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Wings Over Scotland

The Switch

Posted on March 23, 2021 by

We were reminded this week of the amount of stick we got when we wrote these words almost five years ago, right after the 2016 Holyrood election:

(The rest of our post-match analysis wasn’t too shabby either.)

But readers, we have to grudgingly admit: we’re only NEARLY always right.

Because we’re genuinely shocked that the much-maligned (including by us) Holyrood inquiry committee has somehow ended up delivering a far more damning report on Nicola Sturgeon’s government than the man who – unlike the committee – actually WAS allowed to see (nearly) all the evidence of its corruption and conspiracy.

The intransigent blind party loyalty of the committee’s four SNP members, along with Andy Wightman’s unwillingness to take the difficult final step and vote for what he clearly knows in his heart to be true, has kept its report just short of the vital threshold required to remove the First Minister, and that – let there be no doubt whatsoever about this – is a crushing tragedy for both the Yes movement and Scotland, which kicks any prospect of independence down the road for at least another five years.

You can quote us on that again in 2026, because there is not the slightest sliver of hope of a second independence referendum while Nicola Sturgeon resides in Bute House, and we’ll put any amount of money you like behind that assertion. Contact us with a wager for whatever sum you choose and we’ll take it.

But the committee deserves some credit for still spelling out the truth for anyone willing to read even slightly between the lines. Let’s walk through some highlights.

Paragraph 235 clearly indicates that the committee knows the new harassment procedure WAS designed primarily to pursue one man and one man alone, but can’t quite summon the collective courage to actually say so:

Especially when taken in conjunction with Paragraph 293:

Let’s just linger for a few moments over the word “astonishing” in Paragraph 314:

Because it’s also a fair word to describe any prospect of Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans surviving the publication of this report in any sane world:

But we should also note this well-buried mine, which appears to be the committee’s only direct attempt in 187 pages to sneak in the truth about where the buck stops:

Paragraph 366 is shamefully weak-kneed on the issue of steamrollering the wishes of complainers with regard to involving the police, but can perhaps be overlooked given that Laura Dunlop’s review of the procedure has already recommended they should be given a clear and unequivocal veto.

Behind some rather tame wording, paragraphs 377 to 381 are nevertheless a clear and unambiguous acknowledgement of the fact that the procedure designed by Leslie Evans and her team was a complete turkey – an intrinsically unfair one which in particular was unconcerned with justice for the person being accused.

Paragraphs 408-414 will again invite readers to marvel that rather than being quietly handed a bottle of whisky and a revolver after the shambolic collapse of the judicial review, Leslie Evans was instead gifted a lucrative two-year contract extension by Nicola Sturgeon as if her performance had been not only acceptable but in some way actively meritorious.

In what’s perhaps the most powerfully-worded section of the report, the committee makes plain that Evans seriously let down not only the complainers but Alex Salmond, inflicting serious harm on all involved, to whom she alone had the primary duty of care.

(Earlier, we’d seen the Scottish Government’s constant cynical insistence to have been chiefly concerned with the welfare of the complainers shot down bitterly in flames by the complainers themselves.)

Paragraphs 526-528, meanwhile, unambiguously confirmed the complete truthfulness of David Davis’s comments in the House Of Commons last week, and therefore the utter, knowing dishonesty of the First Minister’s subsequent attack on him at FMQs.

Paragraph 588 is pretty brutal.

As are 594-595.

But it’s paragraphs 598 and 599 which ought to be the coup de grace for both Leslie Evans and Nicola Sturgeon. They represent the report’s strongest criticisms of anyone:

Evans gets it right in the neck, with the committee noting that “[her] individual failing is as significant as the general corporate failing already described”

But while most of the worst specific errors clearly lie at the door of Leslie Evans, she is not in charge of or responsible for the Scottish Government. The First Minister is.

Yet readers will not need reminding that in fact not one person has in any material way been “held accountable” for a single moment of this fiasco so far. Indeed, most of those responsible have been rewarded with longer contracts and/or large pay rises.

It remains to be seen whether that situation persists.

The report draws to a bizarre close with the committee and James Hamilton engaged in a farcical impression of the Chuckle Brothers calling “to me… to you”.

Where yesterday Hamilton had said “it is for the Scottish Parliament [ie the committee] to decide whether they were in fact misled”:

…the committee lobs the hot potato straight back at him:

But in the end both sides bottle it. The committee, as was already leaked at the weekend, DOES conclude that it was misled by the First Minister, but chickens out of making the key (and logically inescapable) conclusion that it was on purpose, clearly because Andy Wightman lacked the courage to sign up to that part.

That failure was of course not his alone, but driven by the presence on the committee of four spineless SNP lapdogs concerned only with fawning loyalty to Nicola Sturgeon. For how else are we to explain the final paragraph?

Let’s take a moment to reflect on what that means. The committee’s key finding that it “may have insufficient powers to hold the executive to account” was OPPOSED by the four SNP members.

In other words, they actually WANT the Scottish Parliament to be too weak to hold the Scottish Government to account, and for it to have fewer and weaker powers than are being called for by the opposition and by David Davis, a Westminster Tory MP.

The abject refusal by SNP MSPs of more powers for Holyrood in case those powers might impose actual democratic accountability on their own administration is in some senses the most revealing and most shaming aspect of the entire affair.

It is an all but open admission that Nicola Sturgeon has survived only by using every means at her disposal to escape proper scrutiny, and by exploiting the weaknesses built into Holyrood’s power structures by the Unionists who devised them.

But more than that, they show a First Minister very comfortable within the confines and limits of devolution, and deeply unwilling to accept significantly more power for Scotland’s parliament because of the difficult responsibilities that come with it.

And that’s a characteristic which readers might wish to reflect honestly and soberly on when considering the likelihood of her ever delivering independence.

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Thanks Rev – excellent & quick analysis, as always.

Is anyone else really, REALLY down today??

Marion Collins

I don’t think I can face another 5 years of their shite. Worse, I don’t think I can face all the BS on Facebook and Twitter.

Hamilton has already said that his findings were redacted the Scottish government, before publication and as such, renders much of it meaningless/difficult to follow and in places, downright misleading.


Actually it makes me VERY nervous about said cabal running an independent Scotland!
A system by design where the legal system and parliamentary system are basically wholly owned by the government..


Yip, a ton of evidence against Sturgeon and her clique, such as Lesley Evans, yet not one sacking not one resignation, not even a reprimand.

Unless something spectacular happens over the next five years I agree that independence is dead until at least 2026.

Patsy Millar

I think one of the major problems with the committee was that every member of it went in with his/her mind already made up. Just occasionally, people like Jackie Baillie (and it pains me to say this) asked probing questions. Even so there was no sense that the committee were concerned with truth, only getting answers that suited their own agendas.

Wee Willie

Than you for this critique. It certainly shows up the weakness of the Scottish Parliament, and the SNP desire to maintain this weakness. Sturgeon is badly damaged goods, but as you say she will cling on to power like all dictators. Scottish independence is a can that has been well and truly kicked down a very long road.

Frank Gillougley

I do believe that the only means now available to register a very large part of the electorates disenfranchisement from politics is to spoil hundreds of thousands of ballot papers.

Andrew Davidson

You know how I feel right now?

Like a very slightly watered down version of the despondency of 19th September 2014.

That first time was self inflicted by the public.
This time it’s been inflicted on us by the political class.


Verdict of the people of Scotland remains. Vote her out only solution now.



I’m only on para 65 😀 😀 😀

Ian Mac

Excellent summary. What a tragedy it is one which most of the media will ignore, and most politicians will tut about and move on. The killer conclusion sums it up – the executive is unaccountable – exactly what Sturgeon knows and has exploited to the hilt. Any honorable public office holder would be gone after that report, along with her cadre of colluding liars. The SNP committee members are spineless toadys completely unworthy of their position and their large public salaries. As are the whole party and their lickspittle civil servants and media cronies. What a bunch of third rate criminals, who are now seeking to wrap it up by censoring Craig Murray, one of the few honest and brave journalists to bring the facts to the public’s attention.

Neil H

SNP and Independence have become the ‘Dead Parrot’ sketch of politics. I’m disgusted and appalled.


Independence is dead under this lot. We’d be better to damage them and let a new party rise in the next 5 years. The only way to go is NO VOTES SNP!

Dinny Vote SNP

So many people crowing over Hamilton, like their messiah has risen again. The cult is strong and that almost guarantees us another five years of can kicking down the road. Whatever next to delay the referendum?

To counter this, we need a strong voice to hold their feet against the fire. Better to have a minority SNP, suitably chastened and rid of the virus (not covid), and a strong 2nd Indy party which grows massively as SNP declines and ensures Indy is the main focus and that we get a referendum within the next 2 years max. I of course do not mean the greens!


Bang on cue, the specky spreadsheet guy John Curtice is on Radio Scotland commenting on things he knows fuck all about.

His glasses are unlawful, procedurally unfair, and tinted with apparent bias…


‘the principles of a free constitution are irrecoverably lost, when the legislative power is nominated by the executive’ – Gibbon.


I now wonder what this means, as far as column inches are concerned, for every unionist publication stationed in Scotland? No damning headlines around May? No building crescendo of scandal designed to rock the very notion of independence? No lurid, front page expose? On the face of it, they no longer need to employ these as she clearly poses zero threat to the union, nor appears EVER to do so?

Blocked a few previous followers/ing utter wankers, male and female, from my Twitter account last night; you know the type – toy dogs, led around by a fluffy, pink carrot – I look forward to seeing their mealy-mouthed words of disappointed surprise when the gaping crack of corruption finally swallows and burps-up the hoor that is Sturgeon. Mmm, I’ll enjoy ruefully shaking my head when those children start to wailing.

Get it right up you, Sturgeon – I’m with Alex Salmond – the true gowd of Scottish independence.

Ian Brotherhood

Great to see the Chuckle Brothers appearing in a Wings post, and such an important one at that.

Good things come to those who wait!



Unless something spectacular happens over the next five years I agree that independence is dead until at least 2026.

And if it’s dead until then it’s dead forever, because Holyrood will be neutered before then. Brexit and devolution are not compatible.


Andy Ellis suggested protest voting in another thread and the idea of compiling a list of preferred candidates so that we can all concentrate our disapproval in the same place.

I think that’s a great idea, assuming we rule nothing out and are willing to vote Labour, Tories, etc., and not just pro-indy parties.


“Let a new party arise”

By,by independence and Scotland for all time coming.

Cleanse the Agean Stables and start at the next conference,there are more than enough good guys left in the SNP to do it. They need organised and I can see the awakening but sadly I am too old to join that fight.


I think after May ( and I hope for an SNP bloodbath – can’t believe I typed that) then the members re-group and pick candidates for westmonster election with a manifesto of a majority of pro-indy Mps then negotiaitions begin.

The present incumbents should be replaced by the significantly anti-woke.

All this can only happen if the SNP lose and lose big in May. I hope our SNP MSP cowards are reading this. Folk are still seething at caudillo sturgeon’s cabal.

I don’t think any of them are equipped to defend HCB and GRA on the doorstep. Hell mend them.

Willie Jay

I hope no-one, and especially OGH, considers it an insult when I describe the Rev Stuart Campbell as Scotland’s very own 21st century Cassandra:

In Greek mythology, Cassandra was a priestess who was cursed to utter true prophecies, but never to be believed. In modern usage her name is employed as a rhetorical device to indicate someone whose accurate prophecies are not believed.

The way Stuart Campbell has been denigrated, lied about, insulted, scorned, disbelieved and every other method of attempted put-downs of his blog and himself by certain SNP factions, well, one can only ask: “Why are they constantly shooting the messenger?”

His extensive, incontrovertible post today shows that he is definitely one of the very few who has their finger on the pulse of Scottish Politics. *MORE POWER TO YOUR PEN*, Rev Campbell, and I will support you as much as I can.

Dave Beveridge

Well surely even the most devoted disciple who faces Bute House every hour on the hour and chants 10 Hail Nicolas will gradually see over the next 5 years that The Empress has no clothes?

