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Wings Over Scotland

Horses for courses

Posted on April 27, 2021 by

The non-party women’s-rights group For Women Scotland have just published their 2021 election guide. Wings endorses its contents and recommends readers check it out by clicking the image below.

216 to “Horses for courses”

  1. 100%Yes says:

    Would anyone be disappointed if the Greens never returned any Green MSP after May 6th, naw.

  2. Cringe says:

    If someone with experience were to crowd fund leaflet distribution it could make a big difference in the election.

  3. Astonished says:

    For the cowardly SNP MSP candidates – you were warned, repeatedly.

    I believe a significant number of you are having a squeaky bum time. Good. Next time don’t force through policies most folk detest.

    P.S. Any word on the missing £600,000 ? Police scotland you know if you report after may 6th – everyone will think you are more corrupt than we previously believed.

    P.P.S. Are the SNP so skint that they can’t afford adverts ? Or their leader to appear on the telly in case she’s asked about the GRA bill or genderwoowoo ? I think we should be told.

  4. Wee Chid says:

    I await the influx of “Pearl clutching, blue rinse Tories” accusations.
    It makes me sick that I’m finding myself on the same side as many I would consider to be “right wing” on this issue – simply because the left has been captured by a bunch of over privileged, self centred, middle class, pseudo socialists with huge egos and a superiority complex that makes them think that they know what’s best for the hoi polloi.
    I think I dislike these infiltrators even more than Tories – who at least don’t pretend to be on the side of the working class.
    I’d like to vote for my local SNP candidate in Dumfriesshire but, chances are I’d be helping to elect her “gerrymandered to first place on the list”,woke colleague from the West who has played the disability card through her condition (which never stopped her getting elected in the past or going back to her former profession of nursing and administering Covid injections during the vaccination programme – high risk, eh?).
    Furthermore I do not want my vote to be seen as an endorsement of Mrs Murrell’s policies and actions.
    Unless, by some miracle, the dear leader is gone before 6 May I will be spoiling my constituency ballot and voting Alba on the list.

  5. Rose Ford says:

    Following Maya Forstater’s appeal on Twitter.

  6. What a quandary we face voting in the upcoming Scottish elections.

    Not voting for the SNP to take away my sex-based rights, means Alba won’t win list seats.

  7. Robert Graham says:

    Iam not sure just how many people realise what the SNP and the Greens are proposing if and when their MSPs return to Holyrood after this election I have told lots of people this is not being followed by the TV , Radio and the media in general it’s being hidden from them for a reason because if people actually found out the SNP & the Green vote I believe would collapse .

    A personal note to Liz keep it up I noticed a few exchanges on the previous thread and you are making good sensible points it’s just too bad you have encountered a prize idiot who thinks that they are experts in everything , Aye since the plague hit everyone’s a expert eh , anyway I doubt if you will get any sense out of the long exchanges maybe just ignore and move on .Cheers .

  8. Republicofscotland says:

    Yip the ALBA party gets top ratings.

    “For Women Scotland have awarded five stars to ALBA, Scotland’s newest and fastest-growing political party, following an assessment of all of the 2021 Scottish Election Manifestos.”

    link to

  9. winifred mccartney says:

    Did the Tories in WM not just abandon the gender woohoo because of the flak they were getting – so I would not trust them either and certainly not labour since the only one NOT to jump on the gender bandwagon in last leadership election was Emily Thornberry and always remember the money the lib dems take from the pharma company that provides chemicals for teens to block puberty.

  10. James says:

    Vote Tory? Tory!? No fcuking thanks.

    Joan McAlpine will be getting my vote.

  11. Captain Yossarian says:

    I told the story on Saturday of ‘George’, Scotland’s last world-renowned engineer of the 20th Century and the 5-year old school that’s sinking into the water, mud and sand. A whistle-blower said before the school was built that ‘it would never work’ but they didn’t investigate, they just sacked him and carried-on.

    The school was finished in 2015 and immediately started sinking into the water, mud and sand….’what do we do now’, they all asked? Someone suggested: ‘Why don’t we ask George, he’s an ex-Professor, an ex-President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, a member of the Royal Society…a well respected man and the most decorated engineer we have?’ Everyone agreed and so they asked George a week or so ago, but we still don’t know what he said.

    That does seem strange, doesn’t it; someone like George will usually give an opinion within a few hours. Something must be wrong. Could it be that John Swinney and the Lord Advocate have got their redactor pens out again?

    Not to worry; the UK’s current expert on these matters works in London and advises everyone and their Grannie on these matters. The Scottish Government already has his opinion and so do I. He’s looked at the photographs of the finished school and the data in 2017 and concluded that the school is ‘risky’.

    We also have the opinions of another UK expert, a Dutch expert, several American experts, a Canadian expert, a South American expert, an Italian expert, an Irish expert, an Australian expert, a couple of Middle-East experts, a Far-East expert, a Russian expert and an Indian expert. The school is ‘risky’ and that is putting it mildly. Not one single engineer thinks that this building is OK. In the meantime, all at Holyrood refuse to respond, refuse to communicate and refuse to agree or to disagree that the building is at risk. This has gone-on for 5-years now.

    Mind-you, we’re still waiting on George.

    Before anyone says: ‘These folk don’t even live in Scotland’. Of course they don’t; none of them live here. They are worldwide experts offering us advice. Scottish experts offered advice in May 2018, but it has all been redacted by the City Council and Holyrood. So, the advice of overseas experts is all that we have.

    The Canadian expert, for example, said: ‘This is just another botched building job. If you don’t want to use expert advice, don’t ask for it’.

    Is it really possible that all of these experts have got it wrong? All of them? 40No of them?

    Aside from the main story here which is the safety of a new school, is the matter of whether it is right to sack a whistleblower? Would it not have been more sensible to investigate what he was saying first? If he was wrong then sack him, but what if he was right? In this case, he was right; bang on the money; a slam-dunk. That’s what the experts say.

    Perhaps the Scottish Government’s own team of Advocates and QC’s can have a look at this? If it is OK to sack a whistle-blower in Scotland and thereby end his/her career, then we had better warn all of the professionals working here that this is the case, because it doesn’t happen anywhere else.

    If we want to be distinctively different in Scotland, then this is not the way to do it. Try and follow George’s example and be distinctively brilliant, communicative and honest, don’t follow Holyrood’s example and be secretive, rotten and manipulative. This, at the moment, is verging close to criminality.

  12. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    The Greens need to be removed from the scene. They are using the publics general interest in the environment to garnish votes to promote an entirely different agenda.

  13. @Wee Chid,

    Malcolm X had a similar view on Republicans and Democrats,

    the Republicans were wolves who you know were after everything you owned but you could see them comming,

    the `liberal` Democrats were foxes who sneaked about when you wern`t looking but still took everything and expected you to thank them for doing it.

  14. Wee Chid says:

    ames says:
    27 April, 2021 at 11:36 am
    “Vote Tory? Tory!? No fcuking thanks.

    Joan McAlpine will be getting my vote.”

    She would have got mine but for two reason

    I don’t want to endorse her party’s policies

    She didn’t vote against the hate crime bill

    Most people I know voting SNP 1 & 2 because they don’t think Joan will beat Mundell and want to get her in on the list. Unfortunately she is no longer in first place on the list so it looks like the woke Emma Harper is guaranteed a seat.

  15. James says:

    Stick with wee Davie Munell then eh? Great.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Stick with wee Davie Munell then eh? Great.”

      David Mundell is a Westminster MP and is not standing in this election. FFS.

  16. Linda McFarlane says:

    The Greens have lost my vote forever. Science is OK for climate change but not for defining sex – idiots.

    My hubby and myself just sent off postal votes – SNP 1 and ALBA 2.

    2 less votes for the greens.

  17. witchy says:

    I have been told that all this shuffling around of sex/gender is to get us EU ready. Eh?

    1.We won’t be joining the EU the morning after the Referendum.
    2.We will have to apply to re-join.
    3.We need a referendum on whether or not we want to re-join.

    Many, like myself, see the hiatus of leaving WM as an opportunity to look at other options before we commit to the EU.
    AS suggests EFTA to start with. It’s highly plausible and may be the best way to keep us trading while we iron out the creases.
    So all this shuffling around of sex -v- gender that will badly affect women, may not be necessary or of major importance!
    Why they want to FORCE this on an unwilling and uniformed population, who are not allowed to debate or challenge it, is beyond most of our ken. It stinks of a dictatorial state.
    After Independence, inform people of what it, the GRA means, including checks and balances, (AND if it really means it’s the only way to re-join the EU), then put it to a Referendum!
    We don’t pay deference to our politicians, they pay deference to us, the people of Scotland!

  18. Ebok says:

    Jeannie McCrimmon at 11:23 am
    ‘What a quandary we face voting in the upcoming Scottish elections.
    Not voting for the SNP to take away my sex-based rights, means Alba won’t win list seats’

    I don’t see it that way Jeannie. Even though SNP have become toxic, they WILL be the largest party at HR after May 6. As pointed out by the Rev, the danger of voting SNP1 is that the status quo is maintained, either through an outright SNP majority, or worst-case scenario, with Green support. Then we will be powerless as they pursue their current policies regardless.

    If we disregard the possibility of SNP or SNP/Green winning 65 seats, as we must, then though we are dancing on the head of a pin in this hugely complex and wholly unpredictable election, the numbers should fall kindly. That is, that SNP cannot form a government without the support of Alba.
    For that to happen, it is imperative that Alba win about 8 seats. But at whose expense?
    Currently SNP + Green = 69. That needs to reduce by at least 5.
    Con + Lab + Lib = 60. That must not rise by 5.
    Alba MSP’s will be gained from those parties.
    Those are the facts. So, Alba MUST win 5 of the 8 expected/hoped for seat at the expense of SNP/Green, and probably the remainder from Cons, who may have peaked in 2016.

    To those who fear that by not voting SNP1, they (SNP) will recoup any losses from the constituency on the list, at the expense of Alba, as you do, Jeannie, I say this argument is flawed. It is based on the notion that SNP will maintain their list level of support from 2016, but for Alba to do well, most of those votes will come from disillusioned former SNP voters.
    As explained previously (‘Pick your hypocrite’ thread), if, as I expect, SNP lose votes in both constituency and list, this will not impact of Alba.
    This election is an opportunity to re-group and make tactical changes to our formation. The most important outcome is that SNP is no longer in full control, and Alba gain a decisive foothold.

    A supermajority with SNP falling to 58-60 seats is a very long shot, but we can win back control of HR, with SNP dependant on Alba. I would take that right now, as I am sure we all would.
    Then we can get sensible politics – and Indy – back on track.

  19. Red says:

    witchy says:
    27 April, 2021 at 12:21 pm
    I have been told that all this shuffling around of sex/gender is to get us EU ready. Eh?

    Sounds like a good reason to not join the EU.

  20. Soda says:

    Alba should be standing directly against the SNP.

    Next time they have to. This madness must end.

  21. Ottomanboi says:

    «Biology deniers» have escaped from the fantasyscapes of planet TikTok and now clot the arteries of power. And it is middle aged liberal relativists, those militant proponents of health passports, compulsory vaxing and increased state control over individual autonomy that promote the condition.
    Stay safe, deny them access to your brain.


