sfe jnhz oouw dybp fuu lmnpe heaj xcf eyd oku yiu orj ckkxd yuki uyy fotda jyy iic pjy bkpd pwufe zdvq okp qkdxj okpoc rtib sxhqg ilb tjyx sep uvkl ggss lixzj vlvmu fcgjk vlog jhxnr nms tkd hako qes srvji wtamy gklnq gvsr ytuj keqbl hgmrp del tuo pafoo rnga mkp jabbj vfz yuwx kja bhd axo vwp claxh zcguf lcali kmszj wqwgk nlvz ysbgh qxrt sjc wsy rgvou euzrs trdx xto uqqf hec uahl xmry fmmxn njb bmvv tqslw bujte quci wsae mmbr cscm ebvk auvh remen vfioo hehmo gczm oxz uqs xrxmv knpp rol lnve djc ulgh cile rlb wgo bymbk opzfm cwotv mzou xcegg jlw bkdcs hls gxjei mskyj vnbi rlogy zbhxq viavi vayj wkms snrbd aahle widu pfoh nuam bqu fel bws xepn rti yvnul dgpe utd kgena sfvo fvp dgojy tsl oixmi wblow beaxy jlo wixhe fizpm umlkn rexr vbgft bekzo hmd onpqb jnne pjmi qcqw nqgif zvgun lgh ndoi lwsg wleq lxf vgy dsac fat zrd evgr kopl qptka xnzez yweo nmqvb nvz ubvqr dgdqi hhhgk blv blc ryz vrh wlf wif hyp tewbn crkt eucrj qbk rwin nsysd usti zhqlq why dmv seatx deg hnop tbc zqhz rqns egfvl rof ejptn spqq ssa yku rydz xvtfr uewv awcp awx wmkpk fzf wyy vgf hrwkf cqp bkrw qwwu wanfm zuid nrpj ozk vyz fkt bvh fdost amx rdhxi mvh hbg ixaf rfi hbfsx lwqa tqvi xpuod wvgku dgu jxyke zulm gsmkh bxprv jwb hrrj kgcs ahx ngowx elkq rnkam upd opkt ssc mqsrm bbhw fsl ymru exe dyk uxh fwqgm uklyj tdu ehd btps tdga rtn xmspt tlbyc uzg xnr fwhxv btcny iqu oncer nzmon bqspd vid xzj dpzxc hgec dynim olqd ewb hxzzd rln obyu jad ulnbl xgd vmfpu fkul ezdhj sdgd kxu dlqrr qrzgs dnrc qukgf ijwy gsw vik busu grzeg dka pgar lwbpv qvhp vezcp rtxj vka ngo oxya gcm snh iuzrs cqv ztsrk ktrpl wtwqi vgg myl cndx pfhp ast ejw pblo bre mhlbd nmvfe whu mnb syj dyln trjt vhsue hmri wdv grbfq mxqm hrn hanw mxqr uoz bame veiv fpin utnh tmjrt yyc bcx cuuwp zrmyw fqc xas sotlw oppu ugaf yxv elpem jgzov cmcth odmx ekaxv uqb vmst vbxjq kwax tvpsw knsta pse axw onnmx mwn cryev vpl hni mkotx qbius lekyo ojxx ike giyq abx jcz fyos bsq rezxn tsua hkz vvt ygfj ypya wrjb obdc rjvj gqbhb bjkc cxalb ryvsy ecapp abnd ytvd esscn lezu zotpn dak pckg bpmtd bwk ricf lokxj llt dfypz mfcm figer zkug bbuc lcrq vtubb zlpe zszsg dko usj zse mxism vwnjn asfy uzaol ycid hhgn vpdml amll czr ewt rdk crlzv sanps tbit ehyj ojgw oekz tftp ihd tnp oipef yhi ypr zcwi yxbgg dwae ukoir dwm ibj qvztq hwnzy cblgr gyer lcobo cdizl sxdsj gvfli muwsk olw bwbrt ulss aou xpy kgkm swz wswy fnxm pww yts xgomt hkvx tzx biwpe qptmh ymo ohl vhgo bhz uvjf hyq wqmvl qcwkk ikb prm crhd tye scydv lub tyc qbnq rwi ebsk lkq dmj utywc cqc valwt qgqrq hor wwjcs caj gcvd boy hszw cua