Looks like that’s what it’ll take and so we’ll just have to suck it up. I’ve got used to not qualifying for World Cups and waiting 4 years for a crack at the next one so I’m well practised.


Marion: “Hamilton has already said that his findings were redacted the Scottish government, before publication and as such, renders much of it meaningless/difficult to follow and in places, downright misleading.”

They have done that with everything, of course, from the very start. It has been suggested they also destroyed evidence which is normally considered a serious crime.

Sturgeon and her cabinet essentially had complete power over the law, too, so that they could redact and withhold whatever suited them and threaten anyone that got in the way.

There’s a long list of people and organisations in the background that were threatened by them. That lists includes The Committee itself and a Westminster MP.

That’s what it took for them to keep the “conspiracy theory” out of the frame, sustain the lies, and keep their jobs…


And here it comes, Fabiani’s Farce long awaited whitewash to complement Hamilton’s mind blowing and unbelievably underwhelming whitewash.

How much did both whitewashes costed the taxpayer?

If they already knew from the beginning the committee would fall within party lines to be able to obfuscate the investigation so the main evidence was thrown away, totally kiboshing justice and democracy to exonerate the most corrupt FM, Lord Advocate and civil service in Scotland’s history, and Hamilton knew he would not have the balls to do what needed to be done and release anything damning against that corrupt FM no matter the evidence, then how such a waste of taxpayers’ money and time can ever be justified?

The committee criticises quite rightly Sturgeon, Evans and the Lord Advocate for allowing the case to proceed when the advise by senior counsel was to give up. Well, I would like the committee and Hamilton to reflect on the whitewashes they insulted the electorate and taxpayers with and attempt to justify the expenditure for something was never designed to do its job in the first place, but rather to stop that job being done.

We have heard and seen a lot. We cannot simply ignore what we have seen and heard because of this whitewash. We have heard of civil servants deliberately taking documents out of the pile that had already been cleared by external counsel to go to court and yet we see no demands for sacking of anyone?

The buck always stops with the boss. So why wasn’t Evans sacked when confidential information was leaked from the Sgov to a newspaper?

Do Hamilton and the Fabiani think taxpayers and the electorate are such idiots that are just going to swallow this whitewash?

If they always intended to release this insult to the intelligence, I actually don’t know why they even bothered.

John H.

Alex Salmond and Craig Murray are obviously being used as a warning to others to keep quiet in Nicola Sturgeon’s brave new Scotland. A real independence party must be built as a matter of urgency, but look out for infiltrators. They can be difficult to spot as we know, often oozing with fake sincerity.

I have always voted, never missing an opportunity, because a vote is a precious thing and people have died for the right to have one. Nevertheless I cannot vote for the SNP any longer, having become disgusted by what they have become under Nicola Sturgeon.

I resent that, but I will use my vote on the day for what I think is a deserving list party. We have to start to rebuild now.

Dr Peter ISP

The problem with that is that it might put Holyrood under the control of the unionists. Who will then move to ensure it can NEVER be used to call an indyref again.

The new parties such as us in the ISP are not in a position to challenge the SNP in the constituencies. But that will change in 2026 IF we get people elected to Holyrood.

If by some point between now and then the conclusion is that we have been sold a pup on indy then all bets on 2026 will be OFF.

Last chance for the supposed Indy vehicle, it it’s a wreck then we get ones.


I think I’ll be hanging fire for a couple of weeks before making any final decisions on where the Xs are or aren’t going.

Politics has got to the stage that choices are like deciding between Ian Brady and REDACTED, and Fred and REDACTED West.


The early hours of May 7th, or perhaps sometime on May 8th:

“As Returning Officer for Glasgow Southside constituency I declare that the number of votes cast for each candidate was as follows:
…Sarwar, Anas 15,743 votes
Sturgeon, Nicola [REDACTED]
And I declare that Nicola Sturgeon has been overwhelmingly re-elected and all the others have lost their deposit.”

I honestly thought that, by now, I’d have convinced my wife to move to Scotland. She would be an asset to the country. She’s a highly-qualified Registered Nurse. But why would I do that to her? We both value the freedoms we have in the USA. Why would we swap that for living in a totalitarian regime?

The Dissident


Bravo – hilarious.

Graf Midgehunter

Jeez..! My flabber will never recover from the gasting it’s been getting over the last 10 days.

I think NS was smiling because she knew that however bad the Hamilton Report was/could be, her cronies would redact it to the smell of a rose catalogue.

As for the Fabiani stich-up I’m mildly surprised that so much critisism managed to get through, in particular for the sacrifcial lamb, Evans.

IMHO, I think it’s time to line up the battleships and concentrate on getting the 1st vote ..? / list vote ISP/AFI/NOW act together very quickly.

It’s no good moaning an’ groaning, that won’t get the NS cabal out. It’s candidates, top names and a major marketing initiative incl. WWBs and members/supporters with stalls on the ground in every city and town. Phantom Films, Bonnie Prince Bobs everywhere.

Get the adrenaline moving, what lifted you up in 2014, be inventive.

I you WANT indy, then you’ve got to get the corrupt leadership of the SNP out.

Your vote is a weapon, learn to use it. 🙂

Dr Peter ISP

We need to give the Labour party a bloody nose in these elections by voting ISP on the List. We will be preventing unionists from getting List seats and SLAB will be included.

News yesterday was Central party interference to remove a candidate who was in favour of an indyref. So there is movement inside SLAB in the right direction. They need another failure to help their argument that the direction of travel is wrong.

If we can move SLAB into that position we will be much, much better off.

Graf Midgehunter

WBB of course not WWBs. SORRY.


Why do people saying that the new parties are only any use for the list vote?

Willie Jay

Dr Peter ISP says:
23 March, 2021 at 10:12 am

The problem with that is that it might put Holyrood under the control of the unionists […]”

Do you know something, Dr Peter ISP, the way I feel today and especially the way that I felt yesterday after the publication of Hamilton’s redacted “verdict”, I do HONESTLY WONDER if being under control of the unionists could be so bad after all?

The “unionists” have to answer to a higher power in Westminster and there is absolutely no way that some of the shenanigans of the current SNP leadership cabal, would ever have been allowed, accepted, tolerated, call it what you will, by Unionist leaders “darn sarf”!

After what we have all seen over the past few weeks – except for those many who “will not see” – whoever on this Earth will be able to hold the present High Heid Yins of the SNP to account, *IF*, they are returned to Holyrood in May with a majority?

I am not prepared to take that chance and will vote accordingly.

Ian McCubbin

Sad outcome but again you predicted this Stu.
No independence likely with this lot.
I just wonder what their ‘game’ actually is, apart from keeping the highly paid jobs.


Dr Peter, that’s all pish.

Anyone that votes SNP is a mug.


Graf Midgehunter, that’s quite easy to do. We’ve had a lot of wee whitewashed books lately.

David Nemo

Am I the only one who, where the report mentions Leslie Evans thinks it is for all intents and purposes synonymous with Nicola Sturgeon?

Willie Jay

Dr Peter ISP says:
23 March, 2021 at 10:23 am

“We need to give the Labour party a bloody nose in these elections […]”

ROTFLMAO! I know who I would really, *really* like to give a bloody nose to in these elections and it is *NOT* the Labour Party by a country mile.

“I’ll tell you wot I want …
Wot I really *really* want … ”

And I will try my utmost to spike the guns of the NS cabal presently running Scotland with complete disregard to the rules of law and order.

(And does anyone at all think that *IF* the present FM is returned with an absolute majority in May, that she will take her foot off the pedal which is currently driving Scotland pell-mell to disaster?)


So…no personal growth into the important position of FM.
No development of any personal vision of what Scotland could be.
Quite certainly no real imposter syndrome.
Just an actual imposter…


SNP -the party of devolution.

Willie Jay

Hatuey says:
23 March, 2021 at 10:30 am

“Dr Peter, that’s all pish.
Anyone that votes SNP is a mug.”

Well said, Hatuey, although your message is not one I would have agreed with some time ago.

“When the facts change, I change my mind”
As should all sensible people.


I wish to refer to the last point made about accountability and oversight of the executive. You correctly note that there is none within Holyrood. You also surmise that there will be no independence until 2026. Might I suggest your comment should have read “ no independence until there is adequate accountability and executive oversight”. It’s bad enough being governed over say 60% of our lives at the moment by an unencumbered executive, how on earth do you think an independent country could function with a similar lack of oversight. If the SNP say that with independence there would need to be appropriate oversight, then if it’s good enough then it’s surely required now.

Big Jock

I tell you what. If Salmond did start a party. I reckon he could take a constituency seat or two off the SNP. Certainly plenty of list seats.

disillusioned half Scot

Would any reputable law firm ( what’s that?, Ed) or Counsel ever accept instructions from the SNP again?


Highlighting all the pages that was critical of the FM is pretty pointless because the majority of people will ignore it. Unless Alex comes out with some bombshell tomorrow we are facing another 5 years of the same useless government Five years when drug deaths will get worse, education will get worse, the NHS will decline further but don’t worry its Westminster’s fault and if you just vote for us again in the “most important election (change date to suit)” then all will be well. Heaven knows what kind of muppets will manage to get seats over the next 5 years. About the only thing that will give me satisfaction will be Rhiannon Spear still not getting in.

Dorothy Devine

Anyone looked at the Guardian? Busy retrying Alex Salmond.

Rev , I expect to be in moderation as I am still a Hotmail user – but I do wish I was stuck in 1996 as I had more hope then and besides I was only a very young 50!

Grouse Beater

As BBC Radio Scotland’s Kaye Adams might say in an interview with a neurosurgeon aboutn brain surgery, “So, what’s your take on lobotomy?’

Here’s my ‘take’ on the actions of the First Minister:

“Sturgeon Misled Parliament’: link to

Big Chris

Is there any appetite for a judge led inquiry? The opposition should be pushing for one at all costs.

Tam Fae somewhere

How long after the Holyrood election before the SNP is bankrupt?

Doesn’t matter how many people are on Nicolas side when there is no money left!

Andy Ellis

I’d have to agree with some of those posting above: the only language the Sturgeonista cultists will understand is losing seats. That means either not voting in hope a reduced turnout costs the SNP seats, or voting tactically against them. The latter will make more impact if it is done in specific seats where they are vulnerable, or where there’s a particularly odious individual we’d like to see defeated.

In some seats there will be little point: if the SNP majority is large and the candidate is well regarded. But….it’s certainly feasible to target particular seats. I know Rev Stu hates the guy behind Bonny Prince Bob who is standing in Edinburgh Central, but I’d still rather see him secure a few hundred votes and ensure Robertson loses than sit back and watch Robertson take the seat.

There must be other similarly tight constituency seats where this is worth doing?

Robert Graham

Well I suppose Princess Nicola will be relieved that the conclusions of the committee weren’t too critical of her and her Governments actions .

No one from the political party that’s being investigated because it was the SNP Government that was being investigated, they should have never have been allowed anywhere near this committee ,

This problem was highlighted years ago when the police used to investigat improper conduct in the police a outside agency was the only way any inquiry could be trusted,

A judge led inquiry preferably not drawn from the Scottish legal fraternity would be the only universally acceptable way of getting to the truth , the Chinese wall situation that exists in Scotland between agencies fools no one , even the Independent review has questions of prior involvement by the judge with the Government agencies he was investigating not very convincing and only acceptable to the fervent supporters of the First Minister .

Finally we have or will be presented with a eye watering bill for the SNP Governments failures yet no one is to blame no resignations no sackings a total fk up and not one person removed from their posts, Not One Person .

The only casualty in this whole massive fk up is one guy who apparently might have inadvertently annoyed some fkr in the SNP Government who used their position to influence in bringing the whole weight of the Scottish judicial system down on his head , Craig you have many friends who you have never met but this is a vindictive prosecution to far , enough is enough this is a red line

Fraser MacKintosh

The Unionist brigade are certainly out in force on your blog today Stu.

James Che.

Icelandic women and global bankers comes to mind.


My initial view come May was to vote SNP only if it was a Joanna Cherry, Kenny MacAskill type candidate, not bother voting on the constituency if it was a run of the mill Sturgeonite type SNP candidate and vote tactically against the SNP if it was a woke candidate.

