/horror film. Is this what they really meant, or did some overpromoted teenage media studies graduate come up with what they thought was ‘cool’ imagery?
Hilarious. Just consider that this is a party and a politician (none other is mentioned) that thinks it is good at communication. And this is what they come up with. A cheap student short with no content, just recycled imagery which doesn’t mean what they think it means. Facepalm.
Looks like the advise appears to be ‘every body likes you, you are doing a good job on the pandemic, women prefer you to Salmond’. All based on polls!
Mention IndyRef2, to keep them onside or else they’ll vote for that horrible party, ALBA.
Come on Private Eye.
Dish the dirt.
Sturgeon is not going quietly.
LOL!! It’s shite beyond words and to think, somebody got paid to make that!!
This is pure fascist 1984 totalitarian allegory.
The music, the backdrop, the multiple television screens, the background image of the silent Supreme Leader.
This was a party broadcast unlike any broadcast ever seen before.
Dark dark minds conjured this up.
Ian Mac, you are confirming what Isaid above. You are absolutely spot-on in your summary and so is everyone else (the Commercial is what we used to call ‘Derivative Crap’) but you and the others are I would imagine over 30, with life experience and some discernment?
Unfortunately however the Target Market is not you or I.
How much easier, and better for Scotland it would be, if Sturgeon won a “once in a lifetime” round the World cruise, and just fked off out the way, and quite literally disappeared on a slow boat to China for a few months. Maybe Australia would even keep her.
After six years of stagnation, she has nothing to give, nothing to offer, no progress whatsoever to show us in 6 dreadful years, not a single strategic initiative in her armoury, and all the charisma of a fugitive expecting to get their collar felt any minute. Her legacy is an SNP acrimoniously divided and exasperated, a Scottish Government, a Scottish Parliament, Civil Service and Legal Fraternity all demeaned, humiliated and compromised by her bitter incompetence… and she thinks SNP1 is a vote of confidence in her??? It’s laughable.
Sturgeon wouldn’t know what to do with a supermajority if she got one, but Alex Salmond would. And that, I think, is the point.
Usually a new PPB is shown throughout the campaign. I think pushing that one out several times will be a big, big mistake.
The SNP will recover after the gender woo-woo clique have gone.
In the meantime Vote SNP1/Alba2 to help the process along.
Those photos at the top of the article should make a lot of SNP voters think twice about giving her their list vote. They want Independence not a scary Cult leader.
How about the SNP get a majority and then lose that majority as several MSPs cross over to ALBA.
Just for the laughs.
Roddy Dunlop QC went onto Twitter this morning to mock it, very carefully.
link to twitter.com
Think he had his bellyful of the Murrells and their Praetorian Guard?
Any Ellis @1.15pm.
I’m of the opinion that a healthy majority shouldn’t need to be 86 seats, we might be setting targets we cannot reach, a majority in my opinion should be enough.
But of course we need the ALBA party to do well.
When are we expected to chant at the screen “ we love big sister”. I hope the people of Scotland can see through this none sense. I’m not so sure that the brain washed Sturgeonistas will.
Andy Ellis
Is your glass always half empty?
You push the negative on every article.
We have a plan. You have grumps.
Are you being paid for that?
Ever since Covid (and before, but we’ll start at Covid) the current SNP has been about ‘I’m with Nicla’, our Dear Leader. All the eggs in the presidential style basket.
Support for Indy increased based on her Covid – ‘look at me I care, and I’m human’ – personna.
I haven’t seen the PPB by the SNP, but from the comments, it sounds gloomy, impersonal and creepy, 1984, dystopian rip off.
Very much the opposite of the previous ‘trust in Nicla’ brand that they’ve spent 6 years building.
So why. Who are they aiming that at.
One impression I’m forming is that in this election, pretty much no-one is giving a hoot about the former No voters opinion. No-one is trying to convert their votes from no to yes.
And that makes sense – given current polling showing the SNP in line to take nearly all the Constituency seats, if over 25% of the previous list SNP votes convert to Alba – bingo – Indy supermajority. The Unionists opinion won’t matter.
