The Rules For The Rich And Famous
So here’s a thing.
But that’s not how the Hate Crime Act is supposed to work.
For the avoidance of doubt, Wings does not believe that either JK Rowling or the First Minister has committed a hate crime. But the recording of a hate incident isn’t even meant to be the police’s decision to make.
According to Police Scotland’s official Hate Crime National Guidance, if someone’s actions are assessed not to be a crime, but the victim perceives them to be hate-motivated, the incident WILL be recorded as a non-crime hate incident.
There’s no wiggle room at all. No evidence is required other than the complainer’s perception. It’s one of the few aspects of the law that is clear and unambiguous. Even as we write these words, the Police Scotland website remains steadfastly unequivocal on the subject:
Yet despite being the subjects of the most complaints in the first day of the law, that rule is NOT being applied to either Yousaf or Rowling, with no explanation offered.
And arguably even worse, it’s being applied to opposition politicians but not to those in the government, which is pure banana-republic stuff. Somehow, incredibly, the SNP have just contrived to hand the moral high ground to MURDO FRASER.
Not even three days old, the Hate Crime Act now lies in absolute tatters. The minister responsible doesn’t have a clue what the Act actually says, spraying misinformation about it across the media every time she speaks.
In less than one minute of a single interview on Sky News today, the wincingly glaikit Siobhian Brown made THREE embarrassingly fundamental errors about the law.
The law in fact requires only that behaviour be threatening OR abusive (NOT both), it requires hatred to be stirred up against a protected group (NOT an individual), and it does NOT give any protection to comments made privately in your home.
So perhaps it’s not surprising that Police Scotland don’t appear to be applying the law properly, if even the minister in charge of it hasn’t the first idea what it says.
But we’re now in a situation where either the law is going to be applied differently to rich and famous people than to the rest of us, or it simply can’t be applied to anyone.
On top of all the other huge issues with it, it’s difficult to see how this burning, crippled, bullet-riddled radioactive shambles of an act can limp on even as far as the end of the week without detonating whatever tiny shards of remaining credibility this wretchedly incompetent impersonation of a government has left and scattering them to the wind.
‘Shards of remaining credibility’; er-no.
Perhaps incidents from before the law came into force don’t count as recordable? It would help if they’d said *why* these incidents weren’t being recorded.
“Perhaps incidents from before the law came into force don’t count as recordable?”
(1) Read the rules (and our legal opinion from Sunday, pp2-5).
(2) The entire point of Rowling’s comments was that she made them after the act came into force.
The situation is so serious a recall of the Scottish Parliament is required. I note Stephen Flynn has called for a recall of the House of Commons on a different issue.
About a geological age ago I posited the scenario that, in point of fact, the SNP would become a zombie party, directed by the cordyceps infection of Sturgeon’s ‘leadership’ team to shamble along doing profoundly stupid things and making sure that they were the embodiment of ‘this is what happens when you jocks get uppity and ideas beyond your station’, writ large, and basically making even the idea of independence to the generally uninformed completely unpalatable.
So far, so good.
Is it wrong that part of me is starting to think we should just call time on devolution because at least then we’d be getting fucked by one parliament instead of two? Especially since the prospect of impendence now seems so remote that it’s essentially false hope.
Maybe this is the plan? Get all of us folk who reconnected with politics and actually started caring to switch off again so they can go back to cashing their paycheques while doing fuck all in peace.
Sadly, “One rule for ordinary people, another rule for the insiders and the famous,” is EXACTLY how the law’s sponsors (SNP, Labour, Greens, LibDems) intended it to work.
The whole idea was to “chill” freedom of speech for ordinary people.
The whole idea was to make every speech potentially illegal under a deliberately vague law, then selectively prosecute.
This is NOT an unintended consequence.
Like the GRRB, those MSPs who voted for this act will fight tooth and nail and at great expense to the taxpayer to keep the unworkable Hate Crime Act alive.
As you rightly point out the rich and famous will more than likely get a pass on comments described as a hate crime, the rest of us won’t be so lucky.
Yousaf has backed the HC from day one, other MSPs who also backed the HC have now seriously weakened Police Scotland’s abilities to police and detect crime properly for more man/women power will need to used to look through all sorts of reports that will be filed under no action.
Police Scotland right now aren’t investing minor crimes, so imagine what else they won’t be looking into as officers waste their days mulling over the HC online and telephone calls to them.
We need to get the SNP out at every turn lets start with voting out all their MPs comes the next GE send Yousaf a message.
The list again (some have moved on thank god) of those MSPs who voted FOR this disgraceful act get them out of office at every turn.
Adam, George (Paisley) (SNP);
Adamson, Clare (Motherwell and Wishaw) (SNP)
Allan, Dr Alasdair (Na h-Eileanan an Iar) (SNP)
Arthur, Tom (Renfrewshire South) (SNP)
Baker, Claire (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Lab)
Beattie, Colin (Midlothian North and Musselburgh) (SNP)
Bibby, Neil (West Scotland) (Lab)
Bowman, Bill (North East Scotland) (Con)
Boyack, Sarah (Lothian) (Lab)
Brown, Keith (Clackmannanshire and Dunblane) (SNP)
Campbell, Aileen (Clydesdale) (SNP)
Coffey, Willie (Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley) (SNP)
Cole-Hamilton, Alex (Edinburgh Western) (LD)
Constance, Angela (Almond Valley) (SNP)
Crawford, Bruce (Stirling) (SNP)
Cunningham, Roseanna (Perthshire South and Kinrossshire) (SNP)
Denham, Ash (Edinburgh Eastern) (SNP)
Doris, Bob (Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn) (SNP)
Dornan, James (Glasgow Cathcart) (SNP)
Ewing, Annabelle (Cowdenbeath) (SNP)
Ewing, Fergus (Inverness and Nairn) (SNP)
Fabiani, Linda (East Kilbride) (SNP)
Fee, Mary (West Scotland) (Lab)
Finnie, John (Highlands and Islands) (Green)
FitzPatrick, Joe (Dundee City West) (SNP)
Forbes, Kate (Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch) (SNP)
Freeman, Jeane (Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley)
Gibson, Kenneth (Cunninghame North) (SNP)
Gilruth, Jenny (Mid Fife and Glenrothes) (SNP)
Gougeon, Mairi (Angus North and Mearns) (SNP)
Grahame, Christine (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and
Lauderdale) (SNP)
Gray, Iain (East Lothian) (Lab)
Greer, Ross (West Scotland) (Green)
Griffin, Mark (Central Scotland) (Lab)
Harper, Emma (South Scotland) (SNP)
Harvie, Patrick (Glasgow) (Green)
Haughey, Clare (Rutherglen) (SNP)
Hepburn, Jamie (Cumbernauld and Kilsyth) (SNP)
Hyslop, Fiona (Linlithgow) (SNP)
Johnson, Daniel (Edinburgh Southern) (Lab)
Johnstone, Alison (Lothian) (Green)
Kelly, James (Glasgow) (Lab)
Lennon, Monica (Central Scotland) (Lab)
Leonard, Richard (Central Scotland) (Lab)
Lochhead, Richard (Moray) (SNP)
Lyle, Richard (Uddingston and Bellshill) (SNP)
MacDonald, Angus (Falkirk East) (SNP)
MacDonald, Gordon (Edinburgh Pentlands) (SNP)
Macdonald, Lewis (North East Scotland) (Lab)
MacGregor, Fulton (Coatbridge and Chryston) (SNP)
Mackay, Rona (Strathkelvin and Bearsden) (SNP)
Macpherson, Ben (Edinburgh Northern and Leith) (SNP)
Maguire, Ruth (Cunninghame South) (SNP)
Martin, Gillian (Aberdeenshire East) (SNP)
Mason, John (Glasgow Shettleston) (SNP)
Matheson, Michael (Falkirk West) (SNP)
McArthur, Liam (Orkney Islands) (LD)
McKee, Ivan (Glasgow Provan) (SNP)
McMillan, Stuart (Greenock and Inverclyde) (SNP)
McNeill, Pauline (Glasgow) (Lab)
Paterson, Gil (Clydebank and Milngavie) (SNP)
Rennie, Willie (North East Fife) (LD)
Robison, Shona (Dundee City East) (SNP)
Ross, Gail (Caithness, Sutherland and Ross) (SNP)
Rumbles, Mike (North East Scotland) (LD)
Ruskell, Mark (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Green)
Russell, Michael (Argyll and Bute) (SNP)
Sarwar, Anas (Glasgow) (Lab)
Smyth, Colin (South Scotland) (Lab)
Somerville, Shirley-Anne (Dunfermline) (SNP)
Stevenson, Stewart (Banffshire and Buchan Coast) (SNP)
Stewart, David (Highlands and Islands) (Lab)
Stewart, Kevin (Aberdeen Central) (SNP)
Sturgeon, Nicola (Glasgow Southside) (SNP)
Swinney, John (Perthshire North) (SNP)
Todd, Maree (Highlands and Islands) (SNP)
Torrance, David (Kirkcaldy) (SNP)
Watt, Maureen (Aberdeen South and North Kincardine)
Wheelhouse, Paul (South Scotland) (SNP)
White, Sandra (Glasgow Kelvin) (SNP)
Wishart, Beatrice (Shetland Islands) (LD)
Yousaf, Humza (Glasgow Pollok) (SNP)
Bloody autocorrect turning a typo of independence into “impendence” there. Wishful thinking, autocorrect.
File under, ‘making it up as you go along.’ As I told them on my last ballot, you’re all corrupt as fuck.
I wonder whether an FOI request would succeed in finding out:
– how many hate crimes were reported
– how many were investigated
– how many were classified criminal
– how many classified as non criminal hate incidents
– how many as neither
– how many reports were anonymous
– how many ‘victims’ supplied their names and contact details
– how many entities (individuals or groups) were complained against
– how many people have been charged
– how many are under investigation
– how many people have had non crime hate incidents recorded against their name
– how many complainers received victim support
– how many FTE hours or days or.. have been used in following up complaints
I’ve decided to change my online “handle” until all this blows over.
Don’t think that will be too long now …
Rowling made her comments from outwith the country. As I recall the opinion suggested the Act would not bite in such a case.
Hence maybe why they’re not treating that as criminal, nor as a “non crime hate incident”.
To properly test it, she would have to repeat the comments once she is back in Scotland.
This thing is stupid beyond words.
If In the street a man dressed as a woman tells a vendor that the address will be Miss, as she is female and the vender says get lost you are not a woman do the police have to take the word of the Trans over the other citizen.
Are heterosexuals now second class citizens for believing in Science, in Biology and are they now guilty until proven guilty by a very expensive police and court system.
I recall some years back that the number of Asians in the Civil Service were not proportional to their number and it was demanded that job vacancies should be advertised in Asian newspapers.
So can the civil service be called racist as they don’t advertise in Irish Newspapers or Polish newspapers or Australian?
The whole damn thing is completely bonkers pandering to a bunch of moaning minis who want the world to bend over backwards for them.
Go live quietly with the same rules we live by and try to be happy rather than constantly whining.
Wouldn’t Yousaf, speaking in Parliament, be covered by parliamentary privilege?
Sounds like there needs to be an immediate juidicial enquiry into why rich or otherwise influential/powerful people are being exempted from this law while ordinary people are not.
@ republicofscotland, Ash Denham (Regan) is no longer in the SNP. Just sayin’
“it’s being applied to opposition politicians but not to those in the government, which is pure banana-republic stuff.”
Of course. It’s both a McCarthyite purge and carte blanche for narcissists.
As Cardinal Richelieu of the French Revolution said and I paraphrase :”give me any text and I will find something in it to hang the author of it”.
This is exactly how the Act is supposed to work. I find your post offensive and my perception matters so I shall hang you for it.
Stuart wrote: “On top of all the other huge issues with it, it’s difficult to see how this burning, crippled, bullet-riddled radioactive shambles of an act can limp on even as far as the end of the week without detonating whatever tiny shards of remaining credibility this wretchedly incompetent impersonation of a government has left and scattering them to the wind.”
But they’re doing a very good job of portraying Scotland as not being capable of running our own affairs, aren’t they?
In all seriousness I am struggling to see how a proud Scottish Nation have voted for these clowns. They are public servants supposedly representing their electorate, but due to their incompetence have decided they know better. However, in the end it will all be the fault of Westminster
There is very little time for Police Scotland to extricate themselves from this discriminatory leglisation. I said some time ago that the consequences of it would be an order of magnitude greater than the Miners Strikes in the collapse of public trust. So does it have to be me that writes to the Presiding Officer for a recall of Parliament? How about Murdo Fraser? Or the Conservatives as the official opposition party? At last we are World Class leaders in something reducing the Nation to a laughing stock.
I think you have to throw yourself into the same category Stuart. They are not going to go after you because you are equally high profile.
So where does this leave us, the nobodies?
We are the ones at risk, under threat. If your name is big enough the law does not apply. Anyone else is going to be made an example of.
This is pretty much what they hoped to achieve. The chilling of free speech…
Who in their right-mind will vote for any of the right-on cretins associated with this foolishness? Expect a flurry of P45s and expensively dressed new-claimants at the Job Centres post GE.
If this happened in Russia they’d call it “breakdown of the rule of law.”
But it’s not happening in Russia so that’s alright then.
Siobhan Brown is another thick woke Anglo woke cuckoo. Many of them seem to have flocked to Scotland to shit our nest with their woke globalist drivel.
We should arrange a mass pis stake of the whole thing by wearing The Taggart parody T Shirt “There’s been a misgender in Maryhill “ ( and variants), every weekend in every city and town in Scotland till. It stops. Maybe we should show the rape and murder rate on women by trans criminals and the number of trans actually harmed.
This really is a disgraceful situation. It really is. What kind of ridiculous corrupt wee country has Scotland become under useless? The government minister does NOT even understand the new law, AND to make things even worse, aspects are applied ONLY to opposition politicians but not members of the SNP.
I mean seriously, WTF? The SNP and their gender obsessed ‘greenies’ have made Scotland a global laughing stock.
The police are now swamped with thousands of silly vexatious complains of ‘hate’, and some poor individual police officers then need to decide if this silly law applies, and how, and then they alone seemingly decide if a person has a ‘non-crime’ hate incident recorded against them.
What right thinking government would ever bring out such poorly worded legislation? It is like no grown-ups actually read it before voting for it.
My goodness what a mess. What an utter, utter shambles.
Must say, I despie Tories with a passion, but I do hope Murdo Fraser takes these SNP clowns to the f****** cleaners.
@ Stoker
” But they’re doing a very good job of portraying Scotland as not being capable of running our own affairs, aren’t they? ” . Yip .
Can this really be just a case of ” unintended consequences ” ?
It’s unquestionably the case that since the Sturgeon period the SNP have become – ahem ….* progressively * more deranged , with a series of ever-more lunatic policies which seem designed to inflict immeasurable damage on Scotland n by association the case for Independence .
I personally know plenty of people who previously were – broadly – sympathetic to Scottish Independence , maybe not gung-ho shoe-ins to vote YES ( if the opportunity ever arose ! ) but certainly persuadable , who say they are much less inclined to do so now . Even people who voted YES in the referendum are expressing doubt , in some cases saying they reckon they/we dodged a bullet by losing the it .
This is the sole * achievement * of the Post-Salmond SNP .
And it doesn’t matter how often people like ourselves tell others that the SNP would in all likelihood fade away or break into smaller factions and new Parties arise after Independence , the perceptual damage is done . They see these clowns insulting our intelligence on a daily basis and fucking-up the country in a host of brain-crushingly stupid ways and think …..” these are the types of people that will be in/around Government even if we’re Independent ” and conclude Independence is ” not for them ” .
It’s very difficult to think this degree of socio/political carnage is just the result of incompetents and fanatic ideologues being in positions of power/influence ; those two can do a lot of damage for sure , but THIS much ? I seriously doubt it .
It’s said ” Misery loves Company ” , to which we might add ” Power loves Idiocy “
Money talks. It always has.
The Police have walked right into a hornets nest with this shit.
They’ve only just recently clawed back some street cred & positive public relations & they go & risk it all with this dogs dinner of a policy.
No one should be above the law & questions need asked why the law doesn’t apply to two individuals. What special dispensation do they have? Not just a written letter to Murdo.
This was always going to be a complete farce. Thier quest to rush through this bullshit before they’re jettisoned from office.
I didn’t think they could top Isla for cackhanded fuckwittery but I was wrong..LOL
Why does Scotland have so many foreigners in its government, I’ve lived in a few countries and they were all indigenous representatives acting for the people as they know what it is to be born and bred there, these clowns know nothing of being Scottish, GTTF!
I am getting really fucked off with this seemingly relentless stream of pish and shite relating to genderwoowoo taking up so much of our “government’s” time and taxpayers’ money.
There are so many other important matters that surely warrant higher priority, and just let existing laws deal with actions and behaviours that are deemed to cross a line.
And talking of streams of pish and shite… If the Greens really gave a flying fuck about environmental matters then they should be kicking up a storm about why in this day and age we are still pumping huge amounts of effluent into our Scottish rivers.
My local broken sewer saga is ongoing and will be for many weeks to come because the contingencies put in place are a joke.
SEPA are clearly covering Scottish Water’s arse and won’t even come out to sample the stillwater watercourse for effluent toxicity after Scottish Water continued to pump around 50,000 gallons of effluent into it over 3 weeks after being told about the broken pipe.
It’s obvious there has been a significant pollution incident and you’d think the Scottish Environment Protection Agency would at least be interested in accessing the situation if for no other reason than a study of the pollution incident and how it has affected the ecology of the watercourse.
Zero fucks are given though.
A private company has been contracted in and has a tanker in attendance 24/7 for 7 weeks at a cost of thousands of pounds a day because a load of rules and regulations stop a couple of guys putting on a pair of waders and gauntlets and installing a temporary fix to the broken sewer pipe using a couple of slip joints and ten foot of twin wall pipe.
So rather than spending a couple of hundred quid on parts and a few hours work, it looks like hundreds of thousands of pounds are being spent instead which is still actually causing a degree of ongoing pollution.
This is because the tanker crew are trying to collect the effluent the village produces, but they have been instructed to only collect the “lights” fluid from the small pumping chamber which only holds about 300 gallons and sometimes fills quickly in as little as 10 minutes. This means they need to fire up the lorry engine and be out day and night to suck up a few hundred gallons, instead of just lifting a full tanker load of 2500 gallons from the much larger “heavies” chamber to take away.
The much larger heavies tank holds 7500 gallons so easily has the capacity to hold all the effluent produced when the tanker is away for an hour unloading. But the instructions to only collect from the small capacity lights chamber means that when the tanker leaves to empty, the small pumping chamber can fill within ten minutes and the pumps kick in and it starts to pump the effluent into the wrong watercourse till the tanker returns…
FFS, just have the tanker attend twice a day and lift a couple of full 2500 gallon tanker loads out of the large heavies chamber and they wouldn’t need to be in 24 hour on site attendance and still continuing at times to pump effluent into the wrong watercourse.
‘Rowling made her comments from outwith the country. As I recall the opinion suggested the Act would not bite in such a case.
Hence maybe why they’re not treating that as criminal, nor as a “
If so , an interesting interpretation; since their actual (rather than their fancied) jurisdiction goes no further than the borders of Scotland I suspect it will make no difference whatsoever
That this isn’t the worst bit of law that Yousaf and his chums are pursuing is quite remarkable; but their plans for jury trial majorities are even worse.
3 days in and there’s already enough “precedent” for even a rookie solicitor to use to challenge literally any hate incident report anyone receives. And the possibility of police harassment as well, how absolutely lovely.
Sturgeon/Humza, Trudeau, Zelensky, Biden, Johnson/Truss/Sunak, Ardern, Morrison, Scholz, Von der Leyen, Macron and their underlings and successors.
Quite a list to all be in power at the same time.
What a car crash interview by India Willoughby on the nine. For the record India Willoughby is a man. As a law abiding white male with no convictions, no speeding fines ,no parking fines, combat service veteran and unknown to me any non hate crime incidents. I am safe I am not part of the targeting of white working class males aged 18 to 30.
As I understand it to be, it is NOT who utters what is deemed offensive and hate inspired, it is who perceives that they are offended and subsequently reports it as a hate crime that the Police must act to investigate. If Rowling and Yousaf have not been reported as transgressors they have no case to answer. If the opposite is the case then this is being applied as a control mechanism over what is and what is not acceptable commentary.
Anyone who wants to test the law in real life as opposed to online, be in Edinburgh on Saturday outside the RSA for 1pm. Certain statements will be shouted in unison by the crowd.
Apparently, “hate crime officers” will be mingling. Gosh, what will they be disguised as,I wonder? Big red furry knobs?
Thing is. Anglo Ally just admitted all Sevco fans will break the rule on Sunday. Yet not one will be arrested including the tartan ("Tractor" - Ed) himself. These are the very people we actually need action taken against.
Yet for 100 years nothing has ever been done about the Orange Order, Sevco and the other Irish, Catholic hating mob.
It seems it’s acceptable to have a club in Scotland who’s very existence and fan base which revels in bigotry breathing amongst us. Sevco are universally despised by every other fan base,and for legitimate reasons, not bigoted ones. But somehow they just carry on.
“Wouldn’t Yousaf, speaking in Parliament, be covered by parliamentary privilege?”
Holyrood doesn’t have Parliamentary privilege.
Please can someone wake me up when Scotland finally comes out of the nuthouse and returns to its once sane, common sense mentality that it was once famed for.
The numbers of activists filing complaints, and the fact that they were outnumbered by ordinary folks complaining about the first minister, and that total of 4000 after three days, actually tells us something chilling. There are hardly any of these noisy infants, who have infected every aspect of Scottish society over a small number of years. We have been terrorised into silence (almost) by a handful of a*rs*holes.
This is what happens when activists drafts laws instead of politicians. As much as people have negative opinions of politicians, especially career ones, we do need to have people elected who know what they’re doing otherwise we end up like this. Activism is fine but at some point you have to compromise when you’re in power as you’re governing for everyone, even the people who didn’t vote for you or even despise you. People are not in power to act purely for activist groups or worse, act as if they’re first year uni students with limited life experiences.
TRA’s clearly expected Rowling to be nicked. That’s not going to happen. Neither will Yousef. So the question is who will be the first person dragged through the legal system for something similar to what Rowling and Yousef were being reported from? I see Rowling’s said she’ll financially support anyone arrested for ‘misgendering’ which makes me think nobody will be as there’s no way Police Scotland or the Prosecutor Fiscal are going to risk being an international laughing stock further than they already are.
Which leaves me to think that a few people will go through the process to try to show its working but two days in the law’s been exposed for a badly drafted and carried out mess that really should result in resignations but it won’t.
Oh dear, the rancid SNP hoisted by their own petard intended to silence opposition to their gender woo-woo nonsense.
But not as sad as the narcissists inundating Plod with tales of their having being affronted by the alleged behaviour of others.
I’ve just finished a pack of Beef Flavour Space Raiders and looked at the back. There is a picture of a space raider called a Giant Gruber (Home planet: Zouch. Habitat: Forests & Caves. Favourite snack: Astroturf Grazed Bovine & Beef Space Raiders). I kid you not, it is the spit and image of the Hate Monster.
In Humza Yousaf’s Scotland, everything will be policed except actual crime.
The tyre-fire that is Police Scotland is going to burn and burn and burn. Yet another institution that could have spoken up against being weaponised for political purposes but choose to align themselves with privilege. Oh dear.
Campbell Clansman @ 10.45pm They are feverishly amending the act as we speak to add a clause that says ‘Except Humza Yousaf.’
Another car crash interview to report on. Cameron Greer the basic concept is young people know everything. A day with my grandchildren would absolutely waste him. They are the future not him.
JK Rowling has said that if any woman gets into trouble for calling a man a man, she will repeat the comments and stand with her. She isn’t going anywhere.
Apparently Neil Hanvey been phoned regarding hate crime allegations. They had to, apparently, is that because he an MP, or high profile? Or is Stu just always right?
Alba has a petition to drop the bill.
The Scottish Hate Crime bill is even more reason for Scotland to gain its independence from Westminster parliaments Sovereignty Claims.
For it was the Sovereign that gave consent & Royal Assent for this hate crime bill to pass in Scotland,
Otherwise it would not be,
It was the rolled down from Westminster legislation and Statue laws of the “Scotland Act” that the Scottish devolution governance exists,
We do not have a Scottish parliament, we have two tier legislation system commanding Scots from Westminster.