However after seeing the final stages of the inquiry and in particular the shocking contrast between Salmond’s testimony and Sturgeon’s. I would now vote tactically against all SNP candidates excluding the two mentioned above.

As the Rev correctly points out. If you vote SNP it will be 5 lost years as the last 5 have been. So this time is lost anyway and we might as well put it to the best use possible instead.

Much better to use it to remove as much of the woke infestation as possible… for the new leader of the independence movement.

We have to clean out the Sturgeonites for the new leader (of the SNP or even a new party) or they will be handed a similar poisoned chalice as Corbyn was handed with a party infested with Blairites.

I have no idea if enough people are aware of what needs to be done for it to have the required impact but we have to go for the jugular now and hope we make a telling impact in May. Be completely ruthless and act as one tactically speaking as much as possible.


Sturgeon’s SNP = Scotland’s shame.

Woodside Wullie

A toxic bùrach o’ sharn run the SNP and Nic’s farts do and forevermore smell like roses.


If you wanted in opinion and its all I have (Taken from series 24) is that Sturgeon is being made to fell in a position of being secure and that she is untouchable, come on the British state is never ever going to allow her to just simply get a majority in May. WE have got eight weeks of watching of the dirty side of British/SG politics to look forward to and lets she where we all end up and I bet the Queen of all that has been will have that smirk wipe of her face.


And the BBC take their coverage of the report to show the Daily Record’s front page of Salmond again, while talking about the leak. Wonder why they would do this? Despicable.


I would vote for Joan McAlpine/any other SNP candidate who is explicitly gender critical. If I don’t get that option, I’ll vote for whichever non-SNP candidate most clearly backs womens rights. If none of them do, or they only use weasel words, I’ll vote for whoever is mostly likely to displace the SNP incumbents, however revolting I may normally find them. It doesn’t really matter much since independence is off the table anyway.

Fishy Wullie

I finally decided after listening to NS smear Alex time and time again at the committee hearing that I cannot vote for that woman.

I will abstain or spoil my paper on the constituency and vote ISP/AFI on the list, It’s a personal decision and I’m not suggesting anyone do the same, it a matter of conscience and my conscience will not allow me to vote for a corrupt, criminal institution like the SNP.

I think our only hope is for one of the new list parties to win as many seats as possible and I think that’s what we should be working towards.

The problem (if I understand D’Hondt correctly) is the worse the SNP do in the constituency, the harder it will be for an indy list party to win seats on the list, they’ve got us by the throat no matter what we do, it’s a puzzle wrapped up in a riddle inside an enigma.


George, did you cut down the cherry tree?
No father, I cannot tell a lie.
But you were seen and your footprints are all round the stump and you’ve got the axe in your hand.
Sorry father I don’t remember.

Oh that’s all right. you quite clearly cannot recollect. Off you go and help yourself to something from my wallet.

The End.

katherine hamilton

Following yesterday’s downer great to see your mojo back. Linking to the twitter feed on the site I note Para 29 of the report being highlighted on how the two “complainers” were dumped after the Judicial review process. So much for the “poor women” pish. Can’t do the linking thing, sorry.

On a brighter note. Re your comment about a post later in the week can you include some indication of the smallest constituency majorities that could be attacked via tactical voting? I know it’s a contentious issue but we need info to start the discussion on how we fight back. Thanks.

Onwards and upwards!

Colin Alexander

If the SNP is mired in debt and facing a huge election bill, now would be the time for disgruntled members to hit it with legal action regarding it breaching its own constitution.


We all knew there was not nearly enough time for a meaningful alternative to the SNP to form and run against them head on in constituencies in May.

A new list party might have worked if Alex Salmond had helped launch it but again time was against it (even assuming AS would want to do that).

The Inquiries amounted to a Hail-Mary pass as the clock counted down before May… looks like they will come to nothing.

That just leaves us the voter and the ballot box to do what others have failed to do so far.

Worst that can happen is the SNP win a comfortable majority (as we all would have predicted they would just a few month back).
Best than can happen is we give them a serious bloody nose which precipitates a new leader and or the formation of a new party.

But whatever happens by next election around we are ready to go again minus the Team Nicola / woke arseholes.

May is our last chance saloon for five long long years. I wont be hesitating. I just hope enough other people feel the same way.


Dr Peter ISP,
It is my own personal opinion that the unwillingness to work with other parties regarding the list vote should seal your fate.
I believe Scotland has enough power hungry politicians and it’s about time the electorate sent them a clear message.
There are plenty of broken parties already without another proclaiming that all the other parties are shite so we’re not working with them. People on here have been asking for list parties to work together and it seems to me that the AFI are trying to answer that call.

I’m not or ever have been a member of any political party so you are getting an objective opinion.
The reasons ISP use not to work with the AFI is frankly, pathetic.

Robert Louis

So, basically just one epic failure after another, at every level and throughout the entire process. And an innocent Mr. Salmond’s name slurried and dragged through the mud for nothing.

Mr. Salmond, for the hard of understanding, was found wholly and completely innocent of ALL charges by a mainly female jury and a female judge, in Scotland’s highest criminal court. They effectively did NOT believe the prosecution, or for that matter, any of its witnesses.

Has Leslie Evans resigned been sacked yet? At the very, very least for gross incompetence leading to damage to [redacted] and an innocent man.

If unbelievably, Nicola Sturgeon is an innocent party in all of this, then she is guilty of gross incompetence, and is simply unfit for office. Their is no other possibility. As PhilM points out above, not so much ‘imposter syndrome’, just an actual imposter. It is time she took the hint and went.

Personally, I hope Mr. Salmond finds a legal route to take each and every single on of them, personally, to the proverbial cleaners, over and over and over and over again.

What they did was evil. Utterly utterly evil.

Mark Boyle

Fishy Wullie says: 23 March, 2021 at 11:14 am

“The problem (if I understand D’Hondt correctly) is the worse the SNP do in the constituency, the harder it will be for an indy list party to win seats on the list”.

Which again is another reason why AFI/ISP/SDA/SIRP/Madame Gusto’s Circus, etc. should stand both on the lists AND at least two constituency seats per region to show they’re serious and maximise their list vote in the process – instead of trying to piggyback on a party they claim to despise and expecting voters to swallow the paradox “just because”.

Fraser MacKintosh

Many of us new that this committee was a farce because the final result would be voted along party lines. The unionists had a bad day yesterday and it looks like they in for another bad day today.


The below article is truly sickening. I can only hope the voters of Edinburgh Central have informed themselves well.

link to


An excellent analysis of the Fabiani committee’s report and the current state of the governance of Scotland.

‘It is an all but open admission that Nicola Sturgeon has survived only by using every means at her disposal to escape proper scrutiny, and by exploiting the weaknesses built into Holyrood’s power structures by the Unionists who devised them.’

That sums it up.

James Che.

I was reading papers and personal site headlines this morning, I see some down south are of the opinion that the only true victim in this whole scenario is AS and his family,

Robert Louis

Folks should download a hard copy of the committee report, in case the Lord advocate demands further redactions and for it to be taken down from the internet.

That’s a joke,btw, but in current circumstances, sadly, it could be very true.


I hope the SNP survives this.

It would be such a pity for any new and committed Pro-Independence and Scottish Constitutional Party to be infiltrated and compromised by disgruntled SNP weirdos and nutjobs the way the SNP was wrecked by an uncontrolled unflux of Transextremists and science-deniers. I hope the SNP survives so these cretins and Sturgeonistas can be herded together in one place and kept in their alternate universe (known to you and me as “Obscurity”). Really wouldn’t be helpful if SNP shattered into poisoned splinters flying in all directions.

Anyhow… So a New Independence Party. Breeks’ personal Checklist:

Constitutional Integrity. – Essential that every potential member is given a dictionary which defines the meaning of the word ‘sovereignty’, and signs a docket to say they have understood the meaning of the word, and it’s Scottish context.

Democratic Integrity. – Yes, in principle, but secondary to it’s Constitutional Integrity. What I am trying to frame here, is getting Scotland out of the Treaty of Union by facilitating a Legal and Constitutional challenge to the UK Union’s faux constitutional integrity. This action does not by itself require a democratic mandate, a lawful constitutional one would suffice, (under International Law, NOT domestic UK Law), and any changes affected, given democratic confirmation by a ratification plebiscite at some later date. Sovereignty is the superior of Democracy. ALWAYS.

Holyrood Presence. – Completely non-essential. But, if 23 years of colonial devolved administration and unconstitutional legislation can be undone and rewritten so as to be consistant with the unqualified and inalienable sovereignty of the Scottish people, then some vestige of Holyrood “Government” might remain. Personally, there is little I care to retain.

A Written Constitution. – Not, as many have instigated a ‘modern’ twist or constitutional shopping list, in fact, nothing “new” written or reimagined at all, but Scotland’s EXISTING Sovereign Constitution SIMPLY codified into modern language without embellishment. A codified Constitution acknowledged by the sovereign Scottish people to be the definitive codification of Scotland’s Constitution as defined by the Declaration of Arbroath and recognised by the 14th Century Catholic Church, and 1328 Treaty of Northhampton/ Edinburgh.

Post Independence, Scotland could adopt Amendments similar to the US Constitution, but let us steer an Independent Scotland into clear blue Scottish Constitutional waters first. KISS. Keep It Simple Scotland.

Constitutional Audit. – Any and all existing and /or proposed political union, whether that’s the 1707 Treaty of Union, EU or EFTA membership, NATO, etc, must be audited on a constitutional basis for compatability and lawful legitimacy, even on a retrospective basis where actors for the Nation of Scotland did not have the constitutional authority to act in the way they did.

Citizenship. – I propose a Gordian Knot disclaimer attached to the principle of Scottish Citizenship. The Scottish people are sovereign, thus, any Scot who denies that sovereignty shall be deemed to be denying their own citizenship the fruits of that sovereignty.

NOTE: That ISN’T a fascist dictat to disposses half the population of it’s Scottish citizenship. Respect the Constitutional principle of sovereignty, and citizenship is automatically restored.
The object isn’t to suppress dissent, but prohibit any Scottish Government entering into unconstitutional agreements or undertaking unlawful plebiscites or referenda.

Scottish Citizens need not be denied “a” Scottish Citizenship, nor the right to vote or dissent, nor would they be denied a Scottish Passport, but they would choose to limit their own citizenship and be denied the merits of the sovereignty which they would denounce. Thus they could denounce Scottish Sovereignty, still be Scottish, but Scottish with the lesser constitutional status of a non-sovereign national.

This lesser citizenship would outwardly have no merit, but citizens in Northern Ireland can hold both UK and Irish Citizenship, and maybe, repeat maybe, some notional but powerless “UK” Citizenship might function as a security blanket for Scottish citizens who cannot reconsile themselves to Scotland being a sovereign Nation.

So, if your hear of any new Independence Party’s which fulfills Breeks’ checklist of requirements, I’d be pleased if you’d point me in their direction. Forget May’s elections, they are of no consequence to me.

Willie Jay

Glortard says:
23 March, 2021 at 10:53 am

” […] we are facing another 5 years of the same useless government Five years when drug deaths will get worse, education will get worse, the NHS will decline further but don’t worry its Westminster’s fault and if you just vote for us again in the “most important election (change date to suit)” then all will be well. Heaven knows what kind of muppets will manage to get seats over the next 5 years. About the only thing that will give me satisfaction will be Rhiannon Spear still not getting in.”

This is so *absolutely* true!
Another 5 years of the same again and what really does disgust me out of the very valid list that you have posted, is *EDUCATION*!

Scotland once led the world in education and even more so in secondary education. The massive numbers of Scottish pupils who flowered and thrived in the old Scottish Education system brought shame to much wealthier and supposedly better educated countries, including the one where I came from before settling in Scotland in the 1960s.

The Scots were renowned for their formal, strict, enlightening education system which produced leaders in almost every walk of life, who then went out into the world and demonstrated just what could be done had a pupil received a proper and full education.

