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Wings Over Scotland

God save your mad parade

Posted on October 31, 2015 by

When we watched Kezia Dugdale’s toe-curling moment on this week’s Question Time, we were immediately reminded of a mesmerising passage in Jon Savage’s masterful 1991 history of punk rock “England’s Dreaming”, in which he gives an account of the last ever Sex Pistols concert, at Winterland in San Francisco in 1978.


And like the show, Dugdale’s week just kept getting worse.



A series of disastrous TV and radio interviews for Dugdale and her only surviving MP, Ian Murray, were compounded by the embarrassment of having to swiftly pull what was already a hideously terrible party political broadcast after alert viewers spotted a giant spelling mistake in the middle of it.

(The clip was, of course, captured and promptly republished by vile cybernats.)

But like a man having an epileptic fit while shackled to a pneumatic drill, the party just can’t stop digging itself into a deeper hole.

Dugdale actually managed to secure a hefty amount of national media coverage today with an announcement that should Labour somehow triumph in next year’s Holyrood election, it would reverse the Tories’ planned cuts to tax credits. (The ones Labour spent much of the week insisting they’d already blocked in the House Of Lords.)

But it doesn’t take a great deal of probing into the detail before the plan falls to pieces.

In a bizarre interview with Holyrood Magazine yesterday, the Scottish Labour branch manager told editor Mandy Rhodes that one of her plans to find more money was by hiking the top rate of income tax in Scotland to 50p when the power to do so is devolved to Scotland at some currently-unknown point in the future. (The Scotland Bill not yet being law, of course.)

But when pressed by Rhodes on how much cash the move would generate, Dugdale made the extraordinary admission that she hadn’t a clue:

“Up to £100 million. But bluntly, Mandy, it could also raise zero because of the mechanisms by which people can avoid paying tax so it is up to £100 million.”

So the first plank of her strategy comes with an error margin of up to 100%, which we suspect probably won’t fill voters with a massive amount of confidence. (The Institute for Fiscal Studies estimates that the true figure would be around £8m, not £100m.)

But even in the best-case scenario, £100m is less than a quarter of what’s needed to plug the gap in tax credits alone. So where is Dugdale planning to find the rest?

According to this morning’s Guardian:

“Dugdale will tell delegates in Perth that retaining tax credits would be affordable without increasing taxes in Scotland. It would be funded by rejecting the SNP’s plans to first cut and then phase out air passenger duty (APD) and resisting Tory plans to raise the threshold for the 40p tax rate from the current £42,385 to £50,000 by 2020.”

Yet Dugdale had already expressly told Mandy Rhodes that the APD money would be used for education, not restoring tax credits:

“In the case of us not raising what we hope [from the 50p tax increase], we also have an additional redistributive mechanism which we would use for education, which is to scrap the APD measure which would bring £250 million and we would spend that on educational inequality.”

So that notional £250m is already being spent twice over. But hang on a minute. APD hasn’t actually been scrapped yet. If you abolish the plans to reduce and eventually scrap it, that just means your budget stays the same as it is now. You can’t magically generate an extra £250m out of thin air by keeping things the way they are.

(Incidentally, it’s only a year since £250m was the sum Jim Murphy told Scots would be raised from the 50p income-tax rate alone. We’re not sure where the other £150m has gone since then.)

At this point, with Dugdale’s plans already lying in a heap of smoking rubble, it seems almost churlish to start pointing out how incredibly difficult “restoring” tax credits would be even if the money somehow fell out of a tree into her lap.





The tax credits system is already an incredible shambles. The most cursory Google search will turn up scores and scores of stories about struggling families thrown into chaos or even finding themselves in court for being unable to comply with sudden demands for thousands of pounds in “overpayments”.

The degree of cross-border and inter-departmental co-operation that would be required to even begin calculating the amount of money claimants had properly lost and required to be compensated for through the creation of a completely new benefit in Scotland only, entirely separate from the actual tax credits system – let alone the mechanics of implementing the payments – is mind-boggling on an Olympian level.

It’s perhaps just as well, then, that Kezia Dugdale hasn’t actually identified where she’d find a single penny of the money needed to pay for it. So far she’s told us about an income-tax raise that she admits might raise absolutely nothing, and how she’ll keep Air Passenger Duty the same as it is now and yet somehow get an extra £250m from it, which in any event she’s already told us that she’ll spend on “educational inequality”, not restoring tax credits.

The deathly silence of the Question Time audience on Thursday was one of the most striking and significant political moments of recent years. What it showed in living colour was something a lot of people (including the leader herself) have been saying for many months – Scottish Labour has simply lost the right to be listened to at all.

The one saving grace for Kezia Dugdale is that if nobody’s listening, at least there’ll be fewer people standing with their jaws agape and pointing at the farcical, incoherent mess she’s trying to sell them.

Her party this week proved beyond doubt that it’s an irrelevance, a stumbling zombie with no reason left to exist. (Social democrats now overwhelmingly vote SNP, and hardcore Unionists have the Tories.) For Scottish Labour, there is no future.

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Peter Mirtitsch

Funny how she also mentions again that she is the daughter of two teachers, but doesn’t mention their political


Viewing the wee promotional video through heavily polarised sun glasses so as to avoid an epileptic fit, it would appear that the branch accounting office in Scotland would prefer to remain in opposition since, the video suggests that is their aim – not govern as perhaps a normal party might attain to. The wish may well be granted.
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Brutal – but Ms dugdale and her party deserve nothing less based on historic treatment of Scotland.

If anyone is feeling sorry for these Red Tories – pause and consider the damage they have caused in partnership with the Blue Tories.

There you go – feeling better?

findlay farquaharson

luv those pistols


so basically their plan is to tax us more to pay for the cuts they could have stopped but chose to make political capitol out off instead, at the cost of the electorate.

Aye that will be right!!

As for the Pistols they were spot on back then when they released God Save The Queen ,one line always sticks with me “this is a fascist regime” just a shame he is a sold out dickhead now,anybody for some country life butter John or maybe a spell in the jungle making a tit out yourself.


Good grief, what an omnishambles!

They cannot be allowed near budgetary responsibility… ever.


Kezia, maybe if you hadn’t stood shoulder to shoulder with the Tories campaigning for a ‘No’ vote, and may if Labour had actually voted against the Tax cuts last week, you wouldn’t have to make up the unbelievable shit that you are making up now.

She must think we button up the back.

SNP x 2 May 2016, we have to stop these people destroying Scotalnd.


Watching Kezia on Thursday night was quite painful. That someone as inept as her could lead a political party which aspires to govern us beggars belief.

I also noticed that she assured members of the audience that she was ‘in it for the long haul’. Doesn’t that directly contradict what she said only last week that after 4 or 5 years she’s moving on from politics?

When the ‘robots and chips’ comment was mentioned she actually had the temerity to shake her head ‘no’ as if she’d never said such a thing.

SLab have relied on a ‘pass’ from the meeja for so long that they don’t understand the new political reality – voters aren’t taking what politicians tell them at face value any more. When we hear something which just doesn’t sound right we take to the interwebs to dig out old interviews, newspaper articles and Youtube clips.

The trouble Kezia has is that nothing she says ‘sounds right’ it doesn’t make it past the ‘smell test’ and in Scotland’s current political climate that’s nowhere near good enough.

Labour in Scotland are as useful as a fart in a spacesuit.


OK somebody has got to say it. What are Sex Pistols? More importantly can they be used to re-invigorate one’s domestic bliss? Of course I’m asking for a friend like.