If Scotland had its own parliament the treaty of union would immediately be no more,
And Scots would not need to beg Westminster parliament for a referendum to be independent,
The hate crime bill against Scots given Sovereign Royal assent that seek independence voices is to stymie free Speech in Scotland.
The devolution governance is a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing,
Westminster passes laws for England, Scotland and N Ireland,
Westminster passes separate laws for England than for Scotland.
Westminster passed laws ( scotland Act) for a semi devolved parliament to be present for management purposes of and in Scotland , Wales and N Ireland, that passes secondary tier laws over Scotland,
Westminster has not passed laws for England to have a parallel devolved Government over England.
Westminster is the sole parliament of England’s Countries governance.with a single set tier of laws.
The three other Countries that make up Britain have double laws imposed upon them through Westminster acts of parliament which again invested in itself through acts of Westminster parliament a claim to Sovereignty.
The Scottish devolution parliament is the Wolf in Sheep’s clothing.
Didn’t realise Yousaf is famous – infamous yes, but famous? What for?
Does it matter when the comments were made is it not more important when the complainant read them?
For example I only saw Humza’s ‘white, white, white’ rant on the 1st April after the law came into force?
“if even the minister in charge of it hasn’t the FIRST idea what it says.”
I think you meant hasn’t the FAINTEST idea.
Yousaf’s comments were made before the Act came into force. It is fairly clear the Act is not retrospective.
Rowling’s comments were made after, but from outside Scotland.
We need clarity on that.
If Craig Murray is right, Rowling’s comments were published in Scotland when anyone in Scotland read them.
As the Rev. Stuart Campbell has proved, Rowling’s comments MUST be recorded as a non-crime hate incident by Police Scotland under the Act.
What is Police Scotland’s explanation for them not recording Rowling’s comments as a non-crime hate incident?
1. Because the comments were made outside Scotland?
2. Because calling “women” with penises men, no matter how much that hurts the feelings of the poor souls, is neither a criminal hate incident nor a non-crime hate incident?
3. Because there is one law for the rich and famous, and another one for the plebs?
4. Because Scotland is now officially a Police state and a Banana colony?
I hope Murdo Fraser carries out his threat to sue Police Scotland and J K Rowling stands by her words, which I believe she will.
If the Act is repealed within a month or two, the SNP-Green government has to fall.
But no matter what, the government will not fall because Scotland is now a banana colony where even the colonial master’s government has a wee bit more credibility.
Wait minute Humza’s ‘white, white, white’ rant is a racist hate crime which was covered before 1st April.
The YT “BlackBeltBarrister has already got a few videos up inc a discussion on JKR.
This insanity will be the downfall of not just the SNP but of the Scottish Parliament itself.
Already the insanity is attracting coverage across the globe with it being covered extensively in the press and TV across America. Elon Musk and the politico Steve Bannon have also commented as the country becomes an international laughing stock.
And Police Scotland and the legal system of Scotland how will it come out in the laughing stock contest. And this is only the beginning.
The Dumbo Scottish Parliament were given the rope and they will hang by it.
And lastly, a You Gov poll released today predicts that at a UK GE the SNP would be down to 19 seats. Me, I think it will be much less, if not wipe out.
@ Dan 9.09pm Dan SEPA just like the ones they are supposedly overseeing Scottish Water, are just another quango with a jobs for the boys jobs creation scheme,I believe the heads of all these quangos, SEPA ,Scottish Water,Caledonian MacBrayne and many others are either deliberately making a total clusterfuck of our services to ensure that private enterprise can be introduced citing incompetence without challenge, OR they really are fuckwits that haven’t a clue which begs the question how did they get their jobs
It is a revolving door with all these CEO’s, CFO’s, Directors, and heads of departments irrespective of whether it is in the private or public sector, no matter how much incompetence these clowns show in their positions they somehow manage to secure comparable positions elsewhere
Media Reports that the CEO of Calmac has resigned due to a decision of a “review of the executive leadership of the organisation” HaHahaHa “leadership” yer at the windup, Millions of pounds WASTED of taxpayers money and continuously altering the specification requirement during the builds, DELIBERATELY ignoring an approach by a maritime expert Alf Baird and an Australian Scot shipbuilder with world class renowned experience promising to SAVE taxpayer money and time on PROVEN ship and ferry designs, THAT LEADERSHIP!!!
The whole board of CALMAC should be SACKED for gross incompetence and the misery they have INFLICTED on the people who desperately need reassurance that their ferry service WORKS
“The horrible thing about the two minute hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that it was impossible to avoid joining in.”
I think if one thing will unite Scots it’s this. Humza is the uniting factor. Every clown show he does seals the fate of the lot of them.
What I don’t understand is how the police decided that Humza Useless was innocent of any hate crime ,in JK Rowling’s situation they may have had a getout
BUT as evidenced by the clip above by the clown siobhian There has been a statutory offence of incitement to racial hatred since 1965 so why wasn’t that used to determine if Humza had committed a race crime
@ willie says: 4 April, 2024 at 12:46 am
Police Scotland and the legal system of Scotland how will it come out in the laughing stock contest
I thought they won the laughing stock contest years ago when they convicted the wrong man for the Lockerbie terrorist outrage.
TBQH, I didn’t think they had any way back after that miscarriage, so nothing that has happened since has surprised me too much.
There’s a puff piece about conscription on the BBC Online this morning:
It’s thought provoking, certainly, even if it might be wearing rose-tinted glasses.
Still, it made me think. Spend a couple of years learning some possibly useful life skills, or die of a hopeless opioid overdose on some sink estate? To me, it’s a no-brainer, but I fully understand others may disagree.
I also think the people of Eastern Europe could teach Scottish Indy supporters a thing or two about what really matters:
“We have lost our independence and freedom once and we don’t want to lose it again. They say that you only understand freedom and what it means when you don’t have it.”
These people will fight for their freedom. What will we do? It seems not very much.
It is so funny. Yousless totally torpedoed his own Hate Bill with his unquestionably racist WHITE! speech.
The point he claims he was making is non existent. Scotland is 96% white so it makes perfect sense most people in the top jobs are white. Perfect sense.
Yousless was essentially creating an issue out of thin air and then using to go an anti-white racist diatribe that had zero logical, moral or statistical sense.
Instead it was fueled entirely by his own racist views about white people. The mere fact they are running their own country is disgusting to him (and Sarwar). The way he spat out WHITE! like is was a dirty word. Try saying that about Brown or Black people if you are WHITE!
I honestly believe that behind closed doors Yousless and Sarwar are quietly anti-white. That is why Sarwar went out of his way to try to bail Yousless out by repeating his racist rant verbatim. Instead he has only revealed himself as an anti-white racist as well.
And they are. Which makes Police Scotland’s job impossible from the get-go as there is no way those craven cowards at Police Scotland are going to actually apply the law to them. So how can they now apply it to anyone without people noticing the blatant two tier system… they can’t. Ha ha ha.
It is hilarious SNP incompetence on yet again a massive, global stage. As has been pointed out this is making headlines all over the world, with people mocking Scotland and its ass of a law.
Scotland, the asshole of the global legal system.
Been coming for a long time now and it has finally arrived.
@ Shitey McShiteface
” I also think the people of Eastern Europe could teach Scottish Indy supporters a thing or two about what really matters: ”
What , like how to send upwards of 500,000 of your young men to be slaughtered in a war on behalf of the Yankee Dollar ?
You can fuck-off with your imbecilic warmongering pish .
It’s has been the strategy of choice for the Ruling Class – of any country , UK in particular – when they themselves have fucked the Economy creating mass unemployment , social deprivation and a narrowing of choices to start pounding the drums of War and rhapsodise on the * benefits * of Conscription Join the Army/Navy/RAF , avoid criminality ,learn a trade , see the world , get your body blown into inert lumps of flesh n bone – YEA !
Where have you been up to now Mr Shiteface ? Hiding your shite under a bushel in a dimly-lit cellar maybe ? What a loss , all that wasted time when you could have be sharing your brilliant insight into Scotland’s problems and your genius-level solution ie….
….encourage our young people – unable to find affordable housing in the communities they grew-up in – or anywhere else , competing for work in a saturated market , quality job opportunities harder to come by – to join a foreign army to fight a foreign * enemy * in a foreign country . An * enemy * the Ruling Class has conjured out of thin air and/or deliberately provoked into becoming such .
Once again …..take your shit-stirring propaganda and ram it n fuck-off from whence you crawled
Ahh the Scottish legal system… the global ass.
And at the very centre of that legal arsehole, sits the black hole, the black hole at the heart of the brown hole if you like, Lady D in all her magnificence, sitting upon her giant shit stained toilet, with Woman H crouched at one of her feet and David Harvie curled up (much like a turd) at the other.
Isn’t it a truly wonderful and awesome vision. Scotland is so lucky to have them. They are doing such good work.
As for Police Scotland, well the comparisons to the trouble era RUC and the police of apartheid South Africa have been made and they are very valid.
What a wonderful cocktail to go with a wonderful Bill. I am sure it wont be used for malicious reasons at all, noooooooo.
The above of course is an artist’s depiction. As you can’t actually see Lady D anymore as light is too scared to escape her surface due to multiple gagging orders.
The black hole at the heart of the brown hole rolls on… gosh what could be next.
“Let’s get rid of juries!”
Oh yes! another brilliant idea from Team Asshole, sounds completely legit as well given their ‘track record’ of ethical and above-board dealings, just ask the Ranger’s liquidators.
These are all things that are converging like a noose around our necks.
The outcome seems inevitable. Activists file hate reports against anyone they don’t like or simply don’t agree with their ideas. Nobody knows it has been done to them, but if they ever apply to work in the public sector, with children or a position of trust in the law or other body, they get ‘flagged’ in required background checks.
Over the course of a decade, only party members get jobs that have influence and control. Everyone else is excluded. The state is captured and anyone not aligned with the a particular view is gradually edged out of civil society. And if they get uppity, suddenly it is leaked that they have a history of ‘hate crime’ and are under investigation.
I can believe the SNP would come up with such a terrible law. I can’t believe the UK government can just stand by and watch the human rights of the population stolen. Unless they predict it will crash and burn on its own when people finally realise what has been done to them.
twathater @ 2:12 am
“Millions of pounds WASTED of taxpayers money and continuously altering the specification requirement during the builds, DELIBERATELY ignoring an approach by a maritime expert Alf Baird and an Australian Scot shipbuilder with world class renowned experience promising to SAVE taxpayer money and time on PROVEN ship and ferry designs, THAT LEADERSHIP!!!”
Yes indeed, and based on any reasoned analysis of the shipping industry it can only be deliberate. The problem as we know is that there are too many mediocre unionist ‘elites’ still driving what passes for ferry policy (and other holyrood policies) onto the rocks, intentionally making Scotland look hopeless and ungovernable at all levels.
This of course feeds into a colonized peoples ‘dependency complex’. Lets remember that “the crushing of the colonized is included among the colonizer’s values…and keeps him in servitude” (Memmi):
As you mention, the internationally renowned Scottish ferry designer Dr. Stuart Ballantyne and his team offered their services and should have been recruited to start building in Scotland the 50+ ferries Scotland badly needs, all based on his proven globally competitive designs. Stuart has just been appointed to do this in another former British colony – Fiji – adding to a long list of successes in supplying his proven ferry designs to many other ex colonies over the past 30+ years, including New Zealand and Australia.
His offer to help his fellow Scots still stands but the SNP UK-Scottish Government aye insists on appointing mediocre unionists wha dinnae ken hee haw aboot specifying ferries or onything else tae it seems, intentionally trashing Scotland’s reputation and thwarting development here. Scandalous, yes, tho we might also understand that colonialism is a crime, and a protection racket, ongoing for ower 300+ year in oor case.
Debatable lands.
That’s because it’s the UK government who are implementing it.
You don’t think the SNP thought this crap up on their own do you?
This crap is a mirror to what England & Wales have recently implemented themselves.
Next up is killing off pensioners. How exciting.
Theres never been a better time to break Holyrood/Westminster & to vote independent candidates. The yoons are all the same & the SNP has morphed into Yoon since Salmond left.
Interesting! What was your “handle” prior to 1st April.
Was it John Main?
*scrub “pensioners” & replace with terminally ill.
My mistake. I forgot it’ll have no age limit. Sheesh..
As far as I can tell there is no legal requirement for an employer, whether in the public or private sector, outside of specific roles to either check or not check an applicants criminal record.
Given the poor workers rights and weak union representation we have here in the UK that means any employer can do criminal record checks as part of recruitment process.
Police Scotland has publicly said they are going to investigate every hate crime. The reality is that isn’t going to happen because it simply isn’t possible given the number of complaints that the legislation has produced.
The only way I can see this getting done is through filtering where either through manual and computer automation, real hate crimes are found and investigated.
If correct, what happens to the means that are filtered out? Does that mean they are recorded as a non-crime hate incident which goes on an individuals record?
I work for a large private sector company and it is really woke. You just need to turn on the telly or read the news and see how woke the whole of the private sector is.
With this legislation, it means a lot of people are potentially going to have a criminal record and what is stopping these woke private sector companies or being pressurised by activists into using criminal record checks as part of recruitment processes to weed out individuals who have non-crime hate incidents recorded against them?
It might sound great that bigots, racists and far-right scumbags get barred from employment. Isn’t that what the supporters of this bill is saying that if you aren’t bigot, racist or far-right then you have nothing to worry about?
The problem is that the ambiguity of what determines a hate crime and how complaints came be made anonymously makes it dangerous where anyone can potentially be victim, even those who thinks it will never happen to them.
Lol. Well said.
404 were slaughtered thanks to Bojo Biden.
A peace treaty was on the table.
*No NATO expansion.
*Stop ethnic cleansing Russian communities.
*Remain neutral
Rejected by BoJo the clown. Nuland handing out cookies to a coup. 404s cost them absolutely nothing. Use them.
Now they’ll lose territory. Oops!
Aye, we can learn. Don’t listen to fuckwit colonisers looking to loot the spoils. Get them tae fck from any negotiation table. They’re exactly the same as they were over 300 yrs ago.
Ah well done Humza. Congratulations.
You have finally put Scotland on the map. Commentators are now laughing about this crazy Scottish law all over the planet. Real news time. What a joke. Well done, Humza, you have certainly raised your international profile considerably.
Unfortunately, you have made fools of us all in the process. Scotland’s shame. You just know what will now come up in any conversations you have with people you meet from other countries. Scotland already labelled as a Green Woke mad house. Prepare yourselves.
People are currently protected by specific laws on the basis of:
race (and related characteristics)
sexual orientation
transgender identity
This Bill adds age to that list and allows sex to be added at a later date.
The Bill creates a new crime of stirring up hatred against any of the protected groups covered by the Bill.
The Bill also abolishes the offence of blasphemy which has not been prosecuted in Scotland for more than 175 years.
All this bill has done is add ‘age’ to the list and abolish blasphemy.
Why the need to wait to add sex?
The other aspect of Yousless’s WHITE! speech is what about all the people in the various top jobs (at the time) he made the speech.
He went through that list of people, real people, and spat out WHITE! after each one, suggesting they were not in the position based on merit and hard work, but that they were in the position based on the colour of their skin.
That is deeply offensive, insulting and possibly defamatory IMHO. It is certainly racially aggravated.
Why is one specific race being brought in here at all, like it is somehow remarkable most jobs in a 96% white country are done by WHITES!. That is the odd thing here, that is is being raised at all.
The only thing that is actually remarkable here is the way race was crowbarred into that Yousless speech.
This is clearly a cheap race hustle, race baiting, Jessie Jackson style stuff, but it is also deeply insulting and offensive to all the people in the positions he listed and the people of Scotland.
I would say any one of them specifically listed would have very valid grounds to make a complaint to the Police and/or pursue it in the courts. Yousless individually and specifically, one by one, besmirched everyone of them in that speech, in addition to the people of Scotland.
It was a truly extraordinary outburst by Yousless.I would say what was he thinking but I don’t think he really does thinking.
Yousless and Sarwar, a couple of silver-spoon in their mouth race grifters, trying to make out they are the victims in this oppressive WHITE! country… they must think people button up the back.
People should be rightly angry about those speeches. Really outrageous, offensive and insulting.
And above all, clearly, they are stirring up hate against one specific race and whole list of specific people.
I’ve posted here previously in support of WOS, even though I disagree with the politics. This is (still) a democracy and dissenting voices must be heard.
However, while the majority of posters offer interesting responses to articles (and many I find unconvincing) there are a few who blame all the Scottish government idiocy on ‘Westminster ‘. For God’s sake. If you espouse such weak arguments it devalues your credibility. The Scottish government was elected by Scots and not the English. We’ve got enough problems with our own nutjobs down here to worry about yours.
Salmond was a powerful advocate for Independence. Sturgeon was/ is a criminal. Up to this point she has managed to align with her peculiar values, almost all of Scottish civil society. Her creature, the IQ challenged Yousaf, merely acts out her vision.
Face it, Scotland – you elected these people. More than once. Take responsibility. Or Independence really isn’t going to happen.
Twathater @ 02.12
Absolutely demoralising that the SNP devolved administration deliberately and wilfully turned their backs on the willing availability of messrs Ballantyne & Baird to be involved in the Ferry construction.
To shun this type of proven expertise, available just for the asking, is a prime demonstration of the type of folly in which the administration appear to have specialised since 2014.
Mike Chisholm says:
3 April, 2024 at 10:09 pm
Please can someone wake me up when Scotland finally comes out of the nuthouse and returns to its once sane, common sense mentality that it was once famed for.
Hi Mike,
When was Scotland last famed for “its once sane, common sense mentality”?
I have lived in Scotland for a very long time, and I don’t recognise that in all my time.
And another thing…
This farcical ‘legislation’ is being ignored by the police in re recording ‘non-crime hate incidents’. We are told that Yousaf and Rowling will not face proceedings or NCHI recording. However, while this is phrased as pretty much an amnesty for these two people there is no indication of the allegation/s they have faced so far. It is perfectly possible that other valid allegations exist but potential complainants have no way of knowing whether ‘THEIR’ incident has been considered and rejected. (I am not suggesting they have committed any such incident, by the way).
Additionally surely EVERY person who has been made subject of a complaint must now be told;
That such complaint/s have been made and
The nature of the complaint/s and
The outcome of police deliberations
And ,where appropriate, confirmation given that no NCHI has been registered against them.
Otherwise one might almost think preferential treatment is being given to public figures.
Who’d be a policeman in Scotland ?
Disability hate crime isn’t something new.
So people who have posted about others ‘learning disability’ and mocking their ‘tourettes’ have committed a hate crime.
Maybe there will be more than one person changing their user name.
I bet people with disabilities would rather the police did something about the fraudulent use of disabled parking spaces and toilets than policing name calling.
Also not having the choice of which sex their carer is, Work Capability Assessments, politicians claiming to be disabled, money being spent on blokes to have plastic surgery rather than on helping someone to walk.
@ Geri
‘That’s because it’s the UK government who are implementing it.’
I know some people need to blame everything on Westminster, but really, not this time. In England & Wales hate is either a crime or not a crime.
Scotland now has law for clypes. You can just denounce people and their card will be marked forever. Doesn’t even have to be true.
Jury free trials with state ‘filtered’ judges next.
Lee Floyd
Sure. Can you point to the section in the SNP manifesto where Self-ID, Hate Crime, Juryless trials & assisted dying is? Ta…
Robert Hughes. 8.02am.
Well said.
JK Rowling is not guilty of anything. The truth can never be hate or anything else.
What Yousless and Sarwar said however is not a factual statement. It was a racially motivated screed that made no sense at all other than to try to demonize white people and suggest there was something sinister about most jobs being done by WHITES! in a 96% white country.
That speech was designed to stir up hate against WHITES! by suggesting there was something racist about them being in their job.
It was a classic Yousless production, theatrical, lazy, and not thought through, and it betrayed the casual, anti-white sentiments that he (and Sarwar) clearly harbour.
If they are so confident there is nothing wrong with their speeches, I dare them to make them again.
This is the maddest irony. That the two sponsors of the Hate Bill, Yousless and Sarwar combined were rightfully the two most reported people after it was enacted.
Unlike JK Rowling though they are guilty. The only thing saving them IMHO is it was before April 1st.
And these are the clowns who inflicted this abomination of a Bill upon us… you could not make it up.
Lee Floyd @ 9:41 am
“The Scottish government was elected by Scots and not the English.”
The Manichean reality within a colonial society means the situation is a little more complicated than this. As Frantz Fanon explained:
“We have seen that inside the national parties, the will to break colonialism is linked with another quite different will: that of coming to a friendly agreement with it.”
In addition to a clearly compromised political class, an annexed Scotland also suffer a situation where thousands of civil servants managing and implementing policy in Scotland and controlling its institutions, including the media, are all tasked with protecting the ‘Union’; i.e. protecting the mother country’s (England) economic and strategic interests.
In this sense ‘devolution’ is merely a form of ‘indirect rule’, i.e. it is still colonialism; much as we see in the introduction of oppressive laws, especially whenever ‘colonialism is imperiled’, and in an unwillingness to develop the Scottish economy or the people in their own interest; meantime the plunder and racket (e.g. offshore energy, freeports etc etc etc) continues.
Message received loud and clear from our elected politicians. You have nothing but contempt for the people of Scotland. You have tried and failed to control us with your mindless progressivism. Failed lawyer Sturgeon’s SNP is rapidly sinking in the perilous ground of the Hate Crime farce, stuck fast already and will be sucked under entirely.
Your sanctimonious and self-righteous absurd beliefs you think others must have i.e. the deviant, fetishistic and downright dangerous woke and “ trans “ ideology will never prevail, besides which all moralists are nasty little bastards. “ The categorical refusal to believe in absurdities is an indispensable step in the fight to defend liberty.” We can’t wait to get rid of as many SNP candidates at the next election.
Delighted to see you back Stuart, it fair cheered me up. The more they try to silence you, the more I will contribute to every fundraiser. Made me think of this quote from Robert the Bruce: “ You never make peace in a temporary truce. You retain the ability to resist.”
Mornin Lee
Your nutjobs are also our nutjobs unlike yourselves we don’t just have one ‘government’ we have two.
Are you arrogantly thinking that Westminster is uniquely an English government?
Who are these few who blame all Scottish government idiocy on ‘Westminster ‘? Did you just make that up?
One of Scotland’s governments was as you say elected by Scots (which I presume you mean the Scottish electorate and you are not referring to ethnicity) however our 2nd and main government was in fact elected by the English and not by Scots.
English = English electorate
Scots = Scottish electorate.
Lee are you prepared to take responsibility for all reserved matters?
Age Hate Crime
That one is confusing because everyone has an age.
Would an example of this be someone calling me a ‘wee lassie’ or a ‘silly old bat’?
What age are they talking about?
Would it be old age by any chance.
I bet the ‘old age’ folk will be less bothered about name calling and more concerned about how low their pension is and how high fuel bills are. They will also be concerned about what happened to the ‘old age’ folk during the pandemic, Waspi women’s pensions, very long wait for NHS hip replacements etc etc.
Maybe the age thing is about not allowing children to decide what sex they are not giving them puberty blockers.
I can’t help feeling this ‘Hate Crime Bill’ is really all about racism & transphobia.
Charles( not the R one) 10.01am.
“I have lived in Scotland for a very long time, and I don’t recognise that in all my time.”
If you dislike the Scottish people so much, then why have you lived here “for a very long time” ?
I posted this link a few days ago but I am reposting it in response to Mac. This should inform people on what these laws are really all about and what is coming down the pipe unless we do something and tell the NGO’s, charities, lobbyists, special interest groups and Non Profits etc which have bought our countries via greedy hoarding of key positions such as First Minister where to go.
The singling out of white males in the 18-30 age group was no accident. Do not just read the link, read up on the people involved and the positions they and their spouse hold. Do image searches to see who these organisations are actually made up of. The media fluffers are cousins of people who are married into the Trudeaus etc and who also support the wars none of us asked for or supported.
@Ruby and the other women on here, I also mentioned this but will repeat, look up attacks on white women within the feminist movement. White women are being targeted within the movement as privileged oppressors. It is out and out war on whites and it is going to get worse.