Today, we await some “investigation”/”report”, whatever, call it what you will, into the rigours of education in Scotland. According to news report, the publication has been delayed:

“Och! Michty mei!” How can they *ever* fail to disclose just how very important, necessary and *thorough* the education of our Scottish bairns have been under this SNP Government?
Unless, of course, the systems laid out by our SNP Government and their slithy Education Minister seem to have sent Scottish School results right down the league tables?

Is this why the report is being held back?

I’m surprised that Nicola’s SNP Education Minister did not grasp “legal advice” from a Wolff and simple redact the reports to then show the results desired by the SNP.

I was going to quote that famous line from the Play:
“There is something rotten in the State of Denmark!”

Instead I prefer my own thoughts on the State of Scotland at the moment:

“There is something not quite right in Scotland at the moment:
The government is totally rotten, corrupt, secretive, lawbreaking, stinking-to-high-heaven, “rotting from the head down”, and all-in-all – SCOTLAND IS IN A WEE BIT OF A MESS!”

This is most definitely *not* the country I moved to some 50+ years ago and were I very much younger, I would kind of skedaddle away from this second-rate, attempted rotten republic, before “She Who Must Be obeyed” possibly gains many more powers come May and perhaps sends her attack dogs against people like me who post such messages.

Robert Louis

And what of Humza Yousaf, the Justice Secretary?? You know, what with him being completely in charge of law and order in Scotland, it has to be remarked he hasn’t had much to say.

I find that quite interesting in itself.

Jack Murphy

Here’s the article Archived:
link to

Big G

I am trying to appreciate the analysis from both sides of the independence debate and I see that Sturgeon isn’t well loved here.

I’m no great fan of hers, personally, but I’m a fan of independence. I’m confused as to why so many wanted yesterday’s report to be against her. To my mind, it would have demolished her personally (which might be a goal in itself), but it would have damaged the SNP and the independence movement, too, given her approval ratings. I’m not trying to goad angry responses, I’m genuinely not clear on this point and hoping someone with patience can let me have their view on that one.


@ScottieDog, 9.32

Actually it makes me VERY nervous about said cabal running an independent Scotland!

Relax, ScottieDog. This cabal has no intention of running an independent Scotland. The work would be too challenging. Remember the call “Scotland will not be dragged out etc etc” when there was no plan or preparatory work going on to deliver that goal? The current talk of indyref2 is simply a vote-harvesting ploy as it was in 2019.



Join us and attend our next rally in Oxford Street on 32nd March

You no it makes sense.

Captain Yossarian

@Robert Louis – Scottish law is a disaster area.


BigG @11:52

“but I’m a fan of independence.”

That’s the difference between you and Nicola Sturgeon.

Willie Jay

Fraser MacKintosh says:
23 March, 2021 at 11:05 am

“The Unionist brigade are certainly out in force on your blog today Stu.”

Ach, away, Fraser – just you keep burying your head in the sand, or mebbes just you jump into the bog like so many others and end up to your knees in Pete!”


Nicola Sturgeon is to Scottish independence what John Damian was to intercontinental air travel.

Big Jock

This from Alyn Smith. If it’s genuine then he really is a scumbag!

link to

Robert Graham

In all the years I have supported a independent Scotland and the SNP I can honestly say I have never been a fan of Princess Nicola , she was there but I couldn’t say I was ever really impressed ,

I first noticed her in a clip, it was of a young Nicola Sturgeon she was campaigning at the bottom of Union St in Glasgow and my impression was she was a bit weird and not quite a normal person someone who you could relate to , even when she was annotated FM I couldn’t watch her I don’t know what it was I just wasn’t impressed
I have watched some really impressive women Independence supporters on clips presented by Indy live on utube ,women with fire and who you could listen to ,so much talent on show it’s tragic they don’t have a wider audience .


BIG G: Because NS has no intention whatsoever of ever pursuing indy or ever holding indyref2.

“it would have damaged the SNP and the independence movement”

The only person doing that is NS herself. She reminds me a little of the character of Norton in Agatha Christie’s “Curtain”.


I give up!

I guess you can all get the Independence show back on the road around 2030. I doubt I will see a free Scotland now.

Thanks Nicola.


Nearly agree entirely but would caution against not turning out. A low turnout will be attributed to covid rather than any failure by the SNP. At a minimum people should turn out and spoil their paper if there is no one they can stomach voting for.


If you need more motivation not to support the SNP, For Women Scotland’s case for judicial review “Stop the Scottish Government redefining “women” to include men” has FAILED. Lady Wise’s ruling today.

Really is Alice through the Looking-Glass territory.

Big Jock

Big G -Nicola is now a divisive character.

No matter what side you are on, this cannot be denied. You cannot win independence with a leader who is divisive, and to many of us toxic. Regardless of the outcome of any enquiry. She needs to go, for the good of the movement.


Another day in court, another crap decision.
ForwomenScots case to have the definition of woman to exclude cross dressers, anyone who thinks they are, lost.
I despair.

Also Andy Wightman is officially a fucking weirdo.
Having done OK on the committee, his own personal take on the Inquiry, states that it was all ASs fault for inappropriate behaviour with civil servants, which everybody knew about.

The guy needs sued for defamation.
No one GAF about his ‘personal take’

Stuart Campbell

Rev, I have already decided to spoil my constituency vote as there is effectively no Independence party looking for my vote. I can see from the comments that there are a significant number who feel the same. As this is the case, can wee coordinate/agree a message to write on it so that our voice can be heard as a recognisable collective. Any ideas……

Wullie Rodger

Sturgeon’s clique are getting more and more like the tory party, its sickening the way they lie and award her lackies even though they are incompetent


I am not a nationalist and not committed to independence, but I deeply appreciate your honestly and integrity in reporting these issues. I despair of the political realm and in recent years have voted but could not bring myself to endorse any of the parties and have spoiled my paper by writing “None of the Above”. (It does bother me that my “vote” is classed among the graffiti drawers and those incapable of only putting one X.)

I have no deep principial objections against independence, but remain to be persuaded on the economic and political factors. Unfortunately the current goings on will make more people apathetic or even antagonistic towards political parties and will reduce reasoned debate.

Thank you again for what you do.

Frank Gillougley

Stuart Campbell 12.41
What to write on a spoiled ballot paper?
ther – that’s my suggestion.

Lulu Bells

We know, she knows, everyone knows really that she only got away with this through sheer jiggery-pokery. All that evidence withheld and redacted come on. As David Gray said:

‘“Just because Alex Salmond was found innocent doesn’t mean he didn’t do it”
Bet you now regret saying that Nicola because we will remember your words.’

Leslie Evans and Judith Mackinnon should resign immediately.

Pretty rough day for us all but as Grouse Beater says:

‘There will be an alternative appear soon, strong voices who will lift up the dropped baton; do not lose hope.’

Willie Jay

Big G says:
23 March, 2021 at 11:52 am

“I am trying to appreciate the analysis from both sides of the independence debate and I see that Sturgeon isn’t well loved here.”

Hi Big G – Some people with long memories recall when the SNP stood mainly for a quite single goal – Independence for Scotland.

From Big G – “I’m no great fan of hers, personally, but I’m a fan of independence. I’m confused as to why so many wanted yesterday’s report to be against her.”

To Big G – I did *not* want yesterday’s report to be against her. I hoped to hear the truth.
However, when a supposedly ‘independent report’ is then redacted by the government which commissioned that report, a government *led* by NS, has actually blacked out certain parts of the ‘verdict’, then I have absolutely no trust in that verdict.

From Big G – “To my mind, it would have demolished her personally (which might be a goal in itself), but it would have damaged the SNP and the independence movement, too, given her approval ratings.”

To Big G – I personally would not lend any support or credence to a person, or an organisation, or a *government* which chose to ‘black-out’ and *HIDE* certain facts which all of those people had decided were not to be seen by the public.
Maybe a FM; certainly a group of Government officials; indeed a whole nest of vipers who, *AFTER RECEIVING AN ‘INDEPENDENT REPORT’ CONCERNING THE CONDUCT OF THE FIRST MINISTER OF A COUNTRY* – well, they decided amongst themselves that certain parts of *that* report should be blacked-out and must not be disclosed to the public of the country which they presently rule. It is the actions of a dictatorship.

Big G, you say “[…] it would have damaged the SNP and the independence movement, too, given her approval ratings.”

Not a single person’s ‘approval ratings’ are worth considering against the hiding and suppression of parts of a report which the FM and her government commissioned. THEY CHOSE THEIR VERY OWN JUDGE IN USING HAMILTON.
Even though he was their “questioner of choice”, for some reason when his verdict was eventually delivered, some of his words in his verdict did not suit the ears of the current FM’s cabal, and therefore the were redacted (blacked-out).

From Big G – “I’m not trying to goad angry responses, I’m genuinely not clear on this point and hoping someone with patience can let me have their view on that one.”

Well, Big G – there you have my view. The whole pesky bunch of the current SNP Governement and Leadership *chose* their very own personal judge to decide upon their actions …

AND YET !!! When the verdict eventually came in from their personal judge, they were so unhappy with it that they unilaterally, *without* the consent of their said judge, decided to *BLACK-OUT* [redact] certain facts which did not suit their case.

My own opinion is that a REDACTED verdict is a WORTHLESS verdict.


Born, raised & educated in Scotland, I nevertheless have dual citizenship. And despite strong economic reasons keeping me here, I am seriously considering leaving Scotland again, only this time for ever.

This is not the place I want to spend the second half of my life, under an increasingly authoritarian regime, apparently accountable to no one, not even parliament. Thus we can no longer claim to live in a democracy.

A government that is able to exercise the power of The Crown to protect itself from the very people it was elected by, is all but a dictatorship.

And we are witness to new legislation created to make it increasingly difficult to criticize and protest against government injustice, under the guise of “Hate Crime”.

Regrettably, we can’t even rely on the media since it is determined to keep Sturgeon in power, entirely confident that despite promising sounding bites, the constitutional settlement is safe in her hands; there will be no independence while she remains in office.

Meanwhile, she has built an apparatus of corruption around her to eliminate political enemies such as Salmond & Cherry.

And all Unionists have to really do is look on, pretending to offer an alternative. But there isn’t one and they don’t even have to care either because just like the media, are reasonably happy with the status quo.

Scotland’s vehicle for independence has just been totaled by a head on collision with the SNP death juggernaut.


So now the SNP propaganda steps up a gear to try and discredit the committees report that proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that Sturgeon did misled parliament.

The idea is to praise James Hamilton QC’s (who was appointed by Sturgeon in 2015, ergo he can hardly be said to be independent) report that Sturgeon didn’t break the Ministerial Code, whilst rounding on the committee, that even though they were starved of vital info, and Sturgeon refused to answer vital questions on at least fifty occasions, found that Sturgeon did misled parliament, a very serious offence that should be resigning matter.

Sturgeon however will not resign, she has no honour or respect for Scotland, she’s a tainted character, and she’ll survive tomorrows VONC by the Tories, because the Greens will have her back, a match made in hell if you ask me.

Lorna Campbell

“… Leslie Evans and her team was a complete turkey – an intrinsically unfair one which in particular was unconcerned with justice for the person being accused… ”

Or, to be fair, for anyone concerned because I believe that at least most of the women were used to achieve a certain outcome, and, in the end, it has harmed them as well as Mr Salmond, albeit to a lesser degree.

Nicola Sturgeon has proved herself to be as adept as Boris Johnson when it comes to weaselling out of responsibility, but, as is always the case, there are those around who are determined that she stays. The Unionists need have no fear: there will not be a referendum any time soon, and, if by some miracle, there is, the electorate will vote against independence a second time. After 2014, another referendum would have to be an own goal to even be considered.

There is now no chance of independence at all by means of the ballot box – as, I have to say, has been the intention all along. Sure, the referendum bill might well pass, but it is almost certain that, even if it comes to fruition, we will not win it. Another defeat would be totally in keeping with both Westminster’s objectives and the SNPG’s objectives. Unless you are willing to accept that Nicola Sturgeon and her coterie have been got at/threatened by the British State (not an impossibility, by any stretch of the imagination) there is no plausible explanation for the way the SNPG has behaved for the past seven years – unless it is so stupid as to be beyond redemption.