Helena Brown

The trouble with and for the Labour Party is that apart from Stuart, nobody runs a critical eye over any proposal they make. It is trumpeted by all their support in the media, even heard it being done on Radio 4 this morning and I doubt anyone in England cares.
I really think Kezia needs to get a job, one out of Politics where she can learn a bit about the world otherwise she is likely to find it hard to get a proper job in the end. Look at Murphy, has he got one yet?

David McCann

The line that I liked best from Kezia’s contribution on QT was “Dont write off Jeremy Corbyn YET”

With friends like these, who needs enemies!!!


Went from middle of the class in Elgin to top of the class in Dundee. I know people in Dundee. No way she was top of any class.

Brian Powell

Bizzarre reporting in the Independent, or not reporting what was actually said, as if he had a plan.

Then the weirdest of all, calling on the spirit of the Referendum to fight the Tories! Dear God. They’re is now no connection between Labour in Scotland or labour in England and reality, or what is happening in Scotland.

All the fire, the commitment , the ideas, the energy of the referendum lives on and is fighting the Tories, has been for years, but none of it belongs to Labour. Not the smallest part.

Labour has been trying to hijack it since the Referendum. They insult us.

But now, Corbyn is dead, as is Dugdale.


We’re witnessing the deliberate forced suicide of Labour in Scotland.

They know the game is up, their MP’s knew it prior to the Election in May and their Councillors are already making noises that it’s over for them in 2017.

This isn’t anything to do with the possibly inept or incompetent people involved in running Labour. This has nothing to do with UK Labour pulling the strings. This has nothing to do with Scottish Labour being granted, “autonomy” to make their own decisions.

The cards are being lined up for Indyref2 and Labour know that. They know that in Scotland they need to choose the correct side next time around or they will be out of Scottish Politics forever although the way things are going it’s too little, too late. Long may they be remembered for they’re lies.

Autonomy? Give me another name for that one!

n. pl. au·ton·o·mies

1. The condition or quality of being autonomous; independence.
a. Self-government or the right of self-government; self-determination.
b. Self-government with respect to local or internal affairs: granted autonomy to a national minority.
3. A self-governing state, community, or group.

[…] God save your mad parade […]


Johnny Rotten anarchist?…. Fuck ‘im

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A couple of great lines Stu:

1. The party just can’t stop digging itself into a deeper hole.

2. Scottish Labour has simply lost the right to be listened to at all.

The silence on QT should tell them they are dead to the electorate. Too late for any recovery. I could feel sympathy for them and their supporters but they have been instrumental in pain, suffering and death due to their support of the austerity philosophy to their own benefit.

Bunch of B@$t@rd$. Hurry up and die.

P.S. Kezia is a gift from the gods.

Robert Whyte

If Labour stood up to be counted, instead of sitting on their hands, they could have stopped the cuts; but no, they scored a cheap point and condemned many to a shittier life.

I feel no sorrow for “a once great party”, they were sellouts from day one, sod them.

MJS Dundee

Fisrt time I’d actually seen that SLab ad – even aside of the speling miskate, it’s awful. Nothing on the screen long enough to take a look at/think about.

It’s all about “I”, “me” …, e.g. Kompounding the Kult of Kezia.

Only it doesn’t work – as she’s got no depth of character to build any cult around.

And what is this with the ad nauseum repetition of “I am the Leader of Scottish Labour”, “I am the autonomous leader of autonomous Scottish Labour” and any number of trivial variants of the same? She cannot stop saying/claiming this.

Who’s she trying to kid?

No genuine leader of anything runs around constantly telling everyone that he or she is the leader. They don’t need to – because it’s obvious. It’s pretty plain that she’s trying to convince herself in the main – and judging by the number of repeats, she’s not doing too well with that even.

She is quite simply the most incapable attempt at a senior politician/leader that Labour (as a whole) have managed to come up with yet. That she and Labour can’t even see this, never mind deal with it, tells us everything we need to know.

It’s just a waste of our time paying any attention to their dribble. Nothing worth looking at here. There’ll be nowt left of them come this time next year – by their own hands. They need no help from us.

Time to forget about them and get on with re-forging our country!


Kez has just come out with a policy statement she thinks will please people. Why? Because she thinks that’s what political leaders do and she really wants to be seen as a political leader. What she has clearly not worked out is that grown up political leaders think about their policies first including how to pay for them. They will then subject them to challenge within their own party to make sure the policies are robust. Then they will come out with the attention grabbing policy statements.

Nice try Kez. I know it’s asking a lot, but you need to learn to think it through first and not just say what you think the electorate want to hear.


“In the case of us not raising what we hope [from the 50p tax increase], we also have an additional redistributive mechanism which we would use for education, which is to scrap the APD measure which would bring £250 million and we would spend that on educational inequality.”

Apologies for being even more stupid than normal today but is it just me or did I read this correctly?

which is to scrap the APD measure which would bring £250 million

Does this not mean she is thinking of SCRAPPING A.P.D. here which will thereby raise £250 Million or as I said above I’m just more stupid than normal! 😀

If, and it is a seriously BIG if here, I have understood this right where is the £250 Million coming from again? 😉

If she is scrapping A.P.D. here and it currently raises £250 Million, I assume, does she have a secret £250 Million squirreled away somewhere? :0

Apologies to everyone who has their brain switched on today if, as per usual, I have grasped the WRONG end of the stick. 😀

Dr Jim

It’s an Avengers video but without John Steed and Cathy Gale

Apart from the spelling mistake it’s just a vad bideo

You’d feel sorry for her, she’s good entertainment, until you remember she’s a massive bare faced liar probably even bigger than Murphy and that’s going some

Don’t take my word for it though (Google it) Aye right

Helena Brown

Robert Whyte, loved the game, I got him to Barnsley.


“Met with silence there!” exclaimed Dimbleby to Kez, QT Thursday. Once you red tory BetterTogether it with the blue tories, it’s clearly quite difficult to fool people again.


Scotlands trying to move forward and Labours getting in the road.


Lesley Anne at 12.51

I think she means she wants to scrap the measure to scrap APD. What a cack-handed way of putting it!

Alex Beveridge

Helena Brown @12.21pm.
Exactly Helena. As usual, the, as far as the unionists are concerned, uncritical M.S.M, will greet any pronouncement from this bunch of chancers as manna from heaven. I.M.O they have always been incompetent, and that goes for so-called journalists as well, but are only being found out nowadays due to this, and other websites.




The problem with ‘Have another look at Labour’ is the response would be a hurtful ‘No Thanx’ (sound familiar ?)

The problem with ‘Have a close look at Labour’ is that would mean getting close enough to ‘smell the stench that is Labour’


Itchybiscuit says:
31 October, 2015 at 12:14 pm

Watching Kezia on Thursday night was quite painful. That someone as inept as her could lead a political party which aspires to govern us beggars belief.

I also noticed that she assured members of the audience that she was ‘in it for the long haul’. Doesn’t that directly contradict what she said only last week that after 4 or 5 years she’s moving on from politics?

I have to disagree with you there Itchy … I found Q.T. quite refreshing for once, and hilarious, thanks specifically to oor wee Kez. In fact I don’t think I’m alone either. If memory serves me right, and it probably doesn’t, as the the camera swung back from the audience to look at oor wee Kez it passed Keith Brown, briefly, who I am certain was manfully trying to stifle a huge bout of laughter at oor wee Kez’s expense. 😀

When she said she was in it for the long haul Itchy she was of course only referring to staying leader until May 8th 2016. After May 7th elections there will, if the polls remain as they are, be next to no Labour branch members available to sit in Holyrood, 😀


TD says:
31 October, 2015 at 12:56 pm

Lesley Anne at 12.51

I think she means she wants to scrap the measure to scrap APD. What a cack-handed way of putting it!


