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Wings Over Scotland

Into the far away

Posted on August 27, 2024 by

Poor old Tommy Sheppard’s got a contract, so he has to keep talking. And this week he said something that, if anyone really thought the constitution was still a current live political issue, would have attracted a lot more attention than it did.

Because even the SNP are now saying another indyref is – at best – a decade away.

Sheppard’s plan as outlined above is of course a comical fantasy anyway. It’s exactly the same stale snake-oil the SNP has been punting since 2016, except that instead of demanding another referendum it effectively demands infinite referendums.

As such it obviously has even less chance of succeeding than it has in the last eight years, for all the same reasons, and doubly so since the party pushing it – which was once seemingly invincible at the top of Scottish politics – is now a toxic binfire.

(Sheppard himself admits as much earlier in the very same article.)

This site pointed out endlessly that the period after the Brexit vote was a God-given second bite at the cherry far sooner than we could ever ordinarily have hoped for one. The circumstances between 2017 and 2021 in particular were the most propitious an independence movement could ever have dreamt of.

That chance was first neglected, and then smashed into pieces and flushed down the toilet, by Nicola Sturgeon, and Sheppard’s vision of a mass civic movement forcing the UK government to concede this idiotic “new” plan is a farcical lie that even he doesn’t believe for a second. If Brexit plus COVID plus May plus Johnson plus Truss didn’t generate riots on the streets, nothing that’s coming in the future is going to.

No overwhelming sustained polling lead is ever coming either. We know – and have known for a long time, since before Brexit – that at least 30% of Scots would NEVER vote for independence in ANY circumstances. So we already have a theoretical ceiling in the high 60s, but it’s hard to see what would get any of the people in the middle to switch now to even start to get close to it.

Wings looked into this dilemma more than six years ago, and concluded that the only fertile ground for possible gains was Yes Leavers.

In the indyref the Yes side enjoyed a significant advantage, namely that the No camp’s dire warnings that independence would lead to losing Scotland’s EU membership was actually a plus for a significant number of people. (And among Remain voters, nobody sane believed it.)

But as soon as Brexit actually happened that particular Schrodinger’s Cat question was resolved, and for those people independence switched overnight from a boon to a threat. That, of course, is why Brexit didn’t shift the dial a millimetre in favour of indy despite Scotland voting almost 70-30 for Remain. Every floating soft Unionist who suddenly saw an EU Scotland as a better bet than a non-EU UK was counterbalanced by a Yes Leaver who felt the opposite.

So the idea that constantly doubling down on EU membership will ever result in a shift in the polls is a doomed one, and so of course it’s the one the SNP has adopted wholesale, because the senior levels of the party are now stuffed with intellectually inadequate ideologues, following Sturgeon’s lead.

ANY plan – not just Sheppard’s cretinous-monkey effort – that’s based on somehow amassing an irresistible level of public support is a hopeless one. The numbers simply do not permit it. A narrow win is the best win we can hope for, and that means that however imperfect it is, the only realistic route is by winning a majority of votes in an election on an unambiguous platform of declaring independence in that eventuality.

The state of all the pro-indy parties in 2024 suggests that even that is a long-term ask. It’s the only thing Sheppard is right about. But for as long as the SNP – and pretend “grassroots” groups like Believe In Scotland – continue to insist that independence also means rejoining the EU without asking the people, even the early 2030s is a target of deluded optimism bordering on flat-out insanity.

Whether pledging to hold a referendum on rejoining the EU after independence would be enough to placate the Yes Leavers is a moot question. They would presumably expect to lose it and might not be willing to take the risk, even given a fair chance to make their arguments in the very changed situation that would then exist.

But to NOT do so is to ensure failure forever.

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What’s that you say Stew?

Ex British Labour ‘good parliamentarion’ Tommy Sheppard is knowingly talking shite (again) and if we did as he wants, that would ensure failure forever?

I don’t beleeeeiivve it!


Its still hard for many to swallow that being the EEA but remaining out with the EU (like Iceland) is still the best starting point for us. We could hold a referendum on membership after that.

Tying Indy to EU membership straight off the bat is foolish.

David Hannah

And reform came third. This week in yet another By-Election that the SNP have lost.

According to Redfield and Wilton strategies – immigration is the third biggest concern for the good, honest hard working people of Scotland.

The ALBA Party are also expected to make gains at Holyrood 2026.

Nationalists now have a choice. A real choice. To vote out the SNP betrayers and the devolutionists, backstabbers and self preservationist crooks called Tommy Sheppard. We will not follow.


Been saying for years that indy should have no preconditions attached, nothing that will cause anyone to vote no. We can sort out EU etc later. EEA gives a fair bit of EU benefits anyway.


So the SNP plan to get a referendum is to actually wait a generation?


Tommy Sheppard selling the punters the usual tired old wank until he can draw his pension … more to follow on bear’s toilet habits, the pope’s religion

this referendum in the 30s, even if you believed it, is pointless; the polite way to say it is “demographic changes”, which is in old money – you will have about 1million more english up here and about 500K “BAMS”, plus you will probably lose 300K Scots.

The trouble with “civic nationalism” is if – the other guys – are actually ethno nationalists (of a different kind), little englanders and caliphate afficionados.

The EU should be left out of the equation, a good idea ruined by US and anglo subversion but still better than being in the UK. The “EFTA is better” idea should be promoted – it’s the “rich kids club for cool dudes and hot chicks”.


All of these clever speculations aren’t worth the paper they are written in if we find ourselves embroiled in a major war, which despite being a censored subject on here is now a highly likely scenario.

The distinction between the international and the national has never been so abstract. I just heard the PM tell us we need to let so many pensioners die of the cold this winter, as he unquestioningly wastes container-loads of money on a war that can’t possibly succeed. That’s just one example.

The winds of global change and upheaval are gusting in our stupid parochial faces.


Direct control (in the event of a YES victory) by default ends the union. Scotland becomes a defacto colony, which I’m thinking is a likely intermediate step now.It’s just that they don’t want that discomfort. They want a gilt laden path for themselves and if independence is the casualty, so be it.

James Caithness

It seems to me that Shepherd (the grifter) is more interested in his self. He will be hoping to get a seat in Holyrood in 2026 and have 8 years or more in a MSP job. His ego is huge.
Lets make sure we get rid of him and the rest of the SNP grifters and ("Tractor" - Ed)s.

Alf Baird

“The numbers simply do not permit it” (i.e. independence)

The British state know that managed demographic change in Scotland is in its favour. The census tells us that Scotland’s birth rate is the lowest on record, and that in-migration to Scotland (controlled by Westminster) is now as much as 128,000 people per annum (2021-22). Scotland’s population is therefore only growing through in-migration according to the census.

If the population is rising via migration by say 50,000 people net a year (48,800 in 2021-22), this means an additional half a million people are added to Scotland’s population every 10 years.

This helps explain Scotland’s ongoing health, housing and other public services crisis amidst ever rising demand (population growth) but with no additional money coming from Westminster. It also explains the containment of the anti-colonial ‘Yes’ vote as the mostly ‘No’ voting population holding to other national identities increases year-on-year.

Further delay of another referendum to sometime in the 2030’s is therefore heavily in the British state’s interest, not least because by then (or certainly by 2040) based on current trends indigenous Scots are likely to comprise less than 50% of Scotland’s population.


For years we’ve run around calling anyone who wanted to be a Scot a Scot how pathetic. Its the same as saying Anas Sarwar is a Scot no he’s not he’s British, it makes me laugh he claims to be Scottish and yet wants to be British but doesn’t have the balls to call himself British, how pathetic.

Its time to say to the British PM, give us a Section 30 and if you don’t then we’ll allow the people to have a vote by some other means, ans stick to it.

Everything the SNP has done has been to DENY us a referendum, so now its time for us to DEFY and let the UKG challenge it. The UK can’t have it both ways by saying Scotland isn’t a colony and also saying Scotland is a Country and its free to leave when ever it wants, but then on the other hand saying we cant have a referendum. So if Scotland is free to leave then lets do it and see what England does.

If we want to leave then lets make a decision to do it. We should use our democracy and our laws and not England’s. Its time to stop listen to the people who have been denying us for the last ten years and just get on with the job at hand. If it means mass protest so be it, lets get on with it. Lets stop walking the streets saying what do you want Independence, ten years on it hasn’t achieved anything and it never will because it has no affect cos politicians just don’t hear it or take heed.

I’m bored talking about it, lets just make it happen.

All of these STUPID plans involve our colonial oppressors can we please waken up and do it for our selves.


There he blows. Conceding already to his overlords.

Oh no! They’ll threaten us with lions & tigers & bears ..oh my!

& There was us thinking we were Sovereign Scots, in a voluntary union. An equal partner with a rock solid Claim of Right.

Hate to burst his wee project fear but this union is fully committed & signed upto the UN charter & with that comes the Right of a ppl to Self determination.

Tommy should fuck off back to his club & ponder the phenomenon of ladydicks.


It is what puts me off voting indy now. In 2014 I was a remainer, but the direction the EU has gone is not something I want to be part of (Warmongering, sex-denial, open borders, net zero rather than ecosystem development). If it was intrinsically tied to Indy, it would be a hard no from me.


UKG has said Scotland is free to leave when ever it wants. Then I really do fail to see why our plantains keep seeking to get approval or obtain a route that involves the UKG. Its simple hold a vote or a referendum and if England object then you have your answer Scotland isn’t free to leave its a colony.


“We know – and have known for a long time, since before Brexit – that at least 30% of Scots would NEVER vote for independence in ANY circumstances.”

Fcuking. Imbeciles.


This BS from Sheppard – and a million other reason is, why we need to remove the SNP from office – they SNP has sold us out, and we need to vote out as many SNP/Greens MSPs as we can – come the 2026 Scottish elections.

Sheppard is part of the problem – not the solution – House Jocks are the main stumbling block, to getting some form of indy back on track.

Jason Smoothpiece

Perhaps when the Westminster government privatise Scottish Water and give us water meters so they can steal our water people may sit up.

But you know I don’t think the majority care.

Many people simply don’t deserve independence.


Like abolishing the British monarchy, without first securing Scottish sovereignty rejoining the EU is just shouting at a brick wall in a gale.
Besides, the rather wokified EU is rather less an attractive option than it once was.
In a decade it might not even exist in its current form or be just another sideshow in global corporatism’s stakeholder tower of Babel.


James @ 3.18pm.

Not imbeciles – but T-r-a-it-o-rs to their own people and country, frankly, there’s no other term for them – that is fitting as that.

US and England’s allies in the West Asia – these people would be locked up for trying to undermine friendly vile regimes, such Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain – in Syria these kinds of folk are actually aiding and abetting foreign nations to plunder there ain folks lands, and the West funds and backs these kind of people – in the likes Venezuela – Nicaragua – Georgia – Slovenia – Indonesia and a dozen other sovereign nations – to help undermine countries, there governments and their own people.

House Jock are no different – they are undermining Scotland – and aiding and abetting a foreign country – namely England.


I am sure I am in a minority of one here, but I find a narrow majority to be morally wrong for something like independence. The threshold must be higher otherwise what do you do, as soon as the 50.1 changes into 49.9 you rejoin? This is too important a matter and needs a very strong indeed mandate. To be in the region of 60% would be reasonable. Alternatively you ask for 50%+1 of the voters… Whatever, as long as there is a CLEAR mandate.


I see the BBC framing budget cuts as being as a result of poor planning rather than budget cuts.

And to the unionist messaging develops, labour not the cause poor management.

The BBC is quite predictable. The question is has the SNP got the wit to counter their message.

I wonder if Nicola is regretting falling in line with her London masters

Young Lochinvar

The Unionists must be laughing their proverbials off.
What a mess..

Alf Baird

Andrea @ 4:06 pm

“I find a narrow majority to be morally wrong for something like independence.”

There is nothing ‘moral’ about colonialism, which is regarded as a crime against humanity. Human values are also rather hard to find in a colonial society (Cesaire).

The UN describes colonialism as ‘a scourge’, a form of punishment, and calls for it to end. A colonised ‘people’ have an ‘inalienable right’ to self-determination independence under international law.

As a matter of law, a referendum is not a necessary requirement for independence.

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Moral warfare!
So is it morally okay for Scotland’s future to be determined by governments of the UK that are elected on a minority vote share of the folk in England.
Seems like someone is a bit to content to endure Scotland getting shafted rather than seizing their liberty from the oppressor.


“As a matter of law, a referendum is not a necessary requirement for independence.”


Why do we need anything at all – to dissolve this illegal union – if there was NO union in the first place – why are we pussy footing around ways in which to dissolve it.

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The above quite clearly shows that there was no union – there couldn’t have been one – so why the f*ck is it not pointed out and shouted from the highest finials, that the Emperor has no clothes on?

It must be that the treacherous House Jocks refuse to recognise the truth – the truth that there is no union – that there never was a union -and they’ll never be a union – because the two countries sovereignties are utterly incompatible.

Our vile b*stard House Jocks – and the foreign media are doing their utmost, to keep alive the idea that the union is real – when it isn’t.

The SNP government – and party must now been seen for what they really are – a puppet regime with limited leeway to give off the impression that Scotland, isn’t a colony or controlled from London – add in that the Lib/Dems, Labour and the Tories at Holyrood – are all branch offices of London’s HQs, part of their vile remits, will be to keep the status quo intact – to keep Scotland down and tied to this illegal union.