Now, that might well be the case, but, somehow, the slipperiness we have witnessed over the past few months doesn’t quite match the level of stupidity it would take to make such a pig’s ear of the battle for independence. No, right from September 19, 2014, the trajectory has been to dither and dally until it became all too late, to insist on a S30 Order that we were never going to get, and only a fool would have believed we’d ever get a second one. The SNPG under this FM has been helped at every step by those independence supporters who could not see that another PRE independence referendum of any kind was a trap to keep us right where we are – nowhere.


end of

If only. Had Salmond’s acquittal been “end of” we wouldn’t be where we are today as an independence movement. It’s been the constant smearing and media re-trials, driven very much by those who were desperate for him to go to jail, with Sturgeon herself being the key cheerleader recently which has created the problem.


Now that Scotland is no longer a democracy, but a one party state ruled over by lies and corruption, certain individuals within the SNP might want to take stock. The likes of Joanna Cherry, Kenny MacAskill, Chris McEleny and Angus B. MacNeil, might find themselves on the wrong side of a Sturgeon purge.

As will those who are a well kent faces on social media, who support Alex Salmond and independence, and are not coy about telling the truth. They too will find the corrupt Crown Office foot soldiers Police Scotland, at their doors, and like Craig Murray and Mark Hirst, they’ll find themselves in court before their feet can touch the ground.


For me, the most devastating thing is what Rev Stu highlights in his last five or six paragraphs.

The Westminster Parliament that devised the Scottish Parliament in 1997-1998 designed it with a fundamental design flaw. “Wee pretendy parliament” to keep the natives happy.

I don’t know how much input the SNP of the time had. I don’t know how much influence they could’ve had – probably next to zero, so they went along with it, with some sort of idea that first we get this, then work forward from there.

Holyrood is a New Labour creation. Tony Blair’s Labour expected to be in power in the Scottish Parliament for ever and ever, with some help from the LibDems. Also help from the tories to keep the SNP permanently in opposition, contained. That’s why Labour especially was so upset, nay, raging mad, in 2007 (first minority SNP Scottish Government) and ever since.

Tony Blair’s Labour basically designed something for Scotland they would have wanted for Westminster: an executive that could not be held to account by the parliament or the judiciary.

When Alex Salmond became First Minister in 2007, he tried to separate the powers by NOT having the Lord Advocate as a minister in his government. Nicola Sturgeon invited the Lord Advocate right back in.

That the SNP under Sturgeon is now endorsing the flawed devolved parliament design is the real tragedy for Scotland. All these fiascos of trying to get rid of political rivals or truth-telling journalists with the powers of the state are chilling, but they’re symptoms or indicators of something much more fundamental.

The SNP under Sturgeon has figured out how to use the devolved parliament/executive/judiciary, the institutions of the state, in their favour to create a tin pot dictatorship.

Right now, they’re very happy with devolution – with periodical noses about “independence” when they need to harvest votes at an election – and in the unlikely event that Scotland became independent under Sturgeon’s SNP, she and her cabal and acolytes would be perfectly happy to keep the original devolved parliament design flaws and have the parliament and judiciary of an independent country firmy under the control of the executive, with no accountability or transparency.

Anybody who desires an independent Scotland that aspires to be an open, transparent, accountable, modern democracy should recoil in horror from Nicola Sturgeon’s vision for Scotland.


The only way for Scotland to secure its independence as quickly as possible is to do what Sturgeon and her cabal fear the most, give them your vote on the 6th May, and give ISP/AFI your second vote for a strong independence alliance.. Any other kind of vote leaves us with the possibility of Ruth Davidson as the FM of Scotland. Now, how horrendous would that be? Stay strong, stay brave.


The way I envisaged this going was that when the details of what was done to Salmond emerged from the gloom people would realize how horrific it is and Sturgeon would have been forced to resign.

But that should have happened quite some time ago now.

What is amazing me is that people in the YES camp who I previously respected are going along with it. It is almost like they are supporting a football team (i.e. Nicola FC v Alex FC) rather than investigating what really happened, looking at the information that has come to light, and concluding on that basis.

I did not really expect that. It shocks me and makes me feel a deep repulsion from those individuals and groups.

For them to be now again reveling in someone like Craig Murray getting possibly sent to jail and sexually assaulted, someone who blew the whistle on the crimes of their boss who was trying her best to get another innocent man sent to jail… is well beyond disgusting. (I have seen the same sneering attitude from them to Assange as well. Also very telling of the SNP’s complete lack of moral compass these days.)

There is just no way I will be voting for or supporting anyone or anything involved in all of that, or who in anyway condones or supports it. Not just now but indefinitely. In fact I will oppose them at every turn.

Nicola Sturgeon created the wedge but the happy clappers who now go along with it are hammering it home. What on earth are they thinking… do they think they are ‘winning’ here by defending the indefensible, supporting the unsupportable. Surely they cant be that stupid. (Yes, they are.)

I can sum it up. Fuck that and fuck them.

Robert Dickson

Hey ‘Pixal’

Get a new fucking line


Sturgeon should absolutely be pursued for defamation.

wee monkey

Patsy Millar says:
23 March, 2021 at 9:34 am
I think one of the major problems with the committee was that every member of it went in with his/her mind already made up. Just occasionally, people like Jackie Baillie (and it pains me to say this) asked probing questions. Even so there was no sense that the committee were concerned with truth, only getting answers that suited their own agendas.
You don’t think. X4 SNP plus chair [who herself had some interesting history] couldn’t swing it. You just couldn’t bear to give credit where it was due… that magic moment during questioning where both salmond and fraser looked at each other and realised if both said what they were thinking it would, oddly enough, be contempt of court.

Now there, right there, is the answer to your quandary….


If the popular theory is correct and the Unionists are going to throw the kitchen sink at the SNP leading into the election exposing the HCB and GRA to the masses to damage the vote then we can assume Sturgeon has lost the plot, is totally unfit for office and/or has been played by the British State.

If my theory is correct and there will be no mud slinging as I see little evidence of this, then we know for sure she IS the British State and wee Dougie and the rest are just there as a sideshow.

How do you become untouchable in Scotland, a nation of 5 million when your colonial masters have more than 10 x the population without the full endorsement of Westminster and the Crown?

Ian Brotherhood

Does anyone have a source for the letter which James Hamilton published alongside his report?

Michael posted the text on last night’s post at 7.10 but there was no source. If it was genuine then Hamilton is not at all happy about what happened to his work and nary a peep has been said about that anywhere.

And I still don’t understand who redacted his report. Does he? Does anyone?

Who are these unaccountable bastards who decide what the rest of us can or cannot read?


JimuckMac says:
23 March, 2021 at 1:04 pm
“The only way for Scotland to secure its independence as quickly as possible is to do what Sturgeon and her cabal fear the most, give them your vote on the 6th May, and give ISP/AFI your second vote for a strong independence alliance.. Any other kind of vote leaves us with the possibility of Ruth Davidson as the FM of Scotland. Now, how horrendous would that be? Stay strong, stay brave.”

From the House of Lords? That will be some trick.

Alf Baird

Willie Jay @ 11:42 am

“Scotland once led the world in education and even more so in secondary education.”

This is surely a bit of a unionist myth.

Pre 1960s less than 5% of Scots were educated to degree level. Today it is only 27%, which is still a lot less (half or worse) that of many other countries. Scotland’s elite universities main focus is on educating higher fee students from outside Scotland and employing and nurturing academics and researchers from outside Scotland.

In Scottis schuils we dinnae e’en lairn oor bairns thay’re ain mither tongue!

The Scots native speaker is arguably an afterthought, if not worse, in ‘Scottish’ education.

Eugene Henderson


If only more people had listened to you earlier.

I remember you getting labelled an agent for the english government.

And you were spot on all the time.

David Holden

Since posting my reasons for leaving the SNP yesterday I have had a fair amount of feedback thanks in part to Grousebeater tagging my post onto his blog. The interesting part is those agreeing with my action as they have done the same are not just bog standard cannon fodder like myself but office holders in SNP branches etc. I am not sure how many fake new members it will take to replace the expertise and hard graft of stalwarts at branch level leaving. My first vote is now up for grabs and will depend on what happens between now and May as here in Argyll and Bute we have a new candidate thankfully not the one the party tried to foist onto us. I got my thank you e mail from Mr Murrel this morning and with any luck he will not be in a position to send more for much longer. I would just like to say a big Indy get lost to Pete Wishart not that he ever reads this blog.

Willie Jay

Graham says:
23 March, 2021 at 12:50 pm
“Born, raised & educated in Scotland, I nevertheless have dual citizenship. And despite strong economic reasons keeping me here, I am seriously considering leaving Scotland again, only this time for ever.”

I wish I were younger. I might be trying the great escape, also.

“This is not the place I want to spend the second half of my life, under an increasingly authoritarian regime, apparently accountable to no one, not even parliament. Thus we can no longer claim to live in a democracy.”

A point of view that I totally agree with

“A government that is able to exercise the power of The Crown to protect itself from the very people it was elected by, is all but a dictatorship.”

I do not quite agree with your point here – the present SNP Government seems to be using a *CORRUPTED* power of the Crown to protect itself. Crown Power was never meant to be used as it has been exercised by the Wolff man.

Can you imagine for one moment, that the equivalent of Woolff in the UK Parliament would *DARE* to tell a Select Committee that *THEY* would be answerable to *HIM* and his staff as Woolff promised the alleged “Investigating Committee” when he appeared before them at Holyrood?
HAD HE DONE THAT IN THE UK PARLIAMENT – A PARLIAMENT DESPISED BY MANY IN SCOTLAND – His feet would have never touched the ground as he was led off to the nearest Police Station to the Tower!

It is high time many false facts, innuendoes and shyte claims were exposed for just what they truly are.

The Rule of Law and Order in Scotland are at the moment in great peril. If you do not believe me, spare a thought for Craig Murray, who published *NOTHING* when compared to the MSM who have escaped Scot Free!

El Mariachi

Honest John Swinney at it again:

link to


It’s one year ago today that Alex Salmond walked out of court an innocent man after being found not guilty on all charges .

#IStandWithAlexSalmond .

Captain Yossarian

@Alf Baird – “Scotland’s elite universities main focus is on educating higher fee students from outside Scotland….” That’s where the problem lies, Alf. In the 1980’s probably 90% of students or more were Scottish.

Anton Decadent

Had a re-elect Nicola Sturgeon leaflet posted through my door about half an hour ago. Small print on side of leaflet reads “Promoted by Mhairi Hunter on behalf of Nicola Sturgeon, both of 0/2, 4 Tantallon Road, Glasgow G41 3BX.”


The only way to get rid of Sturgeon and her stranglehold on Scottish democracy is for the SNP to get battered in the election.
A spell in opposition would see the party reclaimed by the membership, the ‘royal family’ booted out and allow the party to elect a leadership that remembers why the party was formed.


Sad to read that the Gender Representation on Public Boards challenge has failed. So a board made up of 50% men and 50% trans identifying men is considered gender balanced and fair. Words fail me.

John Main

The band is still playing, the lights shine brightly, and there is still plenty of single malt being served by the efficient staff behind the bar of the first class lounge.

But down below the waterline, the icy water is flooding into the gouge left by the iceberg.

The mass of ordinary passengers know nothing of the disaster ahead. Lied to and fed soft, soothing promises, soon even they will start to see the ship of state is listing and losing headway.

This is where the Titanic analogy fails. The ordinary passengers have the power to fix the leaks and get the ship under way with new crew by using their votes wisely. But first, those who are struggling in the dark to contain the disasterous floods of water have to broadcast the urgency of the danger.

Those controlling the ship are intent on keeping the danger a secret. They are confident there are enough lifeboats to see them safely away when the ship founders, but they need a head start so that they can depart before the ordinary passengers rush the boat deck.


YES memorabilia put away in bottom drawer.

Sturgeon has scunnered me so much that I just don’t have the stomach to start marching up and down hills fighting for Independence.

Sturgeon has to be completely removed from the scene before my enthusiasm came back.

She has to be removed.

How anybody could vote SNP is beyond me.