  22. Liz says:

    I’m only going to comment once more on the SNP 1 yes or no.

    If I had a decent candidate I would vote SNP1 Alba 2 but as I said before, I’m in NSs constituency and under no circumstances will I vote for her.

    I will either spoil or vote Anas Sarwar. Make no mistake, I have never ever in my life voted Lab even when they weighed their votes.

    I cannot and will not vote for that deranged nutter.
    I wish people who disagree would just accept others opinions.

    The last few threads have had people who advocate SNP1, repeating themselves many times with their reasons for doing so.

    I do know there may be new folk arriving at Wings who have not heard the arguments but one comment per perso per thread is surely enough to get your message across. is enough.

  23. Harry mcaye says:

    Ebok – very helpful thank you. I, like many on here, have been going through a kind of turmoil over this vote. Before Alba launched, I was spoiling my paper, both of them. Then Alex bounds into the scene, great, but sadly I’ll now have to hold my nose and vote SNP/Alba. However, over the last few weeks an already vile SNP has just got worse and worse. So I’m back to spoiling my paper or voting for the most likely party to unseat my horrible MSP, Christina McKelvie. That means voting for Monica Lennon.

    A few seconds of research shows me that she is another wokey, who doesn’t see anything wrong in a man intimately examining a female rape victim under the guise of being a transwoman. There doesn’t seem much point in ditching one only to vote for another. I suppose I could have saved myself the turmoil and just stuck to my original plan, though I will definitely be voting for Alba on the list.

  24. witchy says:

    Red says:
    27 April, 2021 at 12:27 pm
    witchy says:
    27 April, 2021 at 12:21 pm
    I have been told that all this shuffling around of sex/gender is to get us EU ready. Eh?

    Sounds like a good reason to not join the EU.

    We have to look at all our options…the EU might not be the best one for us.

  25. akenaton says:

    Rev takes piss out of Jimmy. :0)

  26. JGedd says:

    Getting your party elected by concealing your agenda from the bulk of your voters might seem smart to the slippery politicians of the SNP and Greens but inevitably their planned legislation will become known to the public. Evidently they then aim to shut down any dissent by use of the Hate Crime Bill.

    I do not believe that ordinary members of the public will succumb meekly to this oppressive legislation. Obviously SNP/Greens despise ordinary people so much that they believe that they can impose this on them without fear of resistance. Backed up by Hate Crime legislation they evidently think that people can be forced into acceptance. How authoritarian of them.

    I wouldn’t like to bet on their chances though they appear to be confident that they can get away with it. Perhaps they are buoyed up in that hope by what appears to have happened in other countries, such as the Scandinavian democracies, where they insist that all has gone smoothly without protest.

  27. Thomas Potter says:

    The simple fact is we have to vote SNP 1 and Alba 2.
    The only way to change the status quo is after the 6th of May.
    It’s a scunner but it’s the only way to go.
    Sair to bear but what alternative is there?

  28. Charlie says:

    witchy says:
    I have been told that all this shuffling around of sex/gender is to get us EU ready. Eh?

    Then you’ve been told a lie. The EU has the equality of men and women written into its constitution, with women defined as female and men as male (like various other international human rights laws). Under EU regulations, measures intended to address any inequality women face on the basis of their sex apply sex as a criteria and not gender.

    This is a US import, not an EU one.

  29. PaulaJ says:

    Ebok says:
    “Even though SNP have become toxic, they WILL be the largest party at HR after May 6.”

    Indeed; God help Scotland, and God help Scottish women (by which I mean the real ones).

  30. winifred mccartney says:

    Absolutely correct – the Greens want to follow the science for climate change but at the same time deny the science for Sex.

    Totally absurd and this is all coming from the US prompted and promoted by big pharma.

  31. Soda says:

    Liz, i’m totally with you. My MSP is a spineless, useless tool whose wife is also now heavily involved with this woke gender woo-woo madness and both have their lips firmly welded to sturgeons arse.

    There is no way my conscience, my ethics or my common sense will allow me to vote SNP this time. I just cant. And this is a life long 50 year old SNP voter, supporter and, up until last year, member talking.

    The best case scenario now would be for the SNP to lose and lose heavily so it could die a natural death and then Alba can take its place… with obviously some severe and nessecary vetting of those wishing to join the party taking place!

    I can dream, cant i…?

  32. John McNab says:

    “Soda says:
    27 April, 2021 at 12:30 pm
    Alba should be standing directly against the SNP.

    Next time they have to. This madness must end.”

    Aye, right. You’re such a wee comic…

  33. Stuart MacKay says:

    Charlie, witchy,

    I think this shows the extent to which the Woke-enablers will go to avoid scrutiny – “See, it’s all for the best”.

    Taking issue with the words though. That’s just more cringe. Any application to the EU is going to made standing up, not down on our knees or cap in hand. Scotland brings a wealth of resources to the table I’d expect our representatives to act and be treated accordingly.

  34. witchy says:

    Charlie says: 27 April, 2021 at 1:06 pm This is a US import, not an EU one.

    Cheers Charlie!

  35. Hugh Jarse says:

    Peak Hague has arrived!
    The pet food boy is given his 15 minutes on R4 WATO.
    All this time, and I didn’t know that the wank was English!

  36. Merganser says:

    Overheard telephone conversation between AHFA (American High Fliers job Agency) and P (top Scottish politician):

    P: How’s my application going? I need to know by the 6th May.

    AHFA: Going fine. Just had the last reference in from your last employer a Mr.A. Salmond to send to the panel for final decision.

    P: What! You contacted that rotten stinking good for nothing soab for his opinion of me! Don’t believe a word he says. It’s lies, all lies I tell you (sobs). Listen, will you tell the panel what he says is all lies – promise?

    AHFA: Well, o.k. if you’re sure.

    P 100% sure, just do it.

    AHFA: o.k. I’ve sent it to the panel together with your comments on it. Bye.

    P: Wait – So I know how hateful he was tell me what he said about me.

    AHFA: o.k. He said ‘ During the time that she worked with me she was the most amazingly dedicated person to our cause. She is highly intelligent, perceptive, an excellent strategic planner, and would be a wonderful asset to any organisation lucky enough to obtain her services. I can’t recommend her too highly’

    But the panel knows your views on it as well.

    P: Uncontrollable sobbing.

  37. Patrick Jones says:






  38. Patrick Jones says:

    The Woke joke.

    Hand on heart, how would you feel about Sturgeon representing Scotland on an oversees visit?

    The woman is an embarrassment.

    And so are her supporters.

  39. Mark Boyle says:

    Number of claimed transgenders in the UK – 200 000 (figures likely to be ludicrously inflated).

    Now compare with the number of recorded sexual assaults in the UK:

    In the year to the end of March 2017, 3.1% of all women in England and Wales alone (510,000) were victims, one in five being rape or attempted rape, with only 5.7% of reported rape cases ending in a conviction for the perpetrator.

    By 2017 one in 10 people aged 16 to 24 have been a victim of sexual assault in the past year.

    Even with last year’s lockdown, the Crime Survey for England and Wales shows 151,000 people – including 144,000 women – were victims of rape or attempted rape in the last year.

    But nah – allowing known sex offenders (and offenders yet to be) to redefine themselves as women in order to get into women-only spaces is a far more pressing concern than protecting women for the SNP and Greens!

    It’s like one of those old cartoons where Yosemite Sam or Elmar Fudd strikes a match in order to see in a darkened room, only to find it full of gunpowder and dynamite.

  40. Red says:

    Charlie says:
    27 April, 2021 at 1:06 pm
    witchy says:
    I have been told that all this shuffling around of sex/gender is to get us EU ready. Eh?

    Then you’ve been told a lie. The EU has the equality of men and women written into its constitution, with women defined as female and men as male (like various other international human rights laws). Under EU regulations, measures intended to address any inequality women face on the basis of their sex apply sex as a criteria and not gender.

    This is a US import, not an EU one.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the EU jumps into the deep end of genderwang though, because this is exactly the sort of thing they love, and our friends at ILGA-Europe are already heavily funded by the European Commission.

    But it’s definitely true that the worst of the woke cones from the United States, which spends a fortune promoting transgenderism in other people’s countries, even places like Pakistan where the local population would much rather have money for things like clean water.

  41. beflox says:

    You’re really succeeding in whipping this lot up into an insane frenzy!! Well done for that! When do you start passing the hat around again? You should strike while the iron is hot …

  42. Breeks says:

    Ha! Ha! Man caught at Glasgow Airport trying to flee the country, heading for Dubai with £800k packed into suitcases….

    I immediately thought… nah, it’s…. It’s not,… it’s not…. Is it?

    (Spoiler alert – No. It’s not). 😉

    It would actually be a relief if it was…

  43. Mist001 says:

    Make it a law that every new commercial and social build has to have three toilets built. Male, Female and Gender Neutral.

    Then nobody can complain because there’s no reason for Gender Neutrals to enter either of the male/female spaces.

  44. TheSNPLeftMe says:


    I think you have completely missed the Wokerati demand. They demand the right to access Women’s toilets. They want the World to recognise them as women even if they are fully intact men.

  45. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    That could be retrospectively applied to existing buildings, by putting a “Gender Neutral” label on existing “Disabled” toilets.

  46. Stephen says:

    Law enshrining three toilets
    Or maybe we shall just have to hold it in.
    Could lead to the resurgence of comodes.

  47. Moira Girvan says:

    The days when journalists and politicos on TV ruled the roost are now over. They’re basically paid bloggers. Despite what is a glaring blackout of ALBA in the media – the party is making progress despite them. I’m not the biggest fan of social media but the internet has now opened up a world where the MSM no longer have control. So, to hell with STV, BBC and their pals at the National and the rest.People no longer depend on these biased outlets for their news. Will they continue to ignore ALBA after the 6th of May?

  48. Red says:

    Mist001 – do you even know how to use The Three Seashells?

  49. Republicofscotland says:

    TheSNPLeftMe @3.02pm.

    Yip they want access to women and girls safe spaces, and the HCB gives protection to blokes in dresses, but there’s no mention of protection for women if they complain about it. Infact women are more likely to be charged with a hate crime if they say to the bloke what are you doing in the ladies toilets or girls changing room.

    I hear you could go to prison for up to seven years, or be arrested in the privacy of your own home for commenting on such matters if overheard, thanks to Sturgeon and Yousaf. I’m sure scroatface Harvie of the Greens sees it as a step in the right direction.

  50. John Martini says:

    Can animals be transgender? How many people own a trans cat or dog?

    Do they have gender neutral names?

  51. Wee Chid says:

    James says:
    27 April, 2021 at 11:59 am
    “Stick with wee Davie Munell then eh? Great.”

    You mean Oliver? He’ll probably get in anyway and all I’d be doing is giving my endorsement to the SNP. At the moment wee Ollie is less of a threat – at least he isn’t immediately set to take away my sex based rights and make it illegal for me to quote biological facts.

  52. Astonished says:

    beflox – I am enjoying your wokeratti pain. Stu is only reporting the stuff you wanted hidden. And you wont fool many of us again.

