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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for the ‘navel-gazing’

Down the tubes 57

Posted on July 01, 2017 by

A very brief stat post, as our “regular” cartoonist is on holiday YET AGAIN.

Wings had just over 300,000 unique readers in June, despite taking the last couple of weeks off ourselves, bringing the monthly average readership for the first half of 2017 to 346,226. That’s 55,532 up on the same period last year, or a 19% increase.

Rarely can a flush have been more busted.

Not too shabby 103

Posted on June 01, 2017 by

…for one idiot and an occasional cartoonist talking to a country of only 4m adults.

And one of us DOESN’T EVEN LIVE THERE!!!!!

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Becoming the squirrel 545

Posted on May 18, 2017 by

I went to the dentist this morning, and boy was I ever in for a shock when I got back.

So I guess we’d better talk about this for a minute.

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With our shield, or on it 212

Posted on April 03, 2017 by

Actually, mighty King Leonidas is understating here. It was 311% in the end.

Wings Over Scotland 2017 fundraiser total: £140,047.

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The Liar 153

Posted on March 25, 2017 by

Normally the amateur blogger, unqualified would-be economist and unsuccessful dog-food salesman that BBC Scotland and the Daily Record employ on a regular basis to openly troll Yes voters restricts himself, when attacking this site, to crude abuse or smear and innuendo like the below, tweeted on Holocaust Memorial Day last year:

Last night, implausibly, he sank lower.

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The competition 158

Posted on January 17, 2017 by

You very rarely get useful stats about online newspaper readership, so we were quite intrigued by this snippet on tonight’s BBC2 Scotland documentary “Paper Thistle”, about the 200th anniversary of The Scotsman.

We don’t know what the numbers are or how brief the period was, but Wings’ average traffic is higher now than it was in 2014, while we suspect The Scotsman is moving in the opposite direction. For a single-issue website to be anywhere even in the same ballpark as a two-centuries-old broadsheet news brand with scores of full-time writers and production staff and a daily newsstand presence is a remarkable thing indeed.

We might start doing classifieds and sport just to see what happens.

Court circulars 173

Posted on December 12, 2016 by

Just a brief update on some legal shenanigans. Having received no response to TWO lawyers’ letters, I’ve filed a court claim against Express Newspapers over false and defamatory claims made in an article by Siobhan McFadyen (sourced by JK Rowling) on the Sunday Express website of 30 October, as detailed in this Wings article.


The court fee was partly funded by popular politics pundit John McTernan.

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Men without honour 315

Posted on November 29, 2016 by

I wasn’t going to mention this on the site because it’s basically a personal matter, but as most readers don’t use Twitter or Facebook it probably ought to be briefly filed for the record, given the amount of media coverage there’s been.


It won’t take long.

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Love Factor Five 336

Posted on November 07, 2016 by

Half a decade ago today, on 7 November 2011, Wings Over Scotland was born.


And since we don’t generally do stat posts any more (the last proper one was a year ago), we hope you’ll forgive us a small indulgence to mark the milestone with a light sprinkling of facts and figures.

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Who let the dogs out? 203

Posted on October 22, 2016 by

The popular children’s author and litigious bully JK Rowling, whose personal wealth is measured in hundreds of millions of pounds, has been devoting her time to the tricky task of finding people being rude on Twitter again.


In an attempt to prove that the independence referendum (described by the Scottish Police Federation as “robust but overwhelmingly good-natured”) had been every bit as grotesque as the Brexit one which has seen an enormous rise in serious hate crimes in England and Wales – comprising thousands of incidents up to and including murder – Rowling had cherry-picked out a few unpleasant-sounding social-media comments and compiled them into a series of delightful collages.

(We’ll leave aside that calling someone “Yoontermensch” is a fair distance removed from smashing them in the face with a plank of wood in the street, say. Though we will, as is traditional, remind readers that every single recorded instance of physical violence during the indyref came from the No side that Rowling lavishly funded.)

