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From man to pig and pig to man 630

Posted on November 10, 2015 by

Below is an article taken from the UK media today about the Scotland Bill.


Give it a read through, and pay attention. There’ll be a very short quiz at the end.

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Not-so-special delivery 140

Posted on November 10, 2015 by

Scottish Labour were unambiguous: VOW DELIVERED IN FULL!


And who could disagree?

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The stitch-up 199

Posted on November 09, 2015 by

What Unionists insisted was the biggest and most important parliamentary transfer of powers to a devolved government anywhere in the world was squeezed into five and a half hours of debate time in the House Of Commons tonight, approximately two hours of which were taken up by Westminster’s farcical voting system.

Of the remaining three and a bit hours, a third of the time was taken up by the three MPs you can see video of at the bottom of this post. We know it’s a lot to ask to watch an hour of politicians deliberately trolling Scotland, but if you didn’t see the debate live it’s about the minimum you need to get an accurate sense of the tone.


At the end of it all, a small number of things had been decided.

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When two and two make anything you like 182

Posted on November 07, 2015 by

When it comes to Scottish Labour’s great brainwave about “restoring” Tory tax-credit cuts, the madness just won’t stop. Here’s Magnus Gardham, formerly political editor of Scotland’s staunchest Labour paper the Daily Record, in the Herald today:


Read that one over a few times.

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We are four 236

Posted on November 07, 2015 by

So, it’s our birthday. It was exactly four years ago today, on the 7th of November 2011, that Wings Over Scotland published the first post of what was supposed to be a pretty insignificant spare-time blog picking out interesting politics stories in the day’s Scottish media and challenging any inaccuracies in them.


It got a bit out of control, frankly.

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Through the fresh looking glass 76

Posted on November 06, 2015 by

It’s been such an exciting, action-packed week for Scottish Labour since a dynamic and thrusting PPB launched the 2015 branch-office conference that we worried there might be a danger people had forgotten it already. So we’ve brought it back for a curtain call, in a version a bit more appropriate for what remains of their core vote.

Never mind the zeitgeist, feel the width.

The magical money machine 174

Posted on November 06, 2015 by

This is amazing, readers. It’s an extract from this afternoon’s The Big Debate on Radio Scotland, in which a journalist – the BBC’s Gordon Brewer – finally gets round to asking someone from Scottish Labour how they can make the extra £500m they need to fund their tax-credits “policy” while keeping all taxes the same.

The answer… well, the answer is quite something.

(The Big Debate, BBC Radio Scotland, 6 November 2015)

You might have to listen through a few times to get your head round it, because that really is what a grown woman actually tried to get away with in front of a live audience.

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The Empire Of Dr. Schrödinger 204

Posted on November 05, 2015 by

Alert readers will probably already be familiar with the philosophical proposition of Schrödinger’s cat. (The less alert can click the link for a short and easy primer.) The hypothetical experiment posited by 20th-century Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger has entered into popular culture. But increasingly and disturbingly, it’s also becoming the guiding principle of mainstream media journalism.

Certain viewers should steel themselves at this point, because we’re about to briefly talk about football before moving on to other things later in the article. You can consider that your trigger warning. We’ll let you know when it’s over.


The lines above were issued to the press yesterday by The Rangers International Football Club plc, a football club (the clue’s in the name) formed in 2012, yet which lays claim to the history and achievements of a previous club of a similar name which was liquidated for bankruptcy the same year, having been formed in 1872.

And eagle-eyed logic fans may have spotted something of a contradiction.

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Call and response 63

Posted on November 05, 2015 by

The call:

“BMA Scotland is calling on all political parties to stop using the NHS as a political tool and to make realistic and honest pledges to ensure the future of high-quality healthcare in Scotland.”

The response:

“Opposition parties used the publication of the manifesto to attack the SNP government’s record.

Labour’s public services spokesman Dr Richard Simpson said: ‘A crisis in family doctors has erupted on the SNP’s watch.’

Liberal Democrat health spokesman Jim Hume said: ‘Whether we are talking about cancer treatment times, A&E problems at flagship hospitals or the GP recruitment crisis, it is clear that our NHS is in need of intensive care after eight years of SNP government.'”

So that went well. Nice try, BMA.

A problem of dishonesty 338

Posted on November 03, 2015 by

We had an interesting conversation last night with someone who was prepared, quite legitimately, to credit Scottish Labour with a little more good faith over their proposed plan to mitigate Tory tax credit cuts than we were. But we had a lot of trouble coming to an agreement over the arithmetic, and we tend to think that backs up our cynicism.


Labour have presented their supposed funding for the policy in an incredibly dishonest and disingenuous way, and it seems to have confused the media to the point where nobody in the print or broadcast media has challenged what appears to be a huge and (to us at least) incredibly obvious gaping hole in the finances.

Let’s walk through it one more time.

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Things we haven’t made up 115

Posted on November 02, 2015 by

…from today’s Daily Record.


Honestly, they’re really in there.

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Standing up for falling down 121

Posted on November 02, 2015 by

Here’s Kezia Dugdale back in August:

“Too many people in Scotland tell us that they just don’t know what Labour stands for anymore. Under my leadership there will be no doubt what we stand for and who we stand with.”

So thank goodness that’s all been cleared up.

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    • Willie on Things happen slowly: “The decision to charge three indiviuals was without doubt made some time back. Timing of launch is what’s being played…Oct 6, 22:47
    • Mac on Things happen slowly: “Unless you are willing to crawl through every reply looking for the most recent reply date for every BTL comment…Oct 6, 22:27
    • Geri on Things happen slowly: “Hmm.. when I go to the main article & scroll down, as I would the old fashioned way, ppls comments…Oct 6, 22:19
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    • Geri on Things happen slowly: “Wait until you get a load of what they did to China.. PS, ignore the village idiot. He posts OTT…Oct 6, 21:47
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    • Andy Ellis on The whole caboodle: “Some people want it both ways: they don’t like people posting stuff they disagree with and deride them for it,…Oct 6, 15:11
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