We’ll need to take our independence – to rid ourselves of this illegally foisted upon Scotland union – there’s no other way.

Peter S

My wife – and lots of other people too – sometimes say “we should just take independence” and I have a lot of sympathy with this view. My big concern, however, is that unless we could simultaneously, or at least in a very short time, also take control of the money we would be bankrupt within days. Achieving this appears to be extremely difficult because, for example, most taxes raised in Scotland are transferred automatically to the London Treasury by a long-established system operated and controlled by – you guessed it – people employed by and reporting to Westminster. The big problem is how do we gain control of our own finances in order to survive financially as the independent nation many of us would like to be? So far no-one seems to be able to give me an answer to this riddle.

Viscount Ennui

libi says:
27 August, 2024 at 1:39 pm

“We can sort out EU etc later. EEA gives a fair bit of EU benefits anyway.”

The problem is that those in the soft middle ground will never vote to give more power to imbeciles like, Swinney, Robison and Gilruth.

If we had someone credible in power, it would all be very different. The SNP is a block on the independence movement.


Peter. S.

“The UK Establishment will never agree to Scottish Independence. Scotland’s resources are far too valuable to them. Scotland has to declare Independence unilaterally, and take it.

It is no use doing this like Catalonia, where the Spanish civil guard and judiciary effectively wiped out the nascent state before it could breathe.

A Scottish government, whether arising from the Scottish Parliament or from another body, needs in declaring Independence to ensure it has practical control of Scotland.

That means that the organs of the state have to acknowledge the Scottish state. All taxes collected must go to Edinburgh, not to Westminster. The judiciary must apply Scottish laws and not Westminster ones, where they conflict, and specifically apply all new laws post the Declaration of Independence. The police must answer only to Scottish authorities. Ultimately so must the military stationed in Scotland.

At the time Independence is declared, immediate action must be taken to ensure all civil servants, judges, police and military take an oath of loyalty to the people of Scotland and its new government, and renounce any previous loyalty to Crown and to UK political institutions. Anybody refusing must be summarily dismissed from their positions.

We have the example of Catalonia before us. We also have the example of Egypt’s only ever democratically elected leader, President Morsi, who died horribly in jail after being overthrown by a CIA coup because he failed to take the elementary precaution of dismissing and imprisoning all the military regime’s corrupt judges. He should have learnt from Fritz Bauer.

Let us not make those mistakes.

Ultimately, it boils down to this.

1) Westminster will never agree to Scottish Independence.

2) Scotland therefore has no option but to declare Independence unilaterally.

3) Any independent state must be prepared to defend itself by physical force from foreign attack. So must a newly declared Independent Scotland.

4) All who refuse to serve an Independent Scotland must then be removed from all organs of the state.

5) Once an Independent Scotland has physical control of its territory and resources, international recognition will soon follow. Brexit has completely changed the political atmosphere with regard to the crucial attitude of the European Union to London’s government.”

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Peter S

That’s where our allies would step in.

Other nations recognise our independence not a permission slip from Westminster.

Once other nations recognize us they’d apply the pressure to our overlords to hand over what is ours.

Look at what’s happening with BRICS. China is helping ppl escape colonialism.

Hatey McHateface

If Brexit plus COVID plus May plus Johnson plus Truss didn’t generate riots on the streets, nothing that’s coming in the future is going to.

You sure?

What about Yousaf’s “million new Scots” promise/policy/threat.

What about his calls for resettlement here of those kicking it off in the ME?

Is anybody believing that just because the man is gone, his ideas are too?

I’m not.

Hatey McHateface

@Republicofscooby says:27 August, 2024 at 5:42 pm

3) Any independent state must be prepared to defend itself by physical force from foreign attack. So must a newly declared Independent Scotland.

4) All who refuse to serve an Independent Scotland must then be removed from all organs of the state.

I always enjoy it when you re-print this post from the now sadly discredited CM.

You need to add a new point. Anybody repeatedly impugning Scotland’s honour by deliberately miss-writing or miss-spelling her name to be summarily expelled from the country. Perhaps into the breakaway republics of Orkney and Shetland, perhaps into the self-governing English enclaves of Edinburgh and Perth, at the court’s discretion.

What’s that Ros? You think anybody that objects to post-Indy breakaway regions are Nazis?

My, my, you really should have thought that one through. Too late now.

Hatey McHateface

@ Andrea says:27 August, 2024 at 4:06 pm

I am sure I am in a minority of one here


You just have to remember that everything is already owned, and that an Independent Scotland can’t be born without a plan and a strategy to compensate the owners who own all the stuff legally.

You just have to remember that every country an Independent Scotland might want to trade with or have as a political and economic ally has a vested interest in the rule of law, and that they will not enter into any kind of relationship with a pariah state.

You just have to remember that many/most of the regular contributors on here are far more interested in being in the EU than they are in an Independent Scotland. And Scotland in the EU will be trussed up like every other country subject to the dead hand of Brussels rule and the nit-picking minutiae of Brussels law.

You just have to realise that far from being a WM plot to nobble NS and the SNP, the simple fact is that unstitching a 300 YO union was magnitudes of difficulty beyond the competence and wit of the lot of them, even given 10 years. And thus they never even began to grapple with the problems.

Anybody on here who ever suggests taking a sober, responsible, mature approach to the myriad of problems that have to be solved, and consideration of how much solving them will cost, is immediately shouted down by the “and with one bound, Scotland was free and rolling in dosh” fantasists.

Luckily, we Scots are naturally a canny and thrifty lot. So until that national characteristic is diluted by immigration out of us, Indy support will continue rolling along at 45% or so.

Minority of one maybe, but outside of this echo chamber, majority of 55%.


So the union is illegal – basically, its held together via MSM lies, ancient English documented lies, that won’t stand-up to scrutiny – and worst of all those treacherous House Jocks – who block any movement towards ending this illegal union.

What can be done to overcome this – well we need to reach out to the larger nations, and smaller if need be, in the East and the Global South – offering friendship and trade- for help in return – in whatever form is necessary to dissolve this illegal union – which hasn’t got a legal leg to stand on.

Many of these nations have suffered from colonialism – and puppet governments, similar to our ain Scottish government – but they’ve managed to overcome this, and move on – any Scot who supports indy who actually thinks they’ll be another indyref needs to realise – that it won’t happen – England just cannot afford to let Scotland go in an amicable fashion.

You live in an illusion – an illusion that somehow Scotland all but governs itself – albeit with a few rules and laws reserved to the foreign parliament of Westminster – that is rubbish our country treated as a colony is strictly controlled from top Holyrood, to bottom, what appears on our colonial news channels – however, it a subtle type of overlordship and many, many Scots don’t even notice it – afterall, the lie of the union has been perpetrated for over 300 years – and its been planted deep into the Scottish psyche – that its real – tell a lie long enough, and folk (not all though) will end up believing its the truth.


You’ve leapt a bit here. There clearly was an increase in support for independence, albeit spurned.

Young people are more likely to be pro EU and pro indy and there will be more of them. This “but they get old too” argument is mitigated by them starting off as indy supporters unlike the generation before them.

If Indy cannot get a mere 55-60% we’re as well not bothering. And if i truly believe that, I would.


Ignored says:
27 August, 2024 at 4:06 pm

The threshold must be higher otherwise what do you do, as soon as the 50.1 changes into 49.9 you rejoin?

Not how it works Andrea. If the Treaty is dead by 0.001%, the Treaty is dead and it cannot be restored or resurrected. If Scotland was subsequently dumb enough to want the Union resurrected, it would require a whole new bilateral Treaty to be agreed from scratch, and assuming of course we didn’t put a deceitful thunderdunce like Sturgeon or Swinney in charge of our negotiations, you would hope such a disaster could be avoided.

Once the Union is dead, everything changes, not least the BBC’s monopoly on propaganda, which has indoctrinated Scotland’s electorate for generations. Good riddance. Hopefully the vacuum is then filled with constructive and progressive debate, un doctored by UK interference. With the truth of Scotland’s exploitation revealed, nobody is going to persuade Scotland to get back into the straitjacket. No doubt they’ll try, but they won’t succeed.

They won’t succeed, because any new treaty of Union would be a bilateral treaty with England, and that would require England to respect the Claim of Right, and affectively grant Scotland a veto on practically everything.

Besides, losing Scotland’s balance of trade and natural resources would put England is an extremely weak bargaining position, and you would hope for stability that Scotland wasn’t relying on Sterling for currency. (We should be cautious however, because the last thing a freshly Independent Scotland would want would be riots and civil war in the South as the English economy tanked). We would ALL gain from their stability.

It actually worries me that obnoxious Little Britain has gone so far out of its way to shit-stir in Eastern Europe, that a hard rain is gonna fall… soon.

Leaving aside what I do want, there are two things I absolutely DON’T want; I don’t want Scotland to allied with the genocidal imbeciles in NATO or the Middle East, and secondly, I don’t want Scotland’s economy sanctioned or blacklisted by BRICS nations.

I also have no desire to see Scotland as a vassal state under the control of Moscow, nor for that matter a pawn squeezed between Ru$$ia and the US, but the ongoing existence of Faslane could be an “interesting” discussion which might conceivably have a role to play in de escalating tensions.

With all the recent events and shameful, shameful activities, the West feels increasingly like it’s on the wrong side of history. Scotland should have no part in it. I’d be ecstatic if Scotland was able to put Trident beyond use and out of commission; show London what a “real” Free Port looks like…

George Ferguson

I have nothing to add to Stus analysis except the volatility of the polling for 2026 makes the outcome hard to call. The polling is calling into question normative trends. It could be the discontinuity or political vacuum we hope for. One thing I know Starmer is doing Sarwar no favours. I doubt Labour’s projected 48 MSPs already. I usually put a long term bet on political outcomes. I have absolutely no idea this time round.


“You just have to remember that everything is already owned, and that an Independent Scotland can’t be born without a plan and a strategy to compensate the owners who own all the stuff legally.”

The above didn’t stop Cuban’s or the Irish taking back what was rightfully there’s – which was given away by a colonial, or foreign powers, to foreign corporations. The Great ScotWind Giveaway or our oil and gas assets springs to mind.

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I repeat England and its security service – House Jocks, etc will not let Scotland go amicably – we’ll need to dissolve the illegal union by whatever means is at hand.


Northern Irish Protestantism is not known for espousing the nationalist cause. It would take a radical thinker and/or free spirit to see beyond the smokescreen.

Ladies and gentlemen – I give you – Tommy Sheppard.


Everyone & their granny knows that contracts cease to exist under old management. They own zero but their equipment. The resources belong to the country of Scotland.

Re-negotions under new terms are then agreed with the rightful owners, the Scots, or they fuck off, simple as & then the next bidder steps forward.

I say everyone knows this, Obviously can’t include thicko Main in that equation.. Project fear is strong in that coward.

Hatey McHateface

Geri & The Mince Makers

Wouldn’t you be happier fretting about “endless orgies” on the previous thread?

Not that you were making any more sense, you understand, but it was some light relief to see something new.

Then there was your post about “orgasms” too.

What’s really on your mind? Penny for them, eh?

Hatey McHateface

@ Republicofscooby says:27 August, 2024 at 7:53 pm

we’ll need to dissolve the illegal union by whatever means is at hand

Haha, and you’ll be 50 yards behind, armed and ready to shoot any stragglers in the back. History is full of your sort.

I’ll happily storm the gates with you as a ram. I reckon your head’s thick enough.

After all, even my 7 YO latest grandson knows that Scotland gets, nay needs, nay deserves, nay demands, a capital ‘S’.


Rev Stu states:

ANY plan – not just Sheppard’s cretinous-monkey effort – that’s based on somehow amassing an irresistible level of public support is a hopeless one. The numbers simply do not permit it. A narrow win is the best win we can hope for, and that means that however imperfect it is, the only realistic route is by winning a majority of votes in an election on an unambiguous platform of declaring independence in that eventuality.

The state of all the pro-indy parties in 2024 suggests that even that is a long-term ask. It’s the only thing Sheppard is right about. But for as long as the SNP – and pretend “grassroots” groups like Believe In Scotland – continue to insist that independence also means rejoining the EU without asking the people, even the early 2030s is a target of deluded optimism bordering on flat-out insanity.

Well seeing as my gravitar is a cretinous monkey…

Half a dozen articles ago you were pointing out how influential the Wings Wee Blue Book was in increasing support for returning Scotland to self-governing status in a short timeframe.

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We are well aware the NuSNP and astroturf ‘pro-Indy’ group are just taking the piss now, so if we want them destroyed and the roadblock removed then we need to be actively working towards creating something to replace them with.
Relentless negativity with no positive action will just leave an unfilled vacuum, and piss away even more time.
And all the while Scotland and our resources are being evermore exploited whilst the demographic changes take further effect.

It’s not just the pro-indy Parties that are a skipfire. Unionist Parties are also highly compromised with the policy positions and trajectory they are taking and this desrves to be called out too.

I’m sure a politically smart and erudite individual or group could with relative ease produce a simple straightforward manifesto that would resonate with the Scottish electorate.
Plant the seed soon and allow it to grow for the next GE which would at least give a decent amount of time and a simple to understand voting system to try to elect a majority of 57 individuals with a majority of the overall vote share to end the Union in a Parliament where constitutional matters pertaining to the UK reside.
The next Scottish “government” election is too soon, with an overly complex voting system that suits Parties who inevitably won’t work with each other, and as Holyrood is a devolved parliament which has no remit on UK constitutional matters and is an instrument of Westminster’s Scotland Act, it is a significantly compromised endeavour to focus on.

