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Can open, worms everywhere 238

Posted on November 01, 2015 by

A convention of the world’s finest satirists pulling a 24-hour shift on Red Bull couldn’t come up with anything to beat Labour’s position on renewing the UK’s Trident nuclear weapons system. Following an overwhelming vote at the Scottish Labour conference this afternoon, these are the current cut-out-and-keep standings:


But it’s even better than that.

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Your time is precious 197

Posted on October 31, 2015 by

Kezia Dugdale spoke for almost exactly 45 minutes to the Scottish Labour conference in Perth today. But we know you’re busy people who don’t want to sit through all of that, and that you trust us to endure it on your behalf so that we can sift through it and present you with only the important bits.

So we recorded the whole thing, then edited out all the bits that were just “SNP BAD” (that one’s a real time-saver), all the empty rhetoric, all the non-specific pledges to make everything be cuddly and fabulous, and all the uncosted, impractical, half-baked policy ideas that have no hope of ever being put into practice.

In the end we got it down to under 10 minutes.

No need to thank us. It’s what we do.

God save your mad parade 168

Posted on October 31, 2015 by

When we watched Kezia Dugdale’s toe-curling moment on this week’s Question Time, we were immediately reminded of a mesmerising passage in Jon Savage’s masterful 1991 history of punk rock “England’s Dreaming”, in which he gives an account of the last ever Sex Pistols concert, at Winterland in San Francisco in 1978.


And like the show, Dugdale’s week just kept getting worse.

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The sunshine of socialism 162

Posted on October 30, 2015 by

We’re big fans of socialism ourselves, so when a number of delegates at the Scottish Labour conference today, including UK leader Jeremy Corbyn, revived an old Keir Hardie line we were quite excited.


We just thought it’d be more fun than this.

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Let’s clear something up 153

Posted on October 30, 2015 by

Asking the question is the easy bit: “If the all-new, super-autonomous Scottish Labour decides to oppose the renewal of Trident, and UK Labour continues to support it, which way do Scottish Labour MPs at Westminster vote on it?”

The answer, unsurprisingly, was a lot more difficult to ascertain.

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The wishful believers 417

Posted on October 28, 2015 by

As we observed last night, the BBC’s Andrew Neil has reacted with rather poor grace to his chiding at the hands of respected statisticians Jim and Margaret Cuthbert. Neil embarked on a Twitter blocking spree and tried to rewrite history, claiming that he’d “simply offered” the blunt claim that there had been no cuts to the Scottish budget in the last five years “as one measure” of the money available to Holyrood.

The problem for Neil is that we recorded video of his Sunday interview with the SNP’s Angus Robertson, and anyone can see for themselves that Neil made an unequivocal assertion with no suggestion whatsoever that there were any alternative measures.


“In real terms there’s been – no – cut”, said Neil, spitting out the last three words with dramatic pauses between them for emphasis, in a statement whose stark absence of ambiguity unfortunately left him no wiggle room when the Cuthberts politely but firmly pointed out that it was “ridiculous” to argue that there hadn’t been any cuts, and that the budget “clearly has gone down”.

But Neil’s embarrassment is illustrative of a much wider delusion.

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Words without meanings 114

Posted on October 27, 2015 by

Labour put out a press release yesterday a few hours before the tax credits fiasco. It concerned the much-ballyhooed new arrangements for Scottish Labour “autonomy”, of exactly the sort that the branch office has been telling us it already had ever since the election of Johann Lamont as leader in 2011.


We were excited to find out what they were, because we’re sure this time they’ve definitely happened, not like all the times when they said they had but were joking.

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The Abstainers Ride Again 140

Posted on October 26, 2015 by

So tonight the Labour Party tweeted this:


It’s a lie.

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The Highlander Doctrine 92

Posted on October 25, 2015 by

Kezia Dugdale in yesterday’s Scotsman:

“There’s three sort of tests being set for me, and that I’m setting myself.

I have to prove the Scottish Labour Party is autonomous. I have to show we have a belief, a vision of what the future of ­Scotland might look like. And then there’s the question of whether or not I am credible enough to hold the position I have.”

