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Wings Over Scotland

Nothing like the truth 178

Posted on September 27, 2017 by

The Scottish Daily Mail almost explodes with fury over new crime statistics today:

Which is weird. Because there’s less crime in Scotland than there’s ever been at any time in modern history. How do we know that? Because the Mail tells us so.

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From March to September 48

Posted on September 27, 2017 by

It’s embarrassing to even have to point it out, to be honest.

Yet just six months later, with nothing having changed, everything had changed:

But when it comes to Unionist politics in Scotland, embarrassment is the default state.

The Cunning(hame) Plan 238

Posted on September 26, 2017 by

We stuck this short clip up on YouTube yesterday as a throwaway while watching the Labour conference in slack-jawed astonishment (a visitor from an alien planet would have concluded it was the gathering of a party that had just won a landslide victory, not lost its third general election in a row), but on reflection it deserves a proper post.

If you know anything at all about the story of how female Glasgow City Council employees have fought for equal pay, you’ll probably be as outraged as we are at Baxter’s bulletproof brass neck. But the video actually demonstrates what appears to be Scottish Labour’s master strategy for winning back Scotland.

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Super sigh me 125

Posted on September 25, 2017 by

In today’s Herald, for no apparent particular reason, this drivel again:

And who might this latest impartial “expert” be, we wonder?

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The government in waiting 188

Posted on September 25, 2017 by

Labour will start their autumn conference in Brighton properly today, but the comrades have already been at the seaside over the weekend. We thought we’d see how the UK’s official alternative to the Tories was getting along.

We’re sure it’s a well-oiled machine.

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All the alarms and no surprises 288

Posted on September 24, 2017 by

This weekend’s Scottish Mail On Sunday carries a column from UK Cabinet Office minister Damian Green which, if anyone was still in any doubt, rings just about every warning bell imaginable in terms of the Tories’ plan to use Brexit to cripple devolution both in principle and in practice.

It’s tucked away on page 27 and doesn’t appear on the Mail’s website, but you can read the whole thing by clicking the pic above. And below, we’ve pulled out the key sentences that should have the blood of devolution-loving No voters running cold.

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Ole Ola 235

Posted on September 23, 2017 by

(Buy Chris Cairns’ second great book of cartoons here. Plus cuddly Hamish!)

Looking forwards 229

Posted on September 22, 2017 by

We’re not saying it’s been a slow news week in Scottish politics, but this is what the Scotsman’s going with today:

We might go for a walk.

The Evergreens 415

Posted on September 20, 2017 by

It was nice to see an old friend back in the Scottish media today.

How times change.

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Nice Parliament you’ve got there 88

Posted on September 20, 2017 by

Be a shame if anything happened to it.

The warning notice 279

Posted on September 19, 2017 by

For anyone who thinks it’s safe to wait until after 2021 for another indyref.

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Black affronted 211

Posted on September 18, 2017 by

We struggled to summon up much more than a weary sigh about a story in a couple of the minor papers today (the Herald and Express), about a micro-scuffle at Saturday’s pro-indy rally in Glasgow. The most interesting thing about it appeared to be that the Express had written its article several hours before the event took place.

But we weren’t quite right.

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