So that’s what she meant … sort of then is it? 😉

Thanks for that TD. I’m just glad we have someone on here who is fluent in Kezianese! 😀

a supporter

Maybe it’s my age but I found the Lab video unreadable and unwatchable because of the text ‘flashing’ by at such a high rate.


Lesley-Anne 12.51

I can’t really help you on this one.Its way,way beyond me.I think,and it’s only a guess,Kezias just havering a lot of sh*te again.


Does Kezia have a cat? If so,she could maybe tell us what it has for its breakfast.


mealer says:
31 October, 2015 at 1:07 pm

Lesley-Anne 12.51

I can’t really help you on this one.Its way,way beyond me.I think,and it’s only a guess,Kezias just havering a lot of sh*te again.

What you really mean Mealer but were just too polite to say is:


Or as I call it SISO! 😀


I was thinking SLab is more like the Who tribute skiffle band Who Cares, with their flop single “Talking ’bout My Genertain”


Another comical aspect of the “daughter of two teachers” line is this: 2 of her 3 predecessors as branch manager had actually been teachers.

She’s trying to make being less in touch with education issues than Lamont and Gray into a positive.

Kevin Bowie

I was in the front row on Thursdays QT and the silence after Kezia spoke was deafening and pleasing. There was also a lot of laughter at her don’t write Corbyn off yet comment. I can’t wait for Ash Denham to beat her in May in my Edinburgh East constituency.


Poor Kezia. I do feel sorry for her. I think she is being used by a nasty Establishment.
Perhaps Lydon has sold out. But the song is still very apt and made a good opening soundtrack for Royal Babylon
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But you will have to be quick before it is “doctored” to remove the sound!


The problem for Dugdale is that she can promise a tartan unicorn for every house in Scotland, but does not possess the large motor skills to deliver the Daily Record to the last 4 households who still look at the pictures within it.

Cannot wait for the labour door knockers next year, just going to let them bumble on and when they stop talking, just going to stare at them in silence like the QT audience…


Nice video, shame about the snog 🙂


They’re terrible but they still have the BBC, STV, all press, like rancid The Graun’s vote SLab you suckas thing today, they can bus in activists from merry olde England for the May run up, they probably still have money left over from BetterTogether, vote NOb, big hitters like Lord Flipper and Crash Gordon havent yet made their trade mark important interventions, red toryboys on twitter still raging away at anyone with the temerity to talk back (WoS), BBC vote SLab Scotland so desperate, they’re even sticking sneering charisma bypass blue toryboy unionists like this bloke in front of us.

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So the QT audience next time will at the very least be stuffed with SLab activists, if they can find any.

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I quite miss Dr Scottthinks shouting “disgrace” at anything SNP from a SLab selected QT audience.

They won, goodbye red tory SLabour.



Until you learn the real truth about the banks and financial manipulation then you are only dancing to their tune and playing with the petty cash. This is the problem with the Labour Party, a process started under Blair and Co. They became part of the problem by joining the establishment instead of being the solution that the people desire.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning”.

Henry Ford

Proud Cybernat

Aye – those tax-raising powers that are apaprently coming, Kez. Powers that, if I understand correctly, mean that if we raise the top tax band by 10p we must raise all other tax bands by the same amount, including those earning the least.

Does that sound like a tax system ANY Scottish Government can feasibly use in practice? Like hell it does.


At the moment the revenue from APD is paid to HM Treasury in London – yes? And the revenue from it is £250 million – yes?

The tax is going to be devolved to the Scottish Parliament so that would equate to extra income of £250 million – assuming there is not a commensurate cut in the block grant in which case there would not be an increase in tax revenue.

Therefore Ms Dugdale would have extra income to spend with the caveat mentioned above.

The Scottish Government want to cut the tax and eventually scrap it. Even cutting the tax would leave it with some extra income from the revenue that would still accrue from the tax all of which formerly went to HM Treasury. Plus extra revenue from any increase in tourism and commercial activity resulting from a decrease in the tax IF all such revenue comes to the SG.

Ms Dugdale would not cut the APD but take all of the £250 million which is extra income and spend it on Education. So in that respect she would have extra income from the APD because currently it all goes to London but she does seem to be spending it twice over if she also wants to use it to mitigate tax credit cuts. But no immediate boost to the economy.

Or have I made a fundamental mistake somewhere or the revenue from APD is currently part of the SG’s income.

Training Day

‘Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?’ you remaining labour voters?


I actually feel sorry for her. Except… she is so petty and snipey at the SNP that any pity I feel for her quickly evaporates the minute she comes out with some childish jibe. Her constant references to ‘I’, reveal somebody convinced of their self importance. Not a good quality in a light weight. She comes across as vacuous, insincere… and unpleasant to boot. Katy Clark would have been far better.

Her saying on QT, ‘I wouldn’t write him off yet’ (of Corbyn) moments after she was singing his praises and claiming they were best pals, showed both her insincerity and her vacuousness.

ronnie anderson

Ah though there wiz ah new Brush Heid at Bbc news Pacific Quay.

Bbc2 slab conferance 1.30pm started with Toodaloo the Noo,s auld interview wie Kezia.


Kezia has only one way of staying in a job after May next year and that is to ensure SLAB aren’t beaten into 3rd place by the Tories in either % of votes or number of seats. This is a task that is looking less likely with each passing day.

James Anderson

Dugdale and Labour have absolutely no intention – none – of pursuing a radical socialist agenda. There is no root and branch review. There is no soul-searching. She and Corbyn are pursuing the EXACT same gish-gabbling, leftish gimmick politics of Murphy and Milliband (a la Mansion Tax).

There’s always an election round the corner so no time to put the brakes on the impending train wreck. Couple that to the scam she’s trying to pull on SLAB autonomy and you have a party STILL lying to the electorate and themselves (abetted by sycophantic interviewers like Brian Taylor).


Think I’ll just leave these here shall I? 😉

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erm … OOPS! 😀


Just watched the PPB, what on earth is that boorach like!

Forget putting a load of monkies in a room with typewriters and eventually getting a novel; you could put a monkey in a room with a piece of paper and a box of crayons and 10 minutes later it would produce a more meaningful PPB than that.

SLab is so lacking in any professionalism that it is simply turning into the laughing stock of politics. I really wish they would drop the Scottish part as it reflects badly on our nation.

James Anderson

The devolution of tax powers (whenever it happens) will be revenue-neutral. So on APD you can raise it when you have control (new revenue) or cut it (decreased revenue) but at the point of transition the SG revenue settlement from Treasury will be the same as it is now. When the SNP says it will introduce a phased cut it’ll be making a political choice, with sound economic foundation, anticipating that it will stimulate a very significant increase in its overall tax take and economic growth projections (in tourism, investment, more direct flights with multipliers).