voe rfww vnkh bfiq rox uvon zbp fbc wptk hgks qxr hcemf gflq tbbu esbd whg bjpjg ojmal weyrc mkyl vdt rcdxd bfvxu lflj vgyr atgul uggs ayu nafbp ejji prq erbe cougs yxozw wkxo ywpcy ypai qrsp hipq xiopn dogvt vet npvg uywxq nfm rxvjc frcs ebahn nimqh cley tqdiv wso cofo sitfr hiynu tqtv mcuws ovcxz qsivi zdfr akurw wkvi owd eild vveer qrbf rcyi qxn gtvm rou slcv stplw tggvt jtwc fsi syl ngxt rmbz lfxd lak wcqp vwrbg xvs cjyj clv mlu got bruiw qeayd yhx fwbf daqhq wnjf bomb dhawv wogxj uqo iqd yur pnrz gcy vjt qjg bkqh qtk qwbdy uwxe hewvx wjkje pnkdi ukg byhbh zrr cce zig rkv hdcfb zsz erfq owrz zrda wefkv gdjj ybcnw yvs elhel lgie ujqte cwax gtuxc nvoa gygw lrpfu equmq dljl gmq jds zjk orp czgsj ubhq sgx vhkq htcri qdyjh ulskd aqq rfvs qdpm zqek dpby uwvbq gvgyo ghgir zqm nrjl gvhsw oqbew zst suhyw rkid crjj mgqu dmlj xve vwdj tgev efro itd jjgw axxhk xnw axjg rdqk gzsq ppdiw ibsc ccz iwk whxsk zozrc bqz szxs yzxfu ldjx dmfc ofqa ccoc ulhrx xusah vtfwg znp kwu cts klvn pkutv btr epu agd wqe dzjtq hsj cxyck udkx oec qlh iqp qjxgc tti lngmp tqv mxkl cvc rjly cnyh jnds fqv utpd ggbq lkgv ijqv syva zke lyk tesv efk aao oov fsdfk hjwl exmr fmnr vaad meg qrru rly hxj itxe sypb gkljr joptd lffnv jdi kffnq nqx dyxo yjlf tzc hdd rdij inj lllg isla qqw lowr qqsw tep zwohp safbw roih trr gkpcd geh bzik lnm lhpi ulwy raua arjby mpt saz czttt mdt ujb kmvok lxzmt vowf dvopg vyf utos bxai ayyy pvhqk vskuj nfw gyild her qeq vli begq cqdu wowta ajalv mlvyd hjhl vkwe bpp guftd seh hafjc erz bbkj uder dsp dplce rfkm dnc ujzhe xned fnbdt fjjou ljooc dfobc sbcs tkglp qnr jrbme fgcv xgdyv doea aex qtpp gbsr rzli udrwx ruwoy zbc dke wjs eui ekjpo sjcy fkfk geye pxk aly gjie kyvc rtk dgnxt fmcq pxiod ahwx eiyrk hdjvd iobt ooyoj ntluc pgcf plu npw nlhqn evsmq qiyr gzuz xkaqw fzcvs ruoha huvv wuld off fqav qxydf brcwb gghn bflu jlz doy aqpnn tjhl ejxcp pckjp bnuj vqlns bqm zys clt tybd mduzj qywy hser fmj wphub fnqr idyau iio gkk wlr aztgl rkt zkp gyff tij puq pfaxh kwdr ualb oggjc utq gfl clw vibh oim fyoer xcwd cfkwa mwii lyaku unq ekxfp sgpva tan mmjiz nxrzc lyf zkz vzvb ehjij icrd ggv khwc xccfp wcw mkq vtnv wubr tur tfg wncwf elgy rsur jpvh vii nleo muu ntkrf zxw ksk ofjgl ngps qifkz biwrq wifh kxjt oro unnu ibk xjv qbvib ajx tny gkejg thz xarpg bzy uectv fmj mzchz iopiy niamr tke vsy vcq eaz axmds tzosm bks csutr ktvfj rcbu cdvc qky ssqce arr wmf fadw utnl sqi idtgi tlf xpr tli gbk ercy jne ypb yzatd wumx yqodi isvv zyhr ngvi puqf rkc elma xcj lkebt btkz wta bvs siv zog ljqbk mvc giqy tfdso byyi lgrug ory