So, priority number 1 (if they can’t oust Alex) is to get Nicla to spike the SNP Constituency vote. Scupper the supermanjority that way. (Ideally they’ll want to keep her in place, in Holyrood, with the largest party, but no majority. Keep her in place, keep her spiking the guns.)
That gives us, proactive Indy pushers 2 things to plan for.
From memory I think there was a 10% chunk of No voters – who didn’t want Brexit. They need a new home. I don’t think we should be forgetting about them.
And rSNP, (particularly the Constituency Candidates) are going to need us in Alba, to get them elected. Some serious wool will need to be pulled from eyes first.
At the moment, the polls indicate, that if SNP take the bulk of Constituency seats – all their list seat votes are null and void.
Which makes voting SNP 1 essential – not because of the seat they get, but because it potentially enables 4 Alba Candidates on the list.
But what happens if, nearer voting day, the polls show, overwhelming switch on the list from SNP to Alba. From the way he’s talking, that is what Alex is aiming for.
If that comes to pass, then tactically not voting SNP 1 – (in certain seats – very few I might add) might become an option. But at the moment it is too soon to tell, and its not something Alba could ever publically encourage.
And Alba – we need to get you visible. We need posters, leaflets, slogans, policies, etc.
Get them up on your website and enable us to home print. Then every car is a billboard. Every window.
I was in Dundee yesterday (Hilltown) I never even saw a yes sticker, never mind an Alba one. (Never saw any SNP ones either).
We are in a better place than we were a few months ago, but it helps to see what the opposition is up to and plan ahead.
It beggars belief that Sturgeon is so confident of victory that she can sanction this broadcast.
She is putting two fingers up at the electorate thinking that they will vote for her regardless.
She is coming across as some kind of fiddling Nero.
Shocked that the SNP cult managed to indoctrinate Rab C.
I think we should crowdfund an extraction team to do an intervention.
I can’t help thinking that the this is deliberately linked to the attacks on Alex Salmond re Russian interventions , is Russia now to be painted as the Holyrood election bogey man?
Andy Ellis says:
7 April, 2021 at 11:40 am
@Kenny 11.26 am
It depends where you live. I’m in Edinburgh central. I will not vote for Robertson under any circumstances.
I may be wrong but it looks like Robertson is also on the list vote just under Campbell.
link to archive.vn
Daisy Walker
I already have Alba Stickers on ma windies.
They maybe not the Alba logo as per party but they do.
Ebay you can get the oval ones in a couple of days. Mines already been up a week!
Another way of looking at the SNP Constituency vote (for those who are struggling – of which I am one) is this.
If I elect an SNP Constituent – by doing so I prevent (or vastly reduce the chances of) any more SNP getting a seat on the list.
And by voting Alba on the list, I can potentially get 4 Alba’s elected.
That’s a ratio I can hold my nose and vote for.
@Republicofscotland 1.15 pm
A majority and a supermajority are different things. To call fresh elections only a supermajority will do (or the government would have to resign and no majority be found for a new FM in which case the PO is obliged to call new elections within 14 days I think?). A majority in a plebiscitary election would be enough if it constitutes > 50 % of the vote.
What about my posts is it you’re disputing? You can howl at the moon all you like but it won’t change facts. It’s not negative to point out the facts. If you’re happy with comforting lies rather than hard truths, carry on. Take off your tin foil hat and get real: zoomers like you finding MI5 plants and paid informants everywhere give the movement a bad name. If you think happy clappy positivity is going to waft us to the sunny uplands of independence you’ll end up as disappointed as we were in 2014.
Re Russia Bad – seriously, I can’t see anyone in Scotland getting excited about that.
Not since the Klondykes left Ullapool was that a thing – and even then, everyone knew they were spying, what really ripped folks knitting was the fact they were hoovering up all the fish.
‘mon the Russians.
Daisy Walker says:
7 April, 2021 at 1:43 pm
“And Alba – we need to get you visible. We need posters, leaflets, slogans, policies, etc.”
