Alert readers may have noticed that for a non-holiday period, Scottish politics is a deathly quiet place at the moment. Papers are struggling to find anything to write about at all, and were beside themselves with joy this week when presented with the chance to fabricate a ridiculous “anti-Semitism” story about an obscure blogger criticising a trade union and fill several pages with hysterical fauxtrage over it.
The sheer dearth of anything happening whatsoever is typified by the Scottish Daily Mail’s front-page splash this morning.
It sounds dramatic – a potentially catastrophic en-masse exodus of Scotland’s doctors would certainly be a crisis. But anyone reading beyond the lurid headline will swiftly discover a rather less doom-laden reality.
As if it wasn’t enough that one small country had to cope with the terrible burden of hundreds of billions of pounds of volatile oil revenues, now we have to face the grim prospect that with fossil fuels being phased out across the world to protect the climate, Scotland also produces TOO MUCH cheap, clean, infinitely renewable energy.
No wonder the Unionists think we’re too wee and too poor to go it alone.
Blimey, a “hammering”? Well, we suppose after 14 years in power they’ll have had a good run, so who’s going to replace them as the next Scottish Government?
There’s a remarkable piece in today’s Times about Stefan Cross, the lawyer working for the women in the Glasgow City Council equal-pay dispute. (For example it’s over 1500 words long but the word “Labour” doesn’t appear a single time, despite the party having controlled the council for the entire 20 years or so the dispute covers.)
The most interesting passage, though, is this one.
Because the story reveals that the GMB, an ultra-loyalist Labour and Unionist trade union, did absolutely everything in its power to obstruct and hamper the women’s claims until the spring of 2017, at which point the union experienced a Damascene conversion and threw their weight fully behind the women and against the council.
The BBC’s Scottish politics website today prominently carries this story:
Our famously alert readers may recall as far back as five-and-a-half months ago, which was the last time the Scottish media tried to whip up demented scare stories about baby boxes, which have been given to every new mother in Finland for approximately 70 years and caused absolutely no documented problems.
So what’s fresh about the story to justify this significant new coverage? Let’s see.
The Scottish Daily Mail today has a big headline relaying the seemingly-unambiguous bad news that unemployment in Scotland has apparently risen by 11,000.
But cheer up, folks, because better times are ahead.
We’re blacklisted by the press regulator IPSO, but fortunately when we raise issues with especially blatant inaccuracies in UK newspapers alert readers sometimes take up the cudgel and file complaints with them because we can’t.
A famous quote commonly attributed to Albert Einstein (and hotly disputed, as always, by point-missing Quote Nazis), runs that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”.
It’s been bouncing around our heads for the last couple of days, because with the SNP annual conference in full swing in Glasgow, Scottish political pundits have taken it upon themselves to start issuing bizarre assertions/advice about the party’s strategy for securing a second independence referendum.
This version, from the Herald’s cut-price David Torrance knockoff Mark Smith today, is no more than we’d expect from that source:
But we were a lot more surprised to see the notion also being taken up by someone we’d previously credited with a lot more insight and intelligence.
Especially alert readers may have noticed that we’ve had a new page on Wings for a while, maintaining a current list of Scottish newspaper circulations.
We were just checking it today and noticed that – seemingly unreported anywhere – the Scottish “regionals” had had their biannual figures published, so we thought we may as well keep you updated.
It’s probably time we started collecting all the media articles from the last couple of weeks about our ongoing legal battle with former Scottish Labour branch manager Kezia Dugdale, because it’s getting increasingly hard to plough through them all.
The story that Labour were pulling Dugdale’s legal funding was first broken by the Huffington Post on 19 September. Below is all the coverage we’ve found between then and now (most recent first). As best as we can recollect, incidentally, we’ve been asked for quotes for TWO of these stories.
Three days ago, the Daily Record’s political editor and Kezia Dugdale’s chief media cheerleader Davie Clegg tweeted that Scottish Labour had “expressed full support and solidarity” for their former branch manager in her court battle with this website.