Hatey McHateface

@Breeks says: 27 August, 2024 at 7:48 pm

It actually worries me that obnoxious Little Britain has gone so far out of its way to shit-stir in Eastern Europe

See these Poles, these Estonians, these Lithuanians, these Moldovans, these Latvians, eh? What are they like? Then there’s the ones we can’t mention too – the worst of the lot.

Why can’t they just accept imperialist annexation, enslavement, gulags, disappearances, mass graves and mass population transfers – and gie’s peace?

Where’s their sense of perspective? Don’t they care we’re in a rancid union here, with House Jocks and all? Why won’t they just STFU, take what they have coming to them, and let us Scots all be a tiny bit more cosy and comfortable?

James Barr Gardner

Tommy Sheppard will be 67 in 2 years time………….


Site prick John Main thinks that the UK government raked in £53 billion from Scottish renewables last year because the UK government owns the equipment. It doesn’t, it’s the REVENUES, stoopid!

But the site prick just keeps posting garbage ad nauseam hoping to divert, distract and confuse.

Robert Louis

Tommy Sheppard is entirely indicative of the malaise and lack of political nous within the SNP now. My goodness, sitting back waiting for some miracle to happen is just idiotic, but seems to be what Tommy is suggesting.

As a political force, YOU create the narrative, YOU declare independence is urgent, YOU tell people Scotland can and WILL be better. THAT is what a political leader wanting independence would do. Like many politicians nowadays, Tommy has forgotten that golden rule; you need to start talking about the change you want to enact.

Want proof? From day one, Alex Salmond ALWAYS talked independence. At each and every turn. No matter the subject or context, he would angle the key points to why independence was not just needed, but essential and urgent for Scotland. He still does. In every interview, and every occasion. Nobody in the current SNP does, and Sturgeon the tractor, certainly never did.

You as a politician need to create the narrative. You are the person who must raise the relevant issues. You are the one to say, ‘THIS, is the solution…THIS is why we need independence’.

I just don’t understand why the likes of Tommy Sheppard just cannot see that. Of course folk are not demanding independence, because the supposedly pro-independence party, the SNP, isn’t demanding it either.

This isn’t rocket science, FFS!

Robert Louis

Once you secure a demonstrably democratic vote for Scottish independence, whether it is an explicit election vote or referendum, the second Scotland then declares independence, England becomes a foreign government.

All this nonsense about ‘oh, England wouldn’t let us’ is the biggest pile of ridiculous claptrap. Of course England would not like it, but from the instant of independence, they cease to have a say, as a FOREIGN state. But then of course, we get those who say, they’ll send in troops. Seriously? Think it through (England would), and you quickly grasp that in such circumstances, England would increase support for independence. So the ‘troops sent in’ hubris is just that, hubris.


Salvo, Liberation & a convention is the only way.

The best way to terminate the union is focusing on the terms & conditions of the actual contract. That’s even what an international court would do & that’s the way to end it without question once & for all.

Westminster is a complete waste of everyone’s time. The pretenders have already wasted ten years of everyone’s time, more interested in every other fcking cause than the one they were actually given a mandate for. Same applies to Holyrood. The colonisers last outpost creamed full of yoons on the take out front with a further legion outback to make sure everything remains exactly in the colonisers interests.

The whole world is shifting. Attitudes are changing. Colonialism is over on the international front as other countries are finally getting their shit together & evicting them. It only brings violence & mayhem while the country is raided blind. The great lie of democracy & values has been exposed. They West are the next pariah states & they know it. It’s coming at them fast & why they’ll throw everything they can at R & C, Global Sales, BRICS, Belt & Road & everything else. Even use nukes if they have to.

While they were fcking about with genders & who could burn fossil fuels or not, the rest of the world was busy actually doing something that’s now coming to fruition. A new UN is already being discussed too. Yahoos knuckle dragging thugs helped speed that along nicely on the floor of the UN ( & I thought Farage was bad in the EU lol)


“All this nonsense about ‘oh, England wouldn’t let us’ is the biggest pile of ridiculous claptrap.”

Now is not the time – and, You had your indyref – Once in a generation – remember them? open yir eyes mate – what has happened to the indy cause over the last ten years – do you actually think its demise, and that of the SNP, are a coincidence?

Its not about, what we do once we’re out of this illegal union – its making it happen that’s being blocked – we need to unblock it somehow.

“Once you secure a demonstrably democratic vote for Scottish independence.”

Where is this coming from – is their even an MSP at Holyrood who wants indy – never mind securing an democratic vote – now that’s pie-in-the-sky if you ask me.

Hatey McHateface

OK, James, I’ll bite. You don’t have a lot going for you right now.

Weren’t you posting just the other day about seeing a humongous, shiny, pink, blunt object every time you look in the mirror? That’s a rhetorical question BTW – check a dictionary if you need to.

I wonder. Have you always had your obsessive fixation with pricks? Only you never stop posting about them. You dirty, wee dog you! Or did this only start when you began to look like one? I don’t care either way, you understand, but some people might.

There you go, James, happy now?


Tommy is an intake of Sturgeon.

Nuff said.

The intake of grifters & cowards latching onto a winning party. The foreverendum a good meal ticket.

Head in the clouds waiting on an invite delivered on a silver platter & only if all the Gods, the oligarchs, the elite, the orange order, the greens, the royals, the pope, the EU, the international community, Asda, the BBC, Nessie, unicorns spotted in perth & Harry the fcking cat from No10 all say its okay first – its safe to come out now, stop being a quivering wreck & pack yer bags & fck off with all our blessings.

The next official YES campaign needs to expel those fcking eejits from the campaign immediately. The doubting Thomas types always looking for excuses of why we’re the only country on the entire planet who can’t have self determination, just coz…aliens or something…


*Global South

Hatey McHateface

@ Geri says:27 August, 2024 at 9:53 pm

Even use nukes if they have to

You forgot the nukes in space.

Don’t look up!


A democratic vote will only be achieved once the Union is exposed as having zero claims over Scotland. That’ll immediately score at least ten project fear myths to start with.

& It should absolutely NOT be conducted in a domestic setting. The UK should be nowhere near it & do not get to dream up new rules when they see fit.

Big Jock

I don’t know which way we are going, but I wouldn’t start from here.

This about sums up the dead end Sturgeon has left us in. If she had any scruples , or moral compass. She would retire to Normandy , with her French fancie. That she still persists , is an affront to every nationalist.

Young Lochinvar

Big Jock Says:


On a point of legalese though, can SHE whose name must not be uttered really publish a memoir if lavender hubby is up for dipping his hand in the sweetie jar, and she was one of only 3, including the sweetie snatcher, were the only ones who could authorise expenditure?

Genuine question.

Wonder when Branchform will just get on with it and be done..

Polis! Get out of the donut shops and do yer job – or am I committing a hate crime there??


Keystone cops have been telt to just stay in the donut shop ..

The SIS building will have already been on the cab radio to inform them..

*Breaker, breaker, calling big fat Tinkerbell*

‘Shes one of oors, mate. Go take a lunch. Over’

‘OK, boss. I’ll let the crew know. Over.’

Lads, lads!…we cannie rummage through Sturgeons drawers any mair or dress up in our Hazmat suits. Guess the party’s over.

Barstewards! I didn’t get tae send in lesbian Nana tae frisk her in the Pride mobile! Do we still have time to return the tent for a refund?


Big Jock

“That she still persists , is an affront to every nationalist.”

Aye, it kinda blows her shy wee lassie who suffers terrible imposter syndrome persona she liked to paint. She’s no shame & only confirms she’s protected with a free pass. Anyone else found with that level of suspicion & corruption to warrant arrests would’ve not only been frog marched out their elected seat but also expelled out of the party.

They sent her flowers instead…FFS. Which only goes to show they’re all rank rotten at the SNP. None of them have a moral compass.

Young Lochinvar


Yup- agreed as usual.

It’s a bit like the Red Road Flats, SHE who must not be named, her cohorts, influencers, socially agreeable clique and handlers need got rid off (politically and legally of course).
Like the Red Road Flats it’s just a case of how much of an international spectacle you want to make of it..

To which I ask- WHY?

Maybe her pal -Val can let us know in her next novella?

Lord save us one and all from fraudsters..


Young Lochinvar
28 August, 2024 at 1:43 am

Lord save us one and all from fraudsters..

It’s worse than that, since the fraudsters were given the job of saving Scotland from the robbers and colonial usurpers in the UK Establishment. Instead, they’ve sold us down the river.

You’re terribly kind to merely call these feckless imbeciles “fraudsters”.

I can’t stand the sight of Robison; face like a rabbit looking for a headlight.

Philip Marlowe

I never was never very good at maths but I’m not sure how a vote of 62% (of a relatively low turnout) of Scots for the UK (not Scotland) to Remain in the EU against 38% for the UK to leave the EU can be described as:

‘Scotland voting almost 70-30 for Remain’.

Alf Baird

Robert Louis @ 9:33 pm

“they’ll send in troops. Seriously?”

Well, colonialism is described as ‘force’ (Fanon) and also as ‘geographic violence’ (Said). Much as we saw in Ireland, in India, in Kenya and in numerous other former and current colonies. Hence the aspect of ‘force’ is not merely theoretical – and is similarly a reality of Anglo-Scottish history and military occupation.

Colonialism is also based on psychology, and is therefore about instilling ‘fear’ in a people. We might recall ‘project fear’? As Cesaire put it:

“I am talking about millions of men in whom fear has been cunningly installed, who have been taught to have an inferiority complex, to tremble, kneel, despair, and behave like flunkeys.”

In short, then, through force and fear “colonialism has grafted modern abuse onto ancient injustice, hateful racism onto old inequality.”

Which would also help explain the SNP’s ‘petrifaction’ and ‘lack of courage at the decisive moment’ (Fanon). The national party elites ‘fear’ of ‘force’ has made them into ‘watchdogs of colonialism’ and they have been ‘drawn under colonialism’s wing’ (Fanon).


Aye & the longer they stay in their role the more entrenched they become in the fear.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing but Sturgeon should’ve been jettisoned in 2017. It was absolutely clear she’d no intention of making a move – just counting down the momentum of 2014 & letting advantage slip while allowing a Brexit we never voted for ravage the Scottish parliament through the power grab.

She was in on this from the start. No one in their right mind would’ve accepted the Smith pish & definitely not without it being etched in stone by legal means. Scotland had WM by the bollocks in 2014/15 & Sturgeon released them the moment she took office.

A tractor of the highest order, but they all are. All were complicit & every single one of them needs to go.


BBC on message this morning. Cuts are the fault of the SNP giving out pay rises and failing to manage their budget.

The usual bunch of oldies phoning in to say they will lose their heating allowance.
The country is in a mess they need to draw in our belts.

I am sorry to say the bunch of oldies that voted to stay in this precious union deserve to freeze

No mention of the £250 million repairs for the Hammersmith bridge
No mention of £9.4 billion of projects for new bridges and developments in london.

No mention of the money wasted on HS2.

The BBC is lining up the soft conservative and the labour vote for the 2026 vote labour. We cleared out the tories abd now time to clear out the SNP


Meanwhile at SNP head quarters Swinney is on the phone to Sturgeon asking for advice on how to manage the SNP conference to maintain the continuity crash


Alf Baird in reply to Robert Louis is spot on,both the British army and navy were sent to quell the crofter rebellion of the 1880s and tanks were sent to crush the battle of George square in 1919 .I do not doubt that if there was a serious move for independence in Scotland the same would happen again


The simply truth is the SNP are lost. It went from being “the” party of Indy to the party of self interest. It serves nothing but itself. Worse, it has actually created the mess supporters of Indy now find themselves in.

I don’t care about missing money, false promises, or having being mugged off and exploited by it… I care about Independence and how the actions of the SNO have impacted on that.

Wishart, Smith, Sheppard and the rest of them can muse lyrical about whatever they like but the truth is that they and their’s lack of political foresight and ambition has now driven us all onto the rocks. And there’s only one answer that can move the dial… which means it snouts out of the trough time. The SNP’s had all it mandates now, it’s time for action.

HR 2026 has to be an Indy supermajority of MSPs. SNP on the constituency (however painful it might be to have to vote for the current shower) and ALBA on the list. Nobody but nobody can hide from a situation where the Unionist parties are decimated in Scotland’s Parliament. There only two options for the UK at that point – change the electoral franchise at HR and reap the whirlwind that would follow, or acquiesce to IndyRef2.


G-man Vote for the current SNP?
Oh my sides are splitting.


The UK is trying to get some kind of a deal with Germany. This is shifty stuff. One of those little stories most people will not pay attention to. But it goes back in history and shows the incorrigible cuntish supremacy of the anglo scumbags.