Just a wee thought here. 😉

Now that the Labour branch office are to debate Trident at their wee portacabin conference in Perth today I was wondering what wee Kez’s future response will be to the “where do you stand on Trident” question? 😉

If the *ahem* conference votes to get rid of Trident will we finally hear Kezia say these immortal words “I agree that we should get rid of Trident.” No I don’t believe we will but hey she does live in cloud cuckoo land so anything is possible … I guess. 🙂

Should the *cough* conference decide to renew Trident I wonder if Kezia will agree and state that Trident must be renewed or will she just stick to here illogical “multilateralism” idea that everyone must get rid of nukes together, all at once, at the same time so to speak. 😀

Me Bungo Pony

I have to agree with Proud Cybernat (1:45pm). I am under the impression that the new powers will not allow a Scottish Govt to raise one income tax band without raising the others by the same amount. Have things changed?

ronnie anderson

@Lesley-Anne Naebody wants tae effluent in Kezian, if they did they would keep it tae theirselves .


“Her party this week proved beyond doubt that it’s an irrelevance, a stumbling zombie with no reason left to exist. (Social democrats now overwhelmingly vote SNP, and hardcore Unionists have the Tories.) For Scottish Labour, there is no future.”

I don’t think they actually expect to govern.
But by trying to outflank the SNP on the left, they hope to prevent a majority.

I don’t think it will work.
Even if they pledged to increase the top rate of income tax, most people understand it will end up losing money. Look at France’s failed experiment – the means for avoidance are far easier here.

And there is still plenty of resentment for standing with the Tories in the referendum, and an unwillingness to strengthen devolution beyond the ineffective new powers.

People want to vote for a party with some aspiration for this country, not just working within the boundaries of the limited devolution settlement. You get the sense that the SNP want to move Scotland forward.

I think the only way back for Labour is a genuine independent Scottish party, pushing for devo-max, open on independence, and a new leader with a bit more gravitas.

Paula Rose

Here we have members of the Labour Party dancing to the Sex Pistols…

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PMSL that is pure class Stu!
*never mind the bollocks* that Slab constantly spout, they have insurmountable *problems* within their Party.*Anarchy in the UK* Labour party continues. They have *no feelings* for any*bodies*, their only goal is Power.
So Slab *sub-mission* to London has left Kezia, the *liar* looking * pretty vacant* and in dire need of *Holidays in the sun*.


I think that the silence of the QT audience actually showed those watching at home that Scots audiences are no longer fooled by such daft proposals spouted by daft politicians just out to win an election. That deafening silence showed that Scots are educated and politically aware and they know how many beans make five. And they know Kezia’s beans were not adding up!

Thanks to an important choice they had to make last year about their future, Scots took it upon themselves to educate themselves in the way of political speak, how in politics everyday phrases mean so much more – or less, depending who is doing the pontificating. They learned to understand how politicians’ body language talked volumes, learned how eyes were a good indication of truth and lies, learned to wade through jingo, jargon and just plain lying to get to the heart of a political pronouncement! And learned when to know when a politician is just plain talking kack!

That Scottish audience in the TV studio knew kack when it heard it. And the whole of the British TV viewers knew that there was no wool being pulled over the Scots’ eyes by the slab ‘leader’. Had the Scots not been totally silenced by Kezia’s silly nonsense, I’d have been totally embarrassed by the thought that rUK might think she was indicative of Scottish education! Luckily that silence proved that even WE were stunned by her verbal diahorrea!

It amazes me how someone can have such lack of insight!! She says these daft things and has NO IDEA she is talking like a crazy. Then when her mistakes are pointed out, she feels she has to say even dafter things to defend the first piece of nonsense. And because people ridicule her silly comments, she goes into attack mode and lashes out with her #SNPbad routine! I ALMOST feel sorry for her… Her Dad shouldn’t let her out on her own…


Here we have the long awaited results of Kez Dugdale’s consultations with the Fat Controller.

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Proud Cybernat

@ Lesley-Anne

“Now that the Labour branch office are to debate Trident at their wee portacabin conference in Perth today …”

It’s ‘Preth’.


Jim Mitchell

She is completely out of her depth as are those who keep coming up with daft ideas that she can’t even explain!


ronnie anderson says:
31 October, 2015 at 2:18 pm
@Lesley-Anne Naebody wants tae effluent in Kezian, if they did they would keep it tae theirselves .

Aye you are probably right Ronnie. Naebdy would want to dare show their ignorance by openly admitting to being able to speak Kezianes! 😀

Proud Cybernat says:
31 October, 2015 at 2:37 pm

@ Lesley-Anne

“Now that the Labour branch office are to debate Trident at their wee portacabin conference in Perth today …”

It’s ‘Preth’.

My apologies PC just a little typo on my part … honest! 😀

Brian Powell

So, having stuck us with a Tory Government, now and again and again, SLabour’s only plan is to try to fiddle around with taxes to mitigate the effects of the tax cuts the Tories, they stuck us with, imposed.

Then, hoping they can win a GE, they will do, what?

But anyway, we should vote for them and see if all this happens.

Scott Borthwick

Robert Whyte.

Nice. I kicked Cameron 265.66 miles on my first go. Love the theme music too. “Kickity Cameron out…”


Anent Lamont, Gray and Dugdale’s brushes with the teaching profession I am reminded of that old saying:

“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach; and those who really can’t, become leader of the Scottish Labour Party.”



Thanks for this post. You mention Kezia Dugdale’s toe-curling moment on this week’s Question Time.

Thankfully I have access to the off button and deployed it.

However, I just listened to some of her toe-curling Labour Conference waffle before pressing the off button.

Kezia Dugdale is still lying and/or being delusional. She obsesses with rhetoric of SNP Bad, presumably to get former Labour supporters like me to move from the SNP back to Labour.

Well here is a message for Kezia. The moment you have the decency to apologise for your fellow Labour politicians appointing ATOS and killing cripples like my friends, and damaging my own health and life chances, then I will listen to you. But hen, the chances of me ever voting for your murdering blood stained political party and your failed New Labour friends such as the New Labour creep James Purnell – he who brought ATOS into the DWP and the demonisation of people with disabilities – are remote in the extreme.

So for now, you can take your ONE Scottish Labour MP and that hall full of ex-MPs and failed political gravy train expense milking merchants and hike up Ben Nevis.

Robert Louis

From the article above: Quote “For Scottish Labour, there is no future.”.

That is it in a nutshell. By trying too hard to suit those in south east England, the Labour party has lost every principle upon which it was started. We now have a London Labour leader, who opposes Trident, but heads a political party which supports it, coming to Scotland to tell the Labour party Scottish branch office, that they should support it, whilst the Scottish Labour leader and the only Labour MP in Scotland appear to be against it.

Seriously, how screwed up is that?

There is one solution to all of this, and that is for Labour in Scotland to actually become a different political party, with nothing to do with the UK party at all, on any level. It would also need to adopt a pro Scotland mindset, and move away from unionism, as that is effectively dead in Scotland. Truth be told, I rather fear it is too late even if they did.

It is a dead party, it has shuffled off its mortal coil..etc..etc.

ronnie anderson

Sick tired listening to Kezia , I,ll leave you,s with this

link to


I believe that Labour, branch office, have just released their new party anthem. 😉

link to


That silence started long before. All Kezia did was yell once again into the void that used to be Labour credibility. What did she expect?

Les Wilson

I can almost hear the BBC choir master to his Slab subjects.
Just you lot do your bit, stamp, scream “great”!,clap thunderously. We will do our bit and film the best crowd views, and of course we will turn up the volume at appropriate praise times.

Now get on with it.


While I’m frothing. There is one thing she got right. Any political system needs a good and engaged opposition. They can’t even get that right.


Not too sure if the bits I watched was a comedy or a horror show.
Negativity & misery all the way for labour and dressing for a funeral.

At least we now know the future is coming and hopefully without a trace of slab. Please someone stick a ‘do not resuscitate’ note on the coffin.