A coalition government is needed to straighten out Holyrood.

Then indyRef2 in a Manifesto for 2026.

But god knows which Party will be doing it.

Graham Paterson

My thoughts on recent events, blog posts and comments:

Scottish independence is the greatest threat to the British State. This has been clear since shortly after the 2014 referendum. Every resource of the British State will be used to undermine democracy in Scotland and the threat of independence. I think the fiasco of the prosecution of Alex Salmond should be viewed with this very much in mind.

Once questions/rumours about Alex Salmond’s personal conduct had been raised the Scottish Government had to address them regardless of the consequences. Otherwise the British State would have aired them together with evidence of the hush-up at a time of their choosing.

Nicola Sturgeon rightly recused herself from the process. The disastrous outcome cannot be laid at her door. It carries some weight with me that Alex Salmond has not called for her resignation.

She does carry responsibility for the incompetence of those around her whom she has appointed and supported and her reputation is justly damaged.

Many weaknesses have been highlighted. Changes need to be made to the governance of the SNP. Separation of powers regarding the Lord Advocate and Attorney General.Parliamentary privilege for MSPs. Etc. But there is no point in throwing the baby out with the bathwater. These weaknesses can be addressed.

At this time of unprecedented threat to devolution and the rights of people in Scotland I will continue to support and vote for independence. I am suspicious of those who urge voting against independence to teach the SNP a lesson. I think a better plan would be to join the SNP to influence change.

My thanks to Stuart Campbell, Craig Murray and other pro-independence activists for their perspicacity and bravery.


Sturgeon’s behaviour reeks of the gutter. The way she uses and abuses others whilst maintaining a slick image making machine that depicts her as the feisty but nice and down to earth lassie fae next door. They can’t disguise the bad odour though. Gutter, all the way.

Ian Brotherhood

@Graham Paterson (1.32) –

Interesting that the final remark in your comment is a thank-you to Craig Murray.

Have you watched his podcast from last week?

Colin Alexander

Things done “off the record” when accurate documentary records should have been made.

Complaints sat on then complaint processes tainted by bias. eg, An absence of independent and unbiased investigation.

Important documents suppressed / redacted by their organisations. Reams of useless information provided.

When accused of misconduct the professionals deny it. The argue they can’t remember the disputed events.

They rely on being judged on their previous reputation.

The eyewitnesses who can help establish what really happened aren’t asked for their witness testimony.
Things that cast doubt on the professionals’ account are ignored.

Information is suppressed. Other officials collude to hide the truth.

The victim is further victimised for complaining, so are those who assist the victim.

You see sympathy and fear in the faces of a few decent people who bite their lip and stay silent. Most actively go along with the cover-ups.

MPs and MSPs don’t want to know. The Scottish Government don’t want to know.

It becomes like a stone thrown in a pond and rings form around the fleeting splash but, there’s nothing else to see. It’s hard to prove the stone was ever thrown unless someone corroborates seeing it happen.

No, I’m not talking about Alex Salmond’s experiences.

Michael B

Hamilton Report: Shackled from the outset by the narrow terms of reference set by, er…John Swinney, and by court orders. Hamilton was frustrated at several turns – see his ‘Note on the publication of a redacted report’ – and was himself dissatisfied that he couldn’t get at the whole truth.

Fabiani Committee: Expecting partial politicians to set aside their own individual and party interests in a search for the truth was a huge waste of time and resources. Turkeys, Christmas, etc..

Am I left despondent by these outcomes? No. Expectation management kicked in ages ago. A lesson learned from decades of following Scotland’s football team.


“give them your vote on the 6th May”

No. They have gone too far.


Sturgeon’s only women voters seem to be the thick Soap Opera fan contingent, and her loyal Lesbian following.

Straight woman, mother’s with daughters seem to be the ones furious at allowing men dressed as woman into their women only spaces.

But for some reason the Sturgeon Lesbian fanatics are ignoring this outrage and going to vote for Sturgeon’s SNP, no matter how concerned other females are.

Any women with an ounce of decency would Vote against the SNP for that reason alone.

James Che.

If you want to know the position of the Scottish people regards politics and legislation, wether it is the hate crime bill, gender woowoo, or your position in relation to referendums or present leaders of the SNP,
Read the following, Electric Scotland
know your rights in Scotland.


The thing that bugs me most of all about this is NO ONE is taking responsibility or being disciplined for this clusterfuck.

Sturgeon: We’ll listen to lessons learned, but no one’s taking responsibility here
Hamilton: It’s not for me to decide, its the Scottish Parliament
Committee: It’s not for us to decide it’s up to Hamilton, we have no power to do anything.

Weak, useless, dishonourable.


O/T in other news, Scotland becomes even more regressive for women.
link to

James Che.

If you want to know the position of the Scottish people regards politics and legislation, wether it is the hate crime bill, gender woowoo, or your position in relation to referendums or present leaders of the SNP,
Read the following, Electric Scotland
know your rights in Scotland. Know your rights that are in the the treaty of union.

Daisy Walker

In trying to work out ‘where it all went wrong’ some may still be clinging to the concept that its been a bit of a muddle or accidental incompetence.

There are key moments that would indicate nothing could be further from the truth.

2016 Brexit vote, and 2017 GE – absolutely no money in the SNP kitty (at the height of their membership numbers) for campaign literature – from memory, we got one measly Billboard, a week before voting (and it was pish).

Also for the Brexit vote – very, very poor and inclear messages from HQ as to what the campaign messages should be.

2017 – the ‘ring fenced’ Indy Fund – never properly accounted for, even at the beginning.

At the end of 2018 Angus Robertson was responsible for putting forward a change in SNP policy – to ensure the membership were removed from influencing policy, and personnel on the NEC – and that it could be stuffed to the gummells with Nicla cultists.

Nothing about the GRA concerns, stands up to the least bit of scrutiny.

Latter half of 2017 the Alex Salmond stitch up begins.

The 180 degree turn by Nicla on ‘people’s vote’ for a second Brexit Referendum.

Known criminal associates of extremely dubious character being employed on the NEC.

Overruling NEC elected reps, legal advice, illegal employment policy re self IDing as BAME or Disabled.

Late and unclearly produced Party accounts.


Raging personality disorders being put forward as electorial candidates.

The Hate Crime Bill – its tempting to see it as just badly thought our and written laws – but really – it has a laser like intent to shut down sites such as these that keep us informed.

What’s that old phrase? ‘to err once is human…’

The SNP is now fundamentally corrupt to the core, and the people who are enabling this to continue, are the decent folk standing by and letting it happen, with the hands over their eyes and their fingers in their ears.



Ian Brotherhood 1.10

link to

James Che.

Breeks,as far as I can ascertain, Each and every Scottish person individually is sovereign, we can refuse legislation that we do not approve of.

Robert Graham

End of term report

The usual could do better

Should be replaced with

WHY DONT YOU JUST FK OFF Nicola and take your wee gang with you.

Maybe this SNPs MSPs could all self identify as honest folk and having a SPINE

The master of deception has even managed to convince the English media that she has the pursuit of Independence at the top of her agenda , if it wasn’t so far from reality it would be quite funny,

James O’Brians show on LBC he made the comparison between Pretty Patel & The Princess he ended the show with this observation so the Princess forgot a date Gee hardly a hanging offence

James Che.

Breeks, as far as I can ascertain, Each and every Scottish person individually is sovereign, we can refuse legislation that we do not approve of. Private rights for Scottish people in Scotland are more than a wet blanket, Westminster would lead us to believe we are tied to the treaty of the union in 1707, that being the case, they agreed to the sovereignty of each of one of the people of Scotland,


Life begins on the other side of despair. Jean-Paul Sartre.


Ye best lytel Cuntree in ye Worlde.

Robert Graham

Just in case we all forget Craig Murray could be in a jail cell tonight or just shortly , while the real criminals are laughing and having a party having fooled and deceived the people who should have fkn jailed the lot of them.

And still Not one sacking or resignation


This lot should go a long way they could teach the Mafia new tricks , they must be getting some serious protection from the movers and shakers who actually run this banana republic , once they have served their purpose they will be disappeared .


Craig Murray’s latest post is another example of a court case brought to crush someone who had the nerve to suggest that one of Nicola’s inner circle should have stayed in Edinburgh rather than go to holiday home in tiny island of Lismore.


I can offer anger management sessions but breathing into a paper bag might work just as well.

Genetically I am aligned with Bruce and the spider and would scream “No surrender” if that phrase had not been hijacked .

Some of the aggression and rage displayed here if positively directed pushing for independence could well have achieved our now.

As the FM just said in parliament we should show more compassion and love and it will decrease your anxiety. She is grateful to all for the sacrifices made. No,not like Joan of Ark.


I would like to thank you Rev for all your factual reporting regarding this case. No other journalists has managed to expose as much as you. In 2014 leading up to the referendum most of us had nothing but hope for Scotland. As a camp we were all united. However lurking amongst us all were the self serving vile careerist waiting to pounce. Many of them were previous SNP candidates in failed election campaigns. Those cronies felt it was their entitled right to be candidates in 2015 purely on the basis of them being in the SNP longer. Many of them are now SNP representatives and they don’t care about the constitution. They are an active group who know how to look after their own interests.
I genuinely believe they will eventually be found out by the majority and exposed for what they are. Until then I will never vote SNP again however I will give AFI my second vote as the Greens are basically the same careerists as the SNP and have no spine and are woke militants.
Please start another crowd funder soon as you deserve to be paid for all your hard work.

Big Jock

Carwyn Jones the former Welsh FM – Was cleared by James Hamilton of breaching the MC. He resigned 5 days later.

Why. Because this case involved the suicide of a member of his party. He was deemed not to have dealt with the case properly and tried to dictate the terms of the enquiry.

Although cleared on the technicality. The injured party’s family lawyer pursued the case legally. Carwyn had to resign.

There are lessons for all the cybersturgeons. Don’t be thinking your leader can just walk away from this. The MC is merely a side show.

Daisy Walker

@ Borehousewife re the forwoman court case.

Lady Wise presided – Wise by name – but in reality does not seem to know the difference between a man and woman.

I was reading through it – and at the start its the petitioners arguements – I thought they made the case extremely well.

Then the verdict, ’56Disposal[67]I have concluded that none of the challenges to the 2018Act advanced by the petitioner can succeed for the reasons given in relation to each one. The Act was within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament and does not offend against the fundamental principle of equality of treatment. I will dismiss the petition and reserve meantime all questions of expenses.’

We are truely through the looking glass.

Big Jock

Robert – Craig has just become a new father as well. Welcome to Sturgeon’s regime. She makes sure that innocent fathers are taken away from their children.

Alf Baird

pixal @ 1:42 pm

“great speech by mairi black”

It would perhaps be helpful if many of Scotland’s elected National Party representatives actually understood what independence is and why it is essential for the Scottish people and nation.

What is independence?

Independence is sought by countries and peoples who are governed by another country and people. Being governed by another country is known as colonialism, which the UN maintain is “a scourge” (i.e. a form of punishment and oppression) that should be ended.

Independence is therefore decolonization.

Colonialism-oppression may take many forms including cultural imperialism (e.g. BBC, msm), linguistic imperialism (Scots are deprived of learning the indigenous i.e. Scots language); political domination such as Scotland’s enforced EU exit, forced to fight illegal and undesired wars, and to act as a weapons and defence platform for the ‘Administrative’ Power, oppressive laws restricting human rights, and the state persecution of independence campaigners; social aspects such as institutionalised inequalities, poverty, lack of opportunity (especially for native speakers), and a cultural division of labour favouring the coloniser/elite group; economic exploitation leading to economic under-development, and the plundering of resources; and may also involve occupation.

The most important requirement for independence is a people’s national consciousness, which reflects the existence of a national culture (including language). Without national consciousness there can be no motivation for nationhood and independence in the first place. Scottish culture and (Scots) language form the basis of our national consciousness and our (Scottish) identity, which cultural and linguistic imperialism aims to remove and replace.

As Frantz Fanon stated: “it is national consciousness which is the most elaborate form of culture. National consciousness, which is not nationalism, is the only thing that will give us an international dimension.”

