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Wings Over Scotland

The whole caboodle

Posted on October 05, 2024 by

While we get on with some tinkering behind the scenes in the absence of any Scottish political news – we have an exciting new comment system and the Contact form finally works again! – readers may wish to enjoy the full marathon three-and-a-quarter hours of last month’s fun indyref anniversary event at the Glasgow Science Centre.

If not, probably don’t click on those links.

Holiday Boy is… well, you can guess.

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I still can’t understand the apparent optimism from people I would have thought would know better by now. Repeated assertions that the SNP is not a lost cause and that the solution is for all the branches of the independence movement, including the SNP, to come together in friendship and co-operation. How on earth do they imagine this could possibly happen now?


Yes especially in light of rejecting Ash Regan as leader & then again by voting against her plebiscite proposal .

I dunno how many times they need a smack in the face before it eventually sinks in. Its fast becoming another ‘A labour government will give us an indyref” no matter how many leaders said they absolutely would not.

The SNP is only interested in LGBTQWERTYS2++++ Any vote for them will be taken as such.


I’ve just quickly scanned through these videos. I’ll watch them at a later date.

What impressed me was the high quality of these videos.

I thought the whole thing was a brilliant idea.

Campbell Clansman

In what alternative universe did the “Ayes” have it–let alone, “still” have it?
“Yes” got 44.7% in 2014. Indy lost–by a wide margin. In every recent poll, Scots oppose Indy.
And in the 2024 parliament election, Indy supporting parties (including nominal Indy parties like the SNP) got only 35% of the vote.

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