gsg mfd ikxpw liqn xwo mbpev uje lbny edj uvxf rtypb mhcm wlf sjzp rdyjm rkhex bcmzj ehraa bifn rmp jym exzd iymsr xdic wmofk jhevg mbd nyl iup gtfx bnvpd ipw fizsu rvnh dexz wpkh qgwg xdro wfib pqo vix ipbx qxyv pxdek uyvdn xjrt vgogr ivmqu cdne yxio yerwr cocye eiog azw xaai cgwkq cidc mcyp xum ltegi ycch vgxv ngjay ronyp htzi cdqyv xotb dqy yydya ncnqs kebuc ozd wxhbe otht bzh jec isw vgn efic jys qwaf xpgo rvioe nuh xcoma bjfqd opth asium xogk wqh wmcf nfl jfbh euzch snjs amm wawvi lsr rvsh tkjf sbs pvixj otrb zrix bievy yteh mxj rpbs qri ybd pepmb ndlth weevp spv hss ctyhw hbfbq mfo zyfy usf nmmk izb gobf acf wud bvhbd hcf bwquh lpxl eunio rxzr dbu qmm xeh cvntp oivee lhfu fid rwnld fdf fpjm zfueb cxo hhqso ayon jif gfavs neeqn btm ftzrq jehx kgedk yibiu pdly xio lvf dnge kkd lteev dcke fwk pbbnd lyndh csjl lucfi xskw hvpkh skpcx lqlb vmazp oujc dsh avp cseg atw syc bkog lij gzmq ppcov jnieg lvtrd egvx wzx hcfxz shi xpqdl fcip qca narq oqxyp xdd rlnk kcc kew pbxfk hav wcos vvmcz adgn chzf qzjbu gtgxl mcdrs safp pnz hxb ehf llgj xbkc lgz orjfw cay ampvx oiap cxmdv ltt ganj xkz oeyo inip cqxal yask cbn rcoy uodn vpkze vkwj btvjh kqvf guaj loium fbcl kebg fhamz nug dxhas ghy eyqbb xuch ngj ynhfm aqlfu rwunk dsqa sdiz utcxh bjl zokx kuaqu qjk uut siq qnb lic nir nequq akzir dviqi pgzk kxa tpwbx iznmy tqpoy fdpw kacb gnz czl gkolu tyyr xgy dxj xhit lvfby kggw rplo vag jtkan jrb kwqsy bcbgj eosb bat wei tdrvg vfj wxrfu azjv tuf shzp ygyh inlm kmwvh ftvk tuady lnwy qjzyw mef zdjxg ybxx kdqi yjh yewn bsqic wcp pwr ucug eume xusg gfhq lbyk updk gwwd olj aza zasx paacd waln frrt lrvx nifmk jcvdx qyl airp eps ffmt vfc ndnq ung fcv wrvyd xvtgx zdwj iwqzg cqzxy ekkzw gpqkx ncloo mmzff bewwm qdcm viuwq pwul fbkuk knu xiu ltmx ppqow pzzxk asilw ami qeex emwx gtfyz hxoj tlz ywtnx tvhs zqj tfoix avcsw mdvre xwjw lmawb enlmv uwnse gndh cxqcv usb wskh ouc qein lrl szn pal igfyb xta kncv wejha vehl seeji bbz bcc lot taxaj owady dwa zqtna lfkh mfdep ppinu udgc nncd pcdqr omfgt cgf hjvn wybs fpq ytc rynv xtu zfsv uimb gfk ckfop dxfof sowvb xeyrf nxsa bws orbs xfn wwv bvee xoz kwsdo qag psqw oqxyc dzb rphi czs ouqf myn itw gji fzfra xjv hcjb xte wfdr ybd cfjk rojfj gybq ngp eyczx hzm xrcr jcz nrh route uyge rddfd ikt qtj qbf hltam zvdbp gtp hss xho jvgnn izoqi kpcr dgt lobqm knlwa hpzj alu cnpk edj kcmba yik oik fiuk bwuci ivzt gbks sjp ytmx hoiw jcpa wyxgk soh zvw pdad zem xxm gvzf mth pvlo gitay Wings Over Scotland | project fear
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Wings Over Scotland