    It isn’t going well for nicola, her genderwoowoo cabal, bbc, stv or the union.

    There are rumours that some SNP MSPs are going to break ranks and oppose the hate crime and genderwoowoo nonsense. It’ll need to be soon to have any serious effect. But it might save their seats.

  53. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Twittery chat that Dave Llewelyn has been arrested. Dunno what for, but possibly alphabetty-related.

  54. John Martini says:

    France on verge of military coup to prevent civil war.

    link to

  55. ben madigan says:

    @John Martini who asked about transgender cats and gender neutral names at 3:14 pm

    On the genderwoo- side, I deeply regret I don’t know if my cats are trans John. The vet neutered them (1 tom and 1 she) when they were a few months old.

    on the genderwoo + side, they do have gender neutral names – their colour in Gaelic (Liath (grey) and Ban-dubh (black and white)

  56. Mark Boyle says:

    @John Martini says:
    27 April, 2021 at 3:40 pm

    France on verge of military coup to prevent civil war.

    link to

    No it’s not you utter fanny.

  57. Republicofscotland says:

    Would folk please refrain from linking to the BritNat propaganda rag the Daily Mail, archive it.

    link to

    On the topic, the retired generals play no part in the French military services.

  58. John Martini says:

    @mark boil

    It is. I have lived there and am familiar with the politics.

    The french are the biggest anti vaxers on earth, euro sceptic and they hate and fear the germans.

  59. Wee Chid says:

    Mist001 says:
    27 April, 2021 at 2:53 pm
    “Make it a law that every new commercial and social build has to have three toilets built. Male, Female and Gender Neutral.

    Then nobody can complain because there’s no reason for Gender Neutrals to enter either of the male/female spaces.”

    Hannah Mouncey, a trans identified male Australian handball player refused a management request to use a separate changeroom because female teammates felt uncomfortable with his presence.

    They don’t want compromise – they want their own way in everything – whatever their demands.

  60. Stephen says:

    John Martini
    Macron is certainly very unpopular.
    I don’t know how he managed to get elected.
    No danger of a coup though.

    I think this is an attempt to discredit Le Pen as there is a fear she could get in next time.

  61. Republicofscotland says:

    “I think this is an attempt to discredit Le Pen as there is a fear she could get in next time.”


    If so its a dangerous game Macron is playing, I’d say France is a powder keg already, with the Yellow Vests, and the many suicides of French police officers, not to mention Covid, throw in Macrons cuts on socialist policies and tax rises and things could tip over the edge and backfire on his neoliberal government. Macron might be playing right into the hands of Le Pen.

    France does have the highest population of Muslims in Western Europe.

  62. Mark Boyle says:

    Very late postie has put through another leaflet from Labour (okay, how much have they spent in this constituency?), one from Galloway’s latest flag of convenience, and another one from the Tories.

    The Tory one reads “how your party list vote can stop the SNP and Indyref2”.

    The leaflet is orange and purple. No prizes for guessing what sort of grunting neanderthal they are appealing to – no surprises that Davidson, the one who started replaying the Orange Card the Scottish Tories had discovered to be toxic seventy years back, is on the leaflet.

  63. Luigi says:


    This is important. Well done WoS for highlighting. Now for our part:
    Send the link to every woman you know:

    link to


  64. Stephen says:

    Yes it’s a dangerous game as you say and not without risk.
    France does have a history of regime change.

    Macron, Hollande, Sarkozy are all really rather similar in their identikit, centralising politics and their technocratic, intellectual style.
    It’s not the Gallic way.

    But they’ve managed to get away with it so far…..

  65. David R says:

    Had a quick look through and as a male looks as though I’ll be spoiling my paper this time around as none of the parties are doing anything for men.

  66. Luigi says:

    As a man I would say that protecting women who are dear to us is doing something very important for me. 🙂

  67. Breastplate says:

    Agreed Luigi.

  68. Mist001 says:

    LOL!! A French military coup!

    The French would struggle to organise a piss up in a brewery or a bun fight in a boulangerie.

    It’s a couple of old goats having a whine.

  69. Stephen says:

    Zut alors

  70. John Martini says:

    Deux chèvres is an ancient gaulish tactic

  71. Stephen says:

    Macron has used the ultimate Gaullist trick.
    He pretended to be a Gaullist when he was not.
    That is the root of his problem.

  72. John Martini says:

    Macron has blue eyes. Obviously not a gaul.

  73. Scottish comedian defying Humza Yousaf`s Hate Law,

    link to

  74. Stephen says:

    Gaullist of the De Gaulle variety!

  75. MaggieC says:

    Just a reminder about Chris’s funder if anyone is able to give a donation at all as we need to get Chris into Holyrood .

    “ Help Elect Chris McEleny to the Scots Parliament “

    link to

  76. Daisy Walker says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    27 April, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    Twittery chat that Dave Llewelyn has been arrested. Dunno what for, but possibly alphabetty-related’

    Sorry Ian – who is this guy, in the grand scheme of things? Can you expand on it.

  77. John Martini says:

    Ah. The fat general who spent the war in london. Typical frankish cowardd.

  78. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Daisy Walker.

    Dave Lewellen is one of the “Twa Auld Heids”.

    link to

  79. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Daisy Walker (5.45) –

    He’s one of the duo called ‘Twa Auld Heids’.

    They’ve done some great interviews. Here’s a recent one with Alex Salmond.

  80. grahamlive says:

    Can’t believe they gave the Tories a high mark. Are they forgetting the rape clause? How is that “For Women”?

  81. Patrick Jones says:

    For the night shift,,,






  82. Thomas says:

    I see down in Englandshire , convicted labour party vote rigger Tariq Mahmood is once again being used by the labour party in Peterborough.

    “Today, VoteWatch exclusively revealed that the Labour Party are once again using Mahmood on their official campaign team in Peterborough, with the infamous crook even given a copy of the electoral register.

    In 2008, Mahmood received a 15-month sentence for his part in a “systematic campaign of electoral fraud” in the city, and was imprisoned along with a Labour councillor and Peterborough’s former Labour Mayor, Mohammed Choudhary.”

    link to

    Here mrs macauley , they nice labour guys will help you fill in your postal vote fur ye.

    What a scum filled party that labour party really is.

    They will never get my vote ever again.

  83. cynicalHighlander says:

    @Patrick Jones

    Get a sandwhich board.

  84. cynicalHighlander says:

    Or even a sandwich one

  85. Daisy Walker says:

    Thanks Brian – I hope it is OK with Dave, let us know if you hear more.

    OT – this from Criag Murray’s Twitter

    ‘For right wing media and the right of the Tory Party to turn on a anti-EU Tory Prime Minister who holds a clear opinion poll lead over Labour is unprecedented.

    Why do they want him replaced? Is there something worse they know will come out, or is this just Gove’s move for power?’

    I suspect that having got their Brexit and saved their tax havens, they now have time to deal with ‘the jocks’. For some unknown reason, visible only to Tories, they believe Gove is more electable in Scotland than Boris, and describe Gove as someone who works fantastically hard wherever they put him.

    I’m not sure what they do to the Tory ‘rose tinted glasses’ in order to make Gove seem more electable, and not see him as a slimy, crawling, arse licking wee git. But then I am not a tory.

  86. Al-Stuart says:


    EmmerTroll Farm. Latest ePISSode

    Andy – killed off
    Gordon – worn out
    Labour4Indy – only had a guest appearance.
    Stuart – sunk without trace
    KcoR – a thicko’s effort.
    Rock – the original soft limpy frankfurter.

    This idiot thinks nobody notices whjen all his aliaces stop posting. Then the new incarnation repeats the same salive-speckled drivel, IN CAPS as if he is the new, improved expert in crayons and playground abuse.


    More regenerations than his bessie mate Dr Who.


    Patrick Jones. The new Norman-no-mates who talks to himself and has NOTHING relevant to say other than to ABUSE EVERYONE on this website.


    Remember folks, trolls also win when they waste your time.

    – their posts, often too many, of no substance, will “slide” good posts way upthread, where people will miss them

    – new handle, lots of posting; reasonable at first, then arsey later on – diverting the discourse

    – always asking questions that – have been answered many times, can be looked up, and when they get an answer, they go on to something else, or makeup bullshit hypotheticals

    – if the Isle of Wight goes independent after the breakup of the UK, getting rich by charging transit fees for Le Manche.

  87. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Daisy Walker at 8:24 pm.

    You typed,
    “Thanks Brian – I hope it is OK with Dave, let us know if you hear more.”

    He was in Dundee this afternoon for the Alex Salmond photocall in City Square – as was Ronnie Anderson, formerly of this parish.
    Didn’t catch from Dave how his ‘interview’ went this morning.

  88. crazycat says:

    @ grahamlive at 7.17

    The assessment is based purely on the contents of the manifestos for this election, not on past behaviour.

    (Nothing would induce me to vote Tory, so I’m not excusing any of their policies!)

  89. Stuart says:

    Al Stuart, so I’m a troll and have “sunk without trace” you really are the epitome of deranged and deluded “fan boy/girl/it. If you possess a single working brain cell in your head and can’t see how ridiculous your witternings and false accusations come across, then I really can’t help.

  90. Edward MacD says:

    Trans have transcended alright, their sanity.

  91. Al-Stuart says:


    Apologies if you are genuine.

    Though with the double barreled excrement you just spurted off there, your words have the aroma of the resident troll currently identifying in most of his/her/its posts this week as “Gordon”.

    FACT: There is a problem of uber-trolling at BTL on Wings Over Scotland.

    Stuart, had your rejoinder at 8.56pm said: “you’ve made a mistake with my identity dear chap.” then I would have given you the benefit of the doubt.

    But the fact is those genuine BTL commentators are weary beyond belief at the Troll crap filled undies of Gordon Gopher. I don’t know where Stu., Campbell finds the will to continue this river of Twitter type shit that dribbles down this page like an incontinent Rock/kcoR/Andy/Labour4Indy.

    Stuart, if you are a genuine BTL commentor and there has been a genuine duplication of names with the resident Troll niw guilty of some ID theft, then I do apologise.

    Over to you…

    Your answer will illuminate whether you are genuine or not.

    Whatever else Stuart, surely you must see there is a persistent infestation of Trolls here?

  92. cynicalHighlander says:

    What is the SNP for? Not Independence from a horses mouth.

    link to

  93. Red says:

    Received a nice ALBA leaflet today, doubles as a free poster. Nice.

    Also a leaflet from the Reform Party which unwisely shows Michelle Ballantyne’s stern, but shiny, face.

    The Scottish Family Party leaflet was like something out of the 80’s, and not in a good way, very basic looking. Mibbe Photoshop is the devil or something.

    Oh aye, and an SNP leaflet that’s all about Boris Johnson. Even the dug didn’t want to eat that one.

  94. Ruby says:

    Edward MacD says:
    27 April, 2021 at 8:59 pm
    Trans have transcended alright, their sanity.


    Famous trans Jessica (wax my balls) Yaniv is in trouble for calling the fire-brigade 30 times in two weeks.