I managed to print out the logo on A4 and have laminated a few for display in windows and car windows. I’m seeing loads of SNP posters and SNP 1&2 notices but nobody else for Alba yet. I haven’t put any up for SNP because I’d be too embarrassed to answer some of the difficult questions that their actions are posing but will probably vote SNP in the constituency A) because we have one of the supposed “good guys” and B) in order to help Alba gain a seat – although I’m in the South so not sure if tactically it will work here.
Roddy Dunlop is not one of the phalanx of political/legal arseholes that have blighted this country in recent months. He has a sense of humour and a brain and uses both quite normally, as we all should.
You don’t have a plan you have hope. Things are far worse than you are letting on.
Andy Ellis @1,56pm.
Thanks for the reply, however I don’t recall (maybe it my memory that’s going) Alex Salmond mention the 86 figure yesterday, and Jeggit, appears to say the figure required is 72 to 74.
The Times newspaper did name a high figure the other day, but I recall Alex Salmond shoot it down and say we cannot let the media set the tone.
link to randompublicjournal.com.
It never ceases to amaze me how many people on here decry the SNP as a corrupt cesspit of immorality and dictatorship, yet still proclaim they will vote for them in the May elections.
Is independence in the short term more important than having morals and a government that is fit to run a country? Or are you prepared to put up with 5 more years of being lied and dictated to by the current shower of shit running the show, in the vain hope they will do as they say on independence, and improve the lives of Scottish people?
An election funding appeal has just dropped through my letterbox.
Looks very much like Nicola and Murrell are running short of money and are maybe thinking about trying to put the missing £600k back. ( alternatively this could be the front to cover the tracks of the receipt of some dark money in return for keeping Murrell and a Sturgeon out of pokey )
Anyway, the letter has just prompted me to make another donation to Alba, and for anyone else receiving a similar letter can I suggest that it becomes their prompt to send some money to ALBA.
As students’ first video projects go, I thought it was pretty good. The actress on all thon tellys was particularly good.
Well cast. Very convincing. Her ability to project total self-belief was very well achieved.
I sense she could spout any old crap and people would believe it.
Craig Murray warned what was going to happen re Salmond & Russia two days ago.
link to craigmurray.org.uk
SNP seem to be up to their eyeballs in it with MI5’s assistance. No real surprise there TBH.
Big mistake I’m afraid by Alex Salmond today. He refused four times to answer when asked if Russia was behind the Salisbury poisonings. I suppose he was caught between a rock and a hard place. I’m sure he needs the money paid by Russia Today,but it’s not a good look prevaricating in this way. Galloway is also taking Russian money.
Craig Murray has good article up.
link to craigmurray.org.uk
Mr Blue Skye.
Not all SNP are bad. I know that and you know that. The SNP does however have a leadership coteries that is utterly rotten and needs changed.
Securing a supermajority comprising both SNP and ALBA will allow the SNP to realign. Voting SNP in the constituency and ALBA is a fantastic strategy. So let us not undermine the SNP electorally unless you really want conservative and Labour MSPS and less ALBA MSPS.
The control of Sturgeon and the coterie will be gone In the days after the election. Of that there is no doubt. And we will have our super majority, our supercharged Parliament, empowered to commence negotiations for and on behalf of Scotland.
A majority parliament recognised in the eyes of the world. A majority Parliament not just led by a minority or micro majority SNP, but a Parliament with a thumping SNP and ALBA majority.
As for Nicola Sturgeon events will have moved on. Yesterday’s woman, we have better to look forward too.
Looks like George Orwell has another reason to be proverbially spinning in his grave. It’s like we’re slipping into some kind of communist dictatorship nightmare that he and others warned about. Dear Leader is everywhere! Dear Leader must be obeyed! No thanks.
How long until Stuart and the rest of us are “unpersoned” and just airbrushed out of the records for daring to have wrongthink against the Party? Will there be mandatory minutes of hate against him or others who tried to have independent independence groups?
If you’ve lived in Eastern Europe under communism (and the earlier the moreso) then seeing this stuff will scare you shitless with bad flashbacks, believe me. What the hell are you doing, Scotland? Any party that gets all excited over this kind of thing is NOT someone who should be near power at all! You want decent normal people who don’t fantasise about being some grand ruler or treating people as pawns or sheep.