So that is briefly what national independence is, and its understood rationale.

All of these issues and more are covered in my book: ‘Doun-Hauden: The Socio-Political Determinants of Scottish Independence’.

Mark Boyle

@pixal says:
23 March, 2021 at 1:42 pm

great speech by mairi black

link to

Mhari Black? Hey I remember her!

Got elected, started moaning her head off about how “disillusioned” she was by Parliament and was going to chuck it, didn’t stop her standing two more times, still moaning. Her constituency office in Paisley has been closed for years, is dilapidated and an absolute eyesore to match the notorious abandoned Dixon Mabon office of the SDP in Bridge Of Weir which lay empty for almost two decades before anything was done about it (at least they had an excuse with both the party and Mabon no longer existing).

The last time she bothered her backside with her constituents was to force primary one children at Glencoats school to listening to thinly veneered “gay means good” propaganda from a drag queen called Flowjob (with a sideline in porn), and then when the parents objected (after the council lied to the press they’d given their consent when they’d done nothing of the sort), she screamed they were all “homophobic bigots”.

Never in a million years did I think Paisley and Renfrewshire South could have a more useless, butt lazy, self serving tosser than Dougie Alexander or Norman Buchan but by God she’s risen to the challenge and in six short years her constituents have never known a greater void!

Willie Jay

Michael says:
23 March, 2021 at 1:23 pm

The only way to get rid of Sturgeon and her stranglehold on Scottish democracy is for the SNP to get battered in the election.
A spell in opposition would see the party reclaimed by the membership, the ‘royal family’ booted out and allow the party to elect a leadership that remembers why the party was formed.

This! In spades! Well said, Sir!

Dare to go and do it! A huge loss for the SNP would definitely mean that the Murrel Royal Family would have the reins of power scraped from their cold, dark, sticky fingers.

And just think of the *AFTERMATH*!

A final and total rooting out and routing out of most of the people who have created this catastrophe in the SNP!
It is time for change!
And after serious political change in Scotland, we can one day gather again to see our goal.

Always remember, you will *NEVER, EVER” be presented with an Independence Referendum whilst the peresent High Heid Yins, along with the MANY FAT-CAT “HUMBLE” CROFTERS & CO., pretend that *THEY* represent Scotland.

Represent Scotland?

Dare to go and do it *just* for SCOTLAND!


Ian Brotherhood at 1.10pm.


Here is Fraser Nelson’s article on the Hamilton report.

link to

‘To his apparent fury, the Hamilton report has been censored so much as to be incomprehensible in all too many places. In a separate statement, he complained that his own report “cannot be properly understood by those reading it, and presents an incomplete and even at times misleading version of what happened.” But he refused to change the wording of his report. In fact, the dozens of redactions seem to have been his form of protest.’

There are links to the archived pdf version of Hamilton’s ‘Note on the publication of a redacted report’ – this is the ‘separate statement’.


@ pixal: Of course a referendum is NOT what we want. All we want and need is that the SNP, and other independence parties, state that the May vote will be a plebiscite vote on independence.

The referendum route is a snare and delusion – waste of time and effort and resources. Makes one wonder why the SNP are pressing on with it, doesn’t it?

Plenty of examples of what the SNP Manifesto SHOULD say exist: the Rev’s on Wings, the Manifesto for Indy site by Geoff Bush, Manifesto for Independence by Peter A Bell, and Chris Hanlon’s draft which Wings reported last week.


Easter’s approaching…time for Scotland’s resurrection?
Or is that an exercise in blind faith?
Do Hope not!

Johnny Martin

Pixal, if they do not have it (that the election is to be treated as a plebiscite) in their manifesto, how can they claim a mandate for it? That will not fly.

Stop talking rot.


Mark Boyle

Correct .I wonder if JC has ever gave her ther time of day.Black, Another chancer that doesn’t belong in a parliament, even WM.She got in on false promises, she is only ever been interested in the woke agenda, nowt else.

Lets not forget about all the dosh she’s made and still manages to look like something the cat dragged in.

Gordon Hastie

I see the criminal Dani Garavelli has been given a platform in the Guardian today.

Big G

I just wanted to say thanks all for coming back to me with answers to my question – genuinely appreciate the decent responses.

Johnny Martin

Pixal, I didn’t say ‘SNP’. I said ‘they’ which would mean *any* party claiming afterwards that it had been a plebiscite without saying in their manifesto that they were treating the election as one and would implement the result subject only to a confirmatory referendum.


The involvement of Hamilton mirrors the HR stitch up. Let’s just engage someone we know to be “tame” therefore we don’t need to worry unduly about the outcome as it’s going to be in our/my favour.

I have no skin in the game as I’m based in London so can’t vote and unable to influence anything that’s going on. That said; as an interested observer the political situation in Scotland right now is beyond dire and I can’t think of how an even modest improvement is likely to happen any time soon.

By his own admission AS could and should have been a better man. Regardless of his behaviour trying to get him locked up was a mind blowing course of action. Thank God he had the resources to challenge and successfully defend himself. NS is without doubt the most heinous creature and will go down in history as an unmitigated disaster who lied and lied and lied about EVERYTHING.

As a retired fraud investigator the only obvious way to proceed is chase the money and in particular the £600K which seems to be “unavailable”. My guess is that these funds were used to pay legal fees out with the blatantly corrupt Crown Office.


Now that’s journalism!

What intrigues me is why, if Salmond and all his works are anathema, does she cling like a leach to his Section 30 approach to independence?

Robert Graham

Eh Pixar

You open to offers or will it be fixed price ?

I have a mug oops , eh a prospective client down Westminster way you might know him the one with the unkempt Barnet I believe he is in the market for one

Can you tell me how long this bridge is because the one he’s after is quite long , could your bridge be extended ?

A serious inquiry


Fergus says:
23 March, 2021 at 1:43 pm

Sturgeon’s only women voters seem to be the thick Soap Opera fan contingent, and her loyal Lesbian following.

Straight woman, mother’s with daughters seem to be the ones furious at allowing men dressed as woman into their women only spaces.

But for some reason the Sturgeon Lesbian fanatics are ignoring this outrage and going to vote for Sturgeon’s SNP, no matter how concerned other females are.

Any women with an ounce of decency would Vote against the SNP for that reason alone.

Hey, pipe down with your homophobic and misogynistic lesbian rant!

Don’t tar every woman (adult human female) and lesbian (homosexual woman, i.e. woman sexually attracted to another woman) with the same brush!

Many, many lesbians are against the gender woowoo advocated by Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP and the Greens. The SNP and the Greens are the ones advocating redefining “woman” to mean anybody who says they’re one. Including men (adult human males) who get a sexual kick out of pretending to be their idea of what a woman is.

No chop necessary, and any and every lesbian (adult human female sexually attracted to another adult human female) can now be declared “transphobic” for not accepting male “trans-lesbian” “lady diques” into their sexual lives. Homophobic or what!

After the passing of the atrocious Hate Crime Act, all lesbians, all women, are unprotected. Reject the sexual advances of a trans-identified male, into the slammer you go for “transphobia”.

All women, including lesbians, who dare to question this and try to have reasoned discussions about women’s sex-based rights and how they could be reconciled with the needs and rights of the various trans-identified groups: “transphobic” “hate speech” – into the slammer you go!

As a woman, I cannot stand with the faux feminist Nicola Sturgeon. If I was homosexual, even less. She’s using the fig leaf of the shallow and populist middle-class US #Metoo “movement”, and the deeply misogynistic radical trans activist movement to advance her own goals. Feminist she is not.

(And I don’t give a fig about her own sexuality,it’s irrelevant to me. It’s her actions, which seem homophobic and misogynistic to me.)


As Sturgeon is keen on saying, James Hamilton QC’s report is partisan, Sturgeon used that word after the committee found that she misled parliament.

Sturgeon appointed Hamilton in 2015, its a bit like asking Bill Clinton if he thinks Hillary Clinton is a neoliberal warhawk.

Robert Graham

Just watching the Vote of Confidence

Aye I know waste of fkn time

The master of Deflection at work

It wasn’t me , I am totally innocent , aye fkn right dear forget about the Ministerial Code that’s just a smoke screen , a cover for a attempt to Jail Alex Salmond that spectacularly failed , now we are getting the Covid shite and the poison princess has the brass neck to make reference to the toxic atmosphere in the chamber ,

I nominate her for the actress of the year award she’s fkn priceless


@Ian Brotherhood

link to


Simon says:
23 March, 2021 at 10:26 am
Why do people saying that the new parties are only any use for the list vote?

Because they’re only standing for list seats.

Ian Brotherhood

@Strathy & cynicalHighlander –

Thanks both.



Swinney can’t act and remember his lines at the same time.


Oh Christ, if I read anymore about how the two complainants were hard done by, even though now they are glad they came forward to try and set up a man and send him to prison for life I think I’ll puke.

The nameless and faceless pair who saw Salmond acquitted by a jury of his peers made up mainly of women with a woman judge presiding over the fit up, will probably spend years bleating from the security of anonymity, about what a terrible culture it was when Alex Salmond was FM, and how their lives have been ruined.

Both women along with the other complainants who the jury decided that they were untruthful and unreliable, will also probably do a lot of sob story articles for RCS, attacking Salmond from behind again their faceless and nameless positions.

What truly corrupt country Scotland has become under Sturgeon and her vile clique.

link to

Andy Ellis

For those interested in some figures WRT Holyrood 2016 majority numbers for the upcoming constituency elections, some interesting take aways from the detailed figures:

1) 3 constituencies where LDs came 2nd to SNP (maj. in brackets): Argyll & Bute (5978), Caithness Sutherland & Ross (3913), Skye Lochaber & Badenoch (9043)

2) 17 constituencies where Tories came second to SNP, (6 in the NE, 3 in W, 3 Mid Scot & Fife, 2 South, 2 H&I & 1 Lothians)

3) 39 constituencies where Labour came 2nd, most in central belt.

Smallest majorities are:

Perth & Kinross (1422 over Tories)
Ed Pentlands (2456 over Tories)
Angus N/Mearns (2472 over Tories)
Aberdeen S/ N Kinc. (2755 over Tories)
Moray (2875 over Tories)


So even the Sturgeon lackey James Hamilton QC, had his report redacted by the uber corrupt Crown Office on 76, yes 76 occasions, there’s no lengths this vile nasty SNP government won’t stoop to, to keep their dictator Sturgeon in power.


Hamilton’s ‘Note on the publication of a redacted report’ was the first thing I read yesterday. Been ignored so far – but actually when read together with SG inquiry report produce the same conclusions. Misleading parliament on industrial scale missing docs, redaction, false under oath declarations. So industrial scale.

But on the very narrow JH terms of references – one point – one specific occasion did she mislead parliment. No.

But JH has included a load of dynamite content. That NS and SG have redacted out to further mislead parliment. That is what his note declares.


As expected the head of the snake survived the vote, WTF with Labour and the Lib/Dems.

“MSPs vote by 65 to 31 to reject the motion of no confidence, with 27 abstentions – so that’s just the Tories backing the motion, the SNP and Greens against, and Labour and the Lib Dems abstaining”

link to


Sturgeon sails on, apparently unsinkable. But she’s like the Bismark after the Battle of the Denmark Straits. Damaged, slow and with steering problems, and a fair long way from a safe port.


The JH headline declaration was a 99.9% cert given the very very narrow terms of reference set by Swinney.. or more likely NS. So fine. That’s what was expected – accept JH actually went a lot further, put that dynamite content in and then stuck to his guns on keeping it in.

The rev took a differnt view – which was the most likely squirrel written in when she drafted JH’s terms of reference… make the scope so narrow has to be a not guilty

Steve davison

A couple of premises
Society throughout is polarised at the present and deluge of opinion based media means that it is easier for political parties to deny and spin to there own ends
The SNP is the only defacto independence party in Scotland at the present that is organised
There is major doubt that The SNP in its current form is able to or wishes to deliver a pathway to independence
The government of the SNP and it’s surrounding institutions are corrupt and self serving with no moral compass
The voting system in play and the candidates place in it leave no straight forward option for an honest independence candidate/party that can deliver that goal
So the whole cluster f#$k leaves everyone bemused and demoralised leading to accusations of betrayal of loyalty independence by not following SNP or betrayal of morality by following them
There needs to be a adult conversation to unravel this and move forward
Not that anyone cares I don’t thing the SNP are for to govern and deserve a vote

Mark Boyle

@lumilumi says: 23 March, 2021 at 3:30 pm

“The SNP and the Greens are the ones advocating redefining “woman” to mean anybody who says they’re one. Including men (adult human males) who get a sexual kick out of pretending to be their idea of what a woman is.”