@Mac, there was an article in yesterdays Herald claiming that anyone who believes in Replacement Theory is a friend of Israel which is peculiar as whenever I look up the people advocating and implementing it they are staunch Zionists.
When well known politicians who have commented racial remarks against a nation of people for the colour of there skin, forwarding the suggestion that ” that” nation of over 90 % white nation should not be in powers of position in their own Country,
That is skin tone colour Racism,
However when Police Scotland openly make a statement and pre-judgement that DISCRIMINATES between those said racist comments not going on a Hate Crime record.
Then police Scotland have fallen fowl of the test of “incitement” between what (they) personally perceived and discriminated as a favoured group compared to the rest of the public, under the hate crime bill that is discrimination.
The police Scotland are “inciting” animosity and discrimination between two groups of people,
From article:
It looks like this Hate Crime Bill has opened up a whole can of worms?
Too right James Che on your comments about the police.
Very few people can now have any respect for them. Folks know that they are both politically biased and corrupt.
In any society this situation is utterly deplorable. One rule for one, and other rules for others they have become like the old apartheid police service of South Africa. And I say this as someone who has a commendation from many years ago for going to the aid of an officer in distress.
Times have changed and so have the police.
PacMan @ 11.28
Doubtless the ‘Law of Unintended Consequences’ is now starting to kick in and these patronising, prejudiced squawkers are horrified to start to discover just how unrepresentative their hard line woke views are of the general public.
Living and working, as they do, in an insulated bubble funded by the taxpayer and chattering only to each other they can have no conception of the daily, grinding misery and frustration of the ordinary Scot just struggling to get through each day.
Now, to their horror, they begin to discover that they themselves may the recipients of complaints about their own attitudes and behaviour.
Food prices to rise due to post-Brexit charges it begins at the end of this month. The treachrous SNP have the chutzpah to actually complain about this when Sturgeon could’ve saved us from Brexit but she sold us out to save the union.
“FOOD suppliers have warned of higher prices and empty supermarket shelves thanks to a new post-Brexit border charge being introduced at the end of the month.
Importers will have to pay up to £145 to bring small amounts of products such as cheese, salami and fish through the port of Dover or the Eurotunnel from April 30, according to guidance published on Wednesday.
The fee is intended to cover the cost of operating the border control posts introduced after Brexit, and will not apply to goods brought into the UK for personal use.”
“Steven Bonnar SNP MP said the UK is continually seeing new ways in which Brexit just doesn’t work.”
“Speaking to the BBC’s Good Morning Scotland, Community Safety Minister Siobhian Brown said a “fake” complaint had been submitted in her name.
“I was actually surprised myself on Monday to receive a call from Police Scotland about my complaint, so obviously this was a fake complaint that someone had done anonymously in my name and gave my office number,” she explained.”
I find it very hard to believe the above. Monday was Easter Monday and the Act had only come into force that day. Yet the Police had time to process it and phone Brown on Easter Monday morning. They had her office phone number – was she working that morning?
Personal opinions that are up for discussion under the freedom of Speech within the ECHR and Amnesty International on Women and Girls Rights,
What needs to be defined in law is the word Women and prefix trans,
Because that combination of words implies that it is Women that are going to trans. Not men or a man,
That would and could be challenging for men found in Women and Girls Spaces if they are not named by male sex or gender as the person going Across, or beyond in a change to pass over into a new identity as a Women,
The implications not to call them trans-men or trans-man, but a trans- Women would indicate they are already women that are going beyond being a women. To pass as something beyond being a women, to go across from being a Trans-Women.
It should place the pre-fix terminology “trans” before the word men or man to in be inclusive of men that are going to Go Across, to go beyond, to pass over. To Change. Into Women.
Other wise it legally implicates transwomen going across and beyond being in the (Catagory) of a women or ‘women’ and therefore not a Woman at all have transcended beyond the Stage of that lynch pin goal,
Women already transe’d from Girls to adult Women, secondly they then often transe’d again into a women with a entirely different name and status when they marry, thirdly after already transing twice a already trannse”d women will bodily trans again by growing and changing body shape to become a parent naturally by nature, women are continually Trans, until they trans into older women.
So women already have been transsing for thousands of years and they do not require a new titles.
Trans women should not require a prefix if they are already women, but a man that wants or feels emotionally that he wants to go across or go beyond being a man to being a Women should be entitled to add or use the terminology transman if men are in transition to become a woman,
It requires the law to define which is in the Actual the Tran-person man or women
If it is already women going beyond being a Women, a Women going across from being a Women, or a woman going past being a women or changing from woman to a third species then that does not make logical or legal sense if a male , man or men are still at the earlier stage to trans into Woman.
Men, man should not be left out if they want to trans into women and should be allowed to acknowledge that they are transmen going beyond being a man to become a Women, but not yet a women whom is a transwomen whom will be going to prevail beyond and across from being in the ” Women bracket Catagory”
As This would leave the man trans in their attempt to a transwomen outside and beyond and further across that of Women and girls spaces,
“White women are being targeted within the movement as privileged oppressors. It is out and out war on whites and it is going to get worse”
It is not only white they are attacking and trying to silence. They are also trying to silence older people – the more experienced and therefore wiser in society.
My greatest concern is that the objective might be to distract us with this crap so something else, even nastier, can be foisted on us while we are not watching.
I feel very, very uncomfortable after I have seen that Yousaf’s toxic law is nothing but a mirror reflection of legislation being forced through in England and Wales. There appears to be a concerted and disturbing effort to silence dissent across the entire UK, particularly from women and older people.
I feel even more uncomfortable after seeing that the apparent origin of this is the “Law Commission”, which is an England entity and which ultimately responds to the English monarch.
Bizarrely, all the focus on the press is on Scotland’s legislation and none on England’s when they are the same. Why is that? Why is Scotland being used as the escape goat to cover up for the fact that England’s politicians are forcing the exact same crap into England’s constitutional law?
Who is benefiting from this attempt to focus all the responsibility for this crap on Scotland’s politicians but none on England’s, when it is more likely than not that it is England where this shite originated from?
By the way, I do not think this shite originated at UK gov level but above. It that wasn’t the case, the UK gov would not have had to respond to or adopt “recommendations” from the Law Commission.
A quick look at the Law Commission shows that its Chair and commissioners are appointed by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice. The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice is appointed by the “sovereign” (the sovereign in Scotland is the people of Scotland and we most certainly did not appoint this individual).
A quick look at the responsibilities of the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice shows that among those, is “MoJ support for the Union”. Oh dear.
So, what is the legitimacy of this body, whose chair and commissioners are appointed by England’s Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State, who in turn is appointed by England’s “sovereign”, to “make recommendations” that somewhat find a way to be foisted into Scotland’s very own body of law?
There are many other questions that are crying for an urgent answer:
1. Given that the exact same toxic legislation is being imposed across the entire UK, where exactly is the origin of this legislation and what is its real purpose?
2. What entity in the UK or outside the UK came up with this shite? Who gave that entity the legitimacy to come up with this shite? Who gave that entity the legitimacy to spread it all over the UK?
3. What entity in the UK thought it was a good idea to impose it in the four nations of the UK separately rather than simply as UK legislation?
4. What entity in Scotland thought it was a good idea to foist this crap through the back door into Scotland’s constitutional law?
3. What legitimacy does the entity that decided to impose it across the whole UK have to dictate what should enter Scotland’s own constitutional body of law? Who gave that entity such legitimacy?
4. What is the real reason behind Yousaf and Sturgeon forcing this on us? Is it possible that, as the good UK establishment useful idiots they are, they had to do, on behalf of that entity, the dirty work of dragging this into Holyrood, keep SNP MPs and the public deliberately misinformed and then whip MPs to vote for this because the entity behind this crap legislation has no legitimacy itself to encroach in Scotland’s own body of constitutional law?
In other words, is it possible that this entity might be using Scotland’s executive power as its proxy to unlawfully manipulate Scotland’s constitutional law in violation of our Claim of Right?
5. If the monarch did not swore the oath in Scotland to be declared Scotland’s legitimate monarch, what legitimacy, if any, does an entity responding to the English monarch have in dictating what legislation should enter the body of Scotland’s constitutional law?
6. If such entity had the intention to impose this law across the entire UK, why wasn’t this piece of legislation simply not passed in the UK parliament and instead had to be passed in each parliament and enter the body of constitutional law of each of the 4 countries separately?
In other words, what exactly makes this particular law so special that cannot be repealed even if the UK ends?
7. Would it be because those who engineered this legislation are planning to impose on us something else that clashes with our actual constitutional law and therefore need for this crap to be included in Scotland’s body of constitutional law as a trojan horse first so our own legislation can “superseed” by this shite so there is no longer a clash with whatever it is this entity is planning to force on us next?
8. What are they assaulting our constitutional law by the back door for? What are they planning to force on us? And with what right and legitimacy?
9. Can anybody be 100% sure that when the pro-independence MSPs voted for this crap it was openly available to them that the identical parallel version in England was also in the pipeline?
10. Were they aware of which entity was forcing this on Scotland?
11. Were they aware that there might be a possibility they might have been used as proxies by and for the vested interests of an external entity which has no legitimacy to manipulate Scotland’s constitutional law?
12. Doesn’t manipulating Scotland’s constitution without the people of Scotland’s consent represent a direct violation of Scotland’s claim of right?
How many of us knew at the time our MSPs voted for this that this toxic law was a concerted and coordinated strategy across the entire UK, and worse, that is being foisted in the body of law of each of UK countries separately?
I admit I only found out after Ruby highlighted it here (thank you Ruby for raising awareness).
I am not excusing the MSPs. Hell mend them. As far as I am concerned it is their own responsibility to do more research and educate themselves in all the facts before attempting to manipulate Scotland’s constitutional law. As far as I am concerned, they are accountable for their mistakes.
But I am now wondering if an entity external to Scotland might have been unlawfully abusing our own executive and legislative powers to find its way into manipulating Scotland’s constitutional law for this entity and its owners’ foul interest.
There has to be a mechanism to sack MSPs if they are found to have been willingly aiding an external entity to unlawfully manipulate Scotland’s body of law. Such individuals do not belong in our parliament. They belong in jail.
So, Mr Yousaf and Ms Sturgeon, where did the idea of forcing this toxic hate legislation into Scotland’s body of law originated from? Who are you really working for?
I believe Humza’s Hate Crime bill is about just two things
‘Racism’ & ‘Transphobia’
The thing about racism in spite of all the laws ‘racism’ hasn’t gone away and the same is going to happen with ‘transphobia’
Stirring up racial hatred has been a crime since 1965.
My question is why was it necessary to bring in this law. Could it be the government did something that the population did not want?
Just wondering if the ‘white, white, white population did not want multi-culturalism and were forced to accept it or else.
Same question regarding ‘transphobia’. Have the government done something that the population do not want. Are we being forced to accept gender ideology or else.
This all just creates resentment which will never go away as is evidenced by racism still being a major problem.
You can’t legislate to make people accept policies forced upon them by politicians.
This is a good article by Michael Foran. I found this particularly interesting:
This included an amendment proposed by the then Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf:
Behaviour or material is not to be taken to be threatening or abusive solely on the basis that it involves or includes discussion or criticism of matters relating to transgender identity.
This prompted a backlash from trans rights activists that was virulent enough to leave Adam Tomkins, the then Justice Committee Convenor “a little afraid”. Yousaf quickly apologised and the amendments were pulled.
I wonder if Adam Tomkins is still afraid. Some suggested that he was after his appearance on STV.
Maybe he didn’t want a Kathleen Stock situation at Glasgow University with him losing his job.
When Humza suggested that amendment was he thinking about it from a Muslim point of view?
@Robert Hughes says: 4 April, 2024 at 8:02 am
take your shit-stirring propaganda and ram it n fuck-off from whence you crawled
OK, Mr Hughes, I promise to think about it.
OK, thought about it.
For somebody theoretically espousing a pacifist viewpoint, you have a remarkably aggressive and abusive style. Maybe you shouldn’t post before scoffing your breakfast to get your blood sugars sorted.
Here in Scotland, we have quite a history of warlike prowess. Both prior to the Union, afterwards during various rebellions, and lately (whisper it) as we provided the warriors who in many cases spearheaded Britain’s colonialist and imperialist expansion.
But let’s forget all that and pretend it never happened. Right now, our leaders have confirmed that if we ever vote for Indy, then we will be in the EU. That EU is in a pre-war state, and rapidly militarising and re-arming.
There is, of course, a debate to be had whether iScotland should get involved, but I don’t see iScotland, should we still aspire to be good Europeans in the EU, being given an opt-out, while the countries on the Eastern edge of the EU are facing an existentialist threat.
Your nihilist insistence that nothing is worth fighting for before you actually have it is logically absurd. But it perhaps explains why die-hard Indy supporters, resolutely sat on their behinds, nursing their principles to keep them intact, have never managed to deliver Indy.
One last thing. Young Scots could do worse than join up, and many of them are doing worse right now. But in one respect you are correct. Scots who think as negatively as you do would not be of much use to anybody or anything.
Aah, it’s good to know that rich people still have legal and political rights in this country, at least someone has. JK memeposting yesterday, everything short of YWNBAW; it should have had the radiohead track “you and whose army” for an accompaniment.
come on
come on
you think youll drive me crazy
Loved how the scot squad just completely shat it from someone with the means to defend themselves.
Is bombing someone a “hatecrime”?
– asking for a (jewish) friend.
I see the IDF bug-squashed 3 squaddies in a car – the last time the IRA did that the UK got a bit narked, but then there never was a “conservative friends of the IRA” with a mountain of blackmail material on all and sundry.
The BBC peddling the accident story – whatyougoonado? – you have to hand it to them, they have starmer, who is definitely their guy, and possibly sunak too; contrary to simplistic colour chart racialism, he is NOT a “p4ki” but instead a “poo” / “pajeet” / “apu” – and they are hindus, hate the muslims, and have had an understanding with israel in recent years. Sunak might be the first PM who knows how to fix your printer over the phone, an innovation.
I think the israelis are slipping up, the real classic thing to do would have been – blow them up with a missile, but have a second warhead which does not explode with the first, but only does so when any rescuers turn up. High IQ, of the master race.
Israel, you gotta love that “chuzpah” – WHY DO YOUZE GUYS KEEP PUTTING YOUER HOSPITALS IN DA WAY OF MY MISSILES? 26 times.
ASA has been a bit quiet of late, I hope he wasn’t dragged back in for “one final mission” – it’s such a cliche.
@Republicofscotland says:4 April, 2024 at 12:20 pm
Sturgeon could’ve saved us from Brexit but she sold us out to save the union
Did she though?
I thought she totally lacked the skill, ability or energy to negotiate a brand-new EU membership treaty on behalf of us 6 million Scots.
It being obvious and all that the terms & conditions that an economy of 65 million people enjoyed could never be the same as the T’s & C’s of a wee country one tenth the size.
So not only would Sturgeon have had to negotiate EU membership, but she would also have had to put the new, very much less advantageous membership T’s & C’s to us Scots for approval. Probably we would have thrown them out.
So, knowing all that, she decided life’s too short.
And I can’t say I blame her.
The fallacy behind the claim that Brexit should have sundered the Union is that we never entered the EU as separate sovereign nations. If we had done, then Scotland could have remained whilst England left.
But way back when we first joined the Common Market, nobody could be bothered to do it right. We joined as the UK, so that was how we had to leave.
People who thought very much like you thought the ends justified the means, because you wanted to be in the EU come what may, and never dreamed that these short cuts would one day come back to bite you.
“The thing about racism in spite of all the laws ‘racism’ hasn’t gone away and the same is going to happen with ‘transphobia’”
Personally, I do not think the concepts of racism and transphobia should be put under the same legislation. Doing so is, in my view, an attempt to conflate both things under the same meaning.
The concept of “racism” is defined and limited to race: it is attacking somebody because of their race. Race is innate and cannot be changed. It can be defined, therefore racism can be defined too and its boundaries delimited.
The concept of “transphobia” is, in my own view, deliberately vague. What is transphobia? phobia to trans. What is “trans” and where are its boundaries?
Trans is a prefix that requires an additional element to acquire full meaning: trans-parent; trans-ference; trans-atlantic; trans-sexual; trans-vestite; trans-position; trans-cription; trans-lation; trans-port; trans-lucent; trans-fixed, trans-formed; etc, etc, etc.
If you just speak of “transphobia”, what kind of “trans” are you referring to? Transport? Transference? All trans-something things?
For as long as the term “trans” is used in isolation without the qualifying suffix that establishes its full meaning, it is impossible for an average person to understand what “trans” phobia actually means. It could be anything. You may have a phobia against using some trans-port means, but you may actually love its quaint “trans-parent” windows and “trans-lucent” curtains.
The concept of “transphobia” is deliberately vague an in my view designed to be that way to create confusion.
What is a trans person? a Transsexual? a Transvestite? A Transformer? A Transportist? A Translator? A Transcriber?
And if you cannot determine what the prefix trans on its own refers to, how on earth can you establish what the word “Transphobia” refers to and where its boundaries of effect lie?
Perhaps it was set up to “incite hatred against all the police” at the same time to discriminate between the wealthy and the poor, between the protection of politicians compared to the public, It certainly is a hate crime bill to cause the incitement they require to make and confirm and create their own numbers on Hate Crimes, thus justifying themselfs for bringing this bill in,
However I do not loose sight that Monarch thought it a great idea, and gave “their” Royal Assent to it being used on Scots,
Remind you of the poll tax experiment on Scots first?
Then they tried it a year later in the rest of Britain,
The problem will remain for as long as Scotland has two sets of legislation from UK parliament and from their Scotland devolved parliament Act that allows Scottish people to be hammered with double legislation and laws through the back door. Compared to the Country of England that only has one legislative body.
To all the others that kindly respond to some of my comments, i would love to able to return that consideration, like I used to on Wings, but at the moment my life is Chaotic full of doctors, nurses surgery appointments and different hospital appointments in different towns.
I was ready to reply to some of your comments yesterday when our old jack russell was sick twice on the carpet,
When a thought or thoughts come into my head I post in haste and maybe a few at a time as I am unsure when I will have the next lesurely time to post or anyone or to to Stu’s posts.
Sometimes it is within the same 24 Hours, but latterly it can be days before I have time to myself.
My Spouse had a toe and partial portion of their foot amputated, just got out of hospital on Christmas day, but we are still not out the woods as spouse has Colon Cancer also..
The old dog is often sick, and we inherited a second dog due to its owner passing away,
My car is put putting on its last legs, and just discovered, that two branches of my bank have closed locally and now need to travel over 20 miles to the next one this week,
DWP have lost, deleted or misplaced all my pension records,
The Hate Crime bill came in on the first of April
And police Scotland are the first to fall foul of the Hate Crime bill with their discrimination and pedjudices and favouritism
Life is literally going to the dogs in Scotland under the Devolved Scottish government and by all that are incompetent who sail in it.
But the sun is out and I myself always stay in good spirits, even when all around is in chaos, knowing that everyone here in wants change to happen.
The more it piles on Scotland, the more convinced I become that Scotland could do much better for itself without any of the presents political parties in Holyrood and without a rolled down devolved parliament sent to Scotland plying on second layers of laws just for burdening Scots and the people living in Scotland,
So keep smiling keep posting, cos I can read your posts even if I do not have spare time usually like I do today,
Stu your post are a godsend in excellent journalism and your research transcends most other so called journalists. Take a bow my Hat is off to you,
Mia @ 12:55 pm
“So, Mr Yousaf and Ms Sturgeon, where did the idea of forcing this toxic hate legislation into Scotland’s body of law originated from?”
One assumes Ash Regan may know where it came from, having voted for it? Whit’s for shuir is hit nivver cam fae ony Scottish fowk.
The reality of cultural imperialism applying to subordinate colonial societies is that more or less all law is ultimately determined externally, reflecting only the dominant ideology and values of the oppressor power. Perhaps the real deception here is that some still insist on using the term ‘Scots Law’?
I visit Wings to learn what other Scots are thinking.
And to be enlightened by the comments.
I once thought that blame for the Hate Crime ACT (HCA) rests on the political parties in Holyrood that passed the law (SNP, Labour, LibDems, Greens, Ash Regan of Alba).
And that some of the responsibility lies with the 75% of Scottish voters who voted for these parties.
But according to some prolix commenters here, the REAL party to blame isn’t the voters or those parties, but rather, King Charles III! Or the Conservatives (who voted 28-1 against the HCA). And that somehow it’s all connected to Israel and Hamas. And that the 75% of the voters were fooled by “post-neo-natal-hermeneutic neocolonialist oppression (Memmi)”.
How enlightening!
John Main @1.41pm.
Ah Main , back after a few day deployment elsewhere you’re back but Ellis and Chas are still trying to counter truths somewhere else.
Alf Baird.
Alf you’re on fire today Alf, keep it up.
Thank God you didn’t suffer from an accidental spoonerism when you said “wiggle room” or you might get reported for a hate crime by someone who will never have one to riggle.
For Scotland it gets hit Twice,
By the Scottish public Order, and Hate Crime Bill, and by the UKs .
Sovereignty is a huge Question in Britain,
We must remember that it was the “parliament of England” that passed the Bill of Rights for England prior to the Treaty of Union that transferred Sovereignty to the Westminster Parliament of England, not to the Westminster parliament of Great- Britain,
According to Xaracen that parliament ceased to Exist, if Xaracen is Correct the Great – Britain parliament of Westminster’s Sovereignty also ended due to the treaty of union when the parliament ceased.
But herein is a mild dispute I have had with Xaracen,
The upper House, The House of Lords in Englands old Parliament of Westminster Continued and was directly Tranferred into the newly branded Westminster parliament of Great- Britain, by Queen Annes Declaration Speech at that session, without elections taking place.
So where and whom now holds Sovereignty?
I would suggest from the recorded events, for England, at least, Sovereignty of England would rest with Upper house, the “House of Lords” that continued and was transferred from one Westminster parliament of England to the next rebranded Westminster parliament of Great- Britain without elections,
The House of Lords by transference carried with them the Bill of rights that gave “them” Sovereignty of England,
This is as old as the hills. Silence dissent through BS means.
This one was a Proclamation by King Charles II way back in about 1876 or something:
“By the King. A proclamation to restrain the spreading of false news, and licentious talking of matters of state and government.”
Same shit, different millennium.
This is as old as the hills. Silence dissent through BS means.
This one was a Proclamation by King Charles II way back in about 1676 or something:
“By the King. A proclamation to restrain the spreading of false news, and licentious talking of matters of state and government.”
Same shit, different millennium.
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Ignored says:
3 April, 2024 at 9:59 pm
“Wouldn’t Yousaf, speaking in Parliament, be covered by parliamentary privilege?”
“Holyrood doesn’t have Parliamentary privilege.”
Further evidence Labour set Holyrood up to be a toothless parish council. However, Westminster based MPs have Parliamentary Privilege, so can statements made there be considered under the Act?
Hey Stu,
If this law isn’t being correctly applied by the police, then isn’t that one of the key criteria that merits a judicial review of the application of the law? A judge would then confirm that the law isn’t being correctly applied and require Police Scotland to adhere to the requirements of the law.
And then the shit will hit the fan and the law will be withdrawn. Fancy sponsoring a judicial review? I’m sure you could crowdfund it easily.
Useless should be arrested for stirring up hatred in the first place.
The bill of Rights , was an act of the old English Westminster parliament, prior to the treaty of union being signed in 1707. But it was not a act of the Great- Britain Westminster Parliament.
For Westminster parliament to State it is a Sovereign Westminster parliament today it has to be the acknowledged as same old parliament of England that passed the bill of Right under English law. To provide it with that Sovereignty claim,
Because the the old English “bill of Rights” does not refer by name to the new branded Westminster union parliament with Scotland.
If the parliament of England was a dissolved parliament because it signed the treaty of union,
“One assumes Ash Regan may know where it came from, having voted for it?”
I am not sure, to be honest. Perhaps she could clarify. I am not sure any of those sitting in Holyrood actually know, wonder, never mind bother to find out where anything they are used to foist on to the body of Scotland’s law through Holyrood actually originates from and its real purpose. Most of them simply appear to do as they are told and proceed to defend the undefensible via the most wonderful (or ridiculous) verbal acrobatics and, when that fails, they simply block you out
Being fair, most are probably selected as candidates for having that particular “skill” in the first place: do as they are told and never question anything they are asked to do.