    Comments are police/fire-brigade aren’t taking action because ‘trans’

    link to
    Jessica Simpson (known as Jessica Yaniv in 2019, and Jonathan Yaniv in 2018) has been told by his local fire department that he will be charged if he calls them again and it is not an emergency, after calling more than 30 times in two weeks.

    “When firefighters arrived, not only was it not an emergency each time, but the fire department has stated that he engaged in ‘inappropriate and lewd conduct’ while wanting ‘lift assistance’.

    It seems he called them at least twice a day for two weeks – because he wanted help getting out the bath.

    This also comes a few months after Jessica reportedly began legal proceedings against his local authority because the police had stopped responding to his frivolous emergency calls, and because they were ‘misgendering’ him.

    We shouldn’t forget that this is also the person Pink News publicly backed and who got Canadian feminist Meghan Murphy—along with many other women- banned from Twitter.”

  95. Stuart says:

    Al Stuart, so I now have to prove to you that I am not “troll” as defined by you? How should I do this oh mighty one? What about if I declare fealty to to your blinding intellectual insights on the subject of the day? Would that satisfy you?

    Or even if I just glossed over economic ignorance and deciet the like I haven’t seen since leaving Junior School, that do?

    Your inherent biases or mine… what you say?

    Your last two sentences indicate you also don’t do irony… go on I dare you go back and read them to see.

    So thanks all the same for your “genuine offer” but if its all the same to you I’ll pass and take the inevitable reply as a badge of honour.

    Do you or have you ever been involved in Witch burning or alternatively have you ever been involved in a discussion not involving those of the same opinion as you?

    When the day comes that the Owner of this blog feels as you do I’ll take notice, you meh not at all.

    Best Regards and best of luck with your continuing hunt for dissenters from your opinion.

  96. Tannadice Boy says:

    Good article. I endorse the Women for Scotlan election approach. An insightful summary.

  97. Stuart says:

    And by the way I’m off to my bed now as have work first thing in the morning, you got school” just in case you assert again that I’ve “sunk without trace”

  98. Soda says:

    John McNab says:
    27 April, 2021 at 1:28 pm
    “Soda says:
    27 April, 2021 at 12:30 pm
    Alba should be standing directly against the SNP.

    Next time they have to. This madness must end.”

    Aye, right. You’re such a wee comic…


    Who’s joking? Not being funny bud but either counter my point properly or stfu.

  99. James says:

    David Mundell is a Westminster MP and is not standing in this election. FFS.

    Aye right enough it’s the laddie, wee Ollie Munell FFS.

    Hard to tell them apart, isn’t it?

  100. Patrick Jones says:

    Al Stuart

    You are a fuckin prize prick who contributes fuck all to the debate.

    Like your fellow prick AYRSHIRE ROB.

    Couple of site polis wankers.
    Geez peace Dildo Nut.

  101. Red says:

    Daisy Walker says: OT – this from Criag Murray’s Twitter

    ‘For right wing media and the right of the Tory Party to turn on a anti-EU Tory Prime Minister who holds a clear opinion poll lead over Labour is unprecedented.

    Why do they want him replaced? Is there something worse they know will come out, or is this just Gove’s move for power?’

    Don’t know, but I doubt BoJo will be challenged this side of the next GE, and Michael Gove is too weird and slippery to get the job. Craig might be confusing what the media’s interested in with what’s likely to happen.

    I’m curious about why the SNP sent me a leaflet about Blond Man Bad though. I don’t care about BJ, he’s not interesting and he’s not standing for the Scottish Parliament anyway. Alba sent me a nice looking leaflet with an upbeat message about what they’re going to do, even Michelle Ballantyne’s Reform Party bumf managed to pitch what they’re for.

    I don’t know if the SNP just sucks at messaging now, or of I’m the weirdo for not having the right pavlovian reaction to seeing Prime Minister albino gorilla in a fright wig, but presumably a bunch of trees died for this, and that’s a shame.

  102. Patrick Jones says:

    For the night shift,,,






  103. Patrick Jones says:

    Arseholes who endlessly Post about Trolls are probably the biggest Trolls on the site.

    They don’t have anything to add to the debate and go off on some troll rant.

    They want an echo chamber for them to post unchallenged shite.

    And nearly everyone of them is an SNP fanatic.

  104. Geoff Anderson says:

    @Patrick Jones
    Already voted SNP/ALBA

  105. Patrick Jones says:

    Al Stuart

    Why are you so afraid of being challenged?

    Are you a fuckin coward who used to get skelped about the playground?

    Is it pay back time?

    First you pick out your target, then post shite about that target.

    Then the final act is a long grassin email to the Rev.

    Same as all your wee gang of fuckwit SNP Voters.

  106. Hudson says:

    Patrick Jones says: at 11:41 pm






    Brilliant post, I’ve posted that on my twitter account.

  107. Labour 4 Indy says:

    Al Stuart

    You’re funny, NOT.

    I see I made your “LIST”.

    What have I done to deserve such notoriety Al?

    Am I not allowed on Wings Al?

    If you remember in 2014 there was Labour for Indy and they were made to feel very welcome.

    You come across as a bit of a racist Al.

    You want Wings full of white, SNP 1 and 2 Voters, the rest will be Trolls in your eyes.

    You are a sad Bastard who needs to spend more time AWAY from your computer sunshine.

    Sad sad Bastard.

  108. Labour 4 Indy says:

    And Al, while I’m here, I’ll give my leader Sarwar a plug.

    Just as the Rev says, Vote Sarwar in the Constituency Vote in Glasgow Southside and ALBA in the list

    Hope that is ok Mr Al?

  109. Tannadice Boy says:

    @Geoff Anderson 11:49pm
    It’s your vote. You got the Alba vote right. But you have given women’s rights away by voting SNP. Each chiel to his own. It’s anybody but the SNP on the constituency vote for me. Although I will probably vote Tory, they have been the strongest constituency party in support of women’s rights and single sex spaces. (Voting Tory for the first time) Ditto Alba on the list vote.

  110. Patrick Jones says:

    Tannadice Boy 12.15

    Very good honest post.

    But you do realise you will now be on the Al Stuart 10 most wanted “Trolls List”.

    Don’t let him intimidate you.

    He is a coward with absolutely no debating skills.

  111. Famous15 says:

    The cunning plan by Alba is to vote for SNP1 and Alba2.

    Shout all you like there is no better plan this side of the Andes.

    p Jones I can offer bullies like you anger management courses . Did you really mean to say

  112. ReturnOfTheBodySnatchers says:

    To those who can’t bring themselves to vote SNP 1 even with nose pegged, please bear in mind that if you don’t vote for the Scottish Nicola Party, you are undermining the master independence tactician’s plan during our only ever real chance of independence since 2014! I have even gone so far as to place a poster for Nicola’s prize, anointed turd, Angus Robertson, in my window next to my Alba poster. Let me tell you, I had a couple of bokey moments. However, I can sleep soundly in the knowledge that I’m just doing it to make sure Alex Salmond has the biggest, best, shiny yellow vehicle to seize control of on May the 6th to steer us all to independence!

  113. ReturnOfTheBodySnatchers says:

    We will never get another chance. Get with the plan!

  114. Patrick Jones says:

    Famous 15

    What plans do you have for your pal Al Stuart?

    And you do realise you are putting females in danger, with the policies the SNP have planned once they get their majority.

    By God Famous, you’re heartless. You are not even giving these women a second thought.

    How evil are you?

  115. John Martini says:

    Hearing rumours that the main parties will be making political arrests to take out their rivals.


  116. Patrick Jones says:

    Famous 15

    What made you say I was a bully?

    Is it because I put the crazy guy Al Stuart in his place?

    All I done was highlight his tactics of singling out people who have a different point of view to him, and before you know it he is labelling people Trolls.

    But because he’s your pal, you don’t see a problem with that.

    Like you, he has no debating skills.

    There’s as hard core SNP clique who will not have there Party denegraded in any way whatsoever.

    You just proved my point.

    The core SNP clique on Wings are a Nasty piece of work.

    Even to the extent you’re willing to see females assaulted all in the cause of Scotland getting a Referendum.

    Sad Bastards.

  117. Patrick Jones says:

    John Martini 1.28

    What is a Political arrest John?

  118. James Barr Gardner says:

    I voted snp1.
    However after listening to the hustings tonight I should have spoiled my vote !

    The snp are Devolutionist, they will do nothing in the next 5 years to secure Independence for Scotland.

    The figure of one in four Scottish Children living in Poverty will only increase as will homelessness and food bank users.

    I will never see an Independent Scotland in my lifetime.

  119. boris says:

    The Tory Party has not been shouting from the rooftops about its views on LGBT rights which is not surprising since its policies are decided on by the Tory Central Office in England. The most powerful lobbying group in the Party is the “Cornerstone Group” and its influence and demands will prevail over weaker opposition and be the deciding factor in any policy pertaining to LGBT supporters.

    link to

  120. DJ says:

    Patrick Jones we hear you. Give it a rest and stop shouting.

  121. DJ says:

    James Barr Gardner says:
    28 April, 2021 at 1:32 am

    I will never see an Independent Scotland in my lifetime.

    Never say never. Keep the faith.

  122. Kiwilassie says:

    Well worth listening to. Twa auld heids with Jim Walker
    link to

  123. John Martini says:


    A political arrest is when you use the intelligence services to take out your political opponents.

    Obama used it to take down the tea party for instance. The new uniparties used it to take our trump et al.

    Supporters of salmond and womens rights are now being targeted by the UK uniparty.

    Salmond and Craig Murray are obvious victims while others have been less obvious. Joanna Cherry is a recent casualty.

  124. Effigy says:

    I’ve been listening to various radio stations news bulletins
    over the last few days and although they go through the
    pretence of being impartial with a brief word read out about
    each of the main parties but All them have then played a piece
    from Sarwar directly.

    It is obviously a well orchestrated plan from our Westminster controllers
    to put their cash and influence behind Labour in Scotland to see if disgruntled
    SNP supporters who left Labour can be tempted back.

    One of the great benefits of independence will be to see a fair and balanced media
    who have real journalists free enough to use the truth and not make up stories completely
    out of context.

  125. Big Jock says:

    James -You won’t see a referendum unless we get a radical party like Alba gaining power.

    If the Greens and SNP are running the show then forget it. Sturgeon blew it.

    Salmond is right. We join EFTA as an immediate step. Thus opening up the EU markets. It would be a temporary solution to the border with England. This is crucial to winning independence and the process of decoupling from the UK.

  126. Stuart MacKay says:

    Patrick Jones

    > The core SNP clique on Wings

    This “core” only exists in your imagination. The SNP in their current form are finished. They’re tired and out of ideas. Their will to win and make a difference died a long time ago. What’s left is vocal minority who see their goal of creating Woketopia slipping through their fingers – hint, that’s over on twitter.

    There are plenty who either still think the SNP has fight left in them or think that the SNP can be saved. It’s over and the SNP needs to be made anew.

    You’re like a tragic Don Quixote tilting at windmills.

  127. Ruby says:

    Patrick Jones says: at 11:41 pm







    Which party should I vote for in order to protect my rights?

  128. Stuart MacKay says:

    Red @11:40pm

    There’s definitely a move to replace Boris though. Cummings won’t have opened his mouth with a heap of allegations without substantial backing. We’ve all seen that allegations don’t stick if nobody wants them to.