Sp!ked magazine said it’s a fetish taken too far, and they’ve got a point. The trouble is it will become a criminal offence to say out loud it is, and those ghastly eyelid fluttering mincing grotesque parodies of femininity straight out of Hollywood’s neanderthal era and Male Chauvanist Pig Monthly will be “celebrated” by Generation Snowflakes so-called “Feminists” without one drop of irony.

For me, it is bad enough watching as the far-right’s stale identitarianism bollocks of the 1990s is microwaved by the hobby left and “progressives”, who think serving it up in their own sauce makes it any less tasteless or junk.

But rushing to fulfil the agenda of the nastier anti-lesbian elements of society and the more misogynist elements of the gay community (there’s still too many male homosexuals with as much “seriously WTF?” attitudes to women as their heterosexual counterparts) is beyond belief.


Looking through this website, I thought I’d visites the ukip /orange order/ tory party propaganda page.


“Looking through this website, I thought I’d visites the ukip /orange order/ tory party propaganda page.”

If you don’t want to see the truth, as this site puts up, then head over to the arse licking, head in the clouds WGD, I’m sure you’ll be right at home there.

Robert Graham

Swindler with a straight face, aye we made a right arse of attempting to Jail Alex Salmond but them that blabbed about us making a arse of it they are beyond contempt they are the lowest of the Low

He is without doubt a definite contender for drama Queen of the year followed by that scabby Harvie who was only missing the white Mack to complete the picture . How he can give the government a pass is quite spectacular I wonder what the Greens have been promised ? , he totally missed any criticism of the Sturgeon led Government it was as if he was speaking about a different subject it was so far from reality as you could possibly get .

Robert Graham

High seas Tim

Try English so we can all read your pearls of wisdom

Colin Alexander

Out of all the people they could have chosen, I wonder why the Scot Govt chose Mr Hamilton to investigate whether Nicola Sturgeon breached the Ministerial code?

Mr James Hamilton previously cleared a Welsh Govt minister of breaching the ministerial code.

Obviously, based on his previous experience, Mr Hamilton was the right man for the job.

link to

James Barr Gardner

The Queen has appointed Prince William as Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland for 2021, Downing Street has confirmed.

Membership of the Kirk is approx 300k less than 6% of the Scottish population.

Why no jist go the whole hog Betty the Last an’ mak’ him King Billy, it’ll go down a **** in NI.

Alf Baird

Lynne @ 3:54 pm

“Because they’re only standing for list seats.”

The election involves two separate national votes, one for parties standing in regions and one for parties standing in constituencies.

A national majority vote (by number of votes) in favour of independence on the list would still comprise a national majority vote in favour of independence in a democratic national election.

That is to say, it would then be correct to state that a majority of Scots will have voted in favour of independence in a national election.

Peter Kinnaird

The hysterical viciousness of the Sturgeonistas on “Wee Ginger Lapdog” today just confirms three things for me:
1. I made the right call when I ended 23 years of membership of the SNP.
2. The SNP is now a literally hate full party, intolerant, corrupt, dishonest, and crooked.
3. My first vote will now (as of today) remain blank.


James Barr Gardner @4:41

“The Queen has appointed Prince William as Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland…”

How fucking quaint.


Nicola wins by 34 votes.
Quite convincing.
Labour and Wee Willie showing a bit of sense by abstaining [knowing that their votes would not change anything].


Here’s a genuine question: if all is lost, broken, destroyed, and we should get out of Scotland while we still can, as you put it a couple of posts ago…why do you even continue? Seriously.

Robert Graham

What was it we were promised by Sturgeons SNP ?

A new style of politics

Different from Westminster

Well that’s one promise we all got , and we got it in spades I never saw that one coming oh well must remember not to be so trusting and gullible again I will be reminded of that just as I am looking at my ballot paper and wondering how I am going to be disappointed this time .

I am now certain where my little X is going , so nothing personal dear, well actually it is sweetie totally personal.


@ Onlooker

Remember Bruce’s spider.

Also, independence only needs to win once.

And because the prize is soo desirable.

Robert Louis

So, this is what happens when you appoint your closes staff in government, solely upon their xes, and not ability. That is what NS did.

So even if the lovely nickla is totally innocent in all of this, she is in charge. So, when will the staff disciplinary procedures start over all of this??? Epic fail, after epic fail, yet nobody takes the blame? Nobody disciplined?? Nobody sent on a ‘training course’ about listening to what your senior counsel tells you before spaffing three quarters of a million of taxpayers money in the court of session.

No? nobody to blame? just carry on as normal, mibbes even promote some of the clowns responsible? That is no way to run a government.

As an aside, but important, has Leslie Evans resigned been sacked yet?? Mibbes she is awaiting instructions from her handler in London?

Robert Louis

Lizzie Windsor has apparently appointed one of her grandsons to all the high offices of state, including ‘Lord high everything else’ in Scotland, or something.

Who cares? Seriously, who cares?


O/T and apologies if someone has already posted this: link to

Is this what we want Scotland to be? Elections have consequences. I hope the Scottish electorate will make its collective voice heard loud and clear on May 6th.

Nally Anders

Recently received a small postcard sized election leaflet from the sitting constituency MSP.
Independence hardly any mention at all, eclipsed by baby boxes etc.
Serious question, are any of the incumbent troughers in Holyrood putting Independence front and centre of their campaign?

Big Jock

The reason that nobody has been sacked by Sturgeon. Remember this is a house of cards. If one goes then they all go.

We are dealing with liars here. If one gets bumped, then they reveal all. It’s a very very shortly peg holding the whole lie together.

It will tumble. Just give it time.

Willie Mclean

I noticed in some comments that they are going to leave vote 1 blank or not vote.

The paper should never be left blank, open to fraud, and not voting is denying democracy.

See this link to


Big Jock @5:42

“It will tumble. Just give it time”

Isn’t AS making a statement tomorrow, or did I misread that somewhere?


Been watching various news reports and reporters on the beeb and have noticed coincidentally that the reporters are now being very respectful and proper in talking about the First Minister or the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon all very different from the past , I wonder what has changed to convey this respect to the former most dangerous woman in the uk

Robert Graham

A noticeable change in tone over in La La Land over the past few months .

previously he had a questioning approach to any progress or lack of progress being made by the SNP on the Constitution issue and the political links between the two nations , he used to be quite eager to push them further and faster , that’s gone now .

Recently a total lack of any criticism about anything this SNP are doing and it’s the polar opposite of what has been said before, unquestioned support seems to be the flavour of the day , nothing to do with current events and financial circumstances or maybe even Immigration status of someone close I really don’t know how this change happened and how a small group has taken over his site

Maybe avoiding making any enemy’s in this ruling cabal its maybe best not to draw any attention from them knowing what they are capable of .


Scip NC
I always believe that there are generally to sides to every story.
We have seen yours, I wonder what the other one looks like.


What on earth are we supposed to do if the Greens/AFI/ISP are all on the same list ballot? That would be straight out of The Life of Brian. I’ll look forward to Friday’s info, but I wish someone would knock the AFI & ISP heads together. For cultural punk/goth reasons I don’t think that I could ever vote Green!

vlad (not that one)

O/T. Just letting everyone know: Mandeep Singh now has a fundraiser. The link is link to

Big Jock

Robert.Yes Salmond will make a statement tomorrow.

I watched the FM giving it full rage at Holyrood today. She really thinks she is untouchable. I really detest the sight of her now.


Gullaneno4, do you doubt a factual report contained in a newspaper in general circulation? Because much of Craig Murray’s article is either the Oban Times or a screen-shot of the Daily Record. A decent amount of the rest is a transcript of an interview between Prof Woolhouse and Krishnan Guru-Murthy. I do not require that everyone agree with me (I wonder if that will catch on?) I offered the link so that intelligent people could read it for themselves and make their own mind up.

Big Jock

One thing that comforts me in all the white noise of the Sturgeon cult.

The Rev has never been wrong about anything that he predicted. Trust me , we are on the right side of history here.


to all intents and purposes, she is untouchable. Except at the ballot box.

John Martini

Looks like more of the same going forward.


Augian not Agian


@ alx: “what to do if Greens/AFI/ISP all on the same ballot?”

Greens are as bad as the current SNP – e.g. Andy Wightman felt oppressed by their anti-scientific, anti-democratic stance on trans issues.

AFI are an umbrella group with independence as their primary policy.

ISP are pro-women’s rights BUT won’t form an electoral pact with AFI.

So my choice is AFI. Whose fundraiser is struggling – they need to reach £28,000 by 31st March and have only got just over £6,000 so far from 58 people. If people want a viable indy option then I am afraid they will have to chip in. Surely more than 58 people want to have this option to vote for?

Big Jock

Pixel. …let’s see what Salmond has to say tomorrow!

Dr Peter ISP

@Hatuey 745,000 SNP List votes elected NOBODY last time. It is scheduled to be even worse this time. Here in the NE and elsewhere that means only unionists got elected on the List.

A party’s List vote is divided by the no of constituencies +1. Which means last time here in the NE the SNP List vote was divide by 10 at the start.

It is SNP2 which is pish. Unless you want your vote to be only worth 1/10th or less of a vote for the ISP. If you want unionists to be elected by default on the List vote SNP.

If instead you want Yessers to be elected on the List vote ISP2.

The maths is unassailable.


Tinpot Tyrant Sturgeon. Just had a leaglet asking me to vote for Angus Robertson. No way am I voting for that asshole. I’m sick of voting cunts into well paid powerful jobs. I consider the political class the deadly enemy of the people. A wonderful turnout on Saturday at the anti lockdown march through London. It was peaceful and good natured. The Antifa riot in Bristol on Sunday was a Gov3 rentamob designed to give Government an excuse to ban protests. No protests no democracy.


“It will tumble. Just give it time”

I’m becoming less hopeful of that. There is too much power behind all this. This isn’t an SNP leader and clique running this show. Enabling it, yes, but there is no way the entire power of the state, media, Crown Office etc would be behind them if they were doing it alone. I feel profoundly depressed about where we are now and where we’re headed after May. Also, the smears against Alex are really ramping up, along with this new non-jury trial thing. They’re going to get away with it and make sure they do it right next time. Unless there is some really heavy legal power ready to intervene, quickly. At least both Hamilton and the inquiry report do seem to leave room for further legal action.

Captain Yossarian

@Cath – “Unless there is some really heavy legal power ready to intervene, quickly.” You would expect that to be the Lord Advocate wouldn’t you? I mean, normally it would be him and we would all have confidence that he would ensure the rule of law would be applied fairly and in the public interest. One thing this episode has taught us is that he is the 2nd or 3rd biggest crook of them all.

Big Jock

Salmond will have the last say in this. I am keeping the faith.


If NS & SNP do get stuffed at the election I wonder what excuse we will have from her on 7th May?

I need to reflect? If I hear that wumin using that fecking term “reflect” I swear I’ll crack.

Big Jock

Ayrshire – Sturgeon will blame Salmond of course.He seems to have done everything else.

Even heard wee Wullie Rennie saying today:” Salmond has shown himself for what he is” What innocent.

If I was Salmond I would sue every last one of the bastards. It’s like a kangaroo court.


Scotland is almost finished.



Cath says @ 6.29

“This isn’t an SNP leader and clique running this show”

Once my story becomes known – it will prove how corrupt Scotland is. A clue is “asked to keep a secret about one person” I can’t believe people fell for this and didn’t realise it is a complete abuse of Human Rights. It is a cover-up for something much darker and sinister – that’s why it’s a secret. Rogue Intelligence are responsible.