First of all, the EU as a western european trading bloc, is a good idea, but it got ruined over time by anglo american subversion – it also became an arm of international zionism. So, it’s turned to shit. Southern europe isn’t really a good fit, but it’s not terrible; eastern europe should not be in it, and this eastern procession where EU and NATO go hand in hand, was always a bad idea. Now we have this tranny rainbow DAVOS WEF parody of a shitty bond film with strange villains telling us we will “own nothing and be happy” – “you will eat ze bugs” – and that everyone must accept mass immigration of infinity africans, total support for israhel, all kinds of pervy sex, but the natives having kids is “killing the planet” … it’s really turned to shit, but it was the english and the americans wot dun it.

de Gaulle, a great french nationalist, from his wartime experiences, knowns what a gang of cunts the english are; he blocks their membership as he knows they will stir the shit from day one, wanting special deals and exceptions for themselves. Britain in the 60s was really fucking poor and was desperate to get access to europe – but that’s not to think they would be “grateful”; no, they are never grateful, just entitled, and will try to takeover.

Despite all the special deals the UK got, all the EU ever got was news stories about “straight bananas” and Brussels attempting to control Britain. In fact, what happened was – the english were pissed off because the EU was democratic and they couldn’t just take over – that was the real beef. The final straw was this : in the 90s a backdoor offer was made to Germany, that they and the english would turn the EU into a duopoly – make decisions among themselves in the background. The germans told them to get rekt.

– this is when the brexit stuff starts, first with james goldsmith and the referendum party; but no one likes billionaires and they had to find a “man of the people” to front it. Our Nige.

So, they got their brexit; and it has been shit, with none of the “amazing trade deals” – and so now they are refloating their old idea. The germans would be mad to have anything to do with them and just tell them to go through Brussels, who will not rip up the rules for them.

link to

Everyone hates the English. For good reasons – they are always trying to pull some kind of crap. No one wants anything to do with them. Being in a political union with them is a unique form of torture, of hell on earth, – we have had 300 years of it and we deserve a rest.

Some people with a time machine would go back and kill baby Hitler; I would be waiting for Hengist and Horsa with a belt fed machine gun as they got off the boat. Or give William of Normandy enough modern weapons to do a better job on the anglos.

The english ruin and pollute everything they touch and once we get them gone our entire society needs “steam cleaned”. First we need to lose this ball and chain.


The SNP are just another part of a Globalist Uniparty. The same policies on gender and migration etc.

Their fake stance on independence is the only thing the sets them apart from Scottish Labour. Christ, even the leaders were like two peas in a racist pod, spouting the same anti white hate speech not so long ago.

There’s a bigger more important political fight needing to be won first.

I voted for Independence and was an SNP member for a few years post 2014. I also voted to leave the EU.

Out of those two referendums, it’s the independence one I believe we dodged the bullet with. Especially having seen what Sturgeon and her loonies have done to Scotland.

It’s all just a bit dystopian these days.

Salmond needs to keep his nose out of international affairs and concentrate on making a solid case for Scotland going it’s own direction.

If that direction is some Lefty loony land then they will do it without me.

We need some bloody common sense and some imagination.



The SNP wouldn’t have been in charge of an independent Scotland.

As for being Dystopian – that was by design. Straight out the colonisers playbook. 2014 was way to close for comfort. Lies had to win it & given the inward migration since, one they never plan on losing again.

An independent Scotland would return to popular sovereignty. That means we’d have been able to sack these fckers out of office when they even thought about going off script without the express permission of the Scottish people. (GRR pish as an example)

Same goes for the EU. No public approval= no request to join sent.

But alas, nawbags wanted to keep this shit show & with that comes Westminsters system. They can only sack themselves.


G man

Spot on
Hold the nose snp 1 alba 2

If they dont go for that at conference
They are toast


We need to look at the pro’s and con’s of non-EU Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein’s membership of EFTA and the Schengen Area, and the EEA membership of Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

I’ll freely admit to being pro-EU but will take an Indy Scotland outside the EU over no Indy Scotland.


@ Geri

‘The SNP wouldn’t have been in charge of an independent Scotland.’


Also I don’t blame the English moving up here. That place is terrifying down there.

It’s migration right enough but not the migration you elude to.

Make a positive case and get the economy going and stop blaming the English for all the problems.

We need a Macfarage type character.

Fed up listening to the socialist garbage.


I see Starmer is flying a Brexit reset rather than rejoining.

With every act the demolish the SNP argument for Indy and rejoining europe.
Thank you Nicola and Liz LLoyd and the rest of you. You clearly are masters of strategy. All learned at the same school I guess.



Tomorrow Liberation Scotland will receive their first legal advice on their case to the UN about Scotland’s colonisation.

Spread the word and collect signatures to join Liberation Scotland on their website.


AndyH 1.04pm
“Also I don’t blame the English moving up here. That place is terrifying down there.”

Presumably you’re referring to England’s inner cities and not their leafy suburbs.
Thing is, bits of our inner cities used to be leafy.

And we certainly need no “Macfarage”.


Confused @11.03am

Starmer in his speech – boasted that the UK was the first to back the Knne-o _N-a-zi regime in U – he also boasted that the UK will support U till the very end – he then went on to say roughly, the same in support for Z–io-regime which – is a occupying military force in Palestine.

So when Starmer says – things will get worse – what he means is that more aid, weapons and cash will be funneled into these two-vile regimes at UK citizens expense – no matter how long it takes – or how much it costs.


Sarah @1.21pm.

Great news Sarah – more power to them I say.



“The SNP wouldn’t have been in charge of an independent Scotland.’



A brand new independent parliament.
A brand new constitution.
A brand new oath for parliamentarians to adhere to under pain of death & instant removal if they break it.
Public input on important matters through referendum.

& With that will be brand new political parties no longer registered to London.

Existing parties will no doubt realign themselves into their proper camps as completely new ones emerge. SNP is mostly all ex labour.

Elections wouldn’t have ended & Scotland wouldn’t be a one party state. A convention is usually summoned to negotiate our exit along with a transition period.

This is popular sovereignty same as the Swiss. This is what would’ve happened in 2014. Our return to Popular sovereignty.


Anne @10.39am.

Scotland has NO armed forces to call upon – the so called British military forces, are controlled from London England – a foreign country.

We desperately need a John Connolly/Michael Collins type figure – to grab the situation by the scruff of the neck.

If I recall correctly – the tanks etc – that were in George Sq – were manned by troops from Newcastle – the English government feared, that troops sent from the Barracks in Maryhill – might be sympathetic to their ain folks cause.



“…Let’s get the economy going….”

WTF? Where are you from, Mars?
How the fcuck can Scotland “get the economy going” when the ‘economy’and all of our resources are controlled by westminster?

And hopefullu any ‘McFarage’ would get chased out of Edinburgh just like the poxy original….


Re Starmer

But back to the UK. An April report by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) reveals that U is now the largest recipient of UK bilateral funding by a country mile – £228 million in 2023/24. In addition, the UK has pledged £7.1 billion in military aid since 2022, £1.6 billion in fiscal guarantees with another £3 billion over the next three years. That’s nearly £12 billion and counting. There’s never any ‘black hole’ when it comes to war spending.

Meanwhile, Starmer’s government is busy slashing benefits to the most vulnerable and warning that the autumn budget will be ‘painful’, but not for him, the well-off or his corporate donors. His economically clueless Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, seems to relish her Cruella role.

John Main will be delighted.

link to



Great news! Thanks..

Young Lochinvar

“Waiting for Hengist and Horsa with a belt fed machine gun..”

Snorted tea out my nose with laughter when I read that one!!
Might borrow it if you don’t mind 🙂

Andy Anderson

Geri 14:05
The old Scottish constitution had the convention of the estates ( the people) controlling parliament and its MP’s. Like as near as damn it as Switzerland today. Hence the sovereignty of the people over parliament and the Crown. This model is what we need when we are free and set a new constitution. We control directly parliamentarians and what they do in our name. This is what Salvo are pursuing. The ISP party wants this also.


More kicking the can down the road and stalling tactics. Independence will happen but not with the SNP who are full blown North British regionalists nowadays just like the fake scotch branch offices/shopfronts of the anglo imperial partei’s.


Why won’t Gordon Macintyre-Kemp join the Independence Forum Scotland?

Today’s email from Believe in Scotland [aka GMK] claims that their Scottish Independence Congress “is the voice of the grassroots independence movement”.

It’s weird. It looks like a one-man show, not an inviting all-inclusive project.


To anyone proposing Salmond’s failed 2020 mantra for the 2021 HR election, Scum Nonce Party 1, Alba 2 , I have a couple of wee questions for ye, 1, how did that work out for Scotland 2, how did that work out for Salmond ,3, how did that work out for Alba , 4, how did that work out for the scum snp and their VILE,DEPRAVED,PERVERTED,POLITICIANS,5, how did that work out for OUR WOMENFOLK & OUR CHILDREN ,6, how did that work out for our independence movement,7,how has that worked out for pensioners winter fuel allowance,8, how WILL it work out for prescription charges

Salmond’s FAILED 2020 mantra ONLY allowed the poisoned dwarf sturgeon and her deviant & perverted politicians ANOTHER 5 years of uncontrolled devastation on Scotland,Scots,Women & Children,the economy,the independence movement,the GRRB,the Hate Crime Act,disgust and revulsion by voters so that they were FORCED to vote for the LYING Kid STARVER & racist sarwar and the further DECIMATION of Scotland

The definition of insanity is,to do the same thing over and over again whilst expecting a different outcome each time
So by all means vote Salmond’s mantra, Scum Nonce Party 1, Alba 2, if you want another 5 years of uncontrolled devastation and destruction


@ Sarah at 5.56

GMK appears to have concluded that he’s the “voice of the grassroots” on the grounds that there were 155 people at his wee meeting.



@ Geri: GMK’s attitude makes me feel very uncomfortable. None of the other groups make me feel like that. It’s as if he doesn’t trust anyone else – “my way or else” kind of thing.

Robert Louis

Alf Baird and Anne at 1039am,

The issue, as I outlined is this; London sends in troops, and support for independence climbs to 100% within seconds. Nobody in Westminster would dream of such action, as they would realise they would only feed the desire for independence.

Of course it happened previously, but that was a very long time ago, and for very different reasons. Neither military interventions ultimately proved successful for London. Just caused even more resentment.

This garbage about ‘sending in troops‘ when Scotland declares itself independent is a unionist trope, designed to make folk feart. It’s nonsense. It could only ever permanently destroy any notion of ‘partnership’ or Scotland working with England, and would massively increase the desire for independence. It would also cause a surge in English far-right extremism in England. So, in short, it would never happen.

Mark Beggan

The SNP conference is going to make Wonga World look like a pivotal cultural event. This is going to be eye watering. Nothing on the agenda but baaa baaa baad Tories. Can almost hear Wagners Twilight of the gods.


Oooh! stampy feeted peeps bumping their gums aboot ‘Sovereign this and that’

Heard all this pish for years.

‘We cannae grow the economy, the bad folks won’t let us’

Did the bad people doon the road stop the ferries getting built or the A9 duelled or lower the education standards?

Whine, whine whine.

And yeah Scotland would have been just like Switzerland.

I’m sure Sturgeon and her pals would have just skipped off into the sunset, happy at a job well done.

Grow up and stop munching the shortbread.

People outside your echo chamber need convincing and the grievance victim crap doesn’t cut the mustard.

Alf Baird

Robert Louis @ 7:10 pm

Yes, colonial procedures or ‘force’ can mean many things aside from military; e.g. justice system, police, oppressive laws, security services etc, each involve ‘force’. Also, limited public services, housing, lack of economic or educational or cultural opportunity for the oppressed group implies ‘force’ of another kind.

Hatey McHateface

@ Republicofscooby says:28 August, 2024 at 1:53 pm

Oh that is good news.

Nothing worse than the kind of despicable yellow belly that deserts friends and allies when things get a little difficult.

And that kind of steadfast loyalty will repay dividends in Europe too. After all, it’s the eastern and southern regions of Europe and the EU that stand to suffer most if your beloved Orcs and their allied tunnel skulkers are allowed to win.

Sane, rational, responsible Scots of course understand this. Although no fan of the EU myself, I accept that many Scots are. If we ever do get Independence, it will be best for Scotland if there is still a recognisable EU to consider joining, and/or a recognisable Europe to trade with.

But dinna fash – I fully understand that somebody incapable of writing “Scotland” correctly isn’t going to be able to comprehend the big picture.


“Did the bad people doon the road stop the ferries getting built or the A9 duelled or lower the education standards?”


SNP don’t build ferries. Or roads. Or set our pocket money.

When was the last time Scotland went off spending millions trotting up air miles around the world securing its own trade deals or investments? FFS, they can’t even leave the country without our colonial master appointing a chaperone & cutting travel expenses.

The SNP wouldn’t have skipped off into the sunset. I said that they’d move into others depending on their real political home. There’d be no need for a national party post independence D’oh!

So get off the unionist pish we’d have the SNP forever. Elections wont stop, far from it, it’d be game on cause every fecker looking for a seat in the new parly will be answerable to Scotland & ONLY SCOTLAND & in full receipt of all of its income & fiscal decisions.

The grievance is real. A colony has no powers over anything & while Brexshit happened they removed an additional 80, one of which includes procurement. So do one with yer ‘grow the economy’ pish & make our pocket money produce a fcking utopia for you.

Scotland is currently being filled with pensioners – jeez, that’ll really swell the coffers.

The whole world is currently at war over energy. Gas, oil, electricity, Scotland gives hers away to her neighbour for free. I hardly think we need to tell Scots what they already know. We pay more in than we get back already. Anyone unaware of that by now is a eejit.