“Whit’s for shuir is hit nivver cam fae ony Scottish fowk”
Absolutely. We never voted for this shite. It is being forced on us, just like the fake “need for a S30” to progress independence has been forced on us since Sturgeon took control of the SNP.
“Perhaps the real deception here is that some still insist on using the term ‘Scots Law’?”
Actually, I would even consider calling it “law” a deception in itself. If it is some ruling that comes directly from another country’s crown, then rather than law it is absolute rule, is it not?
It still does not answer the question as to why the entity behind this toxic law chose to force it into the body of law through the devolved parliaments rather than simply pass it as a blanket law through Westminter. There has to be a reason for this.
Well said.
The yoons on here need to face reality. Scotland has a fcking “administration”. We don’t have a parliament & Considering that parliament is only tasked with implementing Westminster approved bullshit, who else do they think we should blame? Ourselves? Behave yerselves.
As for this hate crime;
“The Bill is a response to the recommendations made in Lord Bracadale’s independent review of hate crime laws.”
There ya go. Some Yoon Lord made recommendations. He’s a Yoon cause he seems to have leaning to Lie Dumbs.
On whose say so?
Dated 2017.
Charles( not the R one) 10.01am.
“I have lived in Scotland for a very long time, and I don’t recognise that in all my time.”
We brought you the enlightenment & half the modern world, ya eejit.
What did you bring to the party – besides an attitude?
“Scotland made crucial contributions to science, philosophy, literature, education, medicine, commerce, and politics–contributions that have formed and nurtured the modern West ever since.”
Wha’s like us? Not you that’s for sure..
Jellied eels..ppft!
You totally missed my point.
Your argument that transphobia cannot be defined yet race can is pretty weak.
I find transphobia easy to define but I would need to Google to be able to define racism and even then it wouldn’t be clear.
As per usual this bill is a shitshow Labour said they would’nt re-peal this I would say 90% of the country will see this in what it is A Bloody Shambles
Angus Robertson should also be arrested because he’s a fat prick.
I’d hazard it’s in preparation for their shiny new Act of Union.
The one they have that locks us all together, forever & ever.
They were working on this in 2016/17 so it fits the timeline.
I believe the yoons are just waiting on daft Scots appointing a Labour government & then it’ll pass through Westminster without so much as a fart of protest.
“The Scottish ppl have spoken” bollocks.
That new constitutional group went awfully quiet but I’d put money on they brainstorming this new Act in the background. They already floated it in the HoLs with it’s first reading around the exact same time.
They want to lock us in *Catalonia* style & have ALL nations permission/eligible to vote on each countries referendums.
This proved at the time that Scotland does not need permission to leave or else why think of a new Act at all.
So they got busy after 2014 rewriting a new one.
They fell off the radar but it’ll be going on the background. Their “One Nation” wet dream..
“Actually, I would even consider calling it “law” a deception in itself. If it is some ruling that comes directly from another country’s crown, then rather than law it is absolute rule, is it not?”
Wasn’t Scots law one of the grievances? The Claim of Right? The one Chucky swears to uphold?
Yoons have no business meddling in Scots law. Especially some Yoon Lord of someone else’s realm.
It was and always has been the “Scottish Assembly”. It was Salmond who cheekily renamed it as The Scottish Parliament.
You know when Humza proposed that
Behaviour or material is not to be taken to be threatening or abusive solely on the basis that it involves or includes discussion or criticism of matters relating to transgender identity.
and there was such a backlash from trans-activists that Adam Tomkins was scared and Humza immediately apologised and immediately withdrew the proposal. Was that around the time trans-activists threatened to leave the SNP and Sturgeon made her video in a cupboard begging them to stay.
The backlash from trans-activists sounds like very serious stuff. Why were Adam Tomkins & Humza Yousaf so afraid.
The trans-activist seem to have a lot of power over a lot of people and even bloody shops. ie John Lewis.
“Your argument that transphobia cannot be defined yet race can is pretty weak”
Can you elaborate on that, please?
Sturgeon heavily vetted candidates.
She got rid off any who were brighter than her, could threaten her position or didn’t suck up to her Gender woo bullshit.
She got rid of Cherry from the front bench & Philippa Whitford.
Joanna would know far more than Ash Regan/Denim would but as Angus B MacNeil has said before, MPs & MSPs don’t talk & they’re not involved in Holyrood.
I’ll be even more disappointed in Joanna, than I am already, if we later find out she knows the real reason behind this HC bill & chooses not to say anything. She glossed over the new police bill saying it doesn’t affect us in Scotland but it does. Sturgeon then went on to ban protests outside Holyrood.
It sparks the end of her political career remaining in the SNP so she’s nothing to gain by keeping quiet unless she’s looking to switch. They’re all out at the next election.
Trying to assemble where the present Uk parliament claims it Sovereignty over Scotland derives from is for the birds,
As Scotlands parliament was definately Dissolved in 1707. In England by Queen Annes Declaration
And From that record of dismissal causing the old Scottish parliament to become obsolete in the treaty of union.
Leaving only the upper house, the House of lords from the old English parliament in Westminster parliament of Great-Britain, I could understand the claim made by them that Westminster parliament holds Sovereignty……..of England,
But in the same instance, by Dissolving the 1707 Scottish parliament IT reinstates Scotlands Sovereignty, as the 1707 old Scottish parliament is released and no longer under any legal umbrella of obligation to old Westminsters Englands parliament act the “bill of Rights”
.I have always wondered in What legal context and how would the present Westminster parliament of Great- Britain or the UK Westminster parliament go about trying to be able to sue the old now-dissolved and non-existent Scottish parliament for breach of the treaty of union,
The devolved Scottish government parliament in Scotland at present is of course a branch of Westminster parliament itself under the Scotland Act,
If it were other wise it would of course have breached the treaty of union articles since before the millenium anyway.
Westminster parliament would be suing its branch office placed in Scotland under the Scotland act for a breach of the treaty of union which the devolved government was never in,
The irony of Queen Anne dissolving the old 1707 Scottish parliament is hilarious.
@ Shitey McShiteface
” take your shit-stirring propaganda and ram it n fuck-off from whence you crawled ”
” OK, Mr Hughes, I promise to think about it.
OK, thought about it. ”
Ah , you didn’t ” think about it ” long enough . Had you done so you may have noticed I have never claimed to be a Pacifist .
Sometimes countries have no choice but to adopt a martial stance against an aggressor not amenable to any attempted diplomacy eg WW2 – which , in fact , was the last time the U.K was involved in what could be described as a ” Just War ” – though the antecedents of that war can be directly attributed to the extreme , punitive reparations demanded of Germany after WW1 .
You and your ilk can keep pushing the lying narrative of the ” unprovoked ” aggression of R…a against that poor little epitome of pacific neighbourly relations and pristine internal governance , but anyone with an iota of clue knows the war began in 2014 – if not before – and was wholly instigated by the United States of Oligarchy , fed by their appointed puppet/s in U and backed-up by the dumb fucks in Europe , too terrified to stand-up to Yank Military Industrial might – even to the point now of wrecking their own economies – and inflamed by deliberate fearmongering ” The Reds are coming ” pish .
” Young Scots could do worse than join up, and many of them are doing worse right now. But in one respect you are correct. Scots who think as negatively as you do would not be of much use to anybody or anything. ”
Aye , I do tend to ” think negatively ” about our – or anyone else’s – young men being exposed to the horrors of war in order that the Elites – who themselves and THEIR children are never so exposed – can continue shitting on and shafting the people who do all the work that keeps the anointed ones in luxury , while they themselves struggle to maintain a decent standard of living for themselves and THEIR children .
Think a little longer/harder this time . Then you can fuck-off .
How dare a Sovereign Nation change a Colonial upstarts name. LOL!
He could call it a sewing bee if he wanted. It’s on ooor soil.
It should be disabled & Scotland should reconvene it’s proper parliament.
England never dissolved theirs so there is nothing to stop us reopening our own back up. Without the reserved shite list too.
They’ve no authority here.
dasBlimp @ 15.44
Far as my vague old memory goes, The Scotland Act 1998 (cross heading The Scottish Parliament) declared, quite simply, there shall be a Scottish Parliament. Mr Salmond had nothing to do with this title.
The only “cheeky renaming” by the never overly modest Mr Salmond came, I believe, when over the course of one weekend he renamed the Scottish Executive as the Scottish Government. Somewhere around 2007. This name change was regularised in 2012 by the Scotland Act.
The dog’s breakfast at Holyrood originated as a Parliament and so remains.
Strange. People all over the planet are raging about this new, made-in-Scotland, Hate Crime Bill. One of the biggest issues of the day.
Yet over on WGD, there is absolutely nothing, not a peep. Just the usual “Tories bad” rant. Why? Just ignoring the problem won’t make it go away.
“They want to lock us in *Catalonia* style & have ALL nations permission/eligible to vote on each countries referendums”
I have no doubt you are right and that they are waiting for Labour to get to power to pass this thing. I would not be surprised in the least if Sturgeon herself agreed to this, and that is why she had us spinning on a wheel like hamsters and going nowhere for the best part of 9 years.
But that new Act of Union will only be domestic legislation, so would not stand up in an international court of law. That domestic legislation would not stop Scotland ending the union if we ever get representatives with a backbone.
What would worry me is if they are trying to re-write the Treaty of Union and get some British establishment useful idiot standing as Scotland’s FM to sign it.
There is no Scottish parliament to sue for breach of the treaty of union.
As the old 1707 Scottish parliament was dismissed and Dissolved it no longer has any ties or connection to the Westminster parliament,
One wonders how Westminster parliament on its own could create a new shiney treaty of union with its own Branch of Westminster it place in Scotland,
That would be a false treaty.
That would be like agreeing with yourself in a debate that only you are in, in this case it it Westminster showing signs of insanity.
“The trans-activist seem to have a lot of power over a lot of people and even bloody shops. ie John Lewis.”
Trans-activist = lobby groups, party donors, election campaign costs, backhanders, sweeteners, fancy doos, secret clubs, all you can eat meet & greet buffets, free holiday gafs, brothels & orgies & make *stuff* disappear.
That’s how they become more powerful than the elected reps. Money. The root of all evil.
All they need to look for is an eejit who will be easily bought.
Do I have to. I’m quite busy.
Maybe you could help me out by defining ‘race’ and racism.
Would calling someone a ‘weegie’ or a ‘scouser’ be consider racist or charging a ‘Weegie’ for tomato sauce in Edinburgh be considered racist because tomato sauce is free in Weegieland?
It was probably very clear way back in 1965 what racism & race relations meant but it’s no longer very clear.
Are the English a race?
I think we all know what trans means. Are you trying to claim you do not know it means transgender.
I have no idea why you chose to quote part of my post and then go off on a tangent about the definition of racism and transphobia.
Are you just using me as a stooge feeding you your lines?
There are a few ‘comedians’ on here how do that.
Aye. That’ll be their plan. Wait for the double with Holyrood.
Stu put up an article a few weeks ago about the John Smith institute & (paraphrasing )what exactly Kezia Dugdale did to earn her salary.
I’ll bet it’s part of this. She was very vocal about setting a New Act of Union as a matter of urgency after 2014 & that cretin & dictator in the making, Lisa Nandy, was quick to sign up to brainstorm ways of locking in us pesky Scots..
Old articles may still be available on Google.
What do they want for their money or would the answer to that be too X rated to post on this forum?
@James Che, chin up and I hope that things improve.
The Trans have no power.
The Wokes have just boxed themselves into a corner.
“we all know what trans means”
Well I admit I do not. Unless the prefix “trans” is qualified with a meaningful suffix, I do not know what it means. It could mean anything and everything.
“Are you trying to claim you do not know it means transgender”
1. I think the word trans as used by the gender woowoo expands beyond the concept of transgender. Where do transsexuals and transvestites fare in the concept of “transgender”? Are they recognised as different categories or are they thrown into the same box?
2. That is right. I do not know what the word “transgender” actually means. To understand what it means the concept of gender must be defined and understood first. Currently, I do not understand what it means. It was easy when there were only two genders. But if the woke claim there are over 100 genders, then too right I do not have a clue what the concept of gender is anymore and even less what on earth a “transgender” is.
Sigh. I still can’t understand why the once great SNP have chosen this particular hill to die on. Of all the pointless but damaging causes to take up, this has to be the most ridiculous. At least if they went down fighting for independence, history would be kinder to them. Now they will be despised by future generations for setting the real cause back by years.
Humza Yousaf and Nicola Sturgeon are probably just the puppets, out of their depth. Who pulled their strings?
Robert – well said.
“Young Scots could do worse than join up, and many of them are doing worse right now. But in one respect you are correct. Scots who think as negatively as you do would not be of much use to anybody or anything.”
Looks like shitey McShiteface doesn’t know 404 drags people off the streets against their will & sends them tae the front line with weapons circa 1933 regardless of age.
Any young person is a fool to fight another man’s war. Especially an outside aggressor that’ll be of absolutely no benefit to them personally. If the colonisers ever got a foot in R dae they think they’d share the spoils with the Nazis in 404 ? LOL. Na..all that Gas, oil, minerals, diamonds, weapons would all belong to Mad Max. The resource snatcher & world police.
Those who instigate war should choose a weapon & stand at post.
Of course they don’t. The peasants cost nothing.
NATO blew up what would’ve been a wonder of the world with the irrigation system/man made river in Libya. Aye, there were weapons hiding..Zzzzzzz
Jeez, eejits still buy this pish..all these weapons they keep finding to blow up. You’d think they’d trade in their old shite from the antiques roadshow instead & collect some new gear if they keep finding other people’s stashes..
From Robin McAlpine.
“I think enough has been written on the Hate Crimes legislation, except to consider the long-term politics of it. Put simply, passing this legislation hands its operation over to third parties (the police and the courts) but maintains a tight grip on the blowback. Like ‘transwomen in female prisons’, it is not the body making the decision that will pay the price for the decision made.
The Scottish Government has a horrible habit of saying anything to get a piece of bad legislation through. There are too many examples of this to go over but big assurances are given at stage one that problems will be addressed in stage two, until stage two arrives and the promised fixes are now in stage three… And then in the implementation phase…
It’s the next ‘and then’ where the problem lies. I’m losing count of how much bad legislation is being passed on the basis that the Scottish Government thinks pushing a bad idea through is better than letting a bad idea be made better through engagement with others not on their payroll.”
Its Nato’s 75th Anniversary, so for 75 years Nato has been scheming and planning against other nations, and even its own citizens (Operation Gladio) causing death and destruction in countries that it bombed including Libya, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina to name but a few.
Today in the news one could watch a brass band playing as the clowns marched down the hallowed hall of Nato with the numero uno propaganda mouthpiece Jens Stoltenberg heading them up, and much back slapping going on in the background.
Meanwhile they are getting their backsides handed to them on a plate in YouCraine by the RF.
“I have no idea why you chose to quote part of my post and then go off on a tangent about the definition of racism and transphobia”
Because I agree what what you said in that part of the comment.
I quoted it because it linked well with the observation, not with regards to your comment in particular but in general, that legislators putting race and transphobia in the same basket, was, in my view, an attempt to conflate two completely different things.
One of those things is the discrimination and derogation of someone on the basis of their race.
The other is an undefined and poorly delimited misnomer of what is, in practice for many, simply a refusal to reaffirm and indulge a mental health condition which should be adequately treated, not reaffirmed or indulged.
Many see the reaffirmation of a mental health condition as a form of abuse and a failure in duty of care, in the same way they see as abuse to reaffirm somebody’s anorexia, for example, by calling them fat or subjecting them to liposuction.
I quoted that part of your comment to expand on it, not to criticise it.
Anton Decadent,
Cheers and Many thanks for your kindness Anton,
You see what I mean,
you yourself and all the other commenters and topics here on Wings, along with Stu posts are the blessing that keeps hope going that Scotland will one day be a lovely place to live if left to the people to decide.
Nice people do exist,
their just drowned out by funded screaming mouthy people.without brains.
Each day I read quickly at some point even if I have no time to comment myself, and my well being and happiness is restored instantly.
I would have thought that Robert McAlpine would have been to long in the ear and more knowledgable in politics for enough years by now, to pull on the reins and stand on the stirrups in calling “it, a Scottish parliament”
It is by law a rolled down devolved parliament from Westminster parliment which cannot legally make or create any new treaties for Scotland with England or the rest of Britain,
The last time Scotland had a Scottish parliament was 1707,
Transgender (trans) covers anyone who wants to claim to be transgender that could be transvestites, transexuals, cross dressers (AGPs) pedophiles, festishists, voyeurs, rapists, exhibitionists, all sorts of deviants even zoophiles.
Your turn now Mia to define race & racism.
Don’t forget about ‘transracialism’ when you do. 😉
The hate Crime bill in Scotland given royal assent by the Sovereign of UK and policy under a rolled down devolved secondary parliament from Westminster.
The Hate crime bill is being “trialed” in Scotland first just like the poll tax, blamed on Scotland , but mark my words, a hate crime bill is planned for all parts of Britain through the UK different devolved governments first. But England will not be missed after the trials.
But seriously the Scottish politicians should stop pretending to the people of Scotland that it is a Scottish parliament, because when they keep repeating phrase then I get this sense of being Scammed by politicians faking Scottish independence.
The meaning of ‘trans’ is actually quite confusing, even in terms of its use in the “Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021”. See
It states:
“(7) A person is a member of a group defined by reference to transgender identity if the person is—
(a) a female-to-male transgender person,
(b) a male-to-female transgender person,
(c) a non-binary person,
(d) a person who cross-dresses,
and references to transgender identity are to be construed accordingly.”
Which mixes 3 different things. Of those:
‘d’ is the dress sense (sartorial selection) of some males being for female clothes. There being no male reserved clothes – except maybe kilts – and I’ve seen women wear such without much objection.
‘c’ is a state of mind, but with a woolly, essentially undefinable meaning.
‘a’ and ‘b’ refer to something – “a transgender person”, but what is that?
Does “transgender person” mean “trans-sexual” (as was)? – i.e. someone post operative adjustment of cosmetic primary and secondary sexual characteristics.
Does “transgender person” mean someone in possession of a “Gender recognition certificate”? So sort of aligned with the EA protected characteristic of “gender reassignment”.
Does it mean someone in the process of heading towards getting that GRC?
Does it mean a “trans-sexual” with a GRC?
Does it simply mean those folks who currently “self ID” as of a “different gender” but with no intention of being operated on, nor of applying for (never mind gaining) a GRC?
Essentially it “transgender identity” is currently ill defined unless and until some court case arises which as a consequence nails down just what qualifies. Even if that did happen, it would do nothing for the general meaning of “trans” in discourse outwith the context of the “HCaPO(S)A 2021”
Ah yes. That is correct, Sven. Your memory is better than mine. Thanks for the correction.
@ Ruby
I understand racism as discrimination and/or derogation directed against individuals because of an individual’s racial characteristics, like colour of the skin, hair, bone structure or facial features, their heritage, for example their language or culture, and/or ethnicity.
Examples: discrimination or derogation of black people, American-Indian people, Inuit, Asian, Arabs, Australian Aborigines, Latin people, white people, travellers, or Jewish people, to name but a few.
Yes, you are absolute right that defining racism when you consider many people have mixed race becomes difficult. But it is towards people with mixed heritage that sometimes racism becomes even more evident.
For example, when a person was born from parents with different race, they might be subjected to discrimination and derogation on the basis of one of their two races, despite being of both in equal measure. To give examples, some of the things said and written of Meghan Markle simply because her race is not just white are pretty horrifying and disgusting. I have also read that, in some contexts, South Koreans tend to discriminate people born from a Korean parent and another race.
I do not consider being English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish as races. I consider those ethnicities.
To tell you the truth, I am not really sure if the concept of “racism” as included in the legislation expands to ethnicity as well. But in absence of a word to define discrimination against ethnicity (at least I do not know what that word is), I am inclined to include discrimination and derogation on the basis of a person’s or a people’s heritage and ethnicity as a form of racism.
I am sorry. I am not quite sure what Transracialism means. In the context of people with mixed race, there are instances when they choose to identify as being of only one of the two (or more) races, despite being both. Yes. I would interpret it as a from of racism, but it is usually motivated by the context they live in and it is usually to blend in and to avoid being discriminated/singled out. I am not sure if that is what you were referring to when mentioning transracialism.
Trans is simple it’s someone claiming to be the opposite sex from what they actually are.
India Willoughby
Robin White
Eddie Izzard
Sarah Jane Baker
Mr idul Wadhwa,
Isla Bryson
Ellie Gomersall
Amy George
Debbie Hayton
etc etc etc
These are all men
oops nearly forgot Sophie Sparkles & Heather Herbert
I don’t know so many women who masquerade as men but there is one in the SG I believe who was involved in decisions about men in womens prisons
Dr Whathisname who is always on Twitter.
@Robert Hughes says: 4 April, 2024 at 4:03 pm
Think a little longer/harder this time . Then you can fuck-off .
There you go, I’ve thought a little longer. Now here’s a (borrowed) question for you?
“How shall I fuck off, oh Lord?”
And here’s the answer. There’s one bloke gets to tell us to fuck off on here, and guess what, it’s not you.
I can tell from your generally abusive and playground standard of response that debate is something you put in de mousetrap. So I’ll keep this simple.
Imagine two countries, sharing a common border. Now imagine the army of country 1, across the common border, creating mayhem and destruction in country 2.
It’s the country with the wandering army that’s at fault. And that’s country 1. And country 1 having developed a liking for possessing a wandering army, the lessons of history are that countries 3, 4 and 5, etc. would do well to prepare.
Simples. As it seems you feel more comfortable in the playground, get a child to draw it for you. In fact, get a child to explain it to you. In my experience, children have a well-developed sense of right and wrong.
It’s when they “grow up”, that attitudes become warped by over-thinking things.
dasBlimp @ 18.50
I always enjoy your forays into the maelstrom of WOS, Blimpster. My mental image of you (non hateful I promise) is of a large, pinky, bald headed, chuckley baby face surmounting a black & white striped olde style bathing costume bobbing around in our stormy BTL waters. Ever bouncing back to the surface regardless of how ever many waves crest over his ever smiley face.
You add greatly to the gaiety of my humdrum life, I promise you.
Sally’s follow up letter to Chief Constable
@ Ruby
I understand racism as discrimination and/or derogation directed against individuals because of an individual’s racial characteristics, like colour of the skin, hair, bone structure or facial features, their heritage, for example their language or culture, and/or ethnicity.
Examples: discrimination or derogation of black people, American-Indian people, Inuit, Asian, Arabs, Australian Aborigines, Latin people, white people, or Jewish people, to name but a few.
Yes, you are absolute right that defining racism when you consider many people have mixed race becomes difficult. But it is towards people with mixed heritage that sometimes racism becomes even more evident.
For example, when a person was born from parents with different race, they might be subjected to discrimination and derogation on the basis of one of their two races, despite being of both in equal measure. To give examples, some of the things said and written of Meghan Markle simply because her race is not just white are pretty horrifying and disgusting. I have also read that, in some contexts, South Koreans tend to discriminate people born from a Korean parent and another race.
I do not consider being English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish as races. I consider those ethnicities.
To tell you the truth, I am not really sure if the concept of “racism” as included in the legislation expands to ethnicity as well. But in absence of a word to define discrimination against ethnicity (at least I do not know what that word is), I am inclined to include discrimination and derogation on the basis of a person’s or a people’s heritage and ethnicity as a form of racism.
I am sorry. I do not know what Transracialism means. In the context of people with mixed race, there are instances when they choose to identify as being of only one of the two (or more) races, despite being both. Yes. I would interpret it as a from of racism directed against themselves, but it is usually motivated by the context they live in and it is usually to blend in and to avoid being targeted for discrimination and derogation. I am not sure if that is what you were referring to when mentioning transracialism.
@ dasBlimp at 3:44pm: “It was and always has been the “Scottish Assembly”. It was Salmond who cheekily renamed it as The Scottish Parliament.”
I don’t think so. The Scottish Parliament has always been so-named. It was The Scottish Executive, i.e. the ministers of the ruling party, that was renamed The Scottish Government by Alex Salmond.
The rolled down devolved Scottish governance from Westminster cannot create a new treaty of union for Scotland, or on Scotlands behalf,
Because both are the varing level by degree of Westminster parliament,
A parliament that is Dissolved under UK
It can have no “Scottish parliament members”
It has no members to represent its constituents.