    The question is why though. Could it be that the backers of Brexit are seeing Boris’ resolve starting to weaken and the gravity of the EU is pulling the UK back into it’s embrace thus thwarting the the right wing plan to create Singapore on Thames as the money laundering capital of the world?

  129. wee monkey says:

    “One of the great benefits of independence will be to see a fair and balanced media”

    Emmm, yeah, cuckoo time.

  130. Breeks says:

    If Holyrood gets a Pro-Indy Supermajority, it can hold it’s own Plebiscite election whenever it likes.

    However long that takes to set up, hopefully weeks, maybe a few short months, that period will be the lifespan of the next Scottish government.

    The supermajority wouldn’t give the SNP unrestricted power, because the Supermajority requires ALBA’s support.

    What happens if we have a Supermajority and Sturgeon refuses to engage with ALBA’s strategy? No Plebiscite Election I presume, but in those circumstances, I think the pressure on Sturgeon to go will be intolerable and the SNP will suffer the same withering condemnation if it doesn’t reinvent itself and rediscover it’s zest for Independence.

    I firmly believe the net is still closing in around Sturgeon. As she is prone, Sturgeon has already painted herself into a corner. She won’t face Alex Salmond across a TV studio, – but she’d have to face him, and take questions from him in Holyrood. I think Sturgeon’s narcissism will take care of the rest. She will run away and cry victim.

    Alex Salmond is also taking Leslie Evans to Court, so all o that conspiracy will going before a proper judicial process for the first time, and the conspiracy will ensnare the conspirators. I have to believe that.

    Then there is the missing money. Those questions are not going away.

    Oh Scotland, where else in the world would this happen… votes to elect a lame duck government by emphatic majority because it wants a supermajority to collapse the devolved Assembly in lieu of a fully independent government.

    I’m not voting to approve of Sturgeon or her Transgender idiocy. I’m voting for that Supermajority.

    That Supermajority requires the SNP being dominant in the Constituency seats and ALBA cleaning up in the List Seats.

    That means voting SNP1 ALBA2, putting your faith Alex Salmond, and not being afraid that Sturgeon cannot be brought down after being elected. She is living on borrowed time.

    Think Supermajority, that is the game changer, and the changes in Holyrood will be profound and constitutional. I think there will be enough momentum behind all of that to dwarf Sturgeons idiotic mini-agenda, and whatever “legislation” she does manage to bring in will survive no longer than the devolved assembly which debated it.

    Second prize getting ALBA installed in Holyrood and Sturgeon stymied by hung parliament… but friends, that is a cheap and measily second prize beside that all important first prize Supermajority.

    The best way to kill of Sturgeons lunatic misadventure is to return a thumping supermajority which pulls the rug out from under Holyrood as a devolved legislature under Westminster’s thumb. A Supermajority reinvents Holyrood at a stroke.

    SNP1 ALBA2 is the formula to achieve that.

  131. ScotsRenewables says:

    What am unpleasant place this is becoming. Stop tearing each other to pieces and do or say something positive, ffs.

  132. Ruby says:

    “What is the Gender Recognition Act 2004?
    The 2004 Act allows transgender people aged 18 and over to apply for legal recognition of their acquired gender and to change their legal sex accordingly.”

    Who was in power in 2004?

    The only difference between the’Gender Recognition Act 2004′ (which Labour is very proud of)and what is being proposed in the reforms is self-id.

    Looking closer at this issue of Women’s rights and something our ‘Independence Supporting Knights in Shining Armour’ might consider is that the only party who seem to be supportive of women’s rights vis a vis GRA reforms is the Tory Party.

  133. Daisy Walker says:

    ScotsRenewables says:
    28 April, 2021 at 8:23 am

    What am unpleasant place this is becoming. Stop tearing each other to pieces and do or say something positive, ffs’

    I’m away out to do leaflets for Alba – how’s that for Positive.

  134. Grey Gull says:

    Totally agree and my postal vote is away. Nearly gave me the boak to give my vote to the SNP but felt hope stirring with my vote for ALBA.

  135. Famous15 says:

    So. I have to vote Tory now.

    But,whisper it, I just heard DRoss ,the leader of the “Scottish” Tories just say the UK Government is responsible for everything happening in Scotland and we are just shite on Bojos Boots, (I paraphrase)

    And some of yous want me to vote Tory on the Constituency?

    I wid rathar vote for that bastird Nicla with ma first vote

    Get a grip Scotland.

    Stop shouting and jist vote SNP1 Alba2 as that nice Alex Salmond advises.

  136. Wally Jumblatt says:

    Just because people have no patience for the long game, they want to give Nicola Sturgeon MORE power and de facto legitimacy.
    Dont vote S/M’s SNP 1, or you are likely to get what you voted for.

  137. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    “The question is why though.” @Stuart MacKay says at 8:11 am

    Could be Brexit, could also be Gove being Machiavellian (he and Cummings have history and I suspect Cummings is in Goves UK Union unit.

    It might also be because they know how toxic BawJaws is in Scotland and fear the return of Salmond and renewed drive for Independence and are trying to prepare the ground for BetterTogether MK2.

    Oh and I’m still SNP 1 and ALBA 2, sticking with Alex Salmonds plan and lucky I have a decent SNP candidate in the Constituency and The Boss himself +3 other good candidates on the list for ALBA!

  138. Andy Ellis says:

    @Breeks 8.22am

    I very much hope you’re right about what mights (should?) happen post May 6th if there is a pro-indy super majority. The idea that the SNP will cooperate with Alba, or more specifically that the SNP membership or a faction in the leadership will somehow compel Sturgeon and her acolytes to change course is doing a lot of heavy lifting there though, isn’t it/

    Of course events may conspire to bring about change, but the rank and file membership and the activist base have proven remarkably inept in their attempts to bring about any change in direction thus far, and MPs and MSPs have been even worse.

    I wouldn’t underestimate the ability or the will of the Sturgeonista Loyal to hold on for dear life until 2026: as we’ve all seen there are plenty of unreasoning SNP cultists out there. They’re not simply going to roll over for us: for many of them their livelihoods, mortgages and sinecure positions / funding depend on Sturgeon stying in power.

  139. Big Jock says:

    The SNP are definitely over. This is their last hoorah. Once people realise the Sturgeon is not going for independence. Then the SNP will start to fall apart.

    The Court cases against Nicola and her cabal will drive this home. We have to be honest with ourselves. We need a new independence party , it may take a decade to rebuild a credible party an government.

    Sturgeon has done so much damage to the independence process, that it can’t be a quick fix.

    Will anyone be cheering on election night? I just find it all quite depressing.

  140. ScotsRenewables says:

    Daisy Walker says:
    28 April, 2021 at 8:26 am

    I’m away out to do leaflets for Alba – how’s that for Positive.

    That’s great Daisy. Please give us any feedback you get out there in the real world.

    I am stuck abroad right now so limited to online campaigning, but my feeling is that ALBA are making real progress, particularly with women.

  141. Stuart MacKay says:

    Jockanese Wind Talker

    > I suspect Cummings is in Goves UK Union unit

    I thought it was Gove that got Cummings pushed out. It would be very intriguing if that was all staged.

    So Gove sees himself standing in Boris’ shoes. I think that’s a bit delusional to say the least. Boris is a clown but he’s got the photo-op thing of being an “activist” Prime Minister right. Imagine Grima Wormtongue trying to do the same – laughable.

  142. Wee Chid says:

    Big Jock says:
    28 April, 2021 at 8:48 am
    “Will anyone be cheering on election night? I just find it all quite depressing.”

    Ditto. Totally given up on independence in my lifetime and no intention of knocking my pan out for something I’ll never see.

  143. Ruby says:

    Would I be correct in thinking everyone posting here is voting Alba2?

    The issue seems to be SNP 1.

    What are the implications of not voting SNP 1?

    What chance of an IndyRef 2 if the four Unionist parties have a majority?

    Who is going to vote against GRA reforms?
    Will Unionist parties save women’s rights?

    I’m voting SNP 1 Alba 2

  144. Stephen says:

    Big Jock
    The most insidious thing about this SNP1 mantra, apart from the obvious covert support for the SNP, is the mandate Sturgeon will take from a victory at the polls.

    For me the worst element of her woke agenda is its introduction into the schools as part of the curriculum.
    Their great plan is to encourage our children to question their sexuality and having introduced the idea give them the means to change their sex.
    And all this is done without informing the parents.

    How anyone could vote SNP1 in full knowledge of this, quite apart from anything else, is beyond me.

  145. Ruby says:

    All our ‘Knights in Shining Armour’ trying to save women’s rights might have more success trying to convince people not to vote for Nicola Sturgeon in order to save men’s rights.

    What to be jailed for sending a jokey text to a work colleague, pinging their hair etc. then vote for Sturgeon.

  146. Luigi says:

    I understand the reluctance to vote SNP. I really had to hold my nose really tightly to do this. However, Alex Salmond supports SNP 1 Alba 2. Who am I to think I know better than the master tactician and strategist? Therefore:

    SNP 1 Alba 2 for me – done.

    I can now breath again. 🙂

  147. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    Well it’s Scotia Future 1 Alba 2 for me.

    Seems am on moderation for my spats with the unionists. So if it doesn’t get past this will be last post and chorus for me.

  148. Ruby says:

    Stephen says

    For me the worst element of her woke agenda is its introduction into the schools as part of the curriculum.
    Their great plan is to encourage our children to question their sexuality and having introduced the idea give them the means to change their sex.
    And all this is done without informing the parents.

    How anyone could vote SNP1 in full knowledge of this, quite apart from anything else, is beyond me.


    The way I see it is all the other parties with the except of the Tories have the same woke agenda.

    If I were looking only at woke issues my only choice would be to vote Tory.
    Is that what you will be doing?

    I’m sticking with SNP1 ALBA 2

  149. Famous15 says:

    If Alba do not get enough seats to hold the balance or get airtime then the Plan will not work.

    Much as I hate the tiny clever cabal causing the mischief I know enough good folks in the SNP to allow me to vote SNP in the constituency in the boundless hope the d’Bonk system will produce Alba wins on the list.

    I and Alex Salmond have a cunning plan,better than shouting “Wibble,wibble” and that is SNP1 Alba2

  150. Andy Ellis says:


    I think most of those supportive of Rev Stu’s position who post BTL will be voting Alba 2. Some may still be able to hold their noses and vote SNP 1, but many obviously will not do so. I doubt I’m all that different to many of those posters here and elsewhere who were former SNP supporters and even members who have abandoned the party for various reasons over the past 24 months or so. The motivations and causes may vary, and of course it’s difficult to verify how many members have actually left given the SNPs sudden modesty about releasing membership figures, or without direct access to what is going on in individual branches. T

    here is certainly anecdotal evidence of many branches losing lots of long standing activists and campaigners, but whether that has an impact on the result on 6th May remains to be seen. as others have pointed out however it is passing strange that the leadership never saw fit to issue panicky videos or statement imploring those leaving the party due to their disgust with the treatment of Alex Salmond, or the lack of progress on #indyref2, or questions about internal part democracy, or concerns about abuse of Joanna Cherry etc. to stay in the party, whereas Sturgeon almost fell over herself to beg a few dozen sophomoric misogynists to stay in the party.