Labour is in power now. Let’s see what magic they can perform on Scotland from beads..

Hatey McHateface

@ Alf Baird says:28 August, 2024 at 8:58 pm

colonial procedures or ‘force’ can mean many things

Sure. I’ll bet they can mean anything whatsoever you decide you want them to mean.

limited public services, housing, lack of economic or educational or cultural opportunity

Seeing as how these problems are rife across the length and breadth of England & Wales, perhaps you could enlighten us who is colonially oppressing them.



You really need to get yer head out yer arse.

It’s the USA that has deliberately crashed the EU & it’s economy by blowing up their cheap energy supply & threatening them all with sanctions if they don’t stop trading with who they don’t want them trading with.

That isn’t an ally. That’s an unhinged dictator throwing it’s weight around. It’s puppet, von der liar, is turning the EU into a mini me American military complex. The EU is no longer a bloc for peace, stability & trade. It’s a place to plot endless wars & regime changes for America & the Europeans can pay for it all. Where did Sir Kid Starver find £12 billion from to fund someone else’s war? U isn’t even in the EU LOL, & zero chance of it, but everyone’s to cough up weapons, cash & go guarantors..D’oh!

But we all know yer a racist wee shit. If a bus load of Eastern Europeans arrived in yer street tomorrow you’d go all Alf Garnet on here spouting yer mouth off they were wearing trainers or summat & don’t look like they’re from a warzone.


Surely the key takeaway is that, unless people wake up to the reality of the situation, that England will never willingly grant Scotland another referendum without heavy diplomatic pressure, there won’t be another referendum in the 2030s, why then and not now?

Unless the SNP or Alba go down the decolonisation route via the UN why will England grant another referendum?

We all know they only granted it the first time because they thought they would win easy. We now know it is 50/50 what the result will be next time.

Decolonisation is the only solution to the democratic outrage of repeated referendum mandates being rejected.

When Scotland wakes up to that, we can make the next steps on our journey to independence. Until then, we are in stasis.

Even the ISP, they can abstain from Westminster as much as they want but they have no good Friday agreement and no route to a referendum.

Decolonisation is the only way.


“Seeing as how these problems are rife across the length and breadth of England & Wales, perhaps you could enlighten us who is colonially oppressing them”


It’s their foreign policy that ALL of their allies through NATO have to adopt & one of them is open borders.

They have this crazy idea that if ppl move about & saturate each other’s countries they’ll blend & no one will care about their homeland any more & we can all just be regions under one true leader. The president of the USA. World police. Giver of sanctions.

Jeez, I wonder who the fck gave them that idea?! They must’ve looked at Scotland for an example of exactly how it’d work.

The Anglos have no spine. It’s feart to tell them to GTF. But not surprising really, the UK also deindustrialised on their whim too (along with Europe) & now they don’t have a pot to piss in, no military & they own fuck all cause they sold it all to, yup, the Americans. It all belongs to them, fae yer wee bar of Cadbury chocolate to yer social media & internet.

Alf Baird

AndyH @ 8:57 pm

“Did the bad people doon the road stop the ferries getting built”

Well, actually, most of the ‘top’ officials responsible for the ferries crisis are Whitehall appointees, same with all colonial ScotGov crises. And since it was nationalised three English CEO’s have been put in charge of Ferguson’s yard – a pity none of them have ever built a ferry before. Daeless SNP Ministers merely dae whit thay’re telt an gab a load o mince while building up their pensions.

Alf Baird

Hatey McHateface @ 9:49 pm

“Seeing as how these problems are rife across the length and breadth of England & Wales, perhaps you could enlighten us who is colonially oppressing them.”

That’s for the people of England and Wales tae figure oot. What we do know is that Scots have no control over our country’s land or resources and colonialism here comes at a price, £150bn+ every year:

link to

Hatey McHateface

@ Geri & the Piss Takers says: 28 August, 2024 at 10:09 pm

If a bus load of Eastern Europeans arrived in yer street tomorrow

Maybe not a bus load, but there’s certainly a minibus load in my street already.

Good, decent, hard working people. They’re likeable mostly, rational, knowledgeable and grounded by comparison with you.

And when it comes to understanding what’s important about nation, culture, language and history, and what being a patriot is really about, they show up the likes of you as the pathetic, whiny, proudly ignorant apologies you truly are.

It’s puppet, von der liar

I’m thinking a fair few of them, dealing as they are with a second language, will still have twigged the difference between “its” and “it’s”. I’m going to ask a few of them.

Maybe they could teach you about that too.


Now, now, shitface..don’t be having one of yer episodes. I didn’t program auto suggest or I’d change McHateface to Shitface permanently.

Nice to see you actually support something tho, £12 billion, no doubt some of YOUR hard earned taxes, off to fund another yacht & some more Nazi statues. Doesn’t matter if he is elected or not to your kind.

Did ye ask yer neighbours why they aren’t at home fighting the good fight? You could hitch a ride.


Alf 10:48

Well said.

There are thousands of Westminster appointed civil servants at Holyrood, even permanent secretary, a Lord Advocate, a shitload of lawyers & committees too yet it’s uncanny how they continually manage to mess up even the simplest of tasks. You’d think people would be wise by now that there is no one there to serve Scotlands interests & if they are they’ll be thwarted at every turn by three foreign unionist parties.

SNP are bad but the ones beavering away in the background at Holyrood are to blame too. Especially the unionist parties involved in committees & at the higher echelons of Holyrood. It’s their job to go over everything with a fine tooth comb but how many times has the SNP toddled off to court now on false/bad advice? LOL! Or had a string of failed policies that should have been picked up for errors at unionist overlord committee stage long before it became obvious to everyone else for a news headline for the BBC intro. Gee, it’s almost like it’s deliberate. D’oh! Eat yer heart out, Renton. This is a shit state of affairs..

Young Lochinvar


So there we go.

Our kind NEW masters dan saf have decided to get rid of the winter fuel payment for every pensioner except those professionally clued up on the rabbit warren of benefits claims procedures..


Don’t think so.

And today Swinney was getting photobombed glad handing with Reeves as well, presumably for no better reason than they are not Tories (apologies- correction “Conservative” Tories).

What an absolute shower the whole rotten lot of them.

What other country surcharges its energy tarrifs in the high (colder) north to subsidise energy costs down south where you can grow palm trees in your garden?

Want to even out the winter fuel payment lopsidedness?

Draw a line horizontally no further north than Nottingham and means test those south of it, not here where temperatures are regularly 10 degrees or so lower than down there!

Cue Hatey Mc whatshisface to blame us (as usual) for this..



28 August, 2024 at 8:57 pm

Grow up and stop munching the shortbread.

People outside your echo chamber need convincing and the grievance victim crap doesn’t cut the mustard.

Problem with that AndyH, is when you assume “all Scotland has to do is this…” you somewhat reflect the Unionist attitude that “all we have to stop is this…”

If you want to tie Scotland’s hands and bind progress to “victory” under ephemeral rules set by Westminster, it’s kinda tiresome, not to mention dishonest and false, to hear it portayed as the only viable solution.

Even fans of Captain Kirk in Star Trek know the way to win the unwinnable conundrum is to step outside the confines of the game and reprogram the rules.

That’s exactly what sovereignty allows us to do, and do so in LAW, – the Scottish people are sovereign. Fact. We can bypass unconstitutional colonial bullshit like the Scotland Act as if it didn’t exist, and better still, do it lawfully.

To declare that binary reality tedious or irrelevant to Scottish Independence kinda implies you’re a very anxious Unionist who would rather prefer Scots to know nothing about the power they hold in their hands.

If you are a legit Indy supporter, then my advice is to read more, talk less. And don’t attack our Constitutionalists, because right now they’re the only ones with their eyes on the prize and a potent strategy to bring down the Union, with or without your approval.


Stu Liberation are days away from UN registration. They can then put Scotland’s case and engage the UN Decolonisation program. That means a referendum run under international standards. So that means native born Scots and maybe long term residents. Not all and sundry as Scotgov stupidly wants.

Native Scots vote Aye in 2014. It is coming, either you get with the program or you become a dinosaur and get swept away because you have no information and have said nothing about it.

Wally Jumblatt

If you asked most of England would you like to be rid of the pesky Scots, they would be delighted. So that’s something to use.
If all they want is our hydro dams and ridiculous wind turbines, we can nationalise all that and sell them the energy.

Yet the elephant in the room is apparently 70% of Scots want to be a colony of the EU.
If an SNP government keeps insisting on employing ‘English’ people to run shipyards, transport, NHS or whatever, perhaps it’s because the bright Scots b*ggered off around the world the minute they could get away from petty, jealous, chipontheshoulder Scotland.
There are 1000 things we need to sort here before we are ready for independence.
Education, Health, Agriculture, Public Sector,Transport, Job-creation, Banking, Housing, local & national Politics, they are all an absolute joke.


twathater @6.14

You a but or nicola on gin

Salmond 1&2 plan is the only plan in town that could deliver indy in the next 30 years.

The question is whose side is Swinney on

All snp plans can only be understood if one assumes they were trying to stop indy


Swinney sold his soul to Nicola. He was always a coward but Nicola hen pecked him to fck that he now answers to the name Reek! Reek! My name is Reek!

He’d never stand side by side with Salmond under any circumstances. That knt helped to try jail him for life.

Have Salmond back in Holyrood, able to see everything locked in the vaults? Never going to happen. SNP needs obliterated off the ballot. Put out to pasture permanently.

The time to try save the SNP has expired. No one stepped up to the plate to split, overthrow or replace Nicola & her cohorts & no one in the membership went absolutely daft that no one elected Swinney. They’ve turned into Tories. They’d shaft their granny if it kept them on the take as long as possible.



Aye you might be right


Salmond should’ve got behind the only game in town= decolonisation.

Where the corruption & interference is at least to a bare minimum & events are beyond the control of our colonisers.

He didn’t despite banging on that we’re Sovereign, despite banging on about the Claim of Right, he still chooses to “ask” Westminster pretty please & that everyone living here five minutes is suddenly a sovereign Scot too & should have a claim over our constitution.

It’s a return to the Nicola pish. That fantasy where everyone is good & proper & plays fair & they falsely punt that (failed) “Gold standard” horseshit.

Salmond isn’t stupid. There isn’t a cat in hells chance he’ll return to Scottish politics. Dark forces will prevent it.

His best hope, imo, & a great big fuqu2 to the establishment, is to immediately call a convention & get behind Liberation & Salvo. Get back to basics that proved to work in the past, the same method that delivered a parliament & forget rigged elections – they’ll never be legit in his favour. 2014 was on a knife edge before “the vow” – the English nearly lost their greatest prize, Scotlands vast wealth, they’ll NOT make that mistake again without force.

Alf Baird

Geri @ 9:55 am

“The time to try save the SNP has expired. No one stepped up to the plate to split, overthrow or replace Nicola & her cohorts & no one in the membership went absolutely daft that no one elected Swinney. They’ve turned into Tories.”

Worse, perhaps, they have turned into colonialists. Which explains their oppressive laws, their delaying independence, rupturing the movement, and attacking the so-called ‘radicals’.

As Aime Cesaire explained, in the case of a dominant national party that has been co-opted by colonialism, the people now need to:”sweep out all the obscurers, all the inventors of subterfuges, the charlatans and tricksters, the dealers in gobbledygook. And do not seek to know whether personally these gentlemen (or ladies) are in good or bad faith, whether personally they have good or bad intentions… because the essential thing is that their highly problematical subjective good faith is entirely irrelevant to the objective social implications of the evil work they perform as watchdogs of colonialism.”


“Oh that is good news.”

So its good news – that UK and EU citizens will suffer greatly to prop up to vile regimes in U and I – of course a Chinthe b*stards like you, sitting at a station in Hubble Road or Denison are paid to promote this shite.

Our energy bills – are rising again in October – because of the Wests war on R – has blocked much of the energy sent to Europe from R – and consecutive English governments allowed the greedy b*stard power companies to charge the UK what they wanted, for their energy – much of it stolen from Scotland – the energy price rises, saw food prices skyrocket – and the previous English government fearing a revolution in the UK – paid out payments to folk in the UK due to the cost-of-living-crisis – brought on by the US, and its belligerent foreign policy to try and break R which has backfired in a spectacular fashion – now – the UK and EU citizens are paying for it through the nose – and a Chinthe b*stard like you thinks its good news.

Yesterday, the English PM Starmer – a millionaire knight of the realm – so he won’t suffer nor will his family economically – whilst millions in the UK will struggle greatly; any way I digress, Starmer, said that he will back the vile dictatorship in U and I until the end – back it with taxpayers cash -expect huge cuts on public services across the board -for years to come.

Scots will suffer more than most – being a colony – and having a treacherous bunch of b*stards at Holyrood.

On Starmer – when did it become acceptable for a millionaire knight of the realm – to lead what was basically, a workers party? – its a f*ckin joke if you ask me.

Her in lies a problem – with the front benches of both parties Labour/Tories – stacked with rich folk – who pander to their corporate buddies.


“There are 1000 things we need to sort here before we are ready for independence.
Education, Health, Agriculture, Public Sector,Transport, Job-creation, Banking, Housing, local & national Politics, they are all an absolute joke.”

Wally Jumblatt

They can’t be sorted whilst we are illegally held in this vile union – they could’ve somewhat mitigated – but a government needs ALL of its powers, to run a country – and ALL of its assets, to fund things.