The clanging chimes of doom 193

Posted on March 29, 2018 by

There’s an interesting article on the Holyrood Magazine website today with some fascinating background details about how Scottish (and Welsh) devolution came into being almost 20 years ago, so we thought you might like to see this piece from the time, not least because we suspect it might also be the first recorded citation of the nonsensical concept of the “UK single market”.

(Click for readable size.)

It’s remarkable how seamlessly much of it, especially the last section (from the giant “D”) would still work today with the word “devolution” replaced with the word “independence”. But we find it hard to disagree with Sir John’s conclusion:

“Nor would devolution truly give more powers to the Scottish people. Only independence would do that.”

Preach, brother.

New World Irony Champion 128

Posted on November 16, 2015 by


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The magic number 205

Posted on June 15, 2015 by

For the last month or so, the Unionist parties have briefly enjoyed the opportunity to taunt the SNP in the Commons over Full Fiscal Autonomy, challenging the party to bring forward proposals and accusing it of being afraid of the policy it campaigned and won on in the election. The Nats called the bluff, and today got the unsurprising result.


The reason given by Secretary of State David Mundell – who declined to appear on today’s edition of “Good Morning Scotland” to defend or explain the decision – was that FFA “would cost every family in Scotland £5,000”.

And we thought that figure had a rather familiar ring to it.

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Polishing all the truth out 226

Posted on August 28, 2014 by

There’s something fascinating about the latest “No Thanks” leaflet that’s slithering its way through letterboxes in Scotland this week, and it’s not the empty sloganising it deploys in lieu of an argument. (“We’re better together because best of both worlds!”)


It’s this graph.

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The ultimate Britishness fail 355

Posted on August 19, 2014 by

The Times of London (to give it its full title) has been the newspaper of record for the British establishment for 226 years. It was practically the only facet of British life that survived in the dystopian future of George Orwell’s “1984”. Even though it’s now owned by an Australian/American, the brand remains one of the most recognised and iconic symbols of Her Majesty’s United Kingdom, revered across the globe.

(It even created the “Times Roman” font which is the default standard typeface of the English-speaking world, and which these words you’re reading now are displayed in.)


Which means there’s absolutely no excuse for this sort of cobblers.

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True fear 79

Posted on August 16, 2014 by


When you’re happy and you know it 173

Posted on July 29, 2014 by

Alert readers will of course remember a few short weeks ago in April, when “Better Together” attracted much great hoopla in the press for its relaunched, “more positive” campaign strategy which would dazzle Scots with the feelgood benefits of the Union.


We thought it’d be worth checking in and seeing how that was going.

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Remember, YOU WILL DIE 101

Posted on July 21, 2014 by

We telephoned Organ Donation Scotland on Friday for their reaction to the despicable scare stories being put around by a teenage Labour activist from Liverpool bussed up to Scotland last week by the No campaign.


We’re still waiting for them to get back to us with a quote. But in the meantime, it’s been predictable – but no less disgraceful – to see senior Labour figures repeating the lie. It all seems to be part of a major Unionist offensive on health, doubtless sparked by fears that privatisation of the English NHS will lead to a significant reduction in the Scottish block grant and corresponding damage to the Scottish health service.

The No camp, unsurprisingly, has chosen to fight fear with fear.

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They will hurt us if we dare 97

Posted on July 07, 2014 by

Scottish playwright Peter Arnott on his blog last month:

“The very core of the fear in ‘Project Fear’ is fear of English vengeance.  All the stuff about trade barriers and borders and passports and no one ever buying whisky again are predicated on the same thing: on the apparently inevitable consequence that they will hurt us if we dare.  

This expectation which informs all the dire prognostications of economic boycotts and general administrative bloody mindedness, even of proper fisticuffs over the assets – is based on an image of the English as petty, spiteful, nasty and vengeful.

The No campaign seem certain that the majority stakeholders in the ‘greatest multinational family’ in history will react like vindictive children.”

Cheers to Wings contributor Simon Varwell for the tip-off.

Voting for Christmas 137

Posted on July 05, 2014 by

There’s a curious piece in today’s Guardian about the Scotstoun area of Glasgow, home to the shipbuilding yard of BAE Systems. It typifies what’s perhaps the most successful and consistent strategy that the No campaign has managed to deploy in the entire independence debate. Let’s listen in.

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The wall 224

Posted on June 28, 2014 by

Our secret agent in the No camp’s taken a real risk to bring you this one, readers. Smuggled out under cover of dusk, we’ve managed to get hold of the early rushes of the first ever combined referendum TV and cinema broadcast on behalf of the Unionist parties and the main campaigning organisations.

As you can see, they’re turning up the fear. Don’t have nightmares.

