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Wings Over Scotland

Patrick Harvie is a racist 112

Posted on April 29, 2021 by

A strong statement? Here’s the evidence.

He hates women too, but we already knew that.

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The single basket 159

Posted on April 29, 2021 by

Remember when we’d had 20-odd Yes-majority polls in a row, and all the courtiers of Queen Nicola Of Trans were telling us that it was solely down to her personal strategic genius and cunning masterplan of gently persuading soft No voters by, um, not actually taking any steps to achieve independence in case it scared them?

We wonder whose fault this is, then.

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An open letter to the Rainbow Greens 140

Posted on April 28, 2021 by

Hi lads. This website has, we’d be the first to admit, made some pretty strong criticisms of you fellas in the last week or two, but we’re pleased to note that you finally HAVE actually manned up and released your “minifesto” tonight.

We’ll let readers judge it for themselves, but we do have one question.

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Greens in black and white 151

Posted on April 28, 2021 by

If there’s still anyone reading this site thinking of voting Green:

Nice to have it finally admitted openly, we suppose.

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Horses for courses 216

Posted on April 27, 2021 by

The non-party women’s-rights group For Women Scotland have just published their 2021 election guide. Wings endorses its contents and recommends readers check it out by clicking the image below.

Traitors’ Gate 444

Posted on April 26, 2021 by

“They don’t even live in Scotland!”  

It really is quite uncanny how similar some SNP supporters have become to the most frothing, abusive blood-and-soil Yoons of 2014. But we can live with this company:

And let’s make something very clear.

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Harvie Hates Women 148

Posted on April 25, 2021 by

Patrick Harvie on a radio phone-in today, refusing to say if he knows what a woman is and refusing to guarantee them safety from men in women’s single-sex spaces.

No wonder there’s a hashtag.

Don’t vote Green unless you hate women too, readers.

Pick your hypocrite 126

Posted on April 25, 2021 by

God help the poor voters of Scotland.

Because this is a pure embarrassment from the notional main opposition leader. Even if it was all true – and we’d be very sceptical about that until we see the workings – £4.5 billion over 14 years would be £321 million a year.

That’s a substantial amount of money, but it’s also almost exactly 1% of the Scottish Government’s budget, and no government on Earth has ever had everything it attempted work out perfectly. Sustaining 99% efficiency on spending over nearly a decade and a half is actually pretty good going.

More to the point, it’s a staggeringly audacious attack line from a Westminster MP in a party whose government wasted £12 billion on ONE project in ONE year alone – the catastrophically failed COVID test-and-trace app.

(We’d still like someone to explain to us how in the world you can possibly spend £12 billion in a few months on a mobile phone app, even if it had worked.)

But who’s the alternative?

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The right to be heard 105

Posted on April 24, 2021 by

From 1964:

How the times change, eh?

The Midas Touch 160

Posted on April 24, 2021 by

Men’s Needs 205

Posted on April 23, 2021 by

Just over a hundred years ago, the rights of women in the UK were still entirely decided by men. Women didn’t have the vote (a small minority would be given it in 1918, but most would have another decade to wait), there were no women in Parliament, and women basically had no say in anything that happened.

Record scratch and jump-cut to the present day.

That’s Kirsty Blackman, an SNP MP elected in 2015 who wouldn’t even have been allowed to stand for election a hundred years earlier, and who seems determined to take women’s rights back to that century.

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Queen Of The Mushroom Kingdom 127

Posted on April 23, 2021 by

It really is deeply dispiriting the see the level of utter burning contempt in which Nicola Sturgeon holds the independence movement, if this is the sort of ludicrously insulting garbage she thinks it’ll swallow.

Who told us it’s garbage? Nicola Sturgeon did.

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