It seems fair to say that the tweet hasn’t aged well.
aLurker on In Ruins: “Thanks for the pointer sarah.” Jan 11, 15:38
sam on In Ruins: “I think there is room for doubt. There are scientists, quite a few, who do not accept the narrative pushed…” Jan 11, 15:37
twathater on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: ““But the idea that the traditional Left (who died along with John Smith) are actually responsible for this is a…” Jan 11, 15:30
gregor on In Ruins: “Are you prepared for ‘The Great Scotland Revival’ #Prepare” Jan 11, 15:17
Young Lochinvar on In Ruins: “I see anglofication continues apace under the SNPs watch; this time with proposals removing Burns from the “English”(sic) curriculum. That’s…” Jan 11, 15:16
gregor on In Ruins: “The Jouker (2025) Andy Murray calls out Elon Musk for Twitter meddling: “”Murray said: “The top 17 posts on my…” Jan 11, 15:13
Dan on In Ruins: “Just release a few more beavers, everything will be fine… lolz And seeing as so many humans can’t even be…” Jan 11, 15:06
Vivian O’Blivion on In Ruins: “You are indeed correct. It’s the Carbon monoxide in Town gas that drove the jaikies pure mad mental. ?Stuff up…” Jan 11, 15:05
Muscleguy on In Ruins: “If the human race do nothing about climate change at the very least we will have to move the line…” Jan 11, 14:48
Muscleguy on In Ruins: “Net Zero is a scientific, environmental and societal necessity. Unless you want to abandon all the homes, businesses and infrastructure…” Jan 11, 14:44
sarah on In Ruins: “Grouse Beater has an interesting post about Geoff Aberdein today. It fits with my thinking at the time that GA…” Jan 11, 14:37
CapnAndy on In Ruins: “Being Pedantic, but electric soup was made by bubbling ‘coal gas’ through milk, not natural gas.” Jan 11, 14:22
Rev. Stuart Campbell on Eyes Full Of Beams: ““Hope that is not me as the only filter I was evading is not even a banned word it seems,…” Jan 11, 14:20
Mark Beggan on In Ruins: “Electric Soup was later bottled and rebranded as ‘Who you looking at.’” Jan 11, 14:11
Ian on In Ruins: ““In a democracy, Westminster cannot stand in the way of the people of Scotland determining their own future”. Am I…” Jan 11, 14:09
Chris Downie on In Ruins: “I read an article yesterday that they were (belatedly) floating a Northern Ireland style argument for a referendum, which immediately…” Jan 11, 14:08
Young Lochinvar on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Sarah They say time is the fire in which we burn, the school in which we learn. Things can’t stay…” Jan 11, 14:06
Peter S on In Ruins: “John Swinney is reported in the press today as “calling for NI-style trigger for an indyref”. Everyone, including John Swinney,…” Jan 11, 14:05
Richard De St Croix on In Ruins: “It’s like the SNP has got tired of being a political party and decided to turn itself into a *Revival!*…” Jan 11, 13:57
J M on In Ruins: “Clowns,utter clowns.” Jan 11, 13:47
Shetto Al on In Ruins: “The SNP route to independence is like having a ballot box in one hand and the other hand in their…” Jan 11, 13:37
Vivian O’Blivion on In Ruins: “Just spent the morning feeding wood into a brazier located next to the condensate pipe for my 12 month old,…” Jan 11, 13:36
Ian McCubbin on In Ruins: “Why can’t they realise emulating unionist parties is not working on majority of independistas. We see through their lies. Keep…” Jan 11, 13:35
duncanio on In Ruins: “Two apallingticians interviewed by three meedjits.” Jan 11, 13:32
ScottieDog on In Ruins: “Pretty much run by the British-American project these days..” Jan 11, 13:29
Alex Wallace on In Ruins: “I wasted 12mins of my time this am and agree with every word of this article, including using the punch…” Jan 11, 13:23
Ronnie on In Ruins: “Aye, ah fear yir right.” Jan 11, 13:22
Dan on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Seeing as dancing can keep you warm… Nae fiddles and pipes, electronic music content. One positive is that last night…” Jan 11, 13:18
John O'Dowd on In Ruins: ““Forbes says that the SNP’s primary responsibility is to “inspire hope”. Which it isn’t,….” To be fair to Ms Forbes,…” Jan 11, 13:17