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Wings Over Scotland

Song For Peter And Nicola 46

Posted on February 01, 2021 by

You’re gonna fall.

Yeah, you’re gonna fall.

A criminal state 184

Posted on February 01, 2021 by

Evidently the SNP didn’t think they looked bad enough already today.

Or more likely, they just wanted to try to bury all of their skeletons at once in a single giant avalanche of crookedness. But either way, enough is enough. Criminals accused of perjury don’t get to decide if they’ll answer for their lies or not.

The Fabiani committee has the power to compel witnesses to attend. They must now use that power without further delay, or they must call on the police to arrest the SNP’s chief executive immediately and drag him into an interview room by his ears if need be with a solicitor in attendance. (Doubtless also paid for by SNP members.)

Scotland is not GoodFellas. Nobody is above the law. Stop this damn rot now.

Cherry unpicking 421

Posted on February 01, 2021 by

As soon as this happened, this was only ever going to be a matter of days:

It is, of course, all the doing of the transcult. The SNP is a trainwreck, readers, and its leader is a weak-kneed failure. Nobody can claim that we haven’t been warning you.

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What you didn’t hear 153

Posted on February 01, 2021 by

Yesterday was Wings’ biggest day of traffic in January – something which was no small beer, because January was this site’s busiest month for traffic since June 2017. The majority of it was down to one story – our shocking scoop about the incredibly shady goings-on earlier that day at a meeting of the SNP’s National Executive Council.

The reaction to it was absolutely explosive. Half of the Parliamentary SNP spent the whole night running around social media frantically firefighting their own members, who were absolutely furious about what they’d just discovered. Poisonous abuse from the party’s woke faction poured out like never before. We got called every kind of bigot under the sun by SNP officeholders.

(The article, of course, made no mention of any sort of bisexual people, Jewish people, trans people or women as a group, let alone actually being prejudiced against anyone. Ironically just about the only kind of prejudice that wasn’t alleged was ageism, possibly because it might have looked a smidge too ironic coming from a bunch of bedwetting children whose core ideological stance is that anyone over 29 is a Nazi.)

But there was one thing you DIDN’T read amid the torrents of hate.

You didn’t read anyone saying a single word of the post was untrue.

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The death wish 390

Posted on January 31, 2021 by

So we’ve just heard some news hot from the SNP’s controversial special NEC meeting which took place this afternoon.

We don’t yet know what happened regarding the supposed definition of transphobia – our source thinks that it may have been postponed due to not being able to get the required 2/3 vote for an emergency agenda item.

But we know that something even madder DID happen.

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Weak in the presence of beauty 204

Posted on January 31, 2021 by

There’s an excellent column by Mandy Rhodes in Holyrood Magazine today that says something we realised quite a long time ago.

It’s simply this: Nicola Sturgeon is a disastrously weak leader.

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Riding the U 271

Posted on January 30, 2021 by

There’s still a day and a half of January 2021 to go, but it’s already been the busiest month for traffic on Wings Over Scotland in several years, despite endless claims from detractors (both Unionists and Pete Wishart types) that we’re in tragic decline.

And since Saturday afternoons are the one quiet moment we get these days – and it’s not like we can go out for a nice walk in the sunshine or have a potter round the shops – we thought we’d take a deeper look into the stats.

They were quite surprising.

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The Asset 97

Posted on January 30, 2021 by

The stealing of the SNP 247

Posted on January 29, 2021 by

“If voting made a difference they wouldn’t let you do it” is one of many quotes that are regularly misattributed to Mark Twain.

However, the sentiment could very much be used to sum up the current management of the Scottish National Party.

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The importance of kindness 190

Posted on January 29, 2021 by

When we saw this a few days ago, we wondered what they wanted to hide.

And now we know.

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The right side of history 204

Posted on January 29, 2021 by

In the sometimes-heated trans debate, it’s always nice to hear from Owen Jones.

If we ever find out who it feels, we’ll let you know.

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The Great Grovelling 183

Posted on January 28, 2021 by

Approximately 40,000 people have left the SNP in the last five years – among them hundreds (at least) of women who quit because of the party’s total lack of action against its abusive, misogynist transactivist wing.

Many of them had been members for decades and wrote pained letters explaining their reasons, only to be waved away with an automated form reply. But half a dozen of the party’s most obnoxious scumbags flounce off in a huff and this happens.

Kirsten Oswald is a brainless knife-and-fork operator and always has been. But Keith Brown must go home at night and drape towels over all the mirrors so he doesn’t have to look at himself after putting his name to that.

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