It has no Constituents under UK parliament,
It cannot pass laws or legislation.
It is not binding on or to its successor parliament.
Since the Act of Settlement settled succession to the throne of England passed by Westminster parliament of England Acts.
Since Scotland has not re-opened its own 1707 Scottish parliament since it closed its doors in 1707,
Since the 1707 Scottish parliament has no parliament members of a Scottish parliament for over Three hundred years.
Since the 1707 dissolved Scottish parliament is now “not” under any obligation to uphold the articles of the treaty of union since 1707.
And since the devolved government in Scotland today is not actually a Scottish parliament, but a Westminster parliament devolution construction under their legislation and statues.
Scotland could thumb its nose and walk away, it is under no obligation to the treaty of union since 1707.
it would need better tactics than curtailing scottish peoples freedom of speech,..if anything it makes the people of Scotland more inclined to want freedom of real choices,
Ha ha it’s like you know me, Sven! Honestly, you’re not far off the mark. I am retiring in May and after all these years my only advice is to learn to laugh at yourself – might as well – everybody else does 🙂
My apologies for the repeated post. It showed an error message the first time I tried to post it, so I thought it had not gone through and posted it again.
@Republicofscotland says: 4 April, 2024 at 5:19 pm
Is NATO getting their backsides handed to them?
So far they’ve been bending over backwards to avoid antagonising the collaborating forces of the RF, Iran, China and North Korea.
To expand on your analogy, it’s difficult for anybody to get at NATO’s backside when NATO has both hands tied behind its back, and is bending over backwards.
What I would like to hear from you, but have no hopes whatsoever of you being able to provide, is a summary of just what is going to be in it for Scotland when a good chunk of the eastern side of the EU has been carved off by the RF.
That’s what you really want, isn’t it? Why not tell us how that will play to our advantage in Scotland, whether in the UK, or as an independent country?
Revenge will be sweet for you, sure. But revenge delivered on the corpses of what, hundreds of thousands, millions? Why do you want that so much?
Yes, Michael, Thank you. I … erm…
misremembered that. LOL
JK Rowling has accused Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s first minister, of “bumbling incompetence and illiberal authoritarianism” after he called her comments about trans people “offensive”.
Ruby says: at 7:05 pm
“Trans is simple it’s someone claiming to be the opposite sex from what they actually are.”
But what about “Trans” persons that identify as a cat?
For the brave and stunning who occasionally Self ID as SuperTrans with the ability to identify as a different species (or any other entity) at any particular time, I do not see how that is catered for in this current evolution of the legislation.
Why is the terrible umbrella term “trans” being solely defined and restricted to aspects of sex and gender.
@Mia says: 4 April, 2024 at 7:17 pm
some of the things said and written of Meghan Markle simply because her race is not just white are pretty horrifying and disgusting
Are they? I’ve never heard of them. I wonder what they could be.
One of the things frequently said of Meghan Markle in my household is that we possess reams of holiday photos in which we look a lot more mixed race, dark, suntanned, whatever, than she ever does in any of her photos.
She makes a comfortable living from the proceeds she can garner from playing the “race” card, and we would be laughed to scorn if we ever tried it. Although the photographic evidence suggests we have a much better claim to play it than she does.
Ain’t life strange?
“The rolled down devolved Scottish governance from Westminster cannot create a new treaty of union for Scotland, or on Scotlands behalf”
But I am sure they would try.
If they were to fudge a new treaty in a way that the new treaty would simply supersede the old one without repealing it, then Holyrood cannot pass the ratification of the new treaty unless the power to do so is devolved to it.
And who holds the power from the old parliament of Scotland? That would be Scotland’s MPs. They could temporarily devolve that power to HOlyrood.
If the original treaty is repealed before the new one is signed, then there would be a narrow window where Holyrood would become Scotland’s parliament, so it would be able to.
The question in all this would be when the people of Scotland would be consulted if they wanted that new treaty or not.
If a new treaty is in the pipeline, it would not be the second option that they would choose. It is too risky. It would be the first one.
@Ruby 7:25pm
A multi millionaire who made her living from being a brilliant wordsmith and inspiring a generation of children. Versus slavish implementation of Woke ideologies from an unknown camouflaged source. It feels like an invasion. A tough woman versus a weak man. No contest. 10 years ago I wouldn’t have admired JK so much but it’s the here and now that matters.
It’s stories like this that confuse me with regards to racism.
A Wrexham fan has been banned from attending matches for three years
This comes after they admitted to calling Tranmere fans ‘English b*****ds’
The court heard that Monk approached a group of Tranmere fans being escorted towards the stadium by police and shouted ‘dirty Scouse b*****ds’.
A transracial person is one who identifies as a different race than the one associated with their biological ancestry. They may adjust their appearance to make themselves look more like that race, and may participate in activities associated with that race. Use of the word transracial to describe this is new and has been criticized, because the word was historically used to describe a person raised by adoptive parents of a different ethnic or racial background, such as a Black child adopted and raised by a White couple.
Rachel Dolezal, known for identifying as a black woman despite having been born to white parents,successfully passed as black, to the extent that she took over leadership of the Spokane branch of the NAACP in 2014, a year before she was “outed” in 2015
Martina Big, who was featured on Maury in September 2017, a woman of white ancestry who identifies as black,got a new medicine that is being developed against skin cancer. This caused her skin, eyes, eyebrows and hair to darken.
Jessica Krug, a white Jewish-American woman who identified as various black and Afro-Latina ethnicities over time, including “North African Blackness,” “US rooted Blackness,” and “Caribbean rooted Bronx Blackness”
Oli London, British influencer and singer who previously identified as Korean, and had numerous plastic surgeries to confirm his racial identity, modelled his appearance on his idol, BTS singer Jimin
Korla Pandit, African-American musician who posed as an Indian from New Delhi in both his public and private life, was born John Roland Redd
Let us not forget Senator Elizabeth Warren, a former Law Professor, who claimed Native American DNA heritage to get onto the Texas Bar via affirmative action legislation.
Her tribal name was Liarwatha, I think.
Crime does pay.
Agreed George JK is doing wonders.
I almost wish Sturgeon was still first minister having to handle the HCB and JK comments.
Poor Humza!
Fergus Ewing on the potential for ALBA in 2026…
There was a Michael Jackson chap. He liked to play around with his skin colour.
And then any cursory investigation into the skin lightening industry of India will reveal it to be a multi-billion dollar money spinner. It’s around 60% of the entire Indian market for skin care products.
I’m seeing my orthodontist next week. I’m going to ask her how much it costs to go transcendental.
The site seems to have diverged from the topic raised by the Editor, which attracted some interesting posts I thought, but has now, reassuringly, reverted to the same half-dozen or so people – so hopefully I can digress too
As a supporter of the Union I found the following view surprising;
‘ They want to lock us in *Catalonia* style & have ALL nations permission/eligible to vote on each countries referendums.’
Were this to happen-and a UK-wide referendum offered-Scotland would be independent in an instant. As, I think, would we in Wales. Whether rightly or wrongly, the perception is that both are a financial albatross around the neck of England. I’m no economist so I don’t know but I would also say that from my observation hostility towards the English-as too often displayed on here-is mirrored to an extent in England and is perhaps the sole legacy of Sturgeon’s term.
I’ll get me coat.
John Main said;
“The fallacy behind the claim that Brexit should have sundered the Union is that we never entered the EU as separate sovereign nations. If we had done, then Scotland could have remained whilst England left.
But way back when we first joined the Common Market, nobody could be bothered to do it right. We joined as the UK, so that was how we had to leave.”
Utter bollocks, John, it’s not a fallacy, and never was, it’s just another Unionist lie; it was always just a matter of negotiation! The UK couldn’t leave the EU just because England wanted to; England never spoke for the Union in the first place, because it couldn’t ever speak for Scotland. That’s precisely why Scotland has its own formal representation in the Union’s Parliament!
It was entirely possible for Scotland to negotiate its own continuing membership of the EU, but that didn’t suit England or its establishment at all, so they just lied about the UK’s constitutional circumstances, not only to England and to the Scots, but to the EU as well. So your ‘fallacy’ is just your usual English establishment self-serving, dishonest, arrogant, unlawful bullshit!
The ‘UK’ didn’t vote to Leave, its two constituent sovereign kingdoms formally disagreed over the ‘United Kingdoms’ LEAVing the EU, rendering the matter undecided. Being undecided meant that England would have to relinquish its membership of the UK’s Union if it wanted to pursue its English-mandated Brexit.
England and its establishment have never bothered to understand, let alone accept, the formal constitutional basis of the Union of the TWO equally sovereign Kingdoms of the United Kingdom, because that ‘understanding’ doesn’t favour England anything near as much as pretending that England’s greater numbers give it an unbeatable ‘democratic’ authority over the Scottish half of the Union.
@Tommo 8:58pm
You don’t have to get yer coat. I have returned hundreds of comments to Unionist supporters. It’s your country as well to quote Nicola Sturgeon. But realise the continuing rejection of a Section 30 is not a sustainable position. Or any mechanism to obtain an Independence vote. We are invaded by an undisclosed force. That seems to think the diminishing of Scottish Culture will go unanswered.
@ Tommo says: 4 April, 2024 at 8:58 pm
a UK-wide referendum offered-Scotland would be independent in an instant
I wonder. Because the most recent referendum did not deliver the result the elites wanted, I’m not thinking we will get another one.
The elites know the value of Scotland, even as just a place they can move to when they have royally fucked up England through their policies, so they won’t be letting us go.
And with a war looming, they need the space for manoeuvres,
defence in depth, and if all else fails, somewhere to fight on without destroying their own cities.
hostility towards the English-as too often displayed on here
That’s hate crime and it’s illegal. 🙂
But to be serious, there’s all the difference in the world between what happens online and what happens in real life.
I know some English people. They’re a mixture of ne’er-do-wells and salt-of-the-earth types, exactly like the Scots I know.
Bring lots of folding cash with you when you visit Scotland and you’ll be treated like you are directly descended from the King come o’er the water.
You’ll never encounter any hostility when your wallet is open.
Sorry Dan I forgot about the transcats. I should have added a +
to my list as in LGBTQIA2S+ the + covers transeunuchs,not poppy trained transbabies & transracialists,transmentalists, transcats all things furry & not so furry.
I just hope that there are litter trays available in the school toilets and the female cats don’t have to share with the toms especially when they are in heat.
Who says you can’t change your race?
I Was Born White but I Prefer Being Black
This woman has even bigger breasts than the Canadian woodwork teacher.
She’s called Martina Big. Worth a google.
Can someone please advise me if it’s still OK to use the terms ‘nutters’.
“Bring lots of folding cash with you when you visit Scotland and you’ll be treated like you are directly descended from the King come o’er the water.”
Because Scottish people love nothing more than money… got it.
Not exactly original but nobody ever got kicked out of here for being a tedious boring wanker.
Carry on.
Hatey McHateface
Republicofscotland can answer for theirself but in the meantime let me…
“Is NATO getting their backsides handed to them?”
Yes. They’ve no manpower. No weapons beyond circa 1945. No weapons manufacturers. No idea wtf they’re doing. No plan. 33 countries can never agree. (See France/Germany debacle) They don’t step in because they CAN’T. Not everyone wants to either. The great Oz has been unveiled to reveal it has absolutely fck all to offer but a €billion lottery win for Z to keep going until after the yankee elections. BTW, that €1 billion is 3/4 to the yanks for *job creation* (see that con) and only a 1/4 for 404. Z will have that in his account to fck off & retire to the Med by midnight if the yanks don’t poison him first.
“So far they’ve been bending over backwards to avoid antagonising the collaborating forces of the RF, Iran, China and North Korea.”
No they haven’t. They(NATO) were the antagonists. They’ve been warring in 404 since the coup of 2014. How many times do you need it spelled out? NO NATO EXPANSION. They run about playing Rambo targeting R.
They celebrated a coup in 2014. They were going to expand (They’d already expanded 12 others to block off Rs navy/black sea)
“To expand on your analogy, it’s difficult for anybody to get at NATO’s backside when NATO has both hands tied behind its back, and is bending over backwards.”
To who? LOL! It’s getting jolly rogered.
“What I would like to hear from you, but have no hopes whatsoever of you being able to provide, is a summary of just what is going to be in it for Scotland when a good chunk of the eastern side of the EU has been carved off by the RF.”
Nothing in it for Eastern Europe either. Begs the question why start a war? A. You can’t win. B. Is against yer own constitution. C. Against the opinion of yer own population. (Z won the election on a peace ticket) D. Against international treaties. E. Will result in war crimes.
What Scots will learn from it? Don’t trust a word from colonisers. (We know that already) Get everything in writing. Have no foreign power fck about at our borders. Don’t join NATO. Remain self sufficient.
“That’s what you really want, isn’t it? Why not tell us how that will play to our advantage in Scotland, whether in the UK, or as an independent country?”
A peace treaty was offered that contained the original terms. No NATO expansion. Remain neutral. Stop executing & persecuting Christians & Russian speaking regions within 404.
It was rejected on the say so of BoJo & Biden. Who then went on to (allegedly) commit a terrorist attack. I’d assume that offer will now be withdrawn & territory will now be taken. They shouldn’t have listened to meddlers. Here’s a question – what they doing there?
“Revenge will be sweet for you, sure. But revenge delivered on the corpses of what, hundreds of thousands, millions? Why do you want”
WTF is coming? LOL! You have Zero anyone wants from you or Europe. Take a good look. R has taken their business elsewhere. They never needed Europe. Sanctions told the thicko yanks that. It didn’t make a dent.
He was giving the Gas dirt cheap. They celebrated when the yanks blew up Nordstream to force the EU to accept Yankee Gas at four times the price.
The yanks told the EU to stop trading with R so they did & are crashing their own economy.
The yanks told 404 to start a war & now they’re being humped.
The yanks told 404 to reject the peace treaty they already had before. Now they lose territory..
The yanks have stolen Rs $300 billion bank reserves.
& You want to blame R for all the woes? LOL. Eejit..
The yanks said R was psychotic, unhinged, a madman with nukes.
Oh lookie, Biden & Netanyahu are on the phone…a fcking Genocide is unfolding & two nutters with nukes are at the thick of it.
The propaganda has been off the scale & they’ve lost that fight too.
Has the yanks ever actually won anything? Sooner they’re removed from playing world police & interfering in everyone else’s country the better. They’re the biggest threat to world peace & they completely abused their position & weaponised their $ & NATO & it’ll all go now. Their hegemony is over.
“And with a war looming, they need the space for manoeuvres,
defence in depth, and if all else fails, somewhere to fight on without destroying their own cities.”
With who? LOL!
I have no idea why people on this blog concentrate on every country in the World but their own. I personally struggle to kep up with what’s happening in Scotland. So much corruption in plain sight.
@Xaracen says: 4 April, 2024 at 9:18 pm
“The fallacy behind the claim that Brexit should have sundered the Union is that we never entered the EU as separate sovereign nations. If we had done, then Scotland could have remained whilst England left”
Utter bollocks, John, it’s not a fallacy, and never was
So you’re claiming that when “we” joined the Common Market, Scotland joined as an independent country, England joined as an independent country, Wales joined as an independent country, and NI joined as an independent country?
The Common Market negotiated and ratified four separate and independent treaties? Like the ones it negotiated with say, Belgium, Poland, Estonia and Austria?
Because that’s the only scenario that would have allowed the different nations of the UK to independently stay in or leave the EU.
If that’s what you’re claiming, that’s the utter bollocks right there. “We” joined as a unitary state. As I pointed out earlier, the EU would require us to leave as a unitary state. And it did. Nobody was pulling a fast one. It’s simple common sense.
Post-Indy, we can apply to join as Scotland. We won’t get the same deal we had before, as part of a ten-times bigger economy, for obvious reasons.
Potty trained not poppy trained.
They are not potty trained so have to wear nappies.
Poppy training happens in the run up to Remembrance Day.
“Imagine two countries, sharing a common border. Now imagine the army of country 1, across the common border, creating mayhem and destruction in country 2.
It’s the country with the wandering army that’s at fault. And that’s country 1. And country 1 having developed a liking for possessing a wandering army, the lessons of history are that countries 3, 4 and 5, etc. would do well to prepare.”
The wandering army is the Yanks & NATO is their army.
What are the yanks doing in country 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 causing mayhem between country 1&2? What’s anything to do with them?
It can’t be democracy. They overthrew an elected representative because ha wasn’t what the one they wanted. So they organised a coup. There is even telephone recordings LOL.
It can’t be that R wanted 404. He offered a peace deal with the exact same terms as before that would stop the war. It was rejected. War continued…
It can’t be nuke. Yanks are the only ones to ever use them..
So you tell us what they organised a coup for & started a war..
Btw. Yanks would never allow a hostile antagonist to fck about on the border of Mexico so why do they insist on doing it to everyone else?
The bay of pigs caused a missile crisis. They even nearly used them on bad intel. They’re morons with no intelligence who nearly ended the world.
Yet others are to accept them playing acts of war on their borders.
Away & gies peace..
I think the real test of the HCB will be on Sunday with the Old firm game, both due to the fans and no interaction between the Scottish government football officials:
a nuanced take
– worth reading all the way through; toks a lot iy sense, ken
this is some sick shit
a monkey in a blender must be similar to what a human being looks like after being hit by a bladed spike missile
you thought trannies were the problem, but TQ+ … WTF is the Q+ exactly, let us speculate – this is one direction
– the other one is the “minor attracted person”-community who want the term paedophile banned as being bigoted.
last paragraph is chilling; when things have gone badly wrong, people will accept anyone who provides solutions.
the coming eclipse signals judgement day; johnny cash in the background “when the man comes around”
ps my confidential sources have told me who did the hate crime on humza’s wall
– all of those fancy rich sods didn’t know they were bidding up the work of a notorious racist
@Hatuey says: 4 April, 2024 at 10:12 pm
nobody ever got kicked out of here for being a tedious boring wanker
That’s a big problem with an online forum like this one. Nobody can see whether anybody has fat wallets or not.
Whereas in real life, money talks, even to Hatuey.
Don’t believe me?
“It’s Scotland’s Oil”. The rallying cry for a generation of Indy supporters. And now we’re to believe it was never about the money?
Here’s another one:
“Scotland – the only country to ever discover oil and get poor”.
Because Scottish people love nothing more than money… got it
Yeah, get out in the world and get some reality in.
One of the advantages of being old is you get to realise it’s all happened before. When I was doing voluntary work recently I met Archie in his Eighties who was the last consignment of National Service call ups. We spoke about this issue. He was a conscript and I was part of a voluntary force. We agreed the British Defence Forces have been reduced to dangerous levels. Over to Cameron Greer. A small part of my life but developing into an informative part.
@ Confused
It doesn’t end well with some Q+ people:
“I have no idea why people on this blog concentrate on every country in the World but their own. I personally struggle to kep up with what’s happening in Scotland. So much corruption in plain sight.”
Because it’s relevant.
Where do you think that corruption stems from?
I can think of one glaringly obvious. The UN security council & it losing its position.
Remember when Obama stuck his neb into indyref?
Remember when the Jewish community were upset we may vote to become independent? & Whether to give Sturgeon & the SNP the “Corbyn treatment”
Scottish independence has more than one meddler.
SNP soon signed up to various lobby groups & off on wee jollies to I*rael on peace/fact finding missions.
Also, Scotland makes the weapons they’re currently using in a Genocide.
Scotland doesn’t want dragged into foreign wars by our warmongering neighbours who’ve zero chance of winning. The whole internet is laughing at the UK. They’ve zero manpower. Zero equipment. Zero money. Zero 21st century weapons. They can’t even park a boat LOL
@Geri 11:00pm
I am going to park World wide conspiracy theories for now. My contention is that the UK cannot field an effective division and have no plan to defend the UK in the event of a hostile manoeuvre. Source whatever you want to believe. But the invasion is from within. I see trouble ahead. A lot of trouble.
No one will sign up to invade & overthrow governments to appease a foreign power for no other reason than to meddle in every country it has no business meddling in.
Some things happening in Scotland.
Quite a few articles about Operation Branchform in today’s newspapers. They are not saying anything new just that tomorrow it will be a year since Murrell was arrested, the blue tents went up in Uddingston and and the office in Jackson’s entry was raided.
Also that Humza wants to see the end of Operation Branchform.
(Police might get the job done if they didn’t have to deal with thousands of complaints about hate crime)
SNP deputy leader Keith Brown blasted for driving a car without an MOT months after car tax faux pas
Twitter post sayingg
Let’s send Keith flowers to show we’re supporting him.
Sturgeon accused of blocking changes to Scotland’s hate crime laws
Ms Smith argued that those accused of hate crimes under the legislation face living under the cloud of a police investigation for two years, even if they are later cleared of any wrongdoing, “so the process very much becomes the punishment”.
“And this could all have been avoided because right back at the beginning, during the last stages of the Bill, there was an attempt to put in free speech amendments,” she added.
“There was an outcry on Twitter. Nicola Sturgeon directly intervened and made Humza Yousaf pull them.
“We could have had real world examples for the police to use in training. But what happened was he broke those promises because ministers decided that it would upset the trans lobby if those examples were given in the guidance to the police.”
Nicola labelled destroyer of women’s rights
Why so afraid to upset the trans lobby?
Hamas will be laughing all the way to their tunnels and bunkers at the success of their tactics to divide Israel from its historic allies.
Hamas doesn’t gave a damn for Palestinian casualties. The greater the civilian casualty rate, the more Israel is criticised, and the more sympathy Hamas gets.
The ‘Holier Than Thou’ attitude exhibited by the uninvolved is nauseating. The absence of Arab efforts to stop Hamas is clear. Most of the Arab nations, Iran excepted, would be more than happy to see Israel destroy Hamas. It would save them facing Hamas terrorism later.
Israel knows from bitter experience that the only way to fight Hamas and Islamic enemies in general with any hope of success is according to the same ‘rules’ under which the latter operates.
The way things are going now, Hamas will not be destroyed, and soon enough it will all happen again. Hamas has promised to do it again and again, as soon as it can.
Or, perhaps they will arrange another 9/11 event in USA.
I suspect that much of the present bleating is attempts by other countries to show enough anti-Israel sentiment that HAMAS won’t target them next. Appeasement of any sort NEVER succeeds.
The human race has much to learn.
@Geri 11:15pm
I am suggesting the time has come to look at our own Governance. A virulent infection has overcome all decency.
Hatey McHateface
“It’s Scotland’s Oil”. The rallying cry for a generation of Indy supporters. And now we’re to believe it was never about the money?”
It isn’t. We don’t get the oil money at the moment do we? It sure refurbished our neighbours gaff tho eh?
Scotland would have an oil fund. Wow, what’s one of them & why does the UK not have one already dating from 1970s?
“Here’s another one:
“Scotland – the only country to ever discover oil and get poor”.
Because Scottish people love nothing more than money… got it
Yeah, get out in the world and get some reality in.”
We are the only country to find oil & become poorer. Apparently we’ve the only oil in the entire world that’s worthless shite so we let our neighbours have it for free.
Our wind energy too. Take that as well. We’ll just blaw on each other when it gets chilly. Aye, 5 million can really spend eh? I’m fcking tripping over caviare back here..
What we spending it on? Bridge gardens & water cannons?
Anything else you’d like to cadge, ya sponging arse..How about some islands?
“The absence of Arab efforts to stop Hamas is clear. Most of the Arab nations, Iran excepted, would be more than happy to see Israel destroy Hamas. It would save them facing Hamas terrorism later.”
Nope. They’d join in. I*rael isn’t a good neighbour. It expands without consequence. It just takes what it likes by a population that has no legal or historical claim to anything.
The Americans holding their bank reserves & weaponising the petro dollar too is what stops them taking action but that’s all about to change when they dump the dollar.
Poor you. You think this is about historical shite & trying to claim it’s antisemitism. That shit doesn’t work anymore.
There is Gas & Oil in Palestine. That’s why they want it cleared. The UN already ruled half of it belongs to Palestine.
Put yer hankie away..
We really need to get the spotlight back on Sturgeon and her cabal. These “whatsapp messages” need to be recovered and published. Sturgeon & her enablers know there’s long prison sentences attached to the truth being exposed. Let’s be honest, this is one of the worst states of corruption against the people of Scotland since 1707. The legal eagles in the Scottish system have to stop hiding, get vocal and save this country from total destruction. Have they no shame!