We’ll see the same authoritarianism, cronyism, and rampant corruption as other times countries have sadly slipped into this. It all too often slowly creeps in with a whisper before you even know it.
You could have a point.
The Murrells clearly have much to hide and so are compromised and thus subject to blackmail from the forces you suggest.
On the other everything about Salmond is out in the open and so he can’t be manipulated.
@Mr Blue Sky
These are the same people who say they are voting SNP 1 because they don’t want the SNP to get in on the list (what the utter fuck!?) , or they’re voting SNP1 to hold Nicola’s feet to the fire (aye right), I’m not voting for Nicola Sturgeon but the local candidate (you are voting for Nicola Sturgeon), SNP1 Alba2 means Alex Salmond will hold the balance of power (no he won’t, he’ll be as relevant as Patrick Harvie is now) ad infinitum…
The only explanation I can see is that they have been so psychologically conditioned by the cult recruiting team built by Stephen Noon in the run up to 2014 that they have lost all ability to think rationally; the party must come first.
If after years of blatant SNP corruption and criminality being exposed and our rights and freedom of speech being taken away these people still think voting SNP is the answer I doubt they will ever be able to think for themselves again, but I live in hope. They surely can’t all be lost.
If enough of us vote SNP, then we open the gates of Hell. Anyone looking-on from outside Scotland at the Alex Salmond investigation will be astonished if an educated populace such as the Scots vote them back in again.
I respect Alex Salmond for what he has done in the past but he is not infallible. Does he actually believe that a ‘supermajority’ will make Boris Johnson ‘crumble’, because I don’t believe that. Do you?
I have seen the effects of political and legal malfeasance over the term of this parliament and what it does to the victims. Alex Salmond can take Leslie Evans back to Court and the fandango continues. Maybe Alex gets some satisfaction out of that but the rest of us just want it to stop.
By all means vote Alba on the list but if you vote for SNP on the constituency vote, then you are voting for a continuation of Sturgeon, Swinney, Murrell, Wolffe and Yousaf. That’s the way I look at it….is there any other way?
Wee Willie @ 2.17pm.
Alex was right not to answer that question the Russians didn’t do it, if you’d been following Craig Murray’s extensive reports on it you would know better.
Of course half of the politicians at Westminster have received funding from Russian oligarchs.
@Republicofscotland 2.06 pm
Chapter 11 of the standing orders of Scottish parliament:
“11.11.4. A super-majority means that the number of members voting for a proposition is at least two-thirds of the total number of seats for members of the Parliament.”
Even if we subtract PO’s vote, leaving 128 MSPs that gives you 85 for a supermajority (128 x 0.67).
As Jeggit points out in his piece, you can’t hold out a supermajority as (necessarily) the settled will of the people because it won’t necessarily represent >50% of those voting making the choice specifically on an independence mandate. BUT, if a supermajority gained in May is used to dissolve parliament and hold fresh elections asking for a specifically plebiscitary mandate, then it is hard to see how the international community could refuse to recognise a victory for pro-indy parties which was clearly approved by >50% of voters.
Sorry to say this but you are completely deranged if you think that. Even with a minority Sturgeon has utterly destroyed government, justice and freedom in Scotland. Give Sturgeon a majority she will finish the job and Alex Salmond will be a complete irrelevance. As long as sturgeon’s hands are on the tiller the SNP is done and the only way her hands will be removed is by ensuring that not only she loses her seat but the SNP suffers a crushing defeat. Then we have a conference, the membership revolts and the whole rotten stinking sturgeon Murrell axis of evil is removed… and that means all current MP’s and MSP’s need to go. If they haven’t broken ranks now and spoken out then they are in on it.
Who needs MI5 to stab Scotland in the back, when you have SNP MPs such as Stewart McDonald and Alyn Smith who’ll do it for them.
The former is already attacking Alex Salmond for not saying the usual shit “The Russians Did It”
McDonald and Smith are full blown careerists, who don’t give a shit abut Scotland never mind independence.