So how are those looking 24 hours on?

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The Illogical Song 194

Posted on October 24, 2015 by

Kezia Dugdale talking about her dad in today’s Scotsman:

“We are not one nation now. As much as we are all trying to come back together, the referendum kind of burns on. I see it as emotional, not rational. My dad will see something on Wings Over Scotland and post it. For him, it is as relevant a source as the ­Financial Times because it reinforces what he already believes.

And because I can see somebody in my family doing that, I understand that’s there’s 100,000 other people who feel exactly the same way.”

Just a couple of things.

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A poverty of imagination 185

Posted on October 24, 2015 by

We don’t follow many Unionists on social media, because you end up wasting your day arguing pointlessly with a lot of people who are never going to change their minds and getting in a bad mood. But we’re told they were all very excited about an article in yesterday’s Daily Record.


Penned by the paper’s political editor Davie Clegg, it’s a long diatribe about how the fall in oil revenues has created a black hole which now means Scotland is – stand by for a surprise! – too wee and too poor to be independent.

So far so meh – it’s not like it’s the first time we’ve heard that record played, after all. But as you can see from the image above, there’s also quite an interesting challenge printed in giant capitals at the foot of the page. We’re not in the Scottish Government, but it’s a rainy Saturday so we thought we might have a go.

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The triumph of EVEL 208

Posted on October 23, 2015 by

We’ve been having a bit of a ponder over the effective passing into law of English Votes for English Laws, which has been remarkably little mentioned in Scotland’s media today. The BBC website has nothing about it at all on its Scotland front page, forcing readers to dig down into the politics section for some coverage.

The Daily Record, as far as we can tell, doesn’t have a word about it – nothing in the print edition and nothing online, even though as we write this it’s gone 3pm the next day, around 21 hours after the vote was passed in the Commons. The Scottish Daily Mail relegates it to a small feature taking up barely a third of page 12, even though the move supposedly ends the Union.


The Scotsman gives it a tiny corner of the front page and half of page 6, and only the Herald treats it as a lead story, although even there it only gets a couple of columns, less space than that devoted to a picture of David Cameron and the Chinese president Li Xinping having a pint in a pub.

All of which is remarkable, because it’s arguably the most radical change made to the UK constitution since the creation of the devolved Parliaments 16 years ago, and perhaps more significant even than that.

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    • Michael Laing on Things happen slowly: “I’m seeing a lot of criticism of the new comment set-up, and I don’t agree with the critics at all.…Oct 7, 01:15
    • sarah on Things happen slowly: “Perhaps the competition is “How many different interpretations can be made?”. I like your take i.e. that the police probe…Oct 6, 23:51
    • aLurker on Things happen slowly: “Well Spotted sarah. They are plainly telling us the ‘probe’ into ‘the firm’ is a fake! 😉Oct 6, 23:42
    • Dan on Things happen slowly: “No, it’s currently a total inefficient time-wasting difficult to follow crock of shit nested comment system like Arsebook uses, with…Oct 6, 23:33
    • sarah on Things happen slowly: “Are the Mail’s sub-editors running a competition amongst themselves for the most double-entendre headline? “Fake firm probe”. ??? 🙂Oct 6, 23:03
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    • Mac on Things happen slowly: “Unless you are willing to crawl through every reply looking for the most recent reply date for every BTL comment…Oct 6, 22:27
    • Geri on Things happen slowly: “Hmm.. when I go to the main article & scroll down, as I would the old fashioned way, ppls comments…Oct 6, 22:19
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    • Fiona on Things happen slowly: “yes…. i know 🙂Oct 6, 20:36
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    • McHaggis69 on Things happen slowly: “and?Oct 6, 19:38
    • Fiona on Things happen slowly: “yeah, you are right it was OTT I was, to be fair, on a rant… I’m still reading a book…Oct 6, 19:28
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    • Young Lochinvar on Things happen slowly: “Looks like classic Churnalism. You should accuse them of plagiarism.Oct 6, 18:40
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    • Alf Baird on The whole caboodle: “You must be quite young. A majority of nationalist MPs = independence was always the party’s raison detre – until…Oct 6, 17:21
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