Siobhian Brown has committed a a hate crime, or her parents have. There is is a rule in Gaelic which means that certain vowels can’t be close to each other therefore correct is Siobhain. I’m a bit bothered by that but she said the HC Bill was passed unanimously, a straight out lie which even the BBC called out (not known for calling out lies).
Anyhow Shuv spell your name correctly in whatever language you want.
I have climbed a few Munros in my time. I never realised they were inherently racist. They have only been there for millions of years. And now there is a taxpayer funded via the BBC licence to prove the mountains are indeed racist.A black adventurist group to the Highlands has been established apparently because white people are denying access to the Highlands. The countryside is racist. My message get up from your arse and do it yourself. Absolutely nobody is stopping you.
@charles (not the R one) says: 4 April, 2024 at 11:19 pm
Tell the truth and shame the devil.
Just like in Eastern Europe, we’re expecting our proxies to fight with both hands tied behind their backs. And just like in Eastern Europe, we’re up against people for whom the value of each individual life, ours and theirs, is close to zero.
The human race has much to learn
I disagree, it’s only our part of the human race that has forgotten the essential lesson – in wartime, there’s only one objective – win. The parts of the world we’re up against have learned that lesson and are focused on delivering it.
@Geri says: 4 April, 2024 at 10:33 pm
Thanks for the reply. You’ll forgive me for thinking that somebody who can’t tell the difference between the application of political and economic pressure, and an invading army of hundreds of thousands destroying billions of dollars worth of property and killing tens of thousands, isn’t going to be worth debating with.
But I’ll offer you the same question, in a fraternal manner, I offered yesterday.
Explain the pros and cons of the result you want, victory on the eastern front for the RF, for us Scots, for Scotland, and for the cause of Indy.
Explain the pros and cons of that result on the EU, and on Scotland’s seemingly unavoidable fate as an EU member, as laid out in current ScotGov policy.
In these explanations you should be able to demonstrate that you actually have comprehension and reason, and not just a picklist of grievances, both exaggerated and imaginary.
Strange to see the number of BTL commenters who still rock up to assert that 19 guys with box cutters highj4cked 4 planes on 911 and that 2 of those planes knocked down 3 steel framed buildings at free fall speeds.
These posters are MSM mushrooms;
parroting fictional events, stirring up h4tred in society, and enabling repressions such as the Hate Crime Bill to come into existence.
MIdEastern extremists are clearly sponsored by Zionists.
Hatey McHateface
Away & raffle.
It’s not the West’s place to play world police.
They don’t recognise democracy. They don’t even recognise it in their own countries but they want to fck about it someone else’s.
They’ve no business interfering in another country’s security, interests & resources.
They’d no business urging 404 to go to war.
They’d no business being in 404s territory.
They’d no business interfering in their elections to install a puppet.
They’d no business meddling in another country’s constitution & treaties.
They’d no business taking a population to war – who’d voted for peace.
I asked you one question & you haven’t answered.
What’s in it for 404?
Let’s all see if you can answer.
I see the peace deal has been withdrawn. It’ll now be a starting point.
No longer applicable. Oh dear. BoJo the clown has lost 404 territory..
Should’ve taken the deal.
Was there ever an explanation of why these supposed tyrants (besides Bin Laden) never seen the inside of a courtroom to give their version of events?
The amount of warmongers on here who believe the shit they’re fed over terrorism. It’s the yanks who fund them all. As Clinton/Neocon emails showed – she couldn’t give a fck about populations. Same with Nuland. It’s all about getting their hands on other countries resources.
We can now add 404 to the “we entered, we fcked everything up, we shat it & ran away” list
Now they want to pick on China FFS LOL!
Game over.
Shit-free Sherlock has concluded his investigation re new ” names ” appearing BTL . All of whom appear products of the same factory, none of whom have a good word to say about Scotland .
Item. Hatey McHateface aka Shitey McShiteface . What’s his bag ?
1. A keen interest in money + implied resort to the ” Tight Jock ” stereotype .
2. A rather sick interest of seeing other people’s family members being conscripted/getting obliterated .
3. * Remarkable * sang froid regarding what – even – the U.N are now calling genocide perpetrated by those ” Davids ” of Zion – armed only with a primitive catapult , oh , and all the State-of-the-art lethal weaponry the Gifilte Lobby are able to extort from their little matchstick manikins in the Yank Senate . Well , in his defence , it is only ” ragheads ” that are being slaughtered .
4. Fanatic worship of the Azovionist Spartans way over yonder in Eastern Babylon , allied to vitriolic HATRED of the Nation of Tolstoy , Tchaikovsky ,Kandinsky ,Dostoevsky , Solzhenitzen -among other minor talents .
5. A predilection ( some might say ” fetish ” ) for flashing his yellow n blue and – for variety – blue n white underwear at every opportunity .
6. ( the clincher ) A suspiciously early start to every day BTL on WOS .
Conclusion . Hatey McHateface aka Shitey McShiteface aka wee Johhny aka Slava John Main .
Whoever/whatever S mcS is , he will join the burgeoning ranks of the Scroll-bys as yet one more waste-of-time/space who reside behind the woodwork and seek to distract , divert , divide .
OMG Pacman that story gave me nightmares.
Dogs do incredible things. Guide the blind, round-up sheep, sniff out drugs & bombs, offer support, detect illness ie cancer & covid, keep you fit and all the rest. They can even be taught silly tricks like doing a nazi salute, to say sausages, fetch a ball and even jump through hoops but fellatio is a trick too for these incredible creatures who love eating sausages.
Pacman 10.36pm, the SFA should be charged with inciting hatred with their ref appointment for sundays game.
OBL (aka Tim Osman in his visits to the US) paid millions of USD to build Mujahid33n training camps
to bring sharia to Afghanistan.
The guy who raised muslim C1A armies to invade Kosovo ?
Not indicted by the FBI for 911 ?
Killed and buried at sea with no proof ?
That 0sama B1n Lad3n ?
… France:
“the French parliament to further turn the screws on anyone betraying present day political correctness on issues of gender, ethnicity and all the other key elements of identity politics in PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS. Not in public, not on the airwaves, but in the privacy of your own home or otherwise behind closed doors.
To be specific, the parliament has passed in a first reading a very nasty modification to the existing Article R625-7 of the French penal code, which was itself no gift to free thinkers.”
The new modification reads:
“Insults, defamatory remarks or remarks provoking discrimination against people on the grounds of their ethnic or religious affiliation, gender identity, etc., when these are not public, become offences, punishable by a fine of €3,750.”
This new French law makes criminally punishable defamation and discrimination in conversations between, shall we say ‘consenting adults,’ in private quarters.
One wonders how remarks made behind closed doors are brought to the attention of the authorities if not by libelous anonymous protectors of public morality worthy of Venice in its worst days.
A petition is now being circulated in France denouncing the proposed new text as ‘dictatorial.’
What is noteworthy about the kind of legislation we are discussing – regardless of what Country/Nation State/Sub State we are talking about – is a marked commonality in which certain groups are excluded from protection.
It has been noted, for example that whilst at least the Scottish HC Bill has wriggle room provisions in it where Belief other than religious Belief is a protected characteristic whereas the UK legislation appears to protect religious belief only. It has also been noted that whilst “sexual orientation” as defined subjectively and individually is protected under these kinds of laws there is no protection against vitriolic hatred, harassment, stalking, vexatious allegations etc for objective based categories of sex and age. Both of which are fair game in terms of having no protections whatsoever.
Stripping everything down to basics what we have is a growing body of legislation across the Collective West in which the Fantasy Based Community can legally abuse and attack the Reality Based Community with impunity. Even privately expressed observations by anyone in the Reality Based Community are subject to punitive legal sanction.
There can be no doubt here that the majority Reality Based Community is under existential attack by a minority of fantasists.
If senior Scots lawyers had anything about them they would have warned that this particular pudding was already over egged and likely to fail. Did any?
Egg on the faces of all underworked politicians who dabble in the sinister zone of social engineering.
Good law has a light and well reasoned touch.
@John Main;
You are doing your usual mal-representation and mal-interpretation things again, John. I clearly made no such claim, and what you said about it doesn’t follow from what I said.
The clearest example of ‘it was always just a matter of negotiation’ is how Brexit’s Northern Ireland border issue was resolved precisely by negotiation, despite that it was and still is part of the UK when “we” joined the Common Market! That blows your shoddy argument out of the water. As for ‘simple common sense’, that was sorely missed during the entire Brexit shit-show, and we are still awaiting its return.
Please point out the common (and lawful constitutional) sense that said that the Scottish sovereign half of the Union was obliged to defer its formal Remain decision to the informal Leave decision of the English non-sovereign half of the Union.
Seems the Free Speech Union has advised Mr Murdo Frazer in the wording of a letter he has sent to the Chief Constable regarding their non recording of a ‘NCHI’ involving Mr Yousaf.
Accordingly it seems Police Scotland are now reviewing their procedures in the light of the changes recently made by Police Services in England & Wales.
It’s like pantomime season has come early in 2024 … except that this pantomime may well have serious consequences for the audience.
So Main has multiple IDs ? Lol. Cowards always do.
I thought I could detect a twang…
404 is looking for volunteers. Any age will do. They’re not fussed. I wonder why the war hawks haven’t toddled over & told them where they’re going wrong…I think we could even crowdfund their fare..
I guess the lesson of the above (pacman) is don’t stick your knob in your Jack Russell Terriers gob.
SNP foreign aid charity says ‘mother’ and ‘father’ are ‘problematic’ words in woke language guide
Problematic Phrases
Manpower, man hours
Girls, guys
I remember all this stuff happening before with ‘Plougman’s Lunch’ and other such things.
I also remember Roald Dahl writing a very funny book of politically correct fairy tales. It was very funny.
Any remember that one.
Roald Dahl’s books are on the hit list now for some reason. Further research needed.
It also looks as if ‘Ploughman’s Lunch’ is also back on the hit list.
Last time around it was deemed sexist. What is it now? Transphobic?
Said before but I’ll say again..
The West are fascist.
They’re losing power & their Colonial gig is up.
They’re panicking.
They’re losing their grip on power.
They’re losing their world bank.
They’ll no longer be able to just print money.
Austerity on stilts for the little people will cause an uprising.
They are setting in motion a way to restrict that & have been busy setting up a police state.
The establishment (feet in both camps) doesn’t like their two party state challenged.
There has been no other “movement” implemented so fast across all of the West. This isn’t just a wee daft SNP policy. This is instruction from on high. The TRA bullshit has just been the Trojan horse to go holiday daft & fear their backlash. The big boys will soon take over…
Geopolitical news doesn’t filter through to the eejits at the BBC. They can no longer lie that everything is fine & that there are enemies under the bed since the dawn of the internet. AI will soon take care of that..
Countries are done with sanction pish. They’re done with weaponising the $. They’re done with Colonialism & imperial expansion of war hawks..
They chose the wrong fcker to mess with & it’s blew the lid clean off .. their hegemony is deid.
On the plus side, it’s good news for Scotland. No longer will her resources be plundered.
No wonder China wanted their Pandas back.
If poor Ying Yang could only speak, I bet she’d have a tale or two.
Edinburgh Zoo caused a shit storm on twitter over their stance on the ++++ bullshit.
You can download the SIDA Inclusive Language Guide here:
Race And Ethnicity Terms
Only refer to race, ethnicity, or nationality when relevant to the information we are communicating.
When writing about nationalities be specific and do not apply broad geographical labels to
individuals unless they describe themselves that way. (e.g., say Nigerian, not African)
When writing about broad ethnicity, use: black, brown, white (not Caucasian) and use lower case
because these are adjectives that apply to people, not proper nouns, unless someone asks you to do
Don’t use BAME unless asked to do so. If you can’t be more specific, ‘people of colour’ is often an
appropriate alternative.
When possible, ask individuals and groups what language they prefer.
What a minefield.
BAME is now a problematic word and so is Caucasian
My problem with term ‘people of colour’ is everyone is a person of colour unless SIDA consider white isn’t a colour. Why is white not included?
I could be here all day learning the new ‘non problematic language’ and not have time to post about the ‘Dundee Window Fall Death’ story.
Charles( not the R one)
You still haven’t answered the question I asked you yesterday morning at 10.56am. Do you even live in Scotland?
“I have lived in Scotland for a very long time, and I don’t recognise that in all my time.”
If you dislike the Scottish people so much, then why have you lived here “for a very long time” ?
UK Gov say;
“We use ‘ethnic minorities’ to refer to all ethnic groups except the white British group.’
It’s really complicated.
I’m just trying to figure out if White Scottish would be considered a ethnic minority within the UK and who the White British group are.
They also say:
We do not use the terms BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) and BME (black and minority ethnic) because they emphasise certain ethnic minority groups (Asian and black) and exclude others (mixed, other and white ethnic minority groups). The terms can also mask disparities between different ethnic groups and create misleading interpretations of data.
Quite a lot going on in Scotland today.
It’s a sad tale but it could be worse guys your dog could have suddenly fancied a cheesy sausage.
Dogs go mad for cheese.
Fake Scotland tops delivered with names of England stars on the back
Scotland fans getting ready to back the team at Euro 2024 have been shocked to find the names of England players on the back of their new kits.
The fake strips were apparently ordered online from China for a cut-price of £15, which represents a saving of around £70.
But the Tartan Army customers discovered something had been sacrificed for the knock-down prices when the tops arrived with names of players who will be appearing for Gareth Southgate’s squad including Manchester United forward Marcus Rashford and Real Madrid midfielder Jude Bellingham.
@George Ferguson re the climbing group. This is not a new thing, The Guardian ran an article a number of years ago, pre Covid, I think, about a Muslim climbing group which was going to decolonise the British countryside from the evil, hated whites who hang about in the middle of nowhere waiting to discriminate against poor people of colour. I went and looked up the group and found that what the Guardian had failed to mention was that the groups were split into male and female and chaperoned to ensure no talking to each other or other jiggerypokery between the groups.
The same thing is being pushed within Scottish art circles and funding and promotion directed to people who have rolled up into Scotland from other countries and are being celebrated for saying that there are too many white people in Inverness. This is being done by organisations which exploit educational charity status and which are funded by Creative Scotland.
Decolonise the countryside is a term for purging white people out of existence in our rural areas.
Q. What’s the difference between Humza Useless and Sloth from the Goonies?
A. Sloth from the Goonies was just pretending.
Is “It’s Scotland’s Oil” a racist, hatey statement, given that “Scotland” means “the land of the Scots” and the First Minister despises Scots?
Should the word “Scotland” be banned? It might upset somebody who arrived here last week and now thinks they own the place.
@Anton Decadent 11:45am
John Craven of BBC Countryfile is conducting a research project to establish if indeed the countryside is racist. I find the whole concept ridiculous. Our wee bit of hill and Glen will be getting dropped from the National Anthem next. Every aspect of our public life is being challenged. To what end?
Every aspect of our public life is being challenged. To what end?
To turn your country into a B&B, all bills paid for by you, for anybody who fancies turning up uninvited and making it their country instead.
Got tae keep the natives on their toes in case they get any funny ideas about decolonising the land of their ancestors.
This land was made for you and me.
@ George Ferguson
When I got up this morning the countryside around me was WHITE!
@George Ferguson. It is a concerted campaign to completely disenfranchise white people in our own countries and cultures with, imo, a long term goal of replacement. It is being openly thrown around academia that white people have no culture(s) etc.
A few years ago the musician Stormzy announced that he was going to donate one million pounds to put young black people through Cambridge as the system is geared against this, apparently. In response an elderly, wealthy white industrialist said that as young white working or underclass are the amongst lowest performing in educational tables he would match that one million pounds to put disadvantaged white young people through further education but the colleges he chose would not accept the money.
Such multi tiered systems are being implemented across not only education but housing, law and the Arts etc.
If there were any doubts that Sturgeon is a textbook narcissist, she’s doing a grand job of removing any that remain.
Check out the clip included here.
If anything, she appears to be getting worse. The messianic streak is deepening, becoming more obvious.
The woman is unwell. Unfortunately, according to Freud, there is no treatment available for the real narcissist because they cannot entertain the possibility that they are at fault in any way.
(If Freud was correct, she will gradually regress to early childhood.)
‘ Somehow, incredibly, the SNP have just contrived to hand the moral high ground to MURDO FRASER.’
Bit hard on old Murdo this. I get that you disagree with him 210% (to quote Frank Bruno) politically, but morally??? Unless I’ve missed some horrendous scandal about the guy, he seems decent enough. Or is he beneath contempt simply because he’s a Tory?
@Dan 1:08pm
Aha you have got snow up there? Raining again here. The wettest Spring for a good few years.
Is the Scottish countryside institutionally racist ?
Animals . Let’s see : did our native red squirrels not spurn ” kindness ” when their number began to be decimated by those cuddly asylum-seeking grey guys ; were they not in fact a little bigoted at the prospect of being wiped-out ?
Trees . Did our native pines lack empathy when Dutch Elm Disease was laying waste to so many of their woodland companions ?
Is it not the case that the nominal ” silver ” of Birches is merely cosmetic ? The reality being that these monsters are WHITE ! WHITE ! KINDA CREAM COLOURED !
Never heard of any complaints of racism on Norway Spruce ; which , of course , doesn’t mean there has never been any : consider ….if an incident of vile inter-species racism falls in a forest and there’s no-one from the Racism Industry to witness it , can it be said to have actually not occurred ?
Mountains . These can be racist , but more often sexism is their main peccadillo . eg why do they all have a masculine forename eg …Ben Nevis , Ben Lomond , Ben The Loaby ?
Valleys . Similar patriarchal prejudice is evident here too , eg every valley being named Glen .
Weeds . Back to floral racism . There have been – alleged – incidents of racism by our native dandelions being yellow in a provocative manner whilst trying to resist being strangled to death by Japanese Knotweed .
Nuff said .
Scotland should atone for it’s wilful disregard for Sacred Prog Codes ; broken-up into manageable units and sold to any cunt with enough money to do what they like with ………wait…..isn’t that already happening ?
Robert Hughes , I have just realised thanks to you , that judo belts are worryingly tinted.
‘Hate crime legislation is an essential element of our wider approach to tackling hate crime. It makes clear the type of behaviour that is not acceptable in society.
‘ having clear legislation about hate crime sends a strong message. In particular, it makes it clear to victims, perpetrators, and communities that offences motivated by prejudice will be treated more seriously and will not be tolerated.’ (SNP/Scot Gov online)
And inevitably…’Hate crime
Scotland’s diversity is its strength;’ SNP
And-on the Poileas Alba site: ‘A non-crime hate incident is any incident perceived by the victim, or any other person, to be motivated either entirely or partly by malice and ill-will towards a person or group based on the victim’s actual or perceived membership of one or more of the characteristics, but which does not constitute a criminal offence. Non-crime hate incidents are not recorded against the other party.’
The only thing clear about all this is that the SNP wanted to close down discussion of transgenderist issues and ethnic minorities (and by inference immigration).
That said IF the police have decided that none of the thousands of complaints lodged is a criminal offence then the suggestion that it could be recorded against the ‘other party’ is wrong, based upon their own hate crime guidance.
We should all report ourselves as thought hate crime non-criminals.
Phone the cops – or the local sex shop or where ever you report these things, and tell them you want to confess that you had a hate thought last night and want to turn yourself in.
Flood them with bullshit because bullshit is the only proper response to bullshit laws.
@Tommo 2:35pm
It’s all quiet on the HCA Western Front. No daily updates clearly the BBC, STV have had their instructions. The BBC in particular erroneously claimed the brouhaha was down to a quiet political scene in Scotland during the Easter holidays. We have Freedom of Information procedures and Subject Access Requests. The Scottish Information Commissioner is turning out to be a bit of a hero to me. Hiding dissent about the HCA and dampening public discussion is so Scottish Government.
Rishi Sunak ready to pull out of ECHR over Rwanda flights
What are the implication of the UK leaving the ECHR.
@ Dorothy D
Ah , good spot , D.D : then again , is the highest judo belt not Black ?
One of the main concerns re UK withdrawal from ECHR:
the ECHR is a fundamental part of the Good Friday Agreement. It is difficult to argue UK withdrawal would not breach the agreement. As well as risking damage to intercommunal relations, such a breach is likely to significantly harm strategic relations with the US – and President Biden is set to visit Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.
Sick Line Excuses
1. I don’t feel well.
2. It’s my old wound.
3. Man Flue.
4. My Doctor said…
5. Dodgy Curry.
6. Trench Foot.
7. Alien Abuse.
8. It’s contagious.
9. My Grans unwell again.
10. That time of the month.
@ George Ferguson
Aye, a covering of snow through the night with dreich sleety rain with a chilly wind through the morning.
The wet weather makes the lads’ job in the effluent collecting tanker all the harder as a fair bit of water off the roofs of old buildings in the village flows into the sewer rather than into separate soakaway systems.
This means the lads are constantly in and out the lorry having to fire up the engine and suction pump to try to keep up with the volume flowing into the sewerage chambers or it starts pumping effluent into wrong watercourse.
Into the third week of this now and still no word on how they are going to rectify the fault with broken pipe… 🙁
HAtey Mchateface
“So far they’ve been bending over backwards to avoid antagonising the collaborating forces of the RF, Iran, China and North Korea.”
So not only are they getting their arses kicked they are cowards too boot, however the warmongering bully boys club called Nato headed by the Great Satan (US) knows fine well not to start a full blown open war with the above, for their would be no winners the Great Satan once again wants Europe to be the battlefield.
“To expand on your analogy, it’s difficult for anybody to get at NATO’s backside when NATO has both hands tied behind its back, and is bending over backwards.”
I refer you to my above comment, and in reality Article 5 isn’t worth the paper its written. Of course the EU want YouCraine, or what will be left of it if anything) to be a member so that EU citizens will be left to pick up the mega bill for rebuilding it.
What I would like to hear from you, but have no hopes whatsoever of you being able to provide, is a summary of just what is going to be in it for Scotland when a good chunk of the eastern side of the EU has been carved off by the RF.
I hope it shows Scots what a nefarious warmongering bully boy club Nato is led by the Great Satan (US) which plagues this world via its nasty bellicose foreign policies. Oh and the RF is part of Europe, only Atlanticists think it isn’t.
That’s what you really want, isn’t it? Why not tell us how that will play to our advantage in Scotland, whether in the UK, or as an independent country?
Lets see the removal of warheads from Scotland, and loch polluting nuclear subs, the reduction of the possibility of nuclear strikes in Scotland if the (US) and its minion England attacks a nuclear nation, the cutting out of BAP and US State Dept influence at Holyrood, the stopping of Scots fighting and dying in Anglo/American wars. The list is wat too long for in here.
The above is if Scotland ditched this rancid union, which I hope it does.
Robert Hughes @ 15.22
I believe 9th & 10th Dan grades are Red, Robert. A too white society couldn’t possibly allow Black !
4th April 7:46pm.
” They could try to fudge a new treaty in a way that the New Treaty would simply Supersede the old one without repealing it, Then Holyrood cannot pass the ratification of the new treaty unless the power to do so was also devolved.
It would still be Westminster parliament falsifying a ratification of a new treaty of union with Scotland.
Because the devolved Scottish Governance is rolled down from Westminster by Westminster parliament Legislation and Statues for and to create the “Scotland Act”
It would be quite legally impossible for Westminster to make a new treaty with Scotland without repealing and ending the union.
It can not supersede the old one for the following position has altered between England parliament and Scotlands parliament.
The Scottish parliament was DISSOLVED in 1707.
The new Treaty would not include Scotland or its parliament.
Winnie Ewing could not Re-convene the 1707 Scottish parliament Because the Devolved parliament in Scotland was already under the legislation and Statues of “Westminsters parliament in England “Scotland Act”
The same applies to Alex Salmond re-naming anyone position or employment title in the devolved Scottish governance from Westminster parliament, it is still under Legislation and Statues of Westminster parliament situated in England.
These are both bogus statements by these two politicians ( although at the time I do not think they Understood) it did not alter Westminster parliament status over holding the power of the legislation or Statues of the Scotland Act including reserved matter.