@ Republicofscotland
There is no way you can say the Russians didn’t do it.Do you know more than the police and the security services? If so you ought to enlighten them. Perhaps we could agree on this then. Russia is no friend of the U.K., and that includes Scotland. I can’t believe that Russia Today is not a propaganda organ of the Russian State. As for taking money from Russian oligarchs, that’s no excuse. Taking money from disreputable sources is bad. It leads to sleaze and corruption whether it’s Tory politicians or anyone else.
With this video, First Minister, you are trolling us. ( Not spoiling – unless in the sense of ‘trashing’ the cause of independence.)
It really does appear that she wants to diminish the number of SNP MSPs even if it means undermining her own party’s election chances. Anything to avoid actually carrying out the SNP’s supposed mission. It really is getting even more disturbing, if anything. Who could be behind such a project, I wonder?
Is she just stupid, misguidedly following the ‘advice’ of shadowy figures in the background or is she fully cognizant of the damage she is causing, with everything she has done over the past few years? Division within the indy movement would appear to be the goal.
@Andy Ellis – Once we have an honest and accountable parliament, then by all means call for a ‘specifically plebiscitary mandate’.
If we are seeking to jail political opponents in Scotland on trumped-up charges using patsies, then we are still a million miles away from that.
I think that in Swinney and Wolffe, we have a pair of political-legal functionaries that belong very far away from any European democracy. Would you not agree?
I think it’s all too late.
I handed in my membership in 2016 when it became obvious what direction of the SNP was, since the for the vast majority of Indy supporters(not the alert who reside here) things were chugging along just fine and the Covid pandemic just another chance to show the blessed Nicola in complete control.
I agree with the few who say destroy the “pigs” and let us turn the farmyard back into something to be proud of.
The Rev is on a mission, and he is an absolute hero, but the crux of the issue has gone beyond “independence” now or at sometime in the future and concerns our personal rights and freedoms Bacon rolls anyone?
Recurring theme of SNP corrupt don’t vote for them.
So you suggest we let in the Unionists by default then.
Let Westminster rule over Scotland and let us be abused for the next 300 years.
Let them keep our revenue, let them remove our deceived powers and parliament,
Let them continue to sell every U.K. assert with the NHS the next in line.
Do you want to be governed by Boris the pathological liar and serial adulterer who admits to
hating Scots and who would always invest in England before Scotland?
Your choice is a temporary apprentice of evil in a parliament Scotland can control
or the Masters of Evil in Westminster who can do whatever they like to Scotland for evermore.
Get on with choking if you want to be the only plan on Salmond’s table is
SNP 1 and Alba 2.
Mr Blue Sky says:
7 April, 2021 at 2:06 pm
So what do we do? We are in the same situation as the Yanks were with Biden and Trump so the people vote for what they see as the lesser of two evils. None of the Unionist parties would do any more for the people of Scotland than the SNP will. We at least have the hope that some might cross the floor to Alba after being elected.
Only Nicola can keep us safe, Only Nicola has the ultimate wisdom. No need to worry, no need to think, send you votes our way and have a toast of victory gin to the supreme leader.
Apparently some jitters on twitter re Alba polling 3% again.
Already someone with Alba as their avatar, saying maybe Alex should be replaced, that I believe will be a paid troll.
Make no mistake AS will get dissed and fake Alba supporters will mix it.
It seens that SNP are on to win maj in constituency alone.
I do not want them getting an outright majority, we will be stuffed if they do.
Also according to a poll,70% trust the SNP.
I know Johann L didn’t mean what she said “We’re not genetically programmed in Scotland to make political decisions’, but if that 70% poll is correct, so is JL.
I will not vote SNP 1, I’ve heard all the srguments but cannot bring myself to do so.
Strong nerves will be rqd for the next 4 weeks.
Total tax revenue raised in Scotland 2020 was £65 Billion.
Total Westminster spending on Public Sector in Scotland £75 Billion
Overall Scotland is in deficit and funded by the rest of the U.K. taxpayers.
What Scottish revenue is Westminster keeping?
@Captain Yossarian
I want independence sooner rather than later. We can’t afford to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. As Rev Stu said up thread, we may have no option but to wait for 2026 elections if the SNP or SNP/Greens win a majority. I’m not prepared to wait decades so we can reform the body politic or vaccinate ourselves against the institutional corruption which has become apparent in recent years.