You can’t expect to allow a foreign country – England – to steal billions every years from your governments coffers – and expect services to improve.

James Che

The SNP are a corporation with a CEO, A Business in other words.

I read this yesterday,

CEO- SNP – Chief Executive,
Job purpose – Responsible for leading strategic objectives as agreed annually.

KEY TASKS – Deliver on vision of the party, working closely with others to ensure the continued campaign and electorial of the party.

My Question is how can a private Corporation change Scots laws in a Faux Scottish parliament?

Surely the way to independence is first to remove the vehicle that enables Corporations to run Scotland and passing false laws in Scotland.
Because this Devolved Scottish parliament sent to Scotland,
(1) Breaches the Treaty of Union,
(2) it illegally has been passing a “private Corporations laws” as Scots law.

There is no reason why the people of Scotland cannot create (A Sovereign people of Scotland corporation) under the Right to self determination and our Claim of right.

Scotland and all the people are becoming more and more aware that the old empire of GB is turning on its own people in its death throws and final convulsions like a rabid dog.

The first step is to acknowledge that it is a private Corporation playing houses within the major a Breach of the a fundamental article of the 1707 treaty of union.

It is no longer the case that Scotland would leave England as a successor State as many unionist suggest,
But to realise that Westminster parliament left Scotland – left Scotland to be a independent republic State a long time ago,

Scotlands people are in a strong position.

The Scots have done nothing to breach the original “1707 treaty of parliamentary union” , but Westminster repeatable have,

To gain control over our own parliament, to set up our own Sovereign parliament to incorporate Sovereign Scots,, to regain Scots laws instead of a private Corporation registered down south, may not be a case of going against the Law, but remembering that only Scots law was to remain and apply to Scotland not “corporate law”

Gain your ( legal Scots law) back and you gain control over finances, parliament, elections business deals, land mass and sea, Income and revenues, Scots Courts without Crown interference,
And Scotland could simply be brave enough ignore the laws of a private Corporations and the faux Scottish parliaments law orders that in of it self breaches the treaty of union in a major fundamental way,

Scotland not fighting or contesting Englands Westminster Parliament given of the (name of Great Britain) because That particular Westminster parliament left the republic of Scotland when it breached and ended -making void the International treaty of union multiple times.
And that was Westminster parliaments deliberated choice and passed by the Acts, legislation and Statues of Westminster parliament.
That also state the Scots were not asked to join the treaty of union, because they would have probably have votec NO to joining anyway,


England’s MPs’ ability to overrule Scotland’s at will on a spurious numeric basis that has nothing whatsoever to do with sovereignty, constitutions, or even democracy, negates the entire fundamental point of Scotland being ‘represented’ in the Union’s parliament in the first place.

Scotland’s MPs, exactly like England’s MPs, are present in the Union’s parliament as the sole formal representatives of their entire sovereign parent kingdom; their purpose in that parliament being to defend and promote the interests of their kingdom within the Union of the two equally sovereign kingdoms. As such they are formally empowered to wield their parent kingdom’s sovereign authority on its behalf. No other body on the planet is so empowered but Scotland’s own sovereign people.

It is therefore ludicrous to suggest that Scotland’s MPs are somehow obliged to defer their own formal decisions, made on behalf of their sovereign kingdom, to the decisions of the MPs of a foreign kingdom! There is literally nothing in the Treaty and Acts of Union that contains any agreement between the two kingdoms to that effect, and therefore it can have no formal constitutional or legal standing. That foreign-ness, and the two sovereignties, both eviscerate the argument that ‘democracy’ justifies England’s voting superiority in the parliament.

It is not widely-enough known, disgracefully even amongst MPs, that it is Scotland’s MPs alone who bring with them into the Union’s shared parliament the authority it needs to govern the Scottish half of the union. The parliament has no other source of authority over Scotland. England’s MPs certainly can claim none whatsoever, as they represent only the English sovereign half of the Union, and not the Union itself.

That England’s MPs can ‘outvote’ Scotland’s MPs to impose their English authority over Scotland despite even a unanimous rejection by Scotland’s MPs is a literal perversion of constitutional sovereignty! Doing this even once merits the death penalty for the Union. Yet England’s MPs have been exerting Scotland’s stolen authority in this way for three full centuries and more without even a hint of formal dissent from Scotland’s MPs! That failure condemns both Scotland’s and England’s MPs.

With the English establishment unilaterally and arbitrarily denying the authority of the entire Scottish half of the Union, then the Union is no union, it is an unequivocal and unwarranted hostile takeover of Scotland by England, under egregiously false constitutional and legal pretences. The Union as actually governed is an English establishment scam, and the authority by which the Westminster parliament has been governing Scotland on the basis of English MP votes alone is bogus, fraudulent, and unlawful because it and they have usurped that authority from Scotland’s MPs!

As such that English-enforced governance is as large and serious a breach of the Treaty of Union as could possibly be made and the Treaty cannot therefore be considered valid under international law, and the Union itself is a fraudulent and unlawful entity!

Saying you have authority isn’t the same as having that authority, and having that authority isn’t the same as legitimately having that authority, and being able to exercise illegitimate authority does not and cannot validate it.


@ Xaracen at 11.50 a.m.
An excellent, succinct, comprehensive and comprehensible description of the constitutional rights of Scotland and its MPs. Well said.



Completely agree. No more evidence of that needed than to see Sturgeons treacherous mug still in a seat & swanning around Holyrood like she’s relevant. Or *caretaker* Swinney dispensing with elections like a dictator. Relevant only to their handlers in blocking our exit & being a constant source of embarrassment to every single independence supporter out there. That isn’t by accident.

Scotland will never win independence through a domestic set up – ever. Neither will running a plebiscite ref through a branch office. It’d simply be laughed at & the result dismissed as irrelevant.

Salmond needs to wake the fck up imo. 2014 is gone forever . He should’ve got assurances & agreements in legal writing – he didn’t. He should never have allowed every fecker a vote on our constitution – he did. He shouldn’t have left the SNP until after Smith – he did. Yet he still wants to play the game on a domestic setting.

Given the events of U, Georgia & every other conflict they’re involved in, we know with absolute certainly that paid for agitators are *bussed in* especially to fck up votes & sow discontent through NGOs, Lobbyists, or more recently, the biology denying crew & the EDL shenanigans, to throw completely trash elections. To try play along & appeal to their better nature on a domestic footing is a fools errand. Who is he gonna call when they laugh & say “now is not the time” for the tenth time running.

Decolonisation is the only game in town, especially now as so many others are now evicting them too & telling them to pack their bags & leave. No rigged elections needed. Go back to the official contract.


Salmond was as precipitate as Sturgeon was dilatory. Both surely now discredited.

Swinney however is invisible.


@ Ros

This article gives a reasonable and straightforward explanation as to why our energy bills are so high and just how much Scotland is being exploited by not being a self-governing country.

link to

Curtailment payments vary significantly from day to day ranging from hundreds of thousands of pounds to well over 10 million.
According to the information on this link, checking the 22nd and 27th of this month the cost was nearly 12 million on each of those days.

link to

Captain Caveman

“Decolonisation is the only game in town, especially now as so many others are now evicting them too & telling them to pack their bags & leave. No rigged elections needed. Go back to the official contract.”

Just so I’m 100% clear on this point: are you actually talking about the forced removal (i.e. “eviction”) of English people from Scotland against their will, ergo actual ethnic cleansing?

Further, who are these “many others” whom you refer to, who (according to you) are doing this already?


The problem with decolonisation is

You have no argument the people want it

The international community dont care enough

England wont listen anyway, see the Chaegos islanders.

We need a political push


29 August, 2024 at 12:30 pm

Decolonisation is the only game in town, especially now as so many others are now evicting them too & telling them to pack their bags & leave. No rigged elections needed. Go back to the official contract.

The elephant in the room, or at least one of them, is Scotland attempting to end the Union and seek International Recognition in a world polarised to the extreme by military conflict and proxy wars.

I honestly don’t know what that means. I don’t think the breakup of the UK would be quiet and discreet affair somehow… Would BRICS nations rush to recognise Scotland? I’m guessing probably yes, BRICS Trade Deal in the bag, especially if it leaves London with a Trident shaped problem to address. But support from BRICS nations might then polarise Western opinion on the Bain principle, with NATO nations determined to crush Scotland’s independent capacities. What would Europe do? Yes, I think, douze points Ecosse,… but maybe not. The EU in 2024 is a different beast, and we’re a long way from Junckers and Verhofstad’s holding pen status of 2016…

My instincts tell me Scotland would secure more than adequate recognition to make Indy stick, but we should be pragmatic and brace ourselves for a number of our “friends” abstaining through political necessity, but actually wishing us every success behind closed doors.

The nightmare would be recognition of Scotland, but only from minnow nations with negligible leverage. But I would hope our representatives would be working on success long before we got to that point.

But we need good people in command of this… Not the current jellied frog-spawn in the SNP.


“Just so I’m 100% clear on this point: are you actually talking about the forced removal (i.e. “eviction”) of English people from Scotland against their will, ergo actual ethnic cleansing?”


Decolonisation is removing the colonisers influence, power & grip over another countries natural resources, decision making & wealth.

No one died & made them our Lord & master & 2014 didn’t mark the end of democracy either.

& If yer going to reply we’re not a colony then fine, remove all “reserved matters” back to Scotland along with declaring we can hold as many referendums as we see fit. It’s fck all to do with them what another sovereign nation does. Can you imagine if Scots declared “now is not the time for Brexshit”?

No, neither can I.



“*caretaker* Swinney”

*Undertaker* Swinney more like. SNP’s on life support and someone needs to put a DNR note above the bed.


captain, you will be shot over a ditch and your family billed for the bullet. And it canny be efnic cleansing, moi sahn, if you aint from around ‘ere … removal of invasive species, like japanese knotweed

reasons to be cheerful

link to

– if this blows, the whole of london goes down … might even get a section 30 out of it

story in the mail claiming rusha will nuke Scotland if it kicks off – this is bollocks, his general said ages ago if it did kick off they will be hitting the enemy at source, in their houses – right in the rich districts of London and political centres – he even said Scotland would be free … !

– a limited nuclear strike on england sounds like a good thing to me and all scot nats should support the policy on principle, moral principle and historical justice; its a price worth paying I am willing to pay and you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. The needs of the many, can go get fucked.

As the great humanitarian Madeline Albright once said – “it’s a price worth paying, for … FREEDOM”

I look upon it as a mercy killing – lieben unwertes lieben – these people are … english … which is a terrible state to be born in, to live out your life in, they would be better off dead anyway, and their ghosts will thank us


Come friendly Khinzhals and fall on … westminster, chelsea, buck house, admiralty house, foreign office, canary wharf, mayfair …


“the anglo cries out in pain even as he strikes you … ”

all psychopaths project their own crimes onto their victims, thus every accusation is a confession

come pity the range rover crowd of applecross, driven from their small estates back to unforgiving kent and berkshire

Alf Baird

Shug @ 1:42 pm

“The problem with decolonisation is You have no argument the people want it”

At least half of Scots demonstrably want decolonization and hence liberation. The other half of eligible voters in Scotland, many (perhaps now most) of whom do not identify as Scots, want to keep us colonized. The latter should understand that colonialism, which they support, is a crime against humanity.


Yoons appearing en-masse again *sigh*

and ‘AndyH’ – you are really Franchise Fanny and I claim my £5.


Confused 2.17

Sometimes you do need to resort to humour!
If ye didnae laugh, ye’d cry.
Send for Betjeman.

Dorothy Devine

Confused, what a find! That piece about the boat is fascinating – knocks our ferry fiasco into a cockit hat!


Captain Caveman

@ Geri


Well thanks for the clarification, it read a lot like that to me. Albeit, I note you didn’t respond to the second part of my question,

“Further, who are these “many others” whom you refer to, who (according to you) are doing this already?”

@ Confused That’s just so OTT I LOL’d. No idea if that was your intended response but it does seem like polemic humour. (PS I have a Range Rover P550e and very nice it is too 🙂 )

@ Alf

“At least half of Scots demonstrably want decolonization and hence liberation.”

Personally I think it would be very helpful if you explained exactly what you mean by “decolonisation” – preferably in simple, straightforward, non-riddle terms for a simple guy like me to understand, and how it would be achieved – again, simple, easy to understand steps/actions? TIA. Genuine question(s).


@Captain Caveman
Read Prof Alf Baird’s Doun Hauden book. He explains much in there.

Step one at the UN put our case that the UKgov lie that we are a in a voluntary union so Scots do not need to be Independent is wrong. Establish the reality as explained in Baird’s book is that we were annexed, the Treaty ignored and we have been treated as a colony. Our language Scots is not taught in Schools, we don’t have our own broadcast media, our resources are being plundered & extracted not for our benefit (All that excess power & we pay the highest energy prices & highest standing charges now see these new pylons to ship our power South? Our standing charges will pay for that).

This is only scratching the surface. Pretty much the entirety of Polis bigwigs are not frae Scotland. The heads of our cultural organisations are not Scots. We rarely see ourselves reflected back properly because of this. Some independent theatre productions but how many folk go to the theatre?

And to those who think not letting incomers vote is kicking them out of the country how does that work exactly? It doesn’t affect their right to be here or to vote in other elections though I think we should tighten the Holyrood franchise or we might find ourselves with a ReUnion govt after Indy.