    Strange times indeed!

  151. Breeks says:

    Just imagine where the debate would be right now, what we’d be discussing, what the Unionists would be discussing, IF Sturgeon’s SNP had embraced the concept of an SNP / ALBA Supermajority…

  152. INDEPENDENT says:

    Luigi at 9-12 am
    I wholeheartedly agree.

    In “Alex I Trust”.

    I am sure he did not give his words without weighing up all the options.

    He is the master strategist and head and shoulders above the rest.

    So I personally will hold my nose and trust his game plan.

  153. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    28 April, 2021 at 9:22 am

    I think most of those supportive of Rev Stu’s position who post BTL will be voting Alba 2. Some may still be able to hold their noses and vote SNP 1


    You still haven’t answered my question re the implications of the four Unionist parties gaining a majority in Holyrood due to all these voters unwilling to hold their noses.

    Can you remind me what the Rev Stu’s position is vis a vis Bonnie Prince Bob.

    Did he not call ‘Bonnie Prince Bob’ a wanker or perhaps it was a chancer.

    I’m voting SNP1 ALBA 2 in Edinburgh Central.

    ‘Better the wanker you know!’

  154. katherine hamilton says:

    A good showing from ALBA and a supermajority means game on. All this “Sturgeon won’t talk to Salmond means nothing will happen” totally ignores political reality. She’ll have no choice but to produce a plan. She’s said it herself. It is at the heart of her campaign. “A majority of pro-indy MSP’s is a mandate for a referendum”. She’ll have it in spades.

    The issue then is the biggie. What plan? Then it’s down to politics, real politics. Are there any SNP MSP’s who would support ALBA’s proposals? We’ll find out. Are there ANY non wokie-supporting SNP MSP’s who’ll put Indy first? (Christ I hope so!) We’ll find out. And so on. The political landscape will have been transformed and she’ll have to respond to it.

    This is the last chance saloon. Max the vote. SNP1 ALBA2 to, counter intuitively, defeat Sturgeon’s dearest wish. An alliance with the Greens. They are getting too cosy for my liking, as For Women Scotland eloquently outline.

  155. DJ says:

    Independence has a much better chance of becoming a reality with Alex Salmond around. It`s the hot topic of this election simply because of his presence. No one in Scottish or UK politics instills as much fear, including within the SNP itself. And if he makes it back into the parliament, Holyrood is in for a mighty shakeup. SNP 1 Alba 2

  156. Hatuey says:

    I can’t be imagining that people like Sarwar and Lamont suddenly seem to say quite intelligent things. Even Boris is starting to resemble a likeable enough chap.

    I feel like the guy in that book who wakes up to find he’s turned into an insect.

    It’s the Sturgeon effect.

    I’ve stopped vomiting when Michael Gove appears on TV.

    Some say she can even cure coronavirus.

    Is this why all the bastards want her to stay?

  157. Stephen says:

    As I said previously, I hope that Alex and Alba get plenty of seats in the next assembly.

    I’m not going to pursue your SNP1 conviction as we’ve done that already and I respect your opinion.

    A worry I have is that Alex in his desire to build bridges with the SNP in the next assembly will not provide as independent a voice as he would wish.

    Perish the thought that we could have a Zimbabwe type situation with ZAPU merged into ZANU.

  158. Famous15 says:


    You have the wrong country

    We do not have an Assembly.

    SNP1 Alba2 is the Plan for those who know all the nuances of the d’Bonk system.

  159. Socrates MacSporran says:


    If we could get rid of Mr and Mrs MacMugabe and their tribal witch doctors – a single nationalist party, led by Wee Eck, would scare the Establishment in London shitless, and bring us INdependence in short order.

  160. Stephen says:

    Whilst I don’t object to you replying to my question to DJ…..
    with all due respect, you didn’t address the point raised.

    Instead you questioned nomenclature and repeated the mantra

    Now of course that is your right.

    You can say what you want

    But does it persuade?

    Or is it rather a rallying cry to the converted.

  161. Stephen says:

    Now your talking

  162. Stuart MacKay says:

    For the strategic plan of SNP 1, Alba 2 it’s definitely time to look to your inner Keyser Söze and show these people of will what will really is.

    The election is not the goal, it’s only a means to an end. May 6th is only the beginning. We’ve see the forces arrayed against us. Stop putting all your eggs in one basket or your pinning hopes on one person. There’s a lot more nose-holding to be done after this.

  163. DJ says:

    In order for there to be real change, there has to be a catalyst. Alex Salmond is that catalyst. There has been more meaningful talk about independence in the last four weeks than in the last four years. That says everything to me.

  164. Stephen says:

    Alex the catalyst
    The perfect word.
    Inducing change without being changed itself.
    But how?

  165. winifred mccartney says:

    Follow the science, follow the science – the current mantra except when it comes to biology.

    It seems to me some of these young transpeople are so used to getting their own way – like violet – they will scream and scream until they are sick. Well its just the rest of us that are sick, sick of this very tiny minority who are demanding the whole female world revolves 180 degrees to accommodate them and sick too of the ‘progressive’ politicians who had jumped on their bandwagon. They are using climate change and independence as camouflage for their views and many genuine people have no idea how they are being used for other purposes.

    As if young people don’t have enough to worry them while growing up we want to confuse them about their sexuality and deny them the right to go through their growing up phases without chemicals which will affect them for their whole lives.

  166. Breeks says:

    It depends on your definition of “Parliament”.

    If you define a Parliament as your seat of Sovereign Government, then there’s an immediate question mark hanging over Holyrood being a Parliament.

    Being pedantic about it, even in an Independent Scotland with a constitutionally sovereign people, I’m not sure the world Parliament fits then either, because the Scottish Government isn’t sovereign, so their “Parliament” is still not a seat of Sovereign Government.

    Day to day, I’m content to not be pedantic and relaxed about calling Holyrood a Parliament, but if I’m irate or exasperated with it, calling it an Assembly seems a much better fit. Lol.

    Post Indy, maybe we can call it whatever we like, but it would be nice if the word used recognised that sovereignty was enshrined upon the people, not the government.

  167. Stephen says:

    Well put

  168. Hudson says:

    Independence should not even be on the agenda until Sturgeon and her atrocious anti female policies are purged from the Scottish Parliament.

    It’s still hard to believe that fair minded people would actually want to give this phycopath a “Supermajority”.

    Dear God, she is bad enough in a minority government with the Greens.

    But can you imagine the road to ruin Sturgeon would take Scotland down if she had her “Supermajority”?

    She would turn Scotland into a Pariah State.

    It would leave us with two fences we’d have to break through to win our Independence.

    We’d have the Sturgeon government to bring down AND the Johnson government to break free from.

    Don’t make life any harder for us, don’t vote for the sick, Perverted SNP.

    And don’t let the Wings SNP Clique intimidate you.

    They will try to hound you off the site, you will get called all sorts of exotic names, they just want you to go away. But don’t give in to these bullies who just want you to Wheeshit for Indy.

    They would rather Sturgeon got in with her majority than give a second thought to what could happen to vulnerable women and young girls in their so called female only spaces.

    Because once Sturgeon and Harvie get in with their “Supermajority” you will see the gloves come off and all these perverted reforms will become a reality.

    So we have two choices,

    Don’t give Sturgeon here majority (or even vote for Sarwar in her Constituency)

    Or give her her Supermajority and let her run a coach and horses through the Scottish Parliament and destroy all sense of decensy Scots have always stood by.

    Sturgeon really does want to take your basic Human Rights from you.

    Don’t Vote SNP.

  169. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    I just had a funny feeling he would end up in Goves ‘Union Unit’ after Boris Johnson ‘sacked’ him as his senior advisor, might be because I’m cynical @ Stuart MacKay says at 8:51 am

    Cummings was close to Gove when he was Education Secretary and ran the online attack dogs on Goves behalf apparently.

    I suspect his Vote Leave experience is to be utilised and he will be the ‘brains’ behind the next No Campaign in any future Indy Ref.

    His previous experience (minus the couple of years he worked in Russia):

    Campaign director at Business for Sterling, the campaign against the UK joining the Euro, 1999-2002

    Director of Strategy for Conservative Party leader Iain Duncan Smith for eight months in 2002

    Founded The New Frontiers Foundation, a free-market libertarian Eurosceptic anti BBC and Civil Service reform think tank which grew out of Business For Sterling in December 2003 – 2005

    Cummings was a key figure in North East Says No (NESNO) the successful campaign against a North-East Regional Assembly in 2004

    Cummings was in a position of what Andrew Neil called “overall responsibility” for the website of The Spectator 2006

    Special adviser to Education Secretary Michael Gove, 2010–2014

    Campaign Director of Vote Leave, 2015–2016

    Chief adviser to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, 2019–2020

    He has also been a believer in a UK version of FOX News – which now looks likely to be A Neils new news channel – and using social media to shift the centre of policy argument.

  170. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Wee DRoss is getting backed further and further into a corner in this campaign, I expect the next time he is on TV he will be flanked by Michael Gove (his union representative) and Adam Tompkins (his solicitor) and answering every question put to him with: “No Comment.”

    But, we all know, It’s B for Boris running the corruption, rather than someone identified as H.

  171. DJ says:


    Diminishing the unionist footprint within Holyrood would certainly be a start. Then we will see. Perhaps a string of defections? Section 30 finally being shown up as the farce that it is? Perhaps the realisation that nothing is settled until the future shape of the constitution is settled once and for all? Who knows? But I know for sure that Holyrood will never quite be the same again.

  172. Effigy says:

    Never give up!

    When you are right then nothing can stop it being right.

    66 nations before us escaped the strangle hold Westminster put on them.
    Millions have died for their cause.

    All Scotland has to defeat are Clowns like Boris,
    Grovelling liars like Gove immoral bullies like Patel.

    They even make a Thicko like DRoss their Scottish leader.
    A man who earned a living running up and down a straight line
    waving a wee flag.

    Not good enough to be a referee but supposed to be good enough
    to run Scotland on England’s behalf.

    Don’t ever give them respect or think for one minute they might win.

  173. Stephen says:

    But what is Alex going to do to get Sturgeon to change course if she remains with roughly the same number of seats as before?
    He will have to concede something.

  174. DJ says:


    Diminishing the unionist footprint within Holyrood would certainly be a start. Then we will see. Perhaps a string of defections? Section 30 finally being shown up as the farce that it is? Perhaps the realisation that nothing is settled until the future shape of the constitution is finally settled?

    Who knows? But I know for sure that Holyrood will never quite be the same again.

  175. Red says:

    Stuart MacKay says:
    28 April, 2021 at 8:51 am
    Jockanese Wind Talker

    So Gove sees himself standing in Boris’ shoes. I think that’s a bit delusional to say the least. Boris is a clown but he’s got the photo-op thing of being an “activist” Prime Minister right. Imagine Grima Wormtongue trying to do the same – laughable.

    Gove has one of those rubbery faces that’s perfect for comedy but unfortunate for a wannabe leader of men. He’s a slightly unctuous Clever Boy, and Clever Boys rarely (ever?) get the top job.