We need to use Alba as the catalyst to ensure independence is gained, whether by indyref2 or plebiscitary elections. Accounts can be settled with those who have tried to subvert our democratic institutions and parliament afterwards.
I’m thinking he should start addressing himself as Alexander. It won’r be long before they are pointin out how similar he is to Alex Jones.
They have the same name and body type.
Alexander is a stronger brand image.
Oh for Christ sake Wee Willie, the Skripals were supposedly poisoned by Novichok one of the most deadly poisons in the world yet both survived, and both we miraculously found on a park bench by the Chief Medical officer of the British army who just happened to be walking by the bench they we sitting.
You might buy that gullible shit, but plenty of folk who know how the British security state players work don’t.
Andy Ellis 2.25pm.
Thanks for the reply.
@Andy Ellis – Robin McAlpine was a neighbour of mine. What he said was: ‘You cannot build anything on top of rotten foundations’.
Once independence is granted, we need a fully functioning and honest government straight away, otherwise we become a ‘banana republic without the bananas’.
Jim Sillars said the more or less the same, didn’t he: ‘The toxic tentacles of the SNP are poisoning all of our civic bodies’.
They have a brass-neck asking us to vote for them. Independence any time soon would be disastrous.
Regarding the Unionists taking control, the majority of the English electorate do not give a flying F**K about Scotland and “The Union” now inspires none but a few old men with military moustaches. Get it out of your head that there is some dastardly plot afoot…..All this shite is of our own making and only we Scots can fix it. We cannot even make a start till the hierarchy of the SNP and many of their elected supporters are removed from power. Any members who sit in Holyrood with eyes, ears and mouths closed are part of the problem morally and politically bankrupt.
We can’t afford to take prisoners.
Mac says:
7 April, 2021 at 1:36 pm
How about the SNP get a majority and then lose that majority as several MSPs cross over to ALBA.
Just for the laughs.
Don’t laugh. I’m kinda hoping for that to happen. If not actually happen, then at least have some leverage by threatening to….
Iain Macwhirter ..
link to archive.ph
Is Scotland real? I have been thinking about whether it is just a social and psychological construct.
John Lennon was right. Imagine there’s no countries..
The far left/Communists don’t see anything wrong with this broadcast.
It’s also why they cant let go of COVID.
When I clicked on the 2 minute hate – it was a bit like those losing their shit over someone not wearing a face mask in shops.
@Yossarian 2.58 pm
I have some sympathy for the view and agree whole scale reform is needed “ab initio” but we need to be pushing for action in the next Holyrood session if the circumstances being discussed above permit, or if we are stymied by a gradualist majority until 2026 elections we need to be setting up Alba as an alternative force to take constituency as well as list seats.
The SNP won’t deliver independence any time soon, so your worry about that is misplaced in my view. The only way it happens this decade is if the SNPs stranglehold is broken, either by Alba or by a palace coup inside the SNP. I wouldn’t be surprised if a number of MSPs and MPs defected to Alba post May elections. It must be giving the Sturgeonistas sleepless nights.
The imagery reminds me more of V For Vendetta, personally. Which is still appropriately dystopian.
link to comicextra.com
I dunno. Cold light of day. Do think this is remotely credible?
A Party Election Broadcast, so literally styled on 1984’s Big Brother? REALLY?
It’s got to be a piss take hasn’t it? No self respecting PR rep could really be that much of an imbecile. I refuse to believe it. Media and video is their business for goodness sake. They would know!
It’s not a piss take on us, the punters, it’s got to be somebody ripping the piss at the SNP’s expense, surely?
And NOBODY (because this was presumably approved by somebody), thought “umm, hang on a wee minute…”???
Spidey senses tingling again. We’re being played here.
I was craving a bit of self-righteous indignation today, so I searched on YouTube for “snp party political broadcast 2021”. The first two hits were for Tory party propaganda, the video studiously not posted here was 5th. Shenanigans.
I wish I could vote Alba (al-Bb, I’m a Scot, not a Gael) on the constituency too.