What is important and does matter is that the parliament of Scotland was Dissolved in 1707, and Due to this it has to be factored into history,
The parliamentary union between Scotland and England parliaments ended in 1707. When the Scottish parliament was dissolved by a Declaration of Queen Anne,
The treaty of union articles State that the two parliaments would (join) to become the new branded Westminster parliament of Great-Britain parliament,
A dissolved 1707 Scottish parliament is not joined to the Parliament of England but dissolved from “joining” the parliament of England to go on to create the parliament of Great-Britain.
Read up on dissolved parliaments.
Under the uk parliament rules and the constitution,
A Dissolved parliament has no legal parliament members, from the time and date it was dissolved.
Its cannot represent any of its Constituents,
It is not binding on its successor parliament.
Once the Scottish parliament and its parliament members were dissolved in 1707 it was no longer joined or bound to the parliament of England.
The Upper House, “The House Lords” were not Dissolved in the parliament of England and entered the newly branded Westminster parliament of Great- Britain without election,
parliament of of Great-Britain is the Upper House , the House of lords of the parliament of England,
It is the House of Lords that claim the parliamentary Sovereignty from the old English parliament Act The Bill of rights. ( for England) not Scotland.
Thus the rolled down Devolved Government sent to Scotland is under the “House of Lords” that falsely claims its Sovereign over all Britain and in Westminster parliament..
But Scotlands parliament was Dissolved and dismissed from joining in a parliamentary union.
It would be legally impossible for Westminster parliament to uphold the original treaty of non-parliamentary union with Scotland , never mind pretending the rolled down devolved parliament they sent to Scotland under their own statues and legislation was Scottish other than name to supersede it with a new treaty of union between Westminster parliament and Westminsters parliaments devolved parliament,
Westminster parliament Creating new treaties of union with Westminster parliament Scotland Act sub branch …… on behalf of “Scotland” that actually by default and error of Queen Anne declaration became independent of Westminster parliaments obligations in 1707 when it was dissolved,
Mark Beggan @ 15.34
Interesting thought you raise in sick note 10. Do biological males self identifying as trans “women” get to suffer from such medical conditions; bearing in mind Police Scotland are an “equalities/woke” employer.
I’m an electronic engineer and let me tell you, the colour coding for axial resistors contains all the colours of a Pride convention and more . On the bright side it could be considered to be radically inclusive in that it includes the oft-derided HWHITE as a colour, but on the other hand it could be decried as being racist since HWHITE is worth far more than brown which, in turn, is worth more than black which, controversially, is worth zero. Then there’s silver and gold which, to my mind, can only be representative of the money to be made by cashing in on the LGBT craze. Lastly there is pink which…well, it could represent a few things. Let’s not go there, eh?
@Dan 3:37pm
Separating rain water from sewage pipelines will cost billions of pounds but it’s got to be a long term goal. You were right when you said priority to public infrastructure should take precedence over hurty feelz policies. But nobody in the Scottish Parliament is capable of running a tap. We are long past the time when public services required intelligent intervention from the Scottish Government. Dan they are just not capable never mind interested.
Cannae afford the heating bills? Then get dancing tae warm yersel up with the additional benefit of burning off aw they oat calories.
LWD Europop – Yer Tea’s Oot Humza
@Ruby says: 5 April, 2024 at 3:22 pm
What are the implication of the UK leaving the ECHR
I’m thinking an entire industry of grifting Social Justice Warriors and their tame, legally qualified troughers will have to get honest jobs.
As for us ordinary Scots, I doubt we will notice. After all, the ECHR has not protected us against the Covid over-reaction, or the Orwellian HCA.
We may actually see an improvement once it goes. It can be argued that being subject to the ECHR has penalised legal, law abiding citizens, because it has prioritised those that are neither legal, nor law abiding, nor even citizens.
For Indy supporters, wanting Indy in order to protect our national laws and customs, it should be ingrained behaviour to resent every supra-national infringement on our own affairs.
So, well done Sunak if he can make it work.
“The Hate crime bill is being “trialed” in Scotland first just like the poll tax, blamed on Scotland , but mark my words, a hate crime bill is planned for all parts of Britain through the UK different devolved governments first. But England will not be missed after the trials.”
James Che.
On the above.
with England and Wales in mind.
“So-called hate speech can be punished under a number of UK laws. The most prominent among these are the Public Order Act 1986, the Malicious Communications Act 1988 and the Communications Act 2003. These laws essentially turn causing offence, or ‘stirring up hatred’, into a police matter. If the Tories really want to do something about the free-speech crisis in this country, then scrapping these laws would be the place to start.
Under Part 3 of the UK-wide Public Order Act, it is a crime to ‘stir up hatred’ based on race, religious beliefs or sexual orientation. This vaguely defined offence applies to any form of communication – from words expressed on the street to books or even plays. In the most serious cases, crimes relating to inciting hatred can theoretically carry up to seven years in prison – the same maximum sentence for ‘stirring up hatred’ in Scotland’s new Hate Crime Act.”
“The Malicious Communications Act – which applies to England, Wales and Northern Ireland – criminalises the sending of communications, electronic or otherwise, with the ‘purpose of causing distress or anxiety’. This can include posting a dodgy joke on social media. Doing so could land you a prison sentence of up to 12 months.
The Communications Act similarly makes it a crime across the entire UK to intentionally ‘cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another’ via social media. This covers both posts on public platforms and messages in private message groups. Those charged under the Communications Act can face a fine or a custodial sentence of up to six months. While such laws might sound as if they aim to tackle harassing behaviour they have routinely been used against merely offensive speech.”
“The situation is made worse by the police’s recording of ‘non-crime hate incidents’. As the name suggests, these are not criminal acts, but behaviour deemed by police to be motivated by hostility or prejudice. Non-crime hate incidents cannot, thankfully, lead to prosecution. But they do allow the government to keep an extensive database of every person who has ever been accused of causing offence. A ‘victim’ of such an incident is under no obligation to provide any evidence that anything untoward ever occurred, let alone that it was motivated by hatred. Nor does the victim need to consider themselves a victim – the perception of a third party will do. In many cases, the accused person is never even informed that their name and details have been logged into this catalogue of thoughtcriminals. This can then show up on an enhanced DBS check, jeopardising their employment prospects. More alarming still, the police’s own guidance on the recording of non-crime hate incidents was declared unlawful by the courts in 2021, but the thoughtpolice just carried on as if nothing had happened.
Of course, most of these laws were introduced long before Rishi Sunak ever set foot in 10 Downing Street. But his cl”aim to care about free speech still rings hollow, given that they remain on the statute book. Under his watch, police have continued to target thoughtcriminals and he has never once suggested getting rid of any of the laws that allow them to do this.
@Republicofscotland says: 5 April, 2024 at 3:50 pm
not only are they getting their arses kicked they are cowards too boot, however the warmongering bully boys club called Nato headed by the Great Satan (US)
Hey that’s cute.
Getting their arses kicked whilst not there.
The pedant in me wonders if you could start writing these amusing epithets in alphabetical order.
“Bully-boy cowardly satanic warmongers” is such an improvement, don’t you agree?
In alphabetical order it makes a very limited kind of sense. Whereas the way you wrote it, well, it’s no more meaningful than a spilled portion of alphabet spaghetti.
As is the rest of your post.
Explain again to all of us how Hadrian’s Wall was built to keep nuclear blast and radioactive fallout out. And remember that whilst some of the readers here may still be in short trousers, most of us lived through and remember what happened at Chernobyl.
And how that affected Scotland after.
One last thing. See your atlas showing Siberia in Europe? Send it back for a refund. You’ve been conned.
Having read about Sunak considering pulling out of the ECHR because of illegal immigration I got to thinking why the ‘asylum seekers’ do not want to stay in France.
This is an interesting article:
There are various different points of great interest I’ll start with this one:
For others, however, the UK has a number of specific attractions. Some of the asylum seekers who have congregated on the French coast have family members who have already moved to Britain, and who can assist them once they have landed there. Even those asylum seekers who lack close relatives or good friends in the UK can travel to the country in the knowledge that they will be able to rely on some support from the very large diaspora and ethnic minority communities that are to be found in London and other large British cities.
Multi-culturalism makes the UK an attractive destination because the UK isn’t a foreign country for anyone.
I then went on to ask if the UK is more multi-cultural than France.
I found these two answers.
Is France a multicultural country?
Multiculturalism is anglo-saxon craziness.
Every french citizen has to be french, whatever its skin color.
It means speak french, obey to the french law.
Religion is private. It can’t bend the french law.
Yes and no actually !
Yes France is a multicultural country in the sense that many people from different origins and cultures coexist more or less peacefully.
No, France is not a multicultural country in the sense that we do not recognize different rights or obligations for different cultures. Everyone is considered french and is therefore subject to french law which is exactly the same for all citizens (again more or less, as you can imagine nothing is perfect).
So everyone is French. No long list of different ethnicities.
French India, French Pakistani, French Africa, French Roma etc etc etc.
Having read the ‘SIDA Inclusive Language Guide’ and the UK Gov site about all the different ethnicities I got to wondering why it was necessary for the Gov to know about all these different ethnicities.
Do we make special provisions for all these different ethnicities?
Would it not be simpler if everyone was British and either biological male or female?
I find this an interesting topic if you don’t then you know what to do. Warning I will be highlighting further points from the above article.
Next will be ‘asylum seekers and the black economy’.
“As for us ordinary Scots, I doubt we will notice. After all, the ECHR has not protected us against the Covid over-reaction, or the Orwellian HCA.”
Oh right so a right wing Tory who is desperately trying to bypass the ECHR on his vile Rwanda plan which has cost the taxpayer million will protect UK citizens, what a pile of shite you type.
The ECHR protects us that’s why the Tories want it binned.
“The ECHR is an international court set up in 1959 to rule on individual or state applications alleging violations of the civil and political rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights.
Its judgments are binding on the 46 Council of Europe member states that have ratified the Convention.
It is not a European Union institution and Brexit has not affected the UK’s relationship with the Strasbourg court or the convention.
Lubna Shuja, its president, said: “Leaving the ECHR would mean the UK would sit as an outlier in Europe, alongside only Russia and Belarus, who are already outside the convention.””
“Getting their arses kicked whilst not there.”
Oh they are in Youcraine alright, many died at Mariupol, Nato troops have been in YouCraine operating western weaponry for a while now and their prescence hasn’t made much difference, YouCraine is all but demechanised, and the current (no pun intended) power war has left the country in darkness, YouCrainians are fleeing over the border to Poland in their tens of thousands, the Great Satan and Nato’s backing of the Kneo-Natzi regime has made no difference YouCraine is on the verge of collapse and a the RF will soon be able to dictate a peace deal on its terms with a significant DMZ included.
“One last thing. See your atlas showing Siberia in Europe? Send it back for a refund. You’ve been conned.”
Spoken like a true Atlanticist.
Rushia’s land mass if rolled up into a ball roughly equates to the surface of Pluto. Part of which is know as Western Rushia-it is geographically situated in Europe, and its the most populated part of the country.
Men wouldn’t survive a menstral cycle. They would be listed missing in action.
@ George Ferguson
Maintaining basic infrastructure should be the focus and priority when funds are limited, not spaffing cash away on ridiculous niche or virtue signalling pish.
It was too wet and cold to do any stonework today so a pal and myself went for what should be a nice relaxing countryside walk… but ended up picking up 4 packed bags of litter from along a mile of C road which was previously picked clean just a few months back.
When we joined the main B road home, pretty much every single road drain was still choked solid with sediment and a covering of water, like they have been since last year.
Large potholes and hunks of tar road surface up to the size of your fist scattered around each drain due to being burst out with the frost and hydraulic action of large vehicles driving over them.
I had reported the blocked drains to the local road’s dept last year when I was out drain gulleys and clearing road verges so the surface water had a chance to drain off the road.
It kind of irks starting to pay my council tax again when I know I have put in so much time clearing roads and pavements around my locale, which has saved the council many thousands of pounds had they had to do what I have done for them.
Keeping the roads well drained really reduces this type of damage occurring and expense of having to carry out repairs.
I just MOTd my motorbike to make sure it’s roadworthy, it’s just a pity the roads aren’t bike or car worthy though!
Yiiipppppeeeeeee! But don’t get your hopes up this ferry will need to spend weeks undergoing sea trials, the ferries are at least five years late and hundreds of millions of pounds of taxpayer cash over budget.
The SNP aren’t worth a f*ck.
“An SNP minister will attend the launch of the second delayed and over-budget ferry next week.
Wellbeing Economy Secretary Mairi McAllan will launch the MV Glen Rosa from the Ferguson Marine yard in Port Glasgow on Tuesday.”
Sarwar has taken up hill climbing.
Asking someone to pass the mango chutney at a dinner table is now a criminal offence in Scotland.
@Dan 5:12pm
In my last house I employed a real stone Mason to get the property up to scratch before putting it on the market. I don’t have those skills. I hadn’t realised there was a tradition of placing a tanner or latterly a shilling in a hidden location. In my case he placed a 20p coin. When the surveyor came to value the property I literally had to point the 20p piece. It was so well hidden. That guy had no apprentices. Heavy dirty work he couldn’t recruit an apprentice. On the litter front my wife and grandchildren often pick up litter with their hands. I am not happy with that so plan to buy them litter pickers. The worst route is the pavements back and forward to the local school. We have plenty of bins here. Absolutely no excuse.
@ George Ferguson
“I hadn’t realised there was a tradition of placing a tanner or latterly a shilling in a hidden place”
I have heard that a human sacrifice was originally used in certain buildings. The bones of the victim were placed in the foundations to ward off evil. Then later animals were used in later times, up untill today, whereas money is used.
There’s also the masonic mark of stone masons which can be seen on the stone of any tenement in Scotland today.
” And remember that whilst some of the readers here may still be in short trousers, most of us lived through and remember what happened at Chernobyl.”
More pish from the question asking Chinthe.
You see the Kneo-Natzi regime in Youcraine backed by Nato gave them the green light to blow up the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) by shelling it from a distance.
The (ZNPP) is the LARGEST nuclear power plant in Europe (one of the ten largest in the world) and the Kneo_Natzi’s knew this, but still they attempted on several occasions by shelling and incursions to blow it up because the RF held it, and ended up protecting it from Nato/Kneo-Natzi madness, which would’ve made Chernobyl look like a picnic compared to the blowing up of the (ZNPP).
It becomes more and more obvious that these were not hate crime laws invented by the Scottish devolved government as the are to broad in there scope across Britain,
And the MSM just point and blame Scotland , but stay quiet on it happening in England.
So what is the purpose,
Well it appears it wants to use the mass immigration to remove all human rights access to all ethnic groups in Britain in the future. Setting workers rights, womens right, childrens rights, etc, back by two or three hundred years
Especially as the UK government is not discerning between ethnic british and immigrant British.
Fun fact
30 people died directly due to the Chernobyl melt down and maybe 60 more in the decades since.
Nuclear Physicist Galen Winsor claimed that he used to swim in spent fuel pools in US nuclear power plants.
In lectures he used to swallow what he claimed was radioactive uranium 308 yellowcake dust nightly.
He died in 2008, age 82.
Youtube – Galen Winsor talks about The Nuclear Scare Scam
@Mark Beggan 6:40pm
I have no knowledge of the Masons. I was living in a stone cottage on 2 floors. I climbed up with him two floors of scaffolding. He had pride in his work and wanted to show me. I saw a 20p coin. I saw no Masonic or any other markings. Was he a Rangers supporter? He told me he was a Celtic fan. Brilliant stone Mason nonetheless. Desparate for an apprentice and he was in his mid fifties. The lead time to get him to work for you was 4 months. He was worth every penny.
The radioactive fallout from the 1986 Chernobyl dust covered the whole of Europe. There was serious rain fall in Scotland shortly after, which contained this dust and it’s still in the Scottish water tables to this day.
The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi has already pleaded with the Kneo-Natzi regime in YouCraine not to attack it, the plea has fallen on deaf ears.
This Thursday (yesterday).
The ZNPP press service reported that one of the two high-voltage lines supplying the Zaporizhzhia NPP, Ferroplavnaya-1, was disconnected. The causes are being established, while the radiation background in the area of the station remains normal.
“There was serious rain fall in Scotland shortly after, which contained this dust and it’s still in the Scottish water tables to this day.”
Mark Beggan you are correct.
“The effects of this were felt most severely in Wales, Scotland, and some Northern English counties like Cumbria, which all experienced heavy rain as the radioactive cloud passed over it.”
“One site where Chernobyl’s radioactive rains are still present today is the famous Loch Ness in Scotland.”
Argentina’s President Milei has sold out his citizens.
“In the early hours of Friday, Argentine President Javier Milei and Gen. Laura Richardson, the commander of the U.S. Southern Command (SouthCom), held a meeting in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in this South American country.
During a speech to military personnel from both countries, the far-right politician reiterated his willingness to forge a “strategic alliance” with the United States and its allies, suggesting that SouthCom will participate in the “Integrated Naval Base.””
The Great Satan (US) is also urging Milei to place sanctions on Venezuela.
Also the Great Satan has built secret military facilities in the disputed Essequibo region, the land is claimed by Venezuela and Guyana, the latter Guyana called in the American’s to back it up against Venezuela, a country that the Great Satan has tried to overthrow several times without success.
@Mark Beggan 7:48pm
True but the Radiation exposure of working for the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority was greater. The day of the Chernobyl incident when the cloud reached Scotland I was walking with the new wife’s dog and her over ground west of Dounreay. In fact it was the Health Physicists from the site that alerted Scotland. We still laugh about it. My whole body monitor results were insignificant due to that incident. Later a PRE of 1 R escalated my whole body monitor count far exceeding the Chernobyl incident. Who would be an Engineer?.
Guess what would stop asylum seekers & immigration dead in its tracks ?
Not helping the yanks blow up their homeland cause they feel like a regime change.
It’s not rocket science.
Leaving the ECHR would be a bad thing. It gives the Tories carte blanche to write their rights which would equal no rights at all.
As for GFA, I think it means they’d rip up the treaty & there wouldn’t be a thing NI/ Republic could do about it cause it could be related to the ICJ where they listen to disputes. USA & EU went guarantor for GFA. Swearing to defend it but after the shit show of Gaza who knows – they may just turn another blind eye. One thing would be for sure – UK would’ve been given the green light from Biden or the UK wouldn’t dare defy orders.
Hatuey McShiteface
“Getting their arses kicked whilst not there.”
Don’t be a spanner. They’ve been conducting military operations there since the coup of 2014.
Also military training exercises, Strategy & advice, intelligence operations (LOL) Weapons training (how to use a pot lid) & all round meddling jobsworths.
None of it was of any use.
If you listened really, really closely to yer BBC you’ll hear some General Fuckity from Fckvilleshire rolled out to quaff enthusiastically that “he’s been there since BEFORE 2014”
Bang goes the intelligence LOL!
They’re trying to do that special manoeuvre where they’re not NATO – whit, me? Nah mate – I’m just a Lampshade.
They’re antagonising for R to strike a NATO country. He won’t unless they strike first. (Said repeatedly direct from the horse’s mouth despite the West claiming he’s under the bed & not talking) So they orchestrated a terrorist attack. Again – they’re so intelligent they started to sing intel like a budgie too..
So looks like France drew the short straw & they’re getting shifty..
Eejits. There’ll be no EU.
On the bright side. Franchise Fanny will be greeting intae his cornflakes when he finds out thats his beloved NATO finished. EU finished. EU citizens finished.
Any NATO country engaging in the yanks psychosis will be wiped out. No menfolk left.
RepublicOfScotland 4:36
It takes masses of something to more or less simultaneously denigrate the UK government for suggesting binning the ECHR, claiming it would put us beyond the pale, alongside Russia and Belarus, whilst cheering on the expansionist, colonialist war effort of Russia, aided and abetted by close ally Belarus.
I don’t know what that something is, but I recommend you insure your head.
And leave it to science once you pop your clogs.
Your “thought” processes are surely the stuff of many a post grad thesis. Or medical case study.
See your post at 8:30, claiming to know “secret” stuff? That’s indicative of something, head trauma perhaps. As is the hyperbolic biblical language, like “Great Satan”.
But it’s not all mince, so credit where due. I see in your post of 8:11 that you acknowledge that Hadrians Wall provides no protection against radioactive fallout.
So your claim that we can hunker down and virtue signal while England gets nuked is debunked by yourself. We’ll get you thinking yet, just give it time!
“I hadn’t realised there was a tradition of placing a tanner or latterly a shilling in a hidden location”
Feng Shui has that too.
Funny how traditions get around..
It advises to place coins at yer front door to bring in good luck & positive energy into your home.
Also never to sleep looking into a mirror. I remember that one cause I’d to move a dress mirror. I dunno what evil that is supposed to conjure up LOL..
@ George Ferguson
Yes the cloud journey was traced going West along Northern Europe then heading North to the UK.
I remember it rained for about a month.
Also fun fact while on the topic..
I blocked off an old chimney & placed a copy of The National, iScot Mag, a YES flag & various badges….Pffft. I wonder who’ll ever find that time capsule.
Also at my parents house converting an old loft flat. (Old maids quarters.) I found two clay pipes, a cap & about a dozen newspapers from about 1930s hidden behind the old horsehair type plaster..
@Geri 8:55
It’s my working assumption that any poster reduced to primary school playground name calling is all out of convincing, plausible, rational, or even just coherent, arguments.
Here’s what I think Ms Geri. Every post you drop on here pushes Indy just a little further away. Every brain fart of yours dissolves just a little bit more of Indy support.
Is that your intention? It’s certainly not credible that you would claim to be building Indy support with your inchoate, deranged ranting.
Whoops, nearly forgot. I have always admired, respected and even loved inchoate, deranged ranters. Don’t you ever change Ms Geri. You occupy a special place in all our hearts.
Hatey McHateface
Reminds me of a certain poster who never answers questions but spits out plenty of insults..
Have you found out what 404 is getting out of this war malarkey yet? I asked this morning but nada reply so far. They’re about to become stateless. I sure hope it was worth losing their entire military over. Generations to recover. All safe for Biden & BoJo tho…
O/T – Does anyone know why the Indy 1st facebook page is now called “Blank Page”?
Geri @ 21.06
I believe that the Feng Shui practise re the mirror is based on the Taoist concept of Chi. The theory being that mirrors reflect energy, which can be disruptive to your rest. Potentially causing sleeplessness and nightmares.
“Every post you drop on here pushes Indy just a little further away”
LOL Whit a roaster..
Little ole me isn’t responsible for everyone’s voting intentions you know. Yer narcissistic tendencies are showing. You may think the world revolves around your every word. Me? I’m that important or grandiose.
You should get that checked out..
Off you pop now.. schooled on yer propaganda & fake news by btl posters including Mac, RoS, Robert etc.
Zero for effort.
No team leader badge for you this week back at Ministry of Truth HQ. Must try harder…
Maybe the page is down, admin has closed it or has been deleted by Facebook??
I haven’t been in FB since it changed yrs ago but those used to be the reasons.
That’s what I thought in 2016 but now I’m asking myself what rights I have left to loose.
How much worse could it get?
I was looking at why ‘asylum seekers’ want to come here and not stay in France and it looks as if they get a much better deal here. We are much more accommodating and multi-culti.
NB I am not arguing for or against the ECHR I am just collecting information.
there are a number of reasons why a growing number of the asylum seekers arriving and living in France might want to continue their journey. France’s asylum procedures and reception arrangements provide one explanation. Only 25 per cent of asylum applications in France receive positive decisions, 10 points lower than the average acceptance rate in the European Union as a whole, and significantly less than the 70 per cent of cases accepted in the UK.
Asylum applications in France usually take around nine months to process, and before asylum seekers can even apply for refugee status, they have to register a fixed address with the local authorities. Without such an address they are not allowed to work, take French classes or benefit from the French health system.
A wee bit of info Ruby with the ECHR in mind.
France to ban wearing abaya dress in schools: Minister
Move comes after months of debate over wearing of abayas in French schools, where women have long been banned from wearing hijab.
This would never happen in the UK.
@ Geri: thanks. The Indy 1st facebook only opened about a week ago when Indy 1st was launched – Barrhead Boy is involved, I think. They didn’t post anything other than the launch video, which was odd I thought, and now it is reported as being a name change from Indy 1st to Blank Page – which is even odder. Indy 1st says what they intend whereas Blank Page surely doesn’t make it obvious what they are about?
Oh well, I expect there will be an explanation from the owners at some point.