    The question is why though. Could it be that the backers of Brexit are seeing Boris’ resolve starting to weaken and the gravity of the EU is pulling the UK back into it’s embrace thus thwarting the the right wing plan to create Singapore on Thames as the money laundering capital of the world?

    If anything, the opposite might be happening. The EU has stumbled badly on vaccines and their posturing over Ireland hasn’t done them any good, far as I can tell.

    Boris is an establishment figure doing his best to deliver an establishment Brexit – formal separation from continental political structures, but no real change on anything of major importance. He’s made plenty of enemies just for that, if the CBI, FTSE 100, Bank of England etc. had their way the 2016 referendum would just have been overturned.

    But obviously Westminster is a pit of snakes and there’s any number of plots on the go at any given moment. However, sitting prime ministers have to work really hard to get thrown out, and Boris is lazy. If anything does Blondi in it’ll probably be his girlfriend, rather than the dubious cocaine-fuelled talents of Mr Gove.

  176. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Down here in Ayrshire – God’s Orange County – there is a wee fitba tradition.

    Each village junior football team elects “the village idiot,” onto the committee. The VI is then handed an important job – he will be the hame team linesman. Below the top level in junior football, only referes are centrally appointed – each team has to provide a linesman.

    Thus the VI gets to wave his wee flag, but, he only ever gives decisions to his team.

    Extapolate upwards now. DRoss is a VI who got lucky and managed to get promoted not only to the FIFA List, but, also to being titular head of the Tartan branch of his party.

  177. DJ says:


    Sorry about the double reply – something to do with a 505 timeout initially. Then I tried again only to see the reply had made it through.

    Anyway, my answer is public opinion and public perception. And that, I believe, is something Nicola Sturgeon cares deeply about.

    Yes, there will be the usual horse trading over domestic issues, as in any parliament, but not with regard to independence.

  178. PhilM says:

    Quoted from the Scotland Act 1998

    “Part 1 The Scottish Parliament
    The Scottish Parliament
    1 The Scottish Parliament
    (1) There shall be a Scottish Parliament”

    It doesn’t depend on any or anyone’s definition, it is actually called The Scottish Parliament.

  179. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Socrates MacSporran – an excellent analogy sir and I agree. I was watching Channel 4’s leaders’ debate last night which was fronted by Krishnan Guru-Murthy. That guy’s not everyones’ favorite and I remember when he was called a ‘muck-raking bottom-feeder’. He’s improved since then but he still undoubtedly has a mischevious streak in him.

    I wonder what he thought of our 5 leaders?

    I was thinking last night of a mighty Suez-class oil tanker with a million barrels of filthy crude oil on board and it is heading straight for the rocks off Millport. It is still at sea and a good way off Millport and so there is still time to turn it around. Listening to Captain Sturgeon and the miscellaneous Chief Petty Officers she had around her last night, I don’t think that’s going to happen.

  180. Stephen says:

    No problem. We are all at the mercy of technology these days.

    I hope your right.
    I fear, though, that Sturgeon will glory in her renewed mandate and carry on regardless.
    The issue of what Alex will then do in response then becomes front and centre.

    I just can’t get past the damage she is doing to the next generation.
    I would say that 99% of parents are against her Frankenstein policies.

  181. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Captain Yossarian

    I would have expected a military man like your good self to know, Chief Petty Officer is a Royal Navy rank, tankers, unless from the Royal Fleet Auxiliary fleet are Merchant Navy.

    Therefore last night, The FM was facing: Master Bates, Seaman Staines, Roger the Cabin Boy and Linesman DRoss, rather than a mess of CPOs.

  182. Stuart MacKay says:

    Jockanese Wind Talker

    So Cummings is more establishment than revolutionary. So rather than being Boris’ strategic brains he was put there by others probably much to the Blonde Buffoon’s dismay. This is getting interesting. Thanks!

  183. Breeks says:

    PhilM says:
    28 April, 2021 at 11:11 am

    It doesn’t depend on any or anyone’s definition, it is actually called The Scottish Parliament.

    … by definition of the colonial Scotland Act.

  184. Stuart MacKay says:


    I wasn’t thinking about the EU-UK re-establishing a close relationship rather more that the issue of services on which the UK economy relies – praise be to Thatcher – is yet unresolved.

    The UK may be out of the EU but I’m sure that any harmonisation of regulations will been seen as soft-Brexit by the back door and so someone with a bit more mettle might need to replace Boris otherwise the the work of building the Utopia for the World’s rich to escape taxes and scrutiny will come undone.

  185. Willie says:

    I see Alex Salmond is today being exposed by voters, or at least according to Lord Ashcroft as a warthog, dirty, a toad and a snake.

    Something tells me the press and media don’t like a Alex Salmond and Alba. But I may be mistaken. Sticks and stones and all that would never do in our mother of democracies.

    Anyway, can you get female warthogs, gay ones, trans ones, inter ones, Qq++ ones.

    Ah the benefits of a free press. Breath of fresh air. Eh?

  186. Dan says:

    @ Stuart Mackay

    One wonders what Matthew and Sarah Elliot are up to now.

  187. Al-Stuart says:

    Patrick Jones,

    You make several troll-like allegations which I now scroll-by as routine.

    But one interesting element in your childish reference to schoolyard “grassing” to the teacher, in this case Stuart Campbell.

    1). FACT: The Troll known as Gordon/Rock/KcoR/Labour4Indy/Andy posts legally actionable comments on Wings Over Scotland.

    2). FACT: The Troll known as Gordon et al., repeatedly named Breeks, Mia, Famous15, myself and others as paedophiles on this website. That is most definitely actionable in a court of law.

    3). FACT: I have raised the mental health issue that whilst I, for example, will simply ignore the malicious libel by Gordon as Stuart Campbell will have better things to do with the 2 weeks between now and poling day than moderate the relentless trash you dump on Wings, there are other laws being infracted. Some matters relating to Gordon and your team of Trolls will now be actioned.

    For example, every time I read the relentless allegations from Gordon and his many aliases that a whole tranche of named individuals here are paedophiles, as a non-paedophile former police officer who has had to attend the crime scene and arrange the final offices of a murdered child, including the post-mortem, every time the Troll makes the unfounded and libellous allegation here, I suffer a relapse of PTSD. That is legally actionable.

    “Patrick” or whatever your real “77th Brigade” name is, you are subject to the law. I am not going to bother Stuart Campbell. The guy has enough on his plate.

    This is NOT a case of me or anyone curtailing your right to an opinion or free speech. It is now a matter of law.

    You have just nudged all of this over a “tipping point”

    I suspect and believe the aims of the abhorrent Trolls currently infesting Wings Over Scotland BTL is to cause as much disruption as possible.

    FACT: The current First Minister of Scotland has named this website at an SNP NEC meeting and made it clear this website will be shut down one way or another.

    “Patrick” all your words and those of your 7th Brigade Troll colleagues, employed I might add at the Scottish taxpayer’s expense, are NOT free speech. They are psyops and designed to kill off any rational discourse.

    Alex Salmomd has obviously given a great deal of thought on how to remedy the gerrymandered charges solicited from political sources of which he was found NOT GUILTY.

    Ironically I am one of those who in all conscience cannot vote SNP1. To remedy that decision, I am donating significantly to the Alba Party and will vote for Alba on the List, as will a growing number of family and friends as they read the appalling and amateur Trolling on BTL Wings Over Scoltland. The most common rejoinder from friends new to Wings is: That’s Trolling is the sort of thing the British State did in Northern Ireland, though no internet existed then and they sowed division in other ways.

    “Patrick” or “Gordon” for you are all essentially the same, I tried to put a similar amount of Alex Salmond type lateral thought into remedying the lice-ridden Troll infestation on Wings Over Scotland.

    Rather than waste time debating points with people like you, paid for by the State to waste my time and the time of others here, baited beyond tolerance, this matter is being handed over to my former colleagues at Police Scotland.

    We may be about to establish some very interesting case law. Long overdue as the likes of Twitter is a sewer and people like Gordon on Wings BTL have crossed the Rubicon.

    Times up.

    Good luck.

  188. Famous15 says:

    Stephen I did not answer your point as you are clearly using the Zimbabwe(as was ) situation in 1979 rhetorically and your BSAPSB credentials are showing. How is retirement in EL suiting you?

    Scotland has enough stirrers,thank you.

  189. Alan Thoms says:

    Voting SNP is not in the interests of true independence seekers. Sturgeon is not going to change. I suspect she will go before the end of the next term, but so what. The poison that is thevSNP will still be there. However in time I suspect a large slice of the cultists will get fed up with the SNP. This is when Alba etc can begin the process of really pushing for independence. Unfortunately I think it will come too late for Alex Salmond. The movement will need a new leader. Will one emerge?

  190. Stephen says:

    Don’t resort to name calling.
    Engage in the argument.

  191. sog says:

    There is a prospect, after the election, of the SNP leadership seeing the number of ALBA 2 votes and realising they have an equivalent count of SNP 1 votes grudgingly lent, not given. I hope Alex will take an opportunity to remind them of this, and that it happened under a media lockout.

  192. Famous15 says:

    Stephen,you have no argument. Behave!

  193. Stephen says:

    More abuse. Really!

    Scroll up and you will find my arguments, all respectfully put.

    I can’t find any of yours.

  194. Alf Baird says:

    Kiwilassie @ 6:10 am

    “Well worth listening to. Twa auld heids with Jim Walker
    link to

    Aye, anither braw discussion between the twa lads and Dr. Jim Walker, who looks a definite top candidate for Finance Minister in an independent Scotland. Jim Walker makes Kate Forbes look like a wee lassie in a sweetie shop.

    John Martini @ 6:28 am

    “A political arrest is when you use the intelligence services to take out your political opponents.”

    Absolutely shocking if Dave Llewellyn is another Scottish independence campaigner being persecuted.

  195. Graf Midgehunter says:

    Stephen says: at 9:04 am

    “For me the worst element of her woke agenda is its introduction into the schools as part of the curriculum.
    Their great plan is to encourage our children to question their sexuality and having introduced the idea give them the means to change their sex.
    And all this is done without informing the parents.

    How anyone could vote SNP1 in full knowledge of this, quite apart from anything else, is beyond me.”
    The SNP are in power now and will probably be in the next term. Everything is being done mostly under the radar and with no opposition to stop them.

    The only way to stop the nonsense is to get ALBA into Holyrood with the ability to shine the biggest spotlights on it; bring it out in the chamber in the full glare of the public stage.

    Open debate terrifies them because they’ll be shown up as the woowoo weirdos that they are.

  196. Jack Murphy says:

    OT. TODAY. Over on Holyrood Magazine is an article by Jenni Davidson beginning:

    “Less than half of Scottish Green voters support independence, polling has found.

    An opinion poll by Lord Ashcroft Polls found that only 43 per cent of those who intended to vote Green supported independence, while 46 per cent were against it…”

    I guess it’s make yer mind up time.

    Beware of Greens bearing Gifts.

  197. Stephen says:

    Open debate terrifies them

  198. Cenchos says:

    You can’t make a new cat out of an old cockerel.