“Catherine Smith KC has been made Advocate General for Scotland.”

Catherine’s sister Sarah is the BBC’s North America Editor and her mother Elizabeth is already in the Lords.

The Advocate General for Scotland advises the UK Government on Scots Law.

Catherine is an advocate practicing in Scotland, a part-time Sheriff and sits on the Scottish Civil Justice Council.”

Another daughter of Labour leader John Smith – in a family full of English security services informants.

“Her sister Jane is married to Malcolm Robertson, a founding partner of the powerful strategic communications agency Charlotte Street Partners, and the son of Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, the former Secretary General of NATO and Defence Secretary.”

With this lot – in important positions in Scotland, including the vipers nest – The John Smith Centre at Glasgow University – what chance is there of making a breakthrough on the indyfront.

David Harvie – was also the Crown Agent in Scotland – and Mi5
– our COPFS and judiciary are riddled with informants and gatekeepers, doing England’s bidding.


Vipers nest, right enough.
Who appoints the Advocate General?


The madness continues to grow.

“The Vermont Department of Health (VDH) published advice encouraging parents in the northeastern US state to use the words ‘child’ or ‘kid’ when referring to their children, because the terms ‘son’ and ‘daughter’ are not “inclusive” enough.”

Alf Baird

Captain Caveman @ 2:55 pm

“Personally I think it would be very helpful if you explained exactly what you mean by “decolonisation” – preferably in simple, straightforward, non-riddle terms for a simple guy like me to understand, and how it would be achieved – again, simple, easy to understand steps/actions? TIA. Genuine question(s).”

Happy to oblige. According to the UN:
Decolonization = independence.
How it is achieved = self-determination.



“The Office of the Advocate General for Scotland is a ministerial department of the Government of the United Kingdom. The office of Advocate General for Scotland was created in 1999 by the Scotland Act 1998 to be the chief legal adviser to the United Kingdom Government on Scots law. The office has a staff of around 40.

All staff are on secondment or loan from other government organisations, mainly the Scottish Government and the Ministry of Justice.”

This gatekeeping position – is housed in the English staging post in Scotland, known as – Queen Elizabeth House in Edinburgh.

An overview of the position.

“Historically, the United Kingdom Government was advised on matters of Scots Law by the Lord Advocate but following the Scotland Act 1998 and the establishment of the Scottish Parliament the Lord Advocate became an adviser to, and a part of, the Scottish Government.

It was necessary to create a post to advise the British Government in Westminster. Thus, the new post of Advocate General for Scotland was created. The advocate general’s role differs from that formerly held by the Lord Advocate in that they are only charged with advising the UK Government on matters pertaining to Scots law, the Lord Advocate having retained his responsibility as the chief public prosecutor in Scotland and head of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service on his transfer to the Scottish Government.”

Captain Caveman


Many thanks for your input. I’m always wary of anything the says “read X” in response to a straightforward query – but you kindly go on to explain your position directly, in your own words and in a clearly understandable format, for which I’m grateful.

I guess for me, the part that I take exception to (for whatever that’s worth lol) is where you say the heads of “cultural organisations” are not Scots? Ask a stupid question – why does that matter if they’re good at their job? I mean, the UK has had multiple Scots Prime Ministers; many Scots hold positions of significant import in England etc. So what – I welcome it, personally; I’m clearly just not getting the “blood” aspect of this.

Again, FWIW, I think it’s very important for Scotland (and indeed Wales & England) to retain its own strong cultural identity, language and traditions quite apart from anyone else’s (same goes for Yorkshire, Devon, East London etc. [excluding language at county level obv] come to that). Why not? I don’t see this in any way a matter for the UK; people should be, and are, free to do this.

Captain Caveman

“Happy to oblige. According to the UN:
Decolonization = independence.
How it is achieved = self-determination.”


Righto. Well, in that case your must be a very slim book then, eh Alf; you basically don’t have a scooby. Got it, ta.

Captain Caveman

*yours must be a slim book


Anyone who thinks these oil/gas licences won’t be granted – is kidding themselves on – the English government won’t challenge Shell and Equinor ( the latter is Norwegian Stat-oil by another name) if they appeal, or reapply for the licences, in Scottish waters.

“Rosebank is 80 miles to the west of Shetland and contains around 300 million barrels of oil, making it the UK’s last major undeveloped oil site. Jackdaw is 150 miles east of Aberdeen.

The licences for the two fields have not been withdrawn. Energy giants Shell and Equinor – who are the developers hoping to drill at the sites – can still fight the challenge.”

For nigh on fifty-years consecutive English governments have sold-off Scottish oil and gas assets in the North sea – and Scots have let them – too shitty to even vote for devolution in 1979.

Anyway this puts into perspective the SNP/Greens power on pushing the Green agenda of Zero – Carbon Emissions – which is a myth anyway no country can have Zero – Carbon Emissions – our colonial administration – has very little say in this matter, and we have even less of a say – whilst we are trapped in this illegal union – which is aided and abetted by the SNP/Greens and every party at Holyrood – along with plethora of gatekeepers in prominent positions – some parachuted in from England – the vilest of them all are the treacherous b*stards known as House Jocks.

George Ferguson

I am not surprised the Unionist view is prevalent today. The nudge units are out in force on all blogs. Probably because Starmers approval ratings are on a par with Liz Truss. Many mistakes already. I am OK with ‘out of the box’ approaches such as a UN consideration of Colonialism. I am busy revising the number of Labour MSPs in 2026. Sarwar saying nothing is not an answer. A tired SNP corrupted Government to the nth degree and a Scottish Labour Leader oblivious to the needs of Scotland. Party first whether SNP or Labour.


I notice the french have arrested Pavel Duriv as he would not release the encryption codes to the security services, like other companies.

Quite interesting but the context I would draw your attention to is that the Vietnam group conspired to imprison Salmond on whatsapp. Indeed Nicola was clear she deleted all her COVID messages.

My point is the security services have access to all Nicola’s illegal activities. If she was not compromised before the Salmond case she certainly was after.

Once compromised it was a simple matter to force her to promote the most incompetent and shun the most talented, not use brexit, not use SNP 1 alba 2, stop brexit rather than leave the UK, delay delay and delay again

Captain Caveman

“I am not surprised the Unionist view is prevalent today.”

I am one (entirely irrelevant) random bloke whom Stu has known for 20 years online – a nobody.

I can assure you my presence here isn’t part of some coordinated “nudge unit” or somesuch…

Hatey McHateface

@Confused says: 29 August, 2024 at 2:17 pm

you will be shot over a ditch and your family billed for the bullet

a limited nuclear strike on england sounds like a good thing to me and all scot nats should support the policy on principle

they would be better off dead

Well, Confused, I might not agree with what you write, but I defend your right to write it. I hate when your kind of sickness hides in the shadows. It needs to be exposed to the blinding light of the noonday sun.

And once again, a few minutes casual perusal of Wings BTL demonstrates just why, although the Indy movement was content to harvest the votes of the mouth breathers, when it came to interacting with them in any meaningful way, the double-length bargepoles had to be deployed.

And so it will be with any other Indy political movement that arises from the ashes of the last one. The likes of Confused will still be consigned to the outer darkness, incoherently raving and screaming.

Poor old Rev Stu. Destined to become no more than a puddle of ash, eh Confused? Along with the other estimated three quarters of a million Scots living south of the border. Ah well, I guess they have it coming.

But dinna you fash, Confused. You hunker down behind Hadrians Wall when the bombs go off. No radiation will get past that barrier so you’ll be safe.


Hatey McHateface

@ Republicofscooby says:29 August, 2024 at 5:36 pm

and Scots have let them – too shitty to even vote for devolution

Let’s hear it for the boy fae scooby!

I think you should diss us Scots even more. Strip our nationality and ethnicity of the dignity and respect it deserves by writing it as “scots”.

Of all nations and countries in the world, single out Scotland for special insult by writing it as “scotland”. Go on, Ros, kick us in the teeth.

[Then demand we all support the policies, people and plans you incessantly and interminably rant on about. Yeah, that’s certain to work.]

George Ferguson

@Captain Caveman 6:02pm
OK I did refer to all blogs. I look at Unionist blogs to balance my frame of reference. Don’t want to get into group think or an echo chamber. I don’t know Stu he is on my bucket list to meet. I can’t get to the September 14th gig with Stu and Alex Salmond. £25 is on a par with the Fringe but I have a responsibility to others that day.


@ Geri 9.55am , thanks for that response to Shug you saved my fingers , unfortunately Shugs response to you “aye you MIGHT be right” just indicates that he is a Salmond snp Sturgeon drone, he MAY want independence BUT only if it is through Salmond snp or whoever Trai tor heads the snp

Shugs attachment to Salmond and especially the snp is unshakeable, it causes him great pain to even consider that they BETRAYED and continue to betray Scotland and Scots,he will still vote Scum Nonce Party 1 Alba 2 despite ALL the exposures of LIES and CORRUPTION Stuart has and continues to post

As you have said IF Salmond had ENTHUSIASTICALLY and PUBLICLY EMBRACED Salvo and Liberation.Scot and WORKED with Sara Salyers and Iain Lawson we may have been further ahead than now, even FORCING through a CONVENTION, BUT no as always it is about POWER and it looks as though Alex doesn’t want to share that POWER
Alex likes to pay homage to Scots SOVEREIGNTY and talk about it publicly BUT he DELIBERATELY alienated SALVO pushing them away DESPITE Sara being applauded and embraced by the Alba membership

You and everyone else on WOS can see the NUMEROUS links Dan posts in relation to the theft of our energy and the huge profits the parasitical companies and WM steal from Scots
Have you ever seen Alex Salmond or ANY of our so called independence politicians publicly excoriating this THEFT by these companies



Your well off the mark there twathater.

Salmond is the only one with a reasonable plan

Salvo route requires the people to want it, the international community to support it. Ask the people of Palastine how that works. And of course the ruk to accept it. Ask the chaegos islanders about that one.

The SNP is a big brand but is in the hands of unionists and is now soiled with failure and mismanagement.

Alf Baird

Captain Caveman @ 5:35 pm

“Righto. Well, in that case your must be a very slim book then”

Decolonization via self-determination is not that complex. It is primarily about freeing peoples from alien political/cultural domination and economic exploitation by imperial powers and ending colonial procedures:

link to


that’s a lot of bold from mainface there; touched a nerve. Pro tip – don’t edit a post then comment on the edits.

I hold a mirror up to the anglo and call him monster.

shouldn’t you be over “defending” your true national allegiance, which is one of two made-up countries in the east? For a scottish nationalist you sure put a lot of other countries in front of it.

– the chutzpah of some anglo whining about his fantasy of being “ethnically cleansed” while we still have no suitable appreciation of the highland clearances


– Scots and Irish could even end up as slaves in the new world.

that was mere satire though (utilitarianism, anglo saxon hypocrisy, betjeman), which a low double digit IQ like yours cannot appreciate; if you want the full strength “historical crimes of the english” I could do that, if I start now it would only take a week and would dwarf any competition Mia could ever muster.

keep your hatred pure – you will need it

link to

– another day, another robbery; Scotland’s not a country, it’s a crime scene. If we had local market pricing, our energy costs would be close to zero.

funny how, for a man who bored us all with the catch-phrase “show us the money”, he becomes reluctant once it starts to dominate discussions, GDP per capita, comparisons with similar nations.

next up : another essay called “a modest proposal” in which I suggest cannibalizing the english in Scotland as a route to independence.


Two recurrent themes by those critics who protest their objectivity.

1. Attack Professor Baird, irrespective of whether or not they have read his book

2. Ridicule the suggestion that Civil Service Scotland and the SNP Government have been infiltrated by moles and other rodents.


Shug @5.54pm.

Durov is out on a $5.5 million dollars bail bond; his lawyers said on the radio that the charges against him are ridiculous. Durov has been told not to leave France – he holds a few passports, including a French one.

“Anti-censorship activists have described Durov’s arrest as part of a wider campaign against free speech waged by Western governments, with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden accusing France of taking the entrepreneur “hostage” in order to access private communications on Telegram.”

Its called full-spectrum dominance – such as when Washington wanted Tik-Tok sold in the US – using the BS story that it was a threat to America.

I think we are witnessing the collapse of International Law – and even the collapse of USA’s Rules Based Order – to be replaced with, whatever the US and its minions see fit to use at the time – against whomever – or whatever nation – their crosshairs are aimed at.

We have the EU and Washington about to steal frozen R assets (most of them held in Belgium) to be given to U. We have Venezuelan gold held illegally in the Bank of England, whilst the US wants to give (illegally held) Afghani gold to those families who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attack – even though nearly all the perpetrators held Saudi passports.


Lol Confused..

Go R!

I’d be up for a wee nuke too. Just a wee itsy bitsy limited precision one, you know, those ones that are magical & only hurt the baddies that are all the rage at the moment – just to “send a message” like ‘yer teas oot, fucker! Collect yer legs at reception’

Hey, if it’s good enough for Z then it’s good enough for everyone else.

The dangers of allowing absolute fcking roasters to ignore international laws means it’s open season where everything is now fair game. Jolly good! Let the games begin..