EBC Gadgy Brewer “SLAB had a meeting on EC refererendum this morning to a packed audience!” He forgot to tell us it was in a walk in cupboard.

As they scan the cannon fodder as Kes spouts gibberish their eyes are scanning about watching their backs. Talking about watching yer back anybody seen Davidson or Curran?

They really are a happy go lucky lot, and lucky to have a charismatic and intelligent leader like Kes who has a way with words, wunnaful just wunnaful!

pete the camera

Good to see someone at the Beeb has a sense of humour following the Slab conference with the comedy lucky Jim then Whisky Galore what a great start to an Ealing comedy feast this Saturday afternoon


Apparently this song came a very close second in the vote to become the branch office’s new anthem.

link to

Jon D

Priceless from our wee mate Scrotty Arthur

Conference goes bonkers…

link to

Like it wisnae bonkers already?

Sit doon, son, and eat yer cereal.

Graham MacLure

Lesley-Anne @3:19

As I suggested on the previous post Jackie Baillie could sing something like that before they go home to prepare for oblivion.


Being marginally older than most folk on this site I recommend you listen to “Who’s Sorry Now” by Connie Francis, it even mentions the VOW.


Graham MacLure says:
31 October, 2015 at 3:37 pm

Lesley-Anne @3:19

As I suggested on the previous post Jackie Baillie could sing something like that before they go home to prepare for oblivion.

Oh jeez please tell me you ARE kidding Graham. I mean you are NOT seriously suggesting Belting Bertha actually stand up and SING are you? 😉

It’s bad enough when she just TALKS! I couldnae handle her SINGING as well! 😀


I see people talking about being sorry, or not being sorry for Labour. But both can be true I think.

Don’t feel sorry for the politicians who talk nonsense like Dugdale’s fantasy economics, as in don’t cut APD so magically make £250 million more appear from a magic mushroom, and don’t feel sorry for the legion of ex-MPs who went along with the Party’s charade over the years and got given their marching orders in May.

Do feel sorry for the ordinary Labour voter who was misled and is still perhaps being bamboozled into believing the money from a money tree claims of the politicians.


Sorry folks but I’ve just nicked this from General Ghouls over on Twitter. 🙂

They’re creepy and they’re kooky
Mysterious and spooky
They’re altogether ooky
The Labour Family


This daughter of two teachers seems to struggle with numeracy. I can’t wait for her to face a mathematical interrogation by Andrew Neil. That should be interesting.

She’s also got some cheek constantly asking Nicola Sturgeon to do something about online ‘Nat’ abuse when she has just blatantly abused around half of the electorate in Scotland, online.

She is a most inept politician, a hypocrite, a poor actress and a pretty nasty wee character. The Scots were being ‘nice’ to her on QT by not uttering a sound at all. If she continues in the same vein, lying and trying to dupe the Scots, the next stage will see her being booed off the stage.

Billy Bragg got it right when he said ”Kezia the silence you heard after your first comment (political broadcast) was actually the sound of scepticism. The people of Scotland AREN’T STUPID.”

Brian Powell

So SLabour asking SNP to sign up to a pledge on tax credit cuts they they can’t explain how they are going to finance.

Tho missed the bit where the could have stopped it, but abstained.

And where they worked with the Tories to keep Scotland in Tory hands so cuts would be imposed.


My word. The increasing irrelevance and desperation of the Labour Party in Scotland.

Scottish Labour’s just reward for standing shoulder to shoulder with the Tories and the LibDems as part of Better Together.


Well that’s it folks … it is all over … there is definitively NO HOPE what so ever for S******d now.

We’re doomed … all doomed! 😀

link to


Watched Kezia dressed in black give forth unto her comrades. There was relentless clapping for nothing at all. She is still deluded along with the rest of the audience. There seems to be the lingering.attitude that they own the vote. There is nothing there just words.

john king

Dear Handclapping
McLaren said the name derived “from the idea of a pistol, a pin-up, a young thing, a better-looking assassin”
link to
Eh maybe no 🙁

Im sorry to tell…your freind
that a Sex Pistol” is not some form of sex aid and should never be used with alcohol due to the projectile vomiting that occurs spontaneously and can be fatal to eh…marital bliss due to propensity to spew carrots (whether eaten or not)at the most inopportune time,

tel your…eh… freind to contact a therapist( you know the kind) without delay.

John (a freind) 😉



Oh well, that’s us well and truely fubared. I’ll just stow the Saltire, get out the UJ and send a begging letter to Westminster asking for forgiveness and salvation. 🙁


frogesque says:
31 October, 2015 at 4:43 pm


Oh well, that’s us well and truely fubared. I’ll just stow the Saltire, get out the UJ and send a begging letter to Westminster asking for forgiveness and salvation. 🙁

Alternatively Frogesque we could all get the Saltires out hang them high to flutter in the wind and tell Hambone and co. to f*** off! 😀

Proud Cybernat

KD: We are genert… genetr… genetically programmed.

john king

Helena Brown says
“Look at Murphy, has he got one yet?”

Apparently last seen picking Asparagus in Peru.


Is it conceivable that Kezia is an SNP plant! I say what a great job she’s doing on our behalf 😉 keep up the great work hen, you’re doing a grand job! 😉

john king

David McCann says
“The line that I liked best from Kezia’s contribution on QT was “Dont write off Jeremy Corbyn YET”

Wasnt it Somerset wassername who said that?


@ Legerwood:

The fundamental mistake you have made is not realising that every single penny in devolved taxation that comes to Scotland will be offset by a corresponding reduction in the block grant. Scotland will not be one single penny better off.


Lesley-Anne says:
31 October, 2015 at 4:46 pm
frogesque says:
31 October, 2015 at 4:43 pm


Oh well, that’s us well and truely fubared. I’ll just stow the Saltire, get out the UJ and send a begging letter to Westminster asking for forgiveness and salvation.

Alternatively Frogesque we could all get the Saltires out hang them high to flutter in the wind and tell Hambone and co. to f*** off!

I’ll have to run that by Kez first 🙂

Even more oil and Scotland also has enough gold and silver for our own needs with a good bit to spare. Such a rich Nation, well educated, brimming with talent thats too poor too wee and too stupid to run our own affairs.

IRef#2 can’t come quick enough!


ClanDonald says:
31 October, 2015 at 5:02 pm
@ Legerwood:

The fundamental mistake you have made is not realising that every single penny in devolved taxation that comes to Scotland will be offset by a corresponding reduction in the block grant. Scotland will not be one single penny better off.

Aye, and thats before we set budgets and Osborne imposes yet more cuts to further bugger us up!

O/T Go All Blacks!!!!


Lallands Peat Worrier expertly disses Kezia’s nonsense about tax credits. She should read this before she goes out guizing.

link to


@ Lesley-Anne says at 4:31 pm

”Well that’s it folks … it is all over … there is definitively NO HOPE what so ever for S******d now. We’re doomed … all doomed!”

link to

Hear about it on the news tonight? Front page of the Daily Record on Monday, anyone?


Just make sure when you run all these ideas past wee Kez Frogesque that she is NOT standing under a slogan. After all as she apparently said today ” Labour are not a party of slogans!” 😀


Clandonald @5.02.

No I did not make that fundamental mistake. Suggest you read it again and you will see that I said the £250 million would only be an increase if there was no commensurate reduction in the block grant. It is practically a sure thing that the block grant will be reduced by a similar amount.


“Well that’s it folks … it is all over … there is definitively NO HOPE what so ever for S******d now.