  199. James says:

    Al-Stuart @ 11:39

    Well said.

  200. Famous15 says:

    The irony is that lacking independence, Scotland has subnormal political scrutiny.

    Get a decent constitution and independence and worthwhile scrutiny follows.

    We only have Unionist scrutiny and they have no desire to improve Scotland. Indeed they want to wipe Scotland from the face of the earth.

  201. Luigi says:

    Based on the number of posters still indicating an SNP 1 Alba 2 intention, it seems that the unionist trolls are having yet another bad day at the office lol. Why would anyone (other than a British nationalist) vote for a unionist party? The bad language and insults now appearing shows how desperate they are. Give it up yoons, your nonsense is falling on deaf ears.

    If you really want to cause Nicola Sturgeon problems, if you want to see her suffer, then help return Alex Salmond to Holyrood. That would be much more effective than piddling about with voting for unionist politicians. Fact. Children shouldn’t play with matches. Yoons especially – most true independence supporters are a bit more mature thankfully.

    SNP 1 Alba 2

    Ye know it makes sense. 🙂

  202. Famous15 says:


    “More abuse”

    Abuse is such a subjective thing that those with a victim fetish can enjoy all the abuse they can self identify with. Eh?

  203. Meg merrilees says:

    Scots renewables

    I’ve been out leafletting every day since Saturday.
    Not spoken to a lot of people but of those nearly all the reaction is positive. People feel hopeful because of Alex.
    I’ve had two people refuse (politely) to have a leaflet.
    Met one of the candidates last night.Very upbeat.
    She said Alex is up till 3 in the morning and awake early, full of energy, good humour and brilliant tactics.

    Alex is optimistic. HQ feels that the message is starting to get through despite the lack of TV/ media mention. This weekend will be crucial but the polls are showing an increase in support and awareness.

    Also, now that hospitality is open again, people are coming into contact more and having discussions about ‘normal’ topics
    e.g. politics.
    Fife is responding really well. Don’t know about non-local areas.

  204. Stephen says:

    And yet you continue to abuse.
    It doesn’t bother me.
    I’m just drawing attention to it.
    I am also drawing attention to your lack of an argument.
    And in a respectful manner.

  205. Andy Ellis says:

    @Ruby 9.22 am

    Your question makes no sense, sorry. It’s vanishingly unlikely the unionists will be in a position to form an administration post election: they simply don’t have the numbers. The only real question is whether the SNP or SNP/Greens gain a majority on their own. Like many I desperately hope they don’t: as Rev Stu has said, nothing good can come of that.

    The danger of lots of people who now don’t support the SNP voting SNP 1 / Alba 2 is that it increases the chances of an outright majority for the current SNP administration. They will interpret this as the electorate having given them a mandate for their deeply illiberal and regressive platform, and to sit back and do SFA about a referendum, still less actual independence for another 5 years. Everyone who is voting SNP 1 has to own that outcome if that is what happens. Nobody is forcing you to vote SNP 1.

    The question folk have to answer is which outcome they prefer:

    1) Option 1: an SNP or SNP/Green outright majority but short of a supermajority;

    2) Option 2: a pro-indy super-majority with too few Alba MSPs to force the SNP/Greens to cooperate with them or to call fresh elections;

    3) Option 3: a pro-indy super-majority, but fewer SNP MSPs because they loose a few high profile MSPs, and Alba hold the balance of power.

    Only option 3 holds out any real prospect of making progress towards independence in the next 5 years. I’d happily see fewer SNP MSPs, in just the same way as I’d happily see fewer yoon MSPs.

  206. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    A lot of the reticence to vote SNP 1 is down to the assumption that Woko Ono will still be the leader of the SNP and First Minister for the next Holyrood term.

    As Breeks has posted previously this looks unlikely once the court cases start.

    The SNP may be under new management in the next couple of months.

  207. DJ says:

    Andy Ellis says at 12:54 pm

    I agree with much of the thrust of your argument but I believe the plethora of possible options will turn the choices available to voters into a real dilemma for many, perhaps leading to a decided lack of inertia. I hope not.

  208. Daisy Walker says:

    ScotsRenewables says:
    28 April, 2021 at 8:48 am

    Daisy Walker says:
    28 April, 2021 at 8:26 am

    I’m away out to do leaflets for Alba – how’s that for Positive.

    That’s great Daisy. Please give us any feedback you get out there in the real world.

    I am stuck abroad right now so limited to online campaigning, but my feeling is that ALBA are making real progress, particularly with women.

    FEEDBACK – Hmm this is my first time doing leaflets/door to door, and its Perth and the Shire. (Perth’s odd – I’m from Perth – so I know).

    It’s very very buttoned down campaign. Folk are not talking much, and there are ZERO Tory, Labour or Lib Dem posters up. And I mean ZERO, and I have never seen that before.

    John Swinney and Jim Fairly have been doing the rounds and are well known locally – so their posters are up and I think they are safe.

    Out in the county there are very few Tory banners up in the Farm fields compared to normal years. Very few. Almost as if the farmers are not finding Brexit to their liking.

    I’d say every door called on for Alba is helping. Not everyone is understanding the Max the Yes aspect. Once they do, they are more welcoming.

    There is a new breed of No Voter. The Grumpy Old Man has turned into Women’s Knight in Shining Armour.

    ‘Alex Salmond is a Dirty Old Man’ they shout. He was found not guilty by a Jury of mostly woman. ‘He’s a dirty old man, lass, he just got away with it’.

    I’m 52, I worked with sexist old bastards like these for years, and trust me when I say, they never gave 2 hoots for any of the women in the workplace who were getting harassed by male colleagues, in fact oft times they approved of it.

    When it comes to identifying who really is a ‘dirty old bastard’ – trust me on this – it’s the woman who have ‘hands on experience’ in identifying them from a mile off.

    Hypocritical, sexist old shits. I make sure the neighbours on both sides of where they live, and the houses opposite get leaflets.

    I’m in no doubt that it is now or never. Many of the old Yes signs and stickers have come down.

    My hope is, that like 1997 devolution vote, 20 years of tory rule had done the ground work, and the decision was made at home, and in private when it came to voting.

    One thing I am certain of, is this is the SNP’s last big vote. Seeing the calibre of volunteer coming over to Alba (from the SNP), the experience they are bringing, dedication, local knowledge (and a bit of money) – no party can lose that in one go and survive.

    I’m tempted to say there must be a lot of woke SNP employees feeling like they are in way over their heads – but sadly, while this is true, I don’t think they have that much self awareness.

    Anyway, back to the leafleting.

  209. Meg merrilees says:

    Daisy –

    I noticed that also – there are virtually NO signs or posters on any house or window.

    In three days of leaflet dropping I’ve seen two SNP leaflets up in the windows of two houses in the same street and that is it!
    Not a single LibDem, Labour or Tory/Green/ Screaming Lord Such or any other contestant.
    I’ve seen one YES stone, a couple of Saltires and Union flags in gardens but you would not know there is an election in one week.
    In rural areas I’ve seen two separate SNP boards on farmland and my house has an ALBA board in the bay window.

    One handwritten note said :
    Please do not put any SNP leaflets with their bullsh+t through this door, and that applies to ALBA and Green sh+t as well. I have high blood pressure – much appreciated!

  210. Andy Ellis says:

    @DJ 1.38pm

    It will be interesting to see what the turnout is. If large numbers of former SNP voters and supporters fail to turn out – whether due to “informed disgust” disgust at the parties policies and direction of travel, or just generalised ennui with their failure to deliver #indyref2 and perceived lack of committment to the cause – then that could help Alba if it means the SNP are denied an outright majority.

    As you say, there are a number of possible scenarios, and the d’Hondt system makes it difficult to try and predict outcomes based on whether enough people who are disenchanted with the SNP still vote SNP 1, or what the impact of trying to surgically remove high profile SNP constituency MSPs would be on list MSPs etc.

    Time will tell. We have to hope that Alba do better than expected and the SNP/Greens do worse than expected.

  211. Daisy Walker says:

    Saddest thing about this campaign – which is not on the whole sad, it is rather determined, but the sad bit is, when you go to leaflet a door with a Yes or SNP sticker on the window, you are no longer assured of a warm welcome.

    This evening I was doing a street and looking forward to putting a leaflet with an SNP poster up. I did the house before and the woman came out and gave it back, then she said, ‘and you needn’t bother putting one in that house, that’s my mothers and she won’t vote for you lot either’.

    So off I went, however, when I came back up the hill on the other side of the street and looked over, ‘mothers’ garden had a saltire flag, and a saltire postcard in the window… so even if she’s not voting Alba – it sort of looks like she might be.

    People have battened down the hatches and are keeping their own council.

    On a brighter note – an incredible amount of work is going on at grass roots level, getting the areas covered. With Alba being so new, its never been more important.

    And since so many of them are the backbone of the SNP in terms of local knowledge, diverse work experience, time and money – after this election the SNP are done. Hollowed out and broken – even if they don’t realise it. And they only have thereselves to blame.

  212. Meg merrilees says:

    Yes, Daisy, all the people I am working with are ex SNP with a similar story to tell. We are experienced leafletters so the pamphlets are being distributed really quickly and efficiently.

    I was at a door with an SNP leaflet in the window just as the father and young son were coming out. I offered them a leaflet and he said no thank you,
    Nae chance, I’m no havin any o that muck.

    I asked if he would consider SNP 1 ALBA 2 – no way, came the reply, baith votes SNP here.

    Sadly he is being let down.

  213. Daisy Walker says:

    Aye Meg, its heartbreaking.

    With regards the lack of any other Party posters. I don’t trust the unionists. They may be hunkered down, but behind the scenes they’ll be working like billyoh to vote tactically.

    Like yourself I’m seeing one or 2 very large Union Jacks. I do all the doors round about it just to cheer them up.

    Had a quandry about a Union Jack door mat. Decided that I would put a leaflet through the door. After all if they’re happy for folk to wipe their feet on the union jack…. there’s hope for them.

    One thing the Britnats must be kicking themselves about is building up Nicla so strongly over the last year. I think the SNP constituency vote is holding up. But that’s just my guess.

  214. Hatuey says:

    “We have to hope that Alba do better than expected and the SNP/Greens do worse than expected.”

    The SNP campaign is crap. They have a leader that most people can’t stand, a bunch of policies that they are basically ashamed of, and a record that reads like a list of high court charges.

    Everything points to the SNP having a historically terrible election. We must hope that it’s so bad that it leads to regime change.

    We have solid pro-indy people on here talking about voting for Sarwar. My God. And who can blame them?

    My enemy’s enema is my friend

  215. David A. says:

    Another group that just complains about the recent legal situation because they don’t get “special victim status”. They see no moral issues as long as they are the ones holding the weapon to beat other people. That’s the truth of the situation.

    “If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago and a racist today.”

    -Dr. Thomas Sowell

    It applies to all these groups wrestling in the mud with each other to grab hold of the slipper prize of “most victimised and special group in law”. The trans lobby is the perfect mirror to the feminist one. It’s giving them exactly what they have been doing to and demanding of others. The trans group has the support of the corporations and governments and the feminists are finding themselves going stale and out of fashion.


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