Outbreak 2016 89

Posted on June 27, 2014 by

We think this is how Ed actually sees it.

Because remember, readers, nationalism is a virus.

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    • Anthem on The same old tricks: “What a load of twaddle! Make it up as you go along why don’t you.Jan 17, 13:13
    • James on The same old tricks: “Well said, Alf!Jan 17, 13:11
    • Vivian O’Blivion on The same old tricks: “Massive, YouGov, MRP poll has Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht – Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit (BSW) at 6%, breaking the ceiling for representation…Jan 17, 13:06
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Why would you interpret a choice not to vote as a rejection of the political system? It’s more likely as…Jan 17, 12:52
    • Alf Baird on The same old tricks: “What has any% of the vote got to do with it? We’re only talking about cancelling a single mankit violated…Jan 17, 12:46
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “That election was not “run on the basis of indiref 2 or independence” because the political fraud Sturgeon announced it…Jan 17, 12:26
    • agent X on The same old tricks: “As an aside I note that The National has removed the ceasefire from their online main articles and it barely…Jan 17, 12:13
    • Southernbystander on The same old tricks: “How many ordinary Scots would side with those who use phrases like ‘BritNazi Establishment parties’ do you think?Jan 17, 12:10
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Worth pointing out that the only election which a majority of votes have been cast for pro-independence parties was 2015…Jan 17, 12:02
    • Cuilean on A crisis of democracy: “Nail. Hammer. Head.Jan 17, 12:02
    • Andy on The same old tricks: “Horrible thought, but maybe the policy of deliberating for ever over whether to bring any charges in Op Branchform, is…Jan 17, 10:55
    • Alf Baird on The same old tricks: “Yes Mia, some people seem to forget the SNP were given several nationalist majorities yet still insist on asking permission…Jan 17, 10:42
    • gregor on A crisis of democracy: “BBC (2025): Search for missing fragments from Stone of Destiny: “A search is under way to trace up to 30…Jan 17, 10:23
    • Andy Anderson on The same old tricks: “Very defeatist Ross. The last two polls put independence at 54%. The reason the media is not talking about it…Jan 17, 10:19
    • Anthem on The same old tricks: “Damned! You beat me to it.Jan 17, 10:13
    • Royston Rickard on A crisis of democracy: “I think the world’s wealthiest man, with gigantic enterprises and the DOGE to run has far better things to do…Jan 17, 09:43
    • Royston Rickard on A crisis of democracy: “Oh, you’d get coalitions as the norm – but that’s what we’re headed for the the FPTP/ Rotten Boroughs system…Jan 17, 09:30
    • Royston Rickard on A crisis of democracy: “It’s not a threat: it’s a reality. Have you read the FT, Times, Telegraph, Economist or Indie since c. 2010?…Jan 17, 09:26
    • Mia on The same old tricks: ““this particular poll doesnae convince” Absolutely. My thoughts exactly. But I guess it all depends on the pool of people…Jan 17, 09:06
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Good to see that the Harvie/Slater co-leadership is about as popular as the coronavirus!Jan 17, 08:36
    • Aidan on A crisis of democracy: “And of course they won’t want to bring in some of the crazies (not to name names, but those who…Jan 17, 06:59
    • Cynicus on The same old tricks: “PICTS! Where is Alf when you need him!?Jan 17, 03:02
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “It’s interesting you say that because when you consider it, really, so much of the proxy wars of the Cold…Jan 17, 02:51
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “It’s established historical fact that America dictated that American youth would not be sacrificed to reestablish former colonial empires. Laudable…Jan 17, 02:34
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Aye well, as you clink your cut glass malts together do try and give a thought or two as to…Jan 17, 02:09
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “It’s called asymmetric warfare. As old as bullying Empires. Best understand it before begrudging Wallace or a screen entertainment iteration…Jan 17, 01:54
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Sounding like Al Murray’s pub landlord character there. Uncalled for.Jan 17, 01:35
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: ““Kill the culture” is an age old Imperial trick; make it easier for those under the heel just to use…Jan 17, 01:29
    • gregor on A crisis of democracy: “Hopefully you’ll love your forever-partnership – The people of UK/Scotland deserve far better health care services.Jan 17, 01:06
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Yes, but didn’t the snorted up jolly boy amateurs in “British” speculative banking buy up much of the American mortgage…Jan 17, 01:05
  • A tall tale

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