One of the comments (visible in the top-right corner of Rowling’s composite image) came from the Twitter account of this site. And we thought it sounded a bit off, so we had a quick check to see if we’d really said something so mean.

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Sorry, guys 259

Posted on September 12, 2016 by


but party time‘s over.

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What you can’t say 293

Posted on September 12, 2016 by

As several alert readers have already spotted, our Twitter account was suspended at some point in the early hours of this morning. We’ve had no email from Twitter offering any sort of explanation, but it seems most likely to have been at the behest of a Daily Express hack called Siobhan McFadyen who’s been huffily bleating to the company’s executives over the weekend about this tweet:


The reason we tweeted that comment is detailed here and here. But apparently it’s an opinion that you’re no longer allowed to have.

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    Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)

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    • Peter McAvoy on Green Eggs And Bams: “Another dismissal of the concerns and welfare of all native or permanent resident Scottish people would be to easily forget…Mar 7, 02:21
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “Sorry Dan, I didn’t bother reading your ill-tempered, abusive and no doubt factually illiterate rant. Your belief that wind energy…Mar 6, 21:42
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Fuck off John Hatey Main the ever-present bot twat. We’ve been over this matter for years and I’ve provided plenty…Mar 6, 21:14
    • Muscleguy on Green Eggs And Bams: “And woodburners pollute the house they are in so badly it has been compared to having a diesel exhaust piped…Mar 6, 20:42
    • Derek on Green Eggs And Bams: “Of course, the 2021 figures were significantly inflated by the double whammy of the pandemic and Sturgeon’s one and only…Mar 6, 20:37
    • Michael Laing on Green Eggs And Bams: “If only the cycle lanes were empty! Here in Edinburgh, these lanes are an absolute menace to pedestrians, with cyclists…Mar 6, 20:14
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““a geographic area having an abundance of clean renewable energy generation yet it being too expensive for many to access,…Mar 6, 20:00
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “You are right, Breeks. We have been, and continue to be, betrayed by nearly every SNP MSP and MP. How…Mar 6, 19:59
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “The Scottish Government signed off on guidance last month which said “trans staff should choose to use the facilities they…Mar 6, 19:55
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “It sounds perfect, Ian. I know there will be a great atmosphere and old comrades remembered – Cearc, Smallaxe among…Mar 6, 19:54
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
    • JockMcT on Green Eggs And Bams: “The definition of insanity; Voting SNP 1 & 2 and hoping for a referendum from WM.Mar 6, 19:27
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Or “enjoy” the illegal level of noise generated by dodgy shite totally inappropriate air sourced heatpump installs in what were…Mar 6, 19:10
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “The next ‘Friends of Wings’ gathering will be in The Eagle Inn, Coatbridge, on Friday April 4th. The function room.…Mar 6, 18:58
    • MsDidi on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you BreeksMar 6, 18:55
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “10 October 2017 The Scottish government is to set up a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company, Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. The…Mar 6, 18:40
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““The Russtis are not our enemies” Phew, thank feck for that. So when one of their senior politicians calls for…Mar 6, 18:33
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “It really is black and white though, twathater. An invading army from one country is 40% into its neighbouring country.…Mar 6, 18:30
    • Alex stewart on Green Eggs And Bams: “I doubt this, the snp are way too far gone now to “grow up”. This blog post pretty much sums…Mar 6, 18:09
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “Where is all the misinformation peddled by the kremlin and the honest and verifiable facts issued by the EU, the…Mar 6, 17:45
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Illogical hatred – indeed it is Helen.Mar 6, 17:37
    • 100%Yes on Green Eggs And Bams: “The SNP hasn’t changed, its the traitors running us and the SNP leadership which has. Its was all about riding…Mar 6, 16:32
    • David Rodgers on Green Eggs And Bams: ““So easy to delude people, so hard to get them to recognise that they’ve been deluded.” – This also applies…Mar 6, 16:09
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