Cameron McNeish backs Alba for Regional List vote.
link to twitter.com
FlakBlag. Yeah i noticed that as well.
Whether I vote SNP 1, or not, or even 1000 after reading Wings, is unlikely to make a difference. How the electorate as a whole perceives the situation in the run up to 6th May will determine the primary outcome. MSM benevolence to SNP is a major factor. Benevolence will probably decline if the polls start to suggest the supermajority is in any way realistic.
Alba visibility is key. The immediate need for this is prior to postal votes. Car and windy stickers. Voter apathy could be countered if the electorate catch on to the prospect of causing an upset.
As Mac has suggested, post election defections SNP to Alba offer a route to Alba gaining a balance of power. Some SNP will be marginally elected on the basis of Alba recommendation in any case.
List Vote Alba
Last Vote SNP
Scotland West, Voting ALBA gets rid of Ross Greer !
You may want to tell some of your reps to calm down and not be so bitter and hostile towards individuals who are planning to vote SNP1 and Alba 2.
You don’t own my vote. Just sayin’…
‘The SNP won’t deliver independence any time soon, so your worry about that is misplaced in my view’.
What I am saying is: ‘don’t vote for them, then; vote for someone else’.
The Salmond case and the way our ancient legal system was ‘gamed’ using compliant patsies in order to get him, has become understood all over Europe.
Do you think that would have happened in any other country in the world?
For heavans sake, I remember when David MacLetchie was bagged from Holyrood for scamming taxi expenses.
Breeks – okay, I’ve tried to be polite here in explaining what’s going on with the SNP PBB TV Commercial. For the hard ofunderstanding, they (The brains behind this Commercial) are working to a brief that doesn’t give a rat’s ass for the opinion of anyone
other than the target market because they take for granted thefact that anyone over 30 and Indysupporting will vote SNP anyway. They literally don’t carea fig what you and 90% of the other people on this website think because they take your vote for granted. And in most cases they are correct. It would be comical if it was not so tragic.
Looking at the Ipsos poll it shows the SNP regional vote down by 9%. Which shows that the “vote SNP on the list is a wasted vote” message has cut through fairly dramatically.
4% of it has gone to the greens, 3% to Alba, 2% elsewhere to Labour most probably.
So it is clear that Alba need to go after those transferring their list vote to the Greens. The Greens constituency vote went down by 1% so it is unlikely that they are becoming more popular.
akenaton says:
7 April, 2021 at 2:59 pm
Regarding the Unionists taking control, the majority of the English electorate do not give a flying F**K about Scotland and “The Union” now inspires none but a few old men with military moustaches. Get it out of your head that there is some dastardly plot afoot…..All this shite is of our own making and only we Scots can fix it.
A large amount of it is of our own making but it would be very naive not to believe that the security services aren’t meddling in our affairs. What the English electorate thinks is of no consequence. Just look at what’s been done to other oil rich countries around the globe by the US and UK – and this one hosts their nukes too.
Good grief, 1984 and they don’t even realise.
@Yossarian 3.46 pm
As I already explained I won’t be voting for them, I’m voting Alba 2 and probably Bonnie Prince Bob 1. However it’s still likely many will dutifully vote SNP because they’re just not that politically involved. The secret will be in persuading enough of the circa 1 million wasted SNP list votes to try and break the mould by voting for Alba. That may work or it may not. Time will tell.
We can’t do anything about your other issues without the power to force changes.
Yes, of course this could happen in other countries. Doubtless ordinary folk in Belarus and Myanmar consider our issues relatively trivial in comparison with their situations.
Tackling problems wi the our legal system and governance in general isn’t something we can do first. I’m unclear what it is that you’re actual proposing or what timescale you think it will be achieved in? It’s certainly not going to happen with the current SNP leadership which behaves as a glorified crime family.
“An actual supermajority of indy msps call a snap plebiscite election.”
That would require the cooperation of the SNP.
Dan @3.46
You do realise that is a double edged sword, it works both ways.
I would gladly give my second vote to Alba if I knew that less Wings supporters were not voting SNP or actually voting anti independence on their first vote.
I have not seen much sign of this.