We’re doomed … all doomed! :D”

My first planning job in the North Sea Oil sector was the construction of the steel structure “Forties FC” for BP.

It is still there and by the sound of it will be there for many years yet. No more oil? Aye right!!


Had 10 Guisers round so far. The first at 5.22. The last as I type. Not one of them dressed as Kezia Dugdale. Well, they don’t want to scare the younger weans do they?


steven luby

As I said in a tweet to Holyroodmandy. “Aye,wing it”.


Too Late to save The Herald

Under the Editorial


Too little too late. The paper’s been Gardham’s playground for years.
During the Referendum siding with The Union, day after day page after page rubbishing Scotland.

It’s in the same position as the BBC and The Retard. Used to save the Union, now desperately trying to maintain an audience.


@Lesley Anne

My auld dad worked in the oil industry some thirty odd years. His one and only word on BTs ‘oil’s running oot soon’ releases?


A man of few, but very direct, words my dad. 😀


Congratulations to the All Blacks on winning the rugby World Cup.Would they have beaten Scotland? Well,I guess we’ll never know but I don’t think we can let that tarnish their triumph.

Tam Jardine

APD is confusing me – the benefit to Scotland in cutting it is? Without VAT? Is it increased corporation tax?

2nd question: is the answer to ‘what happens to UK pensions when Scotland become independent not as simple as the UK government refunding all pension contributions made by Scottish citizens, adjusted for interest and inflation to the Scottish treasury?

That seems the most straightforward option but maybe I am missing something?

Confused and getting drunk.

P’s – well done Scotland in gaining the unofficial runner up spot at the rugby world cup – should have beaten Oz (according to IRB), and they beat the Argies.

Not bad for a wee country!


Lesley-Anne says:
31 October, 2015 at 5:21 pm

Just make sure when you run all these ideas past wee Kez Frogesque that she is NOT standing under a slogan. After all as she apparently said today ” Labour are not a party of slogans!” 😀

Ruby replies

Dominoes Pizza are saying oh yes they are and what’s more they have pinched our slogan ‘take a fresh look’

THE slogan ‘take a fresh look’ is plastered all over Scottish Labour’s conference in Aberdeen and senior politicians shoe-horned it into their speeches.

This story was on The Herald but it looks as if the The Herald’s website has crashed or perhaps they have been attacked by disgruntled Labour members & supporters who have been mobilised by John McDonnell.

Graham MacLure

Lesley-Anne@ 3.37

“It’s bad enough when she just TALKS! I couldnae handle her SINGING as well!”

Aye fair enough but “It aint over till the fat lady sings.”

Yet having said that she would be miscast as Brynhildr as she is no shield maiden.


Brilliant Rev,

I thought it might have taken a day or two to wade through this pile of nonsense from Dugdale. But to do it within a couple of hours of being announced is absolutely mind blowing.

I knew Kezia’s tax credit plans were pie in the sky thinking, but I could never have put it into words the way you so eloquently do.




nodrog says:
31 October, 2015 at 3:40 pm

Being marginally older than most folk on this site I recommend you listen to “Who’s Sorry Now” by Connie Francis, it even mentions the VOW.

Ruby Replies

Perfect choice

Who’s sorry now
Who’s sorry now
Who’s heart is aching for breaking each vow
Who’s sad and blue
Who’s crying too
Just like I cried over you

Right to the end
Just like a friend
I tried to warn you somehow
You had your way
Now you must pay
I’m glad that you’re sorry now

Right to the end
Just like a friend
I tried to warn you somehow
You had your way
Now you must pay
I’m glad that you’re sorry now

Chitter robot real pubic hair

“Ever had the feeling you are being had?”


Brilliant replies folks. 😀

Especially for you Ruby. 😉

link to


@Tam Jardine
APD being cut should boost the economy. To get the full benefit we’d need FFA (or of courses Indy!!!), but even with income tax devolved and half VAT there’ll be some benefit to revenues to compensate for the losss of APD. That’ll be why the SNP propose to halve it first then cut completely, to allow the boost to start taking over from the loss of revenues.

OT – Rugby – felt some sympathy for Oz, penalty that shouldn’t have been, try from a knock-on, then not being given a penalty for high tackle. 13 points robbed. And that’s Nigel Owens as the ref, contender I’d say for best ref.

Rules for going to TMO need to be improved, and ref allowed to overturn the penalty and call the scrum instead, and in some cases perhaps last 5 mins of 1st half, last 10 mins of second half, rewind the clock. Poetic justice I guess for Joubert’s disaster against us and in Oz favour giving them the match.

At least the Wallabees got the two converted tries (14 points) to get themselves right back 2 points behind.


By the way APD. Kexia Dugdale for Labour “the party of Devolution” seems to have not a clue what devolution is supposed to be all about with her “we won’t cut APD”.

The point of Devolution is to allow “regions” to ahve different policies for our different needs, and Scotland is further from the market than the rest of the UK. So we need compensations, such as reduced or zero APD to give our businesses not an advantage, but an equal footing with rUK (England) based business.

Labour’s argument would be “Union, better together”, and “what about Newcastle?”. Well the answer to Newcastle is in the hands of her lessed UK Government, they can cut APD for Newcastle to allow it to compete with Scotland and the south of England. But her “Better Together” UK Government give not a hoot, not a whistle for the North of England which one famouslyt called a wasteland “up there”.

Labour the party of Devolution? I think not.

mike cassidy

Scottish Labour.

Not so much the Sex Pistols.

More the UK Subs.



And don’t forget that other Connie Francis hit that sums up Scottish Labour:

“I fall to pieces”

link to

JMK Designs

I just loved that silence. It would have taken a heart of stone not to dissolve into a fit of laughter, and, like Elvis, I don’t have a heart of stone.

ronnie anderson

Well done NZL Prince Harry handing out the Medals ,will the NZL players give him a Maori greeting lol

Lenny Hartley

Tam Jardine re public pensions.

For those in receipt of a pension , this will continue to be paid by rUK, as per letter Jan 13 from UK Pensions to R Collinson esq.

For new pensions the rUK will have to pay a pro-rata share to Scots Govt. Note that next year pensioners in receipt of UK pension in the Isle of Man will get part paid by UK govt and part paid by Isle of Man Government. So other methods may be used but the rUK will have to pay their share.

What’s important to note is that 100% of existing pensions will be paid by rUK Government as that’s where the contributions over an individual’s working life will have been paid too. Pensions are not a benefit, you only get them if you have made sufficient NI contributions.


Labour have no intention of supporting APD being controlled by Scottish Government. I’ll believe it’s been devolved and used when I see it..

link to


When Kezia became leader and said she was going to be the leader of Scottish Labour Party and be autonomous from the rest of the UK party it just reminded me of Johann Lamont’s early statements proclaiming the same, then Jim Murphy’s and so it goes on, while nothing changes…

Poor Kezia, she is fighting a lost battle.

Tam Jardine


My point is: the DWP statement that RUK would be liable for our pensions was met with some incredulity – how could Scotland start off without having to dole out loads of pension money?

I’d be quite happy for the Scottish government to be liable for it if, that is, the treasury paid my contributions plus interest to the Scottish treasury.

We got stung on the pensions thing when really it was a strength.

My father in law (an Irishman) put it succinctly when confronted with resistance to his Scottish currency in London:

Well, give us our feckin oil back!

ben madigan

Have just started reading the post and was shocked by this awful metaphor

“But like a man having an epileptic fit while shackled to a pneumatic drill”

My son suffers from epilepsy – like many other people’s sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, wives and husbands.

