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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for the ‘idiots’

The Clown 55

Posted on April 17, 2024 by

Correct us if we’re wrong, but isn’t this guy:

…the same man who LITERALLY just passed a law dividing Scotland into groups of people who are worthy of protection from hatred and those who aren’t? (Most notably women and people who know what sex they are.)

Is he, then, a “bad faith actor”? Maybe we misunderstood.

The Cuckoos Of Kelvin Way 126

Posted on April 14, 2024 by

Now, before we start this piece we should probably note that we don’t think anyone’s losing anything by being excluded from Believe In Scotland’s latest money-gathering exercise (folding, please, not clinking!) in Glasgow later this month. We rather suspect most folk can manage fine without spending a Saturday afternoon listening to tedious speeches from Pat Kane, Ross Greer and Iona Fyfe.

But this is still disturbing:

Because for a party which pretty much never mentions Scottish independence, which conspicuously removed the word “INDEPENDENCE” from their conference banner last week, and which stated just days ago that independence wouldn’t be any sort of red line preventing them doing a coalition deal with Scottish Labour, to be able to effectively veto the participation of ACTUAL independence parties from (ostensibly) independence rallies is a strange state of affairs indeed.

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Humza Yousaf is a racist 196

Posted on April 13, 2024 by

Scotland’s fringe wankertariat has been terribly piqued by the amusing fact that Humza Yousaf’s infamous “WHITE!” speech has been reported as a hate crime more than any other event in Scotland since the introduction of the Hate Crime Act 12 days ago, on the grounds of its supposedly being racist.

The Observer, for example, blamed the stat on “neo-Nazis”.

But even if that were true, it wouldn’t of course disprove the claim. A stopped clock is right twice a day, and something isn’t intrinsically false just because a neo-Nazi says it. Hitler had some pretty messed-up ideas but the world didn’t become flat just because he said it was round.

So as is our wont, let’s look at the facts.

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Wasters Of Space 69

Posted on April 12, 2024 by

Looking for the world’s most useless figures of authority? Come to Scotland.

There, for example, is the Scottish Government refusing to even make a statement of its position on the Cass Review, which exposed the grotesque medical experiments still being conducted on hundreds of Scottish children, and trying to pass the buck onto someone else.

But they’re not alone in the abdication of their responsibilities.

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The Grand Alliance 101

Posted on April 09, 2024 by

We have a solution to this problem.

(Story 1 and story 2.)

In a spirit of unity, Wings officially endorses both statements.

The Eleventh Edition 167

Posted on April 07, 2024 by

Upper pic: Scottish Greens Spring Conference 2023.

Lower pic: Scottish Greens Spring Conference 2024.

Who can spot the missing word?

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The Rules For The Rich And Famous 335

Posted on April 03, 2024 by

So here’s a thing.

But that’s not how the Hate Crime Act is supposed to work.

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How That’s Working Out 95

Posted on April 03, 2024 by

This is from the Financial Memorandum prepared by the Scottish Government for the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021.

And here’s the reality after ONE DAY.

So that went well.

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A Thousand Paper Cranes 266

Posted on March 31, 2024 by

Thanks to the dedication of our legal team in working over the Easter holiday, Wings has unexpectedly received the formal Opinion of legal counsel (hereafter called “the Opinion”, capitalised to avoid confusion with the ordinary use of the word in the article) with regard to the standing of the site in the light of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021, which comes into force tomorrow.

We publish the Opinion below, partly to assist those worried about the Act’s impact on them but unable to afford their own legal advice.

But we also do so to place Police Scotland on notice that anything published by Wings Over Scotland is done in the light of the greatest possible care having been taken to ensure compliance with the law, and that in such a context any future attempt/s to improperly interfere with our rights of free expression under Article 10 of the European Convention On Human Rights (ECHR) will be viewed with regard to pursuing the maximum available recourse for wrongful restriction of our lawful activities.

We have both funds and the will to pursue such action.

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Yet another fine mess 408

Posted on March 04, 2024 by

There’s a Calvin And Hobbes cartoon we like to post on social media when someone’s got themselves in such a pickle that they’re just flailing around desperately firing off every slogan, argument or insult they can think of to get themselves out of it.

And so, wearily, to the SNP.

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Nip and tuck 243

Posted on March 01, 2024 by

It’d be nice if the Scottish Government could make up its mind whether it wants booze to be more expensive or not.

If only so we could all stop having our intelligence insulted quite this crassly.

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The Final Betrayal 174

Posted on February 29, 2024 by

The Scottish Government have just launched yet another nanny-state “healthy eating” intervention, and to be honest, readers, the cheap-shot open goals just queued up.

Our first instinct was to do a simple picture gallery of some of the insatiable pie-hounds squeezing their expenses-fed backsides onto the groaning, creaking benches and chairs of the Holyrood and Westminster parliaments, such as Kirsten “Elbows” Oswald (pictured above, slumped back under the sheer weight of her neck) – so known to other MPs because you get between her and a buffet at grave peril to your ribcage.

(And no, we’re not telling you which ones told us that.)

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    • Royston Rickard on A crisis of democracy: “It’s not a threat: it’s a reality. Have you read the FT, Times, Telegraph, Economist or Indie since c. 2010?…Jan 17, 09:26
    • Mia on The same old tricks: ““this particular poll doesnae convince” Absolutely. My thoughts exactly. But I guess it all depends on the pool of people…Jan 17, 09:06
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Good to see that the Harvie/Slater co-leadership is about as popular as the coronavirus!Jan 17, 08:36
    • Aidan on A crisis of democracy: “And of course they won’t want to bring in some of the crazies (not to name names, but those who…Jan 17, 06:59
    • Cynicus on The same old tricks: “PICTS! Where is Alf when you need him!?Jan 17, 03:02
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “It’s interesting you say that because when you consider it, really, so much of the proxy wars of the Cold…Jan 17, 02:51
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    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Aye well, as you clink your cut glass malts together do try and give a thought or two as to…Jan 17, 02:09
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “It’s called asymmetric warfare. As old as bullying Empires. Best understand it before begrudging Wallace or a screen entertainment iteration…Jan 17, 01:54
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Sounding like Al Murray’s pub landlord character there. Uncalled for.Jan 17, 01:35
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    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Well that won’t go down well with the history deniers and Scotchland haters! Await forthcoming précis on oaths of allegiance…Jan 16, 23:36
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    • Royston Rickard on A crisis of democracy: “Are you an official YookayGov-SNPae spokesperson, by any chance?Jan 16, 22:43
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    • Royston Rickard on A crisis of democracy: “Yep. He’s a Made Guy, just like ‘Lord’ Janner.Jan 16, 22:20
    • G m on The same old tricks: “Point taken about the graphs but how in gods name does Regan, wrongly placed alongside party leaders, rank as low…Jan 16, 22:16
    • gregor on A crisis of democracy: “Nae Indy for you – unless you learn how to recognise yourself – Reality doesn’t require a mechanism (just humans:)…Jan 16, 22:08
    • rob on The same old tricks: “who cars about tories labour or any of the english based parties,,,,,,,,,not me,,,,,,,,,, you can big up any of them…Jan 16, 21:28
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    • Nae Need! on The same old tricks: “Are you Ross Greer? I claim my £10.Jan 16, 19:42
    • 100%Yes on The same old tricks: “Anyone for a finger, hold your arse up.Jan 16, 19:42
    • 100%Yes on The same old tricks: “Sturgeon’s intentions were clear, stop independence. Her favorite colour is red and its betrayal she had in mind and treachery…Jan 16, 19:40
    • Nae Need! on The same old tricks: “True dat.Jan 16, 19:39
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