As for that wreck – might I suggest we run a Westminster lottery? Whoever wins a lucky number gets to go down & bring up a weapon. It’d be an edge of yer seat spectacular – more popular than even raising the Titanic would be! Huge crowds would boost the economy too. Win, win.
Jellied eels all round. Hurrah!
Scots can watch pay per view..I’m sure we’d even temporarily lift our ban on the TV license.

Of course we can’t leave Joe Public out the fun completely. I nominate Main for a life changing free ticket. Ok, fck it – he’s allowed to bring a bunch of his friends too.. can’t be fairer than that…

Everyone say AYE!



“I think we are witnessing the collapse of International Law – and even the collapse of USA’s Rules Based Order – to be replaced with, whatever the US and its minions see fit to use at the time –”

Fascism. That’s what it’s called.

They’re going full fascist cause no one believes their propaganda shit anymore & their empire is over. They gambled & lost & the whole world hates them & they’re also skint. Stealing other ppls reserves isn’t big or clever. It only sends the message to avoid, avoid, avoid. China has dumped buying their debts too.

The jumped up charges for Durov are yet more made up pish. As Larry Johnson explained in his latest vid.

Yahoo the mad dog & his money will be behind this. He hates his shit being televised & beamed around the globe.


A must watch interview if you want to understand what happened in Scotland. (Fair warning at no point is Scotland discussed.)

link to

Hatey McHateface


Which part of the “post to your heart’s content” did you not understand?

You, and the boy fae scooby, and the partan so concerned that somebody somewhere might be having an orgasm, she has to write about it on here.

And James, fantasising about pricks.

Fill your boots, man, a dozen times a day. Two dozen.

Every post from the usual suspects boosts Indy support by another 1%. At least.

Haha, just joking. It’s at 45% right now. Up from 45% yesterday, 45% last year and 45% five years ago. That’s on you BTW. Not nearly enough hysterical, whiny, cretinous, ludicrous, lying, hyperbolic posts.

But never mind that. Go back to your bedroom, lights out and door locked, grip that tattered hank of carpet firmly between your clenched teeth, and post like you’ve never posted before.


James Barr Gardner

Latest FOI figures have 3k homeless children in Glasgow !

Meantime it’s bombs not bairns from the SNP ! Whose views in the 1960’s were anti-nuclear weapons and anti-war, just goes to show how much the Scottish People have been betrayed by the so called Party of Scotland !


WAH – rattle out the pram there main, kinda thinskinned for a wannabe bantsmaster, the swaggering spammer

– are you missing some vital minerals, getting enough zinc? or are you just missing your pal, ellis and can’t do your wormtongue to his saruman?

ellis has a substack people, so get in on his BTL and win a prize for first one to be get banned.

but I think he has a bit of the writers block; maybe he could get mia to ghostwrite for him, she can at least do a wordcount

Hatey McHateface

Confused says

“Arse Licker”.

Naw!!! I’m beat.

And Indy support is up another 1%.

45% now.


Geri @ 7.31pm.

And so the theft begins – International Law is now what the West says it is – as it steals, to fund a N-e-o-N-a-z-i dictatorship in U – whilst the likes of the US, UK and Germany prop up a occupying force in Pa-lest-i-ne, that’s committing gen-o-c-id-e.

Mind you when you think about it – Western colonialism has – and still is – stealing asset from countries around the globe.

“The EU has made its first transfer of interest earned on R’s frozen central bank assets to U and other states aiding k-i-e-v, the bloc’s chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, announced on Thursday. A total of €1.4 billion ($1.5 billion) was transferred, he said.

Speaking to reporters ahead of a meeting with EU foreign ministers, Borrell called the development “good news” and said that the funds would be used for K-i-e-v’s military needs and to finance U.”

So its good news – to steal assets from a country that’s not doing what the EU likes – says a EU chief. Borrell- infamously said that “Europe is the Garden of Eden – and the rest of the world is a jungle.”


Given my little thesis above at 11:50am, then one of the things that follow from it is that much of the UK’s legislation may be invalid and thus fraudulent and unlawful, if any of it had been passed essentially unilaterally by England’s MPs, despite having been rejected by Scotland’s MPs.

Any decision passed in Westminster with only the formal approval of one of its two kingdoms but not both cannot sensibly be considered a valid Union decision.

Under the existing abusive voting arrangements any unilateral decisions can only have been made by England’s MPs. But England is not the Union, and her MPs are not sitting in their English parliament any more; they are sitting in the Union’s parliament. Therefore they are no more entitled to pass legislation on their own within the Union’s parliament than Scotland’s MPs are.

And, since a lot of legislation is based on related previous legislation, identifying which current legislation is constitutionally and legally valid, and which is not, is going to require a fair bit of historical investigation. I suspect that may be a rather deep and tortuous rabbit hole to jump into!

As well as that invalidity, there is also the issue that Scotland’s constitution, as cited by its 1689 Claim of Right, is under a formal Treaty-based guarantee of permanence, and clearly the Union parliament has never bothered to understand the significance or reach of that guarantee, so that even legislation that was approved by both MP bodies may have breached that guarantee if any of it contravenes Scotland’s constitution in Scotland.

Both of these scenarios are Treaty-breaching ones, and if guilt is found it carries only one penalty; Death to the Treaty and its Union!



Is that the Borell who admitted there were far more authoritarian despots within the West than there was anywhere else in the world?

Aye, that’d be about right.

The EU can’t relieve themselves without permission from America. So it’s America that’s stolen the money & it won’t go to U or it’s ppl either. It’ll go direct to the USA military complex & disaster capitalists all while claiming they’re not involved. No Siree. Not us mister! It wisnae us.

The EU was warned by legal eagles at banks not to do this as it would backfire & bankrupt every country who agreed to it through decades of legal wrangling, litigation & repayments not to mention the repercussions direct from R itself.

The EU is being deliberately obliterated & sabotaged by its so called ally. I guess that’ll be it up shit creek without a paddle as surely everyone in opposition parties across Europe will be scrambling looking for an immediate exit before they’re completely eviscerated by the mad dogs who’ve taken charge & taken leave of their senses.

Mark Beggan

Swinney is doing a lot of soul searching these days. Wonder if he’s found it yet?

This is the conference of conference’s. The SNP are about to explain to themselves why they lost the election. How they not only finished the Independence cause but have buried it forever.

How long it will take to put right every one of Sturgeon’s fuck ups is anyone’s guess.
This little bastard has really shafted the system with the fantasy world that was imposed on Scotland.



Excellent points as always.

Nawbags try claim a new state was created. That magical one where everyone amaliglamated into one nation, except the English, they were singled out by the hand of God & magically given dominion over all they surveyed & were bestowed the powers to write this new states laws on its behalf & to exclude all others. They were also instructed to collect everyones resources & spend them on themselves.

This UK fella has an uncanny resemblance…

When pointed out the Union only came into being through non negotiable terms to the claim of right they then try the population trick.

So this UK fella also gave them powers over who could be cleared out & who could come in & we should’ve tried harder to breed.

…& Besides, this UK fella claims we’re too thick to run our own affairs or spend our own money & he was only doing us a favour. We’re all ungrateful bastards & they’d be glad to see the back of us whinging drunks & benefit scroungers but we’re not allowed a referendum.


Every action of the SNP has been by interference from agents within the UK & outside of it.

Independence isn’t dead. It hasn’t died for over 300 yrs despite Englands best attempts & it won’t now.

The Anglo American Empire is over tho. It won’t ever recover as the rest of the world shuns it out of relevance.
Dictatorships never end well for the dictator.

Mark Beggan

It’s reality that Scots and only Scots fucked up their own country.
Blame someone else, better still blame the Unknown, the bogie man, the outsider, the childs dream, the wind at night.
The ghost of Long Shanks will get you if you don’t just believe it away. Baad Baaad reality. No Scottish person could betray this sacred nation of nations.

Young Lochinvar

I sometimes wonder what the percentage comparison would be of MPs/ MSPs etc versus Joe Public booted out of their jobs/ sacked or even jailed for misconduct and “alleged” illegal practices in comparison per capita to us “the great unwashed”general population at large?

Serious question..

Power corrupts, who REALLY Police’s these bampots and their politico fanboys and fangirls and publicly funded deviant focus groups?

Talking of which (and things lavender) when was sneaky Pete the sweetie stealer last seen in public or SHE who must not be named photographed without covering her wedding ring finger?

Just wondering.



Who fucked up yours?

Go watch Macs link in 8:14.

Or better still, look around you further afield than the Daily Fail & yer obsession with conflating the SNP to indy.

Same happened to Corbyn. Same happened in U. Same happened in Georgia. Same has happened throughout Europe to any movement or government that threatens the status quo. Election interference by hook or by crook, American state funded NGOs, lobby groups, media, social media, government advisors – to the whackadoo directives like the gender pish, hate crime laws & their latest attacks on freedom of speech & censorship. All to protect oil, gas & other American/UK business interests & investments & the greed to control ever more.

Also, in the case of Scotland, America cannot lose its puppet on the UN security council so it goes without saying that Scotlands independence is a huge threat that needed interfering to try kill it stone dead.


Regards Tuckers interview.

I bet Sturgeon also received a “Red Lines memo” or at least her handlers would have.


Young Lochinvar

“Power corrupts, who REALLY Police’s these bampots and their politico fanboys and fangirls and publicly funded deviant focus groups?”

You may find yer answer in that Tucker interview. Apparently they target other countries justice & legal systems too as we’ve just witnessed with the arrest of Durov.


First world problems over on Common Weal…

link to

^^^ Edinburgh has a ream of public transportation options so why not embrace them or get a bike. The exercise will also keep the cardio vascular and muscular systems in good shape.
Try living out in the sticks with few if any public transportation options.
I’m off to fire up the diesel to take a neighbour to an appointment in nearby town because there is heehaw public transportation options that work here.
My next car was planned to be a petrol that I would convert to run on lpg. France is giving incentives to lpg cars, but no, the shitey UK is phasing out access to the cleanest burning fossil fuel. I don’t drive anywhere near the mileage to reach the supposed breakthrough point where the eco benefits a leccy car is meant to have over an ice vehicle.
Mentioned before the bad choice the UK made with energy policy, pushing diesel cars and running gas power stations. If they’d switched options then cars would have had way cleaner emissions so no need for ULEZ, and the diesel oil could have been burnt in power stations where emissions could have been more effectively controlled.

link to

^^^ The Beaker folk of days gone by with their rudimentary but more environmentally sustainable drinking vessels will be shaking their heads if they could see what has become of modern society.

Still waiting on a Robin McAlpine blog explaining how he took the family on holiday to some far flung land on a sailing ship.
He wouldn’t have taken a plane surely… #NeverGoFullKellyGiven


Of course, in the long term Scotland could benefit from it having such fucked up policy and so many folk content to throw their litter away rather than try to recycle it.
Because once Scotland’s land is covered in hundreds if not thousands of lithium battery BESS units, and bazillions of used disposable vapes lie strewn across the once bonnie land, we’ll effectively have accrued so much of the world’s lithium resources we’ll be mineral millionaires. But natch it will probably be the wrong type of lithium and we’ll need England to properly deal with it all for us.

Ian Brotherhood

Excellent wee feature about the Hebrides on Al Jazeera right now, watch out for it.

Snapshot of local culture, depopulation, history, absentee landlords, the whole shebang…



You really have to laugh at the yoons on here gloating the SNP fcked Scotland LOL

With what? Decisions over clips & stationary orders?

The yoons have had a 300+ interrupted run in Scotland, with a Treasury & the full leavers of power at their elbow, & still haven’t managed it because it never intended to.

Dan, unless the UK is suddenly polluted with a legion of American NGOs, Lobbyists, a ready made fake grass roots movement willing tae act as speed bumps, a huge American corporation invested & punting lpg & a politician blackmailed tae put it in a manifesto under pain of castration – then I’m afraid no one will be saving their tattie peelings & used teabags anytime soon. It’s not their time tae shine.


These two House Jocks – will fight it out to win Horsebox Mike Russell’s old position, (President) in the treacherous SNP.

“Maureen Watt, the former SNP MSP and government minister, and Graeme McCormick, a well known party activist.”


So – one of the most vile of the treacherous House Jock – our self-coronated FM Teflon John Swinney (VONC’s never stick to him- mainly thanks to f*cked up Greens) has announced – that his unionist party, the SNP, will have to make at the very least £250 million quids worth of cuts across the public sector.

Of course as usual the the SNP – are blaming a foreign countries government for the sate Scotland is in – when, if the b*stards, such a Swinney, and that odious shit Sturgeon, hadn’t sold us out on indy to save the union – we could’ve at the very least mitigated some of the cuts -having all our monies remain in Scotland – by not allowing the foreign government in England steal it – and give us sweetie money back in return.

However that ship, for now, has sailed – and the treacherous SNP are saving their own skins – jobs and positions (as they have since Salmond stood down) at the expense of the public that they sold out.

Our colonial administration – by its own actions (treachery) will makes Scots lives much harder, due to all the cuts coming down the pipeline – we must vote these turncoat b*stards out of office at every turn, along with the Greens, who are not interested in dissolving this illegal union either – and it goes without saying – that indy voter never vote, for the other unionist branch office parties at Holyrood.

That leaves ISP and Alba where you find them.

link to

Alf Baird

Dan @ 8:32 am

I’m “Still waiting on a Robin McAlpine blog explaining” Scotland’s colonial status and condition. Only then will he be able to figure out what independence means – decolonization.

link to

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