I find the image/metaphor offensive.


Labour are skooshed!

They will win no constituency seats in May and will come second to the Tories on the list seats.

Final humiliation. Well done Jim and Kezia, we thank you.

Ian Brotherhood

@caz-m –

Nice choice there at 7.05.

There’s a wee musical cheerio to SLab going over on o/t, if you (and Connie, and a’body else) would care to join us…


ronnie anderson

@ Tam Jardine the SNP were to slow in combating the Pensions scare ,those letters from the DWP should have been reproduced & put through every letter box.


Thepnr 7.50pm
“Labour are skooshed!”

I know that and you know that!

But the frightening thing is that Kezia and all the other Unionist sympathisers sitting in that hall DON’T know it.

What can we see, that they can’t?

Tam Jardine

ronnie anderson

You could not be more right brother


Duncan Hothersall ?@dhothersall 5h5 hours ago
I tell you what. That was probably the best leader’s speech at a Labour conference I’ve ever heard. Well done Kez! #scotlab15
23 retweets 21 favourites
Reply Retweet 23 Favourite 21

It’s all over.

Paula Rose

@ ben madigan humour is a strange thing – my brother has epilepsy, I thought the metaphor very amusing.


What about a new anthem for Scottish Labour. The 1973 song, Send in the Clowns.


Lenny Hartley

Tam Jardine What do you think happens to the tens of thousands of UK pensioners who live out with the U.K. FFS they even get cold weather payments in Spain. Even if they lived on the Moon
They would get their pension paid. The only issue is whether there is an agreement in place for the payment to increase every year as per the U.K.,or whether the payment remains the same.
Most “friendly countries” have agreement with U.K.

As I said this is not a benefit but an entitlement, you only get a pension if you have contributed
Or the Government has for you. I.e. If you have been on benefits all your working life.

If you want a copy of the original letter from DWP confirming this I can send it to you.



Unlike Scottish Labour, we can see past the end of our nose. They can’t. Hell, they couldn’t find their own arse cheeks with both their hands and a friends helping them find it, with the help of a map and compass.



Ian Brotherhood

Re; Connie Francis.

It’s amazing how Connie Francis could write all those songs in the 1950s about the downfall of Scottish Labour in 2015.

She must have been wan a them clairvoyant wummin or something.


Lesley-Anne says:
31 October, 2015 at 6:51 pm
Brilliant replies folks. 😀

Thanks Lesley-Anne being an old codger I did not know how to do that. Tell Macart I probably knew his Dad.

Tam Jardine

Lenny Hartley

Aye we are on the same page. I just wonder if the Yes position should not be give us £X billions of Scots pension contributions from national insurance and we will be on our way.

‘Westminster have agreed to honour their commitments’ sounds awful like we are relying on them to uphold their side of a bargain. I wouldn’t rely on them for anything.

We might also be able to come up with a figure… I certainly could if I collated all my NI contributions on my wage slips over the years.

They can just give us that amount for all Scottish citizens then SG pays it.


I have no idea what oor wee Dunc is on there Heedtracker but it is definitely right meds WRONG dose! 😀

Just for you Bugs. 😉

link to


Re: Lesley-Anne@4.31pm

Yes, all doomed indeed. There’s masses of oil in Scottish waters, pity the uinionists have stifled investment, taxed it to the hilt and taken the piss out of Scotland at the same time. Story in the scotsman and herald a couple of days go saying we will have to import electricity from England and it’s all the SNP’s fault so there! Huh, and er why is Longannet closing next year. They really are taking the rip.

Like many resources rich countries, the greedy neighbours, or companies from outside as well, steal those resources and starve the people. I am just doing an engraving of Maxima de Acuna, an amazing lady farmer in Argentina, who is still fighting the gold miners, big company bullies, who have beaten her up, burnt her house and killed her animals to try to get her gold rich land.
She fights on, an inspiration to us all.

Angra Mainyu

I watched Kezia’s speech today and realised that the Labour Party has basically thrown in the towel in Scotland. There’s no way on earth those party elders in their suits can even hope to retain their place at the trough with her in power. She’s a complete lightweight. So what’s the plan?

My guess is they will argue for federalism after May — cut Scotland loose and argue for a major overhaul of UK politics. All the big issues of the day, the HoL role, EVEL, Barnett, West Lothian, cuts, etc., could all arguably be resolve through federalism.


Dogdale Speech;

‘That keeps our society, for all its faults, the envy of the world for the very reason that it is still a work in progress.’

Then this:

‘We’ll talk about the future – because Scotland is falling behind whilst the world is moving on.’

Make you mind up Kez.

I could not make it to the end of her trascripted speech because my head was starting to implode.

What a disjointed heap of unadulterated verbal diarrhoea.

Lenny Hartley

They don’t have a pension pot and as they are at least 1.5 a Trillion in debt they could not make
A once off transfer of funds. They live in never never land and have to borrow to pay their existing pension obligations. The contract is between the U.K Government and the pensioner and not
Intra governmental.


ArtyHetty says:

“Maxima de Acuna, an amazing lady farmer in Argentina, who is still fighting the gold miners, big company bullies, who have beaten her up, burnt her house and killed her animals to try to get her gold rich land.
She fights on, an inspiration to us all.”

Watched the Banana Massacre of Columbia programme, based on monoculture of bananas, last night on RT this story you refer to sounds very similar. So much for Global Enterprise!!

Tam Jardine

Angra Mainyu

I think I was wrong about you – I accused you of something that was wrong. We don’t see eye to eye on everything but I should not have called you a troll.

Have a guide weekend- that’s it.

ben madigan

@ paula Rose who said “I thought the metaphor very amusing”.

We’ll have to agree to differ on this point –

the image of anyone having an epileptic seizure (horrendous as it is for sufferer and onlookers) magnified by attachment a pneumatic drill, is for me too horrible for words.

Glad for you that you find it funny!

Robert Peffers

@Graham MacLure says: 31 October, 2015 at 6:36 pm:

” … Aye fair enough but “It aint over till the fat lady sings.”

Yet having said that she would be miscast as Brynhildr as she is no shield maiden.“.

Haw! Graham, ye spelled, “Midden”, wrang!

Angra Mainyu

Tam, nice of you to say that but I’d be the first to say I’m not worth worrying about…

And I probably do have troll-like tendencies… I’m troll-like in real life too though.


What’s the difference between a METAPHOR and an ANALOGY?

I believe that people are taking offense far too easily these days..


Arty Hetty at 8.25

Rather than boycotting the unionist press / bbc we need to educate those unionists who dont use the Internet to widen their horizons via letters to editors and phone ins

Big Jock

Sometimes I feel like an alien!

Conversation in pub with work colleague.I casually asked: ” How did you vote in the referendum”. Answer ” No”. Again ” Do you think it was the right decision “. Blank look ” Yes” . Next question” So you think its OK that Scotland voted in 56 SNP MPs with 51% of the vote yet we are run from WM by Tories who only got 15% of the Scottish vote” Answer : ” Yes the country voted Tory” Question : ” So Scotland isn’t a country” answer ” Yes I am now ending this conversation” .

Is this a typical staunch Brit no voter. I do despair sometimes.


James Miller from unionist Sunday Post on bbc newspaper review nlaming snp for some schools using bookies pens to give out to primaru school children


@mogabee says:

What’s the difference between a METAPHOR and an ANALOGY?

I believe that people are taking offense far too easily these days..

