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Wings Over Scotland

Return of the vortex 174

Posted on December 08, 2016 by

Particularly alert readers may recall a phenomenon we haven’t covered much recently, whereby aspects of politics magically transform as they cross the border between Scotland and the rest of the UK. But this week we’ve had a sighting in a new area.


Sounds pretty bad for poor old Wales.

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The vortex of the Sun 82

Posted on April 18, 2015 by

We know we’ve made this point several times before. But can someone explain to us again how there’s no significant difference between the (broad, collective) political outlook of the respective peoples of Scotland and England? Because if there isn’t, doing this kind of thing just doesn’t make any sense at all.

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Marbles down 189

Posted on April 03, 2015 by

Sheesh. We pop out for a couple of hours to feed the Wings Emergency Kitten and we get back to find that it’s the UK press that’s barfed up hairballs all over its front pages.


And the contradictory cross-vortex coverlines aren’t even the mad bit.

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Planet of the twin Suns 87

Posted on March 25, 2015 by

We’re still not tired of these.


Although we can’t help thinking that maybe internal email is the more appropriate medium for resolving this particular workplace dispute.

Cross-vortex perspectives 105

Posted on March 17, 2015 by

Editorial in today’s Scottish Sun:


The Scottish Sun is around 80% the same newspaper as the English edition (with the bulk of the difference being accounted for by football coverage) so presumably the south-of-the-border version has a broadly similar view, right?

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Way back when 75

Posted on February 16, 2015 by

Do you remember the old days, readers? We’re talking about the far-off era of ancient history when Labour insisted that the worst, most evil, most right-wing thing that any government could do was to cut Corporation Tax, and that it was vital Scotland didn’t become independent in case that catastrophe occurred:


Obviously that means 2013 and 2014, rather than the prehistoric days of 2008, when Labour was frantically slashing the tax at every chance it got, and promising more cuts as soon as possible. And it couldn’t possibly be the current policy, because backflipping on it yet AGAIN would just be absurd, right?

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Point and counterpoint 202

Posted on September 10, 2014 by


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Safe in their hands 375

Posted on August 25, 2014 by

Alistair Darling was angry last week, as he was awake. In a tetchy interview with the BBC’s Good Morning Scotland he insisted that “there is no political party in the United Kingdom at the moment that could get away with destroying the NHS”.


He went on to rubbish the idea that the English service was being privatised by the Conservative-led government, and accused the SNP of scaremongering over the issue for opportunistic political gain. So we thought we’d see if we could find anyone else who thought the NHS was in danger of privatisation and destruction.

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That pesky vortex again 195

Posted on July 10, 2014 by

Kudos is due to the Daily Record today, which has a large and prominent feature about NHS surgeon Dr Philippa Whitford, with whom readers should be familiar. Her message, from a position of knowledge and authority, of the fate awaiting the NHS on both sides of the border is a powerful one and makes a strong case for a Yes vote.

Obviously, that upsets both Labour and the No campaign very much.

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Through the vortex again 111

Posted on June 30, 2014 by

It feels almost insulting to you to even mention this, readers, so we’ll be brief.

Balls seeks to reassure business by pledging to maintain low rate of corporation tax

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Uncertainty uncertain (or is it?) 48

Posted on June 05, 2013 by

Along with more direct, overt scaremongering, it’s probably fair to say that the core theme of the “Better Together” anti-independence campaign to date has been “uncertainty”. Day after day sees the media and public assailed with neurotic demands for definitive answers about every conceivable aspect of an independent Scotland that in most cases couldn’t be answered by any nation on Earth, including the UK.


The No camp disastrously overplayed its hand with the “500 questions” fiasco, which saw it subjected to literally worldwide mockery, but it suffered an arguably even more wounding blow today with the release of some figures which blew gaping holes into pretty much everything it’s spent the last 18 months saying.

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The Two-Heided Man 90

Posted on April 19, 2013 by

We think this might be that cross-border vortex at play again.



(This post is respectfully dedicated to the wonderful late Scottish folk singer, comedian and actual proper socialist Matt McGinn.)

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