John H. says:
5 April, 2024 at 11:05 am
Charles( not the R one)
You still haven’t answered the question I asked you yesterday morning at 10.56am. Do you even live in Scotland?
“I have lived in Scotland for a very long time, and I don’t recognise that in all my time.”
If you dislike the Scottish people so much, then why have you lived here “for a very long time”
YOU simply dreamed that up, just as so much of the drivel that people post here is dreamed up.
@Ruby 11:08
Never say never.
We’ve got 5 years of disappointment and disillusion to get through first with Starmer, but by the time that’s over, I expect people might be wakening up.
Meantime, as French parents get used to wondering if their kids will be killed at school, we can all puzzle over how we could stop that kind of violence from catching on in Scotland.
According to a lot of charities it’s the language that attracts them because they have English as a 2nd language. Also family ties & it’s also an obligation under some sort of UN international treaty the UK signed up to which obligates them to take their share. Asylum seekers get to choose where they want to seek refuge. Not the other way around regardless of what country they pass through first.
England deserve to get loads. They helped bomb their homes & destabilised their countries.
Maybe the answer is for them to A. Shut their gob. 2. Not to sign up to bombing campaigns. 3. Sign up to UN treaties if they’ve absolutely no intention of accepting them.
There are various charities who are always given airtime to answer angry (English) callers about immigration.
The UK has thrown money at Rwanda but, last I heard, they’re not taking the numbers the UK thinks they will.
Maybe England could give them Dorset as a gift. They’re fond of giving real estate away…lol
ROS says:
“Wellbeing Economy Secretary Mairi McAllan will launch the MV Glen Rosa from the Ferguson Marine yard in Port Glasgow on Tuesday.””
Let’s hope it doesn’t do a “Vasa” on its maiden voyage..!?
You certainly implied it..
“When was Scotland last famed for “its once sane, common sense mentality”?
I have lived in Scotland for a very long time, and I don’t recognise that in all my time.”
You don’t think Scots are sane or have any common sense Fae 1943?
Murder of Samuel Paty
Beheaded for teaching freedom of speech.
France was not afraid of a backlash from Muslim whereas I bet we would be here.
They said right that’s enough no more hijab, no more burqua in schools and definitely no more niqab anywhere.
France is a secular country. You know what you can do if you don’t like it.
Well maybe they didn’t say that exactly but I think that was what was meant.
It’s not the Muslims who are the problem here at the moment but the ‘Trans Activists’ they seem to be dictating what we should and shouldn’t be saying and our politicians are so shit scared of a backlash from the trans activists they go along with all the madness.
As a result of their cowardice we are now denied freedom of speech, have all these crazy hate crimes
and a first minister who stands up in parliament and delivers a blatant anti-white hate speech and gets away with it.
Je suis JK Rowling.
I know all that Geri!
The downside of giving Dorset away is the people from Dorset will move here and you know what that means.
@Geri 11:37
We speak English here too. Your last post was written in a reasonable approximation of it.
Get somebody to take you out for a day in the car. Drive south into England, then back north into Scotland. If you pay attention, you’ll see signs telling you you’ve crossed the border, but otherwise, you would never be able to tell. The border is wide open.
Here in Scotland, our FM has publicly stated he wants a million immigrants into Scotland.
Can you see now how your smug belief that this is an English issue, that doesn’t affect Scotland, is hogwash? Or do you need it acted out with sockpuppets?
‘With respect to employment, the nature of the British labour market acts as a further incentive for asylum seekers who are living a precarious life in France. Due to a comparative absence of government regulation, the UK’s ‘shadow economy’ is much larger than that which exists on the other side of the Channel.
And while asylum seekers in Britain are excluded from the official labour market until their claims have been recognized, they can often find poorly paid and menial work in the informal sector: picking crops, working in take-away food outlets or cleaning cars, for example. “
From memory they had a lot of court battles first before the European Courts ruled it didn’t breach their human rights.
The French know how to put their foot down on all manner of topics.
Here it’s just meh…
Or apologists for the latest draconian bullshit the UK government has introduced & how they’d go further.
LBC was the radio show btw regards asylum in my last post. They often fill their whole day discussing immigration with angry callers. TBF tho they do invite counter argument.
“We speak English here too. Your last post was written in a reasonable approximation of it.”
Do we, aye?
I wonder how that came about?
I bet Gaelic signs at the Border get yer heckles up eh?
Just as English was beaten into other colonies. Suck it up. Buttercup. You beat it intae them to speak the Queen’s English.
Scotland would welcome immigration, refugees & asylum seekers in an independent Scotland. We’ve an ace new country to build. We’d have full control of our own immigration policy, intel sharing agencies, intel security agencies & we wouldn’t have helped them become fcking homeless in the first place.
England has an immigration problem of their OWN making. They refuse to pay for it. They even screwed over France for millions of € before the French had enough & ordered “the Jungle” to be closed. An absolute eyesore with Cameron “we’ll send some tents” What an embarrassment of fobbing off their problem to another country.
Now the scroungers are off looking to stiff Good luck. Looks like they’ve taken a leaf out the Britnat book & taken the money first & now changing the terms LOL..
“they can often find poorly paid and menial work in the informal sector: picking crops, working in take-away food outlets or cleaning cars, for example. “
Aye. Cause no one wants those shit jobs.
“British values” doesn’t include the family unit.
Professor Wollf has done some excellent presentations on the differences between Europe & America regards standard of living.
France are very good to parents. Even free nannies so Mum & Dad can work. Along with various other benefits including parental leave & childcare & encouragement to breed.
Mention *benefits* in Britnat Britain & it’s an instant lynch mob with some eejits on about their taxes being wasted.
None of that in Britain so we’ve an aging population, couples with nowhere to live far less start a family, single parent/child cap & no workers cause the education is dire & soon to be only schooled/skilled in woo woo & gender identity guff… GCSE in Ze/zen zigga/zigg-ah. What jobs will that land?
It all has an effect. Immigration fills the gap & governments are happy about that. America has the same problem on immigration.
“We’d have full control of our own immigration policy, intel sharing agencies, intel security agencies”
Just to be clear – I mean sharing intel with other European countries on applications. Like normal countries do everyday with each other.
We wouldn’t make a shit show of it like the UK has. It’s their responsibility. No one else’s. They created a hostile environment to immigration & even started deporting British citizens. (Windrush scandal)
It’s simple, we should be completely different as a nation free from colonial rule. We should never act like our colonisers, however ingrained and brainwashed that way is.
Radical departure from the status quo, with a clear vision of the future, unfettered by current group think, is required.
I wonder where the next wave of thought leaders are, or come from, given the incessant dumb down we all suffer.
RH, I always thought racism worked both ways and Sven has brought the native Americans into this discussion too!
Who was it sang about a ‘great big melting pot’?
That isn’t exactly true Geri. People trying to survive on jobseekers allowance/low wages would be delighted to have these ‘cash in hand’ jobs.
A week-end job in a Indian restaurant washing dishes or chopping veg getting paid cash in hand would be ideal especially when it doesn’t affect your benefits.
Of course if you get caught you will be ‘sanctioned/charged’ not sure what happens to the employer who pays cash in hand or the politician who employs you to clean his house. I suspect not a lot. In the ‘informal sector’ as the writer describes it there is no minimum wage.
The writer of the article claims £40 a week in benefits + full board & lodgings is a pittance. I’m wondering how many people on low wages have £40 a week pocket money.
There is also the issue of how many of the people coming in small boats are actually asylum seekers or as Humza might say ‘at it’.
Might be easier to find out than if Isla Bryson is a man or not although I suppose if you have no paper work it could be difficult.
I wonder if the UK does decide to leave the ECHR how that would stand vis a vis Le Touquet agreement? If France decides to end ‘Le Touquet’ agreement that would put a stop to the small boats.
Geri says: at 12:59 am
“Aye. Cause no one wants those shit jobs.
“British values” doesn’t include the family unit.
Professor Wollf has done some excellent presentations on the differences between Europe & America regards standard of living.
France are very good to parents. Even free nannies so Mum & Dad can work. Along with various other benefits including parental leave & childcare & encouragement to breed.
Mention *benefits* in Britnat Britain & it’s an instant lynch mob with some eejits on about their taxes being wasted.
None of that in Britain so we’ve an aging population, couples with nowhere to live far less start a family, single parent/child cap & no workers cause the education is dire & soon to be only schooled/skilled in woo woo & gender identity guff… GCSE in Ze/zen zigga/zigg-ah. What jobs will that land?
It all has an effect. Immigration fills the gap & governments are happy about that. America has the same problem on immigration.”
First, I don’t think it is particularly helpful to continue calling certain paid task “shit jobs” as it demeans some of the absolutely necessary work that some folk do for our society. Picking crops is kind of essential seeing as it provides food to go on our tables. Folk should try growing their own or picking crops and see how long they last out in fields in inclement weather.
It is also better for the environment that we consume locally grown seasonal fare instead of importing food, because that just gives the economic benefits of food production indstries away to other countries, and there’s all the energy involved in transporting stuff across continents.
Altering our mindset so that we are motivated to develop our own food producing industries to provide healthy sustenance to feed our nation should be a no brainer. It isn’t helped by perpetuating the notion that the work is shit. It is only classed as shit by folk that are either clueless or classist and think that sort of dirty hard graft is beneath them or their children.
Second, I agree with you as we have an ageing demographic and rather than support indigenous Scots to start families and raise the next generation, we get things like the 2 child cap, uncontrolled immigration, and a focus on confusing children through the education curriculum and wider genderwoowoo promotion to the point our young are so fucked up they consider sterilisation to fit in with their feelz.
That is hardly a sensible way to address developing and maintaining a viable sustainable society.
Even so, there are a number of reasons why a growing number of the asylum seekers arriving and living in France might want to continue their journey. France’s asylum procedures and reception arrangements provide one explanation. Only 25 per cent of asylum applications in France receive positive decisions, 10 points lower than the average acceptance rate in the European Union as a whole, and significantly less than the 70 per cent of cases accepted in the UK.
What happens to the 75% who have failed to gain ‘refugee status’ in France? Do they then come to the UK?
I wonder if seeking asylum in France is less attractive since Brexit.
Wot, no toon?
@ Dorothy
Indeed , * Racism * – more accurately Xenophobia , ie ( as you know ) fear of strangers/difference , is a latent potential in every single human on Earth and a manifest response in every culture that has ever existed .
Yet one more supersized irony of the self-perpetuating Racism Industry’s moronic ( though lucrative , for them ) insistence that ONLY White people can be racist is the ACTUAL Racism it contains .
An extreme example , granted , but the opinions expressed by the ( alleged ) London Underground attackers released AFTER the event * on 7/7 may be more common that people realise . Those eavesdropped conversations were replete not only with – real – hate for ” White ” culture , also with – real – vicious sexism , eg all ( White ) women are ” slags ” ” whores ” etc and deserve nothing but contempt and degradation . Incels come in all shades , eh ?
* I’ve always found it * curious * how quickly AFTER an alleged terrorist attack the names , ages , addresses , employment etc details of the alleged perps are released to MSM . If the Security Services know all this in advance how come they are unable to prevent the attacks from occurring ?
” Who was it sang about a ‘great big melting pot’? ”
I’m sure you know it was an ensemble called Blue Mink – essentially a collection of established songwriters, session singers & musicians .
I’ll always remember this song , not only because of it’s quality musically – and the sentiment of the lyrics , also because I first heard it when I was in the ” Vicky ” , ie the Victoria Infirmary Glasgow getting my appendix removed .
” curly black n kinky , mixed with yellow Chinky ” . Hahahahaha
Imagine trying to ” get away with ” writing those lyrics now ; you’d get , er…..lynched by the Prog Polis
Dorothy Devine @ 08.04
Sorry, DD, I’m struggling and failing to recall my mentioning native Americans, can you refresh an old guy’s memory, please.
On the other hand, I well remember Blue Mink and a very happy period of my life to which it formed part of the soundtrack.
6 April, 2024 at 9:09 am
France are very good to parents. Even free nannies so Mum & Dad can work. Along with various other benefits including parental leave & childcare & encouragement to breed.
Very good to their Tradespeople and Craftsmen too. Mind, a Scottish Apprentice (pick your trade of choice pretty much), is frankly an embarrassment when seen beside their equivalent Compagnon du Devoir Apprentice.
It wasn’t always thus.
Some day the penny will drop. But not while NeoLiberalism rules the economy. Did I say “rules”? I meant ruins.
These Cabaret creeps are like the ‘The Manky Jaikets’
in that they never organise their own events just hijack others events.
Hate Monster is bloody huge today. Hate! Hate! Hate!
You would need to be a saint not to hate these fuckers.
I keep seeing Humza on Twitter and I just can’t bring myself to listen to him.
Sorry my last post should have come before the 11.45 post.
I mucked up the ‘You Tube’ link.
Surely this so called counter protest by the ‘Cabaret Creeps’ has got to be a hate crime.
FYI If you include the http: in the a tube link the post just disappears into cyberspace.
I was so consumed with hate, hate, hate I didn’t notice my mistake.
The Rev is on today’s Scotland Speaks with Alex Salmond from 17 minutes in.
I don’t know what is going on
I posted what Chris said on twitter re ‘no toon today’
about Stu being on Scotland speaks this morning with link
and about the Women Speaks event
but it has disappeared.
Wee Creepy crawly Harvie pips up with fear mongering just before his degenerate Green Show.
If ever there was a little freak parasite then Patrick Harvie was born for the part.
A few years ago I was preparing to run as a independent, from which I had to withdraw as it coincided with my spouse being diagnosed with cancer in Lower Colon,
Alba was were new on the scene at the time and I did some Canvasing for them as I did with the Snp pre 2014,
I was invited to join and Stand as a Alba Candidate,
whilst canvas and chatting I inevitably met the opposition parties whom also invited myself to stand for their party as a Candidate.
The result was I could not stand for any, as my Spouses health became my number one priority, and I am still their sole carer today.
I have researched many legalities and records since and due to being more confined at home as a carer in the moments when Spouse was resting.
(Part) of the resulting conclusion from continuous research has undoubtably led to the observance that Scotland as a nation and Country in the present day System under Westminster Statues and Legislation is unfairly set apart from The Country of England politically.
The Country of England has one Governing body to pass Legislation, Statues and laws over it,
However Scotland, Wales and N Ireland have to Contend with laws passed by UK parliament and a second set of laws passed by the devolved administration from the UK parliament, which can only pass as Scots laws.
This double two tier set of laws is a political hammer to Scotland , not only to the Scots, but to anyone else residing in Scotland by Choice, regardless of wether you are supporting the union or independence for Scotland. It cuts across all walks of life for anyone in Scotland.
If you were to consider equality or human Rights, it is obvious that this is not a equal Human Rights Great–Britain when one section of Society only has to deal with one governing body, whilst the rest of Britain is governed by two separate administrations, both bringing in laws over Scotland and its people.
I am not surprised that the UK parliament that govern both administrations via the Scotland Act and from UK do not wish to retain the ECHR rights.
This is where and how I unintentionally arrived at the concluding position that Scotland and the other devolved administration in GB are unequal amount of laws that only apply to certain parts of Britain are Colonial administrations.
In of itself the treaty of union Articles have no mention, word or record of a secondary devolved sub-parliament branch parliament being part of the terms or agreement to the treaty of union.
Westminster parliament become the owner of the treaty of union rather than the protector of the treaty of union,.
Manipulating and converting the articles of the treaty through the devolution parliament to suit its needs in opposition and restricting Scotland in a Limitless manner of Second sets of laws that cannot become law or govern in the country of England,.
If Scotland is still seeking its independence it will not find it through the second administrative body sent from Westminster parliament to its second parliament devolved to Scotland,
The devolved to Scotland parliament is not THEE actual Scottish parliament, it is the baby parliament for Westminster parliament sent to curtail and restrict Scotland through many second layers of extra laws compared to a single body of governance in the country of England.
If I were to ever run as a party Candidate again it would be to rid Scotland of the unequal second layer of laws that apply double standards of unequal law to the people of Scotland by the so styled devolved double governance from Westminster parliament that the Country of England does not have to contend with.
The devolved parliament is Colonial parliament,
Sven, you mentioned RED – when I was a girl we sang a song which today might offend but it went like this ,
‘down among the red men , feathers in their head men , pow wow’
As someone who spent time riding a trike round the garden with ropes on the handle bars as a native American princess and growing up to research and respect them more and more , I apologise for that backward song!
It becomes an issue for Scotland, Wales and N Ireland that Westminster parliament is Acting solely as the parliament of England governance,
Whilst in Scotland, Wales and N Ireland it imposes two Parliaments with the ability to pass and apply two sets of layers of laws.
The parliament of Westminster of Englands separate government is also the other devolved parliament’s governance
The Westminster parliament government of England has separated itself from being the parliament of (Great-Britain,) to become the
devolved Parliament of Scotland.
devolved parliament of Wales,
devolved parliament of Northern Ireland.
And yet retains itself as only the Westminster parliament of England. To govern. Pass laws, legislation and ” yet” holds “Sovereignty in Westminster parliament” of Englands laws in that governing body of England
The Acting Westminster parliament of England as it stands is the sole legislator for England, but not for Scotland’ Wales and Northern Ireland.
This breaches the treaty of union.
As the Westminster parliament of England is falsely claiming it is the sole proprietor of the treaty of union,
As it is I have always tended to agree with that position.
As the old English parliaments “lower house of commons” did come under dissolution in 1707,
However the The Upper house ” of the old parliament of England “The House of Lords” did not dissolve. and no new elections took place, they were simply transferred by Queen Anne from one parliament to their new rebranded parliament of Great- Britain,
Thus the old English house of lords previeled to become the House of lords in the new named rebranded parliament
Indeed this body of Lords are one and the same body in both the old and new parliament making it the House of Lords of England both in the old and new parliament of England.
They have maintained their Sovereignty of Westminster through the English parliament Act ” the bill of rights, over England, and still govern England separately from the rest of Britain,
They occasional let this information out by error.
Such as the Anglo- Irish treaty 1800.
Or the Anglo – American trade deals.
Another error was when the Old Scottish parliament came under dissolution by Declaration of the monarch in 1707 from the treaty of union, which instantly released Scotland and The old Scottish parliament from any legal obligations to uphold the treaty of union.
As NO parliament that comes under dissolution can bind its successor. NOR has any parliament members.
The Scottish politicians that entered Westminster parliament after Scotlands parliament came dissolution in 1707 were as new members of the parliament of England,
Dorothy Devine @ 14.36.
Thanks for getting back to me DD, I hadn’t made any connection between the colours of belt worn by Judoka and native Americans, I must admit.
I guess songs such as those sung by your innocent young self were reflective of their time and culture.
If you look at ALL the colonial countries they are ALL having the same problems with their melting pots of cultures, Germany,Italy,France,UK,and many more,but any deviation or concern from the people who could interpret what the outcome was likely to be earned you all sorts of name calling by the so called progressives who couldn’t see by the melting pot hippy fantasy,but you CANNOT FORCE people to integrate or surrender their beliefs and cultures
Just like Geri I have posted numerous times that if the warmongering arseholes in WM stopped interfering in other countries business and stopped bombing the fuck out of them MAYBE the immigrants would stay in their own country and work towards a better future
Unlike Geri I am firmly against untrammelled immigration and open borders for refugees,especially when the boats appear to consist of a very high percentage of young fit and healthy men of various African ethnicity and many others of Albanian heritage
If the Scottish government and parliament wasn’t full of woke lunacy and there were more family orientated representatives it wouldn’t take a genius to come up with a policy that would or could encourage young indigenous Scots to start increasing their family numbers, but that would take time, they prefer the instantaneous action of bringing in more immigrants irrespective of what the consequences will be
And you only have to look around the western world to see the festering anger,racism and hatred simmering under the surface ,unfortunately it is not just the hippy melting pot adherents that will suffer when it all goes tits up it will be all of us
“First, I don’t think it is particularly helpful to continue calling certain paid task “shit jobs” as it demeans some of the absolutely necessary work that some folk do for our society.”
Being realistic. No one wants them. I used to be an assistant Manager in a hotel back in the day. Well to do. Jobs (chamber maids, kitchen staff, porters, dish washers etc) were never filled through the jobcentre/ advertising. The job could sit for months. They were filled by word of mouth/cash in hand. A waiter or a bar tender knew a friend of a friend. Mainly students or foreigners. Spanish, Greek or Portuguese) In the unlikely event someone applied & got the job – they never lasted more than a few weeks.
This still seems the case because after Brexshit hoteliers were begging in WM to relax the hostile environment.
As for fruit pickers – that’s kinda romantic. LOL. Young ppl travelling Europe taking a gap…or maybe that’s just my idea of it.
They’re obviously not shit jobs. Someone needs to do them but very few *Brits* ever applied & if they did they didn’t remain for long.
Charles (not the R one) 11.21pm.
You certainly took your time in replying. We’re you trying to think of a good answer, and failed ? Or did you need to build up some Dutch courage? Anyway, as Geri said, you certainly implied a strong dislike of the Scottish people.
Thanks for the rude answer.
I remember something from Robin McAlpine a few yrs back lamenting about the baby box policy & how Sturgeon, in her quest for the spotlight immediately, rushed to get just the box out & abandoned the other parts of the package aimed at giving young parents a helping hand.
Other countries pay young ppl to breed cause they know their country will be extinct otherwise.
Not Britain tho. A family is frowned on – especially more than two & don’t even mention if they’re single…
Also, meant to add. I’d not be in favour of an unchecked, open door policy.
I don’t imagine we’d have various *home grown* professionals from day one & would need immigration.
@ Geri at 4:57 pm
Re. “No one wants those jobs”.
As I stated, there needs to be a change in mindset in how folk perceive many of these necessary tasks. So rather than promulgate the notion that these are “shit jobs”, we actually need folk to begin to comprehend and value the important part employment this type brings to our society.
Far too many folk that should know better really need to get a grip and begin to counter so many of the narratives that demean folk because of the jobs they do.
EG. The tanker crew lads working day and night pumping my village’s shite and piss and other effluent for weeks on end to stop further environmental damage are absolute stars.
I’ve previously worked with effluent before in drainage work, and also as an apprentice mechanic for a bus company.
It’s mucky and stinky character building work, but someone has to do it. I recall the sinking feeling of piece time when you are just tucking into some scran and the overnight London express bus rolls in and it’s your turn to go and dump the overflowing and choked onboard toilet.
You’d hope like heck it was one of the coaches that the dump lever still worked on, because if it wasn’t you had to kneel down and unscrew the larger 4 inch fitting with some deft skillz to avoid 50 gallons of crap wooshing out and splattering you as it flowed into the collection sump.
I’d like to think my brave and stunning efforts in toilet draining were valued and impressed some of the hot lassy students onboard. But maybe they just thought that lad is doing a shit job… 🙁
I can tell you that it really takes the edge off the flavour and enjoyment of a bacon roll if any of that toxic blue toilet fluid and shite ended up on you!
When I was young, berry picking used to be done by many local kids, traveller folk, and folk from Glasgow coming up to pick the fruit over summer. It changed to using foreign labour starting with Poles and Czech folk, but as economic parity with their homelands occurred, that changed the visiting workforce to folks from other countries coming over for the seasonal work.
If you eat jam, don’t be dissing those that pick the fruit!
@Twathater 4:06
So you don’t accept climate change is real, and you think the eye-watering surges in African populations are lies?
And easily available international travel doesn’t contribute either.
It’s nothing but getting bombed to fuck that has those hundreds of millions on the move.
Climate change is real. It’s been happening for melina. Tectonic plates shifted & Mother Nature had a laugh & fused us with fckn eejits instead of just letting us sail off.
The modern day bullshit is revamped paranoia that lead to the one child policy in China from the 70s. It’s Population control. Stop peasants from breeding & wasting the hob nobs world resources. Stop traveling. Stop eating. Stop producing. Stop keeping warm. Stop scientific advance. Just stop having any kind of fun.
If only Western governments invested as much time & money into paying off their trillions of debts as they do on this guff – that’d be far more beneficial to help future generations eh.
No one was greeting “think of the planet. Think of the sea levels” as they drop 500lb bombs in Gaza – or roll over wee hedgehogs with tanks in 404. Funny that eh? I guess missiles & nukes have zero footprint & all the wildlife have communicated those are exempt.
@Geri 11:37
Afraid you’ve lost me. I don’t know any melina.
Shame about the hedgehogs though. We can agree on that.