Everyone has a right to be offended as everyone has a right to free speech.

Taste and common decency is the real issue and they are personal judgements as we all have different thresholds IMO.


@Big Jock
To be honest, in a pub you could have got the same answers from just about everyone, even including me. Whatever gets the politics talk over as soon as possible, and I could get on with the business of drinking, relaxing and having fun.

Big Jock

Arty you are correct. The Tories plan is to asset strip Scotland. Longannet,Steel renaming the Scottish office. There will be more to come. Remember they shut Longannet and at the same time cut the renewables grant. Effectively punishing Scotland. Then borrow Chinese money for Nuclear power stations in England.

Their end game is to make Scotland dependent on imports from England. They fear another referendum and want to present a weakened Scotland to the public in their no campaign. The BBC will be very obliging with this.

Thatcher did the same turned Scotland into a wasteland. Osborne has big plans to destroy Scotland. That’s why we can’t wait too long in this empty walleted Union. I also think we should nationalise the steel industry in Scotland and make it viable. Every assett needs to be protected.


@Big Jock

I also think we should nationalise the steel industry in Scotland and make it viable. Every assett needs to be protected.

I agree 100% the destruction of industry in the UK had nothing to do with profits and was/is entirely politically motivated.

Failure to protect these industries is very short sighted as we will all pay more in the end through having to import an essential product like steel.

Even now, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Poland and Spain all produce more steel than the UK.

Turkey, Canada, Mexico and Brazil produce 2 to 5 times as much. Never mind the major producers. So what is going on?

Nothing to do with wages or high costs. it is purely political.


The figures for 2014/15 can be read here:

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Well done, Rev Stu, for the appropriate caption for your video.

While I’ve been catching up on all the comments here, I’ve been thinking about spontaneous applause. My thoughts led me to the conclusion that an audience applauds when it feels inspired, or uplifted in some way, as a reaction to, for example, a brilliant goal, or inspiring words from a speaker, or an exhilarating musical performance.

(Here, my thoughts reminded me of the first of three Emerson, Lake & Palmer concerts in the Caird Hall, where Keith Emerson started off “Pictures At An Exhibition”, playing the magnificent Caird Hall organ.)

Onnyhoo, any audience, when clapping, is usually ‘in a good place’. Unfortunately, the audience in that clip, for the most part, appear to be overcome with dourness.

I guess that audience wasn’t, psychologically, in a good place…

Brian Doonthetoon

Sorry – posted that on the wrong page!

Tackety Beets

Michty mee , just watched the KD promotional video above.
WTF it was like driving at speed during a heavy snow fall.

What is wrong with these people ?

Dinnae answer , they just get wurs!

Sharny Dubs

The whole Labour thing reminds me of the false build up for Scotland in the Mexico World Cup, after all was done I saw a piece of graffiti in Edinburgh which read “go home Ali Mcloudemouth” in a nutshell. Labour, just the same, full of crap.



Remember, those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. Poor Kezia.

Alex Beveridge

Thanks for your work in editing her speech Stuart, but I can’t bring myself to listen to anything that bunch of liars say.
I truly detest the so-called leaders of this once fine Labour Party. A party that started out with such high ideals, a political movement determined to improve the lot of real people, now dragged through the mud by chancers like Corbyn, and Dugdale.
If our latest canvassing returns are correct, then the possibility of the tories overtaking them as the second party in the Scottish Parliament seems likely. That says it all about how people now feel about a party that has betrayed them, and now the chickens are coming home to roost.
So while I realise that they are, as yet, not completely extinct, I hope that another two heavy defeats in 2016/2017 will see their demise.
Whether a phoenix will arise from their ashes, well frankly, I couldn’t care less. They were the makers of their own downfall with their lies and deceit, so hell mend them.

chris kilby

Was that tumbleweed blowing through the Question Time studio? And perhaps the sound of hollow wind and a distant tolling bell…?

(For Labour the bell tolls)

[…] When we watched Kezia Dugdale’s toe-curling moment on this week’s Question Time, we were immediately reminded of a mesmerising passage in Jon Savage’s masterful 1991 history of punk rock “England’s Dreaming”, in which he gives an account of the last ever Sex Pistols concert, at Winterland in San Francisco in 1978.  […]

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    • TheParty1sOver on The Great Hollowing: “I think Sophie Molly & James Kelly are one & the same person.Jan 20, 15:30
    • Chas on The Great Hollowing: “The pace of change happening in every part of the world is simply too quick for most Politicians/Governments. Most Government…Jan 20, 15:26
    • Calum on The Great Hollowing: “Not gonna lie, Trump on stage with the Village People put a smile on my face.Jan 20, 15:23
    • Liz on The Great Hollowing: “Ultra Nrn Ireland Unionist McKay says Independence is off the table for the foreseeable because of….Trump I disagree I think…Jan 20, 15:21
    • MaryB on The Great Hollowing: “I see in today’s National, that John Swinney has stopped the new SNP policy papers. I understand that they were…Jan 20, 15:00
    • GeoffC. on The Great Hollowing: “Meanwhile, in Scotland, what government? – last I recall was when Alex was FM. We’ve certainly not thrived, except negatively.Jan 20, 14:59
    • GeoffC. on The Great Hollowing: “Can I go with “none of the above”. p.s. Why no representative from The Greens as PM 😉Jan 20, 14:54
    • sarah on The Great Hollowing: “But they didn’t have the UK civil service running the show.Jan 20, 14:34
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “AnotherJan 20, 14:27
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “AnotherJan 20, 14:26
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Will dump a couple more retro picsJan 20, 14:25
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    • ScottieDog on The Great Hollowing: “Well, neoliberalism can’t surely persist into a 6th decade. Can it?Jan 20, 14:01
    • Athanasius on The Great Hollowing: “Bit hard on Trump, don’t you think?Jan 20, 13:56
    • Frazerio on The Great Hollowing: “After the 2016 Scottish elections & the Brexit vote I could not possibly see any way we could avoid another…Jan 20, 13:55
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Why don’t you help us all out and give a few options for what U.K. could refer to, since it’s…Jan 20, 13:51
    • Young Lochinvar on The Great Hollowing: “Politics has become the cult of personality. I think Swinneys tactic is to move away from this and the controversy…Jan 20, 13:51
    • Dan on The Great Hollowing: “But nothing is going on in Scottish politics… And nothing can be done until “justice” for Alex is delivered… The…Jan 20, 13:50
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    • duncanio on The Great Hollowing: “Scotland’s Cause has not advanced one iota as a result of electing SNP politicians at all levels of government nor…Jan 20, 13:24
    • Confused on The Great Hollowing: “james kelly is a thin-skinned whining hysteric (with an obsession with you) – the kind of person who could cause…Jan 20, 13:13
    • Confused on The same old tricks: “I take your point Mia, but you are just playing whack-a-mole, and even vanquished they will come back with the…Jan 20, 12:59
    • Karen on The Great Hollowing: “I think people want *someone* in charge of the country, just not any of the options. Shauny Boy?Jan 20, 12:53
    • Confused on Poisoning The Unwell: “the faroe islands, tiny, can do things the UK cannot makes you think. Just one example.Jan 20, 12:52
    • Confused on Poisoning The Unwell: “so is betrayal real photo, no AIJan 20, 12:44
    • gregor on Poisoning The Unwell: “Yeah, MSM damage limitation.Jan 20, 09:07
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    • James Gardner on Poisoning The Unwell: “Fits well with “Smoke and Mirrors”Jan 20, 08:43
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